CORRESPONDENCE ~/;:..\ -r,Y"O,,'~"'" / ~ ,.-......"->.. -...: ;' /. , '\ ! /' "\ \ ! I " \ \ \ Cl i:r \ 0 j Vi \"~ ,,~~;.i , 1- ---- "'>:1 -,"',0 N \?/ -~,.~-,.._~-"'~ DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELCPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVIS ION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment November 20,2001 Ms. Colleen Martm Interplan 933 Lee Road, FIrst Floor Orlando, FL. 32810 Re' Sonny's Bar-B-Que- Monument Sign MMSP 01-085 Dear Ms. Martm. In response to your request for the admInIstratIve reVIew and approval of the modIficatIOns proposed to the above-referenced, approved sIte plan, please be mformed that the changes to the monument SIgn as shown on the reVIsed plans date stamped 11/20101 are "mmor", as defined wIthm the Land Development RegulatIons, Chapter 4 - SIte Plan ReVIew TIus project may contmue to be processed by the Buildmg DIVISIOn as a permIt applIcatIon. Be adVIsed that the proposed changes may reqUIre a modIficatIOn to the buildmg permIt. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIOnal questIOns. ~lY,. ,j) D 11&-~SJ4v LusIa Galav, AICP PnncIpal Planner Cc Jose Alfaro, Planner S'\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Sonny's Bar-B-Q (COUS)lSonny's MMSP 01-085\Approval Letter MMSP 01-085 Monument Sign,dot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton-beach.f1.us PROJECT NAME Sonny s Bar B Que LOCATION. 399 Winchester Park Blvd. COMPUTERID I FILE NO MMSP 01-085 II TYPE OF APPLICATION I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER. Colleen Martin PHONE PHONE 407 -645-5008 FAX. FAX. 407-629-9124 ADDRESS ADDRESS 933 Lee Road First Floor Orlando, Fl32810 Date of submittaVProiected meetin2 dates SUBMITT AL / RESUBMITT AL 11/20/01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING N/A COMMENTS Signage S:\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Sonny's Bar-B-Q (COUS)\Sonny's MMSP 01-085\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc INTERPLAN ~ 933 LEE ROAD FIRST FLOOR ORLANDO FL 32810 PH 407 645 5008 FX 407 629 9124 November 13 2001 City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Mr Michael Rumpf 1 00 E Boynton Beach Blvd. 2nd Floor Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE Sonnys BBQ Restaurant 399 Winchester Park Blvd Site Permit #COUS-00-0070 Request for Minor Modification Dear Mr Rumpf' On behalf of Sonnys BBQ Restaurant, we are requesting the following minor modification to the previously approved site plan An increase in the monument sign from 32 sf to allow a monument sign of 47 56 which is in compliance with your signage code If you have any questions, please contact me at 407/645-5008 ~ Colleen Martin Program Coordinator Site Development Division Cc Tate Williams Truman Gee File ; I~-- i '1-----. :' r111 i L'U; NOV 2 0 200f , I L -_'__h__~--.J I t) I ' ' ~-~--. I -__...i ~~3~\3~!1lI~ING . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . INTERIOR DESIGN . AA 003420 . CA 8660 development services for restaurant, retail, hospitality and commercial programs . www interplanortando.com INTERPLAN j 933 LEE ROAD FIRST FLOOR ORLANDO FL 32810 PH 407 6455008 FX 407 629 9124 ------- ~ (f;! r l"J ~ I I Novernber13,2001 HOV , 6 2001 L- ___ '____ I -----.I o I ..J .--...............-------- City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Mr Michael Rumpf 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd 2nd Floor Boynton Beach. FL 33425 RE Sonnys BBQ Restaurant 399 Winchester Park Blvd, Site Permit #COUS-00-0070 Request for Minor Modification Dear Mr Rumpf' On behalf of Sonnys BBQ Restaurant, we are requesting the following minor modification to the previously approved site plan An increase in the monument sign from 32 sf to allow a monument sign of 4756 which is in compliance with your signage code If you have any questions. please contact me at 407/645-5008 Sincerely INTERPLAN, LLC ~~ Colleen Martin Program Coordinator Site Development Division Cc Tate Williams Truman Gee File ARCHITECTURE . ENGINEFRING . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . INTERIOR DESIGN . AA 003420 . CA 8660 F'\S-Z\Sonnys\200D,D3561356pmt 14,dOC development services for restaurant, retail. hospitality and commercial programs . www interplanorlando.com INTER PLA N ~ TRANSMITTAL 933 LEE ROAD FIRST FLOOR ORLANDO FL 32810 PH 407 645 5008 FX 407 629 9124 City of Boynton Beach Department of Development TO 1 00 E Boynton Beach Blvd ,2nd Floor Boynton Beach, FL 33425 2000 0356 04 PROJECT NO. November 13, 2001 DATE Federal Express-Std WE ARE SENDING VIA 561/742-6262 TELEPHONE Lusia Galav ATTENTION Sonnys BBQ-Revision for Signage Square Footage PROJECT EMAIL ADDRESS Minor Modification for Site Plan #COUS-00-007-Sonnys Boynton Beach SUBJECT COPIES SETS DATE DESCRIPTION Revised Sheet j1t. PA Y 4 " J REMARKS Please find enclosed the revisions for the square footage of the monument sign previously approved on the site plan We are requesting a change from 32 sf to allow a 47 56 sf sign If you have any questions, please contact me at 407/645-5008 Colleen Martin BY Tate Williams, Truman Gee, Brian Austin, Dan Kierstead, File CC F'\$-Z\Sonnys\2000.0356I356tro 155,doc ARCHITECTURE . ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT . INTERIOR DESIGN . AA 003420 . CA 8660 development seNices , .Jrant, retail. hospitality and commercial programs www.interplanoriando.com