REVIEW COMMENTS 7.C.1 INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS USE APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 98-318 FROM Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board jr:-b- 12.- Michael W Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Manager Dan D~~ Assistant Planner TO. THRU DATE November 20, 1998 SUBJECT High Ridge Commerce Park PID -Interstate Signcrafters File No USAP 98-005 Use Approval (design, manufacturing and warehousing of signs) NATURE OF REQUEST Mike Sipula, of JMS Design, Inc., agent for Interstate Signcrafters, is requesting approval to amend the list of permitted uses for the High Ridge Commerce Park Planned Industrial Development (PID) to include the design, manufacturing and warehousing of signs This request is in connection with the desire of Interstate Signcrafters to relocate from 1807 6th Avenue North in Lake Worth to Lots 13 & 14 in the High Ridge Commerce Park PID (see attached location map in Exhibit "A") Section 7(E) of Chapter 2 - Zoning, of the Land Development Regulations requires that any use proposed within a Planned Industrial Development (PI D) district be approved by the Planning and Development Board (and City Commission) BACKGROUND The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround the subject PID' North - East South - West - Multi-family portion of Cedar Ridge Estates PUD, (under construction), Seaboard Airline Railroad right-of-way and 1-95, Boynton Beach Distribution Center zoned M-1, Right-of-way of High Ridge Road and farther west is unincorporated Palm Beach County Pursuant to Section 7 E., in a PID, a building and its customary ancillary structures and land uses may be erected, altered and occupied for any office, professional, business (wholesale and retail), educational institution and adult entertainment uses in accordance with Section 11 M of the zoning code for industrial uses provided that such use or uses is/are approved by the Planning and Development Board and City Commission. To approve such a use the Planning and Development Board must make findings that the proposed use will not be in conflict with the performance standards listed in Section 4 N of the zoning regulations, and that the use proposed is consistent with the intent and purposes of the planned industrial development district. ANALYSIS The purpose of the city's performance standards is to ensure that uses will not be a nuisance or hazard to persons, animals, vegetation or property located on adjacent or nearby properties or right-of-way' or that they will not interfere with the reasonable use or enjoyment of adjacent or nearby property by reason of noise, vibration, smoke, dust, or other particulate matter; toxic or noxious matter; odor, glare, heat or humidity; radiation, electromagnetic interference, fire or explosive hazard, liquid waste discharge, or solid waste accumulation The applicant has been asked to provide a response to the performance standards listed in Section 4 N to enable / Page 2 Memorandum No 98-318 High Ridge Commerce Park Interstate Signcrafters USAP 98-005 staff to evaluate the impact and appropriateness of this use within this PID district. The following performance criteria are evaluated using information collected from this current application 1) Noise, The applicant states that "noise is very minimal and is within the boundaries of Section 15-8 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances", 2) Vibrations The applicant indicates that the use will remain free of vibrations 3) Smoke, dust, dirt, or other particulate matter' As stated by the applicant, the above use will not cause smoke, dust, dirt or other particular matter; 4) Odors and fumes The applicant indicates that the proposed use will not cause odors and fumes as specified in Section N-4, 5) Toxic or noxious matter' No toxic nor noxious matter will be generated by this use, 6) Fire and Explosion The above use will not cause fire and explosion hazards as specified in N-6; 7) Heat, Humidity or Glare The subject use does not create any heat, humidity, nor glare, 8) Liquid Waste The applicant has stated that the proposed use generates no liquid waste, 9) Solid Waste The applicant indicates that any accumulation or disposal of solid waste will be in conformance with Chapter 10 of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, and disposed of appropriately 10) Electromagnetic Interference' No electromagnetic radiation or interference would be created by this use 11) Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste The use will generate no hazardous materials or waste However, as included as a condition of approval for the request for conditional use approval environmental review will be required to ensure the proper handling, storage and disposal of any paint or other potentially hazardous substances used in the manufacturing process RECOMMENDATION Based on the above analysis of this use, and the determination by staff that this use is consistent with the intent and purposes of the planned industrial development district, staff recommends that the list of permitted uses for the High Ridge Commerce Park PID be amended to include the design, manufacturing and warehousing of signs. Staff does not recommend any conditions be placed on this approval, however, if conditions are placed on the approval of this request, said conditions will be listed in Exhibit "B" MR xc: Central File J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTSIHIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARKlUSAP\lnterstate Signcraflers,doc ~ L0CATION MAP EXHIBIT "A" HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID (INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS, INC) I ,_. " ~ I ': T OL'o' I' 1./ It--- -4' I 0 f")t -;J.., ...W' t.IIII" r I ~I . I 1.; I I' r r,,: i ' · ~.- - .-.-- -.- . C 'Io:i r + f ' / ::1 1--. - rrL- 1--\ · ; I I =-i "'t"l" { ,~L r:'~! ~- --, :. ! I I' CITY I \ ~ I I I I I 7 i - - '..... -:.. . , I lIMITS V . .;;-, n ~ T't 1 , - I \ I: Jf :=-= Ii! I jJ : !,---;?, ~'-, R1AA i, i ~R3' I ~ f------ 1./ " 1/ I /.~ I ,,""' I ~f~71 nmr r f ~ - .~ - ~-~~~ l~ I~ " - - I::J lr it 'f- - - i- J* M',~. ~ . I ' I. - r - ~I r---- ~ _ f- - .t:: !. j t I I -. ....I~- - - . I.IM '.- I 'r .- X',tf · = .1-1 " ..:- . t i '; ~____I~~R ~~~): I I II. 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I\,~ J .;' / '-- ~ ~ I / 'J, " v' L, /' I I r""~ i t ( '- _ / f r~ -3) - ii '0 400 800 FEET /L_ __ P/.A/IININr. OE..PT""/1/98 Jf I=; E C . .J (,( , :\ ' ' ~ "...{ ) J C:::J ~ "\ - J ~1AA ~ f"I'.IN~fC. ~AV J L EXHIBIT "B" Conditions of Approval Project name High Ridge Commerce PID-Interstate Signcrafters File number. USAP 98-005 Reference. Letter of request dated October L 1998. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments. None UTILITIES Comments. None FIRE Comments. None POLICE Comments None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. None BUILDING DIVISION Comments None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. None ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS I To be determmed. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 2 To be determmed. Ibme s:\projects\cond of appr\ 1