APPLICATION ! '"'>> 1;'" ..... .,..fI4"I ...' ... ,'" 1 ,~--I .~~ ' ~ PROJECT NAME- INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS LOCATION: HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK COMPUTER ID INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS PERMIT # 98-3954 I FILE NO USAP 98-005 II TYPE OF APPLICATION Use Approval I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON APPLICANT Interstate Signcrafters Mike Sipula OWNER. Condor Investment of Palm Bch JMS Design, Inc. PHONE 588-3854 PHONE 266-9999 FAX. 585-5574 FAX. 266-9977 ADDRESS 430 North A Street ADDRESS 25 Seabreeze Ave, Suite 304 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Delray Beach, FL 33483 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 11/1/98 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/24/98 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 12/1/98 COMMENTS S'\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO PROJECT NAME INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS LOCATION HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK COMPUTER ID. INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS PERMIT #. 98-3954 I FILE NO.: NWSP 98-016 II TYPE OF APPLICATION New Site Plan I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON APPLICANT Interstate Signcrafters Mike Sipula OWNER. Condor Investment of Palm Bch JMS Design, Inc. PHONE 588-3854 PHONE 266-9999 FAX. 585-5574 FAX. 266-9977 ADDRESS 430 North A Street ADDRESS 25 Seabreeze Ave, Suite 304 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Delray Beach, FL 33483 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 9/23/98 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE 10/9/98 PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING 11/3/98 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE 11/3/98 ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/24/98 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 12/1/98 COMMENTS S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO 10:3n'1998 10 20 551-255-'3977 JMS DESIGN It~ PAGE 01 ..... ... I . .t . t'-. l I f ~ AJlCtllTE€YSA :CONS1ILTANT,S 2!1 SEABREEZI AVENUE, SUITE 304, DELKA\-' BEACH, ilL JJ48J n:LF.PHONE VOICI (!tel) 266.,", fACSIMIU. (!i6J) 166-l'977 R.IiO NO..AItOOOII02fi PAX l'RANSMTn'AL'SIRET DATE,-10 1>0"" f> TO B~~~- t,~ ~~ 0.. V\ Ct,r\ in tL "'t'1 h...fIr MESSA(1E.~ ': ().~ ~9'fOV.....\ W-\<N' rROM, ~ TIOS FAX CONSISTS OF SHEETS INCLUDING TInS TRANSMITTAL SHEET PLEASE CAl.L (56 t) 266-9999 IF ANY SHEETS ARE NOT TRANSM1TTF.D COMPLETEt Y m(~-~4U~1m BUILDING DiViSiON Ie ie/1998 .a 20 551-2;6-9'377 JMS CESIGN p= PAGE 02 ... .B..Ii. .......IIATIi. ARCHITECTS a CONSULTANTS ~ SlABRIIZI AVENUt:, SUITE *. DELKAt' BEACH, IL JHIIJ n:U:PHONI VOICE ~l} Z66-~ liAOIlMlLE (!Il6t) 2&6-9977 1U50 NO. 1\1l.00110kl October 1, 1998 To' Planning &. Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Ref USE APPROV At High Ridge Commerce Park Ie Cedar Ridge (pVO, PID) Lot 13 &. Lot 14 Commerce Road Propeny Control #OS-43-4S-09-002-0013 and 0014 Interstate Sign Crafters, lnc (user) To Whom it May Concern. I would like to receive confirmation that my client's use would be approved at the above mention location. The client's name lS Interstate Sign Craftcrs, Ine, who are currently located in Lake Worth at 1807 6th Avenue North (abutting the west side of 1-95). They are plannmg a 17,200 s.f. shopiwarehouse building with 5,365 s,f of additIonal office building area (conditioned space) all of which is planned as a Metal Building System, The shop/warehouse building area is designed to be built in two phases with Phase I consisting of8,400 5.f and Phase n having 8,800 s,f, with the slab portion being completed with Phase 1 The approximate height of the structure wilJ be 22' to hIgh point. Their busmess will consist of the design and manufacturing of signs and the administrative function of operatIng that business, They will have approximately (20) employees on premises during bU$tness hours, [D)~@~nJ~fii1 Ull ID ~... ~ BUILDING DIVISION ~? :8/19~~ 3 ~O %1-:'oE- ::l'3T J~IS C'E~IGN H""- PAGE OJ The following are responses to SectIOn N PERFORMANCE ST AJ\1])ARDS The above use will not cause nOise as specified In N.l 2. The above use witl not cause vibrations as specified m N.2 3 The above use will not cause smoke, dust.. dut or other partIcular matter as specified In 1\.3 4 The above use will not cause odor and fumes as specIfied in N-4 5 The above use will not cause toxic or noxious matter u specified in N-5 6 The above use will not cause fire and e:lCplOslOn hazards as specified in N.6 7 The above use win not cause heat, humidity or glare liS specified in N-7 8 The above use will not cause liquid waste as specified in N-8, 9 The above use wi)) not cause sohd waste as specified in N-9 10 The above use win not cause electromagnetic interference as specified in N-I 0 II The above use will not handle or utilize hazardous materials or hazardous waste as spectfied in N-Il I look forward to hearing from you concerning this approval Sincerely, ~1~ .le~~ .J - ~--T~-! IT 'I l, ~ i -' - . ~.'::"llr'!l'll , v~ !"-'_.- .-- - Ii UlJ L NUV 4 - I U eUIL01NG DIVISiON