LEGAL APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME. Interstate Signcrafters APPLICANT'S AGENT Mike Sipula, JMS Design, Inc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS' 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Suite 304, Delray Beach, FL 33483 DATE OF RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: December 1,1998 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT New site plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY High Ridge Commerce Park DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board. which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby L GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order 7 Other ~\\\\\\\III/I11III'" ~~'\~-(J;'O:'; 6.:~~ ~ 0 --... .., ~ ~ ~ .~oORA7"~'~ 0 ~ ~.... ..-OJ> ~ " ~ :: 0 Nf )S ~ - l:z: - DATED" /~A8 l.t'r....~~J.Q;;j<-~M. ,~~ ..q~~ J City Clerk ~ .......:......... Q'r' .# J:\SHRDATAIPlBnnlnglSHAREDlWPlPRDJECTSllnlerstale Sigla'afl.....INWSP\Develop.O.- NWSP.doc ~ F L 0 ~ \ ~,~ '111111111 111\1\\\\\\\'1 EXHIBIT "C" CondItIOns of Approval Project name: Interstate Signcrafters File number- NWSP 98-016 Reference: The plans consist of 6 sheets identified as 2nd Review. New Site Plan. File # NWSP 98-016 with a November 3, 1998 Planning; and Zoning Department date stamp marking. t."j DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 1 Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water system extensions X serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 2. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X requirement of 1500 g.p.m, as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (See Sec. 26-l6(a).) Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit application and plans. 3 Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be X paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee, based upon a 1.5-inch meter is $1,205.82. 4 This office will not require surety for mstallation of the water and sewer X utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the city before the permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy 5 A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has X approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) FIRE Comments: None X Page 2 Interstate Signcrafters File No.. NWSP 98-016 -~ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 6. Show existing and proposed drainage elevations per LDR Chapter 4, X Section 7.F 7 Provide a 12' x 35' appropriately striped and marked loading zone per X LDR Chapter 2, Section lI.J and set further back from Commerce Road per LDR Chapter 2, Section 7.H.l1 8. Show all traffic control markings and signage per LDR Chapter 4, X Section 7.B.2. 9 Clarify the extent of sidewalk construction along Commerce Road that is X proposed by this project and provide proposed construction materials. 10. Existing Commerce Road pavement to be restored at location of X proposed water main crossing in accordance with city standards prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 11 All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the city's code X requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Pennits required from other pennitting agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 12. At the TRC meeting, the applicant indicated that the project will consist X of one piece of property Therefore, a unity of title that unifies the vacated area titled Miner Road (Tract S-2), Lot 13, and Lot 14 will be required at time of permit submittal. The city-approved unity of title form shall be completed, executed, recorded in Palm Beach County and two (2) copies submitted at time of permit review , - . Page 3 Interstate Signcrafters File No NWSP 98-016 r -"".. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 13 At time of permit submittal, clarify building square footages, occupancy X classification and use of the building. 14 At time of permit review, indicate on the site plan the use of the slab area X located south of the proposed building. 15 The two pages of the South Florida Water Management District permit X that were submitted indicate two different permIt numbers. Submit a complete South Florida Water Management District permit that indicates the established minimum finish floor elevation. The proposed building fmish floor elevation shall comply with the established minimum finish floor elevation. 16 Add to the detail drawing of the accessible entrance to the building a X note indicating that a 1.2 beveled slope shall be provided where the Y:z inch vertical change in elevation takes place at the entrance. [Section 4.5.2 of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction] 17 Compliance with the building codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, county fees and state fees will be determined at time of permit review PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 18. Applicant must undergo environmental review of project prior to X permitting of any structural elements. 19 Screening requirements must be met for any areas intended for outdoor X storage. 20 Continue landscaping around 3rd (north) side of dumpster enclosure (or X up to point of opening in wall (Chapt. 7.5, Art. n, Sec. 5(1)). lit l ;_+ Page 4 Interstate Signcrafters File No.. NWSP 98-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 21 Dumpster enclosure must be expanded to accommodate any recycling X containers to be kept outside (or construct separate enclosure which meets same city standards). ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDmONS 22. NONE. X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 23 To be aetermiftea:- ,A.h#4" V' MWR/dim J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\lNTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS\NWSP\COND. OF APPROVAL-2ND REVlEW.DOC\ MEE11NG MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER I, 1998 SECURITY, INC. in the amount of $4,180 per year - BID #040-192-98- CJD 3 Award the "ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR CLEANING CHEMICALS AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES" to various vendors on an item-by-item basis with an estimated annual expenditure of $20,000 - BID #003-502-99/SP C, Resolutions: 1 Proposed Resolution No, R98-189 Re: Authorizing Diane Reese, the Finance Director, to execute certain financial reports and documents on behalf of the City of Boynton Beach which are required under Florida Administrative Code Rule 4C-2,032 to be submitted to the Department of Treasury D Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action, 1 Grove Plaza (Donna West, Agent) - Southeast comer of Hypoluxo & Lawrence Roads - Request for modifications to the previously approved master plan to reconfigure lot lines to create a separate common area tract, modify Parcel A from 7500 sq, ft, of retail/pharmacy to a 2960 sq ft. convenience store/gas station, modify Parcel C from 4500 sq, ft. of retail to 6540 sq ft, of retail, modify Parcel D from 6500 sq ft, of retail to 9000 sq ft, of retail, add turn lane and change the southerly driveway (TABLED TO DECEMBER p) The applicant requested postponement of Item IV-D 1 until December 15th 2. Melear PUD (Julian Bryan/Continental Homes of Florida, Inc,) - Southwest comer of Miner Road and Sandalwood Drive - Request for modifications to the previously approved master plan to reduce required lot size, omit the commercial parcel, and change distribution of dwelling unit type in connection with ultimate plan to construct 128 townhomes, 117 zero-lot line and 64 Single-family homes on 59,84 acres, The applicant requested postponement of Item IV-D,2 until December 15th /' Interstate Signcrafters (Mike Sipula of JMS Design, Inc,/Condor Investment of Palm Beach) - High Ridge Commerce Park - Request for modification of the list of uses approved for the High Ridge Commerce Park PID to include the design and manufacturing of signs. / Interstate Signcrafters (Mike Sipula/JMS Design, Inc./Condor Investment of Palm Beach) - High Ridge Commerce Park - Request for site plan approval to construct a 22,565 square foot shop/warehouse building on 2,533 acres for sign manufacturing 6 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 1, 1998 5 Auto Zone (Scott A. Nickle/Auto Zone, Inc,) - Southeast corner of US #1 and Shore Drive - Request for site plan approval to construct a 7,234 square foot retail building on 1 75 acres for the sale of auto parts. Commissioner Titcomb requested that Item IV-D,S be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion E. Approval of Bills F Authorize the payment of an additional $12,573 to Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan (PBS&J) for additional design services associated with the Gateway Boulevard project Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz requested that Item IV-F be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion G. Approve Housing Rehabilitation Case #2-007/Earline Hollis in the amount of $20,553 which includes $978 representing a 5% contingency for any unforeseen problems that may occur This amount includes the leveraging of $10,000 of S H.I P funds, H Ratification of Code Compliance Board action 1 Rescind the lien in Case #97-3543, 1601 NE 3rd Street, for Mr Seremi Camille and Anne Augustin The amount of the lien is $3,500 plus $634 12 in administrative costs I. Approve waiver of platting for Lot 1 in Quantum Park Motion Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of Items IV- 0.5 and IV-F Commissioner Titcomb seconded the motion that carried unanimously CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: IV-D.S. Auto Zone (Scott A. Nicklel Auto Zone, Inc.) - Southeast comer of US #1 and Shore Drive - Request for site plan approval to construct a 7,234 square foot retail building on 1.7S acres for the sale of auto parts. Commissioner Titcomb requested discussion of this item since it moved forward from the Planning & Development Board on a 6-1 vote. 7 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion Mr Myott moved to approve the minutes of the November 10, 1998 meeting Motion seconded by Mr Dube Motion unanimously carried 5 COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Mr Rumpf updated members on the following Commission actions, which took place at the City Commission meeting on November 171tl, 1 The Atlas Party Rental Use Approval was approved 2 The 7 -Eleven Grove Plaza Project was postponed at the request of the applicant. 6. OLD BUSINESS None Vice Chair Reed requested that Acting Assistant City Attorney Cirullo administer the oath to all persons who would be testifying this evening. 7 NEW BUSINESS A. PUBLIC HEARING Abandonment 1 Project Name Agent: Owner' Location Description 301 SE 1st AVf,ilUe (Robert Katz) Martin L. O'Shea Robert Katz 301 SE 1st Avenue Request for approval for an alley abandonment located between SE 3rd Street and FEC Railroad south side of SE 3rd Avenue. 2 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Mr M~rtin O'Srea, of De/ray Beach, representing the owner, took the podium Vice Chair Reed stated there was one staff comment and asked the Agent if he wished to address the staff comment. Mr O'Shea said they agreed to the staff comment. Vice Chair Reed asked if there were any additional staff comments. Mr Rumpf stated there were none Vice Chair Reed stated this was a public hearing and asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Board Hearing none, Vice Chair Reed closed the public hearing Motion Mr Dube moved to approve the Request for an alley abandonment located between SE 3rd Street and FEC Railroad Soutii side of SE 3rd Avenue for Robert Katz, subject to all staff comments Motion seconded by Mr Myott Mr Kenneth Lyman took the podium Attorney Cirullo stated that the public hearing portion had been closed Vice Chair Reed inquired if Mr Lyman could speak since he did not understand the proceedings Attorney Cirullo instructed Vice Chair Reed to reopen the public hearing, which he did Mr Kenneth Lyman stated he resides at 216 SE 3rd Street and has resided at this address since he was 18 years of age and is now 82. Mr Lyman also stated he developed a marina called Lyman's Sport Fishing Dock, Mr Lyman said that many years ago his family donated, at no cost to the City, a large piece of land approximately 600' long by 20' wide Mr Lyman stated Mr Katz informed him that the property would be divided in half, which Mr Lyman did not think was fair Mr Lyman stated he should be given some consideration for all the property his family has donated to the City for the right of way on Las Olas Boulevard Vice Chair Reed asked Mr Rumpf to clarify this issue, Mr Rumpf stated the petitioner informec him prior to the meeting that the Lymans have property on the other side of the abandonment. The abandonment splits the property on either side, Mr Rumpf is unaware of the issue Mr Lyman has raised Vice Chair Reed thanked Mr Lyman for his comments. Mr Myott asked Mr Rumpf to point out on the plan the property that belongs to Mr Lyman and the petitioner Mr Rumpf also indicated that there is a current setback violation on the Lyman property which the abandonment would correct. Mr O'Shea stated that Mr Lyman's driveway is 4' in the alleyway If the abandonment takes place, the alleyway would be split in the center and each would receive half Mr 3 &~ ~~u ~ -q~~~ MINUTES OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24,1998 AT 700 P M PRESENT James Reed, Vice Chairman J Stanley Dube Pat Frazier Steve Myott Maurice Rosenstock William Sherman, Voting Alternate Frances Cleary, Voting Alternate Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Director Mike Cirullo, Acting Assistant City Attorney Bulent Kastarlak, Director of Development ABSENT Lee Wische, Chairman Mike Friedland 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE In the absence of Chairman Wische, Vice Chair Reed presided at the meeting Vice Chair Reed called the meeting to order at 7-02 p m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 2 INTRODUCTION OF COMMISSIONERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Vice Chair Reed introduced the Board Members, Mike Rumpf, Acting Director of Planning and Zoning, and Acting Assistant City Attorney, Mike Cirullo. 3. AGENDA APPROVAL Vice Chair Reed asked for a motion to approve the Agenda. Motion Mr Dube moved to approve the agenda Ms, Cleary seconded the motion Motion unanimously carried MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Lyman's property would then conform Mr O'Shea stated that Mr Katz has no intent to divide the property and that the property would have an accessory use, possibly for a parking lot on the westerly side Vice Chair Reed asked for any additional comments from the Board Hearing none asked for a vote on the motion Motion carried 6-1 (Mr Rosenstock dissenting). B SUBDIVISION Master Plan Modification Melear PUD Julian Bryan Continental Homes of Florida, Inc. (contract purchaser) Southwest corner of Miner Road and Sandalwood Drive Request for modifications to the previously approved master plan to reduce required lot size, omit the commercial parcel, and change distribution of dwelling unit type in connection with ultimate plan to construct 128 town homes, 117 zero lot line and 64 single family homes on 59.84 acres. Mr Julian Bryan, 756 St. Albans Drive, Boca Raton, Agent for Continental Homes of Florida, Inc, and Melear PUD took the podium, Mr Bryan stated that they agreed with all staff comments and thanked Mr Rumpf for his assistance. Vice Chair Reed stated there were 23 staff comments and asked Mr Bryan if he wished to address any of the comments Mr Bryan stated he did not wish to address any comment, as they have been extensively reviewed with staff at previous meetings, 1 Project: Agent: Owner. Location Description Vice Chair Reed asked if there were any additional staff comments. Mr Rumpf stated this is the first step in receiving site plan approval. Vice Chair Reed asked if any member of the Board had any questions, Mr Rosenstock asked for clarification of Paragraph 2 of the Memorandum, which states, "reduction in the required minimum lot size from 6,000 square feet to 5,250 square feet." 4 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Mr Rosenstock asked how many units the reduction would apply to Mr Bryan stated this would apply to 117 lots Mr Bryan stated the minimum lot size is 5,250 square feet and the average lot is 6,100 Mr Myott asked what the average size of the zero and single family detached homes would be Mr Rosenstock asked what the square footage of the homes would be, Mr Bryan could not answer that because there are multiple models that will be offered with varying square feet. Mr Bryan stated that for the smaller lots, the average home would be 1,800 to 2,000 square feet under air Mr Rosenstock asked how many square feet are in how many lots Mr Bryan stated that 42 lots will consist of 5,250 square feet and the balance of the lots will vary, which could be as large as 7,000 square feet. Mr Rosenstock inquired if this meets City Code and was informed that it does, Mr Rosenstock stated that the City Code needs to be changed Mr Myott inquired if there would be more townhouses than meet the demands and Mr Rumpf responded that a thorough analysis has indicated the trends have been as anticipated with regard to multi-family versus single family Mr Bryan noted that the PUD in 1983 included at that time an additional 128 multi- family units and when the PUD was modified several years ago for rentals, the 128 units were somehow deleted and were put back as single family dwellings. Mr Bryan noted that a mobile home park and a water plant are to the west of the property There is another mobile home park and rental community to the south, There are quadraplexes to the north and east. Mr Bryan stated that their three components of residential are appropriate for the site and all are for-sale townhomes, each with a garage. Square footage of the townhouses will average about 1,600 to 1,700 feet and are two-story, three bedrooms, with 2/2 ~ baths, Mr Rosenstock inquired if tra applicant might change their .nind and make the units rental property Mr Bryan stated that would not happen, since no one rents town homes as they are very expensive from a construction point of view, as opposed to rental property Ms Frazier inquired about the price range of the townhomes and was informed the price would range from approximately the high $90,000'5 to $120,000 The single- family homes would run approximately $115,000 to $175,000 Also, Mr Bryan stated these homes will be wider than current townhomes and will be 46' wide and is a new product line, These would probably run $140,000 to $180,000 5 MEE7lNG MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Mr Rosenstoel, inquired if Mr Rumpf reviewed the landscaping Mr Rumpf stated only the buffer areas which is required under the Master Plan Mr Rumpf stated that Master Plans require minimum perimeter buffers and that all common areas would require landscaping which would be reviewed Also, Mr Rumpf noted that the applicant has increased the buffer areas on two sides of the project and has expanded the width 25' Vice Chair Reed noted there were no further questions from the Board and asked for a motion Motion Mr Myott moved to approve the change of the Melear PUD (1 ) to accommodate the redistribution of unit types from 309 single family units to 181 single family units (64 conventional lots and 117 zero lot line) and from 343 townhouse units to 471 townhouse units, (2) to reduce the required minimum lot size from 6,000 square feet to 5,250 square feet; (3) to eliminate the undetermined commercial use originally to occupy 3 1 acres, and (4) to increase perimeter buffer along Sandalwood Drive and Miner Road from 10 to 25 feet. There was no second of the motion Therefore, motion failed for lack of a second. Motion Mr Dubs moved that this Board deny the request for modifications to the previously approved master plan to reduce required lot size, omit the commercial parcel, and change distribution of dwelling unit type in connection with ultimate plan to construct 128 townhomes, 117 zero lot line and 64 single family homes on 59 84 acres, subject to all star :omment~. Motion seconded by Mr Rosenstock, Mr Dube stated that zero lot line homes on such small lots caused him concern and stated there is just not enough space to live on Mr Rosenstock concurred with Mr Dube Vice Chair Reed asked for a vote on the motion to deny the request. Motion to deny carried 5-2. (Vice Chair Reed and Mr Myott voted against the denial of the motion) 6 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA C USE APPROVAL NOVEMBER 24, 1998 1 Project: Agent: Owner. Location Description Interstate Signcrafters Mike Sipula JMS Design, Inc. Condor Investment of Palm Beach High Ridge Commerce Park Request for modification of the list of uses approved for the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO to include the design and manufacturing of signs Michael Sipula, of JMS Design, Inc., Architects located at 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Suite 304, Delray Beach, Florida took the podium, Vice Chair Reed stated there were no staff comments and asked Mr Rumpf if he had any additional comments Mr Rumpf had none, Mr Dube noted the applicant is moving from Lake Worth to Boynton Beach and inquired how many times the applicant has received a citation for non-compliance Mr Sipula being the architect had no knowledge of this, Mr Sipula informed the Board that he has visited the current site in Lake Worth and did not observe much outdoor activity or storage, Motion Mr Dube moved to approve the request for modification of the list of uses approved for the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO to include the design and manufacturing of signs, Motion seconded by Mr Myott and carried 7-0 o SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1 Project: Agent: Owner" Location Description Interstate Signcrafters Mike Slpula JMS Design, Inc. Condor Investment of Palm Beach High Ridge Commerce Park Request for site plan approval to construct a 22,565 square foot shop/warehouse 7 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 building on 2.533 acres for sign manufacturing. Mr Sipula remamed at the podium and Vice Chair Reed asked Mr Sipula if he wished to address any of the staff comments Mr Sipula stated they have met with staff and many of the issues have been corrected and agreed to comply with all requests Vice Chair Reed asked Mr Rumpf if staff had any additional comments and Mr Rumpf stated he had none Mr Dubs Inquired why the applicant purchased the second lot and Mr Sipula stated it was purchased for future expansion Motion Mr Dubs moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 22,565 square foot shop/warehouse building on 2 533 acres for sign manufacturing, subject to all staff comments Motion seconded by Ms Cleary Motion carried 7-0 Description Auto Zone Scott A. Nickel Auto Zone, Inc. Southeast corner of U.S. #1 and Shore Drive Request for site plan approval to construct a 1,234 square foot retail building on 115 acres for the sale of auto parts. 2. Project: Agent: Owner. Location Mr Scott Nickel, of Bussen-Mayer Engineering Group, Inc., 100 Parnell Street, Merritt Island, Florida took the podium. Vice Chair Reed asked Mr Nickel if there were any staff comments which he would like to address and Mr Nickel stated they agreed to all staff comments. Mr Nickelr 31so agreed to additional staff ..:omments relating to the aesthetics and presented a sample of the project in Jupit.er, which Mr Nickel stated conforms to all the aesthetic comments Also, Mr Nickel stated that the new project conforms to the Visions 20/20 plan Vice Chair Reed asked if these comments were contained in 9 through 15 of staff comments, or were they comments that the Board has not seen Mr Rumpf stated these are comments that the Board has not seen Also, Vice Chair Reed inquired if Mr Rumpf had any additional comments, but commended the petitioner for their cooperation in responding to the new design comments, 8 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Mr Rumpf compared the two design projects The originally propo~ed design was a box-like structure Staff made various recommendations to break up the fa9ade, to increase the landscaping to enhance the fa9ade, as well as changing the form and color However, the Board can determine the color since there is no color code in place Mr Rumpf also stated that the project has gone above and beyond the conditions in terms of design The petitioner has added a roof and Mr Rumpf reviewed the other additions to the design of the project. Mr Rosenstock inquired if Mr Kastarlak has approved the design Mr Rumpf stated that Mr Kastarlak has not reviewed the design, but relies on staff and stated that Mr Kastarlak has not seen the design Mr Myott thanked the applicant for all the work done on the project and for working with the community Mr Myott stated he was in Jupiter today and noted how many national prototypes have been altered and this is an example of what a national company could do to accommodate high standards of a community Mr Myott further stated that the Jupiter-type design presented would be the only type he would be in favor of Ms Frazier stated that the last time the applicant appeared before the Board, the homeowners in the area were not in favor of the project and asked if the applicant has met with the homeowners, Mr Nickel stated that the original site plan was completely different from the site plan presented tonight. When the applicant was informed that there was a plan to landscape and improve the median on Shore Drive, the item was removed from the agenda in order to meet with the neighborhood association Concerns were expressed at that meeting regarding the access to Shore Drive After discussions and submittal of alternatives, it was agreed that the project would not connect to Shore Drive and closing of the median, The applicant agreed to pay to install curbing around the median and closing it off Also, it was agreed to improve the aesthetics of the buildir.g C'c; well as the landscaping along the south property line, Mr Nickel reviewed the planned landscaping for the project, which is also included in staff comments, Vice Chair Reed expressed concerns that repairs might take place in the parking lot, which is a statement included in Auto Zone's advertisements. Mr Nickel stated no repairs to automobiles would take place Clerks might assist customers installing wiper blades. Mr Rosenstock inquired if batteries would be installed and Mr Nickel stated Auto Zone employees do not install batteries, Mr Rosenstock inquired if employees would install anything else and was informed maybe a fuse or some other minor items. 9 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24,1998 Mr Rosenstock inquired if the re:;idents were notified of tonight's hearing and Mr Rumpf stated only by the updating of the property sign Ms Frazier stated she has observed at other auto part stores customers lying on the ground under vehicles changing oil and working on their cars and asked why this would not also occur at Auto Zone Mr Nickel stated Auto Zone would discourage these types of actions taking place and signs will be posted to this effect. Also, Mr Nickel noted this would be a code issue that does not allow auto repairs and that he has not seen this type of activity at other Auto Zone Stores, Vice Chair Reed noted that the applicant has gone beyond the minimum Code which is an objective of this Board Mr Myatt asked if the elevations on the drawing are different from the elevations in the drawings previously furnished and was informed that they were. Mr Nickel stated that the building design presented this evening is the actual design of the building. Mr Myott questioned the size of the sign and was informed it met Code Mr Nickel stated that the sign was 8' in height and would measure 64 square feet. The color of the building was discussed and the desired effect was a coastal wood-texture theme Vice Chair Reed inquired if anyone in the audience wished to comment even though this is not a public hearing Attorney Cirullo stated that it would be appropriate to allow the residents to speak. Ms Celeste Marcks, 816 Shore Drive took the podium and stated she is a member of the Coquina Cove Association and was at the meetings with Mr Nickel Ms, Marcks also stated that Mr Nickel was unable to answer any questions about the management of Auto Zone or the day-to-day operations of an Auto Zone store because he is the architect. Ms Marcks did wish to compliment the new version of the Auto Zone and stated it addresses a lot of the concerns expressed Ms. Marcks stated there was approximately a 50-50 split for the project and she wanted assurances that there would be no driveway entrance from Shore Orive Also, 3he stated that Coquina Cove has received a grant to fix the entranceway and this was a concern Mr Rumpf stated that the site plan presented tonight excludes the driveway from Shore Driveway and in order for the petitioner to construct a driveway, they would have to come back for approval Also, Mr Nickel reiterated that no driveway would be constructed from Shore Drive Mr Myatt inquired how the oil that accumulates on the pavement of auto parts stores would be dealt with Also, Mr Myatt noted that water collects and runs into the retention area and asked if there was a provision for a filter in the system to deal with oil run off 10 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 into the retention area Mr Nickel stated this usually occurs due to the type of parking lot, which is usually concrete, and concrete does not absorb oil Mr Nickel stated that the retention area meets or exceeds the South Florida Water Management District and the City requirements for storm water treatment. Gerald Broening of 820 North Road and a member of the Inlet Cove Association took the podium Vice Chair Reed instructed Assistant City Attorney Cirullo to swear in the witness Mr Broening stated that after meeting with Mr Nickel, they were unable to come to a consensus because of voting irregularities, since the votes were not in envelopes and were not counted Mr Rosenstock asked Mr Broening how the majority of the Inlet Associations feel towards this project. Mr Broening could not say one way or another The Coquina Cove Association did not support any opening on Shore Drive and were looking for improvements to the originally submitted plan, Mr Broening stated Auto Zone offered them two options One option included an improved project, plus some cash to the Association and enhanced landscaping, but included an opening on Shore Drive Mr Rosenstock asked if the plan as presented tonight with the closing of the Shore Drive access would satisfy a majority of the residents. Mr Broening stated he felt it would satisfy a majority of the residents, Mr Nickel stated for clarification purposes "cash" was not offered, but Auto Zone offered to match one of the grant funds to improve landscaping. Mr Rosenstock asked Mr Rumpf to guaranty as a condition of this Board approving the application, that there would be no access to the project from Shore Drive, Mr Kastarlak stated that he was offering his support for the project and requested to approach the podium. Mr Kastarlak stated that the process of getting this project together was exemplary and that the final product being presented tonight is the result of all parties working in good faith to achieve the intended results. Also, Mr Kastarlak stated that the colors on the building might not be the final colors because a computer cannot achieve the exact color contemplated It is intended that the project will blend in with the spirit of the neighborhood Mr Rumpf stated that he has drafted two conditions for this Board's review and approval and they should be inserted in the motion, Mr Rosenstock requested that Mr Rumpf recite the conditions, (1) Construct the building as specifically represented by colored elevation drawings labeled uJupiter, Florida date stamped" (today), and 11 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 (2) Modify respective portions of plan for consistency with that design, style and colors, represented by the enhanced color elevation drawing labeled "Jupiter, Florida and date stamped accordingly, including color codes and materials Motion Mr Dubs moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct a 7,234 square foot retail building on 1 75 acres for the sale of auto parts by Auto Zone on the southeast corner of U S #1 and Shore Drive, subject to all staff comments plus the additional comments of Mr Rumpf Mr Myott seconded the motion Mr Myatt noted that this project is a good example of when a national tenant comes to Boynton Beach and what can be done to changing their prototype Mr Myott further stated that this process should be kept in mind when other projects come before the Board It has been an exemplary process and should be documented and used in the future Vice Chair Reed called for a vote on the motion Motion carried 6-1 (Ms. Frazier dissenting) 8. OTHER A. Update On Progress Of Reviewing/Improving Sign Regulations. Mr Rumpf stated he did not have anything to report, but did state that the Ad Hoc Committee may be addressing sign issues, as well as landscaping issues and that new regulations in all probability will be developed Mr Kastarlak Informed members that staff has spoken to one provider of sign services in order to develop a catalog of prototype signs, A proposal will be forthcoming With regard to the non-conforming sign issue, this is also being addresse~ Alsc;, Mr Kastarlak stated that billboards will be phased out. With regard to the non-conforming landscaping and fa~de improvements being spearheaded by Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz that also is progressing, There is one property on Boynton Beach Boulevard that is in the construction phase The landscaping has been reviewed and the improvements are being Implemented A procedure has been set for other applicants and there are approximately 90 applicants who have indicated they would be applying for this program Unfortunately, there is not enough resources to assist 90 applicants, Mr Kastarlak stated that the City Manager has been presented with an ordinance for non- conforming signs 12 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 Vice Chair Reed inquired it any ot t~ ese signs would carry over to street signs and other identification signs Mr Kastarlak would like to see the sign program carried over Vice Chair Reed suggested that this sign program could also carry over to homeowner associations who are responsible for their signs and they would be able to take advantage of the City's sign program Mr Kastarlak was not sure if this program could carry over to homeowner associations Mr Rosenstock did not agree that the City should regulate homeowner associations and gated communities Mr Rosenstock stated homeowner associations have their own security, regulations and by-laws Also, Attomey Cherot has indicated that the City should not become involved in internal homeowner association regulations. Mr Kastarlak for clarification stated this particular homeowner's association approached the City for consultation purposes and the City has no intention of regulating any private community Mr Rosenstock requested that an item be added under New Business, Mr Rosenstock stated that the holidays are approaching and many people have made plans for the holidays and feels the December 22nd meeting should be eliminated Motion Mr Rosenstock moved that this Board request that the City eliminate the December 22nd meeting of the Planning and Development Board Motion seconded by Mr Myatt. Vice Chair Reed asked Mr Rumpf if he had any comments, Mr Rumpf stated that the meeting would be moved accordingly Vice Chair Reed asked for a vote on the motion to eliminate the December 22nd meeting Motion carried 7-0 Mr Rumpf suggested moving the meeting to the Monday before December 22nd Mr Rosenstock was opposed to movin~ the meeting and stated the meeting should be eliminated Mr Rumpf stated he h8S scheduled items for that meeting, Mr Rosenstock stated this is brought up every year and there never is any action on it. Mr Kastarlak concurred that the December 22nd meeting should be eliminated If there are no urgent matters for the Board's consideration for December 22nd, the meeting will be eliminated However, if there is an urgent matter that needs to be heard, the Board will be notified 9 COMMENTS 13 ME:T1NG MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 24, 1998 The Recording Secretary announced that the Annual Board Dinner is planned for January 14 1999 at Benvenutos and Board members will be advised of the time 10 ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Reed asked for a motion to adjourn Motion Mr Myott moved that the meeting adjourn Motion seconded by Ms Frazier Meeting properly adjourned at 8.20 p m. Respectfully submitted, ~A.~~ Barbara M Madden Recording Secretary (two tapes) 14 ..NIl ....... .~"".&TE8 ARCHITECTS & CONSULTANTS 25 SEA B R E [ Z E A V E N U E, SUI T E 304, 0 E L RAY B E A C H, F L 3 34 8 3 TELEPHONE VOICE (561) 266-9999 "'-ACSIMILE (561) 266-9977 REG NO. AROOl1026 October 1, 1998 To Planmng & Zomng Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Flonda 33425-0310 Ref USE APPROVAL High RIdge Commerce Park & Cedar RIdge (PUD, Pill) Lot 13 & Lot 14 Commerce Road Property Control #08-43--45-09-002-00 13 and 0014 Interstate Sign Crafters, Inc (user) To Whom It May Concern, I would like to receive confirmatiOn that my chent' s use would be approved at the above mentIOn locatIOn. The chent' s name IS Interstate Sign Crafters, Ioc who are currently located m Lake Worth at 1807 6th Avenue North (abuttmg the west Side of 1-95) They are planmng a 17,200 s.f shop/warehouse buildmg With 5,365 s.f of additIOnal office building area (conditIOned space) all of wlnch IS planned as a Metal Buildmg System. The shop/warehouse buildmg area IS destgned to be built m two phases with Phase I conslstmg of 8,400 s.f and Phase II havmg 8,800 s.f, With the slab portion bemg completed wIth Phase I. The approximate height of the structure will be 22' to- lngh pomt. Their busmess will conStst of the desIgn and manufactunng of signs and the adrmmstratlVe functIOn of operatmg that busmess They will have apprmamately (20) employees on prermses dunng busmess hours. __, ,- ''""1 r, n1[ ! =:-1 '\ ~ -t" --,-- The folloWIng are responses to Section N PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1 The above use will not cause nOIse as specified In N-l 2 The above use will not cause vibrations as specdied In N-2 3 The above use will not cause smoke, dust, dirt or other particular matter as specified In N-3 4 The above use will not cause odor and fumes as specified In N-4 5 The above use will not cause toXIC or noXIous matter as specified In N-5 6 The above use will not cause fire and explosion hazards as specified In N-6 7 The above use will not cause heat, hUmIdity or glare as specified In N-7 8 The above use will not cause liqUId waste as specified In N-8 9 The above use will not cause solId waste as specified In N-9 10 The above use will not cause electromagnetic Interference as specIfied In N-l 0 11 The above use will not handle or utilIze hazardous matenals or hazardous waste as specified InN-II I look forward to heanng from you concerrung thts approval. SIncerely, ~JDLS-D . Uc~ael E Slpula, Archttect On behalf of Interstate Sign Crafters, Inc OCT - 1 \998 ..~--*, ),.1 r~