REVIEW COMMENTS 7.0.1 INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS NEW SITE PLAN ":VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 98-320 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION November 19, 1998 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name/No Interstate Signcrafters/NWSP 98-016 Property Owner. Condor Investment of Palm Beach Applicant/Agent: JMS Design Inc.lMike Sipula Location Lots 13 and 14, High Ridge Commerce Park PID (Commerce Road) Land Use/Zoning Industrial/Planned Industrial Development (PID) Type of Use Industrial (sign manufacturing and ancillary office) Seats n/a Project size Site Area 2.53 acre (110,341 8 square feet) Building Area 22,565 square feet: 17,200 square feet shop/warehouse 5,365 square feet office Adjacent Uses (see Exhibit "A" - location map) North - Planned site of Atlas Party Rental business (Lot 4), High Ridge Commerce Park, PID Boynton Beach Distribution Center, zoned M-1 Undeveloped parcel, High Ridge Commerce Park PID Planned site of SEMSCO (Lot 15), High Ridge Commerce Park PID South - East West Site Characteristics. The site is currently a vacant, 2 53-acre lot located within a small master planned industrial park. The site is predominately clear of vegetation, with the exception of three (3) Slash Pine trees, one of which will be replaced with a Green Buttonwood and incorporated within the landscaping of phase 1, while the remaining two (2) are located on that portion of the site to be left often Proposal The developer is proposing construction of a 22,565 square foot shop/warehouse building, including two floors of office space (5,365 square feet) on the front (north) side The shop/warehouse is to be constructed in two phases the first phase will include 8,400 square feet and the slab for the second phase, and the second phase will ultimately include the remaining 8,800 square feet of shop/warehouse space planned for the site (see Exhibit "B" - proposed site plan) The project represents the consolidation of Lots 13 and 14 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID The subject project, including both phases, will occupy only that land represented by Lot #14 Lot #13 is to remain vacant at this time Concurrency a, Traffic- No traffic analysis or review (County) has been submitted Therefore, the conditions of approval include the requirement that the County confirm compliance with the Palm Beach County traffic performance standards / Page 2 Interstate Signcrafters - Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 98-320 b, Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review Driveways Proposed on-site traffic circulation consists of a 32 foot wide driveway on Commerce Road at the northeast corner of the site The proposed vehicle use area will provide parking areas containing the standard nine foot by eighteen foot (9' x 18') spaces and include access to the warehouse portion of the building to the rear (south) of the site Parking Facility There are 20 parking spaces proposed, including one (1) space designated as handicapped accessible This meets the city's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning and ADA requirements for this use, and provides 2 surplus spaces The parking space requirement for a PID is a factor of employees (1 5 spaces per 2 employees), and it is estimated that the use will house a maximum of 20 employees per shift, plus two visitors Landscaping The landscaping of the site will fully meet the code requirements when staff comments are incorporated, including meeting the perimeter buffer requirements of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID master plan Building and Site Building and site regulations will be fully met when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings Community Design The proposed construction type will be patterned corrugation with a "stoned white" color, and a low-pitched steel gable roof The office portion will contain accenting color of "aged copper" on the window frames, doors, a door canopy and overhang structure This design type is similar to other existing buildings in the PID, which are either partially or entirely covered by aluminum siding, and are painted white or gray Signage The proposed site plan includes one wall sign and one monument site sign The wall sign area equals the maximum allowed, based on building frontage, of 80 square feet. The site sign is a monument design and dimensioned at ten (10) feet wide and seven (7) feet and four (4) inches high The face area of the sign is 60 square feet, or 4 square feet less that the maximum allowed for this site The sign face color ("aged copper") will match the accenting color on the structure With respect to consistency or compatibility with other site signs, none of the existing three uses in the PID have site signage (only building signage) If this project is approved with the proposed site sign this sign will become the standard on which other future site signs are compared for compatibility In general, future signs would be reviewed for consistency with the dimensions, form and materials of this proposed sign RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends that this site plan request be approved, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc' Central File J:ISHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSllnterstate SigncrafterslNWSPIST AFF REPORT. doc ~ -=:XHIBIT "A" LOCATION MAP INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS, I.NC \ S- - L. oJ JI I' lJUl.llJL JL......-.POLV....O. II.. - - ' I 1 I J - · FO ~-. 11 I I ~I~ K" t::J I I . ~ . (- -=.;.Jc:df i 111111\., LlJjJJJ n €F rrn-'~Hi ',. i ~~I J' ...'..,~. I I ~ ffLL I 1\ . t t~(i+t~ . . f-. - ,. -~= \ I \ ~ J / (r-r- ~ r-- L- _--I' R1AA \'R :3 ~ ~- iE-: f \< J..J:! L ~-/_"J.i,..../~~ ~C:* - ~ -0: i r - .~.....:.......,.,.... ~ ~~ -' _r- Irlll ~I~.- _ f- I- :t:: _ ..... ~.:. L-.J - ... · --..:: .I~ ~ - .... - ~-'i: .. _1_ R AR RI wA TTI Illl:: 1.-:::t: I ~STATE~ P"'!' tJ -.f- \0..\ : ~: - Ii! 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'I'h'[ Pdt; I ail fIll - I. - . [ · G g ~~ ~ 11_ If' 4' i: . pI f! - r ---I ,!~ Hilll} II~ii!J Hi-if is! I( -.....111 1"1" ... It /l~~I".~i - -II . ,,~I ~ t- j- I {- ;; f- l ;si -i! H e' . "at ~jJ.. .I~. ~ "t.! jU!!f 00 · fill I .., !! fil ..::, II - I ~! i=W.o I I iii ~ - I I ! 8 ~ S~ ! i - . ?O I ~~ - .~~ ~ ~ I II ~ Is i I Ii ~ ~ \ '...~ i~ ~n . > 4.... " > ;lI 7" Z C' U> -l ;lI 1i z C' ~;~I~ , . I ~~ ..~ J I ;. n I"-.) i: ..;.C(~ -~.: ~ EXHlsrr " _J \- S!S ~-m -- -- mi'. I ~;2 - - - - - -._WBBrliE - '1 q.~ ------ MINEi ~OAO- (TRACT 5-2 VACATI!D) "'" ~' ",' .-----J It! ~ I.i ~ de - .-; ~ -I L---- "'" ~I ~ ~I L- I~ i~ in 'I "i .~. III I" - - -IO'Mu-;r.- -- . ...... I 21lla' ~ R , I rIf 2f .. ,,,veer ) i , ( I ~ Ii i-II ;!~- I . d u r I ; 'l~~ I Inl u. ,;1 52E .!~ ---- COI1I1ERCE -ROAD ( a~ li... i~ ~~ II~ :iii. Ie ~Id :z: ~ E - n-J-tl1'Dt Pill .. ..... CDMJm ~t !I'"\ "ei ~, ~R INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS, INC. HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK LOTS 13 & 14 BWCK 2. CEDAR RIDGE. A P V.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK. A P I.D. EXHIBIT "C" CondItIons of Approval Project name Interstate SIgncrafters FIle number' NWSP 98-016 Reference The plans consIst of 6 sheets IdentIfied as 2nd RevIew. New SIte Plan. File # NWSP 98-016 with a November 3. 1998 Planmng and Zomng Department date stamp markmg. I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments. None UTILITIES Comments 1 Dept. of Health permIts wIll be required for the water system extenSIOns servmg this project. (Sec 26-12) 2. FIre flow calculatIOns wIll be reqUIred demonstratmg the CIty Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the reqUIrement Imposed by msurance underwriters, whIchever IS greater (See Sec. 26-16(a)) Please submit these calculations WIth your Health Department permit apphcatIOn and plans. 3 Sec 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paId for thIS project eIther upon my request for SIgnature on the Health Dept. apphcatIOn forms or wIthm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee, based upon a 1.5-mch rneter IS $1,205 82. 4 This office will not reqUIre surety for mstallatIOn of the water and sewer utIhtIes, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and gIven to the CIty before the permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy 5 A bUIlding permIt for thIS project shall not be Issued until thIS office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements reqUIred to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) FIRE Comments None .;'" 6 Page 2 Interstate SIgncrafters File No NWSP 98-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT POLICE Comments. None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 6 Show eXIstmg and proposed dramage elevatIons per LDR Chapter 4, SectIon 7.F 7 ProvIde a 12' x 35' approprIately striped and marked loading zone per LDR Chapter 2, Section 11.J and set further back from Commerce Road per LDR Chapter 2, SectIOn 7.H.11 8 Show all traffic control markmgs and sIgnage per LDR Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.B.2. 9 ClarIfy the extent of SIdewalk constructIOn along Commerce Road that IS proposed by this project and provide proposed constructIOn materIals. 10 EXlstmg Commerce Road pavement to be restored at location of proposed water mam crossmg m accordance wIth CIty standards prIor to Issuance of CertIficate of Occupancy 11 All plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S code reqUIrements at tIme of apphcatIOn. These permIts include, but are not limIted to the followmg: sIte hghtmg, pavmg, dramage, curbmg, landscapmg and IrrIgatIOn. PermIts required from other permIttmg agencIes, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be mcluded wIth your permIt request. BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 12 At the TRC meetmg, the applicant mdlcated that the project WIll consist of one pIece of property Therefore, a umty of title that umfies the vacated area tItled Miner Road (Tract S-2), Lot 13, and Lot 14 WIll be reqUIred at tIme of permIt submIttal. The cIty-approved unity of tItle form shall be completed, executed, recorded m Palm Beach County and two (2) copIes submItted at time of permIt reVIew ~ Page 3 Interstate SIgncrafters File No NWSP 98-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 13 At time of permit submIttal, clarify bUIldmg square footages, occupancy classIficatIOn and use ofthe building. 14 At time of permIt reVIew, mdIcate on the site plan the use of the slab area located south of the proposed bUIldmg. 15 The two pages of the South Flonda Water Management District permit that were submItted indIcate two different permIt numbers. SubmIt a complete South Flonda Water Management Distnct permIt that indicates the established mImmum fimsh floor elevation. The proposed buildmg fimsh floor elevation shall comply WIth the established mImmum finish floor elevatIOn. 16 Add to the detaIl drawing of the accessible entrance to the buildmg a note mdIcatmg that a 1.2 beveled slope shall be provided where the \12 mch vertIcal change m elevatIOn takes place at the entrance [SectIOn 45.2 of the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for Building Construction] 17 ComplIance WIth the bUIldmg codes will be evaluated at time of permIt reVIew The permIt fee, water and sewer facIlIty fees, county fees and state fees wIll be determmed at time of permIt reVIew PARKS AND RECREATION Comments. None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. None PLANNING AND ZONING Cornments. 18 ApplIcant must undergo environmental reVIew of project pnor to permittmg of any structural elements. 19 Screening requirements rnust be met for any areas mtended for outdoor storage. 20 Contmue landscapmg around 3rd (north) sIde of dumpster enclosure (or up to pomt of opemng m wall (Chapt. 7.5, Art. II, Sec 5(J)) 21 Dumpster enclosure must be expanded to accommodate any recyclIng 7 Page 4 Interstate Signcrafters FIle No NWSP 98-016 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT contamers to be kept outsIde (or construct separate enclosure whIch meets sarne CIty standards) ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 22 To be deternllned. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 23 To be determined. Ibme J:ISHRDA TA IPLANNINGlSHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIINTERSTA TE SIGNCRAFTERSINWSPI1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS. DOCI 9 NFPA Life Safety Code 101 National Fire Code 1 all appltcable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to f ~~ '\\1\1\ SEP L 81~~ \ ~~ f) p~,.., . "1 ~./. FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No 98-363 Q... . , . . .. f." TO Mike Rumpf Acting Director Planning & ZOning DIvIsion ~ Steve Gale, Fire Marshal /""": Deputy Chief - Fire Rescue Depa nt FROM DATE September 28, 1998 SUBJECT Interstate Slgncrafters High Ridge Commerce Park NWSP 98-016 We have no comments at this time CC File MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT NO 98 - 276 SUBJECT. Interstate Signcrafters - New Site Plan - 1st Review , n- -~E. -P._.~3~ -0:\ "1'998] lli l.....~ iii J J..~ ,0:..:1. _ j~_~.....--..,.--....r-, pi; -~ -i 8 '40 iOl \iG DE?T. - -----... .-. TO. ~i . R~!l1Pfi"ctin.. g Planning Director /J ~-Y;c~~e'C 1W- ohn A Guidry; Utilities Director FROM. DATE September 29, 1998 We offer the folloWIng comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed wIthin utilIties easements Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilItIes within the easement in the foreseeable future LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either In utility easements or publIc rights-of-way 2) Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water system extensions serving this project. (Sec 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g P m. as stated in LDR chap 6, Art. Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (see Sec 26-16(a)) Please submit these calculations with your Health Department permit application and plans 4) Sec 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee, based upon a 1 5-inch meter is $1,205 82 5) Comp Plan polIcy 3C.3 4 reqUIres the conservatIOn of potable water City water may, therefore, not be used for lITIgatIOn where other sources are readily available 6) PrOVIde an engIneer's wntten certIficatIOn that draInage will conform WIth all rules of the City and the South Flonda Water Management DIstrICt. (LDR Chap 4, sec 7F) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utilItIes easements Please show all existIng and proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec 26-33(a) of the Code 2) This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy 3) A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec 26-15) 4) The waste stream from the manufactunng process must meet the City's pretreatment requirements A sampling point must be provided to allow monitoring of this waste stream. (Sec 26-143,26-147) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (375-6404) of this office JAG/PVM Xc Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM TO Mike Rumpf, Actmg DIrector of Planmng and Zomng Kevin John Hallahan, Forester/EnvIronmentalIst !<J If Interstate Signcrafters New Site Plan- 1st review FROM. Re: DATE October 1, 1998 The applIcant has addressed the eXIstmg trees on the sIte The project should contmue m the normal reVIew process. Kjh ~r~djd tl Wi rn !m . ~ I II ~ : T I la~)8 !:;) OC ~/~' .d 1 ; __J File LEISURE SERVICES. PARKS MEMORANDUM TO Michael W Rumpf, Actmg Director ofPlanOlng & 1m .~ . 7![ ~-=-__.~"J ~ ill John Wildner, Parks Supenntendent ./t.J I ~ n ~ l OCT 51998 I U Interstate Signcrafters I . . J 1 p;_ ~ 10 r ;T FROM. RE. DATE October 2, 1998 The LeIsure ServIces Department, Parks DIvIsIon, has receIved the sIte plan for Interstate SIgncrafters. There are no recreatIon-related comments The plan may contmue through the normal reVIew process. JWad ~ R (ill ;-:] ~ r." r::: ;] ~ ...! ~ [" _U~.:.'. l~..! I.. ~ _ If ! OrT .... ': ~ '. U ';'! .. J - 1 -~--j PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #98-286 SUBJ Michael Rumpf, Actmg DIrector of Plannmg & Zomng Larry Qumn, AssIstant PublIc Works Duect$ New Site Plan - 1st ReVIew - Interstate SIgncrafters TO FROM DATE October 2, 1998 The dumpster locatIOn at the above SIte IS not accessible as shown. Code Sec 10-25 A (2), reqUIres free access to contamer for servIce The locatIOn needs to be located so trucks can access contamers. If you have any questIOns I can reached at 742-6202. LQ/cr CIT\' OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO MIchael Rumpf 10-06-98 FILE NWSP 98-016 DATE SUBJECT REFERENCES ENCLOSURES I have no comments In reference to thIS purposal at thIS time. FROM Officer RI Interstate SIgncrafters PZ 98-280 \r'-~ @ Ii ~ If) ~ ~I l\lli' U\'[ - 6 9i8 ~~ TO I [D) Ul ffi 0 \VI ffi Iii1 dJ]) I OCT _! Il!J MIchael Rumpf, Actmg PlannIng and ZOnIng AdmInistrator ~< j 9 J c .I~~ '0'(' A\IO ...... (1.f- ~. tJ !-ot,) ,11 Michael E Haag, BUlldmg Code Permit A Istrator i~ "t.PT. Raymond F DaVIdson, P E City Engm er. U DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. DD 98-320 FROM DATE October 9 1998 RE INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS (HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PI D) NEW SITE PLAN (NWSP 98-016) 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS We have revIewed the subject plans and otfer the followmg comments that shall be addressed pnor to the project bemg forwarded for Board revIew Buildini!: DivisIOn (Site Specific & Permit Comments) - MIchael E Haag (561) 742-6350 The sIte plan shows Improvements proposed for the vacated area titled Mmer Road (Tract S-2) therefore prepare and record 10 Palm Beach County a UnIty of tItle that unIfies Lot 14 Lot 13 and that portion of Tract S-2 that abuts both lots To expedIte processmg the UnIty of title find attached, for your convenIence, a City approved UnIty of Title form If Lot 13 and the abuttmg portion of Tract S-2 may be sold off 10 the future proVide two UnIty of titles unIfymg the abuttmg portIon of Tract ~-2 WIth each lot The recorded umty of tItle shall be reqUIred pnor to the permit bemg Issued for the project The plans shall be modified to reflect the recorded umty oftltle(s) WIth respect to locatIOn of property hnes Note all Improvements reqUIred to support the proposed use for Lot 14 are reqUIred to be located on lot 14 2 To c1anfy the project and the Improvements proposed for the area Identified on the site plan as, "ThiS area to rem am vacant modIfy the note to read, ThiS area to remam vacant WIth no Improvements except those shown on the landscape plan sheet L I 3 Modify the TypIcal Parkmg Strlpmg drawmg depicted on sheet SP 1 to show the followmg . Show a SIX 6-foot long landmg at the bottom of both ramps depicted on the drawmg rather than the 5-foot IdentIfied on the plan . Identify the accessIble entrance to the buddmg and the vertical clearance proposed trom the extenor of the bUlldmg to the mterlor finish floor . DimenSion the Width of the SIdewalk at the entrance and the Width of the walk runnmg parallel With the face of the bUlldmg the door IS located on . Identify the constructIon material proposed for the SIdewalks . Usmg a labeled symbol Identify the accessible route leadmg to the accessIble buddmg entrance from the accessIble parkmg space Also IdentIfy the slope and cross slope of the Sidewalk located along the route [Flonda Accessibility Code for Buddmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 3 Accessible Route and SectIon 4 6 ParkIng and Passenger Loadmg Zones] 4 The sIgn program for the project (High Ridge Commerce Park PI D) does not mclude approval for slgnage located on the site Therefore, remove from all sheets and plan vIew drawmgs of the sIte the monument sIgn Department of Development Memorandum No DD 98-320 . Q Re Interstate Sign Crafters (High Ridge Commerce Park PID) - New Site Plan 1. Review October 9 1998 Page #2 5 Add to the BUIldmg InformatIOn listed on sheet "lP I the prmclple use of the facIlity and each type of accessory use proposed for the facl IIty IdentIfy m square footage and percentages of the total gross floor area the square footage dedicated for each accessory use proposed for the facIlity Also Identify the occupancy group (classificatIOn) for each accessory use 6 Is any part of the Phase II IdentIfied on the plans bemg constructed With the permit for Phase I? If there are mdlcate them m note form on the plans 7 IndIcate the proposed finIsh floor elevation on the sIte plan and 1" floor plan drawmg. Venfy that the proposed finIsh floor elevatIon IS m complIance With the minImum standards by provldmg one of the followmg. ProVIde a copy of the current South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct permit that mdlcates mInImum finIsh floor elevatIon or place a note wlthm the BUIldmg InformatIOn found on sheet SP I Identlfymg the current South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct permIt number and minImum finIsh floor elevatIon mdlcated on the permit 8 At time of permit review Identify the setback dimenSion from the south and east property lInes to the leadmg edge of the bUIldmg 9 Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 9 - CommunIty DeSign Plan, Section 10 I I states, "SIgns shall be deSigned and treated as part of the archItecture of the bUIldmg and shall be reVIewed at tIme of site plan revIew therefore, add to the submIttal, the below lIsted mformatlon . IdentIfy the sIze of the bUlldmg slgnage by dllnensIOnmg on the elevatIon vIew draWings, the WIdth and heIght of the proposed slgnage . IndIcate In tabular form, on the elevatIon vIew draWing, the square foot area of each sIgn. Also proVIde dImenSions and computatIOns venfYlng that the proposed sign area IS In compliance WIth the allowed sign area. Note the allowed size of slgnage IS IdentIfied In Section 5 ArtIcle IV of Chapter 21 - SIgn Code and the method to determine the sIgn area IS defined In Chapter 1 - General ProVISions, Article II - DefinItIons (sign, area ot) . IndIcate the color of the background surface that the sign coPy IS attached to DImenSIOn the dIstance the east-face of the column that supports the buIlding Slgnage IS from the bUIldmg. . The approved sIgn program speCifies that wall slgnage IS not Illuminated. Therefore speCIfy on the plan that the wall slgnage IS not Illuminated 10 Add to the draWings a locator map that shows the location of the project With respect to the adjacent nghts-of-way and the other lots wlthm the project 11 ComplIance With the buIlding codes wIll be evaluated at tIme of permIt revIew The permit fee, water and sewer facIlIty fees, county fees and state fees WIll be determmed at time of permit revIew Department of Development Memorandum No DD 98-320 s' Re Interstate SIgn Crafters (High Ridge Commerce Park PID) - New SIte Plan I' Review October 9 1998 Page #3 En2ineerin2 Division (Site Soecific Comments) - Sebastian Puda & Ken Hall 561-742-6280 ProvIde engineer's certIficatIOn as specified In LDR Chapter 4 SectIOn 7 F 2 Show eXisting and proposed drainage elevatIOns per LDR Chapter 4 SectIOn 7 F 3 ProVIde a 12' x 35' appropnately stnped and marked loading zone per LDR Chapter 2, Section II J and set further back from Commerce Road per LOR Chapter 2, SectIOn 7 H 11 4 Show all tratlic control mark.lngs and slgnage per LOR Chapter 4 Section 7 B 2 5 ProVIde a paved or concrete flume from the edge of pavement to the swale for the 5' curb opening at the south SIde of the parking lot Also proVIde a paved or concrete apron around the three proposed catch baSinS 6 ProVide a nder to site plan applicatIOn In accordance WIth Chapter 4 SectIOn 7 G 7 Clanfy the extent of SIdewalk construction along Commerce Road that IS proposed by thIS project and proVide proposed construction matenals 8 Coordinate sIte plan WIth DraWing C -1 regarding proposed locatIOns for water and sewer servIce to the bUIlding. 9 EXisting Commerce Road pavement to he restored at locatIOn of proposed water main crossing In accordance WIth CIty standards pnor to Issuance of CertIficate of Occupancy 10 All plans submitted for speCific permIts shall meet the city's code reqUirements at tIme of application These permits Include but are not limited to the follOWing site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and IrngatlOn PermIts reqUired from other permItting agencIes, such as FOOT PBC SFWMD OERM LWOO OEP and any others, shall be Included WIth your permIt request MH/SP/KH ck Xc Bulent Kastarlak. Don Johnson Sebastian Puda Ken Hall C \1\ Documen's Interstate Signcratlcrs '\cw Site Plan Is' RC\'ICW.doc "'l M7" --9---. ....~1.- . .,. '" ;'.; CD :. I }~~ 7" ~~;>--!-;. : ~-i) '</~7_~ yo. DBPAR.-rMBNT' OF DBVBLO!?MBNT' BU:J ..DING DI"VIS Ie UNITY OF TITLE In consIderation of the Issuance of a permIt to for the constructIOn of In the CIty of Boynton Beach, Flonda, the Undersigned hereby agrees to restrIct the use of Lot(s) , Block(s) , SubdIvIsIon or property being otherwIse described by metes and bounds, addressed as follows. , In the followmg manner I Smd property shall be consIdered as one plot and parcel of land, and that no portIOn of smd plot and parcel of land shall be sold, transferred, devIsed or assIgned separately, except In its entIrety as one plot or parcel of land. 2. The Undersigned further agrees that tIns condItIOn, restrIctIOn and 11lmtatIOn shall be deemed a covenant runnIng With the land, and shall remaIn In full force and effect, and be bIndIng upon the underSIgned, theIr heIrs and asSIgns. Release of thIs Umty of Title must be approved by the admInIstratIve head of the Boynton Beach Department of Development and ratIfied by the CIty COITUmSsIOn. 3 The Undersigned further agrees to record thIS Instrument In the PublIc Records of Palm Beach County at hIs (her) expense. SIgned, sealed, executed and acknowledged on this Boynton Beach, Flonda. day of ,19_, at Owner( s) Witnesses (2) STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by , who is personally known to me or who has produced (type of identification) as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement Name of officer taking acknowledgement--typed, printed or stamped Title or rank Serial number, if any A. UNlTYTIL.WPS Rev 3/92,1/23/96 WVH:bg DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. BD 98-215 rn rn@rnnwrn ill NOV 6_ PLANNING AND ZONING DEn TO Michael Rumpf, Actmg Planmng and ZonIng AdmInistrator 1J~k Michael E Haag, BUildIng Code Permit AdmInistrator ~ November 6, 1998 FROM. DATE RE INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS (HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID) NEW SITE PLAN (NWSP 98-016) - 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS We have reViewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reView With the understandIng that all remaInIng comments Will be shown In compliance on the permit drawmgs Buildim! Division (Site Soecific & Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haal! (561) 742-6350 1 At the TRC meetIng, the applicant Indicated that the project Will conSist of one piece of property Therefore, a umty of title that unifies the vacated area titled Miner Road (Tract S- 2), Lot 13, and Lot 14 will be reqUired at time of permit submittal. The City-approved umty of title form shall be completed, executed, recorded In Palm Beach County and two (2) copies submItted at time of permit reView 2 At time of permit submittal, clarify bUildIng square footages, occupancy claSSificatiOn and use of the bUildIng. 3 At time of permit reView, Indicate on the Site plan the use of the slab area located south of the proposed bUildmg. 4 The two pages of the South Flonda Water Management Distnct permIt that were submitted Indicate two different permIt numbers SubmIt a complete South Flonda Water Management Distnct permit that Indicates the established mInimUm fimsh floor elevatiOn. The proposed bUildIng fimsh floor elevatiOn shall comply With the established mInimUm fimsh floor elevatiOn. 5 Add to the detail drawmg of the accessible entrance to the bUildmg a note mdicatmg that a 1 2 beveled slope shall be prOVided where the Yz" vertical change m elevatiOn takes place at the entrance [SectiOn 452 of the Flonda Accessibility Code for BUildmg ConstructiOn] 6 Compliance With the bUildmg codes Will be evaluated at time of permit reView The permit fee, water and sewer faCility fees, county fees and state fees Will be determmed at time of permit reView MEH.bg XC Bulent I. Kastarlak \ \CH\MAlN\SHRDAT A\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\Interstate Signcrafters 2nd review. doc 11-03-1998 4 16PM FROM LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE 561 495 9694 P 4 f i .... ... J'-' 80;119 III SuponIiSQl'S C Stan~ Weaver Kermit Dell John I. Whitworth III Seaetary!tJarager WiUlam G. Wint.,s A$&illanl Mar,age< Ronald L. CrOl"9 AltQ"'~~ Perry & Schone. PA ~'" LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~@mDw~r i 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 NO ;T. November 3, 1998 Michael W Rumpf, Chairman Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re' Interstate Slgncrafters High RIdge Commerce Park Technical Review Conunittee Agenda- November 3, 1998 Dear Mr Rumpf' This project is located outside the Lake Worth Drainage District's boundary and the District has no conunents regarding the referenced project Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review and conunent on this project. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me Respectfully> ~. DISTRICT LIsa A Rowland Right-of- Technician lar Delray ~ach & Boca Raton (581) 4~.53e3 . Boynton Beach ~ West Palm Beach (561) 737.3tl35 . Fax (561) 4~5.~94 11111 Board of Supervisors C Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John I. Whitworth III Secretary/Manager William G. Winters Assistant Manager Ronald L. Crone LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT Attorney Perry & Schone, P.A. 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 November 3, 1998 Michael W Rumpf, Chairman Planning and Zoning DIVISIOn CIty of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re Interstate Signcrafters High Ridge Commerce Park Technical Review Committee Agenda- November 3, 1998 Dear Mr Rumpf- This project is located outside the Lake Worth Drainage DIstnct's boundary and the District has no comments regarding the referenced project. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me Respectfully, LAKE WORTH DRAI DISTRICT ~~ Lisa A Rowland Right-of- Techmcian lar Delray Beach & Boca Raton (561) 498-5363 . Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737 3835 . Fax (561) 495-9694 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 98-280 FROM Bulent Kastarlak, Director of Development Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Ofc. Robert Riggle, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division Larry Roberts, Public Works Director/City Engineer John Wildner, Parks Division Ray Davidson, Engineering Division Bob Donovan, Building Division frllJe. Michael W Rumpf Acting Director of Planning and Zoning TO' DATE September 23, 1998 RE SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project Interstate Signcrafters Location Lots 13 and 14, High Ridge Commerce Park Agent Mike Sipula, JMS Design Inc. File No NWSP 98-016 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to me no later than 5.00 P.M. on October 9. 1998. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Scott Barber 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with Page 2 Development Department Memo PZ 98-280 Interstate Signcrafters TO TRC Members other departmental improvements 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to me for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum Scott Barber will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members The applicant will contact TRC member(s) to clarify comments Amended sets of plans will be submitted prior to, or brought to the TRC meeting Amended plans and outstanding comments will be reviewed at the TRC meeting to confirm that the project is ready to move forward to the Planning and Development Board meeting MWR.bme Attachment XC (Memo Only) William Bingham, Fire Chief Marshall Gage, Police Chief Steve Gale, Fire Marshal John Guidry, Utilities Director Don Johnson, Building Division Sebastian Puda, Engineering Division Central File s. \Projects\Quantum\lnterstate Signcrafters\NWSP\ 1 "review-plans