APPLICATION APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PROJECT TITLE: Interstate Shmcrafters FILE I: NWSP 98-016 PROJECT LOCATION: Hillh Ridlle Commerce Park TYPE OF APPLICATION: New Site Plan PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIRED: (YIN) 0 REVIEWER'S NAME AGENT Mike SiDula ADDRESS: AGENT PHONE: 266-9999 FAX: 266-9977 DATE REC'D: 9/23/98 AMOUNT RECEIPT NO 12 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: 2 OF 12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o DATE DENIED: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: I INITIAL 1 ST REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT I MEMO NO 98-280 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED I RETURN DATE: 10/9/98 UTIL. PW PARKS FIRE POLICE PLANNING BLDG/ENGR FORESTER PLANS MEMOI ~ DATE OF LETTER SENT TO SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90 DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: AMENDED APPLICATION 0 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED o o o o o o MEMO NO RETURN DATE: 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMOI DATE PLANS MEMOI DATE UTIL. 0 POLICE 0 PW 0 PLANNING 0 PARKS 0 BLDG/ENGR 0 ?% ~ AI S We. FIRE 0 FORESTER 0 BOARD MEETING DATE: BOARD: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: DATE: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKINCi LOCi FORM revised 4/25/97 .~ .,. 1'::. .. "", .~ PROJECT NAME INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS LOCATION HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK COMPUTER ID INTERSTATE SIGNCRAFTERS PERMIT # 98-3954 I FILE NO' NWSP 98-016 II TYPE OF APPLICATION New Site Plan I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON APPLICANT Interstate Signcrafters Mike Sipula OWNER. Condor Investment of Palm Bch JMS Design, Inc. PHONE 588-3854 PHONE 266-9999 FAX. 585-5574 FAX. 266-9977 ADDRESS 430 North A Street ADDRESS 25 Seabreeze Ave, Suite 304 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Delray Beach, FL 33483 Date of submittal/Projected meetin~ dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 9/23/98 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE 10/9/98 PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING 11/3/98 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE 11/3/98 ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/24/98 MEETING CITY COMMISSION MEETING 12/1/98 COMMENTS S-\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI[ PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date 9/]/ ~J 9 f Fee Paid 15'0 OJ Receipt Number' /JO~S- This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. TWELVE COMPLETE sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Project Name Ne;,~ ~~\"('l toa..- ~:rf-t2.-~~_ ~Gt-;:; C~Fn.Q... c:., 2 3 Address ~O~A~~ 1{. Phone (~) 'l~Pqq,\" Fax: (S~\\'2Uo.-C\q11 Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name C.OlJ.ooQ.. ~\If$1"ft. ~~,. bt= e.LM ~ Address ~ ~~ a <:;W 3?4t.o (Zip Code) Phone (~\J <; coca - ~?>S4 Fax: (~\) c.,t?,S- SSl4- ,-. ...., ~/f ~ '-A. 1$ -::x.:M- ~~0~ (Zip Code) 4 5 Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below'* 6 *This is the one address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owne~~essee, builder developer contract purchaser etc.) h _ _ r __ . ~ '\'"./U'fEtl- ~~T i'(~e.D I 2;(reet aaaress or lOCation or site HttlH )<.(bG.~ Co""'~lU1-<.e "'A.'9-r CoMME.I2..c..~ 12.0' - 8 Property Control #" og- 4-~...4-S-oq ..~? -00 1"2;, 6.~ 00\4 Legal description of site (eD6.fL. ~\bCA~ ~ \-\\(..((4. 2.IOc...e. LofV\MC.L',-rr ~..tU: ti!r ~ ., ~,. \6.- ~Loc.~ '2- ~~A1H~~ \-\- .(/otL'11 c 0 of Ad. u CoW !;O lQ.. S. '2 l Ml\..bL ~) 9 Intended use(s) of site ~l--\oP- (AJA~J-f~e ~rn-{ (X=Ra. ~f'b.c.E.' ~\r.A J.J tv'\A ~~AL '"'\U r2.l ~ 10 Developer or Builder' ("'..oM c;, \ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Architect .j~ DES{lA,U 1).]L.- Landscape Architect: J0l.\U\(!]\...C> tA;;~ A.'5~oG\I6!Tfi.C,_ Site Planner j~ ~ ~. Engineer" -{.Co..i.~~\\.) J:".JU '~~\c..u.J CA(2.Qu~ Surveyor' M Su '-v ~ ~c.- .ItJl- Traffic Engineer" . Has, ~ site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? No, 'To ~ tL ~~L..lt.tx::. ~ Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan 11 <07;0. cxX) ~ . 18 II SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear where applicable on all copies of the site plan 1 2. 3 4 Land Use Cate Zoninq District Area of Site 1.~~? Land Use -- Acreaqe Breakdown 1l0) ;4\ .S?>\ sq ft. acres a Residential including surrounding lot area of grounds acres \.4.A % of site b Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) acres "A % of site acres ~~ % of site acres ~A. % of site acres \00 % of site acres ~.~ % of site acres ~~ % of site acres ~% of site c. Water Area d Commercial e Industrial r"L.S?~ f Publicllnstitutional g Public Private and Canal rights-of-way h Other (specify) Planning and Zoning Department - Rev 3/18/97 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN WPD Other (specify) acres N. #... % of site Total area of site "2..C;-;~ acres \CO % of site * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft by 50 ft. 5 Surface Cover PIo.1'A f'orl.- f1.\~$~ 'I. t \'t\~~ It- SHov.n.) a Ground floor building .4-5\ acres \~.l 'lS % of site ('2.q ceo c; r) area ("building footprint") b Water area 0.0 acres \-l.~ % of site c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas) and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts . SC}4 acres 23 4CDD % of site ('ltj, caCOl S.f) d Total impervious area t.oS'? acres 4 \ .5g~ % of site (AS, <a~1 Sr") e Landscaped area JABc> acres S~A\S % of site (Gk,4-c:4,f>\ S.FJ inside of parking lots (20 sq ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec 7 5-35(g) of Landscape Code) f Other landscaped areas,_ acres Nic % of site g Other pervious areas including golf course natural areas, yards and swales but excluding water areas acres ~ % of site h Total pervious areas ljtQ acres S~ 4\5" % of site Total area of site '2 S;; acres \CO % of site 6 Floor Area e Publicll nstitutional fJ p... sq ft. 5~~S sq ft. ) \1 '7..00 sq ft. 1'~E 1. ': <a400~~ f1.\~ tr: 9CBc::o $of I lJ~ sq ft. ~~ sq ft. a Residential b Commercial/Office c. I ndustrial/Warehouse d Recreational f Other (specify) sq ft. g Other (specify) sq. ft. h Total floor area 1.'2. StoS' sq ft. f1..\A.$ 1: ~ ~~ "{.L.. Planning and Zoning Department _ ~~:.J~~I ~tS. 1: \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.WPD 7 Number of Residential D\ 1q Units a Smgle-family detached --.N A.. sq ft b Duplex ~~ sq ft. c Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling Units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d Total multi-family ~dwelling units e Total number of dwelling units ~ 8 Gross Density dwelling units per acre 9 ", II '" Maximum heiqht of structures on site '2.\- \0 feet 1.....'2... } stories 10 Required off-street parkinq a Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan \<<0 (see. ~) f).O PARKING CALCULATIONS Requirement: Req. (off street) parking based on owner's letter for employees on a maximum shift. At (1 5) parking spaces for each (2) employees. 20 employees / 2 x 1.5 TOTAL = 15.0 cars Estimated Visitor's Parking: TOTAL = 3.0 cars TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING handicap car spaces = 1 1 = 18.0 cars = 20.0 cars Pravided Required Planning and Zoning Department - Rev 3/18/97 \\CH\MAI N\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.WPD 'IDER TO SITE PLAN APPLlCATIOr The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge represent and agree that all plans specifications drawings engineering and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards commissions staff personnel and other parties designated appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans specifications drawings engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards commissions staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any Violation Into compliance and the applicant shall indemnify reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense claim liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same J ~~~)LEDGED AND AGREED TO this -~] 0 [rEM\!'€\(" /(#J~ Witness . , 19.i!L Planning and Zoning Department - Rev 3/18/97 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.WPD III ;(J ~ ~.' (I) (We) underst" that this application and all pap~rs c.. plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Department (I) ~e) hereby certify that the ~hove statements And any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless signed aecor' to the inst ctiona below. )0-\ l. 0.13 CCo:J:'A-, Co _~ 0 :P,c.-Vf:)r/l'l e,..~r ~ 0'-'- ..~~ '>. ~... P",2.:2--?~ Date ~ ure of Owner(s) or Trustee, of thorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity ~ t IV Si 9 Mu Date I (I) 0Ne) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application C:o-.aP'~ 1A:::-)""/I1~/'] o~ ~ 4- Co ..J"',"- r/rP nature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal If property is owned by a corporation or other bus mess entity 9' ....2-:z. .I? ,. Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule Date Received ~ I , I Technical Review Committee Planning & Development Soard Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval- Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted. Additional Remarks Planning and Zoning Department - Rev 3/18/97 \\CH\MA.IN\SHROA T A\PLANNING\SHAREO\WP\FORMSIAPPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.WPO to 39\:i'd 1~\:i'~8N9IS 31\:i'lS~31NI 2:t>8E:Lt>9t99 0t> 9t 866t/2:2:/60 III CERTIFICATION *Z (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Department (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below 1~"6-'T~ $\Co\tJ c.fl.M:.1~':> ~1~V' Authorized P ncipal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity t}->j'ifj Oat IV AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ~ ~r~Age- J""S Pe-S~ ~~ AUJn. \ W...-t-i 1 ~ fl!2, ~4 D Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application ~ at re 0 OWRor(3) or Trl:Jstee-- eui-ee.... Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity ~"~\If. ~\e.\."" f,)-/!tf8 Dat SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule Date Received Technical Review Committee Planning & Development Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted Additional Remarks Planning and Zoning Department - Rev 3/18/97 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\SHAREo\WP\FORMS\APPS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.WPO Commercial Contr FWRIOA ASSOCIATION OF REAlJORS- ,. 1 PURCHASE AND SALE: C'l.9 \/\r\ 'I,'\.'\ e, ,,~( -e l~ \9 k tR A s ~ (;..' c'~ to ~ 1:: L.. i-.. C ("B C...... T""> ~ '""7't '""7i 2" agrees to buy and ()\/\dDv LY.lLJ e ~+ ~H'" L..L ~) c..fl Cl' _0 f """Q I Vvt l:j eG cL, ("~ C C~ 3. agrees to sell the property described as: Street Address: -e c( c.... v (:{ I ~"~ A P u 0 ~ 4' ~~ \ ~-e ~VV\ V\l)t'V'!~7CI vh. A P I D '8 ,--0 y 1/\ b.:>i/\ /3-eLl '-1 FL .~-Cf~ I I 5' Legal Description: -e cQ c.. v P, \ d d -r" 01.. l-t d h )q I cQu- -e C \0 VVI \.11 -e vL: -( () 01 vVL 6" I '3 G-t VIti ~ 19 t 1'-/ 13 I 0 C ;}...:: 0 ,- l,j (fi-- ;) ..,- '-I 8" hU+ 13 ~ i II. $~'3S- 9 (all collectively referred to as the "Property") on the terms and conditions set forth below. The "Effective Date" of this con~~ 10 the date on which the last of the Parties signs the latest offer. TIme is of the essence in this Contract. Time periods of I 11 days or less will be computed without including Saturday, Sunday, or national legal holidays and anv~~eriod ending on a 12 Saturday Sunday or national legal holiday will be extended until 5:00 p.rn. of the next business d1 . (! ... _ .., . ~ 7:2, 7 b,!,. :> 13' 2. PURCHASE PRICE: ~ I ~ I ~ to C,.-t ru - r () 14' (a) Deposit held in escrow by \ v-u vl-e V\ -t\. v-f t- ( (/Vl cR. L" 10\, f v.. l h A 30 -'--I"" 15' (b) Additional deposit to be made within ..f--:F days from Effective Date $ '1, 000 Ut f $ A(!) 0 <9<9 Ci l 16" (c) Total mortgages (as referenced in Paragraph 3) $ 17" (d) Other' ^ {'j d It-, \() ~ (,-Q l) 0 \.-V V\ V Ct L( \'1-'1 -( \./12 lU$ -S' (e) Balance to close. subject to adjustments and prorations. to be mate with cash. locally drav;, ~ 12) ~ Ii" I S (;,. rj 19 certified or cashier's check or wire transfer IrJ lr- "3 '17 ' c; >~~. '3 20" 3. THIRD PARTY RNANCING. Within 10 da)::s from Effectlat ("Application Period"), Buyer will. at Buyer's expense. apply ~ ,,- fJ-)-" J 6 . 21 third party financing in the amount of $ 2 <;' r; I ~ Go . c;- ~-<'" _% of the purchase price to be amortized over a period of Ji 2T years and due in no less than _ years and with a fixed interest rate not to exceed a _ % per year or variable interest rate I 23" to exceed Q _ % at origination with a lifetime cap not to exceed 0/0 from initial rate. with additional terms as follows: _ 24. 25 Buyer will pay for the mortgagee title insurance policy and for all loan expenses. Buyer will timely provide any and all credit. :6 employment. financial and other information reasonably required by any'lender Buyer will notify Seller immediately upon obtaining :7" financing or being rejected by a lender. If Buyer after diligent effort, fails to obtain a written commitment within days from '3 Effective Date ("Financing Period"), Buyer may cancel the Contract by giving prompt notice to Seller and Buyer's deposit(s) will be ; returned r BJr"' in accordance praph 9 Buye,1:9. (---1 and SeUe, /. L-J acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page which is page 1 of 5 Pages cc 2 7 <r:;; 1997 Florida ASSOCiation ~E"'LTORS@ All Ai9hls Reserved J .. III Ll:;. ~eller has the legal capacity to and will convey marketable title to +-'-> Property by Q statutory warranty deed 32 ::) other "I";" f \ 'r..' C -" h . I I It . free of liens. easemc" Jnd encumbrances of record or known to Sel 33 hut subject to property taxes fdr lIle year of closing; covenants, restrictions and public utility easements of record; and (list any 34' other matters to which title will be subject) 35. 36' provided there exists at closing no violation of the foregoing and none of them prevents Buyer's intended use of the Property a 37" 38" (a) Evidence of TItle: Seller will, at (check one) ~Seller's Q Buyer's expense and within j ~ days Q from Effective 0 39" s-Prior to Closing Date Q from date Buyer meets or waives financing contingency in Paragraph 3, deliver to Buyer (check or 40- Q a title insurance commitment by a Rorida licensed title insurer and, upon Buyer recording the deed. an owner's policy il 41 the amount of the purchase price for fee simple title subject only to exceptions stated above. 42" Q an abstract of title, prepared or brought current by an existing abstract firm or certified as correct by an existing firm. 43 However, if such an abstract is not available to Seller. then a prior owner's title policy acceptable to the proposed insurer; 44 a base for reissuance of coverage. The prior pOlicy will include copies of all policy exceptions and an update in a format 45 acceptable to Buyer from the policy effective date and certified to Buyer or Buyer's closing agent together with copies of 46 documents recited in the prior policy and in the update. 47 (b) TItle Examination: Buyer will, within 15 days from receipt of the evidence of title deliver written notice to Seller of title 48 defects. Title will be deemed acceptable to Buyer if (1) Buyer fails to deliver proper notice of defects or (2) Buyer delivers Prol 49' written notice and Seller cures the defects within ..1Q days from receipt of the notice ("Curative Period"). If the defects are 50 cured within the Curative Period, closing will occur within 10 days from receipt by Buyer of notice of such curing. Seller may 51 elect not to cure defects if Seller reasonably believes any defect cannot be cured within the Curative Period. If the defects are 52 not cured within the Curative Period, Buyer will have 10 days from receipt of notice of Seller's inability to cure the defects to 53 elect whether to terminate this Contract or accept title subject to existing defects and close the transaction without reduction il 54 purchase price. The party who pays for the evidence of title will also pay related title service fees including title and abstract 55 charges and title examination. 56 (e) Survey' (check applicable provisions below) 57" Q Seller will, within -L..S:.. days from Effective Date, deliver to Buyer copies of prior surveys, plans. specifications, and sa- engineering documents, if any, and the following documents relevant to this transaction: <; ~ i l-e v \....v I I I 59" ...... V\? \! '" ,./ . t' oc. 1:'v.. CA vx ~ '-"L, \ \ OJ1\ , prepared for Seller or in Seller' 60 po session, which show all currently existing structures. 61" ~ Buyer will, at R Celler's I1Y'Buyer's expense and within the time period allowed to deliver and examine title evidence, 62 obtain a current certified survey of the Property from a registered surveyor If the survey reveals encroachments on the 63' Property or that the improvements encroach on the lands of another 0 Buyer will accept the Property with existing 64' encroachments lJl.such encroachments will constitute a title defect to be cured within the Curative Period. 65 (d) Ingress and Egress: Seller warrants that the Property presently has ingress and egress. 56 (e) Possession: Seller will deliver possession and keys for all locks and alarms to Buyer at closing. s?" 5. CLOSING DATE AND PROCEDURE: This transaction will be closed in ? (,." Il-v\ B -c: C-I <: ~\ County Florida on 58'" or before the , 19_ or within ~ days from Effective Date ("Closing Date"), unless otherwise extended 'F herein. 0 Seller a Buyer will designate the closing agent. Buyer and Seller will, within I-f -) days from Effective Date, deliver t "0 Escrow Agent signed instructions which provide for closing procedure. If an institutional lender is providing purchase funds, lendel 'I requirements as to place, time of day, and closing procedures will control over any contrary provisions in this Contract. '2 (a) Costs: Buyer will pay taxes and recording fees on notes. mortgages and financing statements and recording fees for the deed Seller will pay taxes on the deed and recording fees for documents needed to cure title defects. If Seller is obligated to discharge any encumbrance at or prior to closing and fails to do so. Buyer may use purchase proceeds to satisfy the encumbrances. .: (b) Documents: Seller will provide the deed, bill of sale, mechanic's lien affidavit, assignments of leases. updated rent roll, tenant and lender estoppel letters, assignments of permits and licenses, corrective in!"'nJments and letters notifying tenants of the change in ownership/rental agent. If any tenant refuses to execute an estoppel letter Seller will certify that information regarding the tenant s lease is correct If Sellor is a corporation, Seller will deliver a resolution 01 ils Goard 01 IJlrectors authorizing the sale and delivery of the deed and certification by the corporate Secretary certifying the resolution and setting for facts showing the conveyance conforms with the requirements of local law Seller will transfer security deposits to Buyer BUYE will prOvide the closing statement. mortgages and notes. security agreements and financing statements. f II) hI Buyer ~ '-J and SOlle~ L-) acknowledgo receipt of 3 copy of th,s 1>3(JC wh,ch os r3go 2 of 5 Pogos ...., ,......... ,~,....'-' .....Ul....... UIIU f-.J11...J'c.Jll..;U ","",Uv UI \...IIUvlll::1l.,..1,-.Ll~ 84 0 as of real estate taxes, bond and a<' --"'sment payments assumed by Buyer. interest. B5 rents, association dues, insur premiums acceptable to Buyer, operatiol.. ,xpenses and 86 If the amount of taxes and assessments for the current year cannot be ascertained, rates for the previous year will be used with d 87 allowance being made for improvements and exemptions. Seller is aware of the following assessments affecting or potentially 88' affecting the Property. 89 Buyer will be responsible for all assessments of any kind which become due and owing on or after Effective Date. unless the 90 improvement is substantially completed as of Closing Date, in which case Seller will be obligated to pay the entire assessme, 91 (d) FIRPTA Tax Withholdif';: The Foreign Investment in Real Property Act ("FIRPTA") requires au~'er to withhold at closing a 92 portion of the purchase proceeds for remission to the Internal Revenue Service ("I.R.S.") if Seller is a "foreign person" as defir 93 by the Internal Revenue Code. The parties agree to comply with the provisions of FIRPTA and to provide. at or prior to closin{; 94 appropriate documentation to establish any applicable exemption from the withholding requirement. If withholding is required 95 and Buyer does not have cash sufficient at closing to meet the withholding requirement, Seller will provide the necessary funl 96 and Buyer will provide proof to Seller that such funds were properly remitted to the I.R.S. 97" 6, ESCROW' Buyer and Seller authorize ~ \ t \ c.. \ F I 0./ ~ ~. t,. 98' Telephone: J ~ b -l "1 U 1-' Facsimile: "/ ~ b - I C; b [) Address: (1 () " ~9"" c; f' /j,...v 99" B 1:>. \ \"\ h. V'\ 'G"C C,t ~" \....;.1 v v I d.c. ::- to act as "Escrow Ager 100' to receive funds and other items and. subject to clearance. disburse them in accordance with the terms of this Contract. EscroV\ 101' Agent will deposit all funds received inAa non-interest bearing escrow account 0 an interest bearing escrow account with 102' interest accruing to ~ with interest disbursed (check one) 0 at closing 103' 0 at ~ intervals. If Escrow Agent receives conflicting demands or has a good faith doubt as to Escrow 104 Agent's duties or liabilities under this Contract, he/she may (a) hold the subject matter of the escrow until the parties mutually 105 agree to its disbursement or until issuance of a court order or decision of arbitrator determining the parties' rights regarding the 106 escrow or (b) deposit the subject matter of the escrow with the clerk of the circuit court having jurisdiction over the dispute. Upor 107 notifying the parties of such action. Escrow Agent will be released from aI/liability except for the duty to account for items 108 previously delivered out of escrow If a licensed real estate broker, Escrow Agent will comply with applicable provisions of Chapte 109 475, Florida Statutes. In any suit or arbitration in which Escrow Agent is made a party because of acting as agent hereunder or 110 interpleads the subject matter of the escrow Escrow Agent will recover reasonable attorneys fees and costs at all levels. with 111 such fees and costs to be paid from the escrowed funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court or other costs in favor 112 of the prevailing party. The parties agree that Escrow Agent will not be liable to any person for misdelivery to Buyer or Seller of 113 escrowed items, unless the misdelivery is due to Escrow Agent's willful breach of this Contract or gross negligence. 114 7 PROPERTY CONDITION: Seller will deliver the Property to Buyer at the time agreed in its present "as is" condition, ordinary 115 wear and tear excepted, and will maintain the landscaping and grounds in a comparable condition. Seller makes no warranties 116 other than marketability of title. By accepting the Property "as is," Buyer waives all claims against Seller for any defects in the 117 property. (Check (a) or (b)) 118' 0 (a) As Is: Buyer has inspected the Property or waives any right to inspect and accepts the Property in its "as is condition. , 19' ~ (b) Due Diligence Period: Buyer will. at Buyer's expense and within .~ () days from Effective Date ("Due Diligence Period"). '20 determine whether the Property is suitable, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion. for Buyer's intended use and development of '21 the Property as specified in Paragraph 4 During the Due Diligence Period, Buyer may conduct any tests, analyses, surveys and 122 investigations ("Inspections") which Buyer deems necessary to determine to Buyer's satisfaction the Property's engineering. ~23 architectural, environmental properties: zoning and zoning restrictions; flood zone designation and restrictions; subdivision '24 regulations: soil and grade; availability of access to publiC roads, water. and other utilities; consistency with local, state and regional 25 growth management and comprehensive land use plans; availability of permits, government approvals and licenses; compliance witl '26 American with Disabilities Act: absence of asbestos. soil and ground water contamination; and other inspections that Buyer deems 27 appropriate to determine the suitability of the Property for Buyer's intended use and development. Buyer shall deliver written notice 28 to Seller prior to the expiration of the Due Diligence Period of Buyer's determination of whether or not the Property is acceptable. 29 Buyer's failure to comply with this notice requirement shall constitute acceptance of the Property in its present "as is" condition. ):) Seller grants to Buyer its agents. contractors and assigns, the right to enter the Property at any time during the Due Diligence 31 Period for the purpose of conducting Inspections; provided, however that Buyer its agents, contractors and assigns enter the _ Property and conduct Inspections at their own risk. Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from losses, damages. costs. r, claims and expenses of any nature, including attorneys fees at all levels. and from liability to any person, arising from the conduct of ";.: any and all inspections or any work authorized by Buyer Buyer will not engage in any activity that could result in a mechanic's lien 15 being filed against the Property without Seller's prior written consent. In the event this transaction does not close. (1) Buyer shall 3~ repair all damages to the Property resulting from the Inspections and return the Property to the condition it was in prior to conduct o~ J- the Inspections. and (2) Buyer shall, at Buyer's expense, release to Seller all reports and other work generated as a result of the ~ Inspections. Should Buyer deliver timely notice that the Property is not acceptable, Seller agrees that Buyer's deposit shall be l? immediately returned to Buyer and the Contract terminated. -. Buyel ,,R L-l and selle~ L-l acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page which is page 3 of 5 Pages I - ,.... ~,'-'...." '::1 v, oj Ij ulIlel lillie Illulually agreeable to the parties. wnduct a flnaJ 'walk-through" inspection of the Property to determine COlT '''Ince with this paragraph and to ensure that all 11.... Property is on the premises. 14.1 (d) Disclosures: 145 1 Radon Gas: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building in sufficient 146 quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed federal and: 147 guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtair 148 from your county public health unit. 19 2. Energy Efficiency. Buyer may have determined th& tmargy efficiency rating of the building, if any is located on the Rec 150 Property. 151 8, OPERATION OF PROPERTY DURING CONTRACT PERIOD: Seller will continue to operate the Property and any busines 152 conducted on the Property in the manner operated prior to Contract and will take no action that would adversely impact the 153 Property, tenants, fenders or business. if any. Any changes, such as renting vacant space, that materially affect the Property or 154' Buyer's intended use of the Property will be permitted 0 only with Buyer's consent 0 without Buyer's consent. 155 9. RETURN OF DEPOSIT' Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, in the event any condition of this Contract is not met anc 156 Buyer has timely given any required notice regarding the condition having not been met. Buyer's deposit will be returned in 157 accordance with applicable Rorida laws and regulations. 158 10. DEFAULT' 159 (a) In the event the sale is not closed due to any default or failure on the part of Seller other than failure to make the title 160 marketable after diligent effort, Buyer may either (1) receive a refund of Buyer's deposit(s) or (2) seek specific performance. If 161 Buyer elects a deposit refund, Seller will be liable to Broker for the full amount of the brokerage fee. 162 (b) In the event the sale is not closed due to any default or failure on the part of Buyer Seller may either (1) retain all deposit(SI 163 paid or agreed to be paid by Buyer as agreed upon liquidated damages, consideration for the execution of this Contract, and i 1134 full settlement of any claims. upon which this Contract will terminate or (2) seek specific performance. If Seller retains the 165 deposit, Seller will pay the Usting and Cooperating Brokers named in Paragraph 12 fifty percent of all forfeited deposits retaine 166 by Seller (to be split equally among the Brokers) up to the full amount of the brokerage fee. 16i 11 ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS, In any claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this Contract, the prevailing party 1~ which for purposes of this provision will include Buyer Seller and Broker will be awarded reasonable attorneys fees, costs and '69 expenses. iO 12. BROKERS: Neither Buyer nor Seller has utilized the services of or for any other reason owes compensation to, a licensed 71 real estate Broker other than: )" ~2"' (a) Usting Broker 1/\'''-\1\ Li -< V\ T\. e.... \ ("-01..-\1,,,,,<,,\-.:: \ v.[) F'l \7 v\ ce I:" Q -e Cl 1\1 i3' who IS 0 an agent of ~ -.:: Il-c= \. / liIa transaction broker 0 a nonrepresentative 71," and who will be compensated by ~ Seller a Buyer 0 both parties pursuant to 0 a listing agreement Q other (speCify) is" ;6' T8" 79" 3:)' 3l" Z 33" lA' 5 (collectively referred to as "Broker") in connection with any act relating to the Property, including but not limited to inquiries. '3 introductions. consultations and negotiations resulting in this transaction. Seller and Buyer agree to indemnify and hold Broker - harmless from and against losses, damages. costs and expenses of any kind. including reasonable attorneys fees at all levels. and _ from liability to any person, arising from (1) compensation claimed which is inconsistent with the representation in this Paragraph, (2) enforcement action to collect a brokerage fee pursuant to Paragraph 10. (3) any duty accemed by Broker at the request of Buyer or Seller which duty is beyond the scope of services regulated by Chapter 475, F.S. as amended, or (4) recommendations of or serviCE provided and expenses incurred by any third party whom Broker refers, recommends or mtnim for or on balmlf of Ouyor UI 5uller (b) Cooperating 13roker who is 0 an agent of and who will be compensated by Buyer cooperating broker 0 other (specify) ~...O ( 0 VI ....t Co 1:: (A I .l&.a transaction broker 0 a nonrepresentative Seller 0 both parties pursuant to 0 an MLS or other offer of compensation to a '70 c> f + ~ ~ Go W\ ~ V\ i S" <; ; v v\ P' 13. ASSIGNABILITY; PERSONS BOUND' This Contract may be assigned to a related entity. and otherwise 0 is not assignable :l is assignable. The terms 'Buyer" .Seller" and "Broker" may be singular or plural. This Contract is binding upon Buyer Seller and t~ personal represe~tative ,s ccessors and assigns (if assignment is permitted) Buyer .G C-) and Seller ~ acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page which is page 4 of 5 Pages 7'. .?2U vJ\~""I" c:>o ctc..'t> Q-{ -cffcehve ctGt-f-,-__n. Sig~ature of Escrow Agent 221 OFFER: Buyer offers to purchast Property on the above terms and conditio, h.... Unless acceptance is signed by Seller and a 22Z' signed copy delivered to Buyer or Buyer's agent no later than Q a.m. 0 p.m. on , 19_ 223 Buyer may revoke this offer and receive fu f all sits, 224' Date' J I ~?./ q g---- BUYER:/' 225' Title: r 226' Address: Tax 10 No: 227' Date: BUYER: Tax 10 No' 228' Title: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: 229' m' ACCEPTANCE: Seller accepts Buyer's offer an 231 attached counter offer) 232' Date: b ).'1 9f Telephone: V S::G/- ~ -.?? J.rSFtcsimile:..-/ s;;~ ::3:r :.34' :35" Date: SELLER. Tax 10 No: ')6" Title: Telephone: Facsimile: '37" Address: .;s' Buyer C) f \ L-J and Seller . L-J acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page, which is page 5 of 5 Pages. The AOril:.:::ciation of REAlTORS m es no representation as to the legal validity or adequacy of any provision of this form in any specific transaction. This standardized form should not be used in complex transactions or with extensive riders or additions. This forrn is available for use by the entire real estate industry and IS not Intended to identify the user as a RI.tHOR. RE'N.TQl1 is a registerf!d collective membership mark which may be used only by real pstalp licensees who ale members 01 the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS and who subscribP. to its Code 01 EthiCS. The copynghtlaws 01 the United States (1- U.S. Code) forbid the unauthorized reproduction 01 this lorm by any means Including facsimile or computerized forms. CC-2 ~ 1997 Florida Association of REALTORs<!!) All Rights ReselVed ] ,",- I ~ Jr' IIUI\4AL vVU.J,>t;,>, iLJlleck II any at the tollowlng clauses are applicab1aand are attached as an addendum to this Contra 197" a Arbitration 0 Seller Warranty a Existing Mortgage 198 0 Section 1031 Exchange 0 Coastal Construction Control Line a Other 199. 0 Property Inspection and Repair 0 Flood Area Hazard Zone 0 Other 200' 0 Seller Representations 0 Seller Financing 0 Other 201 15. MISCELLANEOUS: The terms of this Contract constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and Seller Modifications 0 202 this Contr:!ct will not be binding unless in writing, signed and delivered by tt,P. party to be bound. Signatures. initials, documents 203 referenceo in this Contract, counterparts and written modifications communicated electronically or on paper will be acceptable f 204 all purposes. including delivery and will be binding. Handwritten or typewritten terms inserted in or attached to this Contract pre 205 over preprinted terms. If any provision of this Contract is or becomes invalid or unenforceable. all remaining provisions will contin 206 to be fully effective. This Contract will be construed under Rorida law and will not be recorded in any public records. Delivery of c 207 written notice to any party's agent will be deemed delivery to that party. 208 n.ns IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGAllY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN AlTORNI 209 PRIOR TO SIGNING. BROKER ADVISES BUYER AND SELLER TO VERIFY ALL FACTS AND REPRESENTATIONS THAT ARE 210 IMPORTANT TO THEM AND TO CONSULT AN APPROPRIATE PROFESSIONAL FOR LEGAL ADVICE (FOR EXAMPLE, 211 INTERPRETING CONTRACTS, DETERMINING THE EFFECT OF LAWS ON THE PROPERTY AND TRANSACTION, STATUS OF 212 TITlE. FOREIGN INVESTOR REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, ETC.) AND FOR TAX, PROPERlY CONDmON, ENVIRONMENTAL Ar 213 OTHER SPECIALIZED ADVICE. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BROKER DOES NOT OCCUPY THE PROPERTY AND THAT AU 214 REPRESENTATIONS (ORAl, WRITTEN OR OTHERWISE) BY BROKER ARE BASED ON SELLER REPRESENTATIONS OR PUBLIC 215 RECORDS UNLESS BROKER INDICATES PERSONAL VERIACATlON OF THE REPRESENTATION, BUYER AGREES TO RELY 216 SOLELY ON SELLER, PROFESSIONAL INSPECTORS AND GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES FOR VERIACATlON OF THE PROPERn 217 CONDmON, SQUARE FOOTAGE AND FACTS THAT MATERIALLY AFFECT PROPERTY VALUE. Sv check ~ other ;2 (9. ODD byA hv received I 218' DEPOSIT RECEIPT. Deposit of $ C;, t1 00 , 219' 19 , AnDENnUM TO CONTRAC'- . 'r f 'r"".' << rr- fAR/BAR IiiiI Addendum No. ----1 10 the Contract dated Tl/\ V\ -e I q q g- between . COlA L.e.o T lA, H ~ -l- WI ~ V1-L::P VI:> r:t: V t~ -C f 0 1- ~PC:rJ WI l1'.e r...r ~dl") ilnd CCJ 1/1/1 1N1-e1/'(:..("_ '~Qc. J A-s:S-OC 1 ~+Cjl A h. L (Huyer) concerning the property described as: 1- \.9 t I '"3 C1 VlU ~ \9 ~ I LI - i=" 0 (lOti 0 ~ - L-f 1- L-t !J- - 0 If - (!) U"2 - (f)( 9 13 cd,,"vf {) tJ / '1 ( the "Contract"). Buyer and Seller make the following tenns and conditions part of the Contract: :h-e p~~; ~~ I ~-e ~t ;~t '1 ~;kJ~l : 19~ I ~ ~ f( Il/\~ I VV\ (",. ~ 'J t 11 / ~ I / I :~IA ~~ (,~~~I:::'I~~Lt;'1 ~~t ht~:o~tDi-A~:; ( . - Ct 1:7 c.; \''\c1 0 Vl ~~ -e V\ i "Q q l.-1 Ct I ~ Ct c1 d I -h 0 V\ c.. I 7,::< C; I . 5" 1-:> ~ ~v (;, t--L::>-t ~ I fJ f 5~ I ,r;o · c; I <::'f' ft J \'V\ ~ h. ~ d c. ~ rr.. VI ,.-1 'h:)t-c. I (:Qi I IOJ 1 L{ I f;6 g 7 . f +- ,~v 19 t- I ~ _LA \/Ill _ L \9 t I Lf I'll. (). L J c: LA l:J J -C L t -h::. C OVlVYWiCttJ 0 l.1 0~ l4 (' ~v f-,{i of L-( tg LA. V\./ r LJ C>\/" . \ ILf Oille: Buyer.--4H( ~ Date: Buyer' vn Dille: G,).. 3 - 9 J" Seller: Dilte: Seller' FAR\OAR Rev 6/94 lB REAL TOft' G:t 'GUM IIOU....O O"..'"."y ~----~---~- RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersIgned as applicant for Final SIte Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specIficatlOns, drawmgs, engmeenng, and other data subInltted With tins applicatIon for reVIew by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reVIewed by the vanous boards, comnusslOns, staff personnel and other partIes desIgnated, appomted or employed by the CIty of Boynton Beach, and any such party reVIeWing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change m any Item subInltted shall be deemed matenal and substantial. The underSIgned hereby agrees that all plans, specIficatlOns, drawmgs, engmeenng and other data winch may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or Its boards, comnusslOns, staff or deSIgnees shall be constructed m stnct compliance With the form m winch they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed matenal and shall place the applicant m VIolatlOn of tins apphcatIon and all approvals and perrmts winch may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the CIty of Boynton Beach all nghts and remedIes as proVIded for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bnng any VIolatIon mto compliance, and the applicant shall mdemrufy, reImburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, cl31m, liability or any action winch may anse due to theIr enforcement of the same. EAD, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO tins ~"J day of ~O\).e...W\~c/ , 1998 ~;J 1~ D ICON DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE-ENGINEERS -INTERIORS CERTIFICA nON WE HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DRAINAGE DESIGN WILL CONFORM WITH ALL RULES, REGULATIONS, CODES, ETC., INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE IV, SECTION 5 OF THESE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, r7~7 ' \( - ,;} -'If) A:RICIAF RAMUDO.P.E.- 960 N W 4th COURT. BOCA RATON FLORIDA 33432 . (561) 393-5818 . (561) 367-0074 FAX INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS, INC. HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK BOYNTON BEACH, FL WATER MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS FILE PRINTED 10-29-98 WATRMAN WKl LAND USE: (LOT 13,14 & MINER ROAD R/W) ) TOTAL 110342 SF 2.53 ACRES BUILDING 22565 SF 0.52 ACRES PAVEMENT 24568 SF 0 56 ACRES LAKE o SF 0 00 ACRES OPEN SPACE 63209 SF 1 45 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA 47133 SF 1 08 ACRES SPECIAL CONDITIONS CONTROL ELE~ATION MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION MINIMUM FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION (PER SFWMD PERMIT NO 50-01081-S) 17.50 FT, NGVD 18.00 FT, NGVD 22 00 FT, NGVD DESIGN CRITERIA - WATER QUALITY FIRST INCH OF RUNOFF = 1 IN. X 2 53 ACRES = 0 21 ACRE-FEET 2. 2.5 INCHES TIMES THE PERCENT IMPERVIOUS = 1 X 1 FT/12 IN SITE AREA = TOTAL -(LAKE + BUILDING) = 2 02 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA = SITE AREA - OPEN SPACE = 0 56 ACRES % IMPERVIOUS = IMPERVIOUS AREA/SITE AREA X 100% = 27 99 2 5 X % IMPERVIOUS = o 15 ACRE-FEET 3 REQUIRED RETENTION STORAGE = o 15 ACRE-FEET 4 REQUIRED PRETREATMENT VOLUME = 0 5 IN X (TOTAL -LAKE)/12 = 0 11 ACRE-FEET 5 THE PRETREATMENT RETENTION VOLUME WILL BE PROVIDED BY MEANS OF GRASSED SWALES ONLY THE PRETREATMENT VOLUME IS REQUIRED SWALE VOLUME REQUIRED = = 0.11 ACRE-FEET 4598 CF 4900 SF AT 1 FT DEPTH SWALE AREA PROVIDED = r~~ ~ -~l ~..) "il"- - ..' .. '. ~7~ . --- -" ~- ~ ~~.t> --"~ ~r----~ . PERMIT N~O-Ol081-S SHEET 2 O~ 3 SPECIAL COND~TIO~~ ----.-........ 1 MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ElEVATICN~2 0' HGVO-" -- 2 MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ElEVATIOK 18 0' HGVO 3 THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION OR SHOAlING PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FRC~ THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MAHAGEMEHT SYSTEM 4 THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE fOR i~~ CORRECTION OF ANY WATER QUAL IT' PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SUR;ACE WATER HAXAGEME~T SYSTEM 5 OPERATIOH OF THE SURFACE WATER MAHAGE1'lENT SYSTEM WIll B~ THE RESPD:4SIBILn BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT OF- CEDAR RIDGE CONOO~INIUH ASSOCIATION, INC., CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC ; A HIGH RIDGE COKMERCt PARX ASSOCIATION, I~C 0/ 6 PRIOR TO THE C~NCEMEHT OF CONSTRUCTIOH,PERMITIEE SHAlL SUBMIT AH EXECUTED COpy OF THE AGREEMENT Al1JNG THE HIGH RIDGE ROAD COp.ffERCE PARK ASSOCIATION. INC , CEDAR RIlXiE ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC , AHD CEDAR RrDGE COHOCHIHIUM ASSOCIATION,INC FOR THE OPERAT!ON AND MAINTENANCE OF THE MUTUAl STORMWATER SYSTEM ,..." ,. . t 1 .~ <' 1 I j r~U-. I(A/I SURFACE W A ::s] ~f '~ ~ f.: .: ~ ~~ }.-;) ;51"' l:f .~ "'1- I i'1~} i ?~7r (,:if, t.;' ~.. .~'J.'-' ~; .~~ I ~.,\: j ~:~: .~~ , z ,. . ~~~ MANAGEMEN1( ?ERM I I (HON ASSJGNJ\BLE) .E:R P4V. . ",:.ne 9, 1 Jv3 DATE ISSUED AUTHOR ZING cc:--::. F ...~TI2 "\~ J C~f~rTIG\ CF' ;, : ....Ttr; "'1~:lr-'\uE. E~jT oJ Y ~ TEl ~::r V II (. 6t. t'lC;~E:S 0F ,\:SL::"TIAL A.fe Ci.." i!' ~l\qAL LA~l.I"; [, AN 1r-:T~(1-C);-'/ljECT11b STJi=.11 s:~.~t'I SYSTErl DbCH;F.c.lt~(j JtITL' M:t OK-)ITE JI{Y "HUT1t).'1 IIO';U tIT' TvTAL J~ -SHE F.ETE'tTlO~i 45S RGE. 43E Q LCCATEDIN ? ~.L'! ~LJ..CH COUNT'l SECTION T\/P ISSUED TO ~oyntcn '.fvelo....-nt COrDQr~t ion (Ced"Jr iHoqe and tdClh i'idge COr.lTlerce c/o Gav1d t Pankuta, Esqu1re - 4651 Sr.~ridan Street. Suite 465 ~oll}~cd. Florida 133021 Par k ) ., 7. ." .~t(. ...:\~t 'rl~:'-Y if,:<' , , i5", ~ ~~, ~ L')IJJ3-L .,arch .~ '.:1 n.t.a P~nnll U taalrd IN""I"C to \ 1l;>/i<'.U/)ft t", Proml' So d.lr4 . 1 ~ _ r.rm'II'. alre.S LO hold ,.'\4 un the S,,",'" .lond., .....C.r \lu"l.m~flC Dh&.nr' and lla ""<<~" harml~. 1m", any alld N1 damLlPl. (1.lma. of lia:;Uili.. wbkh mlY .... II, l'f'UDIS of~.. (o".'",rllon o~ral"'" "'....wn.nc. "r 'U. 01 WlY ~ortl or OVU('lu.. lI\".'Ioord in th~ P"rmll. Sud ,pphc.uon iIIrl...cltr.. dlll&.N In4 ."......fir.III'n. aUa.1l1'd I"..nl" a. &c1d...-d by Ih. ,ralt 'rIM". I' h, ,.'rl.ne. n..4( a par1 h.,ool. ,) ..'\." ~l. J:....'f ~ )" ,.. . r . r~- ~I.,i. ~;r ~ 'of Th"l'rrmll ....y ~ .,",,"I'd "r m..u",.d.1 at.,llmr I'".",.n. to Ill. arp,.,Onal. 1l.Q\l~..n. ul"Ch,plI'r J7J. .1"ndl ~lall'~&. '1'bb """"" d.... 1')00C '/)I'),,,y '0 I>.,,,,.u.. ..".. pm!>>.." nabll 0' """IU'I 011>" lb." lh....c SI).(.'ird h~""ln. no. .~ljr... LIlt "rrmIU.' "~I'\ <'t mpl,.,... wilh an" law ,.....&.1...... or _u.r.menc .Iheun. Ih. ria"" I)' "llIn trod,.. or 1.'nf'ltl. All .lnJ(\llUI an4 wo.Il.ln.uUN1 b, P.......I~ 1N........d.. ilia/I ",ma'n I'" 1""~"Y nl u.. ,..cnll;Clr I ..... WitAJn till"" (30) d".,~.h., "" compl."on 01 1Il. rOlllU\lCtiall 01 .n, worle or ,cn.ClIu. ...llth.p 10 Ihl, r.rmlt. Ih" 1>""""11" "'aU ru~ ",lIn "'. Ouutc' a .nU..n o\.ll.m.n, 01 ~omtll,"o" "n .kI. 'IIP,opn"t. '<Inn pro'.ldrd br u.. BOard. r:...J ;;.~-: ~, .~ "lI'.., ~~ .~, f.. ;.~ !~~tJ .. , ..... l ' ..,-:;? r; r' !!': ~~ ~..,. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARE AS FOllOWS. ~tE SHEET 2 uf J. 6 P~OJECT SPECIAl CO~~{TI~'~. ~tE SliEET 3 uF J .. 12 UHlTI:-.G COI'1i:ITIGHS FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 0N ~-~-~ BY - _ ~= ~":--.~ DEP TY CLERK ,T j \....I~, ,.,r;.!I ,,' t~ 1-" ~ ~ I r. J .. OIl~'nJl S'C"~d by [Jhomus S. J{~I' I t, I ' Post-Jt Fa.'; r '..'t8 T~ ;,- ~ . ' I { _ / I.:J. Cf' O~'r:l. "671 ,. . \ '"' from .;,.,4/!vD~f Co. SOUTH FLORiDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BY ITS GOVCRNING BOAf-lD >r'~"il . -' '\ L, Fil j .-~ 1 '>:. 1 1...""0 7 d _..... I ~...\, . 8y ~c,..t~r" ,,>. if F r 1 (f 1 INTERSTATE SIGN CRAFTERS, INC HIGH RIDGE CO~~ERCE PARK BOYNTON BEACH6 FL UTILITY DEMAN S FILE PRINTED 9-20-98 DEMAND WK1 = OFFICE/WAREHOUSE ADDITION 22565 SF, TOTAL 10 GPD/100 SF 2257 GPD (AVERAGE) DATA: TYPE OF USE: BUILDING AREA = UNIT FLOW = DETERMINE WATER AND SEWER FLOW TOTAL AVERAGE FLOW = 2257 GPO = 1.57 GPM TOTAL WATER DEMAND = 2257 GPD/350GPD/ERC = 129 F U = 6.45 ERC TOTAL SEWER DEMAND = 2257 GPD/300GPD/ERC = 7 52 ERC TOTAL PEAK FLOW = 5641 GPO 3 92 GPM USE A 1-1/2" METER WITH 2" WATERLINE DETERMINE FIRE FLOW: PER ISO "GUIDE FOR DETERMINATION OF REQUIRED FIRE FLOW" F = 18*C*(A)**0.5 C = COEFFICIENT RELATED TO TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION = 0 8 (NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION) A = FLOOR AREA = 22565 SF F = FIRE FLOW~ GPM = ~163 GPM NOTE. NO REDUCTION TAKEN FOR SPRINKLED BUILDING (