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REVIEW COMMENTS CITy Of BO'iNION BhACH PL1\.NNINU & ZONING OgPAR'l'MEN'r COMMEN'll SHEE'r O:u, \\\~~l\ \0 ~,J .... ---._----._..~... ilyuutura 1 Print Na",,, Imv 1 EWER ยท S NAME I IUI f~ /.~n PBRMIT NO., C/ro -- oo.}.s- OATS RBCBIVBD, II b "It a'l'ARTBD RBV12W,I II tJ a.TURNBO.... IIII/})'t . RBVIBW (CIRCLIU a cP 2 3 " R~VISION APPROVBO. AID ZONINa DlS'l'ftICT. COMMBaOJAL 0 R.81D.NTIA~ InOJ EC'I' NJ\MH <::.~4us~h fJt4(~ 'UAC'l' / Bumn V 191 ON I 'nOJBC'I' AD01U!BB, ~ .sA !)-S"4 (I tp C1 k-lt:. 'ER90N HE'l'lUEVING COMMENTS ANO/Oll PLANS. '1\1'15 PtCK~O UP I I Plana - Gonlm8Dtu. PBRMIT )f;:scn I P'I'I ON FILB NO. ~ .(/-001 M.Jl'~ /l;fo.- ~(IY4~ jJwS= to r. UA:i1 S/'O,~ () 6iNV~)~ PBBaYt;S lit! pe rnd t J\\ullbt!r ldent i fled "bove is the re ferenced number for your proposed IIII'r OVt!lIIe 11 I. (IJ) Prior to fur'tht!r processing on your request, the documents that 'III' tH,lllllltt~d illuatratlng the lU\provellu~nt(a) ehall be amended to show compliance 11th tht! bel.ow liuted cOlllluent(u) '1'0 discuss the comment (a) it is recolllll\ended lIi1t Hn appOlllllllellt be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand I~luer, (401) '315-6260 bet.ween U A M and 5 P M I Monday thru l;oriday Please eh~rell('e thl~ lH'o'ject name and penult: number when corresponding wit.h Ci.ty's Staff \I'l.el ,u,u~lld\l\(J! plante) to ahow compli,ance with the comanent(a), return both it't H of pl"II~1 for re-review 1'0 the Buildill~1 Department Please note that 1I1dit \ul\a\ (Oll\\I11.l\tu may he 'Jel\t~l.'ted ao a reu\llt 01: reviewing the al\\end~d plana 1\1 1 (UII\lllelll~J 111.&11 uu rectiflt~d pllot" to ataff leview a roving the docu\\\enta 11111111111111111111llll11l1l111111l1ll1l1lllllllllll1l1ll1l11l'I11I1Il1l1IIIIIIII1II1IIIIII11IIII ,__I. :\ulSdl1r 1b flJt= ~,vIN~ ~I.v, 4A ',eJ~r <:'""~ ~- '-1/1./ !I1b!;/ (.1() ~ t':: ~') n..~ .---- 0 r l1..tlJ/O!F IJJ.!:.. 'CIf' s: S 1d61/IJ 1D t1 ~t~)V ~- , OepartmenttJ required to review the project AI.- ()6 6Mb 111:\11 1)" ." ... lruttU t"1IH Page J f of J .; -- -- ~ - --..~-- ._-- ...- ~ ~