CORRESPONDENCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUMNO PZOI-I05 FILE COpy TO' DIane Reese Fmance DIrector MIchael W Rump-<" m .1r- Planmng and zom~:r~ctor FROM. DATE. June 4, 2001 SUBJECT Budget Transfer - Postage Fee Pence Park Vanance - ZNCV 01-012 The Parks Department will be paymg the processmg fees for one (1) vanance submItted to the Planmng and Zomng Department by Mr Paul Flemmg, Engmeermg Department. The vanance IS for Pence Park. The notIce to property owner's postage fee totals $2143 Please transfer $21 43 from account number 001-2730-572-62-01 to account number 001-0000-104-10-00 (Vanance Revenues) Thank you for your cooperatIOn. cc John Wildner, Parks DIrector Paul Flemmg, Engmeenng Department Kate Law, Buildmg DIVISIon Sue Moroney, Fmance Department MWR/lg \\CH'.MAI~\SHRDA T A\PLA.'P...nNG\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\PENCE PARK ZNCV\POSTAGE FEE TRA.'lSFER MEMO DOC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01- 093 TO DIane Reese Fmance DIrector MIchael W RumpJ~ M./ Planmng and zon~IMctor FROM. DATE May 30, 2001 SUBJECT Budget Transfer The Parks Department wIll be paymg the processmg fees for one (1) vanance submItted to the Plannmg and Zomng Department by Mr Paul Flemmg, Engmeenng Department. The vanance IS for Pence Park. The vanance fee totals $40000 Please transfer $40000 from account number 001-2730-572-62-01 to account number 001-0000-104-10-00 (Vanance Revenues) Thank you for your cooperatIOn. cc John Wildner, Parks DIrector Paul Flemmg, Engmeenng Department Kate Law, Bmldmg DIVISIOn Sue Moroney, Fmance Department MWRJlg S ,PLANNI}.;G'SHARED'WP\PROJECTS\PENCE PARK ZNCVVARlANCE FEE TRANSFER ~IE~IO.DOC I I...J MAY L 5 20Ui i ' I L-_ , ~ ~ \ (/ -.-/''- J \ C\-' 0 .k ).z~ __ C- ~-:-):: ...;.- ') / r? > ~0 r '--" :"""; t ',,- I.... ...-/ ,,~I,...;:-'.-;/ !, \.: A:"U l"\~ ~ As m the reVIew of most vanances, staff must reVIew anapplIcatIOn to first determme If a hardshIp eXIsts, and second, If there are negatIve Impacts upon the nnmedlate nelghorhood or general publIc ThIS reVIew mvolves the IdentIficatIOn ofumque charactenstlcs of an mdlvldual parcel, and the actIOn that has generated the need for the vanance. It also mc1udes a reVIew of the alternatIves aVailable to aVOId or mmlmlze the vanance, and whether the mtent of the regulatIOn IS bemgjeopandlzed. In the subject case, umque clfcumstances, beyond the control ofthe applIcant (the CIty), do not eXIst whIch have generated the need for the vanance. Instead, the need for the vanance IS a factor of the ongmallayout of the park, charactenstIcs of ItS use, and eXlstmg locatIOn of utIlIty lInes. The vanance could be aVOIded by the relocatIOn the facIlIty; however, at addItIOnal cost and possible mconvemence to the maJonty of users of the facIlIty Therefore, m thIS revIew, staffhas placed greater emphasIs on reVIew cntenon "F", WhIch checks for complIance wIth the mtent of the CIty'S regulatIOns, and Impact on the area and publIc welfare. Setbacks are typIcally mtended to mamtam umformlty m the bUIlt enVIronment and partIcularly m VIew comdors along streetscapes, as well as to maxImIze safety By VIrtue of It bemg a publIc park, there are no other structures wIth whIch Improvements would be compared to or devIate from. Furthermore, bemg along a neIghborhood street, traffic volumes and speeds are low along thIS SIde of the subject park; safety would therefore not be reduced by the proposed setback vanance. Based on the analYSIS contamed here m, staff recommends that the subject request be approved. In summary, staff has placed greater emphasIs on the contmued satIsfactIOn wIth the mtent of CIty regulatIOns, and the needs of the CIty and publIc S \Plannmg\ALF ARO\vanance text.doc MAY 2 5 2001 Galav Lusia From Sent: To Cc: Subject: Wildner, John Tuesday May 22, 2001 3:24 PM Galav Lusia Rumpf Michael Fleming Paul RE Penze Park Variance fIIrCDPY Lusia - Account # 001-2730-572 62-01 Thanks for your help John -----Original Message----- From Galav Lusia Sent: Tuesday May 22, 2001 3'06 PM To Wildner, John Cc: Rumpf Michael, Fleming, Paul Subject: Penze Park Variance John I need the number of the account from which you will be paying the $400 00 fee for the Penze Park variance will then send a budget transfer memo to Diane Reese to transfer it to our Variance Revenue Account. Thank you Lusia 1