CORRESPONDENCE Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime From Sent: To Cc. Subject: Mazzella, Pete Tuesday January 21 2003 9 51 AM Ducoste-Amedee Maxime Rumpf Michael RE. Calvary Chapel Building Maxime Calvary Chapel had reserved capacity but they need to renew that reservation in the amount of $790 02 if they have not yet applied for a building permit. We are still accepting reservations for capacity Peter Mazzella -Original Message----- From: Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 9'47 AM To: Mazzella, Pete Cc: Rumpf, Michael Subject: Calvary Chapel Building Good mmning Pete, I qm working on q Site plqn extension tor the Cqlvqty Chqpel building, which is to be locqted on the south side otHypoluxo Rd between Congress Ave, qnd Lqwrence Rd My question is in relqtion to wqter qnd sewer cqpqcity Hqve they reserved qny cqpqcity? It not. is there cqpqcity? Thqnk you in qdvqnce. Mqxime Ducoste 1