APPLICATION PROJECT NAME Calv~.. i Chapel LOCATION. 3190 Hypoluxo Road PCN I FILE NO SPTE 02-003 I TYPE OF APPLICATION Site Plan Time Extension AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER. Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach James T Barretta, President PHONE 737-5579 Barretta & Associates FAX. 737-1226 PHONE 740-0041 ADDRESS 211 S. Federal Highway FAX. 740-0043 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ADDRESS 412 East Ocean Avenue Suite One Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Date of submittalIProiected meetin2 dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 11/5/02 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A PUBLIC NOTICE N/A TRC MEETING N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1/28/03 MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING 2/4/03 COMMENTS S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach\SPTE 02-003\2002 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc Ca{vary Chape{ (Boynton (Beach 211 South Federal Hwy, SUIte 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone (561) 737 5579 Fax (561) 737 1226 November 6,2002 ill m m 0 Wi ~ @i MJV-sm J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT MIchael W Rumpf Director Planmng and Zonmg DIVISIon CIty of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33425 0310 Dear Mr Rumpf, I am wrItmg thIS letter to request extensIOn/renewal for the SIte Plan Approval for Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach. The current approval WIll expire thIS month. All though we are very close to makmg applIcatIOn for permIt, It IS unlIkely that we wIll reCeive It prior to the eXpiratIOn date of our current approval. We have taken longer than expected to finalIze our drawmgs and to secure financmg for thIS project and for these reasons we need to request an extensIOn/renewal from you, for our SIte Plan. I am enclosmg a check for $400 to cover the reqUIred extensIOn/renewal fee Please adVIse me of the meetmg dates of the Planmng Development Board and the CIty CommISSIon so I can be m attendance If needed. Thank you. Smcerely, ,4~/~~ George Marse Pastor, Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway ~~201 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 GeS[Je Marse, Pastor Phone: (561}737-5579 Fax: (561) 737-1226 www.calva.rychapel.org/boyntonbeach Emad: ccbb@cinmail.net November I, 2002 BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES Architecture Planning Design AA 0003504 Michael W Rumpf DIrector Planmng and Zomng DIVISIon CIty f Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 IIDJrU3j Jf ~ (;" jW / ~/ ~ I ---. '-';'o'(! n .I , l -- "') ! L.*<-. Dear Mr Rumpf, I am wntmg tlns letter to request extensIon/renewal for the SIte Plan Approval for Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach. Per our preVIOUS mscussIOn the current approval will expIre tlns month If we do not have a Buildmg PermIt. We are ready to make applIcation for permIt, but It IS lnghly unlikely that we will receIve a permIt pnor to the expIratIOn of the current approval. Please adVIse me If applIcatIOn beyond tlns letter IS reqUIred. Thank yOU. Cc George Marse, Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach www.barrassoc.com 412 East Ocean Avenue, Suite One, Boynton Beach. Florida 33435 jtbarretta@directvintemet.com 561-740-0041 561-740-0043 (fax)