CORRESPONDENCE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Engineering Apnl 11, 2002 Pastor George Marse Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach, Inc. 211 South Federal Highway - SUlte 201 Boynton Beach, Flonda 33435 SUBJECT Utility Easement thru Meadows 300 Property Calvary Chapel Campus Plan - Hypoluxo Road Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Pastor George' We are m receIpt of your March 21,2002 faCSImIle transmIttal of the proposed utilIty easement mto the Meadows 300 property to connect WIth the CIty'S utIlIty system. ThIs letter IS a follow-up to our telephone conversatIon last week on thIs subJect. We have reVIewed the proposed easement descnptIon and find It acceptable In descnptIOn. Please coordmate the Issuance of same WIth Mr Peter Mazzella, ASSIstant to the UtilIty DIrector, of the UtIlItIes Department at telephone number 742-6404 He WIll be handlmg the easement transmIttal. If you have any further questIons, please contact eIther Mr Mazzella or me at telephone number 742-6488 HDK.ck xc Peter Mazzella, ASSIstant to the UtIlIty DIrector Lusia Galav, PnncIpal Planner, Planmng & Zomng DIVISIon FIle ~.. ~ ('41 va r;1 'f4'/i4-f America's Gateway to the Gulfstream I - l 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6480 Fax: (561) 742-6285 ~~.YO~ f /-~'~,..,'~---:~ O)n'., ' '--:.'.', X O~~:;J." 1"ON ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment December 10,2001 Mr James Barretta 5484 Woodland Dnve Delray Beach, Flonda 33484 RE Calvary Church of Boynton Beach FIle No NWSP 01-011 LocatIon. 211 South Federal HIghway Dear Mr Barretta. Enclosed IS the CIty of Boynton Beach Development Order for SIte plan approval granted on December 4, 2001, by the City CommIssIOn. To contmue thIS project through the development process, please reVIse relevant pages of your approved SIte plan to mcorporate all condItIons of approval as apphcable. The full rectIfied SIte plan set IS to be submItted as part of your permIt plan package to the Buildmg DIvlSlon. The person managmg your permIt apphcatIOns should be made aware of any addItIonal documents and thIrd party letters hsted m the condItIons of approval that need to be submItted WIth your permIt package The Buildmg DIVISIon IS commItted to speedy and effiCIent completIOn of the buildmg permIt process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all apphcable development order condItIOns m the submItted rectIfied plan set may produce unnecessary delays m permIt Issuance Feel free to contact any TRC member for addItIonal clanficatIOn of comments(s) Important: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and above those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and processed accordingly Please note that although thIS request has been approved, WhICh will also represent the correspondmg Master Plan for the project, you must walt until the correspondmg ordmances for land use amendment and rezomng are approved untIl further processmg of the SIte plan. Should you have any questIOns regardmg thIS matter, please feel free to contact thIS office at (561) 742-6260 Smcerely, -? 7L{)C MIchael W Rumpf DIrector of Plannmg & Zomng MWRJad S:\Planmng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach\;-.JWSP\Site plan approvalleller after CC.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PoD Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone (561) 742-6260 . www.cLboynton-beach.f1.us CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Engineering ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION November 27,2001 p-W'......] 1m' rn ~~ ~ ! ..'~-- ~ \'.~ !-: Pastor George Marse Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Flonda 33435 i, [ Re New Church LocatIOn at 3190 Hypoluxo Road Boynton Beach, Flonda PC #08-43-45-07-00-000-1010 Dear Pastor Marse ThIS letter IS m response to your mqUlry to thIS office both last week and thIS mommg. The publIc records mdIcate that your church IS the property owner of the above noted property As part of your SIte plan approval process WIth the CIty m October of thIS year, the TechnIcal ReVIew CommIttee recommended approval of your master development plan to the Planmng and Zonmg Board. Your mqUlry asked a determmatIOn on whether a record plat would be reqUlred for the above noted parcel. Smce thIS parcel IS bemg totally developed m phases WIth no contemplatIOn for future subdIVISIOn, the CIty wIll not reqUlre a record plat for thIS development plan. However, the CIty WIll reqUlre a separate mstrument for utilIty easements to support the water mam traversmg the property If you have any questIOns, please contact the sender, at telephone number 742-6488 Smcerely, bg]~'t(?/ k~~~e{ky, Jr., PE CIVIlIUtIhty Engmeer HDK.kd xc Peter Mazzella, ASSIstant to the UtilIties DIrector Launnda Logan, PE, CIvIl Engmeer Michael Rumpf, Planmng & Zomng DIVISIon DIrector Jose Alfaro, Planner FIle America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6280 Fax: (561) 742-6285 Department of Engineering and Public Works PO Box 21229 \\eSI Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 wwwpbcgovcom . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners \Varren H Newell. Chairman Carol A, Roberts. Vice Chair Karen T [\larcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman 4n Equai opporrumt'.' 4/firmar:....c ",cnon Employer .r;<J 1;2" printed on recycled paper August 23 2001 Mr Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach FL 34425-0310 RE Calvary Chapel TRAFFIC PERfORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr Rumpf The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for this project, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows Location Municipality' Existing Uses Proposed Uses South side of Hypo!uxo Road west of Congress Boynton Beach None 20 400 SF Church 7 000 SF Daycare 242 Students Private Elementary School and 48 Units ACLF The project will be built in 4 Phases 1 312 2003 New Daily Trips Build-out Year' Based on our review the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County However it is suggested: Exclusive left and right-turn lanes to be provided (in cases where there are no existing turn lanes) at the project access driveway Appropr:ate safety rneaSt!res to be imp!p.mented to accommodate project traffic exiting the project access driveway If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030 Sincerely OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER /j-/~ II ! " _. -~ ".-. - .. ~ ../", / / L Masoud Atefi, MSCE / Sr Engineer - Traffic,Division '/ cc: Simons & White Inc. File. General TPS Mun Traffic Study Review F \TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\01 0816.doc I r - C -- --------- ~tr,JT Department of Engineering and Public Works PO, Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H, Newell, Chairman Carol A, Robens, Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L. Greene County Administrator Roben Weisman An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper November 29 2001 Mr Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Deve.oprn.::nt City of Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE, Calvary Chapel FOLLOWUP Dear Mr Rumpf" Upon further review of the project site plan, peak hour turning movement projections at the site access driveway and considering the right-of-way constraints. It was concluded that due to moderate volume of right-turns (70 vph which is right at the threshold for provision of right-turn lanes) onto the project site provision of an eastbound right-turn lane on Hypoluxo Road may be eliminated from the previously suggested approval requirements. Please note that in the approval letter dated August 23 2001 consideration for provision of such auxiliary lane was suggested. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030 Sincerely OFFICE OF THE COU /Y) Masoud Atefi, C Sr Engineer - Traffic Division cc: Icon Desigr. Group File: General TPS - Mun Traffic Study Review F \TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\010816B.doc '-----. ~-,-.-. -'--- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering OccuparionalLkense Community Redevelopment August 17, 2001 Mr Masoud Atefi, MSCE, Sr Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works POBox 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re Traffic Study' Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach NWSP 01-011 Dear Mr Atefi The enclosed letter dated September 19, 2000 and revised on March 5, 2001 from Simmons & White, Inc., was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application Please review the enclosed additional information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, and provide Timothy Large, Building Code Administrator, and I with your written response If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260 Sincerely, 7L()~ Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/sc S:IPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTSICalvary Chapel Boynton BeachlNWSPITRAFFIC MEMO,doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 JAN-09-02 11 50 AM 1CON DES1~N G~UUP INL 1 561 3b70074 P idoL lcb Bu~h ( ,UVCmOI' l~ John 0 Agwunobi, MD A M.B.A. ,:)ecretlry George Marse, President Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach 2100 S Federal Highway SUIte 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 PERMIT NO 138271 148-DSGP EXPIRATION DATE. 1/3/2007 UTILITY Boynton Beach PROJECT Calvary Chapel of Boynlon Beach ThiS permit is issued under the provisions of Palm Beach County Ordinance No 97 58 and Palm Beach Counly ECR-II The above named applicant is hereby authorized to perform the work shown on the approved plan(s) attached hereto and made a part hereof and specifically described as (ollows Construct a water main extension to serve the church/daycare facility located west of Congress Avenue and south of Hypoluxo Road in Boynton Beach Florida This permit IS subject to the following condihons It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to retain a professional engineer registered in Florida to observe that the construction is in accordance with the submitted plans and conditions of this approval. 2. This permit does not include construction of any conflict manholes. The construction shall be strictly in accordance with the .Standard Water and Sewer Separation Statement" and other deSign specifications noted on the engineering plans. If field conditions require deviations from the proposed design, the project engineer shall consult with this agency prior to construction. 3 An approval must be obtained from this agency prior to placing the water system into operation. approval can be requested by submitting a completed D.E.P Form #62 555.900(9) for Release to Place Water Supply System Inlo Service together with a set of record drawings. All crossings between water lines and sanitary or stonn sewer and force mains must be clearly identified with elevations on all record drawings 4 Prior to construction all required permits or approvals must be obtained for all aspects of the project from the appropriate agencies. ~ L~ /r'-~ Umesh Asrani, P.E., Assistant Director Environmental Health & Engineering ISSUED THIS 4'. Day of January 2002 C Project Engineer (with release form): Patncia F Ramudo P.E Utility' John A. Guidry Utility Director ralm D(ach Counly IIt3/lll Dq13111llt'l1 P,O Bo:<;ZV 901 EVtnli3 Slreer. We~1 P.lm HOAOh. H. .l34111 JAN-09-02 11 ~~ HM !LUN ~t~!yN Y~UU~ !NL! ~o. ~Ol~~f* oD ICON DESIGN GROUP AriCHITECT ....RE.ENGINEER3 .INTeRIORS January 8, 1002 LETTER 0.' TRANSMITTAl. TO' Ms, J.laurinda Logan. P [, Engineering Department City of Boynton Beach 561-742-6285 (fll) FROM Patricia F RADlUdo, P [ ICON Design Group, Tnc. RE Calvary Chapel Boyntun Buth, FI DOCUMENTS ATTACHED' 1 Set Ht.alth Department Permit COMMJ:NTS As per your nquest, If you have any comments or questions. please' do not hesitate to " contact me Signer~ ~ Patricia F R'UDUdo. P,E. !..lBD'" W Ad, CQll~ r _ DeCA I'lA- - J '-,OIlIL'^ 33.1:J2 . (SC' I :.:l"l-~ "'.8' ~ . 15C' I '1Eo i uu7o.l rA < D ICON DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE-ENGINEERS -INTERIORS January 8, 2002 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO. Ms. Laurinda Logan, P.E. Engineering Department City or Boynton Beach West Wing, 21!d Floor 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 FROM. Patricia F Ramudo, P.E ICON Design Group, Inc. RE Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach, FL DOCUMENTS A TIACHED. 1 Set Palm Beach County Right-or-Way Permit 1 Set SFWMD Permit <. COMMENTS If you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to call. ~~~ Signed. Patricia F Ramudo, P.E. -- -. cc: Jim Barretta I ~ 1 I lL1i1J - 9 vJ II C ,\ .: :6.;; --, _.!...J J J ..--.----..-..---------- S60N W 4th COURT. BOCA RATON FLORIDA 33432 . (561] 383-5818 . (561] 367-0074 FAX PALM BEACH COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT '* PERMIT NUMBER, ISSUANCE DATE, RfW0218-1101 November 08. 2001 EXPIRATION DATE, November 08. 2002 S 07 , T 45 , R 43 FEE $400.00 PERMITTEE Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach 211 South Federal Highway, SUlte 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 REP Pastor George Marse (561) 737-5579 LOCATION HYPOLUXO ROAD - INSTALL COMMERCIAL TURNOUT IN THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY APPROXIMATELY 1500 FEET WEST OF CONGRESS AVENUE. REFERENCED PLANS 01-400 - SHEETS Cl AND C3 THROUGH CS OF 7 PermIt IS hereby granted for the work wIthm the nght-of-way as shown on the referenced plans, subject to the applIcable CondItiOns on back of thIS permIt, and the followmg condItions: 1) Contact the Construction Coordination Division at (561) 684-4180, 48 hours before commencement of work. (See Condition Number 1 on the back of this permit.) 2) The permittee shall submit to the Land Development Division a signed and se~lled certification of completion for the above work from the engineer-of-record, referencing the permit number and indicatmg the work was completed in substantial accordance with the approved plans, 3) All work must be coordinated with the contractor and Serge Jerome, Project Engineer, for Palm Beach County project number 1999506. 4) The permittee or duly authorized agent for the permittee, shall be responsible for notifying the Municipal Administrator or Clerk 48 hours prior to commencement of work. TIllS permit shall become VOid If the pink copy of the permit IS not signed and returned to thiS office within 15 days after pickup, or, If returned, ConditIOn Number 1 on the back of thiS permit IS not complIed With. If a Buddmg Department is I1sted as belllg copied below, we are sendmg that Buildlllg Department a copy oftl11S permit and requesting the CertIficatc-of-Occupancy be Withheld until notified by the Land Development DIVISIOn that this permit has received a final review by the Palm Beach County ConstructIOn CoordmatlOn DIVISion. A~)~~/~~ SIGNATURE {jeoree- { Jt4Q r.r~ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE :.:=;::::> PERMITTEE SIGNATURE (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE OR DULY AUTHORIZED AGENT) KSR.JVW dsg cc ConstructIOn CoordmatIOn DIVISIOn w/plans Boynton Beach BUlldmg Department PermIttee w/plans " Ref: F'\\pcrmil.per\RWpermil\2001\ !-\YPOLUXO ROAD R/W0218-110! Calvary Chapel ofBoYllton Beach.doc 6b. 7 8 9 10. 11 12. 13 ~ "-II CONDITIONS FOR RIGHT-OF WAY CONSTRUCTION 1 The permittee 0 permittee's representative shall meet at the site with a representative of the Construction Coordination Division before work beg 1S. If the Construction Coordination Division has been contacted within the noted time and the construction begins prior to the expir<ltion date the work may proceed beyond the expiration date but shall be completed in a timely manner When the work is deemed complete contact the Construction Coordination Division and a review will be held at the site with a representative of the Construction Coordination Division and the permittee or permittee's representative Construction shall be done Monday thru Friday Saturday or Sunday construction shall be approved a minimum of 48 hours in advance of Saturday by the Construction Coordination Division. A set of plans bearing the approval stamp of the Office of the County Engineer and this permit shall be presen 3t the job site during construction 2. The permittee derstands and agrees that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the County's right, title and ii' :rest in the land to be entered upon and used by the permittee. THE PERMITTEE WILL AT ALL TIMES ASSUME ALL RISK AND i .JRTHER WILL INDEMNIFY DEFEND AND SAVE HARMLESS PALM BEACH COUNTY FROM AND AGAINST ALL LOSS OM ,GE, COST OR EXPENSE ARISING IN ANY MANNER (INCLUDING ALL LITIGATION COSTS AND ATTORNEY FEES) ON AC JUNT OF THE EXERCISE OR ATTEMPTED EXERCISE BY SAID PERMITTEE OF THE AFORESAID RIGHTS AND PRIVILEC" S REGARDLt:SS OF THE APPORTIONMENT OF NEGLIGENCE OF THE PARTIES INVOLVED. THE PERMIT HOLDER, Ii EFORE, AGREES TO INDEMNIFY THE COUNTY FOR THE COUNTY'S OWN NEGLIGENCE. It is specifically understood Ihatlhe limits of this indemnification are the COUNTY'S statutory liability limits under Section 768.28 Florida Statute or any successor legislation in effect at the issuance of said permit. The existing statutory limits under 768.28 Florida Statute are hereby recogni-' ~d as the Statue ("Construction Contracts") should that statute be deemed to apply 3 Permittee aSSL es full responsibility to maintain all areas under construction safe for the public and to properly route and direct traffic through construction area. All traffic control operations shall be done in accordance with the current Manual on Unifonn Traffic Control 'vices (Part VI). Supplements to this manual are the Florida Department ofTransportation's Roadway and Traffic Desiqn Standarcis (Index 600) and Standard Specifications for Road and Bridqe Construction (latest edition) No obstruction of the travel lanes etween 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday thru Friday, unless approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer' :g Division. No time restrictions for local and subdivision roads or for construction done Saturday or Sund3Y 4 Effective July 1 986 according to Florida Statute 336.048 the permittee must notify local law enforcement agencies prior to the closing of one or more traveling lanes for a period of time exceeding two or more hours of repair alteration or reconstruction of the roadway 5 Permittee here acknowledges the COUNTY'S right to inspect the area governed by this permit at any time prior to final acceptance iJ" e COUNTY to assure compliance with all plans and specifications. All reviews however shall be performed at the COUNTY'S, 'iscrelion and are strictly to assure compliance with project plans and specifications. PERMITTEE HEREBY ACKNOWLEDG S THAT THE COUNTY VIA SAID REVIEWS IS NOT THE EMPLOYER, SUPERVISOR, PRINCIPAL OR AGENT OF PERMITIEL Permittee is at all times an independent contractor with full responsibility for all obligations and responsibHities imposed under 5 permit and imposed by law 6a. If a pavement cut restoration detail is not on the approved plans the cut shall be restored per Exhibit E of Florida Department of Transportation i li.!l.!Y Accommodation Guide The surface replacement shall be applied same day as pavement is cut and maintained 90 (! ys at which time the permittee or the permittee's representative shall contact the Construction Coordination Division for revi(~w If deemed necessary by the Construction Coordination Division, the permittee shall restore the replacement area. If overlay 'as required on the plans or permit it shall not be applied until the replacement area has been given final review by the Construc.kJn Coordination Division Saw cut butt joints at the terminus of overlay If feathering is used at terminus of oveclay it shall comply \-/ith Florida Department of Transportation specification 330-12.4 To minimize inconvenience and as a courtesy the permittee s contractor shall notify the property ownerloccupant of the proposed cutting of a driveway After the replac(: 'lent area has been given final review by the Construction Division, asphalt dnveways shall be overlaid with a minimum thicknr s of 1 inch of asphalt between the right-of-way line and the intersecting road or front of sidewalk and intersecting road if sidewalk xists (taper ends) The permittee may choose to entirely replace the driveway between the right-of-way line and intersecting road within 20 days after the cut is made. Concrete drives shall be entirely replaced between the right-of-way line and intersecting roa( All areas in the r' 'ht-of-way shall be left in a condition equal to or better than existed prior to construction. Shoulders disturbed within 8 feet of !t,e edge of pavement shall be stabilized a minimum 50 PSI Florida Bearing Value 6 inches in depth. Existing drainage shall n be impeded Prior to or concurrent with final review the permittee shall submit to the Construction Coordination Division copies density reports done by an independent testing laboratory If the construction should fail within one year from the date of fir : 'view by the Construction Coordination Division the permittee is responsible for restoration. The permittlJ' c tifies that he has notified or will have notified at least 48 hours (excluding Saturday Sundays and legal holidays) prior to startins rcavation any person having the right to bury gas pipe line within the public or private street, alley right-of-way or gas uti!ity .iL ~ment for purposes of obtaining information concerning the possible location of gas pipe lines in the area of proposed excavltion. Sidewalk areas that are disturbed during construction shall be maintained until repaved. The installatic1 ~hall be coordinated with any Utility or Cable T V facilities in the area of construction. The permittee/developer shall provide and install pavement markings (thermoplastic, unless approved otherwise by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer) and reflective pavement markers in accordance with Palm Beach County Typical T-P-99-001 Striping shall be per Section 710 or Section 711 as applicable of the latest edition of the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. If traffic signalization equipment is in the area of construction, notify Palm Beach County Traffic Operations a.t (561 )233-3900 .00 not disturb any material within six feet of a traffic signal pole or a guy wire and anchor If damage to the eqUipment occurs dUring construction, it shall be repaired by Traffic Operations at the permittee's expense. When traffic attracted andlor generated by the property served by the turnouts permitted requires left or right turn lanes or ot~er such additional pavements and/or traffic control devices related to such traffic, it will be the responsibility of the owners to prOVIde same Construction shall be in accordance with Palm Beach County Standards. <f" Revised Scptcmbcr 29 1999 Directory' Permits.Pcr\RWpcrmils Form: R WPcrmil.pg2 ~ I~ V Form #0941 08/95 SOUTa LORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISH ~ r ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE ST ANDARD GENERAL PERMIT NO SO-OS240-P DATE ISSUED January 4, 2002 PERMITTEE CALVARY CHAPEL OF BOYNTON BEACH 211 S FEDERAL HWY STE 201 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Construction and operation of a surface water management system to serve an 8.84 acre institutional facility known as Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach PROJECT LOCATION PALM BEACH COUNTY SEC 7 TWP 45S RGE 43E PERMIT DURATION See Special Condition No 1 See attached Rule 40E-4 321 Florida Administrative Code This is to notify you of the District's agency action concerning Notice of Intent for Permit Application No 010831 7 dated August 31 2001 This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E 1.603 and Chapter 40E-40 Florida Administrative Code (FAC ). Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and an Environmental Resource General Permit is in effect for this project subject to. Not receiving a filed request for a Chapter 120 Florida Statutes, administrative hearing. 2. the attached 19 General Conditions (See Pages 2 4 of 5 ) 3 the attached 13 Special Conditions (See Pages 5 5 of 5 ) and 4 the attached 7 Exhibit(s) Should you object to these conditions, please refer to the attached 'Notice of Rights which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review of the proposed agency action Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter If we do not hear from you in accordance with the 'Notice of Rights, we will assume that you concur with the District's action. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a Notice of Rights has been mailed to the Permittee (and the persons listed in the attached distribution list) no later than 5 00 P m on this 4th day of January 2002, in accordance with Section 120 60(3) Floriqa Statutes ~ PE. Certified mail number 7000 0600 0025 9426 5059 Page 1 of 5 Application No 010831 7 Page 2 of 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS All activities authorized by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the plans specifications and performance criteria as approved by this permit. Any deviation from the permitted activity and the conditions for undertaking that activity shall constitute a violation of this permit and Part IV Chapter 373 FS 2 This permit or a copy thereof complete with all conditions attachments exhibits, and modifications shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity The complete permit shall be available for review at the work site upon request by District staff The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit. 3 Activities approved by this permit shall be conducted in a manner which does not cause violations of State water quality standards The permittee shall implement best management practices for erosion and pollution control to prevent violation of State water quality standards Temporary erosion control shall be implemented prior to and during construction and permanent control measures shall be completed within 7 days of any construction activity Turbidity barriers shall be installed and maintained at all locations where the possibility of transferring suspended solids into the receiving waterbody exists due to the permitted work. Turbidity barriers shall remain in place at all locations until construction is completed and soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established All practices shall be in accordance with the guidelines and specifications described in Chapter 6 of the Florida Land Development Manual, A Guide to Sound Land and Water Management (Department of Environmental Regulation 1988) incorporated by reference in Rule 40E-4 091 FAC unless a project-specific erosion and sediment control plan is approved as part of the permit Thereafter the permittee shall be responsible for the removal of the barriers The permittee shall correct any erosion or shoaling that causes adverse impacts to the water resources 4 The permittee shall notify the District of the anticipated construction start date within 30 days of the date that this permit is issued At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall submit to the District an Environmental Resource Permit Construction Commencement Notice Form Number 0960 indicating the actual start date and the expected construction completion date 5 When the duration of construction will exceed one year the permittee shall submit construction status reports to the District on an annual basis utilizing an annual status report form Status report forms shall be submitted the following June of each year 6 Within 30 days after completion of construction of the permitted activity the permitee shall submit a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate individual as authorized by law utilizing the supplied Environmental Resource Permit Construction Completion/Certification Form Number 0881 The statement of completion and certification shall be based on onsite observation of construction or review of as-built drawings for the purpose of determining if the work was completed in compliance with permitted plans and sepcifications. This submittal shall serve to notify the District that the system is ready for inspection Additionally, if deviation from the approved drawings is discovered during the certification process, the certification must be accompanied by a copy of the approved permit drawings with deviations noted. Both the original and revised specifications must be clearly shown. The plans must be clearly labeled as "As-built" or "Record" drawing All surveyed dimensions and elevations shall be certified by a registered surveyor 7 The operation phase of this permit shall not become effective until the permittee has complied with the requirements of condition (6) above and submitted a request for conversion of Environmental Resource Permit from Construction Phase to Operation Phase Form No 0920' the District determines the system to be in compliance with the permitted plans and specifications and the entity approved by the District in accordance with Sections 9 0 and 10 0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District, accepts responsibility for operation and maintenance of the system The permit shall not be transferred to such approved operation and maintenance entity until the operation phase of the permit becomes effective Following inspection and approval of the permitted system by the District, the permittee shall initiate transfer of the permit to the Application No 010831 7 Page 3 of 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS approved responsible operating entity if different from the permittee Until the permit is transferred pursuant to Section 40E-1 6107 FAC the permittee shall be liable for compliance with the terms of the permit 8 Each phase or independent portion of the permitted system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to the initiation of the permitted use of site infrastructure located within the area served by that portion or phase of the system. Each phase or independent portion of the system must be completed in accordance with the permitted plans and permit conditions prior to transfer of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the phase or portion of the system to a local government or other responsible entity 9 For those systems that will be operated or maintained by an entity that will require an easement or deed restriction in order to enable that entity to operate or maintain the system in conformance with this permit such easement or deed restriction must be recorded in the public records and submitted to the District along with any other final operation and maintenance documents required by Sections 9 0 and 10 0 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit applications within the South Florida Water Management District, prior to lot or units sales or prior to the completion of the system, whichever comes first. Other documents concerning the establishment and authority of the operating entity must be filed with the Secretary of State county or municipal entities. Final operation and maintenance documents must be received by the District when maintenance and operation of the system is accepted by the local government entity Failure to submit the appropriate final documents will result in the permittee remaining liable for carrying out maintenance and operation of the permitted system and any other permit conditions 10 Should any other regulatory agency require changes to the permitted system, the permittee shall notify the District in writing of the changes prior to implementation so that a determination can be made whether a permit modification is required. 11 This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any required federal, state local and special district authorizations prior to the start of any activity approved by this permit. This permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee or convey any rights or privileges other than those specified in the permit and Chapter 40E-4 or Chapter 40E-40 FAC 12 The permittee is hereby advised that Section 253 77 F S states that a person may not commence any excavation construction or other activity involving the use of sovereign or other lands of the State, the title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund without obtaining the required lease, license easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use. TherefQfe the permittee is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations from the Board of Trustees prior to commencing activity on sovereignty lands or other state-owned lands. 13 The permittee must obtain a Water Use permit prior to construction dewatering, unless the work qualifies for a general permit pursuant to Subsection 40E 20.302(4) FAC also known as the "No Notice" Rule 14 The permittee shall hold and save the District harmless from any and all damages, claims, or liabilities which may arise by reason of the construction alteration, operation, maintenance, removal abandonment or use of any system authorized by the permit. 15. Any delination of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation shall not be considered binding unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under Section 373 421 (2), F S provides otherwise 16 The permittee shall notify the District in writing within 30 days of any sale conveyance or other transfer of ownership or control of a permitted system or the real property on which the permitted system is located. All transfers of ownership or transfers of a permit are subject to the requirements of Rules 40E-1 6105 and , Application No 010831 7 Page 4 of 5 GENERAL CONDITIONS 40E 1 6107 FAC The permittee transferring the permit shall remain liable for corrective actions that may be required as a result of any violations prior to the sale conveyance or other transfer of the system 17 Upon reasonable notice to the permittee District authorized staff with proper identification shall have permission to enter inspect, sample and test the system to insure conformity with the plans and specifications approved by the permit 18 If historical or archaeological artifacts are discovered at any time on the project site the permittee shall immediately notify the appropriate District service center 19 The permittee shall immediately notify the District in writing of any previously submitted information that is later discovered to be inaccurate \, Application No. 010831 7 Page 5 of 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS The construction phase ot this permit shall expire on January 4 2007 2. Operation of the surface water management system shall be the responsibility of Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach 3 Discharge Facilities 1-6" W X 6" H X 53 1 deg TRIANGULAR ORIFICE with invert at elev 8.5' NGVD 75 LF of 2' dia REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE culvert. 1 37" W X 24 L drop inlet with crest at elev 13' NGVD Receiving body LWDO L-18 Canal Control elev 8 5 feet NGVO /8 5 FEET NGVD DRY SEASON 4 The permittee shall be responsible for the correction of any erosion, shoaling or water quality problems that result from the construction or operation of the surface water management system. 5 Measures shall be taken during construction to insure that sedimentation and/or turbidity problems are not created in the receiving water 6 The District reserves the right to require that additional water quality treatment methods be incorporated into the drainage system if such measures are shown to be necessary 7 Lake side slopes shall be no steeper than 4 1 (horizontal:vertical) to a depth of two feet below the control elevation Side slopes shall be nurtured or planted from 2 teet below to 1 foot above control elevation to insure vegetative growth unless shown on the plans 8 Facilities other than those stated herein shall not be constructed without an approved modification of this permit 9 A stable permanent and accessible elevation reference shall be established on or within one hundred (100) feet of all permitted discharge structures no later than the submission of the certification report. The location at the elevation reference must be noted on or with the certification report. \, 10 The permittee shall provide routine maintenance of all of the components ot the surface water management system in order to remove all trapped sediments/debris. All materials shalf be property disposed of as required by law Failure to properly maintain the system may result in adverse flooding conditions 11 Minimum building floor elevation 16 00 FEET NGVD 12 Minimum road crown elevation 1300 FEET NGVD 13 Prior to the development of future phases of the project, a permit modification will be required. Plans and calculations shall be submitted to demonstrate that the proposed project is consistent with the land use and site grading assumptions made in this application ------ "" Last Date For Agency Action January 28 2002 GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE PERMIT STAFF REPORT Project Name Permit No Calvary Chapel Of Boynton Beach 50-05240-P Application No 010831 7 Application Type Environmental Resource (New General Permit) Location Palm Beach County S7!T45S/R43E Permittee Calvary Chapel Of Boynton Beach Operating Entity Calvary Chapel Of Boynton Beach Project Area 884 acres Project Land Use Institutional Drainage Basin C-16 Receiving Body LWDD L 18 Class CLASS III Special Drainage District. Lake Worth Drainage Distnct Conservation Easement To District No Sovereign Submerged Lands No PROJECT PURPOSE This application is a request for an Environmental Resource Permit to authorize construction and operation of a surface water management system to serve 8 84 acres of institutional development. Staff recommends approval with conditions ~ App.no 010831 7 Page 1 of 6 '~ PROJECT EVALUATION. PROJECT SITE DESCRIPTION: The project site is located west of Congress Avenue on the south side of Hypoluxo Road, in the City of Boynton Beach The 8 84 acre site is currently vacant and undeveloped. A perpetual non-exclusive easement has been granted from the adjacent property owner to the west (The School District of Palm Beach County) to the applicant, authorizing access and use of the portion of the existing lake on their property for storm water management for this project. A copy of the recorded easement is located within the permit file There are no wetlands or other surface waters located within or affected by the proposed project. PROPOSED PROJECT Proposed is the construction and operation of a surface water management system to serve an 884 acre institutional facility known as Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach The surface water management system will consist of inlets and culverts to direct runoff into a lake which will provide water quality treatment and flood attenuation Discharge from the lake is into the LWDD L 18 Canal through a proposed control structure p.,s part of this application land use and site grading assumptions were submitted for future development (Phases 2-4) Prior to the development of future phases of the project, a permit modification will be required Plans and calculations shall be submitted to demonstrate that the proposed project is consistent with the land use and site grading assumptions made in this application LAND USE In the following table 'Other" consists of 0 68 acres of lake area which was excluded from the water quality calculations for the project. Construction Project: \, This Phase Total Project Building Coverage Other Pavement Pervious Water Mgnt Acreage 1 09 68 2.97 2.70 1 41 1 09 68 2.97 270 1 41 acres acres acres acres acres Total 8.85 8.85 WATER QUANTITY Discharge Rate The proposed project's discharge is within the allowable limit based on a minimum sized bleeder The project would function if limited to the basin allowable rate App.no. 010831 7 Page 2 of 6 ~ Discharge Storm Frequency 25 YEAR 3 DAY Design Rainfall 1631 inches Basin Allow Disch (cfs) 86 Method Of Determination Discharge Formula Peak Disch (cfs) nla Peak Stage (ft, NGVD) 13 Site Finished Floors As shown in the following table and the attached exhibits minimum finished floor elevations have been set at or above the calculated design storm flood elevation Building Storm Frequency 100 YEAR 3 DAY Design Rainfall 21 74 inches Basin Peak Stage (ft, NGVD) 1375 Proposed Min. Finished Floors (ft, NGVD) 16 FEMA Elevation (ft, NGVD) N/A SIte Road Design As shown in the foliowing table and the attached exhibits minimum road center lines have been set at or above the calculated design storm flood elveation Road Storm Frequency 5 YEAR 1 DAY Basin Peak Stage (ft, NGVD) 11.21 Design Rainfall 8 inches Proposed Min Road Crown (ft, NGVD) 13 Site Control Elevation Basin Area (Acres) 884 Ctrl Elev (ft, NGVD) 8 5/8 5 WSWT Ctrl Elev (ft, NGVD) Method Of Determination ~ Site 8.50 Adjacent Canal Control Elevation Receiving Body Basin Site Str # 1 Receiving Body LWOD L 18 Canal Discharge Structures Discharge Bleeders. Basin Str # Dimensions Site X 6" width(top) X 6" high X 531 deg. Triangular Orifice Invert Elev (ft, NGVD) 8.5 Discharge Culverts App,no 010831 7 Page 3 of 6 Basin Str # Dimensions 1 75 long 2' dia Reinforced Concrete Pipe Site Discharge Inlets Site 1 37" wide X 24 length Inlet Crest Elev (ft, NGVD) 13 Basin Str # Dimensions WATER QUALITY Water quality treatment for the first inch of runoff over the entire site will be provided within the proposed wet detention area prior to discharge into the LWDD L-18 Canal Site Treatment Wet Detention Vol Req.d (ac-ft) 1 41 acres 74 Vol Prov'd (ac-ft) 74 Basin Treatment Method OPERATING ENTITY Operation and maintenance of the surface water management system shall be the responsibilty of Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach CERTIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It is suggested that the permittee retain the services of a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida for periodic observation of construction of the surface water management (SWM) system This will facilitate the completion of construction completion certification Form #0881 which is required pursuant to Section 10 of the Basis of Review for Environmental Resource Permit Applications within the South Florida Water Management District, and subsection 40E-4361 (2), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C ) " Pursuant to Chapter 40E-4 FAC , this permit may not be converted from the construction phase to the operation phase until certification of the SWM system is submitted to and accepted by this District. Subsection 40E-4 321 (7) F.A.C states that failure to complete construction of the SWM system and obtain operation phase approval from the District within the permit duration shall require a new permit authorization unless a permit extension is granted. For SWM systems permitted with an operating entity who is different from the permittee it should be noted that until the permit is transferred to the operating entity pursuant to Section 40E 1 6107, F.A.C , the permittee is liable for compliance with the terms of this permit. The permittee is advised that the efficiency of a SWM system will normally decrease over time unless the system is periodically maintained A significant reduction in flow capacity can usually be attributed to partial blockages of the conveyance system Once flow capacity is compromised, flooding of the project may result. Maintenance of the SWM system is required to protect the public health safety and the natural resources of the state Therefore the permittee must have periodic inspections of the SWM system performed to ensure performance for flood protection and water quality purposes If deficiencies are found, it is the responsibility of the permittee to correct these deficiencies in a timely manner App.no 010831 7 Page 4 of 6 " RELATED CONCERNS. Water Use Permit Status A Water Use permit is not required for this project at this time HistoricaVArcheological Resources No information has been received that indicates the presence of archaeological or historical resources or that the proposed activities could cause adverse impacts to archaeological or historical resources DCA/CZM Consistency Review The District has not received a finding of inconsistency from the Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding the provisions of the federal Coastal Zone Management Plan Enforcement There has been no enforcement activity associated with this application ~ App.no 010831 7 Page 5 of 6 "I STAFF RECOMMENDATION. The Staff recommends that the following be issued Construction and operation of a surface water management system to serve an 8 84 acre institutional facility known as Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach Based on the information provided District rules have been adhered to Staff recommendation is for approval subject to the attached General and Special Conditions. STAFF REVIEW. DIVISION APPROVAL. NAT~L RESOURCE MANAGEMENT I~~/ I Anita R Bain I.. / r ' I DATE /2./2.7/0/ I I DATE 12-/27/0/ I --------- / Carlos A. DeRojas P E. f/ 'I, App no 010831 7 Page 6 of 6 ~ o <{ o Ct: PROJECT LOCATION t~V~I.D.'". IT".- .1 ' J\.. I!,.,n~ -' "-!: II I ''ilrJ "1, w U Z W ~ <( -.J @ NORTH w => z ~ ~ (f) (f) w cr '-' z o u ~ LOCATION MAP SECTION 7, RANGE 43 EAST. TD\JNSHIP 45 SOUTH NO SCALE m >< :x: CD =i f-1 51i II ~ I: '"I' U !'! 5n ill lill Ie Ii lilt I~I;~ l'~ s B ~ ."i* ~! 'II '~! ,,; ',~' III; i z ~ ! il ~~ I ;! i~r~ U lll! ~;I ;~I'i !i'lll~ Ilii~1 ~ 5 ul Ii. . .1 I I < II . II I~ . 11'1 ~ '> 1:11. 'i':!'1 Ii "s I~i := I~ I ! Z t5 ~IH '11 I!'! : I.' !I '.~ I~II! lib ,S 0 U; I I !I~ I i!1 n Ii! i~ i 1 ihi :m ~ ,. i.. .' I ~I "a~ 'A, f II" - II I I I"! I ~: ,I I.: i:. I I !: ~ ~; ~ oil I :J n ~'! le ! 4~ Ifri II ! · , II I~i' f' gi i~ 'e l'li~ ;1 illS JI ..~ is 1/ · I <Iii -. ;. ~i I U'i I.". td5 l-i! ~~ . I ~ I II(, q'h ! l ii ql~! I II! ~~ll E ;~ ~ i.1 - I I~ I a'a · ~ JI' III' -:12 Ir ~ ~ l[(i)~h I~ 11;/ ~ r ~ I I ~: I ; n !~ ~ -,! J I '> ." ... te l' I i~1 ..... e i ~ ~ . ~ IV' UH 2 ~ I J~ tl! r.' f ~ll !,l lh~ 'l~ L ~ I! . t H~ ! - 1 oli .q !~ p 'J ~ '" jZ :~ ;I~ i ~r i fl1 [1 J~~ '. ~ I :I .;a S J! r~ ~~ i .~ I~m , Li::-> < . . I i ~ ~ ~ ! I~ !'! 'I = ~ I -nd i t -. ~ i ~ , q, !:' i ;; I ~ . . = II i .. . 9 .. . ~ I - l~Ei . .~ 4 '=' I , . ~. ~ ~ I ; ~ II: o l:J-~ . k I i ~, I E':; ii: 'C t ! 19~~ S R i ~ ..., > ~: L I .~ g - ""'" ~ eH: ! I ~ i .i~[~ i~ ~,.; ,~ 11 > \ I ;= ,.J I ~i~ ~~c-: . Ii: ;;;i"': :;l~1!iM ~~ ~~ c " '" !I() ::'" 10 ~I I CIIlIo...... L.J4 ~I-lo.~.. 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I " I I ENVIRONMENT AL RESOURCE PERM1T CHAPTER 40E-4 (10/95) 40E-4 321 Duration of Permits (1) Unless revoked or otherwise modified the duration of an environmental resource permit issued under this chapter or Chapter 40E-40 F.A.C is as follows (a) For a conceptual approval two years from the ca'e ::;: issuance or the date specified as a condition of the permit, ur~less within that period an application for an individual or standard general permit is filed for any portion of the project. If an application for an enVIronmental resource permit is filed then the conceptual approval remains valid until final action is taken on the environmental resource permit application If the application is granted then the conceptual approval is valid for an additional two years from the date of issuance of the permit. Conceptual approvals which have no individual or standard general environmental resource permit applications filed for a period of two years shall expire aL.:tomalically at the end of the two year period. (b) For a conceptual approval filed concurrently with a development of regional impact (DRl) application for development approval (ADA) and a local government comprehensive plan amendment, the duration of the conceptual approval shall be two years from whichever one of the following occurs at the latest date 1 the effective date of the local government's comprehensive plan amendment. 2 the effective date of the local government development order 3 the date on which the District issues the conceptual approval, or 4 the latest date of the resolution of any Chapter 120.57, F.A.C I administrative proceeding or other legal appeals. (c) For an individual or standard general environmental resource permit, five years from the date of issuance or such amount of time as made a condition of the permit. (rl) For a noticed general ,,",mit issued pursuant to chap ,?r 40-E-400 F .A.C , five years f-'lm the date the notl(;e of intent to use the permit is provided to the District. (2)(a) Unless prescribed by special permit condition, permits expire automatically according to the timeframes indicated in this rufe If application for extension is made in writing pursuaFlt to subsection (3), the permit shall remain in fuU force and effect until: 1 the Governing Board takes action on an application for extension of an individual permit, or 2 staff takes action on an application for extension of a standard general permit. (0) Installation of the project outfaU structure shall not constitute a vesting of the permit. (3) The permit extension shall be issued provided that a permittee files a written request with the District showing go -; t::ause prior to the expiration "f the permit. For the purpose '1f this rule good cause sna!! mean a set u 8x.tenuating circumstances olj'~lda of the control of the perml',-';~ Requests for extensions, which shall include documentation of the extenuating circumstances and how they have delayed this project, will not be accepted more than 180 days prior to the expiration date. ~ (4) Substantial modifications to Conceptual Approvals will extend the duration of the Conceptual Approval for two years from the date of issuance of the modification. For the purposes of this section, the term .substantial modification. shall mean a modification which is reasonably expected to lead to substantially different water resource or environmental impacts which require a detailed review (5) Substantial modifications to individual or standard general environmentai resource pe its issued pursuant to a permIt application extend the duratior of the permit for three years fro'll the date c Si1ance of the modification i ~;vidual or standard general 8 'ironmenlal resource permit modif:cc. ~ 1::; do n:::t extend the dL:ratio" '" a conceptual a;Jproval (6) Permit modifications issued pursuant to subsection 40E-4.331 (2)(b) F.A.C (letter mOdifications) do not extend the duration of a permit. (7) Fai!ure to co. ,Jete construction or alteration of the surface water manage.. 2'1t system and obtain operation phase approval from the Dis.rict within the permit duration shall require a new permit autho,ization in order to contmue construction unless a permit extension is granted. S~edi;:.L _ I 373 04~ 373.113 F.S Law lr.1p,~ 2:"ted 373 413 373 416 373.419,:3 25 F.S. History-New 9.3.51 Amended 1 31.82. 12 22 Formerly 15K-4 07(4) A:nendad -B6. 4/20194, Amended 7 1-86, 4/2CiS 10-3-95 ;:'l NOTICE OF RIGHTS Section 120 569( 1) Fla. Stat. (1999) requires that "each notice shall inform the reCIpient of any administratIve hean'n d. I . I 9 cr JU ICla review that IS available under this sectIon, s. 120 57 or s, 12068 shall indicate the procedl;re which must b followed to obtain the hearing or judicial review and s11all state the time limits which apply Please note that this Notice o~ Rights is not Intended to provide legal advice Not all the legal proceedings detailed below may be an ar;plicable or appropriate remedy You may wish to consult an attorney regarding your legal rrghts Petition for Administrative Proceedings 1 A person whose substantial Interests are affected by the South Flonda Water Management District's (SF\-VMO) action has the right to request an administrative heanng on that action. The affected person may request either a formal or an Informal hearing as set forth below A pomt of entry into administrative ~roceedlngs IS governed by Rules 28-106 111 and 40E-1 511 Fla. Admin. Code (also published as an exception to the Uniform Rules of Procedure as Rule 40E-Q 109) as set forth below PetJtIons are deemed filed upon receipt of the original documents by the SPNMD Clerk. a Formal Administrative Heannq. If a genUine issue(s) of material fact IS in dispute t.l-Je affected person see~Jng a formal hearing an a SFWMD deCIsion which does or may determine their substantial interests shall file a PEtItion for 'learing pursuant to Sections 120 569 and 120 57( 1) Fla Stat. or (or mediation pursuant to Section 120 573 Fla. Stat. within 21 days except as provided In subsectIons c and d. below of either wrItten nctlce through mail or posting or publication of notice that the SFVJMO has or intends to take final agency actJon Petitions must substantially comply With the requirements of Rule 28-106 201(2) Fla. Admin. Code a copy of the which IS attached to thiS Notice of Rights b Inforrral Administrative Hearinq. If there aie no Issues of material fact in dispute the affected ~erscn seeking an Informal hearing on a SFWMD deCision which does or may determine their substantial interests shall file a petition for hearing pursuant to Sections 120 569 and 12057(2) Fla. Stat. or for mediatIon pursuant to Section 120573 Fla. Stat. withm 21 days, except as prOVided in subsections c. and d. below of either written notice through mall or posting or publication of notice that tr,e SFVJMD has or Intends to take final agency action Petitions must substantially comply with the requirements of Rule 28-106301(2) Fla. Admin. Code. a copy of the which is attached to thiS Notice of Rights. c. Administrative Comolamt and Order: If a Respondent cbJects to a SF"VMD Administrative Complamt and Order pursuant to Section 373 119 Fla. Stat. (1997) the person named In the Administrative Complaint and Order may file a J:etltion for a hearing no later than 14 days after tre date such order 15 served. Petitions mLst substartlally comply with the requirements cf eIther sut:;.sec:Jcn a. or b above. d. State Lands Environmental Resource PermIt Pursuant to SectIon 373 427 Fla. Stat. and Rule 40E-1 511 (3) Fla. Admin Code (also published as an except!on to the Uniform Rul~s of Procedure as Rule 40E o 109(2)(c)) a petition objecting to the SFWMO's agency actIon regarding consolidated applications for EnVIronmental Resource Permits and Use of Sovereign Submerged Lands (SLERPs) must be filed within 14 days of the notice of consolidated Intent to grant or deny the SLERP Petitions must substantially comply With the requirements of either subsection a or b above e, Emerqencv AuthOrization and Order. A person whose substantial Interests are affected by a SFVVMD Emergency Authorization and Order has a right to file a petition under Sections 120569 12057(1) and 12057(21 Fia Stat. as pro\tieed In subsections a, and b above However the person. or the agent of the person responSible for caUSing or contributing to the emergency conditions shall take whatever actIon necessarf to cause Immediate compliance With the terms of the Emergercy AuthOrization and Order f Order for Emerqency Action A person whose substantial interests are affected by a SFNMD Order for Emergency Actlcn has a nght to file a petition pursuant to Rules 28-107005 and 40E 1 611 Fla. Admin. Code copies of which are attached to this Notice of Rights, and Section 373.119(3) Fla. Stat., for a hearing en tr.e Order Any subsequent agency action or proposed agency action to initiate a formal revocation proceeding shall be separately noticed pursuant to section g. be/ow 9 Pe~mlt Suspension Revocation Annulment. and Withdrawal: If the SF\NMO issues an administrative ccmplaint to suspend revoke annul or Withdraw a permIt. the permIttee may request a healing to be conduc~ed In accordance WIth Sections 120569 and 120 57 Fla. Stat. Within 21 days of either written notice through mail or postlng or publication of notice t.~at the SFWMO has or intends to take final agenc'j action. Petitions must substantially comply with the requirements of Rule 28-107004(3) Fla Admin Code. a co~y of the which IS attached to thiS Notice of Rights 2. Because the adminIstrative hearIng process IS deSigned to formul.Jte final agency action, the filing of a petition means that the SFWMD s final action may be different from the pOSition taken by It previously Persons whose substantial Interests may be affected by any such final deCIsIon of the SF'NMo shall have pursuant to Rule 40E 1 511(2) Fla Admin. Code (also published as an exception to the Uniform Rules of Procedure as Rule 40E-Q 109(2)(c)) an additional 21 days from the date of receipt of notice of said decIsion to request an administrative hearing However the scope of the administrative hearing shall be limited to the substantial deviation 3 Pursuant to Rule 40E-1 511 (4) Fla Admin Code substantially affected persons entilled to a hearing pursuant to Section 12057(1) Fla. Stal. may waive their right to such a hearing and request an informal hearing before the Goveming Board pursuant to Section 12057(2) Fla Stat whIch may be granted at the option of the Governing Board 4 Pursuant to Rule 28-106 111 (J) Fla Admin. Code persons may file with the SFWMO a request for extension of time for filing a petition The SFWMo for good cause shown may grant the extension. The request for extension must contain a certificate that the petitioner has consulted With all other parties if any concerning the extension and that the SFWMD and ail other parties agree to the extension CIRCUIT COURT 5 Pursuant to Section 373617 Fla. Stal. any substantially affected person who claims that final agency action of tr,e SPNr\ID relating to permit deCisions constitutes an unCDnstltutional taking or property without just compen:::ation may seek judicial review of tr,e action in circuit court by filing a civil action in the cirCUit court in the judicial CIrCUit in whIch the affected property is located withm 90 days of the rendering of the SPvVMO s final agency action 6 Pursuant to Section 403 412 Fla. Stat. any citizen of Rorida may bring an action for Injunctive relief against the SFWMO to compel the SFWMo to enforce the laws of Chapter 373 Fla Stat. and Title 40E, Fla Admm Code The complaining party must tile with the SFWMO Cle~ a verified complaint setting forth the facts upon which the complall1t is based and the manner in which the complaming party is affected. If the SFNMD does not tak.e appropriate action on the complaint withll1 30 days of ~ecelpt. the ~mplalning ~arty may then file a civil suit for Injunctive relief in the 15 Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County or cirCUit court in the county where the cause of action allegedly occurred 7 Pursuant to Section 373.433. Fla. Stat. a pnvale clIIlen of Florida may file suit in CIrcuit court to require the abatement of any stormwater management system dam Impoundment, reservoir appurtenant work. or wOrXs that violate the prOVISions of Chapter 373 Fla Slat. ~'l - DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL . 8 Pursuant to Section 120 68 Fla Stat. a party who ~s ~dversely affected by fin~' SFWMO action may seek JUdICIal review of the SFWMD s final decision by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9 110 in the Fourth District Court of Appeal or in the appellate distnct where a party resides and tiling a second copy of the notice with the SFWMD ClerX within 3Q days of rendering of the final SFWMD action LAND AND WATER ADJUDICATORY COMMISSION 9 A party to a .proceeding below may seek. review by the land and Water Adjudicatory CommiSSion (FLAWAC) of SF'NMO's final agency action to determine if such action is consistent with the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373 Fla. Stat. Pursuant to Section 373 114 Fla Stat. and Rules 42 2 013 and 42-2.0132, Fla Admin Code a request for review of (a) an order or rule of the SFWMD must be filed with FLAWAC within 20 days after rendition of the order or adoption of the rule sough! to be reviewed (b) an order of the Department of Enwonmental Protection (oEP) requiring amendment or repeal of a SFWMD rule must be tiled with FLAWAC Within 30 days of renditIon of the DEP 5 order and (c) a SFWMD order entered pursuant to a formal admlOlstratlve hearing under Section 120 57(1) Fla Stal. must be filed no later than 20 days after rendition of the SFWMD's final order Simultaneous With filing a copy of the request for reVIew must be served en the DEP SecretaI)' any person named in the SFWMD or DEP final order and aU parties to the proceeding below A ropy of Rule 422.013 Fla Admin. Code is attached to thiS Notice of Rights. PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS PROTECTION ACT 10 A property owner who alleges a specific action of the SPWMO has inordinatelY burdened an existing use of the real property or a vested right to a specific. use of the real property may file a claim In the Circuit caurt where the real Foperty is located within 1 year of the SFWMD action pursuant to the procedures set forth in Subsection 70001 (4)(a) Fla Stat. LAND USE AND ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION 11 A prcperty owner who alleges that a SFWMD development order (as th,at term is defined In Section 70 51 (2)( a) Fla Stat. to includ e permits) cr SFvVMD enforcement adion is unreasonable or unfalf1y burdens tr.e use of the real property may file a request fer relief with the SFWMD Within 30 days of receipt of the Sf\iYMO's order or notice of agency action pursuant to the procedures set forth in Subsections 70 51(4) and (6) Fla Stat. MEDIATION 12. A person whose substantial interests are or may be affected by the SFWMD s action may choose mediatlcn as an altematlve remedy under Section 120573 Fla SIal Pursuant to Rule 28-1C6111(2) Fla. Admin. Code the petition for mediation shalf be filed within 21 days of either written notice through mail or posting or publication of notice that the SFWMD has or intends to take final agency action. Choosing mediation will not affect the right to an administrative hearing if mediation does not result in settlement. Pursuant to Rule 28-106 402, Fla. Admm. Code the contents of the petition for mediation shall contain the following information. (1) the name address and telephone number of the person requesting mediation and that person s representative if any' (2) a statement of the preliminary agency action (3) an explanation of how the person s substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination, and (4) a statement of relief sought. As provided in Section 120 573 Fla. Stat. (1997) the timely agreement of all Ihe parties to mediate will toll the time limitations imposed by Sections 120.569 and 120 57 Fla. Stat., for requesting and holding an administrative hearing. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties the mediation must be concluded within 60 days of the execution of the agreement. If mediation results in settlement of the dispute the SFWMD must enter a final order incorporating the agreement of the parties. Persons whose substantial interest will be affected by such a modified agency decision have a right to petitIon for hearing within 21 days of receipt of the final order in accordance with the requirements of Sections 120569 and 120 57 Fla. Slat. and SFWMD Rule 28-106.201 (2) Fla. Admin. Code If mediation terminates without settlement of the dispute the SFWMD shall notify all parties in writing that the administrative hearing process under Sections 120 569 and 120 57 Fla Stat. remain available for disposition of the dispute and the notice will specify the deadlines that then will apply for challenging the agency action. VARIANCES AND WAIVERS 13 A person who is subject to regulation pursuant 10 a SFWMO rule and believes the application of that rule will create a substantIal hardship or will violate principles of faimess (as those terms are defined in Subsection 120 542(2) Fla. Slat.) and can demonstrate that the purpose of the underlying statute will be or has been achieved by other means, may file a petition with the SFWMD Clerk requesting a variance from or waiver of the SFVVMO rule Applying for a variance or waiver does not substitute or extend the time for filing a petition for an administrative hearing or exercising any other right that a person may have concermng the SFWMO's adion Pursuant to Rule 28-1 Q4 002(2) Fla. Admin Code the petition must include the following information (a) the caption shall read Petition for (Variance from) or CNaiver of) Rule (Citation) (b) The name address telephone number and any facsimile number of thf petitioner 'I (c) The name address telephone number and any faCSimile number of the attorney or qualified representative of the petitioner (if any) (d) the applicable rule or portion of the rule (e) the citation to the statue the rule is implementing: (f) the type of action requested, (g) the specific fads that demonstrate a substantial hardship or violation of principals of fairness that would justify a waiver or variance for the petitioner (h) the reason why the variance or the waiver requested would serve the purposes of the underlying statute and (i) a statement of whether the variance or waiver is permanent or temporary If the variance or waiver is temporary the petition shall include the dates indicating the duration of the requested variance or waiver A person requesting an emergency variance from or waiver of a SFWMO rule must clearly so state in the caption of the petition. In addition to the requirements of Section 120 542(5) Fla. Stat. pursuant to Rule 28- 104 004(2) Fla. Admin. Code the petition must also include' a) the speCific facts that make the Situation an emergency' and b) the specific facts to show that the petitioner will suffer immediate adverse effect unless the variance or waiver is issued by the SFVJMO more expeditiously than the applicable timeframes set forth in Section 120 542, Fla. Sta t. WAIVER OF RIGHTS 14 Failure to observe the relevant time frames prescribed above will constitute a waiver of such . h " ng t. 28-106.201 INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS (INVOLVING DISPUTED ISSUES OF MATERIAL FACT) (2) All petitions filed under these rules shall contain' (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency s file or identification number if known, (b) The name addresS'; and telephone number of the petitioner the name address, and telephone number of Ihe petitioner's representative if any which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding and an explanation of how the petitioners substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination; (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of Ihe agency decision (d) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If there are none the petition must so indicate (e) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the petitioner to relief' and (t) A demand for relief -... 28-106301 INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS (NOT IMlQ.Vl/>G OISPVTEO ISSUES OF MATERI;>L FACT) (2) All petlllons filed under these rules shall contain (a) The name and address of each agency affected and each agency s file or Identification number If known (b) The name address, and telephone number of the petitIOner the name address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative if any which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding. and an explanallon or how the petitione(s substantial interests will be affected by the agency determination (c) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the agency decision, (d) A concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged as well as the rules and statutes which entitle the pelltloner to relief' and (e) A demand for relier 23 107004 SUSPENSION REVOCATION, ANNULMENT OR WITHDRAWAL (3) Requests for hearing filed in acc.ordance wittl thiS nJle shall Include (a) The name and address of the party making the request for purposes of service (b) A statement that the party is requesting a hearing involving disputed issues or material fact, or a hearing not involving disputed issues or material fact: and (c) A reference to the notice order to show cause adminIstrative camplalnt. or ether wmmunlcation that the party has received from the agency 42-2.013 REQUEST FOR REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 373114 OR 373.217 (1) In any proceeding arising under Chapter 373 F S review by the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission may be initiated by the Department or a party by filing a request for such review with the Secretary of. the Commission and serving a copy on any person named in the rule or order and on all parties to the prcceeding which resulted In the order sought to be reviewed A certificate of selVlce showing completion of service as required by this subsection shall be a requirement for a determination of sufficiency under Rule 42-2.0132 Failure to fiie the request with the Commission within the time period proVided In Rule 42 2.0132 shall result in dismissal of the request for review (2) The request for review shall identify the rule or order requested to be reviewed the proceeding in which the rule or order was entered and the nature of the rule or order A copy of the rule or order sought to be reviewed shall be attached The request ror review shall state with particularity" (a) How the order or rule conflicts with the reqUirements prOVISions and purposes of Chapter 373 F S or rules duly adopted thereunder (b) How the rule or order sought to be reviewed affeds the Interests of the party seeking review' (c) The oral or writlen statement. sworn or unSHorn which was submitled to the agency concerning the matter to be reviewed and the date and location ot the statement, if the indiVidual or entity requesting the review has not participated in a proceeding previously instituted pursuant to Chapter 120 F S on the order for which review is sought, (d) If review of an order is being sought whether and how the activity authorized by the order would substantially affect natural resources of statewide or regional sigmficance or whether the order raises issues of po/icy statuto/)' interpretation or rule interpretation that have regional or statewide Significance from a standpoint of agency precedent, and all the factual bases in the record which the petitioner claims support such determinallon(s) and (e) The adion requested to be taken by the CommISSion as a result of the review whether to rescind or modify the order or remand the proceeding to the water management district for further action, or to reqUlfe the water management district to initiate rulemaking to adopt, amend or repeal a rule 28-107 005 EM~RGENCY ACTION (1) If the agency finds that immediate serious danger to the public health safely or welfare requires emergency action, the agency shalt summarily suspend limit, or restrict a license (2) the 14-day notIce reqUIrement or Section 120 569(2)(b) F S does not apply and shall not be construed to prevent a hearing at the ear1iest time practicable upon request of an aggrieved party (3) Unless otherHise provided by law within to days after emergency action taken pursuant to paragraph (1) or thiS rule the agency shall inti/ate a formal suspension or revocation proceeding in compliance with Sections 120569 12057 and 12060 FS 40E 1 611 EMERGENCY ACTION (1) An emergency exists when immediate adion is necessary to protect public health, safety or welfare" the health of animals, fish or' aquatic life the worKs of the District, a public water supply or recreational, commercial, industrial agricultural or other reasonable uses of land and water resources. (2) The Executive Director may employ the resources of the District to take whatever remedial action neCfssary to alleviate the emergency condition without the issuance of an emergency order or in the event an emergency oroer has been issued after the eXpiratIOn of the requisite lime for compliance with that order ~ STAFF REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST CALVARY CHAPEL OF BOYNTON BEACH Application No 010831 7 Permit No 50-05240-P INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION EXTERNAL DISTRIBUTION X Eric P Bergquist 4220 X Robert F Hopper 4250 X Anita R Bain 4250 X Carlos A. DeRojas. P E 4220 X ERC Engineering 4230 X ERC Environmental 4230 X H Bittaker PBCSC 6150 X Permit File X Permittee Calvary Chapel Of Boynton Beach X Engr Consultant Icon Design Group Inc GOVERNMENT AGENCIES X City of Boynton Beach X City of Boynton Beach Timothy K. Large Bldg Code Permit Adm. X Div of Recreation and Park - District 7 - FDEP X Florida Fish & Wildlife ConseNation Commission Bureau of Protected Species Mgmt X Lake Worth Drainage District X Palm Beach County Building Div X Palm Beach County Environmental Res Mgmt X Palm Beach County Health Dept X Palm Beach County Land Development Div X Palm Beach County School Board Growth Mgmt X Palm Beach County Engineer X School District of Palm Beach County OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES \, X Rosa Durando X Water Catchment Area Advisory Committee - Ed Dailey X Water Management Institute - Michael N Vanatta --~ R (ji) {t; n ,'1 IS r:, rD\ ~ If') ~~ u~~lr \ D. \ (Ef 2 3 2001 LlL Memo To. City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department From. James T Barretta Barretta & Associates, Inc. Date: 10-23-01 Re: Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach, File # NWSP 01-011 Response to lit Review Comments PUBIC WORKS- TRAFFIC: 1 The requested entrance roadway lane changes have been made. 2. Palm Beach County is currently reviewing our entryway permit submission. 3. The centerline markings have been provided from the entrance median through the fIrSt curve. Please refer to Sheet C-5. UTILITIES. 4. Utility easements have been added to the Site and Landscape Plans. Trees have been located outside of the easements. 5. Palm Beach County Health Department permits will be provided. 6. Based on the fire flow calculations, previously provided, the net fire demand is 1053 gpm, including the 50% credit for the sprinkler system. Two fire hydrants are provided to meet this demand, in compliance with the City Code requirement of 1500 gpm. 7 It is understood that a capacity reservation fee will be paid and this fee will be based upon final meter size or expected demand. 8. Wen and pump are the water source for the irrigation system. See general notes on the landscape plan. 9 The engineer's written drainage certification as been added to Sheet C-l 10. All proposed utility easements have added to the Water & Sewer Plan, Sheet C-2. These easements will be dedicated by separate instrument to the City 11. It is understood that a surety will not be required, on condition that the system be fully completed and dedicated to the City Utilities Department. 12. Per discussions with Fire Department representative Roger Kemmer and Fire Marshal Steve Gale, the 200' radius of coverage for the fire hydrants is not an issue in consideration of the proposed sprinkler system. 13. The proposed watermain will be DIP There is no PVC watermain proposed. 14. Backflow preventors will be provided downstream of the water meter and fire sprinkler line. 15. Utilities have been added to the Master Plan. 16. The statement requested has been added on Sheet C-2 to indicate that utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. Also added as general note #1 to Site and Master Plan, Sheet A-II and A-1.2. FIRE. 17 There are no fences or gates blocking the access to the site. The fence near the north property line is to limit access to the LWDD canal only This fence does not cross the driveway 18. A fire flow test has been conducted. The results are attached. 19 A 6-foot clear zone is provided, per typical City Detail #W-9, exceeding the minimum 5-foot requirement. 20. A note has been added to both Sheets C-l and C-2 to indicate the requirement that a hard-packed access road and one fire hydrant be provided prior to any construction above grade. Also, general note # 2 has been added to the Site Plan, Sheet A-1.1. 21 Traffic control devices are provided and labeled on Sheets C-l and C-5. They are shown additionally on the Site Plan, Sheet A-I 1. 22. See attached letter from Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach, dated September 19, 2001 regarding attendance and hours of operation, etc. Please note that question 5 is answered "Not applicable" This is because there is no fence or gate blocking access to the site. 23. Site Lighting Plans are provided, Sheets A-IlL and A-l.2L. ENGINEERING. 24. General note #4 has been added to the Site Plan, Sheet A-l.l regarding plans submitted for specific permits meeting the City's code requirements. 25. Existing Utilities have been added to the Survey and Site Plan, Sheet A-II 26. An engineer's drainage certification is provided on Sheet C-l 27 Reference to work within Hypoluxo right-of-way has been revised to indicate Palm Beach County responsibility The proposed school entrance remains "by others," but will be provided by the contractor for the proposed school. All right-of- way construction is independent of the project. Existing and proposed right-of-way elevations are provided to the extent that the County provided. Weare currently processing the proposed plans through Palm Beach County Land Development for their approval and permitting. 28. Spot elevations, existing and proposed, have been provided to indicate flow patterns for drainage. 29 In consideration of the proximity of the proposed lake/canal to the paved areas, the proposed drainage system is based on overland flow to the water surface. This method is both economical and efficient. 30. Note 7, Sheet C-l has been revised to include the City of Boynton Beach reference. 31 A note has been added to Sheet C-l to indicate that the drainage system will conform to Boynton Beach Standard Drawing B-9l007 32. Based on conversations with City representative, Larinda Logan, the lake section will be per SFWMD criteria and the 8.1 slope requirement will be waived. Copy of the SFWMD permit will be provided to confirm this criteria. 33. Earthwork plans and copies of the soil reports will be provided. 34. Site Lighting Plans are provided, Sheets A-IlL and A-1.2L. Pole wind loading and detail are provided in the form of manufactures literature. 35. The sidewalks proposed within the Hypoluxo Road right-of-way are 5 feet wide. These are the responsibility of Palm Beach County roadway project which is currently under construction. 36. A note has been added to the typical roadway section indicating the requirement of 6-inches within the paved areas. A note has also been added to the Site Plan, Sheet A-I 1 at the south drop-off area where a sidewalk crosses a driveway 37 Sidewalks meet the required State accessibility code. General note #5 was also added to the Site Plan, Sheet A-I 1 38. The plans have been modified to provide a 27' backup distance. 39 Sight triangles have been added to the Landscape plan at the entry drive. 40. This requirement regarding the scale of the plans has been waived per discussion (9/12/01) with staff. 41 Per discussion with staff, the irrigation plans will be submitted with the drawings for building permit. 42. Both large canopy trees and site lights have been moved to accommodate this comment. Poles and trees separated by min. of 15' 43. Please note, pavement marking and signage has been provided on Sheets C-l and C-5. Two loading areas have been added, one north of the building and one south of the building. 44. This comment regarding adding a fire lane was waived per discussion with staff (9-13-01). 45. Please refer to Sheet C-5 for the entrance road pavement markings. 46. A request for administrative waiver to increase the driveway width has been submitted and verbally approved. 47 A note has been added to the Site Plan directly across from the entry drive indicating that the driveway is greater than 180' from the intersection right-of-way line. Both the Survey and Site Plan have been revised to indicate the centerline of Congress Avenue. The property's east property line is 1,261 17' from the centerline of Congress Avenue. 48. A note has been added on the Site Plan, Sheet A-I 1 at the Dumpster Enclosure Detail regarding matching the building and use of drop pins per City drawing A- 88007 49 Please refer Sheet C-3 for typical details for curbs and sidewalks. 50. Wheel stops have been added to all the plans to comply 51 A note has been added to the Landscape Plan to comply, indicating seeding and mulching of future phase site areas. 52. The FDOT edition (2000) has been noted on Sheet C-l, General Note 1 53. The Manual edition (1995) has been noted on Sheet C-l, General Note, 7 54. Please note all references to work "by others" within the Hypoluxo right-of-way has been revised to reflect Palm Beach County This work is referred to as Palm Beach County Project #99506. The driveway connection permit application has been submitted and is currently being processed through the County Engineering Department. 55. The parking lot has been revised to provide a minimum distance of five feet apart between the backs of the wheel stops. Please refer to the "Separator Detail," on Sheet C-3. 56. The City will be copied on any engineering permits obtained through other agencies. 57 Section F - F on Sheet C-3 has been revised to reflect the canal, not the lake. 58. Section A-A has been relocated to the Earthwork plans, Sheet CE-2. 59 Section A-A has been relocated to the Earthwork plans, Sheet CE-l. 60. Section G-G, on Sheet C-3, has been revised to reflect a landscape median. 61 Stall width has been reduced to 9' and dimensioned accordingly on the Site Plan, sheet A-I 1 and on the Parking Space Detail, same sheet. 62. The plans have been modified to create one-way traffic at both drop-off areas to comply 63. The sidewalk has been lowered to the same elevation as the pavement at the handicap and adjacent parking. This has been done both north and south of the building. 64. Please refer to Sheet C-3 for the Handicap Parking sign detail, per City of Boynton Beach Standard B-90012. BUIDING DIVISION. 65. The accessible entrance doors have been identified by note in the building footprint on the Site Plan, Sheet A-t.l 66. The accessible entrance doors have been identified by note in the building Floor Plan, Sheet A-2.t. 67 The accessible route has been identified by note at the HC parking space and extends to the entry doors. The minimum width is noted as 60" Site Plan general note #5, Sheet A-II, indicates that the route will be in compliance with FACBC. 68. a.) The finish floor has been noted on Sheet C-l and qualified in General Note 17 Additionally, the Site Plan, Sheet A-I.l has the requested note added as general note #8. The elevation is also indicated in the Site Data as #14. b.) The Site Plan, Sheet A-II, general note #9 indicates the Flood Zone information requested. c.) The finish floor elevation has been indicated on the Civil Plan, Sheet C-l, the Site Plan, Sheet A-l.l and the Floor Plan, Sheet A-2.1. 69 The property lines have been labeled on the Site Plan, Sheet A-I 1 70. Floor Plan, Sheet A-2.1 has the requested note, indicating that the floor plan is conceptual, added below the drawing title. The accessible entry doors are labeled and match the location on the Site Plan. 71 Existing and proposed easements have been added to the Site Plan, Sheet A-1.1 72. The requested note regarding Table 600 has been added to the Elevation drawing, Sheet A-5.1 below the east elevation. 73. The requested information regarding the number of stories has been added within the building footprint. The building height is indicated in the Site Data,#9, Sheet A-II and Site Data,#9 , Sheet A-1.2 and does not exceed the limitations of the Zoning Code. 74. The Floor Plan, Sheet A-2.1 indicates the number of stories by note located in the Auditorium. The extent of a sound control mezzanine is also indicated. 75. The Floor Plan, Sheet A-2.1 indicates the main use of the building in each of three wings. The south wing is used for Church Offices and Youth Meeting. The central wing is Church Sanctuary The north wing is Day Care (during the week) and Sunday school classrooms (on Sunday). The building is a proposed new building. 76. All setback dimensions have been added or clarified and contain the note "setback" below or adjacent to the dimension. Additionally a Setback Information chart has been added which indicates all of the proposed setbacks. See Sheet A-I 1 and A-1.2. Setbacks to the "Optional Canopy" have also been provided where it extends beyond the main building footprint for any proposed phase. The Courtyard area east of the building is not covered or walled. 77 Setbacks to the "Optional Canopy" have been provided where it extends beyond the main building foot print for any proposed phase. 78. Signed and sealed drawings will be provided for permit review 79 The FPL easement formerly shown through the center of the site has been abandoned and has been removed from the survey and Site Plan. 80. Fence detail added to Site Plan sheets, indicating chain link fence. 8t. Requested information regarding the calculation for handicap parking has been added to Site Data #11 82. Addressing plan shall be submitted at time of permit review 83. Limits of construction include entire site due to lake excavation, muck mitigation, grading for future phases, and requirement to seed and mulch Phase Two and Three areas. PARKS AND RECREATION. 84. There is no landscaping and lor irrigation proposed for the R.O W FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST. 85. A tree removal and relocation plan has been added to the Landscape drawings, Sheet , 11:? 86. This comment regarding Littoral/U pland plantings is in conformance with previous discussions with the City Forester 87 This comment is in conformance with previous discussions with the City Forester The limits of Phase One have expanded, as a result of staff comments, therefore plantings for the body of water on the south portion of the site will be installed in Phase One. PLANNING AND ZONING. 88. The applicant understands that separate Site Plan Approval will be required for future phases. 89 Property Control number has been revised. 90. The requirement for an environmental impact study has been waived. 91 The plan will meet staff comments and applicable codes. General note #6 added to site Plan, Sheet A-I 1. 92. Plans have been modified to provide 27' backup space at two way drive aisle in parking lot. 93. Fence detail added to Site Plan, Sheet A-1.1 94. All fences have been shown on the Landscape Plan. 95. Fire hydrants have been added to the Site Plan. 96. The plans have been submitted to Lake Worth Drainage District for approval of the canal crossing. The permit when receive will constitute LWDD authorization. 97 Tabular Data has been modified to correct Future Land Use to MoDR. 98. Zoning District and Future Land Use Designations of adjacent property have been properly identified on the Site Plan and Master Plan. 99 Tabular data has been corrected. 100. Tabular data has been corrected. Setback Information has been added. 101. Tabular data has been corrected. Parking calculations have been revised per discussions with staff. 102. Current parking calculations correctly reflect daycare use. 103. Current parking calculations correctly reflect church office use. 104. Parking calculations are now based upon the number of seats. The required parking based on seats far exceeds those based on area. 105. We have provided less than the 50% and have provided stabilized sod for the proposed grass parking. See Civil Sheet C-l. 106. All outdoor lighting poles are concrete and information is being submitted in the form of manufacturer product literature per previous discussion with staff. A detail is also added to the Site Plan, Sheet A-I 1 107 Colored elevations will be provided. 108. Sample! swatch will be provided for all major exterior materials. 109 The entry drive straddles the LWDD canal and will not permit any large trees planted in the R.O. W The requested trees cannot be planted on the south side of the canal due to t 35' FPL easement that contains landscape restrictions. 110. FDOT Type D curb has been provided around landscape islands within the parking areas per discussion with staff. 111. The Hypoluxo buffer has been landscaped per the requirements. 112. A continuous hedge has been provided along the east property line adjacent to vehicular use areas. 113. Proposed pipe by others has been clarified on Civil and Site Plan drawings. This pipe is part of the Palm Beach County road improvement project. 114. The sign design has been modified to meet the indicated criteria. 115. A dimension of 5' has been added to the Site Plan at the monument sign. 116. Landscaping has screened all above ground mechanical equipment shown on the Landscape drawings and indicated in general note #7 on the Site Plan, sheet A- I 1 117 Directional signs #2 and #3 will be installed with future phases. They have been removed from Phase One Plan. 118. Pervious pavement is not proposed for this project. Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach 211 South Federal Hwy, Swte 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone. (561) 737 5579 Fax (561) 737-1226 September 19, 2001 To Whom It May Concern Tills letter IS m answer to quesbon 22 on the 1st reVIew comment sheet. Quesbon 22 (from a traffic standpomt) 1 The planned attendance for Sunday morning serVIces will be approXlDlately 400 with the maXlDlum of 500 in attendance On Wednesday evemngs we will be haVIng a 7pm serVIce bme that will have apprmomately 100 to 200 m attendance again Wlth a maxunum of 500 AddIbonal class bmes or mlmstry meetmg bmes could be held each evenmg dUrIng the week startmg at 7.00 and could have m attendance between 10- 100 people depending on the class/event scheduled. 2 Our weekly office hours will be Tuesday through Saturday from 9am to 6pm. The Day Care hours will be Monday through Fnday from 7am to 6pm. 3 The facility may possibly be rented to another church for a specIfied bme period only In the evenmgs after 7pm. 4. The bwldmg will be alarmed. 5 Not apphcable. SIncerely, 01~ -11~ LorI Marse Admlmstrator 1/ And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (}) REPORT OF ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION CAL VARY CHAPEL OF BOYNTON BEACH, INC. PROPOSED CALVARY CHURCH SANCTUARY AND PARKING LOT SOUTH SIDE OF HVPOLUXO ROAD, EAST OF LAWRENCE ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FOR CALVARY CHAPEL OF BOYNTON BEACH, INC. 211 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 201 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 ATTN PASTORGEORGEMARSE PREPARED BY NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 JULY 2001 ~//~I Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering · Inspection · Testing 01310 NEPTUNE DRIVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 08175 WEST 32""AVENUE · SUITE 2. HIALEAH, FL33018 (561) 7364900. (954) 941-8700. (305) 824-0060. Fax (561) 737-9975. (954) 938-8900 (305) 557-3083 · Fax (305) 824-8827 NUTTING ENGINEERS Geotechnical & Construction Materials Engineering -Inspection - Testing Environmental Services OF FLORIDA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 www.nuttingengineers.com July 31, 2001 Pastor George Marse Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach, Inc 211 South Federal Highway, SUIte 201 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Phone 561-737-5579 Fax. 561-737-1226 Subject. Report of AddItIonal GeotechnIcal ExploratIon (Test PIts & SoIl Bonngs) Proposed Calvary Church Sanctuary And Parking Lot South SIde of Hypoluxo Road & East of Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Pastor Marse Nuttmg Engmeers of Flonda, Inc has performed additional geotechnIcal exploratIOn for the proposed Calvary Chapel Church Sanctuary to be located on the 8 8-acre property at the above referenced site in Boynton Beach, Flonda. The purpose of thIS exploratIOn was to obtaIn more detaIled mformatIOn concernmg the SIte and subsurface condItIOns m order to provIde SIte preparatIon and foundatIon design recommendatIOns for support of the proposed construction. ThIS report presents our finchngs and recommendatIOns. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Nutting Engmeers performed a PrelImmary GeotechnIcal ExploratIOn of the subject property in April 2000 The report was preliminary in nature due to the liITIlted soIl bonngs performed and the lack of plans for future development of the SIte. The results of the soIl borings indicated that in soil boring B-4 a sIlty organIc peat was encountered from 3.5 to 40 feet below the surface Laboratory testing of the peat mdIcated that the sample was moderately organIc, and contained natural water content of 100 percent. This sample indicated that if organIc matenals were located in other areas of the property, m order to prepare the SIte for a shallow foundation system, demuckmg operatIons would need to be performed to remove the silty peat matenal. Nutting Engmeers then performed a Report of GeotechnIcal ExploratIon dated July 13, 2001, for the proposed Sanctuary as laId out on the SIte plan. During the soIl exploratIOn wIthin the pen meter of the proposed Phase 1 buIlchng, fibrous organIc soils were encountered. Laboratory analYSIS concluded that the soil was unsuitable for foundation support and we provIded recommendatIOns for foundatIon preparatIon Dunng thIS tIme, 2 o 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE - BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 0 8175 WEST 32""AVENUE - SUITE 2- HIALEAH, FL33018 (561) 736-4900. (954) 94HI700. (305) 824-0060. Fax (561) T.fl-9975. (954) 938-8900 (305) 557-3083 - FAX (305) 824-8827 it was recommended that test pIts be performed throughout the entIre property to determine the extent of unsUItable soils wIthin the property Along wIth the test pits, SOlI bonngs were to be performed in the area of the proposed sanctuary to extend beyond fifteen feet below the surface to ensure that unsUItable SOlIs dId not eXIst below fifteen feet. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION/GENERAL SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface Soil Exploration The addItional exploration of subsurface condItIOns Included SIte observatIon, three additIonal Standard PenetratIon Test (SPT) bonngs (ASTM D-1586) WIthIn the proposed sanctuary to a depth of 30 feet below the surface, and a total of 27 backhoe excavated test pItS observed by a NuttIng representatIve on July 19, 2001 Along WIth bonngs and test pItS, aenal photograph reVIew of the subject SIte was performed datIng back to 1965 ReproductIOns of these aerials reVIewed are included in the appendIx sectIOn of the report. The locatIons of the test pItS are IndIcated on the attached test pIt locatIOn plan IndIVIdual test pIt logs are presented In the appendIx of thIS report. The test pItS were located at locatIons establIshed by the Project Geotechnical EngIneer The locatIons of the addItIonal soIl bonngs are IndIcated on the test pIt locatIOn plan IndIVIdual bonng logs are presented In the appendIX of thIS report. The borings were located from known surveyed pOInts to locations predetenruned by the structural engIneer, and Jim Baretta of Baretta and ASSOCIates, Inc Soil Boring Results The additIonal soil bonngs Indtcate that the unsuitable soils do exist only in the upper five feet of the subsurface or WIthIn a couple feet of the water table as preVIously dIscovered. Below a depth of fifteen feet, tan to brown medIUm dense quartz fine sand was encountered to 30 feet, the maximum depth explored. Test Pit Results In general, the test pIts performed WIthIn the subject SIte typIcally revealed a 6 to 12-Inch surface layer of topsoil and brown sand. All test pits performed approximately east of the dashed line on the test pIt location map contained a 6 to 12 inch black sand with medium size roots from approximately 2 to 3 feet below the surface. Below tlns dark sand was a gray to light tan sand to approximately 6 feet, the maxImum depth explored. In test pItS performed west of the dashed line on the test pIt locatIon map, a black to reddish brown fibrous organIC peat was encountered from approxImately 2 to 5 feet below the surface. Below thIS organIC layer was a gray to brown sand to SIX feet, the maxImum depth . @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INe ESTABLISHED 1967 3 explored. ThIs organIc soIl ranged from 1 foot to approxImately 3 feet In thIckness. Based on the test pItS performed a lIne IndicatIng the estImated boundary of the unsUItable soIls has been marked on the test pIt location map It IS Important to note that thts lIne IS an estImate only based on observations and best-drawn conclUSIOns VanatlOns to thIs lIne may be present in one or more locatIons throughout the site. Test pIts were also performed withtn the ponds on the sIte to deteITIllne If the soIls WIthIn the ponds are suitable for foundatIon or roadway support. Both test pItS performed, TP-14 and TP-27, Indtcate that debns (garbage) eXIsts within the first 0.5 foot of the bottom of the pond. The soil below this appears SUItable for foundation and roadway support. BackfillIng of these ponds are detailed in the July 13,2001 Report of GeotechnIcal ExploratIon Laboratory Testing and Analysis A representatIve soil sample was conected dunng the fieldwork and returned to the laboratory for testing. Speclficany, one natural water content and one organIC content test was performed on the sandy organIc matenal encountered In test pIt TP-12 from approxImately 2.0 to 3.0 feet. The natural water content was deteITIllned to be 34 6 percent. The organic content test revealed approxImately 15 1 percent of the soIl IS made up of organIc matenaJ. ThIS indicates that a portIOn of the matenal wIn naturally breakdown and decay over tIme. In general, fin placed beneath bUIldIngs and roadways should not have more than three to five percent organIc matenal The groundwater level was measured at the boring locations at the tIme of drilling. The groundwater level was encountered at a depth of approxImately three to four feet below the eXIstIng ground surface. Dunng test pIt observatIons the water table was located at approximately five to six feet below the surface ThIS change In depth IS due to the fact that the groundwater probably dId not have enough time to sufficiently percolate to the average level when the pItS were made. FluctuatIon In the observed groundwater levels should be expected due to raInfan vanatlOns, seasonal clImatIc changes, constructIOn actIvIty and other sIte-specIfic factors. ANALYSES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the results of the test pits, it appears that unSUItable soIls, organIc peat, eXIst within approximately the entire length, north to south, of the property It appears that the SOlIs are present from the existing canals edge to a maxImum width of approxImately 100 feet east. The test pits indicate that the unSUItable soIls eXIst within the proposed sanctuary and Phase 4 sanctuary expansIon. The proposed day care and offices as well as the future Phase 2 school where SUItable soils exist. ThIS was seen in the laboratory testing of TP-12, whIch IS located WIthIn the day care portIon of the building. The test pits also indtcate that the future Phase 3 C.L.F does not contain unSUItable soils based upon the test pIt explorations. ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC ESTABLISHED 1967 4 The remainIng areas of unsuitable soils pnmanly eXIst WIthIn approximately one half of the entIre north parlang lot (west half), future north lake (west half), a portIOn of the parking lot immedIately south of the sanctuary, and the entIre proposed south lake expanSIon area. We recommend that the proposed sanctuary be prepared USIng the demuclang and backfillIng operatIOns as explaIned In our prevIOUS report dated July 13, 2001 ThIS IS due to the fact that the unSUItable soIls only cover approximately one third of the bUIldIng, and some undercuttIng wIll need to be perlormed for the pond backfill to properly ensure that the entire buIldIng pad is unIformly compacted to reduce the potentIal for dIfferentIal settlements. The recommendatIOns provided below are for the development of the asphalt paved parking lots and roadways that contain the unSUItable organIC soIl Asphalt Paved Parking Lot and Roadway Design Options Along WIth the standard pavement recommendations stated In the previous report, these recommendatIOns pertaIn speCIfically to the unSUItable sOlIs that were dIscovered dunng subsurlace exploratIOn. Because of the SIze and extent of unSUItable sOlIs WIthIn the property and proposed constructIOn areas, several optIons were considered in order to provide the best method available that IS cost effectIve, would meet deSIgn capabIlItIes, and offer long-term lIfe WIth nunImal future repatrs. Based upon these cntena, three possible alternatIves are avatlable. The first alternative IS the process of total demuclang and backfillIng the areas where the unSUItable soIl eXISt. The second optIon IS to apply a surcharge layer of soIl on the areas of concern to precompress of the unSUItable SOlIs for a period of time. A thIrd possible optIOn IS to utIlIze what IS called a Geognd to the soil to add tenSIle strength and to reduce differentIal settlements. It IS our OpInIOn that the Geogrid optIOn be used for the pavement and roadway areas. The optIons are further explatned below Demuckine: and Backtilline: Option: This option is the most effectIve for total long- term settlement and dtfferentIal settlement. By demucking and backfilling the SOlI the removal of compressible matenal will be perlormed as well as the Improvement of loose matenal Though thIS optIon is one of the most dtrect and absolute In solVIng the problem of settlements, cost of the operation may be prohibItIve. Based upon discussions with other companIes and comparatIve prices on preVIOUS Jobs, it was estimated that to perlorm demuclang and SOlI replacement and/or backfill, the cost could be estimated at approximately $12 a CUbIC yard (yd3). Test pit exploratIOn indtcates that approximately 55,500 square feet of land would need to be demucked to a maximum depth of 6 feet. This volume would convert Into approXImately 12,333 cubic yards at a cost of $12 per cubic yard. It can then be estimated that total demuclang operations would cost approXImately $150,000 This pnce IS only an estimate, type of fill, actual extent of demuclang, and other unforeseeable factors can Influence thIS pnce ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. IHe ESTABLISHED 1967 5 WhIle demuckmg and backfillIng is the most effectIve method for proper soIl development, the price may be too high to be considered cost effective If this optIon however IS decIded upon please follow the recommendatIOns presented below Dunng these operatIOns a representative of Nuttmg EngIneers should be present to ensure that the engineering mtent IS beIng met. . Organic Material Areas (Demucking Option) Due to the presence of sIlty organIc peat m the areas of proposed parlang lots and roadways, these soIls wIll need to be excavated. These soils can be encountered from 2 feet below the surface up to approxImately 4.5 feet below the surface. The soIls above thIS stratum can be stockpIled and used as backfill The level of the water table at the tIme of the bonngs was from 3 to 4 feet below the eXIstIng ground surface. Therefore we antIcIpate that the excavatIon may go below the water table. The water table will fluctuate WIth the ramfall and sIte actiVItIes. If thIS occurs dunng excavation some dewatenng may be necessary If dewatenng IS not performed, fill placed below the natural groundwater level shall consIst of clean sand and lImestone haVIng a Limerock Beanng RatIO (LBR) of at least 40 The fill matenal shall have no more than 10 percent passIng the No 200 SIeve, with a maJumum particle size of 3 Inches. The fill may be placed m a loose state untIl reachIng no more than two feet above the natural groundwater level Also, the fill shall be compacted untIl the soIl surface subSIdence has been greatly reduced. Structural fill needed to bnng the SIte to construction grade may then be placed In lIfts not exceedIng 12 inches in loose thIckness when using the VIbratory compactIon equipment described prevIOusly Each lift should be thoroughly compacted untIl denSIties equivalent to at least 95 percent of the modIfied Proctor maximum dry denSIty are UnIformly obtaIned. Addition of Surchar2e (Fill) To Pavement Areas Option. ThIS optIon may be less expensive due to the fact that soil WIll be excavated from the proposed north and south lake prior to pavement design. The surcharge fill material may also be any silt/muck that IS encountered dunng the excavation process and placed upon the pavement areas that wIll be preconsolIdated. ThIS method would allow for the precompreSSIOn of the sIlty organic matenal, but long-term settlement due to decompositIon of organIC matenal may still cause some settlement of the roadways and parking areas. Discussions were held WIth other clIents who chose thIS optIon for the soIl preparatIon of their roadways and parking lots. Based upon the same type of criteria, they stated that their total costs were approxImately $6 per cubIC yard of fill Based upon 6 feet of fill being preloaded on the site, thIS option would cost approxImately $75,000 A major factor in thIS type of operatIon IS substantial amount of tIme for the surcharge of matenal <'2i)NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC ESTABLISHED 1967 6 on the areas of concern. Another component of thIs operation depends upon whether the surcharge fill matenal can be generated from on-sIte earthwork, or does the fill need to be Imported for the surcharge. ThIs component must be evaluated before utIlIzIng thIS alternatIve If thIS optIon IS deCIded upon, please follow the recommendatIons presented below · Addition of Fill to Pavement Areas Operation Stnp all grass, topsoil and root zones to five feet outside exterior roadway areas. A NuttIng EngIneers representatIve pnor to fillIng the pad area should observe the stripped surface. The stripped surface should be compacted USIng a vibratory compactor haVIng a Dllmmum dynamIC force of 20 tons (Dynapac CA 25 or eqUIvalent) At least 20 overlappIng passes (10 passes In an east/west and 10 passes In a north/south directIOn) shall be completed. The vibratory compactor should be operated at the maxImum frequency settIng at a speed of no more than 2 feet per second (slow walk). The compactIOn operatIons should be observed by a Nutting representative on a full tIme baSIS Also, the soils shall be compacted to at least 98 percent of the modIfied Proctor maxImum dry denSIty (ASTM D-1557) to a depth of at least 12 Inches below the compacted surface. Fill roadway areas from eXIstIng elevatIOn to 5 to 7 feet above existmg elevatIOn with surcharge material. Surcharge material can be SIlt/muck demucked from other areas on the SIte. The surcharge should extend 10 feet outSIde of asphalt areas. Allow fill to remain In place for 1 to 2 months, and mom tor settlement. NuttIng EngIneers should review settlement data to determIne when the surcharge can be removed. Settlement data should be recorded on a weekly baSIS. All surcharge matenal should be completely removed pnor to construction Venficatlon bonngs should then be performed to ensure that the engIneenng Intent has been met. Application of a Geotextile (Tensar Geo2rid) to the Pavement Areas Option. The thIrd optIon that IS aVaIlable IS the applIcatIon of a reInforcement gnd (geognd) A geogrid can allow for greater tensile support WIthin the parkmg lot and reduce the amount of differential settlement of the parkIng lot due to the soft silty orgamc soils. ThIs method would allow for a Dllmmal undercut and compaction before the applIcatIOn of the geognds and then pavement materials. Long-term settlement due to decomposItIon of organic material may stIll cause some settlement of the roadways and parkmg areas. The grid also does not have to be applied uniformly throughout the entIre roadway and parkmg lot, but based on cost analysis and dIfferentIal settlements between the two conditIOns, It would be recommended. The representative of Contech Construction Products, Inc indicated that based on the current site condItIons a Tensar BXllOO Geogrid can be utilIzed at a cost of approximately $2.50 a square yard Installed. Based on sIte condItIons It was ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC ESTABLISHED 1967 7 recommended that two gnds be installed, so total installatIOn costs would be approxImately $5 a square yard. If the matenal was installed only in the pavement areas that were dIscussed 10 the other optIOns, a total cost of $31,000 could be expected. As stated prevIously thIS cost IS an approxImatIon and vanations to the cost should be anticIpated. If this optIOn is chosen please follow the genera] preparatIOn methods below along wIth the geognd manufacturer's addItIonal methods. . Geogrid Placement Operation Stnp all grass, topsoil and root zones to five feet outsIde extenor roadway areas. A Nutt10g Eng10eers representatIve pnor to fillIng the pad area should observe the stripped surface The stnpped surface should be compacted us10g a vibratory compactor hav10g a mInImum dynamIC force of 20 tons (Dynapac CA 25 or eqUIvalent). At least 20 over]app1Og passes (10 passes 10 an east/west and 10 passes 10 a north/south dIrection) shall be completed. The vibratory compactor should be operated at the maxImum frequency sett10g at a speed of no more than 2 feet per second (slow walk). The compactIOn operations should be observed by a Nutt10g representatIve on a full tIme basIs Also, the SOlIs shall be compacted to at least 98 percent of the modIfied Proctor maxImum dry denSIty (ASTM D-1557) to a depth of at least 12 10ches below the compacted surface. Placement of the first layer of the Tensar BX1100 Geognd or eqUIvalent should be placed on the compacted SOl] per the manufacturer's speCIfication. The geognd should be properly tenSIOned and p10ned as stated by the manufacturer When these operations have been performed, the stabilized subgrade (subbase) matena] should be placed and compacted. Subbase areas should be compacted to a mInImum of 98 percent of the modIfied Proctor maxImum dry denSIty We recommend that stabilIzed subgrade hav10g a mInImum Llmerock Beanng RatIo (LBR) of 40 be placed wIth a compacted thIckness of 12 1Oches. When the subgrade has been properly prepared, the second layer of geognd should be applied as per the manufacturer's recommendatIOn. Once thIS has been performed the application of the base course can be applied. The base course WIll range from approxImately 6 to 8 1Oches, and should have a minImum LBR of 100 We can provide more detailed pavement desIgn recommendations including material types and thickness. However, it would be necessary to proVIde us with the antICIpated traffic 10ad1Og charactenstIcs and pavement desIgn lIfe. Lake Excavations The organIc SOlIs encountered wlth10 the proposed excavatIOn areas should not be used for pavement or structural fill. In general the remaining soIls consisted of sands, which are suitable for general pavement and bUIld10g areas. We note that the soils excavated WIll not meet the LBR requirements for the pavement sectIOn Imported matenal WIll be required for the pavement sectIOns. <'2i)NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIO.... INC ESTABLISHED 1967 8 GENERAL INFORMATION Prior to imtIating any optIons provided above, discussIOns should be held wIth Nutting Engineers to better define optIons and answer any additIOnal questIons that nught be raIsed. All cost analysis performed in thIs report are based upon chscusslons wIth other clients and baSIC unit rates that are comparable to the situatIon of thIS sIte. Actual costs assocIated with thIS project may vary; therefore these costs should only be used to understand potentIal estImates. Costs may also vary based upon the actual detenmnatlOn of unSUItable soils that exist throughout the property Pnor to ImtIatIng compaction operatIons, we recommend that representatIve samples of the structural fill matenal to be used and acceptable in-place soIls be collected and tested to determine their compactIon and classIfication charactenstlcs. The maxImum dry denSIty, optImum moisture content, gradatIon and plastICIty charactenstics should be detenmned. These tests are needed for compactIon quality control of the structural fill and eXIstIng sOlIs, and to detenmne If the fill matenalls acceptable. A representative number of in-place field density tests should be performed In the compacted existIng soIls and In each lift of structural fill or backfill to confirm that the reqUIred degree of compaction has been obtaIned. If condItIOns are encountered whIch are not consIstent with the findIngs presented In thIS report, or If proposed constructIon IS moved from the location studied, thIS office shall be notIfied Immechatelv so that the conditIon or change can be evaluated and appropnate actIon taken. The vibratory compaction equipment could cause vibrations that could be felt by persons within adjacent builchngs. The contractor should exercise due care during the performance of the vibratory compaction work. If such vibratIons are not considered tolerable, then alternate foundatIon mo<hficatIon techniques should be considered. ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. IHe ESTABLISHED 1967 9 We appreciate the opportumty to provide these servIces for you. If we can be of any further assIstance, or if you need addItIonal information, please feel free to contact us Sincerely, ;N~EN:JNEE;7DA,mc. ~orek Project Engineer Attachments Test Pit & Test Boring Site Plan Test Pit Reports (1-27) Test Boring Reports (1-7) Aenal Photographs LimitatIOns of Liabihty SoIl ClassificatIOn Critena REPTESTPITCALVARYCHURCH CEG ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. 'Ne ESTABLISHED 1967 10 ~tJJ(..4. 7/3;/01 RIchard Wohlfarth, P.E. #50858 DIrector of Engmeenng TEST PIT LOG RECORDS CLIENT NAME. Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach, Inc. PROJECT NAME. Proposed Calvary Church Sanctuary PROJECT LOCA TION South of Hypoluxo Rd & East of Lawrence Rd, Boynton Beach, F1. TEST PIT NO. TP-l DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) ..FROM :CO 0 1 75 Topsoil with brown sand and root 1 75 2.0 Black quartz fine sand with medium to fine root 2.0 5.5+ Gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.5 DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-2 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) . :nOM , TO , 0 0.5 Subbase fill material 0.5 2.5 Brown quartz fine sand 2.5 3.0 Black quartz fine sand with meqium to fine root 3.0 5.5+ Gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.5 DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-3 ~=. . SQ~~_~ :~~ '. DOM , ;;'(().' .' .. ~ :>-,..... 0 1.0 Topsoil with pale brown sand and root 1.0 5.5+ Light tan quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.5' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. IHe ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-4 "DEPTH SQILDESCRIPTION -. :(Ii'EET) ,. '. trJtROM ; TO . 0 3.0 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root 30 4.0 Black quartz fine sand with organic staining (hardpan) 40 5.5+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.5' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-5 DEPTH SOIL DES~RIPTION . (FEET) TROM TO 0 3.0 Topsoil WIth tan to brown sand and root 3.0 4.0 Black fibrous organic soil 4.0 6.0 Reddish brown fibrous organic peat 6.0 6.5+ Tan to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 4.0' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-6 ~'DEPTH ~frk~:-,tliah:y .,> ' ,F,RQ,M'>T2 }J()("'~~~ o 2.5 'SOIL DESCRIPTION . ~~t."' '~';;"i:~~~~- ~ < '. ' ~~ ~~:_~~~~l) ~_ ~_'. Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root f" .li.f~~,", "- .~ 2.5 3.0 3.0 5.5+ Black quartz fine sand with organic staining, and roots White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.5 DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 (@NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIO.... INC ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-7 " ~'DEPTIl < SOIL DESCRIPTION , " dlmT) < ,FROM ,TO 0 2.5 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root 2.5 3.5 Black silty organics 3.5 5.5 Gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.5 DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-8 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION . (FEET) ,.,EROM TO 0 1.5 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root 1.5 175 Black quartz fine sand with organic staining, and roots 1 75 5.0+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 50' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-9 " J?~ SOIL J>ESClUPTION - t.._~ :~)', -r;,~ BRO~< ~TO .. " << -' ----- >l' ,. 0 1.5 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root 1.5 1 75 Black quartz fine sand with organic staining, and roots 1 75 5.0+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.0' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-I0 . :DEPTH " -> SOIL DESCRIPTION .;., '(FEE' "". ,p .. '0 ,DOM "TO ~ -' 0 2,0 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root 2,0 3.0 Black fibrous organic soil 3.0 6.5+ Tan to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.0' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP 11 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION {FEE'O ~FROM TO .. 0 2.5 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root 2.5 3.5 Black fibrous organic soil 3.5 4.5 Reddish brown fibrous organic peat 4.5 6.0+ Tan to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.0' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-12 t: SOIL DESCRIP'f,ION ~ J~:'L 2.0 3.0 Topsoil with tan to brown sand and root Black quartz fine sand with organic staining, and roots W.C. 34.6% O.C. 15.1 % White to light gray quartz fine sand 3.0 4.5+ GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. IHe ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-13 << < 'D.EPTH SOIL D~CRIPTION (FEET) -..' 5\.., r. IiftRQM TO _:';'J-~ 0 1.25 Brown sand with small muck pockets 1.25 2.0 Black quartz fine sand with organic staining, and roots 2.0 4.5 White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7119/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-14 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) <FROM TO 0 -6.0 Pond Exploration (Depth to Bottom) 6.0 -90 Tan Sand with surface debris (small animal trap) GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-15 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTlON (FEET) ~ nOM TO ;.. 0 2.0 Topsoil with brown sand and root 2.0 2.5 Black quartz fine sand with organic staining. and roots 2.5 5.0+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATERDEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA INe ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP.I6 ^ DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION' (FEET) FROM TO . .-~ 0 1.5 Topsoil with brown sand and root 1.5 3.0 Black fibrous organic soil 30 4.5+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 4.5 DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP.I' DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) FROM TO 0 2.0 Topsoil with brown sand and root 2.0 2.5 Black fibrous organic soil 2.5 5.0+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDW ATER DEPTH. 4.5 DATE PERFORMED. 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-IS DEPTH SOIL DESCR1Jt.rl()N' . (FEET) "FROM TO - . . ._- . 0 1.0 Topsoil with brown sand and root 1.0 1.25 Black quartz fine sand with organic staining, and roots 1.25 6.0+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDW ATER DEPTH. 5.0' DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. IHe ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-19 DEPTH " SOIL DEsCRIPTION . . . (FEET) ,FROM TO 0 1.0 Topsoil with brown sand and root 10 5.0+ Tan quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. 5.0' DATE PERFORMED. 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-20 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) FROM TO 0 10 Topsoil with brown sand and root 1 0 5.0+ Tan quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-21 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET)' 'FROM TO ,. . , ., "--!;1~' 0 2.0 Topsoil with gray sand and root 2.0 2.5 Black sand with organic staining and root 2.5 50+ Light gray to tan quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 ~NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA INC ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-22 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) . -<-_. FROM TO '0 '. 0 2.0 Topsoil with gray sand 2.0 2.5 Black sand with organic staining and root 2.5 50+ White to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-23 DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION (FEET) ^' ~~. FROM TO 0 1.5 Topsoil with gray sand 1.5 2.0 Black sand with organic stalOlOg and root 2.0 5.0+ WhIte to light gray quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED- 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-24 DEPI'H SOILJ)ESCR1PfIO~ (FEET) 'FROM TO 0 10 Topsoil with dark gray sand and root 1.0 5.0+ Light gray to tan quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED. 7/19/01 @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC ESTABLISHED 1967 TEST PIT LOG RECORDS TEST PIT NO. TP-25 DEPTH SOlL DESCRIPTION -~ ~>: ., ~ (FEET) - FROM TO 0 0.5 Topsoil with dark gray sand and root 0.5 1.0 Black sand with organic staining and root 10 5.0+ Light gray to tan quartz fine sand GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-26 ("'O(4.~'~ ~~. ~.tol it 4o"a.t:> ~3~ -..:a "0 ..c ~ Aac:>' ~ DEPTH SOIL DESCRIPTION ,(lfEET) FROM TO 0 1.5 Topsoil with gray sand and root 1.5 2.5 Black fibrous organic soil 2.5 40+ Light gray to tan quartz fine sand GROUNDW ATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED' 7/19/01 TEST PIT NO. TP-27 F.' , SOIL,DESCRlPTION ~t i.l<:.+ .- -~ _ ; ""--,...,.... :" ~-~~}~%~~_.;,...~;.:.t ~ir~::> . l'.,,'Jpl , '~OM\5.! "00 '" -y,-~~j::~~ ,. . 0 -5.0 Pond Exploration (Depth to Bottom) 5 0 -8.0 Light gray sand with surface debris and plants GROUNDWATER DEPTH. N/A DATE PERFORMED. 7/19/01 LOG CAL v ARYTESTPIT CEO @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, IHe ESTABLISHED 1967 ~ NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. EstabUshed 1987 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering -Inspection - Testing TEST BORING REPORT Depth Feet Description of Materials 1 Brown quartz fine SAND, trace roots Brown quartz fine SAND Dk. brown ORGANICS, with some peat Brown quartz fine SAND Tan quartz fine SAND Brown quartz fine SAND I Gray quartz fine SAND Brown quartz fine SAND Test Boring tennlnates @ 30 feeL .3 .5 .5 15 6.5 o Penetration N Value Blows 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing 6 1/3 3/3 1/1 .3/7 2/6 5/8 315 4/6 3/3 5/5 315 6/8 lil .1 I I I I i ! I I 4 9 8 11 i i 6/9 20I!11/13 M M M M 517 7/9 i i ! I i I M i I : i I i M M M 14 I 11.517 14 I I i !7/9 i i! 13 114ffi 17/10 ! I ! i ! 'LJLJ Client: Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach, Inc. Project Name: 8.8 Acre Site Project Location. South Side of Hypoluxo Road East of Lantana Rd. Yale Location. Approx. as located on site plan Jriller. C. Simmons =Ievation Reference: Approx. @ road crown :asing:Diameter. Mud Rotary 5ampler.Diameter" 2" OD x 2' Split Spoon 3roundwater depth. Immediate. 3.2' :AMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. Order #. Hole#. Boy'!ton Beach, FL Date Started: 7/19/01 Date Completed. 7/19/01 Hammer WT Fall: Hammer WT 140# Fall: 30" 12202.1 8 by. 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 736-4900. Pompano Beach (954) 941-8700 FAX (561) 737-9975 ~ NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Eat.tlllshed 1817 TEST BORING REPORT Depth Feet Description of Materials .5 Gray brown quartz fine SAND, little root -- Dk. gray quartz fine SAND ~ Ll brown quartz fine SAND Tan quartz fine SAND Brown quartz fine SAND Lt brown quartz fine SAND Gray quartz fine SAND Brown quartz fine SAND Test Boring terminates @l30 feet 13 17 Penetration N Value Blows 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N Sampler Casing 4 1/1 3/4 14 8/7 717 6/5 415 6 3/3 3/3 8 3/4 14/5 11 415 16/8 I~ M 15 18110 I ! M i M I 1 M I 118 ~ 1 11/13 M M 118/8 M 18 ! 110/12 , I M i I I II M I : 1 M 114 I 416 i I I . 8/9 I I L' I . , I , I~ Client: Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach, Inc. Project Name: 8.8 Acre Site Project Location: South Side of Hypoluxo Road East of Lantana Rd. Hole Location: Approx. as located on site plan Driller C. Simmons Elevation Reference. Approx. @ road crown Casing: Diameter. Mud Rotary Sampler'Diameter' 2" 00 x 2' Split Spoon Groundwater depth.lmmediate ~ SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering -Inspection - Testing Order #' Hole#' Boynton Beach, FL 12202.1 9 Date Started. 7/19/01 Date Completed: 7/19/01 HammerWT Fall: Hammer WT 140# Fall: 30" by' 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 736-4900. Pompano Beach (954) 941-8700. FAX (561) 737-9975 ~ NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. btabllahed 1117 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering · Inspection · Testing Date Started: 7/19/01 Date Completed: 7/19/01 HammerWT Fall. Hammer WT 140# Fall: 30" TEST BORING REPORT Depth Feet Penetration N Value o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 N .5 Description of Materials _ Gravauartz fine SAND, little root Brown quartz fine SAND Ok. brown ORGANICS Tan quartz fine SAND -- \ 3 8 \) 1? 11 I / ~ 7 9 I I , I ~ I 112 I \ I , I I I I I ~ 118 I I I I I I I I I 1 j I i I I I q 113 : I ! I i 0 14 I ! I I I 15 Lt. brown quartz fine SAND Gray quartz fine SAND Lt. brown quartz fine SAND Test Boring tenninates @ 30 feet. Client: Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach, Inc. Project Name. 8.8 Acre Site Project Location. South Side of HYPoluxo Road East of Lantana Rd. Hole Location. Approx. as located on site plan Driller C. Simmons Elevation Reference: Approx. @ road crown Casing:Diameter' Mud Rotary Sampler' Diameter. 2" 00 x 2' Split Spoon Groundwater depth:lmmediate. ~ SAMPLES WILL BE DISCARDED IN 60 DAYS UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE. Order #. Hole#' Boynton Beach, FL Blows Sampler Casing r:l! I: I .416 I' 16/6 I I 'IE III 4/3 I 13/5 I 14/5 I ! .1 M 1416 ! I 6/8 : I I !II M I · M Isn ! I M 1.11/13 !! M II M 1516 II M I ! I 117/9 i' M i M l~o II M Ii I I L-J L-J 12202.1 10 R. by. 1310 Neptune Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Boynton Beach (561) 7364900. Pompano Beach (954) 941-8700 FAX (561) 737.9975 ~UTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA IN ESTABLISHED 1967 CALVARY CHAPEL 3190 HYPOLUXO ROAD LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 1965 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH t N PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FlORIDA IN ESTABLISHED 1967 CALVARY CHAPEL 3190 HYPOLUXO ROAD LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 1968 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH t N PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING NUTTING ENGINEERS CALVARY CHAPEL 3190 HYPOLUXO ROAD LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 1970 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH t N Of flORIDA IN ESTABLISHED 1967 PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING .~~..... ~ ~. . -i' " ~_ ~..;..,..-t".:::6 -:r ~ ~- ., _ ........~,.,...,,'""'_ A 1In II ,..................~+_........'>>.~''-''''- ..... ..-""..0. Ml ~.; '-V-,-Qtrt~~~-~ ...,.".... ~ --.:- .~ ~. ~ - __ _......~~~_J.... ~#.,.., ,p..- NUTTING ENGINEERS CALVARY CHAPEL 3190 HYPOLUXO ROAD LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 1989 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH t N OF flORIDA IN ESTABLISHED 1967 PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING ~ ," t' ~ .1' I" - #.-.-.. A 1 ~ ... ... f.... '~ . NUTTING ENGINEERS CALVARY CHAPEL 3190 HYPOLUXO ROAD LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 1993 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH t N OF FlORIDA IN ESTABLISHED 1967 PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA RELA TIVE DENSITY SAND SHEAR STRENGTH CLAY SPT N- VALUE RELATIVE SPT UNCONFINED CONSISTENCY N-Value COMP STRENGTH (blows/ft.) (tons/ft.2) (blows/ft.) DENSITY 0-4 5 - 10 11 - 29 30 - 49 >50 100/6" Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Very Dense Refusal <2 2 4 5 - 8 9 - 15 16 - 30 >30 <0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-4.00 >4.00 Very soft Soft Medium Stiff Very Stiff Hard PARTICLE SIZE DESCRIPTION MODIFIERS Boulder Cobble Gravel Sand Silt Clay >12 in 3 to 12 in. 4 76mm to 3 in. 0.074mm to 4.76mm 0.005mm to 0.074mm <0.005mm 0-5% 6 - 10% 11 - 20% 21 - 35% >35% Slight trace Trace Little Some And I MIjOf Divisions Group I Typical Clas5ificetion Critft'ia Symbol. Names I c"" Cy D60<'D,o G,e-IUt' th.n 4 I Well-grMSed gr8Vels and g,g I i I j . GW ..evel-.oo mlxtUtft, . E C' 1D30'2 H lin.. or no 'inn .~ > 811WH'n 1 .nd 3 : ~-~; fe;~j; , D,o.D6O u~ , -" ~ li 0 Cl Poorly..~ '1eveli and "'iiu-6 I }I I L,z GP ..~..nd mixtures, "0 cn~!"O Not meeting both c,itt'la for GW o 0 I g lin'. or no finn ....u"' 1 ClCl5~ I ! ~ 5] Silty ll'OYeI'.ll'_I..."d- i t2-t ~ Atter_g limits plot below 'A line ! Atft'rberg limits plotting :: 0 85 "": ! GM .llz . Itt, mixtures U C)CJ G)': or Dtlsticity index Ins INn 4 ;n hatched .... .r. i i g e Ij_ !; I bOrderline dass,fi<31ions j] .; ... GC C,-y ll'ovol.. ll'oyol-1lI<ld- 'O.i ~ Anwberg limits plot ~e A lirte rlqui,ing u. of d~ ~ c el., mi x tures . ~.. end plasticity index w~ater than 1 symbol. Cl .- - .;g ~ i ~ WelI-V_ sonds and ~8N;S Cy D601D,o Gre.t.r th.... 6 ~~ SW ll'OYoIly sollds. g Nog C' lD30)2 H little Of no fin. & oZ... Between 1 end 3 Ii '0 i ;:: Z Ii ' "'lI,OiD6O : ~~; Poorly ll'- sonds ond ll'ovolly ~ I:. .. Sf' N01 meeting both criter. for SW . f il 0 1Mds. lin.. or no fin-. U~! : j .!: .z o Ii i~ Attwrberg limits plot below A Hne Anerberg limits plotting , jftl SM Silty IWtds, Nnckilt mixture ~=- 01 plasticity indell less ttuln 4 in hatched _. ar. I fH ..0 I Ij. borderli,.. dnsifattons i c3J~ SC C~ _. .nck:1ey mi.1u... ....I ~ Ane-berl limits plot Ibov.. 'A line r~uiri"l uw of d,* I end pi_icily index ...ater th.... 7 sy-. lnorpnic silts. 'IIerv fine 00 V I . ML .nds. rock llour silty or I"ULST 'CIT" CHAlIIT I ~H c1eyey fine sands 'orr_h"-"....ofl_...ned I 00 _i" 1"0 h_ 'M: 100" ro.... I Inoro-ntc cley. of fow to .........i.. R:L '~I i i ~ An.._. .......n pIOu....... t>etr"- e i ; .~g CL medium plas1tcity Fft'elly ... .._.. ....10... 1_,loe.,__ /' I ct~. Andy cl-VI. silty .............. d~ ......... .ll . :: ...11ft clays. Iwn clr,. l___of ........ /' I i~ '" .. .73 7.' i Ortlt"ic .ilts 8nd orpnic 30 i .!I' OL / i silty ct-V' of tow plasticity €) , ~ ! ! 7. ! II ;-~ lnor,.nie lilt., micaceous ./ 61.-.. MH or di.tomaceous fine sands Ii:.. d!; or silll. e'.-tic silts .. ./ ~p o i:2: Inorganic c1eys of h~ 7. .~~._-.. w 6t~ ~ . ~. CH . --- .'9 = .~. pI_heity fat cleys . "'-'I . .. ,. 30 .. o. 50 ,. .. 9. '00 ! '" .. OH OrpnM: el8ys of rned,um Locr...., ....., to hq. pl.-;c,ty Highly Orgonic So;,. P_t. ITKKk. _nd other h;r1y ! PT orpnic .oils V.......M.,u..ldentiflC.'lon... ASTM Desi....',on 02488. I -B.-d on th. ,.,.w.rial P...int the 3-in. n5.mm.)~. JMlT A TlONS OF LlABlLlTY WARRANTY We warrant that the services perfomled hy Nutting Engineers of Rorida, Inc. are conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised hy member<> of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are nuule. While the services of Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are a valuable and integral part of the design and construction teams, we do not warrant, guarantee, or insure the quality or completeness of services provided hy other members of those teams, the quality, completeness, or satisfactory performance of con"truction plans and specifications which we have not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of huilding site material". SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by test borings; test pit" are sometimes employed. TIle method of determining the boring location and the surface elevation at the boring is noted in the report. This information is represented on a drawing or on the boring log. The location and elevation of the boring should be considered accurate only to the degree inherent with the method used. TIle soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, approximate depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata and groundwater data. 1be log represents condition" specifically at the location and time the boring was made. TIle boundaries between different soil strata are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling. TIle transition between soil strata is often gradual. Water level readings are made at the times and under conditions Slated on the boring logs. Water levels change with time, precipitation, canal levels, local weD drawdown and other factors. LABORA TORY AND FIELD TESTS Tests are performed in accordance with specific ASlM Standards unless otherwise indicated. All l.Titeria included in a given ASlM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test report indicates the measurements and determinations actually made. (@NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 ANAL YSl~ AND RECOMMENDA TIONS The geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid m the design of site work and structural foundations. AJthough the infonnatJon in the report IS expected to be "ufficient for these purposes, it is not intended to detemune the cost of con"truction or to stand alone as a construction <;pecificatlOn. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test lx)rings made at the locations shown on the test boring reports. Soil variations may exist between borings and may not become evident until construction. If variations are then noted, the geotechnical engineer should be contacted so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary TIle geotechnical report states our understanding as to the location, dimension,; and structural features proposed for the site. Any significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the site improvements must be communicated to the geotechnical engineer so that the geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be appropriately adjusted. CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION Construction observation and testing is an important element of geotechnical services. The geotechnical engineer's field representative (G.E.F R) is the "owner's representative" observing the work of the contractor, performing tests and reporting data from such tests and observations. The geot~chnical engineer's field representative does not direct the contractor's construction means, methods, opera- tions or personnel TIle G.E.F.R. does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor and, except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. TIle G.E.F.R. is responsible for his'her safety, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel at the site. The G.E.F.R. is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to observe and test the work being done and report to the owner whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications. 09/18/2001 16 51 5613647382 ) FIRE LIFE SAFETY PAGE 01 ", '0/, -,'< N-i;.;;: '<>, "'~'u' rill. ";,i'~ 11.i../ ~. \ " 10; ,~'ID \ I.'~ '.I7J \ " """ ',' '.\-r ~_,"'(.. ._~:;', ~ ,'-1.,_ {~::.:<'~~:/ i I I ! Request oat: ! 9/12/01 Requested RromJ Patricia F Ramudo 1 Telephone NfJmb r" 561~393~5818 Facsimile Ntbe: . 561-367-0074 ! \ location: Salv~ry Chapel - Hypoluxo Road 1 I " 1 FLOW TEST -'---'~--;~---,,- t- ~~...~;.~i ~~F~~ Company' Icon Design Group 860 NW 4th Court Boca Raton, FL 33432 ! * DIAGRAM * lnclu~e direction, street names, hydrant locations, intersections and main sizes) I i ! i " HYPOLUXO ROAD 'I I 1 I M C ~ 'I E [ 4791 I 0 N j A N 1 0 G l 0 H#O R j i W E , s $ 1 PUBllX j I s 1 , c I ! I H#8 A I , R V I i E i i i " I ~ I Hydrant 1 Static I Reading. Hydrant 2: 90w ~eading. : Assign Date: 9/ 2/01 54 psi 42 psi::: 1091 gpm Residual Reading: 48 psi Tested By' F Time Tested: 19:30 hours Test Date. 9/14/01 AVAILABLE!GP., AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 21783 lIl.'m · ) I To From: Date' treQlure co~t :' regional planniQg council m@/ I w m&~nw SEPI,. OfpJl nn.~r~JT nJ"" f"'r. ,_ -----'-_._~-- ~ ____I MEMORANDUM Mr Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning DIrector City of Boynton Beach Terry L. Hess, AICp1 ~-e V Plannmg Director IV' - ) September 14,2001 Subject: Notice ofPemnt ApplIcatIon No 010831-7 Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach Attached is a notice of applIcatIon for an enVIronmental pemnt to conduct dredge and fill or sim.1lar activities WlthIn or adjacent to your commumty We are dIssemmatmg this mformatIon for your reVIew and comment. The mformation prOVIded WIth thIS notIce IS very brief, but you may contact the pemnttmg agency dIrectly for further mformation if needed in order for you to assess the Impacts ofthe proposed actiVItIes on your communIty If the proposed activities are not consistent Wlth your comprehensIve plan or other locally adopted plans or regulatIons, or If you have any other comments, please submIt them to the pemnttmg agency by the deadline date indIcated m the attached materials. We would also appreciate receIving a copy of any comments you may have for our files. Attachment 301 east ocean boulevard suite 300 stuart, florida 34994 phone (561) 221 -4060 sc 269-4060 fax (561) 221-4067 . Oc#yn~ ~ SOUTH FWRIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 (561) 686-8800 . FL W ATS 1-800-432 2045 . TDD (561) 6972574 Mailing Address: POBox 24680, West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4680 www.sfwmd.gov Rf~C:E"f1L NOTICE SEP-'1 if! n ,!:..i-'o__ iEG10r\! L -'1...':'::.;" September 4 2001 Subject: Environmental Resource Permit Application Application No 010831 7 Applicant Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County, S 7fT 45 SIR 43 E The South Florida Water Management District is currently processing the attached application If you have any comments or objections concerning this project, please submit them in writing to this office within 30 days of receipt of this notice This is also an opportunity for applicable State agencies to concur with or object to the proposed project under the federal consistency provision of the Coastal Zone Management Act. Review must be in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Interagency Management Committee on October 25 1989 Findings of inconsistency must describe how the project conflicts with your agency's statutory authorities in the Florida Coastal Management Program and provide alternative measures, if any, which would make the project consistent. Commenting agencies must provide a copy of all consistency comments letters to the Florida Coastal Management Program Director, Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Please refer to the applicants name and application number as referenced above in any correspondence to help facilitate processing. Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Rob Robbins at (561) 682-6951 or Tony Waterhouse at (561) 682-6867 BAC mw Attachments c US Army Corps of Engineers Bureau of Protected Species Management Department of State, Division of Historical Resources .~ftegional Planning Council Department of Community Affairs Palm Beach County DERM GOHRlVIlVG BOARD EXECUTIVE OFFICE Trudi K. Williams, Chair Lennart E. Lindahl, Vice-Ozair Pamela Brooks-Thomas ~lichael Collins Hugh ~1. English Gerardo B. Fernandez Patrick J Gleason, Ph.D P G. Nicolas J Gutierrez, Jr Esq. Harklev R. Thornton HemT Dean, Executi,'e Direclar ... "71 OWNERlSI OF LAND ENTITY TO RECEIVE PERMIT (IF OTHER THAN OWNERI NAME Calvary Chapel of Boynton ~AME 0 1 o 831 - 7 ~ ~. ADDRESS ADDRESS 211 S Federal HWV, st. 201 CITY STATE. ZIP CITY STATE. ZIP Bovnton Beach FL 33435 ~''II^I t'I",.,. .1 '" \,,)_' \l' , - COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND TITLE AU'" 3 1 2001 TELEPHONE <5611737-5579 TELEPHONE I I , 'FD8 FAX I I FAX I I 'I I AGENT AUTHORIZEO TO SECURE PERMIT (IF AN AGENT CONSULTANT (IF DIFFERENT FROM AGE'NT) IS USED) NAME NAME Pt' . F Ramudo, P.E. a r1C1a . COMPANY AND TITLE COMPANY AND "ITLE . Tt"'nN no.",,; n-n TnC'! ADDRESS ADDRESS 960 NW 4th Court CITY STATE. ZIP CITY STATE. ZIP Boca Raton, FL 33"432 TELEPHONE I ) TELEPHONE (561, 393-5818 FAX I ) FAX l5611 367-0074 Name of project, including phase if applicable Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beac~s this application for part of a multi-phase project? a yes C3c no Total applicant-owned area contiguous to the project 8.84 ac ) T,.. ~~I proj~~t area for which a permit i~ sought 8.84 IIC ImPf'.rvlous area 11... .Ynlch 8 perm ~s liought 4.05 ,.~ .. What is the total area (metric equivalent for federally fundeo projec~"1 of work In, Of! or 0'" t.. wetlands or other surface waters? 2.0 acres square feet hectares - square meters Number of new boat slips proposed n/a Project location (use additional sheets, if needed) County(ies) Palm Beach Sectionls) 7 Township 458 Range 43E Section(s) Township Range Land Grant name, if applicable Tax Parcel Identification Number StT"t address. road. or other location Hypnlnxo Road. west of Conqress Ave. . City Zip Code if applicable . Boynton Beach .... - --... r"'I___ r, _4 A Describe in general terms the proposed project, system or activity The project consists of an 8.84 acre site with an existing canal/ditch located along the west property line Two lakes are proposed at each end of the canal to serve the wet detentiol requirements for the site. - If there have been any pre-application meetings including at the project site, with regulatory staff please list the date(sl, location(sl and names of key staff and project representatives 1/01:,At SFWMD office of Carlos de Rojas 12/14/00: On-site inspection by Carolyn Farmer. Please identify by number any MSSW/Wetfand resource/ERP/ACOE Permits pending, issued or denied for projects at the location, and any related enforcement actions Agency Date No \ Type of Application Action Taken Note.The followinq information is reauired onlv for oroiects orooosed te occur in.on or over wetlands that need a federal dredae end fill oermit andlor authorization to use state owned $ubmerQed lands and is not necessary when 80plvinQ solei v for an Environmental Resource Permit. Please provide the names, addresses and zip codes of property owners whose pro~'!. \I direct!', adJo; ~ the project (excluding applicant) Pleast; attac.h 8 p18~ view showing the ow -,e; ,aml:S and adjoining property jines Attach additional sheets jf necessary 1 2. 3. 4. .- Page 3 of 4 ,.."" tt71 By signing this application form I am applying, or I am applying on hehalf cf the applicant, for the permit and any proprietary authorizations identified above, according to the supporting data and other incidental information filed with this application I am familiar with the informs'tion contained in this application and represent that such information is true, complete and accurate I understand this is a;1 application and not a permit, and that work prior to approval is a violation I undElrstand that this application and any permit issued or proprietary authorization issued pursuant thereto does not relieve me of any obligation for obtaining any other required federal, state, water managem.ent district or local permit prior to commencement of construction J agree, or J agree on behalf of my corporation, to operate and maintain the permined system unless the permining agency authorizes transfer of the permit to a responsible operation entity I understand that knowingly making any false statement or representation in this application is a violation of Section 373430, F Sand 18 U.S C Section 1001 Rnynt-nn Rp;I('Oh one is so authorized below) ~o Date AN AGENT MAY SIGN ABOVE ONt Y IF THE APPLICANT COMPL~S THE FOLLOWING I hereby designate and authorize the ,'3qent listed above to act on my behalf, or on behalf of my corporation, 8S the agent in the processing of this epplication for the permit snd/or proprietary authorization indicated above, and to furnish on request, supplomental information in support of the application In addition, I authorize the 8jove-listed agent to bind me, or my corporation, to perform any requirement which may be necessary to procure the permit or authorization indicated above I understand that knowingly making any false statement or represer >tion in this applit:ation is a violation of Section 373430, F.S and 18 U S.C. Section 1001 Typed/Printed Name of Applicant Signature of Applicant Date .Corporate Title if applicable, ".... not.: Tn. .DOIle.nt', original allJnatufe (not . c:~ylls ,.qu{red above. PERSON AUTHORIZING ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING J either own the property described in this application or I have legal authority to allow access to the property, end I consent, after receiving prior notification, to any site visit on the property by agents or personnel from the Department of Environmental Protection, the Wllter Management District and the U.S Army Corps of Engineers necesssr', for th.:; review and inspectIon of the proposed project specified in this applic8tion I authorize these agents or personnel to enter the property as many times 8S may be necessary to make such review and inspection. Further I agreEl to provide entry toO the project site for such agents or personnel to monitor permi~..9 work if a ~rmit is granted George Marse .. ~~ L /-/Cbf.A.V 7/rz..lol Typed/Printed Name Signl'lturl~ Date President (Corpora1e Title if applicable) Pace 4. of 4 ,.. n7J FOR AGENCY USE ONLY OEPIWMD Application I 08te Application ReceivGd Fee Received $ Fee ReC8ipt , ACOE Application I Date Applic8tion Received Proposed Project lat. _ D _ _. Proposed Project long. _ D__" SECTION A Are any of the activities described in this application proposed to occur in, on, or over wetlands or other surface waters? eyes C no Is this application being filed by or on behalf of a government entity or drainage district? eyes C no A Type of Environmental Resource Permit Requested (check at least one) o Noticed General - include information requested in Section 8 o Standard General (Single Family Dwellingl-include information requested in Sections C and o ~ Standard General (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E o Individual (Single Family Dwelling) - include information requested in Sections C and D o Indiv-idual (all other projects) - include information requested in Sections C and E o Conceptual - include information requested in Sections C and E. o Mitigation Bank-Permit (construction) - include information requested in Section C and F ( If the proposed mitigation bank involves the construction of a surface water management system requiring another permit defined above, check the appropriate box and submit the information requested by the applicable section ) o Mitigation Bank (conceptual) - include information requested in Section C and F B Type of activity for which you are applying (check at least one) 5C Construction or operation of a new system including dredging or filling in, on or over wetlands end other surface waters o Alteration or operation of an existing system which was not 'previously permitted by a WMD or DEP o Modification of a system previously permined by a WMD or DEP Provide previous permit ,IJmbers ___ '" _ o Altel ,~t!O ! a sY~~'em 0 Extension of permn duration 0 Abandonme'll 11 .. system o Construction of additional phases of a system 0 Removal of a system C Are you requesting authorization to use State Owned Lands C yesJCno (If yes include the information requested in Section G ) o For activities in, on or over wetlands or other surface waters, check type of federal dredge and fill permit requested o Individual 0 Programmatic General Xl General 0 Nationwide 0 Not Applicable E Are you claiming to quality for on ex;~mption? eyes Xl no If yes provide rule number if known _ p~ :> 1 ....f t1 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD POBOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH FlORlnA 1142!i-0110 form 0971 (\R\~It>.l f\,! !"I! II""II1TT~.t AU J j I lOO') SECTION C VVPB 0 1 0 8 3 1 - 7 Environmental Resource Permit Notice of Receipt of Application This information is required in addition to that required in other sections of the application. Please submit five copies of this notice of receipt of application and all attachments with the other required information. PLEASE SUBMIT All INFORMATION ON PAPER NO LARGER THAN 2' x 3'. Project Name: Cal vary Chapel Boynton Beach County. Palm Beach Owner. Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach Applicant. Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach Appticant s Address: 211 S. Federal Hiqhwav. st. 201 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Indicate the project boundaries on a USGS quadrangle map. Attach a location map showing the boundary of the proposed activity The map should also contain a north arrow and a graphic scale; show Section(s), T ownship(s), and Range(s); and must be of sufficient detail to allow a person unfamiliar with the site to find it. 2. Provide the names of all wetlands, or other surface waters that would be dredged, filled, impounded, diverted, drained, or would recllve discharge (either directly or indirectly), or would otherwise be impacted by the proposed activity and specify if they are in an Outstanding Florida Water or Aquatic Preserve: Un-named on-site canal. LWDD L-18 3. Attach a depiction (plan and section views), which clearly shows the works or other facilities proposed to be constructed. Use multIple sheets, if necessary Use a scale sufficient to show the- location and type of works. 4. Briefly describe the proposed project (such as .construct a deck with boatshelter-, .replace two existing culverts", .construct surface water management system to serve 1 SO acre residential development.): i Specify t~le .H'I'li~ of Wfdtl>t.rtdS or othei surface waters, rt IOY, Thai Ife proposed t., ~e lii?t:!rbeC filit.J, excavate.. or otherWise impcli;ted by ,Ii~ proposed activity. 6. Provide a bnef statement describing any proposed mitigation for mpacU to wetlands and other surface waters (attach additIonal sheets if necessary): N/A FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Application Name: Appiication Number' Office where the application can be inspected: Page 1 of 1 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD POBOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX. (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to J ames Barretta fax # (561) 637-9808 date: September 7,2001 from LUSIa Galav, PnncIpal Planner re: 1:S I REVIEW COMMENTS FOR Calvary Chapel of Boynton Beach site plan - NWSP 01-011 Please find attached the first reVIew comments for your proJect. To stay on the current reVIew schedule, please do the followmg steps lIsted below, and brIng all documents to the TRC scheduled for September 25, 200 I 1 RevIse your plans mcorporatmg all comments lIsted herem, mcludmg the addItIon of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/ comments, and bnng 10 copIes to the TRC reVIew meetmg (full sets mcludmg all pages ongmally submItted), 2 SubmIt the addItIonal mformatIOn as requested wIthm the attached comments, (l.e. traffic analysIs, engmeenng certIficatIOn, etc) 3 Prepare a wntten response (7 copIes) consIstmg of a lIst bnefly summanzmg how each comment has been addressed on the revIsed plans or wIth the supplemental mformatIOn mcludmg locatIOn on the plans ( thIS promotes an expedItIous 2nd reVIew by staff and your project representatIves dunng the TRC meetmg ),and 4 SubmIt reductIOns (8 Yz X 11) for the proposed SIte plans, elevatIOns and landscapmg plan (thIS IS reqUIred for the final report and publIc presentatIon) Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 Department of Engineering and Public Works PO Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners \Varren H Newell. Chairman Carol A. Roberts, Vice Chair Karen T l'....larcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony ~1asilotti Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert \Veisman An Equal Opporrumtv IJffirmatn'e Action Employer @ printed on recycled paper August23 2001 Mr Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach FL 34425-0310 RE Calvary Chapel TRAFFIC PERfORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr Rumpf The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for this project, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code This project is summarized as follows Location Municipality' Existing Uses Proposed Uses. South side of Hypoluxo Road west of Congress Boynton Beach None 20 400 SF Church 7 000 SF Daycare 242 Students Private Elementary School, and 48 Units ACLF The project will be built in 4 Phases. 1 312 2003 New Daily Trips Build-out Year' Based on our review the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County However it is suggested I . Exclusive left and right-turn lanes to be provided (in cases where there are no existing turn lanes) at the project access driveway Appropr;ate safety measures to be irnp!p.mented to accommodate project traffit: exiting the project access driveway If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030 Sincerely OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER /1 .F ./"- 0t '--' / . I / Masoud Atefi, MSCE / Sr Engineer - V~vision cc: Simons & White Inc. File: General TPS Mun Traffic Study Review F'\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\010816.doc .--. -..... - - ,- - -.... :j 'j .fJ 'G 2 7 LOOl t '-~- , . rr i..... -J- (r. r - L( 1"""N1 ,,", - -,