REVIEW COMMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO' Mike Rumpf, DIrector of Planmng and Zomng FROM. Jeffrey R. LlVergood, DIrector ofPubhc Works DATE August 30, 2001 SUBJECT Calvary Chapel I have revIewed the proposed plans for the Calvary Chapel on Hypoluxo Road and offer the followmg traffic comments. 1 I suggest that the entrance roadway be reconfigured at Hypoluxo to accommodate one fourteen-foot mbound lane and two eleven foot outbound lanes. 2 In my opmIOn, the medIan on Hypoluxo to the east of the drIveway should be extended westward. However, I am not requmng thIS actIon. Rather, I beheve Palm Beach County will reVIew thIS as part of theIr permIt process. 3 Does the CIty allow grass-parkmg spaces? 4 Centerhne lane markmgs should be placed from the entrance medIan through the first curve. DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES MEMORANDUM NO 01-221 TO. Michael W Rumpf, DIrector ofP~n: /-zomng John A. Gmdry, Utlhtles DIrector ~ V~ H. DavId Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM, UtIhty Engmeer ~ September 5, 2001 ~~- !! U;r-4~, , ... J ( ... THRU FROM DATE o 7 l c' RE CAL VARY CHAPEL NWSP 01-011 ~' " ". ~;;~/; .,,> I ,....j- '-,- We offer the followmg comments on the above noted proJect: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utlhty easements shall be shown on the rectlfied sIte plan and landscapmg drawmgs so that we may determme whIch trees may mterfere WIth utlhtles. In general, palm trees wlll be the only tree speCIes allowed wIthm utIhty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outsIde of the easement so that roots and branches wIll not Impact those utIhtles wIthm the easement m the foreseeable future. LDR Sec 7 5-18 1 giVe pubhc utlhtles the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utlhty servIces, eIther m utlhty easements or pubhc nghts-of-way 2) Palm Beach County Health Department permIts WIll be reqmred for the water and sewer systems servmg thIS project (CODE Sec 26-12) 3) FIre flow calculatlOns WIll be requued demonstratmg the CIty Code reqmrement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated m LDR Chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16, or the reqmrements Imposed by msurance underwnters, whIchever IS greater (see CODE Sec 26-16(a)) 4) CODE Sec 26-34(E) reqmres that a capacIty reservatlOn fee be paid for thIS project eIther upon the request for the Department s SIgnature on the Health Department apphcatlOn forms or Wlthm 30 days of SIte plan approval, whIchever occurs first. ThIS fee WIll be determmed based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. 5) ComprehensIve Plan Pohcy 3 C.3 4 reqmres the conservatlOn of potable water City water may not, therefore, be used for ImgatlOn where other sources are readlly aVailable 6) ProvIde an engmeer's wntten certIficatlOn that dramage WIll conform to all rules of the CIty and the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct (SFWMD) (per LDR Chap 4, Sec 7F) MIchael W Rumpf Re' Calvary Chapel Sept. 5,2001 Page 2 SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1 Water and sewer hnes to be owned and operated by the CIty shall be mcluded wIthm utihty easements. The 8-mch water mam along the east property hne should belong to the CIty smce It provIdes a loop tie from the proposed water mam extenSIOn along Hypoluxo Road to the Meadows 300 Plat #2 development. Please show all proposed easements on the engmeenng drawmgs, usmg a mmImum wIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated VIa separate mstrument to the CIty as stated m CODE Sec 26-33(a) 2 ThIS office wIll not reqUIre surety for mstallatIon of the water and sewer utIhtIes, on condItIOns that the systems be fully completed, and gIVen to the CIty UtIhtIes Department before the first permanent meter IS set. Note that settmg of a permanent water meter IS a prereqUIsIte to obtammg the CertIficate of Occupancy 3 LDR Chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16 reqUIres that all pomts on each bUIldmg (Phase One plan and Master plan) wIll be wIthm 200 feet of an eXIstmg or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the master plan meets thIS condItion, by showmg all hydrants. 4 PVC matenal not permItted on the CIty'S water system. All hnes shall be DIP 5 Appropnate backflow preventer( s) wIll be reqUIred on the domestic water servIce to the bUIldmg, and the fire spnnkler lme Ifthere IS one, m accordance WIth CODE Sec 26-207 6 LDR Chap 3, Art. IV, Sec.3(O) reqUIres Master Plans to show all utIhtIes on or adjacent to the tract. 7 LDR Chap 3, Art. IV, Sec 3(P) reqUIres a statement be mcluded that utIhtIes are avaIlable and WIll be provIded by the appropnate agencIes. ThIS statement IS lackmg on the submItted plans. HDKlkd xc Georganne Barden FIle S'\Engineering\Dostal\Calvary Chapel Utility Review Comments.doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS For review of" NWSP 01-011 1st review-fire Project Name or Address Calvary Chapel Reviewed by' 3190 Hypoluxo Rd. 6('+ ?-- Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Examiner/Fire Inspector Department: Fire and Life Safety Trade Fire Department Phone (561) 742-6753 Comments to Sherie Coale by email on 8/27/01 CODE REQUIREMENTS Compliance with NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code, and city ordinances is required 1) See attached letter regarding security gates and emergency access 2) A fire hydrant flow test is required prior to construction (City Ord 9- 3F) 3) A five-foot (5') clear zone is required around a hydrant. (City Ord 9-23 A) 4) Roads and hydrants must be in place prior to any construction above grade (NFPA 241 (1996) Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration, and Demolition Operations, sections 5-4 3 and 6-7 2 2 cc S Gale, Fire Marshal B Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO 01-167 TO' MIchael W Rumpf, DIrector ofPlannmg and Zomng DATE September 4,2001 :; lj FROM. Launnda Logan, P.E., CIVIl Engmeer RE Calvary Chapel New Site Plan Review -1st Review File No. NWSP 01-011 I have revIewed the above referenced SIte Plans, forwarded to me on August 22, 2001, agamst the SIte Plan ReVIew reqUIrements outlmed m the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances. Followmg are my comments WIth the appropnate Code and Land Development RegulatIOns (LDR) referenced. Code ReqUIrements 1 On the SIte Plan, add a general note that all plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the CIty'S Code reqUIrements at time of apphcatIOn. These permIts mclude, but are not hmIted to, the followmg: pavmg, dramage, cleanng & grubbmg, excavatIOn & fill, curbmg, sIte hghtmg, landscapmg and ImgatIOn. PermIts reqUIred from other permIttmg agencIes such as Flonda Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Flonda Water Management DIstnct (SFWMD), Lake Worth Dramage DIstnct (LWDD), Flonda Department of EnVIronmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engmeenng Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of EnVIronmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be mcluded WIth the permIt request. 2. Show all eXIstmg utIhtIes on SIte CharactenstIcs Map (Survey) and SIte Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, SectIOn A.3) 3 PrOVIde an engmeer's certIficatIon on the Dramage Plan as speCIfied m the LDR, Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.F.2 4 PrOVIde dramage plans and deSIgn data for sIte dramage as speCIfied m the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, Section 5 The Pavmg, Gradmg & Dramage Plan shows dramage work to be done on Hypoluxo Road "By Others" Please mdIcate If thIS work IS to be done m conJunction WIth the proposed Chapel development and by whom. Show nm and mvert elevatIOns for all manholes and catch basms. IndIcate, by note, that storm water WIll be contamed on SIte (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle ILF) Any work done wIthm the nght-of-way and/or to eXIstmg facIhtIes wIthm the nght-of-way WIll reqUIre reVIew, approval and permIttmg by Palm Beach County 5 Spot elevatIOns (exIstmg and proposed) prOVIded on the Pavmg, Gradmg & Dramage Plan are madequate to adequately determme flow patterns. Engmeenng Department Memorandum No 01-167 Calvary Chapel New SIte Plan - Engmeenng 1 st RevIew September 4, 2001 Page Two 6 MaXImum runoff dIstance over ImpervIOUS surfaces, before dIverSIOn to percolatIOn areas, IS 50 feet (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 5.B.2.a) 7 RevIse Note 7, Pavmg & Dramage General Notes, to mclude " Standard Drawmg B-93001" and the CIty of Boynton Beach 8 Add a note to the Pavmg and Dramage General Notes requITIng the dramage system to conform to CIty of Boynton Beach Standard Drawmg B-91007 9 ModIfy the proposed lake and typIcal sectIOns to show an 8 1 slope wIth the lake mamtenance easement and a 4 1 slope from the easement to 2 ft. below the water control elevatIOn (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 5.B.2.d) 10 PrOVIde data of underground soIl condItions (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 9) 11 PrOVIde a LIghtmg Plan mcludmg photometncs, pole wmd loadmg, and pole detaIls m conformance wIth the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 11, Chapter 23, ArtIcle I, SectIOn 5.B 7 and Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn A. 12 SIdewalks shall be 4 feet WIde along local streets, and 5 feet WIde along streets of hIgher claSSIficatIOn (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 10 T , and Chapter 22, ArtIcle I, SectIOn 5) SIdewalks shall be contmuous through dnveways to mark pedestnan paths. The 5 foot SIdewalk along Hypoluxo Road IS shown to be done by others. ThIS IS the responsibIhty of the developer 13 SIdewalks adJacent to parkmg lots shall be contmuous through all dnveways and shall be 6 m. thIck wIthm dnveways (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtICle II, SectIOn P) 14 SIdewalks shall meet or exceed State HandIcap Code reqUIrements and comply WIth the Standard BUIldmg Code and amendments thereto (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn K) 15 The backup dIstance reqUIrement for 900 parkmg IS 27 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn I and CIty Standard Drawmg B-90013) 16 Add a note to the Landscape Plan that wIthm the SIght tnangles there shall be an unobstructed cross- vIsibIhtyat a level between 2.5' and 6' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 75, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 5.H.) Show SIght tnangles graphIcally on the SIte Plan and Landscapmg Plan. Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the SIght tnangles along all collector and artenal roadways. 17 SIte and Landscape Plans shall be at the same scale (LDR, Chapter 4, SectIOn 7 C 1) The preferred scale IS 1 "=30' 18 PrOVIde an ImgatIOn Plan m conformance WIth the LDR, Chapter 7 5, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 5 19 Replace or relocate large canopy trees adJacent to hght fixtures to ehmmate future shadowmg on the parkmg surface (LD R, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn A.l b) Engmeenng Department Memorandum No 01-167 Calvary Chapel New SIte Plan - Engmeenng 1 st RevIew September 4,2001 Page Three 20 ProvIde SIgnmg and Stnpmg Plans m accordance wIth the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 17 and Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn B, WhIch Identifies all necessary traffic control devIces such as stop bars, stop SIgnS, double yellow lane separators stnpmg, dIrectIOnal arrows and "Do Not Enter" sIgnage, etc ProvIde, delIneate and stnpe a "Loadmg Area", mclude a pavement message m yellow mdIcatmg "No Parkmg - Loadmg Zone" Also see City Standard Drawmgs B-98001 and B-90013 for stnpmg detaIls. The fire lane sIgnage and markmgs shall conform to LDR Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, Sections B & M. The 3-foot hIgh "FIre Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered. 21 At the entrance show double, 4 mch yellow stnpes delmeatmg the mgress lane around to a pomt where vehIcles are headmg due east for traffic control purposes (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle I, SectIOn B) 22 The dnveway WIdth of 45 ft. exceeds the maxImum allowed by the LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, Section H.l A vanance shall be reqUIred. 23 Show, by note and dImensIOmng, that the dnveway IS greater than 180 ft. from the mtersectIOn nght- of-way lInes (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 1.A) Clanfy the dImensIOnmg from Congress Avenue to the subJect property on both the SIte Plan and Survey 24 IndIcate, by note, that the color and texture of the dumpster enclosures shall match the bUIldmg (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.E, and CIty of Boynton Beach Standard Drawmg A-88007) Show on the detaIl that drop pms and sleeved holes WIll be prOVIded to secure dumpster enclosure gates m the open and closed pOSItions. 25 PrOVIde details for curb, curb & gutter, and SIdewalk conformmg to the LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle ILE. PrOVIde a typIcal section for parkmg lot pavement conformmg to LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle ILQ ProVIde a typIcal sectIOn for swales (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 5) 26 Show wheel stops on both the SIte, CIVIl, and SIgnmg & Stnpmg Plans (LDR, Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.B.2) Place wheel stops 2 feet m from the front end for 18 foot stalls, and at the end of the stall for the 16.5 foot stalls. 27 IndIcate, by note, that Phase 2 and 3 areas wIll be seed and mulched pnor to Issuance of a CertIficate of Occupancy for the Phase 1 bUIldmg (LDR, Chapter 8, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn E, and LDR, Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle I, SectIOn 19 C) Recommendations/Corrections 1 IndIcate WhICh edItIOn of the FDOT Standard SpeCIficatIOns for Road & Bndge and Standard Index IS to be used - the 2000 SpeCIficatIOns are recommended smce they have both EnglIsh and Metnc umts. 2 IndIcate the current verSIOn of the Manual on Umform Traffic Control DeVIces m the Pavmg and Dramage General Notes. Engmeenng Department Memorandum No 01-167 Calvary Chapel New SIte Plan - Engmeenng 1 st RevIew September 4, 2001 Page Four 3 Sheet C-l mdIcates that the grass medIan west of the church dnveway IS to be removed and reconfigured "By Others" Please mdIcate to whom you refer Any reVISIons to Hypoluxo Road WIll reqUIre reVIew, approval and permIttmg by Palm Beach County The dnveway wIll also reqUIre reVIew, approval and permIttmg by Palm Beach County 4 Because vehIcle overhang can be more than two feet for opposmg vehIcles, show the wheel stops a mmImum dIstance of five feet apart between the backs of the stops to mImmIze the potential for bumper conflIct. ProvIde a typIcal detail for the parkmg separator(s) 5 Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage permIt. 6 On Sheet C-l show SectIOn F-F arrows through the lake, not the canal, to agree WIth Sheet C-3 7 SectIOn A-A not found on Sheet C-3 8 SectIOn "A" not Identified on Sheet C-l 9 SectIOn G-G mdIcates a landscape medIan m the plans and a concrete medIan on Sheet C-3 Please rectify the dIscrepancy 10 IndIcate stall WIdths on plans. Stall WIdth may be reduced to 9 ft. If deSIred. 11 We recommend one-way traffic around the drop-off area (rear lot) for safe and effiCIent traffic cIrculatIOn. ThIS would also elImmate the need for the proposed stop SIgn and stop bar 12 We recommend that you consIder makmg the SIdewalk m front of the handIcap parkmg spaces at the same elevatIon as the pavement to elImmate the need for ramps. Also consIder extendmg the subJect SIdewalk westward to accommodate the other four spaces. 13 ProVIde a detail of the HandIcap Parkmg SIgn per CIty of Boynton Beach Standard B-90012 LUck Xc H. DaVId Kelley, PE/PSM, UtilIty Engmeer Ken Hall, Engmeenng Plan ReVIew Analyst/Inspector FIle C:\My Documents\Calvary Chapel, Engineering 1st Review.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 01-185 TO' MIchael Rumpf, Plannmg & Zonmg DIrector FROM. TImothy K. Large, BUIldmg Code AdmmIstrat R (p) R r'1"'" r"""'. D p,'~ r I AUG I.. ~ i L,; i L ~ ' Ii., ". /,--1 I ~~ w__~ DATE August 28, 2001 RE Calvary Chapel (NWSP 01-011) - 1 st review comments We have revIewed the subJect plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board reVIew WIth the understandmg that all remammg comments WIll be shown m complIance on the workmg drawmgs submItted for permIts. Buildin2 Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. Lar2e (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the bUIldmg that IS depIcted on the drawmg titled sIte plan a labeled symbol that Identifies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 1.2, 4.3 2 On the floor plan drawmg, add a labeled symbol that Identifies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The location of the doors shall match the location of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg. Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn, SectIOn 4 1.2, 4.3 3 Add a labeled symbol to the SIte plan drawmg that represents and delmeates the path of travel for the accessible route that IS reqUIred between the accessible parkmg spaces and the accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg, The symbol shall start at the accessible parkmg spaces and termmate at the accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIOn of the path of travel, not the locatIOn of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markmgs that are reqUIred to be mstalled along the path. The locatIOn of the accessible path shall not compel the user to travel m a dnve/lane area that IS located behmd parked vehIcles. Identify on the plan the WIdth of the accessible route. (Note'The mmImum WIdth reqUIred by the code IS forty-four (44) mches) Add text to the drawmg that would mdIcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned m complIance WIth Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4 6 (Parkmg and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn, Please note that at time of permIt reVIew, the applIcant shall proVIde detaIled documentatIOn on the plans that WIll venfy that the accessible route IS m complIance WIth the regulatIOns speCIfied m the Flonda AccessibIlIty Code for BUIldmg ConstructIOn. ThIS documentation shall mclude, but not be lImIted to, provIdmg fimsh grade elevatIOns along the path of travel. 4 Identify wIthm the SIte data the fimsh floor elevatIOn (lowest floor elevatIOn) that IS proposed for the bUIldmg. Venfy that the proposed elevatIOn IS m complIance WIth regulations of the code by addmg speCIficatIOns to the SIte data that address the following Memo to Mike Rumpf August 28,2001 RE Calvary Chapel (NWSP 01-011) - 1 st reVIew comments Page 2 Issues [SectIOn 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edItion of the Standard BUIldmg Code] a) The desIgn professIOnal-of-record for the proJect shall add the followmg text to the SIte data, "The proposed fimsh floor elevatIOn _ _ NGVD IS above the hIghest 100- year base flood elevatIOn applIcable to the bUIldmg SIte, as determmed by the South Flonda Water Management DIstnct's surface water management constructIOn development regulatIOns." b) From the FIRM map, Identify m the SIte data the title of the flood zone that the bUIldmg IS located wIthm. Where applIcable, speCIfy the base flood elevatIOn. If there IS no base flood elevatIOn, mdIcate that on the plans, c) Identify the floor elevatIOn that the desIgn profeSSIOnal has establIshed for the bUIldmg wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg that IS shown on the drawmgs titled SIte plan, floor plan and pavmg! dramage (CIVIl plans) 5 On the drawmg titled SIte plan, Identify and label the symbol that represents the property lIne, 6 As reqUIred by Chapter 4, sectIOn 7 of the Land Development Regulations, submIt a floor plan drawmg. The bUIldmg plans are not bemg revIewed for complIance WIth the applIcable bUIldmg codes Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout IS conceptual" below the drawmg titled Floor Plan found on sheet A2 1 However, add to the floor plan drawmg a labeled symbol that Identifies the locatIOn of the handIcap accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The locatIOn of the doors shall match the locatIOn of the accessible entrance doors that are depIcted on the SIte plan drawmg, 7 Add to the SIte plan drawmg all eXIstmg easements that are shown on the survey Also, add all proposed easements. The locatIOn, type and SIze of the easements shall be shown and Identified on the SIte plan, Where applIcable, amend the plans so that structures do not encroach mto an easement. 8 Place a note on the elevatIOn VIew drawmgs mdIcatmg that the wall openmgs and wall construction comply WIth Table 600 of the 1997 edItion of the Standard BUIldmg Code, 9 On the SIte plan, mdIcate wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg the number of stones that are m the bUIldmg mcludmg, where applIcable, mezzanmes. Also, add to the SIte data the number of stones m the bUIldmg mcludmg IdentIfymg mezzanmes, where applIcable IndIcate the overall heIght of the bUIldmg wIthm the SIte data. The overall heIght of the bUIldmg shall not exceed the heIght lImItatIOns of the Zonmg Code, lOOn all floor plan drawmgs, mdIcate wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg the number of stones that are m the bUIldmg mcludmg, where applIcable, mezzanmes. 11 IndICate on the floor plan drawmg wIthm the footpnnt of the bUIldmg the pnmary use of the structure/facIlIty If the bUIldmg IS an expanSIOn of an eXIstmg bUIldmg, mdicate WIth the footpnnt of the new and eXIstmg bUIldmg the pnmary use of the structure/facIlIty Memo to Mike Rumpf August 28, 2001 RE Calvary Chapel (NWSP 01-011) - 1 st reVIew comments Page 3 12 Identify on the SIte plan drawmg the actual dIstance that the bUIldmg IS set back from the north, east, south and west property lInes. Please note that overhangs, covered walkways, canopIes, awnmgs or other appurtenances that are attached to the bUIldmg shall be consIdered when IdentIfymg bUIldmg setbacks. Therefore, Identify the wIdth of the proposed overhangs, covered walkways, canopIes, awmngs, and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the bUIldmg. The bUIldmg setbacks shall comply wIth setback regulatIOns specIfied m the Zomng Code Identify whether the area located on the ( ) sIde of the bUIldmg IS covered. Also, mdIcate the use of the area. 13 To venfy that the proposed bUIldmg IS m complIance wIth the applIcable bUIldmg setbacks, show and dImenSIOn on the SIte plan the wIdth of the bUIldmg overhang. Also, Identify the SIze or WIdth ofthe covered walkways, awmngs, canopIes and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the mam walls of the bUIldmg. 14 At time of permIt reVIew, submIt sIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of the proposed constructIOn. 15 At time of permIt reVIew, submIt a copy of the recorded resolutIOn that venfies the abandonment of the allev, rif!ht-of-wav or easement 16 Add to the submIttal a partIal elevation VIew drawmg of the proposed penmeter fence, Identify the type of the fence matenal and the type of matenal that supports the fence, mcludmg the typIcal dIstance between supports. Also, provIde a typIcal sectIOn VIew drawmg of the fence that mcludes the depth that the fence supports are below fimsh grade and the heIght that the fence IS above fimsh grade. The locatIOn and heIght of the fence shall comply wIth the fence regulatIOns speCIfied m the Zomng Code. 17 Add to the drawmg the calculatIOns that were used to Identify the mmImum number of reqUIred handIcap accessible parkmg spaces, Also, state the code sectIOn that IS applIcable to the computatIOns. 18 At time of permIt reVIew, submIt for reVieW an addressmg plan for the proJect. 19 Add to all plan VIew drawmgs of the SIte a labeled symbol that represents the locatIOn and penmeter of the lImIts of constructIOn proposed WIth the subJect request. rs \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Development\Bui1ding Div\Documents\TRC\NWSP 01,011 Calvary Chapell st review comments.doc TO THRU FROM RE Date PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #01-86 Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Director kJ Barbara J Meacham, Landipe Architect ?tw,,,- Calvary Chapel August 31,2001 1 Submit detailed irrigation plans for right-of-way landscape and sitework improvements during the construction document permitting stage, for review and approval by the Parks Department staff Include on the plan location of any existing irrigation in the right-of-way Plannin2 Memorandum. Forester / Environmentalist To LUSIa Galav, PnncIpal Planner From, Kevm J Hallahan, Forester / EnvIronmentalIst SubJect. Calvary Chapel NWSP # 01-011 1 st RevIew Date August 30, 2001 I have met wIth the applIcant on several occaSIOns m the office and on the SIte to reVIew the fOllowmg Items 1 The eXIstmg trees on the SIte shown on the landscape plan that wIll be preserved, relocated and removed / replaced on the SIte. 2 The lIttoral/upland plantmgs around 50% of the newly created body of water, m agreement wIth the restnctIOns ofthe South Flonda Water Management DIStnct permIt for the SIte. The applIcant wIll be takmg credIt for preservatIOn of some of the eXIstmg trees for some of the upland reqUIrements. 3 The SIte WIll be developed m two phases and the landscape Improvements to the SIte / body of water wIll be mstalled m conJunction wIth the phase of constructIOn. The proJect should contmue m the normal reVIew process Kjh FIle CALVARY CHAPEL NWSP 01-011 1st Review Planning August 30, 2001 The property control number listed on the master sIte plan IS incorrect. Revise the plan so that it reads the following: 00-43-45-07-00-000-1010 An envuonmentalImpact study shall be required (Chapter 2.5 SectIOn 1O.A.h.) No building pemnt or certIficate of occupancy or zomng comphance shall be Issued ill or for development ill a PUD distrIct except in conformity With all provisions of the zoning or PL'D claSSIficatIOns and plans submitted under Section 11 of these zomng regulatIOns (Chapter 2.5, SectIOn 13) The accessway onto Hypoluxo Road cannot exceed 32 feet ill width (Chapter 7.5, Article II, SectIOn 5.F ). EIther reduce WIdth of the entrance or extend the landscaped median so that It interrupts the expanse of pavement. The two-way dnve aisle in the parking lot must be 27 feet ill width, not 24 feet m width as shown on the plans. Provide a typical of the proposed fence. The detail must include fence matenal, heIght, and color The landscape plan must show the locahon of all fence(s) to ensure that landscape matenal will not interfere WIth the proposed fencing. The site plan must show the locatIOn of fue hydrants. Pnor to the issuance of any pemnts, the project must obtaill all necessary pemnts from all applicable governing bodies in order for bridge construction across the canal onto Hypoluxo Road. The City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan s Future Land Use element does not contain a HR-81and use category ReVIse the tabular data on the SIte plan to reflect the correct future land use The SIte plan must idenhfy the Zoning DIstrict and Future Land Use and designations of the adjacent properties. West: Zoning- Planned Umt Development (PUD) FLU- Moderate DenSIty ReSIdential (MoDR)' East: Zoning- Planned Unit Development (PUD) FLU Low Density Residential (LDR), South. Zoning- Planned Umt Development (PUD) FLU- Low DenSIty ReSIdential (LDR), North: Zoning- County ReSIdentIal Single-Family (County RS) FLU Medium Residential 5 (MR5) The site plan's tabular data must mclude the eXIsting and proposed Zoning DIStrict and Future Land Use deSIgnation for the subject property (existmg: County AR / HR8) The SIte plan s tabular data must indicate the proposed setbacks for the PUD The ImpervIOUS area, pervious area, and water area should equal the total lot size. Change the tabular data so that these elements are included and add up to 100%. The site plan s tabular data must iteIlllZe each proposed use / area ill square feet and theIr respective parking requirement calculations. Itemize all uses, including, the audItoriUm, office, day-care, meetmg rooms, etc. The daycare / Sunday school use is not Included In the parking requirements in the tabular data. Daycare uses require one (1) parking space per 300 square feet of gross floor area (Chapter 2, Section Il.H.16.b ). The church office parking requirement IS not accurately reflected In the tabular data of the site plan. Office uses require one (1) parkIng space per 300 square feet of gross floor area (Chapter 2, SectIOn II.H.16.b.) Indicate the total number of proposed seats (seatIng capacity) of the sanctuary This IS requITed in order to detenrune the required parking for the church. Churches requITe one (1) parkmg space per four (4) seats In the auditonum but no less than one (1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area (Chapter 2, Section Il.H.l6.b ). Stabilized sod may be substItuted for up to 50% of the required parkIng spaces (Chapter 2, Section 11 H.6 ) On the SIte plan, show the location of all outdoor freestanding hghting poles. Provide a typical drawIng that includes the height and color / matenal of all proposed freestanding outdoor lightIng poles. Include a color rendering of all elevations pnor to the Planmng & Development Board meeting. Submit a color sample / swatch of all major extenor fInishes. Each sample and / or elevation shall include the manufacturer's name and color code. LandscapIng at project entrances shall contaIn a rmmmum of two (2) colorful shrub species on both sides of the entrance and a signature tree (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, Section 5.N) Note that signature trees do not contribute toward the total number of required perimeter trees. The landscape plan shall Include the following notes, "FDOT Type D or F curb shall be provided along the penmeter of all landscape, draInage and grassed areas adjacent to paved vehIcular use areas, except where wheel stops are provided" Clanfy "proposed 24 pIpe by others" Indicate the distance the monument sign will be from the property line. The monument sign must be at least 10 feet from the property lIne. All above ground mechamcal eqUIpment such as the air condItioning units shall be VIsually screened with landscaping / hedge material. The directional sign #2 and #3 shall be Installed dunng phase 2 and subsequent phases of the master site plan. Staff recommends the use of pervious pavement. Staff recommends the increaSIng the width of the velncular overhang area in the parkIng lot In order to mimmize the likelihood of potentIal accidents. Staff recommends that the landscape buffer along Hypoluxo Road (front landscape buffer) be a combination of colorful groundcover plants and a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species, which will functIOn as a contInUOUS hedge. Staff recommends that a continuous hedge along the front and side landscape buffers be installed at 24" In heIght but maintained no less than four (4) feet nor greater than six (6) feet in heIght. In addItIon, it should be installed with 24 inches in spread and planted With hp to tip spacIng immediately after plantIng to adequately cover the planted areas. The focus of thIS landscape material will be to mimmize the parkIng area from the adjacent properties and surrounding nghts-of-way Page 1 of2 Coale, Sherie To Prestinari, Jim Subject: RE Calvary Chapel 3190 Hypoluxo Road Jim, Thank you for your response Your comments/questions have been modIfied to fit the format of the 1 st reVIew comments that the applIcant receIves as follows. 1 Label all traffic control devIces on the sIte plan (stop sIgns, rIght turn only etc ) 2 From a traffic standpomt: a) What IS the planned attendance and when? How many people WIll be attendmg servIces and/or events? b) What are the planned hours of operatIOn? c) Will the bUIldmg be rented to other groups and If so who? d) Will the bUIldmg be alarmed? e) It appears as If there 15 a gate wIth a key lock across the front (north) SIde of the property How WIll PD and emergency vehIcles gam access to the SIte after hours? 3 ProvIde a SIte lIghtmg plan, Proper lIghtmg IS Important as a deterrence to crImmal actlvIty As a note, P.B County reVIews all traffic studies for projects and the applIcant must address those issues. There is no need to apologize to me as I too am very new at thIS! Thanks, Sherie -----Original Message----- From Prestinari, Jim Sent: Friday, August 31,20016 35 PM To: Coale, Sherie Subject: Calvary Chapel 3190 Hypoluxo Road Shene, I revIewed the plans for the above and had some questIOns. Smce I am somewhat new to thIS I am not sure In am on track so please let me know I am also learnmg as I make my way through these plans so forgIve me If I make a comment that the plans have properly addressed. 1 Is there a traffic study aVailable for reVIew? Is one even reqUIred? If so I would like to reVIew It. 2 I do not see any traffic control deVIces described. Stop SIgnS, nght turn only etc 3 Also from a traffic stand pomt. What IS the planned attendance and when. How many people WIll be attendmg servIces and/or events. 4 Is the lIghtmg up to code? From a PD stand pomt proper lIghtmg IS Important as a deterrence to cnmmal actIVIty 5 What are the planned hours of operatIOn? 6 Will the bUIldmg be rented to other groups and If so who? 7 Will the bUIldmg be alarmed? 8 It appears as Ifthere IS a gate WIth a key lock across the front (north) SIde of the property My concern IS for the access of emergency vehIcles. It IS Just cunosIty What WIll PD be faced WIth after hours and how WIll they gam access WIthout domg 9/5/2001 Page 2 of2 damage, I apologIze for my lImIted attendance and attentIOn to the plans you have sent me, We have been two employees down m a three person unIt for almost the entire summer along wIth me bemg m attendance every Fnday m classes at FAU We are now up to speed and staffing has been restored to normal so I wIll have more time to properly reVIew the plans. However, smce staffing has Improved I wIll be takmg a much needed vacatIOn. My anticIpated return date IS September 24th If there are Issues that come up or If you need anythmg from PD please gIve Doug Solomon a call at 6171 He and I work together on Just about all Issues m our umt Thanks, Jim Prestman 9/5/2001 Page 1 of 1 Coale, Sherie From Prestinari, Jim Sent: Friday August 31 2001 6.35 PM To Coale, Sherie Subject: Calvary Chapel 3190 Hypoluxo Road v1 ~ f"I1S 'f ,,,^, ~0ID\ Shene, I revIewed the plans for the above and had some questIOns. Smce I am somewhat new to thIS I am not sure If I am on track so please let me know I am also learnmg as I make my way through these plans so forgIve me If I make a comment that the plans have properly addressed. 1 Is there a traf~c study aVailable ~or r~vIew? Is one even reqUIr~d? If so I would like to reVIew It. - taJLm ~2Lh Co ;<~l~ c.LLi'tc.ft.<- <b.-/L<cW--. f'- l;?r(.)C~ l ' ~~ (, () '\\ z.~ 2 -JI-de-not see any traffic control devIces described, ~Stop SIgnS, nght turn only etcJl " .1f~V' \0'1 3 Also from a traffic stand pomt:~at IS the planned attendance and when. How many 'lJ~ u~\~~ people WIll be attendmg servIces and/or events. /" (rovlde (J.. ~ \IShtl~ r(~ C~~~\ 4 Is-the lIghtmg up to code? From a PD ffiafld-potfl-t'e.roper lIghtmg IS Important as a L)/' deterrence to cnmmal activIty - !1 i What are the planned hours of operatIOn? c.. 2.ff Will the bUIldmg be rented to other groups and If so who? cl).:r Will the bUIldmg be alarmed? 8 It appears as If there IS a gate WIth a key lock across the front (north) SIde of the property My concern IS for the access of emergency vehIcles. It-ls Just CUlIOMty What will rp be1D fal,;t:J With a.ftt:i hUUl~ ~d ho'vv ';l1ll t~a1n acce~ wIthout domg damage, /-:Itw li-J.ite r 9 L'tl f) OU:'t...l.-;l 'tu:... ~ cI J10L'ii.S. I apologIze for my lImIted attendance and attentIOn to the plans you have sent me. We have been two employees down m a three person umt for almost the entIre summer along wIth me bemg m attendance every Fnday m classes at FAU We are now up to speed and staffing has been restored to normal so I WIll have more time to properly reVIew the plans. However, smce staffing has Improved I WIll be takmg a much needed vacatIOn. My anticIpated return date IS September 24th If there are Issues that come up or If you need anythmg from PD please gIVe Doug Solomon a call at 6171 He and I work together on Just about all Issues m our unIt. Thanks, JIm Prestman 9/412111 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01-173 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist James Prestinari, Police Department H David Kelley Jr Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General Jeffery Livergood, Public Works-Traffic Barbara Meacham, Parks Division Laurinda Logan, Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning Department Michael W Rump~! 1<1"" Director of Plann~ Ibning August 22, 2001 SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES TO DATE RE 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project - Calvary Chapel Location - 3190 Hypoluxo Road Agent James Barretta File No NWSP 01-011 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments Comments should also be made available at S \Planning\Shared or e-mail to Sherie Coale and I no later than 5.00 P.M. on. AUQust 31. 2001. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories, code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval 1 Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself 3 Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents 4 Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with Page 2 other departmental impro\ements 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified 6 If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Sherie Coale and I for distribution to the applicant. Additionally, the comments should be made available at S \ Planning\Shared. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e-mail Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members MWR:lg Attachment XC Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director To Be Determined,Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Central File S:IPlanningISHAREDIWPlFORMSITemplates and formslTRC Memo for 1st Plans Review .doc ReVIsed 5-22-01 Galav, Lusia From Sent: To Subject: Johnson Eric Friday November 02 2001 1 47 PM Galav Lusia RE. Calvary Church - unplatted2 I spoke to Tim Large and he indicated that no permits should be issued for unplatted property If no permits are issued then no CO is issued I have not looked in the code to confirm this I will talk to Dave Kelley when he returns to work on Monday Eric Lee Johnson Planner ---Original Message---- From: Galav Lusia Sent: Friday November 02, 2001 1 :29 PM To: Johnson, Eric Subject: RE. Calvary Church unplatted I don't know does the code require that a property be platted prior to receiving a building permit? Lusia -Original Message---- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Thursday November 01 2001 2:06 PM To: Rumpf Michael Cc: Galav Lusia; Hudson, Dick (Orran) Subject: Calvary Church - unplatted I just received a phone call from Jim Barretta regarding the Calvary Church site plan As you know the site plan land use amendment, and rezoning application are to be heard at the November Planning & Development Board meeting Mr Barretta told me that the property is not yet platted If this is true can we impose the plat requirement as a condition of approval in order to get site plan approval by the P&D and CC? How far in the site planning process can this project go? He wants to know if he got site plan approval, can a building permit can be issued on the property before its been platted? I told him that he wouldn't be allowed to get a CO (which would come after the issuance of a permit) Any input? Eric Lee Johnson Planner 1 PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG Attending for ApplIcant: Address Phone. Name of Applicant/Contact- Address Phone PROJECT ADDRESS Phone. TYPE OF APPLICATION TYPE OF BUSINESS Date Submittal Received COMMENTS ~ - i Time /> Rc"3" i PER1Y1IT NU\'1BER ~~I!- & cto~ I Fax I 65> MA-LG6 (PA:51'3l!.. I Fax I Fax iPCN I Fax Date Denied \forms\Pre-AppliC:ltiOrl ~leeting Log.doc ----------~._---~ -~--- PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE TIME ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT NOTICE The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual plans submitted for review City of Boynton Beach Attending Staff (J;;fe;r 1'1-.. '-'l.-e-C~ j),C-/& tto~l>Al I Attending for Applicant I IV.wt^ McG(~~ ~1>~-~ I I i I ! I J'\SHRDA TA\PLA:\''i[\G\SHARED\WP\FOR.\IS\PRE -\PPL ~IEETI:\G,SIG~ 1:'-. SHEET.DOC ~ e A i. VII/<? r C'tfAPE~ OilY p j?J;.J .l3~ .64~717t +A-s"'Scc;..,Ar~ 7720-7 N;) pO- 01/ 00 /I/-If a( GElGElGEl8G n 0 .. 0 ~ e ~ z: I ~ ! 8 ::;;0 ~ 8 ~ Q c: Q ;;:1 ~ i:: " ~ > > i ;:;:1 > a ::J: n ::J: -t 2 :::t 2 ~ ~ ::;;0 ... z: :;: ~ ::0 a ~ > ! ~ ;. z: r -t ;;:1 1 i ~ 1 c: ", f;; r- ~ G') <.n ~ 8 3i1 fTI f N ~ > ~ :z - - - 0 c Q F m ! ~ ~ c: ~ -< -< ij r- ~ ~ ~ >- m ~ ~ ~ -< E ~ Q (J') ~ :::t Z ~ ~ ", Ii: (J') ~ m ~ ....... ~ ;a -< z: m ~ > ~ ~ -< Ii: ~ ", (J') ", ~ g ....... ~ ~ ~ ~ z: (J') ~ .......- . - z ", i ~ E i ~ ", i .......- (J') E - C (J') ~ - ~ ~ E c c ~ *" --------- ~ IOOZ e- Z J:II J M .-- -~ .. ~, ~J I : . i I .., ~ .. i j 2j ..J' ~ ;:J m U1 ~ ...... o tf2"~ o 1 I 2 4~ ql;'~~'" Ii cOlA. (3) HOLES o TYPI[Al ROUNO POLE TEMPLATE o 1+1- 4-6-1 1 '+<-1" OIA ! \\IRE\\ -\ Y ~I-\ [c] HOLES OPTICS WALL MOUNT , .. 2811 -----... ;-22"--- 12" ~ EXTRUDED ALLMI\lU:\l ARM A '\0 CAST ALLMI\:UM WALL BRACKET ASSEMBL Y PROVIDED WITH BUlL T Ii\, 6ASKETED WIRE ACCESS FOR FIXTURE/Sl'PPL Y WIRE CONNECTlDi\,. W All PLATE r-=WI . T 7' SO --0- . 5'1 L. I . ~ 1 1 LliC"DL-\. 1--5 Ie -i [4] HOLES LAMP MOUNTING .".-.... WATTAGE TYPE VOLTAGE 01 s V L 2 2 o ASYMMETRIC ASY ARM MOUNT o TYPE I V (FORWARD ~ THROW) de IV . :.= (HORIZONT.~L LAMP) 0400 0 HPS 0120 0250 0 MH 0208 o MV 0240 STREET LIGHTING ARM MOUNT OST23 '. (TO F!T OVER 2 3'8' J AF\l: .~ ~ TYPE V V sa 'r=--- '111'311'" :. ---- I~I 0277 0480 OMT ADJUSTABLE KNUCKLE o NKLE23 '. (TO FIT OVER 2 3.8' 0.0 i ONKLE27 '. TO FIT OV~R 2 .a' 0.0 WALL MOUNT OWM . SEE ACCESSORIES SECTION FOR ST23 AND NKLE DETAILS LAMP SIZE 250 - 400 WATT / E.P.A. ~.83 WIDE SYMMETRI[ BEAM PATTERN VERTI[AL LAMP [DMPUTER DESIGNED SEGME:\ITED DPTI[S THREE DPTI[AL [[]NFIGURA TlONS. '.. FINISH OPTIONS ODARK o CLEAR POL YCARBONA TE BRONZE DIFFUSER LEX OBM :::JMEDIUM o HOUSE SIDE SHIELD .HS BRONZE MBM o PHOTO CELL... YOLTAGE o BLACK (EXAMPLE. PC120Y) PC+V BKM OWHITE o TWIST LOCK PHOTO CELL+YOLTAGE WTM (EXAMPLE TPC120Y) TPC+V OSILVER SLM o TWIST LOCK RECEPTACLE ONLY TPR OPTION o SINGLE FUSE OANODIZED AZ (120Y 277Y) SF ANODIZED o DOUBLE FUSE HOUSING \lUST HAVE PAINT (208Y 240Y) OF FINIS'i COAT EXAMPLE AZDBM JOB NO PROJECT. CUSTOMER: #8 GROUND WIRE LENGTH OF POLE 32 Ff 6" DBEDKENT 7 rr STANDARD PIPE SPECIFIED TENON HEIGHT ABOVE ~ Fr. GROUND .. If') , , 2580 LBS. lI'EIGHT II II 1fIND VELOCITY 110 120 150 II (mph) ~ II II JLAXIl(U)( EP A.. 19 14 5 .5 (sq. ft.) N II 1- POLY PIPE (CI .- II A.bove embedment shown in Rock. e:) .... II Other embedment depth may be CI.l rx 5- HAND required for other soil condiUon. c.. II 0 b ..... HOLE WITH I II ALUMINUM COVER N rU- t') II ~ Lr-t- ::I: II I.LI II E-4 a::: Cl == ;: 9 0 STANDARD PIPE TENON SIZE d Cl :z ::0 ~ II ~ ..... 0 I 0:: M Nominal Diameter Outside Diameter c:.:> II 0:: (in) (in) 0 co ~ ~ II 0 II 2" 2 3/8" 4L 2 1/2" 2 7/8" 3" 3 1/2" ~ I 3 1/2" 4" in 4" 4 1/2" , ~ Please order tenon , by nominal diameter 111 1/~ 1 32 ft. TYPE III -- 0 POLE 1380 N.E. 48th street Pompano Beach. FI 33064 PHONE. (954) 781-4040 (800) 749-4041 FAX. (954) 781-3539 SALES & ADMINISTRATIVE Pre-Cast Specialties, Inc. Precast and Prestressed Concrete ~--- ------.----