APPLICATION I PROJECT NAME Calva. J ~oapel Boynton Beach LOCATION 3190 Hypoluxo Rd. COMPUTER ID. 01 55000010 I FILE NO NWSP 01-011 II TYPE OF APPLICATION I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER. Calvary Church Boynton Beach J ames Barretta PHONE 561-737-5579 PHONE 561-498-0075 FAX. 561-737-1226 FAX. 561-637-9808 ADDRESS 211 S. Federal Hwy ADDRESS 5484 Woodland Drive Boynton Beach, FL. 33435 Delray Beach, FL. 33484 Date of submittal/Projected meetine: dates. SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 8/16/01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE 8/31/01 PUBLIC NOTICE N/A 'IRC MEETING 10/23/01 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/27/01 MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING 12/04/01 COMMENTS S:\Planning\SHAREDWlP\PROJECTS\Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach\NWSP\NWSP 2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc '::ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, f JRJ, PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date $/1 u Ie',' Fee Paid \..,../" Receipt Number' This application must be filled out completely accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Project Name {:,A~vAfZ'( ~J- of ~tJ1V~ ~H 2 Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) . ~ ~ Am as 1 'B Atzi2-f?r'T A :pt. Address ~ca:x-A tJ..D WIVP' J ~12Att ~ I ?~ C' A~ _ q / (Zip Code) Phone '/bl----r..J8.-c.X7~ Fax. ~/- Cv~7- (g'ob 3 Agent's Name (person, if any representing applicant) Address (Zip Code) Phone Fax: 4 Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name C,AL.\lAl2'( c::::;+tA~ 'et:>y}-J'T6i-J ~ Address ""2 ( i ~ (F~~~' H-w f " 'S\) lr-€ 'ZHI f?oYj..)TO~ ~c-f-\ . t=L- / ?3f~ , (Zip Code) Phone ~I- 7~7 -tY57q Fax' ?(Q \ - 737-1'ZZ<P .... Correspondence to be mailed to agent only if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below'* 5 *This is the one address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed 6 What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder developer contract purchaser, etc ) AfZCH I,e~~ [..A~D fl..Atv~6~ ~~ Oklt0t=?g 7 ..3 /?rJ Hc{f()/~d E.ci 8 Street address or location of site DlA.> '1..0 Property Control #. (JO - - 13 - 07-09 - <;700 - Ie;:> Je:> Legal description of site T~ ~St OI-.)E7-HAc...-P 6F TH€- F'ASI oJ-j;;;;; -H,A.Lr ~ "T'H-G- ~D(2 n-tW~r ~t=:'-~A~~ &F--rlte ~t5I2-T~Sc ~e fV~~ ~ ~~&N "7, 'rOW~lf' +~ ~~1i. __ _f.jt(~.f~ ~ASTi~("W\ A-et-t /CbUI0TV[, ' Intended use(s) of site ~UlZGt-t . ~ , Ca..u--r~A-n:::; Li v' (tJcr FAcI L- t 1:'-'( ) 'VAt CArz.rE I / 9 10 Developer or Builder' No"l ~~~O 11 Architect: ~AO'-PsnrA- 4 A~IA. TtrS". (~c.. 12 Landscape Architect. ' 13 Site Planner' ~A~-=Ti7\ ~ ~;AT'GS. 1J.j~ 14 Engineer' CSfN\moj\)s MJD Wt-i IT~ INC' 15 Surveyor' 'VA". D ~ G;[:;gC.f-tA12 .l/-JC, 16 Traffic Engineer' I . 17 Has a site plan been previously approved by the City CommisSion for this property? ~c. 18 Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan PrlA<S>e O~~ \ ,E!'".x..'Oj uCC co,.. J " II SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear where applicable on all copies of the site plan 1 2 3 4 Land Use Cateqorv shown in the Comprehensive Plan Zonina District A 12- , -P)rt..'\1 ~H Cev tJ r'1 Area of Site I Iib.~ acres Land Use -- Acreaqe Breakdown a Residential including L acres -L % of site surrounding lot area of grounds Recreation Areas * ~ acres ~ % of site (excluding water area) Water Area t q 0 _ acres _ ~ 13 % of site fvi~ ~0<-/ f2'6S ~?<:..) ~51 101 , sq ft b ... ... c d~ Commercial o acres o % of site e Industrial o acres 9 % of site f Public/Institutional C1 acres 0% of site g Public, Private and C7 acres c;? % of site Canal rights-of-way Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J'\SHRDA T A \PLANNING\sHAREDlWP\FORMSIAPPLlCA TIONS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC h Other (specify) L acres ~ % of site Other (specify) $- acres ~% of site Total area of site <g <01. acres J 00 % of site * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5 Surface Cover Ground floor building Aq/~ acres ~~f?'7 % of site area ("building footprint") a b "'later area ~ tlt2 acres 1.1 'J(/% of site c Other Impervious areas including paved area of public & private s.reets paved area of parking lots & dnveways (excluding ~andscaped arj:as) and sidewalks patos decks and athletic courts JIll!lQacres Jg, ,190 % of site Total impervious area 4 ~~I?acres A~ ~q~% of site Landscaped area .01ffl acres.!! ~M~~% of site d /' e inside of parking lots (20 sq ft. per interior f:arking space required - see Sec 7 5-35(g) of Landscape Code) f Other landscaped areas ~ acres ~ % of site g Other pervious areas including golf course natural areas yards a'ld swales but excluding water areas acres % of site Total pervious areas 4,7~7acres fIf nOSo,i of site Total area of site ~acres \ oCJ % of site h 6 Floor Area ,~!' a Residential ~/A sq ft Commercial/Office "'/'" sq ft. I ndustriallWarehouse Nt/I< sq ft , Recreational Nfl< sq ft. Public/l nstitutlonal JJ/A sq ft. , Other (specify) 2.L~Sq ~(2Qt(~t..J~~ ft. <!....l.. r- Other (specify) ~A sq ft b C d f 9 Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHROA TA\PLANNING\SHAREO\WP\FORMS\APPLICA TIONS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.OOC h Total floor ar ~ ~4ro sq ft. 7 Number of Residential DwellinQ Units a Single-family detached tJ{~ sq ft. b Duplex ~Sq ft. c Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency tdwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d Total multi-family ~/t dwelling units 8 e Total number of dwelling units "fA Gross Density LdWelling units per acre Maximum heiqht of structures on site ~ feet ? 9 stories 10 Required off-street parkinq a Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan ~~ ~c.+t ~:t:::::> I Co 2:> l~ Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. .............. ..... ... /~ /~ Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHAREO\WP\FORMS\APPLlCA TIONS\NWSP\SITEPLAN.DOC IiI CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below Si9~~t~~ Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity 6'/;/0/ Date IV OJ.)~/~o/ Da~ / (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application s~Ld~ or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity ~lilt)( Date SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule Date Received Technical Review Committee Planning & Development Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted --"~.... Additional Remarks " -' A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TRC, P&D AND CC MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 10/15/1998 J'\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLICA TIONS\NWSP\SITEPLAN. DOC IDER TO SITE PLAN APPlICI 2- The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge represent and agree that all plans, specifications. drawings. engineering and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach or its boards, commissions staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense claim liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same :~N;7::?=TOthiS /:L Witness ~ :hu.: ) rla~ ;:Leo / ,~o Witness ""..""""..- Planning and Zoning Division - Rev 1 0/15/1998 Jo\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLlCA TIONS\NWSP\SITEPLAN. DOC Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Search System Page 1 of2 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System Owner Information I Owner Name ICALVAR'r CHAPEL OF BOYNTON BEACH INC II Situs Address 113190 HYPOLF\.O RD II Parcel Control Number 1100-43 A 5 -07 -00-000-10 I 0 Confirmation Information I Subdivision II II Book,1111980 II Page:111483 II Sale Date:IIAug-2000 I Mailing 1211 S Fl:DERAL HWY STE 201 I~ ~-4'i-43 E 140FNW 140F1\EI4(LESS Address: N 108 FT 1.-18 (,NL I I IRJW) I IBOYNTO'\I BEAC H FL 3 ~435 4917 I I I 2001 Preliminary Appraisal Improvement value:1I Land' alue'll Market value:11 Use Code:11 0000 II $011 $266,10011 $266,10011 Description.IIV ACANT Number ofunits:11 Total Sq. Ft:11 Acres.1I II Petition No:lloooooo 2001 Proposed Tax 2001 Preliminary Assessed & Taxable Values I Ad Valorem:1I 'il5,30'i 8611 Assessed Value:1I $266,1000011 No ad I "lion ad valorem:1I $3374511 Exemption amount:1I $01 I Total. II S5643.3111 Taxable:1I $266, I 00 001 2001 Exemption DescriPtion.1I Exemption Holder.11 II cOde:IDI II Percentage:1 I More... S , Sales Information I Sales Date II Book II Page II Price IIInstrument IIOwner I I Aug 2000 II 11980 I~I $425 OoollWD I CALVARY CHAPEL OF BOYNTON BEACH TI\C http.//www pbcgov com/papa/detaiUnfo.asp?p _ enhty=00434507000001 01 0 08/2812001 .~ Z\';?~ Ijl. ..... . .. }:r o . (J ~ .....~ ~,o~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment October 9,2001 James Barretta Barretta & Associates 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL. 33484 RE Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach 3190 Hypoluxo Road Dear Mr Barretta, Pursuant to your request (VIa telephone) for postponement of review by the Technical ReVIew CommIttee of the above referenced proJect, the reVIew has now been scheduled for Tuesday, October 23,2001 As a result of this postponement, your scheduled dates for hearing by the Planning & Development Board and the City CommIsSIOn are now November 27,2001 and December 4,2001, respectively AdditIOnally, the land use amendment/rezonmg and annexation applIcations for the property will be heard by the Planmng & Development Board and the CIty CommiSSIOn on the same dates as the SIte plan. If you have addItional questIOns, please call Enc Johnson at (561) 742-6260 Sincerely, d/MA~d~ Lusia Galav, AICP PnncIpal Planner CC Eric Johnson City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us -L TRANSMISSION VERIFICHTION REPOF -L TIME 10/09/2001 15 36 NAME BOYNTON BEACH P ~ : FAX 5613756259 TEL 5613756260 DATE, TIME F A,x' NO / NA~1E DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 10/09 15 34 96379808 00 01 17 01 Of-. STHNDARD ECM eCT-OI-OI MON 08 53 ~~ y - 11 _ ~rt~T~~~OC[ASES FAX ~O. 5B163lS888 BARRETTA & ASSOCiATE.S A rc!'lltEld'..jre Planl'l~ Des:gn AA~ October 1, 2001 City Of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Pla."ining and Zoning DIVIsion Attention Eric Johnson Re Caivary Chapel Boynton Beach TRC Per your request! am submitting this letter stating that! "'\liP be unable to 'iave all comments adequately addressed for the October 2 2001 'T!eet~ng I will call you to coordinate t,e date for the future iRe mee,irg Per our earlier discussions, 1 understand that there will be no additional !ees or costs assocIated wlth this postpcnemen1 tor SIte Plan Apprcvai Pezc:"i....g 8.:"'0 AnnexatIon Thank you Sin ely ~// ;J~/~. ~II -1 j/. I J , _J.... Barretta & Associates CC Mike Rumpf LUSI2 Galav 't'RC review ~ 'NWW.barrassoe.COM 5484 Wood13n~ DnV8 De/ray geach, Florida 33484 eBarretfa@ACLCOO" 56~ -498-0075 56~ .~:::7 ge:s P 02 .J.': ~Y:. _ (\1-01=.9) MON OS ~~____Jl_~~RErA ASSOCIASES FAX t,O. 531e313808 P 01 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO' Eric Johnson COMPANY City of Boynton Beach ADDRESS DATE October '1 20 i!;~ l'r' ~~._~~ BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Dnve Defray Beach. FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 '~? ,. ,I, t> ." www.barras$oc com I" FAX NO 561 ~742-e259 PROJECT NO 00-011 oe. PROJEC"" Calvary Chape.! Boynton Beac" }(r;. i;tt ~t\'~' , ~'( . :~(" 'jt;~\ '.". FROM MESSAGE James T Barretta />. 'f1r . ~~r;:-..<: ~!:' ;}:i ~~':(-~ Letter re TRC postponement. ce. Mike Rumpf Lusia Galav ~l:,r ';::5' ,~ PAGES SENT INCLUDiNG THIS PAGE. 2 PAGES .' J, PLEASE ADViSE IMMEDiATELY IF THE FOU.OWING MESSAGE is RECEiVED ;N POOR OR !NCOM?LSTS '.-::01'<, :t' }. 561.742-6259 561. 7 42~6259 Fax ,...,,..,~_---.---.A. ~ -. ,. .~. ~".",,../IfIotI""""'~~ ,____~_~ _~~--',/III>.J~...~--."~,.."~,,....,,..,---.....J.....;.- ...J ~.,~:.. . .'~{:' ").:~~' ,.~.-,. ,~,~~~I.' P 01 --.~;.,~.~~~ '~ ~~ "'1' . 1, \: . . " ... ~. !' . --2 },., 1 V h' ~ PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. ~ PAGES '.~;"":' . PLeASe ADVISE IMMEDIATELY IF THE FOLLOWtNG MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPLSE ~l\DlT1C~~;: \~ . 1:.:'1 ;, .,~.~ ..;, ~\';f ~ S~P-14-0j rRI 16 58 BARRETTA ASSOCIASES FAX He. 5816379808 ~... -~~ BARRETTA" ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Onve Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 ,-'- ~ ~ ~ -- ~ .11- LJi www barrassoc.com P' t I NG t ~o __f'_~l FACSIMILE COVER SIiEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO' Quintus Greene COMPANY City of Boynton Beach ADDRESS DATE September 14, 2\>Q 1 FAX NO 561.742.6357 PROJECT NO" 00..011 00 PROJECT Calvary Cnapee Boynton Beach FROM James T Barretta MESSAGE Please find attached letter regarding Administrative Waiver request. CC lusia Galav 561-742"6259 Fax .,...,~ . A .,. " .~~,.."~~~-,..""...,,.,,.,,,,.,,.,,,.,..,..,,..~-- ~~t~~ . .~ ~t. ~. ~ , ."..;~ ~m ~~. f:~~ ~(~i~ '11m ~'';;I~ ~- :~j. -!'> ,,, ~"';' .. ;:,"t.. " .;;. . ~~;~ ' .~ '.'Ir. ; ;' ~~ .~ ~::"' :" '~,. '<,I'P '''':':~~'. l....rI-!'r... " "'("':'1' : ~'.: r ;~.."""".. .."" ;:-;;r :' ,~- . ;.~~.(,-,t ' .~~ :~~~ '. ,iili . <~......' J, -~ . '" ~~t ;:t }o: .. . ~~ " .~5~ ' P 02 . _..6.. 1I.,.v~~:.~.~~~~.,~4 .~~~ H...i'",:: I~' '.:ll'i ,~ ~ "'lj.~ s;~ .,.~~ \Yi ~I ~ !~ , .t-Jt:7 ~~ y.,:, ;J.~ il l;'~ ;;" .~ '\ ~ SEP-14-01 FRI 1E 59 BARRETTA ASSOCIASES rL_ ~ _ FAX NO. 5816119808 I l:..dI. BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES Archrtecture PI~nnjn9 Oesign AA 0.'l03i!504 September 11, 200 ~ City Of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attention Quintus Greene. Development Director Re Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach TRC Dear Quintus, Per staff's recommenda1ion ! am writing this letter to request ar Administrative Waiver One of the "1 tl Review Comments. (no 46) for the above referenced project was 'The driveway width of 45' exceeds the maximum allowed by the LDR ft The driveway configuration (please see attached drawing) has dual exit lanes as was recommended by our Traffic Engineer According to the our engineer PaJm Beach County Traffic Perlormance Standards indicate that a separate left turn lane be installed if the left turn movements exceed 30 trips. Staff also suggested that 1 point out to you that. technically at our property line we have two drives due to the entry median Neither of tf:em exceed the maximum allowable width. ihank you veri much for your consideration on this issue CC Lusia Gaiav www.barraSSOCJ::orn 5484 'NoodIand Drive Delray Beaeh, ROrida 334&4 eBal'l"etfa@AO....COl""i 5GI-4S&-OQ75 56'~7.980B (2X) ;t~l~ :, ~ ': "I'!"'" 'i ~. : >. 'lQ;l., ':; :'~I;'-~ ., '" ~~ . y.'''''''':. . :~ "<.'~.. . ,t\~; 'llfl: , :I~~l '(".'-'~. 4 ~. f. ";' '~'-~~ ~'~I"~ l . ~t,,:: .~. . ~~.'" .j,:," ... j''.I'~..' '~ .. ~~:fF4 {~ ~I:~ ~I~.".: L '. .~ l~~: l,.J.~, '~~ '~ It~~~ .> ,:- ~ J ~.. ;; ~~~, ~ ~t; '~ .:~ ,. ....j'\.. .~~ <~~ .?& :~ t,~ ,s"', !I'~ .)" :.0. " "010 ~'... ~.~ '.' \...~, : ,..(:.JJ: l '~I"~ ~ ) ; . ,': ~.-I~ BARRETTA ASSOCIASES FAX NO, 581633,9808 - .;~; .t~~~_.~ r':r.tc;;:~ "Ii;,;\JVi~,';n; .tltt.;.-~~ P 03 SEP-14-01 FRI 16 59 ..,-:~,~:- ;:;,-' ~",...." V' . I ~~ :r ~.E.) ~~~ ~,......- A- I ,..t- '-.. _'. ~~ '_ ~ " s: -" -. -..;:~... 'I .;.. ,./.... .:.~:.; -:"--,~;~ . i~"~'~ ~ . ---- -e ~ c "8 w <1) 0. ~ Q; 10 <1) ~ " o c: '" 3 ~ ~ , .- .-... '?7=-:"-:-~-~~~;. '~-"'~"'i'';'' v.J -': ~JC'_o" '-.-'"- " r -i -;...~- ~- ~ -; (;= <.\-~ '" '" , J' .2.~ ~ 4~Q"" ';;)<1,;~,r.9 45 -0" /- ,_.. '-" ~~.. . ~ I II l, ,"/ -~J ,. i' '~ r '/1. " t 1\ / ~.~ /;\ ".{ 'I .i' ~>f/ ~ '1'/ 'j --./ J ~l ~/) /~",j,~ . '~~-'!T ~scr..o. ~ t-. , ! 0, / _/ / ..<I 'So_ '0.. /~ / ! 24 -O~ .<f-'-' -/ i 3C~ -0" i -- ~ II ~l ~. ~\ I I + I ! , I I I 034-5" i Jt ,/ ~ / ! 50'-0. -.. -/- , '-i'~ ;-, ~ -.-/ -i -..., ~ 6 ./ ~ ((:' " an 'B" . _. ,. ~~> vo_ .-..i:,., ._. -- - #~ --..-----.-.. --- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- rO 5"Qrcl ~('.;\ , ;.-- ....J. 1=~ ~~, :'l~~ .;: "\:. . po,.~l ';:\~ (" ; r "!..\K ~0...'r: - r ',::1> ',," '\:"~\ ?~.. ;'-' l: ?j{ pc;.. R!W (I" S. 48 19~, ~.S.C.~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ,~ ~ b ~~ .~~ ~ ;..1 :\~.~ ,~f. " ;11 .:r. 0;.1; ~~:5 t>>!'". ''f, Ixl ~-~ .,'5'; '~fJ :,A; " 'S. 'j'~ i j,~~ ~:~ .>~ "~4 ~;i ;~~ ., ,. .;:.~..." , '), ~ ~~~ ~;):~~ ('\~ {;1} .;::-~ "" ,t', :~ .>~ !4: ,~ ~:.?~1 ~ ~~t 1.~.:~ "'l.;!~ .i~ ~~ ;* ?~~ :.~?[ BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES Architecture Planning Design AA 0003504 Septem ber 11, 2001 City Of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Planning and Zoning Division Attention Lusia Galav Re Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach TRC Per your request I am Submitting this letter stating that I will be unable to have all comments adequately addressed for the September 25, 2001 meeting Please schedule this project for the October 2, 2001 meeting Per our discussion, I understand that this will not delay any of the subsequent meetings and will be able to stay on the original schedule for hearings. Thank you James T Barretta, president Barretta & Associates rnL;~;; ! www.barrassoc.com 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, Rorida 33484 eBarretta@AOL.com 561-498-0075 561-637-9808 (fax) 8~TTA ~SOC[ASES FAX NO. 581611R808 P 01 SEP-26-01 WED 12 46 ---'~1i.ll': ~~"..:~..;;. f:'''~'f. ~h'~ . ", BARRETTA Ie ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive De/ray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 www barrassoc.com '\ FACSIMILE (fOVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 Ji~i~~~ . DATE September 252Ql-tt,j, TO' Eri~ Johnson COMPANY City of Boynton Beach ADDRESS .,. t:~~~~. . FAX NO 561-742-825S ,#,~:i PROJECT NO 00-011 00 PROJECT Calvary Chap~J Boynton Beat"" FROM James T Barretta MESSAGE Regarding the parking calculations that I sent you on September 19 I found some errors have corrected the calculation Please find attached revised parking calculations, ;yf':'': .~t CC Mike Rumpf 561-742-6259 ~,~;1 t~. " PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE 3 PAGES '. PLEASE ADVISE IMMEOIATEL Y IF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS RECEIVED !N POOR OR Il'JCOMPLETE :::Ot\,;j~i~:;\: Fax ~~. ;1;~~,.~". ~~~....,..., bd.. ..A ~_-""".....-,..",.",..,,..,,~~,.;~_,..,,..,,...,,..,,.,,...,,,.,,.~...........,...~..,~~~-..,, \~~: , '1~; .~ .c..~:':, SEP-26-01 WED 12 47 BA~~T~A ASSOCIASES FAX NO 561f,7q8J8 - P 02 f.€v I'SB/fIl; Q / / . _:~t' / 1"'2'5'/~"f '" / :;, Summary of parking calculations SUNDAY & WElmESDAY EVENING USAGE. CHURCH Church AUditorium (BA.SED ON AREA) 1 space 11 00 SF I Phase 1 6600 '100=66 PhasG 4 2900 /100=29 95 Calculations baseo on seati~ excaec those based on square fo::>tage. the~9icre these baseo 0:1 se:r'\r'g are used for the final determination as indicated beiow _ Pha.e CHURCH Church Auditorium (BASEO ON SEATING) Calculations based on seating exceed those based on square footage, therefore those based on seating are used. 1 space f 4 seats Phase' ,500 seats; 4 = 125 Phase 4 25C seal$f 4 = 63 Youth Meeting Rm..1!100 SF....1,804'.SF/100= 18.04 rooms.. 1I5OOSF, 6720 SF/5OO= :-~hurch offices, 1/300SF, SF 1300-= 6.66 CONGREGA. TE LIVING FACILITY , soace/3 beds. 4813= 16 _.~'". 3 ~o't~, 1 2 125 r -z.. 5 _._.9J~ -G7~ l.r. .; 19 -i9 ;): 14 ~.-. ~.."'- 7 7 '-j,;.,.. ~ 16 16 , 65 1 6 6 3 1.4- ;,i,. -,.:. .-.----..-.- .t::, . 6 I v ---...-....--.......,. 22 22 60 ':;0 _.--................~, 5 .~ -,. .. '+ j. !lij ., 29 65 1 6 ~t; Totals W K Y GE: (NON~CONCURRENT USES) !CONGREGATE LIVING FACILiTY , sp~j3 beds 4813= 16 Daycare. 1t300SF- 6720 SF/300= School Classrooms 11500 SF, 30,000/50(};; 60 Gymnasium/Athletic Courts 1!1 ,800 SF 6.400/1,800= 4.6 Totals "Note: The northveast wing serves as Sunday School CJassroo~s .~ n Sunday and as a Oaycare rooms on weekdays. JO'arIr;in9 cales d ~.! ':'X :1 ,., J/~'< (~( I L__",~.__." : '" BA~~~~TA ASSOC!~SES ;; AX NC. 5816uQaOa P 03 S:P-26-0: AED 12 48 ".*v~ ....-........ao..-.... '1.~.....~.:;.::;;...'::'i'I/ ';" AllDrrCRiUM -A.?ti~: 6.561 SG;....A~ ;;'$tt' '~~" 'fO;,.lll AP.F.A:':j" 2,S1S SQ\.,Arl.a "F~,. ~..' '1.-:;;;";' t OA y CA!~EjCV.~'i.~ 6. 72C SQlJ.,),RZ TeEt- -I , ~FFrCl AA~~ :j 2.C1'SQi. ~~-~~ l.OI2Y & "'~i- ~h'~l 2,867 SQL.;",~:;; ".~, . )." -..",+- !:i"'~ ... ! OFF/a! ~,"n i I I .1 ---.-..... j-01 tJED 12 6 BAREETTA ASSOCIASES - . ~AX NO. 5318178808 P 01 - -_'IIIpt~ BARRETTA &: ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach Fl 33484 (561) 498-0075 . ,~ ~ .~:; ~!1 1 ~: ~l.i-: www.barrassoc.com :~, !:;f' ~~:~ FAC$IMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO' Eric Johnson COMPANY City of Boynton Beach ADDRESS DATE September 19, 2001 ~~... " ," ,.~~~ FAX NO 561..742..8259 PROJECT NO' 00-011 00 PROJECT Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach \ " .' ." ..f.' :~ :'h. ~~~ ~~ ;-~~i' < FROM. James T Barretta ~l:,: '.' MESSAGE Please find attached revised parking calcuiations. Please call to discuss. '\J ,. ~{~:~ ~:~ CC Mike Rumpf 561-742-6259 ,~; PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE 3 PAGES PLEASE ADVISE IMMEDIATELY IF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPLETE CONDmON Fax t.:( "i~ ~,.,.,IfIItJ,..._""", "'~~~__--'--"""""""'~ . ,....~ ~,.."...,,..,,,,...,,.,,~~~ , ,t. ~.: '},. k i~~ .~~ I': i~' ? l, ..>{ .~; .~... ;-: .~i:~ BARRE7TA ASSOC!~SES F~Y NO. 5616378808 P 02 rOl ~ED 12 16 r ~._UI1Ir ......,II'..1A:=ucta;,~ Summary 01 parking calcUlations. SUNDAY & WEDNESDAY EVENING USAGE. .Note: The north-east wing serves as Sunday School Classrooms on Sunday and .. . Daycar. rooms on weekdays. Parkin9 c;ab;.aIt .)-01 UED 12 17 8ARRET~A ASSOCIASES ~ lR1F1".~:o".~:O: ~J:.~.,,'...--...: i ~-L_. I . , i -r-.-' I I ..-i FAX NO. 581E3~98J8 P 03 , AlJOlTORIUM AREA. S,561 SQliARE Ftt'T YOUTH AREA. 1,S15 ~AREFEET 0"' Y CARE/CLASSRoO:M5 6.720 SQUARE FE!!"T OmCE: A~EA. 2,0:4 SQ\.iARE FeE'!' " L.OSSY 8r RESTROOM A.~ 2.867 SQUARE FEE:r ...-....~ ..\ '':--.-- .............. 'II'AntI :.. ./ 'jJ ~... ! '" ~MMONS & WHITE, ~C. Engineers · Planners · Consultants September 19, 2000 Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5/01 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Calvary Chapel Palm Beach County, Flonda SITE DATA The sub]ectparcelIs located on the south sIde ofHypoluxo Road approxImately 1,200 feet west of Congress A venue and contaInS approxImately 8 84 acres Proposed SIte development on the currently unImproved SIte conSIsts of the Calvary Chapel facilIty WIth assocIated uses to serve the congregatIon. The church IS to be constructed In four phases. The follOWIng summary of phases applIes. PHASE 1 14,400 S.F Church (6,600 S.F Sanctuary, 2,800 S.F LobbyNestibule, and 5,000 S.F of Church Office), 7,000 S.F Daycare PHASE 2 242 Student Elementary School PHASE 3 48 Bed CLF (22,000 S.F total) PHASE 4 6,000 S.F Church (two addItIonal 3,000 S.F Sanctuary ExpanSIOns) The phaSIng of the proJect IS based on the church development program and IS not a reqUIrement of the Traffic Performance Standards. SIte access IS proposed Via a smgle dnveway connectIOn to Hypoluxo Road alIgnIng WIth an eXIstIng medIan openIng. The antICIpated pro] ect build out IS 2003 Please refer to the SIte plan for addItIOnal InfOrmatIon concernIng SIte locatIon and layout. 5601 Corporate Way Suite 200 West Palm Beach Florida 33407 Telephone (561) 478-7848 · Fax (561) 478-3738 www.simmonsandwhite.com Certificate of Authorization Number 3452 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT September 19,2000 - Page Two Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5/01 PURPOSE OF STUDY ThIS study will analyze the proposed development's Impact on the surroundmg thoroughfares wIthm the project's radIUs of development mfluence m accordance WIth the Palm Beach County Land Development Code Arttcle 15, SectIon 15.9 Traffic Performance Standards. The Traffic Performance Standards reqUIre that a proposed development meet two "tests" WIth regard to traffic Test 1, or the LmklBuildout Test, reqUIres that no SIte specIfic development order be Issued which would, dunng the build-out penod of the project, add project traffic at any pomt on any major thoroughfare hnk wlthm the project's radIUS of development mfluence If the total traffic on that hnk would result m an average annual daily traffic or peak hour traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of servIce dunng the buIld-out penod of the project. Test 2, or the Model Test, reqUIres that no SIte specIfic development order be Issued whIch would add project traffic to any hnk wItlnn the project's model radIUS of development mfluence If the total model traffic on that hnk would result m an average annual daily traffic volume, as determmed by the model, that exceeds the adopted level of servIce. For the purposes of thIS analYSIS, the constructIOn contemplated m the ModIfied 2010 Plan shall be used. ThIS study will venfy that the proposed development's traffic Impact will meet the above Performance Standards. TRAFFIC GENERATION The traffic to be generated by the proposed facihtIes may be calculated m accordance WIth the traffic generatIon rates hsted m Table 108-1 FaIr Share Road Impact Fee Schedule of ArtIcle 10 and local rates accepted by Palm Beach County Traffic DIVISIon. TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT September 19,2000 - Page Three Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5/01 TRAFFIC GENERATION (CONTINUED) CHURCH (12.600 S.F. SANCTUARY. 2.800 S.F. LOBBYNESTIBULE. 5.000 S.F. CHURCH OFF I CE) 20,400 S.F x 9,32 tpd 1000 S.F DA YCARE (7.000 S.F.) 7,000 S.F x 79.26 tpd 1000 S.F Less 10% Internal Less 30% Passer-By NET PRIVATE SCHOOL (242 STUDENTS) 242 Students x 3 tpd Student = Less 7 71 % Internal = NET = ACLF (48 UNITS) 48 Umts x 2.15 tpd Umt = 190 tpd = 555 tpd -56 tpd -150 tpd 349 tpd = = = 726 tpd - 56 tpd 670 tpd = 103 tpd The overall project IS expected to generate a total of 1312 tpd at project build-out m 2003 190 tpd + 349 tpd + 670 tpd + 103 tpd = 1312 tpd TRAFFIC IMP ACT STATEMENT September 19,2000 - Page Four Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5/01 RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE Based on Table 2A and 2B of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, for a net tnp generatIon of 1312 tnps, the radIus of development mfluence shall be two miles for Test 1 and the one mile for Test 2 EXISTING TRAFFIC EXIstmg average annual daily traffic volumes for the lInks wIthm the proJect's radIus of development mfluence were available from the MetropolItan Planmng OrgamzatIon of Palm Beach County 2000 Annual Traffic Volume Map Background traffic, conSIStIng of lustoncal growth allowances furnIshed by Palm Beach County, maJ or proJ ect traffic, and antIcIpated development m the area was also consIdered, The followmg Table calculates the 3-year lustoncal growth rate for each of the applIcable count statIons wIthm the proJect's radIUS of development mfluence TABLE 1 HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE CALCULA TI ON LINK 1997 2000 % A, HYPOLUXO ROAD 1 2 3 East of MilItary Trail West of Congress Avenue West ofl-95 27,307 29,766 33,838 29,607 33,058 35,834 273% 3.56% 1.93% B. CONGRESS AVENUE 1 2 North of Hypoluxo Road South of Hypoluxo Road 25,603 29,080 23,026 26,383 -3 47%(Use 1%) -3 19%(Use 1 %) The project IS expected to be built-out in 2003 and background traffic was projected to that tIme. Please refer to FIgure 1 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT September 19, 2000 - Page Five Job No 00-93A ReVIsed 3/5/01 TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT/DISTRIBUTION The traffic dIstributIOn for the proposed development IS based upon the eXIstmg and proposed geometry of the roadway network, a reVIew of the eXIstmg and hIstoncal travel patterns, as well as a reVIew of the proposed development and Improvements m the area. The dIstributed traffic for the project at full build-out of the development was assIgned to the lmks wIthm the proJect's radIUS of development mfluence and can be seen m FIgure 1 Based on the projected total daily traffic volumes and threshold volumes for the lInks wIthm the proJect's radIUS of development mfluence as shown In FIgure 1, thIS project meets the applIcable Average Daily Traffic Volume LInk Performance Standards lIsted under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards on all lInks wIthm the pro] ect' s radlUs PEAK HOUR TRAFFI C VOLUMES The net external A.M. peak hour traffic volumes (A.M. IS greater than P.M.) to be generated by the proposed development may be calculated as follows m accordance WIth the rates provIded m the ITE Tnp Generation Manual, 6th EdItion. USE NET EXTERNAL DAILY TRIPS A.M. P.H.F. A.M. PEAK HOUR TRIPS CHURCH 190 7,9% 15 DAYCARE 349 1604% 56 PRIVATE SCHOOL 670 307% 206 ACLF 103 2.79% --2 TOTAL. 280 pht TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT September 19, 2000 - Page SIX Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5/01 PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES (CONTINUED) The eXIstIng average peak. hour traffic has been determIned by factonng the 2000 average daily traffic by a "K" factor of9.3% and can be seen m FIgure 2 The project's net external A.M. peak hour traffic volumes, the peak. hour background traffic, and the total peak. hour traffic volumes are also shown In FIgure 2. Based on the Level of ServIce "D" Average Peak Hour Threshold Volumes shown In Table lA of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards and the total peak hour volumes shown In Figure 2, thIS project meets the applIcable Peak Hour Traffic Volume LInk Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards on all lInks WIthIn the project's radIus of development mfluence. SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS The A.M. and P ,M. peak. hour turnIng movement volumes and dIrectIonal dIstributIOns at the project entrance for the proposed development WIthout credIt for passer-by trIps may be calculated as follows PEAK DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL TOTAL HOUR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION USE TRIPS P.H.F. TRIPS (% IN / OUT) (TRIPS IN/OUT) CHURCH (LAND USE CODE 560) A.M 190 7.9% 15 54% / 46% 8/7 P.M. 190 7.2% 14 54% / 46% 7/7 SUNDAY 747 25.9% 194 51% / 49% 99 / 95 DA YCARE (LAND USE CODE 565) A.M. 499 16 04% 80 53% / 47% 42/38 P.M. 499 16 65% 83 47% / 53% 39 / 44 SUNDAY 37 298% 11 54% / 46% 6/ 5 TRAFFIC IMP ACT STATEMENT September 19, 2000 - Page Seven Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5101 SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS (CONTINUED) PEAK DIRECTIONAL DIRECTIONAL TOTAL HOUR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION USE TRIPS P.H.F. TRIPS (% IN lOUT) (TRIPS IN/OUT) PRIVATE SCHOOL (LAND USE CODE 521) A.M. 670 30 70% 206 60% I 40% 124 I 82 P.M. 670 667% 45 38% / 62% 17 / 28 SUNDAY NIA ACLF (LAND USE CODE 252) A.M 103 279% 3 61%/39% 2/1 P.M. 103 7.91% 8 56% / 44% 5/3 SUNDAY N/A TOTAL A.M. 176/128 TOTAL P.M. 68/ 82 SUNDAY 105 1100 As stated m the SITE DATA portIon oftlns report, the project IS to be served VIa a smgle full access dnveway connectIOn ahgnmg WIth an eXIStIng medIan opemng WIth an exclusIVe left turn lane. Based on the turnmg movement worksheets attached WIth thIS report and the Palm Beach County Engmeenng guIdehne used m determmmg the need for turn lanes of75 nght turns or 30 left turns, no turn lanes appear warranted. TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT September 19, 2000 - Page EIght Job No 00-93A RevIsed 3/5/01 MODEL TEST ModIfied Table 5, Projected Network DeficIencIes for the future network, does not presently mdIcate that the applIcable lInks withm the proJect's radIUS of development mfluence will be over capacIty Therefore, tlus project meets the Model Test. CONCLUSION ThIS proposed development IS expected to generate a total of 1312 trIpS per day at project build-out m 2003 Based on an analYSIS of eXIstIng and project traffic charactenstIcs and dIstributIon, as well as the eXIstIng and future roadway network geometry and traffic volumes, thIS overall project meets the Lmk/Buildout Test and the Model Test as reqUIred by the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. tJ TIS0093- 2 JP SIMMONS & WHITE, INC ENGINEERS * PLANNERS * CONSULTANTS 4 HYPOLUXO RD 70(27)[ 42fl r-w5( 41)[ 53] 51 77 (33) 114621 (49) [40] [60] SITE TURNING MOVEMENT WORKSHEET LEGEND CALVARY CHAPEL 82 A.M PK HR VOLUME (52) P M PK HR VOLUME [28] SUNDAY PK HR VOLUME 115251 MDT 00-93 KD 9-19-00 REVISED 3-05-01 5601 CORPORATE WAY SUITE 200, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33407 TELEPHONE (561) 478- 7848 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC 4 ENGINEERS * PLANNERS * CONSULTANTS .......... to .......... N I"- ---- O'l - ---- LANTANA RD 52 79 26 (39) 0 0:: ........ W -1 L/') ~ <( 0 0 ........ 0::: - 23026 w 0::: L/') ---- C) I- 0 33058 698 0 - ---- 29607 w 3658 262 0:: >- U (/) .......... 0::: 2492 525 (/) 23986 to z w I~ <( 315 w ~7241 0::: 32500 I- 0::: C) C) -1 32414 3: 48900 z I ~ 48900 <( 0 -1 u (105) HYPOLUXO (210) 26383 35834 799 262 2115 ........ 33058 27444 262 L/') 38211 0 48900 .......... - 3658 to ---- 48900 N 787 ---- ........ 37503 L/') 0 48900 - MINER RD ---- (26) (26) ........ .......... O'l l"- I"- O'l ---- - FIGURE 1 LEGEND 31330 2000 AADT 3039 HISTORICAL GROWTH 822 PROJECT TRAFFIC 35191 TOTAL TRAFFIC 32500 L.O.S STANDARD (110) LESS THAN 1 % ASSIGNMENT > 1/2 MILE FROM SITE CALVARY CHAPEL 00-93 KD 9-19-00 REVISED 3-05-01 5601 CORPORATE WAY, SUITE 200, WEST, PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33407 TELEPHONE (561) 478- 7848 SIMMONS & WHITE, INC ENGINEERS * PLANNERS * CONSULTANTS 4 LANTANA RD Cl ---l 0::: <( w > 0::: Cl <( W I-- 0::: 2141 C) 3074 65 Cl 2754 w 340 (f) 56 0::: >- 232 u 112 (f) 2262 0::: z w <( 67 w 3526 '\ 0::: 3020 :r: I-- 0::: C) C) ---l 3053 ~ 4550 z :r: ~ 4550 0 ---l u HYPOLUXO RD 3333 2454 197 74 56 3074 56 3586 340 2584 4550 168 4550 3582 4550 MINER RD FIGURE 2 LEGEND 2914 PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC 283 HISTORICAL GROWTH 179 PROJECT ASSIGNMENT 3376 PEAK HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC 3020 PEAK HOUR STANDARD CALVARY CHAPEL 00-93 KD 9-19-00 REVISED 3-05-01 5601 CORPORATE WAY, SUITE 200, WEST, PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33407 TELEPHONE (561) 478- 7848 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO. DJan~e. Fmance Director FRO~ohn A. GUIdry, UtilIties DIrector DATE S bee. 2.0dl SUBJECT ReservatIOn fee transmIttal for- ~ A~ VIII;.Y Co 1IItPEL Enclosed IS a reservatIOn fee for the subject proJect. Amount - $194.~ .s "Nntll$T fJ."'- Check no - G' 4/ I ~rf llYN ':..1114.., I/. * ..::I- 'IN 7 IN MAc 'O#~ (:.&.- From - CAJ.Vlfltt ~HAj4IJ.. (J r: B'1P7dAJB~f1Q.IJ r.tJC. J,/I Stili rH -,:'1!()e"lt.A.I. liw I ~ .srI" III 8-tpJT~AJ S~CH, FL. 31 '/90- Please deposIt thIS fee III the appropnate account. You may refer any questIOns on thIS matter to Peter Mazzella of thIS office JAG/PVM Michael Rumpf, Planmng DIrector Jo Jahnke FIle D r r--- Irl i !J~~'~-" . u u L Lu : DEPARTMENT OFDEVELOh'i~ + -. --~::: , BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 Summary of parking calculations Phase 1 2 3 4 total CONCURRENT USES CHURCH Church auditorium 1 space /100 SF 6600 /100=66 66 66 6000 /100=60 60 60 Church offices 1/3ooSF 2,000 SF /300= 6.66 7 7 Daycare 1/3ooSF 6720 SF/3oo= 22 22 Youth Meeting Rm 1/100 SF, 1,804 SF/100= 1804 19 19 CONGREGA TE LIVING FACILITY 1 space/3 beds 48/3= 16 16 16 Totals 114 16 60 190 NON-CONCURRENT USES 60 5 www.barrassoc.com 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, Ronda 33484 eBarretta@AOL.com 561-498-0075 561-637-9808 (fax) April 18 2001 Boynton Beach Planning Department Boynton Beach, FL Re Calvary Chapel Boynton Beach PUD application Pursuant to Sec 10," Procedures for zoning of land to PUD, A, 4, I am hereby submitting a statement showing modifications of zoning or other applicable regulations where it is intended by the applicant that such modifications serves the public interest to an equivalent degree The modification sought is as follows Modify parking space back up area dimensions from 9' x27' to 9 5' x 24' The extra width of 5' is provided to assist in maneuvering with the shorter length I have provided, attached, a summary of parking and back up space requirements from other juristicitons which I trust will support my request. ~ PARKING AND BACK UP SPACE DATA FROM OTHER J U RISTICTIONS Width Depth Backup City of Hallandale Beach 9' 19' 23 City of Lake Worth 9' 19' 24 City of Miami Beach 85' 18' 22' City of Coral Springs 9' 18' 24' City of Aventura 9' 18' 24' City of West Palm Beach 85' 18 24 City of Plantation 9' 18' 25' City of Coral Gables 86' 18' 24' Palm Beach County 95 185' 25 City of Hypoluxo 10' 20' 24' Dade County 85 18 22 City of Pompano Beach 10' 20' 23' City of Lighhouse Point 9' 18' 23' City of Weston 9' 18 25 City of Lantana 95 185' 25 City of Delray Beach 9' 18 24 Broward County 9' 18' 24 Fort Lauderdale 8 -8" 18' 24 City of Miami 85' 18 23' City of Fort Lauderdale 8 -8" 18' 24' City of Wilton Manors 9 18' 22 City of Deerfield Beach 9' 18 23 City of Miami 85 18' 23 City of Boca Raton 10' 20' 24' .....-... ... FEB-09-01 10 22 AM CITY*OF*HALLANDALE 954 457 1488 P 01 Ial \;1 BAAA!TTA & ASSOOIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Oe'rft~ eea~h, f-L 33484 (Sa,) 496.0075 FACSf"tILE CO'lER !t!iiEI FAX NO {S61} e37 9808 DAlE. ".nUllrv 27. 2001 r'o: L,orenzo Aghem., COMPAI\IY City 01 H.Uundaltt Beach ADDRESS FAX NO 154.411..14a8 PAOJECT NO PROJECT FAOY. Jame. T Sarrett_, Ar~hl1ect Ml::SSAG~ I am conductinQ a compDr.Uv'I .tudy among, various aouth Florid. jwladlctlans, of cede reQu1rement8 for perking .nd backup .pao.. Pl.... ..aiat me by providinG the following .nformation (P....I: return by f.08lmB. to (111) 831.9808 ".qu I red eo..-egr.. WIdth Depth: ..Cf(UP! parking dhnensione. ct' - - '--'i~l ---"Lf- ---.z~-_. . "urlacUcUon: R..pondsn1 Think vou for your "rKloua .....t.ne.. Jame. T B.,rett., PAGES $f!NT !NCLUDINGTH!S PAGE.'1 PAGF,;;S. PLL....8E~CVISeIMM~OI...TeL'I"i!'" THE FOUOWNQ MD&AOC IG m:cS\lEI;' 1"'1 pOoR 0'" INCOMIILl:TE:cr.JNUmON ........ ~,b.tt.ll5o(! com St&&il Vlr0t;4I."d Cl"~5 o.r.1 Btiloh. FlIJricJ.. 384e4 eBarretrAlt AOL..CO/'l, set '~IiI8'OC'S 5fli1 ~37 lilSoa Ifu) ", // JAN-30-01 TUE 12 09 PM PLANNING AND DEVELOPEMEN 5615861786 01/30/01 05 ~7 F~T P 01 ~Ol BAAREnA & ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodfand Drive Dekay Beach. Fl 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVER jlHEET FAX NO. (581) 637-9808 TO Gene Nowak COMPANY.City of Lake Worth ADDRESS DATE January 27, 2Q01 FAX NO:661-588-1745 PROJECT NO. PROJeCT FROM MESSAGE Jlme8 T alnetta, Architect I am cond...cting a comperatlv. study amona, varioue south Florida Jurisdietlaha, of code reqUirements for parking and backup space.. P'...e ...IM by fecaiml 8 to Required · following Information. (Please return 90-degree parking dimension.. a!.. (J (( MIll! ---...L_____.._ /9'-fJ it N 1/./ --1::..1 La !!.._Io:! rN Width: Depth ..ckup Jurisdiction Respond..,t ~~t.~ 4/" y~ a; ~e.. ,.J~w~-==- -f Thank you for your GtacioU8 ...Ietance. .........- J.mea T Barretta ... PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE 1 PAGES. Pl~ASEADVISEIMMEOfATaVIF THE FOlLOWING MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OA I~OMPLETE OONOmON. www.bllttU*OC.oom 5484 Woodland 0rl\/8 Delray Beach. Florida 33484 eBarreUaGAOI,..QI;Im 561-498-0075 581-637-9BOO (fax) PLANNING & :ONING 01/10/01 06 51 PAX , i Fax 305673~559 Jan 30 01 14 16 P 01 '01 _v.. I BA..ITJA ,,'~,~OCIATE8 I ~ 'NoOCfIar1d- D~ I .~}' =f 33484 ,PAX NO. (!5&1j~.8eoe . ."toIO ..... la_. : ~' . ,.. i"""- ICOMPANY;CItr of MIami Iltaem 'ADDRESS. . 1-,.... ~ E 'VED (~~::G.-. ZGOfJAN30 AMIO.4r PLAJi~H,',G DEPARTMENT DATE: J."UIIY 27. 2001 FAX NO;301-1 -7&1' PROJECT NO' PROJECT , "FROM' ~.""",'T .arnaa, A~hltMl iM.ESSAGE. , J.m. eo"ductl...co""""., ...... ...."g, va oua aouth Florida Jurl.JlctlDne.. ot: ca:d.,~.for periling .nd .elfup .pac-. :,Pf....-~ _.by: ~'IdJn. the fol-..lnl,tnfolmetlon. ( i by t.o.lmIl.' to. '(181) 1S7....... 'i I~ , A.qu .-wv: ! I 8O-degr. parkln.dlmen.IOtitI. ~.S' =~: --'6"T.-- ItaCk..: _-.2-~_... ~url.d'GtIo"'. (J~iu ~I At' .' · j!;~ R....ncl."t. "~?:J~-?L 4~';':- .. ....urn Tbankyolol tor your gr..clou....tetaftoe. ....... T. .,rrett. -'-.. 'PAOES .8-:-1.NCl-vOtNG;THtSp~~. .. t.. rAGIES'o PLeASE A E tMMfiDtATa Y F , THE~'MeaMQII aa:1II!!CB'VB) IN. POOR ORlNXiWlI!'Tf:CONOmON. " . i' . ." , / , wMIt;a.rra...c=.CWlI'ft 1414 w~ 0rI_ tIIIIra>> BMd\. PIortde __..6.....AOL.,aom .,-498. 01/30/01 05 33 FAX I4ZIOl BARRETTA . ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Oelray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 49&-0075 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO. (561) 637..9808 DATE. January 27, 2001 TO:Su..n Hess COMPANY City of CoralSprings ADDRESS FAX NO.954-344-1181 PROJECT NO- PROJECT FROM MESSAGE Jamee T aarretta, Architect I am conducting a comparattve study among, various south Florida Jurisdictions, at code requirements for parking and backup apac... Please assist me by providing the following Infarmation. (Pl.... return by facaimlle to (561) 637-8808. Required: 90-degr.. parking dimensions. Width ___~~__ Depth: _ 18 I Backup: _~~~_J~~~ a.i:S (<. Jurisdiction: _C~..[~ ~!I'(~6-L- ~- Respondent: -fr~-- ~ ~~. ~- Thank you for your gracioue ...iat.nee. ", ..James T. Barretta PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES. PLEASE ADVisE: IMMEOIATELY IF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS RECEJVED IN POOR OR INCOMPI.ETE CONtJ1110N. www.blIrrlnoc:.com 5484 WoudIsnd tlrive OeIray 15~. ~ortct. ~ eBan'etta@AOLnxn 5B1-488-(J07!! 581-6S7-9BOB (fax) ;89-~ zoo/zoo d vOl-l ~~~ wvez II looz-oe-Nvr Jan 30 01 09 53a 01/30/01 05 25 FAX 1aI01 P 1 BARRETTA It ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach. FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO: Brenda Keney COMPANY City of Aventura ADDRESS DATE Jlnuary 27, 2001 FAX NO' 305-466-3277 PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM' Jim.. T Barretta, Architect MESSAGE I am conducting . comparative study among, various south Florida Jurladiction.. of code requirements for parking Ind blckup spaee.. Pleeae assist me by providing the following Information. (Please return by facsimile to (581) &37-9808. Required 9o-dear.. parking dimensions. Width Depth: Backup: 9' -~----- 2~j)i<.J.~&IS.LE ~ u.A"{ TeA~\e..) JurladlcUon Respondent c.\~ Or M~f2-A. ~_~l..PnVNE:2. Thank you for your gracious a..istance. Jamea T S.rretta PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE 1 PAGES, PLEASE ADVISE IMMEDIATELY IF THE FOLlOWING MESSAGE IS REceIVED IN POOM OR INCOMPlETE CONDITION...... WW'II.barraslIOC.eom S484 Woodland Drive OeIrl1V' Be-=h. Aorida 33484 eBane1taSM)l.com 561-49lHlO7S 56Hi37.eeoa (fax) ... =NT BY CITY OF WEST PALM BEAt4, 01/30/01 05 47 F.~ 561659803 , JAN_3C 01 11 CBAM, PAOE 1/1 llJol BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES 5484 Wood'and Drive Defray Beach, FL ~3484 (561) 498-0075 V FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637.9808 TO:Dantel If.ry COMPANY City of We" Palm Beach ADDRESS DATE. January 27, 2001 FAX NO.661-853-2826 PROJECT NO' PROJFCT FROM MESSAGE James T Barrett., Architect I am conducting a comp.rative study among. varlou. .outh ~lo,ld. Jurisdictione, of code requlrement8 for parking and backup spaces. Please aaelat me by provldlna the fallowing Information. (Please return bV facsimile to (561) 837--9108 Required 90-degree Width: Depth. ..ckup p.rking dlmenaions. I. '!J · ----~--- " <itA' ___.I:'::J'____ Jurledlctlon: __~~:r...tAJ.M ,~_ R..pondent _-Dll ~LUIJ" Thank you tor your gracious asslstanet!. ".....a T. Barretta ........... PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES PLEASE ADVISE IMMeDIATELY IF THE FOU.OWINQ MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPLETE CONDITION. www.barrasllOC.c:om s.t84 Wcodland Dnve Delray Beach. Aorida 33484 ea.retta4!lAOLcom 581-4911-0075 5G1-637-9808 (fax) 01/31/2~.0~. 08 54 954--9~-2793 - u.. "u flU rAA. PLANTATION PbANNING PAGE 0~ 1ZI01 BARRETTA a ASSOC~TES 5484 Woodland Drtve Oalray Beach, FL 334&4- (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE eOV,R SH!I!T FAX NO (561) 831-9808 TO' Marcia Berklev COMPANY City of Plantation ADDRESS DATE January 27, 2001 FAX NO: 16.-717-2713 PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM' MESSAGE. Jam.a T Slrrett., Architect I am conducting . comperatlve alucIy amont. v.rioue eouth Florid. Jurlsdlctiona. of coda requirement. for parking and backU, apac... Pi.... ...Iat me by providing the followinG In'ormatlon (PI.... rllturn by flc.llnU. to (&11) 137-1808. Required: 8O-d..r.. parking dlmenalona. q' ::: :-{l;r--W/'2.' ~~ ~ a< \~. wt~ 8ec;kup' ___~~.:...~~_ I I Jurl.dictlon I R..pond.nt Y"ili.-g-J- ~rnr-J _.~~ ~:l ,=IL.L\.Wb ~e. ~...:s".JEAt:. Thank you tor your tracloUI ...iatlnce. I Jam_ T. aarr.a PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 "f1AGES f"lEA8EACvtS~IMa.ED""TELYIF TIolE !=OL1.OWINQ M~8AQE 18 RECEIVED IN POOR ~ lNCOMF'~~ CONOITION. ............ www.barranoc.CDn'I &iI04 'NcIod1and DriM o.Aye.cn. Ronda 33~ .a.n-...."OLc:on'I 11'....88-0075 1Sll'-837-eeoe (talC) 1 - 30-201 8 30Pt 1 FRO 1 3054605327 P ~O! v.:. 9.lARETTA &; ASSOCIATES ~4 \.at/C'.o(';;and Driv~ De!ray Beach, FL 334a4 (561; 49t:HJC75 FA&5iMiLi; COVER SiiEEi DATE. Jiii1uarY ....... A.....~. ~'. CVV. FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO' I!rfc Reff COt,,"PA~JY Cfty Of Cera! Sabres AOC~~SS F.4X NO-305-4'O-53~7 PROJECT NO PROJECT ""~n-...- rnVtVI , - -...... v..._ ; Barrette, A:=nitcct MESSAGE I .m eanduetin9 . compar.tive study .monG. various SOUlh Florid. JurI8d!et~"~. ~f eod@ 'f!qY'r~"t. ft)r parking .n~ t:-ackup A__A...A .."'_....IIDO Flease aiS~;~t iT!e by i=:fovldfii\1 the follyW';;-;g $"'~rmatlcn~ (Pleaa: :'.u~~ by fa~imiia to (591) 637=&505.. Required eo-degr.. R.8pondan1 parking atmenaiona. &~t;" =iJT=,-,ll- ~~~~~- -~~~~~ ttt.~ ~, _______~~i:.-~_ ~ W!d!h Depth.. D=ckup Juriadic:lon Than" YQU tor your grac:iOU8 asaiIda nca. J:m=a T 9:rret!= PJ..GES SEr"!.,.. 't..JC!-:JD~~4G TI ns PAGE ., PAG~S r\..EA5EAO'"l!eE!~~,,~ED~TELY!F THE F-:>i..i..Ow1r~~ MES~AGE ;s ~CCS\'rP:N ~~ ~ I~JOOMpt,-ETE ~-DrnO~. ~.b!!rreS!lOC ('Om ... ~ W~f'd On- o.Ir<t~ a-ctl FIOrlda 3~ eB8ml1laeAOl.com 5G'....$6-0075 5CJ1-6:lNJUOB (fax) 01/30,01 05 59 fAX ,/s' ~QI\) pI ("<.J" F-,..l I "v<. ' ~Ol BARRETTA. ASSOCIA ES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 ~~ OA T~ January 27. ~ 001 FAX NO (561) 837-9808 TO' Frank Duke COMPANY-Pelm B..ch ADDRESS FAX ~O 5&1-233-5365 PR~ECT NO' PR~ECT I FROM James T Bar etta, Architect MESSAGE I am condu Ing a comparative study .mong, varlou& I &outh Florida Jurl.dletlons. of ode requirement. for pa~klng and bae~u) .pac... I. Please assist me by pr vldlng the following intorhlatlon (PJease return by facsimile to (681) 6 7-9808 i Required 90-degr.. P rking dimension.. E~ =======> ~ ,AlTA~ Jurisdictlo . _ Pf?C ~.~".uGl :l)~~ Responden: __~_~~ WOiJ6 _ t Thank you for your gr. loua asslstlnce. Jamee T Barretta PAGES SENT INCLUDIN T~IS PAGE 1 PAGES . PLEASEADVIgeIM~ED1ATELYIF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS A EIVED IN POOR OR I~ETE COr-jOITION. 5.a4 Woodland Drive DfIlray www.barra-.oo.oom . Rorlda 33484 eBlml1DlOAOL.com i 581-498-0016 56'-6~ '-9808 (fax) l~/t~ 39l;1d I E0lSEElt95 Z;l 0t t~0l/tE/t0 ART7CU "'I SIn:: D1'"v'El.OP.'JEVT ST..ymAR.."J S<"C 1.~. C Off Slrur f'ar.~"1l and Lo.Jdi7'l~ - Double Jtriplna. PiUking space winch shall be m~asure4 from the centerline of the se, of (b) Stripes {Or . No. 97-64] TABLE 7.2-3 ~Th1 ;M PARKING BAY DDfENSIO:s'S,FOR NONRESIDENTIAL USES j.ND RESIDENTIAL CSES Wlm SO- 4. D1:'n PARKIN'G LOTS " j, .l! B~",~,t'.. ~ ....~~.. .s~~i...l,ilo-; Irk: .. pace ..",. F... ....... .... ... . .... . . . ...... . .. .. . . "',; I;"!:, '(refl) Y ..:1\ ''(r::-~;;;!:, '!, '. . .. :....'1:: f, . ,.~~~,. ; ':: '!to;=~!, :",,", ,';'; " 90 17.5 no u..5 47.0 :43.0 15.5 General 45 9.5 17.5 11,0 l3.5 47.0 4].0 15.5 Retail l~.O 17.5 12.0 170 4" 0 ;43.0 IS.5 Handicacoc:d ~ J 190 115.Q 10.5 $5.0 .H.O 175 General 60 9.s 190 IS.O l!.0 540 50.0 11.5 Retail 12..'; 19.0 14.0 \4.0 53.0 49.0 1"1.5 Han<l.ica.ppcd 9 ::> 19.s HI.O 9.5 58.) ..36.0 18.5 General ~O 95 19.5 18.0 10.0 5'7.0 55.0 I 18.5 Rwil 12.0 19.5 17.0 12.5 56.0 54.0 IS,; Hllndicatlced 9 G 19.5 23.0 95 62.0 :60.0 18.5 Gene~l "'1:5 9.5 19.5 2.2..0 10.0 610 59.0 18.5 Retail P... 111.$ 210 12.5 60.0 580 18.5 Handil:llDPed C oJ 19.$ 24.0 9.0 53.0 62.0 190 General 80 9.5 19.5 2;\,0 9.5 61.0 61.0 190 Retail l::.': 19.5 22.0 11.0 61.C 60 C 190 HaQdiC4De>ed 90 l'lS 26.0 9 ::l I 63_0 6;\,0 ill. 5 General 90 9j 18.' 2.5.0 95 1 62.C 62.0 18.3 Rct.llil 12.0 185 24.0 12.0 iSlO 61.0 18.5 Handicaooed 1 Dimensional requiremenrs for packi.~ spaces shall vary depending on the angle of parking provided and the land use served 2 The term General applies to parkin ~ spaces designated to serve all commercial uses except retail uses. and also residential uses with shared {lark: !n& lots. Spaces reserved for use by persons with disabilities shall be goverDed by the rows labeled "Handi ~pped The UDSpebfied row provid~s a guideline for the deSign of spaces above the minimum required ~ l'idth. ... "' ( his space intentionally left blank.) , !AlVa DEVELOPMENT CODE PALM BEA eN COU"ITY nORlDA ADOPTfON JUNE 16. '992 4/00 Supplt"mefll No 10 7-f5 I i - ll3/ll3 39t1d EaZ;9EEl199 II 131 113I3l/YE/le 02ll!t..~9.L THr 10 00 F.U U'A, U-.I ""'0 r."A 1aI 001 III 01 BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO:Ken Schuttz COMPANY City of Hy"aluxo ADDRESS RECEIVED' JAN 3 0 2001 - By. === DATE. January 27, 2001 FAX NO:511-582-0703 PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM Jamea T Barrene, Architect MESSAGE I am conducting a comparative lItudy amang, various .outh Florida jurlsdletlona, of code requirements far parking and backup apaces. PI... ...iat m. by providing the following Information. (PI... return by facslmll. to (561) 637-9808. Required: 80..c:legree parking dimensions Width JP , Depth =ZI?J'---- Backup: -"2dL~--- Jurisdiction Hv P12..1..I.I~ ?;tON t9r Respondent ~~~~~~v/)~ Thank you for your gracious ...Istance. I de.... T. Barren8 PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES. _.....--plEASEADVlSEIM~DlATELYIF THE RJU..OWlt<IQ MesSAGe IS RECBVEO IN POc:JR OR INCOMPLETE CONDITION. WWW.barrassoc.com 504&4 Waodland 011_ DeI",y e..eh. FIorfd. 3~ .8arrd.OAOLCIDfTl 581-.'9IH3075 5e'-637~geoa (faz) 02 01 01 TEl" 16 38 FAX 30~i32811 01/30/01 06 27 FAX ZO~I~G PER)IITS /' ~\ _.,~.. ~ 001 BARRETTA & ASSOCIATES A~r& Planning Design BARRETTA . ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland DrIve Oelray eead1. FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVER SHel!T FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO: Lee Rllwlnaon COMPANY Dade County ADDRESS DATE. January 27. 2001 FAX NO' 305-3~4e7S PROJECT NO PROJECT FROM MESSAGE Jame8 T Barretta, Archhect I am conducting . comp.rltlve study among, vur'aua south Florida Jurledlctlana. of code requirements far parking and backup apaceB. Please assist me by providing the followlnll InforrMllon. (Please return by tacslmlle to (561) 837 --9B08. ReqUired. eD-clegree parking dImensions. Width: Depth: Backup' __f'_2..._ / F~ 0 __:y;;r-o__ Jurisdiction: Respondent: Thank you for your graclaus ...Ietanc.. ....mes T. Barren. PAGES SENT INCLUD1NG THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES. PLEASe ADVISE IMMEOIATEL Y IF THE FOLJ..O\MNQ MesSAGE 'S Ft~evSJ IN POOR OR INCOMPLETECON)rrION. ; www.baI1.a$9OC.com 54&4 Woodland Dive o..Irayea.ctl. FJorkIfI. 33484 eBiln'8tla.AOL.1:Dm 561-..488-007!; 581-637-Q8011 (fax) www.b1srraHOC.CDIIII 5484 Woodland Drive 08Iray~. RoridB stI484 eBamIIraGtAOL.CCII'I"l 581-498..QT1S 561-837~9808 (laX) .~. '.\ -- 01/30/01 05 43 FA! - r -- ... ... 1(- . ;j ..'~ .. , .. -, .........!. III 01 BARREnA It ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach. FL 33484 (561) 498-0015 FACSIMILE COYER SaJET FAX NO. (561) 637-9808 TO:Mark Le.f COMPANY City of Pompano Beach ADDRESS DATE Janu8ry 'El, 2001 FAX NO:814.788-4." PROJECT NO; PROJECT FROM MESSAGE. James T BIIrNtta. Architect I am conducting a compandiYe etudy among, varloua .ouflh Florld8 lura.dlctlona. of code requirement. for parking and baC::kuP .pao.s. Pi.... assist me by providing the following Information. (Pie... return by 'aoelmU. to (511) 637~8. Required: 9O-deg,.. parking dl men I 1oR8. (' Widlh: _JQ----- ~)< (8' j rJ ~~ l =~P: ~"'b 1 JUr,SdlCt,O;-kf"..... O"C~~ Re.pondent: 1!1I.""V: _bY.l::'_______ Atl..uJ Th.nk you for your gracious as.lanoe. , Jam.. T Sarretta PAGES SENT INCL.UOING THIS PAGE: 1 PAGES. fUASEAOV1!EIMMEDI"',T~LYtF THli fOU"O'NIN3 t.4ES!AG~ \S RB;e1VED IN POOR OF! I~E OONPrrlON, ... www.bal'J'aeeoc.oom SG4Wooc1an91)riye DfIhYeNch. Rorida 3a404 ,,~I!tAOL.c:orn S61-4Q8.OO16 661-837-eacl8(fax) 02 07/01 16 40 FAX 954 7&~ 3446 02/07/01 01 22 FAX CITY OF LIGHTHOlSE PT ~ 0011001 4J 01 BARRETTA It ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 DATE January 27, 2001 TO :Mark Leaf COMPANY City of Lighthouse Point ADDRESS FAX NO.954-784-3446 PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM James T Barretta, Architect MESSAGE- I am conducting a comparative study among. various south Florida jurisdictions. of code requirements for parking and backup spaces Please ...Iet me by providing the following information. (Please return by facsimile to (561) 637..9808. Required sO-degree Jurl.dlction Respondent parking dimensions. q ----;-l.{J---- ___~2__ hl.c~y'Wl~e. {)O.l!:l,.} "')y\f> <"y~ &~O-______ Width Depth Backup: Thank you for your gracious Baalatence. James T Barretta PAGES SENT INCLUDtNG THIS PAGE, 1 PAGES '-. PLEASEADVISEIMMEOIATELY IF THE FOu..OWlNG MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPLETE CONDlnON. WWW.bams$&OC.com 5484 Woodland Drlv. Delray Beach, Ronda 33484 eBan'ena@I\OL.c:am 561-496-0075 561.637'9BOtI (fax) ... 02/06/01 TL~ 14 35 [TX/RX NO 8691] 0~/12/2001 15 03 354-~~-2793 02113 01 O~ 19 F.U PLANTATION PLANNING PAGE 02 III 01 BARRETTA II ASSOCIATES 5484 WOOdland Drive Oelray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498~OO7~ 312-D_Q\J6ST I K~ ... FACSIMILE COV~R SHEET fe-6 · .)., '00 t DATE. January 27, 2001 FAX NO (56') 637-9806 TO' C.'vln, Ciardllfto, and Aaaociat41s COMPANY City of W_on I Maret. 8arkley ADDRESS FAX NO 1&4-7'7-2783 PROJECT NO' PROJeCT FROM ".mea T ..rretta, Arch". M ~SSAGe. I am conducting . comperlltlv. atudy .mona. vlfloue _uth Florida juriadiction., of cod. requirementa for .,.,Idng and backup .pao... P..... ...Iat me br .,roviding the fallowing information. (PI.... return by tacaimU. to (511) 137-1808. Required: IO-clegr.. parking dlm.nalon.. dJI Width --Jr-----.A... J. a LId ...~ :r-1.~ d..--~ Depth: JwJ~~tV~ /~ (J- - ~ Backup: __J~~-- Jurlldlctlon "...,ondent: ~ ~~ ~=---- TMnk you tor your anolOU8 ...llItanee. Ja"... T lIarNtl. . PAGES SENT INCLUCING THIS PAGE f PAGES PLEASE ADVISE IMMEDIATEL.Y lIE THE FOllONlNG MEUAGE 18 RecEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPL.ETE CONO~T~N. WWW.~rr1lMOQ.com 6<t84 WOOdI."c:1 Ortve Del..., Beach. Ronda 33<484 .a.m.ttaGAOt...com 581-488-0075 581-637-9808 (tax) c-= '13 2001 1219 37 551:: -'51211219 I U~ 13/01 oa 12 FAl LAt-H ANA TmJt--L HALL PAGE 01 @01 BARRl!nA .. ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO. David Thatcher COMPANY City ot lantana ADDRESS B QD i<. B Qve::>-rl .. Fe:; 8. ,~) ~ J J.huary 27. 2001 DATE FAX 00:561-540.5009 PROJECT NO PROJECT FROM James T Berrett., Architect MESSAGE I am conducting _ comp.ratlve etudv among, varioua sOllth Florida jurlsdlctiona, of code requirement. for parking .nd backup .pace.. PI_- assist me by providing the following Information. (Pi.... return by facelmn. to (581) 837-9808. Required IO-clegr.. Width Depth: Backup. parking dlmen.lona. cfL----ji^ ~l 1"-18 ~~ Ir-~ . I _____-___ ~e- .:V ~J__ Jurisdiction: R.spondent: ~~~~~+d_-- Thank you for your IIr.~loua ...iatanc;e. Jam_ T Barretta PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES PLEASEADVl8EIMMEOlATav IF n-tE FOlLOWING MESSAGE IS RECBVED IN POOR OR 'NCOMPLETE CONDmoN. .. ww....bamuIloc com 6<484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach. FIorld. 33484 e8larTetta@AOLwm 561-49f1-D075 581-e37-9806 (fax) -> ... Cf.l ) Z , 0 - .... Cf.l Z ~ :E ) S ~ ~ -< ::., :;n <:; z - ~ C.( -< ~ 02/~3/2001 09 37 LANTANA TOWN HALL 561540~09 ~~~- t..!. '= _..= .... ~ ~ Z - ~ "'d "'0 -0 "'d ~ "'0 C,l * 8- .. t.l * C,l *' ~ .. v .. 8- :3 - 0- Q.. c.. P. --; Q, -;j - ~ ~ (ii Co. -; 0. 0. '(;i cG ...... ~ (II "= \I;l ~ <<i <<I ~ ... .... <':I ... ... (lI .... 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Pi..... ...1111 me by providing Ih. lOllaWlug Information. {Pi.... r.turn by htealmlle to (581) 837..0808. ! I Required , GO-degree p.rtcing dlma~.lon.. a ' ! ::~~ -~-:J-y,-- i Backup: __~_~:.__ FAX NO' &61-243-7221 PROJECT NO- PROJECT ~url.dictlon: Rupondent. Thank yau for yaur gracious ...I8ta dames T. Barretta --'..,.~ PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. PAGES. PLEASE40VlSEIMMEOIAiELY IP THE FOlLOWING MESSAGE IS AeCaveo IN POOR OR INCONPu:TE CONDITION. www.bapac.com 5~ WClOdIanCl Driv. D8lray 8Bac:h, Rorida 33414. Qa@AO!.-com 561-4Bfl-007S 581-837.Q8D8 (flIIw) el:2 14,'2001 12 23 954-~:3-3481 02/14/01 03 15 F~\ =Ot'm~G CODE 5ER\i PAGE en ij)Ol i BARRETTA . AS~OCIATES 5464 Woodland Driv. O.lray Beach. FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 ; I FACSIMILE COVEIR SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 I TO. .5h\<1ei N\t1("1~(," COMPANY Brow. ref County ADDRESS OATe:. rt:6t<vr1t2'i cS ~co! FAX NO: 8S4- r.J bS - ~Oj PROJECT NO' , PROJECT FROM MESSAGE I James T Barretta, Ar~hhect I I am conducting a comparative $Iudy among, various south Florida jurladlctlona, of code requirements for parking and backup apl ces. PI.se ..slst me by providIng the following In'ormation. (Please return by facsimile to (611) 837-9808. I Required i 90-degree parking dlmenalons. Cf/ ----:--r--- Depth . ---'-L_ , 'ILl" Backup ___~___ Jutl8dl.ctlon __~o"'ll...n t~ &..I~.*..!) R..p1ndent ______~l)1t ----------- , Width I Thank you for yo~r gr.cious assistance. I J8mes T Barrett. PAGES SENT INCLiliOING THIS PAGe, 1 PAGES '~'''''PLEAS=ADVlSEIMMEDIATEL,(IF THE FOL.LOWlNG MESSAcE IS Aa::EIVED IN POOR OFlINCOMPLETE CONorrION. I www.bo-__.<:om 5484 Woodland Dri~ ,ray Beach, Florida 334M eBilmlItB8AOL..cnm 561 -496-0075 561~37-96Oe (fal() I i I I FEB-15-2001 12 07 CED CITY OF FT LAUDERDRLE 954 762 8968 P 01/01 BARRETTA. ASSOCIATES 5484 WOod1and Drive Oelray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 FACSIMILE cove.. SHEET DATE. Feburar, 12. 2001 FAX NO (581) 637-9808 TO' Chri. Wren COMPANY City of Fort Lauderdale ADDRESS FAX NO; 154-781-585' PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM" Jamea T 881Tettato Architect MESSAGE I am conducting a comparative etudy lmong. .Irioua lIOuth Florida Jurl_ldion.. of code reaulfemenla for Dlrkina IncI backuD .",.e... P'._ ..... me by providing the following infanlllltion. (....... return by tacatmlle to (561) 837.... Required' rDJ ~ @ rn n w ffil~, WI FEB~~ OFl'rc~ f"!f CPt-; ~UHITY " CO',\?l... :'1;). i. PLANNI~G to-cIeg,.. PIIrklnl di.....IoM. Width: ~ '... g 1/ ~h: -~------ lIeckup: _.'l..t:.:'__~__ Juri8dtctlon: C'''J ~I ~Mf" t.-..IJ"Il-04I".tf Respondent" O.tlJJt-S-t. #'~ - ------- Th.nk you tor your gtaciou. _isttInce. ......... T earren. PAGES SENT INClUDING THIS PAGE: 1 PAGES. flLEASE AtMSE IMMl!DtATB.. Y IF THE FOlLCJWItG MESSAGE IS RECSVEO IN POOROA 1NOOMPLETE00NDf110N.. "". .....DIlPaI$lO(;,com s...... WocdInd Drivo o.Inq 8e8oh. Rorida DCe4 .SalNlfaeAOLcom .1-408-007!t se1~"" (f:p) FE&-13-2001 15:21 P 01 TOTAL P 01 FROM '::: I T', OF IJ I L TDN 1'1ANOF<. dLDI~ DPT FHA NO 02 21 01 03 16 FAI BARRETTA It ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland OrNe Oel,ay eeaot'\. FL 33484- (5e1) 4ge.0075 FACe.MILE COVER al:lE.e1 FAX NO. (561) 631-9808 TO :H.rold A. Horne COMPANV:CItV of Wilton "',"ora AODRESS 9543902184 Feb 21 2001 09 11AM P1 lliOl 'fl--eA'SE ( l _ T - ~ ~ ,r fi,-cAl t:Ur ~-ntt~ DATE:F.burary 20, 2001 ~ FAX NO: 954-390.2184 PROJECT NO' PROJECT MESSAGE Jatnee T B8rren:.. Architect FROM J am conducting a comparattve atudy amon;, various south Florida Jurisdictions. of code requirements for parking and backup ..,.c... Pl.... ...,at me by p!'ovidin~ the followinG Informlltion. (PIMae retur" bV facsimile to (581) 817..808. Required: 80-degree parking 41"*,810n8. Wiclt h D41pth B.CkuP~ 2_______ /rr :Z2- -_....------- ~ ~ -,--".of .Juri.dlctlon: c;.L.l;:z~~",J/.4. /G....-...,<:."??4./lk~ Reapondent _ ___. Thank you fOr your ,gracioua _illt.nee. James T Barretta PAGES SeNT INCLUDING THIS PAGE 1 PAGES. P\..EASE AD'VISe IMMEDIATELY IF THE FOL"'OWl~ MESSAG~ IS FlliCElVeo IN POOA M IN:lOMPl.l;TE CONomON. ...~.... W'tM.~~.COIYl ... 5484 Woodland Drive Deny Beach, "'oridlI 334S4 eBilmItliI(ilAO...OOtn 581-498-0075 561-&!1~e cr.x) 02/2112001 22 ~5__ 954" 'l812 ...... DFLD BCH PLNG DEPT PAGE 01/01 14101 BARRETTA,. AsaOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (581) 498-0075 FACSIMILE COVeR BUE!T FAX NO (581) 637-9808 DATE -Feburary 12, 2001 TO: Jerry Ferau80n COMPANY City of Deerfleld Beaeh ADDRESS FAX NO. 864-422-5818 PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM' MESSAGE James T Barretta, Architect I 1m conducting a comparative Mudy .mono, varloua aouth Florida juri.dlctlona. of code requlrementa tor parking and backuJ) apace.. Please ...I~ ",. by providing tho fallowtng 'nfarmatlon. (P,.... r"urn by flcsimile to (561) 637-9808. Required 90.clegree parklno dimenaJons. Width' Depth: Backup 10 (. 1M t>P"'~:" cF CilWJ$"Jei tz; c:ri)< ,~(. ~v(N"ce ~WLE:f) -:z-c5----:s ~fl- A~ ~ ~NC::~. lv\A~. Go" "'Z.c=>oa<' I ~2-___ J u risdictio n R..pondent- ColT'( Of' ~\::l6LD ~ .jaUi~ ~U';;oN Thank you 10r your gnjlCiOU8 ...Iatance. ., James T a.rrett. PAGES S~NT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES PLaSEADVlSEIMMEOI"TELYIF THE FOUDWlOO MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOA OR INCOMPLETE CONomoN. .... www.barra8&OC.oom S484 Woodland O,h18 OIeIray Beach. FlorlQa 3U84 e&rrdaOAOt...aom 5fn-49lJ-OO~ 561-637..Q808 (tax) " 01 30 U1 05 52 FA! ~Ol BARRETrA & ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 498-0075 fACSIMIL.E COVeR SHEET FAX NO. (561) 637-9808 DATE. January 27, 2001 TO Anna G. S.nchez COMPANY'Clty of Miami ADDRESS FAX NO 305-416-2158 PROJECT NO PROJECT FROM Jame. T Sarre11a, Architect MESSAGE I am conducting a comparative study among, varlou8 south Florida jurisdiction a, of code requirements for parking and backup space. Please assist me by providing the following Information. (Please return by f,c8imile to (561) 637-8808 Width Depth Backup- . U _B~~____ ( 2,t ~_~~____ 0 M- \.0 Jurisdiction _ _~.l 7;- c (Ll"l~...n.t py~ 2 Re8pondent 1!JP,::J.-~' J~j".-12II(""t)J:! \~\r l"oo) -0 g r- ~ ~ Z^' :z: ~rr c..> Z () o G>rr >0 s;>o<: 3: NFTl 00 Z Required- 90-degree parking dimensions. - -- c;) l.i"<f:" I:- ~"~ -- Thank you for your gracious assistance. James T Barretta ; PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE 1 PAGES PLEASE ADVISE IMMEDIATELY IF THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPLETe CONDITION. www.barrusoc-com S484 WoodlaJ'\d DriY'8 Delray Beach. Aorid. 33484 .8Iure1IaOAOL.com 581-498-0075 S81-83NIBCl8 (tax) FE.B-ZI-ZOOl 10 HA.M FROt.4-DEV"--~~NT SERVICES 561-393-!.184 T-840 P 001/001 F-639 l{g U1 BARRETTA . ASSOCIATES 5484 Woodland Drive Defray Beach, FL 33484 (56 1) 498-0075 FACSJMllE COVER SHEET FAX NO (561) 637-9808 TO: Carmen A~~~ COMPANY ~~t-B;~~ Raton ADDRESS 3i2D Fe . J .;1, ?lor) I DATE ary 27, 2001 &~ Fax: 561-313-1784 PROJECT NO' PROJECT FROM James T Barretta, Architect MESSAGE I am conducting a COmparative study among, varioue south Florida jurisdictlons~ of code req uirements for parking and backup spaces Please a88J8t me by provld'n~ the following Information. (Please return by fac.imile ta (511) 637-98G8. Required' SO-degree parking dimensions. tot JUri.~ICtlO:~~~8 ~ Respondent. /~-L- _ ....... Width; Depth: Backup Thank you tor your gracious 888Istanc.e. Jamee T. Barretta PAGES SENT INCLUDING THIS PAGE. 1 PAGES. PLEASE ADVIse IMMt!DIATELY IF THE FOLLOWING MI::aSAGE IS RECEIVED IN POOR OR INCOMPLEn; CONDITION. www.ba"QSSOC.l;Om S484 Woodland Orive Delray Beac.tJ, AOIfda 33484 el3l\1.rrettalflAOL..c:om 561-498.0075 SS1-4S3i'-981J8 (f-) PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS DATE Februarv 12. 2001 YOUR NAME V. Rolle ApplIcant Name Mr. James Baretta Calvarv Chapel Church Phone # 561-498-0075 ~ 1 HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? ~YES (IF YES HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE-APP MEETING) NAME Lusia Galav. Dick Hudson DNO ~ 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) Hvpoluxo off Conl!ress ~ 3 WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? ~ NEW PROJECT D BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION D CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? D IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? ~ VARIANCE TYPE. Master Plan Approval. Annexation D POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE - D COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? D RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? D INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? D DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? ;zJ /() ~ 4 TIME AND DATE PREFERRED' Februarv 1(2001 (ii) .lO.J.Oam ~ 5 HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? ill NOTE TELL THE PERSON THAT SOMEONE FROM THE DEPARTMENT WILL CALL THEM BACK TO CONFIRM MEETING ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) HOUR TIME MODULE, ** PRE.,APPLICA TION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO DATE/TIME OF MEETING IF AN URGENCY IS SENSED, DISCUSS WITH MIKE OR LUSIA. ** NO PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR THE FRIDAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED TRC AND P & D BOARD MEETING. ** LUSIA IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR MEETINGS ON TUESDAY MORNINGS, **NO APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED ON THURSDAYS BETWEEN 8.30- 10.30 A.M. (pILOTS MEETING) AND MONDAYS BETWEEN 8.30-12.30 A.M. (HERO'S MEETING). UPDATED 02/07/1}1 J:ISHRDA TAIPLANNlNGISHAREDI WPISPECPROJIPRE-APPLICA TONS LOG-IN FOLDERIPRE-APPLICA nON ~ETING WITH JAMES BARRETIADOC PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG Meeting Date /a PURPOSE OF A:PP ICATION / KC I PER.t'\1IT NUMBER Attending for Applicant' Ie Fax'~3 Address Phone, Name of Applicant/Contact' Fax Address Phone: Fax PROJECT ADDRESS Phone: TYPE OF APPLICATION TYPE OF BUSINESS Date Submittal Received. COMMENTS PCN I Fax Date Denied \fonns\Pre-Applicarion Meeting Log.doc Ic.,jo/rjV/ ._ /}~6(-06 _t/li_~#r~ c..CJ.:hc..., _ {~~~rJ ~ - - Ct~~ - YES ,__!!;fJ~ '__ _____H_ g 8'-( aO?JL':j LJ e)f'vY"" ~)elL, i3'vvjRctv~tf~ _f - 7/lee- ;W-Zuz;0a.--- I @ ~N~4,tct IS~ - f$1d 0"'l!Xh- - LbkJ ~ If a~ 1 u_ _ Ct"{y,cLt lJ'{-L/1Vmc~gr'-au'}7-flt<--il~frZJ26iJ-~ - ~CIN ~_!~~~ff_cd ~~f3_~~ - ~~( 1=~ll:~~ ______o__ ~ ~--~~ !-~~!l_~ ~.!!_= _~_~g!___~!0_~c!:______!!~__,_~l~t!~~-o -- n _ ____,~ :!__~~~_~_____,!!!.c:::~_tk<-~u ~__!tll2__ __,_ _____n______ -- ---- --,- - u_ _~__ _ _ j h~?_ -< ::;:;":~wrtlaM _____~_________ __m_ ---------._------ "-- -------. -- ----- -----.- --- -~ --. -------- ----------------- --- -----------~- _ ~_fc*-S~7--,,~/~j~!0-~ s~/~/,~~__ _n _____, __________ ___ __._~ /~t1~I~J.~~--~?~-1.f.it.~,-2.2~ &c1~_"?vt~i~~~----,------,-u- _____ _u____ ou__ __ 'n___ __,_,_ ~~_?:-:L~/~J~ -- ___~O~!~/~0_,_ __,_____ _ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DA TE/:;2 ) 10 TIME /tf ~O,J..-/h. ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT NOTICE The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual plans submitted for review City of Boynton Beach Attending Staff .6IJt7-J Attending for Applicant ..J""AIV/BS tr ~?7?f- ~ ;A-S'5<'c -.JfJ2-.ctlr,re ' r u;~ h/~ J'\SHRDA TA\PL.-\i\'NIl'G\SHARED\WP\FOR:\IS\PRE-APPL MEETI:\'G-SIGi'lI:'\i SHEET.DOC TIme and Date of Meetmg Those attendmg meetmg' ~~ ~AXIM.t l. .. \, ~ eJt ,~ l' 3 CJ ApplIcant's Name PRE-APPLICATION COl'lTACT QUESTIONS .::J" ~ (!:; ~ u..ffl 0.. Phone "1 '1:t:>- 0;)4 I 1 HA VE YOU SPOKEN TO A1"\iY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? ST AFF MEMBERS NA1\1E 2 LOC~I~ OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/lNTERSECTIONS) ~~~?~~~.p~ 3 WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? /' NEW PROJECT ~ T~H) V BUILDING EXPANSION 0 MODIFICAn~i../ CHA1'JGE IN PRIOR USE? - - IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO~RC~PROPERTY? RESIDENT~ PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNO\V THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? ~ 4 TIME A1'ID DATE PREFERRED 5 HO\V MA1'N PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting .................................................................................. . Pre-applIcation meetIngs should be scheduled for a rmrnmum of one (I) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/tIme of meeting. If urgency is sensed, diSCUSS with Mike or LUSIa. . l\leetinl!s ma\' be scheduled. Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: LusIa is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. S;\P I ann ing\P Ianning\Pre-apphcationcontactquestions.doc ,/~ ~rTjC~~ (J JJ l;J.J p 0 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG IHEETING DATE I TIME APPLICATIONS ZONING DISTRICT P OJECT NAlY1E D~ ATTENDING T ATTENDING AS APPLICAJ.'{T PHONE D-t04 NAlvIE OF J.\.PPLICANT/CONTACT ADDRESS PHONE I FAX Ire PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPAl,\CY DATE SUBlVIITTAL RECEIVED I DATE DEl'\l:ED COl\t!J.vIENTS o-~\ PROJECT ADDRESS .A..u.s D st+tpr To 1*t ~r ~:..-plt CiM rt.L.tt piLci'"1 .}.,- ~ ~ (L fT q:. J \SHRDATA\PI:lOning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\PRE APPLICATIO:'-S \IEETL"G LOGS\Pre-Applic:ltion ;\[ccting Log.doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT I\tIEETING DATE TIi\1E ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT NOTICE The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review City of Boynton Beach Attendino Staff '" J ,sHRDATA\PLAZ''Il\L''G\SHARED\\\l'\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL i\IEETf.',G-5IG:-i ["i SHEET.DOC