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APPLICATION PROJECT NAME Lake Worth Christian School LOCA TION High Ridge Road 7:JC12- PCN , FILE NO MMSP 06-004 II TYPE OF APPLICATION I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER. Kimberly Dellastatious, P A. ADDRESS ADDRESS 422 North Dixie Hwy Lake Worth, FL 33460 FAX. FAX. 561-582-5623 PHONE - PHONE 561-582-5622 SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 1/27/06 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE PUBLIC lIP ARC NOTICE TART MEETING LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS) .....EGAL AD PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING COMMENTS S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Lake Worth Christian School\MMSP 06-004\2006 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc KIMBERL Y A. DELLASTATIOUS, P.A. Architecture and Planning .AAC001716 422 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth, Florida 33460 (561) 582-5622 (561) 582-5623 FAX January 27,2006 Mr Ed Breese Planmng and Zomng Department CIty of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Fl. Dear Ed, Please accept thIS package as our request for Minor SIte Plan Approval. I have mcluded m these plans, the Master Plan (CS-l), the boundary survey, the layout of the sports fields, the fencmg plans, the cIvil water and sewer and pavmg and dramage plan, the new parkmg areas and assocIated lIghtmg, the sports field lIghtmg spIll plan, and the landscape plans for the new areas of the sIte. I have spelled out what we are requestmg for the Minor SIte Plan Approval as Phase One. Phase One includes 1 RelocatIOn of the eXlstmg fields and a new practIce track area. 2. SIte fencmg and ball field fencmg. 3 Pavmg and Gradmg of the new parkmg lot drIves and spaces. 4 All underground mfrastructure for the water and sewer and pavmg and drainage. 5 Dry retentIOn areas. 6 The LIft StatIOn. 7 LIghtmg for the new parkmg lot. 8 Landscapmg of the new areas. 9 New restrooms next to the newly relocated fields. lOA new mamtenance bUIldmg (one eXIsts m an mapproprIate locatIOn whIch wIll be removed). 11 Plans for new field lIghtmg. The lIghtmg Itself may have to walt a while untIl the school can budget for It. 12 A sports score board. Phase Two we know WIll reqUIre a Major SIte Plan approval. The work m Phase Two mcludes. 1 A new early chIld care development center 2. CompletIOn of the athletIc complex bUIldmg adjacent to the Phase One restrooms. The parkmg, water and sewer, 11ft statIOn, and SIte dramage and dry retentIon has been desIgned m phase one to accommodate the phase two constructIOn. We do not WIsh to have to tear up any of the Phase One improvements (ie pavmg, fields) m order to complete Phase Two's scope of work. If there IS anythmg that we are askmg to have mcluded m Phase One Minor Site Plan approval that makes us cross the threshold for acceptance for a mmor approval, please notify us and we wIll transfer that Item to Phase Two As you know we have been workmg closely with our neighbors at Cedar Ridge throughout the past 24 months to make this project acceptable to the adjacent neighborhoods. Letters wIll be forthcommg from the Cedar Ridge Home Owners ASSOCiatIOn as well as the 2 smgle family neighbors to the north of us, statmg that they approve of our plans for thiS project. We feel that Improvmg the Lake Worth Christian School s (a not for profit corporatIOn) athletiC fields wIll add value to the commumty at large and hope that you will approve of thiS for a Minor Site Plan approval. Once all the approvals have been granted, we Will be ready to Immediately begm constructIOn on Phase One. If you have any questIOns, please feel free to call me Smcerely, KIMBERL Y A. DELLASTATIOUS, P.A. ~ Kim Dellastatious AlA, NCARB PreSIdent Attach. Fire Flow Test results " ~~ ~ead *JUte ~e4e<<e FLOW TEST Request Date 10/14/05 Company' Kimberly A. Dellastatious Requested From Kimberly Dellastatious 422 N Dixie Highway Telephone Number' 582-5622 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Facsimile Number' 582-5623 loj/''tjof ~/< location 7592 High Ridge Road - lake Worth Christian School * DIAGRAM * r H N I G H R I lAKE WORTH D CHRISTIAN SCHOOL G E H#@ R D H#G) (Include direction street names hydrant locations, intersections and main sizes) Hydrant 1 Hydrant 2 Static Reading 50 psi Flow Reading 32 psi = 952 gpm Residual Reading 40 psi Assign Date 10/14/05 Tested By' FF III Aaron Test Date 10/17/05 Time Tested 1000 hrs AVAILABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL 1,723 gpm Page 1 of 1 Breese, Ed From Breese Ed Sent: Thursday February 23,2006 1 42 PM To Rumpf Michael Subject: FW L WCS Mike Here is the latest on L WC School Ed -----Original Message----- From: Kim Dellastatious [] Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 12 27 PM To: Breese, Ed Subject: LWCS Ed FYI Last night we made a formal presentation to Cedar Ridge Home Owner's Association to make sure they understood all aspects of phase one of our project. Many of the Home Owners that live adjacent our property plus the town house howm owners that live adjacent to the R.O W maintenance area were present at the meeting. We answered all of their questions and put to rest some rumors that have been flying around We offered to be at each one of their HOA meetings, if they would like us to and update them on the progress, and we offered a seat to one of their board members to sit on our ballfield construction committee I feel they understand what is and what is not included We stressed to them that we are NOT draining on their property we are 100% retained on our site We explained to them about the leasing agreement we have with the City of SB concerning the ROW access to the drainage lake We told them that they could tell us their preference of what they would like to see there in terms of stabilized sod or asphalt pavement for the maintenance access to the lake Our plans presently shows stabilized sod Engineering said they did not care either way if you remember way back then We talked about the field lighting and assured them that if we did light the fields they would have the opportunity to sign off on that. We are second quessing if we even want to light the fields in a future phase We discovered after a little research that throughout the entire year all sports combined, that there are only 20 night games That doesn't really justify the cost of lighting and maintaining the lights. We discussed the fencing and the landscaping Every seemed on board and excited about our project. Hopefully, with in the next week or so we will have the letter in hand from them stating their approval of the project. Same with the home owners to the north of the school Thanks for your direction on the mentioned letter from the home owners. They will be forwarded to you as soon as we receive them Kim Kimberly A. Dellastatious. P .A. kimdell@mindspring com EarthLink Revolves Around You 9/25/2006