LEGAL APPROVAL The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aorida 33425-0310 TEL. 561 742-6260 FAX. 561 742-6259 (st' \ ' '~2..' ." )-J "6, _ /; 1-.. ~v '1'10 1 \C, www.boynton-beach.org October 28, 2003 Mr Beril Kruger Planning & Zoning Consultant 9 NE 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE. File No LocatIOn. Gateway Texaco CODS 03-007 2360 North Federal Highway Dear Mr Kruger' Enclosed is the Development Order granted by the CIty CommISSIon on October 21, 2003 The condItIOnal use/site plan approval is valid for one year from the date of final approval. In order to mamtain vested status, a buildmg permIt must be secured or an extensIOn granted wlthm one year of final SIte plan approval. To contmue thIS project through the development process, please reVIse relevant pages of your approved SIte plan to mcorporate all condItIons of approval as applicable, including the conditions (e.g. regarding tree size) on which a variance request was approved. A copy of the Development Order, mcludmg these condItIOns, must accompany the submission of the fully amended SIte plan set. The person managing your permIt applIcatIons should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters lIsted in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted With your permIt package. The Buildmg Division is cOmmItted to speedy and efficient completion of the buildmg permIt process for your proJect. However, please note that failure to meet all applIcable Development Order condItIons in the submItted plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permIt issuance. A thorough review will be conducted by the Plan ReVIew Analyst and if the necessary documentation IS not attached and/or the plans are not amended to reflect all of the approval condItIOns, the plans will be returned to the applicant for correctIOn and re-subrmttal before the permIt is further processed. Feel free to contact any TRC member for addItIonal clanfication of comments. I mfJortant: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan beyond those required by conditions of approval, please contact our stafffor a review before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. A copy of the complete Development Order and Amended Site Plans reflecting the "Conditions of Approval" must be submitted to the Building Department along with the first permit request to avoid any delays in the processing of your permit. Should you have any questIons regarding thIS matter, please feel free to contact thIS office at (561) 742-6260 Smcerely, /' At'" ;U L--- MIchael W Rumpf DIrector of Plannmg & Zomng S 'Planning\Planning Templates\Conditional Use approval letter after CC new.nf DEVELOF :NT ORDER OF THE CITY COMr SION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. 'D~ " -1' ~ ~ _ -j 'E>Ld<3 DC! 24:"3 ~. Mr Beril Kruger of Beril Kruger Planning & Zoning Con~ultalnts ()ce ,c::... " PROJECT NAME Gateway Texaco APPLICANT'S AGENT AGENT'S ADDRESS 9 Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION October 21,2003 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Request conditional use I major site plan modification to construct a 681 square foot addition to an existing 1,719 square foot gasoline- dispensing establishment for a total of 2,400 square feet on a 048 acre lot in the C-3 zoning district. LOCATION OF PROPERTY 2360 North Federal Highway DRAWING(S) SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board, which Board found as follows. OR X THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations 2. The APel!.cant lS.- HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit .e" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby K GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 7 Other DATED' 10- S:\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Gateway Texaco\COUS 03-007 ~ocation Map Gateway Texaco I ----1-___..1 H I ~ I (~ : SITE ~ Qo I I I r--1 r'~>> l...-J I J 1-- I ] R3 I ~ ~ao l ~ ~ ~~@;~@~ ~~ l;~.1 I ,.. <" ~ "'.,. ~ ~T a R3 n "'.,. I "''''T \ I j/ ~ " ,~ I J I ./ . I~ I I I I l;~ ~ ~/~ I I IPUD I ~ I ~~IJ. 1. ~ "/ ~// I \ I REC ......... - -- I I I j I f REC I 'I I I I L j I ~ ~ II / <\ / -J ~~ )W I I I EXHIBIT "A" ~l ...i ~ ~ "\ , ... ! :.., ~ " ,. ~ ~;:: ~). .. 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EXHBIT "C" "WI' Conditions of Approval ProJect name: Gateway Texaco FIle number COUS 03-007 Reference' yd reVIew plans identIfied as a CondItIonal Use With a September 23. 2003 Plannmg and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments, 1 Show parking stops on the plans, These Will be required to prevent vehIcles X from overhangmg sidewalks and reducmg accessible width. 2, A SIgned and executed mgress / egress easement must be reVIewed and X approved by City pnor to the Issuance of a building permit. UTILITIES Comments. 3 UtilIty constructIon details as shown on Civil Engmeenng (CE) sheets 3 of 3 X will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this tIme. All utility construction details shall be m accordance with the UtilitIes Department's "UtilItIes Engmeenng Design Handbook and ConstructIOn Standards" manual, they will be reviewed at the time of constructIOn permIt applIcatIon. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 4 Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional X comments. Acceptance of these plans dunng the TRC process does not ensure that additIOnal comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permIt reVIew 5 Proof of other agency permIts shall be required pnor to the Issuance of the X paVIng and dramage PermIt. 6 SIdewalks shall be four (4) feet wide along local streets, and five (5) feet Wide X along streets of hIgher classification (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section lOT., and Chapter 22, Artlcle I, Section 5). 7 Show SIght trIangles on the landscape plans (LDR, Chapter 75, Artlcle n, X Section 5,H.). Use 25 (twenty-five) foot triangles for the driveway ont%ff of COA 10/09/03 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Las Palmas. Please note, m accordance With the referenced sectIon of the LDR, that the SIght trIangles are placed at the mtersectIOn of the property lme and sIde of accessway Use FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sIght trIangles along Federal Hlghwav, folloWing that standard for trIangle placement. 8 The medians on Federal Highway and the chase area(s) in the VICInIty of this X project have eXIsting irrigation and plant matenal belonging to the CIty of Boynton Beach. Any damage to the Irrigation system and/or plant matenal as a result of the contractor's operatIons shall be repaIred or replaced to the equIvalent or better grade, as approved by the City of Boynton Beach, and shall be the sole responsibIlity of the developer Please acknowledge thIS notIce m your comments response and add a note to the plans With the above stated information. 9 Full drainage plans m accordance With the LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, X Section 5 Will be requITed at the time of permIttmg. Any work done WIthm the nght-of-way and/or to existing facilIties within the right-of-way of Federal Highway Will reqUIre review, approval and permItting by the Flonda DOT 10 PaVIng, drainage and SIte details as shown on SIte development sheet 3 of 3 X will not be reviewed for construction acceptabilIty at thIS tIme. The details provided are outdated. All engineering constructIon details shall be in accordance with the "City of Boynton Beach Engineering DesIgn Handbook & Construction Standards and will be reviewed for constructability at the time of constructIOn permIt applIcation. The Engineering DeSIgn Handbook may be obtamed by contacting the EngIneermg Division. FIRE Comments. None X POLICE Comments. None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 11 Buildmgs, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the X mInimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisIOns of Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, and the proVIsions of Section 1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 FBC Calculations that are sIgned and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be subrmtted for review at the time of PermIt application. 12. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates X the path of travel for the accessible route that is requITed between the .... .." COA 10/09/03 3 DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT accessible parkIng spaces and the accessible entrance doors to the buildmg. The mstalled symbol, requIred along the path, shall start at the accessible parking spaces and termInate at the accessible entrance doors to the bUIldmg. The symbol shall represent the locatIOn of the path of travel, not the locatIon of the detectable warnmg or other pavement markmgs. The locatIOn of the accessible path shall not compel the user to travel In a drIve/lane area that IS located behmd parked vehIcles. Identify on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note. The mImmum Width requIred by the code IS forty-four (44) mches), Add text to the drawing that would IndIcate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route IS deSIgned m compliance with SectIOn 11- 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 11-46 (Parking and Passenger Loadmg Zones) of the 2001 FBC. Please note that at tIme of permIt review, the applicant shall proVIde detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route IS m complIance With the regulations specIfied m the 2001 FBC This documentation shall mclude, but not be lirmted to, proVIdmg fimsh grade elevatIons along the path of travel. ParkIng access aisle shall slope no more than 1,50 per Florida Building Code 11-4 6.3 , 13 Identify within the SIte data the finish floor elevatIOn (lowest floor elevation) X that IS proposed for the bUIlding. Venfy that the proposed elevation IS in compliance WIth regulations of the code by adding specIfications to the site data that address the following Issues [Section 3107 1.2, Chapter 31 of the 2001 FBC] a) The deSIgn professlOnal-of-record for the project shall add the following text to the SIte data. "The proposed finish floor elevatIon _ _ NGVD IS above the highest 100-year base flood elevatIon applicable to the buildmg SIte, as determIned by the SFWMD's surface water management constructIon development regulatIOns." 14 At time of permIt review, subrmt signed and sealed workIng drawings of the X proposed construction. 15 A water-use permit for the irrigation system IS required from the SFWMD A X copy of the permit shall be submitted at the tIme of permIt applIcation, F.S. 373,216 16 The propane gas storage area shall comply with the requIrements ofNFPA 58. X Indicate the capacIty of the container, how the contamer IS protected from physical damage, etc. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments. COA 10/15/03 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 17 The applIcant must mdlcated on the landscape plan the eXIsting trees / X vegetatIon that Will be preserved, relocated or removed / replaced on the sIte, A separate symbol should be used on the landscape plan to identify these trees / vegetation (Tree Legend) (Chapter 75, Article II Sec. 7 C). 18 The Las Palmas road nght-of-way must receive Floritam sod and imgatIOn X (Chapter 7,5, Article II Sec. 7 C ). PLANNING AND ZONING Comments. 19 If approved, the proposed building addition would be lImited to 600 square X feet m order to be conSIstent with the preVIOUS City Commission approval of the Adrmmstrative Appeal (ADAP 03-001). < 20 Approval of the proposed buildmg addition is contingent upon the granting of X the requested dnveway VarIance (ZNCV 03-010)' see accompanying staff report. If approved, thIs VarIance must be indicated in the SIte plan's tabular data. 21 Approval of the proposed building addition is contingent upon the granting of X the requested driveway variance (ZNCV 03-011): see accompanymg staff report. If approved, thIs VarIance must be indicated in the site plan's tabular data. 22. Approval of the proposed building addItion IS contIngent upon the grantIng of X the requested driveway VarIance (ZNCV 03-012): see accompanying staff report. If approved, thIs variance must be indicated in the site plan's tabular data. 23 Approval of the proposed building addition is contingent upon the granting of X the requested building setback variance (ZNCV 03-013): see accompanying staff report. However, If approved, this VarIance must be indIcated in the SIte plan's tabular data. 24 Approval of the proposed building addition is contingent upon the granting of X the requested canopy setback variance (ZNCV 03-014)' see accompanying staff report. If approved, thIs note must be mdicated m the site plan's tabular data. 25 Approval of the proposed building addition is contIngent upon the granting of X the requested canopy setback variance (ZNCV 03-015): see accompanying staff report. If approved, this note must be indicated m the SIte plan's tabular data. 26 Approval of the proposed building addition is contingent upon the granting of X '.., .., COA 10/15/03 5 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT the requested buffer variance (ZNCV 03-016): see accompanymg staff report, If approved, this note must be mdlcated m the sIte plan S tabular data. Also, staff recommends that the Ixora "Nora Grant" shrubs be 36 mches m height at the time of mstallation within the landscape buffer along Las Palmas Avenue and where possible, addItIOnal screemng shall be prOVIded (i.e. planters) along North Federal HIghway 27 Approval of the proposed buildmg addition IS contmgent upon the grantmg of X the requested buffer VarIance (ZNCY 03-017). see accompanymg staff report. If approved, thIS note must be indIcated in the site plan's tabular data. 28 Approval of the proposed buildmg additIon IS contmgent upon the grantIng of X the requested SIgn variance (ZNCY 03-023) see accompanymg staff report. If approved, this variance must be indIcated in the site plan's tabular data. 29 Approval of the proposed building addItIon is contingent upon the grantIng of I X the rl<quested buffer VarIance (ZNCY 03-024): see accompanying staff report. If approved, thIS note must be mdlcated in the SIte plan's tabular data. Staff is recommending that the angled parking space, whIch is proposed to protrude Into the east landscape buffer, be eliminated so as to nullify the need for the VarIance. If the proposed parking space were eliminated, the VarIance would only apply to the vehicular encroachment into the north landscape buffer 30 ReVIse the SIte plan tabular data so that it correctly indicates the number of X reqUIred parking spaces (2,400 square feet @ 1/250 = 10 spaces). 31 The cross-access agreement between the two (2) lots must be approved by the X City Attorney's office and recorded prior to the Issuance of a building permit. 32. The existIng wall must be refurbished (in those areas of Its decay) and X repamted to match the color of the Gateway Texaco buildmg. 33 Ensure that all the proposed plant quantIties correspond between what is X shown on the graphic illustration and Its corresponding plan list on sheet "L- 1" 34 Non-word depICtiOns on SIgns shall be limited to 20% of the area of the sign X erected. Color limitation shall not apply to non-word depICtiOns on signs (Chapter 9, Section 10.1.4). On the elevations, indicate the area of the non- word depIctIOns in order to ensure compliance with the aforementioned code. 35 The freestanding pole SIgn IS nonconforming in terms of ItS heIght and setback. X The maximum sign area for the freestanding pole sign shall be one (I) foot of sign area for each linear foot of street frontage; no such SIgn shall exceed 64 square feet in area (Chapter 21, Article N, SectIon 2.B). On the elevations, indicate the eXIsting sIgnage area of the freestanding sign to ensure compliance with the Regulations. COA 10/15/03 6 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 36 Any sign or addItIonal signage area proposed on the subJect property that X advertIses for a use on an adJacent property would be clasSIfied as an off- prermse SIgn. An off-premise sign IS not permItted pursuant to Chapter 21, ArtIcle II, SectIon 3.S of the Land Development RegulatIOns. However, If the "Carwash" wording IS part of the offiCIal busmess name, provide document to venfy same. Wordmg on the sign should graphIcally and accurately reflect / correspond with the offiCIal busmess name. 37 On the elevation pages, calculate the area (in square feet), includmg theIr X dImensions, of each SIgn so that collectIvely, the cumulatIve area of all wall SIgnage complIes With Chapter 21, Article 4, Section C.3 Also, mdicate the letter colors and SIgn material. Chapter 9, SectIon 10.1.6 of the CIty Of Boynton Beach Land Development RegulatIOns reqUIres that proJect sIgnage be in scale With the building. 38. Rooftops will be treated as part of the building elevatIon. All rooftop X equlp,ment must be completely screened from view at a mImmum distance of 600 feet (Chapter 9, SectIon l1.E.). 39 Equipment placed on the walls of the buildings shall be pamted to match the X buildmg color (Chapter 9, Section 10 CA ). Place a note on the elevatIons mdicating this requirement. 40 Also, if approved, pursuant to Chapter 2 - Zomng, SectIon 11.2 ConditIonal X Uses, a time limit would be required for project development. Staff recommends a period of one (1) year be allowed tq obtam a building permIt (excluding oermIts for land cleanng). ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGNECY COMMENTS Comments. 41 PrOVIde drrectional SIgns (regarding the carwash) on the gas statIon property at X the north driveway opening along Federal Highway 42. Comment #23 rejected consistent with Board's demal recommendatIon on X setback VarIance. 43 Comment #29 to be rejected to reflect applicant's withdrawal of buffer X VarIance. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS Comments: 42. To be determined. ~ S:\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Gateway Texaco\COUS 03-007 Gateway T\COA.doc