APPLICATION ~. - - PROJECT NAME G 1te~" 4)' TeAaco LO~ATION 2360 North Federal Highway iI PCN 08-43-45-15-03-000-0042 I FILE NO CODS 03-007 I TYPE OF APPLICATION Conditional Use AGENT/CONTACT PERSON OWNER. SUAU Enterprises Beril Kruger - Planning & Zoning PHONE 740-0606 Consultants FAX PHONE 265-4983 ADDRESS 2360 N Federal Highway FAX 265-4611 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ADDRESS 9 NE 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Date of submittal/Projected meetin2 dates SUB1\HTT AL / RESUBMITT AL 6/17/03 1 ST REVIEW COMlVIENTS DUE 7/7/03 PUBLIC NOTICE 10/4/03 TRC MEETING 9/9/03 thru 9/23/03 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE N/A 2ND REVIE\V COl\IMENTS DUE N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS) PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING COMlVIUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 10/14/03 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING 10/21/03 COMMENTS -P S:\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Gateway Texaco\MSPM 03-007\2003 PROJECT TRACKlNG INFO.doc City Codes Accessed via Website www.bl,. .,wn-beach.org www.amlegal.comlbovnton beach fl Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes I>ate Feb 18,2003 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION rn ~ @ 12 1 ~,j f( ~ LS I c' .J :~ 'ltN I 7 r" W vU' L:L:_ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT NOTE ThIS form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all apphcahons submItted to the Plarmmg DIVIsIon (two (2) copIes of apphcahon requITed). PROJECT 1\AME Gateway Texaco AGENT'S :--JAME Beril Kruger Planning & Zoning Consultants ADDRESS 9 NE 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 PHONE 561 265-4983 Fc\..'\.. 561- 265-4611 OWNER'S 1\AME SUAU Enterprises, Inc. Zuhair Marouf, President ( or trustee) ADDRESS 2360 N Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, FL 33435 PHONE 561 740-0606 FA... '\.. PROJECT LOCATION 2360 N Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, FL 33435 On the NE corner of the intersection of Las Palmas Ave and N Federal Hwy , U S 1 (not legal descnptiOn) PCN NUMBER. 08-43-45-15-03-000-0042 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS * (If dIfferent than agent or owner) *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be fonvarded. Date SubmItted. -\pplIcant s Name Zuhair Marouf ApplIcant s Address 1142 Grand Cay Dr, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Phone 561 740-0606 Fax: Legal DescnptIOn. See Attached EXHIBIT "A" PrOject DescnptIOn. This is an existing Convenience Store with gasoline pumps The change is we are increasing the size of the the convenience store by adding a 600 s f extension on the rear for the storage of sodas and dry goods The parking layout is being updated to accomodate the additional square footage and the landscaping is being updated to come into conformance with the new code We will have to obtain variances with regard to setbacks and landscaping as the site cannot accomodate all that is required X ;1J~~ fJvcr~_<--1-lr bwner SIgnature The Owner has hereby desIgnated the above-sIgned person to act as hIS agent In regard to thIS petltIOn. (T 0 be executed when Owner designates another to act on hIS behalf) I. GENERAL INFORMATION a. All property owners located wlthm (400) four hundred feet surroundmg the subject parcel shall be notIfied. b The ownershIp of all surroundmg propertIes as submItted by the applIcant, shall be revIewed by the CIty Clerk, who shall notIfy the owners by regular mail of the date and purpose ofthe publIc heanng held m conjunctIon WIth the condItIonal use applIcatlOn. c 1\ otIce of the publIc heanng shall also be advertIsed m a newspaper publIshed m the CIty at least ten (10) days m advance of the heanng. d. At the publIc heanng held by the Planmng and Development Board and Commumty Redevelopment Agency Board (CRA), eVIdence for or agamst may be presented. e The Plannmg and Development Board or CRA may recommend, approval WIth modIficatIon or demal of the applIcatlOn subject to the standards provIded m Ordmance No 76-46 A wntten report of the Board's findmgs shall be forwarded to the CIty CommISSIon. f At a regular meetmg, the CIty CommIssIon may approve, approve WIth modIficatlOn or deny the applIcatlOn subject to the standards provIded m Ordmance No 76-46 g. Each new applIcatlOn for condItIonal use approval shall be accompamed by a fee payable to the CIty of Boynton Beach as per the fee schedule, as well as addressed envelopes for property owners to be notIfied. h. Each applIcatlOn for an extenslOn m tIme of a condItIonal use approval shall be accompamed by a fee payable to the CIty of Boynton Beach for one hundred and twenty- five ($125) dollars. Such applIcatlOn shall be submItted to the Plannmg DIrector not less than 45 days pnor to the eXplratlOn of the approval. 1. RepresentatIve of the pr01ect must be present at all Techmcal ReVIew CommIttee, Plannmg and Development Board, or CRA and CIty ComrmsslOn Meetmgs held to reVIew thIS pro1ect. II. CONTENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION ApplIcatlOn for condItIonal use shall contam two (2) copIes of the followmg Items. a. Statement of the applIcant's mterest m the property to be developed, mcludmg a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and a certmcate from an attorney-at-law or a tltle msurance company certlfymg who the current fee sImple tltle holders of record of the subject property are, and the nature and extent of theIr mterest therem, and. 1 If Jomt and several ownershIp, a wntten consent to the development proposal bv all owners of record, or 2 If a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and wntten consent of the seller/owner, or 3 If an authonzed agent, a copy of the agency agreement and wntten consent of the pnnclpal/owner or 4 If a lessee, a copy of the lease agreement and wntten consent ofthe owner, or 5 If a corporatIOn or other busmess entIty, the name of the officer or person responsible for the applIcatIon, and wntten proof that said representatIves have the delegated authonty to represent the corporatIOn or other busmess entIty, or m lIeu thereof, wntten proof that he IS m fact an officer of the corporatIOn. b Legal survey, prepared by a surveyor regIstered m the State of Flonda, showmg an accurate legal descnptlOn of the subject property, and the total acreage computed to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre (these two surveys are m additIon to the surveys reqUIred on page 6 of thIS applIcatIOn, Sec. III. 19 ). c VicmIty map, shoWIng the locatIOn of the subject property In relatIOn to the surroundmg street system. d. Drawmg shoWIng the locatIOn of all property lymg four hundred feet (400) adjacent to the subject parcel, and a complete lIst of the property owners' names, mailIng addresses and legal descnptlOns. The owners of property shall be those recorded on the latest officIal County tax rolls. Such lIst shall be accompamed by an affidaVIt statIng that to the best of the applIcant's knowledge, said lIst IS complete and accurate. Contact. Palm Beach Count) Property AppraIsers Office, Attn. Mappmg DIVISion, 301 North OlIve Ave, WPB, FL. III. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS Twelve (12) complete, assembled and stapled sets of plans shall be submitted. All drawmgs shall be scaled and the maXImum sIze sheet shall be 24" X 36" The follOWIng site InformatIOn shall be shown on the submitted plans or where applIcable, separately submitted. Incomplete site plans wIll not be processed. (Please check) 1 Boundanes and dImensIOns of the parcel. 2 Scale, graphiC scale, north arrow, and date 3 Adjacent properties or land uses. 4 Pavement edge and/or nght-of-way lmes for all streets, alleys, Sidewalks, turn lanes, dnveways and ummproved nghts-of-way wltlun one-hundred (100) feet of the sIte Also, names of adjacent streets and nghts-of-way 5 LocatIon of all proposed structures, and any eXlstmg structures that are to remam on the site 6 Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft. m heIght) from property lInes. 7 Use of each structure, mdIcated on the sIte plan. 8 Number of efficIency, I-bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc, dwellmg umts m each resIdential structure, to be mdIcated on sIte plan. 9 IndIcatIOn of heIght and number of stones of each structure 10 IndIcatIon of structures, eqmpment, etc., above 45 foot heIght, mcludmg heIght m excess of 45 ft. 11 Floor plans or tYPIcal floor plans for all structures. 12 FmIsh floor elevatIOns of all structure 13 Uses wIthm each structure, mdIcated on floor plans. 14 ElevatIOns or tYPIcal elevatIons of all structures; mcludmg matenals, surfaces, mcludmg roofs. 15 IndIcatIOn of the numbers and types of recreatIOnal facilItIes to be provIded for reSIdentIal developments. 16 IndIcatIOn on SIte plan of locatIon, onentatIon, and heIght of all freestandmg SIgns and wall SIgnS. 17 LocatIOn of walls and fences, and mdIcatIon oftherr heIght, matenals, and color 18 A landscape plan, showmg conformance wIth the Landscape Code and Tree PreservatIOn Code, and showmg adequate watenng facIhlles. Plants must be keyed out accordmg to speCIes, SIze and quantIty 19 A sealed survey, by a surveyor regIstered m the State of Flonda, and not older than SIX (6) months, showmg property lmes, mcludmg bearmgs and dImensIOns, north arrow, date, scale, eXIstmg structures and pavmg, eXIstmg elevatIOns on SIte, nghts- of-way and easements on or adjacent to the SIte, utIhtIes on or adjacent to the SIte, legal descnptIOn, acreage to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre, locatIOn sketch, and surveyor's certificatIOn. Also, SIzes and locatIOns of eXIstmg trees and shrubs, mcludmg common and botamcal names, and mdIcatIon as to whIch are to be retamed, removed, and relocated, or replaced. 20 LocatIon of eXIstmg ulllIty lInes on or adjacent to the property to be mdIcated on the SIte plan, m addItIOn to bemg shown on the survey Also, locatIOn of eXIstmg fire hydrants on or adjacent to the SIte 21 LocatIon of addItIonal fire hydrants, to meet standards set forth m ArtIcle X, SectIOn 16 ofthe SubdIVIsIOn and Plattmg RegulatIOns. 22 Fire flow calculatIons justrfymg lme SIze for both on/off SIte water hnes. 23 Sealed engmeenng drawmgs for proposed utilItles, as per City specificatiOns. 24 InformatiOn regardmg form of ownership (condommiUm, fee simple, lease, etc ). 25 LocatiOn and onentatiOn of garbage cans or dumpster facilitles. AJl garbage dumpsters must be so located to provIde direct access for the City front-endloaders, and the dumpster area must be provIded wIth adequate Width and heIght clearance The Site must be so desIgned to elImmate the necessity for the front-end loader to back mto any street. If any use reqUires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab shall be prOVided. All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped m accordance with the City Landscape Code (see Sec 75-35(1)). A mmimum 1 O-foot Wide opemng IS reqUired for dumpster enclosures. 26 A parkmg lot deSign and constructlon plan showmg conformance to the City Parkmg Lot RegulatiOns, and mcludmg the followmg InformatiOn. iilly exceptiOns to the Parkmg Lot RegulatiOns that are proposed for that are contmued will reqUire an applIcatiOn for vanance to the Parkmg Lot RegulatiOns. a. LocatiOn of all parkmg and loadmg facilItles. b A parkmg lot layout plan, mcludmg curbs, car stops, and double stnpmg. c A cross-sectiOn ofmatenals to be used m the constructiOn of the parkmg lot. d. A lIghtmg plan for the buildmg extenor and Site, mcludmg extenor secunty lIghtmg, and lIghtmg for drIveways and parkmg lots, to mclude the locatiOn of lIghtmg standards, directiOn of lIghtmg, fixture types, lamp types and Sizes, and average illummatiOn level(s) m foot candles. e InformatiOn showmg conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordmance, mcludmg constructiOn of Sidewalks along adjacent publIc streets. f. LocatiOn of eXistmg and proposed publIc and pnvate streets, mcludmg ultlmate nghts-of-way g. On-site traffic plan, mcludmg arrows and other pavement markmgs, traffic Signs, and stop SignS at eXits. h. LocatiOn of handicap parkmg spaces, plus SignS and access ramps, consistent WIth the State HandIcap Code. 1. A dramage plan for the entlre Site, mcludmg parkmg area, to mclude fimsh grade and pavement elevatiOns, dramage calculatlons, and details of the dramage system. If the total imperviOus area on Site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then dramage plans and calculatlons must be prepared by an engmeer registered m the State of Flonda, and must be sealed. PercolatiOn tests must b'r prOVided WIth dramage calculatiOns. j EXIstmg elevatIOns on adjacent propertIes, and on adjacent nghts-of-way 27 Where conformance wIth the County's EnvIronmentally Sensltlve Lands Ordmance IS reqUIred, an ApphcatIOn for A..lteratlon of EnvIronmentally SensItIve Lands (EnvIrOlIDlentally Impact Study) must be submItted to the Palm Beach County Department of EnvIronmental Resources Management (copy to CIty) pnorto or concurrent WIth the submIttal of the sIte plan to the CIty 28 SubmIt a traffic Impact analysIs for the proposed use. The analysIs shall complv wIth the Palm Beach County Traffic Performarlce Standards Ordmance. SIX (6) copIes of the analysIs shall be submItted wIth all condItIOnal use apphcatIons. 1\OTE FaIlure to submIt traffic Impact analysIS m the manner described above may delay approval of th~ SIt~ plan applIcatIOn. 29 In addItIon to the above reqUIrements, the followmg Items shall be submItted to the Plannmg arld Zonmg DIvISIon no later than the sIte plan deadhne a. One copy of colored elevatIOns, not mounted, for all bUIldmgs and slgnage to be constructed on sIte These elevatIOns must be of all sIdes of each type ofbUIldmg and sIgnage proposed and the colors proposed must be accompamed by a numencal code from an establIshed chart of colors. b ElevatIOns must also mclude InformatIOn related to bUIldmg matenals. All elevatIons must be submItted on 24" X 36" drawmgs. BUIldmgs constructed wIll be mspected on the baSIS of the elevatIOns submItted to the CIty arld approved by the CIty COlrumssIOn. Failure to construct bUIldmgs conSIstent WIth elevatIOns submItted wIll result m the CertIficate of Occupancy bemg WIthheld. c A transparency of the sIte plan (maXImum SIze of 8-112" X 11 ") or 8-112" X 11" reductIOns of submItted plans to be used at publIc heanngs. However, the Plannmg and Zomng DIVISIon wIll not be responsible for poor qualIty transparencIes whIch result from the submIssIOn of poor quahty sIte plan bluepnnts, and poor qualIty transparencIes WIll not be presented to the Plannmg and Development Board or ( RA and CIty CommISSIon. d. Colored photographs ofsurroundmg bUIldmgs (mInImUm SIze 8" X 10"). 30 Any other engmeenng arld/or teclullcal data, as may be reqUIred by the TechnIcal ReVIew CommIttee to determme compharlce WIth the prOVIsIons of the CIty'S Code of Ordmances. <\11\ of the above reqUIrements may be waIved by the TechnIcal ReVIew CommIttee, If such InformatIOn IS d~emed to be non-essentIal by the CommIttee 1\ SITE DATA The followmg InformatIOn must be filled out below and must appear where applIcable, on all copIes of the sIte plan Land 1 se Catee:ory shown on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map COMMERCIAL 2. Zonine: District C-3 3 Area of Site 20,830 sf 48 ac :+ Land Use - Acreae:e Breakdown. a. Residentlal, mcludmg sIte surroundmg lot area or grounds N acres %of b RecreatiOn Areas * (excludmg water area) NA acres % of site c Water .Area NA acres 0/0 of site d. Commercial 48 acres 100 % of sIte e Industnal NA acres % of sIte f PublIc/InstltutiOnal NA acres % of sIte g. PublIc, Pnvate, and Canal Rights-of-Way NA acres % of site h. Other (specdy) acres % of site 1. Total area of SIte 48 acres 100% of sIte Includmg open space sUitable for outdoor recreatlOn, and havmg a mImmum dllnenslOn of 50 ft. bv 50 ft. NA 5 Surface Cover a. Ground Floor BUildmg ("bUildmg footpnnt") 1719 sq. ft. 8 % of sIte Area b Water Area NA sq ft. % of sIte c Other ImperviOUs Areas, mcludmg paved area of publIc & pnvate streets, paved area of parkmg lots and dnveways (excludmg landscaped areas)and sidewalks, patlOs, decks, and athletIc courts sq ft. % NA of sIte. d. Total ImpervIous Area 1 { ,tsU~ tso 0 % of sIte sq. ft. e Landscaped Area InsIde ofParkmg Lots (20 sq ft. per mtenor parkmg space reqUlred--see Sec 75- 35(g) of Landscape Code). 240 sq. ft 1 5 % of sIte f Other Landscaped Areas, excludmg Water Area 2780 13 % of SIte sq. ft. g. Other PervIOus Areas, mcludmg Golf Courses, Natural areas, Yards, and Swales, but excludmg Water Areas NA sq ft. % of SIte 6. h. Total PervIous Areas 3,020 l. Total Area of SIte 20,830 Floor Area a. ResIdentIal NA b Commercial/Office 2400 c Industnal/Warehouse NA d. RecreatIOnal NA e. PublIc/InstItutIOnal NA f Other (specIfy) NA g. Other (specIfy) NA h. Total Floor Area 2400 Number of Residential Dwelling Units 145 % of SIte sq ft. sq. ft. 100% of SIte sq ft. sq ft. sq ft. sq ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq ft. sq ft. 7 a. Smgle-Family ResIdentIal NA dwellmg umts b Duplex NA dwellmg umts c. MultI-famIly (3 + attached dwellmg umts 1 ) EffiCIency NA dwellmg umts 2) 1 Bedroom NA dwellIng umts 3) 2 Bedroom NA dwelhng umts 4) 3 -+- Bedroom NA dwelhng umts d. Total Mulh-Famlly NA dwellmg umts e Total Number of Dwellmg Umts NA 8. Gross Density dwellIng umts per acre 20 5 feet 1 stones 9 Maximum Hei!!ht of Structures on Site 10 Required Off-Street Parkin!! CalculatiOn of Reqmred Parkmg Spaces Off-Street Parkmg Spaces 12 Number of Off-Street Parkmg S~aces ProvIded on SIte Plan 1 1/200 S F 12 RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applIcant for Fmal Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specIficatiOns, drawmgs, engmeenng, and other data submitted wIth tillS applIcatiOn for reView bv the CIt'\ of Boynton Beach shall be revIewed by the varIOUS boards, conllmSSiOns, staff personnel and other parties desIgnated, appomted or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewmg the same shall rdv upon the accuracy thereof, and any change m any Item submitted shall be deemed matenal and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specIficahons, drawmgs, engmeenng and other data which may be apprO\ed by the CIty of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commiSSiOns, staff or designees shall be constructed m stnct complIance with the form m which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed matenal and shall place the applIcant m viOlahon of this applIcation and all approvals and permits which mav be granted. The applIcant agrees to allow the CIty of Boynton Beach all nghts and remedIes as provIded for bv the apphcable codes and ordmances of the CIty of Boynton Beach to bnng any viOlatiOn mto complIance, and the apphcant shallmdemmfY, reImburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claIm, lIabIlIty or any actiOn whIch may anse due to their enforcement ofthe same READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this ~ day of // ~21b(~ - WItness ~~ /iL-- ~tf1?J3 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS VARIANCE All applIcatIOns received by the City of Boynton Beach shall be accompamed by the Itst of names and addresses of all property owners withm four hundred (400) feet ofthe subject property ApplIcatIons WIll not be accepted WIthout these mailIng labels and addressed envelopes CONTACT PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN MAPPING DIVISION 301 North OlIve Avenue West Palm Beach, Flonda (561) 355-3881 AFFIDA VIT ST <\ TE OF FLORIDA ) ) ) SS COl T'\JTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSO"\JALL'l APPEARED 15$,J(IL ~~~HO BEING DlTL'l SWORN DEPOSES AND SAYS That the accompanymg Property Owners List is, to the best of Ius knowledge, a complete and accurate Itst of all property owners, mallmg addresses and legal descnptIOns as recorded m the latest offiCial tax rolls m the County Courthouse for all property With Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel ofland. The property m question IS legally described as follows SEE '\TTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Fl~RTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT ApplIcatIOns for the development of property whIch was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and eIther the final plat or the prelImmary plat and Palm Beach County Health Department permIt applIcatIOns were submItted or approved pnor to June 1, 1990, and the use of the property IS consIstent WIth the general use whIch was mtended for the property at the tIme of plattmg. ApplIcatIOns for the development of property WhICh was platted pnor to January 13, 1978 the area of the platted lots does not exceed 2 acres, and the proposed use would not generate more than 500 net vehIcle tnps per day ApphcatIons for buddmg permIt, If a sIte plan or condItIOnal use applIcatIOn was submItted pnor to June 1 1990 and subsequently approved and the sIte plan or condItIonal use has not expIred. ApplIcatIOns for the development of property wIthm an approved Development of RegIOnal Impact, and whIch are consIstent WIth the approved DR!. ApplIcatIOns for approval of final plats, If the prehmmary plat and applIcatIOn for Palm Beach county Health Department permIts for utdItIes have been submItted pnor to June 1, 1990 ApplIcatIOns for reVISIons to prevIOusly approved development orders or permIts, whIch do not mcrease the demand for any publIc facilIty Please be advised that these exemption rules are tentative and will be subject to fmal approval by the Cih Commission. If you have any questions concenrlng the proposed Boynton Beach (oncurrency Management Ordinance, please contact the Boynton Beach Planning Division at (561) 742-6260) Rc\ 1016/01 1\ otary PublIc ~tate of Flonda at Large )~ ~"';~- '1",' ~\.l)\RL")TTF S LEES ii;l -lorida "" 'J05 3 -.:.; :~~:'-"-'.~ ~P'~~"'II"':":.",l!U i.'''';'!.~r~. ~l\ ComnllSSlOnExplfes ~ 9 200, NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS OR PERMITS Please be adVIsed that all applicatIOns for the followmg land development orders and permIts whIch are submItted on or after June 1 1990 wIll be subject to the CIty'S Concurrency Management Ordmance, and cannot be approved unless publIc faCIlItIes (potable water, samtary sewer, dramage, solid waste, recreatIOn, park, and road faCIlItIes) would be avaIlable to serve the proJect, conSIstent WIth the levels of <;ernce which are adopted m the CIty'S ComprehensIve Plan. BUIldmg permit applIcatIons for the constructIon of Improvements whIch, m and by themselves, would create demand for public facilitIes. ApplicatIOns for site plan approval. ApplicatIons for conditIonal use approval. --\pplicatIons for subdrvIsIon master plan approval. ApphcatIOns for prelImmary plat approval. ApplicatIOns for final plat approval. ApplIcatIons for rezonmg to planned zomng dIstncts. ApplicatIOns for reViSIOns to any of the applicatIons listed above, which would mcrease the demand for any publIc faCIlity Any other applicatIOn WhICh, m and by itself, would establish the denSity or mtensIty of use of land, or a maXImum denSIty or mtensIty of use ofland. * ApplicatIOns for development orders and permIts submItted after February L 1990 and WhICh generate more than 500 net vehicle tnps per day, must comply WIth the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordmance, unless exempt from that ordmance Please be adVIsed, however, that the followmg applicatIOns WIll be exempt from the Concurrency l'vIanagement Ordmance, pendmg final approval ofthis ordmance by the CIty COllllTI1SSIOn. EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION GATEWAY TEXACO That certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and situate In Palm Beach County, State of Florida and being more particularly described as follows A portion of Lot 4 of SAM BROWN JR's HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 1, at page 81, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows Commence at the NW corner of said Lot 4, thence run S 890 59' 27" E, along the North Line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 94 78 feet to a POint of beginning of the following described parcel of land thence continue S 890 59' 27" E, along the North line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 137 00 feet to a Easterly right-of-way line of U S Highway #1 for a distance of 153 61 feet to a pOint on the north right-of-way line of Vista Hermosa Avenue (now called Las Palmas Avenue) as shown on the Plat of Las Palmas Park, recorded in Plat Book as shown on the Plat of Las Palmas Park, recorded in Plat Book 25, at page 242, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, thence run West along the said North right-of-way line of Vista Hermosa Avenue for a distance of 123 35 feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve to the right, thence run Northwesterly and Northeasterly along the arc of said circular curve to the right, these elements are a radius of 12 feet and a central angle of 970 20' 55" for an arc distance of 20 39 feet to a point tangency with the easterly right-of-way line of U S Highway #1, thence run N 70 20' 55" E along the said Easterly right-of-way line of U S Highway #1, for a distance of 140 00 feet to the pOint of beginning BrIght & ChImera, P.A. . BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER 135 S.E FIFTH AVENUE SUITE 200 DELRAY BEACH, FL 33483-4528 (561) 278-0200 FAX (561) 276-6611 e-mail: bandc@brightandchimera.com J REEVE BRIGHT ESO' CA THY CHIMERA. ESO June 13, 2003 City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re Gateway Texaco Property 2360 N Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Sir or Madam Please be advised that I am the attorney of record for Suau Enterprises, Inc., a Florida corporation, and that Suau Enterprises is the fee simple titleholder of the above captioned property more fully described on Exhibit A attached to this letter They derived title from a warranty deed dated December 31, 1997 from Angelo's Texaco, Inc. to Suau Enterprises, Inc. I certify that I have done a title search and the fee simple title is currently in the name of Suau Enterprises, Inc Should you need additional information on this title, please feel free t contact me Sincerely, BRIGHT & CHIMERA, P.A. J Ree~tt1:q JRB sc Enclosure * 1 J 't >- 1- " '-J .......: ..... ---- ~ .,...". ~ .JM.f>>l It ttt!'llCElo, · " Jfz, -- 7 JO I 5 O\lf1e IU"tll".Y 101..1: l'a.111\ .".I.allo, 'L :J:S40/i ... ....." ,r;r.. ..... E8.....t..... ..... ,... Aa \. '* l__~" ~ wr~~t"~ M .1NKtL. P A JAN-iJ-l99a 121.j.1I" '9~-Q12~35 I oaJI\~.ll :.ti...3 r,r .11 C.an 35(11000.00 bot :, ~~ 00 - 1JOl ~ D1~j. U19h~.ay \I~st ,. Jd. l't""ch, rr. 3340. ........ ........ tt-.. ......... nwI ..~.); ....... &...~l*t; ...""'" ,.. u.I _ _ ..,.. ~ _ _. _ u.r'lI ~..... 1h1I 'MIun1l1g ',Id M...I.. ".,,1 '.H~""'./ ",. ~ I J.,., ().IEC t:l"" ~U:\-. n 1,9 rJ., AltClRLO'. "l'-=lt..co. I"e. .. FlorU'lll (lQSP;I'~ ~ _"'".." "'"M,, ",.J., ."" I..... ~fl":.t. ot rlorld.. . ....1 I......... ". .rl~tlfo.' ,.,.~ "' ~..~..r 2~&O ~ 'oder~l Hlqbw.y. ~y"ton ....eh, FL J]43~ "-....t,,., ,,,JI.,, II.. .,,,,,..,,.. '. .U"II 1DIi'D.JtUR5, JM:., A ~&. 1ICIqID_\:..l.a:Ift MoI.....I..rWl',......lJ'...1<102UI 'llllll..nda AlveS, Pill.. 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"ft'~b"~ .1ch ~. _..~.~ly ~Jg~t-q'-v.y 11fte ot 11 S Ifiqbvay IU t..IlC. 1:\In)l ,. 20. !IS. t olonCJ the ..ld. 1..t:01:'1t dllht:-d-vay :lin. gr u. Hl-"'\IIlY fl, to'!: .. .1.t.~. of l40.aa f... to the p91Dt ot ba.l""ln9 .;tII.. Ul'OU,XO at. pallO 111, or PIle1d.., lI.tn, 9d Wd(Z,~ e2e2 er 'd~S '001 )<tj:i Florida woo:: SUAU ENTERPRISES, INC 2360 North Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone. (561) 740-0606 AGENT AUTHORIZATION I, ZUHAIR MAROUF, President of SUAU ENTERPRISES, Incorporated, hereby appoints Beril Kruger Planning and Zoning Consultants, to act as my AGENT with regard to all Planning and ZOning matters on a tract of land owned by the corporation The property is located at and described as 2360 North Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED ON EXHIBIT II A" Beril Kruger Planning and Zoning Consultants is further granted the authority to attend all meetings and public hearings, to speak for the Corporation and to accept any and all Conditions of Approval, as set forth by the Boynton Beach City Commission, and any County or State agencies having JUrisdiction for SUAU ENTERPRISES, INC (corporate seal) Byx ~1--~ ~~ ZUHAIR MAROUF, President STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly authOrized In the state and county aforesaid to take acknowledgments personally appeared, ZUHAIR MAROUF who executed the foregoing document and he/she acknowledged before me that he/she executed the same WITNp.5S my hand and official seal in the county and state aforesaid this ~L1Yl~- 2003 /'/IJ . day of :;FiA~:f.~~', , ." ~ ".f:~ MY (OMM/S~rndo K. Kruger .. .,," 'f D ION # ((977848 EXPIRES 1r""fO, T~q~~~ber 6, 2004 OHAIN I~SUqM..Cf (" (notary seal or stamp) EXHIBIT II A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION GATEWAY TEXACO That certain piece, parcel or tract of land lYing, being and situate In Palm Beach County, State of Flonda and being more particularly descnbed as follows A portion of Lot 4 of SAM BROWN JR's HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION, as recorded In Plat Book 1, at page 81, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Flonda, being more particularly descnbed as follows Commence at the NW corner of said Lot 4, thence run S 890 59' 27" E, along the North Line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 94 78 feet to a POint of beginning of the follOWing descnbed parcel of land thence continue S 890 59' 27" E, along the North line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 137 00 feet to a Easterly nght-of-way line of U S Highway #1 for a distance of 1 53 61 feet to a pOint on the north nght-of-way line of Vista Hermosa Avenue (now called Las Palmas Avenue) as shown on the Plat of Las Palmas Park, recorded In Plat Book as shown on the Plat of Las Palmas Park, recorded In Plat Book 25, at page 242, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Flonda, thence run West along the said North nght-of-way line of Vista Hermosa Avenue for a distance of 123 35 feet to a pOint of curvature of a circular curve to the nght, thence run Northwesterly and Northeasterly along the arc of said circular curve to the nght, these elements are a radiUS of 12 feet and a central angle of 970 20' 55" for an arc distance of 20 39 feet to a pOint tangency with the easterly nght-of-way line of U S Highway #1, thence run N 70 20' 55" E along the said Easterly nght-of-way line of U S Highway #1, for a distance of 140 00 feet to the pOint of beginning Property Information Gary R. Nlkollts, CFA Palm Beach County Appraiser Public Access System Location Address 2360 N FEDERAL HWY Municipality" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Parcel Control Number" 08-43-45-15-03-000-0042 Subdivision BROWN SAM JR SUB Official Records Book 10179 Page 1977 Sale Date Dec-1997 Legal Description Owner Information Name SUAU ENTERPRISES INC Mailing Address 2360 N FEDERAL HWY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 2446 lu:~;~ 2002 Certified Appraisal Improvement Value Land Value Market Value $128574 Number of Units. Total Sq Ft. Acres 00 I~~ I ~.~" I I 4111:1.;., I $246 600 $375174 Use Code 2600 Description SERV STATIONS 2002 Certified Tax Ad Valorem Non ad valorem Total $9 030 69 $951 69 $9 982.38 I ........, I 2002 Certified Assessed & Taxable Values Assessed Value Exemption amount Taxable $37517400 $0 $37517400 Exemption Information Unavailable. Sales Information Sales Date Dee 1997 Oet 1994 Dee 1 988 Jul-1987 Book 10179 08819 06226 05376 Paqe 1977 1439 1659 0296 Price Instrument Owner 350000 WD SUAU ENT INC 195900 WD 1801000 WD 100 WD Print Information I Home I I Back I. I Search I I Search Result I Please send comments to propappCWco.palm-beach.f1.U5 Copyright @ 2002 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved Flonda Profit SUAU ENTERPRISES, INC PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 2360"\J FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-2446 US Changed 06/03/1998 MAILING ADDRESS 2360 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435-2446 US Changed 06/03/1998 Document Number FEI Number Date Filed P97000066134 650771405 07/31/1997 State Status Effective Date FL ACTNE NONE Last Event Event Date Filed Event Effective Date REIKST A TElvfENT 11/07/2002 NO"N'E Name & Address MAROUF ZUHAIR 1142 GRAND CAY PALM BEACH GARDENS FL 33418 Name Changed: 08123/2000 Address Changed: 08/23/2000 RegIstered Agent Officer/DIrector DetaIl Name & Address Title MAROUF ZUHAIR 1142 GRAND CAY P PALM BEACH GARDENS FL 33418 Report Year Filed Date Intangible Tax 2000 08/23/2000 2001 07/31/2001 2002 11/07/2002 Annual Reports ....--_................ .. ...... . . .. . . ... . . . .. . . ......... ...-----_........ .. . . . . . . . . . . .. - .... . . ...........-........... . . ....... .. ... . . V Iew Events No Name HIStOrv InformatIOn -' Document Images Listed below are the Images aVailable for thIS filmg 11/07/2002 -- REINST A TE~NT 07'31/2001 -- A1\!"'N REPfUNIFORM BUS REP 08/23/2000 -- ANN REPflJNIFORM BUS REP 04/26/1999 -- ANl\J'UAL REPORT 06/03 '1998 -- A~""NUAL REPORT THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL RECORD; SEE DOCUMENTS IF QUESTION OR CONFLICT SEE MAP NO 94 ====l _ 4 . -( - .'1 I aUse~ Q .~ ~!\fO(R RI> c) ~ a )Im D. ltU. '. nD I l&J-o N ; ( 'Ir k'''''-1/ Periwinkle Dr ~ cr ~ ~~ 0 iAI~:' Rd PARK I PO cL~ J 0 ~ I 1M NALAPAN ru~,~ PEAK. nv t- a::: t/) Yncht Club 'I ~ ~~ UJ E 1II1r!(.:r R ~ R<' '1 ~- - - - f a - 111~HVWw rm d -tit I at IlY'IO~UXO 3 III ~6.1f'l . ~ I( " It )\J . t.. -':l ~I A( E t I .JI . GO CL. Icd LMIO E Rll Rd u U) LOAF,..JU.,J ',".. j N u.I I _ I 4 - -! -EAIy~~XED ~ .. ~l~L~' i RIDGE ~ ~ IW R~ ~ ~ ~ I IT . .\:..'i Ot UXO _ MIller . 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