PERMIT 97-284 COMMENTS =-U5 .37:5 8087 =.0;: LINGERFELDT-MORRIS, INC. 5653N.W.l9TIiSTREET MARGAn;:, FLOJUl)A 33063 Te1ophone (954) 975-8764 Fax(954)975~g7 January 20, ] 998 City ofBol1lton aeach [)cpartmeat ofDev.loplIlalt 100 E. Boj1ltOll Beach Blvd. P.O. 130,,310 Bo)nton Beach, FI 33425 Attention: Mr. Jerzy lewicki RE: KNUTII ROAD GAS & OIL PERMIT #97-284 DeorMr. Lewiclci: pun..nt to our pr.vious t.lephone c:on.....tio.., it is illY \lIl..l'''laIIdina ll'.at r....l.oning approval and engin....ll'll approval <annot be ..sued for lb. Gu Sta,ion facility until the PCD plat is properly med for the calin: proposed dev.lopment. To date "'" ha\'C satisfied aU other Department requiremou!$ for building pennits. Kindly acknowledge lit the space pro>id<.:l bolow that this is an Il:CUIOte rqlfeselll4lion of the ""Ius of thi. project. Thank )W for)'01II' oonside:ration reaarding this matter. Dat.: ~ c<: Fil.96028 Na1I1ll1'1 '" David Kalichman John Berna:t2xlIi ~,?r Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, flORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 375-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: V~((~f~i~dt fax#: 9~4 - 970- oot'l date: .ora re: ~)<.crl.!fo~wG~ r: OIL - o,e/c-/~#L cS/G-pt}k1<<~~ {!oP</ tvrll BG f)1~rLclJ7n ~/T pages: ~ . , including cover sheet. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 561/ 375-6260 Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 375-6260 Fax: 375-6259 JAN-21-98 WED 11 :33 LBg.M~ INC. 3€1!5 975 0€187 P.01 UNGERFELDT - MORRIS, Inc. CORAL QAlE FROFESSlONAL PlAZA 5653 N.W. 29th ~ II _I MARaATE, ROFIDA 33063 I'Ha\W (IIoOf1!H784 I'AX (IloO 17&-<<1111 ~ IV"' ( ~dla~c -"D IJ'\ \) \). ~ll) ~1&O_1IWIIITTAL.- TO: b~V E..i-L'-( . " cn~<.. o~ -ou'(;:;~ ~'e~('\;\ .~' .\,-1 . ,"\ yL..bf-.)&.::>\0"" '7 2.<bfVI;.J<::o. \::>\VV)l<,:>-i0 cc:JEIAt<< : FAX NUMBER: 8:0\ 5l'S; rcz~ DAle: \-2\ ~qe PHONE NUMBER: --[k, \~'5'" (.,. v.., 7 PAGES: Co'J<?,-VL '" \ RE: I . \1......\0\'11'\ ...COhl\) GA.'S. ~OLl.. f~;t \M.~ '\ ~ C{,'\ - 2EA.- 9 ,.,Jc..~ -s~r<-2..",\ ~ c;. 0,), AU f:; \ c.~l'3,C~ ) . , fEMAflKS : IlL! ,J() l.... '-\. ~ 'S II- S o#.- ~&J'\L I. ~ '2..OA-l>' ~ ~ ~1,Q.)J~ ~~<:...'~IJ \L'CL\-[v',- / -{LC;->. ~ s,t-. vA.. ~ \J \ ~ t-A i- Gr'l cJ::, ~ . \ \= .~ c.:;, (' th-tJ ~<S\ {h-z. 'O~. ~ ~