REVIEW COMMENTS fJ W~Lle1) ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET ~-~-~\' REVIEWER'S NAME: ~s PROJECT NAME: ~I ~"'TII /I}tJ'J3,I,..,.y TRACT/SUBDIVISION: I J.Jc. . ~~~E DATE RECEIVED: '1-'2.. "2,..-qS STARTED REVIEW: 3 -2.,-or~ RETURNED: ""3 - Z. " . Of ~ APPROVED: o PROJECT ADDRESS: ?OO Woo I .Re/a-II..,. . ~. PERMIT NO.: qr:;;- 'Oqf ~VIEW (CIRCLE): ~ 2 3 4 REVISION ZONING DISTRICT: ~Ec.... MERCIAL RESIDENTIAL SPWV PERMIT PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: signature I Print Name DATE PICKED UP: Plans - Comments FILE NO.: 'fS-O/fj FE ;;00 DESCRIPTION: ~~~~;~~~~~~ ~~cJf!j!l/~wtc"'7f The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance wi th the below listed comment (s). To discuss the comment (s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Please reference the project name and permit number when correspondin~with city's Staff. After amending the plan (s) to show compliance with the comment (s)), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Pl,e-ase note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the arnende'd plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. Y i~mmrmmmmmm.@mmmmmmmmmmmmm ..~~eJ-~:di.~f1~ ~:7lffL;}t:f{':'~fl';Vd~::~~471O' I.) ';!;o~:1 ~ '10 7!/!:, ~R;::p- Jt ~ J-/ tj~~, 1) * ~;f;;;;;qUiJ;:;;;;;;~he project: SPACE (; ftA,1()Ar/PV Il.,C/I'r'IuG- /H}d ~~ ~JDI3J f-)S -%/ T(EL/(EItTIO ,..:) Bv,J'D/f-.,JCo e. ~ <;./ ...., eE.R/IJG. PO II G ~ LATt j,T1E~ -- Il;IV: 2.\1.'5 a:PUeOMMT.FIl:H Page I of '2- ~ef' ft~~_l:::~&/,os 1:.-0 ~l XJ~~~~'l' s/lEb I . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REVIEWER'S NAME: ~PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET l.v ;::, J'i} ~~~E DATE RECEIVED: '1-'2.. "2,..-qS STARTED REVIEW: 3 - 2." - or ~ RETURNED: ""3 - Z. " . Of ~ APPROVED: PROJECT NAME: ~ I ~",711 /I}tJ'J3d,..,-y TRACT/SUBDIVISION: I J.Jc. . DATE PICKED UP: I plans - Comments PROJECT ADDRESS: ?OO wool .Re/a-II..,. ~. PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: Signature I Print Name FILE NO.: 'f 5.0 /$ FEE: DESCRIPTION: ~~~~~~t.j~~~h~~ ~cJf!jp~/~~~C"'7f The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. please reference the project name and permit number when corresponding with City's Staff. After amending the plan (s) to show compliance wi th the comment (s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Please note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. ~_~~~~m1~OOmnm~~ ..~e~:~~tlf~;~Alr:t--1'~~~~~;;~7;o . 10) Lr; :a~J/ ~ '10 7!J!:, ~R;::P- It ~ J-/ !//f.~ZSf, L * Departments required to review the proJ ect: T(EL/(EItTIO,..:) LATI hTJi:.' -"-1I1.1f.r 7JOJI."v IMII>NtEA.. '1'u f~,J>4i' lJ{J~vV1'T ."I-C>).. I" ., I' ~ ~ ., ~F..... fI1-P.l:JIVC k> r'I~,-(,' u I ....... \0 3-~() ~ MtK.li!. .......""1r -, '!,0Jh.J WI~ e... r eE.R/IJ'" /IIl,}t:.B ~pt:. /'1t:- .41I\1:lT,...... ....... 'COt"'" ~ b#t! ~A-~J.c.>, }I'AUJl'(e~'l) . po II c..~ u Jtlv: 2-11-15 1l~"'It:OMMT."H Page 1 of 'Z- PrfP~~ ~-2--~-q~ . ~ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET REVIEWER'S NAME: ~~~E DATE RECEIVED: '1-'2.. "2,..-qS STARTED REVIEW: 3 - 2." - or ~ RETURNED: ""3 - Z. " . Of ~ APPROVED: PERMIT NO.: qr:;;- I oq t ~VIEW (CIRCLE): ~ 2 3 4 REVISION ZONING DISTRICT: ~Ec.... MERCIAL RESIDENTIA SPWV PERMIT PROJECT NAME: ~I ~",711 /I}tJ'J3d,..,-y TRACT/SUBDIVISION: I J.JC . . PROJECT ADDRESS: ?OO uJoo I .R~/a-II"" ~. PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: Signature I Print Name DATE PICKED UP: I plans - Comments FILE NO.: 'f 5.0 /$ FE 100 DESCRIPTION: ~~~C:~~~~~h~~ ~~{~J?lrn~~c"'7( The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comment(s). To discuss the comment(s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. Please reference the project name and permit number when correspondin~with City'S staff. After amending the plan (s) to show compliance with the comment (s)), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Pl,e-ase note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the arnende'd plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. Y ~ ~ml1MMi~~~ .tf,te;r~:~;;i1:: ~;?Af~:~~~~~~~7;o, 1-) ';!;o~J/ ~ '1 0 7~, ~R;::P- It t\ J-/ !;j~,~ ' * ~;f;;;;;qUiJ;:;;;;;;~he project: SPACE (; !tA-1()Ar/pv 14f;#"'IAJ~ khJM ~~ ~1DI3J f-)S-%/ T(EL/(EItTIO r-J 8u' I'D I f-.,J Co e. ~ <;'/"-1 eE.R/IJG. po II C- ~ LATt hTJEJ R.V: 2-16.95 Page ( of '2- lI:P&tCOHMT.PRH ? ~-z..... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET DATE PICKED UP: I plans - Comments REVIEWER'S NAME: lh -rrf~ ~~E DATE RECEIVED: '1-'2.. "2,..-QS STARTED REVIEW: 3-2.,-orS" RETURNED: ""3.Z.,,'Of~ APPROVED: PERMIT NO. : q r:;;- IOqt t1)VIEW (CIRCLE) : 123 4 REVISION ZONING DISTRICT: ~Ec.... ERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL I MMo/ I SPWV PERMIT FILE NO.: q 5'0 /$ FEE: PROJECT NAME: ~I ~"'TII /I}tJ'J3,I,..,-y IJ.JC. TRACT/SUBDIVISION: PROJECT ADDRESS: ?oo uJool .RP,a-II..,. ~. . PERSON RETRIEVING COMMENTS AND/OR PLANS: signature I Print Name DESCRIPTION: ~~~~;~j~~~h~L !!:~Z9Jl/~~C"'7f The permit number identified above is the referenced number for your proposed improvement(s). Prior to further processing on your request, the documents that you submitted illustrating the improvement(s) shall be amended to show compliance wi th the below listed comment (s). To discuss the comment (s) it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer identified in the upper right hand corner, (407) 375-6260 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. please reference the project name and permit number when corresponding with City's staff. After amending the plan (s) to show compliance with the comment (s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. Please note that additional comments may be generated as a result of reviewing the amended plans. All comments shall be rectified prior to staff review approving the documents. l;%m~Mw~:@-~~Mr~~~.rym"',$"~~n-m?;l:l:m9:1 ~"''''''''''''''''_''''''''''' ................~. -~~~-.. ......... ....... ......:m~~~~~::;.........Ye~~m~~~~~":~~~~~m:,;m~:t.;::;*"~~~~.. .~,te9~:fu~yi~~;?}LAlr:t.:,~~~wi~~;;~7;o . I.) '.:;;a~T/~:io7!}!:, ~R;::p-lt~J-//j~,~.f' o u - * Departments required to review the project: T(EL/(EItTIO,..:) LATtltTJE "'-1t1 -1S" tJoJ-J..v iMll>tvEA.. -ru f.tw,bG" 4fJ~~ "I-C>J.. I....... .," ~ ... .., bF ~I/oJtKI"'C; ~T r/~'-("' u I '" \0 3 - JO ...eu- fI1./ ~'e ,......... r - I q- J/t) WI~ e. . . r eE. R / IJG. tIA,Jeii ~~(;. , 1'1t:. ~f/I!:!.iIN. ..... \Q/ t-J b#f! ,jPA-.tJ:wc SI'At:.~tq'() . po II C- ~ _IV: )-II.n 1l!"'!COMMT.''IlM Page 1 of 'Z- BUILOING OEPAATME BUILDING PKRKIT APPLICATION (Please Print) PCN. -"'09..[I,~1.j5:,'X.0(JCXIOONO ;:~':-::'CO~iI~:~<Ol~"h ~,~~~ ~er'~Address . 0 __ r~ <-,----.:...JJ rt~_ CIty ..\2ni ~)-k__ __ .:. State fT.. Zip -"3 C/,;;( ; Fee Simple Titleholder's Name f'rPP~c../e::o ~- 2-?(___!-S- N T ~.,) --//(:/ Permit 1/ , (FOR SUB PERMITS ONLY) Owner's Phone 1/ Si..,0 -- 7kt/7 ~'hA J-~ /0,"'5 (If other than owner) Fee Simple Titleholder's Address Contractor's Contractor's City State Job Name Job Address City Legal Description Name ROISI-\Ft:=' Address YAII I.), (If other than owner's) Contractor's Phone 1/ 1./0'1 -lJ 19-1./ /ex) AtlarYltic Al)(-'(\)ue s...-.b 6 Zip 33LfY5 ? County r0/y::>., Bonding Company Bonding Co.Address Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name tv / A Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: (check one) ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ DESCRI~TION OFO~ORK: J-10<;.hl':..'!1 ~"^^A rn.~ City State Nt"" MULTI-FAMILY: HOTEL: <JD(). ~ ,<":'hlrttl'A/\ RETAIL: OFFICE: INDUSTRIAL:~ Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS. WELLS, POOLS. FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS. TANKS. and AIR CONDITIONERS. ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR J'AILllIlE TO UCORD A NOTICE OF ClHUlNCI!MBNT KAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR DIPROVllMKNTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. II' YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATroRNKY BD'OU RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF a>>tHENCEMI!NT. ..----..... Property Owner's or Agent'~~f:/1t.jq> STATE OF FLORIDA, coumAip.,:PAU\-BMGH/ / The foregoing instrum~/~~<a~~~~dg~<<~~efore me this (date) by / ...' :\' --o(!'1l!Q';,;:S'tp'e~lI.P ally known t'? '!Ie o~ who has proc;tucea. I'(j.y~ of. "lcll!nl!Ulc~ on) as identlhcatlOn and who dId (dId not) take an ~i;fure of person t~;1~t;~~~rt~I~~~~:J1 Name of offic~i taking a~ridW~ed$eme~t~Jty~ea, prInted or stampea Title or rank .^ -- ,;.... '.' parIal number, if any Contractor's Signature '~~;:~ fill-< !t-z:; 4- STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM-' :CH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by , who is personally known to me or who nas produced (type of identification) as identification and who did (did not) take an Date Date oath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement Name of officer taking aCKnowledgement--ty~ed, prInted or stamped Title or rank SerIal number, if any (CercificaL~ vf Compate":=y Eol~e~) . Co.'<.o'o<', ".,. C.<,"'o.,'o. 0< '.""<"'0. '0, Cl' ~~~v Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. ';f~'1<; LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: Lj-I- WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: '-1_ I - S APPLICATION APPROVED BY Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this ~ermit. the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCF OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE ~o 1- 3o.c:r~- 12-0 A.J M 14- ~ I ''', t, "p 0 7 ~ Drl...i/ ") ~l="t--cr-F-/lf1P~W€t) L-oi DuI",/AJ("S r.. Sv,rJ'4 "! .';'AI WiIl>Alel w ~lI PILD""tl= GJlS 7/~6 ~J/I.,/~ fi't.1'a7IU&~":'~T,:..! ~.j. LJPr"7:",....... (Gt:rtificate _Qf Comnp..t_en.c.v Hnl rlPT") _'.. v (1_\. (.;-r v~-cud .0t't.?C j .~r A-T~ SENT DY: . ~-, l-.~ . ,. .",... . ~, ',IY ) v~}\> JY" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING , ZONING DIP^R~MINT COMMIM~ SHUT REVIEWIRIS NAME: I.... Y- - DAn RECEIVED: 7-7..f:-V BTAR"I'ED lU:VU:W: .. 2. .. tit S- RETURNED: ~.'L"'Z..OI~ APPROVEtl: n'HIT NO.: ql;:. loq<f- ~ICW I CIRCLI) : , ~ 3 4 RIVISION ZONING DISTRICT: y'liC- HHSV ISPWV PII\llI~ rILl NO.: 'tS.OJ6 Tn: PROJECT NAME: Jkil c.o",TJI hM1l,/,iY 11JC.. ~RACT/5UBOIVI5ION: PRO~ICT ADoalBSI "10'0 I.JJ~I RPJtajJ-r l?D. .ERION RITRIIVINO COKHINTS ANDIOR PLANSr :I1<Jnatur. I pr1nt Nalu OJ. "l'! pt CXID UP: I plAn. ~ CommAnt~ OUCRIPTIGN: ~~~;:~;~7?:r~. ~~fJ'''i?,~ ~~",-rt The pU1ll1t number ldent1tl1d above l' thl ['.hrencad number tor your propo..d i.prove~entl.l. Prior to furthlr proce..1n; on your request. the document. that you lub.itt.d illu,tret1n; the improvement(il .h.ll b. am.nded to .how eomplianc. with the bllow luted commentt'l. '1'0 dilcu,s the commlntf.} it h recolT\",.nc1.d that an IPpo1nt1unt bt 'It-up with the rlvilWer- 1dentUiwd in the upplr r1.ght hand cornlr, (6071 J1~-6260 blt",..n IS A..f(. and S P.M.. Monday thru Friday. plea.. referenel the project nl.1 and permit number wh.n carre.pondinO with City" stiff. Aftar am.endin; thl planta1 to show cOlrlplillncl with the commtnt{ll. ratm'n both let. of plan. for ra-review to tht BUildin; Departmlnt. plea.. note th&t additional COIllIUl\tl llIay be Vlnerated.a a r.lult. of rlvtlwinq the amend.d pl.OI1', All comment. shall bl rlctlU.d prior to staU rlvhw approv1n9 t.he docmnentl. R...... _4., . ... . L\\lll_-",4Il . ~.~.,.EJ~/;:::!;.~ ~~~~lf~:~~~~::~ ~~y"~,~Co G> ~::~~J~Xo';~, ~::.;'7:L~t..I,'j~M, un/m~ . n.~art.lIl.nt.. rlquired. to review th. projlctl Re~eItTIO Jrt.J PAR.J<.I U C. Rt:O:Q'5 r::fij.WltU(,~'Bvl 10 I />oJ cD \..VII I E <:.otflfJO /leD e. />oJ 1;.. ....,jI...~/I.J~ vc.." po I' Co '" ::::..:;:::::. fJP Ie .4-..vTS JY/1i$.7/~ W,T fI- ,Ail; /1.llc H I - t:>" 7 "'1 '3 ,2"<:'1-1 \- '2.. of '89_