REVIEW COMMENTS f I 8A2 N.E. 5th AVENUE ABANDONMENT (RIGHT-OF-WAY) PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-098 THRU: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board C'P~~ Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director TO: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Senior Planner DATE: May 6, 1993 SUBJECT: N.E. 5th Avenue Right-of-way Abandonment - File No. 729 Section 22-40(a)(3) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when an application for street or easement abandonment is submitted, the reports and recommendations from the city engineer, planning and zoning director, utilities director and the public utilities companies must be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board and City Commission for consideration in the proceedings of the public hearings. To that end, this memorandum is forwarded, consistent with Sections 22-40(a)(3), (b) and (c). On behalf of the city, Christopher cutro is requesting that N.E. 5th Avenue, east of N. Federal Highway, be abandoned. The width of this right-of-way is ten (10) feet and its length is 241.26 feet. Abandonment of the easterly 136.66 foot length of the subject right-of-way was a condition of the February 16, 1993 City Commission conditional use approval of a classroom building addition for the st. Mark's catholic Church. This condition was imposed because the drop-off and sidewalk proposed on the approved conditional use site plan for the ChUl"ch will encroach this easterly section of the right-of way which bisects a portion of the church's property. Since the engineering department is currently assembling and preparing legal descriptions for abandonment of all alleys and streets no longer needed as rights-of-way in the vicinity of Federal Highway, the City Commission directed staff to initiate the subject abandonment application to accommodate st. Mark's Catholic Church. staff has combined with this application the rest of N.E. 5th Avenue that is un abandoned east of N. Federal Highway and no longer needed by the City; the remaining 104.60 feet adjacent to the north property line of Cypress Manor restaurant. Approval of this request will extinguish the entire N.E. 5th Avenue right-of- way, east of Federal Highway. The comments from staff and the utility companies, with respect to this request, that have been received to date are attached. No concerns have been raised however, as indicated in the attached Engineering Department Memorandum No. 93-117, a response from Florida Power and Light has not yet been received. If Florida Power and Light's response is not received by May 11, 1993, staff recommends that action taken on this abandonment request, for which the required public hearings have been advertised to be held at the May 11th Planning and Development Board meeting and the May 18, 1993 City Commission meeting, be deferred and the public hearing continued to the June meeting. If Florida power and Light's response is received prior to the May 11, 1993 meeting, it is recommend that this request be approved, subject to the applicant addressing any objections Florida power and Light may have. /" d ht../1.'1A../ tjh A:NE5AvAbn Attachments r I FROM TO Mr. Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director Sue Kruse, City Clerk SUBJECT: FOLD. Planning & Development Board Mtg. -- May II, 1993 DATE: 4/12/93 Attached is a copy of a City-initiated abandonment application for a portion of N.E. 5th Ave. Please review and advise of your recommendations for approval or disapproval in accordance with Section 22-40(a) of the Code. Thank you. R. -r:-:~~ .\....'-'~: .~,:1rr'T""'D ......... '''-J-,-~.d.". Ci 1'....1. ,I, '{ .,.' SK;slb attachment APR 12 Di A h' , , v L/1j, ,". ::., DEPT. . SIGNED ~a., - PLEASE REPLY TO - REPLY '7ta- ~7t::v DATE: ,,-- c SIGNED,/~' "em # F269 Grayarc, P.O. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 ~-::' Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED Grayarc;. ,p,P.aox2944. HlIrtford.CT06104.2944 CALL TOll. FREE: 1-800-243-5250 Fold At {.) T CI....-.u ~',{/L1~ -41~ veIope' EW10P REORDER ITEM II F289 FROM TO Mr. John Guidry Director of Utilities Sue Kruse, <!.e;~~' 'f-'6 -93 City Clerk ~ r SUBJECT: Planning. & Development. Bo"r4. Mt&, -::.J1."y .U,.J,993 DATE: .4/l2.nJ.. FOLD. Attached is a copy of a City-initiated abandonment application for a portion of N.E. 5th Ave. Please review and advise of your recommendations for approval or disapproval in accordance with Section 22-40(a) of the Code. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED~<!. ----- Thank you. SK: slb attachment REPLY ~ have no objection to the proposed abandonment. / / DATE: 4/16/93 SIGNED R1?CfJVf,D J>,P\l. 19 PLf>,NN\\'iG OE.PT. Item . F269 Grayl!lrc. P.o. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 e': Wheel. Group. Inc. 1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED '1 . . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-117 TO: Tambri Heyden Senior Planner FROM: vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: May 6, 1993 RE: Alley Abandonment Request Submitted by St. Marks Catholic Church and Meineke Discount Muffler Please be advised that the Engineering Department for the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has received approvals from most utility Companies, with the exception of Florida Power & Light. Attached for your review and consideration is a copy of Bell South's May 6, 1993 conditions of approval. Comcast and Florida Public Gas Utilities rendered no objections to the abandonment. Pursuant to our discussions, in the presence of Mr. Christopher Cutro, Planning Director, I have advised your office that Florida Power & Light has indicated that alley abandonment requests be provided a minimum of 45 days prior to Planning & Zoning Board and/or City Commission consideration due for the most part by his company's limited number of staff necessary to perform reviews and the effects of Hurricane Andrew, therefore, it has been agreed upon that when the applicant submits the original request for abandonment, he will be directed, at that time, to coordinate with the affected utility Companies. Should I receive Florida Power & Light's conditions of approval prior to the aforementioned Board meetings, I will immediately forward them to your attention. ~~~~ vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director J. Scott Miller, City Manager W. Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer attached: Bell South Telecommunications letter dated May 6, 1993 Florida Public utilities Company letter dated April 21, 1993 Comcast Cable (verbal approval by telephone on May 6, 1993) I~I ~~I. U b. ~:I j Ut):!)l AM *w PALM BCH ENGINEERS POl BELLSOUTH 71IlIOCMfMUNlCllA""'@ ".laulh _",,,,Uft_ft. Room 501 III 'trn St. WII" Palm BNCh. FI. 33.01 May li, un Hr. V. A. P1n1s10 Deputy city Ingineer P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, PI. 33435-0310 RB: ALLEY ABlIJIDOHIIBlIT REQUESTS SUBMITTED BY S'.l'. KA.RKS CATHOLIC CHURCH AT NB 5TH AVBNUB , MEINEKE DIScomr.r MUPPLER AT 925 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY Dear Mr. riniaio: Please !:Ie adv18e<1 that Southern Ball has no obj ection to the reque.ted abandonment at st. Marks CatholIc Church. The abandonment at 925 N. Federal Highway can be made under the following conditions: 1. Existing- telepnone facilities will remain in place until .uch time that southern Bell relocates to an easement provided in condition 2. Z. Provide a 10' wide ea~ement that ie the we~terly 10' of the 20' alley to be abandoned. Should you have any questions plClaeCl oontact ... at (407) 937-6395. Your" truly, W dtiw.. E, ~~~ William B. Sowers Enqineer WES/rr ,.:;; ._~, F L'OR1DA :.''-1 PUB Lie UTI L I T.I Ese 0 M PAN Y ,j ;:.,- .Ot>R(~5 A~"~y TO ~O"'~."Y .T P. O. Box 3395 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-3395 April 21, 1993 Mr. Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: A) ALLEY ABANDONEMENT AT 925 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY (20') B) ALLEY ABANDONMENT AT NE 5TI1 A VENUE (ST. MARKS CATIlOLlC CHURCH) Dear Mr. Finizio: Please be advised that Florida Public Utilities Company has no objection to the abandonment of the existing 20' & 10' easements, respectively, described in your letter. At the present time, we have no underground gas distribution facilities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. Sincerel , ~/ ':.~"~ ..-"7 // / David E. Pellico Division Engineer cc: Mr. M. L. Schneidermann . =sr. 'H~ ~ \-it!) ~ --- ~ -- c _ """ ~ /' r/I:/'J'S ~~~c4 h )J () Ll [' 'Ii -d ~ ~, ({- ~~'_f"