REVIEW COMMENTS 7.E.I MOTOROLA PID (MPMD 02-004) MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 03-024 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THROUGH: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning FROM: Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner DATE: January 22,2003 SUBJECT: Motorola PID - File No. MPMD 02-004 Master Plan Modification PROJECT NAME: Motorola PID - MPMD 02-004 LOCATION: Southeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue LAND USE/ZONING: Industrial (I) / Planned Industrial Development (PID) NATURE OF REQUEST Motorola is a partially built-out Development of Regional Impact (DRI) comprised of 87.4-acres, zoned Planned Industrial Development (PID). It is located on the southeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue. (See attached Exhibit "A" - Location Map). R. Duke Woodson, agent for the land owners, is requesting to modify the Master Plan for Motorola PID to show the new boundaries and points of access along Congress Avenue. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The original DRI development order, in 1979, established a three-phase master plan, which was subsequently followed by a corresponding rezoning to accommodate the DRI on the zoning map. Major changes in Motorola's operation has led to the reduction of on-site activity and sale of the property to Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. of Orlando. The new owners, as part of a plan to maximize use of the property, amended the DRI in December of last year to convert 825,000 square feet of industrial and office land use entitlements for the property to 500 multi-family residential units, 63,500 square feet of commercial space, 450,000 square feet of office space and 128,000 square feet of warehouse space. There are no changes proposed to the DRI phasing, commencement date or the build-out date of 2010. As a PID of this size is not permitted to include commercial and residential uses, the undeveloped portions of the DRI/master plan, totaling 48.1 acres, are proposed to be removed from the existing PID and rezoned to C-3 Community Commercial. The remainder of the PID would total 39.3 acres. That portion to be rezoned to commercial would also include the +/- l.4-acre parcel occupied by the day care business located at the north side of the DRI. This master plan modification is now required as a condition of the amendment of the DRI, and recent rezoning of both portions of the DRI, to reflect the new boundaries of the PID. Although the master plan will reflect the approval of approximately 578,000 square feet of office/ industrial space, the ultimate development thresholds are delineated by the DRI as described above. That portion to be removed from the PID, 33 acres concentrated at the southern end of Motorola PID Staff Report, MPMD 02-004 Memorandum No. PZ 03-024 Page 2 the DRI, will be the site of the residential component (up to 500 dwelling units), and retail use will be proposed along the Congress Avenue side (west) wrapping around the corner along a short segment of Gateway Boulevard. Two additional access points are proposed along Congress Avenue (see Exhibit "B"). The site planning of the removed property has not been completed at this time. No new uses for the PID are proposed at this time; however, staff is currently reviewing the request for use approval that would establish a list of approved uses for the PID. A list of approved uses was not considered when originally rezoned to PID likely due to it being devoted to a single industrial use. The request for use approval is currently scheduled for review by the Planning & Development Board on February 25, 2003. RECOMMENDATION The Technical Review Committee (TRC) has reviewed this master plan modification request. Staff recommends approval, contingent upon the comments indicated in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. Any additional conditions recommended by the Board or City Commission shall be placed in the Conditions of Approval. MR/ej Xc: Central File S:\Planning\SharedIWpIProjects\Motorola DRI\MPMD 02-004\Staff Report.doc Location Map MOTOROLA P.I.O. EXHIBIT "A" I , , BOO ~. , i I i il 11// // ~ ::>-J I ;' I I , i i .. ! ! / ~ -" I, ""-'---' i / '-c~_J I ' / i /.~'/ / ,,1'\', //;^'"'./(f\/, ili __ / \'// h! 1\ --1 \ /---;// -~/ / I L---\~~- \\\ //// ~~ ['" \ \ \" //./ / ,,\ . ',11,,\ ./ ,- -', \ \.-,>,./ ,/ / ,-\\ "", ",I /f""" / )Y. ( \ I \\ 1'\\1 ~-I J-----'''''~--,,_/\ //n",-_,-~ \\, -'" \, I\_-"I'/(--r I_f-I - \ -"<~:~" /<~:/ I\'-<~:/ ""v//' \"[----1 ",', \ "y//'> /1 \ "." .'-, /./ I I ',',',\ I \ /// / '. ',:::._>/ I: . 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'"-.::_~----- .{, "_"/f'l", I\!. !', >l=;oiV!: !\] U .' 1:- II C3 'L I ~ U ~ffib . c,_ L , I - ., ~\-Lr-I\ C3 II ' t---- - "I I ,"-----. \~"\ l,I'T l~~=' - -l(f;li ~'r:" \jlll' II T~ _lj'~ ~I I lJl _~___ _ _) I'll 1- z. _-=' _.1-_ -I L__ ___ ____~- I'll ' ~ - ---~ _ _ 'I liC31~r II J _I _ II :11 I i-- \I'I--~-~ I, I, II o rn ~~Pkltan. '-'-, 1::::/::1 Ilit;jh Oroo'ly Ra.ldcnllol IIIII1 Zor1Inor1' PUP 11111 II I 1""111 ,"1111 --1 'II' II mI .-. ear...11""c..t.orFlat2 LO"ldLJo..l..D<albtal\C<:>rr"w>1"",'oI Z""'InorI,C-:!I I: ji II :: I ',', '" ij i::I:::!/! ii j ill: " Ii ! :: ! "I ii i:,:,!'I' I::!:: ,,' i,i,' ^ _",';' r> ml (_.... CatallnoCen1oorPIal.1 LO"ldU_'l.o<<>)blaIlCon-lm..-.:lal Zor'IInQ.C_3 " " " " :: "I i! !, j iii ::' Iii '" ", III ,,' i,l, ii! ::,::,, ii Ii :: :: Ii Ii ij ii , I , , I , ==1 , , -u-J , , I EXHIBIT "B ~ It> _ 2_ <IoN> SCALE, I'. 400' LM~lott.ed(51)oppa<>F~Se<><h) I Q,J-....., l'<rI<alBoyntor>a.a.ohPlal. ' \ \ \ LO"ldU...,l.o<oIRoolall~'al Wrdtlool,lnd..tr-loI Zoning, C-3 I Zor1/r1g' PID I , , ~l_u_uLu__J.+-______L - __u_ - ----------------------- ~---~ - -- --- ------ ~ o -_=-=c;.m",.-,.aa.....<rd--::=-- ----------------------- --- ----- ------------ ----- ----------- ----------------------- ~~.-+.~_.. ;:/ -,...;;;;/// ~..~-:::. . , , \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ : \ \ \ \ \ : \ \ \ ~::=~'::::~~}~~~~~~~) I , '~ ., :: r..-.....i ! :,: I ...~;..~~~~\ __..--.J : ';':=-_~ ~20' ACCESS EASlOMENT I ~"....""'=::-"..='" I i . i , t'Iol<rOl<>DI<.I-..............i I'ropon;y L.... 7 , i , , --------~ 'ii~'i r-Uf-- __-;;-" ':: :: I _--- lJ'- La./~~\ll~,a1 1:1 I: 1----- ,,~:-:-;.//i i; !.1 I .... ... ./ 4- ,,:::: ./' I \ I,': ,': I ..- -------\ I" II I ....... "'1I1~~ P~TWl'l'fi. ~HT "" ~ // "" ,/ I I 'II II -" Ii! ,I: -" >JII' \ "'GR~.LT "'" \ 1./ r: Ii ' ___ I" "I ^ , f/ II II ~ t-> '....----/ :::::=: . , ~&I.lInoP<r~O>Qfleld~ I . t '. ) . . I , I Planned Industrial Development (PIP) 3"l.3:t Ac, EXI5TINl>- STRUCTURE TO REMAIN ,-~ , , Lu_n___ , , I BOnlT<lN UJ<,O.l. '~I. --I \ ~- laldU...,~o.n"'ty_,o.nUal Z""ing, RIM 0\_6. ~ PROPOSED ZONING; PI.....-...dl....ou.trl'" "'" < Develcpt"r'et"lt (1"10) 3<l.:HOG_ 1 ! I III El(lSTING;5oG;W,UZ.P'I<TERSECTION , ! 0 ""''''TINGf'1JLLACCESSPO'NT IT! . PR0P05EDl'ULLAC<::=~NT COENERAl.- l..OCATION EXISTING STRUCTURE , , \ , , \ , \ , \ , \ , \ , \ r-- , j , i , , I . i . i , i , i . i . l___ GI.a1tumP<rkal IlayrItor1 lloooeh Plat "II ~ laldU...,lnd..trial zoning, PIP ~ ~ 1 Q.ooit"",Pa-lcat Boynta1 Ilooo:;h Plat. 10 L.crdU..,I.-.du<>tr... zoning. PIP r , I Skyl.-'*"Plat~ ~-, I Low ~~ :".....--.t00l THE MOTOROLA DRI NOpe PROPOSED ZONING Boynton Beach, Palm Beach CoU'"lty I Florida Applh::<r1t. Dayl M. CaMer Moory L. C<rter ~ Assoc., Inc:. LGI"d PlaY1e,. Javier E. Om<3'"l<l CPt.! Engineer., I"c. IS-""'bo.-.= CAl.....JooI""'.. re201 "-rMd...w-y2OO!l ,,-,_.~.w-y2OO!l ..~~ JBJT 1\ B 1/ JD. IJAJ.LLy-rU1 I.,I'(ln . .11_. - JAN-23-03 11,02 FROM' 01/23/2883 18:32 ~ ',5-8963 II II III I 'I " J II II t II . ~ , .' . II . 'I t : /1'1 . . o 1 -_ ill.'~ ~ III .... ----- -___ l!1 ____~~ ~ -=....... ...:~~ ~ ==-_ ....;:1-- - . I I III II +q I I ! . .. .. EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Motorola File number: MPMD 02-004 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as Master Plan Modification with a January 9. 2003 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. This proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is available. Weare providing only a cursory review of the master plan as submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility plan has been submitted. FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 2. All exterior elements shall comply with the Florida Building Code for handicap accessibility. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST COA 01/23/03 2 , II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 3. On master plan sheet, correct the identification of Interstate 95 on the General Location man. 4. Identify the Community Commercial (C-3) zoning districts. 5. Annlv for cross access easements at the time of site nlan review. ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS: Comments; 6. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS: Comments: 7. To be determined. MWRlelj S:\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Motorola DR1\MPMD 02-004\COA.doc 1st REVIEW COMMENTS 'JV~ Master Plan Modification Project name; Motorola File number: MPMD 02-004 Reference: I "review plans identified as Master Plan Modification with a November 14.2002 Planning and Zonin" Denartment date stamo marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: NONE PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: I. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided t/ regarding the oroposed modification to determine ootential traffic imoacts. UTILITIES Comments: 2. No utility plan was included with this submittal, therefore the Utilities 1/ Department considers this plan incomplete as submitted. However this proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is available. Weare providing only a cursory review of the master plan as submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility plan has been submitted. 3. Contemplated uses as previously submitted in their NOPC #1, indicate offices, retail, commercial, self-storage, restaurant and residential. The Utilities Department has previously indicated that the anticipated total water / demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day far exceeds their currently approved demand of 60 - 70,000 gallons per day. In view that the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, several questions come to mind: a. Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase of 300% over and above the existing approved use. b. Is the timing for this proposed re-development near-term or far-term? This has a significant bearing on the consumptive use requirements. c. An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the service main network in the area. Is the applicant willing to pay for this as required by Chapter 26 of the LDC? FIRE Comments: NONE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/10102 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT POLICE Comments: NONE , ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided ~ regarding the proposed modification to determine potential engineering impacts. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 5. All exterior elements shall comply with the Florida Building Code for /' handicap accessibility. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 6. The plans indicate that there will be no residential units in this portion of the development. If there are residential units in future phases they will be subject to the Park and Recreation Facilities Impact Fee. 7. Concurrent with future phases of this development the City would be interested in developing a GreenwaylBikeway area along the canals to the south and west of this nrooertv. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: ~ Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. ~ Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. A , ^^~ t ~ ~'~~ ~,. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with - Chapter 23, Article II.H. Also, show the access points to collector and 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/1 0/02 3 DEPARTMENTS arterial streets showing their compliance to the access requirements (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.K.). V. Indicate the location, names and elevations of adjacent subdivisions, if any (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.E.). 12. 13. Submit a traffic impact analysis not more than six (6) months old, prepared by a professional engineer (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.S.). MWRlsc S:IPlanningISHAREDI'M"IPROJECTSIMotorola DRIIMPMD 02-00411 ST REVIEWCOMMENTS.doc - tud ~~ ~ 1ncMt INCLUDE REJECT o!L- I (rD/?;3 rn ~ J:N ~ : 1'~' ~ ~ RESPONSE TO 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification Project Name: Motorola File Number: MPMD 02-004 P',~"'1,;:'\'!~ ,~,~i:'i " ,., "(, ~ ~\:1 ..-----,!.::..."...-- .~ _.__.,_.~ 1. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regarding the proposed modification to determine potential traffic impacts. No response necessary. 2. No utility plan was included with this submittal, therefore the Utilities Department considers this plan incomplete as submitted. However this proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is available. We are providing only a cursory review ofthe master plan as submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility plan has been submitted. The Master Plan modification deletes the undeveloped portions of the Motorola Property. The proposed Master Plan is only for the existing facility using existing utilities. 3. Contemplated uses as previously submitted in their NOPC # 1, indicate offices, retail, commercial, self-storage, restaurant and residential. The Utilities Department has previously indicated that the anticipated total water demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day far exceeds their currently approved demand of 60 - 70,000 gallons per day. In view that the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, several questions come to mind: a. Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase 0000% over and above the existing approved use. b. Is the timing for this proposed re-development near-term or far-term? This has a significant bearing on the consumptive use requirements. c. An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy ofthe service main network in the area. Is the applicant willing to pay for this as required by Chapter 26 ofthe LDC? The Master Plan modification deletes the undeveloped portions of the Motorola Property. The proposed Master Plan is only for the existing facility using existing utilities. 4. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regarding the proposed modification to determine potential engineering impacts. The Master Plan modification deletes the undeveloped portions of the Motorola Property. The proposed Master Plan is only for the existing facility using existing utilities. 006.280911.1 5. All exterior elements shall comply with the Florida Building code for handicap accessibility. No response necessary. 6. The plans indicate that there will be no residential units in this portion of the development. Ifthere are residential units in future phases they will be subject to the Park and Recreation Facilities Impact Fee. There are no residential units in this portion of the development. 7. Concurrent with future phases ofthis development the City would be interested in developing a Greenway/Bikeway area along the canals to the south and west of this property. The applicant has initiated discussions with staff concerning a Greenway/Bikeway area along the canals to the south and west of the property. 8. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. The survey is attached. 9. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. The plot plan is attached. 10. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with Chapter 23, Article II.H. Also, show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance to the access requirements (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.K.). See attached plan. 11. Indicate the location, names and elevations of adjacent subdivisions, if any (Chapter 3, Article IV, section 3.E.). See attached plan. 12. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by appropriate agencies (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.P.) This statement has previously been provided. 13. Submit a traffic impact analysis not more than six (6) months old, prepared by a professional engineer (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.S.). Traffic impact analysis has previously been provided. 2 006.280911.1 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/10/02 2 B::,L-Pb DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT POLICE Comments: NONE , ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regarding the proposed modification to determine potential engineering imnacts. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: ~,II- 1',7 5. All exterior elements shall comply with the Florida Building Code for '1 handican accessibility. I~ _ Mr<' '1 PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: 6. The plans indicate that there will be no residential units in this portion of the development. If there are residential units in future phases they will be subject to the Park and Recreation Facilities Impact Fee. 7. Concurrent with future phases of this development the City would be interested in developing a GreenwaylBikeway area along the canals to the south and west of this property. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 8. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 9. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 10. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with Chanter 23, Article II.H. Also, show the access noints to collector and L/!JjOV"> 1107 (03 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification Project name: Motorola File number: MPMD 02-004 Reference: I"reviewolans identified as Master Plan Modification with a November 14.2002 Planning and Zoning Deoartment date stamo marking , . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: NONE .- PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided ( ~~[ O'[IJ"> regarding the proposed modification to detennine potential traffic imoacts. ~J UTILITIES Comments: 2. No utility plan was included with this submittal, therefore the Utilities Department considers this plan incomplete as submitted. However this proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is available. Weare providing only a cursory review of the master plan as submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility plan has been submitted. 3. Contemplated uses as previously submitted in their NOpe #1, indicate offices, retail, commercial, self-storage, restaurant and residential. The Utilities Department has previously indicated that the anticipated total water demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day far exceeds their currently approved demand of 60 - 70,000 gallons per day. In view that the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, several questions come to mind: a. Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase of 300% over and above the existing approved use. b. Is the timing for this proposed re-development near-term or far-term? This has a significant bearing on the consumptive use requirements. c. An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the service main network in the area. Is the applicant willing to pay for this as required by Chapter 26 of the LDC? FIRE Comments: NONE ---------~~---~. --~-_.._----_.- 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 12/10/02 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT POLICE Comments: NONE , ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided , ~\'I03 regarding the proposed modification to determine potential engineering impacts. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 5. All exterior elements shall comply with the Florida Building Code for handicap accessibilitv. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 6. The plans indicate that there will be no residential units in this portion of the development. If there are residential units in future phases they will be subject to the Park and Recreation Facilities Impact Fee. 7. Concurrent with future phases of this development the City would be interested in developing a GreenwaylBikeway area along the canals to the south and west of this pronertv. FORESTER/ENVlRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 8. Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 9. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. 10. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with Chapter 23, Article II.H. Also, show the access points to collector and 15t REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification ".- ? f'~tl<l0.~/ Project name: Motorola File number: MPMD 02.{)04 Reference: I "review olans identified as Master Plan Modification with a November 14. 2002 Planning and ZoninO" Denartment date stamn markin". DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: NONE PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regardin" the orooosed modification to determine ootential traffic imoacts. UTILITIES Comments: 2. No utility plan was included with this submittal, therefore the Utilities Department considers this plan incomplete as submitted. However this proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is available. Weare providing only a cursory review of the master plan as submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility plan has been submitted. 3. Contemplated uses as previously submitted in their NOPC #1, indicate offices, retail, commercial, self-storage, restaurant and residential. The Utilities Department has previously indicated that the anticipated total water demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day far exceeds their currently approved demand of 60 - 70,000 gallons per day. In view that the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, several questions come to mind: a. Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase of 300% over and above the existing approved use. b. Is the timing for this proposed re-development near-term or far-term? This has a significant bearing on the consumptive use requirements. c. An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the service main network in the area. Is the applicant willing to pay for this as required by Chapter 26 of the LDC? FIRE Comments: NONE i. 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Master Plan Modification '. -1..\. /)<~. / ,\ / " "V .I /--{_. \:r Project name: Motorola File number: MPMD 02-D04 Reference: l"review plans identified as Master Plan Modification with a November 14.2002 Planning and Zonina Denartment date stamn markina. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: NONE PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regarding the proposed modification to determine potential traffic impacts. UTILITIES Comments: 2. No utility plan was included with this submittal, therefore the Utilities !\. Department considers this plan incomplete as submitted. However this proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is / I _.~ available. Weare providing only a cursory review of the master plan as f. ._-.~-- submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility r _' f../ plan has been submitted. 3. Contemplated uses as previously submitted in their NOpe #1, indicate offices, retail, commercial, self-storage, restaurant and residential. The lv, Utilities Department has previously indicated that the anticipated total water demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day far exceeds their currently approved demand of 60 - 70,000 gallons per day. In view that the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, several questions come to mind: l.> , a. Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase of '>i.::....-.. r 300% over and above the existing approved use. b. Is the timing for this proposed re-development near-term or far-term? This has a significant bearing on the consumptive use requirements. c. An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the service main network in the area. Is the applicant willing to pay for this as required by Chapter 26 of the LDC? FIRE Comments: NONE Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: R. Duke Woodson fax#: 407-648-1743 date: December 10, 2002 from: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner re: 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS FOR Motorola PID Master Plan Modification Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC scheduled for Tuesday, January 7, 2002. 1. Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statementsl comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted); 2. Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments; ( i.e. traffic analysis, engineering certification, etc.) 3. Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans ( this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting );and 4. Submit reductions (8 y, X 11) for the proposed site plans, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and public presentation). Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 The applicant should not attend a TRC (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff review. If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled TRC meeting, contact Lusia Galav in this office by the Thursday prior to the scheduled meeting date. Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings, which are held every Tuesday. To reschedule, contact Sherie Coale, by the Thursday prior to the Tuesday TRC meeting that you desire to attend. The remainder of the review schedule will be adjusted accordingly. If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the respective reviewer using the attached list ofTRC representatives. If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed following TRC (2nd review), the project is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board Meeting that falls approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TRC meeting. An "*,, by any comment identifies a comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and Development board. Note: Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from the Palm Beach County drainage certification by a licensed engineer, signed "Rider to Site Plan Application" form and colored elevations ofthe proposed project. This information is necessary for the project to proceed. If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note. DEPARTMENT REPRESENT A TIVE REPRESENT A TIVES' PHONE FAX DESIGNEE Engineering John Guidry Laurinda Logan 742-6201 742-6482 Building Don Johnson Timothy Large 742-6352 742-6352 Fire Department Steve Gale Bob Borden 742-6602 364-7382 Rodger Kemmer 742-6753 742-6357 Police Department Marshall Gage John Huntington 737-6167 737-3136 Utilities Pete Mazzella H. David Kelley Jr. 742-6401 742-6488 Public Works-General Larry Quinn Laurinda Logan 742-6206 742-6482 Public W orks- Traffic Jeffrey Livergood Laurinda Logan 742-6201 742-6482 Parks & Recreation John Wildner 742-6227 742-6233 Forester/Environmentalist Kevin Hallahan Kevin Hallahan 742-6267 742-6259 Planning & Zoning Michael Rumpf, Lusia Galav 742-6262 742-6259 CHAIRMAN Revised 01/14/02 S:\Planning\SHAREDIWP\PROJECTSIMolorola DRl\MPMD 02-004\lst Review comments FAX COVER.doc TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 12/10/2002 1&:29 NAME FAX TEL SER.K BROE2J409484 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 12/10 1&:27 91407&4817430332& 00:02:10 05 OK STANDARD ECM TRC Memorandum Page 1 of 1 Coale, Sherie =-==--='---'=-=-==== From: Hallahan, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 200211:13 AM To: Coale, Sherie Cc: Galav, Lusia Subject: 02-Plan.doc PJ3nnjll-i.Memorandum: Forester! EnvimIlmentalist To: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner From: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist Subject: Motorola PID Master Plan Modification- 151 Review MPMD 02-004 Date: December 10, 2002 I have no comment on the Master Plan Modification application for this site. Kjh File 12/10/2002 MOTOROLA DRI MPMD 02-004 1st Review Planning December 10, 2002 Provide a survey at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Provide a plot plan at 24 inches by 36 inches in size. Indicate the width of all access points to ensure their compliance with Chapter 23, Article II.H. Also, show the access points to collector and arterial streets showing their compliance to the access requirements (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.K.). Indicate the location, names and elevations of adjacent subdivisions, if any (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.E.). Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by appropriate agencies (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.P.). Submit a traffic impact analysis not more than six (6) months old, prepared by a professional engineer (Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3.S.). S:\Planning\Sharcd\Wp\Projecls\Motorola DRI\MPMD 02_004\Planning 1 st review.doc ~.. . ':. .""""'- " '. ... , , h ,( , /. ) '>,,,,~ ".--<,,': ' I'i()"j /' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-240 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning DATE: RE: December 3, 2002 FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Civil Engineer Review Comments Motorola PID Master Plan Modification - 1 st Review File No. MPMD 02-004 The above referenced Site Plans, received on November 20, 2002, were reviewed by representatives from Public Works, Engineering and Utilities against the Master Plan requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Following are the comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LDR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS. GENERAL No comments at this time. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regarding the proposed modification to determine potential traffic impacts. ENGINEERING No comments at this time. Insufficient information has been provided regarding the proposed modification to determine potential engineering impacts. UTILITIES 1. No utility plan was included with this submittal, therefore the Utilities Department considers this plan incomplete as submitted. However this proposed master plan modification is located where utility support is available. We are providing only a cursory review of the master plan as submitted at this time. Additional comments will be required after a utility plan has been submitted. Department of Public Works, Engineering Division Memorandum No. 02-240 Re: Motorola PID, Master Plan Modification _1st Review December 3, 2002 Page Two 2. Contemplated uses as previously submitted in their NOPC #1, indicate offices, retail, commercial, self-storage, restaurant and residential. The Utilities Department has previously indicated that the anticipated total water demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day far exceeds their currently approved demand of 60 - 70,000 gallons per day. In view that the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, several questions come to mind: a. Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase of 300% over and above the existing approved use. b. Is the timing for this proposed re-development near-term or far-term? This has a significant bearing on the consumptive use requirements. c. An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the service main network in the area. Is the applicant willing to pay for this as required by Chapter 26 of the LDC? LUck Xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Parks Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Engineering (via e-mail) File S:\Engineerlng\Kribs\Motorola PID, Master Plan Mod. 1st Review.doc ,~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-279 TO: FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning Timothy K. Large ~ TRC Member/Building Divi . h V P\ DATE: November 22,2002 SUBJECT: Project - MOTOROLA PID File No. - MPMD 02-004 The Building Division has no issues with this site plan modification. All exterior elements shall comply with the Florida Building Code for handicap accessibility. TKL:rs S/Oevelopment/Building Code Administrator/TRC/02/Motorola PIO Page 1 of 1 ~~. PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #02-87 TO: FROM: Mike Rumph, Planning and Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Director W Barbara Meacham. Parks aiLandscape Planner cc: RE: Motorola PID DEe - 2 ?rr; '--u,/:. Date: December 2, 2002 The Parks Department has reviewed the plans for the Motorola PID. The following comments are submitted: 1. The plans indicate that there will be no residential units in this portion of the development. If there are residential units in future phases they will be subject to the Park and Recreation Facilities Impact Fee. 2. Concurrent with future phases of this development the City would be interested in developing a Greenway/Bikeway area along the canals to the south and west of this property. JW CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ~ TO: Michael W. Rumpf DATE: Dir. of Planning & Zoning 12/01/02 FILE: MPMD 02-004 FROM: Off. John Huntington Police Department CPTED Practitioner SUBJECT: REFERENCES: Motorola Pill Site Plan ENCLOSURES: I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments: No Comments ~ ill II II I llil,'ij',"il111Iiiiii".iil i~ I 1.1: j,.IUUfIIl,"lfIill ! '1Iljilll....I~'I,il..'1 ~ I ilj'lllil,.1111 11'11.!li! ~ II !11i!li.II'ii,iliiiiilii!I' IIM,11 l'lli"ij'j! i illlljl,I,li,i'il"lil!l!iiilll,'r!! , ill' 1" I ,1.1" II, II illlll!I~I'lllillll~ll, ! I II ,i!flllli;iil!!!I'lilliilij' " I I il l'II,I".!!llll!.!!li!l!l! I ' II Ii I 1111111111111111111 I III nr I i I if ! 1;+ It i I . I I I i -------- :< ,., j:!- ill ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ I d~ I h I ! '1111 I 'II ,I! ! p ;1, 1111 III Ill' I i 'i Ii 1111'1 Iii II. i dh "i 111,11111111 !!I II ! !Iil !II ,linn.., .......- ~=-I-4 ~ __ :::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::---- i! --. ----- . ..-...-- ---. -- . < < . L DID I -- ---- --- =-=-======~ l -~- -!1. -- . JnIfJAJ"'W;'"i'l\O"O::l .....-..r.1__~ .-. I '....... .~ ! ; ; ~ I.' ItI 4 .....il. Iff iij ~i. !I~ '1, , .,1 Ill.,!.. ' 1<1 .~~ j" ~f mw:. ~ fJ 'J:," ;l.! IE'i.B ~IJ ,Et' hi ~ "lit ',," IUf;~};"' " II I I li~J,G. fu .,liIlIIil351riiilll g..ol.lj"nllodls... -'III ~ i!l :4 ,I ~ _.~. . r:.J . i~. ;;1 -~"it c!ll.!im ~ ~ ~ .- f ~i ~. ~~ ;~ I ~ . < L II: Ii :11 II IS! , , . , , , . , . 'I & ! I I I ! -- ----:.":.- "':.... DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02.270 TO: TRC MEMBERS ~odger Kemmer, Fi, ~ rrotecli(jfl E;Rgin8sr Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ~hn Huntinoton Delie.v E)eparummt ......,. Ddvid Kellt:y JI., Utilities D0~Q.rtmint _ Timothy K. LargE'! 1'1, lileliflg Divi"i6A- I<eflllall, (Cfl@iAeeriA€l) Pl,Isli" wQrk. G'i'Aeral Jfiffre) Liv"ryuud, F"ubllc worKs LJlrector- Iraffic Jot:ln \NildFlsr, p~rk~ Divisinn__'---- biPlriRa8 Logo.., Ellyillt:t:liIlY Dt:JJculIllent Lusia Galav, Planning Department Michael W. Rump.1{Jr Director of Planni~rfu Zoning FROM: DATE: November 19, 2002 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - Master Plan Modification Project - Motorola PID Location - 1500 W. Gateway Boulevard Agent R. Duke Woodson - Foley & Lardner File No. MPMD 02-004 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced proje.ct. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments. CQmment ade available via e-mail to Sherie Coale and I no later than 5:00 P.M. on fruesda December 2002. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two catego . e eficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental impro-..ements. Page 2 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate mc Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Sherie Coale and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e- mail. Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members. MWR:lg Attachment XC: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Assistant Dir. Of Utilities To Be Determined,Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Central File S:\Planning\SHAREOIWP\PROJECTS\Motorola DRI\MPMD 02-004\TRC Memo br 1st Plans Review.doc Revised 1/14/02