CORRESPONDENCE I' ! ITom Clark FROM perry'~e~na -, TO City Planner SUBJECT:~:l-a:_Plut Document-------.-...----------~___.DATE: ){}/24/flO _ FOLD -+ 'fhe consultants for Motorola Have requested that the City staff conduct an in-house rcvie,.[ of the proposed HotorolajPID platting document as noted in the attached letter from llichael Sparr to myself. The corar:lents received v;ill -L.'1en be incorporated in a future submission. 'L'o that end, you Hill find accolilvanyincf this "'emo a copy of the subject docurnent. If you have any comments to maJ:e, please make them in wri tinl~; So tha..t they may be easily fot"vr3.rdcd. Thank you. l CSI" i;f t3nc. cc: R~ fanu<J<'\i '''I. , H.r J SIGNED // REPLY /5~." c /" . j Jv/"zl-' ,/ / " !,tf..., / , I /,';, / / /~ l~-t/Y!;l DATE: SIGNED '7' .,' .,,=----, /./, /". ~'/ / { . I /'\A_ - .' , i - GRAVARC co., INC., BROOKLYN, N. V. 11232 .>~ ~' . [Jails)'. F()t()PA~ lAc. land surveyors, planners, engineers October 17, 1980 Mr. Carmen Annuniziato, City Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Motorola P.I.D. (79-203 D) Dear Mr. Annuniziato: Pusuant to a request by Michael Holleman of Heery and Heery Architects, and Engineers, Inc. I am enclosing six (6) copies of the proposed Motorola plat for in-house review by the City of Boynton Beach. Should there be any questions please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, Michael F. enclosures ls . . . 102. So.MI',taryJrall.W..,,..lma.oc",florWo.33406.,,-.305INS..787. . . DEPARTIVIEI'lT of VETERAN and COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Division of Local Resource Management -NOTICE- Tax CrGcit for Businesses Up to 50% 'T"'n" 'C80 ;"O""'..;~- iec::-1;:;-u-o ~-s-~.... i.oC'~-"!--':on ""Of-l"':r":a' .. __ ~_ .. _ _ .-\.-.:::. .:...l :=1_'::'__1- _ _ .:-rc:. 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Y8~ crg~~~=~~~~~ ~=s~~e , , : '''':'::--::: 2:- " ' :.::=:: :":::~ -: ~:;:-~ , ~^..-:::.. ~ -= : M=. ~~~ly Jcr~s~~, Cc~~~~:~y ~eve:~~~e~~ S~ec:~:i$~- ~t~i~~~~-~~e2~c~f ;:~~~;~==~~::~~~~~~~~Y A~:=:.rs 257: ~zec~~:ve Ce~:e~ C~~~~e, ~2S~ 72::~~~ssee, =:O~~C2 323Jl (3GL:.) ~33-:~35 Bureau of Housing and Community Development (904) 488,1536'488-3581 2571 Executive Center Circle. East. Tallahassee. Florida 32301 1-800,342,9276 \i];~ '" ., ~ DEPARTMENT of VETERAN and COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Division of Local Resource Management , City Mayors/County Commission ,Chairmen / Local Government Officials tEl) 19~1 -,....r:J; .~~'~ -'".. .. '> ~::-:n:...". c~~iC'.:., TI1e 1980-81 ~lorida Leg~slatu=e ~assed t~lO new :ax c~edit laws that ""..... .~.-~..._-... --~"::Q ,...:.:......Q -"- .::.-....:_-~....,. ,--." r---- ~.:-- ..,....,..;,:::::....... ,....O''l'''''+-..:, T".,.... ....: .:.....Y'- __.....l..4.__ ~..o~_......... ~..:..__cv ....en......:._,...w \.,ov yell: c,...Il:...;.;~LlJ."1_\.,ol. vu....._... ____...2....n :-'_o,,_s~........~ c~ ~he ~aws of ?lorida, business f~=~s for tbe f~rst ~~~e c~, cla~ill ~ax c~edit5 ~gains~ state corpora"e income taxes in one or both of the follow- L"":.g a:eas: l) T~x Credits for New Jobs; This bill institutes an econo~ic rev~talization job creation credit against the corporate ~~co~e tax to businesses which employ residents of.sl~ or blighted areas. 2) Tax Crecit fer ~~w or EXDanced 3usinesses; This bill pro- vides for an economic revi~aliza~io~ cax incentive credit to be ellowed against the c~r?ora~e inco~e tax to new businesses or ex- p~~sion of existing busi~esses located in slu~ or cl~shted a~e2S. Who Is i:01'; C'.; ~1.o. ---....C')_u_... ~ A county or munic~pality that has p~ssed a resolution ceclari~g cer- ~c.':"':1 2.:-ecs of :;he cOl7'J:lt:..""1icy. as. SlUlil or c.l.ig~ted (as set :"'oroth in C:1ar:-cer- ,;~ ?~~~ -_-_-_' o~ ~'"~.;~a S.a~~l~.es) .~ e'~-~~1.o. to -OCQ~~IO the 'CC~Q~~~~ _....,." _ __ ~ _ ... _.......:.. ..L.(_ ..., ",,1..1."" ~.., __;:;_u__ .;.. '- ....._ '- .&... .............. _....... -:::e-s~ ;:"(>~:'9..r::s ~9..l~ -::c ,:,:":;:""er. Also, 2.?:'..Y ous::.~ess or :or~o!""3..ti.cn t::2.-::: '_')' ..........c-er--:.. c.......:::......-::l~:::)s 2) i- c......,....;-c:::.T":".,...';::l'"-.:""- .....o.;oc'::l.....;...,- c- 3) of"S. 5....?......'"-.;.'l- ""'__~ .l..._,./ ........~_I,..o._, _~ ""'L/.l,..o;;;...U...:._v ....... ~... ...._../.:::...,.1. .1_..... ....._~ J '..=- -=-: a cc..~..:":':::':jr ...~.~::.~n ::2.5 r:-.2...:.e suc~ a. ,::..:=~l2..:""a.::.:..on C2.:: be~e1."'i~. Local Gcver~~e~ts 201e T~';it~:cu'C ~ue5\:.:.on, :lCU a.:-e :::e u:ost i:::port2.r~..c s:ep :..n th:.s en"c:.:"'e ;:-'2- cess. It is ~e~ess2.:""Y fo:" you to ~n:or~ th~s De~ar~~e~~ ~s to :~e ~ecessc~Y ac::.ons ~2~e~ ~~ yc~~ C0~~~~~:Y "C~ e~~b:e b~s:..nesses ~o C:2~~ the :ax :~~s- _~~. :e;a~~=e~~ ~~:e ~~-:~ e~;:2~~S ~C~ a~~ :a~ te ~~:a:.~e~ ~5 ~e5~~i~ed te:=~. "~ v~ ~~ 6"" 2.CC:"':'-:: obt2..:..::i::g ., ' e.. ::. 2- 5:' €:'. 2. : :. .:-~_ ::'-'.' f'7"1.-, ~,-.... '": .. .."".\ ......... .-........ ,j I~ you ~o~~i ::.~e .- -~ ~ece:..ve f~~~~er :..~format~on and ~ater~al ~e~~~~~~~ -::::':"5 ?ros!'2.::-~, cc~t2.C:': =:2.:,,:;'~:o Jo~:::.5c:"., Co::-_-:-_t.:...~::'ty :ev~2.op::e!':t: S~ec':'2.:':'3t :~e :2;~:~e~~ ~~ Ve:e~~ 2.~~ :c~~~.:.:y ~:~~:.~s J:.v:..s:..c:: 0:"' :"cCE..l ?esc:..:.:-:;e :':2.:-.2.;e:::e:'~'C 25-: ~xe=~::..~~ :2~~a~ :~~::2, ~a5t "':"l ~ - ., :;:. .,_ ~ _ - - ..::::. _.-...... ~ ...... -; - ~.""\ - / :' "I.:.:.' ..!.:. : _ -: .::: ~ .: _____.._;:.;:;.c'_, ,_-''''_'-~ c:....._ I........ / __v _.-' .... Bureau of Housing and Community Developlnent (904) 488,1536 '488,3581 2571 Executive Center Circle. East. Tallahassee. Florida 32301 . 1,800,342,9276 ~ Coun~ ELL~ator John C. Sansbury BS'drd of County Commissioners Dennis P-, Koehler, Chairman Frank Foster, Vice-Chairman Peggy B, Evatt Norman Gregory Bill Bailey ,~~_ ../d'iA-/ f~6"Ea BY BOi\RO -1l.1 I . NOV 2~'~ Depa: tment of Engineering and Public Works H, F, Kahlert County Engineer /} I /N"U~"~~ ~ r.C-: CAL/rrJN r; fU 1Jt;.1/"r,~ - - DEe 5 1980 November 25, 1980 Honorable Dennis P. Koehler Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners Subject: Report concerning State of Florida, Department of Commerce Economic Development Funding for Congress Avenue and Bee Line Highway Commissioners: As you are aware in August 1980 the Board of County Commissioners, on behalf of Motorola and Pratt & Whitney, applied for State economic development funds for the 4 laning of Congress Avenue'and Bee Line Highway, respectively. On October 29 Mr. Stephen Albee, Director of the Division of Economic Development informally met with members of the Board of County Commissioners to outline what conditions he felt would be attached to the grants awarded by the Economic Development Road Fund Committee. Mr. Albee indicated he would recommend to his Committee that a grant be made available as follows: 1. For congress avenue, $l Million immediately and $1 Million after adoption of the State budget in July 1981, provided that Palm Beach County match the grant dollar for dollar. We have received notification (attachments) from Mr. Albee as to the outcome of the two applications: 1. No funding approved for improvements to State Road 710 (Bee Line Highway) from State Road 809 to State Road 706. 2. Funding approved in the amount of $l Million for the 4 laning of Congress Avenue along with an assurance that it is their intent to fund an additional $1 Million with anticipated second year funds. The second year funding is also qualified with assurances to Palm Beach County that should the economic development second year funds not be budgeted, the Florida Department of Transportation would fulfill this obligation. ~) .J X 2...::' ~ WEST PAUli BEACH, FLORiD,", 33402 (3051 684,2460 Page 2 While the notification letter on Congress Avenue did not entirely detail Mr. Albee's informal comments made on October 29, it is understood that 1. Motorola must be "in the ground" within 180 days, and 2. Palm Beach County is to fulfill the D.R.I. concern by matching dollar for dollar the necessary amount to construct Congress Avenue from West Boynton Road to 22nd Avenue North. Several alternatives are available for Palm Beach County to explore, they are 1. Provide the cash match by adjusting this fiscal year's capital budget. 2. Attempt to negotiate with the developers of the adjacent property (De Bartola Mall) in an effort to accelerate their committment to make improvements to the road system, in particular Congress Avenue. The estimated highway expenditures required of De Bartola in accord- ance with the zoning approval of 24~ is worth $1.6 Million (see attachment) 3. Wait until budget workshops for F.Y. 1981/82 and include the $2 Million in the budget at that time. Of the three alternatives, number one would not accelerate the $4 Million con- struction since the State will not have its funds available prior to July of 1981. Alternative number two, after numerous meetings the developer appears, that aside from having development problems, to be in a wait ,and see posture. (See Attachment). Alternative number three appears to be the only clear cut alternative. This report is submitted for your review and direction. Sincerely, . I /" '--/ /'fa/ f,/ .~(/ 'rj')k<;// ~j'L (/) ,.- I l I ~v "'t. H. F. Kahlert, P.E. County Engineer HFK:d Attachments , C~ , 1ff:/c -- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Division of Economic Development CollinS Building, ~allahassee 32301 November 7, 1980 Mr. Dennis P. Koehler, Chairman Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners Post Office Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Dear M~: /)~ We are delighted to inform you that the Economic Development Road Fund Committee has recommended your project, to four-lane the presently existing two-lane highway providing access to Motorola, Inc., for funding the amount of $1,000,000. It is our intent to fund $1,000,000 out of the second year should the Legislature appropriate monies to us. Should this money not be approved, the Department of Transportation has agreed to fulfill the state's obligation for the second year. However, we must caution that this funding is contingent upon various commitments, agreements, and events which must take place prior to the letting of contracts and transfer of funds. The law requires the Division of Economic Development to transfer the funds on a project-by-project basis to the Depart- ment of Transportation once contracts have been awarded. To this end, the Department of Transportation district office will soon be in touch with the appropriate party. to this application to work out all details in order to expedite the completion of this proJcess. ,," .;'~ ... , '- ;i' , . We certainly hope that a successful agreement can be ,,Aeached .,between al,l parties. - . , ,-.., . ~ .- ;-, III :- .:. .' ~ . . SA/me' . cc: Mary Lou Lackey, Motorola, Inc. Bureau of Economic Analysis 904/487.2568 Bureau of Trade Development 904/488.9050 BureJu of Industry Development 904/488.9360 Bureau of Area Development 904/488.9357 Director's Office ?04/488.6300 -- --'.-'-- - ---------,------- ._--~-~--~~--_...~..,_.--~- Mr. Dennis P. Koehler -- Page two November 7, 1980 cc: (continued) Bill Rose, Secretary, Department of Transportation Jay Brown, Director of Road Operations, Department of Transportation Senator Harry A. Johnston, II Senator Philip D. Lewis Senator Don C. Childers Senator George A. williamson Senator Van B. Poole Senator James A. Scott Representative C. Fred Jones Representative William G. Myers Representative Ray Liberti Representative Eleanor Weinstock Representative James L. Watt Representative Edward J. Healey Representative Gene Campbell Representative Thomas F. Lewis Harold Stayman, Jr. vice President Economic Council of Palm Beach County 4,,',tfb ffvl. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Division of Economic Development Collins Building, 'Tallahassee 32301 November 7, 1980 Mr. Dennis Koehler, Chairman, Palm Beach Board of County Commissioners Post Office Box 1989 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Dear ~::D~ It is with regret that we must inform you the Economic Development Road Fund Committee did not recommend the proposed improvements to State Road 710 from State Road 809 to State Road 706 project for funding. As you probably know, we had requests in excess of $52 million and an available fund of $7 million. All the applications represented very worthwhile projects, and the committee had a most difficult decision. We do appreciate your application and regret that funding was insufficient. III SA/me cc: W. T. Dwyer, Vice President, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group Bill Rose, Secretary, Department of Transportation Jay Brown, Director of Road Operations, Department of Transportation Senator Harry A. Johnston, II Senator Philip D. Lewis Senator Donnell C. Childers Senator George A. Williamson Senator Van B. Poole Senator James A. Scott Bureau of Area Development 904/488.9357 Bureau of Economic Analysis 904/487,2568 Director's Office ?04/488.6300 Bureau of Trade Development 904/488.9050 8ureau of Industry Development 904/488.9360 " . Mr. Dennis Koehler Page two November 7, 1980 cc: (continued) Representative C. Fred Jones Representative William G. Myers Representative Ray Liberti Representative Eleanor Weinstock Representative James L. Watt Representative Edward J. Healey Representative Gene Campbell Representative Thomas F. Lewis Harold Stayman, Jr., Vice President, Economic Council of Palm Beach County " ~ Inter.'""ffice Communication PAl.M BUCH COUNTY .. . ro CQlMISSIONER NORMAN R. GREGORY DATE November 18, 1980 District No. 4 FROM MR. H. F. KAflTF.RT, P.E. FILE Page 1 of 2 County Engineer . RE RESULTS OF MEETING WITH DEBARTOLO REPRESENTATIVES CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND ITS RELATION TO THE PROPOSED BOYNTON MALL On Wednesday. November 12. 1980, the following persons met to discuss the subject matter: David Curl Tom Marsicano Jon Moyle Robert Schreiber E. J. DeBartolo Corporation Greiner' Engineering (representing DeBartolo Corp.) Attorney-at-Law (representing DeBartolo Corp.) E. J. DeBartolo Corporation Pa~ Beach County: Robert Basehart Alan Kurtis, P.E. George Solana. P.E. Charles R. Walker. Jr., P.E. - Director, Planning, Building & Zoning Director, Land Development Assistant County Engineer Director. Traffic Division As part of Resolution No. R-78-l132 approving Zoning Petition No. 78-190. the following condition was imposed as part of the developmental approval of the proposed Boynton Mall: " '~etitioner shall construct Congress Avenue as a four-lane roadway with median from Access Road "E" through the intersection with New Boynton Road (SR-804)." plans for the construction of Congress Avenue from Boynton Road through N. W. 22nd Avenue are currently under preparation and that portion of Congress Avenue which the developer is committed to construct is included in these plans. DeBartolo's estimated share of the construction costs, or their portion of this project, is $1.6 million. At this meeting. it was proposed that DeBartolo pro- vide these funds to pabn Beach County to meet their obligation concerning Congress Avenue. These funds could then be used as a match against the State's $2 million Economic Development Funds which have been committed to Palm Beach County to serve the Motorola ,Corporation. The DeBartolo representatives indicated a willingness to cooperate with the County following this concept. However, at this time they do not have an approved site plan and must come back to the County for a number of revisions. There are also four large parcels between Congress Avenue and the Mall site which are currently zoned agricultural. The developer wishes to address these parcels and obtain appropriate zoning and developmental approvals concurrent with obtaining his final developmental approvals for the Mall. He indicated that when all these developmental approvals had been obtained so that there was no ques- tion as to his ability to proceed with the development of the Mall and the adjacent property, then at that time he would be willing to enter into negotiations concern- ing providing funding toward Congress Avenue. SIGNED Inter- ffice Communication . ~ALM BEACH COUNTY .. . TO COMMISSIONER NORMAN R. GREGORY DATE November 18, 1980 District No. 4 FROM MR. H. F. KARLERT, P .E. FILB Page 2 of 2 County Engineer RE RESULTS OF MEETING WITH DEBARTOLO REPRESENTATIVES CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND ITS RELATION TO nm PROPOSED BOYNTON MALI.. It is pointed out that when the developer applies for an amended site plan, the Board of County Commissioners will have the opportunity to readdress the conditions of approval and will have an opportunity to specifically address the cash contribution of monie s toward the developer's obligation for the construction of Congress Avenue in lieu of the condition as currently written. The developer indicated that it was his intent at this time to proceed with the Boynton Mall project. HF'K.:CRW:eu cc: Mr. Robert Basehart, Director Planning, Building & Zoning Mr. Alan Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division Mr. George Solana, Assistant County Engineer' Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division SIGNED Yt(/o./d,lfcZC- Bo\lrd of County Commissioners Dennis P. Koehler. Chairman Frank Foster, Vice-Chairman Peggy B, Evatt Norman Gregory Bill Bailey CountY Administrator John C, Sansbury Department of Engineering and Public Works H, F. Kahlert County Engineer October 28, 1980 Honorable Dennis P. Koehler, Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners Subject: Economic Development Road Fund Hearing -- Tallahassee - October 23, 1980 Commissioners: Last Thursday, on behalf of the Board, I appeared before the Committee who will decide how the $7 Million of Economic Development Road Funds will be allocated statewide. As the Board is aware, we made applications for two (2) projects, 4-Laning of Congress Avenue for Motorola and th& 4-Laning of Bee-Line (SR 710) for Pratt and Whitney. The Committee received a summary sideration of specific projects. follows: from "staff" of all 37 counties Palm Beach County's summary by requesting con- "staff" was as CONGRESS AVENUE: REQUEST _ 4-Laning of Congress Avenue for purposes of satisfying traffic rated impacts from Boynton Road West northwardly to the proposed Motorola Plant. The Department of Transportation of the State of Florida estimates construc- tion cost at $3.65 Million. The Applicant, Palm Beach County, is requesting a "match" of $1. 9 Million as 50% of the total construction cost. BEE-LINE HIGHWAY (SR 710) REQUEST _ 4-Laning of the Bee-Line Highway, phased in four (4) construction segments so as to alleviate serious conjestion of the major access facility. This would allow for continued economic growth of the Pratt and Whitney facility. The Florida Department of Transportation estimates the total con- struction cost for 19 miles of road to be approximately $12 Million of which the 1st segment is estimated at approximately $3 Million. The Applicant, Palm Beach County, is requesting a "match" of $1. 5 Million as 50% of the 1st construction segment. SOX 2,-,29 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684,2460 " , Realizing that the Board has not budgeted any sort of match for eithes Congress Avenue or the Bee-Line Highway, 1 emphasized that the application specifically did not anticipate or require a matching amount of local funds to qualify. As for the Congress Avenue application, I did indicate the committment and general understanding between the Board of County Commissioners and the State of Florida as per our Resolution Number R-79-1586 whereby the Resolution states the following: I} To immediately let a contract to a consultant at a cost of approximately $100,000 to prepare construction plans for the widening of Congress Avenue from N.W. 2nd Avenue to north of N.W. 22nd Avenue. 2} Upon the Department of Commerce funds being made available, the Board of County Commissioners would let and administer the appropriate contract for the widening of Congress Avenue from N.W. 2nd Avenue to north of N.W. 22nd Avenue. This would make a 4-lane, Congress Avenue facility available to Motorola concurrent with the opening of the first phase of the development in 1981. 3) Palm Beach County will proceed in a timely manner with the phased construc- tion of 4-laning Congress Avenue from north of N.W. 22nd Avenue to the existing 4-lane Congress Avenue at Lantana Road. This construction will be accomplished prior to the opening of Motorola's second phase currently scheduled for 1990. 1 indicated that Palm Beach County made it clear that its match was that indicated by Paragraph 3 above. The Committe~ appeared concerned over "my" position on the statement of "matching" and further 'concerned over the cost above the $2 Million as has been disscussed over the past 2 years. As to Bee-Line, I also indicated what 1 believe it is the Board's position to Not match any Economic Development Funds to aid in satisfying a long overdue state obligation (Le., 4-laning SR 710). Looking at this situation, I realize the Committee has a monumental task and with the small appropriation, in all probability, will not be able to fund the total construction"r!!quest~d. To this extent, :1 h~ve scheduled a~me:eting with the 'c local Florida Department of Transportation staff to outline a series of design modifications in an attempt to reduce the Congress Avenue improvements to the ex- tent possible. As for Bee-Line, likewise the Florida Department of Transportation should look ,at smaller projects if funds are not available to the desired amount. As we explained when we made application in August of this year, the $2 Million spokep of almost 2 years ago must be adjusted to reflect 2 years of'road construc- tion escalation at 20% a year and furthermore, the State required that the construc- tion improvements be designed and administered in accordance with the Florida Depart- ment of Transportation standards which adds at least 25 to 30% to the job. Realizing that Congress Avenue is a County Road, it is my recommendation that this Board willingly accept whatever amount is made available through this fund, provided however, that there is no requirement for 100% matching by the County. If successful, we will again redesign and work towards constructing whateverimprov.ements the funds . will support. Sincerely, H. F. Kahlert, P. E. __._,_~m1:.."'" t:'...._-:____ __.________ I Board of County Commissioners \1 D.~nis?, Koehler, Chairman Fr?'nk, FOHer, Vice-Chairman Peggy B. Evatt l\!orman Gregory Bill Bailey ~~ \~?l9 County Administrator John c. SiJn~~)ury Department of Engin~erjng and Pub! ic Works H, F, Kahlert County Engineer Honorable Dennis P. Koehler, Chairman and Members of the Board of County Commissioners October 28, 1980 U-ve[" 1'7//11 / ( .~ Subject: Economic Development Road Fund Hearing -- Tallahassee - October 23, 1980 Commissioners: Last Thursday, on behalf of the Board, I appeared before the Committee who will decide how the $7 Million of Economic Development Road Funds will be allocated statewide. , , ! J I I I I As the Board is aware, we made applications for two (2) projects, 4-Laning of Congress Avenue for Motorola. and the 4-Laning of Bee-Line (SR 710) for Pratt and lfui tney . The Committee received a summary sideration of specific projects. =ollows: from "staff" of all 37 counties requesting con- Palm Beach County's summary by "staff" was as CONGRESS AVENUE: REQUEST - 4~Laning of Congress Avenue for purposes of satisfying traffic rated impacts from Boynton Road West northwardly to the proposed Motorola Plant. The Department of Transportation of the State of F10rida estimates construc- tion cost at $3.65 Million. ~he Applicant, Palm Beach County, is requesting a "match" of $1.9 Mill~()n as 50% of the total construction cost. BEE-LI~E HIGHWAY (SR 710) REQUEST - 4-Laning of the Bee-Line Highf,./?Y, phas2d in four (4) constr1.:cticm segments so as to alleviate serious conjestion of the major access facility. This would allow for continued economic growth of the Pratt and Hhitney -facility. .The'Florida Department of Tr2nsportation estimates the tota1. con- structi,on cost for 19 miles of road to be approximately $12 Hillion of which ,the 1st segment is estimated at approximately $3 Hillion. The Applicant, Palm Be;>ch County, is requesting a "match" of $1.5 Million as 50% of the 1st construction segment. --..- I , i , I vr~l, ;~. , ,~', 'J ','.j c. ': I r- ,'" L :,' .:: ;':.:.-\ f,: [1 . ,- -'r::;------.--'.-----'--.----.' f- I C) :i. ; t)'\ J 3., (; 2 ----- i 305 ; G~~(t-2.160 " Realizing that the Board has not budgeted any sort of match for either Congress Avenue or the Bee-Line Highwa~I emphasized that the application specifically did not anticipate or require a matching amount of local funds to qualify. As for the Congress Avenue application, I did indicate the committment and general understanding between the Board of County Commissioners and the State of Florida as per our Resolution Number R-79-1586 whereby the Resolution states the following: I} To immediately let a contract to a consultant at a cost of approximately $100,000 to prepare construction plans for the widening of Congress Avenue from N.W. 2nd Avenue to north of N.W. 22nd Avenue. 2} Upon the Department of Commerce funds being made available, the Board of County Commissioners would let and administer the appropriate contract for the widening of Congress Avenue from N.H. 2nd Avenue to north of N.H. 22nd Avenue. This would make a 4-lane, Congress Avenue facility availabie to Motorola concurrent with the opening of the first phase of the development in 1981. 3) Palm Beach County will proceed in a timely manner with the phased construc- tion of 4-laning Congress Avenue from north of N.j,. 22nd Avenue to the existing 4-lane Congress Avenue at Lantana Road. This ~onstruction will ~e accomplished prior to the opening of Motorola's second phase currentlx scheduled for 1990. I indicated that Palm Beach County made it clear that its match "as that indicated by Paragraph 3 above. The Committee appeared concerned over "my" position on the statement of Itmatching" and further concerned over the cost above the $2 Million as has been disscussed over the past 2 years. As to Bee-Line, I also indicated what I believe it is the Board's position to Not match any Economic. Development Funds to aid in satisfying a long overdue stat~ obligation (i.e., 4-laning SR 710}. Looking at this situation, I realize the Committee has a monumental task and ~vith the small appropriation, in all probability, will not be able to fund the total construction requested. To this extent, I have scheduled a,me:eting with the. '," local Florida Department of Transportation staff to outline a series of design modifications in an attempt to reduce the Congress Avenue improvements to the ex- tent possible. As for Bee-Line, lik~wise the Florida Department of Transpor.tation shQuld look at smaller projects if funds are not available to the desired dr.:JQUnt. As He explained t.Jhen 'tle [ilade applic.:J.tion in Al1gust of tlnis year, the $2 }lillion spoke!" bf ::llmost 2 ye:irs ago must be adjusted to reflect 2 y~ars of road CDnstr:-nc- cion escalation at 20% a year and furthermore, the State required that th~ constr.uc- tion iwprovements be designed and administered in accordance '\:..rith the Florida Depa.:.-t- ment of Transportation standards <<hich adds at least 25 to 30% to the job. Realizing that Congress. Avenue is a County Road, it is my recommendation that this Board '\:"il1ingly accept '\:vhatever amount is .mad---e-available through this funu., p'covided hm.,rever, that there is no requirement for 100% matching by the County. If successful, '\:V'e tl1i.ll again redesign and work tm..rards constructing 't..rhatever improvements t'he ,-funds' will support. Sincerely, H. F. Kahlert, P. E. County Engineer d ..-, ~~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FL.ORIDA 3343!5 October 3lst, 1980 Mr. Michael F. Sperr, P.L.S. Dailey-Fotoray, Inc l028 So. Military Trail West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Dear Mr. Sperr: consistent with your request for an in-house review, you will find accompanying this letter, memos from Mr. Clark, City Engineer, Mr. Cessna, Utility Director and myself concerning the proposed plat for the Motorola Planned Industrial Development. The items addressed in these memos should be incorporated into your preliminary plat submission as well as all additional sub- division requirements. If this office can be of any additional service to ,you,please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Co-...,.._ .J c d7-::t:. Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner CSA:pf enc. cc: City Manager City Engineer Utili ty Dir. Central File , ----.-....---.---.---.....----...--.---...--------.-.----