REVIEW COMMENTS MEMORANDUM TO Peter Cheney City Manager DATE Feb. lB, 19B1 FILE ""ROM Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner !lUBJECT Department of Veteran and Community Affairs/Tax Credit Laws After speaking with Mr. Johnson of the Division of Local Resource Management, I believe that each of the three programs mentioned in the "In Brief" circular would be beneficial to the ~ity i~ willing corporate entity would agree to become involved. (_~otoroJ~comes to mind as they would naturally fit into a posture of hiring female heads-of-household for assembly work. It is a distinct possibility that a large proportion of their female assembly labor will be employed from the area north of NE/NW 2nd. Ave. and East of I-95. . I am awaiting additional information concerning this matter, and I asked Mr.Johnson to forward a more detailed report to Mo- torola. If any of the information that I receive leads me to a different conclusion, I will so advise. The next step may be to meet with representatives of Motorola. ~ I have also taken the liberty to forward a copy to the Chamber of Commerce to enlist their aid in informing the private sector public. CSA:mpc Ca......~ S-c Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner . -X ~ MEMORANDUM February l2, 1981 TO: carmen Annunziato / city planner RE: "In Brief" - Department of Veteran and community Affairs Would you please review the progransoutlined in the attached publication and let me know whether or not you think they are available or could be useful to Boynton Beach. /;~,,!(l I ~L L ' ,} ('" . eter L. Cheney , city Manager PLC: jc Attachment cc: Central File (Ih ,(},! Time M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City planner October 30, ~980 "(}C\3\)\~caQ I FROM: Tom Clark, City Engineer Re: Preliminary Drawings for Motorola Plant In addition to comments listed in your memo of October 27, 1980 I have comments as follows concerning the subject drawings: 1. The abandonment of the 3D-ft. right of way is being effected when and if the plat is approved and should be a consideration when reviewed. 2. The book and page numbers for properties shown as already deeded to the Lake Worth Drainage District should show book and page numbers of County records. 3. If the lift station is to be operated by the City the utility Department may want the site dedicated. 4. Approvals by the County will not be required and should be removed from the first sheet. 5. Spaces for seals should be identified as shown near the bottom of sheet 1. 6. Boynton is misspelled. Marked prints of the plat are returened herewith. - ~ ,Il- Tom Clark TAC:mb Attach. ---~~----"-,-,-,-------,,--'--'-------------'---~ .'.- oel 27\980 MEMORANDUM October 24. 1980 TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato ~ City Planner RE: Motorola plat Document I have reviewed this and find everything in order insofar as the utilities are concerned. G Cl~- perr~essna. Director of utilities PAC :apt MEMORANDUM TO The File DATE: 10/27/80 FILE F"OM SUBJECT City Planner proposed Motorola Plat I have reviewed the proposed plat for the Motorola PID and based on the submission offer comments as follows: 1. From a point approximately 700-ft from the new easterly right- of-way of Congress Avenue to the E-4 canal, the greenbelt should be expanded to 40-ft because the property to the north is zoned R-3; 2. The greenbelt along the Boynton Canal should be expanded to 40-ft because the property to the south is zoned RlAA; 3. The greenbelt should be dedicated to Motorola for development and maintenance pruposes; and, 4. The utility easements shown on the plat should be specifically dedicated to Boynton Beach among others. , c , ---" .J'C aii ~-~ Carmen S. Annunzi , City Planner cSA:pf cc: Tom Clark Perry Cessna Central File