CORRESPONDENCE 1-:2.7-03 ? " iY\o fcKJo- / C~rs"'" ,~yo j~c- t . D~ -- Suf=.-fz,.'r---n'oJ / &--:S(J&~~rdioJ T1:xetf2 Js~ (J-a Dns;-ry - oZo dLu (~c-...-~ fnt',?\"sf7jr - ?c, or use,; - '.' 0l1/:;fJ-Yj,C1-"I'- 'M ix..o <.Js<:... c(S-/ Na..)<. (.y e /<<-<Q.'ses 'YCc.<=s.s~ d.s Ah CFc."-ph'orv uses - 1'0.\K11 - ,', ~~'f-o:S , ,V'Zf fr-rrcsc-'r>t7y -ft- J'1a~. i'n ~nsHy Cc'VYl/;~';'~II.S;-./c. P~x.. -fe,1Vl;no7Y '" J~I K- C="",,-fy -- , ? ,~1It:J · y ~) 3) Pc f, ~I Z~/~J tlc>~ ~fi'j . . ". ,7\ C,~ --Q'C... "fro." (,S (0)--/ I rfI e:( ~,)r' f " K't?'1 -C- r Y<Z-fb"re 'f'"(',' cy .{",t r ZC,y1Y 11~ Bressner. Kurt Importance: Bressner, Kurt Tuesday, August 26, 2003 9:39 AM Greene, Quintus; Cherof, James Costello, Joyce; Lamanna, Rosemarie; Mann, Cynthia Option to DRI Approach. Motorola High From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Quintus and Jim, I'm going to fax you a copy of a ietter I received via Jim Comparato prepared by their iand use counsel. The consultants for Compson have been in contact with DCA on some newer rules that may have, applicability to the Motorola property, Jim C, would like to meet with Quintus and I to discuss how to proceed with the Mixed use component of the Motorola site. I think the outline of the proposai in the letter merits our serious consideration as it is also site specific. Please give this fax your earliest attention. If I can, I'd like to arrange a meeting later this week. Kurt 1 RUDEN MCCLClSKY SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, RA. 222 ~vmv ^VENUE SlJlUllOO WEST f"ALM 5tACt1. IlLOIUCA 33.01-6111 t561J&3a...45042 FAX; (56IL51~3""2 I<IM.ClA5CASTROO!lUOEN,COM ATTO~Nt~~ -\T LA'.,'V August 19, 2003 To: JlDI Comparato From: Kim Gw.Castro, AICP RE: Mixed Use Land Use Category versus DR! Policy It is my unders!llllding that staff has ~ommended that the current Mixed Use land use category be revised, or a new Mixed Use land use category be established to describe non- downtown mixed use projects, such 89 that contemplated at the Motorola Development of Regional Impact ("DRl"). A land use caregory oceds to be written for general applicability within the City limits. Minimum and maximum intensities should be broad to aid future implementation. When a land use plan amendment is proposed, the change in land use needli to be analyzed pUISuant to the criteria contained in Rules 9J-5 and 9J-1I, FA.C. These analyses are to be based on the 1I'",,;mnm inteosity allowed by the land use category. This maximum intensity is geneta1iy greater than that proposed for the site-specific project, and the result is over-estimation of impactS (higher traffic volumes, greater stUdent geucration, etC.). This over-estimation of impacts can lead to concerns from the County, Regional Planning Council and State agencies- which can "n"'""""''lllriIy hinder the City's land use Rm.."tIme'\1 process. Alternatively, establishment of a Development of Regional Impact objective allows specific policies to be adopted for each DR! within the City. The policies describe the specUics of the project (uses, densities, inlcllsities, special ~cs or conditions. etc.). The DR!'s original Application for Development Approval, Development Otdcr (as ..mpnilp-d), and Notice of Proposed Change ("NOPCj serve as the data and analysis for this type of comprehensive plan amendment. The teclmical review of the project, its impaclS and benefits, are evaluated through the NOPC process, rather than a generic analysis based on a definition of a land use category. The DRI objective, with policies for cad> DR! within the City, allows more flexibility in the future - the policy is revised with each NOPC to reflect the newly adopted development order modification. The analysis contained with the NOpe materials serves as the support documentation. This contraStS with teqUisite 9J- 519J-l1 criteria that must be analyzed to support a land use category modification or land use plan amendment request. Florida Department of Community Affairs ("DCA '"). COllllDwUty Planning Division staff has te"l\mmp"i1pd that the DR! objeetivelpolicies be pursued rather than another land use WPB,16]2J]" CARACAS. FT. WJOOlllAlJ: . MIAMI' NAI'I.fS. PORT Sf, LUm:.~TA'ST. PEmlSBU!lCi-TfoLLN1..sstE- TMlPA . WEST P.I1M BEACH Page 2 category. A n~ land use category is either going to be too specific, de!lCl'ibing the contemplated Motorola mixed use project SO specifically that it cannot be applied elsewhere in the City, thereby adding yet another land use category to the F\1tJ.Ire Land Use Plan that cannot be designated anywhere other than the Motorola site - or it is going to be too broad, thereby overestim..nng the impacts of the proposed project. A DR! objective with project-specific policies allows flexibility for modifications to existing ORIs, allows new DRIs to be governed with site-specific criteria, and provides the City with a means to adequately regulate projects without the typical hindrances of comprehensive plan constraints (i,e., reduces the need for comprehensive plan amendments that trigger oversight by other govemmenIS and agencies.) With over twelve years in,local govert1DlCDt comprehelwvc plAnning experience, I believe the DR! objective with project-specific policies is the approach that will provide the City the most flexibility, control and local authority over land use decisions related to Developments of Regional Impact. I suggest a meeting with smffto propose this approach. which may incllllie DCA staff participation by conference call. WP8:163Z33:1 CAAAOS' FT. LJo.UIlEROAlE' MJAMl. NAI'lfS. POlU ST. LUOE' Wl^SOT^ 'ST, PrrERSllURG' TAl.~' T/lMPA'WEST PAlM BEA01 MOTOROLA DR! NOPC Current Uses: 500 multi-family residential units 63,500 s.f. retail 450,000 s.f. office 128,000 s.f. industrial (warehouse) use Proposed Uses: 213,000 s.f. retail (includes 15,000 s.f. daycare) 247,800 s.f. office 1551 multi-family residential units and establishment of a Use Conversion Matrix: Office Industrial Multi-Familv 1000 sf office 1275 sf 2.7 du 1000 sf industrial 2.1 du 784 sf 1 multi-family du 368 sf 469 sf 1000 sf commercial 2216 sf 2826 sf 6.02 du WPB:164603:2 Commercial 451 sf 354 sf 166 sf Jt.....-t C"'~., LAN> USE6 M)(!![)lB!!00)4U4~ ~ tlSoCIOO8QI"I". CII'f"OI!! M7AOQIQ,..... M,LtH"AIr4.YIB. I7\UIJS I J,(J..T1.f",6M..YRI!8ll:ZNT1AL<4e.74ACR1l6 . M,l.TWW&T~ I 1,a7&DU8 r LEGEN) ~~.c::NOPC -@ _~.____-.rT._ __ ~ 1RAMC I>><< ... ....... '" """ .."., (~USI!Sw..YEE~ NJMCUt\U.. Y OIZ .. ca.eNA~"" - ~ , 131 I~n IliI I, . II i~! ~a:1 ~~~ gCIJI ~ ~ .., ... - ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-36 OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BY ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE RENAISSANCE COMMONS DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT. FORMERLY KNOWN AS MOTOROLA, 9Rl DEVELOPMENT ORDER; PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on October I, 1979, MOTOROLA, INC., (hereinafter sometimes referred to as Motorola) filed a Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval (hereinafter Application) with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach approved the Motorola Development of Regional Impact on June 3, 1975 by Ordinance No. 75-19, and subsequently amended by Ordinance 79-36, dated January 7,1980; and WHEREAS, Motorola proposed to develop a manufacturing development and administrative facility on approximately 90 acres, constituting a Comprehensive (Industrial and Office) Development of Regional Impact (DRI) on the following described real property located in Palm Beach County, Florida, described in Exhibit "A". WHEREAS, on December 17, 2002 the Citv Commission approved an amended DRI Development Order bv Ordinance 02-061. requested bv Maury 1. Carter & Associates, Inc.. to develop a mixed residential and supporting commercial use proiect within the vacant portion of the Propertv. WHEREAS, on , 2003 September 18, 2002, MalH)' 1. Carter & .^.sseeiates, Ine., Compson Associates of Boynton II. LLC, the new owner of the Property WPB:166567:1 (hereinafter referred to as Master Developer), filed a Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola Development of Regional Impact with the City of Boynton Beach, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, said Master Developer proposes to redevelop the Propertv with a mixed-use proiect to complement the approved residential uses, and to rename the proiect to Renaissance Commons DRI operate the existing emee, Y.'areheasing, ana manafaetaring ases eUFrently eJdsting en the PreJlerty ana te develeJl vaeant pertiens ef the PreJlerty as a mixed ase prejeet with residential dwellings ana sHJlJlElrting eemmereial uses; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida (hereinafter City Commission), the governing body of the local government having jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 380.031 and 380.06, Florida Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider Notices of Proposed Change; and WHEREAS, the public notice requirements of Section 166.041, Florida Statutes, and Section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes, have been satisfied and notice has been given to the Division of Community Affairs, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has on Deeember 17,2902, held a duly noticed public hearing on the Application and has heard and considered the testimony taken thereat; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has received and considered the report and recommendations of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; and 2 WPB:166567:1 WHEREAS, this City Commission has received and considered the report and recommendations of the Technical Review Committee and the Planning and Development Board ofthe City of Boynton Beach; and WHEREAS, this City Commission has made the following FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW with regard to the Application for Development Approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The foregoing Whereas clauses are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. That the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida makes the following findings of fact regarding the Notice of Proposed Change submitted by Compson Associates of Bovnton II, LLC MallrY L. Carter & ;\sseciates, lac., the "Master Developer" related to the Renaissance Commons. formerlv known as Motorola, Development of Regional Impact previously approved by Ordinance 79-36: FINDINGS OF FACT A. The proposed development is not in an area of critical state concern designated pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.05, Florida Statutes; B. A State Comprehensive Planning Document has been recognized by the legislature as an advisory policy document for the entire State of Florida, and the proposed development does not ullleasonably interfere with the achievement of the objective ofthis advisory policy document; C. The proposed amendment to the Development of Regional Impact (DRI) Development Order will be consistent with the corresponding amendment 3 WPB:166567:1 of the adopted comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach and are, or will be, consistent with local land development regulations, subject to conditions_outlined herein, and Section 7, Paragraph 10 of Appendix A of the Boynton Beach City Code; and 0, The proposed development will be consistent with the report and recommendations of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council submitted pursuant to Section 380.06(8), Florida Statutes. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW It is hereby determined by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, in a public meeting, duly constituted and assembled this _ day of ,20_, Htft day of Deeember, 2002, that the Notice of Proposed Change to the Renaissance Commons Motorola Development of Regional Impact submitted by the Master Developer is hereby ordered Approved, subject to the following provisions of this Ordinance and the Conditions of Approval attached hereto as Exhibit "C", and incorporated herein by reference. I. That this amended DRI Development Order shall constitute the Development Order of this Commission issued in response to the Notice of Proposed Change for the Renaissance Commons Moterola DRI filed by the Master Developer. 2. That the definitions found in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes shall apply to this amended DR! Development Order. 3. The Development Order shall be amended to include the following provisions: Conversion of 825,999 s(jtiare feet ef industrial and office land use entitlements to: m 1.551 multi-family residential units e3,500 213,000 square feet of retail commercial use 150,000247,800 square feet of office use 4 WPB:l&&5&7:1 128,000 sq\lare feet of iHEhwtrial (warehoHse) Hse Master Site Development Plan Amendment No. ~ -l-, as submitted to the City, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B", replaces and supersedes the Master Site Development Plan currently approved in the Development Order. Establishment ofa Use Conversion Matrix: Office Industrial Multi-Familv Commercial 1000 sf office 1275 sf 2.7 du 451 sf 1000 sf industrial 784 sf 2.1 du 354 sf I multi.familv du 368 sf 469 sf 166 sf 1000 sf commercial 2216 sf 2826 sf 6.02 du Uses approved by the DRI Development Order may be changed pursuant to the conversion factors contained in the Use Conversion Matrix, subiect to a limitation of 30%, increase or decrease, from the approved use intensity. without the need for modification to the DRI Development Order. Use conversions shall be reported each year in the Renaissance Commons DRI Annual Report. 4. That this amended DRI Development Order shall be binding upon the Master Developer and its assignees or successors in interest. It is understood that any reference herein to any governmental agency shall be construed to mean any future instrumentality which may be created and designated as successor in interest to, or which otherwise possesses any of the powers and duties of any referenced governmental agency in existence on the effective date of this amended DRI Development Order. 5 WPB:166567:1 5. That in any event that any portion of section of this amended DR! Development Order is determined to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions or sections of this amended DR! Development Order, which shall remain in full force and effect. 6. That the approval granted by this amended DR! Development Order is conditional. Such approval shall not be construed to obviate the duty of the Master Developer to comply with all other applicable local or state permitting procedures. 7. The amendments proposed by the Master Developer do not create any additional impacts and therefore do not constitute a substantial deviation under Chapter 380.06, Florida Statutes (1996). 8. That this amended Development Order shall remain in effect for a period of 30 years from the date of its rendition, up to and including January 7, 2010, provided that this effective period be extended by this Commission upon a finding of excusable delay in any proposed development activity and that conditions have not changed sufficiently to warrant further consideration of the development. In the event the Master Developer fails to commence significant physical development within four years from the date of rendition of this amended DR! Development Order, development approval shall terminate and the development shall be subject to further consideration. Significant physical development shall mean site clearing and foundations for the facility. 6 WPB:166567:1 9. Actual development phasing will depend upon economic circumstances and Master Developer's internal business growth. The proposed development as described in the Notice of Proposed Change to the Renaissance Commons Meterela DRI are for planning purposes only and the actual development schedule may vary therefrem. 10. The amended DRI Development Order set forth in Section 1 -l- hereof shall become effective upon adoption as a part of the Ordinance rezoning a portion of the subject preperty frem Planned Industrial Development (PID) te and Community Commercial (C-3) to Suburban Mixed Use District (SMU) and amending the land use designation for a portion of the subject preperty from Industrial te and Local Retail Commercial to Development of Regional Impact (previded such date shall be extended until completion of appellate precedures, if any, relating to the issuance ofthis amended DRI Development Order.) II. Copies of this Ordinance incorporating the amended DRI Development Order, rezoning a portion of the subject property to Suburban Mixed Use District (SMU) CommllRity Commercial (C 3) and amending the land use designation of a pertieR ef the subject preperty to Development of Regional Impact Leeal Retail Cemmereial shall be transmitted immediately by certified mail to the Division of Community Planning, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Master Developer. 12. Except as otherwise amended herein, the Development Order shall remain in full force and effect. 7 WPB,166567,' Secti on 3. That the following described land located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, (approximately ~ 85.554 acres) is subject to the successful Land Use Plan fdfleH8mSnt and Rezoning, which is contingent on will oeelH after review and approyal of the DRI-related Land Use Plan Amendment by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs: ALL THAT PART OF THE PLAT OF MOTOROLA, A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGE 139 OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS. Remainder of legal description contained in Ordinance 02-061 omitted due to length (to be deleted and replaced with new legal description:) ~ f~ommencing the Northeast comer of said plat of MOTOROLA, said point lying 50.00 feet ,y,V\ ~outh of, as measured at right angles to the centerline of NW 22nd Ayenue and lying on the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4: thence from said Point of Commencement. South 07010'03" East (bearings mentioned herein are in the meridian of said plat of MOTOROLA and all other bearings herein are in reference thereof), along the Westerly Right-of-Way Line of said Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-3. a distance of 4.02 fee to the Point of Beginning: thence continue South 07010'03" East. along said Westerly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of 1172.27 feet to the Point of Curvature ofa 'R. curve to the right, haying a radius of 398.00 feet: thence Southerly, along the arc of said curve, '9Z" continuing along said Westerly Right-of-Way Line, though a central angle of 17025'38". a distance of 121.06 feet to the Point of Tangency: thence South 10015'35" West, continuing along said Westerly Right-of-Way Line. a distance of 978.11 feet to a Point of Curvature of a curve to ~ the left, haying a radius of 393.19 feet: thence Southerly along the arc of said curve. continuing \ '\ along said Westerly Right-of-Way Line. though a central angle of 22026'28", a distance of .)\ 154.00 feet to the Point of Tangency. thence South 12010'53" East, continuing along said Westerly Right-of-Way Line. a distance of 72.61 feet to the Southeast Comer of said plat of MOTOROLA: thence South 88055'53" West. along the South Line of said plat of MOTOROLA. also being the North Right-of-Way Line of the Boynton Canal C-16, as recorded in Official Records Book 3553, Page 982. Palm Beach County, Florida Public Records, a distance of 1478.02 feet to the intersection with the Easterly Right-of-Way Line of Congress Ayenue, being the East Line of that certain 10 foot strip of land as shown on said plat of MOTOROLA as additional Right-of-Way dedicated by said plat: thence North 00012'55" West. along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of 518.04 feet: thence North 04021'02" East, along the Easterly Right-of-Way Line of Congress Ayenue, as recorded in Official Records Book 6654, Page 408, Palm Beach County. Florida Public Records. a distance of 130.08 feet: thence North 00038'39" East. continuing along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of 263.49 feet: thence North 25055'15" West, along Said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of26.83 feet: thence North 00038'59" East. along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line a distance of 155.43 feet: thence North 00024 '18" West, along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of 241.34 feet: thence North 01044'21" East. along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of 666.45 feet: thence North 05032'47" East, along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line, a distance of 240.97 feet: thence North 01044'21" East. along said Easterly Right-of-Way Line. a distance of 198.34 feet: 8 WPB,166567,1 thence North 45024'34" East, along said Easterlv Right-of-Wav Line, to a Point ofIntersection of the Southerlv Right-of-Wav Line of Gatewav Boulevard (also known as Northwest 22nd A venue, as recorded in Official Records Book 1738, Page 1686, Palm Beach County. Florida Public Records), a distance of55.26 feet thence North 89004'47" East, along said Right-of-Wav Line, a distance of 1403.18 feet to the Point of Beginning. LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcel: All that part of the plat of Motorola. a Planned Industrial Development, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 139. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularlv described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of said Plat of Motorola, said point lving 54.00 feet South of. as measured at right angles to, the centerline of NW 22nd Avenue and lying on the Westerly Right-of-Wav of the Lake Worth Drainage District equalizing Canal E.4; thence from said Point of Beginning, South 07010'13" East, along the Westerly Right-of-Wav Line of said Lake Worth Drainage District Canal E-4, a distance of 270.00 feet thence South 89004'47" West. a distance of 245.98 feet: thence North 45055'13" West, a distance of 117.94 feet; thence North 00055' 13" West. a distance of 185.00 feet to a point on the South Right-of-Wav Line ofNW 22nd Avenue; thence North 89004'47" East along the North line of said Plat of Motorola (also being the South Right-of-Wav Line ofNW 22nd Avenue). a distance of 300.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 3.726,728.20 square feet or 85.554 acres, more or less. Subiect to easements. restrictions, reservation and rights ofwav of record. Said lands situate. Iving and being in Palm Beach County. Florida. Section 4. Except as provided herein, the Master Developer shall proceed in strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, including, but not limited to, its building, electrical, plumbing, subdivision, planning and zoning codes, and all rules and regulations of the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Secti on 5. That should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. 9 WPB:1 &&5&7:1 FIRST READING this day of SECOND READING and FINAL PASSAGE this ATTEST: City Clerk WPB:166567:1 ,20_. day of ,20_. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner 10 oJ ~ 1 .5 q) ~ , --r l1. '--'>:>';~~ ~:::I:m::6b61! 1........................::1 ,#'//' $'; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.' ....:..:..:..::..::a.:..:::... . 1~~l::v~':g::tttI11~~I ~ . ~'" '::::::::.':::. " .. .. ............. . . .............. \... ::::::::::::. . .,.:::::J.::::::::::::::::::::::::': ...... .............. ........ :::::::::;:::::;:::::::;:;:;::::::::::: j':~lmj=;~tJf~~':~ ::~~::::::~':':':'::~::::::~:'~:::':*:;::}:'::::::::::.:.:.:.::.::.::.::.:::, _ ,................... ... ......... .:X, ..~.... ........... ...'....... ,........ ,.... .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. :.: ':':'..:" . . :.:.:..... 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I~t'-H .'. ........,.. ...._.,Lf."...:.:JJ.ih::;J.~ f-llc::J ...-- t ' f ;~ I j!l i....... ~96~ - :>2-<.R. .'" , O~.9~ -,-:--~ gf-.-Wt:.r~-:; LJ 02-9~' ig P2-~ ',!-~' 6-9 '~..- I :~ ~ i--:.... -9 r- , 1-9' 4 . 1-9 ' o '. 21- ~ _~~ _ l _...;~ , ' ---1 ,;!, J 4=~ . - 1,- g~~J- ,', .'" o-o&~ ~~:~ "--'//--1 h-:;J,~I ~, ;€i r '~-:... . "", A\' , ":IF.., ~~II: \..~~e ~ IND~~:~~(I) / ~( L," AGRICUL ~UREl(~). ,I f I~:.;J '~_E~~E:~~.IONAL. " ~R).. ~\ \: _ ~UBLU; & PRIVAtE (pp<m ' GOVERNMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL' --: '1- ,'----l .";,,.. .._~! '.' ~, ~ MIXED USE (MX) , ,,' . "I' . . " .i:,:;_-~"'tX~uD~...4""" cR~,o"..i..l""'lld LtiR.~ \ r \" " DIFFERENT LAND USE CATEGORY.TH.AN THAT SHOWNj \ " USE AND DEVELOPMENT. COMPLIES WITH USE."... . ~ .H.ESTRICTlQNS,AND RECOMBINATION OF PARCELS\ '. . t= ,SPECIFIED IN TEXT OF FUTURE LAND USE AND .,.' \ r ~OASTAL MAN~GEMENT ELE~~.N~~.., ,. . .L 1f"! . -.- .. . _ _ . _ _ I I ,... c: ^ ~I n ,H r- MAP KEY RESIDENTIAL ,LOW DENSITX (LOR) " MAX 4.84 p.U:JACRE . ,-. .' ~ i::::;] MODERATE DENSITY (MODR) . ,'. - . .., - .. , 'MAX 7.26 D.U./ ACRE . -! IWll ~ ~ LOCAL RETAIL (LRC) ~$;l~~j MEDIUM .DENSITY (MeQR) MAX 9.68 D.U./ACRE _HIGH DENS{1Y' (HDR) M'AX 10,8 D,U./ACRE COMMERCIAL '. . , OFFICE (OC) \L :. ..- .~.. ..,- ".. . ." ," .--, ." '71 GENERAL (GC) i ,----I " , ,----i ---.i ,JC' J I i i I I. EXHIBIT " A" Motorola DRI LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL OF TRACTS 94 THROUGH 107, SECTION 20, OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY BOYNTON CANAL AND ON THE NORm BY TRACT 94, SECTION 20, OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 soum, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PALM BEACH COUNTY RECORDS, ALSO INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP SHOWN AS ROAD EASEMENT RUNNING FROM CANAL C-16 NORm TO THE NORm LINES OF LOTS 102 AND 107 EXTENDED OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING BETWEEN LOTS 96 TO 102 ON THE EAST AND LOST 94, 95 AND 103 THROUGH 107 ON THE WEST IN SAID SUBDIVISION. ALSO, ALL LANDS, INCLUDING LAKE BOTIOM OF LAKE JACKSON AND LANDS DESIGNATED "SAND BEACH" OR "LOW MUCK" OR OTHERWISE LYING BETWEEN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND WEST OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4, EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF TRACTS 94,95,103,104,105,106 AND 107, SECTION 20, SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PALM BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH LIES WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 20. ALSO, ALL THAT PART OF THE SW Y. OF SECTION 17 AND THE NW Y. OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTIffiRLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NW 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738, PAGE 1686 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND NORm OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 soum, RANGE 43 EAST, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AND EAST OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WEST OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4. EXCEPTING FROM ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4 AND RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CANAL C-16 FORMERLY BOYNTON CANAL. WPB:165651:1 4:' ./.... (I,' \.1)1" ~<''j' ",::1... '~," ~_J " "S"" "w .,', ;", " ,,' i '1 :J: :1 - ;, 1 i: \.\"<-.,-,,,.. j--.J -l ~ .,. _ 'L. '.' i ", -P" '. i ", ! I' H. ' I ;".. 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FL \\'ATS 1.all-432.211l5 CON 24-06 Regulation Department Application No.: 940517-7 August 15, 1""4 Motorola Inc 1500 Northwest 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Permittee: FINAL APPROVED AUG 15 _ WPa ",,,,,,",,,,..,,,;. '''~' 'i,j,'~,.,\ SUBJECT: Notice of Intent to Construc:t Works Modification to Pe,.it and StonlWater Dtsc~r,. Certtftcation No.: 50-00931-5 Pe,.tUee: MOTOROLA tHe Project: MOTOROLA INC - PHASE IV Loc:atton: PALM BEACH COUNTY, 517 ,20/T45S/R43E This letter Is to notify you,of the District's agency action concerning your request of May 17, 1994, to modify the above referenced Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification, This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E-1.606 and Chapter 40E-40, Florida AdminIstrative Code. Based on the Information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a modification to the above referenced Pe,.It and StonlWater Discharge Certification is"Ja."effect for this p!:~t subject to: 1. Not receiving a filed request for a.. Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, administrative hearing, 2. the attached 19 Standard Lt.tttng Conditions, and 3. 11 Special Conditions. Should yo.. object to these Conditions, please refer to the attached "Notice of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a publiC hearing or other review of the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this Bitter. If we do not hear fru. you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights", we will assume that you concur with the District's actl~~. G.uL"rnintl Bodrd Val~ric Boyd. Chairman F r.J.nk WilliamloOn. Jr. Vice Chairman -\nnit: B-:ldncour1 William Hammond Betsy Kran. Allan MilledllC E.uQene K. Pettis Nalhaniel P. Rced L.." G. Schod Tilford C. CrEe:1. Executive Direclor Thomas K. MacVicar, Deputy Enculivc Director :" < t::~~~ " '" ".,.: " . ., ~ ',c'-": ..,.... ':"':,::'c" ~ _'~":'0~<t..~.c.>~ .......-.: -- .,.>~~r',- ~_, ,,'- -' .. ,,;~~:~;~~/:;~ , .. . -;:. "-:;-;j- :.. ""'. ~ "':\::O~:::1{~r , ,.., " ,_4' .,J, "0111>,! " ,,' ,'", _. ., p~,:;. ";1:~:c .liiIJ '* MOTOROLA nt""' 8 Subject: Notice of Intent tcfCcii\struct Works August 15, 1994 Page 2 >~:, '. ";~,~,,"".~~,- r, ',.' ,""".$1<;0.0 ;)?;';;""J;~9~!ff~: .,' . ~"""f CERTIFICATE' OF' SERVICE . -"," ..:/':, ~h' .'" I HEREBY.CERTIFY that a "NotfceofRights" ~Sllee~ "Ued totbeacldressll.....2,:mj{'C5L~~ji1 .~:.\IIIM..,\ (1!MI""tJI.e";~J1I1S ,listed in~tJl.eratt1Ch, ed dthribUtfDnlfst) no later than 5:00 . ,:...,."..,pr.;}tbfsI5th day of August. 1994.jn. .accordance with Section 120.60(3), ~, no~fdll Statutes. " . ~~,,~ ' "'~. '. ,.;,.,.,'i;:",~;.:',;' Since....ly, /}- '.H....'.'. /1 'J' /I 'o;_.__...(~ .l~""Carl os'<<A;' de 'rc63n(/'p.E. ;. Supv Pr:of - Civil Engi nllr.." I<~.. i> VestP~l.. Beach Service Center"'''''''''''''''!T;' .~*'7.'7....,. .,.,.;...... .'... ~R(~~4.l~~2~r~,\;.~.;Z,~,~:..."",..l~>.. , . .;, CERTIFtm HAIL NO. P ,630 221.215 End osures k'."",-,.,.,.-;;' ...,.,........'" """"""" ... ,",., '..... ....~. '''1'''''''' ,,,,"-l;~'~:-'i~~c"-';,j. , "_~~1I1\11! " '""', '~, ""~,o!f'''' '. ,-..--,"'.,,-'-. . ...'1T ,." ".j" .... .. " ":'~-- "'"1"'-' ".';'-:;:''''''';- . ~ LIMITING CONDITIONS r- THE PERMITTEE SHALL IMPLEMENT THe WORK AUTHORIZED IN A ~'NNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF rHE WORKS ON FISH, WilDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUCrlON PERIOO, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACEO AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTR!ENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVINC WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY ~ATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SUP-FACE WA~ERS Or THE STATE WILL BE SUBMITTEO TO THE OISTRICT AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 5.., .BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE wATER MANAGEMENT PE~IT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH ELDRIDA WATE~ MANAGEMENT OISTRICT - MARCH, 1994." PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUDE THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER 17-302, f.A.C. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED, INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AriD TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. 3 THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE PERMITTEE OF ANY OBLIGATION TO OBTAIN NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL OR SPECIAL DISTRICT APPROVALS. 4 THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL THE DISTRICT'S ACCEPTANCE OF CERTIFICATION OF THE COHPLETEO SURFACE WATER WfTER MANAGEMENT SYSTEII. THE PERMITTEE SHALL REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PE'JMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE OPERATIONAL ENTITY ACCEPTED BY THE DISTRICT, IF DJrFERENT FROM THE PERMITTEE. THE TRANSfER REQUEST CAN BE SUBMITTED CC;ICURRENTLY WITH THE' CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION, 5. ALL ~OAD ELEVATIONS SHALL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE CRITERIA SET FORTH III SECTION 6.5, "BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT P:P~IT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994." 6. ALL BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATIONS SHALL BE SET IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA SET FORTH IN SECTION 6.4, "BASIS Of REVIEW fOR SURfACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994." 7 OfF-SITE OISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT WILL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH THE fACILITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. B. A PERMIT TRANSfER TO THE OPERATION PHASE SHALL NOT OCCUR UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY MEETING THE REQUIREMENT IN SECTION 9.0, "BASIS Of REVIEW FOR SURfACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT - MARCH, 1994," HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP OR LEGAL INTEREST SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. 9. THE PERMIT OOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PE~ITTEE ANi PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPEClfIE~ IN THE PERMIT AND CHAPTER 40E-4, FAC. 10. THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD AND SAVE THE DISTRICT;ARMlESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, CLAIMS, GR lIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISe BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION, OPEP~TION, MAINTENANCE O? USE OF 4NY FACILITY AUTHORIZED BY THE PERM!T. i l t 1 I ~ , , , ~ 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSu"~ BASED ON THE APPLICANT'S SUE : fTED INFORMATION WHICH REASONABLY DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE WATER RESOUR( RELATED IMPACTS WILL NOT BE CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY. S'UlD ANY ADVERSE IMPACTS CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER MANA HENT SYSTEM OCCUR, THE DISTRICT WILL REQUIRE THE PE~~ITTEE TO PROVIDE APr' ?RIATE MITIGATION TO THE DISTRICT OR OTHER IMPACTED PARTY. THE DISTRIC ,ILL REQUIRE THE PERMITTEE TO MODIFY THE SURFACEJiATERHANAGEHEHT.5 'EM, IF NECESSARY, TO ELIMINATE THE CAUSE OF THE ADVERSE IMPACTS. 12. WITHIN 30 DAy'; OF ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, THE PER 'TEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED, 'STRUCTION COI'IlEHCEHENT NOTICE 011 EQUIVALENT) OF THE ACTUAL (}; 'f/TICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETIOf ATE. .....". ~' "'%.\~ 13. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE YEAR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL SUBMIT CONSTRUCTION STATUS P: BAS!S (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OR EQl YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL C~ENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION 14. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGEN STATEMENT OF COMPLETION AND CERTIFICATION BY A FLOr.' PROFESSIONAL ENGINEE.:. THESE STATEMENTS KUST SPEW CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION AND KUST CERTIFY THAT ALL F, CONSTRUCTED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THEPLA: APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUC, CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION OR EQUIVALENT). THE CON' CERTIFICATION MUST INCLUDE, AT A MINIMUH, EXISTING AND DIMENSIONS OF THE COHPO~ENTS OF THE WATER MANAGi ADDITIONAlLY, IF DEVIATIONS FROM THE APPROVED DRAWIN DURING THE CERTIFICATION PROCESS, THE CERTIFICATION A COPY OF THE APPROVED PERMIT DRAWINGS WITH DEVIATIC' 15. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ANY SALE, CQNVfYANCE OR OTHER TRAN: LAND WHICH IS PROPOSED FOR DEVELDPMENT UNDER THE AUT! PER.'!IT, THE PERMITTEE SHALL NOTIFY THE DISTRICT OF SL WRITING VIA EITHER FORM 04B3, REQUEST FOR PERMIT TRAN REQUEST :OR TRANSFER OF SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT CON: OPERATION PHASE (TO BE COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED BY THe IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 40E-I.6I05 AND 40E-4.35l. 16. A PRORATED SHARE OF SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT RETENTIc SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED FLOOD PROTECTION I TREATMENT, MUST BE PROVIDED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY OF AN, RES !DENCE. 17. A STABLE, PERMANENT AND ACCESSIBLE ELEVATION REFERENC: ESTABLISHED ON OR WITHIN ONE HUNDRED (100) FEET OF AL' STRUCTURES NO LATER THAN THE ~UBMISSION OF THE CERTIF LOCATION OF THE ELEVATION REFERENCE MUST BE NOTED ON C CERTIFICATION REPORT. 18. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE TH WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS 00 NOT OCCUR DURING COli, 19. THE PE~'TTlE MUST OBTAIN A WATER USE PERMIT PRIOR TO ' DEWATERING, UH~ESS THE WORK QUALIFIES FOR A GENERAL PE SUBSECTION 40E-20.302(4), F.A.C. ':<';~..fi;;; ---. ,{ .._-----~_.~-... ,,,- '-'--,' - t.~ ="'"",' ,.-, _'!<~(;;";:~:~;<j: ~;t~<~ i . ">?~~Jf!j , .',;<' ."t ',E PERMITTEE OR ')RTS ON AN ANNUAL-. "lENT) BEGIN~ING ONE ,...,. . SURFACE WATER ,HALL FILE A WRITTEN REGISTERED THE ACTUAL DATE OF cITIES HAVE BEEN ~~D SPECIFICATIONS " COHhETIONI CHON COMPLETION \TIJN., lOCATIONS , F.~ClLlTIES, :~E DISCOVERED - BE ACCOMPANIED BY KiTED. , OF ANY OF THE "UION OF THIS TAANSFER IN c~: OR FORM 0920, ,CHON PHASE TO 'ci<,ATlNG ENTITY), <C. ..~ -ENTlON AREIl,S, \TER QUALITY JING OR BE ; TTED :l!SCHARGE " REPORT. THE 'i THE ,ERSE OFF - S ITE -JON. !JCTION 'uRSUANT TO - , ~",..':C.:,~ ,:,~,~~,:,','.I . ..."-....',..,.~.._,,..~""'. ~." ,;:/ .~ ~'""'i--.,."."'~... -!.',:,.,.".- ~ ., SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,-- MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR.ELEVATION: 14FErT NGVD. 2 MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION: 12.1 FEET NGVD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: THROUGH PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED FACILITIES. 4 THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR iHE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION, 1"'''.",,8 'SHClAI:ING OR VATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. S. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN OURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 6. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO SE NECESSARY. 7.:-~~ S~~E ~On~ S~~!~~ C~gfR R~T1~;~~~~~~~t~!~m~L~E TO A NURTURED OR PLANTED FROM 2 FEET BELOW TO 1 FOOT ABOVE CONTROL ELEVATION TO INSURE VEGETATIVE GROWTH. B. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC VATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NECfSSARY TO APPLY FOR A .WATfR,USE PERMn~THEPERMITTEE I$C~IONED TtJ.ALAc.MIN1Ml.IIt:DtSILDAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF, THE. WATER USE PE"M(tJ\PPI,Ji:Affgti, THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURc'~'i.BATE~~GEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE 1- .T';WEll'JilU BE AVA ILABLE.. cc;~: " _. 9. FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL Nt:' BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPRQVED MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. 10. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WAfER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: ~LL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOROLA, INC. II. ANY CHANGES TO THE WATER MANAGEMENT AREAS, INCLUOI.G THE DRY DETENTION AREAS PROPOSED IN THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN, WIll REQUF A MODIFICATION TO THE HASTER PERMIT. .-.' ..-.-.,.. I '-'... .,.' r.:t~~ I \...: ':,\. ..~~~;,.~''f-'J..~C ',..-'. '-"- ,._...;.:,f{'" ;~fi'j4:'~i!}o/i{!ffff~~~ c,'.- .~' ,,;"'~",,.,' ....F~;;:_<<<ti"""'""'-., ~_.,~" /-'\ '-...:....- ,-... ,~.,,';]t>.. --... ~ VICINITY ii~i~~~:~~~~~~~;;~ . - :.::~i~~ii.'~~'"~'-'-"~~F1~l~ - .:... _v.....:',. '~r.;.c;' ,.' ,'" 1.r~k........ ~ ....-.-..-. -- .~,-. ..t,... :t,.~ . ~~." .... ._- :... ..-- ....;'I~.-y.~ u~ "~ HYPOt..UXO ROAD ';-' ,....:~~'-,-= ..:._ ......,. P L~~: ~- .&..- w ::> z .--':: IoU --:c. ''"7 >- ,.. . ;'i:: <.; -.-. ,,~~ ,i~*C;~;L ..!I'"' ::::~..:.. . A~. -. 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".' ....~~ I P""" CMI/iL II.Mt" --'If lJItMIII% asrlW:'I IT1'lOClO.LOJ/\1: \:!J)~' " ..._.... _. . ~A"_ __' . ..~"J _._J 'ONI '^C'V~8 S ~I'VC'V r-- ....~. ^"~...;.""""". . 0;.. , Z',. - . ': ; ~ ,_., ....L ......~. r~"'.-'-.." ,foP_' ......i.. - 1 ',,___... .: . ~~.,,-.~)oo..r.' -r..,.,- r ....-..-. ..- . :. to ; ~ '.f : \, I ~~ Z _i.._ '~~~J ~ J<..I'. "';"'-;:::'-i, -r:r- 4. ~ > i -i_ ii > ! f"'rf'It.II. IIIW OlTPlTOI CJIOSSSttTOI ''''_.- EX 2 -_.;;-,-:,':.f'\~"~' ~ -'~ ,...... ..' ,/.;. .~~~o~:~ ..~:r; ~;,'%Z~;~~:~' I~~:;!i> ,:~JL,g,; ~-r- -~-j;/~,~>,$. ~:: '~~',_lu::.JS.~_i 'Ii"l';{;','. ,~r::l::~i :.: ~"^',"r'"",1';i;"'''_'''''~J1ir:', '. l : "... ' --:~ftif,~-"<<.t :'-:~t'v!-;!-j. _J'Ii;,!i~~ ..ld 1- 11t';;~)l/.>c..", ,.,,,,,_._~_.. ......,.-,.~--..." I "ONI 'AC'Vt:IB I '~)L_ .. j I 1 i , I ,-,'" . . 1\ \ \ , , \ I , . l ) , i , ,. , ~ ~ \ , . l \ , i \ \ ~ ~ , ' , , , , , . ll\ , ' , , , , L~ ; \~~I ::iFJ .._J,';'/ :f! "; !/rlj jilt! " 'Ihl} ,/II! Ii#! V J.!I " ::, ~ i1U ut iii" 'l2J~ 'l"il 'l2J !ij :: . I ::~ ::, : Ui ::. ! l ;! :, ~:'" --.. 1 --.. ::i; ':: i /11 ! :: ~_......___ ~..u.......___....... ,i f~,/ :: ~_______._____~___________1 II I _ If! ,,' aa I,! ::: it,: ::: :----:/: II : ...:::;___........: It; ~l 1 tt__ I \ it,. II I I ,'- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~'i~::~::~~;i€~~~~;~~~;;~;;;~~;j~ ,~- .~._.J.l. ...~:l!t'~ :''',~~Jt.,>:~.,.........,....__.~.~ -,,'---.- ----- .~"I......:lI 4.V !"") '-","",,' \f'10HO~OW :9 t:Il'VC'V _.~, .,.awo.AffINf -----..--- - -r--: I: 'II :, /. , , i I I I : 1: i ,,; i ;! J! j I " " " " " " " " " " " ,,..--,-- ..-. " " " " " .. .. ..~ ..- Ii i" .....- .....----- ......1'_ c_ ..._ _,..._ ...,.e" "',,-".-- .". " .,,/. ~" ,'",I ,~, ItlV ~~ t ~I ~IJ::J' I, , I ~ I <(; z <I: 0:: o ~ W ell <l :I: CL \!J) 'r I -- i \ \ \ , . , ; . \ . \ fi , l t~ ,.0'1 k "Q t . i ~-"'-lil':' ~ . . ~ --, . I .- " EXHIBIT 3 , _.-t.h~"- .'1- -;~~.~,- ~~,< ,jJ .:,,'n'~ ;l1';,1 ,~~~; r' -'---r -"-,.....~. ',', ~:Jt'_.:..il"kii.~~:W:.7 .~ ~~,4!~",,~jf~_.",'. . ,,_, ~'''i'' ; -.,,' ~ I : ,,~--~~"".~~ ;>:""" ,;.:. :.,.:.~. ,'.:,,}," .. .. .'.:':t~:~",:;:,.;,-,,,,-;,~';.<~'t .. . ".' . ,. 1lIr1J';"_.-......._._._. . ",,-. ,_~~~,.e."_. .""'\ c . MOTOROLA INC - PHASE IV PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET APPLICATION NUMBER: 940517-7 PERMIT MODIFICATION NO. 50-0093l-S -~', 7iM LOCATlOIIt"'PAUI, BEACHcou'm~S17 . 20/.T4SS/R43E ; :-<~~~'.~':~: -,.-' '.' ""OIINER: MOTOROLA IHC ENGINEER: ADAIR AND BRADY IHC PROJECT AREA: 1.08 ACRES 1. 08 ACRES -~",.: DRAIIWiE AREA: ,,;:~;:;'5-D~ .' PROJECT USE: C(MIERCIAL FACILITIES: "~1-[xISTING~~:~l~!t~~d~~,,:~:~~it:.~;':c~~s a~?tam~'::~c~:~~~i:~ds S ~6~ acres of Lake area. The remaining area is pervious green area which contains 2.IS acres of dry detentio~ areas for Water Quality dry pre-treatment. 2. PROPOSED: On May 17. U!9,4,plan~~re subllitted to the District for Construction' and Operation of a Surface Water Management Syst.. to serve a 1.08 acre portion of the Motorola Master Pe....it (No. 50-093l-S). This portion of the master pe....it will consist of a building addition of 0.71 acres and loading dock of 0.37 acres. Proposed is a~ace water .anag_nt syst.. which will consls&.,of ,inlets and culverts directing runoff through 106 LF of 4' wide by 3' high Exfiltrat10n Tren~uttliztng IS" perforated pipe with an invert at or above 8.6 ft. NGVD. Overflow frOll the trench syst.. is into the aaster syst... ..)l/f'" PIlOJECT LEVEL: DRAIMA8E BASIN: C-16 RECEIVING BODY: C-16 CANAL VIA L.W.D.D. CANAL E-4 . ' J"'4"'?':V" Exhibit t./ c.... ~.. ~ ~,. '; - --- ---,.-..-" '~'''';'''~''' v. t"':"'.f- nfiili'::f" ~~..;~~n:..t.~;;,.,.:..os.~._-" _..;.'-~~;i;-~.,<. ~--~-",. "~~_'"'_,'_o -':;""."<'.f;'.'i;:: .J: ..,.,;." --"-F~:;~~":;' ~. "--.:.,:. ~, ..... ~>-;;. O';'::wJ;:!i:" ~t""<l~" ., -, : ~~?:;.'}'f..~~h:~'~>' ~..~;:,- -'."~':-Y1, ~~~'~7:;c;.;C[''''''f~,;f~~:<:'> ,':~~~'" >,llt~~<~..~.."~_)ti --~"""',' .,i:.~c~.j;~:," -"~;~4f''l''~~~,,-...,~~,......,,~:.:~,;~t~: ;'") '-' MOTOROLA INC - PHASE IV PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET --. '-~.,..~ .., VATER QUALITY: ' ':. " . ..~ .... ,""i>,,*,,' ~,;'.'fc' Detention of 2-1/2 times the percent Impervious Is being provided within the Master Systell. Dry pre-treat.ent for one half Inch over the pav...nt area Is being provided fo~ . .:,..u.ts parcel within 106 LF of 4'wlde by 3' high Exfl1tratto.l Trench uttl Izlng IS" perforated pipe with an Invert at or above 8.6 ft. NGVD, ~. Bastn " SITE Vol Req'd. {ac-,tl .02 Vol Prov'd (ac-tt) .02 Method '""",,+: 106 LF EXFILTRATION TRENCH ENYlRONIIDlTAl ASSESSIIEJfT: EXISTING Oil SITE UPlNII COIIIIfITJES: 10 NO 01 TOTAl BIOL08Ic:Al ACREA8E UlNDITJON 1.01 N/A COIIlUNITY TYPE COfltlERCIAL COIIIUNITY ACREAGE 1.01 TOTAl ON SITE UPlANO ACREAIlEi' 1.01 _ f-,; j (:';''; 111 J~~arr~$lIWM _ _,-l' The project site is currently developed and/or landscaped. No wetlands exist on the, site. Adverse Impacts to wetlands Is not anticipated as a result of the proposed construction additions. ~;"'-~' APPLICABLE lNII'USE: The TOTAL PROJECT land use pertains to the overall aaster systell. THIS PHASE land use pertains to the p~l proposed for construction with this application. Detention for This Phase is-tielng provided within the Master lake systell. Dry Pre-treatlent for This Phase is being provld~d within 106 IF of Exflltratlon Trench. TOTAL ACRES WTRM ACREAGE PAVEMENT SUllO COVERAGE PERVIOUS TOTAl PRO.JECT 90.00 7.82 . , 21. 70 7.80 52.68 THIS PHASE 1. 08 acres .00 acres .37 acres .71 acres .00 acres PREVIOUSLY PERMITTm Exhibit L/~ ';;""\/'ip f.._.~-_'_"o',,""__ ~'r'''' :y,-!~~x:r.; ~"'t:.~,.~ I-::"~~,;, , ;~cc. I I"'~"f:; ~~--:'\o.~ ~~c,~<...,~ ~:~~~ ,,--:-.;' t'"'\ '"-' , '''''''-''''','';-:- "'. -,^," '1--"'" < lIf"': :~;:~~~:, \ ",~}:>;-,>,,-,:,-:.\,,_'II!I~'.,:"!,~~:,> - ..' , ' A ,>< ~'..' '..:".....-c''''''"'',..''..,..~ "",,_' ~" . MOTOROLA INC - PHASE IV PERMIT SUMMARY SHEET .\"'0"-~ ~,.', ,~~.,;~",-;r~ '\""'h' FLOOD PROTECTIOII: ,.; ~~,A) ;;;ij~,~:.~,''''~\-:, LOCAL'ROAD'CRITERIA''''''''' FLOOD CONTOUR" 12.10 FEET NGVD MINIMUM ROAD GRADE 12.10 FEET NGVD 100 YEAR FLOOD FLOOD CONTOURUJIi FEET NGVD "1f1f1IJUNLOOR ELEVATION~' FEET NGVD FEMA FLOOII~fLEVATION FEET NGVD~' ...........-'- '-.' COIIlENTS: '-', ,_:),,'>~;,-',l\i~~~;~;;;.:-'\ 1 . T~;.tr~tP'llIIIFi:o-AA.,sJ~"tsset at 12.1 ft.NGVDand is based on the Pal. BeaCl\..CountY3,year"J-dayroad ,stOJ'll.. The .ini_ finished floor of 14.0 ff/lIGYD'is'ilbovetfie'calcuhted flood contour of 13.8 ft NGVD. .',:,'", .1\: . ...' 2 The City of Boynton Beach provides the potable Mater supply and the wastewater syst!!il sel",vJ~s for, this project. Exhibit ~ 3 The operllt1ng entity for the surface water lAIIag_nt s1st_ . !,~'l',t~~l~tfl~~:.",t: ..""'; The control elevation for the .'iter'SIIM s1ster: is 8.5 ft. NGVD. ;""'~;',,\-":-,' 4 \,.,,~t...," ..'~".. ~ · n 1T .I""" ,l ~11l: T r' - D U''S' ii~-x;;;ii(i'l..~~*;~<;:';'~~~i."*~~~:-.! ';'., ,,',:.;- ~.~...' ; T""" , , .;"'~ '0..< L . Jf : I..,.ai.'ll ) ~ .'-: . '- "'"M>"";'~c'c"~- ~:';"f:.::<,t. 'c, '"<:.::::~~::~'"'~"""" . IT .'I(L""" -"".~~~~--,;, ( '. -~.~ "oJ ..-. " II . ,1 CUI r,:$'J,u,},JM, -, h.lt. South Florida Water Management District July .&101 Gun Club Rood _".o..Jlod_. W... Palm Beach.fL;\34I6-_ . (407)llllII-8lllIO. fL WATS I.A1HlZ.:al45 '~ 23, 1993 ...c., Motorola, Inc. 1500..~2nd Avenue Boynton Belch, FL 33426 Delr Sir or Mad..: ~.~';Z!"i ~.~ :l~~7~i: . ,':,:::::":~_,,~:__'_:~:~""(~';~~'---'''''''<!'':>_-' """;_~.~".~~",,,w.,;....,...., b $u ject: Appltcltton No. 1130323-3, Notoroll, Inc. .~. Pil. Belch County, S17 ,20/T45S/R43E Enclosed is I copy of this District's staff report covering the penllt application referenced therein. It Is requested that you read this staff report thoroughly and .tIIIderstand1ts contents. The reconnendatlons IS stated tn-the staff report will be presented to our Governing Board for consideration on August 12, 1993. Should youwtsh to object to the staff rec_ndation or file a petition, please provide written objections, petitions and/or waivers (refer to the attached "Notice of Rights") to: Vern Kaiser, Deputy Clerk South Florida Water Managuent Distrtct Post, Office Box 24680 West Pal. Beach, Florida 33416-4680 The "Notice of Rights" addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public "hearing or other revfew of the proposed agency action, You are advised, however, to be"prepared-to defend your position regarding the penlit application when it is considered by the Governing Board for final agency Iction, even if you agree wtth the staff rec_ndltion, as the Governing Board lIay take final a9,"cy action which differs IIltertllly froll the proposed agency action. ,~;;'_i,';...~ _, ,.....,.. ....,oc'_.... . .i'"_":~:; 'fil'I'leasecontact the'.o1strlct-tf youflaftlny quest1tr!'s concernlnvth1s'lUtt;;;.'If we do not hear trOll you prior to the date on the "Notice of Rights, we will assUDe you concur with our recODDendatlons. ~;, CERTIFICAR.cOF SERVICE ~8Y CERTIFY that a "Notice of Rights" has been lUlled to the addressee and the 'jilfSons listed in the attached distribution list not later than 5:00 p.lI. this 23rd dlY of July 1993 in accordance with Section 120.60 (3), Florida Statutes. Sincerely, ~ Steve LaIIb Director Regulation Department CERTIFIED MAIL 'P 253 288 873 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED GowrnifJI/ /JodnJ Valerie Boyd. Clwirman frank WilliamlOn. Jr.. Vice Chairman Ann~ 8eotancoun William Hammond Betsy Kraftl Allan Milledge EUge:M K. Penis l'ialhaniel P. Reed Leah G Schad Tilford C Crttl. f.xeculive Oirulor Thomu K. .\\ac\'icar. Deputy Euculive Direclor r -.'--..-.-----.--.......-..--..-........"",,-,. "-., --....-..,,--.-...,.....-.....,..-. >" . ~-- _'_~~'._' _. "_'~'d."""'__"""-"""~'~__~___~___ ,.....-- ---",:~'-; ~;>~ ... >',',~-;ij~~~i ~,' "IC. I;, ~ I~,.-~ "'-",;'!f; !_.:::-':~?.I!~l_~ . ..~~ I' ,,", - ;:}\ . "'. '~ .( -\~~tf -........, , --~~:){ ..;.\ '.,- ". ,~~. c_ _:f;J!~!- '~Y;";U:J,L~,,...J:""1,~':; ~;J,f/~ ,.._.J .~"* - '~,'lIUlllI.r" ''''''''1'.1' ., "lilt" -.-., .fY:a~ji", DRAFT Subject to Governing Board Approval ,~'" LAST DATE FOR 6OYERNJN6 BOARD ACTION: '" ...sEPTDIB~R, 9, 1993 :~', .....~.-;: :;::.~~~().",_:;~;;\~.,y,};::~,-;~.;,;;//,;~;;:~,;,,:, " ,,- .<"-~';' ACEdlATER 1lANA600ENT STAFF REYJEIf ,..,~,,>;4'.",' . ----.-". , ~:;. --,-.--......., , ',-....:,:'" -':"'_e,""'" ~:.._ " -","'"',,.::-,-< J. ADIIJNISTRATIYE ;,.,;;,j,,'i;:; .f ':"'til'l\,K._..,._'""" .. .. ,- ~{~ ~~~~,-3--,,#~;> "'I ~~<:-:~~<". PERMIT MODIFICATION NUMBER: 50-00931-S PROJECT IWIE: MOTOROLA INC LOCATI~PALM BEACH COUNTY -~ Sll.20/T45S/R43E ~.it- ;~ .~ APPLICANT'S IWIE: MOTOROLA INC lIIINW~1WiE All) ADORESS: MOTOROLA INC " 1500 NW 22ND.AVENUE .. . ,",,,,, ,~ u - ----". . IlOYNTON BEACH, fL 33426 i:;:.:----- ----wtiz DEVELOPER: MOTOROLA,' INC. EHGINEER:ADAIR & BRADY INC ~'i\;:; .~jI- .' ~~.D~~~~;,'b. '--'--\-;:::~.~l~?,:._f~~:':": PROJECT AREA: 90 acres -IT-1f(~-~-"f'l;fl. :~~',_ifJ,~..:,.:c .'<' -','. '~/~T""^nLr:l Ip':~~~f.rw 90 acres , DRAINA6E AREA: ~....,,;;;~;t";, "':~,,,.- J~it~r~'ti:;>.. -.' DJSTRICT DRAJNA6E BASIN;~CiI6 REWIDtG BOD!: 1(;"1'16; CANAL YJA l.lI.D.D CANAL,E;,4 CLASSIFlCATlON:",CLASS II J' '" ":;,, SPECIAL DRAINA6E DISTRICT: lAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT "'''i!M.I.'~'lf-(>~~~'~~~~;'~k.:,:''''' Ei:w .: wii.i PURPOSE: This application proposes to modify Surface Water Management Permit No. 50- 0093l-S for construction and operation of a 2.05 acre phase and to update the conceptual approval originally issued for the project based on a revised land use and proposed future improvements to the project. 1 --~..._ ~-"",-"""...",,..~~,.~,.~_ '--of;.;~~~n' .",.'"",\.....;;,0{ ','<dp~,~ \"""""" ""',<".',',,~ ",,",';:",'."-'. ::.~ "'~~;.~:i$J '" " ,,,.,,,,,,.., -r>;~tt>~r?'~- .,..,?T':{~~f! ";......,...,..""~~'" .~..";.,.,' "':~il1I...", I ~~:")~,,;..,,J)~,.:""I,~~,! , .~Il!I".,._1 ." - - <0:;:i>'>""":'::""'.,.:~'~;;'>.i1~::~~;_:' '--"f.';lfi"",F"ii:o;i0--,'- "'-"''''''' I{.~ ;.i~~~ '-~:::,~<:;Yif_' ,'. ~,';J,r~, },/,..i: ,,"*',- .,~~-. ~~~ ~Ot"h .,~, ~~a~;,w~~7;..:~~a~~~~t~~~~~:n~:~i::~~t~0~0~~~~~a~~~pg~o:~~e~nOf the 90:acr~~ was issued on December 10, 1981. On January 13, 1992, a modification to th~ penlit was issued with the stipulation that a revised conceptual a~al be obtained from the dist'ict prior to any future permit .1IOd~ ~::.t.; ".\ '0':' " -- .... ,';;,.,'.H .. ,--.....-......:,,--""-_._-...... EXISTING FACILITIES: The existing Motorola site is a 90 acre parcel which contains 7.8 acres of building area. 19.65 acres of parking and roads and 5.67 acres of Lake area. ~reaaining area is pervious green area. PROPOSED FACILITIES: .~"" The proposed improvements for this phase is the addition of 2.05 acres of parking and additional roadway area as shown on the attached exhibits. The surface ~ater management system will consist of inlets and culverts to direct runoff into the existing master surface water management system. ~ -, As part of this application, the conceptually approved surface water management system is being revised to reflect changes to the original site plan and to ,provide additional surface water management facilities to serve future building and parking lot expansions on the site. An additional 2.15 acres of dry detention areas are proposed to prOVide 1/2 inch of dry pre- treat~r the future building,oand parking lot expansions. No other changes are proposed to the orignally permitted surface water management systetl.,.""_"",,, ,oW' Area Acres 90.00 ~"',', IISlIT Nol'IIIl/Dry Elev Ctrl Elev (ft. N6VD) (ft. NGVD) 8.50 8.5/8.5 Method of Detenlination WATER TABLE CONTOUR MAP BASIN INFORJIATIOH: ---' Basin MOTOROLA 2 t.:,!, [~~ii L. ,,~~i.1 .",-. :,," '-( ....,.,:.> "~i' "; '>l.llD' :,<,',~, ~"\ j~~'/i";' ~-""1p~$qWUiE STRUCTURE INFOIIIIATJOH: +?~ Water Oual~tY Structures: """S"t' r ~,;;~" ..,:) f'~~~t;, . -~~;~,.-- ,",',', ,.,-',' i" Bleeder T . Di.nsions ..../ RECTANGULAR ORIFICE. 4' wide X .OS' high ri#i-J"".'"""_,':: ,",,~'"i:: ""~~ .~~~*'-~f{}.-~; ',<;~,- Basin MOTOROLA Crest Elev. (tt. NeW) ~ :,lO.OO~ 1,P~ -- ,. .'- i"~' ',' ' -.~~~:._, -t, -.,- ,~~'o'~~*,:JLI!n:ill~~);: DischarGe Culverts: Str.~\ I Description 1 .450' Jong, 36' dia. RCP Basin MOTOROLA .,- ~--~f!f'",,,'" Receiving BodY: .y;"". .. Str. Receiving -"i:~>~~J~~~~-;:.:- _''''_~",,-'~i';''-''''f''_'''\;; -, .~, 1 '.'LIIDD E-~L '-'--," . ~:'_?~:~;,<; _.._'If'.!.i' -'~"'''''c''''''\;lt~~-,:; t<. ;! 1 Ff Ill. PROJECT EVALUATION ",Discharge Rate: ~--'''''~~:I~~--::;';';'~:,;~::: As shown In the table below, the proposed project discharge Is within the allowable limit for the area. The allowable discharge is based on the Lake Worth Drainage District curves per the original conceptual approval. Design Sto,. Frequency: 25YR-3~riDeSlgn Rainfall: 16.31 inches ;~ Basin MOTOROLA Allow Disch (cfs) 42 Design Disch (cfs) 26.6 Design Stage (tt. NGW) 12.5 Method of Dete,.ination LOCAL DRAIN DIST CURVES i!:. , i , 3 -'! ~ , '; j ~...,".- ~~'- ._".,-:'" , '>I"" .~ ", . ~ ~ ~~1t;: "~"''' ~'- ,- -'--' ....., '-' -~';:;_:_~-"''-'".- ,.,>:,-2/;;:'!i1,?~,:_:J';,; '.~4.....::w(tii!~',,~~ ':~':"-""'-':-:''-'' . ,-',-,. , " ~~> ,-". ":_~ ~"-,' -.MTD QUALITY: . '''~<l.-~'''',:fi''';-'''' ,.'.'~" Water quality detention is provided within the 5.67 acre on site lake. Water quality,pre-treatment is provided within 2.15 acres of dry detention areas near the lake and on the south end of the property. ,.- . Basin MOTOROLA MOTOROLA ROAD DESIGN: ~nt 5.67 acres WET DETENTION 2.15 acres DRY DETENTION Yol Req'd. Cae-ftl 8,38 2.37 Yol Proy'ei-, Cae-ft) 8.51 2.37 As shown in the following table. minimum road center lines have been set at or above the calculated design stormfl.Q.Q,ILelevation. . '<.-c Design Storm Freq: 10YR-lDAY Design Rainfall: 10.00 inches Basin MOTOROLA FIOl:\d'Elevatfon Cft.. N&YD) 12.1 _"",it., "irii....~tenterline Elevation Cft. N6YD) 12.1 FINISHED FLOORS: --'--'-.,---,-",.-,''','- -"'.---,...-~-"--,..- .. As shOWn 'in the following table. mini~ finished floor elevations haye been set aboye the calculated des'gn storm flood elevation. .-'" ,.... ."c" ;C'Design StOl'll Frequency: lOOYR-3DAY Design Rainfall: 21. 70 inches ,-".:,:' ..., Basin MOTOROLA Flood Elevation Cft. N&YD) 13.76 "ini_ Design Eley Cft. N6YD) 14 FEMA Elevation Cft. N&YD) nla ENYIROIIlENTAl ASSESSMENT: The project site has been previously developed. The area proposed for parking lot expansion currently supports landscaped grasses. No wetlands or other environmentally sensitive features exi~t within the proposed project. Adverse impacts to wetlands are not anticipated as a result of the proposed area construction. 4 ~--~r;;>~01.;-~ l_;.r~~>,j~~',; ,~.'~:,?,\r'?~lo~r-~.- ~~, i '-::\\.",~ i-R;.ft;'!f~ ,-:;',....,:,~.--:~;\~~ ;;.";;~,,. ;; "-"''i'l''''--~'~ ,<'; _.:;,t ',". '.':., ~...;;/ 14<.oi-,+;}; 'iiAl~~~~ ~., ,~ >-'~~0:5~r' .. ::_~,-.;~ ~Io 1 !,.J~c~t\r PROPoSED LAND USE(S): ~,:;~,,~~"!!i;~, ~'_i..".......,"~:.._:,...:..-._..'.":'_':_"'''''''':''''''._:'.'_":,'..,,'",_ ,~+;:\: ';;;~":i{1i!thJf:_Jf ~- , ' SYSTEJI OPERATION: ,..,:;~~-~~;' .~;".~~. >.--.);. VATER USE PERMIT STATUS: ~ N/A -lI.""'~':ll,!,IIIU:~"(.'", .ll,),~;:; . , POTABLE VATER SUPPLIER: ';" "'-:, -::lit:i:'- ,"lJIl ;A~~ '-"'~' "lfASTE VATER' SYSTEJI/SOPPlIU: " _....~..'-"'",...,.,.-,,;.. -'.."~1""'" <'~n.:'."C.""-~"'<" N/~:..." ,,,,,'IIlt! "::i:0:~;:";"~~~.' DRI STATUS: """~'''''^c'"'~'':!'1f__''l'4.J'';:''~' .-......._~_...'T...., "OR ,.,,', ~;'Jill~ ,l#,:~t[f),,"'-'"'' ."^,-~,:r'.[(:,.,,, [ -",~" .~ ~~~c.,{e:~:.:::~' ~~"' "'1If;OUR&ERS: '~-''''-~'7'~' >":,:_;,,:,:;;~:,:~;,:_,,,_':"-_;~'__ .' .' .' .' ..: .: " "_::~~;;,i~":.,:;;,,,:_.~:_~,:,,,,::,',.;,,-~:~:,. - .>_,....;_.~~',-,..: )"..{~ " " Thii,roject is,.not"witMMO_adjacent tollands under considerft'fon by the Save Our Rivers program. . _;'~~CJ;~~:';i<i~~~~:\:' - *~, SVI;'B.\$~;':~' ~. ;~;,,~';i~(~;:' :;':::h@ . Jih"~: L~_ -~~'<~~,N<~~:' ,\.'J.rr.-;'~z~ -,.~;; The project is not within nor does it discharge directly to ,a iflsignated SWIM basin. c~'c RIGHT-Of-VAY PERMIT STATUS: A Right-of-Way Permit is not required for this project. Ilml .11.1. .111 . , m lm~.T I~.'ll ., ~~, 5 .. . ?~;~.~?r~~~'::~J{-f#.~ti.&;;.:.~".,;. ~" _& .~.~;",,- . ',..-"" :'~k:._." ei<"i;.,......'t-.,':t1'f~"'::.-,.' "';"'<<~~ .-' EJlFORCEIlENT ACTIVITY: '-< ""'~';.' ~-"," .~ ';~:"",.,;':_j;;;.'.1f1'k~" "1i,t'<~'k;;.". ,."",;;d,l;">>_.,-0~~'; There has been no enforcement activity associated with this application. THIRD PARTY INTEREST: No third party has contacted the District with concerns about this application. ~ ""';':' ~ WELL FIELD ZONE OF INFLUENCE: The project is not located within the zone of influence of a wellfield. PRIMARY ISSUES RESOLVED: No primary issues. IV. APPLICABLE LAND AREA The PREVIOlISLYPEllIllTIED caJeg9ry l"eflects the original conceptual land use. TOTAL PROJECT reflects the revised conceptual land use. The building area is being reduced fro. 18 acres to 7.8 acres. The paved area (roads & parking) is reduced from 40 acres to 21.7 acres. The pervious area (landscape and green area) is increased from 26 acres to 52.68 acres. The water management area includes 2.15 acres of dry detention area and 5.67 acres of lakes. ""~,~,,,'--' PROJECT TOTAL ACRES IfTRM ACREA&E .. PAVEIlENT BUILD COVERAGE PERVIOUS TOTAL PROJECT 90.00 7.82 21. 70 7.80 52.68 BAS I N LEVEL BREAKDOllIl PREVIOUSLY PERMITTED 90.00 5.67 40.00 18.00 26.33 6 THIS PHASE 2.05 .00 2.05 .00 .00 <,.,.,,-_.-. acres acres acres acres acres .__.._",i ~,...,.- ~ ~~ ',T" - ~:;:;'-- -c "t." , ~:~ ""'1 'r:n.JIJI [tn'... -i/~:;" '":'^"-:~; ~;:--:>,:~..- ',~J:> <>~'<< ,.:" -C';,i;:>:: "':, ' "'." "',,:~ ~""" -J ,i, , ><tti.~~~::~:' TOTAL. '... ,,,,,,' PREVIOUSLY PROJECT < PERJtITTED THIS PHASE 90.00 90.00 Z.05 .7.8Z.,' 5.67 .00 ""21':70- 40.00 Z.05 ,~~:~;" .,it,~ ,'~;;;';::;:: ' :: ,_~,~'4::;"::": - '.,:?:?,~':':',_;i:'!'-:~1~":"'~\:'€'-0f<; ..,,~,:;:::~~~"';' , -r:"'~~~. ';:~~~;' ~, ,,-, ,,:;-~.:~-~~.:~::'" _,,~_~'1:'}!i;, ,,,"- '-c'.1'-- ""-':"'.( ./('..;ii; ....'". Wf::. ;, "i~ ,;Y", '*'!f, '. , j ll.;:~n_ni,'_, ;\':~~;$f~';~:S"t":'-",';.'_::'~::_..; ,.;H':~-'I:~_ -",' ,':' ." i',..,,;, ....~ ' " ,,~-<:'-'-'., ' .'f;{::.)/;:';;.) /,-"'J>; ,.,~::; J~ 7 ;'-:f,,'- acres acres acres acres a6'er" ':i<::+,~t:'.<_" -~';';~' c '-'~,"',..:~" ,--,"'7'.' .....,'::,.~ , .~,.,"'" ~~_..., ,,_''''''~A.''~'''~/_'''''~~ ; _" .:<-*~(,.,).",.:-3'-. .f- " . ...CO,' -! i",,"',::-".'" .,.~ ...."..,....:'~, :-:-,.t~ I ~.,..'fflllfr, -~~.;,#,~~~\.--L'l("rr >~y, ,~t"_ n ,'I', i '1":' ,;~.;< V. STAFF RECOMMEIIlATlON The Staff recommends that the following be issued: Authorlza-.;lon for Modification of a surface water management system serve'j"2;05 acre phase discharging via the LWOO E-4 CANAL to the C-16 CANAL and Ho41fication of the Conceptual Approval to reflect proposed future ll1prov_nts. '!'1l1ised,qn~t1i.;a;l11filt1Nt~,provided, Oistrl~~~rules have been adhered to. st~;rec~liCla~!lIn,Js,for approval. subjecfto the attached Standard U.1tlnQ'and SDecial ConditIons. _. ''<'v' 'iilt<- ~< AATUIlALRESll!!RCE IWCAGplENT OIVISI0NAPPROVAl SUPERVISING PROFESSIOAAL 4'/--//4'#?n--' Robert G, Robbins APPLICATION REVIEWER .d'c:?f/. /~~ ~~irginia A. Sinn ;,-,-:;.,:,:' 'Cl:,l I' ,',~,h" ~:\tW1~;' "'X~,::~i~;i;'?;:~~;;:-:-.c_ ~~ -.- 7-/CrfJ'..3 t.,' ,"-'<-"'<,:;:'o1'.'1';;':~~ "~ER4!r*..!!Ifl!T DIVISION APPROVAL -,.....' ~ APPLICATION REVIEVER-'-'''' su~ PROFESSIONAl' rKe~ Q;;- Carlos A. 0:2;:;: P.E. "lJIIrJlIlII' -, > '~ ..".4.,'"., -;;"":,,.,~~:~~)_~-:".;~{jj,1t):~r"'~<' DIVISION DIRE~ /? -~.w, Richard A. Rogers, .E. DATE: ?//?'/?S , . B nRAfl Subiect to Governing "" Board f\pprova\ ~":' _:~';; ':;:7~;:;.'--::"';; ,,~,~ '~ ':{1M """;:?~"" ~'"'''''' '.';"" '- .., . <_:"'-::- -:'~>"f-*" .:.l"~ " >.,<;t >:;,tit~ , \2W;:i: '.)'bf ''''''"WIr,'f, ,,~ :"""0); " ~~ l'''''~' I'\'<~~ I... -_."'.'...- - ~ ~'''''''.l':'"-.G"''''';.;';'''-''''' ...~~~.......~...~. ~>\:itJirl.t"r~~~;~-:"''i:r~~~~ii:n' ;,.-,,',- ~:f~~~W20,', ~~<".~~~: "'''~ ~-.r'-:" ;,'l,;.lI_~tlI1~ ..-- I 'cny:tc- -,_,,,--,,-, _ _ ._..........~,o LIMITING CONDITIONS I. THE PERMITTEE SHJlLL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZEO IN A ~Ai~I.ER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PtRIOO. INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEOIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUDE THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER 17-302. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIOE DATA AS REQUIRED, ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED, DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. 3. THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS P,ND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITIGrI. THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAiN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, SI!\lE, LV"" :,fIU, ,CIP,L DISTRICT AUTHORfZATIONS PRlOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION lJR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED SV THIS PERMIT 4. THL,OPERATIONPIiASE Of THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNT IL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT, WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBH.! ThE CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES ARE READY FOR INSPECTiON AND APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE'PERMITTEE SHk~L REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSiBLE ENTITY APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRITERIA. ..-~ ~- ..",...' 5 6 ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTA~LE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT. 7 OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONST,UCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH THE FACILITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. NO ROADWAY OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMMENCE ON,SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS. WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. B, NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZEO :iEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO 9 m-<':"I'. ~". - ~ ,'=..... ')~";P:~t;;~,.:~!', _-' .........-'f~~J1.D-irtMI.T ~." . I ,L(~,l~~~~&i" '--' ,.-.'*.-~'! . '.' ;<j;.c;,.ltlitjr~;'>:'",>1-'; ).)~~i;'",-.;" OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE S)STEH. THE ENTITY HUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER All WATER MANAGEMENT ~FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTIONOF"tHIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT Will ISSUEANJAUTHORIZATION TOCOII4ENCE CONST~UCTION.. ..'. . ,.<';,;i;')ii 9: "~'PERMIT OOES NOTCONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPE;TY RI=:~;:~""'< :~~~ ~:/RIVIlEGESOTHERTHAN THOSE SPE~,~~IED IN THE\~~~~;:ZSTE~\L'~"'~~~fi;;~( ';*:10/ THE'''PERMITTEE SHAll HOI.D'AHD SAVE THE DI~~:~CT HARMlESS:'.,.',.,,:kl~M,D1.~L,.~"~"')' DAMAGES, CLAIMS, OR LIABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON~'OE1lHC"r;;3';, . '~""~~~~n~' OPERATION, MAINTENANCE OR LISE OF ANY FACIl~Rlimjjy -'-:i~-' II. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED BASED ON THE APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED INFORMATION WHICH..... REASONABLY DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSE OFF-SITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED" ' '. '" ,,~lMPACTWJLL NOT tll,.,CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY. ii' IT IS 'AtSO THE REPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT AOVERSE'OFF-SITEWATER RESOU"CE IMPACTS 00 NOT OCCUR OURING CONSTRUCTION. ' , -;_i"~t,, - ~,"~""".",_",~~~'I!','i ,. ..,._"~.,, 12. PRIOR TO DEWATERING, PLANS SHAll BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL. INFORMATION SHALL INCLUDE AS A HINIMUM: PUMP SIZES, lOCATIONS AND HOURS OF OPERATION FOR EACHPUHP. IF OFF-SITE DISCHARGE IS PROPOSED, OR OFF-SITE ADVERSflHPACTS ARE EVIDENT, ANIND~l:IDUAl WATER USE PERMIT HAY BE REQUIRED. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THA- SEVERAL MONTHS HAY BE REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PE~~IT APPLICATION. '.""""';' ''?tr.",It'2':'~',,?f;''-; ...",- __,,,:""1111 j' [" ''It.!i4f.''''' :": .,\,;,\. ,.' .-- . . 'fiJi""; "',;;...t;;_:.,- '.''''"'. ~:~." ~.> i't~\~t.,k ",--"., 'f/rTf', ''''." ...........,.. 'f'" -~, ",' 10 -,~''''-- .."r~1'j"~ '-.'._1~'^ *"....~~...~.~ ~if>!>>~,;~~~;ki.;;;.!;_,_c"':1i .';,~:;'" .- ....'I".,_ "_1""t'trJlrl~",,_'r"'~~~t<:'(~-~ 'Her r. IITJfi..I,F. ~'^ .... -, [ ~;.:. -., "".. -,'.~- :~ /li,.:.~-,=;- ~~' '- <;, ~:,~~ ,J....;.,....d_'..,...-. .:' ;' ~~,&~f.;;;.~;t:',~":: __".",-n }t~J11~);:tJ<j;.-~ ,"'."7::::~~ , ~.""c"""*,~ ."R~~ .. i -~",,~tf 1 ,) ~~,..",;..!I;i.~ ~~~~~~jJlU~,,,,,n.',"""'-""~' ' .<..~.~---.."_...~.~ -~f"T' """~"".."3.2R:.,._7~' .. ..... ~,.. --, - ',- "".. ..... '...........,..\....,.:, .....-il.;"..-.. '.C'.'fH.!' SPECIAL CONDITIONS ,_M ' ."";,.',, I MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION: BASIN: MOTOROLA - 14.00 FEET NGVD. 2 MINIMUM ROAD CRO~N ELEVATION: BASIN: MOTOROLA - 12.10 FEET NGVD. 3 .,'..-r,~~~'_~" . DISCHARGE FACILITIES: "~",_J~~"'M?,~...,"-""",""',..,J~IL, ,..Ji"J..~ II~,~ 1-2.5' WIDE SHARP CRESTED WEIR WITH CREST AT ELEV. 10' NGVD. 1-2.5' W X .08' H RECTANGULAR ORIFICE WITH INVERT ATELEV.8.5' NGVD. 450 LF OF 36' DIA. RCP CU[VERT.' RECEIVING BODY : LWDD E-4 CANAL CONTROL ELEV"r'8.S FEET NGVD. /8.5 FEET NGVD DRY'SEASON. '--'.\'0' ......-^<<" f"""'~- 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION, SHOALING OR WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 5. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOTCREAUD IN THE RECElVING WATER. 6. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY. 7. LAKE SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE 4:1 (HORIZONTAL:VERTICAL) TO A DEPTH OF TWO FEET BELOW THE CONTROL ELEVATION. SIDE SLOPES SHALL a&-NURTURED OR PLANTED FROM 2 FEET BELOW TO 1 FOOT ABOVE CONTROL ELEVATION TO lNSURE,jf:GETAJIVE GROWTH. 8. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THA~ MINIMUM OF gO DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT 'APPLICATION: THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT -"PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THATIIATER WILL BE ,00' AVA I LABLE. 9. FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPROVED MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. 10. A BENCHMARK SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE VICINITY OF THE CONTROL STRUCTURE AND A DESCRIPTION PROVIDED TO THE DISTRICT WHEN CERTIFYING CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. .."".~-:~"...' 11 ,4.,",,~' . ,- r '-~-r""'-";'''rnr~ ~:'; _.,"",.,,;~,cj;:~'~i,,:;"'.\,;';;J,"j,~"4$;..~l,f( p;-.-~ ,~~rtHiy:.r:~..:-:..p,;J~~rua~ CiCi8[W't~tfi,.~>~~..)ii.irlM'l.il"'-~'i'( ~1<<'1i;;.-_. _ _.. ,",,'h I ' ~~'"l{;'" 4iUr ,y.-,.""'"c" ~.I!1:'i~.!.i!tlllill<~.l",,,,,,,,,,,,, ".,.~~~'_. ~~;!.';I;';~~.G ~~". ~'" "~:.WIi:'. i~ T." 11. PRIOR TO OCTOBER 9, 1993. THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE PERMITTEEOR,AUJ.oo.R1ZED".A,GENT (VIA THE S~lPLIED ".;1"> CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT NOTICE OR EQUIVALtHT)""OF"THE ACTUAt.OR ' ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE EXPECT.ED COMPLEnONDATE/ DURATION. ' "','r~kw ."'rJl.,;j1,'~"""',j,{,,,, ~. 12. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS E"~'IEAA. . ,CONSTRUCTION STATUS . ii.i1ri.j~ji;r~t\~rr~..J;i~:~w.~ 13. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEH, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIiWtAGENTSHALL NOTIFY THE;;!i SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT OF-li1HATCOMPLETlON DATE AND SUBMIT CERTIFICATION BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL,ENGINEER THAT ALL FACILITIES,HAVE,.BEEN-CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDAHCEVTTH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY '~'THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMPlETION/CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION OR EQUIVALENT). SUCH CERTIFICATION MAY CONSIST LOfWORDING IN PARAGRAPH 3.1.7 "CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION" OF THE CURRENT BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEHEH!tPERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. IF THE CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE USED IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SUGGESTED LANGUAGE. A SET OF RECORD DRAWINGS CONSISTING OF ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF COMPONENTS OF. THE SURFACE WATERMAHAGEMENT SYSTEMSAAIl.ALSO BE SUBMITTED. 14. OPER~TION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOROLA, INC. .~.~ ;~ ~ ..,,~.~,.. ....~'....'. ,-'- '-".-:, -.:- :},' ~,-:"";:~ti.":(>;' !~1,:,;:~>". \"""r"-.,~-,;." ." ...,~'."~'!fil,i.. .-....::<..:'t-,... :' ~;a!i' "~":~~::, #\:; 'j(!*:;::~; '~'. .;~",. ..'illM'" 0;;:' _.. ~:. -::1< .' ~~\., , .)::':rYIJ~"'" ~"~'~~~~~f\ ".""--..:.,,<,~,,,..,...;.~,<<~"'- "//).;.-'., ~~-..." ,;;'" .- ~ ~:.' 12 j 'to,,-> ...,,~. , '" = '~~~i " "" ~ , ,- . 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PA LAKe WORTH DRAINAGe DISTRICT "-^-./.J-^-^-^-"'-^-''''J>~: ";'~'- 1JOe1 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33_ March 19. 1993 Mr. Douglas O'laughlin Project Engineer Adair &. Brady. Inc. 1958 S. Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, fl 33406 F.,./ (~7 / J'~' LI~ / - <-~ rJ I -- n' Dear Mr. O'Laughlin; ...........--,. Subject: ~? LWDD Permit #93-697D.05, Motorola Outfall PilW, Endwall Relocation & Pavement AdditionrH, AId) Proj. #1759 We have reviewed the drainage pl.ins for the above referenced project ann no hereby approve of th4>m for connection to our facIlities, subject 1<) the following (,I)lIUiliul\>: (X, At the time of il1>1.II.t;ol) a bel)chll1ark ".i11 be r,;qu"ed un lhe top of the water contrnl structuf..(sl with the elevation cleadv defilled, ( Xl PeIlllilteewill reconstruct canalis) to approved design sectIon along projl"Cts limitS, includin~ ,dearin~andl1roper ,slQl>ingcoLthe m~lntenance berm" T ne cleared canal benT" and ;id~ ,I()p~; shall be stabilized. Type of stabi IozaUon shall be dDDfOved by l WOO. This construction shall be completed prior to any building activity adjacent to l WOD right~-way/easements. H . 11'- ~'~_:,'- _;.~c~-k.'_R~:_",' - ';~~;"l.t:'-'" Permittee will obtain any and all permits reQClired by OERlArmy Corps of Engineers;'SFWMD, Palm Beach County and/or any municipality that may be involved prior to the commencement of any comtrUClion, ";--1',.'<;,-."" ....L:.,' (X) ( X ) Permittee will take all reasonable precautions neces;.uy to prevent turbidity or silting ups're~'" or downstream during construction. (X) Permittee will contact the l WOD In~peaion Department 19 schedule inspe<:tions at least ~6 hours in advance. Failure to do '0 rn~y r..'ult in reJf'ction of the work until visual inspection can be made. Work must be uncovered for insoecl1on. (X) Permittee must submit "r,",nrd drawlflgs" wlt!1In sixty (1;0) d~ys of project completion. Drawings should show perimeter grad;ng at or above the deSIgn storm and control slrudure elevations. (X) The lake Worth Drainag'~ DIstrICt woIl not accept any water from dewatering either on or offsite unlil written notification of approval from SFWMD has been submItted to this office. () WherE> improvements are to be erected en lot, or parci!l, contiguous to lake Worth Drainage Distril.l ednals, dl!\'el(.lf.}(~r ,hall IF" ,!,j,!1 gutt...r'i Jnd oo\".m ~pouts elimindlir.g ~urpl11S wdter overland flow. assuring th.. roullng of ;0110 Wolter intI) II,., 011' "It:' Cd:chmpnt facility anJlOl the storm sewer system. ...,....._- """"....".....,.... ._"..~-,~"~,-,., L'......,. SNQ'l" &..1ao Aa>>n ...5313 Bcyn')n e..o-- & \"1.-.1 p.:m 0-.:1> n: 'j,ft')"i rAX (&CJ1) ..~40& .......,.- ~....~' I,'!j~~ , i , 1>< f ~ ;'(~_~. . '-:}:- . ">},c~, , ,>lt~ ~"ri.;:..:/r';~;..::::fii~~ " .M;; ,.,~f.';:' ~~';I"'Y' , ,;t,..,":....,.-...?:....,'!'- . ,~'-,:~:1'-. '-.>:' '.'-"'.:"" ~,,:..:_"c,::-;->,.._ .'. .:,;~)!.:~~: :~*'j1~~~i~ ."",.,~1! -'.-' '::.~r<~J;;~ .'-, '"-,'--- ":~t,'7 >'i:~~;" ,,' '--"1";:~~!~ i ," lc ....'L .!I. ..~ 1 ."It '~~7~:' J:;;';:/ "'If' ...~___,___ t1A\'-04-'~3 TLF 11 :59 ~[i:HDHIP ,~, E'f:!'='[' . ';';.:-: tV: U::'41 Pe2 .:. .;. ,...~ ~ \.:,~ I Ii U~"'II\;AC.E vISI~I,,:,r ."."</,,. "'~-~ ')::~', ..~..:.,. .',1,' ( )... ',. Permittee has providec.ja bond in favor of lWDD in the amount of 110% of the cost of the k','~' '~',',' "', i,,' , and its installation. Bond will be rele~ed upon issuance of final inspection l WDD and f..~j,..~~lopers submittal of "record drawings" to l WOO. " ~ ':-"'0:~\:;:~~'<':',;::~:: ( X ) Permittee agrees that significant.construction must start within one year to the date of permit Issuance or this permit will become void and a new application must be applied for prior to any construction activity on site. ( X ) The Permittee, assigns, or successors in titl" '-'cree to ope",1te and maintdin thl' orain.lgP sy<h'lIl in perpetuity. ( ) ~. '-"''1,'';., ,.......... ~. ..._i rn,!',1[~etillionofand by acceptance.o{thepermi!issued-by the lWOO, the undl'rsigned .we.., "1 ~'i~rriTrm"heabovl"'ahd furiller agrees lu hold the lWDO.iIS agents and l'rnploYt'e, h.. II II I,." (II' ." ' damage emanatiJ:g oul uf, ur resultillg (10m Ih" pellnit herein granted. ~" lAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ;~- c'~i4_' ""';."""",, 144,~cc,." .-. v PERMlTIER 4" " .'-' :': .. .:..t. - ,'-'''' This permit is issued in duplicate. Please sign both copies and return both ('opif.'~ 10 lWOO for signature. The permit is valid only d(tpr bnlh tht: permitter dlld permillee hol\'1' "'!;IIl'd. ":i"~ ,....~.~....~'<T) ...". '"=J~I -1 .~ ,{.~ ::,'J.l . .,~~ , " ,1:~>{i~~.;, <-il~' ".".,..,.~"",.~ , .,.. . ' Q o MOTOROLA DAY CARE CENTER PERM!T SUltlARY SHEET ~~,..-,- ,,:ll.IU!I' ,.--~, ~j ,....-..:,....- APPLlCATlCIII ....EI: 930415-4 PERMIT NOOIFI:ATICIII 10. 50-OO931-S LOCATlCIII: PALM BEACH COUNTY, S17 /T45S/R43E OlllElb IIOOEL IWUc :.~:'>It'" EMIIEEI: METRIC ENGINEERING INC "..~*,;:,. ,',",:y,,::;.:, PIOoJECT AREA: 1 .86 ACRES DRAINA&E AREA: PIOoJECT USE: COMMERCIAL 1.86 ACRES FACILITIES: I. PROPOSm: Proposed 1 s the construct Ion of a su~face ,!ater lIIIIa9...nt syst.. ~:'_: ....". ,." :< ,,;.tosene a 1.86, acre day ca"..center. TIIet,Ju..,ac.....ater IUnag...nt '. "'~ "".;-syst_ .111 consist of Inlets, culYerts"swalesal'ld exfl1tration ' "", ,"'trench. Overflow will be Into the Motorola, Inc. lUster surface water.,lUnag_nt syst... PRo.JECT LEVEl: DRAINAGE BASIN: C-16 RECEIViillIODY: MASTER SYSTEM ,.i',Ultll:. .Jiil!l~L. EllYIROIIIEJlTAL: EllYIIWfIIllEJn'AL stIIWlY The project~lte currently contains landscaped grlsses. No wetlands or other envlronllntally sensitive features exist on the site. Adverse l~acts to wetlands are not anticipated as a result of the proposed construction. TOTAL ACRES TOTAL PRo.JECT 1.86 PREVIOUSLY PEJUlITTED THIS PHASE 1.86 acres ..'-' ""~" Exhibit ..:t-. ~~~ .. '.~':',"~"~"'".!>. .. .;o-;c:":",:,<,:::,~,,,,:,-,";'_',". .>", .:;;:, "C'-o " -':~:'0i;'-~~~~i;L;'{;:'- "";; ..,:.:~.,;"~~.;,~:'{':';_;" ,::;'!;~~t':)Zi~'i~il;,;{~L, _:::[>';,~'L,; '.,.,.\}:.--"..<.;-;,: .._:,;;C;;;~",~",...-,~ "'-,. .,~..,., '."- , ,',.,.:}., I '~)~ i:. P'~ ~.".,.(, ..,- , . t ~"" -. -~,:~;..'~"",< """,:-,,,.-,v>,;~,,'.;:'""\'::'T'>"(TC=""'''',,--, "...~--"..~_..--...-.-..,~~"~- .~ :.,..';"".., 0}- f~_..,,' ..' ..........., > .*.***...**..*... ........ >t.. *. ..... ...*.*.'-.'........ .a.aa........... ala" a...... '~"f' SOUTH FLORIDA WATER ~~~EMENT DISTRICT..". MODIFICATION OF SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT NO. ~o-Oom-s CERTIFICA liON FOR STORMWA TER DISCHARGE ............................................................................................... "".'-k_:.:., ,.,.t;,c,"" ..".---.--.' DATE'ISSUED: -' A Tjcir~qT-n 1 , ISSUED TO: MOTOROLA, INC. (MOTOROLA, INC.) 1500 Il\I 22nd AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 LOCATION: PAlM BEACH COUNTY. SECTION 17. 20 TWP. 4SS RGE. 43E ORIGINAL PERMIT AUTHORIZATION: CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A WATER IWlAGEHENT SYSTEM SERVING 64 ACRES OF INDUSTkIAL LANDS BY A SYST!'I or INLETS AND CULVERTS. 1-2.5' WIDE WEIll AND 1-36" X 450 LF DIAMETER CULVERT DISC1IAJlGING I)ITl:n::]iKE WORTH DRAHlAGE DtSTRICT'S E-4. APPROVED MODIFICATION: ~ODIFICATION OF A SURFACE WATER ~AGEMENT SYSTEM TO SERVE A 2.05 ACRE PHASE OF COMMERCIAL LANDS D1SC;IARGISG \'lA THE L'''DD. E~4 CAliAL 10 Tlti: C-: 6 CANAL. :;~~~~I=:~:~=~S~~~,~~~;~.;'"~t=::;.:~:: liabilities which may arise by reason oftFieconsVudlon. Operation. maintenance' or use of any work or structure involved in the Permit. The original Permit, including all plans and specifications attached thereto. a. addressed by the staff report and U- addressed by the Modification Staff Report are by reference made a part hereof All specifications and special and Limiting Conditions attendant to the original Permit, unless specifically recinded by this or previous Modifications. remain in effect. SPECIAL CONDITIONS; SEE SIIEETS 2 . 3 OF 5 - 14 SPECIAL CONDITIONS. SEE SHEETS 4 . 5 OF 5 - 12 LIMITING CONDI7IONS. ORIGINAL PERMIT ISSUED: DECEMBER 10, 1981 PERMIT MODIFICATION APPROVED BY THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT Orwaal SolI*! FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE SOUTH IIJ ~r . ~ FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RICHARD A. ROGERS. P.E,. DIRECTOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION REGULATION DEPARTMENT ON BY Original Signed by: '.'em Kaitir DEPUTY CLERK SIIEET 1 OF 5 --.'l)~.r',,'ij: ,f~t ..-">.~ .- ,. ".:-;,,~.,-':>:.'-: ,," , .~., ~ ;"~:f5:._~:l~ :$~'~_!;; ~;~ ,J;~ illi:;:ig.... ~~ --~ ".", ,.~~ ,~,;:..4~>:&. ,.~.."'" .'_L::J~. }~ <.,-.&:~~ . ~..,.......~~"'f.--.,~.~~......:-...-';.4-.."'.-....~--"".-...---~...~--,.. .--..-__~""'"...1'p...,_,;,c;..J.:.-~...,~jdl""~""~.Jlr<.. .~-at~~ ~ -,~. .~.....,.> <".:-,~- , "fc'''''''-'. II, ,.Jj!~, . ",.'/fIIiI4i!(i'- ,:':."J:.:,..~,r,,;_ o,;;r.i..Tij' ii,';',"',, ~'. .. ".""-,,, ..,....if .. -. -." " ",~",., "'c'~''" - ?~, -"~:=::~~'~", e;;;-.:<!i:}'-'.:' .~. j""-'8.,~ PERMIT NO. 50-00931-5 SHEET 2 OF 5 SPECI~ CONDITIONS .1 ""! ,,,,4~~ --~,...--..,:""" t"~'-- MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ElEVATION: BASIN':'HOTOROLA - 14.00 FfET NGVD. I 2 MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION:.BASIN: MOTOROLA - 12.10 FEET NGVD. ):_ij,t:ii>,'.i<-*!l.a"l:->;Y ""''''''':;;~I:I!': it.". _"~'.i.'k.~1!' '. "':,:--~,--',""'\",-'<;" ~'" 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: , '. ~..; 1-2.5' WIDE SHARP CRESTED WEIR WITH CREST AT ELEV. 10' NGVD. 1-2.5' W X .08' H RECTANGULAR ORIFICE WITH INVERT AT ELEV. 8.5' NGVD. 450LF OF 36' DIA. RCP CULVERT. RECEIVING BODY : LWDD E-4 CANAL CONTROL ELEV : 8.5 FEET NGVD. /8.5 FEET NGVD DRY SEASON. 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION, SHOALING OR WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACtWATERMANAGEMENT SYSTEM. S. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEOIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. - ,_--';-':;~~;:;"~-'- 6. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE T~ITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE I~RATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO~ECESSARY. ",7. IJtI(E ,SID"'SLOPf~"~8~t}.t\(llQRllorcT~).J~~,OEm-0f",TWO ,{U;J""',"_iD'" BELOW THE CONTROL ELEVATION. , SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE NURTURED OR PLANTED ' FROM 2 FEET BELOW TO 1 FOOT ABOVE CONTROL ELEVATION TO INSURE VEGETATIVE ,.-GROWTH. 8;'.PRIOR TO ,THE INITIATI~ANY WITHDRAWAbOF..IIATER (IRRIGATION,,~- DEWATERIL,PUBLIC IIATERISUPPL Y ,ETC.), 4I..X.I.L,L, BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR. . '. -, "A'WATERlJSE PERMIT~'),JJIIIIIERMITTEE IS CAU1fOREDTHAT A MINIHUH OF 90 DAYS't.tlf!)'c is REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEf THAT WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE. 9. FACILIT"S OTHER THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT AN APPROVl~ MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. 10. A BENCHMARK SHA.L BE PROVIDED IN THE VICINITY OF THE CONTROL STRUCTURE AND A DESCRIPTION PR(VIDED TO THE DISTRICT WHEN CERTIFYING CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. .. .. ,,!,'~~:'~/f ~ii2:'~': ",_~":-':~".. -l::"'i,~"""'- "')1 ,. :-~ft:j,~:~; ~ . .,.~ .~ "~7 '.:;:E:~~r~!t i)'~::..i.'.'i");:~; .""'-.". '. '~"'" ... -i... ., _ ,_'.:.;i"'-",,';'': ~-' ~J" '~~":~;'-t.. ~f\*-;:':;~C'-' ,~,:;.':~if~~~~_::~~:.~~ ~, :";:~+.~?;"'~,,,," .-JO..-!.'{",,': 2-'" (~~;:~~"1", """:~""c."Y;fl,\li~jir,' iii~i~t~I~~~~ib~ ,-....".~"',.,~.' . .:'. ,,-)i};:.~?0'"'-'Y~Smil:ti'~'r-"/')i~"lC"fr.' ,..,:~;,;iii:;:j~/'i\;. '. lUijll!!dlli " ... PERKIT NO. 50-00931-5 SHEET ,3',OF 5 ~.;~ ,.'.,.-" 11. PRIOR TO OCTOBER 9, 1993, THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED BY THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENl"V~E-SUPPLIED" CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENT NOTICE OR EQUIVALENT) OF THE ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED CONSTRUC,TION START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE/ DURATION. ~~~",j,~;:,~, .~.:-,~ 12. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE YEAR, CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OR EQUIVALENT) BEGINNING ONE YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTR~~TION DATE. ,,~,' .j>h. 13. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER ,..-. MANAGEMENT SYSIiI.,THLPERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL NOTIFY THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT OF THAT COMPLETION DATE AND SUBMIT CERTIFICATION BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE.DESIGN APPROVED BY THE OISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION/CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATIQNOREQUIVAlEtfT). SUCH CERTIFICATION HAY CONSIST OF WORDING IN PARAGRAPH 3.1.7 "CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION" OF THE CURRENT BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. IF THE CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE USED IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SUGGESTED LANGUAGE. A SET OF RECORD DRAWINGS CONSISTlNG"OF ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF COMPONENTS OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL ALSO BE SUBMITTED. 14. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE D"SPONsIBIqn OF MOTOROLA, INC. ",.....,.,.,"'.,. '_'C","-:;":"'i ~c"h,,"~,1'\ ~,:~W~-;~1~'_~0::;:j: ~;'. 'n "!...',.w.~ "--'c" '.__,c_",..'_~~-~: _.;;:.i~#f,~' ~...~,_..:v..._,......; l ~~'--''- I _"'F',:~,.",,,';,,;rr rr 'f~..' r"'M~~;:tf;~L:... _ -_.~.~:_~_" ,.,:.~,",~~~;;;,~~ '~-'~",',",......",~':r{- :;..~u::;,. ,':'.V'"", PERMIT NO. 50-00931-5 SHEET 4 OF 5 ~.;.:lI.. LIMITING CONDITIONS """,,,,. ~i~r, 1. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY, THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASUPES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILLnATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTATION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. ..../" ".."")JllIll!tI:\,;,.,-",",-,,,,-,><:'.. .'--~<- ,-......' , ,~./q;. Il.{"fft 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUDE THOSE LISTED IN CHAPTER 17-302. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA AS REQUIRED, ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED, DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. 3. THE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION, THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AllTHOR IZ ED BY THIS ' PERMIT. ,f- 4. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BjJN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE 01STRm: . WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT THE CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES ARE READY FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE SHA1.L, REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY~1'IloVED.BYi'llE DISTRICT-:'" ".',',', " ' 5 ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRITERIA. '0 6 ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT, 7 OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH THE FACILITIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. NO ROADWAY OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMMENCE ON-SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS. WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. ~,. 8. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO Ic:.~ ~j <':Yii:'"!iU:'::ri,!.>. '.'."...,..';:...."'~.,., i,""' ';' :~.. ' (',!'t>'i~_I;:,':'J.;(~,-i:.j:;~- -,,"'.,.,._ 'i,,' '"'_~M''\'~, "-~t'<' Sincerely, ~~2:~;~" ""'-i:~ " '" .:s~f;'):,\~'i')."l<.~7<;--.,------.,~. ",~,""-'_"'W~"""'''''''''';;''-'';....~-. ." '. ~ r.' it- , ~ South Florida "later Management District 3301 Gun Club Road . PO 110. 246lll . w... P.lm Il...ch. Fl ;;-1-l16.~1 . ,-lQ71llllll-lIlDl . fLWATS 1-lIJO.43l.aJ4S CON 24-06 x~; August 12, 1993 MOTOROLA INC 1500 NW 22ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 Dear Sir: Subject: Permit Modification Number 50-00931-5 MOTOROLA INC, Palm Beach County, SEC 17,20, TWP 455, RGE 43E ,:-' Ii linl'eN~~~~~:~a{g::;~::;'~~~~r ~~~~=~n!~t:~a:~na~:me~~i s p1 ~~~ r a~d IIOdlfledthe.Surface Water Management Permit subject to the attached""l2 li.lt~lj"concrltlons and 14 special conditions. The permit will be mailed ~nde~~~~~~ate cover. The conceptual approval does not constitute a ,construction permit. It is ...basecl:-uponthe'information prOVided by the app1 icant and may be subject to 'suspension, revocation or modification in accordance with Rule 40E-4.341 (FAC) if it Is later determined that said information is erroneous or false. All future app1 ications for construction submitted pursuant to this conceptual approval will be reviewed pursuant to~~. provisions of Rule 40E-4.301(3) (FAC). As construction plans are developed for additional Phases they IIlllst'ili :11 W I' _,)Ub!!IW,~tl\~tPiJ,Dlstrict.,.,.ud no additional const'Fuction may begin ," untfT"'written approval has been granted by this District. I~ you have'any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call. ""'-''0".-, '''~:'.'\ ~ Steve Lamb, Director Regulation Department SL/VLK/si cc: ADAIR & BRADY, INC. PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEER LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT DER Gcwernirvl 8c'ldrrJ Valer~ &'f)'d. CMlrman Frank \\/iIIidm!oon..Jr, \'ice <..:h.irman ,\nnic f\crdm:nurr \\'illiam Hammond BefS.)' Krant '\II...n .\\iIIedge Eug....ne K ~lIi~ "\athdnh:'1 P H,,'~d L"...h lj Schad Tilrn,d l C ,,,,,'1. EXcl'ulive Director Thtlm.-u;, K .\\.u-Vit..u.lkpur)' t:xecufiw I>in.'l"f'''' "1~;-('~' ..--,- . ~,,~: -.' ~-d."'"' ~ i ~...~ ~'M>' ,-.".,,-- -'.' ;~PERKIT NO. 5ll"OOO931-S SHEET 2 OF 5 SPECIAL CONDITIONS MINIIUI BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION: BASIN: IrlTOROLA - 14.00 FEET NGYD. ",---0/";:-'-' 2. Ml/fllUl ROI\D CRIMI ELEVATION: BASIII: IrlTOROlA - 12.10 FEET NGYD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: 1-2.5' WIDE SHARP CRmED VEIR WITH CREST AT ELEY. 10' NGYD. 1-2.5' W X .08' H RECTANGUlAR ORIFICE WITH INVERT AT nEV. 8.5' NGYD. 450 LF OF 36' DIA. RCP CULVERT. RECEIVING BODY : LWDD E-4 CANAL CONTROl. ELEV : 8.5 FEET NGYD. 18.5 FEET /CWD DRY S[A5OI. 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF MY EROSION, SHOALING OR VATER QUALITY PROILDlSTHAT RESUlT FRCIITHE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF TH~ SURFACE VATER IWWiDlEllT synEJI. 5. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING COfCSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDlllENTATION ANDIOR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING VATER. i. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH HEASU~~S ARE SHOWN TO Bt NECESSARY. 7" LAKE SIDE SLOPES SHAll BE 4:1 (HOP.IZOHTAl:VERTICAl) TO A DEPTH OF TWO FEET BElOll THE CONTIlC!. ELEVATION. SIDE SLOPES SHALL BE NURTURED OIl PLANTED FROM 2 FEET BElOll TO 1 FOOT ABOVE CONTROL ELEVATION TO INSURE VEGETATIVE GROlITH. 8-:-- PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF AllY WI1'IIDRAVAL OF VATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT A MINIIUI OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIREfl FOR CONSIDERATION OF 'THE WATER USE PEIIIIT APPLICATION. THE PERMIME IS CAUTIONED THAT 'THE" ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE VATER IlANAGDIEIlT PERMIT "sHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WILL BE AVAIlABLE. 9" FACILITIES OTHER THAN THOSE STATED HEREIN SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT M APPROVED IIIOIFICATIOf! OF THIS PERMIT. 10. A BEIiOlWX SHAlL BE PROVIDED IN THE VICINITY OF THE COHTIlOL STRl.'CTURE NIl A DESCRIPTIQtI PliOYIDED TO THE DISTRICT WEN CERTIFYING CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. ...-.,...--.........,...-., ..,...~-.....--,..'"'. .-...-.~..._....__._-_....~........... ~L '"'< ..' ~'i'''''.. ~.~..::-.'----.,......;;,;~'~:~.....'.t..; ..;,_.<",'..-.,,-~ ;5 _.:~~-'~ ~"',tTtfr~~~~?:-';> ;; ::ii'''- '1""":""';":;:'~"':W.;j~;.~,~~~ :c.':_ '..J ~ n ~ ,r,~;-:~:t\~~'f,"~[~(i:t.~!~ d '~;;.~~{~'}llr'. ';::~--"t'f<f"C,,;~~~-, ~"'~'t;-< "~L~~l" ,1{0 ~p,,>,.. , ,.. -,-.-.---0,;;."<''','.''"'.. __.'If t~, \ ',~ '9~:~:J.-' "," ..""...~111{~~ .~, . ~ 11. PRIOR TO OCTOBER I, 1113, THE SOUTIf FLORIDA IMTER MWDfENT DISTRICT SHAlL BE fIOTlFJm BY THE PEJIIITTEf OR AUTHOIUzm AGENT (VIA THE SUPPLlm COflSTRUCTlOI alllEJEDfENT IlOTICE OR EQUIVALENT) Of THE..JC1'UAL OR :l~f:._!CIfI,;~~D.\TE~..EXJIf:~~~.>!'- 'y ", . . , ,,-;,<,:i,~ v.< ",' - "" , ", -' "'.:: , ". '::.:~e';:~ 12. lID THE" IIllRATI<<II OF cacsTIlIa" I. OC-l.JIAR.~1';'<hOl STATUS, ' .."" RUQRTs SIWJ.,ILSI8IIJJID 10 TIlE SOUTIf'FLGlUIIf'VAtER NANAliDDT DISTRICT ". ~~"r",i~'* g~~ m:.~~=rOf~~~V~W)". '-~~1 ,.<,..." _.;:;,{::;..::{;~t::.-.'~', ""-c-Yi<i{.~~,,- 13. IIITIIII 30 DAYS AFTER CONPI.ETJOI Of ~CIIJ&~ SURFAU."IIATER MlACDIEJIT SYSTDI, TIlE PEIIIITTEE CJl.;MIIIIIRIZm SHAlL IIOTIn~lIIE" SOUTH FLORIDA'IIATER MU.mIDfT DISTRICT'GF1HAT CCIIPl.ETICII DATE All)SU8IIIT CmlFlCATlCII BY A FLORIIM IIRISTERED JlRDFESSICIIAL EllGIIIEEIl WT AU FACILITIES HAVE BEDI COfISTRIaED II ACCOIlDt'JlCE III1H THE DESIGff APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPl.Im CCIISTIlUCTICII CCIIPLETICllf/CCIfIS1'IUIClfI CmlFICATlCII OR EQUIVALENT). SUCH CmlFICATICII MY CONSIST Of IlORDING II PARACIWH 3.1.7 "COlQIK<<TIClfI CCII'LETICII cmID~"-~..THE- BASIS Of ItEUIM "'" a.&"ACE IIATEIt".IEMEI"t~T1011S IIITHII ' rrTIIESOUTH'FDlIt!DA IMTER W-""EIIEIfTi'DISIRICT. IP"IIrtmlFlCATlCII .,_...~~~ UJIGIWlE USErlS DlftUIUT FIIOITHE SUIlCESTED LIJIGIWlE, A SET Of RECORD DRAIIING$ CONSISTI'" Of ELEVATlOIIS, UlCATIOIIS All) DIIIDfSIOIIS OF CCIIPONENTS OF THE SURFACE IMTER JlANAGEJIEITSYSTQt~ ,ALSO BE SUBNITTED. '~;"- 14. OPERATlClfI OF THE SURFACE IMTER MWDfENTSYSTDI SHALL BE THE , RESPOHSIBILJTt' OFNDTOIIOLA, INC. PERMIt NO. 50-000931-5 SHEEt 3 OF 5 . ..-,[J1tl~;t;~~.'o/~-'-' 'J"'Iiii~" "'Ill -- .~::.~_Jt' .. -}"j:,"",'">',,.-r:,";: ""';c~ni .,~~, ~:~~ >;":"~~l:~ .=--"",."""-~"'." ",''''''''. i,~~f1?"t ,~.'-'}i;~ ~:~::'i """r.' <,~ ~._~. ,,- .-i',~.f.' """'. ~, '_. .'" .'-i ~ \~;~-- ,.4 -,..;::,~~ ;;,~~~;;;:;"'.;" ~'" .'~. -~._--.,.." '~:. ~ - fl!._ ~~....,.. . "':~Y' . - ~,"~_r:i '. ,,:if- ___."...~. F _"' LIMITI", CONDITIONS I .' PERMIT NO. ,0-000931-5 SHEET 4 OF 5 ".y-c,~", 1. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE IIIlIlIC AUTHORIUD IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE MY ADVERSE IMPACT Of THE IIORICS ON fISH, IlIlDLIFE, NATUP.AL ElVllIGllmAL VALUES, AND VATERQUAUTY.~E PERIIITTEl SHALL IlISTlTUTE NECESSARY MEASURES 'XJRING THE ~TRUCTION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL aJlPACTION Of MY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AJlIIlII) NEIlLY IIISTALLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, nlRBIDITY, IIITRIOO LOADIIC AND SEDIIlENTATION III THE RECEIVIIlC VATERS. 2. VATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE VATER DISCKARmI FRalTHE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE VATERS OF THE STATE SHALL BE SU8IlITTED TO THE DISiRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAIlETERS TO BE J!OIIITDRED MY !IlCLIIDE THOSE LISTED III CHAPTER 17-302. IF VATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERIIITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA AS REQUIRED, III YOLUIlES Of VATER DISCHARGED INCLUDING TOTAL VOLIIlE DISCHAR6ED, OURIIC THE DAYS Of SMPlIII& AND TOTAL IIlNTIfLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE VATERS Of THE STATE. 3. THE PERIIITTEE SHALL COMPLY IIITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AIID OTHER LOCAL REQUIRDIEJITS. III ADDITION, THE PERIIITTEE SHALL OBTAIII ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE STARr Of MY COIlSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. 4. THE OPERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN COIlSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE IIITH THE OESI6JI APPROVEO BY THE DISTRICT. WITIIIN 30 DAYS AFTERCC>>lPLETION OF CIlISTRUCTIOH OF OlE SURfACE WATER IlANA6ENENT SYSTEN, THE PERIlITTEE SHALL $UIIMIT THE CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES ARE READY FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL Of THE COMPLETED SURFACE VATER IWIAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERIIITTEE SHALL REQUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERIIIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY APPROVCD BY THE DISTRICT. ""' 5. ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FLOOD CRITERIA. 6. ALL BUILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLlCAB~E LOCAL GOVERNMENT.. _' 7. OFF -srTE DISCHARGES DURING coHsrRIICTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY - THROUGH THE FAULUIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERIIIT. NO ROADIIAY OR BUILDIII& COHSTRUCTIIlff1IWI COItlENCE ON-SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF THe: PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS. VATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES NAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. B. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COItlENCE l'ffTlL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRicT HAS BEEN ESTABLj)HED AND HAS AGREED TO ~ -, , -)~~ .-"" 3.'~\~,;~",'>-' '~~-r.!;""-' , c; "'~~'~~1~t~~P~Jj:\J:~1 <;;;,~;'C~%"~:.r~ ,~ 4.1." ~" "'l{, ~llE:":" '"\..,. ~"'>"'~~'-" ....'( _"~"'--o,'~, . _":'- l~ 12. PRIOR TO DEVATERlII. PI.MS SHALL I[ SUMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAl. IIFOIIIATlCIl SHALL III:I.lID[ AS A RIIJJUI: PIlI' SIZES. lOCATlOIIS AND HOURS OF OPERATlOIIFOREACII .....' IF OfF-SITE DISClWWE IS PROPOSED. OR OFF-SITE AllVERS(IIIPACTS_EVIDEIfT. AI IIIUVIIIUAlWATER USE PEMIT MAY BE REQUIRED. THE PEIIIJTIEE IS CAllTIClIIEJITllAT SEVERAl MClIITIlS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CClIISlDERATlOII OF TIlE WATER USE PERMIT APPUCATlOll. ^,.,,':fV':,'- -',"", 1J/ I 1"1)" Jtr h , '.litl r [ -;;!~.',:__~,~4 \"-' -"" ." ...' .,.,N6'. ~, , ,j-~ r~" --, '.',i-. :,,~-;:.. ::c"",:~'l ,,,>"" . T:Ii . ';IC3-~ ",C"....: :{ '~:':, ' ,j!' , '?t:.i'_: "'.~If~: ,", " ~,"" , -',llt~ i ,,:'c,;;;., , il-:>.':t::,_' '-;.....- . ' ~it~r~~~~';~~i--K> :. -~~ ~ - ".:~.+~~~?:~"~';;'" (:;~ ' South Fl:rida Water Manag~ent District \~" MOl Gun Club Road 0 PO Box24e80 0 W.otP.lmBeach.Fl334l~ 0 (407)tlM-8SlO 0 FlWATSI-Sl(}.432,:!04S CON 24-06 Regulation Department Application No.: 911101-7 FINAL APPROVED JAN t 3 1992 January 13. 1992 WPB Motorola. Inc. 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue Boynton_Beach, FL 33426 Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Notice of Intent to Construct Works Modification to Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification No.: 50-0093l-S Permittee: Motorola, Inc. Project : Motorola, Inc. Location: Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, S17.20/T45S/R43E ~.,,"'~"..; -.-M'" ~., ~_"!'.' -"'-H' --- -,~i;"'';;;~..- This letter is to notify you of the District's agency action concerning your request of November 1, 1991, to modify the above referenced permit and stormwater discharge certification. This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E-l.606 and Chapter 40E-40, Florida .~~~J~tstrative Code. "'" l..;J-tt->" ,n lL,I,L~:.h~"-"',,_.<<:"~i!'!,JiJ:o:':~~, Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a modification to the above referenced Permit and Stormwater Discharge Certification is in effect for t~is project subject to: ~'."; 1. Not recelv,ng a filed administrative hearing, request for a Chapter 120, Florida Statutes; 2. -' the attached 12 Standard Limiting Conditions, 3. All special conditions previously stipulated by-Permit Number 50-0093l.S remain in effect unless otherwise revised and shall apply to the above referenced permit, and 4, the attached additional 4 Special Conditions. Should you object to these Cvnditions, please refer to the attached "Notice of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review to the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have any ouestions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights," we will assume that you concur with the District's action. (i(luw'ifll/H.'IdrcJ Allan \\1110..11"... Chairman. ,\\Iam; \';!.ll:'flc t\o.,~,,j \'jco!' Chairman. 'apl~!Io Ken -\11"m.. We!>! Palm lW.u:h l...eah G Schad. WnI Palm Bu\:n t-"rank W.lham.,on Jr . Oke"chobti' E"'Il"M K Pl-ui.. h"n Laud..:rdill... T.lfNd C Creel, F...ecull\'e Oireclor Thom.u.\'\ ""c\'arOtopuC)"E.ucutiw:Oi"'~"1('11' Jotm~'" ~.. ...."Ii t'~'n L"uJerdoll... AnnIe ~~an,",(~ur1 .\\.otmi Fr"nkhn t\ ,\\"nn Fori .\\)...,.." -'.' ,...-_.._------....-,...~....._-'_._----.-"-....." ,. _...,.,."..------,._-".-.._~-,.-. ; :bJ,'~~<" :"ct '.'':;:'~ ~f~t.,~i> ,-._"~J [= :i.~~ '," ;<,' o . ~:.M~t-, ' Motorola. Inc. SUbject: Notice of January 13, 1992 Page 2 ;.t4rq:'::...... .:f:0'::' ,'~,. '~~IJLT'1lI1I~" : :,~",,,,,,, " '-" "', _:,~~:,~:;'-<-1'c",'.-,. '-, -':;~ ~~\j;f~:';,: Intent to Construct Works ':;::~~",: ;;o,'"c,''''' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ;;;;.,,~ . I HEREBY CERTIFY that a "Not ice of Ri9b~s..' has been lIIiled to the addressee (and the persons listed in the attached distribution '11st) no later than 5:00 P.M.. this 13th day of January, 1992, in accordance with,Section 120.60(3),~.~. ....1.1"'''l'11)",C-: -_.~, ,~,.' ',~, SincerelY;'''' ~,/~~. Kenneth S. Todd, Jr., P.E. Supervising Professiondl Surface Water Management Division KST/ld CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P BI8 707 084 Enclosur~'n,..'" .,......."""'_,.....,..c,_ ",' 'r~'_ 1-",1. ' . ~':"1~;'__-_:__.':;1;\:,:;; ..:<:-?J?W_\'" ";';l~,:n_1~;-:~-i'" ,:'.:,:~,I1f~,'t)IrIf,~,~~,-, tdii ~-;~'i':''i.E'C, ' '-,-"",,;,:.:..:-"'" v ........,._ jf ~llll' " _, ~-,-, ........'" -"""'..-' ,.,.,,i- <Y. -r ,.$tpt:-~. ,:~-,,-f_-"'", ;A~4~~"-~;fi~:,:::f}i+; >c:~Cj:Jf4'~f~..t~~{~ ~-"" ,... " LIIBTII& CDlDITIGII 1. TIfE "_IITTtE SMALL NOSICUfI TME",I AUT_IUD .1 A.... 10 AI TO Kall_IU b,-AQvUSE I""" 0' TN( wc.i:S mI '1511, WILDLlJI, UTLaAL EIfY.....TAL VALUES. &lID \IITII aUALlTY. ,. PlI.tlTlE( SULL USTIM! MlaSSAIY ....... ~IIIG ,. CCItS'MJC1IC11 ".ICIt. UIn.LI>>!1G fU.L CCIIPAtTlCII Of' AII1' 'ILL JiU,Tt:lIAL 'LACED AICLIIID .wLY IIITALLID ITIUCT\.IIIS. TO IIDUCI 001101. n.alDln. ."IIEIT LOADIIIG .uD SlDIMlIllTATICII II Till ualYl" ...n... 2. WAUl ClUALln DATA FOI TME WilTEI DISCJIAII2D ,1(11 ,. "..nTTU'S PIOPf.n 01 HITO SUlFA:( WATERS Of TME STATI SMALL II lUIllTTID TO Till Dlmler AS aClnm. ,_TlIS TO II _ITClID IIA, 1"'L11l1 Toal! LISTlD II cuPTU ,7.J. If IIl'P _ITT DATA II aCllIIlD, 'III "...ITTn SMALL PIOVIDl DATI" _'ID, 011 _I OIl1lm DIICUIGID. ,_,_... Vlll.lIOl DI_ _IIG Till DATI 01 ~IIG _ TOT'" IIIITILT DIICIIUGEI ... Till _n CI 11'0 'Ill uFla lIlTUS Of Till STATI. 3. Till ""'ITTII SlIAl.L caft, WITI "'L _ICAlLI UlClL ...IYII/OII aQJllTl... - OTNII l.OtAI. IICIlIIO&ITI. II -UJCII, nil PUlUITU .-L, !lUA11 ILL lIIa_' fEDlUL. ITlTE. LllCAL - SPECI... DISTller _"'IZATlGII "I" TO Till ltAil'ror ,.., CGIItIUCTIIII CI ILTEUTlIII IlW lDCI __IZED I' TNIS ""IT. 4. TlIllftUTlIII _.. Of '"II ""'1' SlIAl.L lOT .eIM IffEerIVl..T1L I fLCIIOA IIGISTUID 'lOl'ISSICIIAL UGIMI.. a.TlnES 'MAT AH. 'ACIlITIII uVlIIP ~ED II 'eQ"WftalK:l WITIII TNt: DESUil APPIOVED If 'loot; .,iITlICT. Wnll,1 30 DAYS Aft'. (DII'LITlCII or CDlITJUCTI~ 0" TME ..'ACE waTEI ....VG(M!.t ~nitl'. TME PlllUTTlI! lULL .-IT Till a.n'ICATlCII AID MOTH' 'ME DISTlICT 'MAr TNE ,,,eILITIE:; Ut '!NI. '01 I.SPlCTle:. .uG APPIOVAL. WGI ~AL Of '. ~ITED .'AC! ....n. JIWWZ!IeE.' sysnM. T~ ,.,~nTE! SMALL IEDLES' TIMS1U 01 T. "_n TO ,tIE .IIPCIISJIU IITI" UHovt; If TNI DISTlICT. 5. ALL ROADS SMALL. II SET .ll 01 AJOi4 ELEVATICIIS lEGlJlllD IY TNl APPLJCAlLE LOCAL GOVE..fIIT FLOCO ClITEaIA. 6. ALL alllOt.., FLODIS SMALL IE SIT " 01 AIO'4 ILEV.TICIIS ACCl'U.LE '0 TIlE APPl.ICAILE LOCAL GOVEltMC.T. 1. OIf-SITI DISCNAlGES _IIG lXIISTIUCTlOI _ __T SlIAl.L II _ IIILT ,- Till fACILITIES AIIT_IZED IT TIll "..IT. 10 _T CI "ILlIII ~IIII "'LL _ICI III-SITE "TlL caftlTlIII 01 'Ill _ITTID DIICIUIIGI ITIUC1UIl _ DETUTIIII MUS_ lilT" DISCllAlGED f_ .TIf _CT SlW.L II ,_'~"" "CIIIII'''-tunllLl fill ~GIlLATI" ....- ...,TEI ITAGES. S'IGlS M' II UJEer '0 ,~T1" _. II IITlIIACTCI'I TO Till Dlmler. ."~,.. ",~f;: I. 110 CCIISTIUCTIIII _"'IZED lIlall SlIAl.L _ICI .-IlL I 11_IILI oTln ACCl"UU '0 'Ill DIITlier ... ElII ISTIIUIIED _ IIU _ '0 _TI _ MIITIII Till ITSTEII. Till IIT1TT ..., II PIOVIDD VITI ."f1CIM' aMaIIlP 10 'UT IT IIU ~ MIl "'L IIlTEI _...~ fACILITIES AllTIClIZED lIIall_ ~ aClI" or Y11TY111 EVIDlICI 01 ~ IITllfACTl1II 01 111S cmmlTll*, Till DIITller WILL I'" NA _"'IZATll* TO . ~..,. ClIIITlUCTIOII. 9. Till ""IT DelES lOT conn TO ~ _I"" ,.., _n IIGIT - ,.., IIGIlI CI PlIYIUGEI OTIIlI TMAI ,.. ,"ClflB II ~ _IT _ cuPTU "-4. 'K. '0. Till _ITTEI SlW.L IIlLD _ 11\11 T!II Dlmler -.... f_ ,.., l1li ILL D_S, CUI". .. L1I1ILITIEI "'leI' M' 11111 It _ 01 Till lXIISTIUCTIIII. _TlIII. IIIITIIINACI .. UII 01 ,.., fACILlnllllT_'ZID,,,.--1T . ". TlIS _IT II 1_ II1II III ~ _ICAlTS .-lnlD Ilf__TlIII "'lei ...-, _TUTEI TUt llD_ OIf-IITE laTa a_ aUTED I..ACTI WILL lOT . - IT 'Ill ClM'UTID ""'IT ACTIYln. IT II ..... Till _IIILln 01 Till _I"" '0 1_ 'IAT llDVIIll OIf-IITI ...,.. InOllla aUTID I"ACTI DO lOT _ DUlIIG lXIISTIUCTIIII. ,z. PlUII TO DllIlTElIII. PLMI SlW.L . .-ITTED '0 'Ill DISTller ,.. -.... Ilf__TlIII SlIAl.L IIICLLDE AI . 1111": ,.,. SIDI, LOCITlGII l1li _ 01 lftUTlIII f.. ~,.,.. If OIf-SITI DISCllAlGE II ~. .. OIf-IITI ADVlIIl I"ACTI All EVIDEIT. NA 1.IYIDUAl. ...'U UII ""I'M' II aClUllID. 'Ill ""'ITTH II CMI'IICIlED Tt" __ _'II M' . aCll11lO f.. CDIIIDlUTlIII 01 Till WATEI UII "..IT _IClTlIII. '~~'.Y"".~',";':.:",;_."'_~:7 - ":o/~ik;';~~i''r' ": .'\q~~~:"""Hlf,~!l"". . ..........e. o ,- , ";'~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS *,2,.. 1. PRIOR TO RECEIVING,ANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS FROM THE DISTRICT. THE pERMmn:"SHALl;-'~AND RECEIVE A REVISED CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL WHICH IS CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRICT CRITERIA. ,.,~. 2. WITHIN 30 DAYS OF ISSUANCE'OF THIS PERMIT. THE SFWIID SHAlL BE HOT !FIED BY THE PERMInEE ORAIJl1IOIlIZED AGENT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COIOlEHCEMENr NOTICE OR EQUIVALENT) OF THE AtTIlAl OR ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE AND THE EXPECT.~ COMPLETI~",DA,!E/DURATlON. ., 3. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUtTlON EXCEEDS ONE YEAR, CONSTRUCT:ON STATUS REPORTS SHALL BE sUBtIJnED TO THE SAIIlD ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAL STATUS REPORT OR EQUIVALENT) BEGINNING ONE YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION DATE. 4. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF TilE SURFACE WATER IlAHAGEMENT SYSTPI, THE PERHlnEEOR AUTHORIZED AGEh'T SHALL NOTIFY THE SAIIlD OF THAT COMPLETION DATEnANDSUBMIT CERTIFICATION BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOROANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION/CONSTRUCTION CERTIFiCATION. OR EQUIVALENT). SUCH CERTIFICATION MAY CONSIST OF WORDING IN PARAGRAPH 3,1;7'~Construction completion certification" OF THE BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER IlAHAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. IF THE CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE USED IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SUG6ESTED,LAHGU4~( ~. ~f,LPF RECORD DRAlOINGSCOHSISTJI& OF ELEVATIONS. LOCATIONS"""".", AHDDIMENSIONS OF COMPONENTS OF THE SURFACE WATER IlAHAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL ALSO BE SUBMlnED. '.",,,-,,,",,' ...~ ~t.l,l~~_,l~_-~~(, ,4;"" Jj\l!JJ~';~ jfl:--:-~'_. 't~iliJfI':]ir:- 1 -::y;*,.. L. ,1f.- .'~ . I ',1"~j~W~,,,,,, >.' . . , , 'r'. .". . .. . -'" '''':;A.:,~', .~ -'. 3==-2~~.f'.~ o - - I I I:!'- -~. ~I~:; , ?.. . :,,-~' tjj " ~,,"" . - ~ ." ,.., ., ,,':~~'~';':1~' -'^, , . ~'f"4{o~::'::- , -- r.k~'~ I I I ",'<"',,,,:,,f"~' ,-,-. ',' . ,)1J!;;;:if,",~~f:'CJ~'~>'" ",~''',~''';'_~~:.i,,~'r-:,:",-'-' ~-,,-:-, '- ,"-" ,"'-," C -."" MOTOROLA. INC. i- DrDMtT~IMYAOV CU~~T APPLICATION NO. 9]1101-7 PROJECT PHASE' AREA...2....!LACm- LOCATION Palm Beach Countv S17.20/T45S/R43E BASIN AREA~ACRES PROJECT USE Industrial PROPOSED: A permit modi ficat Ion has been requested by the applicant to authorize construction and operation of a 2.62-acre phase of a previously approved 90-acre project kncwn as Motorola. Inc. ~~This project receiv~conceptual approval on December 13, 1979 and a construction and operation peN+t on December 10. 1881 fol'.a acres of the 90-acre project. Development of the project has not ,',' pr"c;e~ded, in ,strict compl lance with the conceptual approval or the :'-'construction'and operation permit. However, there Is adequate flood protection for the project floors and roads In the existing master water management system. The allowable discharge and water quality trpatment requirements ,are also being m!!t. ......; -.,....,.,...~' With the next construction request, the permittee shall submit and receive a revised conceptual approval which is consistent with the existing development and District criteria (refer to Special Condition No. 1). DRAlNA~E BASIN r.16 RECEIVING BODY LWDD E-4 CANAL - RUN OFF FORMULA lWDD CURVES ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE ~ CFS .,ct!:+<,..~ "~".. REQUIRED ~ETENTION ~ AC-FT DETENT!ON HETHOD on-site lakes DETENTION PROVIDED ~ AC-FT '.~ LAND USE BREAKDOWN TOTAL PROJECT THIS PHASE TOTAL 90 acres lAKES 5.~7 acres (measured at water surface) IMPERVIOUS: ROADS & DRIVES 19.65 acres ROOF 7.8 acres OTHER PERVIOUS 56.88 acres 2.62 acres 0.00 acres 0.92 1.70 0.00 acres acres acres EXHIBIT ~ ....................~,'_>;..'"'..~...~4.iN...~...,,*'" -.-- ""'-'- . ,...c' .~". ..-.., ,'- '."< . ;.;.ktif\,. U.i "L"!"" .w-,." Ir" ." " .AM.',' ':._-. I .i!J,;-~);IU_-,' 11. THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT A COPY OF ^:.L PRELIMINARY PLATS FOR DISTRICT STAFF REVIEW, TO DETERMINE IF SUFFICIENT DRAINAGE AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENTS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED. A COpy OF ALL RECORDED PLATS SHALL BE SUBMITTED WHEN AVAILABLE, TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PERMIT FILE FOR DOCUMENTATION OF ADEQUATE AND PROPER EASEMENTS FOR THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES. 12. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION EVIDiNCING SOUTH BROWARD DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCiION. 13. COMMERCIAL PARCELS SHALL PROVIDE 1/2 INCH OF DRY PRETREATMENT AS PART OF ITS SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PRIOR TO DISCHARGING TO THE WET DETENTION SYSTEM. 14. WATER QUALITY SAMPLES MAY BE REQUIRED AT THE DISCHARGE LOCATIONS OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DURING PERIODS OF DISCHARGEOH A MONTHLY BASIS. 15. PRIOR TO ISSVANCE OF A CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION PERMlI FOR THE PROPOSED PARK ON THE 10-ACRE ABANDONED LANDFILL SITE, THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION OF APPROVAL FROM THE flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION. 16. ALL SPECIAL CONDITIONS PREVIC'. y, STIPULATED BY PERMIT NUMBER 06-01140-S REMAIN' IN EFFECT UNLESS OH,ERWISE REVISED AND SHALL APPLY TO THIS MOOIFICATlON. .,.':,,~~~,' et G B ,.,_'r'_;,;,~:_~$f:~~**t;~~~_. ~ t": f. ! f~#'~:- - SPECIAL CONDITIONS I, , , . 101 ITHIt'l,30 DAYS OF ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, THE SFWMD SHALL SE NOTIFIED BY THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTIO~ COMMENl:EMENT NOTICE OR EQUIVALENT) OF THE ACTUAL OR ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE AND THE EXPECTED COMPLETION DATE/DURATION. WHEN THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION EXCEEDS ONE YEAR, CONSTRUCTION STATUS REPORTS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SFWMD ON AN ANNUAL BASIS (VIA THE SUPPLIED ANNUAl! STATUS REPORT OR EQUIVALENT) BEGINNING ONE YEAR AFTER THE INITIAL COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION DATE. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, THE PERMITTEE OR AUTHORIZED AGENT SHALL NOTIFY THE SFWMD OF THAT COMPLETION DATE ANO SUBMIT CERTIFICATION BY A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT (VIA THE SUPPLIED CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION/CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION OR EQUIVALENT). SUCH CERTIFICATION HAY CONSIST OF WORDING IN PARAGRAPH 3.1.7 "Construction completion certification" OF THE BASIS OF REVIEW FOR SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATIONS WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. IF THE CERTIFICATION LANGUAGE USED IS DIFFERENT FROM THE SUGGESTED LANGUAGE, A SET OF RECORD DRAWINGS CONSISTING OF ELEVATIONS, LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF COMPONENTS OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL ALSO BE SUBMITTED. ;~~ t' '..~~J ," i .'"'.,~.-_._.__..._._~ ""~ ,:,::'~~",..'-' ;i.';;:;)'); ~~..~.., ,.~~ ~)!"'~ ,.,t'.,,' "'B~'3 ~",);j"';-J~l' 1.,',';;',: ,'-.,~i-::' ;'.;c-' .,t~,:r:C" ~. _'-:0,' ., '~".,-_.:,::,-: SPECJ~.~ITlON TO BE ATTACHED TO THE PERMIT MOD FOR A'911101-7 '.!".'."..'~.'" .... ~:nJJlltt,~i ,> '" PRIOR TO RECElVI~GANY FURTHER CONSTRUCTION APPROVALS FROM THE DISTRICT. THE :jilll PERMITTEE .SMlM'SlIIIItIT AND RECEIV.E A REVISED.NiCONCEPTUAL APPROVAh WHICH IS " I '1llI';'.. CONSISTENT WITH THE EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRICT CRITERIA. . ,~; -~;,;i;', ~-'- ~2,"--.f~;;':~"_'" '~,'r;;-,' ...... . 4<l~,.' ,,'OJf.;:. -~~',:.rr.-',::',j .'!'O' _i:_2:;:_}"'::T-' ~" ""~. -....,.,., _.~ .'I.Ii!Il..'. ~~.-,,"'-" .....-; . ~,. ........ ' ",-,.. 1"'I~lF> ,','_ ":'lIi.. -. -, <'J;~.,',,:,i., ~<,i7"",'f"'.:;t<<"f~.x^"",r_T'.""-" r '" L C G. vAil'! Ir~rl .,.r IH7&!? --,~-" " , . .,atin.ll.<';'IUlh norid.1 S n ~Jlt'r /ll.'~)urn.'... {or.J(J } ~ /!J.fJ-/1JH!J . . .. I ~ jSouth FIQtidaWater Management District I)() l\ox 246811 . .).)01 Gun C1uh I~Odd . \\'o.'!'Iot Palm IkolCh, FL 3.>416.4680 . (4117) 686-88fW) · FL W A T5 1.810.4.'\2.204S ,./..,.J"' ,-, ;;".';lo.'f,,' ..,.f,l Ii: Our File :900207-21 Regulation,Department _c. ~~. February 27, 1990 ."!.'_~_'ti ;~~:,::,{~,,<~ Mr. Joseph F. Sperlazza Motorola, Inc. 1500 N.W, 22nd ~venue Boynton Beach, FL 33426-8753 .i~j'" ,or Dear Mr. 'c Subject: Sperlazza: Permit No. 50-00931-S. Site Improvements for Motorola in Boynton Beach, ~oynton Beach....eal~tBeach County, S13,20/T45S/R43E After reviewing "th~,plans received February 7, 1990 for the tank enclosure ~nd access road, District 'staff has determined that""thll~plil.nWre in compl i ance wi th the original permit issued December 13, 1979, lhcreforiitconstruction may proceed subject to the attached 12 Standard Limiting and II SpeLL~l Conditions, and 1 .__,...Exhibits..;'" "'.' "~'..-..-"" .,.-_,~..~~....',i'G Sincerely, ".,.~", ",j( '~, , .It: s(' " " . .~ upervt'$fp~~~~IP Ii Surface Water Management Division 4(:)-1'-" .";",4f\:_,jL~C Jf,-" ~~_~y-- JMH/sbm Attachments c: Palm Beach County Engineer DER Mr.'larrymore Sherrill, P.L, Burns and Roe Southeast -, Lake Worth Drainage District Engineero;-e1ty of Boynton Beach ~, Palm Beach C?unty Building Departffiant School Board, Growth Management Center Zoning Division, J. MacGillis Palm Beach County Land Development Division Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management Lake Worth Drainage District ~~: S. McNabb, Inspectlon, B. Colavecchio, Area Engineer, D. Thatcher, Enforcement Gow:n:.rw /Jodrrl Jamn f ~rrwr Chaif1lWln. F(ln My~"" Doran,\ JolMlf\, Vic~ Chdlrmdn .- K>!)' 1\1'l(;,,)'nC ".0 York - Palm City K.:n t\d.lm'" ",.~~ P,llen Bo.-ach Vdlcri~ Boyd ""pl~,. .Ja~" ~:. ~all - Fm1 L.aud~rdale John R. WodriUoka. t:.J.<<,ut~e: DirectOl' Tilford C- Cree:1. Deputy F..xeculi"y Dln....or TtlornMK. MKVicar. Depuly F.ucUliw Dndor 'ro.o:'tio."ih,,". MI"n"o t. ril.l St~in . iNII>! t.:,tu"" I,\ikt:' ~<lUI . Wind..nnere -"j.'...:"" . ; ~'.f.';r " <,~.'..., --..,~,..~".,..._.~'" ',~'~.~;"-' . .:;",.~..." n 1ff-"i<~'i"F"';;'-'" fi-'.,' . "}.~':":' . ,,"r.:~,,; ':"',-.C,.,,:;:'; 'r--'- ~.. ." . "_,;' ","';;',-:.:::-:: ~';:i':;?Jf, , ~ ,!'V~>...., '.' "'_~' i .~...- "'. .,Y';,',-;,.: :':")~~~<.;; ::'~"- . . -=- ... ,I' j ; , I [ LIMITING CONDITIONS , THE PER'~ITTEe S'"'.&.I..L. "~CSE;:UTE TI-lE WORI( AUT"'ORIZED IN A YANNER SO AS TO MINI~IZE ....N'f ADvEqSE I....PACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH. WILDLIFE. N.TURAl.. ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES. AND WATEFI QUALITV TMe Pe.;h.,tITTEE SHAl..L INSTITUTE NEceSSARY "'EA$UAES CURING THE CONSTRUCTION PER'OO_ INCLUOING FULL CCMPA.CT10N o~ AN" ~!I_:' MA TERIAL PL.&CEO AROUND N,WL 'f INSTALL.EO STRUCTURES_ TO REDuCE eFlOSIO~. Tl.,iFlSIt"ITY, NuTR'ENT LOAD.NG ANO SEOIMENT....T10N IN THE RECEIVINO WATEPS. f t ! . t r ~ 2 WATER QUAL.TY OATA ~Oct Ttote WATER Ol5C1-4AROEO FROM THE PERMITTEE'~ PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WA TEAS OF THE STA TE :i,",ALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE 01$ TRICT AS REOUIt:lEO PARAMETERS TO BE "'ONITOREO MAY INCLUDE THOSE L..STED H~ CHAPTEA11.3 IF WATEA OUALlTY DATA IS REOUIRED. THE pe~MtTTEE SMALL PJlOVIDE DATA ASAEOl.lIR~O ON vOL.UYES f)F WATER DISCHARGED. INCL.UDING TOTAL VOLUME OISCMARGEO DURING THe CAYS OF S.AMPlING AND TOTAL MONTI-IL. Y DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE 3. T...e PEA...ITTEE SMALL. COMPLY WI rH ALL AF'Pt..ICABL.E L.OCAL. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND onotER LOCAL AEOU."E~eNTS, IN ADDITION THE PEAMI1TEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARV FEDERAL, STATE. L.OCAL ANO SII&CIA&.OISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS ",10111 TO THE STAAT O'-./tNy CONSTRUCTION OR AL TERATION OF WOR.tS AUTtotOfUZEO BV THIS PERMIT . ._.__.h. C T""e O'EAAT'IO'N PHASE 0' THIS PERMIT SHAL:" NOT BECOMI."ICTtYI UNTIL A Fl.ORIOA FlEGISTEAeo PAOFF.SSIONAL t:NGINEER CERTIFIES Tt-ofAT ALL FAC'LlTIES MAvE eEEN CONSTnUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THI DESIGN APPROVED 8'" THE OISTRICT WITMIN JI.:; DAYS ArT! ~ COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WA TEA MANAGl~EN'" SVSTEM. THE PERMITTEE SHALL '"uBMIT THE CERTIFICATION AND kOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES ARE READY FOR IN$'t:Ci'iON AND APPROVAL UPON APPiIlIOVAL OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WA TEA ~ANAGEMeNT SYSTEM. THE PERM!~:EE SHALL REOUEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE EN1ITY APPROvED B'f THE DISTRICT , S ALL. ROADS SHALL BE S€TA TOR A80VE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED IV THE APPl..ICA8LE LOCAL ooveFlNMENT Fl.OOO CRITER.. I ,:- ~ ...':::'.~' ~t. 1 ,,,,j"', f"'" !,p I"; . f~ e A.L.L BUILDING FLOOIlllS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOvE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO. THE APPLICABLE LOCAr.. GOVERNMENT 1 O"-SITE OISC..AAGES OUAING CONSTIlUCTION AND DEVELO~WEN1 SHALL BE MADE ONL v THAOUGM TME 'ACIL.TIES AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT NO ROAOWAY OR IUILDING CONSTRUCTION SMAL~ COMMENce ON.SITI UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE PERMITTED DISCHARGE STRUCTURE AND DETENTION AREAS WI. TER DtSCMAAGEO FROM THE PROJECT SHALL 8E THROUGH STAUCTUIllIES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR AEGULATlNG UPSTAEAM WATEA STAGES, STAGES MAV BI S"eJECT TO OPEAA TING SC"EDULES SA TIS,ACTOAY TO T..E DISTAICT, ~., I. ;ii:yl' :_f'::{,-,{ e. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORlllD HEftEIN $t-'ALLCOWMENCe: UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO TI-4E DISTAICT ..AS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND"AS AGAEED TO 0_ TE AND MAINTAIN T"E SVSTE"" T"E ENTITV ",uS' BE ~AOVIDED WIT.. SU",C,ENT OWNEIIS"'~ SO T"AT IT HI\B CONTIIOL OVER ALL WATER "ANAGE"ENT 'ACIUTlES AUT"ORIZED "EIIEIN, UPON IIEcel~T O'WRITTlN EVIOENCE 0' THE SATIS'ACTION 0' T",S CONDITION. T..E DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN A:/ThOlIIZATION TO COMMINCE CONSTRUCTION. . THE PEII",T oaES NOT CONVIV TO THE PEIIMITTEI ~ PIlOPEIITY II0<>>0T NOlI ~ RIG"TS OR PRIVILEG~S OTHER T..AN THOR SPECI"ED IN THE PIIIMIT AND CHAl'TIR .oc~ 'AC, '0 THI 'ER..,TTEI SHALL ><OLD NIIC SAvE THe DISTIIICT HAIIMLESS "'l)M ANV AND ALL OA....GES, CLAIMS. 011 LI..BILlTIES _'CH MAY AIIIR IIY IIIAl10N 0' THE CONSTAUCTION. OPERATION. MAINTENANCE OM USE 0' ANY 'ACILITY AUTHO'UUD BY THE PIlI,,",. 11. THIS PE......IT IS ISSIIIO BASED ON THI A....UC.NT.S SUI"ITTED IN'OIllMATION WHICH REASONABLY DE"ONSTRATES THAT AOVERR g,p.SITI WATlJllIlISOUIICE IIELAT1!D IM~ACTS WILL NOT BE C"uSED By T"E CO"Pl.ETED PEJIIMIT ..cTIVITY, IT IS ALSO T"E RESPONSIBILITY 0' THE PERMITTR TO INSUAE THAT ..DvERSE O".SITE WA TEIlIlISO\iIlCE IIELA nil IM~ACTS DO NOT oeCUII DVIlINO Co..sTIIUCTlON. , 2 ~"'OII TO DE'o\" TlIII"G. PI.AHS SHALL II SUBMITTED TO THE OISTIIICT ,OJII A_OV"L. IN'OII.... TION SH"LL INCLUOE AS A ",NIMUM PVM~ SIZES. LOCATIONS AND HOUIIS Of OPl!JllATION 'OIIIACH PVM~ I,O,'.SITE OISC"AIIGE IS PJIIOPOSED, OJII O".SITP "DvERse IM~"CTSARIIVIDENT, AN INOIVIOUAL w"TEII USE PEA..,T "AV BI REOUI"IO THE ~'""'TT'EISCAUTIONEO T....T SIVEII"L ..ONTHS.....V 81 RIQUIIIIO 'OJII CO"SIDEAATION 0' T..' WATER USE PIIIMIT "PPLICATION, i:+,' ,:.: -;; :<::..'. tr.tl';~;~ I jJ,'1t :.~ -~ ' ..,~ I , . <iOe .)..0'\- dJ f 1 .' SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATiON 14.0 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMU~ ROAD CROWN ELEVATION 12.1 FEET NGVD. ,~...-.Ql~CHARGE FACiLITIES,: DESCRIPTION: 1-1. x 30" BLEED-DOWN NOTCH Af ELEVATION B.5' NGVD AND 1-30" WIDE WEIR WITH A CREST AT ELEVATION 10.0' NGVD. RECEIVING WATER: C-16 VIA LWDD E-4 CANAL. CONTROL ELEVATION: 8.5 FEET NGVD. 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE fOR THL"CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION OR SHOALING PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE ,- SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 5. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE TH~,T SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY pnOBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. c. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY WATER QUALITY PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYST~M. fHE DISTRiCT RESERVES THE I\IGHT TO REQUIRE THAT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT 'METHODS BE INCORPORAT~D INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY. 8. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Sy~Tc~ SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOROLA, INC. 7 9. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE TO THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENTATION Of LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 10. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BF. NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT A MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE. 11. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION OF FUTURE PHASES, PAVING, GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLANS SHALL Bt: SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR PrR~m MODIFICATION. w u . . .' _.._~.,~. I J~~~-' ...,;:tfA~: ,',...eo..."'."."........ ,.,,:_ ~'''.-:;:It........i'.... ""':";"~". !1:W~j; _'>;,. .;:-, J~ - \~:f')P~ i' ~.,,'"'" -, ':.',,~ . ' ~ ,\ ~\t!~~~ . .,;;",." '."\-.,)~~,~<-:- l I r . < .".1 ~~~if~:;f~\f.~i~t'~~,;:; A I _ -----J 1 1 ~ ~ o z ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ IS z,. o ;: c " z ;: z o ... '" ~ I 3 RD R (O!'9'!l.......' Aladin _elf Avr- Bark$ A.. r'}I'It'b~ A.. Dorflt A.. Edo~r An H.lllow~ .... 1,-_lIdl . .. K_ "I A.. tt'lal' .... p.."U"IOV'I: .\:~ 1119 Ie- Nurl'len fl., .. 4 ()~lt'r }11 ~ P"rl nr;l~ ~..., ~ 0,""111112 .\..... ~ H,,~"'1l ..~ " WESTI ,._.,.-._.....~_..........."-"- .."'.,~~-:'..'.,..,'.--. -',',.,'".- . . -;"';'~-'<"""V~J~~"!it t<ii,..p.i>,' w " o _____________ __G:: I ~:: .-::cl L -_: 1 I I ! j I t ~ ,~ I .., > < I c I ",I '" IS7~ "'I 0: ~ NOR FOLK - AVE ;: - I '" - Z '" ~ Z I a: Z PC CD <{ I , .NSACOLA > AVE "'- ., 8 .u _ ___9 8 , I u . 17 N'I'l I L . ",I -" ....i ~ ",I TOM.A.TOE; RD ~. :'-~ "?-'~~~1~f PROPOS~O IPROPOSED! S \TE: --------------------(~~- .10.<1 In.: T .... >- '" ,1&:" M;_ c U A , co U '" .... '" .... Vl ~ l"'- AV, 'I ., co I ;l: " :lrT EXHIB\T '.A_ - '- r ~ - .' ~ ~"')",~"'." '. Q I ::>>'''1 a: .' ... (J .'~r' .- --:'7.,', -c. ,..,....-."',;;~~~... C.3 22ND AVE~UE l~- . ' .- 'A~%:. y -' E A j', '" c ~ '" '" ~ " z "' ~ B _..~.- c'~"l,*,.i:''- .. " ~- '" '" . "' ~ C ~ '............ "j''T"'''!\ ~. -- . ..' S? ~ I 1'-- . ------ I ~- -;~88 02 BOYNTO~ -~ MASTER PLAN , 200-0 . - -u ..,_, '.'i'~~_':" ,;;;.~3L_'.\, 1~66 78 i'r~~\; e..1PLoyEE PAAI(ING ,\ ' o _ TAl'll( FAR"l ~OR \lOTOROLA 'Mi.' -~-'. CA.NA.L EB R1.AA P.I.D \ \ l .. " <0 ~ ::; , -. ~ . \ c "' ",f' ~ .. Z - " -/ I~ : r ..J \ ---~_..-. .. C 16 EXHIBIT 2 . " ~ <' ~ ... o ia: I I .".,........__.~ <~" ~;",.;)~;;;;I>:..~!, _~c:,;,..-~'\>".{..:a.("..);;i;.:; ..,..."!','.":,"':,j,'." ,':o:..;,:",;~;'1.j,! . .~..'-_-:-c,-_ _'/~j.;t.c!e."" ~~j~f o o it ~ _. I' L.. r ';,,-,,",' , ,-. "",,-'.-, '';;'~, ~ ,)~ i I I '''3111' il Iii I ill ~ r ~ (J ')1"....","." 1.$ ~)~1~_i~i"~~' ,,', , ..,' .-.., "._-~,,- -c.'.. . \,..21,0-.--",. .~~_~:;rr~1\~~~-:.,~ - -,~[!'~:<-:r!,;;: " -,-,.:;':t"~'1~::(;::"-,,.'i,;~l;z;'~r~--:/~r. -'~. .",,,. illll"lil:lliillllllll;~Jiilliii"':!:illli!lil iilll f , . I' : Ii II II: . --,-- J.. "=-I-~I-p~-j , > I I '. II -- '. __",_ d ~ I d. ~/ -;0" I' ., ~ ,. "., r ,j '. I. It ~;J~ i..,.. ; I : II' I ~I ,;._~J_._~ I I' r"1j .. . ,.. " -., =:1 ---- - I'" i i '..'.1 I I , 'j'~ ,_,;>~J.'~:_.;.~.,...,.,,:. ..,,1::1.-,'--' , I 'I , "/l" o1ttfl' Q I' d !!:J .. I !BD , III 1'- 1111L! I 1'1 II 11,.<> .If ,.., , '-' " ~ , --- . ',r-- -----..' II: .., - . I ...... J, - i; ,",.',. 'J ., '_'~" I r _ /r.= 1.;.;..::.:......:_.. :;/ U I r'-' (' ; : l. L .J J' ,d) '. '1.-."',,..,.'" - ' . " ..~~ii':<. ~~; ~ '.......... /' i i - r r ~ ~, ~ . -- L.... ,"~1;,' .j .' .. . ..' .. i O-~ Iii \ "d I "~XHIBII' 3 ~ !I : , , (::1 ','. '~, .. ~ ;0.: .. I I I "I .,' I , ~.., ,.. -,' ~ ,.-~ ~~ ~ !i!</-; t~~ I! '~9-~ ;.{~:: ~,] -.',' '.; . . 11 '" ....... " E " 0 RAN D U " ,,-~\"'"!!:J"-lU - :',',p;,*';-/",; TO: FROM: DATE: FILE SCOTT B. MCNABB II i ,,,"" "~...~"'" February 15, 1990 ,;,"'.djl'~I"''''- SUBJECT: Permit No, 50.0093l-S, Motorola Manufacturing Facility Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, S17,20/T45S/R43E ,On February 7, 1990 plans were submitted to the District for construction of a ~17-acre tract. Tre pl~r.s were in agreement.,with the surface water management system and no adverse impacts are expected. Although a construction and operation permit was issued for the entire project, the'applicable land use is provided in the following table: PREVIOUSLY TOTAL PROJECT PERMITTED TOTAL 90.0 ACRES; 90.0 ACRES; TOTALDEVELOPEO 90.0 ACRE'>; 67.5 ACRES; WATER MANAGEMENT 5.6 ACRES; 5.6 ACRES; IMPERVIOUS 5B.0 ACRES; 34.5 ACRES; INDUSTRIAL IB.O ACRES; 9.2 ACRES; PRESENT PHASE 0.17 ACRES 0.17 .ACRES o ACRES'" o . 17 ACRES o ACRES ';--~\'f'l~"': ;,~" ~........- ~'" I .. ~~.,JI1T:! ...,~{" ~:~" ~'.i;' ~. App. # "900207-21 MoJ:orolll;"IliII&........,, 15iiil""Nw~2n~enue .'.>~~i~~~~:~~r~33424",. S17, 20, 29/T45/R43 .."..,......,,,.,.,,",.~....'. - "'If ,'~*("'. . e"d ~'f~ ;, [~e;ffi,( ,;/;$,: ." Burns and Roe Southeast ., (' .'''' ~;::i:'" 1 :,_1 ",<\i ~;,'1,tl;.','m(1 b:~d. Or/.'1ndo, Floridd 32809 ,.""~ ..MI/fIiII' ~ February 2, 1990 <'-"4>\;,,-,', Mr. Jeff Needles South Flor1da Water Mana9ement District P.O. Box_24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 RE: S1te Improvements for Motorola in Boynton Beach, Florida ..........'- Dear Mr. Needles: Burns and Roe Southeast has designed a new, 2000 square foot tank enclosure and 5,400 square foot access road to be located at Motorola, Inc., 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. The total area of the existi~g site is 88.39 acres,which was previously permitted by the Sou~h Florida Water Management Distr1ct under permits 50-00194-W and 50-01194-W, and the Lake Worth Drainage .01str1.e,~. The exist1ng 1mpervious area is 26.56 acres. The 1ncrease in 1mperv1ous area 1s D.6~. Due to this negligible increase 1n 1mperv1ous area and ins1gnificant change to the dralnage characterist1cs of the sit~.~~~!1 on-s1te retention for water quality treatment of the new project runoff is provided. For further reference and explanation, please see the enclosed drawings and calc~lations. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, BURNS AND ROE SOUT~ ~~~/.. --- ~;~,-'~ La ymore Sherrill, P.E. Project Manager R'-~-"":::D ",. . _ . h -..'... '<<4,~-":"::,d,, ... .: --'" '" ":,~:ii-''; r ~. RE"'" I,",':; DEFi. .402 ....\JU\I.....' di';.::~ LS:tjp encl. @ MOT0R0L4 'NO:. JoMp/I F. Spertazza c.....s.__ P9"O DivisIon 1500 N.W 22nd.w.nu.. Eqnm 8Hc:tl. FL 33428-3753 14(7) 364.2'132 TELEX 871-5044 FAY (407) 304-2341 ....,..i'. "~' -':};~" N"ll"dnlf'ol P Re~d ....<.or;'" S.~,~r~ JDf.:lrll Palr"'l C'lf . " , cf"..o ., / ~ ,~,.",/ l'rf'tlI"'fYJ 1. hrr_, John R. w4:t,.... EJctclJtl1,l DI,ector Tilford C Creel, Deputy E_ecu!.ve O,reclo' ,,;~~,i~\",' ::-<"' ,-{;~.,~::~~~;~~~~*;Y'~) -:(;: - " Sout~ Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 Telephone (407) 686-8800 Florida WATS Line 1-800-432-2045 :";ii'1f<!".,,,.- IN REPLY REFER ;'0. You~ file No. 88078 Application No. 12228-G Permit (Mod) No. 50-00931-S Resource Control Department February 24, 1989 _ Mr. Joe Sperlazza -,""" ...,..., ~~~;tci~'~l~~~~!!~!~, ~,eTvJal, 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue ;e~"Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Dear Mr. Sperlazza: -- Ii (ii" '-'~':i1Y~'-i':~~,,>- -<:;:4J;~ -~~' ,.,lW: ;'I~'ti c"'H<: ',,;,,-~-;;:::: ... Subject:, PERMIT *50-00931-S, Parking Lot "F" at Motorola, Inc. City of 80ynton Beach, Palm Beach County, S17,20/T45S/R43E After reviewing the plans submitted December 22, 1988, for the construction of 3'.S'i,cMls'of commercial lands at MOtorola, Inc., District staff has determined that they are in compliance with the original permit issued December 10, 1981. ,Therefore, construction may proceed, subject to the 12 Standard limiting Conditions, 11 Special, Conditions, and 2 Exhibits. Sln~~ ~_ " ~~-'" Edward W. Yaun, P.E. Supervising Professional- South Section Surface Water Management Division ,,-,~, ,c'*'Jl:'- EWY /wdf' Attachment c: DER/LWDD/Palm Beach County Engineer/Palm Beach County Land Development Dlv. cc: B. Colavecchlo/Fleld Rep./Area Eng./Enforc,/D. Fortner ;"ar"cy H Aoen C:r.tlr...a:'1.. Planla:,On James F Ga,"'e, Vice Cl'lall'man - Ft Myers 0"C:,Jr "'" C'ltb'r" Jr H M.,.~.,s Oo'an A Jason J<ey BIscay". Arsenio M:han '''',am, F,ltzSt81n Belle Glade Mllte Slout W,"ce''''ere ''l'~-;;.6io1f''~1I!:,;!,___-,.C.hJ;l'1 6'1-aa' 11'8'17 Sj .*"~~O"_-ltn:l" .,:: ' ._ ~~"~;'~'::~":'. : .; ;. J ~-..'- kl ---. ~l~~l-C'- ,;,[: IB_'.,- Tl ..,*~\1i7Mf. "", -';'~~~(ifl r"!~ '. ,t~;~;'~:",~:':'~~:;- .. ,. LIMITING CONQITlONS 1 THt:: PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WOAK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY Aove~se IMPACT OF THE wnAKS eN F'ISH. WILDLIFE. NATt.,;RAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, ANO WATER QUAL.ITY T...e PE~~lTTEE SH~LL INSTITUTE NECESSARV l.AEA$uRES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. INCLUDIHG FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUNO NEwt. Y INSTALLED STRUCTURES. TO REOUCE EROSION. TURBIDITY. NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTA nON IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. ;"~:,;~,,,~ ""'."..:i. ';';'*";;}!,'f: 2 WI>. "EA QIJAUTY DATA F'QR THE WATER OISCHAAGEO FROM THE PERMITTEE'!\ PROPERTY OR INTO SURFACE WA TEAS OF THE sr ATE SHALL BE SUt:tMITTEO TO THE DISTRIC":' AS ReaUIAEO PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED MAY INCLUOE THOSE LISTED If.! CHAPTER 17.J IF WATER QUALITY O....TA IS REOUIRED. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE OA T A AS AEOUiRF~. ON VOLUMES OF WA TER DISCHARGED. INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGEO DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHAt:lGES FROM THE PROPERTY OR INTO SuRFACE WATERS OF THE STATE. ~". J 7HE PERMITTEE SHALL COMPL Y WITH ALL APPL.ICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER l.OCAL REOUIREMENTS IN ACOITlQN THE PERMITTEE SHALL OeTAIN ALL NECeSSARV FEOERAL. STATE. LOC.1.L AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AU THOAIZA TlONS PRIOR TO THE 5 TART OF ANy CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WOR:<S A:...T""'ORIZED BY THI<" rEHMIT ~~:"~~Ji,~ ... THE OPERA rlON PHA..,&: OF THIS PERMIT SHALl. NQT,8eCOME EFFECTIve UNTIL A Fl,()RIOA REGI$TERSQ...... PROFESSIONAl' ENGI.1"IEER CERTI"rrrRA:T ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN Aee15WoANCE WITH TH&: OE,SIGN APPFlOVECI BY roofE DISTRICT. .....ITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF TI-4E SURFA<..E INA TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. THE PERMITTEE SHALL SUBMIT THE C~TIFICATION ANQ NOTIFy THE QI$TRIr,T THA T T.otE FA CH..IT1ES ARE REAOY FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. UPON APPROVAL OF ,-HI! COMPLETED SiJRFACE"WA TEA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. THE PERMITTEE SHAllR~aUEST TFl:AN$FER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY APPROVED BY THE QISTRICT. ~ t ,~t~~ f 5 J.LL ROADS SHALL BE seT AT OR ABove ElSVA TIONS REQUIRED BY THe APPLlC.A8LE lOCAL GQvERNMENT FLOOD CRIT,:RIA 5 ALL BU'LDING F~OOAS SHA.LL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATiONS ACCEPTABLE TO. THE APPl.ICABLE i..CCAL GOVeFiNME~lT 7 OFF-SITE OlSCr1AAGES Dl'~iNG CONSTRUCTION AND OEVc.LOPMENT SHALL. SE MADE Or.lL v THROuGio-! 'r"1...14: F..lCILITIES......;THQRIZEO BY Ti-jISPERMIT NQAOADWAVOR !lU'4001~GCONSTAUCTION S~ALL COM~E'JCE ON. SITE UN""":LCOMPLET:ONOF THE PERMITTED OISCI-4ARGE STRUCTURE AND DeTENTION AREAS 'IV A TeR DISCHARGED .AOM THE ~ROJeCT SHALL se THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULA TING UPSTREAM WA TER STAGES. STAGES MA Y BE SuBJECT TO OPERA TING SCHEDUL:;S SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT &-...i 8. NO CONSTRIJCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE OISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHEO.....O HAS AGREED ~t) OPERATE .....0 MAINTAIN THESYSTEM. THE ENTITY "'US~ BF. PRovIoeo WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MAN.GEMENT FACILrTIES AUTHORIZED I-4EREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIOENCE OFTHE SATISFACTION OF TI-4I$ CONDITION. THE OIS"lICi WilL Issue AN AUTHORIZATION TO COMMENce CONSTRUCTION. 9 THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR ANY RIGHTS OR PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THose SPECIFIED IN THe PERMIT ANO CHAPTER 4Oe--4. FAC. 1'3 THe PERMITTEE SHAll HOLD ANe SAVE THe DISTRICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL OAMA9ES. CLAIMS. OR :'IABILITIES WHICH MAY ARISE BY REASON OF THE CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION. MAINTENANCE OR use OF ANY FACILlTV AUTHORIZED 8Y THe PERMIT. 11. THIS P€AMIT 1$ 15511ED BASED ON THe APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED INFORMATION WHICH REASONABLY OEMOl'451 RA TES TMA T ADVERSE OFF.5ITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS WilL NOT BE CAUSED BY THE COMPLETED PERMIT ACTIVITY. IT 1$ ALSO THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE TH'" T ADVERse OFF. SITE WA Tel' RESOURCE RELATED IMPr.CTS 00 NOT OCCuR DURING CONSTRUCTION. 12 PRIOR TO OEWATERI~G. PLANS SHALL ef SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR APPROVAL. INFORMAl ION SHALl. INCLUOE AS A MINIMUM: rUMP SIZES. LOCATIONS AND HOURS OF OPERATION FOR EACH PUMP IF OFF.SITE !""ISCHARGE IS PROPOSED. OR OFF.SITE ADVERSE IMPACTS ARE EVIDS:NT.AN INOIVIOUAL WATER use PERMIT MAY BE REO'JIRED THE PEI='MITTEE IS CAUTIONEO THAT SEvERAL MONTHS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERA TION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPliCATION. I ,l"'~' 1~1i4 ,.~~~~t~f~ c:--~'-':':"~r~~~~, -.1' I I, -/ 1.'lJ.-'J- ';- G- '..';<j.";i~,h'-~.~:-.%.c_~.a.~.;. E"-.-:., '. ,.~, '--~"Q, ~~, t':';:, 'I !~'-'1;;;~'-'~~" ., l_,l!iIIr~3ilw<! '.~'l!;!.llI.Il~y-", - , ~CONTROL~ATION: 8.5 FEET NGYOF' ~,.J. r 1, ~, ..-- ,~ ~.J SPECIAL CONDITIONS -,,~"""+ ."",;._;, .,~~JD{roli;'. 1. ___~,. ."".,,.,.:J,,\'c~(i;': MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION 14.0 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION 12.1 FEET NGVD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: DESCRIPTION: 1-1" x 30" BLEED-DOWN NOTCH AT ELEVATION 8.5 FEET NGVD AND 1-30" WIDE WEIR WITH THE CREST AT ELEVATION 10.0 FEET NGVD. RECEIVING WATER: C-16 VIA LWDD E-4 CANAL ,_eo -'~' 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION OR SHOALING PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. ",- 5. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 6. THE PERMITTEE S~ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY WATER QUALITY PRO~lEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. """'~";"; .. .'h,_,,\,-.t' 'So"" ~,-":':"I,;.-~,:,.t _, -"'~' 10. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION. DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT A MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR C~NSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE. 11. PRIOR TO THE ClM'IENCEMENT OF CIJ,.~TRU'::TION OF FUTURE PHASES, PAVING GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. +~!i' r '.-';'~' ..",,':'!'t, --; ':~"""~ ,'-'Y'rt~.. .. ;:~~,:. - ' ~~I">~ ,:.,:.;3:, ~_ " . ~;; '_-i- <'..,.,....';.- .. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE rr~CORPORATED 1",,0 THE DRAINAGE SY~SUCH~i~~~IlE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY. " " 8. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOROLA, I NC . ,,"''' 7. 9. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE TO THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENTATION OF LAKE WORTH DRA1NAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. t ., . - . ' r:;J(+n~ ~ .. "'~: IAlf llIWl1!..lW'f. ,"........'" WATER QUALITY REVIEW CHECKLIST (To be completed by Surface Water Management Staff) APN ,':. _ _ 3. ~ PROJECT '.') 'f ,~,I/ _c~ SFWMD BAS!N ',- r. REC WATER! /A.. , lI...., r-, '+ LAND41~E ..J Itd i./ $ I ,., "l I ZONING 7,,/,/ /'.-;, **t*.tt**t*t.**---_._*-**..._._.*....._*-**._._*.*.._-****.k****************** ,~",,-,>, . (To be completed by NRM Water Quel1ty 3l_U prior to 30 1lrd;.~H?t.>~ CLASS: I II @ IV OFW ctnttR-" ." / JAM 1 0 1989 BMP'S: ___ DETE~ON/RETENTION VOLUME ___ OIMtr'SIONAL CRIT:RIA WATER QIJAU11 .>l~1111" ~ETBAl~S /:::E:RE' TREATMENT ._, SURI'A~E'~!fR . "~'~'>"'<"''''~'>-~<: GROllNuWAl~ '. 'jioi,;<' ,- YES ~ WATER QUALITY RATING: GOOD ~ CQIIIo1ENTS: 'lrp../l/WJr t2/V-"...,W , MONITORING REQUIRED? ~F~ $yr~. f POOR v'P-J 1/17/11'1 ~ "~.' . M E M 0 RAN 0 U M TO: FILES -< .""'>' DEAN FORTNER, Water Management Engineer Surface Water Management Divisjpn December 22, 1988 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: .,J.;;.,4F" PERMIT NO~50-00931-S Motorola Inc., Phase II 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue City of Boynton Beach, Fl - Expansion 33436 . "-"~, _.~.;.o", On December 22. 19B8. plans were submitted to the District for construction of a 3.5 acre tract within the Motorola P.I.D. The construction plans were in a1reement with the original permit, therefore a letter authorizing construction was issued. Although a .construction and operatiQJ')c!ll!fmit was issued for the entire project, the appl icable land use is provided in the following table: PREVIOUSLY TOTAL PROJECT CONSTRUCTED TOTAL TOTAL DEVELOPED AREA WATER MANAGEMENT INDUSTRIAL (BLDG. FOOTPRINT) OTHER IMPERVIOUS 90 64.0 5.6 18 40 wdf bcc: Administration acres acres acres acres acres ~ ~' i-Err; 90 64.0 5.6 7.1 23.9 acres acres acres acres acres """ THIS PARCEL 3,5 3.5 o 1.1 2.4 acres acres acres acres acres .......,,~,',~ ..,. . . .' ..~,.~. '.~~...", HEERY -,., ;~;App. No. 12228-G Permit No. 50-00931-5 Mot.orola, Inc. Parking Lot "F" "" Motorola Phase II ,BIJildil1g & Parking Lot Extension "~:::~WBe;~~~ren~l~~ ' RECEIVED ,! Palm Beach - S17.20/T45S/R43E DEe 2 2 1988 December 21. 1908 Letter Request to Modify RESOURCE CONTROL DEPT. - 405 - -&luth.Florida Water Management District P.O. Box 24680 3301 Gun Club Road west Palm Beach. Florida 33416-4680 ~. ,.,~-, .,~' Attenticn: W. Dean Fortner, Water ~.anagement En;)ineer Subject: M::>torola Phase II Building & Parking Expa.,sion 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Dear Mr. FL..L LlleI": As previously discussed, "btorola, Inc. is proposing an expansion to their Boynton Beach Facility. 'lhis expansion will include additional"grouOO...Q2!Ierage of 1.06 acres for the pr<lp088dbuilding and 2.44 acres for a 264 car parking area (Lot "F"). 'lhis proposed develClplll!nt will be in ,ccq>liance with the, original master plan and permit issued December 10, 1981. 'lhe first floor elevation,of the off:'.ce building expansion is 1~.0. '!he new stornwater lines tie into the existing stormwater management system designed for ultimate develClplll!nt. '!he new irrigaticn installation are I:Ddifications and expansion of the existing systems on site. '!he applicable land use is shCJwn in the following table:' Proposed Phase Total Previously Phase II Project COnstructed Expansion Total Land Area 90.0 acres 90.0 acres 3.50 acres Total Developed Area 64.(' acres 64.0 acres 0 acres (allowable) Heery Engineering.lnc ,. '~.', . ~,. ..,.,,,, .'".....", ",,,,1'\,.> "".., ""'.~.. I AIW,," ,=--"'~.. ", I"" .~;;' I.....:,. ,"_ .Ie", "'" :''''..' T,...,,' ~ '". ''': t.,.... . b.,.' '.' 'h ,. ""'T . ,,~" A.'" ". ,'A',.'. ..., " ..,~.-,<,1r:," . . ''''.1. '.. . ,-,'liA'".." " ^ .,:..,. . '~". 4:.' . ....'4. ~ ..~.~, '.' '. . ....'- " . .. "".;,. Mr. W. Dean Fortner DeceIIIber 21. 1988 Page Two ~,-, ... Water Management area 5.6 acres 5.6 acres ---., o acres Impervious area <IP,~:(tacres Industrial Bldg Footprint) 18.0 acres 23.87 acres 2.44 acres 7.1 acres 1.06 acres Pervi.ous area 26.0 acres 26.0 acres o acres ~",...", """""<', ..~~,,*, .;,~.' .~'~lV;, Attached are two complete sealed sets of Site DevelqJment Plans (CiVil, Landscape arxl Irrigatioo) for your review. Tan Clark. Boynton Beach City Engineer, has requested a letter or other form of communicatioo fran both SOUth Florida Water Management District arxl Lake W:>rth Dninage District, i1'!Q~,cating that, the Phase II Expansioo project is in =mpliance with the original permit and that construction may proceed. Mr. Clark's address and telephone number are: ~x. TOm Clark, City Engineer "tH:y bfBoyntcil Beach 200 North Seacrest Boulevard P.O. Box 310 ".' Boynt . Beach, Florida 33435-0310 '...~1i ;': 3~1l...;"~,,, ,t(if$'J'V- yGIll have any ques~i':JllS "lr need additiCX1al inforD&tioo. please call '.- ~c ShCAlld me. Sincerely, , ])1;:. GESI rI3 Attachments cc: Patrick p, Martin. PE, LWlD wlo attachments Tan Clar'i<, ;Joyntoo Beach, wlo attachments Joe Speri;,z7..a, M::>torola. wlo attachments Frank &...ro$.'-" Heery, tllo attachments 88078 BEERY - ,g.. ..'" t .......'.... '~,...L _ir";:,,;~.,,'dt,:i;:>!:- , ~~~ltii;j". 5'"':""'" -.., ,- IIf~:H~ ~*f'_::<~'::~~.~h'; j' a,'.,'"." ~/T"oAff( fOJr.., JO:>"'r f'I WOdraSk.. Ellec\/h...~ ",,{"('or -", "'I~:lrCl C C-"t!. Deputy EJIl"...ltwe 0""'<::0' . Sou~ Florida Water Management District -~'---"" PO!t Office Box 24680 3301 Gun CI,b Road West Palm Beach. Florida 33416-4680 :t#_te (407) 686-8800 F.10rid8 WATS Line 1-800-432-2045 .-"'.f-' .:,~ IN REPLY RE FER TO: "~f;:P-'''''~'- --,,'qt'*,,' ':1~i~-' ,~, ~~'IT,~_---'_' ... f I:" No. 1103 ,: ,c"tton No. 01298-3 ,.,ee Control Department October 10, 1988 . Jv~ ~~erldlza ;;'J 111I.;t:"f ing Services "t 0 ,'V 1. ".......... j C Co Ii.~;. 22nd 'Avenue :...,,,tvll ~~ach Fl 33436 ~-- ,.-,...,-,_.. .,... "e, Sperlazza: )',,;ecl: PERMIT *50.00931.5, Motorola Plant Parking Lot Addition City of Boynton aeac~; Palm Beach County, S17,20/T45S/R43E ,'ter' ,e7iewirrgthelllans submitted January 29, 1988, for construction of a 2.27 'e p.' .;ng lot addition, District staff has determined that they are in , "i ,."...,.,..it.l\..t/Jeorigillal permit issued OeCllmber 10, 1981. Therefore, ,~,,>l,vc'tion may proceed, subject to the 12 standard limiting ConditilJns. 11 c, c(i.1 Conditions, and 2 exhibits. ._{...............'~~-:, ,"" "'~'" M. Wate ouse, P.E. er Ising Professional-South Section ur ce Water Management Division source Control Department ,'~:'l...t/ .,~u f .~t tachmcllts xcc: DEIl_, Palm Beach County Engineer lWOD Palm 8each County land Development Division ::'c: field Rep./Area Eng./lnspect./ColavecchiO/D.Thatcher/J.Needle/D.Fortner Nar>CW' H RoeI"' ChaIrman. Plarlill'ol'l J D You. Vu;::c Chaor"'an - Palm C,ly ArseniO M,I'.'1 "".~1I Fritz 518'" B~lIe G1aoe J.m~F Gar,.!!r Fl Myers 'oIhkeStout W,,,oerrn.,,e Nathan,el P RHCl "ioO<lJ'So....nd Oscar M Coro,~ Jr F! Myers Doran A Jason _e, B,oce,oo . '.. . ::'?~ ...,..'~,...:mJ"""""Ll~~~ -.-.-........-.......-..-""-.- -~-- ~ .~-_...__.._-""-.... ~. .~~ tT'l____ ".>"," "':";,h::~iC"; < "'.'..,....- . . LIMITING CO"iO'T .,1NS THE PE~"'I"'TEE Si-'A.ll PRosecuTE THE WOAI< AUTHQP,ZS:J :~l A. ".UNNE~ SO AS TO ~INIMIZE ANY AovERSE I,,",PACT OF fl-lE WORKS ON FISH. WILQLIFE. NATURAL EI'.I'JiAQNMENTAL VALl..:ES. AND WATER QUALITY THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY ....~ASUAES Du~tNG THE CuNSTRUC"rION PERIOD, INCLUDING r=ULL CO....PACT10N OF ANY FILL !AA TEFlIAL. pL.,A,ceQ ARCUNQ NEWL Y INSTAllED STRUCTURE::S, TO REDUCE EROSION. TUABIDlTY. NUTRIENT LOAOINO AND SEOIMENf '" rlON IN THE REeEIVINCi WATERS 2. WATER au.A.UTY QAT.a. FOA THE WATER DISCHARGED F;::;QM THE ?Er=!~IT""'"EE'S P~O?ERTY QAINfO SURFACE w...TE~S OF THE Sf ~ TE S""lALL. BE SU8JoAlTTED TO ,HE OISTFHCT AS REOUIRED ?AAAMETERS TO BE Mr')NITOFlEO M.....INCLUOE THOsE LISTED IN CHAPTER 11-3 IF WATEq OUALITY DATA!S ~F.OUIReO, TME PERMITTEE SHALL ?AovIOE DATA. AS Ri:. "WIRED. ON VOLUMes OF WATER OISCH.AFlGED iNCL'...;QING -OTAL VOLUME OlSCMAFlGEO CURING TI-lE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTH'_"" DtSCMARGeS FROM rrle PROPERTY CA INTO SURFAce WA TERS OF THE Sf ~ TE 3 THE PERMITTEE SMALL ::'O~PLY WI7H ALL APPLICAaLE ~G(';AL $UcOI',jI$ION REGULATIONS AND OTHER LOCAL R.EOUIAEMENT3 IN ADDITION THE PEFlMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDERAL. STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DlSTRIC1 AUTHQR.tZATlONS PRIOP; TO THE S7;.IH OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR AL TERArlON OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PEAMlT " THE O~ERATiON ~..uSE OF THIS PERMIT SM),L '\joy:'" 3ECOME EFFECTiVE UNTIL A ,:"I_(';PIOA ~EGiS7Ei=l!::J I"ROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFieS THAT l..LL FAC:UTIES H:wE e':EN CONSTRuC"':'"ED IN ACCOFlDoI\NCE WIT... THE DESIGN APPAOVEQ BY THE OISTFIIICT WITHIN Ja 'JA.(S AFTER COMPI.ETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER UANAGEMENT SYSTEM. THE P-:RMITT~E SHALL SUd~IT THE CERTIFICATION AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE FACILITIES A.AE RE.,10Y FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAl.., UPON ,APPROVAl. OF THE COMPLETED SURFACE WA TER VI,ANAGEMENT S'(STEM, THE PER~ITTEE SMALL REouEST TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO THE RESPONSIBLE ENTITY APPP:)\IEO e.... :-.-1E ')ISTRICT ALL.ROAOS SrlAl,:'" aE SE~ A"':'" O~ /lBovE ElE'!;" TiCNSRE l... ~~D BV THE APollCABlE LOCALGOVEANMENTFLOOO CRfT-EAIA 5 AL~8UILaING FLOORS SHALl. BE SET AT OR ABOV!:: ELSVATiONS ACCE;:JTABLE TO. THE APPLICABLE L.OCAL GOVERNMENT .OFF~Sl'rE OISCHARG~S DURING CCNST~' JCT!C~ AN0 8EVE!..OP~~Er-.7 SMALl.. BE MADE ONl ( iHRCi~G..-l T'"'-: FAC-1LITIES "'UTHO~HZE08Y TH1S PERM:T NO ROAD'NA Y OR BUILDING CONsnWCTION SHALL C~\.4ME"'C:: ON-SITE UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE PERMITTED DISCHAPt"ie STRUCTURE AND OI:.TENTION /lAEAS 'IV A TER DISCHARGED FFlOM THE "~OJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STl;JC7UFlES I"4AVING A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTRE.~-"" wATEA STAGES_ STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPEI=IA TlNG SCHEDL.LES SATISFACTORY TO THE OISTRICT e, NOCONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL. COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCE='TABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTAS~ISHEO AND H,t.S AG~C:EO TO OPERA T E AND MAINTAIN THE S'fSTEM THE ENTITY MUST SE PROVIOED WITH SuFFICIENT OWNER$Hlr 50 THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVE~ ALL. WATEFI MANoI\GEMENT FACILITIES AUTHOFlIZEOHEREIN. UPON AECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION. THE OISTRICT W1L ~ ISSUE AN AUTHORIZATIO.' TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. 3: t THE PERMIT COES NOT CONVEY TO THe PERMITTEE ANY PROPERTY RIGHT NOR A,'IV RIGHTS OR PFHvlLEGES OTHER THAN THeSE SPECIFIED IN THE PERMIT AND Ct'lAPTER .oE-4, FAC. 10 THE PERMITTEE SHALL HOLD ANC SAVE THE OIS11=lICT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES. C!.AIUS, OR LIABILITIES WHICJ'i MAY AR'SE BY AIASON OF Ti-tE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENA""CE OR USE OF ANY FAC1UTY AUTHORIZED Bv THE PERMIT. 11. THIS PERMIT IS ISSuED BASEO ON THE APPL~CANT'S SUBMiTTEO I""FOR~!ATION WHICtot REASONABL.Y DEMONSTRATES THAT ADVERSlloJ".SITE WATER RESOURCE AELATED IMPACTS WILL NOT BE CAUSED IV Tl1E COMPLETE[,. PERMIT ACTIVITY IT IS ALSO THE ~ESPONSleILJTY OF THE PERMITTEE TO INSURE THAT ADVERSE OFF.SITE WATER RESOURCE RELATED IMPACTS 00 NOT OCCUR OuRING CONSTRUCTION 11. PAIOR TO OEW....TERlfIo;G_ PlANS SHALL Be SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT Ff"lA APPROVAL. lNFOFl"oi10N SHALL INCLUOe'AS A '-4INIMU.... pu".p SIZES. LOCATIONS AND HOURS 01= OPERATION FOR EACH Pt"MP IF OFF.SITE DISCHARGE IS PFlOPOSED, OR ""lFF.SITE AovEl:jSE IMPAC~-S ARE EVIOENT, AN INDIVIDUAL W/o. TER uSE PERMIT MAY SE REOUIRED THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAi SEvER.AL MONTH'3 MAY BE REOUI"EO FOR CONSIDEFlATION OF THE WATER USE FEq~IT APPLICATION tJ/;b9,j"3 . ..- , ._"'~'T::""'..'>-~::'". .;~~ I .... ,.,;. ......,." ~i;~ '-0;. .--',-.#J '-;';; ....." .<-.-.;; ,~ ~yt:~~j ;'-~~,?~~ / . ._...~' ""'''''. - -,,, .,.."., SPECIAL. CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR EL~VATION l4:0lrrt'NGVD. <,.., 2. MINIMUM ROAD CRDWH ELEVATI~N 12.1 FEET NGVD. 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: DESCRIPTION: I-I" BLEEDER SLOT AT ELEVATION B.S FEET NGVD AND 1-2.5' WIDE WEIR WITH THE CREST AT ELEVATION 10.0 FEET NGVD THAT DISCHARGES RUNOFF INTO THE E-4 CANAL VIA 450 LF OF 36" DIAMETER CULVERT. RECEIVING WATER: <-4 CANAL --,..- CONTROL ELEVATION: B.S nET NGVD 4. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY EROSION OR SHOALING PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE seRFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 5. MEASURES SHALL BF TAKEN 00RING CONSTRUCTION TO IN~URE THAT ~EDIMEN'ATION ANO/OR JURBIDITY ?ROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 6, THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY WATER QUALITY PROBLEMJ;,HAT RESULT FROM ,HE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WAER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 7. THE DISTRICT,RESERVES THE RIGH, TO REQUIRE THAT WAT-UUlUALlTY TREATMENT",. METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHuWN ,0 BE NECESSARY. 8. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBiliTY OF MOTOROLA, INC. 9. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE TO THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENTATION OF lAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE COHMENCEMENT OF COflSTRUCTION. 10. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WilL BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT A MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHAll NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE. II. PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION OF FUTURE PHASES, PAVING GRADING, AND DRAINAGE PLANS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT FOR REVIEW ANt APPROVAL. f " ~ -....--....'. ._----- ~,,_,._,,~_. ..... ,.c.u-' I '--~-'''~-',,' .~ -- =:':...<:'~' ;-;,\-' " ", .,' .' .. . , ",';o;j~~".<~~ Hi.t~f .:,~,.: , '..;"- ,c> ,\<1>< '.t,:-,i~j ~~: .~,:~..Lln- ;r:.;,:'-_ ~ '! ._~;-{:::;,:. ~ .~ "'~r:' -,~ii, 'if1~_" ,~.so'lt . ?J~l~-': : .~ ,:.:-, ':'.Y"~ - - ] ,;:~~:' "- .",>' .'~' ~'ii'eJ..'!:' , ""il'!"; '-~ ~" r J "j ~. .~ . ,.'t,,;'''-,.,, r -' '~;"i'" -......~(; """:"'(",;",/,,' "- M E M 0 RAN 0 U M ~;<:;:7;" TO: FILES FROM: "W:" DEAN FORTNER, Water Management Engineer Surface Water Management Division DATE: September 14, 1988 SU8JECT: PERMIT NO. 50.0093l-S Motorola Plant Parking lot Addition 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue City of Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 On January 29, 1988, plans were.submitted to the District for construction of a 2.2J."acre parking lot expansion within the Motorola Industrial Plant development. The construction plans were in agreement with the original permit, therefore a letter authorizing construction was issued. Although.~.construction and operation permit was issued for the entire project, the applicable land use is provided in the following table: ."..;~I._r' :">i;'~Jn Li'Y'CiV'," '-Cf.~' '" PREVIOUSLY TOTAL PROJECT CONSTRUCTED THIS PARCEL 90 acres 90 acres 2.27 acres 64.0 acres 64 acres 2.27 acres 5.6 acres 5.6 acres 0 acres 40.0 acres 21.6 acres 2.27 acres 18 acres 7.1 acres 0 acres 26 acres 26 acres 0 acres TOTAL LAND AREA TOTAL DE~ELOPED AREA IIAlER MANAGEMENT IMPERVIOU.s", INDUSTRIAL (BLDG. FOOTPRINT) PERV JOUS wdf bcc: AdMtft1stration/Files <_ ~V_ )!t9:.tAj.;~:~~::h/.' ,.~.~'" ;S,:;i, .....'" ..<#~to.~-0t:~.~.:,.-;:;~): --' ',;::';;:it?i:,;-;"j.:.,..;i,:-.'- .iHllI . " - ~fi~.:;:::' JI II~~ --I cor- ';11 ~:, II '-'---~J\ NY,., ]J.I~ Tlt'.aM Y"ICJlIOjCM ~1f.Tlll'lM ,cmUYJ~ -;- - J 1Ll, ,-.;" ."w.,..".,. I' :\ ~ . ~~ I ~- ----ffl=----Ii -. ! !_~_ ~, 1-,' \ Iii ,f, -,- -+, . ,:: -L... .Ii: /..i \- I ..,~. ''''''''"..c . ......... lu. 1-" ... i- l-C .111 ....-. [i,*~'-- -\ " j ~ 1 It .. H .1 i , ~I ii '__ II <-----' -Ii .., ... !ll ~'I~ .. .~ .. . n-j:! ~.; ; --" t " j It .. .1 ! ~ i I ........- --~ , '''''''''''r/+'' eJ., i ~: \ ()' \ ; \ i i \ \ ',.~." , . , . ,..,'~ . . . z . ~ 1 '.-,'; :~ 11.-......... ;',_-1.-- :v--- '0 \oJ > <t .m en w ~ " ..lj- ...-. o \ \ \ , \ \ \ " \ " \ c...L ____, o 3^ \f puZZ I"\N I ) EXHIIHi ,1: ;~~{:.i\4'_ ~ '~',:.;,tl~i~';<~. ,~.'~, <c;<"-.' >~, l;VJ~'j.., ,'~~/":'.:~;g ; ~~;;;'4 7~J't:~~h?~J;' ~D~ ."........."i-..,.,.,...~ ..,._,.."'._,......",............,..""'.,:..,.<,;...'h. .",...,,",~'~ ~, . .';~.~I,~, .~ l- OJ ,~ . .~Ii:i:~.(.< -~,,~~r BoIrdOlhpenollOnl G.o,O. MeMu'''I" C. Stanley W.... K.,mitOeIl ~""c"'... ~~t~',,'~~~i~~T.~i~%~J~;~,~'"" 7r1!l1lfJ1fJ R~CFiVr:l) SK'........' '4nag_ Willhlm G. Win'.'. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT MAR 2 8 1988 "....lenllollnag_ Rlehllrd S. W*lI".n ,~, -- Ad.m, " P.rry. P A. 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DElFlAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 March 23, 1988 h,,:':, i ,':_ '1.1';l!fVl UU-'"ldr.lti~1 -- ~1. Mr. C. Danvers Beatty Caulfield & Wheeler, Inc. 7301-A West Palmetto Park Road, Suite 100A Boca Raton, Florida 33433 Dear Dan: (LWDD Proj, #88006970) :t _"-0 - 0 ~ -7! I - .s Re: Motorola - Parking Lot Addition ~. We have reviewed the drainage plans for the above referenced ~f..e'lopment and do hereby approve of them for connection to our facilities, subject to the following conditions: ,,__... . """''-;';'"7"''''' '-.-~_~.l~ i, ~-~..,;~: Developer/Owner grant LWDD title or perpetual exclusive easement deed for all required right-of-way along project limits. Developer will reconstruct canal(s) to approved design section along proSects limits, including clearing and proper sloping of the maintenance bennes. ~"'.~"j:" (X Develope" ,/ill obtain any and all permits required by DER/Army COt'pS or ~ngineers, S.F.~,.M.D., Palm Beach County and/or any municipality that may Je involved prior to the commencing of any construction. ( X) Developer will take, ail reasonable precautions necessary to prevent turbidity or silting upstream or downstream during con~fruction. .-,~: ....,'"..:.'.",." X ) Developer .,,11 con~act the LWDD Inspection Department to schedule inspect40ns at least 48 hour!~in advance. Failure to do so 'nay result in rejection of the work urtil visual insDect~cn can be made. Work must be uncovered for inspection. Developer must suomit certified "As Built" drawings within (60) SiA~Y days of receiving final approval. X ihe Lake Aorth Drainage Jistrict will not accept any water from dewa~erlng either ~n or offsite until writ~en notification or app.c:al from S.F.~.~.J. has been submitted to this Jffice. ',Ihere i'--:"Qvements ,lre :; be erected on lots or parcels contiguous to Lake.cr':h Dninage :istrict canals, developer shall install gutters ,co down SCouts eliminating surplus ~ater overland flow. assurir.c :ne routin~ 0~ 5Jid water into the on-site ca::~~ent T3Ci 1 i t.:, ~nd/or ~ne - s ::1.... sewer system. " . LI l, ~~'~~'~""~1.~)}11J;i;;:~:~:::.(.t~f'j: . . 1':'- \" "',~f:'/;j~~f:li-l'~;~''?~~. "~I".",.~~.!~"'(...~1.,k~S(.,,.,r,.;,:1'.'''' '"". ~~~ :,;;~,.n,{:'-~':'.;t,:;";;;'r:'-",ri;:\~li,~,;~:-.,<,.._::.,,,>c: , >0 ~;;~,i _'_0,--. 'r''''''"'',,,,~~>, r " ,....,'.y.. ,-' .--...,...;....,.... ",.. ,_ ...~..., "'~..",..,.-r.' .--............. ,_~c-',~ . ...:.,,;: .';;::R~H 'JRt:t~"\GE QISHHCr .' -.". Developer has provided a bond in favor of LWDD in the of 110~ of.the.cost of the pipe and its installation. be released upon issuance of final inspection by LWDD developers submittal of "As Built" drawings to LWDD, ( X) Developer agrees that significant construction must start within one year of the date of permit issuan(:l"'o,....this permit will become void and a new application must be applied for prior to any construction activity on site. amount Bond will and -<,c,,' ~ ___-'''''.'''''"':v~.. '--..w,~ In consideration of and by acceptance of the permit issued by the L.W.D,D., the undersigned agrees to perform the above and further agrees to hold the L.W.D.D., its agents and employees harmless for any damage emanating out of or resulting from the permit herein granted. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT By: William G. Winters PERMITTER OEVELOPER/OWNER PERMITTEE (Please Print or Type name along with signature; e-",.,,', This permit shall be issued in duplicate Please and.return both copies to L,W.D.D. for its signature. after both the permitter and permittee have signed. sign born copies Permit :nlY valia cc: Jim Barry p.a.co. Health Dept. C,ef: Rogers S.F.W.M.D. Alan Kurt:; P.8.Co. :'.: Dept. David Unsell S.F.W.r~.D. '\ 'f1l 1 T ~~:d~~}):\2,i~~~,,:~., -'-- ......-...".' , ' . ':;Y'lit;': -~"i:'-:;{"::'~~c,'E-' ,_/':, ' ,:"'. <. -, ""~.",,. - d ~;,~ ..:,-z~t~~::ij,:,~t;h0;ii_:;142...t~it~Y~:"}1~~~',; ...,:..;t~1~:~i~1:;~~r~iiL",,_,;: ,,.,,~,\~~'~~~,;a~.' L'. . ,- -. . ."" .". ~.''''h._"",'\'' -'.":".- -:.', ":.,- ", :"'.',';.,::, n'_.~ ,-.",,,,:~,.i.~-J...~.'~~~....;^. ~-~' ~ )..)~:' .......,.. -,,~,.,_',.:...~:,. ,...~;.......-"'..,~-; ,-,~,~...-~ ~;, k'~_~ .- lit aU:CF.JVl~ i':;.:1 ~,~ :',1 (~: ' CAULFIELD & WHEELER, INC. Land Surveyors. Consulting Engineers "1''';''';' 't,. ~arch ,3,.,J,988 Mr. Dean Fortner Water Management Engineer Surface Water Management Div. Resource Control Dept. South Florida Water Management District P.O.Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33416 \ .~ I .. , - SuLj..:;.....;L. Pa.rking Lot Additiofi. at j:.lotorGl.J., Inc. Application No. 01298-3 ",M9,difi~on Iin ~0.,j)09.31...s.-._.-~",~" City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County Section 17 and 20 Township 45 S, Range 43 East ~,; Dear Mr. Fortner: In reSponse to your letter dated February 26, 1988 and our telephone conversation on that same day, we would like to make the following commenta hased on the conditio",s of the Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-00931-5 which was approved for the construction and operation of a total area of 64 acres containing 5.6 acres of water l.'anagement area and 40 acres of impervious area.. "~X1":- 'Eoj;~"".,) ,,~- "'-'.'" To date the 5.6 acre water management tract has beep, constructed along with 21.6 acres of buildings and parking area (imperviou,", area). Under the December 10, 1981 permit a total of 40 acres of impervious area was approved, therefore a remaining 18.4 acres of impervious area is available for construction under the December 10. 1981 permit. The propo5cd parking let ~ddition will udd ~n additional 2.27 acres of impervious to the existing 21.6 acres of impervious, thus leaving a remaining 16.3 acres of impervious area available for construction under the December 10, 1981 permit. j",,?i:" Basen on the construction permit above information, we would like to request for the proposed parking lot addition. a If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours. 730 1 A West Palmetto Pork RO<:ld . SUite IOOA Boca Raton, Florida 33433 305.392.1991 0-18 CDB:rms C2:E~:E/ E13' C. . / / / ~--- - t:..~ C. Danvers Beatt ./ Project Engineer '~~'i -";,,(11/,,: '- .. ,'*itl f' " ~.. .:-.... . - 11'" ," I ,.... """.:_....~~~""..<. ~_:_..;<i<[,....._<........_._.,.,.,....~-..... _..........~....._-"'~_....~_-,'~.....".~."".. ._~.""".........................~...&60~_~,"'..~.-"':._ .c...... i.......,.... ."in~'^' - ;.. , ';..~_.,. ffi' .,.,..,"~if. "fft.. ;d'~u;."l;' ':'-~~r~~:~0!1:&t:- ;,(,<~C;~l C,-",- . /f~ ~~~::"~~<~'t.,~, ~t~~~"~~if~~f?:/;tf~}~~:~~{~~~;:-: .i::~~~;-:"'''J;:'''it::~;''~'''~J.--:'~~~~:-'>;';>' , ;."..,.:~.~'.t7--J'~::~:"~/~f.~'- - -", '~'---;: ;.-,-,:if-.t"JfC'.;;::X",- Jy';c/<-..(./L/' ),,/3/8$ 'e .. lJt r9 ~OR~~,;,,'.il5"o - 0093/-5 . ~ ~ WATER QUALITY REVIEW CHECKliST (To be completed by Surface Water Management Staff) AP/PERMITN ()1;<:J8-3 PROJECT }'\otorol<^ l>1C\t\t l'....,t...) AleI.I~ SFWMD BASIN REC WATER oN-nrF LJ4i<E .,'..'.' ZONING "P"'I. \) . LAND USE ****************************************************************************** (To be completed by NRM Water Quality St?ff prior to 30 day deadline) CLASS: I I. III .. OFW OTHER BlIP'S: DETENTION/RETENTIO RECEIVEO--'RrCEIVED FEB 2 1988 liEP 1 It 1988 WATER OUAUTY SECTIOII .... A llR QUAUTY SECTION OTHER MONITORING R:QUIRED?~ GROUNDWATER YES SURFACE WATER Purpose of monitoring To determine if pollution abatement rractices in the drainage system function properly. ~~, Immediate concern regarding degredation of quality in the reCe1vlng water regardless of pollution removal effICienCy~t; of the draina.e system. Other: WATER QUALITY RATING: -'~iS:~'i,(",:,,,,\!l'+f~':,..~:W. .. . -, 1.<.. . ,::j-:!1'f~ COr+lENTS: V.:.-. _ r-~d/" "", POOR ~ANT ss-fa-.~~~ ,...;fi'tf~' ,. ~--'- c__ ~ Y n "C ~G.. r / I \)Wn~~l ~ / -z../f~/P [ and/ date) ...\ ~ -.,.,...... - --\li~'"'--'.,.... ,/ 'l'~;< .,.. ''','. '-;>':'~,:,~~:~~-~. ~ ~ SOUT~ FLORIOA W:~E~~rr:rff~T WEST PALM BEACH~~. 3J~b Well rELEPHONE:/JOS) 666-8800 TOll FREE; 1.aoo-"32-2o.S "~.~S'/." ('0" USEeY SFWMO PE"SONNEl ONLY) OATE "ECoJ A H2 9 1988 APPL. NO.; ~d APPLICATION TO SOUTH FLORIDA WATER M.\N~.IiMEl'ITOJSl'AICT FOR A PERMIT FOR: I ) WATER: USE nt:>VUt"1.1 LUf'4,~~. '1"jJA~".jtj'j' / ) SURFAce WATEA MANAGEMENT (ORAINAGE1' [l CONCE~TUAL APPROVA I ) UTILIZATION OF DISTRICT WORKS ( Xl MODIFICATION OF EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER: 50-00931-8 OWNER'S NAME: Motorola, rnc. AOD"ESS: 1500 N. W. 22nd Avenue CITY: Boynton BeachsTATE: Flor~da ZiP' 3343b Same DEVELOPER'S NAME' ADDRESS: S~JQq CITY; Boynton (JU:') 1~Ij-LJ. 2 PHONE: Beaci!TATr.-F lor ida Zip: 33436 PHONE ~ ame P"OJECTENGINEE", Caulfield & Wheeler. Inc. ADO"ESS: 730l-A West Palmetto Park Road. CITY: Boca Raton STATE' Florida ZIP: 33433 Su~te J.UU-A PHONE:(jU~J j'j~- 1991 I P"OJEOT NM"E, Parkinq Lot Addi tion lOCATION' Boynton Beach, PBCH :"7, 20 45 CITY COUNTY SECTION{SI TOWNSHIP{S) Construct a parking lot P.I.D. PURPOSE: '. lONING (RESIDENTIAL, AOAICUL.. PUB. WTR. SUPPLY, erc, 2.27 43 S E RANGEISl P"OJECT SIZE: PROJECT IS: IX) ACRES PROPOSED I) EX~~,!~G I J TOBE MODIFIJ:n IS FOR .....UER USE. WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF WATER? N/A IF THIS APPLICATION IS FOR DAAINAGE, WHERE WIll THE WATER DISCHARGE? ; ni-n on-site Lake System. IF THIS IS A'REQUEST TO MODfFY AN EXISTING PERMIT, DESCRIBE THE REQUESTED CHANGES:_ addition of 2.27 acres of parkinq IF THIS APPLICATION INCLUDES USE OF DISTAI\:.T WOAKS. DESCRIBE THE USE: N I A ~~' (CULVER', aDAT DOCK, FENCE, BEAUTIFICATlO,.., HC NO TEl INCLUDE CANAL NAME) NOTEIIN ALL CASES AN ACCURATE loeATION MAP WITl-t THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES CLEAAL Y SHOWN MUST BE SUBMITTED. ALSO. IF THIS IS A PROPOSED OR EXPANDED PAQJE r SUBMIT A CURRENT AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH SHOWING THE PROJECT BOUNDARIES RULES 40e~J.l01. 40E~".101. and "OE.8.101 F.A.C. SPECIFY DATA REOUIREMENTS TO CC:~STlTUTE A COMPLETE PERMIT APPLICA TION. A LIST OF THE REFERENCeD RULES IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK OFTHIS FORM, ANY NECE~SAHY CHECKLIST MAY AINEO FROM THE DISTRtCT AT THE'ABOVE ADDRESS. ./ . -;? '7 /,-,-' Project Engineer NOTE' MANY PROJECTS ALSO REOUIR ROVAL BY OTHER SLUE AND FEDERAL AGENCIES, SFWMQ INFORMS SOME AGENCIES OF PERMIT APPLICATIONS I1ECEIVEO BUT n.'E RESPONSIBILITy FO~ REOUESTING APPROVALS RESTS WITH THE OWNER ., ~.. .C., ..."., ^-lZ FIGURE 2 ,._~.., :;'":''''' ': d-." ',~. ''',. . ~<~ f ""'",t r ,._-":<-~ i .ci':':':~~~' . '.:~-, ,>, 1.-: :i\ii .-.. .~ - . ~< . .>';''-1~ '-....____;.;-.:"0".... '~i-'. " JOHN L. "tUNDLEY F,~ .,Ik'N' r '* ,_, .,,<'::1; ~~:{r:~!~~~_it+"n"~~~'-----"'~~'.*'''<F--''~''---'_r7~:,. ::I~~:0~/~~~!:-'~, ~,,~-~~"~~g,Jtsfr[~~'5~!~':".~:s-4 I ~ e South Florida Water Management ~, ~'()€r-~q. ~8'e....i~l;~ I i I . r)LA.NN:r~!,; 1."!':"~:(- C,p! Tlet'., r,:JST OFFICE SOX "V", WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA >>402 IN REPLY REFER TO: Control No. 50-30020-5" December 18, i 979 r-lotoro 1 a, Incorpora ted 8000 W. Sunrise Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33322 RE: A~plication No, 09249-0, Riteco Development Corpor~tion (Motorola), Palm Beach County, Sections 17 and 20, Township 45 south, Range 43 east .~""'.' Gentlemen: j At its December 13, 1979 meeting, the Governing B03rd of this District gave conceptual appro~al of your surface water management plan, This conceptual approv~l is suhject to the six special conditions on page 5 and the eight limiting conditions on page 4 of the Oistrict's staff report dat~d Jctober 3], 1979. _,,,n,_,,,,,,,,,,",)"; lhis conceptual app,'oval does not constitute a construction permit. It is based upon the jnformation provided by the 3pplicantand may be subject to r.:odification or revocation if it is 'IJter determined that said information is ~,"roneous or fal se. All future applications for construction submitted pursuant to this,~nceptual approval will be reviewed in light of the statlltolT~and administratffi'criteria in effect at the time of submission of s~ch ~.:lnstruction applications. lhe Governing S01rd may modify this provision in cases of e~treme hardShip, If the appl icant has not filed an appl ication fOl" constr~~J.,ion of the first phne of the project pursuant to this conceptual approval within two 12) years of the date nereof, the approval granted herein sna 11 be considered to ue void and of no effect, uoless extended by the Governing Boarc of the Distric~. As construct jn plans are devp.loped, they must be sabmitted to this District, and no constru~n may begin "ntil definitive authority has ueen granted by this District. If you have any questio.,S ccnccrning this matter, please feel free to cali. Sincp.rely. RAR/sw ~~ Richard A. ~ogers, Oir~ctor Resourca Control Department Schuh & Jernigan. Inc. cc: DER, L.W.D,D., Charles A, Hall, Post, Buckley, Carmen Annunziato-Boynton Beach, Inspection /" JSPH l C!...AA~~. JR. ROBER r ,"oj PAOflICt< I'.",nn,'" r-'lr! l.J:){wrd.ll. \I,c. Ch/JlrmA'1' Fort ;>.....0.;1' I'! J '~..-.H~OR0Uli't ;""-t!Pr"...'1 q ,~t ROY MA PiESON M,,,",.l BEN SHEPPRO "'..leah Slhr.:;_lY HOLE MAUR H~l . '-" LtJ~'MER Nl\'n1^.~I~l AEl:.O I.,:... y",.H! J H It GAll '&"GI-1ER $1. elo~l.t r-.'I';'" i. f,. ..(.~':, __ "",coI,""__,,,-, S lA''REV HOLE N..... MAunlCE L. PLuMMER F."r M"'~I' NA.HiANI!..'L REED 14)1).' !'")(jund J NEIL GALLAGHER 51. Cloud JOHN L HUNC.:..:?v P.hOke" ..' 'V.L~ . ,<::';'';:0'::,:',. ,~>'> -'..,~#IIl',r-.,_____,."",;._."._ " <<-jc' /I!!~X;_~~_ . ",.",?~~,A""~~~",,,",,,,,~,,,';jo.v""''"'''''><'''~'~'~'lFa'4'!''',d''''~'_'-' l:if-_A - ,'-" -Gk - South Flor ida Water Management District '-' I(;'~"J q '/1;',,-. I", ;, ~..' t'l'~'-:' C"CT:![lI "m,-, POST OFFICI BOX ''V' . WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA ]3.;02 'r ,.~ .. RHER to: No~~~~~~~!'i~"" TE~EPHONE: t305)\~6-8800", Mr. Ken Rogers, P.E., Director Land Oevelopment Division Palm Beach Co. Engineering Department P.O. Box 2429 West Palm Beach, FL 33402 -~; ; Re: Application 110. 0924~-D Riteco Oevelopment"Corporation (Motorola) Oear Ml'. Ro,.ers: Encl0c",j ,i recopieso,',.JHs,tri€t,',st"t'i ,'eports for th"<lllove- refe""'"..,d projects. These report> (which ar'l for pr Jposed urh?- .'" agricultural p,'ojects) wi] i t,e part of those presented to t .: ';uvernin9 Board at its 12/13/79 meeting for final permit :~\'~~~'~ ~ ~S ;Hf!Il~~P~~';'f~~'WH{j~~~~~$~~:~t:'~ If you have any questions or cOlllllents, please feel f"ee to, contact this office. Copies of the permits will be forwarded after fi na 1 approva 1. ",'f/f"!' ,.)$_1)', ~.J:' "'.'" '-V~J(aiser, Supervisof'"'-''''' Permit Administration Division Resource Control Department . '"iY\;jti, VK/ ag Enclosures cc: Mr. Tr3cy Bennett THE DECEMBE~ 13, IS79 GOVERNING BOARD MEtTING WILL BE HELD AT 3:00 P.M. IN THE MAIN VISITOR'S CENTER AUDITORIUrI AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE EVERGLADES NATIONAL PARK, HOMESTEAD, FLORIDA (STATE ROAD 27, 10 MILES SOUTHWEST OF HOMESTEAO, FLORIDA.) 1t!(Hl' I-CLARI(. JR. BOREAT w. PADRtCI( W J. SCAHBOROUG-. H. HARDY -MATHESON BEH-.,$HU "r""I".:""'8'fL)udt'dah~ Vie. ell_i'm.'.... Foft Ple'l~e Llk. F'la';:ld Miami Hi.l"ah iii~?};,,=:~'~}Zi:;.:i;i~ks.~;;,hijJjiG:):~-._-" - "',~'b.;..f,J.;:~::;i~ ,;" '_i,2:..'~;/,,~~~:;-;~~€;?;; '::,:, ~ ~'J.;-:{;-Q:'~5'j:/",:i}: i~~:~5l~}\..:-:"J:;:':~~~:'.>-';- ,.-,."!b'c::JlfA~t .q",'?if'" ,--" ! i '-,-:-1iU.l2.~~1_":''''~' .~~_,_"'''''''~,~,''>''"u~ '.'~." '."""","""",~",~",-,n'1f-'~."'-- ..... ~;f;N':':W_~'-- - - .~. J ~ . ",~i~ , .-., .- .......-, Impact Assessment Prepared by South Florida Water Management Oistrict 1 ,~....'; 0'/ 2:.:: FINAL: .. a~~!'" ~w, .I r. 1''-' J!r--'~"':':'~, ...... " u , .-.' 1::4 ~~..__.. - ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTIUN NPME: 1.0. NO.: LOCATION SIZE: TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT EXISTING LANO USE: Motorola 80-94 City of Boynton Beach 9a! Acres light Industry Grassland t~ :;~'"',J";~ .. r,~~.. . ,'" : -, -~~,"'~ l ~~;:j,*,:;>~_:; I,:X .;>.; r".~~~ Motorola, the proposed DRI, will be a light industrial facility designed for the manufactu,e of two-way, hand-held radios. Development of this project will occur in thr'ee phases and upon completion will be conprised of approxi- mately 425,OCO square feet of "dmi~istrative and engineering offices, 300,000 square feet of manufacturing, assembly and test space; and 100,000 square feet of storage ar.d distribution sn~ce. According to the ADA. tl,e first phase of dev~l;)pnlPf1t is scheduled fo,~ cOfi1pl~tion in June of 1981, wi 11 conslst of 240J10 square feet of bu; 1 ding area. and employ approx imately 1600 persons. r:onstruction of tho, second p'hJSe will begin in January of 1986 and is scheduled for co,"plt'tion in Jdnuilri (If 19!19. At this point the tetal building area will be 6:!5,000 s~uare feet. CU15t"ructiQflof the final phasE' is scheduled to begin in January of 1994 with completion set for September cf 1999. The final building area will consi';t of 825,000 square feet. Upon completion of the facility, Motor'ola will ,>",ploy approximately 5,420 persons. ,~..;~ The proposed site is compri~ec of approximateJy,90 acres of land located within the city limits of Boynton Beach. The parcel is bounded on the north by N.W. 22nd Avenue; on the I,est by Congress Avenue; on thE' .;outh by the South Florida Water Management Oistritt Boynton Canal; and on the east by the Lake Worth Drainage District EqualiZing Canal E-4. The existing land use for the total site is classified as Grassland. Upon completion of all phaoes, the land use will consist of industrial (47.9%), private recreation (6.5:) and open space (45.6~). 'art II. A. IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Water Resourt~s a. ~ater Quality. Drainage from the project is to be routed through swales and two lakes prior to discharging to lWDD Canal E-4. Although final design ca1cu- 1 ,tions have not been completed, the ADA states Hat the first inch of runoff or the runoff from the 3 year, I hour storm, whichever is greater, will be stored on.site. Assuming that the lakes are sized adequatelY to accomplish this, the proposed retention will provide ;'Ii;;''d:!:' f>~'H<.,",,~: "-~;;~>~~ '""':~ ;r.'-:;v,'~~;;J >'-~~~ ~'l! '.gt. -_"~r...,,:i!' "::~~j ''''-. -- . ,"""<.J>..._;''''~.:<o.>t.." ~. '>;?>_il'_'.;t';::;;;:;;".:::;~';:~ ;,~t~ "~'.~~....u~...........;o.....~~~~:iCj~'~~G.-.t.=- :,;~~ry.~~ "';{"'> . _...~..~,.,- c ">;:~,').".7*~X"'-'(~-':'0' ," 111-'1 I ':=I~ >,'d.,,';',,'"'' ~~" 'I!I lJ[:;:";":":,": ~, :J~,i*~~ lIr! ~."I..",.!,,,,-,,,, .,'.,..,...,,' ,~. ""'<';';-':'?",:;-',:'-' .. . ", "'''''I:' ,';;,j-,n5,~S,,"- ',-:-",'<>O-;:~',;'-,C'-'i__/"';',.,..,-_"~W ':: .~... _ ;'_~_~,~)~:LJ.#t'ft!S-.'-' 10' -~~ - r' ,-.r,. "_. .,,~; sedim~ntation and nu~rient uptake such that the water discharged will be of acceptable~quality. ;r$~ The proposed project includes considerable park;n'l area (3568 spaces). It is rerommended'that a regular vacuum sweeping f.rogram be establ ished for these parking areas, and that d~sign provisions be included for oi i "emo'lal from the parking lot runoff prior to disc',a"ge to the swale and lake s ys te",. ._. The propos I'd lI10lnufacturing operation doe" not i'1::lude the discharge of any type of industrial waste to surface waters; U'er'efore the creation of pGint-sour(.~ water qlJa1ity problems will not "([ur There are to be no f100r drains in manuf.lctul'ing or storage ared,. ,.1) inadvertent in-plant spills will not be routed to the swa1e and lake ~,ys:'em. At this time there appear to be no plans to uti1 ize outside ~;t<.'r"ge areas to store 'I1dntlfactw'ing chemicals or process wastes. Shoulc ,uch outside, storage arb3S becor.1e necessary, design details must b'~ in:ltlded to isolate the area.. from -th.... ,Ar.ainagocye.tem. ......,.'..~, .....~~.......-;;...;.,,~ In summary. the drainage system design for the project cppears adequate to prevent adverse water quality impacts on-s;te or off-site. assuming that the above considerations are noted by the app1 icant. b. wat~r Quantity. (1) D.rai~.~.l'ste~. The proposed 90 arre project lIas ~eer. divided into eQIJdf drainage basins consisting of 45 acres each w~th a ~.O acre retention/detention lake, There will be two outfa!' culverts into the Lake Worth'Orafna!ie District's E-4 Canal. Runoif win be collected and routed via grassy swales to one of the two retention lakes. Even though the lakes only represent 6.7 percent of the "roject area (normally 10 percent is used). they appear to provide adequate -etention and detention capability. The proposed drainage system should provide adequate flood protection. Based on the information provided ;n the ADA. no adverse impacts are anticipated with re9ard to drainage. (2) ~d~~f' Accordihg to the ADA, the potable water d~ands for the proJect wi1 be met by the City of Boynton Beach, an off-slte facility (see discussion under Public Facilities/Water Supply Section. The non-potable water demands ",,11 be nlet by an on site well. The probable location of the non-potable well will be near the dock yard; the size and pum~ing rate have not been determined dt this time. Water demand for Ph.lse I will be .03481 MGD and for Phase II and III, demand wi I i equa 1 a tota Lof .09161 MGD, At t~e present time. considering th~ information available, no adverse impacts or. the water resources of the area ar~ dnticipated as a result of the app I icant' s proposed use. A genera 1 pen ,i t ..i 11 be requi red for on-site use since the withdrawals will be less than 100,000 gallons per day. -2- II ~'::'~_Iii:."".-~~oa~.w.~>,,:,,';~l4!~ft:.S':'-"'~-"n'_~'''''''''~'~1<E'''__'<t:l.~ ..."".-C"iiIl;.u....- - _.-~.-~IliiI!:E.~ 1_ '1 . ..J,. :;. ;~~:~ r",..,.. ' I .. 'f. ""';'~~"': I,'~k". v I I "-",'''' ? ~ -.~~r.~;;; I':~;s ';~ ':'~ f~~i1 ~..'-f;,:::;,;':r 1- _" :-,~11r~~: ..~:"'''"':~ I'~ '~:.,.', :-",.c'". ":"'~~:I\'l]~_"~<""~:'<"flC._;-;,j4;.,,^ 1I.,..;# J JJ -~" :',"-' '__ ._' c- _,,'-:;~~0~:::Z''';;~j;,,-~~/I. ;~~~>~;;:,~~?~.!~~:*:::>~~: ''''':',. ::"}"'::--' ..~-~.~-~':- "_'"""""'''''"'''-'''-4.'';' - '~H..U'I"<i 1 )?f1..~,.:_-t~.:3.~0~' ",.,' '-:'-'~''''':~~iY'', . "".-,.,-:., .~ I~- .-~, .,^ r"--' -:..:.>,- 3. Natural Re ources ~ ,'C'''>>\<c_,' d, Topography. The site elevations generally range between 10 to 15 feet NGVD. It is proposed to place the minimum'buil~ing elevation ot 13.6 feet NGVD. Based on a revil'w of the information in the ADA thL; elevation should be sufficient for pr~tection from a 100-year flood event. b. Soils. -- c. Vegetation. d. Wildlife. ,"-~&; -~'..:tj,::, e. Endangered Species. Submittal of infonn~tion for the above sections was waived by the Regional Planning .-:nun...... ~ --'..- ~';., Part II. C. IMPACT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. WastewaterI!'!.~me~.!nd Jlj~s~ The p,roject is in the service area of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board (SCRWTDB), Secondary treatment will be provided by J 12 MGD activated sludge plant with discharge to an ocean outfall. The project sitecurrentlydoe;not have access to a cuI Lct ion 1 ine; however, Motorola hasbeerr<assured by the interim Administrative Director of SCRWTDB that transmission facilities will be available when needed and that excess capacity will al~available at the plant to handle Hotorola flows. The projected flo' -t build-out is 0.127 MGD based on c""!parable Motorola-. facilities, which~':,.. ,.rs to be a reasonable, figure. r,lthough no problems with industrial Wi.lste discharges are antiC"ipated-du2"t"d'1:hl!'nature of the~""'''< r, proposed man,.'-actl'r'~9 process, Motorol.. will be responsible for providing any necessarj indus ~ri~ I waste pre-treatment to meet SCR\HDB and EPA requii-eme'l,:;. In sunmary, the proposed means of wastewater t;'eatnlE'nt and disposal '.; acceptable. '~f" 2. ?torm loIjf :r Disposal The E-4 Canal conveys runoff to the C-16 Canal. The applicant incorrectly ~alcula+ed the allowable dis:harge in that he utilized 100 acres instead of the project area of 90 acres. The applicant's assumption of a starting wat,r level of 8.0 feet NGVD should also be changed to E;.S feet NGVD to be : .1<istent with the operation of C-16. There is adequate capacity in t~. [ 4 Canal and the C-16 Canal to provide positive outfall for the project. ^ Surface Water Managen~nt Permit will b~ required pursuant to Chapter 373, r-:~rida Statutes. The applicant has requested a Corceptual Approval under Application No. 09249-D which is presently under review by District staff. "Ie corrections referred to above in reference to water levels and allowable 1ischarge are being worked out in our project review. -3- ~,~~~ ~SI !";~~~~ , ,:'::-'. '~u'.~~"''''''''-~';~tn,-,~I;n:.,~~f'- J "">l".~'~" ~i' -, , ~.'~", .. ;;..M"""""''';~~J.''''___ r. __-.o...~........ 1,<.,;,.Ji~~..~.:, " ..-" ^~',..' .- "....,-.... ".~ J. \.Iat."..r _~JJ .~:,)td!)le .....dter demand; w, i j rje uet uy U~e City of i'oyntor, Beach accordir"!g to a conve,'sation with Perel Ces$U. Util1ties Directc,r for the City. Potable '..."ater demJnd for Pha:e ;' (-q:Ja1s .037 l-1GD, Phase l! ~.~u:J~:; .095 MGD and the tota 1 demand for all thr',,, phases is .127 HGD. The City of Bcynton Beach was issued a permit! SO-OC499-W) March 16, 1978 for", annuill al iocation of 3.89 billion gaH<ms per year (10.7 MGO) with a maxi'liu", day demand not to exceed 16,0 MGD, Total allowable ,n~t>.lled caracity i, 14,950 GPM from 22 we~ls. The ~ity',; cur.~ent treati11ent plant capacity is g ~!GO but facl1 i~les are being expanded to a capacity of 16 ~GD. The City is also Jeveloping a new welJfield on the Jarvi~ property iocated south of S.W. 15th Avenue between Cand 1 E -4 and the Fl cri da Ea s t Cad S t Ra il road. The most recent 12 months of pumpage data indicate that the average day ",ithdrawa! during this tir"" interval was 6.RJ MGD, considerably below the allocal~~antity. Because of the 16w water demand from this project (, 127 ~GD), no problem is anticipated in the City supplying this project ~ith potable water. ,~ 'I I. SUMHARY The ~otoro 1 a fac il ity wi 11 rrov j de the tyre of 1 i gh' indus tr.y pew be i"g encouraged ref. the ~t~te of ~lorida. U~on comp]etion of the project the total ~uilding ~n?'a wll J consist :;f R25,OOO sqtJar~ feet of admi1istr;:.tl'/F ~nd ~!"":g;r.eering --.', .~~r-..; ,~,:_t'_:r',nq_ ,Ij.)f'ir;s'~:/ ~,-:; ~e-:;r. spa',-,.:.' ._"~j -..:'..., ;\(:(:l c~::.t'-i~:;;(;i'~,n u'-€.'2 fhe piant wlli employ approxiMately 5,420 person~.,. RHOMMENDAtrON in reviewing the water ~elated aspects of the Application for Development Approval. the District has determined that no adverse in'pacts of a regional ncture are anticipated to result frow. the subject project. However, the District has determined that the 'following iSsues require resolution during the development. ~h,)s~: 1. it is recOlllllended that a regular vaCuum sweep.ing program be established for the parking areas, and that design prnvision be ;r,cluded for oil removal from the parking lot runoff prior to aischarge to the swale and lake system. 2. A Surf>.ce Water Management Permit will b~ required pursuant to Chapter 373, F.S. 3. A General Permit >/ill be required for the on-site water SUPp1i purusant to ~hapter 16K-2.032, Florida Administrative Coae. This review perfonned by the District as a contractual cocsultant to the Regional Pl~nninq Council is intended to provide an overv;ew aS5eS"'"E'nt of pC'+.ential regional 'impacts, as indicated 'n Chapter 31l0, florida StJt~t"s, This review does not con;titute a tacit or conceptual approval of the proposf.d project with regard to the District's permitting authority as provided for ;e U,)pter 373, Florida Statutes. -4- '<~ ~<!<~ . " c; ~ . .:':'j':,,>~;,~~:T,~~-t~,. .~-I I, 't--< '..:: I,: L'._'_~;~: , , I '"';::1;,:; I .~ " 1~:0_" >;1 t . - ~:-.~ II c".: .'.'~ f r I i ! ! r . , I' t,,,.. t. I i t 'j;t~/~" --' '. ,?~~: : :~~';'":'~A'~~A<~_,'~~~~~~f?:t:; 1; .r-~~ L ,~w.:,. """'"'.'~ - "'"'or '- ~' ~"""'~' ~~ ~~j<' ~~,O': ~: ',,qt,,,., ~- ~-~ !; ",l-;*,~'''"ti~;;:" (1)L ..PRAlNAGE PHASE 10 Joe '''-'.<'' ~~,'-, IT l'I". ......... nu, 1111." _. N wt.2-tmT ........... 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I .>,;;",;;,::. .. = ~ ; .".,..,..., IOYNTOII .... @ ~~::~~?!:~A ..' ~~~.~1+;:&+~~:{r' -~/4:1i}1:~Y~i{'-~:__ . -..o'~ ..,,",,."<~i'f_."'$:;~f'!t;. 1~'i::;!;'(,.(~!:O~,'""!':~.~:.e-.. :>;,:;':.i;;~?~.,'- " _' .-- ,'..,,,,, ':l'_~,",:fl.lli:: 'l."~ : ATLANTIS W.2 AV r"""" H'fPOUJllO ....1 I .-'-'.) o --, i ....'.' ';-~,-"-' . i '.i ,i / ~ . ,i ~ _....; . . ! ; i ! / j f f l}j" ~;.'Zt1'1 1_..... ....J 'I ~.... " " ~ / .1' I '7;i11 ) 'i ~", 'j , ' II ;,' . ~ '.... I' ,. r-.... .' 'f,1~1~,;,~ ; j, i, 1'- if'" ;; I . ii . iI ; i; ... ~ """."'--,.'J ....."r~ ';:#kr"i ,.,.-." LAK! WCIltTH 2_ ..........-.-...... i i i i i i i i LANTANA -~,: . ,...... ! ,. .... O' . if i . i i i i J.._. NW2 ,_.,' ~: ,~C'~':~~ . i i i i i i ! ...... I i i i ;:,0". I.W.15 DUIIA' lEACH .- OEVEL"PMENT OF REGIONAL It.lPACT "EIJIl'VI,of'P"o' -.-".- 1IoO~"'1UCIQ..IY SOOVM'~~ -.--- :o.GlVUN'4 pe.~."'1'fPI .""";~.---- ~ 01" ,- .~.. \ ~ i '\: .."" 1.1 ....... .,,> - I.... 7j , MAP A SHEET 11-1 ~C1l1 ~,:'i:"~ ...J:i:~.":.,:;or~ ;~~:;~ -. ,<.i ".,"!"',!' -\.;~ .;:..;~: AN ';5":'.~,1';' __~r2~~ ;;;'~;"'ff~:::=~;iT~ffr " . ~ " DRAfT <''f~:,", r 4 r . ....u....J"'Cl lO ~;:~'2r.Tr! su v ...~ {t . U npproval .J . SURFACE WATER ~~NAGEMENT STAFF REVIE ;;~'"" .. -, . "~\~~.Ji~ ,'; '",' .. -,'- ....,' .' .,~;_.,':,~ . ~tr., "7.:'" APPLICATION NO: 09249-0 PROJECT NAME: Motorola ~'-"'''''-''-':'';', lOCATION: Palm BeachCoun~t~SI7.20/T45S)R43E DEVELOPER: Riteco Development Corporation ENGINEER: Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. l. Suitabilitv~t.laqd fn~ ~[npo~se (GOOD) fAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 2. Water Quantity Impacts Go00 FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 3. Water Quality Impacts (GOoD) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 4. Envi ronmenta 1 Impac ts GOOD FAIR POOR NOT APPll CJlBlE 5. Water Conservation ~y FAIR POOR NOT .~~,h'~ APPLICABLE "f"r 6. flood Protection 1'~ . G~ fAIR POOR .' APP~~~ABLE -~~f(;'> ,-, "1'",..;.-,.;," 7. Relfef from raInstorm inconvenfence (G00p) FAIR POOR NOT APPLI CABLE 8. System Mafntainabflfty ~ooD) FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE use of land with respect to -."" '-'''~' 9. Overall GOOD) water resource FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE 10. Water management system wfth respect @li) to feasfble alternatfves FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE NOTE: THIS CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE DECEMBER 13, 1979 GOVERNING BOARD MEETING PR01UIl"n, THE SITE IS COMPATIBLY REZONED AT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEETING ON DECEMBER II, 1979. IF THE REZONING REQUEST IS DENIED THIS APPLICATION WIll NOT BE CONSIDERED UNTil COMPATIBlE~ONING IS OBTAINED. f.1NAC . adopted by Go'. .:mlng Board k-.z:'-.z;.. ~ -~",'''''a_ "--'-'--'!""-'-"~~.~a III " _ - .. I [ . ,'" ' " ~ -,'I':....,.~1.., II~~~ 't~, N ,. ,. . ~:>,. ~. . , ','~' '.,-.-~. ,l:::,': ~,~,,";,,,, "c",,;,y>,c;~,"?~!.~~' ',." ',' ":' " .,.., d~' .i~pi;~5,~~f::?~~'~!:".f{~~;~~t~f~'~~j~~,~ ". "M\i-<,*,~~W2{~t,.~,., ..., ,..,c,,"',~.~..,~~~~~_~~'" ,~.. - ~, ACRES. ORAl NAGE AREA 90 ACRES. "". . !"~~1~ ! ;;;i[,~ ,.,-","'~"'," ~ .,' lIP SHORT FORM EVALUATION -, APPLICATION NUMBER: 09249-D PROJECT N~~ Motorola LOCATION: Palm Beach COUNTY 'mn SECTION 17 & 20 TYPE Or"APPLICATION: PROJECT AREA 90 , TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST Conceptual Approval for the Surface Water Management System FACILITIES: 1. EXISTING: l.W.D.D. Canal l-22 crosses the property and joins Canal E-3. l-22 is to be filled. 2. PROPOSEv; A system of storm sewers and grassed swales which will route tne runoff to the two interior 3 acre lakes. The runoff is then discharged to Canal E-4 through 3~" weirs and 24" culverts. Final outfall is Canal C-16. 42 CFS ,..,.-;111'-1" .........- '~1f I ltl '.;.-.""..;""",,--, ;""'K~s.-- .. ".~;-"''''*,-' r: lilli '-" ~,_: .--.._4' ;.;~........,. DRAINAGE BASIN: C-16 RUNOFF FORMU~\ l.W.D.D. curves RECEIVING BODY: l.W.D.D. Canal E-4 ALLOWABLE' 'DISCHARGE .--;s.J:'","" .,_:REQUIRED RETENTION RETENTION METHOD RETENTION PROVIDED ,.-9.4 lake ~.~ -~. ACRE-FEET. ACRE-FEET. FLOOD PROTECTION lOCAL ROAD CRITERIA FLOOD CONTOUR MINIMUM ROAD GRAUE BASIN DESIGN FREQUENCY FLOOD CONTOUR DESIGN DISCHARGE 100 YEAR 5 DAY STORM FLOOD CONTOUR MINIM~1 PAD ELEVATION FIA FLOOD ELEVATION ~ ~'_.""", 3 YEAR STORM 11.1 FEET NGVD 12.1 FEET NGVD 25 YEAR STORM 11.9 FEET NGVD 37.5 CFS 13.4 FEET NGVD 13.8 FEE'" .~GVD I 1. 0 FEET "G,tl' Page 1 of 5 , ~"='W<-C"':"_ ..'~"....--':".'\_~ ..~~, '..... ~f?::~;:~1iF~e~;t~f$fl:2jr-~'""t::i_ le.~~:~~;;;fi,f~%tk~rj'-~:'~~71i#t~~t1~~Y';~:!-4!~~T~;-,>~.1:.._" ''"1-. o r, WATER QUALITY: A. ACVERSE IMPACTS EXDECTED YESO NOli] B. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES UTILIZED ,~' ~r;ljc:<;ptt 5\l/ales ""'-"- ~,." Rptpntion of the first influx of runoff. ENVIRlJiMENTAl: A. ADVERSE ~ACTS EXPECTED, YESU NOm B. CDItlENTS: DRAFT Subject to Governing ,c."", -.'" - ~;"''"''''''_'''l'II':(, LAND USE: PRESENT ZONING: PROP.05ED USE: ClJIPATA5LE POTP,BlE WATER: WASTEWAITR TREATMENT: OPERATION ENTITY: "\\\1" ,<.'I.,V~' Mu 1 ti -Familv &Connerci a 1 Indusirial _ .-' s"'" ESrr~"""- ~~ v'~.< ~lOrli! Citv of Bovnton Beach South Central Reqlonal Wastewater Disposal Board Motorola. Inc. ,.~,,;< "1'.-"~ ',", :jjjj//i;;: I,eatment ana ~i ADDITIO~l COMMENTS: Calculations for this project are based upon DroDOsed acreaQes of: .-if ;;&r.""- ",*,' Imoervious area 43.1 acres 47.9% lake Area 6.0 acres 6.7% Grassed area 40.9 acres 45.4% 90.0 acres 10~ Consideration of construction permits for development of areas served by the proposed system will be subject to such development meeting the design parameters aeslgnateO aoove. RECOMMENDATIONS: See Attached. PREPAR~D: L;') d ~ lVK/dr ~, 0""1' (/ CHECKED:if:::lt ~ APPROVED: K-;: /-. ~ c::f'~..., Richard ^. Rogers, Director Resource Control Department DATE: /~l--/'?' Page 2 of 5 .-- --> j~-"~...u:o:r.~--~~'.''"''~-- tira;.;:t,-' T "lHol;:.;_ .,....-..r ,..',....,."". ,".>~:01J~': ----'C<' .j;',"''''- _~, ~.. a.'j :1~~~fl.Ati.> ", ;;;;~:{;~f:it,.; ".~.ll!!~~\~_~'\ki_~~'!"cili~~_.J:llZ~,;:,!i, ~,. ~ The staff recommends that a: Construction and Operation Permit Construction Permit Operation Permit ---L- letter of Conce~tual Approval '- be issued for the following described project: '-~I"'.\;\ '-t" Appl icatlon No.: 09249-0 Date: October 2, 1979 "'" I,:;) -,~." Applicant Name: Riteco Cevelopment Corporation Applicant Address : "rsr't': Flagler Street, Miami, Fl 33131 .',V Project Name: Motorola Appllcabl~ Land Area Project Total: 90 acres; Phase Construction Wa t!!r Ma na gemen t : 6 acres; . Iilipervious: 43~;P'" acres;' .', ~-~~-_f" .I)I~,~":-' ..,..~,~, N/A N/A N/A acres acres acres "I', ll,;':"IJ~f land Use: Total Dwelling Units; 825,000 Sq. ft. Commercial/Industrial ~-:.:ts&"-."-~~-"'~,.~~~f C-16 -~..~r.tjt~"~'it;,<"',%.~;t..;.'fl:1',' :;-"""';_":"~~~~~~.;;;~;'T"~V,,* . City: Boynton Beach County: Palm Beach Special District: lake Worth Drainage District SFWMD Basin: C-16 Sectibn 17" 20 ,Township 45 South, Range Operation Entity: Motorola, Inc. .~~ 43 East Subject to the following 8 standard limiting and ~ special conditions (for conceptual "approvals only, these conditions as a minimum will apply to subsequent construction permitting): ~- -- Page 3 of 5 ... ""i!T~l!;n'n - -. -, ., '.. .".t.' ',,,,, '<"~":,'.'P:;,5;~4~\{i..ti;>,-~-;:....;~:,'S,~~-;!!~~;{j;t>;,?~~:;:';',.,:'>i'.;;i;:l_-5:,.;,{:;w;~~ ,...., ...-,' g~!;ti,<_;.ci";, ,L~-:i~'''::~-_:", .,- '.., ';'~~-"'::-:l~\{!'~'-- _ -_~ _, __,~ ...._ _ __ ~.lii!Qf..._._ __ _.W -- ~,,~.:...., -~",'~- o-iJtc; ~S';::,--:-,-" - "'~:',:;;~.;~r;~~;:.:~' 'i' '-~':~'7:~;~:t/-. ,< -,..,"" .;.;;,,-;>< _~1i'i,J;" ~) .-" ,,"" LIMITING CONDITIONS 1. THE PERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVERSE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE. NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATER QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUC- TION PERIOD, INCLUDING FUll COMPACTION OF ANY FIll MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INSTAllED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT lOADING AND SEDIMENTA- TION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATER QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MO~ITORED INCLUDE: TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS, NITRATES AS N, NITRITES AS N, TOTAL KJElDAHl NITROGEN AS N, AMMONIA AS N, TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P, ORTHO-PHOSPHORUS AS P, 5 DAY 200C BOD, TURBIDITY, SPECIFIC CONDUCTIVITY, DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND pH. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE PERMITTEE SHAll PROVIDE DATA ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED, INCLUDING TOTAL VOLUME DISCHARGED DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROPERTY . 3. THE PERMITTEE SHAll COMPLY WITH All APPLICABLE lOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHER lOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION THE PERMITTEE SHAll OBTAIN All NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE, lOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHOR I ZED BY THIS PERMIT. ~. THE ~9ERATlON PHASE OF THIS PER.'ln SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIeS THAT All FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUC- TION OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, THE DISTRICT SHPU BE NOTIFI::D FOR AN I~iSPECTION AND APP.;OVAl OF THE- FACILITIES. 5. All ROADS SHAll BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE lOCAL GOVERN- MENT FLOOD CRITERIA," ..,.' W(';, 6. ALL BUilDING FLOORS S~All BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE lOCAL GOVERNMWT. 7. WATER DISCHARGED~lWJECT...sHAI!l: BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A'MECHANISM""" SUITABLE FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT. 8. NO CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHAll COMMENCE UNTil A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPT- ABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEE~ ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER All WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WIll ISSUE AN AUTHORIZA- TION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. _'-e!- Page 4 of 5 "~'~~~~.,: ~,;~~!,~, <ti' ,~' .....,> '." ""\:'~/""r)t" )rl~~:(f:\i1:'fi nmI,",: ' ",:",:",~~;>" . .. ~~w..:'~'-!iIf '~~~.,"'..-'" _ . .. '_", '", ..." ,....M, '''"'I. ~,U....., ~ e. ,.., ~rEC I ^:_ [{Ii;U 1"1 I O'.t~.~ .... - ...- -- - 1. MINIMUM BUILDING F~OOK eLEVATION -!.~&__ FELT rlG'VO, 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ELEVATION ..__11,1.". FtEr NG'ID. 3. DISCHARGE FACIlITiES; DESCR I P r ION: , 1'i/() }.o", RE.!=T~GU~_~!lARP C.~~STE~IIEt~S.,__ IIIIIi J!ISCHARGE ElEVA'CI_o.~SOU.o..().FJ_EI!!G.~!>, CONTROL ELEVATION: 8.5...,....-_nn.__.JEET NGvD. RECEIVING WATER: l.W.D.D. CANAL E-4 4. OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT SHAll BE MADE ONLY THROUGH FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. ',"' 5. THE ON-SITE WATER lEVEL SHAll BE MAINTAINED AT ELEVATION 8.5 FEET NGVD WITH MAJOR DISCHARGES NOT OCCURRING UNTIL THE WATER lEVEL RISES TO ELEVATION 10.0 FEET NGVD. 6. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WIll BE THE RESPON- SIBILITY OF MOTOROLA, INC. ......,., ',~l' T1TiLJl . Jl'T_).""''''~ nil!" '\:~~;~ao/f:P_.; ri{!-1JI~.J'Cl~-s. --," :"-".,", ,:::;~{%~;': -Page 5 of 5 Ti~i!._ .""'."'" r- , . . . ~~'" '" ''''-", I: I I I; Q> ;j c- ,. Q> ~l <Jl 'I <Jl " III .. t7' . . al (.) !" ". ,,'~f;~' ,tt:~, .r,:::.";,,",,;,_,,:;:/:,-,_,,.-., . ~"""''''';''>''_>i'~!I@(IHr'',,',/ , ...._-,~....'~...~c./oi<lV& .13._11 , . ...... ,_..' ..... /'. .~ '"X~~ ili ~..~._~",..,....~""____"~".d."', ~ . '.'. .'_~'''''.''., ,';1<~O "~"'_"1","~,""'-:'<"J',',"_ "" . ,. J . ~ N'~2&na: '=:_-1 ~- ~. .: -"~ '. A-..e__ ':'7- .- \, '.~ \ \. ~I ,1. \ "', ,/ "\': ,I ,I" \ ,'_ r V"'- .-' ~' ,/ " ':''''' < (' ~---:'"I-l t ' .,,- [ ~ 'I f.? ,. >1 \, - \ I , '\ ~J\ ., ",~ " " o ~ ':"-' ; \ -' -~ i~ ::. ,:'1" II 'c : . H:,- -~ ~ r. :' 2 " "r \ ----- ~. ~ ~-;. \ I~, U , . -- V" ,~::::>) \ !\i ~j ? ( ,.~. . - c ~ , \ II ''':.w--....-.:9. . Ii ~ i ( ? '':13 .,: I _ '-L _~ I ~-' - I; ~ \AI '. c:.c ' , I ,- I :~~ \ ./ . J ,. ~ , , : I C ~ l ,,:1' , '2' , ,,!'" , - ~ ~ '. -.....- ~~ ,~ .-- .. ,> . > ., " !'\ ,: 1--.:-, ' _......0 _ '. .J_~_..~,.; ~ , 11_' ':; ., !,- :'.p > I , ~ I': -~-r".)-- "'-= - "....: .... "~-." ,.'-~ ., 1 " 1 1 '. 21 - ~ - ! 17 W - d d . ~ ':,;.(f/;i._,~',tIlIil,'.'''- ~~\. :.~~;..~:.~ ~~ ~ ~ i"~'=-"""'~:"",= - - 10 ~ ' J'.,c,'!'. ~ -;-- ..-~: .' , ' :"", ,,' ~_I, .....'. '. . '.' I :..,' _. i '.. '0, '".,2' '"'l:f""" _. _~ (.:,.J.' '. !., '" ,", L-..... ~,'___ . J =--- .,,--"- ._- .~" .c> " .1,' EIl" .' ,,> . . . ... ,.~"~. - __"~:2. 'll " "'_ ~":.:... I.. . "c' ,.., ~'),.~--:=---- ..}-~I.-:,: ~<;:~\,;f,-::ii-/ '[3" . --:' t~' . ~ ~ .. ,~" ..>'-'"" -- - /.." ''J.... : . \ , ., ..~ I .... " ;~'(. .r--:5l" j(\ .'LLJ-.... . ~;... ~ <.. . . l '- : '.' ~ ~ -' \ , '- '~:':--' I. ! " ---;- 'D. i. i.,~.:..__ - .:"C".~.. _~.. TOPOGRA.P\.-II C Ft(;,UR~ '3 . ~..."i:~~''C:I-r 1~ -~_._,,- . "",i:I"IIij'J~~ .. -"'" , '.:'. -- '~w. 'iI"-' 1iQ.~~y~,. ..H.-. ~....,...,.............".~. ....., - '" s:; III U ,,,,",,--..,. ~' !i>l ., ;. '" ,. .~ r;~:r ,~~itS~ L -i~'.~...-;-:i":~'iij 'A.~ ? 'V\'-. . .;~)~;J '!Ii"'. r:-.' ,...' _~""." ,<,~,,,.,,;...,,.... ~""'-,_._..~. J 2 i: f ~ i ct. -. ~.~, .)..',""-' ~:;.. ~" III III ' ell . ~ Cl (f, ",..1 1 I '. -HLERY . .' . '-~' -:t~..:.." ,"-"-.fo-!::"!<!"~,~'''',-_ _..<~... ,.. " ...- , ....p_. -'" .-.. . 'r'~ I~ ' 1, J l I; ~ , ~;;~~~ "-.:'.' r:-~~.}~ I-i' . ."t{is ~'i~, -,~$.i,=_ ,..,J"., -:'O_~:::A:'sr;: : ;-':5'-'~ 1\ ,. : \ ~,'''.'"V:?/ '-'~.:r"""";-" C',- .~..- .-"'" , .~/ '-. _~~K~ MJ .. ." . . -., I .i: f" :"' . f' ~ 4v'.nN'tO. <:A.v.... ~-Ila e.. _ <:~) ~ I ! I II d. '[3- ,. ~Ii ? o , I 1 -~'" l.W.O.O. Canal niU.. r.f...-....,..-.._..__ J r"I~ ,,-. ,-. ........-"""~~ - l ........ ...1'..0< ~C","'~- 6R-~ A.eEA...-., 'to or... t -.aD A.Ut..'-" 40_. l?Aof'O!!> ~~ . 'l.__ .......... ~~.. _ c...... c..~ A..Z.aA. . ~-.c. PROPERTY PLAN G r~ FIGuRE 4- ~~-- ~'''l'''''..".'''"t''''''''~'-''.'Y':'''t1''':.~'--'' -:-~,'" . . - . - . ~. 4. r,:.<:".;n?/W;":'"-":;~~~~"":"$~~M'~':7~'~iF:".fj~'~~."7~~~1- , ~i';- ......, . ,,_,:--,';;-:',-,.,__\,~':::i_~;"'~);':"J";!"~,;j'~ i(i):"::C-~--X~,;~:';;'<e" 'N-~~:-'~~:>'JIf~"~" .. It "'v_~, South Florida \JJater Man,g~~ment District SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT .d~;' (NON-ASSIGNABLE) ');-.~ NO. SD-00931-S,;,,,,<i; ~.- A &-.-.; rl .". ;;';"'"''i;-~.~",,,',; !\;JTHORIZIl'G: LOCATED IN: ISSUED TO; fl' ,n "tl. DATE ISSUED': December 10. 1981 CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIOII OF A WATER HAHAGEHENT SYSm~ SERVING 64 ACRES OF INDUSTRIAL LAllOS BY A SYSTEM OF INLETS AND CULVERTS. 1-2.5' WIDE WEIR AIm 1~~6.X45OLF DIAMETER CULVERT DISCHARGING tllTO LAKE 1I0RTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT'S E-4. PAlM BEACH COUNTY, SECTION 17.20 TWp,45S 43E RGE. ~ ..';.' <r" Motorola, Incorporated aooo W. Sunrise Blvd. Ft. lauderdale, Florida 33322 Thil PermU il iMued pursuant to Application tor P"nnit ,.lo26l~I dialed October 26 . l~l. Pennittee apees &0 bold .i.D.d 5llve th. South Florida Water !l.fanllaement District and It. Neeenon hannl.51 from &ny and all dam.aaes. dli.iml. or liabll1ties wblch may an. by reason of the construction. operation. mlUDteaance. or u. at any work or structure ,"volved in the Pennit. Said appu.eatioD. :1,,'iudlJ,~;ill plans and sj.le,.-ificlllion, altaC'h"': Uwn"". ,,'lId<ln'sz..,-1 b)' 'he .htt r..purt. i. bv rl"fl"rrncl" mild.. a plIrt h..rf!of. Thil Pemut may be revoked or modUied at mytlm. pW"IUan& to &be appropriau proviliOIUl of Cbapter 3'73. Florida Stawte.. Thil Pumit dOli. not CODVey to P.rmittu any property dabCII or Pmtieln iOlbal' &bUI daCt.I'~ ........ DOl' reliev. th. .ennin.. hom ;"", . -""'*'?'~<'.., ". '., . ...,~,,# comptyina with an,. law. nau1aUoll. or requir'emnt aIfedIN t:be dabh 0' odMrbodln 01' ...Ddn. . AD .".ctwel a,d, work, iDaaUed -., Permin.. heRundH Ib&I1 remain th. prop."" of th. p.l1Dittee. Within thirty (30) daYI alter the completion of th. eOlUtnlCUoD of MY work or SUUC'hUII relat".. to this permit. the Penaitt..1b&I1 fUe with the District a wriu.n nate~nt of cOrDPI.lioD on th. appropriate form proytded by th. Baud. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: , .' ~}'ii_"", SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 - 7 PROJECT SPECIAL CONDITIONS. SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 - 10 LIMITING CONDITIONS. ~K lJF lHE SOU1H fiLED W\1H lEHRtl~~~GEMEN1 OISlRICl fLORIDA W!\l 111 ON i~\ . ~ ~ ...- ~--' BY DEPUlY CLERK ISSUANCE RECOMMENDED: Chief of Permits By: SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT, BY ITS GOVeRNING BOARD Original Signed F~'<J"~ ;""';;;""-~. --", '~"'" .- ~~~"*""~"~"'~'~";"'. ), -;-~1~"5:~1-;,~"-::': - ~~~I?:~-'~,~--' .. ~ PERMIT NO, 50-00931-$ IJEET 2 OF 3 '\'C:;';,I"'," SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION 140 FEET NGVD. 2. MINIMUM ROAD CROWN ElEV~TION I? FEET NGVD. ._,-..."" "~~ 3. DISCHARGE FACILITIES: DESCRIPTION: 1-1" BLEEDER SLOT AT ELEVATION 8. - FEET NGVD AND I-<.~' WIPE WEIR WITH A CREST AT lLtVATION 10.0 .~;FEET NGVD ~ISCHARGES RUNOFF INTO E-4 CANAL VI,A 450 L.~. OF 36" DIAMETER CULVERT. CONTROL ELEVATION: 8.5 FEET NGVD. ~jO"--. ....,."""'.. RECEIVING WATER: E-4CANAl 4. OFF-SITE DISCHARGES DURING CONSTRUCTION ANQJD~Y;bOPMENT SHALL BE MADE ONLY THROUGH FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HERITN. . 5. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WILL BE THE r.ESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOROLA.I~E; 6. THE PERMI,EE SYALL PROVIDE TO THIS DISTRICT DOCUMENTATION OF LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ,CONSTRUCTION. 7. WATER MANAGEMENT AND WATER USE ACTIVITIES INCIDENTAL TO DEVELOPMENT ADDRESS EO HEREIN, SUCH AS CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING, MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERMITS FROM THE DISTRICT, WHICH MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO C(MtENCEMENT OF SUCH ACTIVITIES. -....- ,~ . ",-, ',^"," ~. ',~.",:~'~;~'.-;',.- ~. . '..' .,'\[", "".' "', ,',:,', :"": ::'-:- .. A ....; ""'iA~':,,,,,',:~, ,_ '," .. _ ...~.."" < ,,', -'-', '':;]:-,-:5'" . ".",~"""*,,.,<. ~..,. "I:~" ..".".""....'i."~" . '''",'1::.._ --'(":-~.':~5'.j.:':f;i~1~.itft'~~:~Z~~;~~f-J$C;f:--:J:,;,--" ?;";~~~\-~,~~,;K ~ " PERMIT NO. 50-00931-S ~'IEEi 3 OF 3 t' .1 )"::""" r~>,,,~.:. I~;::-\j*,:')':){:~~ , - '~'< --- > ~ :~.- -~~: ,-.. '.~ ,.j:'~.:.1...L~_(~__ 'J.'",;.; . "..,-.,'," , ,-,::*:,::~ ':-:~:::::i:i;t1? 1. TiiE PEk~ilTTEE SHi\LL p~.~,:"':_(_ -: li~:. ,';'>:r::'-.Ulr:~,r..:~:.CJ !~~ .~ ::';':.:.(2 SO ;"5 Te r'la-~ INIZE M;Y /\OVERS[.,IMP;"\CT O~. n~t ,';,J;:- ~~ :I~. ~:: ':H, ~,J l C'~:Fi. .;/\"7"L'~AL crrJIRO~:~ENTAL IJt,LUES,Ar.;D \o:!\T:~ Q;JAt. !:.~. ~.,i ;.~:,'.~! ;.~~~ SHf...lL r~;ST!-:-l!Tr NECESSo.RY :,lEA:.L'QE.j C'l:RING TH( CC\S~::<UCTjG~~ ;>~~:C':;. ;:;C_.;~l:';S FIJLL CO~PACTIO~ OF h'IV 'ILL MATERIA'. ~c;,:oS ~C.C~/:D ~;[::Li 1';SThLLED STRUCTU~ES, TO REDUCE U:OSIC~:. f!JRB!~~;"Y. ~,LT~~(:H lO':'~:',~ ';~,8 s::Jr~~C.;7!..:IC': !~: ~::E ~[CEIVI~G ~ATE~S, 2. ..i;~,< ~UALI TY DATA FOR TilE ~ATE~ )ISCr';~GoD ,Re:" TnE PER.'lITTEE' S PROPERTY S:.ALL Eo SUB"~I1T:O TO THE DISTRICT hS ;;E(~IR::D. 'ARM~ETERS TO BE :,',OXITORED IXCLUDE: TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS, NITRATES hS ~, ~iT?IrES hS N. TOTAL <.J~L~i;':<. :i:~~:OG~:, ;,5 ft, ;\:-~MO~ll;\ ;.,) ~;, :OTAL r'f:OSPr~ORUS AS P, ORTHO- ;)HOSPHCRiJS ,.1.S ?, 5 GAY 20"( BOj,:l..;~3:J;-;:. ";.F::c~:-rCLONDuCT!VITf. O:SSCLV~C ox;';~u; h~i~) oH. IF WAT~K QUALITY ;..".;TA ARE ;:;El/J~.~~). T~E rER~11:TEE SH/1,LL PRO'dDE DATA O,l '..OLUMES OF \-':AT,; D~SCH;\~,,Ji~. l;iCLLJDHIG TOTAL 'lC;LU~lE D15- C:-:ARGED DiJR!:'i!..: THE DAYS OF SAMPLl-;~ :;,';Q TO:-.:'.:.. ~'~Cr~;Th~ Y D!5CH,t:,.<:ES Ff'Q!.1 THE PR:JPEk,'( , "y i~'r~';~{"'-'~'~i, I.,fief.... *AtY(ilf~[ I --=-.-------'- ;~<.~~':.;.~~ff i "';jlitli : "~~:~:~~i.~~;;';3- }, THE PERMITlEE SH~U CO.'lPU "lTrl'".c AP?L:C..,,_,: LOC~L S:J3D:lsrO'l REGULAT;ONS !~:jD OT~1ER LOCAL REQUIRE:~r:NiS. I.. ;'J)~TIOt\ ;:~t. ~~?"~rfTEE SH:,L;.. O:3T":j~; ALL \-'-:E5S'::"( fEC;~:",:,,:.. r-.,T/'T~_, Lj(:A~,',',- ):'~:~;''"._ -. -;;<:C: ;:'J:~~C~i2':.-:-:_ ,: ,1~ICR 10 ~_ ST~R7 Of A~f C~:j~~~UC7Iorl OR A~TE~~Trc~ JF ~O~KS AUT~ORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. ..~ ~,~~;nT:r:; :'-',:t,r:: C'~ :t;!r ~~?'.~:; <~H:,~~ '; - ~:-:"..I:.'~ ~::~':'='~:';~ ",1' ~L~.?IQf., ::C~:-!=.:~',; f-'!.~r_'.~:~:-~,;C)iFJ. :~:C;,::,;:~:;, __, __< '_:':.10 ~~;.j;,~:L':~~:) :~, ,.r:,>:'J?G,:..:iC:. ..;;;:1 :~~ :)~~::', :,-.~:~. .:.', ~'r' 7..,~OiSTK:'~:, i.i;:'2'i ~ ~i1'~~ _'~t","-". '.' . : :':F~;;'.:',.'~". !~~iij,.,'--' :'(">.-:",,,,~.,. 'J4fj.-.,:<;\ ~,:.\:~.,A:':;~S~:~ Cor~PLE'jQN OF Cor;STRUCTlOll OF TH, 'jRAINAGE c'S~ti'~, THE DISTR!CT _,i~LL BE NOTIFIED FOR M~ INSPECTION AND APPi~OVAL OF THE FAC!LITIES. 5, ALL ROADS SHALL BE SET AT OR AEOVE ELEVAT10::S REQUIRED 3Y THE A?PL;CASLE LOCAl. GOVERNMENT FLOOD C<ITERIA. L hLL GUILDING FLOORS S~ALL BE SET AT G? A.'.J,E ELE'iATIO;,o AcCtPTA,CLE TO THi': At-PelCABLE LOCAL GOVER"i~E:H. 7 . WATER DISCHh<<GED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL Co ThRO~~H ST?'oCTURES n,;vr.,G A MECHANISM SUITABLE FOR RE~ULATlNG UPSTREA;,: ~.ATER STA.Gb, STAGES :'.':.Y BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHEDULES SATISFACToRY TO THE OiSTRICT. . ~gf.: ..,,,.,.... .;'", -'t';-~,,', ".,~';:..;._ . --:'i~ >~~~ il'....;.. '~ ~~,ii 4:.~ :~'~'l , . -.::.,>~t ',<"'!. 8, NO r-O~SrRUCTIJN AUTHO~!ZED f1ERE:~; ~:~,~Ll.. CO~"':.~l~;CE ''::i-:-I!... A RESPL;~,S:CLl f~nITY ACCEPTABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS dEEN oSTA3LIS",O AND "~S hGREEO TO DPERftTE AND M~INTAJN THE SYSTEM. THE ENT!TY MUST BE PROVIDEO WITH S~FF:C!E~i OWNERSHiP. SO THAT IT HAS CDrlTkOL OVE:< ';LL';ATER fWIAGEr,lEtH FACiLIT:ES AUTHORIZED IiERE'f:. UPON RECEIPT (,F.?':1'E;, EVICE::cE CF THE S';TISfACTIC:; OF THIS CONDITIO!i, THE DISTRICT" r,;:LL lSS'~[ f;~' ";UTf-:CRIZAi!ON "fC cm'~~~~tCE CONSTRUCT JON. 9. THE PERMIT DOES NOT CONVEY TO THE PERMITTEE ;,;,1 PRGPE,',' PIG"T NOR A:;! RiGHTS Ok PRIVILEGES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED I~ T~i': PE<MIT ANS C~APTER ~OE-4. "';)jJ?- :~l~~i~:):} ,.~~" ;:~<l: ":"::;..;' 10, THE PERMITT'E ~~ALL HOLO AND SAVE THE Drs-~:~T HAC.~~tSS FRGM ANY A~D AL~ ilAt~AGES. CLAJr.1S, OR LIABILITIeS '.nICH ;'~M h?:Sc ill RUSO:~ Or THE CC :STRUCilGN, OPERATION. M.lu~nE~j/'~lCE OR USE OF Ai{i rl'.,CIL:-~ .~,JTnOR!ZED BY !:--.t PER~::T. ...,....;...;~...... ;s....;.:\""::O'~l,.,... I ',...".-. -..""-~.,. '~~"";y ..._' I ~"'." .~,,""- ... ~'~ M4 Sou~ Florida . ~ x ~ -. _u<_ < U - u____. -- -<- ------ 0<\ Vvater Management District Pnsl ():'IL>' B:))( v,s. 1 1.311' r:'~ Gr .: I/io.':-,' PalfJl B.:.:.~h f.i~q'.: ,. r "~;'i,hnf1';jn';':',1 !.'..J-_,...,Hlf' I ,~,,: l \ \':~ T ! J;'.. . (" -' " . . 11 ~.'.. -., E....cullw.. 0"l!C10< ...... 0,....... .._~;,:,. .."....v-;... , Hl' :~j:.J'''';. ~OTICE: ^~, ^'lOPOSED AGENCY,d\CnON~"""" CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P29 5797380 RETUR~ RECEIPT-REQijESTED November 25, :~81 Motorola, Inc. 8000 W. Sunrise Blvd. Ft. lauder~l~. Florida 33322 Re: Appllcati0n 110. 10261-1, Pa];"o Beach County, SI7,20/T45S/R43E Gentlell1l!.!l,i, ~" Enclosed is a copy of this District's staff report covering the permit application referenced therein. ;.~~,.,.. . It is requested that you read this staff report thoroughly and o understand its contents. Your attention is directed to the special c~nditions listed on pagers) 4 and 5. , The recormlendations as stated in the steff report will be pre~ented to our Goyerning Board for consideration on 12/10/81. '''"-~'-,.. -. If you object to the staff recormlendations and aesire a fonmal Public Hearing, you must file a written petition for a hearing w~~rJc:t by noJA1~rthan . 1219181. Petitionsare d . ,. :.:upomcec;et~?1l'y the''6MHct; The petition must comply with Rule 40E-1.521, Florida Administrative Cod~, a copy of whichis'~ttached for your con~enience. in order ~o'be . considered by the District. Please contact ,thiS""Sffice ifylruhave any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you prior to the above date, we will assume you concur with our recommendations. Sincerely, . .,~ . ,liIItI(!i. 0 '~'. "., ""'.' ,.. .,' 7_.... .-....' ". '. '-",; '.t'.,. _".~ ',.-.-....,';".'::: -,-;,~:Xf- ~ ",,""""". is'e, up Permit Administration Division Resource Control Department VK/ jh Attachment Enclosure: 1 cc: Mr. John l. Hundley Mr. Nathaniel P. Reed Post, Buckle)', Schuh & Jer~igan, Inc. Engineer, City of Boynton Beach , ,,", . .i;" .. " 0<' ~.,. >-, ..:.... .. ' .,' . .1- .,' ".,., . lake Wort~ Drainage District Ms. Geraldine Hartman, P.B. Count Hr. Stan Redick, P.B. County :." . '.,,",," ,- "," .Jea!"',!'!e 8er.amy C,:,..I(;at)leS -,-,"".. "'~'. .:~, P"'<"-',,," ". "-". "..' ~.-,.". (. "'~"~; :.S~'~,:,::,,~ ,0.. ,. ',.' I'.:: -: .....;. r..... _i7,>~ lJlrlJlK"..~- ....1' -... rr. J .... . t<'-~ ~~-~.~ 171 Dr - l~ m ",::-:.'-,..:;(c'.. -.. .'_/.;::4i;:9i;}/i.;,~'.::;'f;-:t;'--:.~~. ,~s,~;fj::; ^,,''''-- ._' ;"_'>.,--~,i;:>:".';'_ - -- ,;.: . 'iii" f',;j\~f;~tC"<".".,..~, "'''':; ,.~'.i~"~ . . _. -...j,'''''''+ iii"'" 40B-I.5S1 initiation cf Formal P,..(,udinp. ~~. \\t1-';2' -' ~P~1 "'~ ':;'.~':2"j~~ 111\ .~..~- . (t) Initiation of formal proceedings shall be made by petition to the D~trict. The term petition as used herein includes any application or other document which expresses a request for formal'proceedings. Each petition should be printed, typewritten or otherwise duplieated ir. legible form on white paper of standard legal size. Unless printed, the Impression shall be on one side of the paper only and lines shall be double- spa~"" (2) All petitions filed w:der these rules shall contain: (a) The name and address of th.. District and the District's file or identification number, If known; -_;_.,~-:.\~{it (b) The name and address of the petitioner or petitioners; (c) ArfexpIenatlon of how each petitioner's substantial interests will be affecteed by tile Dlstrlct'a determination; Cd) A statement of when and how petitioner r..ceived notice of the District's decision or intent to render a decision; (e) A statement of all disputed issues of material fact. If the~e are none, the petition most so indiCAte; (f) A concise statement of the ultimate facts wh; ,h pet:tioner believes entitle petitioner to the relief .ought as well as the rules and tatutes which support petitioner'S claim for relief; ".-'::."""".- (g) A demand for the relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (II) Other Information wblch the petitioner contends Is material. (3) Upon reeelpt of a petition for formal proceedings, the District shall review the petition for the degree of compliance with subsection (2) and shall accept thOlle petitions In substantial compliance therewith which have been timely filed and wblch state a dispute which Is within the jurisdiction of the District to resolve. If aceepted, the District shall designate tile presiding offlce~. The District shall prompUy glye written notice to aD parties of the action taken on the petition, and shall state with partieularlty Its reasons therefor. ' (4) If the District designates a Hearing Officer assigned by the Division of Administrative Hearings as the presiding officer, the District Clerk shall forward the petition and all materials filed with the District to the Division of Administrative Hearings, and shall notify all parties of its action. Specific Authority 373.044, 373.113 F .S. Law Implemented 120.53iJ), 120.57 F .S. History-New. Formerly 16K-l.09(J), 16K-l.1l211\ through (3), I6K-l.12 , ~""'o.~~~~"."~,,, M',_'~""""",,,, .........,,~,"""-"',.i"'.~:'~'""...;,'t'ol'111';.-..," ~,,~~ The City of Boynton Beach Do'" 8. 8"8""""" AsriIUmt City M"""F 100 E. ~ 1JNrdo Bmdevllm P.O. B_!lIO B'!JI"fD" Beam, FloriJa !l!l425-0!l10 TehJ>lto-: (561) 742.6456 F_: (561) 742.-6298 lJ-mall: S~e/.boyatoro-beaelo.fl.us _.boy"toro-beaelo.D71f i: r, ~ Ii l!L" FEB 2 4.' · . I ,l.., L--. J CEPA RTME~-:;-;;-DFvEL~r ~-; February 21, 2003 Mr. R. Duke Woodson Foley & Lardner 111 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Orlando, Florida 32801-2386 RE: Motorola DRI Dear Mr. Woodson: Now that the amount of funds necessary to satisfy Condition No.2 of DRIA 02-002 for the above referenced project have been calculated, we would be pleased to accept payment in order to satisfy the condition. While I originally thought that we would escrow those funds on behalf of your client, the City Attorney has advised that in order to do that, we would have to create an escrow agreement that would take City Commission approval. Rather than take the time to go through that arduous process, he has suggested that you send the City a check in the amount of $10,178.00 made payable to the City of Boynton Beach, with a note on the memo line that says Development Order DRIA 02-002 Condition #2. In turn, upon receipt of that check, I will write you a letter (with a copy to the Planning Department) advising all parties that Condition #2 has been satisfied. Those funds will be deposited in the Utilities Department Renewal and Replacement Fund Account #405. In order to insure that the check gets handled properly, please be sure to send the check to my attention. Also enclosed in this letter is a calculation of the water and sewer impact fees (capital facilities charges) based upon your most recent use chart, Please notice that the total of the impact fees amount to $1,102,997.96. This amount could increase or decrease based upon the final, permitted uses. We have also provided you with a calculation of the reservation fee, which amounts to $97,258.78. The reservation fee can only be paid within 30 days of the approval of your client's site plan, and the reservation is good for just one year from the date of the payment. If you would like to discuss either the capital facilities charges or the reservation fee, please do not hesitate to call me directly at the telephone number written above, It continues to be a pleasure to work with you and Capital Partners, Inc. We stand by, ready to help in any way that we can, Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH :=D~s Dale S. Sugerman Assistant City Manager cc: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner Peter Mazzella, Deputy Utilities Director ;;0 '" Ul '" :< !!l- 5' => CD' '" ~ ~ '" Ul '" :< '" Ul lil "0 Dl " ~ 0' ~ o => -< ~ '< '" Dl .:l- <fl <0 ..... N '" 00 :.., 00 -I o [ o Dl ~ '11 Dl ~ ;:;: iii' Ul o ::r Dl .. CD III 0- .. ~ It .. Dl ::l C. f/l CD :Iii CD .. ..... ..... CI '" '" '" .... ... a> cncnOJ;;o;;o"''' 0 mm)>mmOJOJOJ'11 r-r-z-Icnmmm'11 '1171";1::-10000 ~cn r-e:;;o;;o;;om Od 0;;0000 ;;0;;0 0)>000 )>)> :s:Zs:s:s: G)G) S:-I)>)>)> mm mZ"O"O"O o ;;00)>)>)> '11 O~;;o;;o;;o -~-I-I-I :!lO ~~s:s:s: -mmm m IZZZ 0-(-(-1 C -3! ......(J)......(J)(J)............0...... o-(oom' . . 0 000, )>"''''000 en;;oen '11-([T1m[T1en Pi!::P:-ien!='g!='p '11"' '11 C <:: '11 -(m-( -( . C' , Z =i en ..................0.,1)..,1).(.0)1'.)...... O'1G>O'1:"'.a:..OOOUl G)"OG)~G)~~~G) ;g0;gG);g)>"O)>;g - --O_lor- C oocnm m" 0 o 0_ ):> 0 en enen)> . en o op:-i 0 . .." . '11 '11-( '11 :-i :-i' :-i W ~Q)N""" .,I). co.....,.a:..o-Jo>comc.n 00'10010000 o 0 '" .... CI Co a> C/l -( o ~ I"" '11 I"" o ~ ~ m ;;0 ~ "'o"'~'" NCOJlo.-I!to.N-....J ......wmc:.n......oooc.n N-.,I.....,OOOOoo 000'1000000 C Z =i >'11f/l 1""1"" I!] I""O:!: O::Em ~ ;;0 -( 5 Z cZ zp =io f/l'11 '11 I"" o ::E Q "ll 5! cncnro;;o, "''''~o mm)>mmOJOJOJ'11 r-r-z-(enmmm'11 '1171";1::-10000 ~en r-E:;;o;;o;;om od 0;;0000 ;;0;;0 0)>000 )>)> s:Zs::s:s: G)G) s:-()>)>)> mm mz"O"O"O o ;;00)>)>)> '11 o~;;o;;o;;o -~-(-(-( :!l )>"'s:s:s: o r-""mmm m IZZZ 0-(-(-( C ;;0 ~ ...... 00""" cn cn............ 0""" O-(Oom' . . 0 000, )>"''''000 en;;oen'11-([T1m[T1en Pi!::P:-ien!='g!='p "' C C '11m'11 , ,'11 -( -( -( , C' ' Z =i en ..................oJlo."J:Io.WN...... (J1(j)c.n:......a:..CO........U1O'1 G)"oG)~G)~~~G) ;g0;gG);g)>"O)>;g ::::t: ~-o_r-or::::l: o ooenm m 0 o 0_ )> 0 en enen)> . en o op:-i 0 ''11 ' '11 '11-( '11 :-i :-i' :-i UJ ~o)N""" .a:.. (X)-J.,f:l..o-JmcoO)(J1 oC1toc.nOoOO o 0 w ..... '" .... '" C/l -( o ~ I"" '11 I"" o ::E =e ~ m ;;0 ~ NNo)......o) NCOCC-.....lc.n....... ......wmc.n......-JwOCJ1 N-J......OO.a:..NOO ooc.noooooa c: Z =i >'11::E 1""1""> 1""0-( O::Em o ;;0 ~ 5 Z c:Z zp =io f/l'11 '11 I"" o ::E Q "ll o ~ 11: o "--i o :Q o ~ ;:rJlD 00 ~~ Od ~:t OlD c::~ !i:o :!~ o :t 1Il ;g ~ tl 1Il ~ HI ... ;g o 11 o 1Il ~ tl I'll rii ,... o ~ I:! ... ~ ~ N o o '" BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MILWAUKEE ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON, D.C. WEST PALM BEACH FOLEY:LARDNER A T TOR N E Y S A T LAW February 11, 2003 --- r:~' i;';0-::~-~----'----"- I u Irl' ,!} k-L:~rn\ ut~ 13 3lS J@i OH'AATMfNT OF D[Vnop ,/1 MFNl Dale S. Sugerman Assistant City Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0130 Re: Motorola DR! Dear Mr. Sugerman: Thank you for your letter of January 28, 2003. On behalf of the owners of the Motorola Property I appreciate the efforts of your staff in conducting the simulation test to address the proposed effects of the development on the City's sanitary sewer system. Based on the information you have provided, the owners are pleased to be able to provide the City with funds in the amount of $10,178.00 to provide the necessary system improvements to accommodate our anticipated flows. As we discussed on the telephone, we are willing to place these funds in escrow with the City Attorney pending final approval of the amendments to our project by the City Commission. It is our understanding that once these funds are in escrow you will recommend deletion of the condition in our current Conditions of Approval which addresses the study and possible improvements to the system, Again, we appreciate your staffs efforts in this regard, We also discussed prepayment of the water and sewer impact fees for the project after City Commission approval. I have enclosed a revised flow calculations spreadsheet based upon our latest projections for development of the property. As you can see, these projections are slightly higher than the projections done by your staff based upon a revised product mix for the residential development. We would appreciate it if you could provide us information concerning how to make the check payable for the escrow deposit for the system improvements as well as additional information concerning the amount of the impact fees for water and sewer for the project. Thank FOLEY & LARDNER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801.2386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802.2193 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOLEYLARDNER.COM WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3247 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0125 EMAIL AODRESS rwoodson@foleylaw.com 006,285143,1 FOLEY:LARDNER Dale S. Sugerman February 11, 2003 Page 2 you for your assistance in this matter. We look forward to continuing to work with you in the development ofthe property. Yours truly, ~~r-- RDW:dr cc: Lusia Galav Jeff Douglas i-- lfl :t: :g U5 g: CIl :c: o :t:i:: Uq: U5s !XlU :c:.... o~ "" ~~ 00 !Xlii u"tIJ 01- oz Z::l Z o i= ~ <C w3:g !;j:O...l ,>...1...1 >u.<C i-- ~ ~ o .... ~ I:J Q fa tIJ o II.. o g: :5 o 0:: ~ o :IE ~ W ~ 3: o ...I U. ...I <C I- o I- C II. Cl ~ o ...I U. 0000001.00011') OON'<tOOt--t--NN LO OM r--......... LOCO ('l")'C"""0') t--1Ot--OlOlN NO COT"""CONN ~ .... M oeool.O L()OCO o <0<0<0 t--O'<t t-- 1.0 ,....C\I<oD C"") '<t 0 o N ~ ~ u" ~I-' U. u.u. d ~dd d tIJ <( <(tIJtIJ tIJ g LU ~DO g :!::..JO.-J-a...O ~ Cl<(II.<(Clc)CClCl ~C)C)C)~IOII.a..~ '-' 0 '<t Ol '-' N C) ,n '-' L()L().......O>~~ vLO T"""C\I("")..q-~O!:Q.,....,.... !:: :z ::l CIl !::: Z , ::l . t;:. , ~ LU t;: d3~3C1l~d~d CIlWLUW!;j:U.CIl@5tIJ 8~"1',~~d~: 8 "C"""D'C"""'C"""rfJW'C"""cnT""" ~ ::> 1-1-1-0 zzz:r: LU LUWLU'<t-, 0 ~~~~~ u: ~~~o ~ <C<(<(zO::: LULU a..a..a..~LU <(<(<(1-:2 C)C) :2:2:2Z:2 C2C2 OOOC2R 00 000::>'-' 1-1- LUO:::O:::O:::<(-' CIlCll OClClClI-<(:'::Li..u. u.LUWLUCIlI-Z...I-' U.COCOCOLULU<(LULU O~NMO:::O:::COCllCll u.tIJ 01- oz Z::l Z o i= ~ <C W3:U 3:09 W...I...I tlJu.<C ~ W 3: W tIJ . 3: o ...I U. -' ~ o I- C II. Cl ~ o ...I U. OOOOOOL{)OOLl) oOOOOOt--t--N<O LO 000....... LOCO('l")'C"""a) t--N'<t'<tOlN c:i CO.,....L()ON ....... ~ N 0000100100<0 DCOCOC'O.......O""d"....... L() __NCOD C"') '<t 0 N t ~~ t u.u. o ~dd 0 CIl <(tlJCIl tIJ o <( w-o 0 o LU CIlClO 0 :!::..Jo....J-Q...!:: ~ Cl<(a..<(ClC)Cl Cl a.. C)C)C) a.. lOa.. Cla.. C)oooC)NC)~C) L()ooO..q-~L{)VL() 'C"""NM""d"""d"OT"""'C"""T""" !:: 5 CIl !::: Z . ::> . t;:. , ~ LU t;: d3~3C1l~d~d CIlWLUWI-U.CIlO:::CIl n ._ ,"._:<C _:.-.. 0.-. ~o~~Ci5Ci5;::Cn;::: ~ ::l 1-1-1-0 zzz:r: LU LULULU'<t-, 0 :2:2:2N<( u: ~~~bU ~ <(<(<(z8:] LULU a..a..a..~ mm <(<(<(1-:2 '-''-' :2:2:2Z:2 C2C2 oOOC2R 00 OOO~'-' 1-1- LU O:::O:::~-' CIlCll Og5ClCl~<(:'::Li..u. U.LULULUCIlI-Z-,-, U.COCOCOLUW<(LULU O_NMO::: 0::: CO tlJCIl :J1w Cit'J 0/ BO'Jnton Beach "AN 2 9 2003 ::D.J" S. S..,......-,A,;.t-J &, ~ 100 Ga.t B..,..1-. Boad. /S.../-"J POI.5.x31O B..,..1-. B-J., :J/",;j,. 33425-0310 (561) 742-6456 !~ (561) 742.6298 _-malt S..,......-;})@d..'Ini.n-l-.l..fI.... January 28, 2003 . '.',i~( :. '\ . , '. I 'I .iy Mr. R. Duke Woodson Foley & Lardner 111 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Orlando, FL. 32801-2386 RE: Flow Simulation Test- Expansion of Motorola DRI Site Dear Mr. Woodson: The City of Boynton Beach has completed the flow simulation test for the proposed expansion of the Motorola DRI site. This was the simulation test we agreed to in the electronic message of December 8, 2002. A copy of the test results, in the January 24, 2003 memo from Pete Mazzella to me, is attached. I am very pleased that we were able to conduct this simulation test by using our own existing Utilities Department staff, rather than using an outside consultant at a potential cost of $25,000.00. In fact, it looks as though the total cost associated with the necessary system modifications will be limited to $10,178.00. With the proposed improvements, it appears that our sanitary sewer system will be able to accommodate the anticipated flows as outlined in Attachment "A" of the report. Thank you for your cooperation on this effort to date. Please call me directly at the telephone number written above if you have any comments or questions. Very truly yours, __ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~j) ~ S ~i~~'''' Dale S. Sugerman Assistant City Manager cc: vG:sia Galav, Principal Planner Peter Mazzella, Deputy Utilities Director, w/o attachments MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEP AR TMENT TO: Dale sp Assistant City Manager Peter l\I1azzella, Deputy Director, Utilities Department FROM: DATE: January 24,2003 SUBJECT: Recommendation for system upgrade due to Motorola site expansion On December 13, 2002, the Utility Pumping Stations division ran a pumping test to simulate the additional volume of wastewater flows that might be expected from the expanded Motorola site on Congress A venue. As you will recall, the site is proposed for additional retail and residential uses, causing increased flows as depicted on attachment "A". The Pumping Stations team pumped water from one of the on-site lakes at Motorola into the sanitary force main system, while monitoring pump run times at all other pumping stations manifolded into that portion of the system, in order to simulate the impact of the increased system pressure on those stations. Their efforts and initiative made it possible to reach the following conclusions without the time and expense of devising a system model, thereby saving up to $25,000 for the developer, and expediting the design process. I would like to personally thank the entire team for all of their effort and cooperation. Based upon their findings it can be seen that only one station experienced serious difficulty pumping against the increased pressure, that station being number 709, located in the Dos Lagos subdivision, north of the Motorola site. That station ran almost continuously during the simulation, which indicates that the current pumps will not be able to generate sufficient pressure to pump the required volumes against the future design condition. My estimate of future conditions based upon the pressures achieved during the simulation, and the current load on the Dos Lagos station, is: 257- 411 gallons per minute @ 46' TDH The range of flow indicates the difference between a peak factor of 2.5 and a peak factor of 4.0. Using the mid-point of 334 gpm to size the pumps should give a safety factor to allow for unknown future conditions. The attached pump curve for a Flygt C-3l27 with a 462 impeller fits this design point, and can be accommodated by the station's existing electrical system. The total cost for this upgrade to meet future conditions should therefore be limited to: 1 2 Pumps with 40' of motor cable Labor to remove old pumps and reinstall new Total = $9,178 1.000 $10,178 I know that the developer is eager to quantify this cost, and trust that he will find the above cost estimate acceptable. Please advise if any further information is required on this matter. PVM Attachments Xc: Peter Mazzella (w/attachments) Mark Law Tony Lombardi Jim Hart File 2 .... lfl :z: l/) Cl ~ a: l/) :z: o :z:j:: U~ ~;:) !XlU :z:...J oq: gu s:~ 00 !Xlii S l1. Cl ;: o ~ LL LLl/) 01- 'Z 0::1 Z Z o i= 0:: <( w~g !;(O~ :::o~~ >LL<( .... ffi ~ o iiJ :=- lU Cl 53 l/) ~ o a: , oq: ...J o a:: g o ::IE 0000001.000 OOOLOOOl'--t"--N L{)OLOfX)I"--LO<O('l")T""" f'..LOM"Il:tmN CDNmr---N 0000108 0 ~OLOLOI'-O~I'-CO ..q-T"""N"I""""COO"C"') N ~ ,~~ LL I-LL LL LL, . o ~do 0 (/) <((/)(/) (/) o <( UJ-O 0 o w (/)00 0 ~~O--l-a..:!:: :!:: 0<([L<(0C!l000 [L ,n m ,n l1. 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I- I- l- LL' , LLUJLL d31S3(/)~d~d (/)u.iUJu.iI-LL(/)D::(/) O<ON<oLlJdoOI-O o . ., 0 0 __DT"""T"""(J)(/)--C/)"I"""" 1? ::) 1-1-1-0 ZZZJ: UJ UJUJUJ'<t~ U :;;:;;:;;N< u: 1-1-1-1-- LL O::O::O::OU 0 <<<zO:: UJUJ o..a..o..-w <<<1-:;; C!lC!l :;;:;;:;;~:;; <(< 000....0 0::0:: ooo!5U ~~ UJO::O::O::<~ (/)(/) S,lOOOI-<{:'::U.LL LLUJUJUJ(/)I-Z~~ LLalalalUJUJ<UJUJ O~NC')O::O::al(/)(/) 0:: W ~ w l/) , ~ o ~ LL ~ <( I- o l- ll) '" co .0- lI) N ~ - C Q) E ..r::: u 11l :i PAGE 22 3 SECTION ISSUED SUPERSEDES C-3127 462 Impeller 6/94 2/88 7.5 7.0 ~ 6.5 t- 6.0 ::> ~ 5.5 * 5.0 4.5 4.0 70 65 60 55 tu 50 w u. 45 0 Lti 40 J: ...J ~ 35 0 t- 30 25 20 15 10 5 , >rX.~ - ~ "" ......... ...... V / r---.... ..... ~ ~ ..... V V ........ r-........ ..... /' V " ..... ~/ 80 75 .... ..... ~ ........... ..... ~ r\.. " '\. ...; i\. " 1"- '\ \. . "- V'" ....... .......... \ / ./ "'" / i' / o o 50 100 150. 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 FLOW GPM CONFIG, CP/CT/CS VIWES PHASE 1 1 7.5 7.0 6.5 D.. J: 6.0 w ~ 5,5 ~ III 5.0 0 4.5 4,0 i ~ 0; co .Q 1ii ~, E fll -- '" ~"' -'" .a n II (J) ~ ~ 50 b z 40 w () 30 fE w 20 ~ ::> 10 ~ o o ~ J . 01/22/2003 10:20 5618481 EKPHELPS WPB PAGE 01 MANUFACTUIHA'S REPRESENTATIVE 0 WATEfl AND WASTE WATeR iAEATMENT EClUIPMENT _loLl. II. r".Lr. .. Ga_......." P.ROPOSAI,. TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH - PETE MAZZELLA January 22, 2003 SUBJECT: DOS LAGOS LS We are pleased to offer the following equipment: TWO (2) 4"CP3127/462 7.5hp 3ph 230v Flygt Pump with 40' of Motor Cable and SS Bail PRICE: $9,178,00 plus taxes,FOB factory,with freight allowable to jobsite THIS PROPOSAL WILL EXPIRE IN THIRTY (30) DAYS UNLESS EXTENDED IN WRITING BY ELLIS K. PHELPS & COMPANY. NOTE: WE DO NOT SUPPLY PIPING,VALVES,GUIDE BARS,PRESSURE GUAGES OR SPARE PARTS EXCEPT AS INDICATED ABOVE. TERMS: SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL NET 30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF INVOICE OR 100% PAYABLE BEFORE START.UP OF EQUIPMENT(WHICHEVER COMES FIRST.) A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1.5% PER MONTH WILL BE ADDED TO ALL BALANCES UNPAID 30 DAYS AFTER INVOICE DATE. FAILURE TO PAY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE TERMS WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES. CONDITIONS :1) Price is firm based on our receiving complete approval and release for production four (4) weeks after drawings have been submitted by Ellis K. Phelps & Company 2) PARTIAL BILLING WILL BE MADE ON ANY PARTIAL SHIPMENT. We thank you for your interest in our equipment and look forward to being of service to you in the near future. A SIGNED FACSIMILE COpy OF THIS PROPOSAL IS ACCEPTABLE AS A BINDING CONTRACT. ~~~COMPANY ACCEPTED BY: COMPANY: STEVE KISS DATE: 17'0'0'" STAEET WEST. RIVIERA SEACH, flORIDA '3404' 561.848.'200 . FAX 58,.848.12" DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-297 FROM: Mayor Jerry Broening and City commiS~iO Lusia Galav, AIC Principal Planner December 13, 2002 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Motorola DRIA 02-002/MPMD 02-003 NOPC Amendment #1 ADDENDUM This report is the addendum to the Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 02-244 to the Planning and Development Board dated October 31, 2002, Updated information is provided regarding the above referenced project. Recommendations The applicant has met with Palm Beach County and the Florida Department of Transportation staff to resolve the objections regarding the methodology used to determine traffic impacts, Both agencies have approved the revised methodology that indicates the proposed development will remain within the range of the original 13,020 vested trips, Therefore, the NOPC #1 as proposed is not a substantial deviation. Conditions of Approval In addition, the Conditions of Approval, have been revised to reflect the concern of the TCRPC regarding the mixed-use design for the development (see Condition # 14) and the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering requirements regarding turn lane improvements (see Condition #15). Attachments: 1, Letter from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council dated December 13, 2002, 2, Letter from Palm Beach County Traffic Division dated December 12, 2002, 3, Revised Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. -=:; '~. ~ ~ ~ j ~ t. =t~::~ .hl.i.~~I<,.~ n ~~, ,; ~~' ~~t'~; "~" --'~~ ~ ; 'i,"-~-::Y<""'" ~,....''';'T_~-:~~_, ~ - ~ -- -- =..=... TR;A~X~ltu~,,' .~. ,. '~~r j:P'4rNSfI~i;- ~~O~]]N~~~>':' , "<~<'~-"-"_ ,hr"., = ~, V1'1 ~~, ~ . ~ - ~.~ '--~_ _ =_ II.:> ii~.. I- ,1i :L-_~ilD, ~--: jl, -~~. - ~~ ,\ I e----=->-.. --~~~--- , ,'_'::" _" J:j951l-~~1 . -; ,4 -1~ . .ca. " g! ,-- ,1""1 - ~~"tV.;l J 0 ~."'" y~ I ~1~Di:I A"r\o/i1' E ~":: _' ' ~ff-..,..P. .:B ta. C H . - ~:f}UETF -"T ~-~;r-~J: r~,'.::.~cr~-:"~ltlJ:C'~"""~~~@~~-;) B "", 3--~ ~....._~L-~~~__~ ! -- '-'?l;~..~~"~~;..~~~~'!-'-::j~~r~- '-:"~J: ~~' __.~4' December 13,2002 Mr, Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 DEe ~ v Subject: Motorola Development of Regional Impact Notification of Proposed Change Dear Mr, Rumpf: In accordance with the requirements of Section 380,06(19), Florida Statutes (F,S,), we have reviewed the "Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI)" (NOPe) for the Motorola DRI dated September 17,2002, The NOPC proposes to change the existing plan of development to allow development of 500 multi-family residential units, 450,000 square feet of office space, 63,500 square feet of retail space including shops and restaurants, and 128,000 square feet of self storage space, The applicant submitted additional information on October 23, 2002 requesting the inclusion of a conversion matrix to allow changes in the plan of development to occur without the need to amend the development order. Council had concerns with the proposed changes including the proposed conversion matrix, The applicant submitted a letter on December 10, 2002 stating that the applicant would no longer be requesting a conversion matrix and provided additional information to address Council's other concerns, Based on this information, Council has determined that the proposed change will not create any additional regional impacts and, therefore, does not object to the proposed change, However, an annual report for the Motorola DRI has not been submitted since January 1985, The applicant should submit an annual report for the project each year to be in compliance with the development order. Also, the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Treasure Coast Region encourage~ the formation of sustainable neighborhoods and communities, Sustainable communities s~ould include a compatible mix of land uses, well designed and maintained public spaces, builpings and infrastructure, and a network of interconnected streets designed for various transpoI't/'-tion .Br;"K;"K Co",,,,u.lIiti~s TDK~th~r. . Est. 1976 301 East Ocean Boulevard. Suite 300 - Stuart. Florida 34994 Phone (772) 221-4060 . SC 169-4060 - Fu (772) 121-4067 ~ E.mail . :adminiilr.IDC 01'" ~, NfichaelVV, Rumpf December 13, 2002 Page 2 modes, Council strongly encourages continued efforts to provide for mixed-use development in the City, However, it is equally important that mixed-use development is done correctly. There must be a true integration and appropriate mix of uses, not simply more than one use on the property, There should be not only a fully integrated mix of uses but also a network of streets, sidewalks, and bicycle paths and an accommodation for present or future use of transit. There should be both a vertical and horizontal integration of land uses, and the land uses should be of a type and nature that are appropriate and complementary to the area to be seIVed, The DR! master plan included with the proposed amendment materials does not incorporate all the best components of mixed-use development. Council is available to assist the City in working with the developer of the property to ensure that the proposed development contains all the important components of good mixed-use development, Please call if you have any questions, Sincerely, bq~ DR! Coordinator cc: Ken Metcalf, FDCA R Duke VVoodson, Applicant Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O, Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416~ 1229 (561) 684.4000 www.pbcgov,c~m . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell. Chairman Carol A. Roberts. Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman HAn Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action EmployerH @ printed on recycIsd paper lJEC ' "7 '~'ro December 12, 2002 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE; Motorola DRI .. Revised TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr, Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the previously approved DRI entitled; Motorola DRI, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard intersection, Boynton Beach 13.020 Daily, 1,634 Peak Hour 450,000 SF General Office, 500 Multi Family Residential Units, 15,000 SF Daycare, 10,000 SF High Quality Restaurant, 6,000 SF High Turn-over Restaurant, 8,000 SF Fast Food Restaurant, 20,000 SF General Retail, 4,500 SF Bank & DT, and 128,000 SF Warehouse, 12,837, and 1,402 Peak Hour Trips 2005 Municipality: Vested DRI Trips: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: Build-out: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the revised DRI is projected to generate less trips than what was previously approved, and therefore meets the Traffic Performance St?ndards of Palm Beach County, Based on the peak hour forecasts provided by the consultant, It is however suggested that the following project access driveways turn-lanes to be provided: . Southbound left-turn lanes along Congress Avenue, onto the northern and the middle driveways . Northbound right-turn lanes along Congress Avenue, onto the southem and the middle driveways, . Westbound left-turn lane along Gateway Boulevard, onto the eastern driveway, . Eastbound right-turn lane along Gateway Boulevard, onto the eastern driveway, I. : If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, /Y), cc: Pinder Troutam Consulting Inc, File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F:I TRAFFIClmalAdminlApprovalsl021 016.doc EXHIBIT "C" Revised Conditions of Approval Project name: Motorola File number: DRlA 02-002 Reference: Revised 2nd review identified as Development of Regional hnpact Amendment Master Plan with a N b 2 I ovem er 5, 200 P anninl! & Zoninl! Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: To be determined, X UTILITIES Comments: I. The Developer has agreed to furnish their own fire flow protection from an X on-site source for all fire-flows above the City requirement of 1500 gpm (@ 20 psi residual) demand, In the event the on-site source cannot be approved by the City or other regulatory agencies, an engineering evaluation of the additional impacts on the potable water system (as outlined in the next condition dealing with sanitary sewer demand/capacity) will be required for the demand/capacity of the potable water system as well. The on-site fire protection system from this private source may therefore not be interconnected with the City's potable water system. 2. The City recognizes prior vesting (for planning purposes) in the site of X 127,000 gallons per day (gpd) each for potable water and sanitary sewer demand. In consideration of the condition stated above, the developer shall fund an analysis, to be conducted by the City's engineers, evaluating the ability of the City's sanitary sewer conveyance system to properly accommodate the flows exceeding 127,000 gpd from this site, Funding of this study shall be escrowed with the City upon request and the furnishing of a written "not-to-exceed" cost estimate to the developer. Upon receipt of the requested amount, the City shall endeavor to complete the analysis within 120 days, In the event the analysis indicates that improvements are required to the City's conveyance system, the developer shall commence the design of said improvements upon requesting a total sewer commitment exceeding 102,000 gpd (i.e. 80% of the vested amount), The developer shall subsequently begin construction of the improvements after receiving City approval of the design, (or furnish sufficient funding for the City to construct said improvements, at the City's option), The commencement of construction shall occur no later than the developer's request for a total sewer commitment exceeding 114,300 gpd (90% of the vested amount), The developer shall not be penalized or delayed by the City from constructing additional phases to the oroiect if he satisfies all conditions of the above Conditions of Approval 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT deadlines in a timely manner. 3, The developer shall be responsible for reserving purchasing all additional X water and sewer capacity, based upon the requirements as stated in the City's code, not heretofore purchased by the prior owners of the pronertY. FIRE Comments: 4, The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of X the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFP A I, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition, (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with LDR Chapter 6, X Section 16, which provides requirements for hydrants, Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft, apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required, POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 6, The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. X These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved, Single Family, detached = $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family = $656 ea I DEPARTMENTS l INCLUDE I REJECT I 7, The fee is due at the time of the first applicable building permit. X 8. At time of site plan approval for any portion of the site included in the X NOPC Amendment #1 request, the applicant will work with the Parks & Recreation Department to provide a greenway I bikeway easement along the east and/or south sides of this property especially along the E-4 canal. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 9, Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (I9)(e) 5,a. and (19)(e) 5.c. the application for a X proposed change IS presumed to be a substantial deviation, This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. 10, The traffic study was submitted to Palm Beach County traffic engineering X for approval. Approval is required prior to the Chapter 380 F.S, Public Hearing for the NOPC Amendment #1, 11. Applicant must submit an Annual Report for the Motorola DR! by January X 1,2003, 12, The approval of NO PC #1 is contingent upon the approval of the Land Use X Amendment from Industrial to Local Retail Commercial and the Rezoning from Planned Industrial District (PID) to Community Commercial (C-3) for the 49.685 acre portion of the DR!, 13, A replat may be required to develop the site. This will be determined at time X of site plan approval. 14, At time of Site plan approval for the project, the applicant will work with the TCRPC and City staff to incorporate the best components of mixed-use X development. 15. Based on Palm Beach County's review of the Traffic Analysis the following improvements are required: a) Southbound left-turn lanes along Congress Avenue, onto the northern and X the middle driveways, b) Northbound right-turn lanes along Congress Avenue, onto the southern and the middle driveways, c) Westbound left-turn lane along Gateway Boulevard, onto the eastern driveway, d) Eastbound right-turn lane along Gateway Boulevard, onto the eastern driveway, Conditions of Approval 4 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 1. NONE X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: I 1. To be determined. I I I S:IPlanllingISHAREDlVII'IPROJECTSIMotorola DRIIDRIICQI,doc STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF COMMUNITY PLANNING BUREAU OF LOCAL PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (850) 488-4925 NOTIFICATION OF A PROPOSED CHANGE TO A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT (DRI) SUBSECTION 380.06(19), FLORIDA STATUTES Subsection 380,06(19), Florida Statutes, requires that submittal of a proposed change to a previously approved DRI be made to the local government, the regional planning council, and the state land planning agency according to this form. 1. We, R. DUKE WOODSON and ELLEN AVERY-SMITH, the undersigned authorized representatives of Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc" hereby give notice of a proposed change to a previously approved Development of Regional Impact in accordance with Subsection 380,06(19), Florida Statutes. In support thereof, we submit the following information concerning the Motorola development, which information is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We have submitted today, under separate cover, copies of this completed notification to the City of Boynton Beach, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, and the Bureau of Community Planning, Department of Community Affairs, FOLEY & LARDNER ~. /11 (}OO;J- (Date) By: ~ -~ ~) 2. Applicant Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. 908 S. Delaney Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Attn: Daryl M. Carter (407) 422-3144 Fax (407) 244-3155 3, Authorized Agent Foley & Lardner 111 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1800 Orlando, Florida 32801 Attn: Ellen Avery-Smith, Esq. (407) 423-7656 Fax: (407) 648-1743 4, Location of approved DR! and proposed change. \'1'1, ()D() /'.< v I 0:'" .Y l-\su,oc o ' .. /':{/. , - ~- 006.268256.1 The Motorola DR! is located north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, south of Gateway Boulevard, east of Congress Avenue and west of Interstate 95 in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. The legal description of the subject property is attached hereto as "Exhibit "A". No changes are proposed to the DR! boundaries or location. 5, Provide a complete description of the proposed change, Include any proposed changes to the plan of development, phasing, additional lands, commencement date, build-out date, development order conditions and requirements, or to the representatives contained in either the development order or the Application for Development Approval. ;,3 C60 \.-..' I , i The proposed change to the Motorola DR! includes the conversion of the '--' . remaining 2$~ square feet of industrial land use entitlements for the property to 500 njulti-family residential units and 40,000 square feet of commercial . -space. The existing 609,000 square feet of Motorola manufacturing, warehousing and office facilities, with ancillary uses, will remain with its Jlld.ll~trial land use designatio!0 There are no changes proposed to the DR! phasing, commencement date or build-out date, and no additional lands are proposed to be added to the DR! boundaries. The proposed changes to the Development Order for the Motorola DR! are included in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. A traffic impact analysis related to the proposed changes is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". -2- Indicate such changes on the project master site plan, supplementing with other detailed maps, as appropriate, Additional information may be requested by the Department or any reviewing agency to clarify the nature of the change or the resulting impacts. See Exhibit "D" attached hereto for the proposed project master site plan. 6. Complete the attached Substantial Deviation Determination chart for all land use types approved in the development. If no change is proposed or has occurred. indicate no change. See Exhibit "E" attached hereto for the Substantial Deviation Determination chart for all land use types approved and proposed for the development. 7 . List all the dates and resolution numbers (or other appropriate identification numbers) of all modifications or amendments to the originally approved DR! development order that have been adopted by the local government, and provide a brief description of the previous changes (i.e., any information not already addressed in the Substantial Deviation Determination Chart), Has there been a change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the development since the last approval or development order was issued? If so, has the annexing local government adopted a new DR! development order for the project? The Boynton Beach City Council approved Ordinance 79-36 establishing the Motorola Development of Regional Impact on January 7, 1980. There have been no amendments to the Motorola DR! since its original approval. There has been no change in local government jurisdiction for any portion of the development. 8. Describe any lands purchased or optioned within 1/4 mile of the original DR! site subsequent to the original approval or issuance of the DR! development order. Identify such land, its size, intended use, and adjacent non-project land uses within 1/2 mile on a project master site plan or other map, There have been no lands purchased or optioned within a quarter-mile of the original DR! site. 9, Indicate if the Proposed change is less than 40% (cumulatively with other previous changes) of any of the criteria listed in Paragraph 380,06(19), Florida Statutes, Not applicable, 006.268256.1 -3- Do you believe this notification of change proposes a change which meets the criteria of Subparagraph 380,06(l9)(e)2., F.S. YES NO xx 10. Does the proposed change result in a change to the build-out date or any phasing date of the project? If so, indicate the proposed new build-out or phasing dates. No, the proposed change does not result in a change to the build-out date or any phasing date for the project. 11, Will the proposed change require an amendment to the local government comprehensive plan? Yes, the proposed change will require an amendment to the local government comprehensive plan. A plan amendment was submitted to the City of Boynton Beach concurrently with this Notice of Proposed Change. Provide the following for incorporation into such an amended development order, pursuant to Subsections 380,06(15), F.S., and 9J-2,025, Florida Administrative Code, 12, An updated master site plan or other map of the development portraying and distinguishing the proposed changes to the previously approved DRI or development order conditions, See Exhibit "D" attached hereto for an updated master site plan. 13, Pursuant to the Subsection 380,06(19)(f), F.S., include the precise language that is being proposed to be deleted or added as an amendment to the development order. This language should address and quantify: a. All proposed specific changes to the nature, phasing, and build-out date of the development; to development order conditions and requirements; to commitments and representations in the Application for Development Approval; to the acreage attributable to each described proposed change of land use, open space, areas for preservation, green belts; to structures or to other improvements including locations, square footage, number of units; and other major characteristics or components of the proposed change; See Exhibit "B" attached hereto. b. An updated legal description of the property, if any project acreage is/has been added or deleted to the previously approved plan of development. 006.268256.1 -4- Not applicable. See Exhibit "A" attached hereto for a legal description of the DR! property, c. A proposed amended development order deadline for commencing physical development of the proposed changes, if applicable; Not applicable. d. A proposed amended development order termination date that reasonably reflects the time required to complete the development; Not applicable. e. A proposed amended development order date until which the local government agrees that the changes to the DRI shall not be subject to down-zoning, unit density reduction, or intensity reduction, if applicable; and Not applicable. f. Proposed amended development order specifications for the annual report, including the date of submission, contents, and parties to whom the report is submitted as specified in Subsection 9J-2,025(7), F.A.C. Not applicable. 006.268256.1 -5- EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Motorola DR! Property 006.268256,1 -6- U") ..... ... aD A..onI V<<Uied P.,,,, ~ CouM-r.FI.. JolIn I. Du'*'- Clwl ti,...;o Cout1 - . EXHIBIT "A" TO W~Ti DEED LEGAL DESCRIPTION -- '. , . AU OF TRACl'S94 THROUGH 107. SECTION 20. OF SUBrlVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AHD 20. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE ~3 EAST, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED I II PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TOWlISHIP 45 SOUTH. R.ANGE 43 EAST. AND BOUNIEDON [HE SOUTH BY BOYNTON CANAL AND Oil THE NORTH BY TRACT gLJ. SECTION 20, OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20. 1mlNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING 10 THE PLAT THEREOF. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PAUi BEACH COUNTY RECOIlD ALSO INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP SHOIIN AS ROAD EASEMENT RUNNIIIG FRDr1 CAHAL C-16 NORTH TO THE !lORTH LINES OF LOTS 102 AIm 107 EXTENDED OF SUBDlVIS I ON OF SECT10H 29 AHD 20, 'RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20 OF THE PUBLI C RECORDS Of PAUl BEACH COUNTY, fLORI CA, LYlriG BE1lolEEN LOTS 96 TO 102 011 THE EAST AND LOTS 9LJ, 95 AND 103 THROUGH 107 'ON THE WEST IN SAID SUBDIVISION, ALSO, ALL LANDS, INCLUDING LAKE BOnOf1 Of LAKE JACKSON AND LANDS DESIGNATED "SAND BEACHH OR "LOW MUCK" OR OTHERWISE LYHlG BETWEEII THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROP- ERTY AND WEST Of THE RIGHT-Of-WAY Of TIE LAKEllORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALiZlN CANAL E-4, EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF TRACTS 94. 95. 103, 104. 105, 106 AND 107, SECTION 20, SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSIIIP 45 SOUTH, RAflGE 43 EAST. ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20. PAU1 BEACH r.oUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH LIES WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE WEST LitlE OF SAID SECTIO LO, ,~LSO, ALL THAT PART OF THE SIO/4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NI'I 1/4 OF SECTION 20. rO\/HSHIP LJ5 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALl'I BEACH COUllTY, FLORIDA, LVI NG SOUTH Of [HE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-Of-liAY LINE OF Nil 22HD AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFfiCIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738, PAGE 1686 Of THE PUBLIC RECORDS Of PAUl BEACH courlTY, FLORI AND NORTH OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTIl, RAHGE 43 EAST, RECORDED IN P~T BOOK 7, PAGE 20, HERElKABOVE DESCRIBED, AND EAST Of THE EASTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-Of-IIAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND liEST Of lIIE WESTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-Of-WAY liNE Of THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL [-q., C:XCEPTlNG fROM ALL Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TilE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4 AND RIGHT-Of-IIAY OF CANAL C-16 fORMERLy'BOYNTON CANAL. IlECORDEJI.'S MEMO. Lqlbi1I'l' of Wrld..., TTP1n, 0< Prin'l", un..tI,tector,. tn .hit docUment when recdvcd. . -...........--.--.-- ..-,- .... .. en en C> c.. EXHIBIT "B" Proposed Development Order Amendments 006.268256.1 -7- ORDINANCE NO. .,~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, ~79-~36 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCELOFTAND DESCRIBED AS PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTHWEST 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738 AT PAGE 1686 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND EAST OF EASTERLY RIGHT-OF- WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE, .l,.l,.:gWEST OF THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4 AND NORTH OF THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT'S BOYNTON CANAL, SAID TRACT OF LAND CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 90 ACRES MORE OR LESS FROM ~PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (PID) TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (PID) AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL l.h-3'.~'[) C 1 TO PL\Y~'U) I>DL:>:TRL'.L DE'.'I::LOP~lP;T Hlm), ADOPTING AAN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTOROLA DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ORDER (DRI) ORDER IN CONNECTION WITH SAID REZONING, AND APPROVING A LAND USE AMENDMENT FROM INDUSTRIAL TO INDUSTRIAL AND LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, on October 1, 1979, MOTOROLA, INC. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as .'.p~lie<ll:t or Motorola) filed a Development Regional Impact Application for Development Approval (hereinafter Application) with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) in accordance with Section 380,06, Florida Statutes; and, WHEREAS, ,Hi>! ,'.pplieant flrepose5Motorola proposed to develop a manufacturing development and administrative facility on approximately 90 acres, constituting a Comprehensive (Industrial and Commercial) Development of Regional Impact on the following described real property located in Palm Beach County, Florida; 006,268312,;!,.2 A tract of land described as portions of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying South of the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Northwest 22nd Avenue as described in Official Records Book 1738 Page 1686 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and East of Easterly Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue, West of the Westerly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4 and North of the North Right-of-Way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District's Boynton CanaL Said tract of land contains approximately 90 acres more or less~ (the "Propertv"), WHEREAS. on September 18, 2002. Maury L Carter & Associates, Inc" the contract purchaser of the Propertv (hereinafter referred to as Developer), filed a Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola Development of Regional Impact with the City of Boynton Beach, the I" 1I .L".~.\..2.'''''';Ljn.cl:J" Florida Department of Community Affairs in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes; and, WHEREAS, said Developer proposes to operate the existing office, warehousing, manufacturing and ancillary commercial uses currently existing on the Property and to develop vacant portions of the Property as a mixed-use proiect with multi-family residential dwellings and supporting commercial uses; and, \~'IIERE.'.S. the C"it~; CllLll18il of 15GyntGIl Baaeh, (har.ail1eltrzr (-'it:- C\'lllleiIlWHEREAS. the City Council of Bovnton Beach (hereinafter City Council), the governing body of the local government having jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 380,031 and 380,06, Florida Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider .'.pfllieati81:c I'Ll]' D2'<18~lHaIH .\ppn"':l! CLlf Da"alopml2HtsNotices ofRe,;iDn~l1ProDosed IHlfl::etChan12e; and, WHEREAS, the public notice requirements of Section 166.041, Florida Statutes, and Section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes, have been satisfied and notice has been given to the Division of ~Community Planning of the Florida Department of Cornmunity Affairs; Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; Department of Environmental R2,;uldtiGIlProtection, 2 006.268312,2.2 T' " ' ~, I \'r.::~-: 1'~-i';:r~IILI:: ,!' ]'1' iI'''' ':~"l':,1 rL:.::-::~:l:;l)'1. f:i:tr<.:l ()!'!L',,:', 1\'_" p:,I,,, fL ,.I':and South Florida Water Management District; and, WHEREAS, this City Council has on l)c~"I1l",r lY, ["-" . 2002 held a duly noticed public hearing on the Application and has heard and considered the testimony taken thereat; and, WHEREAS, this Council has received and considered the report and recommendations of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; and, WHEREAS, this City Council has received and considered the report and recommendations of the Technical Review Board and the Planning and 1onitl,;Develooment Board of the City of Boynton Beach; and, WHEREAS, this City Council has made the following FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW with regard _to 4ethe Application for Development Approval, to-wit: Section 1. FINDINGS OF FACT A. The proposed development is not in an area of critical state concern designated pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.05, Florida Statutes; B. A State Comprehensive Planning Document has been recognized by the legislature as an advisory policy document for the entire State of Florida, and the proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objective of this advisory policy document; C. The proposed amendment to the Development of Regional Impact Order (DR!) Order is consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach and Section 7, Paragraph 10 of Appendix A of the Boynton Beach Code. 3 006.268312,2.2 D, The proposed development IS consistent with the report and recommendations of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council submitted pursuant to Section 380,06(8), Florida Statutes, in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof CONCLUSIONS OF LAW NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby determined by the City Council of Boynton Beach, of Palm Beach County, Florida, in public meeting, duly constituted and assembled this 1\....:~~_ll~:'..:.r ~,', 1(1~1\. , 2002, that the C011c~uha11si'2Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola Development of Regional Impact ''.Pfli''Cltioo I'll" D('_I 11'111211: '-I'l'\"' l,~ submitted by ~1(:T()R()L.'..the ~Develooer is hereby ordered APPROVED, subject to the following conditions, restrictions and limitations: 1. In the event of discovery of archaeological artifacts during project construction, the ,'.pr1i'Cll1tDevelooer shall avoid damage in that area and notify and cooperate with the Division of Archives State of Florida. Proper protection, to the satisfaction of the Division of Archives, shall be provided by the ,'.~~lieHl1IDevelooer. 2. A program of regular vacuum sweeping of all paved surfaces on the project site shall be instituted and carried out by the .'.ppliElll1tDevelooer. A description of this program shall be provided to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, South Florida Water Management District, Palm Beach County, the Area Planning Board and City of Boynton Beach, , TAra ;\FJpli~a.nt J:all r0~uaDt ["loritJa D@~artll1~nt 81' E:r:"ir811I11enul P~Z;~lbtil?n ([)E:R) 18 d8tBFmlFlZ ""hieh or its prejaeted ~Rel11iEal "'asts!; "'8'J]d ~1~ ~bssi!i3d ~lS :o::ic lH hHZ:"lrduLL". 1. Tha .\FFlieant :Jlall I:le','@!oF :":Ji'1d ir:.stiteIte ~f1ee::"ll haRLllill~ and diCfW:~tl pr .:2.Llra"- f'Jr it: :8::il::1 Jr FnzunloH5 "':..:~"te5 ','"hieh cir2 a8G2pta~11@ 10 ['gR. 4 006,268312,~,2 , :,1 'il,.:f', . _. ',['>1 I, ,I' " ,-, t - , I" , " " .~ ,. , 1 1, t- ~ : .:;-:11_' 'I , , ~ ~ I ' 11' , I " O' ,,-'v' : I .1'_'" , " _']'.'1' I' , '1_'.1' _'I"' , - -- ~-, _ ';' I~ I <', 1" I, ~ 11 :IL' ~I._ ',I, I 1 I _ ;,.. _ ' . y' ~ ' ,'f) " . I :.- , :Ir.:.'~". ; 1 1 \, ~ - ) 1 _' :l . 1 ~ ,: I.. ~ I 1111[' I _, 11,1 ,11'_1 " v"__ ,',I V'_ i':: [,. ,~'.:l'i"; _' ~ll.~~L::: 3, "" "IT'i,'",,: ..Il.l!' PI'," cl2The Developer has provided an easement along Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue to accommodate a bikeway/pedestrian path, in accordance with the City's and Palm Beach County's Comprehensive Plans and construct an 8 foot bike path in said easement. a, The \,pl'lizd': ..b!1 Z ,,,,1.121Developer has provided a study m conjunction with the Boynton Beach Police Department to determine if security fencing IS required around the parking areas constructed in conjunction with the plant. [n 'l1z 2' 211: Il1z '.;TI...'::i~'. and :~'_' ;":l ': :::,']. C":"J:!' P81i:~ [;.zp::rt1l1.2rt ::11''::'.:1" tlHdl, '::UC1:~: '::'::ll"i:' f21l:: :.- ::,::_~.:.J ,,: ct'" : i ..'z ' , '," 2 c,,, '2, such security fencing ,;4a.j.I.has e"been constructed. 4, ;;;.,...The following road and traffic improvements " ill h2 1182.'2Jhave been constructed as the proposed project i.;was developed h: Il1a ,'.ppI12,:nl: a, The int21'''2liJllintersections of all project driveways with Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue ,;4a.j.I.have e"been improved with left turn lanes, right turn lanes and traffic signals, as warranted by Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. 5 006,268312,2,2 b, The intersection of Congress Avenue and Northwest nod Avenue ~has ~been improved with left turn lanes, right turn lanes and traffic signals, as warranted by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. c, The highway improvements described in the following Sections of the Agreement between Palm Beach County and Riteco Development Corporation dated August 1,1978, relating to traffic impacts of the proposed Sandhill Project: Section III - Traffic signals - completed; Section IV - Left turn lanes, Northwest 22nd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard - completed; Section V Intersection of Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue - completed; Section VI - Four laning of Congress Avenue - completed. d. The widening of Congress Avenue between Boynton and Hypoluxo Roads to an ultimate six lanes, with the design level of service for highway planning designated by the Metropolitan Planning Organization has been completed. In order to assist Palm Beach County, the State of Florida~ and all other involved and responsible governmental agencies to timely and expeditiously plan for the engineering and construction required~ and to budget for the acquisition of public or governmental funds for the construction of these roads and traffic improvements, the 'i'i' ,: ~~II',Developer shall give written notice to Palm Beach County of its intent to commence construction on any approved facility in the proposed project, not less than six months (and preferably one year)~ prior to the date upon which it proposes to commence such construction, 2., lJ,,-The .'.PlllicClll1 JI1cl11 J2si<aleDeveloper has dedicated to Palm Beach County the following rights-of-way along the . '.p~li,anlDeveloper's entire roadway frontage; 6 006.268312.~,2 Congress Avenue 60 feet from centerline; and Northwest 22nd Avenue 60 feet from centerline"~ 6, ~The \i'i"c"I"Develooer shall establish and actively support~ a car pooling program, At the end of the first year of Phase I operations, the . \I'j'" c,cl1;Develooer shall provide a written report to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer on its activities and an evaluation of their effectiveness. L +i---Within one year of the commencement of Phase I operations, or any subsequent expansion of facilities, the . \I'P 1 cll1lDevelooer shall undertake a study of the feasibility of establishing or participating in a van pool program and shall transmit the results of that study to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. 8, +;"-Upon commencement of Phase I operations, or any subsequent expansIOn, the ."I'p'icaI1IDevelooer shall provide the Palm Beach County Transportation Authority with information regarding the general location of its employees' residences and shall consult with the Authority regarding the feasibility of establishing or expanding routes to serve the plant. Ifbus service is provided to the plant, the ,\ppli:'~lllDevelooer shall provide boarding and unloading space on-site or provide space for turnout bays along Congress and Northwest nnd Avenue, if needed, 9, +J.,-That this amended DR! Order shall constitute the Development Order of this Council issued in response to the CJ11lfri21'.aA::',? [).2'21JfJ1'12I1tNotice of R.2;i;ll~al Illlpa:l .'.ppliccll;llllProoosed Change for D2'i218f'1l211l .'.pprl1'ulthe Motorola DR! filed by the .'.pp ~ i .:.~: l' ~Develooer. 7 006.268312,C,1 ill ~That the definitions found in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, shall apply to this amended DRI Order. lL .:.,;.,.., That the following are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this amended DRI Order~; a, The Application for Development Approval submitted by MOTOROLA, INe. to the City of Boynton Beach on or about October 1, 1979, b, Supplementary and amendatory materials submitted under cover letters dated 10111/79 and 11/30/79 from John Gesbocker of Heery & Heery Architects and Engineers, Inc, c. Supplemental information provided under a cover letter dated November 21,1979 from Mary Lou Lackey of MOTOROLA, INC. d. Master Plan and accompanymg documents submitted m conformance with Planned Industrial Development (PID) rezoning application and subdivision regulations of the City of Boynton Beach. e, The Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola DRI submitted bv the Developer to the Citv of Bovnton Beach on or about September 18,2002, f. Master Plan and accompanving documents submitted bv the Developer with the Land Use and Rezoning Application on September 18. 2002, g +4,-That this amended DRI Order shall be binding upon the \ i'I'~:~"nIDeveloper and its assignees or successors in interest. It is understood that any reference herein to any governmental agency shall be construed to mean any future instrumentality which may be created and designated as successor in interest to, or which 8 006.268312,22 otherwise possesses any of the powers and duties of any referenced governmental agency In existence on the effective date of this amended DRI Order. 13, ~ That in the event that any portion or section of this amended DRI Order is determined to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions or sections of this amended DRI Order, which shall remain in full force and effect. ~ ~That the approval granted by this amended DRI Order is conditional. Such approval shall not be construed to obviate the duty of the \pp'ClIllDeveloper to comply with all other applicable local or state permitting procedures, Q .j...U.,-That subsequent requests for development permits shall not require further review pursuant to Section 380,06, Florida Statutes, unless it is found by the City Council of Boynton Beach, after due notice and hearing, that one or more of the following is present. a. A substantial deviation from the terms or conditions of this amended DRI Order, or other changes to the approved development plans which create a reasonable likelihood of adverse regional impact or other regional impacts which were not evaluated in the review by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, or b, An expiration of the period of effectiveness of this amended DRI Order as provided herein, Upon a finding that any of the above is present, the Council shall order a termination of all development activity until such time as a new C omp 1'211 2J1j' 2 Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval has been submitted, reviewed and approved in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. 9 006.268312,2,2 lli .;;.- That this amended Development Order shall remain in effect for a period of 30 years from the date of its rendition (Januarv 7. 2010) provided that this effective period may be extended by this Council upon a finding of excusable delay in any proposed development activity and that conditions have not changed sufficiently to warrant further consideration of the development. In the event the .'.I'I'li:ClI"Developer fails to commence significant physical development within four years from the date of rendition of this amended DRl Order, development approval shall terminate and the development shall be subject to further consideration, Significant physical development shall mean site clearing and foundations for the facility, lL .;+,--Actual development phasing will circumstances and \ i'p":rtDeveloper's internal business growth. depend upon economic The proposed phases 0 f development as discussed in question 12A of the Comprehensive Development of Regional Impact Application and the Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola DRl are for planning purposes only and the actual development schedule may vary therefrom, ~ 22 Within 60 days from the date hereof, the .\ppli:'~lltDeveloper shall submit a revised Master Development Plan, and such other revised plans as are appropriate, to the City Planning Director, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Division of ~Community Planning. These revised plans shall incorporate all changes, if any, in the development as required by this amended DRl Order. l2., 2,'. The amended DRl Order set forth in Section I hereof shall become effective upon adoption as a part of the Ordinance rezoning the subject property from R .' c:l'J C -+-+,.-Planned Industrial Development (PID)~ to Planned Industrial Development and Community Commercial (C-3) and amending the land use designation for the subiect propertv from 10 006,268312.2,2 Industrial to Industrial and Local Retail Commercial (provided such date shall be extended until completion of appellate procedures, if any, relating to the issuance of this amended DRI Order), 20, ~Copies of this Ordinance incorporating the amended DRI Order~, rezomng subject property to Planning Industrial Development (PID) and Communitv Commercial (C-3) and amending the land use designation of the subiect propertv to Industrial and Local Retail Commercial shall be transmitted immediately by certified mail to the Division of ~Communitv Planning, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and \ '()!'n['J)[. '-.the ~Developer. Section 2, That the following described land located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida: A tract of land described as portions of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 117, and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying South of the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Northwest 22nd Avenue as described in Official Records Book 1738 at Page 1686 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and East of Easterly Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue, West of the Westerly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4 and North of the North Right-of-Way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District's Boynton CanaL Said tract of land contains approximately 90 Acres more or less, be and the same is hereby rezoned from R: :",d C [ La P[C:I'A,d In,Lt.:tric:l [)2' 2' .p,r:l": i-l44+Planned Industrial Development (PID) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) and Communitv Commercial (C-3) and its land use designation IS changed from Industrial to Industrial and Local Retail Commercial. Section 3, The aforesaid Revised Zoning Map and Revised Land Use Map of the City shall be amended accordingly, II 006,268312.2~ Section 4. That the application of' ,,\ "",' ':' .the ~Developer, contract vendee for the above-described tract of land for rezoning of subject tract is hereby granted for the purpose of permitting the development of said land as a Planned Industrial Development (PID) and Communitv Commercial (C-3) in specific accordance with the amended DRI Order set forth in Section I hereof and all requirements, terms and conditions established and set forth in the minutes of the Municipal Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach pertaining to the review and approval of said Application, which minutes together with the application for Development Improvement submitted by' ~(Yf(\I'.C)L'..~ ~Developer to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council on 1}.:~,1,~2r :. ; n-n, ~l1ld '::Upp1211l211tal m~lur:~',I~~:hl"itt2J lJ> H2.2r~ ; :'.~ : [~~,.. '.:'j~>~..:: i~ ~~1';ir_2:.:. l:~..:. '1: 1\ 11 -n ~~ ]] _...(\-..,(1 ~l\ld :~lPl~12Il1znul l11at2ri~ll ..l":n:t:c'\ "C'''J,''Ci'::, :"~"l,, 'b" L ,,[.:doc: :\i'2September 18,2002. is hereby made a part hereof by reference. Except as provided herein, the ,\pp I i"'IltDeveloper shall proceed in strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, including, but not limited to, its building, electrical, plumbing, subdivision, planning and zoning codes, and all rules and regulations of the State of Florida Department of Environmental r'2';:lbi,lllProtection, Section 5, That should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance, Section 6, All ordinances or parts or ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 12 006.268312,:,2 Section 7, This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, FIRST READING this day of , ~2002, SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this _ day of ~2002, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By: Mayor Vice Mayor Council Member Council Member Council Member ATTEST: City Clerk Corp. Seal I, n:r.n:>;' ['.'.['CTTT , City Clerk of the City of Boynton beach, Florida, do hereby certifY that the above is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No, ~ ;;"" as it appears in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, 13 006.268312.2,2 " , , City Clerk ,'" 1"\.1., . 2002 14 006.268312,2,2 EXHIBIT "C" Traffic Impact Analysis 006,266256.1 -8- MOTOROlA DRI NOPe #1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS '1 \))'),1" L ,Vt I l' J.~'" \)JINT f#' The proposal under this Notice of Proposed Change (NOpe) for the Motorola DR{ is to change the / land used designation from Industrial to Industrial and Local RetailComlTle!ci~L These specific land use designation changes, described in detail in Section 5 of the NOPC Application, represent proposed increases and decreases in land use intensities as well as a reallocation of approved land use designations and intensities. The purpose of this traffic analysis is to provide data and analyses of the traffic impacts associated with the proposed change such that a determination of substantial deviation can be made. LAND USE CHANGES There have been no previous modifications to the DRI, which was approved for 625,000 SF of manufacturing (induding ancillary office and storage) and 200,000 SF of Office. Based on this development plan it has been determined that the project is vested for 13,02~~ail)'.trips andJ,634 p~~_h()ur trips(Attachment 1). This then becomes the benchmark from which to compare the trip generation of the proposed land uses, o~", Attachment 2 provides a daily and peak hour trip generation analysis of the proposed Motorola development program. The proposed development plan is projected to generate a comparable number of daily trips as currently vested for the site. Both the AM peak hour and the PM peak hour trip generation of the proposed development plan are projected to be less than the currently vested trips. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not represent a substantial deviation. NOPC" 02~129 9-77~02 ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS The proposed development plan includes the addition of two (2) new driveways on Congress Avenue, One of these driveways will be located south of the Congress Avenue / Gateway Boulevard intersection and the second will be located south of the existing Congress Avenue / Motorola Access signalized intersection. The proposed northerly driveway will be a full median opening (allowing all movements) aligned with an existing driveway on the west side of Congress Avenue. The southerly driveway will allow right in and right out movements only. CONCLUSIONS NOPC #1 proposes simultaneous increases and decreases in allowable development intensities. Consequently, there are no projected increases in the vested number of new daily and peak hour trips. NOFC#702.T299-17.02 ,..,/ ((7, \ . r ATTACHMENT 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupotlollol u_...s . Communlly R__t ~r~i~~ August 29, 2002 Mr. Kahart M. Pinder, AlCP Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. 2324 South Congress Avenue Suite IH West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Motorola DR! Dear Mr. Pinder: I am responding to your letter to Michael Rumpf, dated August 26, 2002, regarding vested trips for the Motorola DR!. I concur with your assessment, that the Motorola DR! is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 PM pca1c hour trips, If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 561-742-6260. Sincerely, d~Axif~v Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Cherof, City Attorney S:\PIMlIiaa\5llAltED'>'NP\J'W~ DJU\P__T-*- ~.... City 01 BoyntDn Beach. 10C It BoynDl Be8ch Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . !lor Ileach, Flortda 33425.0310 H~;; ~i- .. l ~l' " t i . ~ f ! ~ f 8 l~~t P ~! l' ~ H H U51~ ~ ~ ~! ~ lOt too -1 -I" ';! UUU ~~~ A-=:"'Q1ii:::~~;::t.... ~..... 1"\...C1.........".,. ... :.~ ~. ~:=~$~~- ; - ~ 1.iB6~~:::~a~ ~ !!IOt~_ N..- ~ !I!m!m! ! la~~i~!SS3~ : ~~ Jj H ~~~U~~~ii ! ~~ ~ i hiiiia; t!3.....\D.........;_.., I! "': f'o! ~"'! "': . ""'... .,,~ tr:~lJ~~ ~ -. ~ , EO "'.5 .5 t;;;~;;;;; .5st ::!...IO ~...~ . - ....~ooon_....:!l:l...... t::a;:~~;gif~G;~ ~ h 1 " l'I;il~ ~ .3 '" 1<?1~~, r I t~.c1! Q ~ l!:lI"; n ' iH o~ldUU'; -, (\.- ~ ~^ 0- -;; - ~ -,-4, 'ct._~ .5 u. VI c 8 ;~ -..:& Z j ~ ,.; ~ , z <:> ~ r 0 .. II ... ~ n .1 " , 'i'~ c I~-~~.; ~\DVI'" ~ .g...... ~~- ~ ~ ~- - ~s:,.,...- 1'10""..... ~ >-~ -~ ~ S!...- " l ~~i"~ 8"''''0 ~ .... ._liUU lil(U .t:i:''''o~:!~ ::;;,.... ~:E CI 0>... 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N ('Of >- - ~ ~S:lI:"''''''''''''''''-' ~ l~'" ........~...::- ~ 1,..0\.-,t,D.........'" ~ .,.......00\...._... ~ .. - - - !~nLH~ ~ " J"'...:;:........"'''''... ~ ..,.... -- ~ ~! -I ~! l~~S~:2st:;j*::: ~ ..,.. ... "" ;; ... . "'''''1I'l...t,D0I~'''''' " ~~=O""N'" ,.._ "" -- ...- ~ >- ,~...~"''''......,.. 01 00\"'''''''_ Ii: JI - - i ;:::l' :::stt ~ &;~~~~sl ; ~ ! ;j~UI~lli~:lIi:l J II~~~U~~U pll:1~:Il~i~i!i ] ~o......=.." "'0 - ~ ~ ~~ jci ci , . >- EO .5 .5 J~ ....~...........:;;~........ 11 t'" ....VI'" ....... ~! d~J~ i~ll ~ - z !~ 12 ; iQ2~-N.O~- 'I .... - ;;a"'s-'" t:::"'N 110 OI~ u it ~ I Co ;; ... ~ lillj>-I '" ~ . ;;;) ! '7 Icl~ ~ j - ~ !2 Ii n !'E.~ oS U"~lh~z ~ H u a::Gl:Gl:QCiD,x e ea EXHIBIT "D" Proposed Master Development Plan 006,268256.1 -9- rn LAND USES Retail Industrial Multi Family/Retail Total IIA5:!: ae. 40.0'H: ae. 34.00:t ae. 85.54:t ae. mJ EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT ... PROPOSED RIGI-lT IN/RIGI-lT OUT ~ D _ 21El1'.l '"'" SCALE: 1". 4rzlrZl' ~!!!!I!!L_-.==~_-J~~ax Boulev~r~ J+- _ _ JL jL ;;:;:; iii =:=:=:=:=:=:=:::::::::::-= 0 =::o=o=_~~~~~:;; l:I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "'IIF-- II II II III I:: U I' /1:: :: II II II III II II lilli,' III II Ii! ii. ~IIII ~. 11111i II II III II III II. II II ~ III III ~ II III > II II <{III II tj) II II ti1111 III ~ III II. CP II II 5 II III u II II III II II II III III III III ~IIII ==== lil I" I II:: " " " I" " I" ~ I -.J I \ i c.......J Retail 3.50:t Ac. Industrial (Office Nare house/Manufactur ing) 40.0<::J:t Ac. EXI5TII<lGSTRUCTURE TO REMAIN J :::<( o ~+, On 0<" ,n " II, ", ::1 " " " II' ::1' " " " ", " " " " " " " " III " "t-- "I " " J :::<( o ~. &~ " Multi-family/Retail 34.00:1:- Ac. --------- LHDD Cmo\ L-22 ------- EXISTII<lG STRUCTURE TO REM"IN ~ I \ \ I , \ I \ ~ r " " " " ~ ~ 1 I I \ I I . I I I I --II r EXHIBIT "D" THE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 17 September, 2002 CPI-l Project No, D3722 ~ 1:: os -= U = o .~ .... ., .. ~ ~ = o .~ .... OS .~ ~ ~ .... .... =:l ~ - OS .~ .... = s '" -= = rFJ "'-l E-< .<: q~ 0+ Vl ~"'-l OC -Z ~~ ~U z <: .J ~ .J <: Z - C ~ o z <: s: o "'-l Vl ~ ~ ~ 8 "'-l .... <: u "'-l C Z <: ::c: u '" <l.> iiJ p" Vl ~ btJ8 ,13 ;g en ;&i U _ ~ <l.> OJ ~~~ '!to '!to '!to ~-:0 >"" ;-J "*.,: \j. 'v~ -"r. ./ ,.J , ~". '~~'''J,. l'~ '~ ,,~, ~ 't~ ~ (~ 'b i 1 u tl en en ~ ~ ~ :: "I:: g btJ ~ ~ 8 ..t:!.5 ~.. 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"-' o Q) 0. ;>, f-< en <=l o .~ en ~ <=l 1=i .S: Q) t:: a3 ~ l-t 8 ~ qCi 0-< ~ <6 '" N aJ <0 N <6 o o OCT-31-02 14:38 FROM: 10: 407S4-Q1743 PAGE t/7 r=OLEY:LARDNER ATTORNEVSAT LAW III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE lS00 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 3<S01,2386 P. D. SOX 219. ORlANDO, FLORIOA 32802,2193 TELEPHONE, 407.423,7656 FACSIMILE: 407.648,174.3 WWW.FOLEVLARDNER.COM 00 @ ~ U \'II ~ r0' ltT 3 I 2002 1[.0]. , PLANNING ANO lONING om TO: PHONE #: FAX#: Lusia Galav (561) 742-6262 (561) 742-6259 City of Boynton Beach FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION -1 Total # of Pages 1 (including this page) From: R Duke Woodson Sender's Direct Dial: 407.244.3247 Date: October 31, 2002 Client/Matter No: 031498-0124 User 10 No: 0823 MESSAGE: Please see attached. If there are any problems with this transmission or if you have not received all of the pages, please call 407.423.7656. ! Operator: L Time Sent: Return Original To: Diana L Roman CONFIOENllAUTY NOTICE; THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THlS FAC$rMILE MESSAGE lS INTENDED ONLY FO~ THE PERSONA,l. ANg CONFIOiHTlAL USE Of 'Wi ~~~ ~~~T~ ~. A.o~ THIS MbSSAGe MAy tll= AN AIIORNEY.QJeNT (;UMMU~Ir.;AIIUN. AND NS tiU{;H I~ I"'IaYIU:.G~ ANtI CON"'IU~T1AL II- .HI::. ~ OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE tN'rENDED RECIPIENT OR ANY AGIiNT RESPONSl8Ui FOR DEUVeRING IT TO lKE MENllEl> RECIPIENT, YOU ARE "EREsY NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE ll&CavED THIS IlOCUMENT IN I!I\ROR. AND THAT ANY REVIEW, OI$SEMINATlQN, DJS11llBUTlON OR COPYING OF THIS MeSSAC;E 1$ STRlCTLY _BIlEll. IF YOU HAVE RECElVEIl THIS COM.....N'CATlON IN ERROR, P~EASE NOTIFY us IMMEDIATa Y BY TQ.ePHONE ANt) RETURN TWI! ORIGINAL I4ESSAGE TO US BY MAIL THANK YOU. I XXX.XXXXXXXA Cover Page 1 of 1 F'Or FY R. I AtH'NI:'D OCT-31-02 14:38 FROM: ID:40784.Q1743 PAGE 2/7 2. Applicant Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. 908 S. Delaney Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Attn: Daryl M. Carter (407) 422-3144 Fax (407) 244-3155 3. Authorized Agent Foley & Lardner III North Orange A venue, Suite 1800 Orlando, Florida 32801 Attn: R. Duke Woodson, Esq. (407) 423-7656 Fax: (407) 648-1743 4. Location of approved DR! and proposed change. The Motorola DR! is located north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, south of Gateway Boulevard, east of Congress Avenue and west of Interstate 95 in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. The legal description of the subject property is attached hereto as "Exhibit" A". No changes are proposed to the DR! boundaries or lOCation. 5. Provide a complete description of the proposed change. Include any proposed changes to the plan of development, phasing, additional lands, commencement date, build-out date, development order conditions and requirements, or to the representatives contained in either the development order or the Application for Development Approval. The proposed change to the Motorola DR! includes the conversion of the 825,000 square feet of industrial and office land use entitlements for the property to 500 multi-family residential units, and 63,500 square feet of coinmercial space, 450,000 square feet of office space, and 128,000 square feet of warehouse space. There are no changes proposed to the DR! phasing, commencement date or build-out date, and no additional lands are proposed to be added to the DR! boundaries. The proposed changes to the Development Order for the Motorola DR! are included in Exhibit "B" attached hereto. A traffic impact analysis related to the proposed changes is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". Indicate such changes on the project master site plan, supplementing with other detailed maps, as appropriate. Additional information may be requested by the Department or any reviewing agency to clarify the nature of the change or the resulting impacts. 006,268256.2 -2- nr.T-~1-~? 14:4~ FROM: ~ ~ Eo- - ~ - c: E:l 1:: '" .:l U ..: ~ .~ - .. = 'S ... ... ~ Q = c .~ ... 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OJ) 0 0 ~ ...... d} ... ., 0. cJ.t::: :>.. <,z,E-< :;s ~ _ rrl e .:: 0.< o CI'l <: ..= 5-l 0 ~ 0 ._ l. '-t U ~~2 ~- = 8 c..o:Ic.. PAGE 7/7 . ' ~~ ':: ::: ~ ~ ;e:o ~~ ~~ " " ., '" CIlCl'l , '<t - , '" <: o ~ .~ '" = o ., -., ., ~~ 0& '-' .... .< 00 0< '" ,; ~ '" '" ,; g DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment January 2,2003 Mr. Daryl M, Carter Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc, 908 S, Delaney Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DRI- Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr, Carter: Please find attached a certified copy of Ordinance No. 02-061 approving the Motorola DRIA NOPC Amendment No. L Sincerely, ~ Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc, Jim Cherof, City Attorney S;\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTSIMotorola DRl\DR1\AppliClll'11 1d.3.dol City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: 1561\ 742..6350 . www_ci.bovnton~beach_or DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment January 2,2003 Mr. Bob Cambric Growth Management Administrator State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No, DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Cambric: Please find attached a certified copy of Ordinance 02-061 approving the Motorola DRIA NOPC Amendment No, 1, Sincerely, fn- Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. Jim Cherof, City Attorney S;\PlanningISHAREDlWPlPROJECTS\MOIorola DRI\DRl\DCA let2_rtf City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd" P.Q, Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: 1561l742~350 . www.cLbovnton.beach.OI' DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning - Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment January 2,2003 Mr. James Snyder Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301-E Ocean Boulevard #300 Stuart, PI 34994 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No, DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Snyder: Please find attached a certified copy of Ordinance No. 02-061 approving the Motorola DRIA NOPC Amendment No. I. Sincerely, ~r- Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. Jim Cherof, City Attorney S:\Planning\SHAREDIWPIPROJECTSIMotorola DRI\DRIV..pproval ltnt( City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 3342S-ll310 Phone: 15611742-6350 . www_ci.bovnton-beach.or :1 i','" ,/ 'C~"lc'~.b,"_r ~ '''' c; ~ ,; , . ~ ~,:;;U~o' 'Wi' ;il-"-~ ~ T R,;+.<~~~~,~"'~~ !I ..'D;~~l.U iJlh t~hcU\2JNtia ~~:l [liQ~ .~. " ' ~C;;, 9~~1~ - 'iiO,.>r""'J 'iI"Z.,..,--ili.=-U ":',.. '. r~' _~i...l.1I:iI "'-'---72-f~::- ~~ I" ~~':'\JL' ., ... .. '. c .' ~; . '~--1' I", Ii III ~ " .' !~ ,-" JIl: - 1\; ~~~'i~~"~" ~~' ~~'(!~C. '~~~~ c, &<, r.. J={ ~ t I~'- ~~i~)~;~=~ti~~i:;~~! 05~)b"'~~C~-:; December 13,2002 Mr, Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 DEe ' 6 2002 Subject: Motorola Development of Regional Impact Notification of Proposed Change Dear Mr, Rumpf: In accordance with the requirements of Section 380,06(19), Florida Statutes (F,S,), we have reviewed the "Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI)" (NOPe) for the Motorola DRI dated September 17, 2002, The NOPC proposes to change the existing plan of development to allow development of 500 multi-family residential units, 450,000 square feet of office space, 63,500 square feet of retail space including shops and restaurants, and 128,000 square feet of self storage space. The applicant submitted additional information on October 23, 2002 requesting the inclusion of a conversion matrix to allow changes in the plan of development to occur without the need to amend the development order, Council had concerns with the proposed changes including the proposed conversion matrix, The applicant submitted a letter on December 10, 2002 stating that the applicant would no longer be requesting a conversion matrix and provided additional information to address Council's other concerns, Based on this information, Council has determined that the proposed change will not create any additional regional impacts and, therefore, does not object to the proposed change, However, an annual report for the Motorola DRI has not been submitted since January 1985, The applicant should submit an annual report for the project each year to be in compliance with the development order. Also, the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Treasure Coast Region encouragef the formation of sustainable neighborhoods and communities, Sustainable communities s~ould include a compatible mix of land uses, well designed and maintained public spaces, builpings and infrastructure, and a network of interconnected streets designed for various transportftion -Bringing Communiti"s Tog"th"r' . Est. 1976 301 East Ocean Boulevard - Suite 300 - Stuart, Florida 34994 Phone (772) 221-4060 _ SC 269-4060 - Fu (772) 221-4067 - E.mail - ad'min~tr.rnc ocl> Mr. Michael W, Rumpf December 13, 2002 Page 2 modes, Council strongly encourages continued efforts to provide for mixed-use development in the City. However, it is equally important that mixed-use development is done correctly, There must be a true integration and appropriate mix of uses, not simply more than one use on the property, There should be not only a fully integrated mix of uses but also a network of streets, sidewalks, and bicycle paths and an accommodation for present or future use of transit, There should be both a vertical and horizontal integration of land uses, and the land uses should be of a type and nature that are appropriate and complementary to the area to be served, The DR! master plan included with the proposed amendment materials does not incorporate all the best components of mixed-use development. Council is available to assist the City in working with the developer of the property to ensure that the proposed development contains all the important components of good mixed-use development. Please call if you have any questions, Sincerely, b~f;w DR! Coordinator cc: Ken Metcalf, FDCA R. Duke Woodson, Applicant - ___.._,..._._.___._____..________~______'__~_____~_.._____n_ _.._____. DEC-13-2002 09:59 P.01 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCtt 301 EAST OCEAN BOULEVARD SUITE 300 STUART, FLORIDA 34994 PHONE: 772-221-4060 FAX: 772-221-4067 FAX TRANSMISSION Date: 121131c 'Z- Fax Number: .( sr.i') 'lL.f;(;- G, '2.. c; q Number of Pages (including cover sheet): 3 op':rator: To: L......,. i.a... Go. \'<l.v From: ~'f<' s.'(\':irJ~-r Project: Y'f\ () \'t.r\ti \.t.l \0 XU::: Comments: , I DEC-13-2002 09:59 P.02 December 13,2002 Mr. Michael w, Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach lOO E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 I ' IroJ, ~ @ ~ Q W ~ rn1 W DEe I 3 200l ~ ! PLANNiNG ,1NO -- Z0rJl!iQ_nXPl Subject: Motorola Development of Regional Impact Notification of Proposed Change Dear Mr, Rumpf' In accordance with the requirements of Section 380,06(19), Florida Statutes (F,S;), we fu!,ve reviewed the "Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI)" (NOPe) for the Motorola DRI dated September 17,2002.: ' The NOPC proposes to change the existing plan of development to allow development of ~oo multi-family residential units, 450,000 square feet of office space, 63,500 square feet of retail space including shops and restaurants, and 128,000 square feet of self storage space. The applicant submitted additional infonnation on October 23, 2002 requesting the inqlusion of a conversion matrix to allow changes in the plan of development to occur without the need to amend the development order. Council had concerns with the proposed changes including the proposed conversion matrix. The applicant submitted a letter on December 10, 2002 stating that the applicant would:no longer be requesting a conversion matrix and provided additional information to address Council's other concerns. Based on this information, Council has determineid that the proposed change will not create any additional regional impacts and, tberefore, does not object to the proposed change. However, an annual report for the Motorola oiRI has hot been submitted since January 1985, The applicant should submit an annual report for the project each year to be in compliance with the development order, I .1 Also, the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Treasure Coast Region encouragep the formation of sustainable neighborhoods and communities. Sustainable communities s~~d include a compatible mix of land uses, well designed and maintained public spaces, bUilfP, gs and infrastructure, and a network of interconnected streets designed for various transpo~on -Bri"Ki.., C"._....ities T"Kl!ther- . Est. 1976 301 12.&lt Ol:C;I,A Bo.lc-y..rd . Sllll~ !Oo - SIDl.rl. Florid. 34.'94 P"oee (112) Jll.406D _ SC 26'-4;060 - P"}I (772) 221-.067 - It_ID;I,U - 'ul....i..~..iH'DII: on DEC-13-2002 10:00 Mr. Michael W, Rumpf December 13,2002 Page 2 P.03 modes. Council strongly encourages continued efforts to provide for mixed-use de,veJ.opmimt in the City. However, it is equally important that mixed-use development is dOm? correclty, There must be a true integration and appropriate mix of uses, not simply more than ~e uselon the property. There should be not ooly a fully integrated mix of uses but also a networ~ of , . streets, sidewalks, and bicycle paths and an acconunodation for present or fut\Jre use j of transit. There should be both a vertical and horizontal integration of land uses, ~ the ~d uses should be of a type and nature that are appropriate and complementary to the area toi be served. The DR! master plan included with the proposed aDI""dment materia1~ does ~ot incorporate all the best components of mixed-use development. Council is available to asSist the City in worldng with the developer of the property to ensure that the: propoSed development contains all the important components of good mixed-use developmeJrt, . Please call if you have any questiOIl$, Sincerely, b1~ DRI Coordinator cc; Ken Metcalf, FOCi\. R. Duke Woodson, Applicant TOTAL P.03 Department of Engineering and Public Works P.G. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684.4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell. Chairman Carol A. Roberts, Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman ~All Equal Opportunity Affirmative Aerion Emp!oyer~ @ printed on recyclsd papsr Of\:. I 1 ?GO? December 12, 2002 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE: Motorola DRi .. Revised TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REViEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the previously approved DRI entitled; Motorola DRI, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County land Development Code, The project is summarized as follows: Location: Southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard intersection. Boynton Beach 13,020 Daily, 1,634 Peak Hour 450,000 SF General Office, 500 Multi Family Residential Units, 15,000 SF Daycare, 10,000 SF High Quality Restaurant, 6,000 SF High Turn-over Restaurant, 8,000 SF Fast Food Restaurant, 20,000 SF General Retail, 4,500 SF Bank & DT, and 128,000 SF Warehouse, 12,837, and 1,402 Peak Hour Trips 2005 Municipality: Vested DRI Trips: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: Build-out: Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the revised DRI is projected to generate less trips than what was previously approved, and therefore meets tho Traffic Perforrr:~mce Sli,,"dards of Pa!m Beach County, Based on the peak hour forecasts provided by the consultant, It is however suggested that the following project access driveways turn-lanes to be provided: . Southbound left-turn lanes along Congress Avenue, onto the northern and the middle driveways. . Northbound right-turn lanes along Congress Avenue, onto the southern and the middle driveways. . Westbound left-turn lane along Gateway Boulevard, onto the eastern driveway, . Eastbound right-turn lane along Gateway Boulevard, onto the eastern driveway, -_._--_._~-----------~-----_.. I. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, /vr Masoud Atefi, MS Sr. Engineer - Tra cc: Pinder Troutam Consulting Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F :\TRAFFIClmalAdminlApprovalsI021 016,doc 10. PAGE 2/3 DEC-1S-02 08_48 FROM. 1211312662 16; 26 5~14j4'- 1 DtC.13.2lIII2 S:.... ~.,- TRFFTIC ENG r. 11'-'" I IJ --.... Ma _a.- __....."'..I..I:l;IIJ ....Il~ ~.41Ip J...J!'Ift j .......- _11- Ii 1 _11.-- CIId~__CIIIIr ...-To... ..,-. -- ....- -...- .,..........~ A .......- ., .... ......~_... ....--- 0,......,-- I.L'_" 1".2 \.frc-01.-''U' HO.~ c-....... 1:1. 2CI02 ~ @ ~ W ~ W. I .111 OEC,~J.~ .J~)l ",i I" ,] .- . ,. .--')"' ~ Mr. MiCIlMI RIIIlfi ~P\InllIllI & Zllni18 CIIr Ill"'" 8eeClI 10Cl E-* ~.. ,....-!IId ~~ Fl IS42& 0&10 I'E: ....... DRl-...... TRAFFIC ,.ORJI"~ STARDARD'~ l)III'Mf. ~ j Th- ~ SIIIdI Cclllntr "I'AIlIio QNIIlon - ......, ilia ~~' -.. ~ DIU IIIllII:d; IlRI puIIUIntlD 1111 ~ _.......::=15111__.......ceuntr........~MlCllG.. PJlllIl;t ilI....-IDd -~ I ~: llOIllIwMt _ d ear..-. AIt8IIl8 ~...- ."'. IlJrtlIDIl ...... 1s,l12ll o.~. 1.11'1 ,..... Hour ~,OOO Sf GIMN omc-. 500 d ...,., unb. l$,OQO Sf ~ 10,oao SF __,"r4.6,OOOSf'MiII"~ "-lFood......... ao.llllOSF ~ ... & or. ...s 1211,llQD SF w.. alttluIe. 12,&31.. 1All2 PeIIk Hu'Tl\IlI 2Oll5 MuI'lC\p"-" ....D111 T~ .,... tUlle: .... ~TrII* .. - """' e.ed on _ ~. ... TmIiC ~ ... 0IIIft!I.... Ir1at ... jllljl lr~ID___. '-~_..- ~1llUIIf1lflPO'lllll. and .. TllIIllll NiIll...~1Ilt ~. at NIm Il8Bd1 QlW~. IllIMll gn ...m" ..lMlI8d bf' __ ~ It It ~" _ ...... ...fol ....- drW. ...lUl'll4llIIlD ll" ~ . $oolIIIblllllld IBMutU'. *V ea.._........ anlDlhe - the mIrtolla dm. ..~ .. NOJllIllG\IlIIl~....JIIor1ll~A....\IlllC)Ihe+-mllllll the IIIlddIlI dJ1\IlI'" \ . ~ Ieft.tIItIIInII *"9 ~I' 'II\" 1IaIIIlMnI. QrfD~..-n dm.. 1tJ. . EaatllclulI~ right.tum Ill'" 1l!an8 GIIlI'~ 1iIoll\lV8l'll. 01110 IIIlIl8m d.w-Y. 1 I \ I OEC-1S-02 08,49 FROM, DEC. 13.2e8e # ; < . . .,.... 5:l!2PM PAGE 3/3 [0, : TRl'Ff'IC ENG r<<l.~ P.3 i i I . I . I, .yau l'IM enyqll8lllona regllll"mg lhiI"'IfI'IIn_1I, pieIIA llClII\1d me,~ --.. , 0FflCl! Ofi THE MIRUd.-rt, Sr. e......... /Y7. . . " g;;..".TIlII*m CaIslIdng I.... I'k G.weI .lJllI. '*'" . TNftIc Sludr R.oIoor I';\TJWlJ't(;.hW~.AAppr~'O'II'" '. f , DEc-tS-02 08.48 FROM: ID: PAGE 1/3 FOLEY:LARDNER ATTORNEYS AT LAW 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801.2a86 P. 0, aox 2193 ORLANOO, FLORIDA 32802.2193 TELEPHONE: 407,423,1656 FACSIMILE: 407,648,1743 WWW.FOLEYLARONER.COM FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION Total # of Pages 3 (including this page) TO: PHONE #: FAX #: l Lusia Galav (561) 742-6262 (561) 742-6259 City of Boynton Beach From: R. Duke Woodson Sender's Direct Dial: 407,244.3247 Date: December 16,2002 Client/Matter No: 031498-0124 User 10 No: 0823 MESSAGE: Please see attached. If there are any prOblems with this transmission or if you have not received all of the pages, please call 407.423.7656. Operator: TIme Sent: Retum Original To: Diana L Roman I xxxXXXlO<X,J<A CONAD&Nl1AUTY NOTlC", THE FORMATIOII CONT-'lNED IN THIs FACSlMIU! MESSAGE IS INTEND ONLY FOR THE PEl\SONAL AND CONFIDI!NTIAL uSE OF EO AN . E IlEAOEIl OF THIS MESSAGe IS NOT TIlE IN'tENDED QClPII1NT OR ANt AGENT Il.ESPON$lEOLE FOR DEl.lVERlNG rr TO THE 1NTIiN0ED RECIPIENT, YOU ~ H"'lESY NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAIlE RECEIVED THIS DOCUMENT IN ERROR. AND THAT ANt REVIEW. DISSEMINATION, DfSlRIBUTlON OR COPYING OF THIS MESSAGE IS S1RICTI.Y PROIIISIl'ED. IF YOU NAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR. PLE.AS.e NOTIFY us IMMEDIATELY BY TELliPHON& AND ~IIN THE ORIGINAL MQsAGE TO us BY MAIL. TlWIK you. Cover Page 1 of 1 FOLEY &. LARDNER /-- _.._-..,.,,~~'" /', -( Yo"" " .' v --~-""'~ "t!! / / " '\)~) Ul( iUJ "O~ /~';i ..'1t'/'ON ~~ . .' FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: .d I).{ $;.1./1.( DEtC LU!irIA 6ALAtI ~ FAX: 712- -- :22) - L(o~ FROM: DATE: /J- /2-0:6 NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) $" RE: ;!uJ-oruJ-It:<-- ;1!of'(! /frne;,dj!l("~ #- / d-; ;t1 I ~ .=J &v~ ?d'oI. ""- ('of} I2.ff!'YcV+c; Y;-e /';1.A-ved -4..a./L. /~tl cd:: ~ /J-(/-f.(C2 l1.hJ,(Jk2r~. ~ 00/ d ~c;UAXJd J t1 M U1f tUt?i>cC, dd-0- ~ If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. DEC-10-02 08.18 FROM~ ]D: PAGE 1/2 iOLEVILARDNEt< ATTORNEYS AT LAW III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANOO, FLORIOA 32801,2386 ill R (iU Ii: II \IJ1 ~ ~\' P.0,13OX21~3 0 IS \19 IS U \'J ~ I, OR'-ANDO, FLOAIDA 32802,2193 ' TEI.EPHONE: 407.423.7656 j' FACSIMilE: 407,648.1743 nrf' , 0 '1M') WWWFOLEYI.ARDNER,COM m:\I ~ FACSIMILE TRANSMISSIO PlANNINGANO ZONING om Total # of Pages 2 (including this page) TO: PHONE #: FAX#: Lusia Galav (561) 742-6262 (561) 742-6259 City of Boynton Beach From: R. Duke Woodson Sender's Direct Dial: 407.244.3247 Date: December 10, 2002 Client/Matter No: 031498-0124 User ID No : 0823 MESSAGE: Please see attached. If there are any problems with this transmission or if you have not received all of the pages. please call 407,423.7656. Operator: Time Sent: Return Original To: Diana I. Roman CONFIOENTlAUTY NOTICE: Tl<" INFORMATION CONTAINED IN Tl<1S FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR Tl<E PERSoNAL AND CONADEN'"-'l. USE OF THe D~""NAII:I;J ftBCIPIhNUi NAMtiIJ ABUVC. TH1S M~ijili MAl tli:: AN ATTORNi::y.cUENT GUMMUNK;A,l1QN. AnLJ A:i ;w\,;n ~ ~VIL..t:{jeg AND t;UNFWIiNllAL II- IHE REAIlER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOi THe: lNTENDED RECIPIENT OR ANY AGIKT RESPONSIBLE FOR DEUVERlNG .T TO Tl<E INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARI! HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT you HAVE ItECElVED Tl<1S DOCUMENT IN ERROR. AND THAT ANY AEVIEW,llISSEMlHATTON, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF '!HIS MESSAGE IS S11Ucn.Y I'IlOHIBJTED. IF YOU HAVE RE~ '!HIS COMMUNICATION IN ER~Of\, PLEASE NOTIFY us IMMEOlAlELY Ff( 1liJ.B'HON~ -"NO RETURN TIoE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US BY MAIL THANK You. xxx.xxxxxx.XA Cover Page 1 of 1 FOLEY & LARDNER . II DEC-10-02 09.18 FROM: SAuSSELS CHiCAGo 0"'_ CETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGElES MADISON MILWAUKEe ORLANDO SAeAAMENTO SAN gII::GO/OC:L lMR SAN ~NCISCO TAlLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGiON. D.C. WEST PALM l5tACH 10, PAGE 2/2 FOLEY:LARDNER A T TOR N E V $ LAW A T December 10,2002 Via Facsimile Jim Snyder DR! Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 Re: Motorola DRI Dear Jim: AJ; we discussed today, the applicant for the amendment to the Motorola DR! no longer requests the addition of a conversion matrix in the conditions of approval. Thank you for your continued assistance with the processing of this application. RDW:dr cc: Lusia Galav Jeff Douglas FO(EY & LARONER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE. SUITE lSOO ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32S01.2386 p, 0, aox 2193 ORLANOO, FLORIDA 32802,2193 TELo 407 .423J6~6 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOLEYLARONER.COM Yours truly, .~<.JKE R. Duke Woodson WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407,244,3247 EMAIL ADORESS fWOOdSOnOfOlf!:jlaw.com CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498-0124 006,278999.1 12/09/2002 17:29 5&14341.&&3 PINDER TROUTMAN. PAGE 01 "MDE. TltOCITMflM CortSULnrtG, I MC. b1......bdiu., Plar.ilel5 and EnF e el! Fax Transmittal Form DATE: Deamber 9, 2002 TIME: 4:44 PM Mr. Chon Wong FOOT, District 4 (954) 777-4671 n w m Ofr.'O. rn TO: COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: PHONE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: ~ Motorola DRI #PTC02-129 PLANNiNG AND Z~NiNC DfP1 NUMBER OF PAGES INClUDING COVER: 6 Copies to: Ms. Lusia Galav 742-6259 ~ W I Enclosures o o o D o Urgent 0 As Requested 0 For Review 0 Please Reply ~ Original Will Follow Message: Revised trip generation. From the desk of.... ICahart M. Pinder, A1CP Principal ......... n_b...1I (-"hili. 1IIc. 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 PTC 561-434-1644 Fax 561-434-1663 E-mail -ptc@pindertroUtman.com 12/09/2002 17:29 .5614341663 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 02 PINDER TROOTMflN CONSULTING. INC. Transportation Planners and Engineers December 5,2002 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 3340& (5&1) 434-1&44 Fax 434-1&&3 www.pindertroutman.com Mr, James T. Snyder, AICP Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Blvd., Suite 300 Stuart, Fl 34994 Re: Motorola ORI- #PTC02-129 Dear Mr. Snyder: The following infonnation responds to romments from the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOn in the letter of December 2,2002. A revised Attachment 2 - Trip Generation and revised internal matrices are attached. 1. Comment: Response: 2. Comment: Response: 3. Comment: Response: 4. Comment: Response: 5. Comment: Response: 6. Comment: Response: 7. Comment: Response: Inconsistencies still exist related to the uses and intensities shown in . Attachment 2- Revised". The land uses and intensities shown in Attachment 2- Revised are the land uses and intensities proposed for the site. A revised response to NOPe Question 5 and the Substantial Deviation Determination chart have previously been provided under separate cover. Buildout Date The response is provided under separate cover. land Uses The revised response to NOPe Question 5 and the Substantial Deviation Determination chart will darify the uses and intensities. Day Care and Retail/Restaurant internalization. Internal capture between the Day Care Center and the Retail{Restaurant has been reduced to 2". PM peak hour internal capture from Residential to OffICe should be zero (0). The PM peak hour internal capture from Residential to Office has been reduced to zero (0). Pass-by reduction for High Quality Restaurant, Bank and Retail are excessive. The pass-by rates for these uses have been reduced as requested. A revised trip generation table showing internalization and pass-by reductions is attached. Trip generation rate for Office use. The trip generation rate (equation) for Office use has been changed to ITE 6'" Edition. This does not change the study results. LetllN Snyder 02-729 72.5-02 iDi 12/09/2002 17:29 5614341&63 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 03 Mr. James T. Snyder, A1CP Re: Motorola DRI- #PTC02-129 DecemberS,2002 Page 2 8. Comment: Response: PM peak hour trips for retail are incorrectly computed. The error in the PM peak hour spreadsheet has been corrected and a revised table is attached. If you require additional information please contact this office. KMP/ldr Attachments .cr:: Gustava Schmidt Maria Tejera lusia Galav Masoud Atefi Jeff Douglas Duke Woodson ~' L_SnJder02-729 72-S.oz ~ 12/09/2002 17:29 5614341663 PINDER TROUn1Ai'! 'Uii I-U I ii I ! i r! I ~I~ !lIe 11= yll ..~ g~.. . o'rl" ~~25 . ~D[I ~. ... ..liIi ..::; . . . ! so ..~ .. .. . J 3 ~ I' ~ ! ~ ... . . . .. ~ ~ n~ . ~mll . I I . I! ~ ~ . 0 . " 5'. .. . . n~ ~ J ~3 1 ! , i I 1 I ~ 1 ~ I · I I ] I , 11] J i I i ! 1 . ! Ii] I 1 ! jl . i I i l ~ I 1 f ~ I f f 1 f f , f ' , I I j I . I ~I ] 1 J ) . . II , a L ~ I ;~! OJ ..12 i 0 " .. .. Hi ! u OJ J ........... . I " " i". ." < " .. dl ~ . PAGE 04 12/09/2002 17:29 5614341.663 lIll!N- _S;915 ;-~t ~ g .. fi I .. ii ~ ;; Et ~ ~ 1"1: ..o~......~ ~... . . . ::~:::;5t... ' - ~ ::l > N :! t"IN.... .... - ;!; ~ ,.; ~2"'SC::cJlflN""'C ~::II:1!~,,~~~~ ..........""'... fl'tC'\llr- :8 ... :!! .. ~ -~ -... i"" ...............n...~ ..+ I,I:llnl,l:lcn+OIl 8;?UU~U li~~~~~~~; Ie: ~I~!~~ '" '" .. 5 5 f ! ! . 1 I 1 ~ ':'sl III il ~';OO"''''N;:S;~C'\II- r;:";::~~;;CJCJa;~ ! 11 ~ PINDER TRoun1AN. " ~CJl,""'NID"'iN a ;l; ..." "''''I'")...N ""' on....... ......... ~ , .. .....;N..,,.....~........a .. ...a:: co....... \DlD_ ~ " " I ~~~::l2:i1~:ii:! ~ .5 :ll ~I~~UUU ,:-000........,,"'.......0 .e .............1"4 H ~~:~~ :::: . - ' N I.~r ~.........., IN."", ~ ~ l"'l U')..,...t"'I ... ~ ........_ N_N , .. ... ":IN...........'......., ~ ~; CONtot:: 2'- ;;~<"l.....-i......, ~ .5 _........l'fl~ ~_ ~~ !g!!!!H ~ ... ...,N___""_ :!! )..0\0....0"'..,"''''''- ~ ............. roINl""I ::l ~~ H ~I~o m ~ ~$~ u ~ ..-0\"'>0 .............. M.... NN.... .. ~ ....s..,....>OCPlI'O)..,'" .. !~ QNNN_N.... ~ po. ...- ....-.- .. s:8oU~~~!~::: ~ ~ .5 ~ - ~- m ~ ;;;;;;sco~~f .... "'~"'.J -. - ~K"" N CS"_ :c....B."'~""M..,... s.........ir..:;r;rojiir V;\ClII),^,^U'l"": VI 1 ~~nn~n +~"'!~i~.5~~ _ci~"':cirooi~~ci ~.... ....M j ~ ci "C...: . .. . E l .. 5 i ~d~t);~~~~~~ I h~~~~J~~~~ .. - " ~ !; !OO..,....N...ON- I =- ....N"'MMt;3:i1-otl i _ .....N...,caGO 0\..- ! ~ , z I rs I - ... i! I d 1 ~ " l~'. , .. ::> '! I: ~:z::! .5 .1 0 :z: ~ ' '" ~ ! n 11111::1::1: - .. e t! j r' H U~I~I ~ PAGE 05 12/09/2002 17:29 5614341663 PINDER TROUTMAIi IIi) III IjJO[i] ii .~. i i . . I IjJ 0 -- .~~! r! - - ~ i h~ ~ 1!~ 'I gt ~~8 . , ! ! :: 5 5 ~~[11 ~ . ~ . 1jj~[1J (j ~- . ~ . !! !3 11, ~ ~ ~ . . ! . . i~~ . J ~ ~3 !1 t . J . I I 1 I ~ j ~ I ]' I I I , 11) 1 t I i ! J . J - i 1 I . 1~!11 . J I , 1 ] - . 1 . ! l f i I f I 1 I f , f ' , IIi ~II ) ! ! n - - "1 ~ ~:i_ I u.~ " .. . ."~ i o. .. " .. .. ;;! g ! u OJ I ~~~! . I OJ < m~ " .. !-I ~ . ~ PAGE 06 PINDEit TROUTMAN CONSULTING. INC. Transportation Planners and Engineers December 5,2002 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434.1644 Fax 434.1663 wwvv. prndertroutman.com Mr. James T. Snyder, AICP Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Blvd., Suite 300 Stuart, Fl 34994 2.2002 Df:G Re: Motorola DRI - #PTC02-129 Dear Mr. Snyder: The following information responds to comments from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) in the leLter of December 2, 2002. A revised Attachment 2 - Trip Generation and revised internal matrices are attached. 1. Comment: Response: 2. Comment: Response: 3. Comment: Response: 4. Comment: Response: 5. Comment: Response: 6. Comment: Response: 7. Comment: Response : Inconsistencies still exist related to the uses and intensities shown in "Attachment 2- Revised". The land uses and intensities shown in Attachment 2- Revised are the land uses and intensities proposed for the site. A revised response to NOPC Question 5 and the Substantial Deviation Determination chart have previously been provided under separate cover. Buildout Date The response is provided under separate cover. land Uses The revised response to NOPC Question 5 and the Substantial Deviation Determination chart will clarify the uses and intensities. Day Care and Retail/Restaurant internalization. Internal capture between the Day Care Center and the Retail/Restaurant has been reduced to 2%. PM peak hour internal capture from Residential to Office should be zero (0). The PM peak hour internal capture from Residential to Office has been reduced to zero (0). Pass-by reduction for High Quality Restaurant, Bank and Retail are excessive. The pass-by rates for these uses have been reduced as requested. A revised trip generation table showing internalization and pass-by reductions is attached. Trip generation rate for Office use. The trip generation rate (equation) for Office use has been changed to ITE 6th Edition. This does not change the study results. letter Snydcr02-129 12-5~02 Ui Mr. James T. Snyder, AICP Re: Motorola DRI - #PTC02-129 December 5, 2002 Page 2 8. Comment: Response: PM peak hour trips for retail are incorrectly computed. The error in the PM peak hour spreadsheet has been corrected and a revised table is attached. If you require additional information please contact this office. KMP/ldr Attach ments cc: Gustavo Schmidt Maria Tejera Lusia Galav Masoud Atefi Jeff Douglas Duke Woodson letfer Snyder 02-129 12-5-02 Pi ~q: / ~~~ -~ ~ ~lL ~ sn~ 5 ~ !jJ 0 ~ ~g~~ . ~ I ......"'<1; r."~ . ~ . i . :;;~ gg~ -~8 ';':'~!!!~ i i ~ r- --- ~ j-'j . . 1 -" 1 ~ . i .~ . j .- <: :;; ~ :iI$gg i I i W __Mg . " . ! j ~ ! .~. > w . ] . ~ - i ! 00 . ~~ ! > ! . I , i ] g ] ! ! > , ~ ] . g ! . ~ ! ~ i ] . i . , ~ ., ~ ~ ~ l . 1 I j i I . . . ~ E $ . ~ , .~ ;; . . . " ! 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" ~ .~ c ~ . l;:j6~~~~~l;:jl;:j g~gg888gg c:i l()~ 6 o.li cO ci ..,.- cO l.I'l .......... N N ~ - ~~ ~~~g~2~~:;; ~ :s ." c ~ ~ o E." ,> , 0 I~ ~~ ~I]i ;Q I~ 5i , o L e .5 ~_ . ~ > . ~~~~~ (5~ G.> G.> J ::;J ::;J ::; _ ' B !.!~~~t2~'I9~~ ~~~~&~&~] I ~'" o ~ N o ~, ~ '" M '" ~ '" ~ ~ N M ~ '" - ro '" '" '" o ~ '#. ~ '" M N M '" '" "'. ;; ~. ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ M '" ~ "* . > " D , o - :E ~ ~ I i ~ ~ E c . ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ DEC-04-02 14:12 FROM: ID:40764~1743 PAGE 1/3 FOLEV:LARDNEt-< ATTORNEYS AT lAW ~- 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENU~, SUITE 1800 I ~ L- -- ,;, ORLANDO, FlORIDA 3<!S01.2386 '{ D '" P. O. BOX 2193 r:. i" ORlANDO, FLORIDA 32802.21BS ! q TELEPHONE. 407.423 7656 I FACSIMILE. 407048,1743 L .. i tJtc _ 4 WWW.FOLEYLA~DNER.COM f' FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION L TO: PHONE #: FAX#: Lusia Galav (561) 742-6262 (561) 742-6259 City of Boynton Beach Total # of Pages 3 (including this page) From: R. Duke Woodson Sender's Direct Dial: 407.244.3247 Date: December 4, 2002 Client/Matter No: 031498-0124 User 10 No: 0823 MESSAGE: Please see attached. If there are any problems with this transmission or if you have not received all oUIle pages, please call 407.423.7656. Operator: Time Sent: Return Original To: Diana I. Roman COHFIDENTlAUTY NonCE: TH~ INFORMAnON CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR nlE PERSONA!. AND CONFlDENlW. use OF ~ ~l;~~ = ~. IHIS '''''''''''''' MAy "" AN AI'''''''.Y",,"1.l''''T CUMMUNIl;AlJON, ANU AS CK v ~ JCJt- ~ HE READeR OF TIllS Mlii:SSAGe: IS NOT THE INTENDEO RECIPIENT OR AtlY AGENT 1tUP00SlBLI FOR ~NG rr TO THE IN~oal REeIP'IiNT. you ARE HER&8Y NOnFl&O THAT YOu HAVE ""CEMiD TIII$ DOCUMENT IN ERROR, AND TlfAT AAY REVIEW, D1SSEMINAnON, ClSTRJBUTI(lN OR C~NG Of' nllS MESSA.GE IS S1'RIclLY PROHIBIn:o. IF YOU HAVE RSCEIVED TNIS COMMUNlCAnON IN ERROR, Pl.EA$E NOnFY US IMMiDIATE~Y IlY TElEPHONE AND IlETlIRN THE 0RIG1NAJ.. MESSAGe TO us RY MAIL 'nfANK VOU. XXX.l()Q()()()U(A Cover Page 1 of 1 FOLEY & LARDNER DEC-04-02 14:13 FROM: 12/03/2002 17:dG 5614341 ID=4076481743 PI:-UJtY I !-:..,Ii.ll r...1~~J - PAGE 2/3 : ';:";~,c. ~l JEB lIlJSH GOVERNOR . .~ Florida Department of Transportation OFFICE OF l'LANNlNGMll DlVJRONMENTAL MAl'I....GElIlJ:NT _ DlSTR.Icr. 3400 Wcs: C<>........;." Blvd., 3~ F100t, Ft. La_, FI3J31l9.342! . Te1eplwno: (9S4) m-4liOl; Fax: (954) n7-4471 Toll F= N_ 1-866.J:J6..843' flrc.o 2-12..Q TIlOMAs F,IlA.RRY, 11\. "CJlET....Ry December 2. 2002 Mr. Il1lDCS T. Snydl:a- DR! CoordiDator Tl'elIIlR Coast R~al PilIIming CowoQJ 3Q I East Oc:em Boulevard, Suite 300 sm.rt. Flaida 34994 Dear Mr. Soydec; SUBJECT: Motorola DeveIopmeot oIll~ ImpBc:t (DRJ) City ofRo,.. BeaclI, Palm Beoach Comlty N.,nf;.-.timo or Proposed n.."V (NOPe) -1lapoDse to C-u The Department has completed B review of the Response to Con1111f'Jftts letter submitted by Pinder Troutman COlI$lllti.ng. Ioc dated November 13, 2002, in aupport of the Motorola DR! NOPC. The letter and the supporting waterials were submitted in response to the Department's initial review comments of October 21,2002. Our comments on the App!ic:ant's recent submittal of November 13, 2002 are as foDows: Proposed Land-Ule Do.lvdopm.eut l'IaIl: I. The Dc:partmeot Co-'" ..1. 1hat ;nN"m.j"'......;.., still exist relal<:d to tbc uses aad intlmsities shown in "Att_I'.""l42 - Rmsecrsincetbc informaliQllr=wPns 'lII(:!>'l1lgrd iaDprevious submittals. The applicam sL*s 1hat tbc ~ have bc:a3 resolved. however, no revUed rcspoose to NOPC ~ 5 nor the Suh$bntial Deviation ~ chart have been provided. The lIIlOlicant should omvidc all uodaU:d documcDts aPd cxln'bils Io~. ",b.d.c that iDternal inooasistcncies have bcca resolved. . 2.. The Mobobt DRI AppIicattion fO!" Development Approval (ADA) IIIIIicipaft;d all uses 1.0 be compkfc aad 0IX:Upicd in Year 2000. The c:um:IIl NOPe c:aIls fur """"".....! davelopmem oftbc Motorola site without a specified buildout date. The applicant needs to state a proposed buiIdout Y=f. Since the most =eDt au.aIysis was ~ fur year 2000 COIIditioos, this deVelopment -wd be fouDd to create a SubstamiaI Deviation if the proposed buildout is beyoad Year 2!@. ? (Chapter 380.06(19)). A$ the buiIdout date is curmIlly lIIIknowlI, we ~ that the . ) lI'IIDSpO[latio aaaIysis be ~~ to rclkct proposed rooditioo:l. ~o '1 r; ~ adOfhot-l 3. In the initilli MotoltIla DRI, a total use of 825.000 squue feetofInduStriallllld Office space (1lllIllUfacturiDg unit with lIIIciIIary otlice) was """"ipllll:d. Of this 825,000 square feet. 600,000 square feet of industrial space bas been built The appfu:aDt bas sWed that this existing industrial splll:l' will..-n..1C to be used as iDdus1riaI spare (00 dIan8e in use). This Ieavcs 225,000 square feet of iDduslriaI use space available to bal.aDc:e against substitute uses (852 daily vebicle trip ClIds Laod-Usc 140 - ......f'V'f'll'iDg facility). In M.mmP.ltt 2, DR! Trip Geuentioo. Comparison, the applicant sbould iDclude the uses that have alteadybeen built. We DOle that j\1t"""mr:nt 2 docs IlO!, iDcIude auy indus1riaI (or DIIlIlUfaclurio facility) use. www.dot.state.fl.us <9 !=teCYOUiD PAPEA OEC-04-02 14,13 FROM, [D: 40764_l?1 743 PAGE 3/3 Mr.lamcs T. SnydeI- ~2.2002 Page 2 Trip~; ./4. ~ the applicaDt CllII1provide adequate documentation as to their assumption offive Jl<<CCI1l (5%) infenI:al c:apture between the proposed Day C..... facility lid R.etaiI!R.estau we """:..... ,-od ~ the rate to tw<.' pm;art (~~to remain cnI1"""'''';ve. The ITE Trip Generation Mariiii1 does Dot COI1tam sufficiellt . . to estimar& this trip intc:....wu. Iu.lhe a&mooo peak: hour the imem.aI trip ~ froot E!"",Ul.or.t;.1 to Office should be zero (0), basedonTable 7.2 intheITE Trip Generation Handbook. P_8y Trip Reduction; '/s. J 6. The pass-by J'I'(lt......... used are excessive. The 11llll1ber of surveys on ...itich lTE pass-by rates are iiiScd IS JJm1led and i"lIIIgefrom 3 to 12 surveys. We suggest tbat a Il1lIXinwm pass_by rate oi25 Jl\'ll"ccnt (25%) be used for the High Quality RestaurllDt and for lite Bank. The shop.P.ing c:eul~ .hnnlrll1.'le the ITE av~ rue of 34 perc;cDt (34%) rather than the pass.bY rate ~~~ using tile ~ Q1IVe formula. The ITE fitted curve bas lID R~ql1lred value of 0.37. ret1ectiog poor reliability between the equatioo and the data. Trip Generation: '/7 The footnote to the Trip Gc:neratioo Table (Attadunent 2) cilCS the SOtltCe of trip generatiOl1 rates as the ITE Trip GeneratioD. 61JJ Edition. The furmu1a used for the office (ITE Imd-use code 71 0) trip generation duriog the PM Peak Hour is not COllSistent with the ITE Trip Gmeration Manual. The diliaepancy sbouId be ""'....leJ. ..18. The total IllImbe,-ofPM peak-hoorma;llrips is inOOlTCCtly<Xltllpll1Cd Tb;s should be~. In conclusion, the Response to C......"""$ provided by the applicant is Dot sufficient. We ,...-nm1T1('fl(j that lite applicant set up a ..-;~ with tbe Plamting Council and the Deparbl:lmt to ~ the above C~$. . Please feel free to contacl this office at (954) 777-4601 should you have any questions. Sincerely, OS:gofcw te: D. Ray Eubanks - DCA . Bob Romig - FOOT, Office of Policy Planning . . Gerry O'Reilly - FOOT, Oistri<:t Director ofP\amling and Production JoIm Krane, FOOT, TrlIIlSpOItation Planning Engineer ~'>i1 .E. En~tal Engineer S.~~~l.12f/lO'l.dac FA C S 11\11 L E CiTY OF 80YI\)TO:\] BEACH Ci,.\.. '-i,~il '//-.;;;. \;';.. ',' , """ ,,~c ' , I~g =. E()~/;;:c,r; 2each ol\jc. ,~.O 80:< 31:"] From the office of Planning & Loning E::;/nc'=r. 5edc,~. F:cr;c2 33'+25 (,~~1; 7~2-62~[: (::~:1) ~~2-6259 F2:< TO. .d)u/(~ WooDStYJ1 hJLf;'1 t ~(,.JH)cr( FAX 401 - ~tf8-I:rLf3 ---- --- FROM.. UJ;../ It ~ALAlI, f/?";IU6J'IIL f'LA-IJIJtJ0 DATE. /I}/3/02 NUJ';/BEP OF PAGES. (Incjuci~.::; CJ'/cr:; 2 PE.. JJOIoROL4 /1Jof~ 'bu /!Q - a:cI~cL ;4 c><-, drM.J-.k1 ~ ~ q..- ~"(!(Jhdd7vh4 ~'A;rYrJVZJ. ': f'~M f,+AJJ... ~~ ~ ''furc-hCl-ML {l9f~~ ,/ I~ , rULl4.L ~/~ a""cJ- Llt1}/h~d. Gia..J:s - ~.&-(/\ C7'-'~ f you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission. please notify our office ",mediately. at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. Dale mnOriginal Message-un From: Mazzella, Pete Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 3:20 PM To: Galav, Lusia; Sugerman, Dale Subject: Motorola - conditions of approval Dear Lusia and Dale Here are the draft conditions of approval for the Motorola site, as discussed this morning: . The Developer has agreed to furnish their own fire flow protection from an on-site source for am! all fire-flows above the City requirement of 1500 gpm (@ 20 psi residual) dernand. In the event the on- site source cannot be approved by the Cit or other re ulato a encies, an engineenn evaluation of the additiona 1m ac s on e water s stem s outlined in the next con I Ion ealing with san I ary sewer demand/capacl y WI e re uired for the demand/capacit of the otable water system ~1. The on-site fire protection system rom this private source may therefore not be interconnected with the City's potable water system. . The City recognizes prior vesting (for planning purposes) in the site of 127,000 gallons per day (gpd) each for potable water and sanitary sewer demand. In consideration of the condition stated above, the developer shall fund an analysis, to be conducted by the City's engineers, evaluating the ability of the City's sanitary sewer conveyance system to properly accommodate the flows exceeding 127,000 gpd from this site. Funding of this study shall be escrowed with the City upon request and the furnishing of a written "not-to-exceed" cost estimate to the developer. Upon receipt of the requested amount, the City shall endeavor to complete the analysis within 120 days. In the event the analysis indicates that improvements are required to the City's conveyance system, the developer shall commence the design of said improvements upon requesting a total sewer commitment exceeding 1 02,000 gpd (i.e. 80% of the vested amount). The developer shall subsequently begin construction of the improvements after receiving City approval of the design, (or furnish sufficient funding for the City to constwct said improvements, at the City's option). The commencement of construction shall occur no lateri\\I1eoeveloper's request for a total sewer commitment exceeding 114,300 gpd (90% of the vested amount). The developer shall not be penalized or delayed by the City from constructing additional phases to the project if he satisfies all conditions of the above deadlines in a timely manner. . The developer shall be responsible for reserving or purchasing all additional water and sewer capacity, based upon the requirements as stated in the City's code, not heretofore purchased by the prior owners of the property. At this time, the City considers the firm capacity of to be fully reserved for this site. . PIHDER TROOTMfiH COHSOLTIHG. IHC. 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434,1663 www.pindertroutmdn.com Transportation Planners and Engineers November 13, 2002 Mr. James T. Snyder, AICP Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Blvd., Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 Re: Motorola DRI NOPC - #PTC02-129 Dear Mr. Snyder: The following information responds to comments from the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) in their letter of October 21, 2002. A revised Attachment 2 - Trip Generation Comparison, following the procedures discussed below, is attached. 1. Comment: Response: 2. Comment: Response: 3. Comment: Response: There are inconsistencies related to the proposed land use plan between Attachment 2, Exhibit E and Question No.5 of the NOPC. All documents have been revised to be consistent with the land uses shown on Attachment 2 - Trip Generation Comparison. The calculation of internal trips in Attachment 2 is incorrect. The applicant should use the procedure outlined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (Chapter 7) to document internal capture and provide the summary sheets (matrix or "bubble diagram"). Internal Trips have been estimated using the procedure outlined in the ITE, Trip Generation Handbook (Chapter 7). Internal matrices for Daily and PM peak hour are included in Appendix A to this letter. The Trip Generation Handbook does not provide information on internal capture rates for all land uses. For example, there are no rates for Day Care, Self Storage, Banks or Restaurants. Internal capture rates have been estimated for the Day Care and Self Storage. The proposed Bank and Restaurants have been aggregated with the Retail uses. Pass-by should not exceed 10% of adjacent street background traffic during the peak hour or 25% of the projects' external retail trips, whichever yields the lower number of pass-by trips. Pass-by trips have been calculated utilizing the procedures outlined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (Chapter 5) and the FOOT Site Impact Handbook (Step 4 - Trip Generation). The pass-by trips are less than 25% of the project's external trip generation during the PM peak hour and on a daily basis. Attached as Appendix Bare 2001 peak season traffic counts on the adjacent roadway links, Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue. The Lotal PM peak hour (5:00 - 6:00 PM) volume on these two links is 5,607. The estimated 294 project pass-by trips represent only 5.2% of the existing PM peak hour traffic on the adjacent roadway links. lelterSyndc>r02-129 11-13-02 ~ Mr. James T. Snyder, AICP Re: Motorola DRI NOPC - #PTC02-129 November 13, 2002 Page 2 nds to all the comments from the Florida Department of Transportation. hart M. Pinder, AICP Principal KMP/ldr Attachments cc: Gustavo Schmidt Maria Tejera Lusia Galav Masoud Atefi Jeff Douglas Duke Woodson LetferSy"der02-129 11-13-02 Pi Q>N"'~ ~~:!:O s - - - U - - Ib .--..- ~ ~ o 1 ., ~ . N ii2',8 ~ 0 ~ . . . E"'2 Q> '"500 ~ 'O.e. <~.= ~ t ~ 5 ~ o "" . .u ~ O! c . ~ .. . ! :t",~~~Ofj;~~~o II .~ <D~ "'l co 11'1 "1" 0. 0'1 10 .., Z...."'lN N t~~~~~!*~ cicid";<"io'...."":ci ~E ....,...,..,"".... ~ :~ M N ~N N N o.~ M=~ "1.q.... ] .~ .ll>- .~ HUHH~ ~~~~;!;!;!;!;!'O ~:.::~.:;;~~:5~~~ ~ It'l < N....- 111..,.... E ~MN M ~ ~ M = MN MN~ :'::~5l o = o MN_ " .~ c " 8~ -E J~ ~.~ ~ >->-.. ~N ~ N ~ . ...IN.... 8g~~ 1l"l"'0:;" M ...~ .. ~ ~ ~ _"! eo ~+ ~~~~~~~ ':;~:>U~88~~ .gc5Q.c'.!:::~~-!:.c I! "'r-..\OIt')"1"N"1"....., ~ci ~~d.o~~N ~E "Q)"'~~~ ~.5 S .i :7; ig Co - ~ . . =.................................... 0...., ""<fl V} "'Vl V'> ~~8888U vi 0' lC' ai o'....~ eo ....... N N - w-li "a ~~~@~~~:~ ~l ~J: ~ :> ~ c . ~ ~ I~ E ~ o c >- c ~~':: ::>:i:~ ~ o c 11 . EO: H ~!!~~~ oil! <ll Q; U ::I ::1::1 . S !o!:si!I':' f1.f9 L!I=~ "" E (II;';" ~ II tl ~ ;:::: Oo:::ac:ao:O!.o:::oc:~~ ~ J: gg MO ~~ ~ N =. = ~ N M !2 ~' '" ;:: .; ~ = M '" = = . .; o N O. M ,0 1 '" Cl z o ~ w Z w <:J c- O! i- '" :> o 1: "'"" H ::;; e c-c- 3~2~:;;~""~~~ ~ >- ~ ~o z ~=~ N~~ . ~~~Ol:;;~ E gs~R;;g~~:;;~ {2 . .- 0.,0 88llb8!8s cicici",,"';o'N"":ci ..,...,.....10.... ~;;~~g; :; ~ g ~:1; c >- ..000\ N LI'l~....N.... I- O'1roOl iii ::I ~ 10 "- cO ~ . w N~~~~~ ~~g~~g~~~ E . .5ssssss1F .~ N'<f It')..,..,.., M.., 8 ~;:cO~;t;!;!;!:!;!..t -= . o~~~~;:O\~eo~'" E " .~ c " c>- u- . _c ~~ ]~~~~:fl~:;;~:;: c >- >-~ o ;;0 c >- ~~~~~~g~~ E ~~:;:~~~~~~ N __ ..., ____~_N~~ ~ BB~~~~~ ......~~~~!?l~~~ 2i~~~~5f~~ ~;~888~~8 _.Qzzzz8.zz r;: N "'! 0'1 \0 co r;: f'.. \0 ~ci~~~;:;g~ci h "'\0"" o ci II II s iJ. ] . . c ~ .~ ;:.~ EO .s .s ~ c S E ~8~~~~~tl:;~ 8U888 <5 Vl' 0 "'~ co ~ -- . g~8 o "<t"' co~ N N . ~11 -u ~~~22~~~Vl ~ :> 11 ~ ~ o ~ ~8 ~ .c "'ii.cu.. ~ i :::I J: ~ .E ~ "'iU j CI> ~2!~~~ Q;3 ~~~f9~f9=~tii "oi(l~i(li(l~ll~~ CO:.....O!.O<:O<:O!.cc<J') o N ,., - = M ~ . ~ ~ . ~ N . Vi. - ~ ~ = ::: '" ~ ~ '" iii ~ :0, M N O. N ;:: ~ ~ < ~ o >- . M '" ~ 1 '" Cl ~ ~ ~ ! i !' t ~ ~ ~ . ~ ! j APPENDIX A ~~~- '7 l'l"O p~l !i ~ ~ ~:;ot 1m DrJ:I :;::li!~! , . i "'!~~"':i 1;:;:~:i , ! ~t ! , u ~t, i J ;;~ ~e~~ -:<:8 ~R:3t i -'1 . . iN-r-.. I ! ); ~ ! - 1 :l , ~:2l:;:t ~~~t ); I , 1 1 - -. ~ ~ ..... '" ~ ] ! , ::i~- ~ ! . j 'u . . 00 . ~ ! 3g !;~J~ i ] i i i ! i 1 ! . i ~ . . I . , . ~ ! ! , i , . ! i . j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1 ~ , A I i . . < . . . . . . ! . . , , . ! ;. i ! . , , ~ . . I i "I ) z :l ~ ~ ~ " ~ :;: ~~~ ~ 0_ "'~~ ~ ]d. li ~ t i5 g :i! z g~ ,. ~ ~ -~~ ~~g F , P1~.. UQJ llJ~mI g ". ,- ~8'" 03 3<: ~:~.... ""'::~ II . ; ..U -' -- < i ~ f i:i ~ g; OJ 0 E~~~ . 'I 0 . 3 j ,-"...", .. .... ~ '" ... < u I' OJ ~ ~o..c , .. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ :1 ~'" < .<. " .. ~:B!i . , ~ ~ . ~~!* ~"~" '7iliN~ ~<~" .=. . li: ~D.: S ~ . t J ) ~ ::; ~ !i! 2~N ~ ~l~ ~ hi: ::/ ~ ~ t 6 ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~. . i5'.....~ !f~d mflDQ IlJUJ "'... "-~ ~~"'l'l~ ~ · r~(~; 8S2t .".s ~ " c ,~... !I!" o ~ __ 3g !Ji!. ~ ~ ~ ~. " J ~:;;~ ~\:io~ (~l ", :n~ ::~ ""., " ~ I ~ ~.. , . ~r h!. ITI ~ rJ] ." o H..... Cl.jj ~ ~ . ~ ! ~!~ 0" 3~ 1;8]1'- ~I . ;; , i j I t 1> i ~ I , i 1 I , I ] 1 . . ~ I i i j I , . 1 ] -' I I . , , l . . -' J . i I j , ] , I i . ~ , . i 1 . j ! .. , . , . f I . , ! 5 , . , ! ! i ! . . . .. J ~ ] ! ! ~ n ; ~r::;!~ .,.,"'" . I ~ RjB;~ 3 "''''''0 . ,;:!..g;; 'I 0 . " ~ .. .! ;::! ~ ~ ! v 3 ] "'........, " . " - z ~., 0 _ ",,, ~- .,......'" < OJ !<1, .0. ! S ~ . I . . . 31 :I . . . . . II II . . . . a :II :II a Table 7.1 Unconstrained Internal Capture Rates for Trip Origins within a Multi-Use Development from OFFICE WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR MIDDAY PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT DAILY STREET" 1RAFF1C to Office 2% 1% 2% to Retail 20% 23% 22% to Residential 0% 2% 2% to Office 3% 3% 3% to Retail 29% 20% 30% to Residential 7% 12% 11% to Office N/A NlA NlA to Retail 34% 53% 38% to Residential N/A N/A NlA from RETAIL from RESIDENTIAL Caution: The estimated typical internal capture rates presented in this table rely directly on data collected at a limited number of multi-use sites in Florida. While ITE recognizes the limitations of these data, they represent the only known credible data on multi-use internal capture rates and are provided as illustrative of typical rates. If IocoJ dtml on intenull Ulpture rates by paired IatuJ uses am be obtJlined, the IocoJ dtml may be given preference. N/ A - Not Available; logic indicates there is some interaction between these twoland uses; however, the limited data sample on which this table is based did not record any interaction. Trip Generation Handbook Chapter 7. ITE 87 . . Table 7.2 Unconstrained Internal Capture Rates for Trip Destinations Within a Multi-Use Development . . to RESIDENTIAL WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK I-K)UR MIDDAY PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT DAILY STREET TRAFFIC from Office 6% 6% 2% from Retail 38% 31% 15% from Residential 0% 0% N/A from Office 4% 2% 4% from Retail 31% 20% 28% from Residential 5% 9% 9% from Office 0% 2% 3% from Retail 37% 31% 33% from Residential N/A N/A N/A . . to OFFICE . . to RETAIL . . . Caution: The estimated typical internal capture rates presented in this uble rely directly on dau collected at a . limited nwnber of multi-use sites in Florida. While ITE recognizes the limiutions of these dau, they represent the only known credible data on multi-use internal capture rates and are provided as illustrative of typical rates. If . local data 1m internal capture rtm!S by painJ lmul uses am be olmzined, the local dtzta may be given 1>> <ft' wa. N/ A - Not Available; logic indicates there is some interaction between these two land uses; however, the limited . dau sample on which this uble is based did not record any interaction. . . . . . . I 88 lYE . Trip Generation Handbook Chapter 7 SITE IMPACT HANDBOO. When considering pass.by trips, the distribution of driveway volumes may change and be related to the street traffic. The analysis of pass-by trips should occur in two steps: (I) detenoine the number of new trips and pass-by trips for the site, then (2) assign the pass-by trips in proportion to the street traffic and the driveways and then assign the new trips in accordance with standard trip distribution procedures. The pass-by trips estimated in the trip generation step are preliminary. Final pass-by trips are estimated following assignment when the number of pass-by trips considered can be compared with the total traffic on the facility . In general, the number of pass-by trips sbould not exceed 10 percent of the adjacent street traffic during the peak hour or 25 percent of tbe project's external trip generating potential. Diverted trips, like pass-by trips, are not new to the system overall; however, diverted trips are now utilizing a segment of the transportation system that they previously were not using to access the proposed development site. The new roads a diverted trip uses mayor may not have direct access to the proposed development site. Facilities that receive diverted trips may require analysis of the impacts of the development trips. An example of a diverted trip is provided on Figure 21. With diverted trips, the total driveway volumes are not reduced. Diverted trips are counted as new trips where they travel on segments required to reach the site where they previously did not travel. ITE proposes the following methodology for estimating the percent of pass-by and diverted trips. N",~ p(VOLp/) ND~ p(VOLd Where: p = probability of a driver already in the traffic stream, stopping at the generator, O??p?? I VOL.. ~ volume available to produce pass-by trips VOLo = volume on other streets available to produce diverted trips Average daily pass-by trip percentages trip and diverted trip percentages are provided as a function of GLA and average daily traffic on the adjacent roadways for several shopping centers in ITE's Trip Generation for shopping centers (lTE: Trip Generation, p. 1-24-36). Peak -hour percentages are suggested to be 10 percent less than these daily percentages. The percentage of pass-by trips in the PM peak hour for shopping centers is provided in Figure Vll-IA and using the following equation in ITE's Trip Generation. Ln (PpB) = -0.341 Ln (X) + 5.376 Where: p PO = percent pass-by X = 1,000 GLA of shopping center The PM peak-hour, pass-by trip percentages are usually 10 percent greater than in other times during day. (ITE: Trip Generation, p. 1-23). In all cases, pass-by and diverted trip rates must be justified by the applicant and approved by tbe Department prior to use. When retail land uses are involved with a mixed-use development that attracts pass-by traffic, each land use must be analyzed separately using the following procedure: I. Estimate the peak-hour, pass-by trip percentage for each retail parcel (shopping centers, convenience store, gas station, etc.) within the development. ITE's Trip Generation (page 1-21) provides guidance on this step. The estimated pass-by trip percentage depends on the retail site's square footage. 2. Some of the pass-by trips will likely proceed to (or come from) other proposed development project land uses for their primary destinations. These trips cannot be claimed as pass-by trips to be reduced from total project trip generation because they are new trips generated by the project. Trips between the commercial parcel and other project land uses are internal trips. Ueit III - Standard Site Impact Review Procedures 57 Step 4: Trip Generation APPENDIX B a _ a a _-. a a a . .. aa p - . PALM BEACH COUNTY TRAFFIC ENGINEERING . .r-:f~;.-j; .. .........'" VOLUME REPORT . ...,,' ~.' ,t' Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals ' Page 1 ~ -." -." **********************************************************~********************~ Data File D0117011.PRN Station 000000004667 Identification 000000000024 Interval Start date Jan 17, 01 Start time Stop date Jan 18, 01 Stop time City/Town ZAHN County Location GATEWAY BL AT E-4 CANAL BRIDGE ******************************************************************************* Jan 17/Jan 18 Eastbound Volume for Lane 1 15 minutes 10:30 10:30 P.B. COUNTY End Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 15 30 45 00 00 48 16 25 12 Hr Total 101 01 12 13 19 17 61 02 19 17 12 8 56 03 13 24 15 12 64 04 11 19 21 26 77 05 36 44 65 89 234 06 98 122 196 221 07 273 343 360 359 08 301 294 225 255 637 1335 1075 09 218 182 212 198 810 192 148 177 174 691 157 198 176 195 726 End Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 23 15 30 45 00 12. 188 228 209 238 Hr Total 863 13 223 247 239 217 926 14 221 217 211 223 872 15 209 222 254 204 16 280 253 248 235 17 282 278 245 266 889 1016 1071 18 222 255 202 200 879 19 199 175 158 135 667 20 140 110 116 104 470 21 148 117 98 102 465 327 96 95 79 57 62 35 47 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 232 24 Hour Total 14544 AM peak hour begins: 07:15 AM peak volume: 1363 Peak hour factor: 0.95 ,PM peak hour begins: 17:00 PM peak volume: 1071 Peak hour factor: 0.95 ******************************************************************************* '3an 17/Jan 18 Westbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 11 15 30 45 00 00 51 42 25 28 Hr Total 146 01 21 13 14 24 72 02 14 14 10 10 48 03 15 13 15 12 55 04 9 14 24 26 73 05 22 18 37 59 136 06 45 57 116 181 399 07 151 166 234 298 849 08 312 235 206 171 924 09 148 121 133 166 568 119 126 180 180 605 171 167 204 251 793 End Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 23 15 30 45 00 12 251 253 226 237 Hr Total 967 13 233 221 215 201 870 14 231 229 200 241 15 271 271 254 262 16 282 311 331 281 17 346 311 374 318 18 342 269 290 252 901 1058 1205 1349 1153 260 227 206 158 851 19 20 21 131 127 114 120 492 86 108 102 88 384 65 92 67 57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 281 150 156 169 149 624 24 Hour Total : 14803 AM peak hour begins.: 07:30 AM peak volume: 1079 Peak hour factor : 0.86 PM peak hour begins: 17:00 PM peak volume: 1349 Peak hour fac~?r ~ 0.90 ******************************************************************************* .----~._.._----~._----------- PALM'fSEACH COUNTY TRAFFIC ENG1NEERING ~.t-fe'. VOLUME REPORT __. Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals {"i."' Page 1 ~~~~;**~************************************************************~************~ Data File D0116029.PRN station 000000005206 Identification 000000000001 Interval Start date Jan 16, 01 Start time Stop date Jan 17, 01 Stop time City/Town ZAHN County Location CONGRESS AVE 1750' N OF OLD BOYNTON RD ******************************************************************************* Jan 16/Jan 17 Northbound Volume 15 minutes 10:45 10:45 P.B. COUNTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 -------- 15 44 12 9 5 5 8 29 127 215 222 217 313 30 52 19 16 10 6 21 49 143 189 223 218 282 45 21 6 6 11 5 14 71 195 212 221 218 289 00 19 12 8 5 8 36 97 200 217 229 288 314 -------- Hr Total 136 49 39 31 24 79 246 665 833 895 941 1198 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -------- 15 330 392 350 353 365 435 434 309 206 163 117 100 30 349 364 321 379 456 525 381 312 225 157 87 81 45 299 321 409 374 373 510 371 256 199 135 69 76 00 364 394 355 367 451 495 310 240 182 139 67 47 -------- Hr Total 1342 1471 1435 1473 1645 1965 1496 1117 812 594 340 304 24 Hour Total 19130 AM peak hour begins: 11:30 AM peak volume: 1282 Peak hour factor: 0.92 PM peak hour begins: 17:00 PM peak volume: 1965 Peak hour factor: 0.94 '******************************************************************************* ~ /1/30-/J I ~0J7 - 5 3115"1-(of _ ~_~M~n 91Bt'~ME~~p5~'r r;.""'.L..r;.r;.r<L'"'' .ID _~"..~,.'"ij;''''';lJm~ R~p.ort with 24 Hour ". ':als L---- Page 1 _* *****~~~;~***~**~***~**************************~.p**************************s 'c:. D~~Ea .F;ile : 00116030.PRN . ,- Stat.ion ' : 000000005206 Identification 000000000003 Interval Start date Jan 16, 01 Start time Stop date Jan 17, 01 Stop time City/Town ZAHN County Location CONGRESS AVE 17S0' N OF OLD BOYNTON RO ******************************************************************************x 3an 16/3an 17 Southbound Volume 15 minutes 10:45 10:45 P.B. COUNTY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 -------- 15 22 5 5 2 5 15 52 250 438 310 229 274 30 15 11 7 6 7 18 76 358 439 199 256 278 45 18 9 2 7 6 34 123 414 343 229 233 382 00 14 11 0 7 14 61 222 499 364 234 279 334 -------- Hr Total 69 36 14 22 32 128 473 1521 1584 972 997 1208 End Time 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -------- 15 332 338 327 358 329 301 309 250 219 136 87 50 30 361 311 260 319 294 311 287 233 162 124 75 33 45 324 318 335 353 300 299 302 195 157 122 65 38 00 322 321 318 368 331 311 312 197 152 152 59 42 -------- Hr Total 1339 1288 1246 1398 1254 1222 1210 881 690 . 534 286 163 24 Hour Total 18627 AM peak hour begins: 07:30 AM peak volume: 1790 Peak hour factor : 0.90 PM peak hour begins: 15:00 PM peak volume: 1398 Peak hour factor: 0.95 ******************************************************************************* , DEP ARTMENT OF DEVE~a>MENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Ucenses . Community Redevelopment November 8, 2002 Mr. Bob Cambric Growth Management Administrator State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No,l (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Cambric: Please be advised that in accordance with Chapter 380.06 F.S. the City of Boynton Beach has rescheduled a Public Hearing regarding the above referenced Notice of Proposed Change for Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing will be held in City Commission Chambers located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant has requested an extension to the 90-day approval time frame to address outstanding issues. Please disregard the previous notice. Sincerely, ?-JJC- Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director ce. R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner Jim Cherof, City Attorney S,\Planning'SHAREQ\WPIPROJECTS'.Mo!orola DRl\DRI\DC A let~.11f City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton.beach.or DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELa>MENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building _ Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment November 8, 2002 Mr. James Snyder Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301-E Ocean Boulevard #300 Stuart, Fl 34994 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Snyder: Please be advised that in accordance with Chapter 380.06 F.S. the City of Boynton Beach has rescheduled a Public Hearing regarding the above referenced Notice of Proposed Change for Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing will be held in City Commission Chambers located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant has requested an extension to the 90-day approval time frame to address outstanding issues. Please disregard the previous notice. Sincerely, ~c Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner Jim Cherof, City Attorney S\.Pl3nning\SHARED\WP' PROJECTS\\1Ulorola DRJ\DRj\RPC 1o:!:.,1f City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.cLboynton-beach.or ~.-. ~.~~. ... ~~.. . ....."qj5 .. . ~ r LMI"II."II'I\.:J I-'\I"(IU "'-VPUI'4U LJI VlvlVI.. . Buill . Planning & Zoning . Occupational U es. Community Redevelopment November 8, 2002 Mr. Daryl M. Carter Maury 1. Carter & Associates, Inc. 908 S. Delaney Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Carter: Please be advised that in accordance with Chapter 380.06 F.S. the City of Boynton Beach has rescheduled a Public Hearing regarding the above referenced Notice of Proposed Change for Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing will be held in City Commission Chambers located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant has requested an extension to the 90-day approval time frame to address outstanding issues. Please disregard the previous notice. Sincerely, ~ Michael Rwnpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner Jim Cherof, City Attorney S:\Planning\SHAREDI WP\PROJECTS\Motorola DRI\DRJ\Applicam Ict.'..dOl City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 Phone: (561) 742.0350 . www.cLboynton-beach.or 11/07/2002 15:20 ------" ..-.", 5614341663 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 01 PlltDER TROCITMfI" Co"SULTI"G, I "C. TransportJdon PIannm and ~ MEMORANDUM VIA FACSIMILE TO: Jim Snyder cc: Maria Tejera lusia Galav Dan Weisberg Chon Wong Jeff Douglas Duke Woodson DATE: 11/7/02 PROJECT NAME: Motorola DRI NOPC PROJECT NUMBER: #PTC02-129 (772) 221-4067 795-0230 742-6259 478-5770 (954) 777-4671 (207)967-9753 (407) 648-1743 A meeting has been scheduled for Thu",cJay, November 14, 2002 at 2:00 PM to discuss traffic issues rai5ed by the various review agencies. The meeti, will be held at the offices of the Palm Beach County TraffIC Division, 160 Au5tralian Avenue, 3 Floor. Please confirm your atrendance by calling (561) 434-1644. From the desk of.... Kahart M. Pinder, Alep Principal PI'" T...a..n C......III... IlIc. 2324 South CorllP""" Avenue, 5uile 1 H W~ Palm Beach, FL 33406 PTC 561-434-1644 Fax 561-434-1663 E-mail - ptc@pindertrolltlmn.rom BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MILWAUKEE ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON, D.C. WEST PALM BEACH FOLEY:LARDNER A T TOR N E Y S A T LAW NO 2002 November 6, 2002 Lusia Galav Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Motorola Develooment of Rel!ional Imoact Dear Lusia: Thank you for copies of the letters from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the Department of Transportation and the City's Utility Department concerning the Motorola project. As we discussed yesterday, given the issues raised in these letters we agree that the schedule for consideration of this project by the City should be revised so that the project is considered November 26th by the Planning and Development Commission, and December 3'd and 17'h by City Council. We will attempt to schedule a meeting of the appropriate agencies to discuss the traffic issues. We also look forward to a meeting to discuss the water and sewer issues. Thank you again for your courtesy in this matter. Yours truly, ~Ij\<-,€ R Duke WO(lrl~(ll1 RDW:dr cc: Daryl Carter Jeff Douglas Javier Omana Kahart Pinder Alan Shirkey .. III! .~ FOLEY & LARDNER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801-2386 P. o. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802.2193 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOLEYLARDNER.COM WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3234 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAll ADDRESS eavery@foleylaw.com 006.275443.1 NOV-0B-02 11:44 FROM:FOLF & LARDNER ID:407 6!!B 1743 PAGE 1/2 FOLEY:LARDNEr< ATTORNEYS AT LAW 111 NOErrH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE IBOO ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801..386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32&l2..1 ~3 TELEPHONE: 407.423.7656 FACSIMilE: 407.648.17~ WNW,FOLEYLARDNERCOM FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION TO: I PHONE #: FAX#: Lusia Galav I (561) 742-6262 (561) 742-6259 City of Boynton Beach Total # of Pages 2 (Including this page) From: R. Duke Woodson Sender's Direct Dial: 407.244.3247 Date: November 6, 2002 ClientIMatterNo: 031498.()I24 User 10 No: 0823 MESSAGE: Please see attached. If there are any problems with this transmission or ~ you have not received all of the pages, please cali 407.423.7656. Operalor: Time Sent: Return Original To: Diana f. Roman I CONFlD6NT1AUTY Nonce:; mE INFORMAllON CONTAlNIiD IN THIS FACSIMILE ME:SSAGE IS INTENOED ONLY 'OR THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF '!IIi ~~I~ ~\;'!:JE!lll! ~ AlWVc. THIS MrSSA.Ge MAT BE AN AIIORN~YoQJ.l" COMMUNlCAlIUN. AND M ~QlIS f"KIYIL,CWW AND IVUNt'IU~11AL. II" IHE IItEADER OF nus MESSAGE lS NOT THe IN'TENDED RECII'IENT OR MY AGENT R&SPONSUlLE FOR DEUVER'NG fT TO THE INTENDED ftEClPIENT, YOU ARE HEResY NOTIFIED Tl!A,T YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS DOCUMENT IN EAAOR, AND TIl.6.T ANY R!;VIEW, OISSalINAnON, D1STftJBUT1QN OR COPYING Of THIS MESSAGE IS STRlC1l.Y PROHI8JTl!O. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNlCAnON IN EJl~OR, PI..EASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY TELEPHONE AND RETUllN THE OIlICINAL MESS.l,GE TO US fJ'( MAlL THANK YOU. xxx.xxxxxx.J<A Cover Page 1 of 1 FOLEY & LARDNER NOV-06-02 11:45 FROM:FOLEY & LARDNER 10:407 648 1743 PAGE 2/2 SRUSSEt.S CHICAGO DENVER DrnlOiT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES WoOlSON MilWAUKEE ORLANOO $ACRAM~TO SAN OIEGO/O~ MAR SAN FRANCISCO TAl.l..AHASSfE T~P~ WASHINGTON. D.C. WEST PALM BEACH FOLEY:LARDNER A T TOR N E Y $ A T CAW [&'1 ~.<<;: ~ n 1# [:0 fa. ~: NO\! 6. IY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT November 6, 2002 Lusia Galav Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Motorola Development ofR~oDal Imoact Dear Lusia: Thank you for copies of the letters from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the Department of Transportation and the City's Utility Department concerning the Motorola project. As we discussed yesterday, given the issues raised in these letters we agree that the schedule for consideration of this project by the City should be revised so that the project is considcred November 26th by the Planning and Development Commission, and December 3rd and 17th by City COlUlcil. We will attempt to schedule a meeting of the appropriate agencies to discuss the traffic issues. We also look forward to a meeting to discuss the water and sewer issues. Thank you again for your courtesy in this matter. Yours truly, ~1j\<-'6 R Duke Woodson RDW:dr cc: Daryl Carter Jeff Douglas Javier Omana KahartPinder Alan Shirkey . . FOCEY & LARDNER III NORTH ORANGE AVONUE, SUITE 1800 OR....NOO, FCORIDA 32801.2386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORlANDO. FLORIDA 32802.2193 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOLEYLARDNERCOM WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3234 CLIENT IMATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAll ADDRESS ea'o'e\'YOfOlsyraw.c;om 006.275443.1 From the office of Pf2nning & 70ning ~ 1-' ' :J - ~,'" ! I V I _ L i I ~ 1'1-1 1\' , v I I ' I U'--/ I ". \"",'!\I BEACH 1---' "" I \j" i._ -.. \.,," v ,ic::, I~:::i'_ '/jL~g 1 ee' t:. cl-=j:-"tc~ 222C.1 '=::"/1: ,::; CJ StJ:< 3::J FACSIMILt: c,:>nl.:::;n 6e3C,~, F:cr:':2 33~2:J \,:;s'l;:' :- ~2-c2r3C; ,~~.< _ ,.-- ~r"'\,~_ ,- f ::;r: i ,; (--:-.o.:.:-C':::::c: ,-:':::< TO. ,( '[)uK f WOOD SON h:JLZC;+ I-lfrc.OM:/e Lusf!':t 6ALAV /:JlZ-ffJU./"'AL / ,r=,J;(" 7D7-. &1[>-11-'15 FROM. /"'LA 1/ AJEfG NUJlABER OF PA GES. (inciue".; ! DATE !VtJVEM/Jf tC :), .U)() 2- CO'ier', RE. .J/~~tG d! ~/(Q - Il1/Llc4d.. ell'(!. Yu (f-Llowlr:j.' l 72 /2!(! ~ % .~1/k ~r of;decl /lIc.))/ i, .2()!J-::U :2, Uf~lj 4ern~6hdUM /1/0. 62- i or';> f you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission. please notify our office ~mediately. at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 11/05/2002 05:18 NAME FAX TEL SER.# BROE2J409484 DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 11/05 05: 14 91407648174367529 00:03:47 08 OK STANDARD ECM . NOV-04-2002 10:57 j I i I '.i !'.I f' , , , , I , I , I , I I! i , , i I : I PHONE: 772-221-4060 [. : I . i , I Ii 'I : i i.1 '[ I I , I I ,.! P.01 I TREASURE COAS1I' REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCm 301 EAST OCEAN BOULEVARD ' II SUITE 300 , I STUART, FLORIDA 34994 I I I I , I i I I FAX: 772-221-4067 FAX TRANSMISSION Date: 1/ I '-lIt; '- Fax Number: ( S~ r) ") 'f 2.. ~ "2. ~1 Number of Pages (includiQg cover sheet): 3 .., 'i Operator: . , . , . , I i :i To: il ;1 From: :.i .[ , i ., 'I Projeet: :1 , I L4.'2,,~ Gc..lev . :::r:. """ r;. V\::J ci.'H" tn;\-tr<O II:', () R J: , , " Comments: i I ! I . , : I , [ ;1 j I i I II 'I :j , . :1 ! .. NOV-04-2002 I I .-- ~ 10:57 P.02 I ~.J.m SECJU:f>\l :r.l1J;;.....iP'..:!l~ ~ ,...._W~..". :1 .~l. BUSH ~OR i , ; i 1 i ~ Florida Debartment of TransQortation OffiCE OF PLANNlNGID ENVIRONMENTAL MAN>\CEMENT - DISTlUCT 4 l400 West CommCrcial Blm, 31111 Floor, Ft. Lauderdale, FI 33309-3421 Teleph..e: (9S4)777~1: Fax: (954)777-4671 Toll F= Nwuber. 1-866-336-l1435 October21,2oo2 ;= I I' ., I I' ,. il !., 1'- Ii i Mr. James T. Snyder DR! Coordinator TreasWll Coast Regional Planning COllIlCil 30 I East Ocean Boulevard, Suile 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 i-tE.GIONAL ?i,"'.I\ININ.,;: ...(;;.' ,. .. oCT 7 It 2 Ui ;:it ~';:" .::ii. ...;..,:' '.. : Dear Mr. Snyder: SUBJECT: Motorola Developmeut ofRegioa.llmpaet (BRI) City ofBoyntoB Beach, Palm Beach COBBty NOtifieatioB of~ ClIallle (NOPe) !. This is in responsetoyourletter~August 7, 2002 (received September- 25, 2002) reganiing~Notifi ' of Proposed Change (NOPC) for the1 Motorola Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The Department romplcted its review as swmnarized below. . The Motorola DR! is located north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, south ofGateway BooIevard, easli ofClXJ8I"lSS Avenue and west oflDlerstate 95 in tIie City of Boynton Beach, palm Beach ColD'lty, F1ori<la. The ~oroIa J)R[ was originally approved on January t, 1980, with an expiration date of 30 years from the date of its ~ The original DR! development, ho~, was projected to be complete in Year 2000, as evidenced by completion year of.Phase ill of the DRL The development phases and intemity from the original DR! are Ii in the following table: Phase CompletioB Year Development Squre Feet I 1981 Industrial Use/Offices 240,000 II 1991.1 Industrial Use/Offices 385,000 ill 2000 Offices 200000 TOTAL 825.000 :'j : i II II ,I I I I , 1 , I , ! I I In this NOPC, the applicant proposes the following change to the DR!: I . Convert the remaining 250,QOO ..q_, efeet ofindu.<trialland..rue entitlementsfor the property to ~OO multi-family residentiallO/ifs and 40, 000 square fiet of commercial space. j The Department offers the followin~ comments regIIIding this NOPC and the accompanying traffic anaIY515: I. There are inconsistencies related to the proposed Jand-l1'!e plan denoted in Attachment 2 - rip Generation Comparison, Expibit "E" - Substantial Deviation Determination Chart, and Questillll . 5 of the NOPC. More specificillly, Altachmenl2 denotes 450,000 sq\l8l'Creet of Office use while no Office use shown in Exhibit E. Further, Exhibit E denotes 600,000 square feel ofIndustrial use, AttaChment 2 shows none. 'Lastly, in NOPC Question No.5 and Exhibit "En 40,000 sq\l8l'C r. Commercial space is propoSed; however, in Anachment 2, 63,500 square feel of Commercial s denoted. These dismlpa1lcies should be l:Kplained. www.dot.state.fl.us C!) RecYCLED r" I , i , , : ! NOV-04-2002 ~ ,[ . i:1 ~ ~ ii 1:1 .'1 ::1 ![ I': , ' i'l , , : i : ! : I i! , , ' it ;;1 il .1 II i:i : I :i \'.1 I' ::i ,I :i , 10:58 P.03 I i Mr. James T. Snyder October 21, 2002 Page 2 I I 2. The calculation of the internal trips in Attachment 2 is incorrect. The applicant should use the procedl_ outlined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (Chapter 7) to document how internal capture ~ calculated for this IlIllllysis. The internal capture summary sheets (matrix or "bubble diagratn'i") 1d be included as an appendix. The analysis should be revised, accordingly. 3. The pass-by trips should not exceed 10% of adjacent street background traffic during the peak" bOu.lor 25% of the project's cxtemaI retail trips, whichever yields the lower number of pass-by trips. ~ru; applicant did not demonstrate that these criteria have been met. Based on our review, the num;: pass-by trips proposed in this analysis exceeds 25% of the project's external retail trips, and is unacceptable. Further, the applicant has incorrectIy applied the pass-by rates to the Offibe and ,If- Storage land uses. Pass-by credit may only be used for retail trips. The analysis should be revisr accordingly. ht conclusion, the Motorola DR! NOfC provided to the Department is not sufficient. The ~ req~ that tile applicant addl'ess our commclnts, so that we can complete our review of tile NOPC. Please feell to contact this office at (954) 777-460 f should you have any questions. Sincerely, I '.1 :i , , ! , I ! i . ! .E. Environmental Engineer GS:kailcw co: Paul Darst - OCA Bob Romig Gerry O'Reilly John Krane ~:VJPEM\(:han~lb.dor; ; 1 , II ! I i'l i; I , I ; i . , TOTAL P.03 , .: ~-r ",. \~, ~ "~ - ~:;!J ~ ~ 1~> f . ~~{<~ / . - :,1' 1t _'~~ '. I.'~~."".;;:'..... ~". ."..7'';' lc ,,,o.t.,> ~.. . '" "'.kl~ , . ~I:&dti~. . 't.~':;;:;;u., c' f3. t 'I TR.:E:~~~it~~ , '. . .!lI ~~N~~l ~ U~ OLe" ~ . . .~" a='~:'[__~ ::.;;~: '~.''=J ,r~ :;~rn;ct1.i,.. '~~' Oli, ~__~Z1 ~~~rft~~. tt';:~~~~~~.:i ~~:~7(1.~\!u~~~; November 4, 2002 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 8-52002 Subject: Motorola Development of Regional Impact Notification of Proposed Change Dear Mr. Rumpf In accordance with the requirements of Section 380.06(19), Florida Statutes (F.S.), we have reviewed the "Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI)" (NOPe) for the Motorola DRI dated September 17, 2002. The NOPC proposes to change the existing plan of development to allow development of 500 multi-family residential units, 450,000 square feet of office space, 63,500 square feet of retail space including shops and restaurants, and 128,000 square feet of self storage space. The applicant has submitted additional information on October 23, 2002 requesting the inclusion of a conversion matrix to allow changes in the plan of development to occur without the need to amend the development order. Council has the following concerns with the proposed changes: 1) The existing Motorola DRI is approved for 625,000 square feet of industrial uses and 200,000 square feet of office use, which totals 825,000 square feet of entitlements not 850,000 square feet. 2) Exhibit E, Substantial Deviation Determination Chart, needs to be revised to rrflect the original plan of development and the proposed changes under each appli,cable land use (i.e. office, industrial, retail, residential and industrial). 3) The applicant did not provide data and analysis to justifY the conversion matrix. The calculations to determine the conversion rates and what factor (i.e. water, sfwer, traffic, or affordable housing) is the more restrictive for each of the pro~osed conversions have not been provided by the applicant. Also, the applicant has not ctBringing Communities Together" . Est. 1976 301 Ellst Ocean Boulevard - Suite lOO - Stuart, Florida 34994 Phone (561) 221-4060 _ SC 269-4060 _ Fax (561) 221-4067 - E-mail - adminrsl'tcrnc or... Mr. Michael W. Rumpf November 4, 2002 Page 2 .- '- provided the proposed minimum or maximum levels of development for each of the land uses.in the conversion matrix. 4) The change in land use from non-residential to residential may change traffic patterns for the project creating additional impacts to the regional roadway network. The traffic analysis should be revised to include information on the present and proposed distribution of traffic on the regional roadways in the area. A meeting with the review agencies and local government should be set to discuss the proposed distribution of traffic and its potential impacts. 5) The last annual report for the Motorola DR! was submitted on January 1985. Therefore, the project is in violation of the City's development order. An annual report for the project should be submitted each year. If a conversion matrix is approved, the development order should be revised to require the applicant to report use ofthe conversion matrix in the annual report. 6) The Florida Department of Transportation has concerns with the traffic analysis submitted with the proposed change (see attached letter). These concerns need to be addressed. The applicant has submitted additional information to address some of these concerns. However, the information was not received to allow sufficient time for the review agencies to comment. Until the above concerns are ful1y addressed, Council objects to the proposed change. The Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Treasure Coast Region encourages the formation of sustainable neighborhoods and communities. Sustainable communities should include a compatible mix of land uses, wel1 designed and maintained public spaces, buildings and infrastructure, and a network of interconnected streets designed for various transportation modes. Council strongly encourages continued efforts to provide for mixed-use development in the City. However, it is equally important that mixed-use development is done correctly. There must be a true integration and appropriate mix of uses, not simply more than one use on the property. There should be not only a ful1y integrated mix of uses but also a network of streets, sidewalks, and bicycle paths and an accommodation for present or future use of transit. There should be both a vertical and horizontal integration of land uses, and the land uses should be of a type and nature that are appropriate and complementary to the area to be served. The DR! master plan included with the proposed amendment materials does not incorporate all the best components of mixed-use development. Council is available to assist the City in working with the developer of the property to ensure that the proposed development contains all the important components of good mixed-use development. Mr. Michael W. Rumpf November 4, 2002 Page 3. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, .~ (]. /4tlvl l James T. Snyder DR! Coordinator cc: Ken Metcalf, FDCA R. Duke Woodson, Applicant ~"---------_.._--------~-_._---_._---- JEB BUSH GOVERNOR ~ Florida Department of Transportation OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - DISTRICT 4 3400 West Commercial Blvd., 3rd Floor, Ft. Lauderdale. F133309-3421 Telephone: (954) 777-4601; Fax: (954)777-4671 Toll Free Number: 1-866-336-8435 THOMAS F. BARRY, JR. SECRETARY October 21, 2002 ~~~ ~: ~'~ ft' 't'~41 'it.;;,> 1f ~ Mr. James T. Snyder DRI Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 OCT) 4 2mf! ;,;C:(il,"j!.U-\,i ');';,i',i>i!,.,i,~:i Dear Mr. Snyder: SUBJECT: Motorola Development of Regional Impact (DRI) City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County Notification of Proposed Change (NOPC) This is in response to your letter dated August 7, 2002 (received September 25, 2002) regarding the Notification of Proposed Change (NOPC) for the Motorola Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The Department has completed its review as summarized below. The Motorola DRI is located north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, south of Gateway Boulevard, east of Congress A venue and west of Interstate 95 in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. The Motorola DRI was originally approved on January 7,1980, with an expiration date of30 years from the date of its rendition. The original DRI development, however, was projected to be complete in Year 2000, as evidenced by the completion year of Phase III ofthe DRI. The development phases and intensity from the original DRI are listed in the following table: Phase Completion Year Development Square Feet I 1981 Industrial Use/Offices 240,000 II 1990 Industrial Use/Offices 385,000 III 2000 Offices 200,000 TOTAL 825,000 In this NOPC, the applicant proposes the following change to the DRI: . Convert the remaining 250,000 squarefeet of industrial land-use entitlementsfor the property to 500 multi-family residential units and 40,000 square feet of commercial space. The Department offers the following comments regarding this NOPC and Ihe accompanying traffic analysis: I. There are inconsistencies related to the proposed land-use plan denoted in Attachment 2 - Trip Generation Comparison, Exhibit "E" - Substantial Deviation Determination Chart, and Question No.5 ofthe NOPe. More specifically, Attachment 2 denotes 450,000 square feet of Office use while therem no Office use shown in Exhibit E. Further, Exhibit E denotes 600,000 square feet of Industrial use, and Attachment 2 shows none. Lastly, in NOPC Question No.5 and Exhibit "E" 40,000 square feet of Commercial space is proposed; however, in Attachment 2, 63,500 square feet of Commercial space is denoted. These discrepancies should be explained. www.dot.state.fl.us (!) RECYCLED PAPER Mr. James T. Snyder October 21, 2002 Page 2 2. The calculation of the internal trips in Attachment 2 is incorrect. The applicant should use the procedure outlined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (Chapter 7) to document how internal capture was calculated for this analysis. The internal capture summary sheets (matrix or "bubble diagrams") should be included as an appendix. The analysis should be revised, accordingly. 3. The pass-by trips should not exceed 10% of adjacent street background traffic during the peak hour or 25% of the project's external retail trips, whichever yields the lower number of pass-by trips. The applicant did not demonstrate that these criteria have been met. Based on our review, the number of pass-by trips proposed in this analysis exceeds 25% of the project's external retail trips, and is therefore unacceptable. Further, the applicant has incorrectly applied the pass-by rates to the Office and Self- Storage land uses. Pass-by credit may only be used for retail trips. The analysis should be revised, accordingly. In conclusion, the Motorola DRl NOPC provided to the Department is not sufficient. The Department requests that the applicant address our comments so that we can complete our review of the NOPC. Please feel free to contact this office at (954) 777-4601 should you have any questions. Sincerely, .E. d Environmental Engineer GS:kai/cw cc: Paul Darst - DCA Bob Romig Gerry O'Reilly John Krane S:\QPEM\Chon W\D4Dri\Motorola\NOPClbdoc PlrlDER TROUTMArI COrlSULTlrlG. Irlc. Transportation Planners and Engineers November 1, 2002 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434.1644 Fax 434.1663 vvww.pi ndertroutman. com Mr. Khurshid Mohyuddin Palm Beach County Planning 100 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, Fl 33406 fllr :JPY Re: Motorola DRI NOPC - #PTC02-129 Dear Mr. Mohyuddin: Attached please find a Comprehensive Plan Amendment trip generation analysis for the above referenced project. The existing land use designation on the 85.54 acre site is Industrial. It is proposed to change the land use on a portion of the site. Proposed land use designations are local Retail Commercial on 45.45 acres and Industrial on the remaining 40.09 acres. City code allows 40% lot coverage and 4 stories for local Retail Commercial and 60% lot coverage and 4 stories for Industrial. The owner/developer cannot build to this intensity because of an existing ORion the property. Therefore, the owner/developer will voluntarily restrict the uses and intensities of the site. The maximum development will be limited based on the total external trips approved for the existing DR\. Attachment 1 presents a comparative trip generation analysis for the existing land use designation, proposed land use designation and the proposed development plan. The maximum 13,020 new external daily trips is the threshold currently approved under the Motorola DR\. Please call this office is you have any comments. KMP/ldr Enclosures NOV - 5 100l cc: Dick Hudson Jeff Douglas Duke Woodson Lc..tterMohyuddin02-129 11-1-02 Pi - ------_.._-~------ ,-------_.-. ------_.._..._----_._------_._._---,._._~_.-- "'NN ~.e9o 8S~r- u,... 0 ~ t ;a. '" N N o ~ .;;; '" -;;; c: < c: o .., '" - '" c: '" CJ a. ." ... c: '" c:: '" ~ Q2 .~ c: 0 ~ Q.J..!2 ..r:: E 0 ~ ..c: - a. U 0 E fl '0 0 <::2:u - . 1[ ci. E 8 o 10 "S '" o -;;; ~ :l "tJ E ~ .~ .,. .,. - - N N Z.= '" '" .,., .,., "*' c:: '" ",- ~.:: ~ ~ ~ " '" '- " 0..'= - - - - ,." M ~ .9- - - M M OJ .~ M "" x'" e< N '" '" '" ,~ "*' "*' 0 0 0 c:: .= ci 0 '" E .!i , E ,: .~ c: - 0'" w- ~ '" c: ~ ~ '" () ~ - .~ - - ~ .~ M M M "" ...... ". '" '" '" >::: .!i u.. '" V> '" 0 0 c: 0 0 - '., ~ i!! " '" '" c: .0 " () .9 - ... c .~ u.. V> ~ .,. c: '" .!i '" ..5 ",' .,. '" 0'; '" 0 "'"0 ... 0 .,. -u - ill :;) "0 c: '" .... ~ ~ " "0 c: c: o .., '" c: "" .;;; '" o "" c: 'jji 'x w -;;; '2 '" E E (3 ] ., '" -;;; U o .... "tJ c: '" -;;; '" ~ " "tJ E ~ .~ - .,. '" '" '" - " '" z.= ,,' ,,' ~ N .,. " "*' "*' c:: 0 .,., ui ".- '" ..0>::: ~ ~ '" '" ~ - '" 0.. ... 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Community Redevelopment FILE COpy October 30, 2002 Mr. James Snyder Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301-E Ocean Boulevard #300 Stuart, Fl 34994 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No.1 (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Snyder: Please be advised that in accordance with Chapter 380.06 F.S. the City. of Boynton Beach has scheduled a Public Hearing regarding the above referenced Notice of Proposed Change for Tuesday, December 3, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing will be held in City Commission Chambers located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Sincerely, . I tJ' :/r;~~~ :;f/dc,v -f"d. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner Jim Cherof, City Attorney S\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS'u\1otorola DRI\DR1\Mrdoc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.{)310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.or DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELCPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment FilE COpy October 30, 2002 Mr. Daryl M. Carter Maury 1. Carter & Associates, Inc. 908 S. Delaney Avenue Orlando, FL 32806 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DRI - Amendment No,} (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-001) Dear Mr. Carter: Please be advised that in accordance with Chapter 380.06 F.S. the City of Boynton Beach has scheduled a Public Hearing regarding the above referenced Notice of Proposed Change for Tuesday, December 3, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing will be held in City Commission Chambers located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Sincerely, r"",,- .-1 d~~dJo rfx- Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner Jim Cherof, City Attorney S:\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Motorola DRJ\DRl\Applicantlet.dot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.or DEPARTMENT OF DEVELCPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment October 30, 2002 fUt: ~OPV Mr. Bob Cambric Growth Management Administrator State of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Community Planning 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Re: Notification of a Proposed Change Motorola - DR! - Amendment No,! (Our Ref. No. DRIA 02-002) Dear Mr. Cambric: Please be advised that in accordance with Chapter 380.06 F.S. the City of Boynton Beach has scheduled a Public Hearing regarding the above referenced Notice of Proposed Change for Tuesday, December 3, 2002 at 6:30 PM. The Public Hearing will be held in City Commission Chambers located at 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Sincerely, CiJ.~ d.eai/ Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director cc. R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner Jim Cherof, City Attorney S.\Plallning\SHAREDIWP\PROJECT5\Motorola DRl\DRI\DCA let.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.or BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MILWAUKEE ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON, D.C. WEST PALM BEACH FOLEY" LARDNER ATTORNE Y S A T LAW October 23,2002 { t'002 Jim Snyder DR! Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 Re: Motorola DR! Dear Jim: This is to follow up on our conversation in your office September 24, 2002 concerning the NOPC for the Motorola site. Enclosed is a revised Exhibit "D" for the NOPC which includes the changes we discussed, including a table with square footages for the proposed uses. We have slightly revised acreages for the uses due to the change in the land use designation for the existing day care facility. The uses are consistent with the uses in the traffic analysis originally submitted, and are reflected in the revised Exhibit "E." Also enclosed is a slightly revised traffic analysis which reflects the entrances into the property. We also discussed a conversion matrix to be included in the amended Development Order to allow the developer to change land uses from one category to another without the need to amend the Development Order. Our proposed conversion matrix is as follows: Office Industrial Multi-Family Residential Commercial 1000 SF Office 4828 SF 2DU 129 SF 1000 SF Industrial 207 SF ADU 27 SF IDU Multi-Family Residential 510 SF 2463 SF 66 SF 1000 SF Commercial 7774 SF 37,517 SF 15DU FOLEY & LARDNER III NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 18DO ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801.2386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802.2193 WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3247 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAIL ADDRESS rwoodson@foleylaw.com 006.269718.1 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOlEYlARDNER.COM FOLEY:LARDNER Jim Snyder October 23,2002 Page 2 This matrix was developed with consideration of traffic, water, sewer, and affordable housing demand for each use, and represents the "least common denominator" for substitution among uses. Traffic is the constraining factor for this site given the availability of water and sewer capacity from the City of Boynton Beach, and the supply of affordable housing in the vicinity of the site. We look forward to continuing to work with you on this NOPC. Please let me know if you have questions concerning our application. Yours truly, D~~E: R. Duke Woodson RDW:dr Enclosure cc: Lusia Galav Daryl Carter Jeff Douglas Kahart Pinter Javier Omana Galav, Lusia From: Sent: To: Subject: Galav, Lusia Thursday, October 24, 2002 10:49 AM Lamanna, Rosemarie Motorola NOPC #1 Rosemarie, Just an FYI. I sent Jim a copy of the Motorola NOPC application and proposed ordinance in interoffice mail this morning. I know you'll be working on it. Let me know if and when you need exhibits etc. Lusia 1 fiLE COpy DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM NO PZ 02-238 TO: Jim Cherof City Attorney FROM: Lusia Galav, AIcf$P . Principal Planne , . .. ~ DATE: October 24, 2002 SUBJECT: Motorola NOPC #1 (DRIA 02-002) Attached is a copy 0 ft he application for the above referenced p rojec!. T he applicant provided a revised ordinance to be adopted as NOPC #1. Since this is not the format we use for the Quantum NOPC ordinances, I need to know if it is acceptable. My comments on the proposed ordinance are provided in red. The schedule for adoption of NO PC #1 is attached. Please call me as soon as possible to discuss the ordinance. . Attachment Cc. Michael Rumpf, P&Z Director MOTOROLA DRI - NOPC AMENDMENT #1 SCHEDULE ADVERT P&D CC CC-PH(l) DATE MEETING 1 ST READING 2ND READING A Dec. 2, 2002 Nov. 26, 2002 Dec. 3, 2002 Dec. 17, 2002 B Nov. 19,2002 Nov. 14,2002 Nov. 19,2002 Dec. 3, 2002 (1) Public Hearing The following dates have been derived pursuant to scheduling requirements outlined in Chapter 380.06 F.S. 1. DRI /NOPC Received: September 18, 2002 2. 30-Day Marker: * October 17, 2002 3. 45-Day Marker: * November 1, 2002 4. 90-Day Deadline: December 16, 2002 * The City is required to give a 15 day notice (no sooner than 30 days and no later than 45 days from the date the NOPC application was received) to DCA, Treasure Coast RPC and the applicant of the scheduled date for the public hearing. 10/24102 FilE CT~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM NO PZ 02-237 DATE: Jeff Livergood, p~~.' , Lusia Galav, Ad , Principal PlannerJ October 24, 2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Motorola NOPC #1 (DRIA 02-002) Please review the revised Traffic Analysis for the above referenced project and provide comments to me in writing by Wednesday, October 30, 2002. Thank you. Galav, Lusia From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mazzella, Pete Monday, October 21,20024:41 PM Galav, Lusia Kelley, David; Sugerman, Dale; Guidry, John Motorola fILE COpy Lusia Here is the spreadsheet I promised, which indicates an anticipated total water demand of almost 300,000 gallons per day, compared to the currently approved demand of 60-70,000 gpd. In view of the South Florida Water Management District's current reluctance to increase new water uses, I think we need to treat this as a very significant intensification of usage for this property, and proceed very cautiously. The following questions come to mind: . Is the proposed density suitable for the location? This is an increase of 300% in addition to the existing approved use. . Is the timing for development near-term, or is this just a way of increasing the property's resale value, with no definite plans to redevelop at this time? . An intensification of this magnitude warrants a re-evaluation of our utilities master plan, in order to evaluate the adequacy of the piping network in the area. Are they willing to pay for this, as required by Chapter 26? Please contact me with any additional questions. Pete ~ motorola expansion.xls I- ltl :r: II) Q ;tj 0:: Q" II) ~ o j::: <:( ..,J ::> u ..,J <3 :5: o tt u.1I) 01:: ciz z::J z o i= 0:: <( UJ::g l-o...J <(...J...J ::u.<( I- as :E Q" o ..,J ~ UJ Q Q UJ II) o Q" o 0:: Q" <:( ..,J o 0:: ~ o :E c- D. C) ~ o ...J U. 000000"'00 ODOLOOOr---.t'-N L{)OL()a:>r--U')(,O("I')~ t-L{)("I')..::tcnN (CNcnr--N o DOOOlC)O 0 OOl.[)L!)r--OL{)t--.CO L{)~N~(DO"'d"("I') "<t N e-: . e-: I- u. I-u. U. 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David Kelley, Jr.,PE/PSM DATE: October 16, 2002 RE: Plan Review Comments MOTOROLA SITE - Sewage Flow vs. Capacity DRIA 02-002 - NOPC #1 The attached estimated sewage flow chart has been submitted to the Planning & Zoning Division (as part ofa TRC comment that I made during the initial conceptual review process) to justify the need (or no expansion need) of their on-site sewage system. I would like you to review this attachment to determine its validity. Please respond directly to Lusia Galav, with a copy to me, as I will be on vacation during the next two weeks. Thanks, Dave.... Xc: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner Laurinda Logan, PE, Senior Engineer File J:\SHRDA T A\Engineering\Engineering Div. Memorandum new logo.doc ~st REVIEW COMMENTS") \0) DeveJoument of Rel!ional ImDact lJ1J ~ ~ l~ ~ 'i~} l~ OCT 2 2 200l i": ,I" :111 11)1 LJj Project name: Motorola PLANNING AND File number: ORlA 02..002 ZONING DEP! Reference: l"review ulans identified as l)evelooment of Relrional Imuact Amendment with a Sootember 1 S, d d ~ 2002 Planninu an Zonin" O""artmcnt ate stamn mar .nu. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None pUBLIC WORKS Traffic Comments: 1. In the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) provided with the DR! application the introduction does not address the planned land I.I5C re-designation of a portion of the DR! from Industrial to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addresses all of the proposed land use changes. 2. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach County Traffic EllltinceriOll for review. No resDonsC has been received at this time. UTILITIES Comments: 3. Water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "0" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi" family designated areas will have to be analyzed on an area by area basis, FIRE Commmts: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of thc City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFP A I, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFPA lOt, Life Safety Code, 2000 editimt. (these codes, as amended are identifiEd as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demmtstrate compliance with WR Chapter 6, Section 16, which provides requirement.. for hydnmts. Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft, apart and the remotest part of any structurc shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. ConneetiOlls shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire flow of at teast 1500 gpm is required. --_._---_.__._-~----------~----~---- " r ) ) 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 10/08/02 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 6. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided. must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code. (2000) Section 29-2.3.2. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DlVlSION Comments: 7. No comments at this time - future specific u.qes as set forth in Exhibit "0" (to be refined) for the retail and multi-family designated areas will be analyzed on a ease bv case basis BUILDING DlVlSION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 8. The notice mentiOlls 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation hnpact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family, detached ~ $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family = $656 ea 9. The fee is due at the time of the fust applicable building permit. 10. Our department would be intcrested in exploring the possibility of a greenway I bikeway easement along the east and south sides of this properly especially along the E-4 canal. FORESTERlENVIRONMENT AUST Comments: 11. EXHIBIT uD" \ . . 1ST REVIEW coMMENTS 10/08/02 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Th~ are existinll active Burrowing Owl nests on the two areas shown on the above exhibit ''0" noted as: l. Industrial (Office I Warehouse I Manufacturing, 40.09 acres) 2. Multi-Family / Retail (34.00 =) The applicant must have an environmental assessment of these two areas and obtain a B\l1TOwing Owl permit throogh the Florida Wildlife COIlUlIission (FWC). This information shollld be included with the DR! notice of DfODOsed cham!e aoolication. PLANNING AND 7..oNING Comments: 12. Provide a legal description of the property to bcrczoned from PID to C-3. 13. The Master Plan shows 40.09 acres ofIndus1rial (Office, Warehouse & Manufactming). Traffic study does not address warehouse or manufacturing uses. Rcvisc accordingly. 14. Provide the Master Plan at 24"x36" size, Include the amount of vested trips for the DR! in a DOlt; on the plan. 15. Correct the Substantial Deviation Chart for Industrial Land Use. The aC'l'csge figure is 40.09 not 49.09 as shown. 16. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water ManagCOlent District regarding impacts to ground and surfacc water as a result of the proposed change. 17. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands for the proposed change. 18. Provide in the traffic study an analysis of traffic distribution for the site that takes into accOlmt the two new proposed driveways on Congress A vcnllC. 19. Project must address school concurrency. Submit school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for a1)l)1'Oval. 20. What will be the \llrget market for the residential development? 21. Provide infOl:111ation regarding the availability or projected availabi lity of adequate housing and employment opportunities reasonably aeeessibl~ to the development site. 22. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(&) S.C. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This uresumution may be rebutted by clear and eonvincinll evidence. MWR/gc S:\PlanningISHAREDIY'.P\PRQJECTSIMOlOrolo ORIIDRI\1ST REVIEWCOMMENTS.doc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 006.272272.1 MOTOROLA DR! RESPONSE TO CITY REVIEW COMMENTS 12. 13. 14. We have provided a revised traffic impact analysis as requested. No response necessary. We agree with this comment. We agree with this comment. We agree with this comment. We agree with this comment. We agree with this comment. We agree with this comment. We agree with this comment. We have had preliminary discussions with staff concerning a greenway along the east and south sides of this property. We have agreed in concept to this proposal, but need to reach an understanding as to what the City is specifically requesting. The applicant has submitted a burrowing owl permit to the Florida Wildlife Commission. A copy is attached. We have provided a survey based upon revised plan. Please see the revised traffic study. A copy of the Master Plan at 24" x 36" is included. The number of vested trips for the DR! is shown in a note on the revised Plan. The substantial deviation chart has been revised and is attached. There is an existing South Florida Water Management District permit for the proposed proj ect. A copy is attached. A revised projection of water demands was included in the original submittal. Please see the revised traffic study. A School Concurrency Application will be filed with Palm Beach County School Board for approval. The residential development will be market rate housing targeted to professionals employed in Palm Beach County. The project is in an area of close proximity to retail, office and warehouse employment opportunities. The project amendment would provide housing for employment both on the project site as well as offsite. The proposed change is not a substantial deviation to the original DR! because there is no increase in traffic with the new proposed uses. The traffic study provides clear and convincing evidence that the proposed mix of uses will not increase offsite traffic. Other potential regional impacts from the project are not affected by the proposed change. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ~ . !_..:\ State 0 .orida Fish and Wildlife Conservati, Commissi l~ ~ ~ Division of Wildlife, Bureau of Wildlife diversity Conservatio IUU ~@IE.~\f]llir~ OCT 2 2 mll!Ji PLANNING AND II ZONING om J MIGRATORY BIRD NEST REMOVAL PERMIT APPLICAT N (Please Print or Type) Applicant's name Karen Applicant's Signature Affiliation Environmen al Consulting for Jeff Douglas, Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. Address 33 East Pine Street Orlando, FL 32801 Telephone Number(s): (407) 843-6552 Voice line Date of Application 9-24-02 (407) 839-1789 knelson@,glatting.com Email address Fax Bird species: Burrowing Owl* ~ Osprey Other Did you previously have a state permit for the proposed work at this site? No Permit number Nest information: Number of nests or burrows to be removed....l Duration of work Est. 3 year construction sched. Location of nest (i.e., what structure [light pole, tree, tower, etc.] block, lot, street address, city, county, TownshiplRange/Section [TSR]): Vacant land south of Motorola Corporation, southeast of Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue, in the western portion of Section 20, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. Bovnton Beach, Florida (Fil!ure 1 ). Are eggs of flightless young present? Y esQ Are any adult birds present@No. How many? 2. You must also contact Special Agent in Charge, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1875 Century Boulevard, Atlanta, GA 30345, (404) 679-7049 for afederal permit, if any eggs and/or flightless young are in the nest. Has any en~. ental consultant or other trained or experienced person inspected the nest(s) or owl burrow(s)? Yes o. If yes, please provide a contact person, affiliation, phone number, and date of inspection. av Exum, Ph.D., Environmental Director, Glatting Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez Rinehart, Inc., (407) 843-6552, conducted the inspection on September 10,2002. Justification for removal ofnest(s) or owl burrow(s) (i.e.-location of nest conflicts with proper functioning/installation of a structure or prohibits construction) Burrow location on the proiect site is prohibitive to proposed multi-familv residential development. Development of the proiect site was approved in the Bovnton Beach Motorola DR! (Ordinance #79-36). Please refer to the attached updated development plan for the overall Motorola DR! (proiect site in south portion). Describe proposed measures (i.e., placement of T -perch on-site, starter burrows, erecting replacement nest structure, etc.) to mitigate this loss of nesting habitat for this species (refer to appropriate species policy/guidelines): Due to the urban nature of the proiect area, as well as limited on-site mitigation options in light of the proposed development plan, no mitigation is proposed. It is anticipated that the pair will relocate to the adiacent vacant property located south of the proiect site (Fil!ure 1). This property is characterized bv greater than 100 acres of potentially suitable habitat, although future development plans for this site are unknown. *- Those applying for a permit to remove a burrowing owl nest burrow must include a site plan or scaled diagram of the property that shows the location of the burrow( s) relative to the proposed construction. Please submit applications up to 30 days in advance of the date nest removal activities are to begin. Return to: Protected Species Permit Coordinator, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Division of Wildlife, 620 South Meridian Street, Mail Station WLD-BLX, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600, (850) 921-5990, Nest removal appJiarion.doc Revised 18 Sept 200/ SEP-26-02 08.52 FROM. 'ill LANO USES ~tail 11.45: OG. lndv:)t,rial Mv(t,l FgnHy/R=t.:JH 4Cl.~= eX. 3-4,001: lZ.. Talal ~.SAt 0::. m fXl~TING SIGNALIZED lNTCRSECTION o Ell5Tl/'G FULL. ACCess POINT . P~ED FULL ACCESS POINT ... P~EO RlGl-.'T 1j.v~I~ OUT -- Ap(2IW.lmDK- lXHilt t)f (J riJje.ct f/trw1cUtr;) J...{,1--L .~"'II"[ Jj I L ~"I j llH II Ill' II! . _ _ -J~~OX ~V~~ J-t- _ _ _ ~~~~ 1M ~~::,:,:,:==:::::::::-" 0 ===-:.=~~::::;; i;J ~:::::--=--::::-:;;::::: IllulF -- II III II III R.tail J II 11 3.S0= k.. r H 'n I 1/ II III II II III 1111 III III 'II "I II fl ~/l1I It II 11111 IIII ~'I ~Iil:; II! II III II III II, 1111 ~ III III ~ II III > 11 JI <{ I n II 1tl \1 II ~ 1JI111 III 'ij< ~ III II. ~2 ~ :: ::, .n \j II U 1"/1 II /I III III lit 111 ----lll II =-= 12 i ~---- :: ::' 11/1 III \I III II /I II III II II U II II I II II, III III III II III /I I II :I, I Hi II I II ~ll II II III II /It-- III II " .,..".. """"""" ,. ....... I :=::J Ii, " ID,4V -';'81743 PAGE 2/2 :,~ --.... --- =~.,NC: ~1'llUC';"\.I~ I \ 1;"1101_"'11'1 \ \\ \ ~ \ \ , ~\I , ~ \ ~ t \ I \ Irol1Strial (QFF';c.e Ha-sl--cusa/McnufcGt.1,;rinq) AO.Qq.t Ae.. I I I I I MlJltJ"Fr::rnay/Re~1 !4.00t k. --- -~='~~------n r EXHIBIT "D' THE MOTOROLA DRI Nope MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida ''''''__<_'-- -,1YrJ ~I GLAITING JACKSON KERCHER ANGLIN LOPEZ RINEHART Project #:17087.01 Aenal Flown: 2001 Date: October 2002 Z:\projects\ 1 7'-17087 _ 01\work\avprojects\itp.apr Figure 1 Approximate Location of Burrowing Owl Sites Maury L. Carter and Associates, Inc. Project Site Boynton Beach, Florida 10/18/2002 14:20 ~- 56143~J.P~3 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 02 . 'w OCT 2282 00 j ~~~aw~ MOTOROlA DRI NOPe #1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT ReviSED The proposal under this Notice of Proposed Change (NOPCl for the Motorola DRI is to change the land used designation from Industrial to Industrial and local Retail Commercial. These specific land use designation changes, described in detail in Section S of the NOPe Application, represent proposed increases and decreases in land use intensities as well as a reallocation of approved land use designations and intensities. Residential development will occur under the local Retail Commercial land use designation. The purpose of this traffic analysis is to provide data and analyses of the traffic impacts associated with the proposed change such that a determination of substantial deviation can be made. lAND USE CHANGES There have been no previous modifICations to the DRI, which was approved for 625,000 SF of manufacturing (including ancillary office and storage) and 200,000 SF of Office. Based on this development plan it has been determined that the project is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 peak hour trips (Allachment 1). This then becomes the benchmark from which to compare the trip generation of the proposed land uses. Attachment 2 provides a daily and peak hour trip generation analysis of the proposed Motorola development program. The proposed development plan is projected to generate a comparable number of daily trips as currendy vested for the site. Both the AM peak hour and the PM peak hour trip generation of the proposed development plan are projected to be less than the currently vested trips. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not represent a substantial deviation. NOFC #702-729 R7O-78-02 10/1~~2002 14:20 5614341.S63 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 04 AlTACHMENT 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . BuIldIng . Plennlllll & Zt>n". . Oct;upafIonaI Ucen8P . COmmunity _.eI",- ~.f~~ August 29, 2002 Mr. Kahart M Pinder, AICP Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. 2324 South Congress Avenue Suite IH West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Motorola DR! Dear Mr. Pinder: I am responding to your letter to Michael Rwnpf, dated August 26, 2002, regarding vested trips for the Motorola DR!. I concur with your assessment, that the Motorola DR! is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 PM peak hour trips. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 561-742-6260, Sincerely, d:..4~v Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc:: Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Chero~ City Attorney S:~IL\ItI!D.~~T"'--Ur.. c-otr of BoynIDn a.c:h . 10C Jt Bov""'" IIMch Blvd., P.o. Box 310 . Boyi BeoH:h, FloridD 33425-4310 ".n .. ___L__ 10/18/.2002 .14: 20 561434'<;63 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 05 !U'ii li~. ~."''';$I.=''' :: ~~;; oN'" .. ~ ~ I ;; ~ .. t ! i s ~ !l _~CI'I;"'N~"".. ~ J.~I""I"'''''''''' t R... '".,""'''' :;; ... . ..,..,..,"" VtC"f'" t'<f N .. - .. ~ ...~ISt:e..~I:!!~,... ~ I- e~IN"N"""'" I - - ]a NN::N;.:_ - :: ~::;I"~~~~;: " lsa:~~~:l~:::e ~ '" .!! - /;; .Ii'" ...... ~ ai ~ I!! ::l ~ .. :1 :: " ~.. !l 1."'lii-:R8:C"O"'CJI ~ ISl=U::alll:'*::l ~ ..."" 11'1""'" ..,...... "'" fO'll... N N .. .. It...a......s'''''.., i ""s.".., CJIo~P>'" "'a N ......"'N ~!. Of'olll'lN N_ ...... ...... J 'I J.. ::~UUN!!\ ~:;s"1::a~:::~ ~ ... ..~ag;rn:t~::: .! ... N .! ... ... - NN_ ~ e ~ . ~ J~ l:kl:t5~tri~~~ I ~UU I P~;~~N :~ ci ~al~~03'" ] . ... IN !. S s it ii ~ z 1'" Q l~ "!""il!_N"~N- ~ ;:~~!!il!lii;nli!!i I ~"Il:a-Ni1i"N- t:: r::;:: :ag; &:! E ;:::N.,.,132 S~ ]1 .. H u J] ... ~ Ii .. a ~ . iI. a ." ] -'~'ii ~ II H ~1 lUlh 3 U ~ II u 12 i5 .. 26 10/18~2002 ~4:20 561434'S63 PINDER TROUTMAI>I PAGE 06 o .0 w ::l Z w ~ ~ N.T,S. '" '" w ~ ~ "" tJ Z 234 (182) 8 ! 40 (20) ! TEWAV BLVD 34 12m ~~f 42 (41) 1 J~r 1 ~ ~j).l ~L -40'5l rum 1 (2) . f l t75 (105) 410 (26) 1168 (2111) &J2l!L~ f N t91 (141) r - ~ GA LEGEND 10 -AM PEAK HOUR (26) -PM PEAK HOUR 10f18102 ~ I MOTOROLA NOPC I ATTACHMENI3 PROJECT DRIVEWAY VOLUMES BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MILWAUKEE ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON. D.C. WEST PALM BEACH 1tIA'Y ) rn lX:f22m2 ill I \ ) ~~~n\'!J~ PLANNING ANO ZONING om October 7, 2002 O ~.1 0Vvddt- ,}:.-,J...II. 1"" lf1-l O. ~- ? tJ(}W~ "'~ ~ r . 5D% J:::;vV- I^M~ Jim Snyder DRl Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 j gD.{)(.15 , ~_.-- Re: Motorola DRI Dear Jim: This is to follow up on our conversation in your office September 24, 2002 concerning the NOPC for the Motorola site. Enclosed is a revised Exhibit "D" for the NOPC which includes the changes we discussed, including a table with square footages for the proposed uses. We have slightly revised acreages for the uses due to the change in the land use designation for the existing day care facility. The uses are consistent with the uses in the traffic analysis originally submitted, and are reflected in the revised Exhibit "E." We also discussed a conversation matrix to be included in the amended Development Order to allow the developer to change land uses from one category to another without the need to amend the Development Order. Our proposed conversion matrix is as follows: Office Industrial Multi-Family Residential Commercial 1000 SF Office 4828 SF 2DU 129 SF 1000 SF Industrial 207 SF ADU 27 SF IOU Multi-Family Residential 510 SF 2463 SF 66 SF 1000 SF Commercial 7774 SF 37,517 SF 15 DU FOLEY & LARDNER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32801.2386 P. o. 80X 2193 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802.2193 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOlEYlARDNER.COM WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3247 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAIL ADDRESS rwoodson@foleylaw.com 006.269718.1 F.OL E'v : LA R D N E R ) ) Jim Snyder October 7,2002 Page 2 This matrix was developed with consideration of traffic, water, sewer, and affordable housing demand for each use, and represents the "least common denominator" for substihiti(iri.atIlong~ses." Traffic is the constraining factor for this site given the availability of watetarld sewer capacitY from the City of Boynton Beach, and the supply of affordable housing in the vicinity of the site. We look forward to continuing to work with you on this NOPC. Please let me know if you have questions concerning our application. Yours truly, R. Duke Woodson RDW:dr Enclosure cc: Lusia Galav Daryl Carter Jeff Douglas 006.269718.1 .~ -~ (') :> :> ...., 0 ~. =+ ....: ~ ... "t:I :4 A m ... '" o. 0 n e.. 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"'-<;&lrt>"" n~o'(JQo!!. ~O~~(b('tl>-l')=-: ~ 8. ~ o. ~ =' 0. ~ ,.. _. < 0 ('tl n ~ ~ e. C'D ~ S ...... ('tl r= =:; g ::r ...... (ll 5. := e. S '" n' n g ". S' s e. Ci"s"cn~OQ 15 =r r:: '" 0.. r:: '" -e. ~ () " g. en en' 5' 00 '" (JQ .'" >O""(I>:;:tl ~9~~~ ... 8 ... g. ~ ~ J:l.' ('tl ~ = ......::t. p:l ('tl~<g~8 ~ ..... ('tl ~ \I" 0 ::r ~ (ll ~ 5l n' n g ..... ~::roo o' :.: ~ ,. 5l .:a.~ ~ '" '" (I> (I> (I> (I> (b 0 ('D ('tl ("tl 0 ('tl ("il mmmm ~~~~ 0:5"6-'5" ..... ..... -. -. ..... ..... ....... ..... ~~~~ (") :r: > z o m (") > ...., m 8 ~ ." el a (I> m o ~ z o ~ 9 z > t"'" ." t"'" > Z g~ >< z...... 00 me:: +(1) O~ >0 ....,. m OCT-11-2002 16:36 P.01/04 FAXED OCT " 21102@4: 30 CONF REC'D fZ1.... BY_ ENGINEERS Fax Transmission Cover Sheet Dare: 1(J4/~eJZ U : 2... t:hIA Time: -, ;IV r'" To:...1:dI!1 ef erJ1J177JP IKACfJ r f e Attention: t....UClA &AtMI Fax Number Called: 1'fZ - ~Z6-'l; 6'1 From: AtAIfI SJ/1/l16eif Project: 1f/~~ll4tA Total Number of Pages Including This Cover Sheet 'f Comments: LIlt-fA - ~ Mf 7IIff I(Arffl f tuA~ lJm~; '11:/6'r S~/,{tf:> J./MIE FSJ 1-fI 7lf6 P~t:IJ/..It I'fIJI'tICAflPU ~. Original to follow: Yes 8 ** If you do not receive all pages, or have difficulty reading text, please call (561) 683-3113** Mock/Roos PA No. AlOt,f"-OO Mock, Roos " AS$oclales, Inc. -- ..~ ...". ., 5720 COrPorofe Wrsf. West Palm Booach. FIoridO 33407-2066. (561) 683-3113. fax 478-7248 o OCT-11-2002 16:36 ExIsting Proposed comparison of Estimated Sewage Flows Pre-development vs. Post development Motorola Site From David Derek, Senior F'rojed: Manager, Jon8s-Lang~LasaJte at Motorola: When factory was operating at full capacity, there were 3500 employee. spread over 3 shifts to cover 24 hours/day, 7 daysAveek. Far II factory, use 25 gpd per employ.. per a nOl,Jf snift,. Assume each of the 3500 employees: WOrked one 8 hour shift per day,S days per week 3500 X 517 X 25 gpd = 62500 gpd e.timated Existing Sewage Flow (ADF) Office - 450,000+/- ..1 U.e15 gpd per 100 ..1. 01 floor .pace' 450,000/100 X 15 gpd - 67500 gpd Residential-100 on~droom units, 250 2-bedroQm units and 150 3-bedroom units Use 100 gpd lor 1 ,bedroom units. 100X100gpd= 10000gpd Use 200 gpd for 2-bedroom unlls' 250 X 200 gpd = 50000 gpd Use 300 gpd for 3-bedroom units- 150 X 300 gpd = 45000 gpd Restaurant. Quality - 10,000 s.f. - a~~LJm. 280 seat$ U.. 40 gpdl..at' 2BO X 40 gpd = 11200 gpd Restaurant - High Tumovsr - 6,000 sJ.- assume 170 seals Use 40 gpdlseal- 170 X 40 gpd = 6BOO gpd Restaurant.. Fast Food.. B,OOO sJ. . assume 225 seats Use 40 gpdlsear 225 X 40 gpd - 9000 gpd Retail. 20,000+/- ..1, Use 0.1 gpd per s.f. of flOQr space" 20,000 X 0,1 gpd = 2000 gpd 6.lInk ~ Drive In '" 4.500+/- sJ. Use 15 gpd per 100 s.f. of floor .pauli' 45001100 X '5 gpd = 675 gpd SeWSlOrage -126,000+/- .,f, - ...ume 370 units Use 1 gpd per unit'" 370 K 1 gpd = 370 gp~ Office space '" assume an 800 s.f. office U.. 15 gpd per , 00 0.1, of office .pace" Boo/1oo X 15 gpd = '20 gpd -All values assigned per unit lire from TlIble 1. Department of Health Chaptar 64E-6.00B for System Size Determinations Total 202665 gpd E5limated Proposed Sewage Flow (ADF) e:/doug/dougmololftowcalc.xls !lI17/02 P.02/04 A21165.00 AMS OCT-11-2002 16:36 Existing Proposed ~ P.03/04 Comparison of Estimated Water Demand Pre-development VS. Post development Motorola Site Estimated Sewage Flow shown on previous table: 62500 gpd For every 250 9i>d of .ewage produced, ...ume 300 gpd otwater i. u..d: 300/250 X 62500 9pd ~ 15000 gpd E.dm....d existing Waler Dem.nd (ACF) ES1imated Sewage F'1ow shown on previous table: 202665 gpd For every 250 gpd of sewage produced, ;assume 300 gpd of water is used: 300/250 X 202665 gpd - 243198 gpd Estimated Proposed W.ter Dem.nd ("OF) e:/dougldougmotolflowcalc..xls 9/11102 A2065.00 AMS OCT-11-2002 16:37 P.04/04 .~ . ~ Comparison of Estimated Sewage Flows for Select Proposed Land Uses at the Motorola Site For every 1000 $.1. 01 office space: Use 15 gpd per 100 &.I. of floor space. 1000 d. (100 X 15 gpd = 150 gpd For every 1000 s.f. of retail: Use 0.1 gpd per d. of floor space' 1000 s.f. X 0.1 gpd = 100 gpd For every 1 bedroom residen~al unit Use 100 gpd per unit" 100 gpd For every 2 bedroom residential unit Use 200 gpd per un~. 200 gpd For every 3 bedroom residential unit: Use 300 gpd per unit. 300 gpd For every 1000 d. of indullriel: Use 25 gpd per employee per 8 hour shift" If you assume there is one employee utilizing every 150 sJ. 01 space: 1000 $.I. ( 150 s.f. X 25 gpd = 167 gpd per shill .A11 value$ assigned per un~ are from Table 1, Department 01 Health Chapter 64E-6.008 for Sys1em Size Delenninations. No peeking lectors have been applied. FOr estimation 01 WalBr Demand lor the same land uses, assume 300 gpd of water is consumed for every 250 gpd of sewage produced, and multiply the estimated sewage flow value by 1.2. e:\dougldougmotolftowcalc.xls 9/26102 A2085.00 AMS TOTAL P.04 10-08-2002 2,20PM FROM PLANNING AND REAL ES 561 ~3~ 8187 P.1 r.O-\OOL PI.s- -~ . ~ ~ g Q 1: ~. "" ,ei!>;.. "" BEACH cou,f.', THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY PLANNING DEPj~RTMENT 3320 FOREST HILL BOIULEVARD - C331 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL PHONE: 561/434-8020 FAX: 561/434-8187 Number of pages sent (including cover page): 3 TO: Lusia Galav, AICP, Planning Department, City of Boynton Beach DATE: October B, 2002 FAX NUMBER: 742-6011 FROM: David DeYoung, AICP, Planner, SDPBC COMMENTS: Attached please find a copy of the school concurrency application and provider form for Motorola DR!. cc: Angela Usher, AICP, Manager Intergovernmental Relations $;\Plil:lnir:g\Public\Oat8\CONCRNC2\cQncurrency det.rmin.-tiol'l lett.rs\FXO~091901 C. DOC 10-08-2002 2,21PM FROM PLANN I ~JG AND REAL ES 561 d3d B 1 B7 P.2 e:SH~LDI<5',A ~(~JE ~ I?; 7~ BEACH cou~ THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PAl.M BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA PlANNING DEI'ARTMENT 3320 FOREST HILL B1.VD., (:.331 WEST PALM BEACH. FL 3340&.5813 (581) 434.8020 FAX (561) 434.8187 ARTHUR C. JOHNSON. Ph.D. SUPeRINTENDENT October 8, 2002 Lusia Galav, Principal Planner Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach. FL 33435 RE: CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION - CASE NUMBER 02091901C - MOTOROL.~ DRI Dear Ms. Galav: The Palm Beach County School District has reviewed the above referenced prOject for 3 Concurrency Determination. Attached please find the approved Palm Beach County School District Concurrency Application and Service Provider Form for The Regency. This concurrency determination is valid for one (1) year from the date of issuance. Once a Dev.!lopment Order has been issuej for the project, the concurrency determination will be valid for the life of the Developmert Order. If you have any questions regarding this determinalion, plea~;e feel free to contact me at 434- 7343. David DeYoung, A Planner cc: Javier Omana, CPH Engineers enc. S:\Planning\Publlcl.o.ata\CONCRNC2\concurrency d,.rmination IettersIC02091901.<lOQ AN EQUAL O...,RTUNlTY EMPLOYE'. '0-38-2002 2,22PM FROM PLANNING AND REAL ES 561 d3d 8187 '3G ~b l . . ,J., '~,vJk~~ tJ ~"7-k~ ?,,'14~ ~<;'J:~:_-"2.r4".A." ,L{Q7.-I.LS -O'tS~ --------__ _ qtJljl{.~Q.,:;.{;- School District of Palm Bea,:h County '","m C=C-O!e..e ',~..o _. 1"'3l'!rl~g Co!c,}:";P":e":; School Concurren,:y Application and ;,. S"'ool Oi>:,C ,f ",'''' 2.,,,", c'v.-.'i Service Provider Form 3:2~ F;~.ct ~~l ~h'~,' ~~; 10 ,,~._ \ V~es. ?a.m a...~". F~ ._"'C'i-_~ ,...J (~;9 n4~-)~CO or {56 j :,S-S:.~~~~ I ):tention: eenc'..J(r~r:e'l S~e~cn P.3 ",cj\OOL Of.s-^ - . - ~ ~ g uS ~ ",~._,,-.JI.c <:.,. e~..~H ccc.r' Fee Paid &. Data 9/t 1/02- . . '32<15""""- Loc41 GQV't. School O;~trict .~ Instruction~; Submit one <:opy of the: completed applicaf.ion and fel!s for t~le review. for each new residential project requiring a determination of concutrency for sehoois. A determir.,iticn wiil boe provided wit1in fifteen (15) working days of ree~ii't of a ccmpf~te aj:-plication. A det~r:-ninatfcn is /"let trair'lsferable 2nd is valid for one year from date of iss~a~C~. Once tne Oevl!!oprnef":t Orear is issued th~ cor-currency determination shall run with the De'...~!cprr:ent Order. Part I. To be completed by Applicant Applicant's Name: 1o-r-F nt"'llli)' ~r At Agent'~ Name: P. tlukll 1>'Q9dSQR - M~, )'R':'I C'AIR'Tl'>1of.l -I- RSSOC, ~1". ~ ~~:~~o~;c~~~ber: {4e,;,~1~2~' 7 ~~~n"'t~~"~!'e~u'm~j!i~~ e~~o~ ill Qg:~dO' FL 32801 Project Name: Motorola. DR! Municipality or Unincorporated PSC ci tv of Bovnton Beach Prcperty Control Number (PCN): 0 B-4 3-45-17-02-001-0010 Project Locatien: Nin-i-h of Rnynt'on Rp~nh Blvd._ Concurrency Service Area (CSA): 17 DEVELOPMENT REQUEST: Rezo"; n," IC.omp_ P1an Total" of Units: ~OQ, .,_^ /......~u)..,(Z.~ Sin.le F1Imily Apar'.metlts (3 s:cries or less) High Ris" Aj:la,..ments __ Age ResiJicted Adult~ Only Phasing Plan: . Provi,je Covenant If applicable, piease attach a compiete PhaSing Plan sMewing the nurr.~er and ty!,e of units te rec",ve certificate of occupancy yeal'1y. Sent): of Gateway Blvd., Eas. of Congress Avenue v Nn~ .=lJ?r1~""'!:Ilh"e- Oate Complete -1.L \ ~ /02... Portl!. ~~~.View Local GovernmentRepres ta ive Print Name LVS l A bALAV p.tition#: 'D~(^ 02-002 Title ~-==Q ~N?A..- Part 111. To ~. cor"pleted by Sehoo! District Staff 3 L19/l0 '7 Co, ,(..s(~ ...- J ," Case Nurr:cer-: C ;:! <!r:o Tr:-.:3 R;ceiv,:c: -/ 020c.J \90rc I venti t,'":3t the prcjec~ cOj,'j~iie5 wit~ Ills ac~pted lave I of S€rvb: (LOS:: fc;- S':!";CCIS r venfl that the proje::: will comp>1 with t....e adopted Leve! of Serilice (LOS) for Schccls si,.'t:~et tc the att3cr,eo ccnditioC1:i comply with tr,e accpted Level of S.erv:cl! (LOS) fer $. Jdr2-l 01- Oate - \ .:: ',:;::,~'.:::.;'_:"r.jR.'IS' ~r..o~ DR.O<X ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Planning and Zoning Division . Building . Planning & Zoning - Occupational Ucenses . Community Redevelopment October 3, 2002 Mr. Masoud Ateft MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Motorola DRI DRIA 02-002 Dear Mr. Ateft: The enclosed traffic generation statement, prepared by Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and I with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742.6260. Sincerely, 1<--.v z:- Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/sc S:\Aanning\SHAREDlWPlPROJECTS\MotOl"ola DRI\DRI\Traftic letter to Palm Bead1 County_doc City of Boynton Beach - 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 - Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 - www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us . MOTOROlA DRI NOPC #1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS The proposal under this Notice of Proposed Change (NOPe) for the Motorola DRI is to change the land used designation from Industrial to Industrial and Local Retail Commercial. These specific land use designation changes, described in detail in Section 5 of the NOPe Application, represent proposed increases and decreases in land use intensities as well as a reallocation of approved land use designations and intensities. The purpose of this traffic analysis is to provide data and analyses of the traffic impacts associated with the proposed change such that a determination of substantial deviation can be made. LAND USE CHANGES There have been no previous modifications to the DRI, which was approved for 625,000 SF of manufacturing (including ancillary office and storage) and 200,000 SF of Office. Based on this development plan it has been determined that the project is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 peak hour trips (Attachment 1). This then becomes the benchmark from which to compare the trip generation of the proposed land uses. Attachment 2 provides a daily and peak hour trip generation analysis of the proposed Motorola development program. The proposed development plan is projected to generate a comparable number of daily trips as currently vested for the site. Both the AM peak hour and the PM peak hour trip generation of the proposed development plan are projected to be less than the currently vested trips. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not represent a substantial deviation. NQPC #102.129 9-17-02 . 10/18~200~_ 14:20 561434]-663 PINDER TROUTMAN PAGE 02 ~~~GW~ 'w OCTZZ- MOTOROlA DRI NOPe #1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT REviSED The proposal under this Notice of Proposed Change (NOPCl for the Motorola DRI is to change the land used designation from Industrial to Industrial and Local Retail Commercial. These specific land use designation changes, described in detail in Section 5 of the NOPC Application, represent proposed increases and decreases in land use intensities as well as a reallocation of approved land use designations and intensities. Residential development will occur under the Local Retail Commercial land use designation. The purpose of this traffic analysis is to provide data and analyses of the traffiC impacts associated with the proposed change such that a determination of substantial deviation can be made. lAND USE CHANGES There have been no previous modifications to the DRI, which was approved for 625,000 SF of manufacturing (including ancillary office and storage) and 200,000 SF of Office. Based on this development plan it has been determined that the project Is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 peak hour trips (AttaChment 1). This then becomes the benchmark from which to compare the trip generation of the proposed land uses. Attachment 2 provides a daily and peak hour trip generation analysis of the proposed Motorola development program. The proposed development plan is projected to generate a comparable number of daily trips as currently vested for the site. Both the AM peak hour and the PM peak hour trip generation of the proposed development plan are projected to be less than the currently vested trips. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not represent a substantial deviation. NOFC" 02-129 1l1Q-18-02 --_._---~---_._.._-~--- ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS The proposed development plan includes the addition of two (2) new driveways on Congress Avenue. One of these driveways will be located south of the Congress Avenue / Gateway Boulevard intersection and the second will be located south of the existing Congress Avenue / Motorola Access signalized intersection. The proposed northerly driveway will be a full median opening (allowing all movements) aligned with an existing driveway on the west side of Congress Avenue. The southerly driveway will allow right in and right out movements only. CONCLUSIONS NOPC #1 proposes simultaneous increases and decreases in allowable development intensities. Consequently, there are no projected increases in the vested number of new daily and peak hour trips. NOf'C" 02-1299-17-02 ,./ .. ((( . " ,r-- .. ATTACHMENT 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occ.u~tJona/ Ut:elMes . Community Redevelopment ~ft~F~ August 29, 2002 Mr, Kahart M. Pinder, AlCP Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. 2324 South Congress Avenue Suite 1H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Motorola DRl Dear Mr. Pinder: I am responding to your letter to Michael Rumpf, dated August 26, 2002, regarding vested trips for the Motorola DRI. I concur with your assessment, that the Motorola DRI is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 PM peak hour trips. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 561-742-6260. Sincerely, ~Ad~v Lusia Galav, AlCP Principal Planner Cc: Michael Rwnpf, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Cherof, City Attorney S,~\sHA&,ED..WP'J'ZD~DIU\P.....T_Llr.." City of Boynton Beech . 10( It EloynlDn Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boy Beach. Florida 334~310 ~H;; g~H t . . ~ a i ~ E ~ c ~ ~ 8 N..A - c . ~,d ~~~ <~;= If 'l > ~ IJiil~SS=~8~:S i'l i'l ",...lI::::I>QQ...oO- 0 ... - .... .., ... ... ......~ UUU..~ ~c....O~~~;;::.... 141 a; ......... 8............. ... Ilo.':' ... . g ~... $ ~:::... 01 - ~ !:!~~="~;:&l~;! ;l; .II CO...OCO..........-... 0- .:ll-.......... ........... ~ HHULH ! l::.;;;~~;ss:! ;3; f"''''- ...... .... g - ! ,!j H~~~U!~~~ ~ d ~ .!I'" ....0-................... ~ ~ ......... "'Ig ",'" A cd~H~~I~ e~....WlI............~_.... _!~ ~;;'cia... ~ . ..... . .... ;:'.5 5 1 ;j~;~;;;;; .5 ~l = ~ '" ~... ~ _""00.............0...... =~;:::::::~:3:;j:3:i;;:';:' ~l iH ~ h 1! 1. ~ i ~~; ~ .";;; 0 ~f' u ~h~ 0... '.n:..:~M..J( __CI'P'!..o;Cl>GO'o'" rot .. '8~;::~ g........-... ~ .:"S~~~.::::;8~~'" ~ IO - - ~~g"'::l8~'!e , > .s:.... ... ~ ~uu~~u .!"E....o~~=:';;~.... i"Q ~_~__~_ ~ ~.:....... ~...... :lli hi 0. 0. "'... ... 0'..... ... CI .... 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I ] ~ A ~! li ~I 10 Ii )! it ~ - . , Ii H =-5 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E, BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O, BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, flORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: R. Duke Woodson, Foley & Lardner fax#: 407-648-1743 date: October 8, 2002 from: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner re: 1'1 REVIEW COMMENTS FOR Motorola DR! Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC scheduled for Tuesday, October 22, 2002. I. Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/ comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted); 2. Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments; ( i.e. traffic analysis, engineering certification, etc.) 3. Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans ( this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting );and 4. Submit reductions (8 Yz X 11) for the proposed site plans, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and public presentation). Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 The applicant should not attend a TRC (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff review. If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled TRC meeting, contact Lusia Galav in this office by the Thursday prior to the scheduled meeting date. Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings, which are held every Tuesday. To reschedule, contact Sherie Coale, by the Thursday prior to the Tuesday TRC meeting that you desire to attend. The remainder of the review schedule will be adjusted accordingly. If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the respective reviewer using the attached list of TRC representatives. If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed following TRC (2nd review), the project is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board Meeting that falls approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TRC meeting. An "*" by any comment identifies a comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and Development board. Note: Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from the Palm Beach County drainage certification by a licensed engineer, signed "Rider to Site Plan Application" form and colored elevations of the proposed project. This information is necessary for the project to proceed. If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note. Engineering John Guidry Laurinda Logan 742-6482 742-6285 Building Don Johnson Timothy Large 742-6352 742-6357 Fire Department Steve Gale Bob Borden 742-6602 364-7382 Rodger Kemmer 742-6753 742-6357 Police Department Marshall Gage John Huntington 737-6167 Utilities John Guidry H. David Kelley Jr. 742-6488 742-6285 Public Works-General Larry Quinn Ken Hall 742-6283 742-6285 Parks & Recreation John Wildner 742-6227 742-6233 F oresterlEnvironmentali st Kevin Hallahan Kevin Hallahan 742-6267 742-6259 Planning & Zoning Michael Rumpf, Lusia Galav 742-6262 742-6259 CHAIRMAN Revised 01/14/02 S:\PlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIMotorola DRI\DRlIlsl Review cormnents FAX COVER,doc BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MILWAUKEE ORLAN DO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON. 0 C WEST PALM BEACH FC,,,:,Y LARDNER A T TOR N E y S A T LAW September 17,2002 Ken Metcalf Southeast Florida Team Coordinator Division of Community Planning Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: Notice of Proposed Change for Motorola DR!, Palm Beach County Dear Mr. Metcalf: Enclosed herein are two (2) copies of a Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola Development of Regional Impact in Palm Beach County, Florida. Our client, Maury 1. Carter & Associates, Inc., is the contract purchaser of the Motorola property and wishes to amend the land uses permitted in the Motorola DR!. We have transmitted copies of the Notice of Proposed Change to the City of Boynton Beach and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council under separate cover today. We have also submitted an application to change the land use and zoning designations for the property to the City of Boynton Beach. I have enclosed herein a courtesy copy of that application, with all backup documentation. We look forward to working with you and the Department's staff during your review of the enclosed Notice of Proposed Change. If you have any questions about the documents enclosed herein or need additional copies thereof, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. FOLEY & LARDNER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801.2386 P o. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802-2193 WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3234 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAIL ADDRESS eavery@foleylaw.com 006.269744.1 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOlEYlARDNER.COM FOLEY:LARDNER Jim Snyder September 17, 2002 Page 2 Daryl Carter Ken Metcalf Lucia Galav 006.269718.1 FOLEY:LARDNER Ken Metcalf September 17,2002 Page 2 Sincerely yours, ~~ Ellen Avery-Smith EMA:dr Enclosure cc: Jeff Douglas Daryl Carter Jim Snyder Lucia Galav 006.269744.1 BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DETROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MilWAUKEE ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON, D,C WEST PALM BEACH FC_EY LARDNER ATTORNE y S A T LAW September 17, 2002 Jim Snyder DRI Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, FL 34994 Re: Notice of Proposed Change for Motorola DR!, Palm Beach County Dear Mr. Snyder: Enclosed herein are three (3) copies of a Notice of Proposed Change to the Motorola Development of Regional Impact in Palm Beach County, Florida. Our client, Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc., is the contract purchaser of the Motorola property and wishes to amend the land uses permitted in the Motorola DR!. We have transmitted copies of the Notice of Proposed Change to the City of Boynton Beach and the Florida Department of Community Affairs under separate cover today. We have also submitted an application to change the land use and zoning designations for the property to the City of Boynton Beach. I have enclosed herein a courtesy copy of that application, with all backup documentation. We look fOIWard to working with you and the Planning Council's staff during your review of the enclosed Notice of Proposed Change. If you have any questions about the documents enclosed herein or need additional copies thereof, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Sincerely yours, ( ~ EMA:dr Enclosure cc: Jeff Douglas FOLEY & LARDNER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801.2386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32802-2193 WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3234 CliENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAIL ADDRESS eavery@foleylaw.com 006.269718.1 TEL: 407.423.7656 FAX: 407.648.1743 WWW.FOLEYLARDNER.COM