REVIEW COMMENTS 6.A.l MOTOROLA (DRIA 02-002) DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMP ACT AMENDMENT DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-244 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Michael Rumpf ",t,')p Planning and Zoning Director , Lusia Galav, AICP) J Principal Plannefji) October 31, 2002 THROUGH: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Motorola - DRIA 02-002/MPMD 02-003 NOPC Amendment #1 NATURE OF REQUEST Motorola is a partially buill-out Development of Regional Impact (DRI) comprised of 87.4 acres, zoned Planned I ndustrial Development (PID). I t is located on the southeast corner of Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue. (See attached Exhibit "A" - Location Map). The applicant, Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. is requesting an amendment to the Motorola DRI Development Order (D.O.) adopted January 7, 1980 by Ordinance No. 79-36. Amendment #1 proposes to change the Motorola DRI by the conversion of the 825,000 square feet of industrial and office land use entitlements for the property to 500 multi-family residential units, 63,500 square feet of commercial space, 450,000 square feet of office space and 128,000 square feet of warehouse space. There are no changes proposed to the DRI phasing, commencement date or build-out date of 2010, and no lands are proposed to be added to the DRI boundaries (see attached Exhibit "B" - Substantial Deviation Determination Chart). BACKGROUND An amendment to a Development of Regional Impact (DRI) is first and foremost governed by Florida Statutes Chapter 380.06 (19) - Substantial Deviations. The applicant has submitted a Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) in accordance with the statutory requirements. The Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) and the City review the NOPC. The DCA and the TCRPC review the proposed NOPC and provide comments following the procedures outlined in Chapter 380.06 (19). The Regional Planning Council has responded to the NOPC request in a letter dated November 4, 2002 (see attached Exhibit "F"). They expressed several concerns regarding inconsistent data and the traffic methodology. A letter from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) was also included delineating their concerns with the traffic methodology. These issues are discussed below in the section entitled "Regional Impacts". No response has been received from the DCA. Motorola - DRIA 02-002/MPMD u2-003 Memorandum No. PZ 02-244 The City's Land Development Regulations Chapter 1.5, Sec. 4.3A requires a preliminary review by the Planning and Development Board of an amendment to a DRI. Chapter 380.06 F.S. requires that the local governing body hold a public hearing to review and approve the NOPC. The City Commission is required to determine whether the proposed change to the Quantum Park DRI is or is not a substantial deviation as defined in Chapter 380.06 (19). If it is determined that the requested change is a substantial deviation then further review will be required pursuant to the statutory requirements. If the City Commission determines that the proposed change is not a substantial deviation then they may take action to approve or deny the requested change. The original DRI Development Order adopted a Three-Phase Master Plan (see Exhibit "C" - Motorola Conceptual Master Plan ADA 1979). The review of the DRI amendment also constitutes a review of the changes to the Master Plan for Motorola. In addition to the state statutes, staff has reviewed the Master Plan in accordance with Land Development Regulations Chapter 2, Section 7, Planned Industrial Development and Chapter 3, Master Plan Approval. First review comments were generated and the Technical Review Committee (TRC) reviewed the Master Plan changes on October 22, 2002. ANALYSIS Notice of Proposed Chanae (NOPCI - Substantial Deviation The criteria for determining if a proposed change to a DRI is a substantial deviation are outlined in Chapter 380.06 (19). In reviewing the statute section staff determined that two of the criteria apply to the proposed changes to the Motorola D RI. These criteria, which are applicable for review of the proposed changes is provided in Chapter 380.06(19)(e)5., which states: "The following changes to an approved development of regional impact shall be presumed to create a substantial deviation. Such presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence" . 1. Chapter 380.06(19)(e)5.a., A change proposed for 15 percent or more of the acreage to a land use not previously approved in the development order. Changes of less than 15 percent shall be presumed not to create a substantial deviation. The requested change involves 48.1 acres, which is 55 percent of the 84.4 total acreage of the Motorola DRI. 2. Chapter 380.06(19)(e)5.c., Notwithstanding any provision of paragraph (b) to the contrary, a proposed change consisting of simultaneous increases and decreases of at least two of the uses within a authorized multiuse development of regional impact which was originally approved with more than three uses specified in 380.0651(3)(c), (d), (f) and (g) and residential use. As part of the NOpe application the applicant is to complete a "Substantial Deviation Determination Chart". T he applicant has provided an updated chart (see Exhibit" B"). Amendment #1 involves changes to the three original use categories: office, manufacturing and warehouse (storage & distribution). The proposal will eliminate manufacturing while adding residential and commercial uses. The proposed increases and decreases are presumed to maintain the vested traffic generation level of 13,020 average daily trips (ADT). 2 Motorola - DRIA 02-002/MPMD u2-003 Memorandum No. PZ 02-244 Conclusion The proposed changes delineated in Amendment #1 are presumed to be a substantial deviation per Chapter 380.06 (19) of the Florida Statutes. The applicant has provided the Substantial Deviation Determination Chart and a traffic study for review. A final determination regarding the substantial deviation determination cannot be made until the traffic issues are resolved. Master Plan Modification This is the first amendment proposed for the Motorola DRI adopted in early 1980. The Florida Statute governing the DRI process, Chapter 380.06(19), provides for and anticipates amendments stating "There are a variety of reasons why a developer may wish to propose changes to an approved development of regional impact, including changed market conditions". These changing market conditions are evident in the history of this DRI that was planned and developed by Motorola for their exclusive use. Motorola began scaling back its operations at the existing facility in 2001. In October of 2002, Motorola sold the property to the current applicant. The 87.4-acre Motorola site is zoned Planned Industrial Development (PI D). The applicant proposes to keep 39.3 acres in the PID zoning category including the existing Motorola building. The balance of the site, 48.1 acres, proposed for commercial and residential development, would be rezoned to eommunity Commercial (C-3). The 1.4+/- acre daycare parcel would also be rezoned to e-3. The residential use is proposed for the 33-acre parcel south of the existing Motorola building. Retail development is proposed along the Congress Avenue side (west) wrapping around the corner along a short segment of Gateway Boulevard. Two additional access points are proposed along Congress Avenue (see Exhibit "D" - Motorola DRI NOPC Master Development Plan). In their letter, the T eRPC supports and encourages mixed-use development. Regarding the proposed Motorola NOPC #1 Master Plan, the letter states: "The DRI master plan inCluded with the proposed amendment materials does not incorporate all the best components of mixed-use development". They have offered their services to assist the applicant in preparing a plan that achieves the mixed-use objectives. The city supports the mixed-use concept and will work with the TCRPC and developer to obtain an acceptable site plan. Impacts The proposed changes to the Master Plan were analyzed from two perspectives. The first is the potential for creating additional regional or local impacts. The second is the consistency and compatibility of the proposed changes with the regulations and policies adopted by the eity through the Comprehensive Plan, Land Development Regulations and other applicable studies such as the Visions 20/20 plan. Reqional A development has gone through the DRI process because the projected impacts are considered regional in nature. Any change to that development must be analyzed to determine if the changes proposed create additional impacts above and beyond what was originally identified and mitigated. In the case of the Motorola DRI the major issue is whether there will be an increase in traffic beyond what was originally approved (13,020 trips) resulting from the requested land use changes. 3 Motorola - DRIA 02-002/MPMD u2-003 Memorandum No. PZ 02-244 The applicant prepared a traffic study that was transmitted to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for their customary review and approval regarding concurrency. The eounty has not formally responded to the study, but has verbally expressed objections to the methodology used for trip generation and the calculation of "vested" trips. Discussions are ongoing between the applicant and the County regarding this issue. Approval from Palm Beach County is required prior to the adoption of the development order. As mentioned earlier, The TCRPC and FDOT have also objected to the traffic methodology. A meeting was held on November 14, 2002 with all parties to discuss this issue. The applicant prepared a revised traffic study that was distributed at the meeting. All agencies will review the new information and provide comments as soon as possible. Local The focus of the substantial deviation determination is regional impacts. The development order for the DRI is a local order and the approval of any requested changes is within the jurisdiction of the city. As such, the city's main focus is local issues and impacts. There were six areas identified by the TRC members for review regarding potential local impacts. Each area is discussed below. Traffic - The traffic study methodology is a local concern as well. An acceptable methodology must be agreed upon by the TCRPC, FDOT, Palm Beach County and the City to determine if there are additional local and regional impacts. The Master Plan proposes two additional entrances on Congress Avenue. Permits from Palm Beach County are required for these entrances. Turning movements and signalization issues can be evaluated and addressed at the site plan stage. Utilities - Based on the original Motorola Application for Development Approval the DRI is vested for 127,000 gallons per day (gpd) for both water and sewer. The city's projected demand for the proposed development is 294,215 gpd for water and 255,865 gpd for sewer. This calculation is based on the formula in Chapter 26 of the Code of Ordinances. Due to the magnitude of the increase above the prior approval, the Utilities Department is requiring that an evaluation of the off-site water and sewer service be conducted by the city at the applicant's expense. Any required improvements to the water and sewer systems and related levels of service will be borne by the developer. This recommendation is addressed in Exhibit "E" - eonditions of Approval. Drainaqe - Drainage will also be reviewed in detail as part of the site plan approvals, and must satisfy all requirements of the city and local drainage permitting authorities. The applicant submitted a copy of the current South Florida Water Management permit for the existing site. This permit will require modification based on the proposed development plan for the site. Environmental - The city's Forester/Environmentalist has indicated that there are existing active Burrowing Owl nests located on the Motorola property in the area of the proposed change. The applicant has submitted a Migratory Bird Nest Removal Application with the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission as required. A copy of the application was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division. 4 Motorola - DRJA 02-002/MPMD 02-003 Memorandum No. PZ 02-244 School Concurrency - The NOPC includes a request for 500 dwelling units. This requires concurrency approval from the School District of Palm Beach County. The applicant submitted a concurrency application to the School District and was approved for concurrency. A copy of the approval form was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Division. Parks and Recreation - Residential units are also subject to the city's park and recreation impact fee. The fee will be calculated based on the type of units constructed and will be due at the time the first building permit is issued for the residential portion of the proposed development (see Exhibit "E" - Conditions of Approval). Also, the city is requesting that the applicant provide a greenway/pathway easement along the LWDD E-4 Canal to the east and the Boynton eanal C-16 to the south. Consistency and Compatibility with City Policies In order for the proposed development to go forward the land use and zoning must be changed on a portion of the site to accommodate the commercial and residential uses. The applicant proposes to change the land use from Industrial to Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and change the zoning from Planned Industrial District (PID) to C-3 Community Commercial. The applicable eomprehensive Plan policy is Policy 1.19.2 that states: Policy 1.19.2 The City shall provide continued effort to allow for industrial acreage;, however. that land desianated "Industrial" on the currentlv adopted Future Land Use Map may be converted to commercial or residential desianations if the conversion (n would .....RicR EaR accolTllTlodatc tRE approxilTlatE industrial ClTlpIOYITlE:Rt wRich Ras !'lCCR J'lrojcctc€l iR tRE: Futurc Land USE: ElcITlCRt, aRe! J'lroRibit cOfwcrsioR of laAd e!esigRatcd "IRdustrial" OR tRe currcAtly adoptcd Futl:lrc LaRd Use t1ap uAlcss sueR cORvcrsioA would generate a range of employment choices for current and future residents, provide goods and services of regional importance, and r-ctaiA rcgioRal fiscal aRe! eeoAolTlic sigRificaRcc. or would provide opportunities for the City to meet its lona-ranae housina aoals; and (in is based upon adeauate data includina market analvsis. (This language reflects policy amendment as currently proposed in amendment cycle 1-2002.) The requested land use change is consistent with this policy. The proposed commercial and residential development together with the continued use of industrial and office will provide a compatible mix of uses. Given the improbability of finding another single tenant business user for the existing site, the proposed mix of uses is a viable alternative. The requested C -3 Commercial zoning is t he most appropriate designation to accommodate both the residential and commercial uses. This district permits multi-family residential at a maximum density of 10.8 dwelling units per acre as well as providing a wide range of retail/commercial uses. A more detailed discussion of the land use and rezoning is in the staff report for that application (LUAR 02-007) being processed concurrently. The adoption of Motorola NOpe Amendment #1, is conditioned upon the approval of the land use amendment and rezoning request (see Exhibit "E" - Conditions of Approval). 5 Motorola - DRIA 02-002/MPMD 02-003 Memorandum No. PZ 02-244 In addition, the developer has submitted an application to amend the Motorola PID Master Plan to eliminate the proposed C-3 zoned area from the PID boundaries. A PID permitted use list will be approved with the Master Plan modification as well. eonclusion The only regional issue of significance is traffic. It is a significant issue on which both the Substantial Deviation determination and concurrency approval are based. Local impacts will be addressed in the Conditions of Approval for the NOPC #1. RECOMMENDATIONS Pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 380.06(19) Substantial Deviations. the applicant has not demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence that the proposed change is not a substantial deviation requiring additional development of regional impact review. Resolution of the traffic issue will be required before a determination of no substantial deviation can be made. Regarding the proposed modifications to the Motorola Master Plan staff recommends approval subject to the Conditions of Approval attached in Exhibit "E". S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTSIMOTOROLA DRI\DRI\STAFF REPORT DRIA 02-Q02.DOC 6 MOTOROLA (DRIA 02-002) Location Map EXHIBIT "A" -- _.~ -\-- - -- ,.,-f-j , I PUD I 1'"","1,,\,, " C3 _-.~'\,,\\C:I' I'.].. , "" -r I I ',',':\ I ' """\"":\' I I I ',' I L..,. '~-~WAY.ll/cItQ. , " --~-~_.- - '.! \1\' I' . c - NW-22NP--AVlO -~ I . --I, -, I ,\ , I I' # I I I I , , .l 125 I (/) w '" '-5 -r~ , z z r . 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",,~-o(~e:;=;'Il>Q<( ,2;> -- .- - a .2 OJ 5~ :s!~ ~~ ID,407848J743 . - - p<ui'r:i 1$ :: :: - -.. ......""" .- ,coD"" .""" -........... ..<::.c::"" ~~~ v Il) v Il) v <> tIltf,ltf,l ~ s:: Il) '" 1;1 iio. '" - OJ = 8 8- -;:: 0 ~g'O "'- Il) ~ 0- " Il) ~ <~~ :-is gj . ~ e s:: <><< o tf,l = .= ~ ~.9 1: ... U ~~B a,}. ::s Q ~o:l~ PAGE 7/7 EXHIBIT "B" . . o:lo:l ~ :: .-:::: .-::: ,C,c ~~ v ., Il) V tIltf,l .,j. ...... . '" ::: o .;:: i"JE .g ~ ~~ <.> ... .< qo Q< N .0 ~ ., '" .0 g ~:,oo w_ - '00 CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN PHASE I LEGEND ,~ I'loml.l,...n<l\J.... ~ Co~.rClu.III".lIo".L.v.111 @ :1 'I I ! > .. . ~ ~ "I 8 i I I I I @ L N. W. 22 AVenJ8 - - - _ ~ ~ ~~I~~~t~~~~~ ~~ l@l ~(W9 @ MOTOROLA '3O'ITON 3EACH ?'L:-.l8EACl-' '::::iUNTV ""_O~IC)' , ,iD-I'L ; Yard I i L.-CI " LLD.O. BO'inton Canat EXHIBIT "e" ON EPTUAL MASTER PLAN-ADA 1979 Ir-- !,\ \ \\ \ 'I \ I, II 'I I' "~'I !: '\ '\ \\ " 11\ '1 \)'" .. I G '\ ~ :/5 11/ " ; ,ff <:i ci ! . 1= parking @ Re<;reatlonaj I Area I _J @ MAP H-1 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ,.E:PY'" HE:.<:lY .OC""f"'"".""'".... ;lOST, 9UCKL.=Y. SCI-!UH d. JE,';NIGAN OIG;~tA-N..S..?EL~CY;.'M'e;~."1 ..Q..;~~.....,."... SHEET 11-13 ~"~ "V,_ ,~ ,~ CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN PHASE II LEGEND r---.......F\~.Lano\,l.." ---.J c,,,,,... Cl....'I".UO... $y.t..... ~..y" II N.. W. 22 AvenJ8 C i@ ., s > < 'I l~ F~ ~ ." ,..'-' Ji , , . I , , i ! i i P8rtc:1n9 i@ , . ~ ~ o u ,I L @ L ~ 1-- @ MOTOROLA aovTON 9EACH PA,L\l SEACH caUl'lry '::1~OAIO,l, I Cock Yard , -Cl: . ~ L1-O.D. Boynton Canal EXHIBIT "e" MOTOROLA CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN-ADA 197 " Parking @ 1,\ \\ \\ , , \, " ,\1 . \"\ I, \ . . , 1'1 ~ . . I) , \ u I / i ,II .. :/ li:j 1<,. Q I j I J Recreational Area @ MAP H-2 DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT 1-f;;;:R'r' a HEE?'!' .""....~.,. ....,,~.... :>()ST, =l..ICXL:'t. 'SCHUH l.;SRNI(l,.l.,N .....'<. ...... ~.~.Q'~.~' :~.."".., ::,GIULLA,N 5?O:LLACY, ~ )..l~eR ,,~,'=""c".'" SHEET 11-14 ~o,,~ \-1)_ ,~ ~oo , CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN PHASE III LEGEND ,---\ ~lOrla.. ....,,<lu.. .. ______ C~ut CI.....'llc..Uon, L.~.l U N. W. 22 AVenJe Ir-=- __::-"=_c:: -'1,\\ .)11' @ :~=:":'""i'il..:~~=~ :-1\11\ . =_=-c-=-::~=~=-~= I E.:.wL...wmg' \ .1," '; 0_, \ : i 1 ' :L.. ~~ '\1 ri- 1\ PlIt'klng: ; @ . : I I Doek, ) U ~ " Yard II ,I ~ rr=;~1 021.. '//1 I // Y II '-~ I.; ~,;'kin9~ll/ 0 _; .~ I @)4" "'. t1le~ Fae"'y ==-== - I ~ ~ ~~===:= RecreatloMI, C "~D -==~=~~- ;;;J -I" LLD.D. Boynton CanaJ @ DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT MOTOROLA HE::;:!V \ HE:::RY .......",c-.,."""~l\.. "OST. aUCKLEY. SC"UH ! JE::'NiGAN ....00' .......~.~"""...~f':C".~".",.., C,GiULI,.I,N, SPELUCY \ MEYER ..~~c".~.""'" SQYTON SE,l.CH "''''LM 6EAC__ CCUNf'I ,::'LCAIC,l. EXHIBIT "e" MOTOROLA eONeEPTU L MASTER PLAN-ADA 19 MAP H-3 SHEET 11-15 IT] LAND USES Retail 15.\::t 0'. Industrial IO.3:t 00. Office 2'1.0:t 00. Multi Family 33.01: 0'. Total B7.4:t =. 000 M EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTER5ECTION D EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED fULL ACCESS POINT ... PROPOSED RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT Building progran Multi Fanlty 500 Du's Retail '-3,500 ""1ft. Office 450,000 sqft. Industrial (wo:rerou",", ,",pace) 128,000 ",qft. DRI vested doily trips 13,020 ~ " _ 2_ _ SeA!..!;: I'. 400' EXHIBIT "0" ~llllllll=-__~~-=-~~:.,,:OY _BOU1~~-f+_~'-=-_~_____ \ \ :::-:= " -- mI -- __--- _ - ----= 0 - ---=- == --: mI =- :::::;:;;::::--:::~--- 'l Ji.._n_n-.._n_n-.._n_. .._n_.._.._n_"_"_" .._.._.._n_.." III' I' " ~ --.J \ Retail 11111 54H, Retail \ 'III Ii I.' 1.3. A,. \ III Ii \ ;: _J II ill \ ~ =--==__ . \ 9.- ---111,1, III Ind~~c~~'/~~fioe \". t EXISTI~G; STRUCTURE: ~ II' II TO ,,"A" \ ~ i u i ~~ .i Q) +1 OCN .i <i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i \ n_.._.._n_n_n_.._.._.._n_.._.._.._.._n_..-"~ II Ii! '\ h ,.J v :a 4: t+1 OCN <i Multi-family 33.0t Ac. '" (. BOYNTON CANAL C-l"- ~E)(15TING; STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (11,250oqFt.) \ \ \ \ \ ) I 1 -----.------ --I r EXI-JIBIT liD" TI-JE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Ftorida It. October, 2002 CPI4 Project No.. 03201 EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: Motorola File number: DRIA 02-002 Reference: Revised 2nd review identified as Development of Regional Impact Amendment Master Plan with a November 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Denartrnent date stamn marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: To be determined. UTILITIES Comments: 1. The Developer has agreed to furnish their own fire flow protection from an on-site source for all fire-flows above the City requirement of 1500 gpm (@ 20 psi residual) demand. In the event the on-site source cannot be approved by the City or other regulatory agencies, an engineering evaluation of the additional impacts on the potable water system (as outlined in the next condition dealing with sanitary sewer demand/capacity) will be required for the demand/capacity of the potable water system as well. The on-site fire protection system from this private source may therefore not be interconnected with the City's potable water system. 2. The City recognizes prior vesting (for planning purposes) in the site of 127,000 gallons per day (gpd) each for potable water and sanitary sewer demand. In consideration of the condition stated above, the developer shall fund an analysis, to be conducted by the City's engineers, evaluating the ability of the City's sanitary sewer conveyance system to properly accommodate the flows exceeding 127,000 gpd from this site. Funding of this study shall be escrowed with the City upon request and the furnishing of a written "not-to-exceed" cost estimate to the developer. Upon receipt of the requested amount, the City shall endeavor to complete the analysis within 120 days. In the event the analysis indicates that improvements are required to the City's conveyance system, the developer shall commence the design of said improvements upon requesting a total sewer commitment exceeding 102,000 gpd (i.e. 80% of the vested amount). The developer shall subsequently begin construction of the improvements after receiving City approval of the design, (or furnish sufficient funding for the City to construct said improvements, at the City's option). The commencement of construction shall occur no later than the developer's request for a total sewer commitment exceeding 114,300 gpd (90% of the vested amount). The developer shall not be penalized or delayed by the City from constructing additional phases to the proiect if he satisfies all conditions of the above Conditions of Approval 2 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I deadlines in a timely manner. 3. The developer shall be responsible for reserving purchasing all additional water and sewer capacity, based upon the requirements as stated in the City's code, not heretofore purchased by the prior owners of the property. FIRE Comments: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFPA I, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition. (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with LDR Chapter 6, Section 16, which provides requirements for hydrants. Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 wm is required. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 6. The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family, detached = $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family = $656 ea DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7. The fee is due at the time of the first applicable building permit. 8. At time of site plan approval for any portion of the site included in the NOPC Amendment #1 request, the applicant wiIl work with the Parks & Recreation Department to provide a greenway I bikeway easement along the east and/or south sides of this proPerty especiallv along the E-4 canal. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 9. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (I9)(e) 5.a. and (I9)(e) S.C. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This presumption may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. 10. The traffic study was submitted to Palm Beach County traffic engineering for approval. Approval is required prior to the Chapter 380 F.S. Public Hearing for the NOPC Amendment #1. II. Applicant must submit an Annual Report for the Motorola DR! by January 1,2003. 12. The approval of NOPC #1 is contingent upon the approval of the Land Use Amendment from Industrial to Local Retail Commercial and the Rezoning from Planned Industrial District (PID) to Community Commercial (C -3) for the 49.685 acre portion of the DR!. 13. A replat may be required to develop the site. This will be determined at time of site plan approval. ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: I. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: I. To be determined. S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJ ECTSIMotorola DRIIDRIICQI\.doc EXHIBIT "F" T REASUR'E-:;C d=Xi's'T--ki1 G I bN Ai '.PLAN N I NG Co UNCI L :' :' · " . ~-'; ,.~ ..~. ,- I) , r.' :. INDIAN;-RIVER ,,-'-l.i"'A:R'TIN - PKLM BE-ACH"~ ST. LUCIE- November 4, 2002 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 ~jl! Subject: Motorola Development of Regional Impact Notification of Proposed Change Dear Mr. Rumpf: In accordance with the requirements of Section 38006(19), Florida Statutes (F S.), we have reviewed the "Notification of a Proposed Change to a Previously Approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI)" (NOPC) for the Motorola DRI dated September 17,2002. The NOPC proposes to change the existing plan of development to allow development of 500 multi-family residential units, 450,000 square feet of office space, 63,500 square feet ofretail space including shops and restaurants, and 128,000 square feet of self storage space. The applicant has submitted additional information on October 23, 2002 requesting the inclusion of a conversion matrix to allow changes in the plan of development to occur without the need to amend the development order. Council has the following concerns with the proposed changes: 1) The existing Motorola DRI is approved for 625,000 square feet of industrial uses and 200,000 square feet of office use, which totals 825,000 square feet of entitlements not 850,000 square feet. 2) Exhibit E, Substantial Deviation Determination Chart, needs to be revised to rfflect the original plan of development and the proposed changes under each appli!;able land use (i.e. office, industrial, retail, residential and industrial) 3) The applicant did not provide data and analysis to justify the conversion matrix. The calculations to determine the conversion rates and what factor (i.e. water, sfwer, traffic, or affordable housing) is the more restrictive for each of the prollosed conversions have not been provided by the applicant. Also, the applicant has not ItBringing Communities Together" . Est. 1976 301 East Ocean Boulc~ard - Suite 300 ~ Stuart, Florida 34994 Phone (561) 221-"060 _ SC 269-4060 - Fax (.;61) 221-"067 - E-mail - 'ldmin(.v(crnc.orp" EXHIBIT "F" Mr. Michael W. Rumpf November 4, 2002 Page 2 fiJ provided the proposed minimum or maximum levels of development for each of the land uses.in the conversion matrix. 4) The change in land use from non-residential to residential may change traffic patterns for the project creating additional impacts to the regional roadway network. The traffic analysis should be revised to include information on the present and proposed distribution of traffic on the regional roadways in the area. A meeting with the review agencies and local government should be set to discuss the proposed distribution of traffic and its potential impacts. 5) The last annual report for the Motorola DR! was submitted on January 1985 Therefore, the project is in violation of the City's development order. An annual report for the project should be submitted each year. If a conversion matrix is approved, the development order should be revised to require the applicant to report use ofthe conversion matrix in the annual report. 6) The Florida Department of Transportation has concerns with the traffic analysis submitted with the proposed change (see attached letter). These concerns need to be addressed. The applicant has submitted additional information to address some of these concerns. However, the information was not received to allow sufficient time for the review agencies to comment. Until the above concerns are fully addressed, Council objects to the proposed change. The Strategic Regional Policy Plan for the Treasure Coast Region encourages the formation of sustainable neighborhoods and communities. Sustainable communities should include a compatible mix of land uses, well designed and maintained public spaces, buildings and infrastructure, and a network of interconnected streets designed for various transportation modes. Council strongly encourages continued efforts to provide for mixed-use development in the City. However, it is equally important that mixed-use development is done correctly. There must be a true integration and appropriate mix of uses, not simply more than one use on the property There should be not only a fully integrated mix of uses but also a network of streets, sidewalks, and bicycle paths and an accommodation for present or future use of transit. There should be both a vertical and horizontal integration of land uses, and the land uses should be of a type and nature that are appropriate and complementary to the area to be served. The DR! master plan included with the proposed amendment materials does not incorporate all the best components of mixed-use development. Council is available to assist the City in working with the developer of the property to ensure that the proposed development contains all the important components of good mixed-use development. JEll BUSH GOVERNOR ~ Florida Department of Transportation OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ENVIROi'i:\IENTAL MANAGEMENT - DISTRICT 4 3400 West Commercial Blvd., J'd Floor, Fe Lauderdale, FI 33309-3421 Telephone: (954) 777..4601, Fax: (954) 777A67! Toll Free Number: 1-866-336-8435 EXHIBIT "F" THOMAS F. BARRY, JR. SECRETARY October 21, 2002 ~-<>_. Mr. James T. Snyder DRI Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 301 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 300 Stuart, Florida 34994 :..' ~"'-R 'H: ; t J~ t.U~/ _,0",; Dear Mr. Snyder: SUBJECT; Motorola Development of Regional Impact (DRI) City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County Notification of Proposed Change (NOPC) This is in response to your letter dated August 7, 2002 (received September 25,2002) regarding the Notification of Proposed Change (NOPC) for the Motorola Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The Department has completed its review as summarized below. The Motorola DRI is located north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, south of Gateway Boulevard, east of Congress A venue and west oflnterstate 95 in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. The MotorolaDRI was originally approved on January 7, 1980, with an expiration date of30 years from the date of its rendition. The original DRI development, however. was projected to be complete in Year 2000, as evidenced by the completion year of Phase ill ofthe DRI. The development phases and intensity from the original DRI are listed in the following table: Phase Completion Year Development Square Feet [ 1981 Industrial Use/Offices 240,000 II 1990 Industrial Use/Offices 385,000 ill 2000 Offices 200,000 TOTAL 825,000 In this NOPC, the applicant proposes the following change to the DRl; . Convert the remaining 250. 000 squarefeet of industrial land-use entitlementsfor the property to 500 multi-family residential units and 40.000 square feet of commercial space. The Department offers the following comments regarding this NOPC and the accompanying traffic analysis: I. There are inconsistencies related to the proposed land-use plan denoted in Attachment 2 - Trip Generation Comparison, Exhibit "E" - Substantial Deviation Determination Chart, and Question No.5 of the NOPC. More specifically, Attachment 2 denotes 450,000 square feet of Office use while there is no Office use shown in Exhibit E. Further, Exhibit E denotes 600,000 square feet of Industrial use, and Attachment 2 shows none. Lastly, in NOPC Question No.5 and Exhibit "E" 40,000 square feet of Commercial space is proposed; however, in Attachment 2, 63,500 square feet of Commercial space is denoted. These discrepancies should be explained. www.dot.state.fl.us @ RECYCLED PAPER EXHIBIT "F" Mr. Michael W. Rumpf November 4, 2002 Page 3. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, J. / i -rJ .1 .', yv.,-v'...ej.. if . /l;6i\.... J t James T. Snyder DR! Coordinator cc: Ken Metcalf, FDCA R. Duke Woodson, Applicant EXHIBIT "F" Mr. James T. Snyder October 21, 2002 Page 2 2. The calculation of the internal trips in Attachment 2 is incorrect. The applicant should use the procedure outlined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (Chapter 7) to document how internal capture was calculated for this analysis. The internal capture summary sheets (matrix or "bubble diagrams") should be included as an appendix. The analysis should be revised, accordingly. 3. The pass-by trips should not exceed 10% of adjacent street background traffic during the peak hour or 25% of the project's external retail trips, whichever yields the lower number of pass-by trips. The applicant did not demonstrate that these criteria have been met. Based on our review, the number of pass-by trips proposed in this analysis exceeds 25% of the project's external retail trips, and is therefore unacceptable. Further, the applicant has incorrectly applied the pass-by rates to the Office and Self- Storage land uses. Pass-by credit may only be used for retail trips. The analysis should be revised, accordingly. In conclusion, the Motorola DR! NOPC provided to the Department is not sufficient. The Department requests that the applicant address our comments so that we can complete our review of the NOPC. Please feel free to contact this office at (954) 777-4601 should you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~ ~i Schmidt, .E. Distri~t Planning and Environmental Engineer / GS:kai/cw cc: Paul Darst - DCA Bob Romig Gerry O'Reilly John Krane S\OPEM\Chon W\04Dn\Molorola\NOPClb doc <!l z '" "' x w .... w w ~ w '" '" => c oo o '<(8 ...Jg 0'" 0::6 e~ om :is;] <: o j:: ;:: ffi '" UJ 0: ~ u: " Q UJ '" ~ o !5 a. >- ...J 0::'" "'5 t-s; <(UJ :=0: "'a. "J>- Ill!:: <(0 t-;;: o~ 11.0 >: ~ ." Z"'oo 08.55 g U)1Il"":.o zs;:oot- WE ><"ii w.9 >: ~ ." ~ C. '" c E ;; 0 E!~ f/) ... Z ::> u. o c:i Z .... ~ WI ~ ~ a: a: a5~ 00 ~~ i!)<!l '" 0 N ~ oo w w ~ o ...~ -~ Z" ::>w w Wff f/)~ ::>0 . ro E iii . . ro . ~"c: .. " . "5 . . .~ 6 " a ...J ;:: o 0: a. a. ~ i< Q >- <Il Q ~ (I) '!i >- ...J (I) ::> o s; UJ 0: a. ~ <3 ;;: <3 ...J ~ g ;~I III ~ li5 ~ j\~H o o o ~- ~ c Q ro .0 0. ~ ro ii' o E g w u c w ~ :c 6 ;; Z "''" "'- - ~ a5~ "'0 _N 00 00 0," lli"": ~'" ." C '" E w o '0 ~ 2 e a. "''" 0- _N M..t ~o NN ~ " Iil !5 " u: <: o o ll! 0: ~ Iil ;;; ~ UJ 0: ~ UJ <Il >- I- <3 ;;: ~ o ...J ~ o I- "'''' ww "'oo =>=> ~~ ~~ "" . ro E 12 . ro .... E ~~ ;;:-'" 5€ "" <: o j:: ;:: ~ ll! :0 !!; Ii: " Iil (I) ~ o !5 a. >- ... o::~ "'0 :=s "'IU "'0: >0. o::~ <(- t-o -~ Zo. <(~ <no Zoo Ogg meN Z~'" w \< w u.", Ol-g 'z\l) ~:JM -' 0. " I!! C> ~ <!l o N '" w w ~ ...9 -0. <:" ::>w w " ~ff ::>0 J'! . ." 2il ro ._ .E 1: mJ2 _tIJ ~ 38 ... ;:: o 0: a. a. '" i< '" >- <Il Q ~ (I) '!i >- ...J '" ::> o s; UJ 0: a. >- I- <3 ;;: <3 ...J ~ o I- o o o ,.: ~ c o ~ " 0. ~ ro ii' C> E o ~ '"'" "'''' -'" oui ~~ gg '"0 NO "'~ :g:g "''"' NuS 0," NN ~I iil !5 " u: <: o o ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ " ~ <Il >- I- <3 ;;: <3 ... ~ g oooo ww oooo =>=> ~ ~ ~~ "''' . ro E ~z . ro .... E ~~ , - . a~ a" TOTALS DUE FOR WATER AND SEWER Consultant's estimate City's estimate $596,046.27 $741,571.72 OCT-11-2002 16:36 ~ Comparison of Estimated Sewage Flows Pre..development vs. Post development Motorola Site Exlsdng From Oavid Derek. Senior Project Manager, Jones-lang-Lasalle at Motorola; When factory was operating at full capacity, there were 3500 employees spread over 3 shifts to cover 24 hours/day, 7 dayslweek. For a factory. use 25 gpd per employee per a hour shil\.. Assume each O(thB 3500 employees wOrked one a heur shift: per day. 5 days per week 3500 X STI X 25 gpd = 625llO gpd ~timated Exi~ting Sewage Flow (AOF) Prcp05ad Offica - 450,00Cf+/- sJ Use 15 gpd per 100 s.t. of noor space- 450,000/100 X 15 SPd = 67500 gpd Residential -100 onlt-bedroom unJts. 250 2-bedroom units and 150 3.bedroom units Use 100 gpd for 1-bedroom units. 100X 100 gpd' 100eo gpd Use 200 gpd for 2-bedrQom "enS' 2S0 X 200 gpd = 50000 gpd Use 300 gpd for 3-bedroom unirs* 150X 300 gpd= 45000 gpd Restaurant. Quafity - 10,000 s.t. - .ll:!';l:;oma 280 seats Use 40 spell""at- 260 X 40 gpd = 11200 gpd Restaurant - High Turnover ~ 5,000 sJ.- assume 170 seats Use 40 gpdJseat. 170 X 40 gpd = 6600 gpd Restaurant ~ Fast Food. 8,000 s.t. & assume 225 seats Use 40 gpdJ:seal* 225 X 40 gpd = 0000 gpd Retail- 20,000+/- s.f. Use 0.1 gpd per s.f. of troor spacaw 20,000 X 0.1 gpd . 2000 gpd Bilnk . Drive In & 4,500+/. sJ, Use 15 gpd per 100 s.t. of floor s!:laea* 4500/100 X 15gpd' 675 gpd Self Storage -128,000+/- $.t, - assume 370 units Use 1 gpd per unit.. 370 X 1 gpd = 370 gpd Office space & assume an sao sJ. omes Use 15 gpd per 100 sJ. of office space' 800/100 X 15 gpd = 120 gpd Toral Es1ima1e<l Proposed Sewage Flow (ADF) 202665 gpd .AII values assigned per unit are from Table 1. Departl"T'!ent of Health Chapter 64E..6.0a8 for System Siz!t Oetarminations e:/dougidougmololflowcalo.xlS 9/17102 P.02/04 .4 '!--(.; Al065.CO AMS OCT-11-2002 16:36 P.03/04 ~ Comparison of Estimated Water Demand Pre-development vs. Post development Motorola Site Exlsllng Estimated Sewage Flow shown on previous table: 62500 gpd For every 250 gpd of sewage produced, assume 300 gpd ofwaler is used: 300/250 X 62500 gpd . 75000 gpd Esllmated Exl~ng \'Vater ~.nd (ADF] Proposed Estimaled Sewage Flow shown on previous table: 202665 gpd For every 250 gpd of sewage produced, assume 300 9pd o( water is used: :300/250 X 202665 gpd = 243198 gpd f;$timated Proposed WatBf DBmand (AOf=) e:/dougldougmotolflowcalc.xls 9/17102 A21165.00 AMS OCT-11-2002 16:37 P.04/04 " . '::.. Comparison of Estimated Sewage Flows for Select Proposed Land Uses at the Motorola Site For every 1000 s.f. of office space: Use 15 gpd per 100 sJ. of floor space. 1000 sJ. {100 X 15 gpd = 150 gpd For every 1000 sJ. of retail; Use 0.1 gpd per sJ. of floor space' 1000 sJ. X 0.1 gpd = 100 gpd For every 1 bedroom residential unit; Use 100 gpd per unft" 100 gpd For every 2 bedroom residential unit; Use 200 gpd per unit" 200 gpd For every 3 bedroom residential unit; Use 300 gpd per unil" 300 gpd For every 1000 sJ. of industrial: Use 25 gpd per employee per 8 hour shift" If you assume there is one employee utilizing every 150 sJ. of space; 1000 s.I {15O s.f. X 25 gpd ~ 167 gpd per shift "An values assigned per unit are from Table 1, Department of Health Chapler 64E-6.008 for System Size Determinations. No peaking fadOrs have been applied. FOr estimation Of Water Demand for the same land uses. assume 300 gpd of waler is consumed for every 250 gpd of sewage produced, and multiply the estimated sewage flow value by 1.2. e;ldougldougmotolflowcalc.XIS 9/26102 A2065.oo AMS TOTRL P.04 . . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ -;. P. O. BOX 310 120 H.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 1:S05) 732-8111 Office of the City Manager October ~, ~979 -, ~.r. John ,B. . Gesbocker, AIA Heez,y &. Heery,' Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 OCT 3 12-:'') Re: Motorola nevelopment Dear Mr. Gesbocker: I have received requests for information reati ve to Motorola's potential developinent in Boynton Beach and their DR! application. The infonnation requested in your letter to me included the areas of water supply and solid waste. 'I .have also received a copy of the letter you wrote to Mr. Paul ,StartZlllan of the South County Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board; and a separate request for information from our Fbl1ce Department.. , " ,--- ..In regard'to the matters of water supply, solid waste and sanitary sewer, it is appropriate to consider the City's current Comprehensive Plan and its statements concerning the City' s development. The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach was adopted by the City Counci~ on August 21, 1979. Two of the required elements of the plan are Future Land Use and Master Sewer and Water Facilities. In the very early stages of p~an preparation, estimates of development were provided for use in determining the grid system of water distribution lines and sewage co~lec- tion force mains and pumping stations necessary to serve the proposed land ,development. The resulting grid system is graphically presented in the two p~ates accompanying this letter. Additionally, improvements to the system have been programmed in and are compiled in the capital needs list of the Comprehensive Plan. A. Water and Sanitary Sewer: The City presently has adequate capacity to serve Motorola Development, as we ,J?" ,', have a Master Plan for water treatment, water transmission and sewerage collec- ~:~frl;'" tion facilities. These fac1li ties have been designed _to adequately meet all <~:::;\',,'" ,..the re9-uirements of the entire service area, which Boynton :Beach is comm1tted . ~:f$"'.,t;~~; to se.rve under the original Water Qua.lity Management Plan. This plan was con- n !i~,'1,~~,'ce1yed{imd originally based on the densities higher than is now being allowed .;~~~O~.~:;~~~~P:~~':'-;; :} . r. . ": ,- ".,..,!~t",_.. , , , < ~~;i:n",,~';"}hl0,;....,,: ""',1"" -:K~'", " ,;~~ :';;~;.r~~~'rf~t~,"~: ;.::. 1::..." ~~ ~ REVISED 10-11-79 . . Page 2 Mr. John B. Gesbocker, AIA, Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. Re: Motorola Development October 1, 1979 in the area of service. The program includes major transmission lines, addi tional wells, added storage capacity, and ultimately, another water treatment plant and well field. All of this .is set up on an orderly basis to meet anticipated growth. as it develops in the area. There is a major transmission line presently at Congress Avenue and SR 804, which is projected to be extended northward past Motorola property, with adequate capacity to serve Motorola and all the areas along its route. The major pumping stations under Phase 1 have been EPA funded and are nearing completion, with anticipated operational date or approximately December 1., 1.979, and certainly berore January 1, 1980. These lines are also adequately designed to take care of all anticipated waste flows. Further, there is a master pump- ing station and pressure line, whose route is down Congress Avenue, to carry sewage to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City of Boynton Beach is on a priority list for funding from EPA for this project sometime after October 1, 1979. This will provide adequate capacity- to handle not only Motorola's requirements, but also all the areas along Congress Avenue and the nothern portion of our service area. At the present time, the City has an excess average water capacity of approximate- lyTwo MGD. With plans for continually increasing the City's well field capacity and the recent increase in plant capacity to Sixteen MOO in the last twelve months, the -City anticipates no problem in having adequate water ror all the people and uses in the service area. (There have been no firm cOllllllitments of capacity of our water supply -- it is on a first-come, first-serve basis.) , The "City does have the ability to provide service for both water distribution . and collection during and after development, because or its logical prior planning - and the fact that, financially, City bonds carry an "A" rating. Further, the City maintains' Ii: qualified staff, well-trained in meeting State requirements, both at the Wat~r_ Plant and other facilities of the utility operations. .1,..'....' ,.,. -.- - Pressu~e in our system in our lowest pressure areas is in the range of 50 lbs. mininium, and flows throughout the City exceed maximum fire flow requirements. With projected lines, it is anticipated that a similar situation would be main- tained in t~e.area of Motorola development. B. Solid Waste , - Solid waste collection within the City or Boynton Beach is provided by the Sanitation Di.vision of the Public Works Department. Currently, solid waste collected within the City is transferred to the 235 acre Lantana Road Landfill which is oPE!rated by Palm Beach County. ." The Lantana randfill has a life expectancy to the year 1988 based solely on volumetric capacity~- However, short term mitigating actions to control leachates and the possible-addition of.solid waste conversion techniques may substantially modify this life expectancy. -. Furthermore, as noted in the adopted Comprehensive . :/~~;'-I~'.iIr';.o" >'.;~.i,.,:" - - " ....:r. -_ . . Page 3 'C ~;, .&." . ,. Mr. John B. Gesbocker, AIA, Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. Re: l-lotorola Development October 1, 1979 Plan for the City, Boynton Beach encourages the implementation of the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Management Plan which supports initiating measures to insure the short and long term availability of adequate solid waste disposal capacity. C. Police Services Attached is a letter from Boynton Beach Police Chief Noah Huddleston which indicates the capability of the City in responding to the impact and needs of a development such as Motorola wi. thin the City of Boynton Beach. '. I hope I have included all the necessary inf'ormation for your completion of the DR! application. Please let me know if there is more information needed and I will be glad to furnish it for you. We look forward to working with you and Motorola in the Coming months as you proceed through DR! procedures. I can assure you the City will cooperate with you in the process in every possible w~. Sincerely, v~~ Peter L. O1eney City Manager PLC :mh Att. Plans: Wastewater Master Force Main and Lift Station System Water Treatment Plant, Raw Water Wells, Storage Facilities Letter from Police Chief Noah Huddleston .' ec:' Mr. Paul. Startzman, Interim Director, SCRWTD Board Police Chief Noah Huddleston Mr. Camen Annunziato, City Planner Mr. Perry Cessna, Director of utilities Central Files , s.~ ~ . ~ .'1 - ;". ~'1?~'!~~I\b~~l. .... MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT NO. 02-173 TO: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, Planning Department B--- Peter Mazzella, Deputy Director, Utilities Department FROM: DATE: November 4, 2002 NOY - 5 2lXe SUBJECT: Motorola Expansion Project DRIA 02-002 We have reviewed the information submitted on projected water and sewer flows in conjunction with the subject DRI amendment, and at this time we offer the following comments: I. The application for development approval submitted prior to development of the Motorola site specified an anticipated total water and sewer demand for the site at 127,000 gallons per day (each) at the completion of final build out. This number will therefore be used as the baseline value in evaluating the potential impacts on the City's water and wastewater delivery systems. 2. The projected flows for water and sewer provided by the applicant are 243,198 gpd, and 202,665 gpd respectively. The water flow does not include fire protection demand. 3. The City's projected demand for the total site, based upon chapter 26 of the code, are 294,215 gpd for water, and 255,865 gpd for sewer. Once again, the water flow does not include fire protection. 4. Due to the magnitude of the increase above the prior approval, an engineering evaluation of the off-site water and sewer systems will have to be conducted by the City's engineer's, at the applicant's expense, in order to assure that the off site systems can adequately serve the expanded demands of this site. Flows of this magnitude from the Motorola site were not anticipated during development of the Water and Sewer Master Plan, and must therefore be evaluated at this time in accordance with sections 26-16 and 26-28 of the City code. Fire flow demands which have neither been provided nor reviewed at this time, will also have to be factored into the evaluation if they exceed the City requirement of 1500 gallons per minute. The following additional information is therefore requested in order to complete the evaluation of this application: A. Provide the rated fire flow demand for the existing and proposed buildings on this site. B. Provide a conceptual layout of the proposed on-site water main and sewer main extensions. C. Provide an engineering evaluation of the adequacy for the on-site sewage pumping station. This on-site evaluation may be conducted by the applicant's engineer, and shall result in a final recommendation towards accommodating the additional sewage flow from the site, in view of current design standards. D. Provide a schedule for the proposed expansion plans, including completion dates for each phase and its anticipated demand. E. Escrow sufficient funds to pay for the City's evaluation of the off-site water and sewer delivery systems. This amount will be determined after the information requested in items A- D is furnished. Any construction costs for necessary off-site improvements will also be borne by the applicant/developer of the Motorola site. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions on this matter. PVM Xc: Peter Mazzella Dale Sugerman John Guidry File Galav, Lusia From: Sent: To: Subject: Livergood, Jeffrey Tuesday, November 05,2002 10:09 AM Galav, Lusla Motorola DRI Lusia, , have reviewed traffic impact study for NOPC #1 for the Motorola DRllocated on the southeast corner of Congress Avenue and Gateway Boulevard. This study was prepared by the consulting firm of Pindar Troutman. The DRI is vested with two primary traffic parameters that can not be exceeded. First, the total daily traffic generated by the DRI can not exceed 13,020 trips. Secondly, the peak hour traffic generated by the DRI can not exceed 1,634 trips. Pindar Troutman has opined that the proposed mixed use development will not exceed the vested trips. In order to conclude that the total vested trips of the DRI will not exceed allowed thresholds, Pindar Troutman has made two very critical assumptions. Pindar Troutman is assuming that there will be 1 ,534 daily internal trips. In other words, the mixed used features will share trips. For example, there may be a trip tallied when a homeowner leaves their residential property and travels to the fast food restaurant in the DRI. Because both land uses are included in the mixed use development, the trips can be considered internal and not traffic that is generated by the development and placing traffic on the surrounding roadway network. Furthermore, Pindar Troutman has assumed that there will be 3,934 pass by trips., Pass by trips includes traffic that Is already on the arterial road network anyway and is not traveling on a particuiar road segment solely for the purpose of traveling to a destination in the DRI. An example of this, again using the fast food restaurant, would be a resident living in the far western areas of Boynton Beach that has traveied eastbound along Gateway for many years. If a new fast food restaurant is built in the DRI that attracts this motorist that is "passing by", then this is not technically considered a new trip on the arterial road network. Aithough Pindar Troutman is including 1,534 internal trips and 3,934 pass by trips, they have not provided satisfactory data or analysis that 'ustifies their assumptions. Staff recognizes that reductions in traffic generations associated with internal an pass by trips is com r, uiiher analysis is desirable to verify the consultant's assumptions. With respect to the proposed new driveways on Congress, staff believes that it will be necessary to evaluate site access as the property develops. However, the developer shouid be prepared to provide all necessary traffic studies, traffic signals, and other off site geometric roadway improvements necessary to support the traffic generated by the DRI. County approval of traffic analysis is critical. - ~--_._' Jeffrey R. Livergood, P. E. Director of Public Works City of Boynton Beach, FL 1 ~st REVIEW COMMENTS ~ Development of RemonaJ Imnact t5Cut-rHJ'CBC-Ji-.\0/ ~ln LI T1 c""_~ / PUP.;>ut.:-l\Jol2-ii-0 Project name: Motorola File Dumber: DRIA 02.{102 Reference: I"review plans identified as Develooment ofRelrional Irnnact Amendment with a Semtember 18. 2002 PI dZon' D d lei "on, m.. J""srtment ate stamn mar nil. DEP ARTM.F.:NTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. In the Traffic Impact Anal}'llis (TIA) provided with the DR! ap'plication the elL introduction does not address the planned land use re-designation of a I'~()/ZL rz- portion of the DRl from Industrial to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addcesses all of the propo.sed land use changes_ 2. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach eounty Traffic oIL : Enlrincerinl! for review. No response has been received at this time. kt"\lo7 Ll-ffl lJTILITIES ( '\ '-- ) Comments: 3. Water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses oIL as set forth in Exhibit "D" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi- 1...< family designated areas will have to be analyzed on all area by area basis. ( " 10/1.<- \ "-_/ FlRE Comments: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of thc City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFP A l, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFl' A 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition. (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) S. Design documents shaH demonstrate compliance with WR Chapter 6, Section 16, which provides requirement. for hydrants. Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. Connections shall be to mains DO less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic 1'C<!uirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a flt'C flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. ce.... " , J -) 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 10/08102 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 6. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code, (2000) Section 29-2.3.2. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DMSION Comments: 7. No comments at this time - future specific u.qes as set forth in Exhibit ''0" OiL I..",. (to be refined) for the retail and multi.family designated areas will be / \(0 (zZl l.-- ana1vzed on a case bv case basis BUILDING DMSION \.--> Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 8, The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family. detached ~ $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family ~ $656 ea 9. The fee is duc at the time of the fust applicable building permit. 10. Our department would be interested in exploring the possibility of a greenway I bikeway easement along the east and south sides of this property especially along thl< E-4 canal. FORESTERlENVlRONMENT ALIST Comments: It. EXHIBIT uD" . . ~ 1ST REVIEW coMMENTS 10/08102 3 ~*:'1.1.' 0'-- \ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Th.. are cxistinll active Burrowing Owl nc:st:;; on the: two areas shown on the above exhibit ''OM noted u: 1. Industrial (Offil:e / Warebouse / MSl'Iufacturing. 40.09 acres) /' 2. Multi-Family / Retail (34.00 8CI'C8) V The applicant must have an environmental assessment of these two areas and obtain a BllITOwing Owl permit throogh the Florida Wildlife COIl'I.llIission (FWC). This information should be included with the DR! notice of oronosed cban.... arrolication. PLANNING AND ZONING eomments: 12. Provide: a legal descriptiOIl of the property to be =..oned from PID to e-3. B. The Master Plan shows 40.09 aCTeS of Industrial (Office, Warehouse & Manufacturing). Traffic study does not address warehouse or manufacturing uses. Revise accordingly. 14. Provide the Master Plan at 24"x36" size. Include the amount of vested trips for the DR! in a note on the plan. 15. eorrect the Substantial Deviation Chart for Industrial Land Use. The acreage figure is 40.09 not 49 .09 as shown. 16. Provide a letter from the South Florida Watc\' ManagCO'leot District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed change. 17. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands for the proposed change. 18. Provid" in the traffic study an analysis of traffic distribution for the site that takes into accOlmt the two new proposed driveways on Congress Avenue. 19. Project must address sehool eOIleurrency. Submit school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for annroval. 20. What will be the target market for the residential development? 21. Provide infOl:1Tlation regarding the availability or projected availability of adequate housing and employment opportunities reasonably aeClOS.ible to the development site. 22. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(c) 5.a. and (l9)(c) 5.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This nresumntion may be rebutted by clear and convincitll! evidence:. MWRIsc S:\PlanningISHAREDIW'\PRCUECTSlMo_la DRflOR/\1ST REVIEWGOMMJ:NTS.doc Project name: Motorola 0 , File number: DRIA 02-002 ~&k~ 'n' 'q;J2) Reference: 1 "review nlans identitied as Develonment of Re"ionallmnact Amendment with a e m e~A f"ti 2002 Planning and Zoninl' Denartment date stamn markinI'. t:( -I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS - General , Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Tramc Comments: L In the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) provided with the DRI application the introduction does not address the planned land use re-designation of a portion of the DR! from Industria] to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addresses all of the proposed land use changes. 2. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for review. No response has been received at this time. UTILITIES Comments: 3. Water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses as set forth in ExhibIt "0" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi- family designated areas will have to be analyzed on an area by area basis. I FIRE I Comments: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFP A ], Fire I Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFP A 10], Life SafeZv Code. 2000 I edition. (these codes, as amended are identitied as the Florida Fire I Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with LDR Chapter 6, I Section 16, which provides requirements for hydrants. Hydrants in I commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest i part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. I Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire ! flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. 1 st REVIEW COMMENT~ !/L.L- ~.AI D",'opm'n,"m"iooalImp~~.-fJt ~ -, . .. ~st REVIEW COMMENTS -) Development of Rel!ional Impact 00r!~v ~ 11-1-'1 )" Project name: Motorola File number: DRIA 02.Q02 Reference: I "review plans identified as Develooment of Regional Imoact Amendment with a Scotember 18, 2002 Plannin" and Zeninl . t date StamD marIOn... DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffie Comments: 1. In the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) provided with the DR! application the introduction does not a~s the planned land use re-designation of a portion of the DR! from Industrial to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addTesses all of the proposed land use changes. 2. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach eounty Traffic Elllrincering foc review. No resDonse has been received at this time. lJTILmES Comments: 3. Water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses as set fanh in Exhibit "0" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi- family designated Il1"'8S will have to be analyzed on an area by area basis. FIRE Comt\lmts: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire ,/ Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFP AI, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFPA 101, Life Sofety Code, 2000 "'6""'" /.... edition. (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire i!V. fa,,,,~'- Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with !DR Chapter 6, Scetion 16, which provides l'Cl:juirements for hydrants. Hydrants in -/ commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apan and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. A/J'-~u:, j,'" Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition ~1't~JS( to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fIre flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. " C' v ) ~ 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 10/08/02 2 --. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE RFJECf 6. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants arc to be / provided. must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed. and in service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code. ~.....,...>,.J (2000) Sectioo29-2.3.2. i2-sr___.tL.- POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DJVJSION Comments: 7. No eonnnents at this time - future specific Ulles as set forth in Exhibit "I)" (to be refined) fOl' the retail and multi-filmily designated areas will be analvzed on a case by case basis BUILDING DJVJSION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 8. The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family. detached ~ $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family - $656 ca 9. The fee is duc at the time of tile first applicable building permit. 10. 0\11" department would be interested in exploring the possibility of a grcenway I bikeway easement along the east and south .ides of this property especially along the E4 canal. FOlmS'l'ERlENVlRONMENT ALIST Comments: 11. EXHIBIT nD" 15t REVIEW COMMENT~ Development of Rel!ional Impact Project name: Motorola File number: DRIA 02-002 Reference: 1" review plans identified as Development of Regional Impact Amendment with a September 18. 2002 Planning and Zoning Department date stamn marking DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. In the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) provided with the DR! application the introduction does not address the planned land use re-designation of a portion of the DR! from Industrial to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addresses all of the proposed land use changes. 2. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for review. No response has been received at this time. UTILITIES Comments: 3. Water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "D" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi- family designated areas will have to be analyzed on an area by area basis. FIRE Comments: 4. The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition. (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) 5. Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with LDR Chapter 6, Section 16, which provides requirements for hydrants. Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS 10/08/02 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 6. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in service prior to construction work per the F/orida Fire Prevention Code, (2000) Section 29-2.3.2. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 7. No comments at this time - future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "D" (to be refined) for the retail and multi-family designated areas will be analyZed on a case bv case basis BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: 8. The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family, detached = $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family - $656 ea 9. The fee is due at the time of the first applicable building permit. 10. Our department would be interested in exploring the possibility of a greenway / bikeway easement along the east and south sides of this property especially along the E-4 canal. FORESTERfENVIRONMENTALlST Comments: 11. EXHIBIT "D" 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 10/08/02 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT The are existing active Burrowing Owl nests on the two areas shown on the above exhibit "D" noted as: 1. Industrial (Office / Warehouse / Manufacturing, 40.09 acres) 2. Multi-Family I Retail (34.00 acres) The applicant must have an environmental assessment of these two areas and obtain a Burrowing Owl permit through the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC). This information should be included with the DR! notice of orooosed change application. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 12. Provide a legal description of the property to be rezoned from PID to C-3. 13. The Master Plan shows 40.09 acres of Industrial (Office, Warehouse & Manufacturing). Traffic study does not address warehouse or manufacturing uses. Revise accordingly. 14. Provide the Master Plan at 24"x36" size. Include the amount of vested trips for the DR! in a note on the plan. 15. Correct the Substantial Deviation Chart for Industrial Land Use. The acreage figure is 40.09 not 49.09 as shown. 16. Provide a letter from the South Florida Water Management District regarding impacts to ground and surface water as a result of the proposed change. 17. Provide a revised projection of average daily potable and non-potable water demands for the proposed change. 18. Provide in the traffic study an analysis of traffic distribution for the site that takes into account the two new proposed driveways on Congress Avenue. 19. Project must address school concurrency. Submit school concurrency application to Palm Beach County School Board for approval. 20. What will be the target market for the residential development? 21. Provide information regarding the availability or projected availability of adequate housing and employment opportunities reasonably accessible to the development site. 22. Pursuant to Chapter 380.06 (19)(e) 5.a. and (19)(e) S.c. the application for a proposed change is presumed to be a substantial deviation. This oresumotion may be rebutted by clear and convincing evidence. MWRlsc S:\Planning\SHARED\'M'IPROJECTS\Matarala DRIIDRI11 ST REVIEWCOMMENTS.dac ~,.."'..', {. '\ I' , ' >I'\,r,J, <~ /:.' I. ./' \. \.. -~,,'" ! C;'1 \} DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-198 FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer I~f;r~" ,I,!,.. n f "/ JeT '3 ,~f \ ',- I':]" TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning ''''''"" DATE: October 3, 2002 RE: Review Comments Motorola DRI Amendment #1 -1st Review File No. DRIA 02-002 The above referenced Notice of Proposed Change, received on September 24, 2002, were reviewed against the Master Plan requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances (available on-line at www.cLbovnton-beach.fl.us). Following are the comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LDR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS - GENERAL No comments at this time. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC In the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) provided with the DRI application the introduction does not address the planned land use re-designation of a portion of the DRI from Industrial to Residential. Accordingly the TIA shall be revised which properly addresses all of the proposed land use changes. The TIA provided has been forwarded to Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering for review. No response has been received at this time. ENGINEERING No comments at this time - future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "D" (to be refined) for the retail and multi-family designated areas will be analyzed on a case by case basis. UTILITIES No Comment - water and wastewater service are available to the site. Future specific uses as set forth in Exhibit "0" (to be refined) for service to the retail and multi-family designated areas will have to be analyzed on an area by area basis. Dept. of Public Works, Engineering Division Memo No. 02-198 RE: Motorola DRI Amendment #1 - 1 st Review, DRIA 02-002 October 3, 2002 Page 2 ec: Jeff Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E.I P.S.M., Utility Engineer, Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Parks Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Engineering (via e-mail) File C:\My Documents\Motorola DRI, Amendment #1 - 1st review.doc /' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Fire and Life Safety Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS For review of: DRIA 02-002 1st review-fire Project Name or Address: Motorola 1500 Gatewav Boulevard Reviewed by: Rodqer KemJer. Fire Plans Examiner/Fire Inspector ~. Department: Fire and Life Safety Phone: (561) 742-6753 Comments to: Sherie Coale bv email on 10/01/02 CODE REQUIREMENTS The site plan and master plan design documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "Fire Protection and Prevention." This ordinance adopts NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code, 2000 edition, and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2000 edition. (these codes, as amended are identified as the Florida Fire Prevention Code) Design documents shall demonstrate compliance with LDR Chapter 6, Section 16, which provides requirements for hydrants. Hydrants in commercial applications shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. Connections shall be to mains no less than 6 inches in diameter. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code, (2000) Section 29-2.3.2. cc: Steve Gale Bob Borden UTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIuA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM / TO: 10/02/02 FILE: DRIA 02-002 Michael W. Rumpf DATE: Dir. of Planning & Zoning FROM: SUBJECT: Motorola DRI REFERENCES: Site Plan Off. John Huntington Police Department CPTED Practitioner ENCLOSURES: I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments: No Comments ---- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-210 TO: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: Timothy K. Large q---~ TRC Member/Building Divisio~ I~ DATE: October 1, 2002 SUBJECT: Project - Motorola DRI File No. - DRIA 02-002 - 15t Review The Building Division has no issues with the NOPC to the previously approved development of regional impact. bf S/Development/Building Code Administrator/TRC/02/Motorola DRI Page 10f1 ~ PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #02-75 FROM: Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Director ~ Barbara Meacham, Parks an~andscape Planner TO: cc: RE: Motorola DRI - Notice of Proposed Change Date: October 3, 2002 The Parks Department has reviewed the Notice of Proposed Change for the Motorola DRI. The following comments are submitted: 1. The notice mentions 500 residential units to be added to the development. These units would be subject to the Park and Recreation Impact Fee based on the type of units involved. Single Family, detached = $940 ea Single Family, attached = $771 ea Multi-family = $656 ea 2. The fee is due at the time of the first applicable building permit. 3. Our department would be interested in exploring the possibility of a greenway I bikeway easement along the east and south sides of this property especially along the E-4 canal. JW TRC Memorandum Page 1 of 1 Galav, Lusia From: Hallahan, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 3:49 PM To: Coale, Sherie Cc: Galav, Lusia Subject: 02-Planbill.doc Planning Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist To: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner From: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist Subject: Motorola DR! Development of Regional Impact- Notice of Proposed change 1st Review Date: October 1, 2002 EXHIBIT "D" The are existing active Burrowing Owl nests on the two areas shown on the above exhibit "D" noted as: 1. Industrial (Office / Warehouse / Manufacturing, 40.09 acres) 2. Multi-Family / Retail (34.00 acres) The applicant must have an environmental assessment of these two areas and obtain a Burrowing Owl permit through the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC). This information should be included with the DR! notice of proposed change application. Kjh File 10/01/2002 J0. bzv. -- Wv)9 JnCHr:v I~ ii-u ~ If ~ V~ 01 S-- ~ cJ<- S2J ~ {\O 'C'-J /0. ~ tv': Iu 2~cJf ~l1h-'CvdJ () /q 6) 3'<7-." {AT f'~d ~ /s-~ if-. ~ J;-- f!-u. (f,mzr ~ 12v~ fJ{))-- rei/l',,* 2/'/VVL.(d. ( fr 53~ CfJ2ro1?-) t1 ..J,f is fl'l r...O.J,- -v-a..JL. ,,/ ~ j{" ~ '" CI'i*- gyo. iJ ic u"Jee) c:: "-. . ond. (I~) (e)S: C , ~ ~Cd7c"'- /::;, t)-, [?ay'DJ-PtX 0~'J/ -'-" f)Y~I//1,.h~_..,{, ,,/?~, _ 6..[ t<...- J1{b S h..j7tJJ 'hV{ 2.l1~, 0...0 ff'..esV1}1.,yd1c/ill- -f1"~ fVi~ ~ f'Ubut-k>af hy ~2/"'2A--d C/YJI)/nc.trJ xtJlcliJ/lU . ~ f}zQI/1& a. ~ ~ ~ S6v)'k. W~d.... w~ WPn~ r '~hd /V~ ~#ch o.Jv r~2--oZ ~v ,~ d:-o t!- /2Mc&:I 0/... ~ ('raYe! cJo-. ~ -~ ,. trov,~ ,:\,1,,, ,,,,i ,:.." "'-' Arrd,~ 0/- ~""'7 ciULy IGMlJd '?J'"l0. t-1ofJ- fDQh/.e ~ey c:k Mv~ ~t' ~ fJo/cY..R J- C It 7 . /,,; ~ ~ s...J..<-<.J.y , !~'2cV/~' c?-fJ &0:~ ~ ++ dio+nbu-Tli'-'~ M ~ lh1: ~~: :;r::::;.pJ- clVl~~ 0Y1 t{lf7~ /Jw2, n.e,/J V fr'1j~ ~ 2dd~ s~ _L/4-1 " ~~n.:I- , .' Sc.AD<YI i.'0Y\~1r '0tp.LMfu':' -/-0 t~/Y/A &ek. c~ &/<rei- r f:((f..& Y 'jJnaA ;:!:;./::J_!f' -I< '1N M2<Aa.t-- ~ ~ ,,,,dM.:fl y ~ frbVldL I~~~ I?J?,~~ 4.e. 2v~~ (/IL... r:/?)~c.kc:l 4!f!7' ?>u"AlcUJ;, Pl L~ip~di-, !i()vVYJ<j cN:L ~/~ot/~ ff1tIM~1; --..-..".. ~ ---~_._--- Comparison of Estimated Sewage FI0W!8 Pre-1lovelopment va. Post development Motorola Site ElCir.ting From David Derek, Senior prgject Manager. Jones-Lans-Las.lle at Motorola: When factory was operating at full e;lpactty. there were 3500 emplovees spread over 3 shifts te cover24 hours/day, 7 dayslweek. For al1lclory, use 25 gp(l per employee per 8 hour.hilt" Assume .a~h of the 3500 employee5 worKed one 8 hour shift per day, 5 days p.r week 3500 X 517 X 25 gpd = 52500 gpd Iiotimatad Existing Sowogo Flow (ADF) Propased Ofllca - 450,000<1-..1 Use 1S gpd pel' 100 ..1. ofCoorsp.",,- 450.0001100 X 15 gpd = 67500 gpd Residential- 100 one-bedroom units, 250 2-bedroom units and 150 3--bedroom units Use 100 gpd for '-b1odroom unils' 100 X 100 gpd = 10000 gpd Use 200 gpd for 2-bedroom unils" 250 X 200 gpd = 50000 gpd USIl 300 gpd for 3-bedrOQM uoils" 150X3QOgpd= 45000 gpd Restaurant - Quality - 10.000 ..f. - ...ume 280 seats Use 40 gpdlsaat" 280 X 40 gpd = 11200 gpd IleSllurant - High TUMover - 8,000 s.f.< a..umel10 .eats Usa 40 gpd/s..l" 170 X 40 gpd = 5800 gild Restal,lrant- Fast Food - 8,000 $,f. "lISSume 225 seats Use 40 gpdJ.e.t" 225 X 40 gpd = 9000 gpd Retail. 20,000+1- s.l. Use 0.1 gpd per s.l. of80Drop.ce" 20,000 X 0.1 gpd = 2000 gpd aank - Drive In. 4.500+/- $.f. Use '5gpd per 100 5.1 of floor spa",,' 45QO/1oo X 15 gpd = 575 gpd Self Storage -128,000+'. sJ. - aB&Un'\e 370 units Use 1 gpd per unir" 370 X 1 gpd . 370 gpd Office space - assume an 800 sJ_ offICe Use 15 gpd per 100 S.f. of offICe space" 800/100 X 15 god' 120 gpd Total 202565 gpd Estlmoted Proposed _98 Flow (AIlF) 'All valll.. ...Ign'" per ""II a'" from Table 1. Department of Heelth CIIap\8r 64E-ll.008 Ill! System SIZe Determinations e:JdougJdoUQm_c..1s 9/17102 A2065.00AMS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-200 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plan Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley Jr., Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General Jeffrey Livergood, Public Works Director- Traffic John Wildner, Parks Division Laurinda Logan, Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning Department ~ Michael W. Rumpf' Director of Plannin an onin9 TO: DATE: September 24, 2002 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1ST Review - Development of Regional Impact-Notice of Proposed ehange Project - Motorola DRI Location - 1500 Gateway Boulevard Agent R. Duke Woodson, Ellen Avery-Smith of Maury L.earter & Associates, Inc. File No. DRIA 02-002 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments. Comments should be made available via e-mail to Sherie Coale and I no later than 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday. October 2. 2002. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental imprm.ements. Page 2 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRe Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Sherie eoale and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e- mail. Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members. MWR:lg Attachment xc: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director To Be Determined,Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Central File S:\PlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIMolorola DRI\DRI\TRC Memo for 1st Plans Review .doc Revised 1/14/02 ,) , J?OO/60 0 -PXI,-hflfj L'IO ODO I 600 I DOO sr. -f !Lv..)., ~ SO 0 11-+ U iV,-*5" YDJooo 5D, C01M.~~ -;'0 v i //10'> 'I5'.1S"' 31-00 ~ JfY0 ,53~ ch2nf-G -" -:- fr~ ?- .df ~ , r f "f?2. ,. " 1~-<~~ :t/p-!"1;1v ""' k ~. _;\'jjt+I'./~ Jh~ L/4.d'fercv> 8j- J.-h~ (~/ , NaAUo7A.R f A/~"~) 7)-.~- J-k-J.j c(~ nDt; ~ddr6.-0 (;.;a~/0()4Q M- /IYlf271.JadvK;y, ~. " _..', I~L>-e acc~' 7/ rr IYlI'vIA' fk -#~ !JA-- d- ,It/1-36 Sf,u . " . J^ c2.,tW.. n~ Cl/t fr:17f/t. ~-' ~ r 0 J;JL-j::./Il' ~ ~ -:(bllfd: ~ JU&~J~iz:/;'m.- CAa-d- 1'- .Jr,~-CJ )~ t'/aP. ~ a~ 'tr ~ 1-fCJ. Or 1'>0+ '/1 0 f {0 &AtvJioJ, . I G::, Lf~J 000 ThffiL. L bDD duj 3~aC-. _.---'- -.-.-----..-