APPLICATION BRUSSELS CHICAGO DENVER DE:.TROIT JACKSONVILLE LOS ANGELES MADISON MJLWAUKEE ORLANDO SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO/DEL MAR SAN FRANCISCO TALLAHASSEE TAMPA WASHINGTON, D.C. WEST PALM BEACH FOLE":LARDNER ATTORNEYS A T LAW September 17, 2002 rm"--r~--' - l D ~, : r-" ;L~I SEP I 8 I ",i " j I.;", ~--"'"'' I. ; .,----"'"...~ Lusia Galav Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Applications for Amendments to DRI Development Order, Land Use and Zoning for Motorola Property Dear Ms. Galav: Enclosed herein are two (2) copies of a Notice of Proposed Change for the Motorola Development of Regional Impact and two (2) copies of a Land Use Amendment and/or Rezoning Application for the Motorola Property, along with supplemental documents for each application and checks for applications fees for the same. The application forms and backup documentation are complete, except for a certified list of property owners within 400 feet of the subject parcel and a Property Appraiser's map depicting the same. I will provide those to you upon receipt from the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office. I am transmitting the Notice of Proposed Change to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs under separate cover today_ I am more than happy to provide additional copies to other regulatory agencies that may need to review the Notice. Our development team appreciates your assistance in providing information regarding the Motorola Property and related DRI to us during the last few weeks. We look forward to working with you during the City's review of the enclosed applications. 11 -' EJi FOLEY & LARDNER 111 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 1800 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801.2386 P. O. BOX 2193 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802.2193 WRITER'S DIRECT LINE 407.244.3234 CLIENT/MATTER NUMBER 031498.0124 EMAIL ADDRESS eavery@foleylaw.com 006.269711.1 TEL. 407 423.7656 FAX. 407.648.1743 WWW.FOlEYLARDNER.COM rOLEY:LARDNER Lucia Galav September 17, 2002 Page 2 If you have any questions about the applications or need additional copies thereof, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, ~-~ Ellen Avery-Smith EMA:dr Enclosures Cc: Jeff Douglas Daryl Carter Jim Snyder Ken Metcalf 006.269711.1 MOTOROLA DRI NOPe #1 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS The proposal under this Notice of Proposed Change (NOpe) for the Motorola DRI is to change the land used designation from Industrial to Industrial and Local Retail Commercial. These specific land use designation changes, described in detail in Section 5 of the NOPC Application, represent proposed increases and decreases in land use intensities as well as a reallocation of approved land use designations and intensities. The purpose of this traffic analysis is to provide data and analyses of the traffic impacts associated with the proposed cnange such that a determination of substantial deviation can be made. lAND USE CHANGES There nave been no previous modifications to the DRI, whicn was approved for 625,000 Sf of manufacturing (induding ancillaty office and storage) and 200,000 Sf of Office. Based on this development plan it has been determined tnat the project is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 peak hour trips (Attacnment 1). This then becomes the bencnmark from wnich to compare the trip generation of the proposed land uses. Attachment 2 provides a daily and peak nour trip generation analysis of the proposed Motorola development program. Tne proposed development plan is projected to generate a comparable number of daily trips as currently vested for the site. Both the AM peak hour and the PM peak hour trip generation of the proposed development plan are projected to be less than the currently vested trips. Therefore, the proposed amendment does not represent a substantial deviation. NOPe'" 02-129 9-17~02 ROADWAY MODIFICATIONS The proposed development plan includes the addition of lWo (2) new driveways on Congress Avenue. One of these driveways will be located south of the Congress Avenue / Gateway Boulevard intersection and the second will be located south of the existing Congress Avenue / Motorola Access signalized intersection. The proposed northerly driveway will be a full median opening (allowing all movements) aligned with an existing driveway on the west side of Congress Avenue. The southerly driveway will allow right in and right out movements only. CONCLUSIONS NOPC #1 proposes simultaneous increases and decreases in allowable development intensities. Consequently, there are no projected increases in the vested number of new daily and peak hour trips. NOf'C"702-7Z9 9-77-02 --./ . i(( , '\ .r-- . AlTACHMENT 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSION . Building . Planrting&Zoning . Occ:uplltIonaIU~ . CommunityRede\w~u..r ~f~~ August 29,2002 Mr. Kahart M. Pinder, AICP Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc. 2324 South Congress Avenue Suite IH West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Motorola DRI Dear Mr. Pinder: I am responding to your letter to Michael Rumpf, dated August 26, 2002, regarding vested trips for the Motorola DR!. I concur with your assessment, that the Motorola DRI is vested for 13,020 daily trips and 1,634 PM peak hour trips. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at 561-742-6260. Sincerely, C?t~Ag~v Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Jim Chernf, City Attorney S:~~~DJll\PW.T__l.ta'..cIoI City of Boynton Beech . 10( It IIoynlIln lleach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Bor IllIac:h. FIorlda 33425-0310 ~n~ ~i-' t ~l s f i . ~ Hi~UPI~~~ & e 0 ...OOl'" ""... :! :! U ~ U I~ ~ .!'C""Q~=:O:lQ;$1I"Io ~ !:!'" ~N8~hn ~ ... ~ . .s::= ~:& Si ~... ! ~ n )~:eil:;:;1~l:il::l~ ~ ....Oel"'"...... ......,..,... lOtN.... ';! al~IDH L n ~ .,; l~~~i~,~liI~ :>; f.....,... ...", - U -! ~J i~ 5J~Hil*N&lO , !... ~fffl:: "'"' Q : ~ ~ E~ ~ ihnH~i; 'f""""'.t'f~........ ":: ..,O!"'!,",,: .f'!"';' o tt5:!o:a , ... IN ! C c ~ ~ t::'!"""::''''''' If = ~ ~ L ! ~ ~ !I! J .. - z ! Q ....!QO......."";O....... ~ i = ::::~~~; so;~ ~ z ~ 1 " .. il ... ~ ...J .. N-i I I~~~ = ~ j~! ~l ~.c...tlJ n f H Q P u51UJi:i d! ~~ _...l:'I",lIIt;:J ~\G"'" ~ 'I"''''''' NN_ N n N ~ - I;!! 3 ~ ~..:; NO"''' ~ 2...... " 1 ~:'i.~ !:2~2 , =" ~ HU~ ~~u IE- nO 11:1:' ~;t.,., C; 10 CJ>...., .....on... ~ 1000"'1. ... ~NI"I $~St-.:;; O-.......IID ~ ......,......... .:; nn_ n ... ~ ... $~\D"'''' ~c...,." ~ ~ _ ~ N __N ~""I""" ~:~= 0 ,,~ N 2> _! H ~I! 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C ...~~Qo.......... ...... ...... ...- 13 ... *l""~ClCI\"""''''' 0\ ..,.......""l_ !l .!! ... - ~ i h_f ~ E':: - ~ ~~I%'III";: ! -",......... $ ~HSi::.iiilli~u I I +~HH~H ;'!1!::~lIl~iq ] ~Q"'''''O'''' "0 _ ~ n f~ ~ 0 0 . . ~ IE: 5 .: h t"~"ll;+I::'''\l; Jt d ~ ~ ~~~~~~ f ~ ~ S! ,- ~ .. ~ .. - h z Q ~ f02Jl!-N..CN- II t: 1:::N :il:il;:2;;~ ~ u jl l:j I H 10 l!! ~ ...J !!; ~. ] ~J" .~ g . ... .Ii Ii H to!!"!! /5 udjjiH:i ~ Ii u e eo AL EEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE ;D SALE OF COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ~cg ~ THIS AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF COMMERCIAL REAL EST A TE ("Agreement ") is entered into as of July ale, 2002 ("Effective Date") between MOTOROLA. lNC.. a Delaware corporation ("Seller"), and Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. ("Purchaser") SECTION 1 SALE OF PROJECT. Subject to the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement. Seller agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to purchase all of Seller's right, title and interest in and to the following described property. 1.1 Real Estate. The real property which is described on Exhibit A attached hereto, including a vacant land parcel of approximately 29 acres (the "Real Estate"). l.2 Building. The building which is located on the Rea] Estate, together with all other structures. fixtures and improvements owned by Seller and located on the Property (the "Building"). ].3 Equipment. The items of equipment. furniture and other personal property which are located 011 the Property (defined below) and which are listed on Exhibit B attached hereto, (the "Equipment"). 1.4 Service Contracts. All service, maintenance and other contracts entered into by Seller which relate to the maintenance or operation of the Building (the "Service Contracts") and which are included in the list of the Service Contracts is attached hereto as Exhibit C. The Real Estate. Building and Equipment are collectively referred to herein as the "Propert)'''. and all of the items in this Section] are collectively referred to herein as the "Project" . SECTION 2 PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price to be paid by Purchaser to Seller for the Project is Twenty One Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand and 001100 Dollars ($21,750,000.00) (the "Purchase Price"). The Purchase Price will be paid by Purchaser in the following manner: 2.1 Earnest Money Deposit. Purchaser has deposited (or within three (3) business days after the Effective Date will deposit) the sum of Three Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($300,000.00) with the Title Company (as defined below) as the first installment of earnest money and as a deposit towards payment of the Purchase Price. Immediately upon expiration of the 1nspection Period, Purchase shall deposit a second installment of earnest money in the sum of Seven Hundred Thousand and 001100 Dollars ($700,000.00) as a deposit towards payment of the Purchase Price. The first installment and the second instaHment of the earnest money shall be collectively or separately referred to at times as the Earnest Money Deposit as referenced below. The said earnest money shall be invested in a sound financial institution's money market fund or account that pays interest or dividends, in Title Company's name separate Boynlon_P&S from its personal and busine"~ accounts. Seller shall make all inves, cnt decisions. The Earnest Money Deposit and all interest earned thereon shall herein be referred to as the "Earnest Money Deposit". and shall be credited against the Purchase Price at Closing (as defined below). All escrow fees, if any, charged by the escrow agent in respect of the Earnest Money Deposit shall be equally shared by Seller and Purchaser; provided that if Purchaser terminates this Agreement pursuant to Section 3.3 or 3.4. then Purchaser shall pay for the entire escrow fees. Purchaser shall pay for all investment fees. The share of said escrow fees and, if applicable, investment fees. of the party to whom the Earnest Money Deposit is returned shall be deducted from said returned amount. and the other party shall remain obligated for its share, and such obligation shall survive any termination of this Agreement. Concurrent herewith (or within three (3) business days after the Effective Date), the parties or their attorneys shall sign the customary joint order escrow agreement of the Title Company 2.2 Funds at Closing. At Closing, Purchaser shall pay to Seller the balance of the Purchase Price which balance shall be paid to Seller by a wire transfer to an account designated by Seller. ') , Allocation of Purchase Price. Seller shall have the "ight, in its sole discretion, to allocate the Purchase Price among the various items comprising the Project. Purchaser shall, at Seller's request. execute a supplemental instrument which confirms and acknowledges Seller's allocation of the Purchase Price in accordance with this subsection. SECTION.3 TITLE MATTERS. 3.1 Title Commitment. Seller has ordered and will deljver to Purchaser upon receipt a commitment for title insurance. at Purchaser's expense issued by Chicago Title Insurance Company (the "Title Compan)''') to insure title to the Real Estate in the name of Purchaser (the "Title Commitment").All references to the Title Company shall mean Chicago Title Insurance Company. Seller has ordered and will deliver to Purchaser upon receipt a current survey of the Real Estate and Building meeting the minimum technical standards of Florida Administrative Code Rule 61 G 17 -6 (the "Survey") to be a Purchaser expense at Closing (hereinafter defined). 3.2 Permitted Exceptions. Seller shall transfer and convey its right, title and 'interest in the Project to Purchaser subject to the Permitted Exceptions. The term "Permitted Exceptions" shall mean the items set forth on Exhibit D attached hereto. Purchaser shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, if it is not satisfied with the Title Commitment or Survey, by notice in writing served upon Seller during the Inspection Period. If Purchaser fails to so serve said notice of it upon Seller within such time, Purchaser shall be deemed to have waived said right. If within the Inspection Period, either party is not satisfied that the legal description in Exhibit A hereto is correct and the parties do not jointly agree upon a corrected Exhibit A, then either party may terminate this Agreement by notice in writing served upon the other within such time. If either party fails to serve said notice upon the other within such time, the party not serving said notice shall be deemed to have waived said right. Upon any termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 3.2, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to Purchaser, subject to Section 2. l, and except as set forth in Sections 2. land 3.4, neither party shall have any further obligation hereunder. 3.3 Delivery 6fTitle Policy at Closing. As a condition to Purchaser's obligation to close, the Title Company shall deliver to Purchaser at Closing an Owner's Policy of Title -2- Boynton_P&S Insurance ("Title Policy"), is>ued by the Title Company as of the dal~ dnd time of the recording of the Deed, in the amount of the Purchase Price, insuring Purchaser as owner of fee simple title to the Real Estate. subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. Seller shall execute at Closing a customary Seller's mechanics and materialman's lien affidavit, a standard parties in possession affidavit and a gap affidavit, in such forms as the Title Company shall reasonably and customarily require for the issuance of the Title Policy. The Title Policy may be delivered after the Closing if at the Closing the Title Company issues a currently effective, duly executed "marked-up" Title Commitment with the Title Policy in the substance of the "marked-up" title Commitment to be issued promptly after Closing, The premium for the Title Policy shall be paid by Purchaser. Purchaser shall pay the cost of the Survey required hereunder. 3.4 Inspection Period. During the period which commences on the execution of this Agreement by Purchaser and terminates on August 26, 2002 (the "Inspection Period"), Purchaser may make any inspections. applications. reviews. studies, evaluations or surveys (collectively. the "Inspections") required to satisfy itself as to the acceptability and suitability of the Project for its purchase; provided, however, Purchaser shall deliver to Seller within five (5) days after Purchaser's receipt thereof a copy of every report of findings which is issued as a result of such activities, and Purchaser shall cause the Property to be restored to its condition prior to any of Purchaser's or its agents' activities which alter the condition of the Property. All Inspections conducted at the Property shall be during normal business hours and upon reasonable notice at Purchaser's sole cost and expense. Seller will cooperate with Purchaser to facilitate the permitted Inspections and Purchaser will not interfere with Seller's business operations in carrying out the Inspections. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser shall no.t undertake any "intrusive" environmental investigations (i.e., investigations involving boring or drilling upon the land, soil testing or water or groundwater testing, or activities of a similar nature) without Seller's prior consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. Purchaser shall notify Seller in advance of any environmental investigations with respect to the Property and afford Seller an opportunity to be present at the time of any such investigation. Purchaser shall also, if requested by Seller and if Seller consents to intrusive environmental investigations, evenly split samples taken so that each party has the opportunity to test or retain half of the total sample. Purchaser shall hold confidential all information it generates or receives with respect to the Property and shall not disclose same to any third party; and Purchaser shall cause its agents and employees to abide by such requirements. Purchaser agrees to keep the Property fee and clear of liens and claims arising out of its Inspections. and to indemnify and save Seller harmless from and against any and all damages, costs, jnjuries and liabilities to the Property and/or any persons or property of any persons which may occur by reason of and which is caused by any such Inspections, including without limitation any environmental inspections, tests, surveys. studies or any other entry upon or use of the Property by Purchaser or its agents. Should Purchaser, in its sole and absolute discretion, find the Project is not acceptable and suitable for its purchase, then it shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by written notice served upon Seller during the Inspection Period, in which event the Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to Purchaser, subject to Section 2.1, and except as set forth in Section 2. J and this Section 3.4, neither party shall have any further obligation hereunder. If Purchaser fails to so serve such notice upon Seller within such time, Purchaser shall be deemed to have waived said right. Upon termination of this Agreement, Purchaser shall return to Seller all data previously.delivered to Purchaser under the terms of the -3- Boynton_P&S Agreement. The obligation. f Purchaser under this Section 3.4 she ,urvive any termination of this Agreement. 3.4 (a) Upon the expiration of the Inspection Period and payment of the second installment of Eamest Money Deposit by the Purchaser. the Purchaser shall proceed to closing and the Eamest Money Deposit shall be non-refundable except for: (i) Seller'~ default; or (ii) Failure of the Seller to deliver title subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. 3.4 (b) Within five (5) business days of Purchaser executing this Agreement, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser or make available to Purchaser for inspection, copies of the following (if any) which are in the possession of Seller: (i) Existing cell site or antenna site leases for Skytel, Rampage, Weblink. Motorola and Nextel: (ii) In-house environmental exit assessment memorandum; (iii) DRI documents; (iv) the Survey: (v) governmental permits: (vi) building and maintenance logs (available for inspection at the Project: (vii) engineering planning studies, master plans and transportation studies as included in the DRI documents above; (viii) third party' service and vendor contracts pertaining to the Project: (ix) Real estate tax bills for prior one (]) year; (x) Any and all other reports. information or data. including but not limited to licenses, permits or information that has a material effect on the Project: and (xi) Construction, plans, engineering and architectural dra,,'ings available on site at the Project. 3.4 (c) During the Inspection Period. Seller will not make substantial structural modifications (excluding routine maintenance) or enter into any third party leases or contracts other than with the Back-t.1p Buyer (defined below) for the Project without the prior consent of the Purchaser, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. SECTION 4 CLOSING. 4.] Closing Date. The closing of the purchase and sale of the Project (the "C]osing") shall be held on September 12. 2002 or at such earlier date as Purchaser and Seller mutually determine. The Closing shall occur at I] :00 a.m. at the office of the Title Company in Chicago, nlinois. 4.2 Purchaser's Obligations at Closing. ]n addition to delivery of the balance of the Purchase Price as described in Section 2.2.. which shall be paid in immediate, same-day federal funds wired into the closing escrow account. Purchaser shall execute and deliver the following to Seller at Closing: (a) The Acceptance of Assignment and Assumption of Service Contracts in the fOID1 attached hereto as Exhibit H. (b) Acceptance of Assignment and Assumption of Leases (as to the third party leases described on Exhibit D) in the form attached hereto as Exhibit I. (c) Such disclosures and reports as are required by Florida and local law in connection wjth the conveyance of Real Property. (d) Evidence of the existence, organization, and authority of Purchaser and of . the authority of the persons executing documents on behalf of Purchaser reasonably satisfactory to Seller. -4- Boynton_P&S (e) The ...... dseback described in Section 6.2. (fl Such affidavits. instruments or agreements that may be required by the title company in its issuance of the policy of title insurance pursuant to the Title Commitment. 19) Section 5. A statement which reflects the settlements and prorations provided for in 4.3 Seller's Obligations at Closing. Provided that Purchaser performs its obligations at Closing as set forth in Section 4.2., Seller shall execute and deliver the following to Purchaser at Closing: I a) A Florida Special Warranty Deed in the form attached hereto as Exhibit E conveying the Property and Building to Purchaser, subject to the Permitted Exceptions. (b 1 A Bill of Sale in the form attached hereto as Exhibit F conveying the Equipment to Purchaser. (c) An Assignment and Assumption of Service Contracts in the form attached hereto as Exhibit H assigning the Service Contracts to Purchaser. (di Section 5. A slatement which reflects the settlements and prorations provided for in (e) Leaseback. Keys to the Building and possession of the Property, subject to the If) Such affidavits, instruments or agreements that may be required by the title company in its issuance of the policy of title insurance pursuant to the Title Commitment. 19) Such disclosures and reports as are required by Florida and local law in connection with the conveyance of real property. (h) The Leaseback described in Section 6.2. I i) Assignment and Assumption of Leases (as to the third party leases described in Exhibit D) in the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1. Seller. (j) A Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act affidavit executed by (k) Evidence of the existence. organization and authority of Seller and of the authority of the persons executing documents on behalf of SeHer reasonably satisfactory to the Tille Company. SECTION 5 SETTLEMENT AND PRORA nONS. The following items shall be prorated or settled between Purchaser and Seller at Closing: -5- lloynton]&S 5.1 Taxes and Aooessments. Real property taxes and rel.. ,Jroperty assessments for the Property and the Building for the fiscal year in which Closing occurs shall be apportioned between Seller and Purchaser as of the date of Closing. Such apportionment shall be computed on the basis of the most recent issued bills with the maximum discount allowed by law, and shall constitute a final settlement. Purchaser understands that it shall be solely responsible for payment of all special assessments against the Property or the Building which are assessed for improvements to the Property or the surrounding land which are installed after the date of execution of this Agreement, or which may be payable after Closing. 5.2 Payments under Service Contracts. All amounts due under the Service Contracts through the date of Closing shall be paid by Seller. All payments due under the Service Contracts during the period of time from and after the date of Closing shall be paid by Purchaser. Seller shall receive a credit for the portion of any prepaid amount under a Service Contract which is attributable to the period of time after the date of Closing. All deposits under any of the Service Contracts shall be retained by Seller as its exclusive property. 5.3 Personal Property and Sales Taxes. All personal property taxes assessed against the Property through the date of Closing shall be paid with the maximum discount allowed by Jaw by Seller. All personal property taxes assessed against the Property from and after the date of Closing shall be paid with the maximum discount allowed by law by Purchaser. Purchaser shall pay all sales and use taxes associated with sale of the Property by Seller to Purchaser. Purchaser shall. upon Seller's request, produce evidence at Closing of Purchaser's payment of all sales or use taxes resulting from the sale of the Property. 5.4 Utility Charges. All utility charges will be prorated as of the date of Closing, and Seller shall pay all charges assessed through the date of Closing if a final billing is available. If a final billing is una\'ailable, Seller shall deposit with the Title Company an amount estimated by the title company to be sufficient to pay the final billing when it becomes available, with any excess amount to be refunded to Seller. Seller shall receive a credit for the portion of any prepaid amount which is attributable to the period of time after the date of Closing. All deposits paid to utilities shall be retained by Seller as its exclusive property. 5.5 Miscellaneous Closing Costs. Purchaser shall pay the costs associated with providing the title insurance policy described in subsection 3.2. All real estate recording and documentary fees payable in connection with the purchase and sale of the Project shall be paid by Purchaser. Seller shall pay for the documentary stamp taxes. Any fee for closing services which is charged by the Title Company shall be shared equally by Seller and Purchaser. Common area expense charges payable by Seller, Boynton Beach water charges rents (if any) as to antenna site leases, and other customarily proratable items shall be apportioned as of the Date of Closing. Costs of any survey required by Purchaser shall be paid by Purchaser. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, Purchaser and Seller shall pay their own fees and expenses incurred in the preparation, execution and performance of their respective obligations under this Agreement. SECTION 6 CONDITION OF PROJECT AND LEASEBACK 6.1 DISCLAIMER AND RELEASE. PURCHASER IS RELYING SOLELY ON ITS OWN INSPECTION AND EXAMINA nON IN PURCHASING THE PROJECT; AND IS PURCHASING THE PROJECT ON AN "AS-IS" BASIS WITH ALL FAULTS AND -6- Boynton_P&S DEFECTS NOW KNOWN UK HEREAFTER DISCOVERED BY!- ~j{CHASER. NEITHER SELLER NOR ANY OF ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY TO PURCHASER. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. AS TO (A) THE SUITABILITY OF THE PROJECT FOR PURCHASER'S INTENDED USE, OR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THE MERCHANT ABILITY THEREOF, (B) THE PROFIT ABll..ITY OF THE OPERA nON OF THE PROIECT OR THE INCOME TO BE DERIVED HEREFROM, (C) THE ENVIRONMENT AL CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY (D) THE SUIT ABILITY OF THE PROPERTY FOR ANY AND ALL ACTIVITIES AND USES WHICH PURCHASER MA Y CONDUCT THEREON, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITIES FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROPERTY; (E) THE COMPLIANCE OF OR BY THE PROPERTY OR ITS OPERATION WITH ANY LAWS. RULES. ORDlNANCES OR REGULATIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY OR BODY (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION. THE FEDERAL COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENT AL RESPONSE COMPENSATION AND LIABll..ITY ACT (42 U.S.C SECTlON 9601 ET SEQ.) AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS, RULES OR REGULATIONS) AND ANY CLAIMS MADE OR OBLIGATIONS OR LIABll..ITIES IMPOSED PURSUANT THERETO; (F) THE MANNER OR QUALITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OR MATERLl\LS, IF ANY, INCORPORATED INTO THE PROPERTY; (G) THE MANNER. QUALITY. STATE OF REPAIR OR LACK OF REPAIR OF THE PROPERTY; (H) THE PRESENCE OR ABSENCE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AT, ON, UNDER. OR ADJACENT TO THE REAL EST A TE OR BUILDING OR ANY OTHER ENVIRONMENT AL MATTER OR CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY; (1) ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT TO THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY; AND (J) ANY TAX CONSEQUENCES, FA VORABLE OR OTHERWISE, RESULTING FROM PURCHASER'S ACQUISITION OR OPERATION OF THE PROJECT; AND ALL SUCH REPRESENT A TIONS AND WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED BY SELLER AND PURCHASER HEREBY RELEASES SELLER FROM ANY AND ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY IN RESPECT THEREOF. ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR STATEMENTS MADE BY ANY AGENT OR REPRESENTATIVE OF SELLER. INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE BROKER (AS DEFINED BELOW), MA Y NOT BE RELIED UPON BY PURCHASER AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. 6.2 Leaseback. Seller will deliver possession of the Project at Closing to Purchaser, provided, however. that Seller will lease back various portions of the Property. The rental and terms of the said lease back and the specific premises covered, shall be incorporated in a lease agreement (the "Leaseback") executed by Seller and Purchaser in the form attached as Exhibit G at Closing. Purchaser acknowledges that portions of the roof of the Building will need repair or replacement (hereinafter "Repairs") in the short term at Purchaser's expense. Purchaser's consultant has estimated the cost of the Repairs to be Eight Hundred Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($805,000.00), as shown in the attached Exhibit J. Purchaser agrees that if the total cost of such Repairs to Purchaser is less than the estimate of the consultant contained in Exhibit J, the difference between the estimate and the actual cost shall be paid to the Seller as Tenant pursuant to the Leaseback within thirty (30) days of the full and completion of the Repairs as a credit to rent and all other sums due pursuant to the Leaseback. The obligations of Purchaser under this Section 6.2 shall survive the Closing of this transaction. -7- Boyntoo_P&S SECTION 7 ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS. Purchaser has caused an investigation of the Project to be made by an environmental engineering firm of Purchaser's choosing, or has made such other examination or inspection of the Project as Purchaser deems sufficient to evaluate the environmental condition of the Project. Without limitation of the provisions of Section 6. l, Purchaser hereby releases Seller, and Seller's agents and representatives, from any and all claims, causes of action, or liabilities arising out of or relating directly or indirectly to any known or unknown Environmental Hazard at, in, on or under the Project. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "Env'ironmental Hazard" shall mean any Hazardous MateriaL or the storage, handling, production. disposal, treatment or release thereof; and the term "Hazardous Material" shall mean (a) any hazardous waste, any extremely hazardous waste, or any restricted hazardous waste. or words of similar import, as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S. C. Section 6901 et seq.); (b) any hazardous substances as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S. C. Section 9601 et seg.); (c) any toxic substances as defined in the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S. C. Section 2601 et seg.); (d) any pollutant as defined in the ('lean Water Act (33 U.S. C. Section 1251 et seq.); (e) gasoline, petroleum or other hydrocarbon products or by-products; (f) asbestos; or (g) any other materials, substances, or wastes subject to environmental regulation under any applicable federaL state or local law , regulation, or ordinance now or hereafter in effect. SECTION 8 LOSS OR CASUALTY. In the event of damage to, or the destruction of, all or any part of the Project prior to the Closing Date, the parties agree as follows: 8.1 Damage. In the event of any material damage to or destruction of the Property, Purchaser, as its sole remedy in respect thereof may. at its option. by notice to Seller given within 14 days after Seller notifies Purchaser of such damage or destruction (and if necessary the Closing Date shall be extended to give Purchaser the full] 4-day period to make such election): (i) terminate this Agreement in which event the Earnest Money Deposit shall be immediately returned to Purchaser, subject to Section 2. I, and neither party shall have any further obligation hereunder except a set forth in Sections 2.1 and 3.4. or (ii) proceed under this Agreement, receive any insurance proceeds due Seller, or previously received by Seller, as a result of such damage or destruction and assume responsibility for such repair. and Purchaser shall receive a credit at Closing of any deductible. uninsured or coinsured amount under said insurance policies not to exceed $1,000,000. lfPurchaser elects (ii) above, Purchaser may extend the Closing Date for up to an additional 30 day period in which to obtain insurance settlement agreements with Seller's insurers, and Seller will cooperate with Purchaser in obtaining the insurance proceeds and such agreements from Seller's insurers. If Purchaser fails to make such election when and as set forth above, it shall be deemed to have elected (i). If the Property is not materially damaged, then Purchaser shall not have the right to terminate this Agreement, but Seller shall, at its cost, repair the damage before the Closing in a manner reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser or if repairs cannot be completed before the Closing, credit Purchaser at Closing for the reasonable cost to complete the repair. "Material damage" and "Materially damaged" means damage reasonably exceeding $1,000,000 in costs to repair. -8- Boynton_P&S SECTION 9 CONDEMNt> (lON. If, between the Effective Date of this Agreement and Closing, any portion of the Project is taken in condemnation. the parties agree as follows: 9.] Unessential Portion of Project. If the portion of the Project be taken in condemnation is not essential to the continued use of the Project, the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. In such event, the Purchase Price shall be paid by Purchaser at Closing without reduction. but Seller shall remit to Purchaser all awards received by Seller as a result of the condemnation. 9.2 Essential Portion of Project. If the portion of the Project taken in condemnation is essential to the continued use of the Project, Purchaser and Seller shall both have the option to tenninate this Agreement and their respective obligations hereunder. The option to terminate contained in this subsection must be exercised by written notice to the other party no later than twenty (20) days after the party first becomes aware of the condemnation. If either party exercises its option to terminate in accordance with this subsection, Seller shall retum the Earnest Money Deposit to Purchaser, subject to Section 2.1. and neither party shall have any further obligation hereunder except as set forth in Sections 2.1 and 3.4. If neither party exercises its option to terminate as provided in this subsection, the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. In such event, the Purchase Price shall be paid by Purchaser at Closing without reduction, but Seller shall remit to Purchaser all awards received by Seller as a result of the condemnation. SECTION 10 DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. In the event of default by either party under this Agreement, Purchaser and Seller agree as follows: 10.1 Purchaser's Default. If this transaction fails to close due to the default of Purchaser, then Seller's sole and exclusive remedy in such event shall be to terminate this Agreement and to retain the Earnest Money Deposit. subject to Section 2.1. as liquidated damages, Seller waiving all other rights or remedies in the event of such default by Purchaser, except as set forth in Sections 2.1 and 3.4. The parties acknowledge that Seller's actual damages in the event of a default by Purchaser under this Agreement will be difficult to ascertain, and that such liquidated damages represent the parties' best estimate of such damages. For purposes of this Section 10.1, default shall include Purchaser's failure to pay the Purchase Price in full when due, or any other breach of a representation, warranty or covenant in any material respect. Promptly upon becoming aware of any default by Purchaser, Seller shall so notify Purchaser. 10.2 Seller's Default. If this transaction fails to close as a result of Seller's default intentionally incurred for the purpose of frustrating this Agreement, Purchaser may, as its sole remedy, either enforce specific performance or terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of the Earnest Money Deposit, subject to Section 2.1, thereby waiving all other rights or remedies in the event of such default by Seller. If this transaction fails to close as a result of any other default by Seller, Purchaser may, as its sole remedy, either waive such default and purchase the Project subject to such default, or terminate this Agreement and receive a refund of the Earnest Money Deposit, subject to Section 2.1, thereby waiving all rights or remedies in the event of such default by Seller. If within twenty-one (21) days after the date on which it becomes aware -9- Boynlon_P&S of a default by Seller, Purch, cr fails to make its election to (i) spec.. _ally enforce this Agreement (if such remedy is available to it as set forth above), (ii) terminate this Agreement as set forth above or (iij) waive such default and close, it shall be deemed to have elected to waive such default and purchase the Project subject to such default. Promptly upon becoming aware of any default by Seller, Purchaser shall so notify Seller. SECTION J I BROKERS. Seller represents and warrants to Purchaser that, other than Andy Sexson of Binswanger CBB and Michael Falk of McCraney Falk Commercial Realty Group, ("Broker"), no broker or finder has been engaged by Seller in connection with any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Seller further represents and warrants that no person or entity. other than Broker, now claims or will claim any commission, finder's fee or other amounts by, through, under or as a result of any relationship with Seller because of such transactions. Seller agrees to pay Broker a commission pursuant to a separate agreement, which commission shall not be earned or payable until the occurrence of the Closing and Seller's receipt. of the Purchase Price. In the event of a termination of this Agreement, Broker shall have no right to share in the Earnest Money Deposit if retained by Seller. Purchaser represents and warrants to Seller that no broker or finder has been engaged by Purchaser, other than Renaissance Realty Group, Inc.. a Florida real estate broker and that is entitled to receive a commission equal to .5% of the Purchase Price allocated to the Real Estate, payable at closing from Seller's proceeds in connection with any of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Purchaser further represents that other than Broker, no person or entity claims or will claim any commission, finder's fee or other amounts by, through. under or as a result of any relationship with Purchaser because of such transactions. Each party agrees to hold the other pany harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasOliable attorneys' fees, resulting from any breach of the representations and warranties contained in this Section. As required by Florida law. Seller is advised that Maury L. Carter and Associates, Inc., and Douglas Property and Development, Inc. are registered real estate brokers who are not receiving a commission or any other form of compensation from the Seller for their efforts in conjunction with this transaction. SECTION 12 ASSIGNMENT. Purchaser shall have the right to assign all of its interest or right under this Agreement to a land trust or entity formed by Purchaser and controlled by Purchaser with the prior written consent of Seller which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any attempted assignment by Purchaser without such prior written consent, including assignments that would otherwise occur by operation of law, shall be without force or effect as against Seller. SECTION 13 MISCELLANEOUS. 13.1 Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be given by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, reliable overnight courier, or by hand delivery, directed as follows: If intended for Seller, to: Motorola, Inc. 1303 E Algonquin Road, 7'h Floor Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 -10- Boynton_P&S Attn.: Christine A. Foh, Esq. Director of Real Estate Legal Affairs with a copy in each case to: James S. Gray. Esq. Altheimer & Gray lO South Wacker Drive_ Chicago. IL 60606-7482 If intended for Purchaser, to: Daryl M. Carter, President Maury L. Carter & Associates, Inc. 908 S. Delaney A venue Orlando, Florida 32806 with a copy in each case to: T. Michael Woods, Esq. Woods & Woods, P.A. 612 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 190 Orlando. Florida 32803 Any notice delivered by majl in accordance with this paragraph shall be deemed to have been duly given three (3) days after the same js deposited in any post office or postal box regularly maintained by the United States. Any notice which is sent by overnight courier shall be effective the next day after delivery to the courier. Any notice which is hand delivered shall be effective upon receipt by the party to whom it is addressed. Either party. by notice given as above may change the address to which future notices should be sent. 13.2 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns. If the Purchaser assigns this Agreement to an assignee permitted hereunder, such assignee assumes the obligations of the Purchaser hereunder, provided. however, that such assignment shall not release the Purchaser from its obligations hereunder. 13.3 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the exhibits attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between Seller and Purchaser, and may not be modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 13.4 Headings. The section and subsection headings contained in this Agreement are inserted only for convenient reference and do not define, limit or proscribe the scope of this Agreement or any exhibit attached hereto. 13.5 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. -11- Boyn1on_P&S 13.6 Unenforceabk Provisions. If any provision of this Ab.~ement, or the application thereof to any person or situation shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, and the application of such provision to persons or situations other than those to which it shall have been held invalid or unenforceable. shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 13:7 Time of the Essence. Time is strictly of the essence with respect to each and every term, condition, obligation and provision of this Agreement, and the failure to timely perform any of the terms. conditions, obligations or provisions hereunder by either party shall constitute a breach of and a default under this Agreement by the party so failing to perform. In calculating any period of time provided for in this Agreement, the number of days allowed shall refer to calendar and not business days. If any day scheduled for performance of any obligation hereunder shall occur on a \'.eekend or legal holiday. the time period allowed and day for performance shall be continued to the next business day. 13.8 Waivers. No waiver by either party of any provision hereof shall be effective unless in writing except as otherwise set forth in Sections 3.2. 3.4, 8.1,10.1 and 10.2, or shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other provision hereof or of any subsequent breach by either party of the same or any other provision. 13.9 Attorneys' Fees and Costs. In the event of litigation between Seller and Purchaser arising out of the enforcement of or a default under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to judgment for court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees in an amount to be determined by the court. . 13.10 Special Taxing Districts. Special taxing districts may be subject to general obligation indebtedness that is paid by revenues produced from annual tax levies on the taxable property within such districts. Property owners in such districts may be placed at risk for increased mill levies and excessive tax burdens to support the servicing of such debt where circumstances arise resulting in the inability of such a district to discharge such indebtedness without such an increase of mill levies. Purchaser should investigate the debt financing requirements of the authorized general obligation indebtedness of such districts. existing mill levies of such district servicing such indebtedness, and the potential for an increase in such mill levies. 13.J 1 Governing Law; Construction of Agreement. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Seller and Purchaser and their respective counsel have reviewed, revised and approved this Agreement. Accordingly, the normal rule of construction that any ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto. 13.12 Tax Free Exchange. Purchaser and Seller acknowledge that either party may desire to effectuate the sale of the Project by means of an exchange of "like-kind" property which will qualify as such under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and regulations thereunder, as amended, provided the other party incurs no additional expenses or liability and is . not delayed in its acquisition of the Project. Purchaser and Seller agree to cooperate with each other, at no cost to the other party, as necessary or required with respect to the consummation of such exchange transaction. Both parties expressly reserve their right to assign its rights. but not -12- Boynlon_P&S its obligations, hereunder to a,Jaljfied Intermediary as provided in L Reg.1.l031(k)-1(g)(4) on or before Closing. 13.] 3 Knowledge. There shall be no liability on the part of Seller, whether prior to or after Closing, for breaches of any of its representations. warranties or covenants (i) if Purchaser had actual knowledge thereof prior to the date hereof, or (ii) if Purchaser first had actual knowledge thereof after the date hereof and prior to expiration of the Inspection Period and failed to terminate this Agreement during such period, or (iii) if Purchaser first had actual knowledge thereof after the Inspection Period and prior to Closing and failed to terminate this Agreement during such period. 13.14 RADON. RADON IS A NATURALLY OCCURRING RADIOACTIVE GAS THAT, WHEN IT HAS ACCUMULATED IN A BUILDING IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITIES, MA Y PRESENT HEALTH RISKS TO PERSONS WHO ARE EXPOSED TO IT OVER TIME. LEVELS OF RADON THAT EXCEED FEDERAL AND STATE GUIDELINES HAVE BEEN FOUND IN BUILDINGS IN FLORIDA. ADDITIONAL INFORMA nON REGARDING RADON AND RADON TESTING MA Y BE OBTAINED FROM YOUR COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT 13.15 JURY TRIAL WAIVER. PURCHASER AND SELLER WAIVE THE RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING BASED UPON, OR RELATED TO, THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS AGREEMENT. THIS WAIVER IS KNOWINGLY. INTENTIONALLY. AND VOLUNTARILY MADE BY EACH PARTY AND EACH PARTY EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NEITHER THE OTHER PARTY NOR ANY PERSON ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE OTHER PARTY HAS MADE ANY REPRESENT A TIONS OF FACT TO INDUCE THIS WAIVER OF TRIAL BY JURY OR IN ANY WAY TO MODIFY OR NULLIFY ITS EFFECT. EACH PARTY ACKNOWLEDGES TO THE OTHER THAT IT HAS READ AND UNDERSTANDS THE MEANING AND EFFECT OF THIS WAIVER PROVISION. 13. 1 6 Confidentiality. Purchaser and Seller shall keep all terms of this Agreement and the existence of this Agreement and information regarding the Property confidential and may disclose such terms and conditions only to each party's attorneys, accountants, and other professional advisors. Notwithstanding this provision, Seller may operate the Property in its ordinary course and disclose any information necessary in its negotiations with back-up buyers. 13.17 Announcements. Seller and Purchaser shall consult with each other in advance with regard to all press releases and other announcements issued concerning this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby and. except as may be required by applicable laws or the applicable rules and regulations of any governmental agency, neither Seller nor Purchaser shall issue any such press release, internet article or other such publicity without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent may be granted or withheld in the consenting parties sole discretion. 13.18 Backup Buyer. Purchaser acknowledges that prior to Closing hereunder Seller may negotiate a sale of the Project by Seller to another entity ("Backup Buyer"), pursuant to a contract, letter of undertaking, other writing or oral agreement. The rights of the Backup Buyer in respect of the Property will expire upon the Closing hereunder and the Backup Buyer will not have the right to buy the Project free and clear of this Agreement unless this Agreement is -13- Boynton_P&S _._. ~~~-"-~--~"---' terminated. If this Agreement" terminated, Seller may sell the Projecl .'.1 the Backup Buyer or any other buyer at any time. free and clear of this Agreement. Purchaser will render reasonable cooperation prior to Closing hereunder to permit the Backup Buyer to concurrently perform its due diligence investigation at no cost to Purchaser and so long as Backup Buyer does not interfere with Purchaser's due diligence investigation. This Agreement for the Purchase and Sale of Commercial Rea! Estate has been executed as of the date first appearing above, SELLER: MOTOROLA, INe. By: yZ;/fZL~ Its: f:..(it.~v( v;~ \",,,,,s'ck...:f-""- &'C-f- -\4 ",~aJ c.~c..:." PURCHASER: MAURY L. CAR .ER& ASSOCIATES, INe. B, ?itfJ;!;---7!ZGtfZ Its: ~~.... ~- R.E. MA - AGEII LEG L C"'I -14- Boynu:m_P&S AGREEMENT OF BROKER The undersigned, as Broker hereunder, acknowledges and agrees that Section 11 of the foregoing Agreement correctly sets forth the understanding and agreement between Broker and Seller relating to the payment of a commission resulting from the sale of the Project. BROKER: BINSW ANGER CBB By: 1ts: MCCRANEY F ALK COMMERCIAL REALTY GROUP By: Its: PURCHASER'S BROKER: RENAISSANCE REALTY GROUP, 1Ne. By: Its: Boynton_P&S EXHIDITS TO AGREEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit] Boynton_P&S Legal Description of Property List of Equipment. List of Service Contracts Permitted Exceptions Special Warranty Deed Bill of Sale Leaseback Assignment and Assumption of Service Contracts Assignment and Assumption of Lease(s) EXHiBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF REAL EST ATE [To Come] Boynlon_P&S EXHIBIT B EQUIPMENT Boynton_P&S Boynton_P&S EXHffirr C SERVICE CONTRACTS EXHmrr D PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS ]. The exclusions and general exceptions (except those relating to the mechanics lien claims caused by, through or under Seller) in the Title Commitment. 2. The specific exceptions in the Title Commitment that the Title Company has not agreed to remove from the Title Commitment as of the end of the Inspection Period. 3. Items shown on the Survey, which have not been removed as of the end of the Inspection Period. 4. Real estate taxes and special assessments not yet due and payable. 5. Matters learned by or described to Purchaser or its agents prior to the expiration of the' Inspection Period. 6. Environmental matters. 7. Matters caused by, through or under Purchaser. 8. Leaseback from Purchaser to Seller 9. Antenna cell site leasesllicenses currently in place. 10. Matters the title company agrees to endorse over. Boynton_P&S EXHffiIT E SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY: Stephen J. Szabo. III. Esg. Foley & Lardner 100 North Tampa Streel Suile 2700 Tampa, Florida 33602.5804 AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: (The nbove snace for Recorders Use On/v) SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this _ day of September, 2002, between Motorola, Inc., a Delaware corporation (hereinafter called the "Grantor"), whose address is 1303 E. Algonquin Road, 7'h Floor, Schaumburg, lllinois, 60196, and , a_ whose address is (hereinafter called the "Grantee"). Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns. W!TNE~~ETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, all that certain land situate in the City of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, as more particularly described in the Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH all the rights. privileges, easements, tenements, hereditaments, and, appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all buildings and other structures, fixtures and improvements owned by Grantor and located on said land. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. AND the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that it will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under said Grantor, but against none other. SUBJECT TO real estate taxes and assessments, which are not yet delinquent, and all subsequent years, and the permitted exceptions listed on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Grantor has caused these presents to be duly authorized in its name and by those thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print Name: As Witness MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Its: Print Name: As Witness STATE OF ) ) ) ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of September, 2002, by . as of Motorola, Inc., a Delaware corporation, on behalf of said corporation who is personally known to me or who has produced a valid driver's license as identification. NOTARY PUBLlC Name: Serial No. My Commission expires: -2- Exhibit A to Special Wan'anh' Deed (Legal Description-See EXHIBIT A) A-I L.xhibit B to Special Warranty Deed Permitted Exceptions 1. Real Estate taxes and special assessments not yet due and payable, and all subsequent years. 2. Environmental matters. 3. Leaseback dated as Tenant. , 2002 by and between Grantee, as Landlord and Grantor, 4. Rights of tenants as tenants only under the following five unrecorded leases/licenses: (a) Antenna Site Lease dated October l. 1998 by and between Motorola, Inc./Paging Products Group. a Delaware corporation ("Landlord"), and Motorola, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Network Services Division ("Tenant"). (b) Letter dated April 28, 1998 by and between Motorola Boynton Beach and SkyTel Corp Corporation. (c) Agreement dated June I, 2000 by and between Motorola, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Rusty Butler, doing business as PageS tar, a sole proprietorship. (d) General Assignment. Bill of Sale and Assumption of Liabilities dated August 31, 1999 by and between Motorola, Inc., a Delaware corporation and Pinnacle Towers Inc.. a Delaware corporation and Agreement for Purchaser and Sale of Assets dated June 29, 1999 between Motorola, Inc. and Pinnacle Towers, Inc. (e) Weblink month-to- month antenna license. 5. Matters which an accurate survey would show. including without limitation the matters shown on survey prepared by Dailey-Fortorny, Inc. dated [June 3, 2002], Job No. 79- 0203ZE. 6. Easement Deed from Seller in favor of Lakeworth Drainage District recorded in Official Records Book 13883 Pages 0396 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 7. Easements, Restrictions and Dedications created by the Plat of Motorola, a Planned Industrial Development, recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 139. 8. Easement(s) granted to Florida Power & Light Company, et ai, recorded in Official Records Book 38 I 9, Page 1174, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 9. Easement(s) granted to Mark L. Mendel and Joan D. Mendel, husband and wife, together with covenants and obligations therein, recorded in Official Records Book 7738, Page 1865, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (846071.1) Boynlon_P&S 10. Tenns, covenants, conditions and rights set forth in the Agreement between Motorola, Inc. and Nextel South Corp., a Georgia corporation, dated November 9, 1998 and Memorandum thereof recorded January 15, 1999. in Official Records Book 10876, Page 816 and refiled May 11, ] 999 in Official Records Book 11099, Page 1789, together with easement rights therein. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 11, Easements(s) granted to Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, recorded in Official Records Book 4307, Page 1503, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida 12. Matters caused by. through or under Grantee. 13. Building, zoning and other laws and ordinances. 14. Matters leamed by or described to Grantee or its agents prior to the date hereof. (852613.1) Boynton_P&S -_._---------~ -_.-------.- -_.------._- EXHIBIT F BILL OF SALE BY THIS BILL OF SALE. for Dollars ($ cash and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Seller") , hereby sells, assigns, conveys, transfers and sets over to ,a ("Purchaser"). all of the tangible personal property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (and hereby made a part hereoO, without warranty, express or implied, except that Seller shall warrant and defend unto Purchaser and Purchaser's successors and assigns title to such property against all persons. Dated: .2002 MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Its: Boynton_P&S EXHIBIT A TO BilL OF SALE (List of Personal Property) Boynlon_P&S Boynton_P&S EXHIBIT G LEASEBACK LEASE BY AND BETWEEN a corporation as Landlord and MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation, as Tenant. LEASE THIS LEASE ("Lease"), made and entered into this _ day of , 2002, between MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation, having an office at 1303 East Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196. (hereinafter called "Tenant") and a corporation, having an address at (hereinafler called "Landlord"); 1. Premises, A. Landlord leases to Tenant, and Tenant leases from Landlord, certain portions of the building located at 1500 Gateway Boulevard, Boynton Beach. Florida 33426 (hereinafter the "Building") together with all of the improvements situated therein, which portions of the Building Landlord and Tenant stipulate for all purposes of this Lease, consists of 186,] 13 rentable square feet of office space and 10,017 rentable square feet of warehouse space (hereinafter collecth'e1y the "Premises"). Floor plans of the Premises are attached hereto as Exhibit A. When Landlord completes the demising wall which is part of Landlord's Work defined below), Landlord and Tenant agree to amend this Lease, if necessary, to correct the square footage leased. The Premises are part of the MOlOrola Boynton Beach facility which includes the Building totaling approximately 555,790 rentable square feet. and all lands. common areas and facilities used in connection with the Building as reasonably determined from time to time by Landlord, but excluding one (I) adjacent separate vacant land parcel for future development and further excluding any parking area land that may be reclaimed by Landlord in the future for development (collectively referred to as the "Project"). B. Landlord hereby grants to Tenant. during the Term of this Lease or any extension thereof, the non-exclusive use in common with other tenants or occupants of the Project of not less than four (4) parking spaces for every] .000 rentable square feet of office or warehouse space leased by Tenant pursuant to this Lease for use by Tenant's employees, invitees, visitors and agents. Tenant is granted the right to utilize additional parking spaces if available. C. Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and acknowledges and approves the equipment in place on that portion of the rooftop of the Building depicted on Exhibit B attached hereto for the installation, operation, and maintenance of radio transmitting and receiving equipment, microwave. satellite or antennae communication system devices along with associated other electronic equipment which may be passive and/or active and mounting structures. Tenant is hereby granted an easement, for the purpose of running transmission Jines. cables, electrical lines and any other associated equipment from the Premises, to the structures on the rooftop. The location of any rooftop area and related easement areas of these items will be as reasonably determined by Landlord and Tenant. D. Landlord agrees that Tenant, Tenant's employees, invitees, visitors and agents will have access to and dining privileges in the Building cafeteria facilities during the Term of this Lease as long as the use of this portion of the Building remains a cafeteria or dining facility. 2. Term. The term of this Lease for the Premises shall be for a period of three (3) years, which term shall commence on INSERT CLOSING DATE (hereinafter "Commencement Date") and end on ; (hereinafter "Term") said Term subject to extensions pursuant to agreement of the parties or any option hereinafter set forth. Boynlon_P&S 3. Base Rent. Tenant shall pay to Landlord a late charge equal to two percent (2%) of any installment of monthly Base Rent and any other amount payable under this Lease that is paid late as liquidated damages to compensate Landlord for costs and inconveniences of special handling and disruption of cash flow. Late charges and interest in the amDunt of eighteen percent (18%) per annum shall commence on the tenth calendar day of each month. Provided, however that the late charge and interest shall not be effective for the first notice (if any) of late payment in each calendar year. A. Base Rent - Initial Term. During the inilial Term of the Lease, Tenant will pay rent to Landlord in advance and withDut demand at the office of the Landlord or at such other place as Landlord from time tD time may notify Tenant in writing mDnthly base rent. (hereinafter "Base Rent") payable on the first day of each calendar mDnth pursuant to the fDllowing schedule: (i) BASE RENT FOR THE PREMISES Lease Y Months Annual Base Rent Rate Monthly Base Rent ears 1-3 J-36 $lO.OO/RSF - Office $155,094.16 $ 5.75/RSF -- Warehouse $ 4,799.81 with appropriate prDration Df Base Rent if the initial Term or any portion of the Term hereDf should commence Dn a date Dther than the first day of a calendar mDnth. Base Rent in the initial term shall be increased on the first day of each Lease Year fDllowing the first full lease year by two percent (2%) and Base Rent shall be adjusted and payable accordingly. For purposes of this Lease, the term "Lease Year" means the one year period beginning on the Commencement Date and ending 364 days thereafter and the anniversary thereof each year. B. Base Rent - First Renewal Term. In the event Tenant exercises its option to extend the term of this Lease for the First Renewal Term pursuant tD Section 27 hereof, Tenant will pay Base Rent tD Landlord in advance at the office of Landlord or at such Dther place as LandlDrd from time to time may notify Tenant in writing on the first day of each calendar mDnth pursuant to the lesser of fair market rent determined in accordance with Exhibit C attached heretD or the following schedule: (ii) BASE RENT FOR THE PREMISES Lease Months Annual Base Rent Rate Monthly Base Rent Years 4-6 37-72 $1O.60/RSF - Office $164,399.82 $6.IO/RSF - warehouse $ 5,091.98 Base Rent in the First Renewal Term shall be increased on the first day of each Lease Year follDwing the first full lease year Df the First Renewal Tern] by tWD percent (2%) and Base Rent shall be adjusted and payable accordingly. . All the other terms and conditiDns of this Lease shall apply during the First Renewal Term Boymon_P&S C. Base Rent - '-'econd Renewal Tenn. In the event Tenant exercises its option to extend the term of this Lease for the Second Renewal Term pursuant to Section 27 hereof. Tenant will pay Base Rent to Landlord in advance at the office of Landlord or at such other place as Landlord from lime to time may notify Tenant in writing on the first day of each calendar month pursuant to the lesser of fair market rent determined in accordance with Exhibit C attached hereto or the following schedule: (iii) BASE RENT FOR THE PREMISES Lease Months Annual Base Rent Rate Monthly Base Rent Years 7-9 73-J08 $$1l.25fRSF - Office $174,480.94 $6.50fRSF - warehouse $ 5,425.88 Base Rent in the Second Renewal Term shall be increased on the first day of each Lease Year following the firsl full lease year of the Second Renewal Term by two percent (2%) and Base Rent shall be adjusted and payable accordingly. Alllhe other terms and conditions of this Lease shall apply during the Second Renewal Tenn. D. Base Rent - Third Renewal Term. In the event Tenant exercises its option to extend the term of this Lease for the Third Renewal Term pursuant to Section 27 hereof, Tenant will pay Base Rent to Landlord in advance al the office of Landlord or at such other place as Landlord from time to time may notify Tenant in writing on the first day of each calendar month pursuant to fair market rent for comparable properties in the 'Boynton Beach area determined in acc0rdance with Exhibit C attached herelo. Base Rent in the Third Renewal Term shall be increased on the first day of each Lease Year following the first full lease year of the Third Renewal Term by two percent (2%) and Base Rent shall be adjusted and payable accordingly. All the other terms and conditions of this Lease shall apply during the Third Renewal Tenn. E. Additional Rent. In addition to the Base Rent required to be paid by Tenant under this Section 3, Tenant shall pay to Landlord as additional rent for the Premises. all other amounts required to be paid under the terms of this Lease and required to be paid by Tenant under Section 50 below, which amounts constitute costs for real estate taxes. insurance, operating costs and common area maintenance. All amounts payable to Landlord under this Lease constitute rent and shall be payable without notice, demand, deduction or offset to such person and at such place as Landlord may from time to time designate by written notice to Tenant. 4. Condition of Premises Except as provided herein, Landlord shall have no obligation to make any improvements or alterations (0 the Premises or the Building whatsoever prior to the Commencement Date, and Tenant accepts the Premises in an "AS IS" condition, with all faults; the foregoing, however, shall not relieve Landlord of its maintenance and repair obligations with respect to the Project as otherwise set forth in this Lease. Provided. however that within one hundred twenty (120) days after the Commencement Date of this Lease, Landlord agrees, to fully and securely demise the Premises from other areas of the Building and the Project as indicated on Exhibit D attached hereto as Landlord's expense and not as an operating cost of the Building or Project. Boyn1on_P&S 5. Use. Tenant shall have the right to use the Premises for any lawful purpose permitted by applicable zoning ordinances. Tenant in its use and occupancy of the Premises shall not commit waste, nor overload the floors or structure, nor subject the Premises to any use which would tend to damage any portion thereof, provided such tendency to cause damage is reasonably foreseeable. All of the portions of the Project made available by Landlord for use in common to tenants and their employees and invitees ("Common Areas") shall at all times remain subject to Landlord's exclusive control and Landlord shall be entitled to make such changes in the Common Areas as it deems appropriate. 6. Security Deposit - Intentionallv Deleted. 7. Compliance. Tenant shall, during the Term of this Lease confonn the use Tenant makes of the Premises to all applicable laws, statutes, orders, ordinances, rules and regulations of all federal, state or political subdivisions having jurisdiction over the Premises, now in force or that may be enacted hereafter, provided that the provisions of this Paragraph 7 shall not require Ihe Tenant 10 rebuild, repair or alter the Premises or the improvements fonning a part of the Premises to make said Premises and/or improvements comply with any such laws, statutes, orders, ordinances, rules or regulations. 8. No Waste or Damal!e. Tenant shall not commit any waste upon or do any damage to Ihe Premises. :Tenant shall not use or pennit the use of the Premises for any unlawful purpose. Tenant shall not permit any rubbish, refuse or garbage to accumulate or create a fire hazard in or about the Premises. In connection with its occupancy of the Premises, Tenant shall not use the Premises in violation of any laws, ordinances, regulations or orders of any duly constituted authorities of the city, county, state and federal government. 9. Chanl!es, Alterations and Additions, A. No material changes, alterations or additions shall be made to the Premises by Tenant without the prior approval of Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. For purposes of this Section 9. a "material" change, alteration or addition shall be a change that requires the expenditure of a sum in excess of Two Hundred Thousand and 0011 00 Dollars ($200,000.00) or that affects the load bearing structure of the Building. B. Prior to making any such changes. alterations or additions, Tenant shall submit written plans and drawings respecting same to Landlord and Landlord shall approve or disapprove same within fifteen (15) days after receipt thereof. In addition, Landlord shall have the right to approve Tenant's use of contractors and subcontractors. All changes, alterations and additions shall comply with the applicable City, County and State laws, statutes, orders, ordinances, rules and regulations. Landlord agrees, if necessary, to join in any applications to governmental authorities for such permits as may be required to do the work contemplated in this Paragraph 9. Any tenant improvements, pennanent additions to or alterations of the Premises which cannot be removed without material damage to the Premises, except wall fixtures, furniture, and trade fixtures (and further excluding all signs, and goods and materials used in the Tenant's business) shall become a part of the realty and belong to Landlord unless otherwise agreed by Landlord and Tenant. Tenant's wall fixtures. furniture. trade fixtures. signs, goods and materials used in Tenan,t's business shall at all times remain personal property and may be removed from time to time by Tenant or other occupants of the Premises. Upon surrender of the Premises, Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repair of any physical'injury to the Premises caused by the removal of any such property. but not for any Boynlon_P&S diminution in value of the PremIses caused by the absence of the property (emoved or by any necessity for replacing such property. Upon surrender Tenant may, at its option, leave all demountable walls and partilions in the Premises and the same shall belong to Landlord. 10, Ingress and Egress. The Landlord grants to Tenant the nonexclusive right to ingress and egress to the Premises, over (a) the existing streets and highways adjoining the Premises, and (b) any utility closets, telephone closets and chiller rooms necessary to access PBX rooms servicing the Premises and (c) any and all common area portions of the property and the Building of which the Premises, are a part. Tenant shall have full and unimpaired access to the Premises, at all times except as provided in Paragraphs 12, 16 and 17. The Landlord will not interrupt or disturb any entrances, and will use all reasonable means to prevent any interruption, disturbance or deprivation by any third party. 11. Abandonment, Tenant shall endeavor to continuously occupy the Premises and not vacate or abandon the Premises at any time during said lease Term or any extension thereof for more than thiny (30) consecutive days unless required to do so by duly authorized legal authority or other cause beyond Tenant's reasonable control. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Tenant fails to occupy the Premises for period of thirty (30) consecutive days or longer but is still making all rent payments to Landlord as required under this Lease. Tenant's failure to occupy the Premises shall not be deemed to be an abandonment or vacation of the Premises or a default under the Lease. 12. Repairs. Landlord, at Landlord's expense and not as an operating cost of the Building, during the Term of this Lease and any extension thereof. shall make all repairs and replacements to all structural portions of the Premises. including. but not limited to, the exterior walls, roof and foundations. pipes and conduits, and utility installations. adjoining sidewalks, driveways, service areas and curbs (irrespective of any duty on the part of any governmental agency to make or order such repairs and replacements), and all repairs and replacements necessary to pUI and maintain the exterior of the Premises, and parking area (including, but not limited to, filling holes and resealing as necessary, but subject to normal wear and tear), including all improvements now or hereafter thereon, and all appurtenances thereto' (including sewer and sewer connections, water and gas pipes and connections, electrical wires and connections) in a safe and tenantable condition and in good order and repair, except for those repairs made necessary by the negligent acts of the Tenant or its employees. In addition. at Landlord's expense and not as an operating cost of the Building, Landlord shall make all repairs to the interior of the Premises which may be of a structural nature or which are caused by structural failures or movement, repairs to the interior of the Premises made necessary by leakage of the roof, or by leakage of any utility installation; provided, however, that Landlord shall not be obligated to make repairs for any structural damage caused by Tenant, its employees, invitees or agents. Lawns, landscaping and shrubbery care shall be the responsibility of Landlord and shall be a common area maintenance cost of the Project of which Tenant shall pay its Percentage Share. Tenant, during the Term of this Lease and any extension thereof, agrees to keep in good order and repair all interior portions of the Premises (including overhead doors and the electric operators thereof,) except such repairs as under this Lease Landlord is required to make and except repairs which are made necessary because of faulty construction and except repairs which are the obligation of Landlord under Paragraph 16 of this Lease. Tenant shall also provide ordinary maintenance for the plumbing and light fixtures and s~all replace any interior glass (not part of the outside walls) which may be damaged or broken with glass of the same quality. Tenant agrees to surrender the Premises in good order and repair, reasonable wear and tear Boynton_P&S and ordinary deterioration, and lOSS. damage or deslruction from any cause ~"d/or the taking of, damage to, or reduction of the size of, the Premises by eminent domain. all excepted. 13. Interior Mechanical Equipment (HV AC Svstem). During the Term of this Lease and any extension thereof, Landlord, as an Operating Expense of the Building. shall provide proper, periodic and normal maintenance and inspection for the heating and air conditioning equipment servicing the Premises and the Building. If this equipment requires repairs or replacement of parts, or both, of a major or substantial nature, or replacement of the equipment in its entirety (i.e., in excess of proper, periodic and normal maintenance and inspection), these repairs or replacements, or both, shall be made by Landlord as an operating cost of the Building and amortized over the useful life of the replacement. Examples of "parts of a major or substantial nature" are compressors, boilers and fan units. 14. Utilities and Services. Tenant shall pay for all water, heat, gas, fuel, electricity, telephone service and all other services in the nature of utility services supplied to the Premises, for use by Tenant as well as services supplied to Tenant in the operation of its business. together with any taxes thereon. Where reasonably practical, Landlord shall. at Landlord's cost and not as an operating cost of the Building, sub-meter the utilities servicing the Building for Tenant's use. Where sub-metering is not reasonably practical, Landlord and Tenant shall work together to create a reasonable and fair formula for utility cost allocation to Tenant based upon Tenant's Percentage Share and deleting any manufacturing load/usage and any other unusual usage from other tenants in the Building or the Project. 15. Inspection. Tenant will allow Landlord access to the Premises, at reasonable times during normal working hours for the purpose of examining or exhibiting the same or making repairs Landlord is required to make, subject to Section 58 below. Unless Tenant has given notice to Landlord to extend the Term of this Lease, Landlord may place on the Premises at any time within six (6) months prior to the expiration of the lease Term or any extension thereof, if extended, notices of "For Sale". or "For Rent". 16. Damage or Destruction of Premises. A. In the event of minor damage (less than fifty percent (50%) to the Premises by fire or any other cause which renders the Premises untenantable in part but Tenant is able in its reasonable judgment to conduct its business therein, and Tenant conlinues to occupy them in part, the rent shall be apportioned and reduced from the date the damage occurs in the proportion that the unoccupied portion of the Premises bears to the entire premises until the damage has been repaired. B. In the event of substantial damage (fifty percent (50%) or more) (including destruction) to the Premises by fire or any other cause which renders the Premises untenantable in whole or in such part that Tenant in its reasonable judgment deems it impracticable to conduct its business therein, the rent shall wholly abate and be apportioned from the date the damage occurs until the damage has been repaired. C. In the event of either minor or substantial damage, unless this Lease is tenninated as hereafter provided in Paragraph 16.D. hereof, Landlord shall commence within ten (10) days after the date the damage occurs (or within ten (10) days after receipt of such notice is given) 10 repair tbe Premises to the condition in which they were immediately prior to such damage, and Landlord shall complete such repair with due diligence and dispatch. If the damage is not repaired within a reasonable time or in any event within sixty (60) days from the dale the damage occurs in tbe case of minor damage and one hundred Boynton_P&S twenty (120) days from the da,~ the damage occurs in the case of substan,.~J damage, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease by giving Landlord written notice (served no later than thirty ('30) days after such right to cancel and tenninate arises) of tennination. D. In the event the Premises are damaged at any time during the last twelve (12) months of the initial lease Term or at any time during the last twelve (12) months of any extension term by fire or any other cause to the extent of fifty percent (50%) or more of the replacement value thereof as of the date such damage occurs. this Lease, except as provided in Paragraph 16.E. hereof, may be tenninated at the election of either Landlord or Tenant by giving notice in writing of such election to the other party within ten (10) days from the date the damage occurs. Upon such tennination, any unearned rent or other payments paid in advance beyond the date of damage shall immediately be refunded to Tenant. E. If Landlord elects to tenninate this Lease under Paragraph 16.D. hereof, Tenant may by written notice to Landlord exercise its option to renew under Paragraph 27 hereof within twenty (20) days after receipt of Landlord's notice of termination. and in such event, Landlord's notice of tennination shall ~e void. and Landlord shall repair the Premises as herein provided. 17. Condemnation, A. If the whole or any substantial part (fifty percent (50%) or more) of the Premises shall be taken or condemned by any competent authority for any public use or purpose. the Term of this Lease shall end upon. and not before, the date when the possession of the part so taken shall actually be required for such use or purpose. Current rent shall thereupon be apportioned as of the date of such termination. B. If only an insubstantial part (less than fifty percent (50%) of the Pren)ises shaH be taken or condemned. and Tenant is able, in its reasonable judgment. to continue to operate its business in the Premises and such taking or condemnation does not give Tenant the right to terminate this Lease, this Lease shaH continue in full force and effect. and the rental due thereunder shaH abate proportionately to the extent that Tenant is deprived of usable area either in the Premises or otherwise, and as of the date of such deprivation. If Tenant is not able, in its reasonable judgment, to continue normal business operation, Tenant may terminate this Lease immediately upon written notice to Landlord. In the event this Lease is not terminated under this Paragraph, Landlord shaH, at Landlord's sole cost and expense, restore the remaining portion of the Premises to the extent necessary to render them reasonably suitable for the purposes for which they were leased, and shall make all repairs to the Premises to the extent necessary to conslitute the Premises a complete architectural unit. C. In any such case, whether this Lease is tenninated or not, each party shaH be entitled to claim and receive an award of damages suffered by it by reason of such taking. Landlord shall be entitled to receive and retain the entire award or consideration for the affected lands and improvements and Tenant shall not have or advance any claims against Landlord for the value of its property or its leasehold estate or the unexpired term of this Lease or for costs of removal Dr relocation or business interruption expense or any other damages arising out of the taking or purchase. Nothing herein shall give Landlord any interest in, or preclude Tenant from seeking and recovering on its own account from the condemning authority, any award of compensation attributable to the taking or purchase of Tenant's chattels or trade fixtutes or attributable to Tenant's relocation expense or loss of goodwill provided that any such separate claim by Tenant shall not reduce or adversely affect the amount of Landlord's award. If any such award made or compensation paid to Tenant specifically includes an award or amount for Landlord, Tenant shall promptly account therefor to Landlord. Boymon_P&S 18. Landlord's L.doilit\'. Landlord shall not be liable for damage to property of Tenant in the Premises, or for injury to person unless such damage or injury is caused by (A) Landlord's failure to make repairs or perform any obligations which Landlord is obligated to make under this Lease or (B) is caused by the fault or negligence of Landlord. Landlord's agents, employees. contractors. subcontractors, invitees, licensees or other authorized representatives. 19, Default. A. If any defaull of either party continues uncorrected for thirty (30) days (seven (7) days in the case of a default in the payment of rent or other amount due hereunder) after receipt of written notice from the other party, stating with particularity the nature and extent of the default, the party giving such notice may cancel this Lease by written notice of cancellation: provided, however, that such notice of cancellation shall not cancel this Lease if within thirty (30) days (seven (7) days in the case of a default iJl the payment of rent or other amount due hereunder) after its receipt the party in default either (i) undertakes to correct such default or (ii) contests the existence of the defaull in a court of competent jurisdiction and complies with the final order of any court in which the case is tried or the final order of any court to which an appeal is taken within thiny (30) days after entry of final judgment. No delay or omission of either party in exercising any right accruing upon any defaull of the other pany shall impair any such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and every such right may be exercised at any time during the continuance of such default. A waiver by either of the parties of a breach or a default under any of the terms and conditions of this Lease may be exercised at any time during the continuance of such default. A waiver by either of the parties of a breach or a default under any of the terms and conditions of this Lease by the other party shall not be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default Ot of any other term or condition of this Lease. No remedy provided in this Lease shall be exclusive, but each shall be cumulative with all other remedies provided in this Lease and at law or equity. B. In the event of a dispute between the parties which requires a party hereto to seek redress through an action at law or in equity (or to seek redress through a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution) the losing party shall pay, upon demand, all of the prevailing party's costs, charges and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by such prevailing party in connection with the resolution of such dispute; provided, however, attorneys' fees shall be due and payable only if the prevailing party is required to file suit due to default by the losing party. For purposes of this Paragraph, the term "losing party" shall mean the party which obtains substantially less relief than originally sought by such party in the legal or equitable action (or Alternative Dispute Resolution forum) and the term "prevailing party" shall mean the party which obtained substantially the relief sought by such part)' in the legal or equitable action (or Alternative Dispute Resolution forum). 20, BankruDtcv, In the event the estate created hereby shall be taken in execution or by other process of law, or if Tenant shall be adjudicated insolvent or bankrupt pursuant to the provisions of any state or federal insolvency or bankruptcy law, or jf a receiver or trustee of the property of Tenant shall be appointed by reason of Tenant's insolvency or inability to pay its debts, or if any assignment shall be made of Tenant's property for the benefit of creditors, then and in any of such evenlS, Landlord may tenninate this Lease by written notice to Tenant; provided, however, if the order of the court creating any of such disabilities shall not be final by re.ason of pendency of such proceeding, or appeal from such order, then Landlord shall not have the right to terminate this Lease so long as Tenant performs its obligations hereunder. Boynlon_P&S 21. Indemnifical ... Tenant shall indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from all loss, damage, cost, expense or liability (including reasonable atlomeys' fees, expenses and disbursements) incurred by Landlord arising out of or in connection with any injury to. or death of, any person, or damage to, or destruction of, property occurring in, on, or about the Premises. the Building in which the Premises is located and/or the property, and which injury, death, damage or destruction is caused by the acts or omissions of Tenant or Tenant's employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, invitees, licensees or other authorized representatives; except that Landlord shall be liable to Tenant for all loss, damage, cost. expense or liability (including reasonable atlomeys' fees, expenses and disbursements) incurred by Tenant arising out of or in connection with any injury to, or death of, any person, or damage to, or destruction of, property occurring in, on, or about the Premises, the Building in which the Premises is located and the property, and which injury, death, damage or destruction is caused by the acts or omissions of Landlord or Landlord's employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, invitees, licensees or other authorized representatives, and shall indemnify and hold Tenant harmless therefor. A party's obligation under this Paragraph to indemnify and hold the other party harmless shall be limited to the sum that exceeds the amount of insurance proceeds, if any, received by the party being indemnified. 22, Insurance. A. Premises: Landlord shall keep in effect, during the Tenn of this Lease as an operating cost for the (I) Insurance against damage to the Premises and the buildings of which the Premises is a part, by fire and other risks now or hereafter embraced in extended coverage, in amounts sufficient to prevent Landlord from becoming a co-insurer, but in no event less than one hundred (100%) percent of the Premises then replacement value (exclusive of the cost of excavations, foundations and footings); (2) Insurance against such other hazards as. from time to time, are then commonly insured against for Premises, similarly situated (due regard being given to the Premises height, type, construction and use), in the amount of at least Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in anyone occurrence upon or in connection with the use or occupancy of the Premises resulting in bodily injury or death. B. Tenant shall, at its expense, keep in effect during the Tenn of this Lease or any extension thereof, the following insurance in standard fonn policies. with an insurance company authorized (0 do business in the State in which the Premises, is situated. (l) Commercia) general liability insurance in the amount of at least Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) in anyone occurrence upon or in connection with the use or occupancy of the Premises resulting in bodily injury or death. (2) Comprehensive property damage insurance covering liability or damage in anyone occurrence occurring upon or in connection with the use or occupancy of the Premises to all property in at least the sum of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000). (3) All risk contents coverage (or Tenant may act as a self-insurer with respect to such all risk insurance) on Tenant's personal property, equipment, furnishings, fixtures and other chattels located or to be located in the Premises. (4) The required statutory amount of worker's compensation insurance. Boynlon_P&S C. All policies of insurance required to be maintained by Landlord and Tenant pursuant to this Lease, shall name the other party as an additional insured as their respective interests may appear (and if requested by Landlord shall bear appropriate endorsements to protect Landlord's mortgagee). D. The insurance required to be carried by Tenant shall be effective from and after the Commencement Date. Tenant shall furnish. a certificate or certificates of insurance evidencing the existence of the required coverage. E. The parties release each other, and their respective authorized representatives, from any claims for damage to any person or 10 the Premises and the building( s) and other improvements in which the Premises are located, and to the fixtures. personal property, tenant's improvements, and alterations of either Landlord or Tenant in or on the Premises and the building(s) and other improvements in which the Premises is located that are caused by or result from risks insured against under any insurance policies carried by the parties and in force at the time of any such damage. Each party shall cause each insurance policy obtained by it to provide that the insurance company waives all right of recovery by way of subrogation against either party in connection with any damage covered by any policy. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any damage caused by fire or any of the risks insured against under any insurance policy required by this Lease. 23. Mechanic's Liens. The Tenant will no! pennit any mechanic's or materialmen's or other liens to stand against the Premises. the Building or the Project for any lahor or material furnished the Tenant in connection with work of any character performed on said Premises, by or at the direction of the Tenant; and the Landlord will not permit any such liens for work or material furnished the Landlord to stand against such Premises. However, the Landlord and the Tenant shall respectively have the right to contest the validity or amount of any such lien, but upon the final detennination of such questions shall immediately pay any adverse judgment rendered with all proper costs and charges and shall have the lien released at the contestant's own expense. If Landlord or Tenant desires to contest any such lien. then prior to commencing such contest it will furnish the other party with a bond, if requested, to secure the payment of such obligation. 24. Assignment or Subletting. A. If Tenant requests Landlord's consent 10 an assignment of the Lease or subletting of all or a portion of the Premises, it shall submit to Landlord. in writing, (i) the name and legal composition of the proposed assignee or subtenant, (ii) the use to which the proposed assignee or subtenant intends to put the Premises, (iii) the terms and conditions of the proposed assignment or sublease and of any related transaction between Tenant and the proposed assignee or subtenant; (iv) information related to the experience, integrity and financial resources of the proposed assignee or subtenant; (v) such publicly disclosed information as Landlord may reasonably request to explain the transaction; and (vi) reimbursement for all reasonable out of pocket costs incurred by Landlord, including actual attorneys' fees, in connection with evaluating the request and preparing any related documentation. B. Landlord's consent to any such proposed assignment or subletting shall not be unreasonably withheld. Landlord shall be considered to have reasonably denied its consent to a proposed assignment or sublease if: (i) Tenant has not given Landlord fifteen (15) days' prior written notice of such assignment or sublease, which notice shall include all information and documentation reasonably required to satisfy the above conditions; , (ii) Tenant is in default beyond any applicable cure period at the time of the assignment or sublease (but at such time as any default is cured, the assignment or sublease may proceed); and Boynton_P&S (iii) The assignee or subk~"ee fails to furnish Landlord at least ten (, . I days prior to the effective date of the assignment or sublease. a written assignment instrument in which assignee or sublessee agrees to assume and be bound by all of the conditions. obligations and agreements of Tenant contained in this Lease. C. Provided that this Paragraph shall be ineffective in the case of an assignment or sublease by Tenant to a corporation which is the parent or subsidiary of or is controlled by Tenant. or to a corporation. partnership or limited liability company resulting from any reorganization, divestiture or merger to which Tenant or its parent or any of its subsidiaries or any corporation or limited liability company controlled by it is a party. D. If consent to an assignment or sublease is given, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as Additional Rent fifty percent (50%) of all base rental amounts received from the assignee or subtenant which are in excess of the amounts otherwise payable by Tenant to Landlord with respect to the space involved calculated on a per square foot basis, less Tenant's cost of commissions, tenant improvements and leg~l fees. 25. Delavs. In the event that either party hereto shall be delayed or hindered in or prevented from the performance of anv of their or its respective provisions anywhere herein contained, by reason of (i) the destruction. in whole or in part, of any building or improvement forming a part of the entire Premises, or (ii) strikes. or (iii) lockouts. or (iv) labor troubles. or (v) war. whether declared or undeclared, or (vi) riot, or (vii) Act of God. or (viii) embargoes. or (ix) deJays in transportation. or (x) inability to procure materials and/or labor. or (xi) failure of power. or 'xii) reslrictive govemmental laws or regulaiions, whether valid or not, or (xiii) insurrection. or (xiv) any other reason other than financial. beyond the reasonable control of such party. and not the fault of the party so delayed or hindered in or prevented from perfonning work or doing aCls otherwise required under this Lease, then performance of such work or doing of such acts shall be excused for the period of the delay. and the period for the performance of such work or doing such acts shall be extended for a period equivalent to the period of such delay; provided. however, that the provisions of this Paragraph shall not operate so as to excuse or release Tenant from the prompt payment of rent or other sums required to be paid by Tenant to LandlNd or to other payees anywhere hereunder. 26. Run With The Land. The covenants and conditions herein contained shall be construed as running with the land, apply to and bind the parties hereto. their respective heirs. representatives. executors. administrators, successors and assigns of all of the parties hereto. All parties hereto agree that they shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder for their respective obligations. 27. Option to Renew. Tenant is hereby granted three (3) options to renew this Lease as to the Premises on the following terms and conditions: A. At the time of the exercise of an option to renew and at the time of the commencement of the said renewal, the Tenant shall not be in default beyond the applicable grace periods in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Lease, and shall be in possession of the Premises pursuant to this Lease. B. Notice of the exercise of each option shall be sent to the Landlord, in writing, at least six (6) months before the expiration of the then current Term of this Lease for the Premises Boynlon_P&S e. The first renew~. ,erm (hereinafter "First Renewal Term ~hall be for the term of three (3) years for the Premises to commence at the expiration of the Initial Term of this Lease, and all of the terms and conditions of this Lease (except that Base Rent payable during the First Renewal Term shall be as specified in Section 3.B. above) shall apply during the First Renewal Term. D. The second renewal term (hereinafter the "Second Renewal Term") for the Premises shall be for the term Df three (3) years to commence at the expiration of the First Renewal Term of this Lease, and all Df the terms and conditions of this Lease (except that Base Rent payable during the Second Renewal Term shall be as specified in Section 3.e. above) shall apply during shall apply during the Second Renewal Term. E. The third renewal term (hereinafter the "Third Renewal Term") fDr the Premises shall be fDr the term of three (3) years to commence at the expiration Df Ihe Second Renewal Term of this Lease, and all Df the terms and cDnditions Df this Lease (except that Base Rent payable during the Third Renewal Term shall be as specified in Section 3.0. above) shall apply during the Third Renewal Term. F. If Tenant fails tD exercise any or all renewal DptiDns for the Premises, the later renewal options for the Premises, shall be cDnsidered null and void and of no further force and effect. 28. Intentionally Deleted. 29. Su bordination. This Lease shall be subject and subordinated at all times to the liens of any mortgages Dr deeds of trust in any amount or amounts whatsoever now existing or hereafter encumbering th~ Premises without the necessity Df having further instruments executed by Tenant to effect such subordination. Notwithstanding the foregoing. Tenant covenants and agrees to execute and deliver upon demand, such further instruments evidencing such subordination of this Lease to such liens of mortgages or deeds of trust as may be reasonably requested by Landlord. So long as Tenant shall pay the rent reserved and comply with, abide by and discharge the terms, conditions, covenants and obligations on its part, to be kept and performed herein and shall attorn to any successor in title, the peaceable possession of the Tenant in and to the Premises for the Term of this Lease. shall not be disturbed, in the event of the foreclosure of any such mortgage or deed of trust, by the purchaser at such foreclosure sale or such purchaser's successor in title. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Paragrarh 29, Tenant shall not be obligated to subordinate its interest in this Lease unless the mortgagee agrees in writing pursuant to a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement or the like, in a form reasonably acceptable to Tenant, not to disturb Tenant's lawful possession of the Premises and to recognize T enan!' s rights under this Lease so long as Tenant is not in default beyond applicable cure periods under the terms of this Lease. 30. Holdover. Any holding over after the expiration of the Term of this Lease or any extension thereof, with the consent of Landlord, shall be construed to be a tenancy from month-to-month, at one hundred ten percent (110%) of the base monthly rental as paid during the last month of the initial Term or any renewal term hereof, and shall otherwise be on the terms and conditions herein specified so far as applicable. 31. IntentionaJly Deleted. 32. Alternative Dispute Resolution. LandlDrd and Tenant shall attempt to settle any claim or controversy arising out of this Lease through cDnsultatiDn and negotiation in the spirit Df mutual friendship and cooperatiDn. If such attempts fail, then the dispute shall first be submitted to a mutually acceptable neutral advisor for mediation, fact-finding or other form of alternate dispute resolution. Neither of the BOYnlon_P&S -. parties may unreasonably withhold acceptance of such an advisor, and hi, ~r her selection will be made within 30 days after notice by the other party demanding such mediation. Cost of such mediation or any other alternate dispute resolution agreed upon by the parties shall be shared equally by Landlord and Tenant. Any dispute which cannot be so resolved between the parties within sixty (60) days of the date of the initial demand by either party for such mediation, shall be finally determined by the courts. The use of such a procedure shall not be construed to affect adversely the rights of either party under the doctrines of laches. waiver or estoppel. Nothing in this Paragraph shall prevent either party from pursuing judicial proceedings if (a) good faith effons to resolve a dispute under these procedures have been unsuccessful or (b) interim resort to a court is necessary to prevent serious and irreparable injury to a party or to others. 33. EnYironmental. A. Landlord agrees to indemnify and save harmless Tenant, Tenant's successors and assigns and Tenants present and future officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively "lndemnitees") from and against any and all liabilities, penalties, fines, forfeitures, demands, damages, losses, claims, causes of action. suits, judgments, and costs and expenses incidental thereto (including cost of defense, settlement, reasonable attorney's fees. reasonable consultant's fees and reasonable expert fees), which Tenant or any or all of the Indemnitees may hereafter suffer, incur, be responsible for or disburse as a result of: (I) any governmental action. order, directive. administrative proceeding or ruling; (2) personal or bodily injuries (including death) or damage (including loss of use) to any Premises (public or private); (31 cleanup, remediation, investigation or monitoring of any pollution Qr contamination of or adverse effects on human health or the environment; or (4) any violation or alleged violation of laws, statutes, ordinances, orders, rules or regulations of any governmental entity or agency (collectively "Environmental Liabilities") directly or indirectly caused by Landlord or arising out of any Environmental Hazards existing on or about the Premises due to Landlord's activities, except to the extent that any such existence is caused by Tenant's activities on the Premises. The term "EnyironmentaJ Hazards" shall be defined as hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, pollutants. asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), petroleum or other fuels (including crude oil or any fraction or derivative thereof) and underground storage tanks. The term "hazardous substances" shall be as defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.c. Section 9601 et sea.) (CERCLA), and any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. The term "hazardous wastes" shall be as defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.c. Section 690] et seg.) (RCRA), and any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. The term "pollutants" shall be as defined in the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.c. Section 1251 et sea.), and any regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. This provision shall survive termination of the Lease. B. Tenant agrees to indemnify and save harmless Landlord, Landlord's successors and assigns and Landlord's present and future officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively "lndemnitees") from and against any and all liabilities, penalties, fines, forfeitures, demands, damages, losses, claims, causes of action, suits, judgments, and costs and expenses incidental thereto (including cost of defense, settlement, reasonable allorneys' fees, reasonable consultant fees and reasonable expert fees), which Landlord or any or all of the Indemnitees may hereafter suffer, incur, be responsible for or disburse as a result of any Environmental Liabilities directly or indirectly caused by or arising out of any Environmental Hazards existing on or about the Premises but only to the extent that any such existence is caused by Tenant's activities on the Premises. This provision shall survive termination of the Lease. Boynron_P&S 44. Severabilitv. If any provision of this Lease. Or the application thereof to any person or circumstance. shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any coun of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Lease or the application of such provisions to persons or circumstances, other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby. 45, Estoppel Certificate. Tenant and Landlord shall, from time to time upon not less than ten (10) business days' pnor written request by the other pany. deliver a statement in writing certifying: (a) that this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect or, that there have been modifications. that the Lease as modified is in full force and effect; (b) the dates to which Rent and other charges have been paid; (c) that Landlord or Tenant are not in default under any provision of this Lease or, if in default, a detailed description thereof and (d) such other matters as reasonably requested by a pany or its mortgagee. Failure to deliver the cenificate within ten (10) days shall be conclusive upon the pany, for the benefit of the other pany and its successors, that this Lease is in full force and effect and has not been modified except as may be represented the pany requesting the estoppel certificate. 46. Sil!ns. Tenant shall be entitled to maintain its existing exterior building signage. Tenant shall not exhibit, inscribe. paint or affix any new sign on the exterior of the Building or the propeny or in any window of the Premises without Landlord's prior wrinen consent. Tenant shall also be permitted to maintain any existing ground mounted sign at the entrance to Premises. In the event of Tenant's uncured default as set fonh above. Landlord. in addition to its other remedies available hereunder, may remove such signs without any liability to Tenant and Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the cost of such removal immediately upon demand therefor. 47. Services. As pan of the consideration for payment of the rent above specified, the Landlord, as an operating expense. shall furnish, supply and properly maintain for the Tenant, the following services, utilities and equipment: A. Heat and air conditioning B. Window cleaning C. Proper care of landscaping D. Hot and cold water for drinking, lavatory and toilet purposes E. Water necessary to operate the heating, hot water, plumbing and air conditioning systems F. Parking lot lighting from dusk until dawn - seven days per week G. Passenger (at all times) and freight (subject to scheduling) elevator service H. Air conditioning to provide a temperature and humidity condition required, in Landlord's reasonable judgment, for comfortable occupancy of Premises under normal business operations during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M, to 6:00 P.M., 8:00 A.M. to Noon on Saturdays, and Sundays. 48. Rules and Rel!ulations. Tenant agrees for itself, its employees, agents, clients, customers, invitees and guests, to comply fully with reasonable rules and regulations consistently applied and with such reasonable modifications thereof and additions thereto as Landlord may make for the Project. Boynlon_P&S Tenant shall be responsible for the observance of all of the foregoing rules and regulations by Tenant's employees, agents. clients. customers. invitees and guests. Landlord and Tenant agree that Landlord's remedy for violation of any of the foregoing rules and regulations by Tenant (or any person or entity under Tenant's authority or control) shall be a payment by Tenant to Landlord an amount equal to the reasonably substantiated actual damages suffered or incurred by Landlord on account of such violation. 49. Counterparts. This Lease may be executed m counterparts, which together shall constitute a single instrument. 50. Additional Rent - Operatine Expenses and Real Estate Taxes. For purposes of this Paragraph and this Lease, the tenn "Tenant's Percentage Share" shall mean a percentage which is equal to the number of the rentable square footage of the Premises divided by the total number of rentable square footage contained in the Project of which the Premises are a part. The parties hereby agree and stipulate for all purposes in connection with this Lease that: (l) the Premises consist of J86.113 rentable square feet of office area and 10.017 rentable square feet of warehouse area; (2) the Project of which the Premises are a part consists of a total of 555.790 rentable square feet of area; and (3) the Tenant's Percentage Share for the Premises is 0.35 percent (35%) in reference to the Project of which the Premises are a part. Landlord and Tenant each acknowledge that the Base Rent specified in Paragraph 3 of the Lease does not provide for Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes which may hereafter pertain to the Project of which the Premises are a part. Tenant shall pay as Additional Rent Tenant's Percentage Share of Real Estate Taxes and Operating Expenses for the Premises, as follows: A. Real Estate Taxes. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, Tenant's Percentage Share of the Real Estate Taxes assessed against the land and improvements of the Project of which the Premises form a part which arise during the Tenn as the same may be extended from time to time. The Additional Rent imposed hereby shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord together with Tenant's Percentage Share of Operating Expenses in installments on a monthly basis with Tenant's Base Rent payments. Should the taxing authorities include in such Real Estate Taxes the value of any improvements made by Tenant, or include machinery, equipment, fixtures. inventory or other personal property or assets of Tenant, the Tenant shall also pay the entire taxes for such items. The tenn "Real Estate Taxes" shall mean all general and special real and personal property taxes and assessments for the Project and expenses incurred in efforts to reduce taxes or assessments. B. Operating Expenses. Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that this Lease shall be construed to be a "modified triple net lease" and that Landlord shall receive the Base Rent free and clear of any and all other impositions, taxes, liens, charges or expenses of any nature whatsoever in connection with the ownership and operation of the Premises (not the operation of the owning entity itself). In addition to the Base Rent, Tenant shall pay to Landlord all impositions (including any taxes on rentals paid to Landlord), insurance premiums, operating charges. maintenance charges, construction costs, and any other charges, costs and expenses which arise or may be contemplated under any provisions of this Lease as being Tenant's responsibility and cost, during the Term. The specific responsibility of Landlord and Tenant for repairs, replacements and maintenance is more fully described in Section 12 above. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, Tenant's Percentage Share of the Operating Expenses (unless otherwise provided in this Lease) pertaining to the land and improvements of the Premises and the Common Are8;s of the Project of which the Premises form a part. For purposes of this Lease, the term "Operating Expenses" shall consist of all costs of operating, maintaining, and repairing Common Areas of the Project, including without limitation, the following: Boynlon_P&S (i) Prerrtiums for property, casualty, liability, and rent interruption insurance:' (ii) Salaries, wages and other amounts paid or payable for personnel including the property manager, superintendent, operation and maintenance staff. and other employees of Landlord involved in the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas of the Project, at or below the level of propeny manager, including contributions and premiums towards fringe benefits. unemployment and worker's compensation insurance, pension plan contributions and similar premiums and contributions and the total charges of any independent contractors or managers engaged in the repair, care, maintenance and cleaning of the Common Areas of the Project. (iii) Cleaning. including sweeping of parking and sidewalk areas. (iv) Landscaping, including irrigaling. lrimming. mowing, fertilizing, seeding and replacing of plants. shrubs and trees. (v) Utilities. including fuel, gas, electricity, water. sewer, telephone, generator and other services for the Common Areas of the Project. (vi) Maintaining. operating, repairing and replacing equipment servicing the Common Areas of the. Project. (vii) Other items of repair or maintenance of the Common Areas the Project. (viii) Policing and security of the Common Areas of the Project. (ix) The cost of Ihe rental of any equipment and the cost of supplies used in the maintenance and operation of the Common Areas of the Project. (x) Audit fees and the cost of accounting services incurred in the preparation of statements referred to in this Lease and financial statements, and in the computation of the rents and charges payable by tenants of the Project. (xi) Costs of capital expenditures incurred for the Common Areas of the Project for the purpose of reducing Operating Expenses. and costs of improvements, repairs, or teplacements for the Common Areas of the Project which otherwise constitute Operating Expenses under this Paragraph. but which are properly charged to capital accounts shall not be included in Operating Expenses in a single year but shall instead be amortized over their useful lives, as determined by the Landlord in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and only the annual amortization amount shall be included in Operating Expenses, (xii) A fee (not to exceed two percent (2%) of all Base rents collected for the Building) for the administration and management of the Project appropriate to the nature of the Project as reasonably determined by the Landlord from time to time. (xiii) Costs of alterations or modificalions of the Common Areas 'of the Project necessary to comply with requirements of applicable law. The Additional Rent imposed hereby shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord upon submission by Landlord of an invoice. C. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the following shall be excluded from "Operating Expenses": (i) Amounts reimbursed by other sources, such as insurance proceeds, equipment warranties, judgments or settlements. (ii) Utilities or other expenses paid directly by tenants to suppliers or paid by tenants to Landlord for separately metered or special services such as after hours air conditioning expenses. (iii) Ground rents. (iv) Payments on any mortgage or other encumbrance Boynlon_P&S (v) Costs of initial improvL..,ents to, or alterations of any tenant prem. s. (vi) Administrative and management salaries, except for personnel working exclusively for the Building and/or the Common Areas of the Project of which the Premises are a part. (vii) Expenses for any capital improvements made to the Project or Building unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Lease. In no event will Tenant be charged for capital improvements required for buildings in the Project other than the Building that houses the Premises. For Operating Expense purposes, a capital improvement need not add value to the Building. but can prolong the Building's life, or a system or component of the Building's life. A capital improvement must have a useful life of more than one year's time. (viii) Expenses for painting, redecorating or other work performed, or equipment furnished for any tenant of the Building or the Project. (ix) Expenses for repairs or other work occasioned by fire, windstorm or other insurable casualty. (x) Expenses incurred in leasing, marketing, advertising, or in procuring new tenants. (xi) Legal expenses incurred in enforcing the terms of any other lease. (xii) Expenses incurred in refinancing the Building or Project. (xiii) Costs resulting from Landlord's violation of any agreement to which Landlord is a party, or of any applicable laws, ordinances. rules, regulations or orders. (xiv) Any expenses for which Landlord actually receives payment from insurance, condemnation awards. other tenants, or any other like source. (xv) Transfer or recordation taxes and other charges incurred in connection with the transfer of the Building or the Project. (xvi) Any other permissible costs to the extent they exceed arms-length competitive rates. (xvii) Memberships, tuition, seminars and contributions. (xviii) Costs incurred to remove, remedy, contain or treat any Environmental Hazards on, in or about the Premises, the real property, the Project or the Building (including, without limitation, Environmental Hazards in the ground water or soil) to the extent such Environmental Hazards are introduced into the real property after the Lease Commencement Date by Landlord or Landlord's agents, employees or tenants in violation of applicable Jaws in effect as of the date of introduction. (xix) Costs, fees and expenses associated with the formation and administration of the ownership entity constituting Landlord, and of its affiliates, such as costs of tax returns, annual audits or appraisals. (xx) Contributions or additions to any Building or Project reserve funds. (xxi) Any costs or expenses associated with the development or construction of improvements upon the vacant land parcels. Boynton_P&S If Landlord desires Tehant to pay Tenant's Percentage Share 01 .,eal Estate Taxes and Operating Expenses on a monthly basis. at the beginning of each calendar year, Landlord shall supply to Tenant an estimate. cenified by an authorized agent or officer of Landlord, setting fonh in detail Landlord's reasonable estimate of Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes of the Project for such calendar year, and Tenant's Percentage Share of same. The Additional Rent imposed hereby shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord in monthly installments, in advance. as the Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes components of the total monthly rent. Each such monthly installment of Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes shall be equal to one-twelfth (JIl2) of Tenant' s Percentage Share (as long as applicable) of the Landlord's reasonable estimate of the Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes for the Project for such calendar year. Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each calendar year Landlord shall provide to Tenant a detailed statement. cenified by an authorized agent or officer of Landlord, setting forth in reasonable detail the actual Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes for the preceding calendar year. Such statement shall also include a calculation or reconciliation of estimated Operating Expenses to actual Operating Expenses and of any overpayment or underpayment made by Tenant to Landlord with respect to the Operating Expenses for such preceding calendar year. In the event Tenant underpaid Landlord for Tenant's Percentage Share of Operating Expenses for such preceding calendar year, Tenant shall pay the amount of such underpayment to Landlord within fifteen (15) days of Tenant's receipt of Landlord's certified statement. In the event Tenant overpaid Landlord for Tenant's Percentage Share of Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes of such year, Landlord shall credit Tenant an amount equal to such overpayment amount against Tenant's future monthly Operating Expense and Real Estate Tax obligations until such credit is exhausted. (If such overpayment by Tenant is made in the last year of the Lease Term, Landlord shall remit to Tenant the amount of the overpayment due hereunder within thirty (30) days of the expiration or termination date of the Lease.) If a dispute arises between Landlord and Tenant as to whether any item or items shall be properly included in such statement. the matter shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph 32 of the Lease, and the determination of such matter as therein provided shall be final and binding upon Landlord and Tenant. Tenant, or its representative shall have the right to examine and to copy Landlord's books and records showing Operating Expenses and Real Estate Taxes at Tenant's sole cost and expense. Such examination will be upon reasonable prior notice to Landlord and during normal business hours at any time within six (6) months following the fumishing by Landlord to Tenant of Landlord's annual statement reconciling estimated operating expenses to actual operating expenses. The books and records that Tenant may examine include, but are not limited to, accounting records, vendor contracts, payroll records, management agreements and supporting invoices and detail for all items. If im error is discovered that has also been made in previous Landlord statements, Tenant may correct that same error in the previous statements and receive credit therefor. Mathematical errors or errors in computation may be corrected at any time during the Term of the Lease. 51. Landlord's Ril!ht of Entrv. Upon reasonable notice to Tenant, Landlord shall have access to the Premises (subject to Section 58 below), for purposes of showing the Premises to current or prospective lenders, to prospective purchasers of the Project and, during the six-month period preceding the expiration of the term of this Lease, to prospective tenants. Landlord shall at all times have access to the Premises for purposes of inspection and performing Landlord's obligations and exercising its rights under this Lease. 52. Surrender. Upon the expiration or termination of this Lease or of Tenant's right to possession. Tenant s~all surrender the Premises in a clean undamaged condition, in good working order, reasonable wear and tear and damage by casualty expected, and shall remove all of Tenant's equipment, fixtures and property (other Boynlon_P&S than as permitted to remain 1-- suan! to this Lease) and repair all dama" .;aused by the removal. Tenant shall not be required to replace any items that it removes. 53. Landlord Liability. Notwithstanding anything ((l the contrary in this Lease, neither Landlord nor Landlord's directors, officers, shareholders, employees. agents, constituent partners, beneficiaries. trustees, representatives, successors or assigns (collectively "Landlord's Affiliates") shall be personally responsible or liable for any representation, warranty. covenant, undertaking or agreement contained in the Lease, and the sole right and remedy of the Tenant or any subsequent sublessee or assignee shall be against Landlord's interest in the Project. Neither Tenant nor any subsequent sublessor or assignee shall seek to obtain any judgment imposing personal liability against Landlord, Landlord's Affiliates, or their successors or assigns nor execute any judgment or place any lien against any property other than Landlord's interest in the Project. 54. No Party To Be Deemed Drafter. Landlord and Tenant have both had the opportunity to have counsel examine this Lease and to propose changes to clarify any ambiguities. Accordingly. in any interpretation of this Lease, an ambiguity shall not be resolved by interpreting the Lease against the drafter. The language of this Lease shall be interpreted according to the fair meaning and not for or against either part)'. 55. No Intended Third Party Beneficiary. Landlord and Tenant may each, separately. deal with other persons in connection with the Premises or with other matters that may also relate to or be the subject of this Lease. Landlord and Tenant do not intend to make any such third person with whom each of them may deal an intended third party beneficiary under this Lease. There is no third person who is an intended third party beneficiary under this Lease. No incidental beneficiary (whatever relationship such person may have with Landlord or Tenant) shall have any right to bring an action or suit, or to assert any claim against Landlord or Tenant under this Lease. 56. Tenant Expense Waiver. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 50 above. it is understood and agreed that in the event Landlord fails to submit to Tenant an itemized bill for any amounts which may be due thereunder within one hundred eighty (180) days after the expiration of the Lease year to which such expenses, charges and/or escalations are applicable, Tenant shall not be liable for payment of any such additional expenses, charges and/or escalations, it being expressly agreed by the parties that Landlord shall be deemed to have waived its right to collect such expenses. charges and/or escalations from Tenant for such Lease year. 58. Confidentiality and Nondisclosure. As Landlord and Landlord' s agents wilJ have reasonable access rights to the Premises, Landlord will come into contact with Motorola's business information. Landlord agrees that any information which it gathers, observes or comes into contact with pursuant to this Lease about Motorola operations and business practices, shall be kept confidential and not disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent of Motorola except as required by law. Landlord Boynlon_P&S agrees that it will not in arl, manner use its knowledge of Motoro. .; business for the benefit of any other person or company or divulge to others information or data concerning Motorola's business affairs. including the names of customers, names of employees, marketing strategies or terms or particulars of Motorola' s business. The Landlord further agrees not to use or disclose to any party any information, systems, ideas, processes, practices, methods of operation or manufacture observed at Motorola's Premises. Landlord agrees to inform all of its representatives or agents that will access the Premises, of this confidentiality requirement. In addition, anyone who enters the Premises must comply with the instructions of Motorola security personnel on areas of the Premises that require escorted access and sign the Motorola security logs as visitors. In the event Landlord enters the Premises during non-business hours or in the event of an emergency, Landlord will notify Tenant in writing within one (I) business day of its entry and the reason therefor." 59. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence as to each and every provision of this Lease. 60. Tenant Improvements. Landlord acknowledges and agrees that Tenant has the Landlord's approval to construct certain improvements (as generally describ ,d in Exhibit E attached hereto and made a part hereof) in connection with Tenant's consolidation from the total Building to the Premises. 61. Miscellaneous. A. Conduit Connection. During the Term (and any extensions or renewals thereof), Tenant shall be permitted to construct, install, maintain and repair conduit connections to the Premises over, across and through the Premises, the Building, and the Common Areas in and to the Building for high speed telecommunication transmission lines (and technological evolutions thereof) and fiber optics (individually and collectively, the "Conduit Connection") subject to compliance with all applicable Jaws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Tenant shall advise and consult with Landlord as to the exact locations of such Conduit Connection at the Building or the Project and Landlord agrees to cooperate with Tenant to facilitate, pennit and otherwise obtain such Conduit Connection for the Premises, provided that Landlord shall not be obligated to incur and expense in connection therewith. Upon tennination of this Lease. Tenant shall not be obligated to remove any improvements, utilities, conduits cable or other items of equipment installed or constructed in connection with such Conduit Connection. B. Project Name. Landlord agrees that in no event will the Project be renamed by Landlord with the name of any company which is a competitor of Tenant. If Landlord designates a name for the Project, such name shall not include the name of corporation, partnership or limited liability company that is not controlled by Landlord. C. Transition Space. Landlord agrees that Tenant can occupy and utilize up to 80,000 square feet of space for a period of up to three (3) months from the Lease Commencement Date with Base Rent being abated for this transition space. Additional Rent shall be paid by Tenant for this three (3) month period for this transition sp~ce. Each month Tenant will advise Landlord of how much transition space is required for the following month and the Additional Rent payable hereunder shall be adjusted for the next month's transition space square footage. Boynton_P&.S D. Substitution of Premises. During the Initial Tenn, or any subsequent term of the Lease. Landlord reserves the right to provide substitute leasehold premises within the subject Project reasonably acceptable to Tenant subject to the following: (i) The substitute premises shall be of equal quality and habitability and shall consist of equal or greater square footage in the Project. (ii) Tenant's current and future business operations shall not be interrupted or impeded. (iiil Tenant's rental rate shall not be increased. (iv) Landlord shall pay any increase in Tenant's casualty insurance premiums, utilities or real estate taxes which may insure to the demised premises. (v) Landlord shall pay all costs of Tenant's relocation including but not limited to the relocation costs of voice. data and network cabling costs. (vi I Landlord shall provide Tenant at least ninety (90) days prior written notice of Landlord's intent to substitute premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the panies hereto have executed these presents, in duplicate, the day and year first above-written. TENANT LANDLORD MOTOROLA. INC. a Delaware corporation a corporation By: Print Name: Its: By: Its: Boynton_P&S Exhibit A to Leaseback Floor Plans Boynton_P&S .-.-'------ -'------"-~-_.,,- --. Exhibit B to Leaseback Rooftop Equipment Locations Boynton_P&S Exhibit C to Leaseback Fair Market Rent Determination Market Rent shall be a rental rate equal to the then current market rate, for comparable space in other buildings comparable to the Premises in the submarket taking into account all relevant factors including the size and cost of the building in question when compared to the Premises and the amenity package available for the building in question when compared to the Premises, the creditworthiness of the Tenant, all concessions which are being offered to renewal tenants as new tenant improvements, size and location of the space and the rate shall specifically exclude amounts previously attributed to Tenant's original Tenant Improvements Landlord's Work and additional Tenant Improvements (collectively the "Market Rate"). Upon receiving notice of Tenant's intent to extend the term of the lease, Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing of its determination of Market Rate. In the event Tenant rejects Landlord's determination of the Market Rate, Tenant shall include with its notice of rejection, Tenant's determination of Market Rate. Landlord and Tenant shall then negotiate in good faith for thirty (30) days following the delivery of Tenant's notice to Landlord in an attempt to reach an agreement as to the Market Rate. If, however, Landlord and Tenant are unable to reach an agreement as to the Market Rate, then Tenant shall have the option within five (5) days following the end of such thirty (30) day period to (I) revoke its election to extend the term of this Lease. or (2) to request non-binding mediation. In the event that Tenant shall revoke its notice to extend the term of this Lease, the Lease shall expire per its terms. In the event that Tenant shall elect Ihe non-binding mediation, then Landlord and Tenant shall, within ten (10) days thereafter. each designate a qualified real estate professional. The two (2) such appointees shall within five (5) days thereafter, designate a third real estate professional having substantially similar qualifications. . After a third real estate professional has been designated in accordance with the above paragraph, then within twenty (20) days after the appointment of the third representative, the group shall present their findings regarding the issues of market terms and conditions to both the Landlord and Tenant. If, at that time, Landlord and Tenant are in agreement with the mediation group's findings, then the Lease shall be modified under those terms and conditions. If, at the time of the mediation group's presentation. no agreement can be reached then. Tenant's sole options are to cancel the option to renew or to agree to Landlord's determination of Market Rate. Boynton_P&S Exhibit D to Leaseback Landlord Work Demising the Premises Modifying or removing the parking Jot security access system to allow for multi-tenant use Boynton_P&S Exhibit E to Leaseback Tenant Improvement Description 750 kva generator being replaced with 200 kva generator General reconfiguration of the Premises Potential installation of a fitness center Potential engineering test areas buildoul. Boynlon_P&S EXHIBIT H ASS1GNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF SERV1CE CONTRACTS THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT is made as of , 2002 by and between MOTOROLA, INC., Delaware corporation ("Assignor") , and a ("Assignee"), on the other. RECITALS A. Assignor has entered into that certain Agreement of Purchase and Sale (the "Purchase Agreement"), dated as of , 2002, between Assignor, as "Seller," and Assignee, as "Purchaser" for purchase of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). [If applicable: All of Purchaser's ri!!hts under the Purchase Agreement have been assigned to Assignee.] B. In conjunction with the sale and purchase of the Property, the Purchase Agreement obligates Assignor to assign to Assignee, and Assignee to assume, all of the "Service Contracts" which have been timely designated by Assignee (the "Designated Service Contracts"). as identified in the Schedule of Service-Contracts attached hereto as Exhibit B, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the foregoing. and of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained., the parties hereto (together, the "Parties," and each sometimes a "Party") hereby act and agree as follows: 1. Assignment. Assignor hereby assigns, sets over and transfers to Assignee, without warranty and representation, and Assignee hereby takes and accepts from Assignor, all of Assignor's rights in. under and to each of the Designated Service Contracts and to all benefits and privileges hereafter accruing to Assignor thereunder. 2. Assumption of Obligation and Liabilities by Assignee. Assignee hereby assumes a1l of the obligations and liabilities of Assignor under each of the Designated Service Contracts accruing from and after the date hereof. 3. No Impairment of Purchase Agreement Provisions. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit. waive or otherwise derogate from any warranty, representation, covenant or indemnification made in the Purchase Agreement by either Party and none of such provisions in the Purchase Agreement shall be deemed to have merged into the assignment made by this Agreement. 4. Further Assurances. Assignor shall promptly execute and deliver to Assignee any additional instrument or other document which Assignee reasonably requests to evidence or better effect the assignment contained herein. 5. Counterparts. This Assignment may be executed in any number of counterparts . and by each Party on a separate counterpart or counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an original and all of w,hich taken together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Boynton_P&S 6. Governing La... This Assignment shall be deemed L ,e an agreement made under the laws of the state where the Property is located and for all purposes shall be governed by and construed in accordance with such laws. 7. Binding Effect. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each of the Parties and its successors and assigns. 8. Warranty of Signers. Each individual executing and delivering this Agreement on behalf of a Party hereby represents and warrants to the other Party that such individual has been duly authorized and empowered to make such execution and delivery. 9. Indemnification. Seller shall indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless from all loss, damage, cost, expense or liability (including reasonable attorneys' fees. expenses and disbursements) incurred by Purchaser arising out of or in connection with the obligations and liabilities of the Designated Service Contracts prior 10 the day of Closing. Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from all loss damage. cost, expense or liability (including reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and disbursements) incurred by Seller arising out of or in connection with the obligations and liabilities of the Designated Service Contract, on and after the day of Closing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered by their respective representatives, thereunto duly authorized, as of the date first above written. ASSIGNOR: MOTOROLA. INC., a Delaware corporation By: Its: ASSIGNEE: a By: Its: Boynlon_P&S EXHIBIT A TO ASSIGNMENT OF SERV1CE CONTRACTS (Legal description) Boynton_P&S EXHIBIT I ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE(S) of ("Assignor") , and THIS ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as ,2002 by and between MOTOROLA, INC., Delaware corporation a ("Assignee"), on the other. RECITALS A. Assignor has entered into that certain Agreement of Purchase and Sale (the "Purchase Agreement"), dated as of ,2002, between Assignor, as "Seller," and Assignee. as "Purchaser" for purchase of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). [If applicable: All of Purchaser's rights under the Purchase Agreement have been assigned to Assignee.] B. In conjunction with the sale and purchase of the Property, the Purchase Agreement obligates Assignor to assign to Assignee, and Assignee to assume, all of the Leases ("Leases"). as identified in the Schedule of Leases attached hereto as Exhibit B, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing. and of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained., the parties hereto (together. the "Parties," and each sometimes a "Party") hereby act and agree as follows: 1. Assignment. Assignor hereby assigns, sets over and transfers to Assignee, without warranty and representation, and Assignee hereby takes and accepts from Assignor, all of Assignor's rights in, under and to each of the Leases (and to the guaranty of Lease described on Exhibit B attached hereto) and to all benefits and privileges hereafter accruing to Assignor thereunder. 7 Assumption of Obligation and Liabilities by Assignee. Assignee hereby assumes all of the obligations and liabilities of Assignor under each of the Leases accruing from and after the date hereof. 3. No Impairment of Purchase Agreement Provisions. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit, waive or otherwise derogate from any warranty. representation, covenant or indemnification made in the Purchase Agreement by either Party and none of such provisions in the Purchase Agreement shall be deemed to have merged into the assignment made by this Agreement. 4. Further Assurances. Assignor shall promptly execute and deliver to Assignee any additional instrument or other document which Assignee reasonably requests to evidence or better effect the assignment contained herein. 5. Counterparts. This Assignment may be executed in any number of counterparts and by each Party on a separate counterpart or counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute but one ano the same instrument. BoynIC'lh_P&S 6. Governing La~'. This Assignment shall be deemed te Je an agreement made under the laws of the state where the Property is located and for all purposes shall be governed by and construed in accordance with such laws. 7. Binding Effect. This Assignment shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each of the Parties and its successors and assigns. 8. Warranty of Signers. Each individual executing and delivering this Agreement on behalf of a Party hereby represents and warrants to the other Party that such individual has been duly authorized and empowered to make such execution and delivery. 9. Indemnification. Seller shall indemnify and hold Purchaser harmless from all loss, damage, cost, expense or liability (including reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and disbursements) incurred by Purchaser arising out of or in connection with the obligations and liabilities of the Leases prior to the day of Closing. Purchaser shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from all loss damage, cost. expense or liability (including reasonable attorneys' fees, expenses and disbursements) incurred by Seller arising out of or in connection with the obligations and liabilities of the Leases on and after the day of Closing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered by their respective representatives, thereunto duly authorized, as of the date first above written. ASSIGNOR: MOTOROLA, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Its: ASSIGNEE: a By: Its: Boynlon_P&S EXHffirr A TO ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES (Legal description) Boynton_P&.S EXHIBIT B TO ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES (Schedule of Leases) Boynton_P&S Boyntoo_P&S EXHffirr J Roof Repairs Boynlon_P&S p N -d" '-0 '-0 -d" = = = ::n c';,. :::.: <0 . t:~ j :"3: :'~ : !:~: '1 u' \.l01 11\ 4D 1) , II I;J.. I 5")''' ..... en ." = A.. &n ...... ... CD ~ Ii ..-- ~~7Q~nOM "'C;O '0.. U_ . Jhls lhtranlJ Jmt MoJ..nJ ....;...d ,I.. 17""",./ ~ 1\.0.1980 ,~ . . ,".. . '.,.,.' . ..,..".... ,..-....... ....... ............ ................- -..~-_..... ...-.~. ............ ..................... .. col"J'O"Clllo~ ,~tl1tQ unJ... fl., ~. ./ Florjda . and luunng cIA pr-Utd".J pLu., .i ~",In... ", 169 East Flagler Street, Mla.ml, florida 33131 ......""J... <io1!.d ,.. ....."'. " MOTOROLA INC. a ~'l'Oroli~ .~~ unJ., l~. law, ~J l~ Slot. vI . Del~ware. ... . \I.Ifl~ tfl p'l"mAIWnl fXU'ollle~ .JJn...' '.'''''A.#slf',</Ct.:', It,'Yld.T-",-r 61Jr 1'f;/ljO;.,,'-"~I/'" . Mr-.lna/I." cftll.J' ,Ia. gNnI..: I~ -.t ...i. \Iof _ "....... .... "__,, i...... .II ~ ........ . .. i__ ... l~ ~", kopI ~..IIi_ ..., ..... w ~ .M .. _ 11M ....... .., ..,......... Uiln,ssitb: Thai lb.. grahle" 1_ onJ in corulcl_Uon of I~ .un'I 01 J 10.00 _J G,Iaa, ...fuafJt. co",,'J.ral~l'Ul. ,..c.lpt wk,',..,/ t. "-'1 fS(:'n.owl.J..J. 1" t~__ prw.."J. JIM, .,..,..t, kr,G'n. ..U. ab.n. ,.",I..~ nl.cu.. c:ontr'1 aJ\d ctJnflrm unto tit.. a1G"'''. 011 ,1141 &"'0'" loNl ,ltual. In Palm Beach COl.ln.7. Florida. vb: SEE EXHielT "AN ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR LEGAL DESCRIPT10N. SUBJECT TO: RestricUons, cond1t1on$, reservation.s, limitations f eas emerita of record f 11 any I appUcab Ie zoning oJ<llnances ana toxes for the year 1980 ancl subsequent years . logtthtr wlH Qppwl1ClJnlna. I III JUlie IIIUl to &ld, Ih.o....... J.. .....pl. J-. -Rnd ,It. g,..,,'_ J.""":J colI.~nu wi'" ..... IfmAC" lJ..t It .. IowfuCl, rftaH 1,1/ ..1Il LmJ In I.. .i",p/,.; ,4aJ II luu pood rig"t and 1owI,,1 au'St.wa)'. 10 ..11 fIAfl COnD., ,.cd lon/I ,hc1 U 1a.N~' luU, w.... .I'Gnb tla. rut. t. .caJci fond ~ wll,l J.,.rwl .Ia. ..rn. .,.wf ,h. Iou/al cLa,,,.. I,I/.JI pmOry lUMINMVe'" ..,d .Ih.c ,oed fand t. I,., of .U '",""",'I'UIa' . ..,....,....,... .... ," ,.t61 ti"~"" ..,) . ......', ,.. .I'......~,.lf. C., (.., . :~ '.;';'~ ~........."...._4 '. .:,~ J..V' '4~::-.; i:.{. o. IOrt1 , o'",,~ ,... .".:.J,:I";'::i":,:, J; '! ~,..... . \- <~""&V.~#..,. ~, .(.~!:,." '.' ~:.'~. '." )JljiJ'ntt~, ../ ':~'",,,,,,,,,"11"'" Util" arc ,1.., I.n~rn~", 1arr.JlltJrn..nu .nJ oppLlrlmon.::., ,1a.,.I. L.long'ng 0' In an). In lfIl/1ItSS ltIhtmf l~. .~"''''.... ....... "'_ ......... i. ~. UfC."UlaJ 'ft Ie. no",,,. OIIJ I~ t:O'fX'"I'" ...1 10 b. fa....c:nCo .I/Ind. 60, "- prop., olltc.n ,A.,..,un'o Jul, ouJl..orit.rd. Ih. ,la, oncl,.., /111' .1..:.... 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I \,,:;:'''.".:!.' 9 0 0 0 0 I _:.:;'. .:~~:._._... .. ....... ..1 _..r'~~.,., .'.;'''T''l_O''F"'IiO'j:,-;:) :.y: _ ...~.T_~.~J~, .l^X! \,:.r.l::.:~ii)9 0 0 00.1 \. ... './l~"" . ! ~..':.;.:;.~~:,,~::_----__':"..I ~""''::-----''-'- I " F LORID.f.\.'.' '~~:f, :;',,~..!A~.I~.) I~;' : ';l.:;.'::~;!.' 9 0 0 0 0 '1 :~': ~~.;~:._ .....~. _'...1 f:O ,.":, ..J Il0c0nfVwUi.d P.I", -. Couftir.FI.. .10m i. Du""_ C100tJ !:i..... Cour1 .... I ".HIBIT "AU TO W~TY DEED ,- " ~Al DESCRIPTION ALL OF TAAaS94 THROUGH 107. SECTION 20. OF SUBrlVlSION OF SECTIONS 29 AND :xl. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED I N PLAT ~K 7, PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAU1 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TO~ISHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, AND BOUNDED.ON fHE SOUTH BY BOYNTON CANAL AND 011 THE NORTH BY TRACT 94, SECTION 20, OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECT IONS 29 AND 20. TOI/NSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING 10 THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PAU1 BEACH COUNTY RECORD ALSO INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP SHOUN AS ROAD EASEMENT RUNNIIlG FR011 CANAL C-16 NORTH TO T~E IIORTH LINES OF LOTS 102 AIm 107 EXTENDED OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 29 AND 20, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20 Of THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAUl BEACH COUNTY, FLORI CA, LYING BETlIEEN lOTS 96 TO 102 Oil THE EAST AND LOTS 94, 95 AND 103 THROUGH 107 UN THE WEST IN SAID SUBDIVISION, ALSO, ALL LANDS, INCLUDING lJ\KE BOnOf1 OF LAKE JACKSON AND LANDS DESIGNATED "SAND BEACHN OR NLOW MUCKw OR OTHERWISE LYHiG BETWEEII THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROP- ERTY AND WEST OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE LAKE IIDRTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EOUALizIN CANAL E-~, EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF TRACTS 94, 95, 103, 104, 105, 106 AND 107, SECTION 20, SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWl/SIIlP 45 SOUTII, RA/lGf 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PAU1 BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH LIES WITHIN 50 FEET OF THE WEST L1rlE OF SAID SECTIO to. .~LSO, All THAT PART OF THE SIH/lj OF SECTION 17 AND THE HI-I 1I~ OF SECTION 20, rOllNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 143 EAST. PAU1 BEACH COUlITY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF fHE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-liAY LINE OF Nil 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738, PAGE 1686 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAUl BEACH COUlITY, FLORI AND NORTH OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTII, RAHGE 43 EAST, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AND EAST OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF RIGHT -OF-WAY Of CONGRESS AVENUE AND WEST OF TIlE WESTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY liNE OF THE lAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4.. C:XCEPTING FROM ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TIlE RIGHT-Of-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-lj AND RIGHT-OF-WAY Of CANAL C-16 FORMERLY BOYNTON CANAL. - en en => Q.. UCOROER.'S MEMO. Lectbl1lqo o( W.ld.... TJPln, 0< Prln.lnc un..tl,fICtOfY In rhlt documc-n' when rccdvcd. . --...---.--.--.-- ....- ... \n ~ ... Sl floconl V..-IIiad Pa'III -" COOl""". Fl.. _.. Our*!_ C1or11 tireuio Cour1 .. . . ..BIT "A. TO WARRANT>' DEED '. LEGAL DESCRIPT10N AU. OF TAACl'S94 THROUGH 107. SECTION 20. OF SUBrlY1SIDN OF SECTIONS 29 AHO 20. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE ~3 EAST, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED 1 N PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP lOCATED IN SECTION 20, Tali/ISHIP 45 SOUTH, HANGE 43 EAST, AND BOUNIfD ON fHE SOUTH BY BOYNTON CANAL AND 011 THE NORTH BY TRACT 94, SECTION 20, OF THE SUBDIVISION OF sm IONS 29 AND 20, .TOHNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING 10 THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PAU1 BEACH COUNTY RECORD ALSO INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP SHOIIN AS ROAD EASE.MENT RUNNIIlG FR011 CANAL C-16 NORTH TO THE IIORTH LINES OF LOTS 102 ArID 107 EXTENDED OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 29 AND 20, 'RECORDED IN Pl1IT BOOK 7, PAGE 20 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAlJI BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. LYING BETWEEN LOTS 96 TO 102 0" THE EAST AND LOTS 94, 95 AND 103 THROUGH 107 UN THE WEST IN SAID SUBDIVISION, ALSO. ALL LANDS, I NCLUD ING LAKE BOTTOf1 Of LAKE JACKSON AND LANDS DES IGNATED "SAND BEACHH OR "LOW MUCK" OR OTHERWISE LmG BElIIEEII THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROP- ERTY AND WEST OF THE RIGHT-Of-IIAY OF THE LAKE llORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALiZIN CANAL E-~, EXCEPTING THAT PORTION Of TRACTS 94, 95, 103, 10Q, 105, 106 AND 107, SECTION 20, SUBDIVISION Of SECTIONS 29 ANlJ 20, TOIilfSfIIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PAU1 BEACH COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH LIES WITHIN 50 FEET Of THE WEST lWE OF SAID SECTlO LO. ,mo, ALL THAT PART OF THE S\~1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND TIlE NU 1/~ OF SECTI()I 20, rmmSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PAl1I BEACH COUllTY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF nlE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-liAY LINE OF Nil 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738, PAGE 1686 Of THE PUBLIC RECORDS Of PAUl BEACIl COUNTY, flORI AND NORTH OF THE SUBDIYISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 soum, RAHGE 43 EAST, RECORDED IN P~T BOOK 7, PAGE 20, HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, AND EAST Of THE EASTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-Of-WAY Of CONGRESS AVENUE AHD tlEST Of TIlE WESTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE Of THE lAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4. eXCEPTING FROM ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TIlE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4 AND RIGHT-Of-WAY Of CANAL C-16 FORMERLY BOYNTON CANAL. lU!COIU)ER'S MEMO. Lq/blIlqo of W.ld"" TrplnJ or Pl'ln,l", un.lfI.f,cror,. In thll doc::Wncnl whcn~~~.~~~_.__._. ...._ .. - en en c::> a... U"> ..... .... all rn LAND USES Retail 15.11 "c. Industrial \0.3!" "c. Office 2~.Oi- "c. Multi Fanily 33.0f =. Total 574t =. mo w EXISTING, SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT ... PROPOSED RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT Building Progrcrn Mutti-Fcrni\y 500 Du's Retail ~3,500 50ft. OFfice 450,000 sqft. Ind""triol (wcrehouse spo::;e) 128,000 sqft. DRI ve"tM daily trips 13,020 ~ e _ 2_ _ SCALE: I', ~'" =JlIIIIIIl--- .-.--JU\,. Gatewo~aUle~~+-__.JL\.L =. -~ ~ -:-- --- __. --.c::::; 0 _.--- ._.~~= II ~-.---- _ -.~- ._ -== 1i,,-,,-,,-,,-,,_u_oo_OO_'1 1,,_,,_,,-,,-,'-"_00_". ,....-..-..-..-..T Ii, \ ! I 11'1'11 \ c' . . ~~il . 5.4:!: Ac. ~ 111,.' I,.. I Retail I II 1.31: Ac. , i I: ! '\ 1IIIl I III ! \ JI I! I ==. \ ---1 II r I '" Industrial/Office t. ,. 3'1.3::!: Ac. l'X15TING STRUCTLJI'!!" \ TO REMAIN I I i l j i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..~ u :g-<t: ~ +1 "'''' " , Ii '\ J h U :g<-t ..~ "'''" " Multi-Fcrni\y 33.0:t Ac. '" 7, " BOYNTON CANAL C-I~ I \ -------- -r-: EXI5TI~ \ 5TRUCTURI" TO RI"MAIN (1I.:250~.) \ \ , \ \\ L_ r EXHIBIT "D" THE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Ie October I 2002 CPH ProJe.;t No.' 03201 rn LAND USES Retail IS.I:t co. Industrial IO.3't cc. Office 29.0:t co. Multi Fcrnily 33.0:1: co. Total 574:!: co. ~. W EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCE5S POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT ... PROPOSED RIGI-lT IN/RIGHT OUT Building Pr-oo;jr<rn Multi Fonily 500 Du's Retail ,,3,500 "oft, OFfit;~ 450,000 sqft. Il"IdustriClI (wo:rerouse apex..) 12B,000 sqft. DRI vested daily trips 13,020 ~ " _ 2_ _ SCALE: \'. 400' ~llllllt=_.__ _.~~ Gate~.::~ou~~:!.t+--~=-_. ~~tl== c' -. f:I "'--:::=__ - . -=; 0 :: .~- ==_."'=~ iii '__ --:--=--=---._.". _ =rlllllll)!!r~;~----'-------~~~ II I111 13" Ao. II! __.Jilill i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ! i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i f i .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..:.i ~. ---1 Industrial/Office 3~.3+ Ac. EXISTIN1O- STRUCTURE TO RI'MAIN " o C " > -< o o " L '" 5 u v :a<t ~ +1 Q!N " ~ ~ ~. II: " i ! u ~<:{ t-H Q!N " Multi-Family 33.01: Ac. BOYNTON CANAL C-IC, EXIe,T1NG- STRUCTURE TO REMAIN (11,:150 Aqft.) \ r ~ <J <J '" 3 "- m , .. / 1 ~--- l r EXI-IIBIT "D" TI-IE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Ie Odober-, 200:2 CPt-l Project No.. 03201 IT) LAND USES Retail 15.1:t ac. Industrial IO.3j: oc. Office 2"1.0t oc. Multi Family 33.0:1: oc. Total 574,t ac. 000 00 EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT ~ PROPOSED RI4HT IN/RJGI-IT OUT Bundlng Proarcrn Mu\ti-F<n1i1y 500 Du's Retail "3,500 ~t. Office 450,000 sqft, Industrial (wcrehovse space) 128,000 sqft. DRI \le"t~ dally trip" 13,CY.!O ~ ~ _ 2_ _ 6CALE, I'. 400' ~IIIIIIIL_____.-,l~Gat~~a~~~~~+~__Jl__lL_ , ." ~ . .'. - :..:;--...3; 0 . -... -:=::::"" fjJ ___ - _..... ~ ...~= --11 I (1"-"-"-"-"-"-"-"-' "-"-"-"-"-"-"-"., ~ ~! . ~ 111111 "~% . 11111 II _-..1 I! - ---=- . - '-1 I III1 ~ III <il oo_n_oo_n_nT I \. J \",,;s.. \ , \ i \ t \ \ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ! i ! i i i i i i i i i ! i i i ! i i \ .._.._.._.._,,_.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..~ Ret011 I 3t Ac Indu5trJaJ/OfFice 39.3:t Ac. fXI5TING STRUCTURE TO~AIN J :a<c "\i +1 lYO< " ~ c1 [;, u ~<( o:~ 0'0< " Multi-Family 33.0;t Ac. I I \._--- '\ ;> BOYNTON CANAL C-l&' lr EXHIBIT "D" THE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 16 Oct.o:>ber, 2002 CP!-l PrOJlIlCt No.1 D3201 rn LAND USES Retail 15.\:t ",. Industrial IO.3:t ",. Office 2C!.O:t oc. Multi Fcrnily 33.0:t ",. Total 574:t ",. ~o W EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT ... PROPOSED RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT Building Progrcrn Multi-Fanily SOO Du'" R<'ltail &3,500 5qft Office 450,000 aqft. Industrial (warerou5e space) 12B,OOO aqft DRI v,",,,ted deity trips 13,020 ~ " ",., ~- - &GALE: 1'. M?;l0' ~1111111l-------,lut- Go:~~~~Boulevor~ J l __.U_ll_ ~_ :~l l:I Ii:-:_~::-:_"~~":":'~-~' D,..~._.._.._-:-::~:..: -.: l:I :..:~~~~~.. ~ 0_.;:;;::- I111I1 I,' t, 5~E 1/. I ~ / \ (~~~~~) ~~Il . II 54H' \ \ III I~~t~~ \ \ II II \ I II ' , I II \ g \ =~ I., ! \ i \ ---~-] 1111111 r Ind~'Jri~/~;fi" \'i_ 1 \ EXISTING STROCTURE TO REMAIN ~ I, \' , <.( i . u ! ~~ J /1 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i \ .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..~ '\ ~. 11! I I I I I ~' " ii --- ----~ 111111 ^ U ';<( 1)+1 t>'N " Multi-Family 33.0t Ac. ill 'I: ! i", "z,,' .i I!: '-.--- BOYNTON CANAL C-I" llr EXI-JIBIT "D" TI-JE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 18 October, 2002 CPI-l Project No.> D3201 rn LAND USES Retail IS.1i: ae. Industrial 10.3::1: Cle. Office 29.0:t ae. Multi Family 33.0:t oe. Totol 5741: Cle. 000 W EXISTING 51C,NALlZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT ... PROPOSED RIGI-iT IN/RIGI-IT OUT Building progra-n Multi FCITli\y 500 Du's Ri!!:tail '3,500 sqft. Office 450,000 sqft. Industrial (wa'ehou5f! space) 12&,000 sqft. DRI vested daily trj~ 13,020 ~ t'J _ 2_ ....", SCALE:, I'. 400' . . o c gll" _.Jrf I --:==-- II - " l!! II III' Ii; I I.. II iI ii II Ii II ~1'il'l Iii I ':\ (' , -'0..1 Retail 5.4:t At;. u ~<{ ;:. DiN " i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i \ i i i i i I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._u_.._.._.._.._.._..:i Retail 1.3:t Ac. Industrial/Office 3'1.3j; Ac. EXISTING. STRUCTURE TOI<'~IN " '\ I;: o '8<{ ~. ~"! " Multi-Family 33.0t Ac. BOyNTON CANAL C~ \(; \ T'": Ex15~ING 5TI1UCTURE TOREl1AIN (II,2S0oqft) , L '" '" " ~ 9. '" , ,. ir EXI-JIBIT "D" TI-JE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 18 October, 2002 CPI-I Project No.> 03201 rn LAND USES Retail 15.1:t ac. Industrial 10.3:1: ac. Office 2~.O:i: ac. Multi Family 33.0:1: ac. Total B74:!: ac. 000 M EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT .&. PROPOSED RIGt-lT IN/RIGHT OUT Building PrO(lr.rn Multi Fcmily Retail 500 PUiS Offke Indu..trlal (UJ(lr"hou~spcx..) "3,500 soft. 450,000 sqft. 128,000 so,ft. DRI V"5ted daily tri~ 13,020 ~ D _ 7_ _ SCALE, I', 400' .sCALE: I', 400' ~lllllIt=--==_-fll1,Gatewa~_~OUle~+ __lL1L= c, .~~ l:I :::::=::::.' ':::::- -== 0 =_-=-._. .- !iJ -~; .=--:::-----. - l Gn_n_~~~;~.._n_.._.._. .._n_.._.._.._.._.._n S.4:!: Ac. Retail 1.3:t Ac. EXISTING \ ~6":.'i~~. (1I,250~t.) r \ g \ ~ \ ~ \ \ I I I ,;:~ a .~ ",N .. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i \ .._n_.._.._n_.._n_.._.._n_..-..-"-"-"-"-":.i Industrial/Office 3C1.3:t Ac. EXISTING STRUCTURE TO I<~AIN ~l U I --.Jii - - ~ - ll! II I, I I I, I" III J '\ [::; :=~ .3 . +, "'''' " Multi-Family 33.0! Ac. I ~-- '\ BOYNTON CANAL C-l" ilr EXHIBIT "D" THE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 16 O<;t.ober-, 2002 CPtf ProJo.;t No.' 03201 --, .--.. _....'-"~, 'I I .....1111 UC;;U(..fl ......OUnLy, rlOrlda 1& October, 2002 CPI-l Project No.. 03201 IT] LAND USES Retail 15.1:t co. Industrial 10.31: ce. Office 2Q.O:!: =. Multi Family 33.0t co. Total 8741: co. Wo 00 EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION o EXISTING FULL ACCESS POINT . PROPOSED FULL ACCESS POINT .A.. PROPOSED RIGI-lT IN/RIGI-lT OUT Building Progra-n Mu\ti-Fanlty 500 Du'" Retail '3,500 sqft. Office 450,000 !Iqft. Industrial (worehouM: ..pace) 12B,OOO soft. DRI ve!lted daily trips 13,010 ~ ~ - ~- ...- &GALE, I'. 400' ~llllllt====-~_~:tewaY _E3ou~var~.+-=-_ u~l~ , -- t:I ~-~,- -" D :---- ___ =~.-- lil --. ----:.-:-=-- , -.- /'11 /' ~.._.._~~~,~.._.._.._.._. .._.._.._.._.._.._.._..~ ..-..-..-..-.. 541: Ac II I ./ ,II I! III/ i III I'! 'I Ii __---1 "r-=-1'X15TING 5Tl<.UC;TURE TO REMAIN (1I,:2S0~.) i i i i i i i \ i i \ \ i i \ \ i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i .._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._..:.i Retail 1.3:!: Ac. \ r \ g \ ~ \ L \ \ \ Industrial/Office 3CJ.3:t Ac. EXISTIN,.. STRUCTURE TO REMAIN ~ '" l:; I I I I I I I II' 'i I i I d,,: ==1' r ill II u ]<( v. a< " .,; Multi-Family 33.0! Ac. '" BOYNTON CANAL C-Io<. -l r EXHIBIT "D" THE MOTOROLA DRI NOPC MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida 18 October, 2002 CPI-l ProJ.d No., 03201