REVIEW COMMENTS --_4 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET .' Na.e of RevieNer Projeat Title Type of nevieN fv\.. \ kJ 0 ~ ~Per..it APplioation No. I R,.. 9'.1-1-1-J?C z- W, IV u. ()f- lfJ. . .e.o-l7. ~oo- 0<'- 0 '& 1P JV'LC l\ ~Ol BuildinG Department plens Analyst L-1~~!,!)~7~ Date identified on the Building Department Date Stamp marking on the 9 - /9-9 r application,. . Date Planning and Zoning Department received the documenta for above- referenced Permit Application Number. _... ? ... 1 Cf - r~ Date thia Determination Sheet WaB given to the Building Department, 9' - 19'. rr The folloNinG 1s a list of the Technical Review committee departments that an requind to L"eview the above-.rehrenced parmi t docUl\lents prior to the pernlit being issued: BUILDING .V/ FIRE ENGInEERIUG UTILITIES POLICE PUBLIC WORKS PLANNINO . ZONINO RBCREATION . PARKS FORESTER /' .' 110T&S-,-_ ~. .' J.._- .' .- _-c::._- " I_*"- ____~ --~1 ___ -...;J.,... --------- Rt!:.IJI.st...., 8P,h&"' Jt};vI~O Rh/9"'i' '>111("-., "MIl'- f?~vuef) e/1e/9:') CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET Project Reviewer ::t)Gle.oiY-" M~ Permit ( Title ~_ t;;~(~ 'ItJlil'D ~ Coo 'Z... Review "1U 'Be ~e.'R.."IIIlllE.~ . Application No.: 93-+4-"0 t.u. /~..i'DlJ<-r~/~ 1 Name of Type of 'I'he application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction, Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified, To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer, For an appointment, call (407) 375-6260 between 8 A, M, and 5 p, M" Monday thru Friday, After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the BuUding Department, To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at the BUilding Department (each line change must be initialed and dated), Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plan(s) and/or documents, ********************************************************.*..**.*******.***.* Applicant I s Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name) : signature: Date: Comments only: plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: ****.***...**...*...*** **********.*********..**.***..****************** ,. ) , #/:>() 0 ~;/~W ~- "IfE 'Pi :} ~ 'R hi "1'7 ey, I9S I' Co uec r~7) . ~e~ ~(, ;z~'~~t~~ ~;r~:\ :~~~~ 1fkO:!~;dl ~ ;~' rF~""~ ,~J";-~ B':-':JD~ ..$ -D~jO~J2';";:;~,.,.rT (P~ #//7 ~ 83 -/~9) -r~ "'i/=r:;/II!)~/U Go Co lV\."",e.v7C-~) ~R..E '. . I.:) ~ psery e; ;7-H_i.~~JL) ~ //JG (IHi:J' ]), e. SIt) 0 ",,,,/:JY T1-H!= u.nD TH ~F -rilE.. A-CCeSS /}ISIEo/S /7 .a~.. -rH I~ ~ _JAo, ~ ~B;:::: "" /fft' ~-prBL€ I1pc";:frr .r:::1:..t'P/8 . &~~~~~~~~ri;:-iE!P~ Lv I b TH- 0 F ""2.0': 0 I~ ~f.t;,. A-fT)'lrrlftrfxu; W/l:S ~AJ7i,. ******** ****** * * * * * *~(~ ~~(;;*f~j~;:;'~;I~c;-;.~ ;*'J'*'.~'i.. * * * * *** * * * * * ll. \r}~~,t'.jd* r~~'i:t~.*~* .0(::-* - ,'D J,.er:1 "-It, ,...:J.....,~ * Departments required to review the project * " ., ..~.1 ;.'>":':\: -", ,:,~A;' l i:v.,.ZJ , * i, ',,,., - ,'. "~:(,-'..-: ,~; ,:~..., .,"'.:'1. .,' /),Cf" ";'-7 t ..,.. .~~,it*S,t'f.. /,..... C.I~".""- ,-.~. " i;-I 4-c"J/r i'tUI.:>~J\';;L' L-t>'t::> dC/(J !;:J '" f .************.**************************~~~~**~~***********~**************** V)\" ,d ~ Lo ,~':l. 'v.l';. ., Page of ,...........,.)'Jcb (',' '=iIl'...._ "'T'"...- - - '-!:t.. .. ~o ~ -r J.l-J .s ...,.. tJ 131f J!:t/lo uJ6'n A e.. R..o S..s ---B c.G ~ ~ .<:.. f+ (;,. ~ ~EM IE ~ -r W no / b /f7l-()~ 10 'Be ~ov'1lS...!>, TH-loS A-~~e(;Mc::,t...J-r i~){Ju/]) aE' . ~~;'~~~A-;J ~;~~::~~p,~~~~~ ~ 'P~~~e F'~ .,' - ) ~ "P.\ .~ L. U I N (j U I: f' ~ ArM E N T L1..J' 1.1l.( <1 o--,~ BUILDIHG PiHKrr APPLICATION -p {-"7 . ~~ (Please Print) Permit II II - 2..3 - 9' <<- l\ 3 '-I \' - DO'II- oon ' O:Llo. 0 (FOR SUB PERMITS ONLY) I Property Control fl) :;; a Owner's Phone II tl U ~/ ~ Zip " ,ach COI,l-lt '- ". Name, "s Address o ce Jet., Simpie Titleholder's Name (If other than owner) Simple Titleholder's Address /J (If other than o;:';jer's)-.n,"d I-f'LAL/-';O,^ C-.D. tractor's Name / rOI:\ Nl?r )-lo,,:..tc1 140 1"Y1 '^t:ontractor's Phone 1/ ,-:")'6t:1-.:(;J.,,1'7 tractor's Address' )3:'\' sw. ),-;:/ t~ AI/IE. ::~~N ;~:~~ ' ",3343: yAddt ~.i;'J ~~ r~ ,', JI uQounty [-'Z/ ' al Description La! 2 t cl-:;2.( K\oYNrv/~ J/l)/:)" , T/?/IJ( PAIi"('( AOPIT')c,/'J A/". J I-:]OYA/f7/f'9, r-:TlfJ'lc rri r<l, 7fM 0 IY1 \ ding Company ding Co,Address City State hitect/Engineer's Name hitect/Engineer's Address tgage Lender's Name tgage Lender's Address GLE FAMILY:___ DUPLEX:___ MULTI-FAMILY:___ HOTEL:___ RET~IL~___. OFFICE:~ INDVSTRIAL: ~--' (check one) .. ... \,.. ' .. ...i lMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ /5000 0::-- \J.>' , " ',,' <</ Dt--t CRIPTION OF WORK~' fA/ALL .Allin Co!\(u7/[r/}:: J).f?)();j/l~ ( f -~ s"., '(f ..~~~ licat,on is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I tify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this isdiction, I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, MBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. ER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing infor.mation is accurate and that all work 1 be done in compliance w1th all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. MAY RllSUL~ IN YOUR PAYING nJWICIHG, CONSULT WITH YOUR NING TO OWNKR: YOUR FAILIlRB TO ~ A MOTICE OF CE FOR IHPROVllMINTS TO YOUR PROPBRTY. II' ~ DlTIllID TO 0 DKR OR AN ATl'OllNKY BKFOlIJI: ~IImIHG YOUR!'" CE ~ .. , /4 'Ii ~ perty Owner's or Agent's Signature TE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this .. C_ ..v' " .; , who is Person,;!,).ly known to me or w 0 . ........ e of identificatio,?)as ide H~ica~i9n.. ...~'.~;:, CONRAD LBB ROBINSON ). ",l / AL) i'{ Q MY COMMISSI=ON , CC 1_ / r l~ ~.'r' na t . ~i IQallt.b ledgement '~, /~, eo' ement--ty\> ,pr n e r am e Ie 0 Senal number ,., if-any.' .. ~~"~~o~~~R~~r-~~ t/:~ l~' Date / ') / j P ,. J Of fore~o;.r.g instrument was acknowledged before me this 9 rf;f? 1'-3 (date) by ~\:'c.~ j;, D. \-\0 \ reo.. , who is personally known to me 0.. JIl 0 nas produced LillD.j2':''l.l' . ~type of identHici,tion) as identification and who did (did Rat) take an ~ "'"f-HSo'7,,;<--I3..;/,,-Cj 0 <:><f. "1"'0/'/4. . ' ~~un' of person 1:ak in acknowledllement ~ ') . ~r~~ . ____ e Gf CfU"":~::l~king ;lc~nowledgement. -typeCi, r .0 s am~. v \ ,l:i~~. r=::_ le "r rank "r'. '('~ Serial numb ,1f any ;,. ('7 T' . RY PUBLIC., 5T,l,"I' t. ~~. ~.- :)MMISSION. EXPIRES: FEB. 28. 19 4. ( . 1 ~ ) I PTHRUNOTAflv Py.pLICUNUliiItWRITIii'" Cert1fic:ate of Competenc'y HO_~'.ler . ~ 0 Lractor ~ :>t"t~ vert rication or Reg1Stration No, ~(2. (_ 0 11.:5 LO tractor's Certificate of Competency No, BILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: -Vt',JV <1'3 KERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: ' LICATION APPROVED BY c.. . . "/ t ) Date j" ,.J),;. I) j(. (date) by as\pro uce d who did (did not) take an I Permit Officer Date: change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this ered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideratio s ~ermit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full ldlng and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, 'E: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers' tractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency p) upational Licenses prior to obtaining permit, ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DF THIS PE~~IT CR PLANS FIyP1G FEE IS NOT REFUNI' :>. ,. .. i:5 ~ ...... !;i .'" ~ 0i , ~ " V" ..... ~ '" N c: .., .. I' , PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENTr~OMME~~EET . 7-~-~ .... .f R.V'....' ):,.iVT~= ,."", t APPlle..'oo .0.' '13 -'Pf% project Title --;:r; -_ -- -- -~ Type of Review ,,^,-, ~ .:> fL SITE-PIA ~ ~~~ V..L.J..L v.&. ,J.Jv................'-J..... .JJ............._....... The .application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified, To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407)37S:~Obetween e A.M. and 5 P,M" Monday thru ,Friday, After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), ret'urn both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department, To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated), Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plants) andlor documents, **************************************************************************** Applicant I s Name and phone No. : Date Called: comments Received By (Print Name): signature: Date: comments only: plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: 11- l- '3 . <j' f **************************************************************************** 1. -?> ~ti ~~~;r.jo~i~~:l~t~~r:::'J~.:~i~~t\h,~~ tr: ~0~~;:[O'2l~: ~~i~' ~p~~t~~ ::~~ .~~ti~-::t~ ~-~/:~~:::; t::~.~~:;~~!~: ~r~~~ ..~ ~ 1 .__ ado a e ~rtment reviewer sianina-off ~~; ~~;~~ 10;~;:~I: ~~~ the proposed work, In order to facilitate the ~ u~~;a~ ~~ 1~~~ ~d-z~~i~ present this comment sheet or a copv of same o I n a a Department staff when paviua for the review fee, Fl..tfD"tS1E. t=V9y ,/~O ' )tIlNlJlC... J 17 e: F/A-I-J rSfe:. .14-7 PIA-IUIUI,() c:.. '''''1 ""2-o.vl A.) C. ~7' p~E .ER'A.Jc. r;,.t:s~ CtJ;fMfE1V7J '-VI you. z..) ?L E 17 S. e. CofLR.. t:::C- -r -rJIt;: /IV u yrl BGJ2 I r-.J c:, 0 tl..:l -{1ft ? A R. t:.. S ~ Ac..E' S ' '3, ) 4. 6 \ PL-Ef+Sr;;. R~ vi: OJ.-J€ ~ T/Z..~Jt)~ I9F ~~D WlR,G ~~J) ~p :;:- y!A-Jl. ~~ mhX/n1~"'^- 9..1f(.AYf'1s.._.J~u_=-- /J- IE I it?t!&:.e ( - ***************************************************************************, * Departments required to review the project ~ G II....JEE:~ pOI' c....€. ~ J.. * pr...,;811C- Wf{)TC-/-S ***************************************************************************, paqe ( ~ of v..L.L.L VJ.: U\,.I.LJ.....l.."-'L. JJ.a.......A""""...... PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENTr~OMME~~EET 7- ~-- Na.a of aav'awar .h.~" par.'t APPllcaUon NO.' 9:3-~'k project Title ~ -._ ____~S Type of Review t-..f'...., ~ I:) (2..... S'/lE PIA i'o.J ~~;D The ,application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified, To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407)37S:~Obetween 8 A,M, and 5 P,M" Monday thru ,Friday, After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department, To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated), Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plants) and/or documents, .....*.*********.***********.*****.********.*.*.****.*****..*..*.********.*. Applicant's Name and phone No.: Date Called: comments Received By (Print Name): signature: Date: Comments only: plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: /1- ~"3-9'f ********.**.******************.************...*.********.**.*.**********.... 1. -?> ~~; ;E~ "f.ff:~~:mty~~ ::,;~a~~~~~{:,~~ t~: i~~:~:':,~: ~~~~' ~r~~~t~: :F.~r~~~if~~ lHtH'l~tl>::; ;n::.~~~:m ~; ~~ ~o t 1 ado a Department reviewer sianina-off the ~~~;~~ ~of~;:fut: ~~r the proposed work. In order to facilitate the ~ ~~h~a~ ;~ i~~- ~d ~~st, present this comment sheet or a copv of same o I n a ~ina Department staff when pavina for the revie~ fee. Fl..,t!D"'rS€ ~y'/o.O' }tI/IJOIL ~/7t!!:F//+~ Fe.JIi. 1+7 P/,4I-/IUII.Jc:.. '-" "2-Cl,vI,u C. ~.,... p~E }3I?IA.I(. rl..tl=S~ CdtlOfE1VIJ /.VI Yt:)I.J. z.., ) (IV u yY/ BGJ2. I f'o-J r;, o ~ {'He -rJhi; ?L €' 17 S.. E. CofLR...ec--r 'P A R. t::... ~ ~ AC€" S ' "3. ) 4. 0: \ PLE.f'tSr;:. R.~ v€ O/-J€ S. T/Z.rrJU~ ~F 'B~~ Wl~ ~~~ ~,o ::- ..!3!A-Jl. ~~ m~/;1?~AA- ,Q.1 Y? ..Ax.In..s:. _X~U=-_ 1'1-. ~ I in2r-:..e ( - ...*******.***************~***~.**~.***.*~*..***.**~******.*.*....*~*....*., . Departments required to review the proj ect e)...J c:;; I uEEe.... * P~~/7C:: wv4S **.*******..**.***~*********~...**.*~****.*.......*~********..***~***..*~.., " page I '- of '*~l C,Tf-'T'T701?-IJR--! ..----.. ..-'-~ ".._4"" ., , ~, ~~~ S~~~~~~t!J ~~ :"~~ce ~ r;;/UE€fM..E , ~~~e.I-.JT_ ,.., v.luII...; <D ~ ~~s~~~riJJ~:;f:?;~~ ~>J) - A DI '/Ie Co AtJe *~l C, Tf-brro'R-JJR--l .,...----_..~>,. .' - ...-. .~,~-_..~.....- .-. -~..- Go:Pt fS.//EkJ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ft "Z--- td.u4fEJil/ PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer ~tl4JT11 }lA...pou permi t Application No,: 93-14-90. Project Title ~H.-1 -'='Dl.vAW~ (,.,02- tu. 1N."DU<:-rKIA-1 !+v€ Type of Review IvII/.Jo~ S P ~o];JlFiCA-7iaL.J The application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified, To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer, For an appointment, call (407)37S:~Obetween 8 A,M, and 5 P.M" Monday thru ,Friday, After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated), Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plan(s) and/or documents, ****************************************************_.********************** Applicant I s Name and Phone No, : Date Called: comments Received By (print Name): signature: Date: Comments only: Plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: ..************************** ********************************..************ ~1f::f2.., ~~\ lS:ii10r ~~~e:.~ IT , S & C-. 1..(.11) (~ €P It-,~ r'to~.ss.. :PU::r=M~ 8~w ~ .D(.JmP&/.s~ ~pelL/y J.-t;Ch--,-e.~) 0 y.J ~ :PI A W <3 , ~5o ~ . ~~~~ 01'"" rn -r: M au )4".1:>, (- I'Y/i# fA jJF3J1) J.k ClJ"M~ eltJ ~M.~ I ~\ F='ott- ~MM~IlJ/S . J"'1iu~'r> 1/AAJ~ -I:>dT IVLDO~e!. .-:::"DD 1 ~.nnI t: 1. "2.,) " 3) The plannino and Zonino Department has determtned that the work shown on the documents submitted with vour permit application is a minor site plan modification, The fee associated with the minor site plan modification is $100,00 (Resolution #92-2111, The fee is pavable to the citv of Bovnton Beach and is due in the plannino and Zonino Department prior to the plannino and Zonina Department reviewer sionina-off the permit documents for the proposed work, In order to facilitate the anoroval of vour reauest. oresent this comment sheet c.r a CODY of same to the Plannino and Zonina Department staff when pavina for the review fl!UL C/l..o<:'s-/lcceSS /K!&:>12a:>HG.Vr r=vR.. J-,-r<. /8 1/'1 A N't,) 2.. c... r 2. J - B 0 v JJ71:JLJ I ,.,.;'bv S m 1/1-1 p,1t.1c. fI7-... (. I S"Ti 1/ 1J 0"'- Beeu .s...."BA1I'7'Te'h t...J,-r# 7#,((' ~,-r I'tptP/,c/-rliol..J ' **************************************************************************** , 1~'f\J(2) I /.J~I JJ ~ * Departments required to review the project ~'-'I(-r7i:'. * * ~p~/'t:....- w~S * lJIIC s;- J F IIQS ***********************************************************'**~************* Page of ---1 - ." t1'\ N T _.93 _ t.-\l..( q 0 ~ FUII-OING OEPARTME B\JlU!DIG ~ APl'LlCATlOll :' " ll'lease Print). _rfh-l.-\'3, <-t<.c?O-11,noa-o::<-LO,O ~ach Coun Property Name AddresS :\01'.,0 __/-l. ~ple Titleholder's Permit /I (lOR SUB pEBMITS ONLY) owner'S Phone /I .ctor 1 S Name lctor's AddresS rt . ..$~- J)"YAJJor~ 10. oj L . Zip = than o~erl 5)..,.,/,\5 I- f"vl<.hO,^ f.4). ~ 0 (Y'l '-^tontractor 1 s phone j' c3{. 'I - sp.,5'l 1/ ~ other than owner) mple Titleholder'S AddresS Zip c3 3 t..} CJ < ame .ddre . () ~f'1 6:J r~" . I ...,""'~ ';-",:.'/' ing Company_ ,.. C,."d,d' "" "".-:: 'itect/Engineer's Name ,,,,,d""""" "d'''' . , .~ '.... ",."," .... ~ "... ......,'. 'dd"" . I ' OIL ,ANlLY'_ 1."LIl<'- NULT......n.Y'- NOrEL'_ REII"',-,.OfYI. CE:.___ .1ND\jSTRIAL:- (,h'" ...) .' /). ""., ..... ! ,d 'IMATED ,WlE " CONSTRUCTION" ).5 00" ~ ,.ct." ,.'0 ~i <,RIlTl"" ,,_, ,_.. - t ri' .." . t/ County ~.? '1 fi?f.'1 '?tit hJo y /11 -rt7 t 1\ C rd- p:t. 7r 1UI v ::: .1""'" ,. ..,.h, .... " ,,,"'. . ,..." " do ,.. .", nod ,..,."""" .. ,.d".,.d. I ,"'" 'hO' ., ..', " ,..""",,, ... ......,.. ,,'" " ,.. ,.....,. " · ,..." ..d 'hO' 11 .", .," h. ,.",.... " ..., ,.. .,....,d. " .11 ,... ...'",... ,,..,..,,,,. ,. 'h" """',,,... I ..d."".d 'ha' . ._"" ,..." .." h. ....,.. ,,, ELECTRICAL -, ".,,,.G, 51ONS, WELLS, rooLS, __. !O"""S, ...-. TiN<S. nod AI' _'T"-' ""'. ",",'S "'lO,"T' I ,.,,'f, 'hO' .11 ,ha f''''''.' ,.f'''''''' ,. ",.,.,. ... ,.., .11 ..', .ill .. d... ,. ,_H"" ."h .11 ."H..hi' ".. ...."".. ,.."..,"" ..d ....... .AlU@IC1 TO~~ ,~ TO u(11l1D A tl7f!C!..2!.m J.'W1C1lOR =mnrY B~r 1'IIOdirrl. 11 ~ uu~ '10 0 lJ!KDER oR All A'nv""". JDl,pIllDDG yOOll CB J PToperty owner'. or As_t'. Slpatur8 STATE OF FLORIDA. co1JN't'i OF pAlJ'\ BEACH The foregoing instrument was aCknowledl: :~re me thiS ~, . who is ~erson y known to e of identiI ca on as id oa "....~ CONRAD UlIlllOBINSON *; :*; MY COMMISSION' ex: 166962 '. : Ical9&t\ Date X .)'it.q? an ii'a' ~ea I enn-" SiP- .... - 9 ~ P. f - Z '3 STATE OF FLORIDA. coUNTY F pAlJ'\ EACH / ~~... ,..'_"' ... """""ind... o.f'" _ U" ? ~r 'J3 ..(doC') " , D-"~ \~ . .ho .. ....,..n' ..... " - , . · ' .... 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" ..", ch" .,,,,,.,, '" f.n ,_li.... .,ch ""' Build1ng and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, NOTE' ",i' ,.,," VOlO ..,,, '" OgvS UNLESS ,ha .", .hi,h " 00"" ha' ..... ,_."d. " C""',"" ..., h'" ..1'd S..,. """".",. " cono" C....,.." ,1" c,nn" ..d "" occupational Licenses prior to obtaining.permit, ISSU"''' 0' TIllS ,....IT o""S NOT ,,""01<1" VlmATI"" 0' oEED RESTRICTIO'S . ........... " 'u.NS...!'''"' nE IS NOT _LE I Permit Officer Date: .* I 1 /I j (~~~qe~'J 'j " 0 ot ~ ~ ~:2.~I~ ~il ~~ H ~ t d """';;J ~ a- ~ 1: "'o::~~8~ ==o[<l~"-m ltr I 1 1 ~ I ... o. -.:y ., .... . -, ~. 'c'..'. ... "., ~ ~1. .....,), "- , ~,iX- 'v.) . '''t--<'.>L ~, r 0 :6' \> "'l--:'~ - , , .. " \.. .e ~ '" ~ ill~ \.~ /i(;,." . 'r ~ \-.);,.., '''' r'" 0.. .Jo '\U~ .,.~ -0 ~ ,. <\.~,-..? ... ~- ~~ ~ir. ~ . 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M" Monday thru Friday, After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department, To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated), Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plants) and/or documents, **************************************************************************** Applicant I s Name and Phone No, : Date called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Signature: Date: Comments only: plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: ,,- ********************* **************************************** PII4AAJ II Sv1!JIt'IJrreh j:J,f; A'R..E : 1.:1' ,cf-"P~~ rHlfT TII6 .. '"-1€W" ~Pe1L'T~o~ES,., . ~ ~" ~~~ '. AS. Ell!;' -r. I -r. .". To 6>~. of l-o-r.s '2.:1 ~~~ " ;"0,", , \)V~' .. 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