REVIEW COMMENTS 3/22/95 City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Construction and Building Division Re: Reciprocal cross access easement for lots 18 & 19 and lots 26 & 27 523 Industrial Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida Staff: Please accept this letter of agreement with the directives the Planning and Zoning Dept. and Building Division have presented to me in expediting procurement of a building permit for the above referenced property. q{ I? lq~ ~~ It is my understanding that the Building Division will issue my I'L ,....j[ building permit upon receipt of this notarized letter of agreement. It is also my understanding that no inspection of work commenced under that permit will be forth coming l1Il1iLa recorded copy of the city approved cross access agreement submitted 3/8/95 under plan review # 93-4490 is received by the Planning and Zoning Dept. and/or Building Division of the Development Department of Boynton Beach. My notarized signature on this form, signifies my compliance to and agreement with those directives. Signed~' cr/!. d \ / <CC&t~ItJf/ ,.J Jim Edward 523 Industrial Av. Boynton Beach, Fl. ,,"-:\' J;~Y"'L--"::-.. ;;J~ -w.. .(~. \'.'r;'I~::~;'::.:;"\: I'Y.,_ ./.-: I ,....,.... ,'<c,) 'lJ \\ ::: t,';" "c' \.~.- f". ' . " ,.' ",._ ~ ~'~ ~~~ ;.> \(~~S ; )-~~; /\ \--:' \>I"V'" ,:>' I'"~ \ \'... ':.\~ \ 4:" . ", "j ... ',,' ~,,'jI)'.. ,....\. ,,t.,-...: " . "'"."t ,'.f- .\"' ,'" I '/ -', "'~ ,..\','\ /,,-'\ '/ "'.' .,~' ""{:;~ I '. '\. \.<) '(' 'l \ v --.~~~.(:':~ -" ~ State of Florida County ~fPalm Beach , (\il, ~ ~~ I ~~ \~\ \1\1\1~PR I A Lj,J \... \ __I i . ;-;; ,M r ~,~ n I ~ PU':'~~~\'\~',;\~' , , 'I"~':,i'~",:, \_'\--" '. -.----".; \.e..,. .....- -_.-,.-" --'- Subscribed to and sworn before me this ~ 5 day of.lDa.rd:L 1995 No..., -., fi!; No..., 'oO My commissio expires: ".... ..~~.. OFFICIAL SEAL (~ .~ RITA A. SCHROETER I, i My Commission Expires \ ! March 20, 19.97 ~QI~.' Comm. No. CC 260237 ....."..- 3/22/95 City of Boynton Beach Building Division 100 Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, F1. 33435 Staff: Please accept this letter authorizing Jim Ford of S & F Construction Inc. to act on my behalf in any matters concerning plan review # 93-4490 and the subsequent building permit that is to be issued.. ,;-~ Jim Edward 523 Industrial Av. Boynton Beach, F1. \ 1;-', . 1,:1, ~ (. '., \' \) ~ " " ;;;2.~ dayof~1995 Subscribed to and sworn before me this Nouoy Poblio~ My commission expires: Notary Seal r': ~:;;--~~~<(7)""'" ;_:~c '^ :_;_~'e'-~' ._-~._;"~;.:~ i . rt! I:~, lY, It, ! i ! '~ II ~ I U) r-U--"+-.----..,~' _; ill! !'I.it'Jn ]ll.. .,.','. U I',' IU APR I 4 i:C:;J '. '-J ! i I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ........ (';.9"''''''<;:\ OFFICIAL SEAL ~ ~ RITA A. SCHROETER I : My Commission Expires \:'>.+ l March 20, 1997 ....'tOf~~. Comm. No. CC 260237 ....... :>t,\l'tn :H6-:J5: 15a5 .JO:SIAS & GoKEI. P.A.~ ~Oynlon ~(h fax;# 1/ 1 JOSIAS & GOREN, P.A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard suite 200 Fort lauderdale, Florida 33308 (305) 711-4500 Facsimile No. (305) 771,-4923 FACSIMILE TRANSIIISSION DATE: 3-16-95 REC!PIEtrT'S FACSIMILE NO. 407-375-6011 TO: Dottie KoorQ FROM: Jim Cherof ThJs: tra.nslllllilfilion oontains 1 pagers) including this OOver. FILE NO.: 90-0lB~ ?ILE REF'ERENCE: BB/GM COMl1ENTSl r have reviewed tne revised Deolaration of Reciprocal Cross Aocess Easements sUbmitted by Jim Ford related to the Jim Edwards property. The document wal; ohanged to reflect a perpetual easement. I have advised Hr. Ford of my approval of the dOCUlIIent witn t,ne request that he provide recording infonation to the City. , ~ ;";~'''' fir!! ;. lUll vl.~ 1-" f JL:__~"I . l f'L4i,:r~;i"-i";~'i",.' :--.- lON!Nl; hr~-;Y --_'_'r_,,,..;.. ~ ~~ IW ~ m ~ - " ~ \\ " ~ " \\ ~ r- " '" ", ::1 . \ f; << J Oi ~I L ~\ ., ~- ~ ~ ~ L ilt m ,--- ~.s _7_ ~\ TI1 t','~ 11\ j ~~ ',~ _,.~ T f'"', -- U" _.to, \', i;)\ ~- \~. \: \ -" . j\ \ N .\> ~ :E t '1 (-~ '1 1\: ~ ~~ J;\ "C ~ G ~ ~~ '> 1; lTI\l _ ~ z: =--\ j', Itll ~ ~, "\11 t: l- f . + :t: C\ r{f:~ L~lIi-{i' '1:.<.' ~S\ - ~ ,),. :1=-1I\ 71:1 ~~z;: \)2- ~~~ t\f1~ --,SL ~ .~. ~ .\> \). r ~ 1B~~~~~ ~ ~lt f 6l ~i ""I v>D1 C1-a- II" ... - 0 t: "II" "'.,.~.. ="~'" ~ ~71t:: !1l~~~~:P - y,f!. ~ .Q~ f ~:p~ i' r.; J>!? 8 i.... .-, iiil.-4 ~t.~4~~.2 ~~~ ~! i ~ t ~c.::!)~~ 'z;~ ~z.::z g ~ ~~ ~~~;t. Ai&' ~/~,i t1-<i; ~ ~ :: i'O l .::0 ( I 0'" ~J 2:~ /Jj~ ... 11'" o i ~.5\ ~ 9;'~ WEST __ _.___'. ____u_.._......___..._ '--' -----..-.--- .--. ~-i'}) ~ INC'U~:3 " \ "\-~ t:R.~ \ 'p\ ' ",,' t\..... --. --"~~, -~ . . -\',-' ~I 11 (- 141;~_" l ~"" _,~, "- "l.c'>i-""l, : \ ,,\.. \ \ ' ,,',- "l.~"- il.-" ,~>;" I I : \}.\"< "" , : ". '.-- "- ! ;; . """"" i',. "-. ~. "~ .",. '0' . ~-~" " ',~'" '" '{. '. .. } ::~ I 1: \\ I E> m _/ ~ r~ U\. :s: ~~ I ~ ,. ~~~/ ~ r. " " ~ ~ ~L . \, I'. ".. :) r' -l m~ & " c ~ ~ ~ r; ~ ,. " \)' . 1: . ~ U> -~ ~\ () , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- '?I?' , ~~ I', ~. J \ - =S. :) '\ ~1\~~ ~~ () ~ (\\ , -\ ~ ~ :::\ \-f-4~ r. ~ ~ ~g ~ " ~ "'" ~ ~\ 1 "'. " n , , 'Tl\ 1 ~ ,- i I /.- (0 .~ 1--l , .., i- t: I i - , ~ \'>,. , ,,~ i~~ w , (V - I ~ ()\l :, ....: 1 '3' ~i~ . '~.'... .-. . -'6' i1I'" ~-. ' .. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NOo 95-060 TO: James cherof city Attorney FROM: fif;e /r' Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director Dorothy Moore ~ Site Plan Reviewer THRD: DATE: February 23, 1995 SUBJECT: Jim Edwards' Reciprocal Cross Access Easements at 523 Industrial Avenue File No. MMSP 94-009 Attached please find for your review the above-captioned Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement Agreement. Please provide a legal, written opinion regarding the attached and if it meets the City's concerns and if the city can accept the document. The properties at 523 Industrial Avenue, owned by Jim Edwards, are legally described as follows: Lot numbers 18 and 19, Boynton Industrial Park, as recorded in plat Book 25, page 232 of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida and Lot numbers 26 and 27, Boynton Industrial Park addition no. 1, as recorded in Plat Book 29, page 152 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida If you have further questions regarding this matter please call. TJH:dm/dim att c: Kchn.rds .1;1 FEB 17 "3514:15 . 4' ::-;<'~- -~ i ~ / 0i,:?\ ..< '\ '-. ~-' -...~,(..~> """'" 1",.,,/ ~. -r/~ /;J....., -. d .' /' ~,- . : # "',' 'If ,~. '....\ /-...~,' ...." .~- ~ I _ I -::t ., ~. , ~ {/(., , f.-.. ,. ~ / t >~ _ ",---I L--.., / ! '--"/ P.2 -u/!' : 1-./- . , .' I !- : DECLARATION ~F RECIPROCAL CROSS ACCESS EASEMENTS \ '" V ' ~. ....; ,....... '. . .~) /....~ '.~ I', ' __, ' ., \,..j' , :'-': '. . ,--',>/ This DECLARATION. is made the _day of ,19_ by JAMES EDWARD (hereinafter called "Declarant") who is the owner of two (2) adjoining and contiguous parcels of land situate in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach county, Florida, which parcels of land are particularly described as Phase I and Phase II on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Recitals A. Declarant desires to declare, establish, grant and provide perpetually for the benef! t of (l) Declarant and any subsequent owner of Phase II, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of them (hereinafter collectively called "Owners") and (2) the tenants, employees, visitors, licensees and occupants from time to time of any of the buildings constructed within the building area of Phase II and their invitees (hereinafter called "Beneficiaries") a thirty-two foot right of way for ingress and egress on the roadway or roadways on Phase I which right of way is legally described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. Declarant desires to declare, establish, grant and provide perpetually for the benefit of (1) Declarant and any subsequent owner of Phase I, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of them (hereinafter collectively called "Owners") and (2) the tenants, employees, visitors, licensees and occupants from time to time of any of the buildings constructed within the building area of Phase I and their invitees (hereinafter called "Beneficiaries") a thirty foot right of way for ingress and egress on the roadway or roadways on Phase II which right of way is legally described on Exhibit "0" attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to the Declarant, the Owners and the Beneficiaries, the Declarant, for himself, his heirs, representatives, successors and assigns does hereby declare and provide as follows: 1. Declarant does hereby establish, grant and create for Owners and Beneficiaries hereunder a perpetual easement in favor of Phase II for use of the roadway located on Phase I, which roadway is more particularly described in Exhibit "c" hereto, for vehicular access, ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. 2. Declarant does hereby establish, grant and create for OWners and Beneficiaries hereunder a perpetual easement in favor of Phase I for use of the roadway located on Phase II, which roadway is more particularly described in Exhibit "0" hereto, for vehicular access, ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. FES 17 '95 14:16 P.4 Exhibit A To Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement (Phase I) Lots 18 and 19, Boynton Industrial Park, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 232 of the PUblic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. FEB 17 '95 14:16 P.5 Exhibit B To Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement (Phase II) Lots 26 and 21, Boynton Industrial Park Addition NO.1, as recorded in plat Book 29, Page 152 of the Public Records of Palm Beach, Florida P.5 FES 17 '95 14:17 . Exhibit C To Declarati9n of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement (Over Phase I For Benefits of Phase II) The North 15.0 feet of Lot 18 and the South 15.0 Feet of Lot 19, together with the West 0.5 feet of said Lots 18 and 19, Boynton Industrial Park, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 232 of the PUblic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. FEE 17 '95 14:17 P.7 ,. Exhibit D To Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement (Over Phase II for benefit of Phase I) The South 15.0 Feet of Lot 26 and the North 17.0 Feet of Lot 27 together with the east 0.5 Feet of said Lots 26 and 27, Boynton Industrial Park Addition No. 1 as recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 152 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. JOSIAS & GOREN, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SU ITE 200 3099 EAST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33308 STEVEN L. ..JOSIAS SAMUEL S. GOREN ,JAMES A. CHEROF DONALD ..J. DOODY KERRY L. EZROL TELEPHONE (3051 771-4500 PALM BEACH (407) 276-9400 FACSIMILE (305) 771-4923 YAMILE M. TREHY LEONARD G. RUBIN CHARLES E. CARTWRIGHT BEN.JAMtN L. AVENI February 8, 1995 Ms. Dorothy Moore site Plan Reviewer city of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Jim Edwards Reciprocal Cross Access Easements at 523 Industrial Avenue Our File No. 900182 Dear Dottie: Please be advised that I have reviewed the referenced matter with the City Attorney, Jim Cherof, and he is of the opinion that a perpetual easement is required in connection with File No. MMSP 94-009. Accordingly, the declaration of twenty (20) years would be insufficient. I hope this satisfies your concerns. If I may of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, //' / //1/) /,// ~.".. /' //':.-' ,,', '//_"'--'_:<,~' ~~~/;IG~ CEc/lms 900l82.BB LETTER MOORE.LTR --::-- ....i f~-" C' I~/ ...... ~7 ',: ',. , 4' I 5 Jim Ford & @ LlW m fil1 FEE ; 7i~!J '1-1; ! ! '. PLANNING AND . ZONING DEPT. cc: ~~ I {DJ ,0' lUll i;.~,:~.." PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-004 TO: James Cherof, City Attorney Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~~ Dorothy Moore, Site Plan Reviewer THRU: FROM: DATE: January 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Jim Edwards' Reciprocal Cross Access Easements at 523 Industrial Avenue. File No. MMSP 94-009 please review and provide a legal opinion of the attached Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement Agreement for the properties at 523 Industrial Avenue, owned by Jim Edwards, legally described as follows: Lot numbers 18 and 19, Boynton Industrial Park, as recorded in plat Book 25, page 232 of the public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and lot numbers 26 and 27, Boynton Industrial Park addition no. 1, as recorded in plat Book 29, page 152 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. One of staff I s concerns is the life of the agreement, which is declared as twenty (20) years. Is this time sufficient for the City'S concerns in requesting this document? DM/pb attachment a:erblegal.mem 5 DE(~ 27 ' '~4 14: 2"3 p -, DECLARATION OF RECIPROCAL CROSS ACCESS EASEMENTS THIS DECLARATION is mad,~ the day of , 1994, by JAMES EDWARD (hereinafter called "Declarant") who is the owner of two (2) adjoining and contiguous parcels of land situate in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, which parcels of land are particularly described as Phase I and Phase U on Exhibits "A" and "a" attached heret.o and made a part hereof. RECITALS A. Declarant desires to declare, establish, grant and provide for twenty years for the benefit of (1) Declarant and any subsequent. owner of Phase II, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of them (hereinafter collectively called "Owners") and (2) the tenant", employees, visitors, licensees and occupants from time to time of any of the buildings constructed within the building area of Phase J and their invitees (hereinafter called "Beneficiaries") a thirty-two foot right of way for ingress and egress on the roadway or roadways on Phase I which right of way is legally described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof. B. Declarant desires to declare, establish, grant and provide for twenty years for the benefit of (1) Declarant and any subsequent owner of Phase I, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of them (hereinafter collectively called "Owners") and (2) the tenants, employees, visitors, licensees and occupants from time to time of any of the buildings constructed within the building area of Phase I and their invitees (hereinafter called "Beneficiaries") a thirty foot right of way for ingress and egress on the roadway or roadways on Phase II which right of way is legally described on Exhibit "0" attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, in cOf,sideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to the Declarant, the Owners and Beneficiaries, the Declarant, for himself, his heirs, representatives, successors and assigns does hereby declare ~nd provide as follows: 1. Declarant. does hereby est.abl ish, grant and create for Owners and Beneficiaries hereunder a 20 year right of way in favor of Phase II for use at thE' roadway located on Phase I, which roadway is more particularly described in Exhibit "C" hereto, for vehicular access, ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. 2. Declarant does hereby establish, grant and create for Owners and Beneficiaries her',under a 20 year right of way in favor of Phase I for use of the roadway located on Phase II, which roadway is more particularly described in Exhibit "0" hereto, for vehicular access, ingress and egress thereto and therefrom. DEe 27 "34 14 :30 P '0 ..-' 3. These right of "ay may not be terminated, altered, amended, modified or subordinated without the express written consent of all Mortgagees and Owners of record of Phase I and Phase II. 4. Nothing herein is intended nor Shall be construed to create any rights whatsoever for the benefit of the general public in the said Phases I and/or Phase II or the improvements constructed thereon. 5. These Right of ways will automatically terminate twenty years after the date of this declaration. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has executed this Declaration of Easement the day and year first above written. Witnesses: JAMES EDWARD STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Ot' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JAMES EDWARD to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same, who is either personally known to me or who produced as identification and who did not take an oath. Witness my hand and official seal this day of , 1994. SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: NOTARY: Notary Public, State of Florida at Large DEe 27 '94 14:30 P.4 Exhibit A TO Declaration of Reciprocal cross Access Easement (Phase I) Lots 18 and 19, Boynton Industrial Park, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 232 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. DEe 27 '94 14:31 F'.l Exhibit B To Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement (Phase II) Lots 26 and 27, Boynton Industrial Park Addition No .1, as recorded in Plat Book 29, page 152 of the Public Records of Palm Beach, Florida DEt 27 '34 14:31 P.2 Exhibit C To Declaration of Reciprocal cross Access easement (over Phase I For Benefits of Phase II) The North 15.0 feet of Lot 18 and the South 15.0 Feet of Lot 19, together with the West 0.5 feet of said Lots 18 and 19, Boynton Industrial Park, as recorded in plat Book 25, Page 232 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. DEe 27 '94 14:32 P.3 Exhibit D To Declaration of Reciprocal Cross Access Easement (Over Phase II for benefit of Phase I) The South 15.0 Feet of Lot 26 and the North 17.0 Feet of Lot 27 together with the east 0.5 Feet of said Lots 26 and 27, Boynton Industrial Park Addition No. 1 as recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 152 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. v............L "'.... .A.JI'....,. ..-..... -. - ,_. PLANNING ex ZONING DEPART~. ~NT CJ>fl1~~7~E~T Name of Reviewer ]:)p/f.o7Jl'1 ~Q,(,e. permit APpl1c~ion No.: 93 - ~1-9(J project Title ~~ ~\..... )A~~<:;' Type of Review .tv\...\ !.JOIL S'"TS ~/.qu IV\. 0 p. The :application number listed above is the referenced number for you proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, th comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it i recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For a appointment, call (407)37S:~Obetween 8 A.M. and 5 P.M.. Honday thr .Friday. After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s) ret'urn both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. '1' expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawing may make line changes to the plants) at the Building Department leach lin change must be initialed and dated). Note: Additional comments may b generated as a result of the review of amended planls) and/or documents. ...............***************************.......**.**.**..........*....... Applicant's Name and phone No. : Date Called: Comments Received By (print Name): signature: Date: comments only: plans and comments: Date Reviewed: ,-z..- ?- 9'~ · ..**~,~S~ *1J.-,.' VQ* *'#I:s.. t~"'~-r. ~~ .wt%f. .i.*Jt..... w7l-*~ IIV'; #1/t"'~()O 11UO/L. S,~ ~r,q'JFtiii. T 'AIYAJ' Z IJ',vC 1:>6 1 . ~~: ~~~~~~~~ an~ ~~~~~: D~~~~tment has determtned that the work shown Q ~~: uV~'ifr: ~~~U _d.. your permit application is a minor sit ~~~~ ~~~i~~v~;i$10 ~~~ ~~~ ~sSociated with the minor site pIa ~~~:f~ y . 0._ IR _lu_ion U92-2111. The fee is pavable to tt ~ ~~ vl B~~et~: :::~: ~~~ i~ ~~~ in the plannina and Zonina Departmer r _ r _0 t l_____a _....9, _o___a Department reviewer sianina-off U ~;r;it do~~;e~ts for the proposed work. In order to facilitate U ~~~~~~a~ ~~ i~~r ~eauest. present this comment sheet or a CODV of san _0 ___ _l__n___ a_d zonina Department staff when pavina for the revie fee. 2.. 3)J~Jo"TE : -:s7 """" Fe "'-~ ~LCiA g E ~ E=e 1:>Q-r MOofUE ~/:fE1I.J t.~u ~~ ...,-..,. "'TJI'E' B....., 'DJAJ c; ~ o L. -;/I'fI P I A ~ f;,J \ ruG i 'Z..o U lUG l>(:i1O 'T . - bo.,. '--I) 0 ~@' ....*.**.****....*******..*****.***.**..*....*..********.*..........*....., . Departments required to review the project eJ.J(./~I;lat.' ~t:. oIL p-o' / c..~ oJ:. . 13'-', I D I "-J C. pulJ/,,, w,~ \ -/<. F1R.~ i)er"T. o/t:.... .*.**.*.**.*...************.**..*.******.**.....**~wT.******.*.***.*****.., Page I of I V.,L.L..... ....,.... A-"__J>...-.....-....M PLANNING (X ZONING DEPART~.-~NT COMMENT SHEET Name of Reviewer ]:)r;/t.oTJl'( ~~ permit APplication No.: 93 -1;:..1-9c project Title ~--- ~\.... )A~~<:;' Type of Review jv\..\ t..lOIL SI7"~ ~I Au IV\. 0 :D. The .application number listed above is the referenced number for you proposed construction. prior to further processing on your project, th comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it i recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For a appointment, call (407 )37S:~O between 8 A. M. and 5 P. M., Monday thr .Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s) return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. T expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawing may make line changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each lin change must be initialed and dated). Note: Additional comments may b generated as a result of the review of amended plan(s) and/or documents. ....................................................*...................... Applicant I s Name and Phone No. : Date Called: Comments Received By (print Name): Signature: Date: Comments only: plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: ,"2..- ?- 9'~ .....~,~!*z!*~'$'UC..~:s. .~~M~.-r .~~.w~~. .i,}Jt..... wN./tiw INt; "/N~()O IUOA- S,7l!': ~"4~Ffffii. T 'AtYlVl 1 Z /V1,vC b6 1 . ~~: ~~~~~~~ an:. ~~rt~: D~~~~t~o~t has determined that the work shown 0 ~~: uU~'if~ ~.~- _d.. _ ~ permit application is a minor sit ; ~~ ~~~i~~'-~~~$10 ~~~ ~~~ i~Sociated with the minor site pIa ~~~~f~r~~~ . 0._ (R _lu__clU 1I92-2111. The fee is pavable to tll .~~~ u~ DU~~et~: :::~ll ~~1 i~ ~~~ in the pIannina and zonina Departmen p~ r _0 t 1 _ _a J _o___a Depal-tment reviewer sianina-off U ~ ~~~~ foi~;e~t; f~r the proposed work. In order to facilitate tl: ~""~h~ a~ ~~ f~~~ ~~a~~st. present this comment sheet or a copv of san t_ ___ _l__n___ a__ __~ina Department staff when pavina for the revie fee. 2.. 18. ,q . 3)J~o..,.e: ; :~:O(t..~ f>LEiASE ~ €E :bel'" N\.oolUE y'hU CoDtI'o\G:: -r-.,. ~ B....,)QluC; W Ole... -r1l1/il PIA 1\,)fo.J\ "-.JG oJ 'Z..o U lUG 't>GJOIT. - bOT """-II 0 tt.,(!- .........................................................................., . lJepartments required to review the proj ect 2toJ(.,~ear..It() I'. oJ<- ~flc-G 01:- . 13\J1 II::::>I "-J Co putJI,C,. w,~s. _/<. F,R..~ ~,oT. ole- ..................................................**w..**................., Page I of I t:I U .L. U I N \.i Ut:J.lAHrMENT LU. <..1 Lf 'i 0 rrz- ~DPY Permit /I (lOR SUB PERMITS ONLY) BUILDIBG PERMIT APPLICATION (Please Print) P(;N /I, 09;> L\ '3 ~I \ - DO'I 7 - Onn. O:LLD. 0 (Palm tieach Count Propert~Cont,ol /I) Ownel:' s Name :::: /?" O\mer's Address , '~: City 0 . 0- State J~ ( . Fee Simpie Titleholder's Name Owner's Phone II 'L :: Zip (If other than owner) ~e Simple Titleholder's Address f) (If other than oWIJer's( ,"IS (-ru.chO"'1 G.Q. Contractor's Name / rol:\ (i:1?/ JjrJL/'1 \-lolrYl "tontractor's Phone II COl1.tractor's Address' /3\' SK.l. );:1 t~ AI/IE, City n~Y~JOI'I r<F 4 ul . State L ' Zip ,:3:] LJ ::J <: Job Name Job Addre City . 1.egal Description La / .2 C .. AoP/nC'l'J iiI",) Bonding Company Bonding Co.Address Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: (check one) ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: DESCRIPTION OF WORK ::::3'6 c/ - ,')';2.-::1 County f~/J' , ~;J. -: fI? KIa y ~r: ,'I } Il)~"; TO /% (7,,,1 I? /'( -::JOY' ('I I <Ilctd ,t. 7. D /YlI City State MULTI-FAMILY: HOTEL: RETAIL.: OFFICE:_ INDUSTRIAL: L...-- /5000 a,J --- ~ \ .:" -'.' ~'};;j" ';'--' V ., "'"",.'.,~ " U 'vle. Applicat~on is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and instal at ions as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS. ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregOing infor.mation is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance w1th all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO 0ilNKR: YOUR rAILURK TO 1I1fmRJ'1 A NOTICI or TWICI lOR Dfi'ROVJlHBNTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IJ' YOU DITDiD TO 0 LHNDER OR AN A'l"rollNBY BUOJlK lIBCOIDIBG YOUR, 'A.. Property Ovner I s or Agent' s Signature STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledge before me this . C_ -,,' 'I " , who is {lersonally known to me or w 0 oa. ...,... e of identifiCatio,?L)as ide ~'iVC ~ic)n. >~.ili\.~~, CONRAD LEE ROBINSON U / /' (SEAL) >.{ ':.,MYCOMMlSSIONICCI66962 /, I Signat '. Jf 9!ttJ!MICQ~ ledgement " [it," - Name 0 I"If!!I ement--typ. pr n e or am e Ti tle 0 Serial number, if any'" ~~~~~a~~o~~~R~~r-~~ t/ ::j At:~;- Date ) '). j f - J J The fore~o;,r.g instrument was acknowledged before me this 9 Z.f 'f.3 (date) by -:JS,'h<:.,Y':!;;, l:). \-\0\,""" , who is {lersonally known to me OJ!'}II 0 nas proaucea F\1?I/\t),~1.2l.. \ ,c' _(type of identifict,tion) as identification and who did taia net) take an oa. tl-- I{ '1 So 7" -.:l-<l3. ;;J~() 0 O<f "r'O/7'? (SEAL" ;l 011 Signatur.. ('If person i:aking acknowledgement ',::.>dJi . N~e cf cfHc9T. t;,ki:tg acknowledgement. -tY{leQ, r .0 s am ~J'-L"l::ih..y;-nrrC T1tle "r rank l-..\~:)-n,:c~ Ser1al numb ,1f any ,I?' I NOTARY PUBLIC.. ST;\T~~. r.... MY COMMISSION '~XPIRES: FEB. Z8, 19 4. (C t' fi t f C t H 1 ~4e ) ~ND"P THRU NOTAry Py,pLIC UNDliftWRITE .. er 1 ca e 0 ompe en<;y - O.~'.i r . C}o 0 I..om:ractor ~ :st&t~ vert rication or Registration No. ~..L2 {', 0/ 2.:3 LtJ Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: -VCJI/ '.1::3 WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: . APPLICATION APPROVED BY KAY RESUl.~ IN YOUR PAYING lDWICIBG, CONSULT WITH YOUR Date (,1" .JS:' '/; an Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this ~ermit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Build1ng and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. , NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNJ,ESS the work which it covers has been commen~ed. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THIS PER..,IT CR PLANS FIuP,jG FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE \ ___,.:~ ~""""""""-I. <-.JE- V.t:!,;V.LO:LOl?MEM"....L. - (s, A'Pe '* '~l Ct 71 'T""7o'R..~1 * (lJD~~ 1k~P5G A-7o~ (2zcoPv?tV1 . b E1lJ'Y pI? i"Y'RSsF1) Io;~ ", KEELEY, HAYES Be DUDLEY . ATTORN~Y5 AT LAW ~S:~,9d SUITE 3'" 1lI0C" A"TON (407) 392.A300 2042" NORTH F'ED[R"L HIGHWAY 8AOW""g (30~) 421 -0222 .OCA ""TON, "LO"'OA 3~3' Fa-x~ ?'fv4/l./CFt \ 't:. 1\ .., .. .1 \ -\ \ " "V~ -'-_..: 'Llll ~ \" ,\ ~~ ~ -t-. l 'j lJ- d~ ...... ~ " ,,~~r ~w '" "\ ~ ..'-'JI j . '~I8 I j~ I'T . , '+ , . ....-.-- ..:: -:\ \f"'- . \II {~-( I Cl Ii uJ ~ \-; -[ = ~ " . ~ ro.l\r "\ - ., I :::> ' ~II -, f( CY ~ ~ i I u..J " ~ =~ t----i v .. I ' en..... ;...,.......-,' w, I !:::: .'. .~ . i~ I 2 ~~~~ ~ 0:: ., t;; ~I 4J ~ I~ . a.. ~l J ~ " \'oJ I d:z~~ J ~ , ~ ~ , '" ~ ill~ 'sC : ! p,;; n-, , @ 1 ,jJ<~ '-' - V5 t.: lU I I :J 'l~f;~ ~ '2 ~_.- 1: \il, -~ '~ ~ ,Zl ~~ ~, I I I. I , , , ..... I I : I I i:zi ~ I ~ I ~ I , ~ I I I . . . . i , . ! I ' j \. . I I . -"'"I " l~ '~ I ~ ~ ~I \ j " -1 - :, 1 ,I ~ I~ j , . I' l I i~.~i I i~r .. ti ~k ..... I 1 ! ~ ~ -r ,\1 (( NNLNG & ~ONING DEPARTME~Tr~OMMENT SEET 7- Rov1o.or .b.""'P'~" 'orm1 t APprteodon. ., !:!/ -? Title ~""""~~~S Type of Review ~,~ 0 f2..... S"E PIA ~ ~o:l:) The :application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call l407)37S:~Obetween 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru .Friday. After amending the plants) to show compliance with the comment(s), ret'urn both sets of plans for re-review to the Building Department. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the planls) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plants) and/or documents. ****************************************************.*********************** Applicant I s Name and phone No. : Date called: Comments Received By (print Name): signature: Date: Comments Only: Plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: /1- L.'3.'tf **************************************************************************** i ~. prior to the Plannina and zonina Department reviewer sianina-off the I;'~ ~:I:~~~ fOc~ ~~ ~~ pr~o6ed ~Qr~ :!-n Q.~d:: ~ facilitate the ',: . ~~p~~;a~i~~ni~~ra~~a~~~~~aP~:~~~~m;~~ss~~~~e~~e~h~:;i~~ ~o~o~~eo~e~~:~ fee. FLeetS€. r:wy,It;,O. )(f1,ufJ!L JIT~ f"/I't,<.J Fc/l!:. )4-7 P/A-IJ/UI,v c;.. ''''; "'2-0.v1 A..) Co e>e<:''T' p~e ..BB1,uC, 77~S~ CdtW,ffEJl.;1S iA./j you. 1'~ >: 2L E' ~ ,<; G- C.IL"-EC- -r 7?Ie- /fV v,.,l1J;P.. (fJ'" 0 '-' -rl{t: '.., 'P A R.l:.. S ~ AC.E ~ .. . /' =1. ,.0f r; r::: 7\ / 4".i SIm J ( PER...C€lV -r 0 F= I vIE. .. - ~ /- . . ' . -jlY PLEp..Sr=. RS)V1..tH....E oJ.-JE S:. T/LrrJU~ t9F 'a~f) . .< WI!2-G ~ ~p ~ W~. fJ~ m/W/;;',-,,~ ,Q.1 f( .Avf'1 r: Yc> /9-. !E T7 - E ( *.**~**********.************************************~********************** * Departments required to review the project - ew C;; I' uEE'"P - A ~ * * 'Po II c....E:. - ~~ - p~el ,e- W'Dte..I=-.s ~ * **************************************************************************** [F~" rr n'" II''' [;Ci'll1 r (;,.!:J:J::: Ii I" IJ;)\9 I '...J ','" II II .~ !_' '.I I J . Page ( of """Z-. - I ~ ~lEJbJ"~ ", ~ .~ +-. ~ I }'2 t., ~1~ I L , \ \ \ ~ "~'II.f It,,,; '4Ur . (~~. ~ ;. , . I ~ I~ '<'. - ~~~!~ i ' &:z~~~ i ~l '1~ro~j~ . ~~~i~ ~ .. 1-< l~ ~ Ilf!~j~~ ~ l'" Ej "1 , 1'l\j . ~O t'{J -l \l~ M<l: ~; i )J..J"tvr' . ~-, f ... ^-- ..- ':;, -C,' ~ 'Il !~ I , ,'.. " Ii :~'- '7,1 ~ t.J ~ \-..) I ~- .c: . llii Q. /..u ~ !;;' J ~r:! , 'q" >' Eb ~~ llJ' ~ t..? L 1_ :J \ 7- lh >. <( ~' @ " , " , r!- ~i \~ ~ ~ :3 'I , ,J... " t 'III a', \ ~ Jt . ... =:J t I .::~~ ~ " ~ ~~ ~,"': .. "'" ; ~ " ; ,~;...i I ! , ,,' '\or . tu \- ~ ill ~ , j .' il w;: ll...:..; , , " I . I '~ fu. j_ r-l ~'1 lLi .) ~"'1' '. ;.~ ~ I ~ 1 ~ .;. - . , . . ' ,. I , , -1t:! ::Ii _ ~~ ~ I . ,...,....., 'Q ..' ~ '", = '. l- I ~ I ~ "'~ --t...; ";''A! ~, ~ I -N: ~~' ~ ~ l!I -" ~ ;t, ~ F . ~ . ~ . "'2, ~r UJ: ~~i ~~ ~ . ~ I '1Il I -I' ~ I -~ ':>t : ~ \ r , 1 : r ~~;? ;~ , , , LL .~.\JI; ~ I : ~ '>l- ~ ~\ .~~ - ~I ~<.... ~~~ o-a..: lI.I.gi ~s- ......1: ~I ! . -':... l' ""'0 ..q ..... r--t<J tl .,.-. :t.: Z . < t'~ ~ I I :z: I I I t.:l :z: H ~ -~---...... ; ~ I H }.1 t3 ~ J, ~ ~ ::Ii r.. r.. i :.< ~ :z: :z:..... El< ~ ;::t<J ~- "'~ ell :z: -", =t H ""U o ;;~:z: r- <0 N ~ 0- f-4 o H'" 0 ....N ~ Cl.... ClO <~ I . "" < U <I) Cl :z: < ~ t<J '" ~ <I) o ~ U :z: t<J - '" t<J .... <I) "" :E: ~% H ~ ~ < :z: 0 H .... Cl < Cl ~ .' < t<J > 0 H '" N Cl I 1 I J 9 i Q,- . N ~ .- ...... t<J "" 'U <I) Cl :z: < ~ ; , a loLl ..... ,~ I.!d ." . ." ,~_, c ~l e' .~ '" N ..... 9 ~ t.:l :z; H Cl ~ H I ~ l:Q <I) . l:Q I U I 0 0 ..... ~ It'l N , . ~ITY OF BOYNTON ~EACH & ZONING DEPARTMENT COMMENT SHEET PLANNING Name of Reviewer jt)o~~f ~~~ project Title ~ "'^'- eWA"-'O~ Type of Review M.(,(J M Permit Application No.: 9:3 -++-90 G, 0 2.... W. 1 ~.;'l') c..,J s. 7ie , A-I AvcE The application number listed above is the referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407)37S:'-2hObetween 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru ,Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Building, Department. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the plants) at the Building Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). Note: Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amended plan(s) and/or documents. ************.***************************************_.--.-....-.-......--..- Applicant's Name and Phone No. : Date Called: Comments Received By (print Name): signature: Date: Comments only: Plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: '2.- I" ~ 9'" .**.****.****.*.***********~.*********.***.*********.w*___...._......_._.___ 1. The plannina and Zonina DeDartment has determ:l:ned that the work shown on the documents submitted with vour Dermit aDDlication is a minor site Dlan modification. The fee associated with the minor site Dlan modification is $100.00 (Resolution #92-2111. The fee is Davable to the citv of Bovnton Beach and is due in the plannina and Zonina DeDartment ~~~~~ to the plannina and Zonina DeDartment reviewer sianina-off the D __t documents for the DroDosed work. In order to facilitate the ~~~roval of vour reauest. Dresent this comment sheet or a CODV of same to the Plannina and Zonina DeDartment staff when Davina for the review fee. ~ .J>u:;-Irse NoTel:L <;,po\<..e lAJlTIf M~. ei)LvA-~ VIA- rEJePff'rH.J 6 o U 'l. ~ 17:::..:1..1" . lIiS t..ult-S 70 ME::fZT tp I T)/ 1111: rJ#JT RF 7 <:rt.A./oou .ltRnuJ...Jh "3 ~oo PM . r c.A-J/eD I-!-Js of FieE. Soo \oJ AER:2- ~~ F,;:;; ~H-ouE CO~V~~~f6t'J Tb 7'f=:H HINt r.l!-i:,ee- Ir hJ 7i1J<;;' (P'/tIO\\'''''; \ hN~ -r7I'>>r WI;; Wov IT) ~c e 0 EE "T TiMe wE' ~IO()S o..JC# w I c;- . W 10 u 1) ::c J.......E5F e III I TH !t,s 1>7 D rJlei?. :r: 1hS)((:.D )fez- rb /NJ( ~. 6':\:) wA Jl1l..i ,r= ;+c Co~/.]) t2.eT ~ WITH M~ RI77I-ef2. 0 /...) t:=~JbA~ '? - 1'8- 9 it "L 7UE.$bAX 'L- 2..2..- <1"t, ~ F;Yhw I U (J 1.5 A 128JleJ 0 F ~ U/0 -s&rla. PIA~ s I .'77I-h-r WE~ S ul3P1ITTtE.}, TO -nI~ f3...nIJ::JlI.-l Co ~~t..)T ~ ~.sbWAR..l)J GJ.u~~ ~ rt!:!i. 1jrJ/M.' -rIA . E PT? e)) T ~tJER- 14-11 (')- IL t;.,/~~~/...JC **************************.**********.****************...******************. t' * Departments required to review the project U7i/'7ie~ * * -pt.. 81' c... e.to.JGO..Jee~l/...J c. * . w o~ 13......, /1:::~' t-J ~ ***********************************..*******.****.*************..*********** 70 I. c-e P,~~ page I of ..3 J2li.tN ~ . 9~ 2.-1(, -_ ,- ) ~.: tV ,Co to <;..,.~~:tuiR.b . ~ ~v ( b Eo I ~ 7"'Jh:::. ~fJ I A-fi C::. vn1mA,€. V fI." C<.) 1?/e ~~TSP~~~~g~~~~;~~~ ~ "l.UAReI+OUSE" f3vt/D IWG) ~'R. use h/o..J~ ~r vl'tfUE:. rt>o7rt(be<< . ~, )~ ~~~ peou I De: A-t>..J~ St/ow ell-.) ..,-/k= pi A-AJ. ~ r TH<= ~-i;;13 I e...~,1 DR.A<</I J-..J ';ps;. '. y==oe 77fc S:;;;\).e~J ~ ~'tJICA.torLv~r;.J A.<yr-::C'\ AIS.!/=.' ~'H)'i-A/t','CAP (;;, VI Pr U lOA..) "\:)0</ Ie" ,?I'G b I ~/() ~ .b<5' 40,) fJ Ler-tse 'P~ I De fnIG ~A/~ C. ~R.. ~ l..--A-ki"'D8..C..API\.. 'tQ. I ~~~ -r1I1t WI II. ~/~C" ppcn l?::C-fiol-.::. ~~ '- I f;8-\ C-ul A; I<- t=..k1c.I2tJACIIMl=-JuJ. ~1e~1 F;At::.~ 'R€l='e2.. -ro --rJI€. It7TACI4~A..)TS ~ B - '100 12- R - 9Dd /3 *:- ~~:;~A-~~~I {~1l~~~~~~~7;:t6 ~/~~~. :B./d!.J.C, ~ S'X ~*~o-) Wlf~ ~ C~W ~ IIv I~" FlEuce' 0 I-J S ~v r;,l <, - PLfE,4[e: 1',,-- . s.eEC1 P1 1:17/1e f:c 00" <>L Bo-r1J 0 '" T:~ P//WI). PI Au -r A cc..e::ur lJ ,ues, I}loAJ(; 7#/ S /J.eeAc. 'JO /'J1Ge 7" "/"#€ PJl.r/~/C-,4 / Bail!-lB./l ~C-//eG/YleUJ': / . ~'.. :' " :: , 5'LP~v' [) E "s#z,l.() dIU -r/le PIA-IV! 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P Cl:; 13,-, I A R... , " u n1 n1.-t ~ J...A ,..i"f:> sc. 4-P I ~ G "12L~ ...11 A 'J;!:.. SUM rYl.o. I . _( PARIC'v~ ~"~~~:-~7/~~)~lJ':~'; :~:J~G~;~ I .. Sl:fr+JJ REo CoM,cII=D WITH. q ,) , - ~I-A~D ~CA-PE T~~ )..:' fL..AAJ 7 M~-r~jA-/{ S#t+JI CO u fOi~ 70 S'f'A,vOI}f.4).s Folt.. F'/i'JtL.. DA # L oR.- 'lJEileL; - "~" )....,4lU':> 3e~,o eD lUtE/H. 's#'t4-f( BE :ptuJV\ Del} Uh ,# AI-J IJ../fb iM~i"I" JR.R.J(2,,q.Tiou WA,e.fL :s.vppt;! 5y<;7€:.,........... - ,. Tlf(::. t-..A I-> DoS ~ tOe 0 g,D I KJ PrIJ c..G I1I(.-nc..le 7C. J....A.t...l~SCo<l-7"'6" Joe- Stfit.11 i3G C,.4>1\1."o1/e.D w,T# ( PM 'V"~ -PL.EA-S~ J,.}o1'li:.: ~wC6 77fA5 RCV/eW !A.J.4S w(l.J,17eiV :J;"" ~Iv'~ 8-.....~ f\A..y.selF /tfAv~ Beet) (I..) C.OA1Jt1VJVJc.. lJ.-rt~V. fI.G w.vll> b:1tlts "10 ""eEl W / Me -rJfe WEJE.'f<:- z. - 2.!l-91- -'})67 ~,t.E, B U I o I N G OEPART E N T Cf3- LjL{C(O. ~r~ C4PjtJ_ Peruut (FOR SUB PERHITS ONLY) BllILDING PIRHIT APPLICATION (Please Print) , O~U>. 0 't.- Owner's Phone II , Titleholder's Name Zip Fee Simple Titleholder's Address (If other than owner) - Contractor I s Name -1;;cmtractor I s Address -S s:<..l. ,~ City /:J"'Y~JOI'I r<FtJ cl4 State L . Job Name Job Addre City <.egal Description La, ~? . -+OPIT}c/N !!.I",) Bonding Company Bonding Co.Address Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY:___ DUPLEX: MULTI-FAMILY: HOTEL:___ RET~I~:~'OFFICE:___ I~YSTRIAL:___ (check one) ".~A., \)/, ' /.!j ~~~~~~~o~~~wg~~ON/:,~~C;:ON:A~~ )~c;~f~ ;;;}~ J)v?Jbhti~.:}'), ce J ~,~ than 0;";/er1s).'''',,5I-rU.<.h'OY\ c.o. \-10 1'Y1 '-"tontractor I s Phone II 1/ C5't LI-S'~57 e.v Zip (3 3 Lj CJ <: (/ City State .' ;' -- ....",,' , .....1. " I ,"'\ ,.. Applicat~on is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate p~~it must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK. PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. ledgement ement--typ , r n e r am e Serial ~umber. . f anr= Contractor's Signature Z Date 9 - :J. f- J '] FLORIDA, COUNTY F PALM EACH ~ ) otr.g instrument was acknowledged before me this 9? ~ (date) by (). \"",0 \ '"" , who is l1ersonally known to me 011' }II 0 nas pro(\uce(\ ~ --L'~. (type of identifi.c~tion) as identification and who did €did Rat) take an oa. "'-f.HSO'7(,;l'<{3-.;l~.oc:.><f' "ro!r? ..' . {SEAL: ~~~~ ~ Signaturt! of personl:aking acknowledgement . ~ Name cf cff1.<:er. t;~k..t-"1g 3cinowledgement--type, rOil am~ 1 . ~h"YYlT-d Title ar rank "\"';:~h.r~ Serial numb ,if any _ _.:.:.. _'7 IOTARY PUBLIC. STAT~~. n COMMISSION EXPIRES, FEB;'2B, 19 4. (Certificate of Competencrg Holder) .QNDKp THRU NQT!'rY PIUILlc UND_.nWRITli: .. /J / Q, -? 0 A JOIll:ractor " :sl..tp.\;ert rication or Registration No. (.-'- (', 0 7 ,J / (./ :ontractor's Certificate of Competency No. ~IABILITY INSURANCE: EXPIRATION DATE: 4!6(/ q':l WRKERS I COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: . ~PPLICATION APPROVED BY Permit Officer Date: ~ I WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR I'AD.UJIE TO 1JriCoJIIII A NOTICE 01' TWICE FOR IJfPROVDO!NrS TO YOUR PROl'IR'lT. D YOU DmlND TO 0 LENDER OR AN A'l"l'ORNKY BD'OIII: R1ltYqU)ING YOUR CE MAY RESUL~ IN YOUR PAYING I'DiANCING. CONSULT WITH YOUR Date Cj -;2 'it-9 3 an \ny change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not ,overed above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of :his ~ermit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the luildlng and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. 10TE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been commenced. All :ontractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Iccupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE, OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS , THIS PE&~IT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE \ ~1 Name of Reviewer " project Title CITY OF BOYNTON,L-13EACH & ZONING DEPARTM~NT COMMENT SHEET -permit !l1cat1on No.: r:=?'-4-1-90 , , 'I :2... PLANNING Type of Review ~~ M' The application number listed above is th~ referenced number for your proposed construction. Prior to further proOessing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified, TO discuss the comments it is " recommended that an appointment be set.up',,~ with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7490 between .a .A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru ,Friday. After amending the p1an(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to. the Building Department. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible for the drawings may make line changes to the p1an(s) at the ~ui1ding Department (each line change must be initialed and dated). Not~, Additional comments may be generated as a result of the review of amende~ p1an(s) and/or documents. .,......' .*.*******************************************'~*****~*********************** , \ Applicant I s Name and Phone No. :, j; Date Called: ~ Comments Received By (Print Name): '/J) signature: Date: rn Comments only: Plans an~~Comments: Date Reviewed: ,I .***************** *** **********************..*************....************ -.mJ 1. 'l'he P1annina and Zonina DeDartment has de#,ermined that the work shown on the documents submitted with vour Dermit aDDlication is a minor site D1an modification. The fee associated with the minor site Dlan ~~dification is $100.00 (Resolution 192-2111. The fee is Davable to the Citv of Bovnton Beach and is due in the plannina and Zonina DeDartment Drior to the Plannina and zonina DeDar~ment reviewer sianina-off the Dermit documents for the DroDosed work: In order to facilitate the ~~~~~~al of vour reauest. Dresent this comment sheet or a CODV of same t~ th~ Plannina and Zonina DeDartment st~ff when Davina for the review fee. .,..,~'-,:: -PI fJt...I~,F1J ,t;;W 'f\E€( 11 PM. FEE 1'" ~E* h- ~tu o't- <:::'1-rl!!3. of JO(),o""O I~ ~#)u~;:;&~~~~p~?'T;~;~) :;;/fJ~~ r-= () R.. Iii- € S-r1JIUJ-<e-8 -:R AY g , --;(J/'€ .Rv,/b/ IJ c; . "3/1 -rHt PII*t-.J( DO \..JOT &/!)ul 7#6" R~vll?es> e&~ I "-1 G. ~ U 1:t:Le..l) 'h>R-.';t:> kJ -rile 5111: " P~e +w2.nu I be:; -1'1/-;,<:" ,:gl Fa R..h? ~77tJ ~\ 0 t--J -rilE ~/Te :PIAN. ~{. '~ . ~~~M~i~~~~~~~~~~~b *..*.....*..*.******.******.*.*.***********.*~'**********.**************.... * Departments required to review the project .,1...... 8\lC,',lIE6(1NGs * .. , V(-r~ 'f Ie . ':'j'I','" ,~; 'Dt.. ~ I I r. u)hob VA *..***..*..***********************..*****.***~J******'**~**n******~rl**.* p'age --L- of -1 wlJ#~ f(lJfJ13 ~ .. , '..l :t: 'H . fl!.~.' BUILDING PKRKIT APPLICA....ON (Please Print) PCN 1/ <79;;>- L{ '5, '-I \' - dO' I '7 - oon ' 0 2-LD, 0 (Palm Beach Coun Property Control 1/) Owner's ::; 17 Owner's City State/:::: t. . Fee Simple Titleholder's Name ti U I L U I f'j u Ut:t""HIMtN P'~"~ (m SUB ...:..:-- Nty) Owner's Phone /I 't- Zip (If other than owner) Fee Simple Titleholder's Address rJ (If other than oWI)er' St ()~ 1-; LA d''; 0,/\ c....o. Contractor's Name / rOll ~I?j J-Io i-(1 ]-\OkY1 "tontractor's Phone II :3{'c/-s'.;,2.._'f7 Contractor's Address' ):3~ . -$1'</, 1::1 r~AI/IE . City (Jd'YAJror~ ~FtJ oj . State r:: '- ' Zip 3;] Lj:J <: Job Name ::r'11 !i"fi Wflfff) : Job Address C' ,2 ;), ,A uE,. . , City no Y 1/ rot'.J r.111J1 ((.-1 ' County ), /j,' , i..egal Description La T .2 t oJ...;J. ( KSo Y /\I TV /~ / /~/:>" , T/?/IJ ( PA I'? f"( . A-OP1T/c'/'J ;,/", / I'JCiY/Ilf'/(1. ,-:rrrl'lud- ~(. 7fW10 /111 Bonding Company Bonding Co.Address Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address SINGLE FAMILY: DUPLEX: MULTI-FAMILY: HOTEL: (check one) . ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $ ) 5000 0:::-- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: (.vAL L liMn C;Y}\fr /?/lr;;: City State RETAIL: OFFICE: INDUSTRIAL: ~" i - : ,I .'. f).f?J(/ .If: ..' .a ~'1 d (' .,'j;" U J -, 'll ,9 !,: \ ' . . Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certifr that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance w th all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. Date (/ - ;J \!: ' "I ') an ledgement ement--typ ,pr n e Sedal numb!lr '" Contractor' s Signature f' ,d Date ') ./ ,,} f - J '3 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY F PALM EACH ~ / The fore~oing instrument was acknowledged before me this CJ 8' 5C3 (date) by 'JSr,\-'c.,;l;; O' \-\0 \ Yn , who is (lersonally known to me ot! }II 0 nas proaucea V \1\?1;"1n. .1), ':l ." t type of identific~tion) as identification and who did I:did Rat) take an oa. "->{'1S0"7,,~''I'3.;;1a()O=<r "rD/'i? , J;i. (SEAL) I \. /l Signatur.. of person taking acknowledgement ?, ~,<"' 2<. Name of offir.er~fp.king 3cknowledgement--type, r 0 s am JAW\U')Btll~?A\~~it,hJJ: Serial numb if any , . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES, FEB. 20,19 4. (C fi f C H ld ) rv:i'NDKp THRU NOTAry f''U'I..IC UNuIiiJtWRln; .. ert i cate 0 ompetenqy 0 er (A () t-om:ractor s :.tate t-ert rication or Registration No. C C2 (', 0/7..3 L() Contractor's Certificate of Competency No. LIABILITY INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE: )IC;{/ "'1 WORKERS' COMPENSATION EXPIRATION DATE: . APPLICATION APPROVED BY Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this ~ermit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has been commen~ed. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS THIS PERMIT OR PLANS FILING FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE \