Application Inquiry 11:47:23
Application number ..... : 01 00004665
Application status, date : FINALED 12/10/01
Property .......... : 389 N CONGRESS AVE
PCN ............. : 08-43-45-19-05-039-0140
Lot Number ......... : 14
Zoning ........... : C3 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL
Application type ...... : FS FIRE SPRINKLERS
Application date ...... : 11/30/01
Tenant nbr, name ...... : ADD & RELOCATE HEADS
Master plan nbr, revwd by : WE
Estimated valuation .... : 1500
Total square footage .... : 0
Public building ...... : NO
Work description, qty . . . :
Pin number ......... : 9921
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(Please Print) Permit #
PCN# (Palm Beach County Property Control #)
Owner's Name ;~---~ ~-fo~ ~'~___~_~-(,~ '~;::~'~..~3o ~ ~. Owner's Phone ~
Owner's Address ~~ ~W ~ ' ~z. -
City ~, ~ State ~ Zip
Fee Simple Title Holder's Name (If other than owner's)
Fee Simpl~ Title Holder'~ddress (If other than owns's)
Contractor s Company ~~ ~ ~ ~ Company Phone ~ q~ ~- ~ -//O~
Contact person and emergency ~hod~,~ - ~~ ~/~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ - J~,~
Company Address ~Z[[ ~. ~ ~ ' ' Pager/Fax~ ~~
City ~J~ ~ ,'._'__ ~. State ~ [ Zip ,
Job Name ~~ ~~
JobAddress ~6 ~, ~0~ ~ ~~ I~ ~ ~/ ~ ~'~ '
Legal Description ~ ~,~ ~~ ' '
Bonding Company ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bonding Co. Address ~~ ~ ~ ~ State
Architec~Engineer's Name
Architec~Engineer's Address ~0V ~ ~ ~uu~
Me,gage Lender's Name F=L= COPY
Uodgage Lender's Address .,., ~tle
(check one)
Application is hereby r~uired to ob~in a permit to do wo~ and ins~lla~ns as indicate. I c8~i~ that no wo~ or installa~on has
commenced prior to the issuance of a pe~it and ~at all wo~ will ~ pedDled to meet ~e standards of all ~es. laws. rules and
regulations governing ~nstmcOon in this judsd~tion. I unders~nd ~at a separate ~rmit must be secured for ELECTRICAL. PLUMBING.
OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I ce~ that ail the forgoing info~ation is accurate and ~at ail wo~ will be ~ne in ~mpliance with all applicable
codes, laws, roles and r~ulations governing ~ns~caon and zord~.
Prope~ Owner's or Agent's Signature Date
The foregoing ins~rumem was acknowl~g~ before me this (da~e) by
who is personally known lo me or who h~ pr~uced as idendficalion and who did (dM no0
take an oath.
a~le~nt Name of officer taking ac~owlcdgement - ~ed,
of person
printed or stamped ~1~/- _ ~ ~T4tle or ~ Serial Numar, if ~y __
_ _
Signatur~ .~~ Date
a~ identi~ation an~ who did (did not)
who is personall .... .~od~ed
aKe an oam. ) ~nr~u~a ~o~ ( __
primed or slamp~~~_ T~ or rank.~3~¢ ~. Serial Number, if any
(Ce~ifi~te ef Competency Holder)
Contractor's S~te Cenifi~tion of Registration No. ' / ~ ~/~O
Liabili~ Insurance Expiration Date ~( - O~ ~ ~ _ ,
Workers' Compensation Expirationpat~ '[~ ~- O~ { ~ /4 /
Any change in building plans or specifications musl be recorded with this offic~ Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior
to sta~ing. In consideration of granting this permit, the owner and builder agree~o erect this structure in full ~mpliance with the Building
and Zoning Codes of the Ci~ of Boynton Beach.
NOTE: This permit VOID a~er 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have
valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit.
' ,Q~-~f~b. TA'~I:::~/EI (~PMFNT~FORMS ~('~C'PFRMtT APPLICATION DOC - Revised 6/18/97 11/4/97 12/98 6/99 8/99
: Building
Cleadng & Grubbing
Fire Sprinkler
Site Lighting
~ PAVING ~ OTHER # of Units Applica01e Interim
~ SITE LIGHTING ~ OTHER ' Monthly Fee Services Fee
Date Divided by 1,000 =
# of Sq. Ft (rounded to Base Sq. Ft
Nearest tenth) Rate
X =
Date Base Sq. Ft Applicable Interim
Monthly Fee Services Fee
j:\SHRDATA\DEVELOPMENT~,FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION,D~ ~C - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12_/98, 6/99, 6/99
Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard
Very Extra Large Orifice,
Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent
Glass Bulb Automatic Sprinkler
Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company -'
451 Nodh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446
Prod.or l ohnical
The Gentrsl Model ESLO Vew Extra Large ~odel: ESLO
Or, ice UprighL Pendent and Recessed Pendent ~tyle: Upright, Pendent & Recessed
Automatic Glass Bulb Sprinklers are specifically ~eRdeRt
designed for Extended Coverage/Ordinaw Escutcheon: Model ELO (2-piece)
Hazard for all Groups as defined by NFPA 13. Recessed
The ESLO is Listed for an 18" commodi~
clearance from the deflector, as standard Escutcheon Pad o's:
sprinklers are per NFPA 13. 850 - Brush Brass 853 - White
The ESLO pendent is the first extended 851 - Bright Chrome 848 - Off White
coverage ordinary hazard sprinkler ever
Approved by Factow Mutual. As with any project 852 - Bright Brass 849 - Black
that requires Factow Mutual Approval, always Note; In the recessed position, only the Model
consult the F.M. Guidelines for their specific ELO (2-piece) Recessed Escutcheon may be
requirements, used. Substitution of other "recessed"
The ESLO provides the maximum in design escutcheons may impair the operating
flexibility as it has a minimum separation of only sensitivity and distribution pa~ern.
8'-0" for upright and 9'-0" for pendent versions
and is Listed for flows and pressures associated Wrench
with 14'x 14' and 16' x 16', as well as 18' x 18' Penden~Upright: Pad ~1073 ELO/ESLO/ESFR
and 20' x 20' spacing. Combination
They are intended for use, as all e~ended Recessed Pendent: Pad ~1093 ESLO Offset
coverage sprinklers are, with hydraulically Orifice Size: 0.70" (1X8 mm) (VELO)
designed systems and using the flows and K-Factor: 14.5 (207.35)
pressures as shown in this brochure. For the Thread Size: %" N.P.T. (19.1 mm)
purpose of determining the correct flow and Temperature Rating: 155~F/68~C Red
pressure to use in the hydraulic calculations, all 200~F/93~C Green
spacing is rounded up to the next higher 250~F/121~C Blue
categow. For example. 17'-6" x 15'-0" spacing
would be calculated at the Listed 18' x 18' flow Installation Limitations:
and pressure. · Unobstructed or non-combustible
The advantage of the ESLO is the abiliW to obstructed constructiom
cover large areas, up to 400 square feet, with · Minimum hydraulic design area of 5
pressures that compare to W' standard sprinklers heads or 1500 sq. ft.,whichever is
spaced at their maximum of 130 square feet· greater (UL on/y).
For example, the ESLO can cover 18'x 18' · Minimum spacing between upright
spacing or 324 square feet with less pressure
than is required with i..~., sprinklers at 130 square sprinklers is 8'-0". Minimum spacing
feet. (20.0 vs. 21.3) between pendent and recessed
The Model ESLO Sprinkler incorporates a pendent sprinklers is 9'-0" (UL on/y).
sFiecia!ly designed deflector that provides a · Maximum ceiling slope is 2" per ~ot
much greater area of coverage than standard per NFPA 13.
commercial sprinklers. The two (2) piece · Web member of open web trusses must
recessed escutcheon assembly provides for ~/~" not exceed 1" maximum dimension.
of field adjustment. Approvals: U.L., c-UL. *F.M.,
Operation: The g,ass bulb capsule operating SET
mechanism contains a heat-sensitive liquid that = ** ( -9 - I
e:<F~nds upon aool~ca~;on of heat. At the rated ' Psnd_nt p h
tem:erature the fr,nc:::!e caosule ruptures, "Pendent and
~:ereby releasing the ,:,:-if:ce seal. The sprinkler ~.,~ximum WorkhOrSeS: ~
t-:em d:scharges ',,pate.' h: a pre-designed spray Fac[o~' Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi
Fr:~,tt~rn to control t *e ¢i.'e. S:a¢,dard Finishes:
Sprinkler: brass or chrome plated
ESLO Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard ESLO Extended Coverage Oro~n
· 'i Upright Pendent
I 1/2"
2 /4"
2 3/4"
-. 1 1/2" Dia,
Figure 3
ESLO Extended Coverage Ordinary Hazard Recessed Pendent
1" x 3/4" Reducing
Face of
i, '. ~ Reducing 3/8" Min.
~ Couoiing 3/4" Nomina~
~ ~ I 1/8" Max.
Ceiling Line
Model ELO (2-piece)
Recessed Escutcheon
2 3/4~' Dia. blax.
Design Installation
Data 0 z - G 5
Design Requirements -- Commercial Extended Coverage Applications All Central Model ESLO Upright,
Ordinary Hazard, Density 0.15 GPM/ft= - NFPA 13 1991 and later Pendent and Recessed Pendent
Temperature Rating 155°F/68°C, 200°F/93°C and 250°F/121°C
Automatic Sprinklers must be in-
Maximum Minimum Design Minimum Design stalled according to the current NFPA
Spacing Between Loc~tion From Flow per Sprinkler Pressure per Sprinkler 13 Standard and these installation
Sprinklers Any Wall (gpm) (psi) instructions. Deviations from these
14 x 14 feet (196 sq. ft.) 7 feet 29.4 4.1 requirements and standards or any
16 x 16 feet (256 sq. ft.) 8 feet 38.4 7.0 alteration to '"~, ,~ sprinkler itself will
18 x 18 feet (324 sq. ft.) 9 feet 48.6 11.2
void any warranty made by Central
20 x 20 feet (400 sq. ft.) 10 feet 60.0 17.1
Sprinkler Company. In addition,
Design Requirements ~ Commercial Extended Coverage Applications installation must also meet local
Ordinary Hazard, Density 0.16 GPM/ft~ - NFPA 13 1989 and earlier government provisions, codes, and
Temperature Rating 155°F/68=C, 200°F/93°C and 250°F/121 °C standards as applicable.
Maximum Minimum Design Minimum Design The system piping must be properly
Spacing Between Location From Flow per Sprinkler Pressure per Sprinkler sized to e~nsure the. minimum require
Sprinklers Any Wall (gpm) (psi) flow rate at the spnnkler. Check for
the proper model, style, orifice size,
14 x 14 feet (196 sq. ft.) 7 feet 31.4 4.7 and temperature rating prior to
16 x 16 feet (256 sq. ft.) 8 f~et ' 41.0 8.0
installation. Install sprinklers after the
18 x 18 feet (324 sq. ft.) 9 feet 51.8 12.8 ....
20 x 20 feet (400 sq. ft.) 10 feet 64.0 19.5 p~pmg ~s m place to avoid mechanical
damage; replace any damaged units.
Wet pipe systems must be
Design Requirements -- Commercial Extended Coverage Applications protected from freezing.
Ordinary Hazard, Density 0.19 GPMIft~ - NFPA 13 1989 and earlier Upon completion of the installation.
Temperature Rating 155°F/68:C, 200°F/93°C and 250°F/121°C the system must be tested per
Maximum Minimum Design Minimum Design recognized standards.
Spacing Between Location From Flow per Sprinkler Pressure per Sprinkler In the event of a thread leak,
Sprinklers Any Wall (gpm) (psi) remove the unit, apply new pipe joint
compound or tape, and reinstall.
14 x 14 feet (196 sq. ft.) 7 feet 37.2 6.6
16 x 16 feet (256 sq. ft.) 8 feet 48.6 11.2 Installation Sequence
18 x 18 feet (324 sq. ft.) 9 feet 61.6 18.0
20 x 20 feet I400 sq. ft.) 10 feet 76.0 27.5 Step 1. For Pendent and Recessed
Pendent sprinklers, the face of the
Design Requirements ~ Commercial Extended Coverage Applications sprinkler fitting should be installed a
Ordinary Hazard, Density 0.20 GPM/fF - NFPA 13 1991 and later nominal ~/~" (+_%") behind the ceiling
Temperature Rating 155°F/68°C, 200°F/93°C and 250~F/121°C line. Adjustments are made via the
Maximum Minimum Design Minimum Design push-on escutcheon.
Spacing Between Location From Flow per Sprinkler Pressure per Sprinkler
Sprinklers Any Wall (gpm) (psi) Step 2. Use only a non-hardening
14 x 14 feet (196 sq. ft.) 7 feet 39.2 7.3 pipe joint compound or Teflon* tape.
16 x 16 feet (256 sq. ft.) 8 feet 51.2 12.5 Apply only to the male threads.
18 x 18 feet (324 sq. ft.) 9 feet 64.8 20.0
20 x 20 feet (400 sq. ft.) 10 feet 80.0 30.4 Step 3. Hand tighten the sprinkler
into the fitting. Use a Central
Design Requirements -- Commercial Extended Coverage Applications Sprinkler Wrench, to tighten the uni:
Ordinary Hazard, Density 0.21 GPM/ft~ - NFPA 13 1989 and earlier into the fitting. A leak-tight joint
Temperature Rating 155=F/68~C, 200°F/93°C and 250-'F/121°C requires only 7 to 14 fl.-lbs, of torque:
Maximum Minimum Design Minimum Design a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs.
Spacing Between Location From Flow per Sprinkler Pressure per Sprinkler delivered through a 6" handle will
Sprinklers Any Wall (gpm) (psi) deliver adequate torque. Torque
14 x 14 feet (196 sq. ft.) 7 feet 41.2 8.1 law Isov.e~- 2~. f.L:lbs, may. distort the
16 x 16 feet (256 sq. ft.) 8 feet 53.8 13.8 orif ;~ ¢e81;. result!0g Ih leakage.- !
20 x 20 feet (400 sq. ft.) 10 feet 84.0 33.6 , ;~ ,
,SHEi!T OF FLI :: "'" ' '
Minimum spacing between pendent ~ldr~k'~l~ts~.lVl U V i::: ...........
pendent sprinklers is 9'-0". s ~;b,_D~h..~ ;~iViSh
Main n; vary due to accessibility, ambient siva elements of combustion or
Care & atmosphere, water supply, and site excessive temperatures should be
activity, inspected, and replaced if need be.
~n ce Do not attempt to reassemble or The Authority Having Jurisdiction will
otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has detail minimum replacement require-
Sprinklers must be handled care- operated. Replace any sprinkler manta and regulations.
fully. They must not be transported exhibiting corrosion or damage;
or stored where ambient temperature always use new sprinklers of the Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Com-
may exceed 100°F/38°C. For best same type and temperature rating as pany will repair and/or replace any
results, store them in a dry, cool" replacements, products found to be defective in
location in the original shipping Because the discharge pattern is material or workmanship within a
package, critical to protection of life and period of one year from the date of
Do not install sprinklers that have property, nothing should be hung or shipment. Please refer to the current
been dropped or visibly damaged, attached to the sprinkler unit that Price List for further details of the
Sprinklers must never be painted, would disrupt the pattern. Such warranty.
coated, plated, or altered in any other obstructions must be removed. In the ~
fl d, ,,inrl
they may not function properly. Any the original configuration, the system
sprinklers altered in such manner must be investigated and the protec-
mLi$t be replaced, tion level maintained.
The owner is responsible for the Do not attempt to replace sprinklers
proper operating condition of all fire without first removing the fire protec- Ordering Information: When
protection devices and accessories, teen system from service. Be certain placing an order, indicate the full
The NFPA standard 25 entitled, to secure permission from all authori- product name. Please specify the
,,h~spection, Testing and Maintenance ties having jurisdiction, and notify all quantity, model, style, orifice size,
of Water-Based Fire Protection personnel who may be affected temperature rating, type of finish or
Systems", contains guidelines and during system shutdown. A fire coating, and sprinkler wrench.
minimum maintenance requirements, watch during maintenance periods is
Furthermore, the local Authority a wise precaution. Availability and Service: Central
H,~ving Jurisdiction may have addi- To remove the system from service sprinklers, valves, accessories, and
tional regulations and requirements mode, first refer to the system other products are available through-
for maintenance, testing, and inspec- operating guide and valve instruction, out the U.S. and Canada, and
tion [hat must be obeyed. Drain water and relieve pressure in internationally, through a network of
It is advisable to have sprinkler the pipes. Remove the existing unit Central Sprinkler distribution centers.
systems inspected regularly by a and install the replacement, using You may write directly to Central
q~alifiod inspection service. Length of only the special sprinkler wrench. Be Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-
time between such inspections can certain to match model, style, orifice, 0700 for the distributor nearest you.
and temperature rating.
A fire protection system that has Patents: The ESLO Optima
been shut off after an activation sprinklers are protected under U.S.
should be returned to service immedi- Patent No. 5,366,022.
ately. Inspect the entire system for
damage and replace or repair as Conversion Table: ..
- necessary. Sprinklers that did not 1 inch = 25.400 mm
..," operate but were subjected to corro- 1 foot = 0.3048 M
1 pound = 0.4536 kg
1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm
1 psi = 6.895 kpa
= 0.0689 bar
= 0.0703 kg/cm:
1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dmz
= 3.785 liters
[ ENT L Conversions are approximate.
Central S,',rinkler Com,~an,, OPTh~,,
~__: , ;-~l k~g~l/LlllVll/U~
C',:}95 Conlral Spr~nX~e,' Ccmpany ri~uu~ t2~3)
PdntddinUS.A. FAX (215) 3803 0T REMOVE
GB-20 QR · -
Ouick Response Large Orifice
Extended Coverage
Light Hazard
Recessed Penden~ and. Pendent
Glass Bulb Au~omaficSprinkler , ~ ~i
Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company
451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446
DesCriPtion Data
The Central Model GM-20 QR Model: GM-20 QR
. .Large Orifice Recessed Re~e~nt~and Style: Recessed Pendent. and_~ ~%
Pendent AutOmatic Sprinkler is a Iow, Pendent
coSt, aesthetically pleasing unit, Escutcheon: Model ELO Recessed
specifically designed for Extended (2-piece) ~.~..,
Coverage/Light Hazard applications
per NFPA 13 and 13R Standards. Note: Only the Model ELO Recessed
· Thie Model GB-20 QR Sprinkler (2-piece) Escutcheon maybe used.
inc°rporates a specially designed Substitution of other "recessed
deflector that provides a n:u.m,,h escutcheons may impair the operating
9,r.e_~tte~.r_ a~r~.a_oj.,~o_v__e..r,_a.g_~,,~_h, sensitivity and distribution pattern. QUiC~,~Response
commercial sprinklers. A two (2)
piece recessed escutcheon assembly Wrench: Combination Wrench or
that provides for %" (9.5mm) of field GM-20 Wrench Exte=ded
adjustment is available. Orifice S~z~: "~" ,~.~ ,~r,~ -- .Covera""e Light
The Model GM-20 QR has a K-Factor: 7.8 (112.5 metric)Nominal
nominal K-factor of 7.8 (112.5 metric), ThreadSize: ~/2' (2O mm) N.P.T. Hazar~ Recesse
a maximum temperature rating of Temperature Rating: 135°F/57°C
155:F/68°C, and a maximum working 155°F/68°C Pender~t and
pressure of 175 psi(12.1 bar). Approvals: U.L., U.LC.,
The Model GM-20 QR is available M.B.A. (312-92-E Vol Il) Pendent S.rinkh
in three standard finishes, chrome Maximum Working Pressure:
plated, factory brass and white 175 psi (12.1 bar)
painted. Its mating escutcheon plate Factory Hydro Test: 100% at
is available in three standard finishes, 500 psi (34.5 bar)
chrome plated, brass plated and Standard Finishes:
white painted with additional special Sprinkler: chrome plated, brass
painted finishes available. Corrosion-Resistant Coatings:
white, black, painted
Operation: The glass bulb capsule Escutcheon: chrome plated, brass,
.-~ .... ~finr, meohanism contains a white painted
:'-:e_:.t-sensitive {i3uid that expands Length: 2Y,¢' (52.4 mm)
:_i?,3n applica~,on c.~ heat. At the rated Width: 1"/,~" (deflector diameter) RECEIVED
:~mperature, the fre. ngible capsule Weight: 3.2 oz. (9~ grams)
...~..-,~s, thereby re]e~.sing the orifice Patent: Pending [,,.,,,., ?[101
:?~_--:'. The spr,,¢.:~, then discharges
v.~.ter in ~. pre-desi:jned spray patter~LjC, C,T OF PERMIT SET
Installation Diagram - GB-20 QR Recessed Pendent
- 01-4665'
% ' I
. ~ I
4 t 2 314'(69.9mm) Maximum I
, 0,~,.. , ~U.U.~ GB'20 Wrench ad.#11
( ~ (forpendect ~r r~cessod 9endent sprinklers)
su. PO ~cuP. ~
~ 1 11/15'(a2.~mJ Diameter ·
3 1/4'(82.~ D~ameter
Installation Diagram - GB-20 QR Pendent
, Combination Wrench
' (Part #1106) (for pendent sprinklers)
1 11/16'(42.9mm) (52.4mm)
Ce~trsl's Model 65 or 401 escutcheon may be used. When using Central's ~l~del
.... ~ nr~nH ~k~ BUILDING DIVISION
Design Requirements
Quick Response (3mm QR bulbs) Extended Coverage Light Hazard Applications
Coverage Minin~;um Maximum ' Minimum`
Area Flow Distance Pressure
GPM(.t.._pm) Off Wall PSI(bar) Style Temperature
16' x46' 26 8 feet 1 t.1 '/Pendent 135°F/57:C 155~F/68°C
(4.~ m x ~4.~'m) '(98.5) (2.4 rn) · (0.8)' Recessed Pendent .i35~F/57~C
18' x18' 33 9 feet 1:7.9 : Pendent i:' 135OF/57oc 1552F/68oC
(5. SmxS. 5m) (125.1) (2. Trn) (1.2) J Recessed Pendent 135°F/57~C
~ 20' X 20' /I' . 4~0. 10:feet' . : 26:3' Pendent- ~,' 135°F/577C 1, -- ~
(6, ~ m z ~..~ rn). t' (15:1~.6) (3.0'm) (I.8) , Recessed Pendent 1'35°F',,/57:C
;~ .: .~. :. -~ InstallatiOn Sequence,::.,. ... . deliver adeq~Jate.,torqu~i~To~,que.. ~ ~
Installatin'::"'-'"'?"o" ' ,evelsover
.:. Step 1. ,~:~he unit must be installed in diStort the or'ice seal, r~sutting in
the pendent position.' . leakage. :
AIF'Central Model GB-20 QR Step 2. The face of-the sprinkler Step 5. To install the escutcheon
Recessed Pendent and Pen_dent : fitting should be installed a nominal plate, align it.with and press it ov~.:~.
Automatic Sprink4ers must b'e in- ~/,~" + ~"~4.3 r~m ~_ 4:~ mm) behind the the sprinkler body until t,.~b outer ed, ge
stalled according to current NFPA 13 ceiling line as shown in the Of'the escutcheon meets the
- Standards and these installation installation diagram on page two. mounting surface. '
instructions. Deviations from these Adjustments may be made via the
requirements and standards or any push-on escutcheon plate to CAUTION: Do not wrench or turn
alteration to the sprinkler itself will compensate for variations in the the deflector, as this action may
void any warranty made by Central fitting, damage the sprinkler and cause it
Sprinkler Company. In addition, Do not use the push-on escutcheon to leak under pressure,
installation must also meet local plate to hold the unit in position. The Special care must be taken whe~
government provisions; codes, and sprinkler will function properly only installing with a CPVC system.
standards as applicable, when the system piping is anchored Sprinklers must be installed after th~
The system piping must be properly to the building structure. Otherwise CPVC manufacturer's recommendsd
sized to ensure the minimum required reaction forces from system initiation setting time for the primer and
flow rate at the sprinkler. Check for could alter the sprinkler alignment cement to ensure that neither
the proper model, style, orifice size, and disrupt the pattern, accumulate within the sprinkler.
and temperature rating prior to Special care must be taken when
installation. Install sprinklers after the Step 3. Use only a non-hardening installing with a copper system~.
piping is in place to avoid mechanical pipe joint compound or Teflon* tape. Sprinklers must be installed only after
damage; replace any damaged units. Apply only to the male threads, the inside of the sprinkler drop and
Wet pipe systems must be associated fittings have been wire
protected from freezing. Refer to the Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler brushed to remove any flux.
Installation ~ '~ flux can cause corrosion and in
s=c~.,on of Central into the fitting. Use a Central
Bulletins on the Model A-1 Dry Combination Sprinkler Wrench for extreme cases can impair prope'
Pendenl Sprinklers for use in dry pipe pendent sprinklers and a GB-20 sprinkler operat;.3n.
· · ,i ~ Wrench for pendent or recessed
sprinkler ~ns~alla:.on~.
U~on comp!eriCh of the installation, pendent styles, to tighten the unit
the system must be tested per into the fitting. A leak-tight joint
recognized sta,ndards, requires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs.(9.5 to ~.o
In the event of a thread leak, Nm) of torque; a tangential force of 14 ....... '¢~ ~ ~'~ ~'"" D
remove the unit, a,oply new pipe joint to 28 Ibs.(62.3 to !24.5N) delivered ~:~ ;C?~-~
~om.,~o._ .... or t_=.oe, e..nd r=lns~all, through a 6" (rsc r~?'hand!e Will I'~, ~; -' :} ~'~
[,e & obstructions must be removed. In the
Ca event that construction has a~tered
Mam nancethe originaT~nfiguration, additiona' Information _-
sprinklersshould be inst~lled to .
maintain the proteotio~ level.
Spd~kTers m~st be ~dted c~e- Do not ~empt to replace s~rinklers Ordering Information: When
fuTt~. The~ m~t~ot be &c~o~ed without first re.ovid,.the tim protec-.. ~n.~der, i~dica~
or stored where ambient temperature lion system from se~ice. Be ce~ain product' name. Please speci~ the
~ exceed 1 O0°F/~°O. For ~est to secure permi~o~ from ~Tt A~t~ofi- quantity, model, styTe, orifice size,
r~Tts, sto~e them i~ ~ d~, cOoT. ~ ~ t~s H~vi~g ~u~is~Lioo, ~d ~?~ ~TI t~mpeF~tur~ r~ti~g,, type of finish o~
i°cation in,the Q~jgina shipP, igg.,: . *[ .. personnel who maY~be affe6teS;.[; eoa~i~g an~.~sprinkler W~enc~.
, . ..~"- . ~,.:. ;.:[ ~. during sCs'tem,shutS~Wn: A'fir~. '"~' :' "'" ' :
psckage... ~:.. . Avail;bilit~,.and Serviee: Central
DO not install ~prinkiers have ' watch during maintenance periods is ~prink~ers, ~atves acce's~ories;'.'ah'8 ~ .
been dropped or visibly damaged. ..,. a recommended p~ecaution. - ~.ber. produ~{S 8re av~(~bl~'tfiY°ug~·
must never be p~inted~ :.7;;:.-.':.~ .To're'bYe the sctem from
S nnk~e~s . .:- .~ , . m ,,.~,.: - ~e rn ati0~a[l~,,.t~ rou g~?netWork:?.~:~;
c~ted,.:plsted ~r altered ,n ~ny other .... mode, fl~st refer to t~e syste .~. ~.. dd't t~'e 0':S:-and ca'~a~,
way fi'om man'u'f'~ctured condition or ;.'.:" operating, guideand~Valve instr~c- :'~entral Sp~kier 8i~tri~ti0n center~.
they'may not function properl¢· Any tions. Drain water and relieve the
You may w. dte directiy,:tO Central
sprinklers altered in such a manner pressure in the system piping ..... '~prinki. er G~mpa~Y,
- Remove the existi~ u~iLend i~¢tall
must be -, . .. ..... ~ .~. -~-- - ':-;:~.00'(df tff~'~dis~ibulO[;,neareTsbyO~;~' ~:"
', th'e replaceme'n't, ~g on~ t~ ' :,'-
Thee' o ai ~ ; '''
prope~ operatin¢;Jcondition:0f all fire special ~rinkler w,~.nch. Be ~ ....
protection devices and accessories, to match, model, sty;{~, orifice, Snd Conversion Table:
1 inch = 25.400 mm
The NFPA standard 25 entitled, temperature rating.
"Inspection, Testing eno Maintenance A fire protection system that has I foot = 0.3048 m
! pound = ~,4536 kg
of Wa ter~ased Fire Protection been shut off after.~n activation. ,
~e's and should de returned~0 se~ice f~medi- 1..foot pound'= 1.36
minimum maintenance requirements, ately. I~pect the entire system for 1 psi = 6.895 kp8
systems, cont&ins guideli = 0.0689 bar
~, ~hermore, the local Authofi~ damage and replace or repair as = 0.0703 kg/cra~
.ring Jurisdiction may have addi- necess~W. Sprinklers that did not
uona~ regulations and requirements operate but were subjected to corro- I U.S. ga!ion = 3.785 dm~
= 3.785 liters
for ma~ntensnce, testing, and inspec- sive e[ements of combustion or
lion that must be obeyed, excessive temperatures should be
It is advisable to h~ve sprinkler inspected, and reP[&ced if need be. Conversions are approximate.
systems inspected regularly by a The Authority Having Jurisdiction
qualified inspection se~ice. Length detail minimum replacement require- 0 ~ -
of time between such inspections can merits and regulations.
vaW due to accessibility, ambient
atmosphere, water supply, and site Guarantee: Central Sprinkler
activity. Company will repair and/or replace
Oo not attempt to re-assemble or any products found to be defective in
othe~vise reuse a sprinMer that has material or workmanship within a
operated. Replace any sprinkler period of one year from the date of
exhibiting corrosion or damage; shipment. Please refer to the current
always use new sprinklers of the Price List for fuAher details of the
same type and temperature rating as warranty.
Because the discharge paAern is
critical to protection of life and
prooe~y nothing sho,utd be hung or - '
f'~'-=~ to the sorink~er unit that
Oentral Sprinkler Company ~
NOV 2001
, ~' ~' ' ..... :::.:355 FILE COPY GB-20 QR _
FAX 215 $8~ $~$ CF. NTI~AL BPRINID. J~ CO. ~ ?0~PA~0 B£ACH 00!
10/03/01 WED 13;17 FA.I 2111 11§2 1365 CE~ 5PRI~R CO. .~ POMPANO BEA~
II,raZzed ~d Black Li~twall Th~adable ~pe
n ~i~ a~a~ ~c~dsfics 2W' 2.~1 4.08 6.~ 30 2,5~ 2.~9 3.~
B 1,~.1), m~ ~v~ orp~ ' XL onN
p o~t~ which p~ ~ ~ A-135, ~ A f~ ~ hy~u~ ~va~ of any arkie
fi ~, weight a~ WU ~6- No w~ ~ss~. ~ iS Up ~ 5% ~ger than
te ~ ~S ~vcd to ~ su~ ~dly pain.bk. ~c U~ w~ of
~ g waEs. ~by ~a~g or ~slbly BLT ~ l~ f~ wa sysco, a~ ~fit ~on~ ~d c~ ~a
2' ~ 154 ~3~ 4.~ 37 1 ,~6 ~23e L 173
3" 3,2~ 5.0t 8.48 19 1,969 2,~5 2,~0 LL¢~d a~ro~d LiSI~
- 01-4665'
10/03/01 t~D I~:45 FAI 215 ~6l $36~ CENTRAL SPRINIiLER CO. -~-~-* POI{PANO BEAClt I~100i
~ ,lliext Thbe & Conduk's BL'I~DiL~ "lightwall threadable" spriuider pipe, i~ manuf~Utrad t~ provide
· ~cepaonsl hydraulics and economy to ~e end user. However, these properties ~hat make BLT/XL such :
~ ~ ~xc~ptio~al value also raise concc~rns. Thc Nalto~lal l="tre Proteclion Association recommends that all
z ~r~ad.s ca lish~wall thr~a~ble pipe I~ chr~cext with thrr~d gauge~ for cont~rmii7 with ANSI BI~0.1.
i ,lli~i ~o g¢osuiz~ the~e coaceras a~d would like to ml~t ~ ~chaiq~es ~hat hsve been
~ mployed to produc~ clean, sharp ~eads on ligh~all pipe,
I ~,orporafing some or ail of these su~esdous will serve [o facilitale the d~reading p~ocess.
1. _c~,,Se cutting oil m~l~y. (P. IGID r~:ommen~ a chang~ sv~y 40 hours oI use.)
2. ~ oil ~eservoir ctean of all malal shavings.
3. Maxim~ ~¢ volume of oil bei~ appli~i to the pipe.
4. U~e bJ~h-aulfur {3 - 6%) content c~lttln~ oil (i¢; Chevro~ Fl,aid ~ 21, 'IF...xaeo surrcx D,
M~talub MeLKut 6012). This will serve to improve adhesioa to the pipe and pmvid~ betlzr
5. Use clean, sharp dks. Worn di~ ca, sc c. xc~ssive fricti,~ and west.
~. Make sur~ pil~ b prol~rly suppo~cl ~nd thai ~ are pmpefl~ ~li~.
'L YLmalb, ir~l~Ct threads for sha~ncss, malizin~ tl~a~ thc appearance of some "flaC' ihr~ls ~¢
~xpect~l wi~h ~ type of pipe. Test b~s/c it wi~h ~ptn'ovexi 8n-e~d §lu~e ami fitxings.
: ..... 01-4665 '
10/01/01 WED 13:46 FAX 215 362 ~355 CENTRAL 5PRIh~L~R ¢0. ''* PO~tr~AN0 BEACR ~005
.14.3.6.~.2 W~re the eap~c~ o! isolated traPl~ r~n~ ~ 4-14.4.2 Pro~o~ ot Pith0 a~i~t C~.
;st~ P~flg i~ m~e ~n 5 gal (I 0.~), the a~iM~ dm~ 4.14.4,2,1' ~ere ~rosive ~s ue known to ~
~a~l co,1~st ~ ~O I ~. (~5.4 mm) ~es and ~ 2 lO. bY 12
to ~i~re or/um~ fo~ come,lye c~ml~ls ~ b~h, ~ial
,. (50 rnm by S~ mm) mnde~ n~ ~ ~u~ale~t.
~ad or a ~e c~tlng sh~l be aphid ~ ~I
~y s~m ~111~ ~ra~ ~' ~gra water ~p~i~ ate known ~ ha~ unusual
~ ~t~[~ '~ u~d, ~1 ~icknass ah~t be In ~ordance with Sch~ulo 30
~ ~ ~ .a~ ~. [m sizes 8 In. (200 mm)].
~ Steel pi~, where exp~ed ~ ~thar, shag ~
~ galvaniz~O or o~ O~ct~ age)nat corrigan,
2~. (~ ~ ~2 m. (~-mm~ 4- ~ere st~ ~ ~ u~d unde~mund, the ~
nto~ o~ ~v~t be p~ected ~st ~rros~n.
4-14.4.3 Pro~on ~ Piping s~n~ ~ 8a~ to
~' G~er~. 8prin~ sy3~m ~1~ ~e ~o~
veto ~pe br~e w~re su~ea to ea~uakes tn
w~ ~e requ1~ments ~ 4-14.4~
~ "
t~n ~ sgr~kl~r s~ NS~ on ~mio sebmic
d~cent tr~d branch p~ an~ shall be o~ly 1 im (~.4 mm). 4-t4.4.3.2' ~uptl~s. L~ted fl~ pipe coupan~ j~nin0
' 'jedn d~Jns li~ s~aJJ be p~hed z m~i~um of ~ k. pe~ 10 ff grooved end p~ ehat~ ~ pro~ed as tlaxu~ jom~ to at~
· -14~.6 O~c~rga ~ O~n Va~es. ~l~mnt~l~ w~h ~ indivi~al settles ~ ~e ~u~lag to
· -14.~.6.~' 0i~ct In~n~i~ s~ll nm be ~ds ~fl it is a~el Coat,Os shall be ara~ged to ~l~lde ~
~dflkler drains a~ ~s. ~e drain di~e i~ll ~nform s~u~ral secretion w~h~ a ~i~. S~st~m ~ m~
any heat~ or wl~ depa~t regut~ns, flexl~e t~n req u~d h~a =~1 be pro~ ~
Oit~ ~ ~ina ss requir~ ia 4-14A.3.SA O. Exceptio~
MLa. I.2 W~re d~ain p~s ara ~md u~derqrou~, apF~v~ No. 4. The sw~ brac~g sha~ ~
:orrosio,-res~nt p~ s~l be
(a) W~in 24 I~. (610 mm) ~ t~ top and ~m ~ a~
1-14.3.~.3 O~ 0~s s~ll n~ t~min~ ~ bli~ s~as ueder r~r~.
he building. ~Eo~ No. L' Iff d~ I~ ~n 3 fl (B.E m) ~ ~
1-14,a.6.4 Where erred to ~e atmosphere, dm~ ~p~ sh~l tO,~ ~up/ing~ a~ ~iffed ~ ~ omit.
tied ~th a ~m~ down o~ow.
ExcepEofl No. Z: In d~G 3 Io 7 fl (d. 9 to 2. ~ m) ~ I~
~a~ et the spd~r ~stem ~ ~re~ng constant.
t-14A Pro~on ~ P¥1~. {~) W~Jn 12 tn. [3~ ~) above and bel~ ~a f~r
muRlsto~ bui~hgs such ~t ~e fExible ~ina ~1~
Pt4.&. 1 Pr~n ~ ~ping ~Joet Fr~i~. the floor Is ~w ~e ~]~ ~p0lylng t~t
~14.4.1,1 ~em ~ Of s~tem~ ~ ~b~t m lf~lng (c) ~ oae side et ~n~ or m~ ~JJs
~d fem~m~ manor ~lJ~lg be ~in~ at ~ abo~ 4~ 3 ~ (0~ m) ~ ~e wag
~4'C], cpriak~s ~lt be In~d as e d~ ~e or prea~o~ ~M/~: ~b~ ~ cou~n~ a~ not ~qu/~d ~e~ ~ar-
~stem. an~ ~nd l~ ~i~ Is p~v~d In g~ordance ~th 4.14.4g. 4
~14.4,1~ ~e ~r-~lled supply ~p~ r~, s~m ~ r¢~ard~ of ~pe
~, or f~d mains P~s t~ough open a~, ~ld r~, ~-
~r~ted a~Jn~ f~ng by i~u~tl~g ~O~
casi~s, o~ ~her ra~b~ m~ns ca~bb ~ ~ning a mini-
" "; '" F~L.~COPY
~fED 13:45 FAX 215 382 $385 CEN'X~ SPRINKLER CO, +~+ POMPANO
Fd,;'tion Loss Data Tables
· & Water'Rowing in 1" Pipe [C = 120]
1 0.0(XI4 0.0t)04 0.0005 51 0.5733 0.5914 0.7353
2 0.~14 0.0015 0.8016 52 0.5943 0,6130 0.7~2
3 0.003(I 0.1X]31 0.8039 53 0.6166 0.63~0 0.7~,~
4, 0,0052 0.0053 0,0056 54 0.6373 0.6373 0.8173
5 0.0078 _ 0.0081 ,,q.0100 _ 55 0.5593 0.~g00
6 0.0109 0.0113 0.0140 55 0.6816 0.7031 0.8742
7 0.0145 0.0150 0.0187 57 0.7043 0.7266 0.9038
8 0.01~ 0.0192 0.O'EI9 58 0.7273 0,7~2 O,~
9 0.0232 0.0239 0,0297 59 0.7507 0.7743 0,9628
]0. 0.0'~1 0,0290 0.0361 ~ 0.7'/44 0//988 o.~a2
11 0.~6 ~).0345 0.0431 81 0.7985 0.~236 1.0241
12 0.0394 0.0467 Q.0508 62 0.8228 0.8487 1.0554
13 0.0457 0.0472 0.0587 83 0.8476 0.87'42 1,0071
14 0.0524 0.0541 0.8~73 64 0.8726 0.9001 1.1
15 0.0599 0.0~15 0.0764 65 0.8990 0.9263 1.1518
'tB 0.0671 0.86~3 0.0861 6~ 0.9237 0.9528 1.1848
17 0.075t 0.0775 0.0'963 67 0.9498 0.9797 1.216Z
18 0.0935 0.0861 0.1071 68 0.9762 1,0069 1.2520
19 0,0923 0.6952 0.1184 69 1.0029 1.0,345 1.2863
~20 0,1015 0.1047 0.1301 70 1.0300 1.0624 .... *(.321~)
21 0.1110 0.1145 0.1424 7z 1.0851 1.1192 1.3917
22 0.1216 0.1248 0.'{ 552 74 1.1415 1.1774 1.4~4D
23 0.1314 0.13~5 0.1685 7'5 L1992 1.2~8D 1,5381
Z4 0.1422 0.1466 0,11~,~ 78 1.2.583 1.2078 ~.8138
25 0.1533 01581 0.1966 80 1.3186 1.360t 1.6912
26 0.1649 0.1700 0.2114 82 1,3802. 1.423~ 1,7702
2?' 0.'17~ 0.18Z3 0.2267 84 1.4431 t.48,'36 1.8689
~8 0.1891 0,19§0 0.2426 86 1.5~74 1.554a,
29 0.201 tt 0.2081 0.2588 88 1.5728 1.5223 2.0173
30 0.2148 0.2216 0,2?,55 90 1.6396 ~.8~12 2.~0'~
~1 0.22~3 0.2354 0.292/ ~2 ~ .1077 1.7'515
32 0.242~ 0.24~7 0.3105 ~ L7770 1.83~9 2,2791
33 0.2562 0.2643 0.328S 96 1.6475 1.9057
34 0,2708 0.2193 0.3473 ~ 1.9194 1.97S8 2.4.618
~5 O.2SS7 0.2947 0.3885 ~ O~ 1 .~5 2.0552 ~.6556
38 0.3010 0.8105 0.3660 10'5 2,1807 22493 2.7680
37 0.3166 0.3286 0,483~ flO 2.3T67 2.4S15
38 0.3327 0.3431 0.4267 11~ ~,5804 2.~ {) 3.3895
3~ 0.3490 03030 0.4477 120 2.7918 2.8798 3.5805
40 0.3~i8 0.3773 0,469t 125 3.0108 3.1056 3.8615
41 0.3829 0.3949 0.4911 130 3.2373 3.3392 4.1521
42 0,4~)3 0.4129 0.6134 13,5 3.4715 3_5~,.J~7 4,4524
43 0.4181 0.4313 0.5363 140 3.7130 ,3.8299 4.7623
44 0.4363 0.45~ 0.5,566 145 3.9t~2.1 4.0S67 5.8817
45 0.4'54~ 0.4891 05833 ~50 4.27~5 4.3513 54166
46 0,4737 0.488~ 0.6075 155 4.4824 4.6234 5.749~
47 0.4929 0.5084 0.63~ 1~ 4.1535 4.903~
48 0.5125 0,5286 0.8673 165 5.03'20 5.19~3 64530
49 0.5-~4 05492 0,t~29 170 5.3177 5.4~0 6.8204
50 0.5527 0.570~[ (3.7089 175
~, . , .... F!LECCPY
10/03/01 ~D 13:~9 FA~ 215 362 ~3~ C£b"rRAL SPRINKLER CO. *~ P0,~PA~0 B£&C~ I~0o7
~ 'Friction Loss Data Tab{es
Tu~E & co.~u~TWater Flowlo¢ in 1" Pipe [C = 1OO]
o.0o o. 6 o.oeo7 6'[ 0. 3 o.8 ' .o o3
2 O.OO~O 0.00::'1 e.OO'Z6 ~ 0.8327 0.8,60~ 1.~
8 0.0043 0.0044 0.0055 53 0.8626 0.8897 1,1063
. 0o072 0.oo7 o. gs 0., 29 0. 2',0
5 0.010~ 0.0113 O,014Q 55 0.9237 0,9528 1.1,848 ,
' -- 0 0,0153 0.0158 0.0197 ,~ 0.955! 0.98.51 1.2249
7 0,0~04 0.0210 0.0~61 57 0.91~8 1,017g
B 00261 0,02t}9 0.0,t35 58 1,0191 1.0512 1.3071
9 0,0325 0.0335 0.0416 59 1.0519 1.0a4g 1.349!
~0 0.0394 0,0407 0.0508 60 1,0B51 1.1192 1.3917
' 11 1~.0470 ~ 0.0485 0.01~3 61 1,1188 1.1640 1.43~9
12 ' 0.0553 0.0570 0.0109 62 1.15~ 1.1892 1.4'/90
18 0.G~41 0.0~1 0,08~2 ~ 1.157~ !.2249 1.~231
14 0.0726 0.07~ 0.0943 ~l. 12227 1.25't 1 1.5682
15 0,0835 0.0861 iX 1071 65 1.2583 1.2978 1.6136
-- 16 0.0941 0,0970 0.120T B6 1.29}3 1.3360 1.6900
17 O. 1052 O. 1088 0.t 350 57 1.3306 1.3727 1.7669
1 ~. ' - 0,1170 0.1207 0.1500 (~ 1,3510 i .4108 1.7543
19 0.1293 0.13,?4 0.1658 6'{ 1.4052 1.4,4{~ 1,8023
20 ~.1422 0.1,468 O. 18~3 70 1.,~43'{ 1.4886 1,850g
" ' 21 0.1556 0.1605 0.1996 72 1,5294. 1.5882 1.9500
22 ~.1896 0.1749 0.2175 74 1.5994 1,8497 2.05.15
23 0.1841 0,1899 0.2361 76 1.6803 1.7332 2.1551
24 0.19~. 0.2058 0.2555 ?B 1.7630 1.6185 2,2612
26 0.2148 0.2215 0,2755 60 1.8475 1.~7 2.~696
26 0.23'i0 0.2382 0.2963 82 1,9339 1.1]'D17 2,4804
27 0,2477 0.2555 0.~177 84 2.0221 2.0857
28 0.2649 0.27&t 0.3,398 88 2.1120 2,178,'t 2.7088
;~9 0.2827 0.2916 0.3626 88. 22..038 2.22731 2.8265
30 0.30i0 0.3105 0.3880 90 2,2974 2.3~96 2.9465
' ,11 0.3t98 0.32~ 0.4102 92 2,3927 2.4680 3.0698
32 0,,~92 0,3498 0.4~50 94 2,4898 2.5681 3.19~4
3,3 0.35~0 0.;~7~ 0,4606 ~ 2.5887 2.6701 3,3202
34 0.37'94 0.3914 0.4886 98 2.68'93 2.7740 3.4493
,t5 0.4003 0.4120 0.51,t4 100 2,791~ 2.6196 3.5606
-- 36 0.4217 O.4350 0.~409 105 3.~55 3.1516 3.9189
37 0.44.37 0,4576 0.6690 1'10 3.3301 3.4';~49 4.2711
38 0.4~1 O. 4808 0.5978 115 3.6155 3.7293 4.6972
39 0.48g0 0.~844 0.~72 120 3.9117 4.0348 5,0170
40 0.9125 0.5286 0.6573 125 4.21&5 4.3513 5.4106
- 41 0.5354 0.5533 0.6880 130 4.5368 4.§7B7 5,8178
42 0.6509 0.5786 0.7194 1~ 4.8840 5.m71 6.2385
43 0.5559 0.6043 0.7514 140 5202~ 5.3562 6.8727
44 0.8113 0.630~ 0.7841 145 5.5515 5.725~ 7,1202
45 0.~73 0.6573 0.8173 150 5.9108 6,0c~$ 7.5811
46 O.~Z3 0.6845 0,8513 1~5 5.21~r08 6.4,751
¢7 0.5907 0,7124 0.8858 160 8.8604 6.8700 8.5425
45 0.7181 0.7407 0,9210 155 7.0506 7.'17s4 9,0429
49 0.7460 0.7595 0.9~68 170 7.4509 7.5~53 9.5564
50 0.7744 0.7983 0.9932 ~75 7.SildE.~ ,, r~,,~ ;,~,~ ~ [~ ~ ,1~.~
~]Zi) 13:80 FA]; 215 362 5385 CE;h'l~diZ, SPRINKLTc,R CO, ~ PO~ANO BEACR ~005
Water in 1%" [C = 120]
2 0.~ 0.~4 o.~5 52 0.15~ 0.1618
6 0~9 ~0 0.~7 56 0,1795 0.1~5 0~
7 0.~ 0,~0 0,~9 57 0.1~ 0.~91a 0.~75
'9 ' 0,~1 0.~ ~0078 59 0.1977 0,2~4 0,2~2
12 0.01~ 0,0107 0,~ ~ 0,2t67 0.2241 0,2~6
13 0,0120 0,~25 0.01~ 63 02~2 0.2308
14 ~,0~8 0,01~ 0.O~ 84 02~ 0,~76 0,2~
15 0.0157 0.0162 0.0~1 65 0.2~5 02446
16 0,0177 0.01~ o.~ 68 0.2~2 0,251S 0~11
17 0.01~ O.~5 O,g~ 67 0.2501 0.~7
18 O.O~O 0.~7 0.~ ~ 0.2570 0~8 0.32~
20 0.~67 O.~T6 0,~42 70 0,2712 Q2~5 0.3474
21 0.~2 O.O~ 0.0376 72 0.2~7 0.~ 0.~0
22 0.0~t9 O.O~O 0.0~8 74 0.3~6 0.31~ 0.~1
~3 0,0~6 0.~8 0.~3 76 O.a~ 0.32e~
2~ 0.~74 0.~7 0.04~ Z8 0.~13 ~427 0.42~
25 O.~4 O.~IE 0.0517 80 0.3472 ~3~I 0.4~6
26 0.~4 0.~ 0.~6 82 0.3~ 0.3759
27 0.~5 0.~1 0.~ 84 0.3~ 0.893~ ~.~8
28 C~9~ 0.D~15 0,~8 ~ 0.3~9 0.410~
2g 0,0~1 0.~49 0.~1 88 0.4142 0.4283
;~ 0.0~ 0.0~5 ~0725 90 0.4317 O.~S 0.5~1
31 0.~1 0.~2 0.0770 ~ 0,44~ 0,465~ 0.5~
3Z O,~Z ~9 0,0817 94 0,4679 0.~ 0.~
~ 0.~752 0.0~8 0.0~ 1~ 0.5247 0.~2~ 0,6~1
38 0.0793 0.~0 E1015 1~ 0,5742 0~9 0.7~56
37 0.~4 0.0~ 0.1~ 1 ~0 0.6~8 0.~72
38 0.0875 0,0906 0,1122 115 0.67~ 0.1 ~7 0.87~
3g O,Om9 0,0~1 0,1177 1~ 0.7361 0,7~3 ~17
~ O. ~63 0~6 0.1234 125 0.7928 ~,8199 ~ .0~ 56
43 0.1101 0,1139 0,1410 140 O.g~7 1.01~2 12525
4G O. 1247 OA ~ 0.1598 155 1 .I ~ 1.2207 1.5120
01-4:6 65.
flED I$:$1 F~,I 215 1162 5.185 CF~AL SPRIKKLER CO. ..,..,-, POMPANO BEAC{{ ~009
Friction Loss Data Tables
TuBE & CONDUITWater Flowing in ' Pipe [C = 1OO1
t 0.~X1~1 0,00~2 0,0002 51 0.2115 ~,21~ 0.02'/1
2 0.0005 0.0005 0.0007 52 02103 0.2268
3 0.0011 0,1X)12 0.00t4 53 0.2271 0,2349 0,291~
4 '0.0010 0.0020 0.0024 54 0.2351 0,2~2 0.3012
5 0.~29 0.0030 0.0037 55 0,243,,2 0.2518
6 0,0040 0.0042 0,0052 56 0,2512 0.2801 0.3222
7 0.0O~ 0.0356 0.00~9 57 0.2599 0.2687 0.aa~9
S 0.~69 0,0071 0.0088 ,~$ 0.26~4 02775 0.34~
9 0.00~ 0.0088 0.0109 S9 0,2770 0,2865 0,35411.
10 0.0104 ,..0.010/' 0.0133 60 0,2857 02955 O,a~lO
11 0,0124 0.0128 O. b159 61 ~ 02946 0.8047 0.3774
12 0,0145 0.01,50 0,011~ 62 0.3036 0.3140 03889
1:3 0 .O'169 0,0174 0,0216 63 O. 3127 0.3234 0.4006
14 0.0194 Q.~2~ 0.0248 64 0..t220 0.3330 0.4124
1~ 0.0220 0.0230 0.0282 65 0.3313 0.3427 0.4:~44
16 0.0241i 0.0256 0.0317 06 0.3408 0.3525 0.4366
I ? 0.0277 0.0287 0.035~ t~7 0.3504 0.3624 0.4489
18 0.~08 0.0319 0.038~ ~8 0,3~0~ 0.1i725 0.~614
~9 0,0040 0,03~ 0.04~$ 69 0.3700 0.3827 0,4740
20 0.0374 0,0387 0.0480 70 D.3800 0.3930 0.488~
21 0,0410 0,0424 0,0525 72 0,4003 0,4140 0,5129
22 0.0447 0,046'2 0.0572 74 0.4212 0.4356 0.5,.,~$
23 0.04~5 0.0501 0,0621 76 0,4425 0.4580 0.5~1i
24 0.~ 0.I~42 0.0672 78 0.4842 0.4807
26 0,0608 0.0629 0.0779 S2 0.5092 0.S2a7 0.6~24
27 0.0~,52 0,0575 0.0638 ~4 0.5~24 O.QB07
28 0.0698 0,0721 0,0894 66 0,5581 0,5752 0,7124
29 0.0744 0.0770 0.0954 88 0..5~ 0.6002 0.7434
30 0.0793 0.~8~ 0.1015 g0 0.6049 0.62~
31 0.0842 0.01i7~ ~.1079 ~ 0.6~00 0.0516
~2 0.0893 0,6924 0.11~l 94 0.6556 0,6781
33 0.094~ 0,0~TB 0.1211 ~ 0,~17 0,70r',JO O. IF/32
3,4 0.~9~ 0.1033 0.12M 98 0.70~2 0.73~4 0.9072
3S 0.1054 0.10~ 0.1350 100 0.7351 0.7'603 0.9417
36 O. 1 ? 11 0,1149 0.1423 1 o~ 0.8048 0.8321 1.030'/
~7 0.1168 0.1208 0.1497 110 0.87~8 0.~)69 1.12~
;38 0.12~? 0.1~63 0.15~2 1~$ O-q$lO 0.984~ 1.21fl6
It 0.1288 0.13~ 0,1850 120 1.03~ 1.~653 1.~195
40 0,1349 0.1396 0:1.726 125 1.1108 1.1~8 1.42~
41 O.t 413 0_1461 0.1610 130 1.1 944 1.2353 1.5301
42_ 0.1477 0.1528 0,1892 135 1,2~8 1 .~46 1
43 0.t 543 0,1595 0.1976 140 1.3699 1,426~ 1.7~49
4-'t 0.1610 0.16~ 0.2062 145 lA, lB 1.511~ 1.8727
45 0.187~ 0.1735 0.2150 150 1.55~ 1.6097 !,9~'~
45 0,174~ 0.1808 0,2239 155 1,65,3~ 1.7104
47 0,'1819 0.1881 02330 1~0 1.753~ 1,8~3,~ 2.2,167
4~. 0_1891 0.1~6 0,2~22 lC~ I ~5~5 1.9207
49 0.1~N 0.2032 0.2518 170 ~.9620 ~,~2.0~91
SHEET c nr Eq /ilT SET
' !VE
q~.D 13:51 FAZ Zi~ 052 ~3~ C~L SPRI~R CO, ~- P0~P~'O BEACE ~050
TuBE aC DUIT Wat Roerig In 1%" [C = 120]
5 O.O010 0.0010 0.0~2 131 0.41~ 0.4~5 0.5~ '
tO 0.~ 0.~6 0.~5 1~ 0.4283 0.~5
t 5 0.0076 O,~ 0.~ 1~5 0.4~ 0.4~ Y
20 0.0~29 O,Olal 0.0162 137 0.~4 0.4590
~O 0.0272 0.~6 0.0~2 141 0.4772 ~4~1 0.5~1
35 0.~ 0,~68 ~5 ~ ~ 0.4897 0,4~ 0,~{49
40 E~4 0.0471 0.~82 145 0.5~5 0.5~8 0.~
4~ 0.0~77 0.~ 0.0724 %47 0.51~ 0.5~9 0.~71
50 0.0701 0.0711 0.~80 m ~ 0.5~4 ~1 0.6~
55 0.~38 0.0~8 0.1~0 155 O.~S 0.6768 0.7137
57 0.0~3 0.~6 O.m 121 ;~7 0.5821 0.5~ 0,7~8
59 0.0852 0.~ 0.~ 1 ~ 159 0.5~9 0.~6 0.7~,
Ot 0.10~3 0,1~T 0.1271 16~ 0.~ 0.6187 0.7~7
~ 0.1075 O.{Ogl 0.1350 1~ 0.6239 0.6330 0.7~4
~ 0A139 0,1155 0,1~0 1~ 0.~2 O,~f5 0.801g
87 0.12~ 0.1~2 0.151~ 167 0.6526 0.6~ 0.8193
73 0.141~ 0.1~2 0.1~2 ~73 0.6~ 0.7~8
~ ~1558 0.1581 0.1~6 177 0.7~7 0.7373 0.9124
79 0.1~.4 ,, 0.1858 0.2051 179 0.74~ ~28 0,93~5.,
~ 0,1 ?gO 0,1816 0,~48 1~ 0,~9 0.7~2 0.97~
a5 0.1871 0.1~8 ~2~9 { ~ 0.7886 0.8~] 0.~1
87 0.1953 ~1961 0~452 187 0.8~5 0.8162 1.0100
93 0.2g~O 0.~42 0.2~4 1~ 0.~29 0,8~3 1.~
95 0.2298 0~2 0.2~5 1 ~ 0.8~a 0.~20 1.0~ 4
g7 0.2389 0.2423 0.2~9 197 0.~9 0.8988 1.1122
t01 0.2574 0,2~1 0,3~2 201 0,91~ 0.9328 1.1~3
1~ 0.2~9 0.27~ 0.3~1 2~ 0,9~4 0.9507 1.1757
1~ E2788 O.Z~ 0.3472 2~ 0,~6 0.~74 1.1972
1~ 0~4 0.2~ 0~596 201 0.9708 ~,9~0 1.~ 89
109 02~ O.3~Y 0,3721 ~09 0.9~ 1.~2Y 1~407
117 0.3379 0.3428 ~4242 2~7 L0594 1.0748
119 O.~& 0.3537 ~43?7 219 1.0~ 1.0~2 1.~8-
123 0,3~6 0.3 780 OA~3 ~3 lA 142 1,1304 1
325 0.a818 0,3874 0.47~ ~ 1,1~8 1.1493 1.~
~ 27 0.3~2 0.3~9 0.4~7 227 1.1515 1.~ 882 1.4456
10/03~0! ~D 13:$2 FAX 215 362 ~385 CE'N'TRAL SPRI3KLER CO. ~ PO~P&N0 BEACH
TU a & c,q. OUIT Water [C
o. z
50 O.~2B ~ 0.1~) 149 0.74~ 0.~12 0,~
bl 0.1019 O. tO~ 0.1279 15~ ~.7~ 0.~ 0,~
b3 0.10~ 0.1110 0.13~ 153 0.7776 0.7~
55 0.1172 0.1189 0.1471 155 0,79~ 0.~1 1.~
57 0.1252 0.1~ 0.1~1 157 0.81~ 0.~76 1.~
69 0,13~ 0.~3~ ~1~75 159 0~3~ 0.~71 , 1.~.
B1 0.1419 0.14~ 0.1~1 161 0.854~ 0.756g 1.0~6
63 · 15~ O. ~ 5~ 0.1 ~1 1~ 0~7~ 0.8870 1 .~76
55 0,1~ 0.1617 0.~3 I~ 0.8942 Q.~72 1.1~
1;7 0.16~ 0.1712 0.2119 167 0.~77 1.1479
69 Q.17~ 0.1~8 0.2~8 I~ 0.~47 0.~ 1.17~
71 0.1879 0.1 g~ 0.2369 171 0.95~ 0.~ ~ .~
73 O. 1978 0.2~7 ~2~ 173 0,9751 0.~
75 0.~79 02110 02~ 1 175 0.~70 1.01 ~5 1
~ 021~ 0.~15 ~2741 ~ 1~1~ 1.~0 127~
79 0.~289 0.2~ 020~4 179 1.~ 1 .~7 1
81 0.23~ 02~ 0.~10 1 ~ 1,~12 1.07~ 1.~2~
83 0.25~8 0.2545 0.3149 1 ~ 1.~ ~ .~ 1 ~597
85 0.~ 02~9 0~ 185 1.1~ 1.1211 1.~
87 0.2737 0.2~6 0.3~6 1 ~ 1.1272 1,1436 1.41
89 0.2S~ 0.~8 0.3~ 1~ 1,3~ 1.1~ 1.~
91 0.~74 0,~17 0.37~ 1~ 1,17~ 1.16~ 1.~17
~3 0,~96 0,3141 0.~7 1~ 1.19~ 1.2124
~7 0.~7 0.~ 0.4202 197 124~ 2 ~ ~5~ 1
99 0.~75 0.3526 g.~ .... 1 ~,, 12~6, 1.2~ 1,~
~ 01 0.~ 0.3~9 0.~28 201 1.28~ 1 .~70 1.6~74
1 ~ 0.3740 0.3794 0.~ 2~ 1.3121 1 .~12 1,~
~ ~ 0,3875 0.3~2 0.~ 205 I~3~ 1,~55 1.6~4
107 0,4~ 3 0.4071 0.6~ 207 1,36~ 1.3801 1
~ 0.4153 0.4213 0.~14 2~ 1 3~7 1 ,~4g 1.71~
1 ~3 0.~39 0.4504 0.5573 ~3 3.~1 1.4550 ~.~
~ 15 0.4~5 0.4652 0,~57 215 ~.4591 1.48~ 1.~19
~ 17 0.4734 0.4~3 05~ 217 ~ .4~ 1 .~60 1
12~ 0.5~8 0.5111 0~25 2~ 1 .~54 1 .~ 1.~7B
I ~ 0.~50 O.~B 0.6717 225 1.5~72 1 .~1 ~ 1
t27 0.5510 0.5~ 0,~17 227 1,81~~' ~;~" ~2 .'~'~
I0/03,,01 W~,D X3:Gi FAX 215 36~ $385 CENTRAl, SPrINKLeR CO. *+-~-* POMPANO ~EACH
' 'allied
TUBE & CONDUIT Wat Rowing In 2" Pipe [C = :1.20]
.5 0.0003 0.IX~ 0.0004 255 0.~44 0.4314 0.5309
10 0.0011 0.0011 0.0013 260 0.4502 0.4472 0.5504
15 0.0023 0.0023 0.0028 265 0.4i~4 0.4832 0.5701
20 0.0039 0,05~ 0.0045 270 0.4826 0.4~95 0.5902
25 0,0059 0.0~9 0.0072 2;'5 0.4995 0.4961 Q,6105
30 0,0(~ 0,0082 0.0101 28~ 0.5154 0.5129 0.6312
35 0.0110 0.0109 0.0135 285 0.5335 0.53~0 0,6522
40 0.0141 0.0140 0.0;72 290 0,~10 0.5473 0.6735
45 0,0175 0.01 ~'4 0.0214 2gS 0,5687 0.5649 0`8952
50 0,0213 0,0212 0.0281 300 0.5867 0.5~2Z 0.7172
5~ "' 0.0254 0.5 0.0,111~ 306 0.6040 0.~8 0. 73~4
6~ 0.0299 0.0297 0.036~ 310 0.6234 0.8192 0.7620
~5 0.0346 &0344 0.0423 315 0.e421 0.837~ 0.7~49
70 ' 0.0397 0.0395 0.0486 320 0,C0611 0,6565 OR08~
75 0.0461 0.0448 0.0562 325 0.$~3 0.6758 0.8316
80 00509 0.0505 0.0622 330 D.~998 0.6951 0.85~$
85 0.0,569 [0505 0.1~36 335 0.7196 0,7147 0.8796
gO 0.{~33 O.O~S 0.0738 340 0.7396 0,7345 0.9040
9~ 0.0~90 0.0694 0.01~5 :MB 0,7596 0,7547 0.9288
1~3 0.0769 0.0763 0.0940 3~ 0,7003 0.7750 0.9~38
1 ~ 0.0~1 0.08~6 0.1028 355 0.8011 0.7967 0.9792
110 0.0917 0.0911 0.1121 360 0.8~21 0.8165 1.0049
115 0.090~ 0.§081~ 0.12t7 3~ 0.8.43,3 0.8376 1.0308
120 0,10/7 0,1070 0.1317 370 0.8548 0,~590 1,0571
125 0.1152 O. 1154 0.1420 375 0,8366 0.88~6 1,0837
130 D.124 9 0.1241 03527 380 0.9085 0.g0~.4 1.1106
1~5 0,133~ 0.1830 0,1637 3~5 8.9308 0.9245 1.1378
140 0.1432 0.1423 0,1751 390 0.9533 0.9468 1.1652
~45 0.1529 0.1518 0,1~6 395 Q.9760 0.9694 1.1930
~50 0.1627 o,1616 0,1969 400 0.i~} 0.99~ 1.2211
155 0,1729 0.1718 0.2114 405 1.0~,2 1,0153 1,2495
'~60 0.1~34 04821 0.2242 ¢10 1,0457 1.03~ 12782
165 0.1941 0.I~2S 0.2373 4~5 1.069.1 1.0S22 1.3072
170 0.2052 0,2038 0.2508 420 1.0933 1,08~ 13366
i75 0.2165 0.2150 ' 02646 425 1.1175 1.1100 1.3660
1~0 0.~280 02~ 0.2~Z 4~ 1.1420 1.1343
185 02399 0.2383 0.2932 435 1.1167 1.160S 1.42~1
~90 0.2~0 0.2503 0.3~1 440 1.1916 1.1~6 1,45~
1 ~ 0,2644 0.2~25 0,3232 445 1.2168 '12086 1.4873
200 0.2771 0.2752 0.3367 45(] 12422 1.2338 1.51~,
205 0.2901 02881 0.3546 455 12678 1 2593 1.5498
219 0.3033 0.3012 0.3707 460 1.2937 1.2~50 1.5814
215 0.316~ 0.3146 0.3872 485 1.3199 1.3110 1.6134
220 0.3305 0.3233 0.4040 470 1 .~,6a 1~372 1.6466
225 0.3446 0.3422 0.4212 475 13729 ~ 35,36 1.6781
230 0.3589 8.3~85 0,4387 480 1.3997 13503 1.TI10
235 0,3734 0.37~ 0.4565 485 1,4~63 1.4172 1,7441
240 0.3883 0,3857 0A'/4~ 4D3 ~ A542.. . 1.~ -, 1.7775
~,~5 0.4034 0.40~ 0.493~ 4_~5 1:4~1~., :~" :f,4nz/:;:
~,250 ,,, 0,4187 ,, 0.4159 0,5t18 5~0 1.5095 "1.~'~'~
SHEET 01:; P . xiVlll SET
WEB .13;5,~ FA/ ~',15 36Z $385 CENTRAL SPRIN:X/,ER CO.
TUBE & (D,,ONDUIT Water Rowing in 2" Pipe [C - 100]
6 0.00~ 0J~}4 0.0005 266 0.60~6 0.6046 0.7439
10 O.Ln015 0.0015 0.0019 280 0.6309 0.62~ 0.1711
15 O.I:Xl32 0.00~2 0.0039 265 0.6535 0.6491 0.7963
20 0.0055 0.0054 0,0067 270 0.6766 0,$719
25 0.00_83 ~0,0082 0,0101 275 0.69_~ 0.6951
30 0,0116 0.0115 0`0142 250 0.7~,.36 0.7187 0.l~44
~ 0.01 54 0`0153 0.0189 286 0.7476 0.7426 0.9139
40 0.0198 0.0196 0J]242 ~0 0.7721 G,7669 0.9438
45 0.024§ 0.0244 0,0301 295 0.796,9 0.7915 0.9741
50 0.0299 0.0297 0.0365 300 0.6221 0.8165 1.0049
55 00356 0,0354 0,0436 308 0,947t~ ~ 0.84t9 1.0361
60 0`04~9 0.0415 0.0512 3'10 0.8735 06676 1,0677
85 0.0486 0`0482 0,0,593 315 0,8997 o.89~6 1.069~
70 0,0557 0.0553 0.0631 320 0,926:3 0,9201 1,1323
7,5 0,0~3 0.0628 0,0773 325 0.9533 0.94~ 1.1662
P,O 0.0713 0,070~ 0.0871 330 0.9806 0.9740 1.198~
85 0.0797 0.0792 0.097E; 335 1.0082 1.0014 1 2324
90 0,0806 0.0882 0.1083 34~ i.03~3 1.0293 i,2667
95 0.0980 0,0973 0.1197 345 1.0646 1,0571 1.3014
1~0 0.1077 71070 0.1317 850 1.0933 1.0860 1.33~5
105 0.1179 0.1171 0.1441 355 1.122-4 1,1148 1,372.0
i 10 O. 1286 0,.1276 0.1570 380 1.1518 1. '/442 1.J080
115 0.13~ 0.t365 0,1705 365 1,1816 1,17aB 1.444,t
120 0,150~' 0.1499 0.t845 370 1.2117 1,2036 1.4312
_.125 0.1~7 0.1616 0.1989 375 1.2422 12338 15t,94
130 0.1760 0.1738 0.2139 360 1,2730 12644 1,5561
136 0,1877 0.1884 0.2294 385 1,3042 1,2954 1.5942
140 02001 0.109,4 0.2453 390 1.3357 1.3267 1,6327
14.5 0.2141 0.2127 0.2618, 395 1.3675 1.38~3 1,8716
I,50 , , 0.2260 ,0,.2265 0.2787 400 1.3997 1.3903 1.7110
155 0.2423 0.2407 0.~062 405 s.4323 1.4226 1.7507
160 0.2570 0,2552 0.3141 410 1.4~51 1.4553 1.7910
~ 65 0,2720 0.2702 0.33~ 415 1 ~084 t 4883
'!70 0.2875 0285§ 0.3514 420 1.5315 t.5216 1.8726
t7,5 0,3,033 0.3012 0.3707 425 1.5659 15553 1.9140
180 0.3196 0.3174 0.3~06 430 1.6001 1.5893 1
185 0`3361 0`,3,339 0.4109 435 1.6317 ~.6237 1,9982
~90 0,3~1 0.3507 0.4318 440 1.66~ ~.6583 2.0400
195 0.3705 03680 0.452~ 445 1.1049 1.6934 2.(N],40
290 0.3883 0.3857 0.4746 4,50 1.74~ '{.72.87 2.1215
L-'05 0,4064 0.4037 0,49~ 455 1,7764 1.7644 2,~715
2'10 0A249 0.4227 0.5'[94 41~ 1.81 27 1.6005 2.21
215 0.4439 0.,~09 0.~26 4,65 1.8494 ~ .~59 2.2~B
2~0 0.4r~'t 0.4600 0.56FI 470 1.80~3 1,87~ 2,3~7
225 0.4628 0.4795 475 1,9236 1.9106 2.3513
230 0.50'2~ 0.4990 0.6146 ~ 1.961 2 1 ,~t~0 2,,3973
235 0.5~2 0.5197 0.8396 485 1.9~2 1.9~67 2.4437
240 0.54.~0 0.5404 O_J~50 4~ 2,&375~.:.~ : ~2 02~/' ' ' 2.4065
250 _~.b~z,7,.,, ,,.. 0.717"Z.~ ~0 2.1151~ 2.10¢j)
P.O. Box 3365 SOUTH EL MONTE. CA 91733 626.444.0541 FAX 626,444.3887 www. afconhangers,com
SIZE - 3/8" and 1/2" rod.
MATERIAL - Ductile iron with hardened cup point set screw and jam nut.
FINISH - Plain, Electro-Galvanized and H.D.G.
LISTING - U.L., FM, Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171E Type 19
and 23 and Manufactures Standardization SocietyANSI/MSS-SP-58 Type 19
and 23.
FUNCTION - To hang from steel beam with flange thickness of less than 3/4".
INSTALLATION - Per NFPA #13 - 3/8" rod will support 1/2" thru 4" pipe
and 1/2" rod 5" thru 8" pipe. Install in accordance with ANSI/MSS-SP-69.
Torque - 3/8"= 60 inch pounds. Torque - 1/2"= 125 inch pounds.
* May be used on top or bottom flange of beam.
* Can be installed with set screw position up or down.
ORDERING - Part #, rod size and finish.