CORRESPONDENCE ,o~, 't<"'ON 0 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment February 21, 2003 Ms. Emily M. O'Mahoney, President O'Mahoney Design Group, Inc. 1907 Commerce Lane, Suite 101 Jupiter, FL 33458 Re: Caloosa Park - Baseball Field / Parking Improvements MMSP 02-054 Dear Ms. O'Mahoney In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the moclification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed changes as shown on the revised plans date stamped 02/11/03 are "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following condition. 1 If the scope of the project demands removal of plant material then such plant material must be relocated to an area subject to approval of the City Forester; 2. Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 C.8.); 3 All required trees shall be at minimum 12 feet overall height and 3 caliper inches when planted (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2.). The new Sabal palm trees shall be installed at least 12 feet overall height; 4 The design, material, and color of the proposed chain link fence shall match the existing fence. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sfn<yelY, .-1' Du~~ ijJdv' Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Eric Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst S:If>lanningISharedIWp\ProJectsICalOO&<.\ParklApprovaILetter.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton--beach.ft.us ~ @/cU'ahonep cBeslJIl c9roujJ, ~ Laodl\Cape i\rchitcclurc . 6iLc P!aooi08 PI'Cl\CoLat ion Craf'hic<i Ioc. February f1, 2003 Mr Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zonning City of Boynton Beach City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 rn Ii' (iiJ r;; n c;' " W-fi n I~ l"J l, .1 . I, U FEB I I tro3 P~M-INING AND mNI RE: Response to 25\ Review Comments Caloosa Park Minor Site Plan Modification Planner: Eric Johnson Dear Mr Rumpf, Please find the following responses to the staffs 25\ Review Comments (September 12, 2002) for Caloosa Park as a minor modification to site plan. The following plans have been modified and are enclosed for your perusal: 1 (2) Survey with easements - Signed & Sealed 1/30/03 by John Phillips 2. (4) Landscape Plan (LP-1) dated 2.11.03 3. (4) Site Plan (SP-1) dated 2.11.03 Engineering Division 1) Current Survey: Two current signed and sealed surveys are enclosed which shows the existing easements and topographical information. They are dated 1.30.03. 2) Utility Easements: The easements have now been added to the site and landscape plans. There are no conflicts with the proposed improvements. 8) General Notes: Notes as suggested will be added to permit drawings. 13)Scale: The written and graphic scales will be added to the LBFH drawings at time of permit. LC. CO:XJ'!42 1907 Commerce Lane. oote 101 . Jupit.er, florida 33458 561-747-8330 Tel . 561-5'5-9260 fllX CaIoosa Park Response February 11, 2003 Page 2 of2 Thank you for your consideration of this matter Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concems. Sincerel . Emily . O'Mahoney, ASLA President @ WaWndp ~gn r:9rtmp, cf5lnc. LC 0000342 Cc: Jeff Renault/LBFH Lawrence Noegel, P.E.lSenior Registered Engineer/Palm Beach County Capital Improvements ...c?(.............'.. . . ~ ." <,... ... ,':- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Memorandum PZ TO' Laurinda Logan Mrm', ~: FROM: DATE: Eric Johnson February 12, 2003 RE: Caloosa Park MMSP 02-054 Please review the attached plans for revisions. Included with the plans please find a letter describing those revisions as well as the previous plans and your comments. Kindly provide comments to me by Tuesday, March 18,2003 .~..r..,-..".,\ l J ,,'. l ' / . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-028~r ,-; :ID1:' Eric Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner, Planning & Zoning /lli. r-' FEB I 8 , L I~ C' i:' I . . r TO' DATE. February 18, 2003 FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer RE: Caloosa Park Improvements Minor Site Plan Modification - Third Re MMSP 02-054 Per your request I have made a review of the revised plans submitted to this office February 13, 2003. All remaining comments from the 2nd Review have been addressed to the satisfaction of our Department(s)/Division(s). I have signed off on each comment on the 2nd Review comment form and attached it to this memo for your files. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information regarding this review I can reached at x 6482. LUck xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr, P.E./ P S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Michael W Rumpf, Director, Department of Development, Planning & Zoning Division File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Caloosa Park Improve., Minor Site Plan Mod. 3rd Review.doc 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS Minor Modification to Site Plan Project name: Caloosa Park File number: MMSP 02-054 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a July 19. 2002 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: UTILITIES Comments: FIRE Comments: POLICE Comments: ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 1. At the time of permitting, the survey, submitted at the time of permitting, l~-- cz, shall be sealed and not be older than six (6) months (LDR, Chapter 4, ( ,\flf?l Section 7.A). \ - ~' ::'> 2. Show existing utilities on the Site Survey, Site Plan and Landscape plan Z/I f?/( so it may be determined if there are any conflicts between the existing infrastructure and proposed facilities. 3. At the time of permitting, provide General Notes that provide, at a ( i~ minimum the following information: \;1I~i(J A general note stating that "All plans submitted for specific permits shall Indicate to what standard the project is to be constructed; if the 1', ~) FDOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction and Standard Index are to be used - the 2000 Specifications are recommended since they contain both English and Metric units. 4 At the time of nermitting, Provide written and lITanhic scale on all sheets. ( ""V (l!?Io~ '5>1.' \I -," l'':J ' 0"2.'..1",._ ," I.. i7 ~~ ll~l(..l ;1"1kJJI~ " ~,,~c; \ ) , Ir,.... " ~-" --" 2nd review 02/12/03 2 1 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 5 The site plan tabular data should indicate the number of required parking / spaces. 6. The site plan tabular data should indicate the net difference between the / existing parking spaces and the proposed parking spaces. 7 Place a note on the site plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress j shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 C.8.). 8. At the time of permitting, if the scope of the project demands removal of J plant material then the new plant material is subject to review and approval of the City Forester / Environmentalist. MWRlelj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Caloosa Park\2nd review.doc (~:\ C,: \ ! ""-7;--:;:/ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-187 TO' FROM: Eric Johnson, Planner, Planning & Zoning Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer t DATE. September 12, 2002 RE: Caloosa Park Improvements Minor Site Plan Modification - Second Review MMSP 02-054 As requested by Planning & Zoning I have made a review of the revised plans submitted to this office September 9, 2002. The enclosed 1 st review comments were signed off on as appropriate. The following items, as revised, remain to be addressed. 1 The survey, submitted at the time of permitting, shall be sealed and not be older than six (6) months (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A). 2. Show existing utilities and easements on the Site Survey, Site Plan and Landscape plan so it may be determined if there are any conflicts between the existing infrastructure and proposed facilities. 8. Provide General Notes that provide, at a minimum the following information: a-- b. Indicate to what standard the project is to be constructed; if the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction and Standard Index are to be used - the 2000 Specifications are recommended since they contain both English and Metric units. 13. Provide written and graphic scale on sheets produced by LBFH. Comments #1, #8, and #13 may be addressed at the time of permit application. Comment #2 must be addressed at this time since it appears that they may be conflicts between utility easement(s) for water and sewer and proposed landscaping, Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my comments, or if I can be of further assistance. I can be reached at x 6482. LUck xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E" Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr , P.E./ P.S,M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Parks Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works File ~ C:\My Documents\Caloosa Park Improvements, 2nd Review.doc ii i' i . : ~ I , i'l Ul'l S913m 2nd REVIEW COMMENTS Minor Modification to Site Plan Project name: Caloosa Park File number MMSP 02-054 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Julv 19. 2002 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: UTILITIES Comments: FIRE Comments: POLICE Comments: ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 1 At the time of permitting, the survey, submitted at the time of permitting, shall be sealed and not be older than six (6) months (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A). 2. Show existing utilities on the Site Survey, Site Plan and Landscape plan so it may be determined if there are any conflicts between the existing infrastructure and proposed facilities. 3. At the time of permitting, provide General Notes that provide, at a minimum the following information: A general note stating that "All plans submitted for specific permits shall Indicate to what standard the project is to be constructed; if the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction and Standard Index are to be used - the 2000 Specifications are recommended since they contain both English and Metric units. 4 At the time of permitting, provide written and graphic scale on all sheets. 2nd review 09/16/02 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALlST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 5. The site plan tabular data should indicate the number of required parking spaces. 6. The site plan tabular data should indicate the net difference between the existing parking spaces and the proposed parking spaces. 7 Place a note on the site plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.8.). 8. At the time of permitting, if the scope of the project demands removal of plant material then the new plant material is subject to review and approval of the City Forester I Environmentalist. MWRlelj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Caloosa Park\2nd review.doc HP Fax Series 900 Plain Paper Fax/Copier Fax History Report for Boynton Bch ENG 561 742 6285 Sep 17 2002 4:55pm Last Fax Date ~ In2e Sep 17 4:51pm Sent Identification Duration ~ lks.u!1 91561575526003326 3:25 4 OK Result: OK - black and white fax LogClVC, LCIuy~VldCl f'yOVlA.. sevct: TO: Cc: subject: LDgClvc, LCluyivcrlCl werlvce$rlCltj,jultj 2.4, 2.002. iO::H AM jO~VC$OVC, cyie CjCllClV, LU$iCl, Kelletj, DClVirl CClloo$CI PCI YR (MMSP 02.-054 ) crLc., I ClWe ivc t~e )'yoce$$ of yeviewivcg tne Clbove yefeyevccerl WeivcDY Weorl)'lClVC, Ivc t~e CWY$e of Wetj yev~ew I $eeWe to ~Clve o)'evcerl CI Wvc ofWOYWe$ wit~ yegClrrl to wCltey Clvcrl $ewey, oytne lClCR t~eyeof yw ~Clrl reque$terl CI re$)'ovc$e btj t~e evcrl of torlCltj but it CI)')'eClY$ I will vcot be Clble to )'yovirle CI fLvcCll re$)'ovc$e uvctil TnUY$rlCltj (OY FYirlCli:J Clt t~e lClte$t) I CI)'ologize, but I'We trtjivcg to )'ull toget~er coWeWeevct$ ovc t~e i$$ue of rlYiVCRivcg fouvctCliVC$ CI vcrl)'ubLLc ye$t fClcilitLe$ froWe Jeff, DClve, Dovc jonVC$OVC, "We LClyge Clvcrl WeCli:Jbe evevc jo~vc w wirlley jeff, DClve Clvcrll Clre Weeetivcg t~i$ Clfteyvcoovc to rli$CU$S t~e issue fuvt~er If tjW nClve ClVCtj questiovc$ Oy vceerl ClrlrlitLovcCll iVCfOYWeCltLovc )'leCl$e feel free to give Wee CI wll. If t~e rlelCltj wuses WeCljoy)'yobleWe$ let Wee RVCOW - I'We goivcg CI$ fCl$t CI$ I CClvc, LC1['o'LV\.G\C1 )",;"4~;'~) 1 CHAPTER 4 FIXTURES, FAUCETS AND FIXTURE FITTINGS SECTION 401 GENERAL 401.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the materials, design and installation of plumbing fixtures, faucets and fixture fit- tings in accordance with the type of occupancy, and shall pro- vide for the minimum number of fixtures for various types of occupancies. 401.2 Prohibited fIXtures and connections. Pan, valve, plunger, offset, washout, latrine, frostproof and other water closets having a concealed trap seal or an unventilated space or having walls that are not thoroughly washed at each dis- charge shall be prohibited. Any water closet that permits siphonage of the contents of the bowl back into the tank shall be prohibited. Trough urinals shall be prohibited. 401.3 Water conservation. The maximum water flow rates and flush volume for plumbing fixtures and fixture fittings shall comply with Section 604.4. SECTION 402 FIXTURE MATERIALS 402.1 Quality of fIXtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be con- structed of approved materials, with smooth, impervious sur- faces, free from defects and concealed fouling surfaces. and shall conform to standards cited in this code. All porcelain enameled surfaces on plumbing fixtures shall be acid resistant. 402.2 Materials for specialty fIXtures. Materials for spe- cialty fixtures not otherwise covered in this code shall be of stainless steel, soapstone, chemical stoneware or plastic. or shall be lined with lead, copper-base alloy, nickel-copper alloy, corrosion-resistant steel or other material especially suited to the application for which the fixture is intended. 402.3 Sheet copper. Sheet copper for general applications shall conform to ASTM B 152 and shall not weigh less than 12 ounces per square foot (3.7 kg/m2). 402.4 Sheet lead. Sheet lead for pans shall not weigh less than 4 pounds per square foot (19.5 kg/m2) coated with an asphalt paint or other approved coating. SECTION 403 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES 403.1 Minimum number of fIXtures. Plumbing fixtures shall be provided for the type of occupancy and in the minimum number shown in Table 403.1. TYPes of occupancies not shown in Table 403.1 shall be considered individually by the code offi- cial. The number of occupants shall be determined by the build- ing code. Occupancy classification shall be determined in accordance with the Florida Building Code, Building - TABLE 403.1) MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLUMBING FACILITIESa (See Sections 403.2 and 403.3) WATER CLOSETS DRINKING {Urinals see FOUNTAINS Section 419.21 BATHTUBSI (see Section OCCUPANCY Male Female LAVATORIES SHOWERS 410.1\ OTHERS A Niohtclubs I ocr 40 I ocr 40 I ocr 75 I ocr 500 1 service sink S Restaurants& I Der 75 I Der 75 I per 200 I Der 500 1 service sink S Theatres Halls, museums, etc.g I ocr 125 I ocr 65 I Der 200 I Der 500 1 service sink Coliseums, arenas I per 75 I per 40 I per 150 - I per 1.000 1 service sink E less than 3,000 seatsl M Coliseums. arenas I per 120 I per 60 Male I per 200 - I per 1,000 1 service sink 3,000 seats or oreater). Female I ocr ISO B Churchesb. . I Der 150 I Der 75 I Der 200 I Der 1.000 1 service sink Stadiums. (less than 3.000 I per 100 I per 50 I per 150 - I per 1,000 1 service sink L seats\, nnnls. etc.g. h Stadiums,(3.ooo I per 150 1 per 75 Male I per 200 - I per 1,000 1 service sink y I (seats or ~ealer). Female I Der ISO Business (see Sections 403.2. 403.4 and 403.51 I Der 50 I Der80 I Der 100 1 service sink Educational Iocr 50 I ocr 50 l~rlOO 1 service sink Facto~ and industrial I Der 100 I Der 100 See Section 411 I Der 400 1 service sink Passenger tenninals and - ttansportation facilities I per 500 1 per 750 - I per 1.000 1 service sink (continued) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - PLUMBING 4.1 TABLE 403.1 - 403.1.1.1 TABLE 403.1-contlnued MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLUMBING FACILITIES. (See Sections 403.2 and 403.3) r WATER CLOSETS DRINKING (Urinals see FOUNTAINS Section 419.21 BATHTUBSI (see Section OCCUPANCY Male I Female ' LAVATORIES SHOWERS 410.11 OTHERS I Residential care I ner 10 I ner 10 lner8 lner 100 1 service sink N Hospitals. ambulatory nursing 1 per rooma I per rooma 1 per 15 1 per 100 1 service sink S home o3tientsC floor T I Day nurseries. sanitariums, T nonarnbulatory nursing home I per 15 I per 15 I per 15' I per 100 1 service sink U natients. etc. C T Employees. other than I residential careC I ner 25 I oer 35 - 1 ner 100 - 0 Visitors, other than residential N A care I ner 75 1 oer 100 - I ner 500 - L Prisonsc 1 ner cell I oer cell I oer 15 1 oer 100 1 service sink Asvlums. reformatories. etc.C I oer 15 I oer 15 1 ~r 15 I oer 100 I service sink Mercantile (see Sections 403.2. 403.4 and 403,51 I oer 500 I oer 750 I ~r 1,000 Hotels. motels 1 per guestroom I per I per 1 service sink 2uestroom p"uestroam R Lod'es 1 oer 10 I oer 10 I ""r 8 1 ~rloo 1 service sink E 1 kitchen sink per S dwelling unit; I Multiple family I per dwelling unit I per I per - I automatic clothes D dwelling unit dwelling unit washer connection E per 20 dwelling N units T Donnitories Iocr 10 I ner 10 I ner 8 I ner 100 1 service sink I 1 kitchen sink per A dwelling unit; L One- and two-family dwellings 1 per dwelling unit I per I per - 1 automatic clothes dwelling unit dwelling unit washer connection oer dwellin. unitf Storage (see Sections 403.2 I per 100 1 per 100 (see Section 411) I per 1.000 1 service sink 403,4) c' The fixtures shown are based on one fixrure being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction of the number of persons indicated. The number of occupants shall be detenruncd by the Florida Building Code, Building. h Fixtures located in adjacent buildings under the ownership or contto] of the church shall be made available during periods the church is occupicd. Toilet facilities for employees shall be separate from facilities for inmates or patients. oJ A single-occupant toilet room with onc water closet and one lavatory serving not more than two adjacent patient rooms shall be permitted where such room is provided with direct access from each patient room and with provisions for privacy. e For day nurseries, a maximum of ODe bathtub shaH be required. f For attached one- and two-family dwellings, one automatic clothes washer connection sball be required per 20 dwelling units. @" In assembly and mercantile occupancies, a unisex toilet room, in accordance with Section 403.7, shall be provided where an aggregate of six or more male Or an aggregate of six and more female water closets are required. In buildings of mixed occupancy, only those water closets required for the assembly or mercantile occupancy shall be used to deter- mine the unisex toilet room requirement. h In recreational facilities where separate-sex bathing rooms are provided, a unisex bathing room in accordance with Section 403.7, shall be provided Where each separate sex bathing room has only one shower or bathtub fixture, a unisex bathing room is nol required. 403.1.1 Potty parity. In assembly occupancies, restrooms which are open to the public must have a ratio of 3 to 2 water closets provided for women as the com- bined total of water closets and urinals provided for men, unless these are two or fewer such fixtures for men, in accordance with 553.141 Florida Statutes. Exception: This section does not apply to establish- ments licensed under Chapter 509 Florida Statutes if the establishment does not provide meeting or banquet rooms which accommodate more than 150 people, and the establishment has at least the same number of water closets for women as the combined total of water clos- ets and urinals for men. 4,2 403.1.1.1 Definitions from Section 553,141, Florida Statutes, regarding scope. 1. New construction. Means new construction, building, alteration. rehabilitation, or repair that equals or exceeds 50 percent of the replacement value existing on October I, 1992, unless the same was under design or construction. or under con~ struction contract before October 1, 1992. 2. Assembly occupancy. The use of a building or ==~======~ structure, or any portion thereof, for the gathering together of people for purposes such as civic, social or religious functions or for recreation, or for food or drink consumption or awaiting trans- portation, c' FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - PLUMBING LogClve, UluyLvcdCl To: Ce. su~eet: LLvergoori,Jeffrefj kellefj, D~vLC{ R5' Re: R5C DLstrLct - c~loos~ PMR, yes, I'll 'Put our V1Ceehveg b~cR, ove tVle ~geV\.ri~'JlA.st tVle tVlree of us, to riLsClA.ss c~loos~ P~rR" l r.l{YLv'\..dr. .m-Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:45 PM To: Logan, Laurinda Ce: Kelley, David Subject: FW' Re: REC District - Caloo5O Park Laurinda, I think you and Dave and I shouid discuss this, Couid we meet in our regular time slot tomorrow? Jeff -----Originai Mes5Oge--m From: Wildner, John Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:25 PM To: livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloo5O Park Jeff - in the past we have had some discussion about the city requiring restrooms in parks, Many of our neighborhood parks do not. When Seacrest Scrub Nature Preserve was put in we supported the County in their position that they weren.t needed, We wound up getting a variance, Since that time Development has not pushed the subject. Our Department's position is that small neighborhood parks are better off without them, John -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 20022:33 PM To: Wildner, John Subject: FW Re: REC District - Caloosa Park John, Any effect on our parks? Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Large, 11m Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park 1 My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, nmOriginal Message-n-- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Ke!!ey, David; Llvergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District. Caiaosa Park 1"tl-1A. oy DoV\., Aye yest f~tLLLtLes ~V\.ii/oY 'Pot~bLe w~teY (dYiV\.lsivc0 fouV\.t~iV\&) yeqlA.Lred iV\. 'P~YR.s? I didV\.t see ~V\.1::ItViiV\.0 iV\. tVie LDR, I ~Lso tVietlzed witVi 'PSL ~V\.c( tViei:j recoI-1A.VOI.eV\.c(ed I toutVi b~se witVi !::lOlA., 1"Viis is LV\. coV\.V\.ettioV\. witVi ~ MeV\.oY ModW,wtioV\. reqlA.est ~t c.~loos~ 'P~rlz (i:jes it is ~ c.ouV\.ti:j 'P~YIz) tVi~t I'VOI. reveewLV\.g. I V\.eec( to RV\.DW so I WV\. evaLlA.~te w~ter ~vcd sewer if vceoess~r1::l 1"Vi~vcR.s for 1::I0lA.r tiVOl.e' 1..nvtY~V1J-i1A 2 LogClV\., Uiuy~V\.oICl rYOV\;\.: seV\.t: To' subje~t: Kellei::j, DClviol TueSc\Cli::j,Juli::j 23, ::200::2 3:5::2 PM LiveYgooc\,Jeffrei::j, LogCl"", LCluri""c\Cl RIO' Re: RIOC Distri~t - CCllooSCl PClYR At this point in time, my schedule is open, Dave.... [Laurlnda had a doctor's appointment late the afternoon; she will be in forst thing in the morning,] -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:45 PM To: Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David Subject: FW: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park Laurinda, I think you and Dave and I should discuss this, Could we meet in our regular time slot tomorrow? Jeff mnOriginal Message---n From: Wildner, John Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 3:25 PM To: Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Pari< Jeff - in the past we have had some discussion about the city requiring restrooms in parks, Many of our neighborhood parks do not When Seacrest Scrub Nature Preserve was put in we supported the County in their position that they weren't needed, We wound up getting a variance, Since that time Development has not pushed the subject Our Department's position is that small neighborhood parks are better off without them, John -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:33 PM To: Wildner, John SUbject: FW' Re: REC District - Caloosa Park John, Any effect on our parks? Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey 1 Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Calcosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Origlnal Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda sent: Tuesday, July 23, 20022:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Uvergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TLVIA. or DoV\, Aye yest f~c,l't'es ~veGVoY'Pot~ble w~tey (cMvelz,veg fwvet~'ves) yequ,yevl ,ve'P~YR..s? I vI'vlve't see ~vei::jtf1,veg ,ve tf1e LDR., I ~lso cf1eclzevl w,tf1 PSZ ~vevl tf1ei::j yecolMlMevevlevl I toucf1 b~se w,tf1 i::jw, Tf1,s ,s ,ve coveveect'Dve w,tf1 ~ M,veOY MOvl'{Lwhove yequest ~t C~loos~ P~YR (i::jes ,t '5 ~ Couveti::j 'P~YR) tf1~t I'IM yev,ew,veg, I veeevl to Izveow 50 I c~ve ev~lu~te w~tey ~vevl sewey 'f veecess~yi::j Tf1~veR..s fOY i::jwyt'lMe' LClLAXl-)/l"o{~l‹ 2 Ulgtlvc, U1vtrtvc~tl FrolM.: sevct: TO' Cc. svtbject: JoflV\,soV\" DOV\, n'esd~tj,JlAltj 23, 2002 5:0T PM L~rge, Yc,,^-, Ulg~v\', L~lArlv\'d~ Kelletj, D~vld; Llvergood,jeffretj RS' Re: RSC. Dlstrlct - c.~loos~ PMIs TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23,20022:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Tabie 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, .----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park Tl."^- or DOV\" Are rest f~cllltles ~ v\'d/or 'Pot~ble w~ter (drlvclslv\'g fOlAvct~tV\,S) reqvtlred LV\, 'P~rlss? I dtdV\,'t see ~V\,tjtfllv\'g LV\, tfle LDR, I ~lso cfleclsed wltfl Psz, ~v\'d tfletj reco,,^-,,^-ev\'ded I tOlAcfl b~se wltfl tjOlA, Tflls ls LV\, coV\,V\,ettloV\, wltfl ~ MlV\,or Modlflt~tlov\' reqlAest ~t c.~loos~ P~rls (tjes It ls ~ C.OlAV\,ttj 'P~rls) tfl~t I',,^- revlewlv\'g, I V\,eed to lsV\,ow so I WV\, ev~llA~te w~ter ~v\'d sewer If v\'ecess~rtj Tfl~v\'1ss for tjolAr tl,,^-e' L~nl,{~.i,!I' ~Cl 1 u,gtlll\-, U1L-<r~II\-~tl Fro IM.: sell\-t: To: Cc: sL-<bject: Llvergoo~,jeffretj weolveesoltltj,jultj ::24, ::200::2 7:52AM joi-1vcsovc, DOli\-, Ltlrge. -rcV\.\.; Logtlvc, Ltlurlll\-oItl kelletj, Dtlvlol, wllolll\-er,joi-1vc RS' Re: RSC. Dlstylct - c.tlloostl 'PtlYlz OK, I just have to jump in, Can I get clarification on what constitutes an "assembly occupancy"? Furthermore, what types of park activities fit this definition? We are looking at many types of park improvements in the years to come in the City Some improvements are passive, others are active, Thus, for park planning and budgeting purposes it would help to know when the City will apply the referenced section of the plumbing code, I want to be consistent in requiring the County to do what we will expect of ourselves, Jeff -unOriginal Message----~ From: Johnson, Don Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:07 PM To: Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Ce: Kelley, David: Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23,20022:31 PM To: Logan. Laurinda; Johnson. Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caioosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Ce: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park Ti.V\.\. Oy DOve, Are rest fncmtLes nvcol/oy pottlble wnter (oIYlvclzlvcg fouvcttllvcs) yequlreol ~II\- ptlrlzs7 I oIlolve't see tlll\-tjti-1lll\-g lvc ti-1e LDR, I tllso ci-1eclzeol wlt~ 'Psz, tlveol ti-1etj reeoVV\.V\.\.evcoleoll touei-1 btlse wlti-1 tjou, Ti-1ls ls lll\- eOVlVlectloVl wlt~ tl MlVlor MoollftwhoVl request tlt c.tlloostl 'Ptlrlz (tjes It ls tl C.OUVlttj ptlylz) ti-1tlt !'V\.\. re"lewlVlg, I Vleeol to lzV\,ow so I WII\- evnlunte wnter tlll\-Ii sewer If VleeeSStlr1::J Ti-1tlll\-1zs for !:JOUY tlV\.\.e' l~-(H{I'~""vc{Cl 1 u>gLlVC, LClLA.r~vcv(Ll f'yOVllC. Sevct: To: s",~ect: C:;LlLLlV, L",$eLl Tcte$v(LltUctli:j ::23, 20023,42 PM Logav\', Lilctvivcda REC' Re: RECC. Di$tvict - c.aLoo$a pavR I guess so, -----Orlg/ool Messagem-- From: Logan, Laurinda sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:44 PM To: Galav, Lusia SUbject: FW' Re: REC District - Calaosa Park J~$t ~o i:jou RV\,OW - does tl1is ""eaV\, B.Ldg. v\'eeol$ to veVeew Lllso? LrA.UYLY",C{Cl -----Original Message--m From: Large, Tim sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; livergood, Jeffrey SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; livergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TlVVt OY DOV\" Ave ve~t fLlciL~he~ aV\,oIlov 'Potable watev (oIveVlR~Vlg fOctVltaiVl~) veq~iyed iV\, 'PavRs? I oIiolV\,'t see av\'i:jtl1iv\'g iV\, tl1e LDR., I [;JLso cl1etReol witl.1PSL LlVlol tl.1ei:j veco""""eVloleoll tOe<cl1 ba~e witl1 i:jOe<, T~i$ i$ iV\, coV\,VlechoV\, witl1 a MeVlOv MoolifiwtioVl veqcte~t at C.aLoo~a PavR (i:je~ et is Ll C.OctV\,ti:j 'PLlVR) tl1at I'"" veveewiv\'g. I Vleeol to RVlOW ~o I WVl evalctate watev aVlol ~ewev 'f VleCe$~[;Jvi:j ThaVlRs fov i:jOctY ti""e' L.tl~tYLv-,d(l 1 Ulgavc, UIlAv.vc~a FvoVlA.: sevct: To' slAbject: L.vevgooGl,Jeffvei::j weGlvcesGlCltj,JlAltj 24,20023:31. AM LDgCll'C, LCluvcl'CGlCl FW' Re: R,5C Dcstvcct - Caloosa 'PClvR See the following, We will discuss today I am concerned that we will make the County do something and then lock ourselves into the same theories, I know Caloosa is a large park, but philosophy must be established now If we read this very literally, then would some of very small parks that have nothing more than a swing set, for example, be required to have restrooms? I think the following section of the code gives a lot of latitude to the code official. http://www,sbcci,org/Florida%20Building%20Code/plumbing/ch-4/fpc%20ch%204%20sec%20403,pdf -----Orlglnal Message----- From: Large, 'nm Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:07 AM To: Livergood, Jeffrey; Johnson, Don; Logan, laurinda SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park The Florida Plumbing Code does not specify a number of persons for the minimum sanitary requirements.The requirements of Table 403,1 musi be satisfied,( for any number of persons,) Tim -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:55 AM To: Johnson, Don Cc: Large, Tim SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park Don, Thanks, This helps me, If I understand correctly, there has to be a building or structure that can accommodate 50 or more persons, Thus, we can assume that bleachers, for example, would classify as a structure, However, a small park that is not designed to attract more than 50 people at one time would not be subject to the code, Is this correct? I am sorry to be a nag but I really do like knowing these types of things and tucking them away in a brain cell (hopefully one that does not get destroyed by age or other factors'), Jeff Jeff -----Orlglnal Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:46 AM To: Livergood, Jeffrey Ce: Large, 'nm Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DEFINES A GROUP A OCCUPANCY AS THE USE OF A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, FOR THE GATHERING TOGETHER OF 50 OR MORE PERSONS FOR SUCH PURPOSES AS CIVIC,SOCIAL,OR RELIGIOUS FUNCTIONS OR FOR RECREATION,OR FOR FOOD OR DRINK CONSUMPTION OR AWAITING TRANSPORTATION, PREVIOUS 1 PARKS HAVE GONE TO THI:: BUILDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ANu APPEALS TO HAVE ANY RESTROOM REQUIREMENTS WAIVED.lF ANY I IF RESTROOMS WERE NOT REQUIRED IT WOULD OPEN THE CITY TO MANY LIABILITY AND HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES, DON ----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:52 AM To: Johnson. Don; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; Wildner, John Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park OK, I just have to jump in, Can I get clarification on what constitutes an "assembly occupancy"? Furthermore, what types of park activities fit this definition? We are looking at many types of park improvements in the years to come in the City Some improvements are passive, others are active, Thus. for park planning and budgeting purposes it would help to know when the City will apply the referenced section of the plumbing code, I want to be consistent in requiring the County to do what we will expect of ourselves, Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:07 PM To: Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caioosa Park TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 20022:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley. David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; livergood, Jeffrey SUbject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Pari< T,,,,,,- Or DoV\., Are rest f~c,l,hes ~V\.cI/oY jlot~ble w~teY (clY'V\.RJV\.g fOlAV\.tOl'V\.S) requ,red ,V\. jlOlrR.s? I cI,clV\.'t see ~V\.i::jtVl'V\.g ,V\.tVle LDR., 1 ~lso cVlecRecl w,tVl PEiZ OlV\.cI tVletJ yeco""'-""'-eV\.clecll toucVl bOlse w,tVl tJou, TVl'S 's ,V\. coV\.V\.ect,oV\. w,tVl ~ M'V\.OY Mocl'fi.wt,oV\. Yequest ~t c.OllooSOl P~rR (tJes ct 's ~ c.ouV\.ttJ jl~rRJ tVlOlt 1'"",- yev,ewev\.g, I v\.eed to Rv\.OW so I GOlf'\. evaluate water aV\.cI sewer 'f V\.ecessaYi::j Thaf'\.R.s fOY i::jOUY t'"",-e' 2 UAV~\{V\,c),Cj 3 LogClIIC, Ulur[lIColCl Fro~. SellCt: To: Cc. subject: LMge, "~ TuesolCllj,JuLlj 23, 2002231. PM LogClve, LCluriveolCl,JOJ"veSDve, Do,^, KeLlelj, Nviol, Livergoool,jeffrelj RS' Re: RSC. District - CClLo05~ P~rR My interpretation is yes, they are required, Tabie 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Piumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Ce: Kelley, DaVid; Livergood, Jeffrey SUbject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park n"", or Dove, Ave rest fClciLLties Clveol/ov potClble w~ter (olriveRLveg fouvetClives) vequireol i,^, pClrlu? I olLolve't see C!veljt~L,^,g ive t~e LDR, ( Cllso c~ecReol witJ" PSZ Cl,^,ol tJ"e1::l veco"",,,,,,evu:leoll tDuc~ bClse wLt~ 1::Iou. ThLs is Lve coveveectio,^, wit~ ~ Mi,^,or MoolLfLc~tio,^, request Clt CClLooSCl P~rR (ljes it is ~ cou'^'tlj p~VR) t~~t I'"", veviewL'^'g, I veeeol to Rveow so 1 CCl,^, eVClLuClte w~ter ~,^,olsewer Lf veecess~rlj Th~,^,1u for 1::1 Our tL""'e' LC1u.VLvt.,OCl 1 Log~vc, Ulvtr~vcG'l~ rrovv... Sevct: TO' Svtbject: JOVlV\.$OV\., DoV\. wec:\V\.e$c:\~(j,Jvtl(j 2.4, 2.002. H:~2 AM Lilrge, T~w..; Llvergooc:\,Jeffre(j; Log~V\., L~vtr~V\.c:\il R.EO- Re: R.EC. Dl$tr~ct - C.illoo$~ PilrR JEFF, WHAT IS THE AREA BEING IMPROVED AND WHAT WILL THE EXPECTED DAILY INCREASE FOR THAT IMPROVEMENT TO THE PARK? THEY HAVE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION FOR US TO DO A PROPER EVALUATION. I DO NOT THINK TIM HAS EVEN SEEN PLANS, TIM IS CORRECT THE PLUMBING CODE DOES NOT SET A MINIMUM LOAD (e,g,50 persons) IT JUST TALKS ABOUT CIVIC,SOCIAL,RELlGIOUS, RECREATION, FOOD AND DRINK. WERE THOSE THE BRAIN CELL THAT YOU WERE REFERRING TO? DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 20029:07 AM To: Livergood, Jeffrey; Johnson, Don; Logan, Laurinda Subject: RE. Re: REC District - Caloosa Park The Florida Plumbing Code does not specify a number of persons for the minimum sanitary requirements, The requirements of Table 403,1 must be satisfied,( for any number of persons,} Tim m--Original Message----- From: livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:55 AM To: Johnson, Don Ce: Large, Tim SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - caloosa Park Don, Thanks, This helps me, If I understand correctly, there has to be a building or structure that can accommodate 50 or more persons, Thus, we can assume that bleachers. for example, would classify as a structure, However, a small park that is not designed to attract more than 50 people at one time would not be subject to the code, Is this correct? I am sorry to be a nag but I really do like knowing these types of things and tucking them away in a brain cell (hopefully one that does not get destroyed by age or other factorsl), Jeff Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:46 AM To: Uvergood, Jeffrey Ce: Large, Tim SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - caloosa Park THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DEFINES A GROUP A OCCUPANCY AS THE USE OF A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, FOR THE GATHERING TOGETHER OF 50 OR 1 MORE PERSONS FOt{ SUCH PURPOSES AS CIVIC,SOCIAL,Ok t{ELlGIOUS FUNCTIONS OR FOR RECREATION,OR FOR FOOD OR DRINK CONSUMPTION OR AWAITING TRANSPORTATION. PREVIOUS PARKS HAVE GONE TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS TO HAVE ANY RESTROOM REQUIREMENTS WAIVED,IF ANY! IF RESTROOMS WERE NOT REQUIRED IT WOULD OPEN THE CITY TO MANY LIABILITY AND HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES, DON -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:52 AM To: Johnson, Don; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; Wildner, John Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park OK, I just have to jump In, Can I get clarification on what constitutes an "assembly occupancy"? Furthermore, what types of park activities fit this definition? We are looking at many types of park improvements in the years to come in the City Some improvements are passive, others are active, Thus, for park planning and budgeting purposes it would help to know when the City will apply the referenced section of the plumbing code, I want to be consistent in requiring the County to do what we will expect of ourselves, Jeff -----Original Messagen--- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:07 PM To: Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes. they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim. nmOriginal Message----- From: Logan, laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District - Caloosa Pari< nw.. Oy Do", Aye vest f~~,l,tles ~"cVOy 'Pot~ble w~tey CCM"R'''0 fou"t~'''s) yequ,yed '" 'P~YIzs? ! d,d,,'t see ~"i:jH1'''0 '" the LDR.. I ~lso ~he~Red w,th P.sz, ~"d thei:j yeoow..w..e"ded ! tou~h b~se w,th i:jOu. Th,s '5 '" ~o""e~t,o" w,th ~ M,,,oy Mod'fLwtlo" yequest ~t c.~loos~ PMR Ci:jes ,t '5 ~ c.ou"ti:j 'P~YR) th~t !'w.. yev,ew'''0' I "eed to R"OW so I w" ev~lu~te w~tey ~"d 2 sewey If vcetess~ytJ TVl~vclzs fOY tJOUY tlw..e' LC/[..{tLV',.dCl 3 Ulg~V\., Ulur~lM'i~ j=rolM.: seV\.t: TO: subject: L~Yge, Y'IM. WedV\.esdGltj,jecCtj ~4, ~0023:0T ,^,M Llvergood,jeffretj;johVl.SOVl., DOV\.; Log~VI., L~lA.rlVl.ci~ RS' Re: RSC. Dlstylct - c.~loos~ PMR The Florida Plumbing Code does not specify a number of persons for the minimum sanitary requirements,The requirements of Table 403,1 must be satisfied,( for anv number of persons,) Tim -----Original Mes5age-~--- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:55 AM To: Johnson, Don Ce: Large, Tim Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caioosa Park Don, Thanks, This helps me, If I understand correctly, there has to be a building or structure that can accommodate 50 or more persons, Thus, we can assume that bleachers, for example, would classify as a structure, However, a small park that is not designed to attract more than 50 people at one time would not be SUbject to the code, Is this correct? I am sorry to be a nag but I really do like knowing these types of things and tucking them away in a brain cell (hopefully one that does not get destroyed by age or other factors!), Jeff Jeff hmOriginal Messageu--- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:46 AM To: Livergood, Jeffrey Cc: Large, Tim Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DEFINES A GROUP A OCCUPANCY AS THE USE OF A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF. FOR THE GATHERING TOGETHER OF 50 OR MORE PERSONS FOR SUCH PURPOSES AS CIVIC,SOCIAL,OR RELIGIOUS FUNCTIONS OR FOR RECREATION.OR FOR FOOD OR DRINK CONSUMPTION OR AWAITING TRANSPORTATION, PREVIOUS PARKS HAVE GONE TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS TO HAVE ANY RESTROOM REQUIREMENTS WAIVED,IF ANY! IF RESTROOMS WERE NOT REQUIRED IT WOULD OPEN THE CITY TO MANY LIABILITY AND HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES. DON ----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24. 20027:52 AM To: Johnson, Don; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; Wildner, John Subject: RE. Re: REC District - Caloosa Park OK, I just have to jump in, Can I get clarification on what constitutes an "assembly occupancy"? 1 Furthermore, what types of park activities fit this definition? We are looking at many types of park improvements in the years to come in the City Some improvements are passive, others are active, Thus, for park planning and budgeting purposes it would help to know when the City will apply the referenced section of the plumbing code. I want to be consistent in requiring the County to do what we will expect of ourselves, Jeff -----Original Messagem-- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:07 PM To: Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; Uvergood, Jeffrey SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON ----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23,20022:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson. Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, Davidi livergood, Jeffrey SUbject: Re: REC District - Caioosa Park nWe or Dovc, Are rest fClc,l,tles Clvcc!lor 'PotClbLe wClter (cMvc!;;,vcg fOCivctCl'vcs) reqCiireol ivc 'PClrk:.s' I oI,oIvc't see Clvci::)thivcg ,vcthe LDR, I ~lso cheeR-eel w,th J>5Z, ~vcel thei::) reeoWeWeevcoleol I tOCieh bClse w,th i:JOCl, TVlis is ivc covcvcectlovc with cl Mivcor Mool'fiwtiovc reqCiest Clt cCllooSCl J>M!;; (tjes it 's cl COCiVCttj 'PClr!;;) tVlClt I'We rev,ewivcg. I vceeel to R-VCOW so I Wvc eVClLCi~te wClter ~VCel sewer if vceeessClrtj ThClvck:.s for tjOClr tlWee' l.C1lA.vly"dn 2 Ulg!lVC, LaIAYLVCc:l!l TO' slAbject: JOVlVCSOVC, Dovc, LMge, TLVU G!lloosO- 'PO-rls Dovc S Tl.VU, TVl[S [s !l VULVCDr vuoolLfiwtiovc I'vu reviewivcg, TVle GOlAvctfj is -pYO'pOSLvcg CVlO-VCgLvcg tVle lO-fjOVlt ~vc&1 covcft.gVlr!lhovc of tVle b!lLL ft.eL&1s. GVlrrevcufj tVlere ~re 2 softb~LL, 1- LittLe Le~gVle ~vc&11- vu~jor lwgVle size ft.el&1s ~t tVle SOVlt~ evccl of t~e -p~rls, The GOVlVCti-:! w~vcts to "revuove' tVle vu~Jor Lwgue ft.eL&1 ~vcc:l re-pL!lce witVl 2 softb~LL !lvc&1 2 t-b~Ll fi.eL&1s ivc tVlO-t qVlO-&1rO-vct O-vc&1 to t~e iMrl:Vl, T~eYe wiLL be &1Vlgwts ~VC&1 bLwc~ers for tVle ft.eL&1s. T~ere wiLL be !l vcet -posihve cVlO-vcge ivc -p!lrlsivcg s-pt'ICes of f?1- (52 existivcg + f?1- vcew = 1-33 s-p!lces, 50-re oIesigO-tec:l o-s VlO-vcoliC!l-p) Mfj ivcitLO-L qVlestLovcs were/~re so I wvc ft.gure OVlt if t~ei-:! vceeol to extevcc;\ wt1ter t1vcc:l sewer, etc. Gt1LL or e-vuO-il if!::jou Vlo-ve o-oI&1itLovcO-L qVlestiovcs t1bOVlt tVlis -project, -'\vc!::jtVlivcg !j'O-LL Wvc get for vue wwlol be greO-U!::j O--p-precit1te&1. I wt1s origivcO-ll!j ~slee&1 to f1~ve ~ res-povcse b~cls to 'Psz, b!j fjesterc:lO-fj - tVl~vclsfuLll:J I w~s 0- bLe to obt~ivc ~ tivue extevcsiovc. L{;:jctYlI/\,O\D ,\{?4- x~ 1 Logllv\', UH{r~v\'clll FroVI'.. seV\,t: To: sul?ject: JO~lA-SOlA-, DOIA- wectlA-esctOlt),Jc<.lt)::<4 ::<00::< 4:00 PM LLvevgooctcJeffvet); LOlvge, TcV\<., LogOllA-. LOluV[lA-ctOl RIO" Re: REC D~stv[ct - cnloosn pnrR. JEFF, FROM MY BALL PLAYING DAYS, KIDS SOCCER, KIDS FOOTBALL, TEAM PARTIES, ETC I KNOW THERE IS SOME EXISTING RESTROOMS THERE, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANYTHING IN HERE TO LOOK AT WHAT ARE THEY ADDING? DON -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:33 PM To: Johnson, Don; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Subject: RE. Re: REC District - Caloosa Park Don, No delay As I noted very early on, I was simply curious about our requirements of the County to make sure that we were consistent with our own pians, I wanted to make sure on funding levels, etc, I did not mean to make this into a big deal. Also, as noted, I was counting on you all to teach me some things in an area that I have little experience, Thanks! Yes, correct on the brain cells, Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 11:18 AM To: Large, Tim; Uvergood, Jeffrey; logan, Laurinda Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park JEFF, WHAT IS THE AREA BEING IMPROVED AND WHAT WILL THE EXPECTED DAILY INCREASE FOR THAT IMPROVEMENT TO THE PARK? THEY HAVE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION FOR US TO DO A PROPER EVALUATION, I DO NOT THINK TIM HAS EVEN SEEN PLANS, TIM IS CORRECT THE PLUMBING CODE DOES NOT SET A MINIMUM LOAD (e,g,50 persons) IT JUST TALKS ABOUT CIVIC,SOCIAL,RELlGIOUS. RECREATION, FOOD AND DRINK, WERE THOSE THE BRAIN CELL THAT YOU WERE REFERRING TO? DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:07 AM To: Livergood, Jeffrey; Johnson, Don; Logan, Laurinda Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park The Florida Plumbing Code does not specify a number of persons for the minimum sanitary requirements, The requirements of Table 403,1 must be satisfied, ( for any number of persons,) 1 Tim -----Origlnal Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:55 AM To: Johnson, Don Cc: large, Tim Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park Don, Thanks, This helps me, If I understand correctly, there has to be a building or structure that can accommodate 50 or more persons, Thus, we can assume that bleachers, for example, would classify as a structure, However, a small park that is not designed to attract more than 50 people at one time would not be subject to the code, Is this correct? I am sorry to be a nag but I really do like knowing these types of things and tucking them away in a brain cell (hopefully one that does not get destroyed by age or other factors!), Jeff Jeff -----Original Message-hn From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:46 AM To: livergood, Jeffrey Cc: Large, Tim Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DEFINES A GROUP A OCCUPANCY AS THE USE OF A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, FOR THE GATHERING TOGETHER OF 50 OR MORE PERSONS FOR SUCH PURPOSES AS CIVIC,SOCIAL,OR RELIGIOUS FUNCTIONS OR FOR RECREATION,OR FOR FOOD OR DRINK CONSUMPTION OR AWAITING TRANSPORTATION, PREVIOUS PARKS HAVE GONE TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS TO HAVE ANY RESTROOM REQUIREMENTS WAIVED,IF ANY! IF REST ROOMS WERE NOT REQUIRED IT WOULD OPEN THE CITY TO MANY LIABILITY AND HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES, DON -----Origlnal Message----- From: Livergood. Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:52 AM To: Johnson, Don; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurlnda Cc: Kelley, David; Wildner, John Subject: RE. Re: REC District - Caloosa Park OK, r just have to jump in, Can I get clarification on what constitutes an "assembly occupancy"? Furthermore, what types of park activities fit this definition? We are looking at many types of park improvements In the years to come In the City Some improvements are passive, others are active, Thus. for park planning and budgeting purposes it would help to know when the City will apply the referenced section of the plumbing code, I want to be consistent In requiring the County to do what we will expect of ourselves, Jeff nmOriginal Message----- From: Johnson, Don 2 Sent~ To: Cc: Subject: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:07 PM Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 20022:31 PM To: Logan, Laurinda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly occupancies, Of course the Building Official shall make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Ceo Kelley, David; Uvergood, Jeffrey Subject: Re: REC District - Calcosa Park TLIiiA or !)oV\.,/ Aye vest fl1cllltles l1v\'cl/OY ]'otl1bLe wl1tey (v!ylV\,I;oi.V\,g fouV\,tl1lV\,s) yequlyev! lV\, ]'l1rRs' I v!lvlV\,'t see 11v\'!::jt~lv\'g lV\, t~e LDR. 1 ~Lso c~ecl;oev! wlt~ Psz, ~v\'vl t~e!::j recow..w..eV\,v!ev! 1 touc~ b~se wlt~ !::jou, T~ls ls lV\, MV\,V\,echoV\, Wi.tVl ~ MlV\,oy Movllfw~hov\' request ~t C.~loos~ PMI;o (i:jes It ls 11 c.ouV\,ti:j ]'l1rl;o) tVl~t I'w.. vevlewlvcg I veeevl to !<:V\,ow so I c~v\' eVl1lul1te w~teY ~v\'cI "ewer If vcecessl1r!::j TVl~v\'Rs foy !::jour tlw..e' L CH.-i y[.,V,-,c:{~l 3 Logt::l~, UlI":YL~ctt::l FvoVl-\.: se~t: TO: sul1jeot: Livevgoorl,Jeffvei:i werl,^,eo;rlt::li:i,Juli:i24, 20023.33 PM JOVlVCSO,^" Do,^" Lt::Ivge, nVlA., Logt::l"', Lt::IC{v,,,,rlt::l REO' Re: REOC D,o;tv,ot - Ct::Ilooo;t::I PClVR Don, No delay As I noted very early on, I was simply curious about our requirements of the County to make sure that we were consistent with our own plans, I wanted to make sure on funding levels, etc, I did not mean to make this into a big deal. Also, as noted. I was counting on you all to teach me some things in an area that I have little experience, Thanks! Yes, correct on the brain cells, Jeff ---~-Origjnal Message--h- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, JUly 24,200211:18 AM To: Large, Tim; Livergood, Jeffrey; Logan, Laurinda SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park JEFF, WHAT IS THE AREA BEING IMPROVED AND WHAT WILL THE EXPECTED DAILY INCREASE FOR THAT IMPROVEMENT TO THE PARK? THEY HAVE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION FOR US TO DO A PROPER EVALUATION, I DO NOT THINK TIM HAS EVEN SEEN PLANS, TIM IS CORRECT THE PLUMBING CODE DOES NOT SET A MINIMUM LOAD (e,g,50 persons) IT JUST TALKS ABOUT CIVIC,SOCIAL,RELlGIOUS, RECREATION, FOOD AND DRINK, WERE THOSE THE BRAIN CELL THAT YOU WERE REFERRING TO? DON -----Original Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 9:07 AM To: Livergood, Jeffrey; Johnson, Don; Logan, Laurinda Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park The Florida Plumbing Code does not specify a number of persons for the minimum sanitary requirements,The requirements of Table 403,1 must be satisfled,( for anv number of persons,) Tim m.-Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:55 AM To: Johnson, Don Ce: Large, Tim Subject: RE: Re: REC District. Caloosa Park Don, Thanks, This helps me, If' understand correctly, there has to be a building or structure that can accommodate 50 or more persons, Thus, we can assume that bleachers, for example, would classify as a structure, However, a small park that is not designed to attract more than 50 people at one time would not be subject to the code, Is this correct? I am sorry to be a nag but I really do like knowing these types of things and tucking them away in a brain 1 cell (hopefully one that does not get destroyed by age or other factors!). Jeff Jeff .----Orlginal Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:46 AM To: livergood, Jeffrey Cc: Large, TIm SUbject: RE: Re: REC District - Caleosa Park THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE DEFINES A GROUP A OCCUPANCY AS THE USE OF A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE, OR ANY PORTION THEREOF, FOR THE GATHERING TOGETHER OF 50 OR MORE PERSONS FOR SUCH PURPOSES AS CIVIC,SOCIAL,OR RELIGIOUS FUNCTIONS OR FOR RECREATION,OR FOR FOOD OR DRINK CONSUMPTION OR AWAITING TRANSPORTATION, PREVIOUS PARKS HAVE GONE TO THE BUILDING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS TO HAVE ANY RESTROOM REQUIREMENTS WAIVED.lF ANY! IF RESTROOMS WERE NOT REQUIRED IT WOULD OPEN THE CITY TO MANY LIABILITY AND HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY ISSUES, DON -----Original Message----- From: Livergood, Jeffrey Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 7:52 AM To: Johnson, Don; Large, Tim; Logan. Laurinda Cc: Kelley. David; Wildner, John Subject: RE, Re: REC District- Caloosa Park OK, I just have to jump in, Can I get clarification on what constitutes an "assembly occupancy"? Furthermore. what types of park activities fit this definition? We are looking at many types of park improvements in the years to come in the City Some improvements are passive, others are active, Thus, for park planning and budgeting purposes it would help to know when the City will apply the referenced section of the plumbing code, I want to be consistent in requiring the County to do what we will expect of ourselves, Jeff -----Orlginai Message----- From: Johnson, Don Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 5:07 PM To: Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda Cc: Kelley, David; Uvergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE: Re: REC District - Caloosa Park TIM IS CORRECT FLORIDA PLUMBING CODE REQUIRES RESTROOMS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS, DON -----Orlginal Message----- From: Large, Tim Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:31 PM To: Logan, Laurlnda; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Livergood, Jeffrey Subject: RE, Re: REC District - Caloosa Park My interpretation is yes, they are required, Table 403,1 of the 2001 edition of the Florida Plumbing Code calls out minimum requirements for assembly 2 occupancies, Of course the Building Official shali make the final determination, Tim, -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 2:25 PM To: Large, Tim; Johnson, Don Cc: Kelley, David; Uvergood, Jeffrey SUbject: Re: REC District - caloosa Park Til'\< OY Dove, Aye vest fClciLiHes Clvec1/0Y 1'0tClbLe wCltev (CMveRiveg focmtClives) req\.<.LYec\ Lvel'ClYRs? I c\Lc\ve't see Clveijt~Lveg Lve the LDR.. I ClLso checRec\ with Pi:jZ Clvec\ thet) yecol'\<l'\<evec\ec\ I to\.<.ch bClse wit~ t)o\.<., ThLs Ls Lve coveveecHove with CI Miveoy Moc\LfLCClHove yeq\.<.est Clt c.ClLoosCl PClYR (t)es Lt Ls CI c.wvett) l'ClYR) thClt 1'1'\< yeviewiveg, 1 veeec\ to RVI.OW so I CClve eVCll\.<.Clte wCltey Clvec\ sewey Lf vcecessClYt) ThClveRs foy ijO\.<.Y Hl'\<e' Ull,(VLVV;iC1 3 Logavc, L.auy~vcda TO: subject: C1lAlIAV, LusilA RF ColA LooslA f>1A v~ TV\IAIfc~ t)0IA.1 UllAVl IAci{f -----Original Message----- From: Galav, Lusia Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:43 AM To: logan, Laurinda Subject: RE: Caloosa Park Not me, Ask Dick Hudson regarding Comp Plan requirements, if any Ask John Wildner, that his area of responsibility Lusia -----Original Message----- From: Logan, Laurinda Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:39 AM To: Galav, Lusia; Johnson, Eric; Johnson, Don; large, Tim SUbject: Caloosa Park O~IAt), vcew quest~olfc - Does avct)olfce V\lAve stlAlfcollAYols fov est~"""lAtilAg tV\e Ifcu"""bey of j'evsolfcs foy YecyelAt~olfclAl flAc~l~t~es, blAseol OIA squlAre footage, tt)j'e of recrelAholfc, Ifcu"""bev of j'IAY~i'^'9 sj'lAces, wV\lAtevey? LCll.1Xcv\,cA!1 1 DEPARTMENTOFDEVELOPM_NT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum PZ TO: Laurinda Logan, Senior Engineer FROM: Eric Johnson, Planner DATE: July 22, 2002 RE: Caloosa Park Minor Modification Please review the attached plans for any Engineering related issues. A copy of the application is also included. Forward any comments to me by the close of business Wednesday. Thank you. ITD) m 00 m 8 WI ~ I~,i JU All. \~l ~ :Tc L~IIB1NG FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. POBox 3 I 0 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (56 I) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: ~ /7J O/'lJ'1zA~ IbL/j FAX. ~{~ 't /2102- ;j~/ 5?5 -5czt,tJ FROM: NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 1 DATE: RE: ~(J~~ If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. 1st REVIEW COMMENTS Minor Modification to Site Plan Project name: Caloosa Park File number: MMSP 02-054 Reference: l"review plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Julv 19.2002 Planning and Z . D d b onml' I enartment ate stamn mar np. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: UTILITIES Comments: FIRE Comments: POLICE Comments: ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 1. The survey, submitted at the time of permitting, shall be sealed and not be older than six (6) months (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A). 2, Show existing utilities on the Site Survey, Site Plan and Landscape plan so it may be determined if there are any conflicts between the existing infrastructure and proposed facilities. 3. Provide a Drainage Plan and Engineer's Certification as specified in the LDR, Chapter 7, Section 7.F The Drainage Plan shall contain the information specified in the Drainage Design Requirements (attached) and be in accordance with the Master Drainage Plan for Caloosa Park. OR (one-time special offer for the County) provide calculations showing no net increase in impervious areas, Inadequate information has been provided to evaluate the provided Grading & Drainage Plan at this time, 4 Will additional drinking fountains and/or restrooms be placed by the new t- ball fields? Show that the existing and proposed facilities meet the minimum requirements of the Florida Building Code given the increase in recreational facilities and increased parking. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 08102/02 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 5. A water valve is shown in the outfield of the west softball field. This valve should probably be relocated outside the fence. 6, Replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b). 7 On Sheet LP-2 (upper left corner) add the following to the note regarding the existing cabbage palm relocation: "If relocation is not feasible, the contractor shall place new palms, as necessary, to provide a total of 185 palms," Also specify type of sod to be used. 8. Provide General Notes that provide, at a minimum the following information: a. A general note stating that "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping, and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request" b. Indicate to what standard the project is to be constructed; if the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction and Standard Index are to be used - the 2000 Specifications are recommended since they contain both English and Metric units. 9 Per City Standard Drawing B-90013, the minimum backup distance for 900 parking is 27 ft Per City Standard Drawing B-98001, minimum standard parking stall size is 9 ft x 18 ft, and 12 ft x 18 ft for handicap stalls (with an adjacent 5 ft access). The proposed lot can easily be reconfigured to meet these minimum requirements, Reconfiguring the stall sizes should result in a net increase of II standard parking stalls, 10. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping, directional arrows, and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard Drawings B-98001 and B-90013 for striping details. a. Add stop bars and stop signs at the three westbound drive aisle intersections. b. Add a stop bar and stop sign at the eastbound drive aisle intersection. c. Add a stop bar and stop sign at the northbound egress point d. Add 25 ft double yellow stripe traffic separator at each stop bar and sign, e. Block southbound traffic (approaching the west softball field dugout and bleachers and after the parking lot driveways) using, at a minimum, restrictive signing and bollards. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 08/02/02 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 11. Reference City Standard Drawing B-9800 1 on the Parking Stall Detail. Correct spelling of "Striped" on the Parking Stall Detail (Sheet SP-2). 12. Darken the screened layers on Sheet SP-l so existing features can be identified. 13 Provide written and graphic scale on all sheets, BUILDING DIVISION Comments: PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 14. The site plan tabular data should indicate the number of required parking spaces. 15 The site plan tabular data should indicate the net difference between the existing parking spaces and the proposed parking spaces. 16, Place a note on the site plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.8.), 17 If the scope of the project demands removal of plant material then the new plant material is subject to review and approval of the City Forester / Environmentalist. MWRlsc S:IPlanningISHAREDIWPIPROJECTSICaloosa Parkl1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS,doc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Public Works Engineering Division May 10, 2002 Drainage Design Requirements Following is a summary of the requirements for drainage design in accordance with the City of Boynton Beach Code, Land Development Regulations, and applicable City Ordinances. CJ LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A. A professionally prepared (signed and sealed) survey, not older than six months, of the building lot and the surrounding 25 feet (minimum) showing: CJ Existing natural features (lakes, trees, other vegetation, and soils) and adjacent streets, alleys, and driveways; CJ Existing buildings, building elevations, other structures, including height and dimensions; CJ Existing utility lines and easements; and CJ Existing elevations and topography in sufficient detail to provide 1 foot grade contours, and depicting historical drainage flow patterns. CJ LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7 F Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5, and Ordinance #00- 44 A professionally prepared (engineered) drainage plan for sites which disturb more than BOO square feet of surface area (at the same scale as the survey) showing: CJ Elevations, flow arrows, proposed drainage structures, proposed treatment facilities, etc., CJ Proposed grading at 1 foot contours and which accommodates surface water flow off site; CJ Method of control of storm water and groundwater; CJ Existing water elevations; CJ Recurring high water elevations; proposed design water elevations; drainage structures; canals, ditches; CJ Drainage calculations; CJ The drainage plan shall provide for drainage of lots, streets, roads and other public areas including surface water which drains into or through the property; CJ The drainage design must provide adequate surface water drainage of naturally occurring or existing adjacent contributor areas; and CJ The drainage plan shall be signed and sealed by the design professional. America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6480 Fax: (561) 742-6285 J :\SHRDA T A \Engineering\Logan\Standards\Drainage Design Summary. doc CJ LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F An engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all applicable rules, regulations, codes, etc., including, but not limited to Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of the LDR. CJ Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.1 - Storm Water Design Criteria: CJ Protect all future buildings from the 100 year storm; and CJ Design for rainstorms of maximum intensity predicted at 3-year intervals for the Palm Beach County area using current SFWMD charts and data. CJ Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.B.1 - Storm Water Treatment: CJ Size to accommodate at least a one-hour, three-year storm, or retain the first inch of runoff, whichever is greater; CJ Provide detention for the first one inch of rainfall (minimum) in swales, retention areas or other approved facilities; CJ Sod and irrigate pervious areas; and CJ Route runoff from impervious surfaces over areas where percolation can be accomplished prior to discharge into the receiving facility Runoff carried directly into the closed storm sewer system must be discharged to percolation area(s) prior to conveyance to off-site receiving waters. CJ Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.B.2. - Storm Water Components: CJ Maximum runoff distance over impervious surfaces before diversion to percolation areas is 50 feet; CJ Minimum swale grade is 3 feet per 1,000 linear feet; CJ Maximum swale grade is that which will not produce water velocities which cause erosion; CJ Maximum swale side slope is 4 1, and CJ Water management tracts shall include a 20 foot maintenance easement with a maximum side slope of 8: 1 Maximum sloe from edge of maintenance agreement to a point two feet below the control elevations is 4 1 CJ Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 6.B - Drainage Easements: CJ Shall be a minimum of 12 feet wide for underground storm drainage installations; CJ For canals and ditches, shall be adequate to accommodate drainage plus 20 feet on one side for maintenance; and CJ Where the width of a canal or ditch exceeds 60 feet shall be acceptable the drainage agency having jurisdiction. Canals and ditches in excess of 60 feet shall be placed under the control of the drainage agency having jurisdiction. ~..'.""('))'.,' l' .- ," \ I ' , ' j \f \ I;" j, '- ',,'\ ~:',~ -...,j DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-164 DATE. July 30, 2002 TO' Eric Johnson, Planner, Planning & Zoning FROM. Laurinda Logan, P.R, Senior Engineer HE: Caloosa Park Improvements Minor Site Plan Modification MMSP 02-054 As requested by Planning & Zoning, I reviewed the above referenced minor modification plan. I offer the following comments: 1 The survey, submitted at the time of permitting, shall be sealed and not be older than six (6) months (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A), 2. Show existing utilities on the Site Survey, Site Plan and Landscape plan so it may be determined if there are any conflicts between the existing infrastructure and proposed facilities. 3. Provide a Drainage Plan and Engineer's Certification as specified in the LDR, Chapter 7, Section 7.F The Drainage Plan shall contain the information specified in the Drainage Design Requirements (attached) and be in accordance with the Master Drainage Plan for Caloosa Park. OR (one-time special offer for the County) provide calculations showing no net increase in impervious areas. Inadequate information has been provided to evaluate the provided Grading & Drainage Plan at this time. 4 Will additional drinking fountains and/or restrooms be placed by the new t-ball fields? Show that the existing and proposed facilities meet the minimum requirements of the Florida Building Code given the increase in recreational facilities and increased parking, 5. A water valve is shown in the outfield ofthe west softball field, This valve should probably be relocated outside the fence. 6. Replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b). 7 On Sheet LP-2 (upper left comer) add the following to the note regarding the existing cabbage palm relocation: "If relocation is not feasible, the contractor shall place new palms, as necessary, to provide a total of] 85 palms." Also specify type of sod to be used. Department of Public Works Engineering Division Memo #02-164 Re: Caloosa Park Improvements July 30,2002 Page 2 8, Provide General Notes that provide, at a minimum the following information: a. A general note stating that "All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to, the following: paving, drainage, curbing, site lighting, landscaping, and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies such as Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engineering Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included with the permit request." b. Indicate to what standard the project is to be constructed; if the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road & Bridge Construction and Standard Index are to be used - the 2000 Specifications are recommended since they contain both English and Metric units. 9. Per City Standard Drawing B-90013, the minimum backup distance for 900 parking is 27 ft, Per City Standard Drawing B-98001, minimum standard parking stall size is 9 ft. x 18 ft., and 12 ft. x 18 ft. for handicap stalls (with an adjacent 5 ft. access). The proposed lot can easily be reconfigured to meet these minimum requirements, Reconfiguring the stall sizes should result in a net increase of II standard parking stalls. 10. On the Site and Civil plans, show and identify all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double yellow lane separators striping, directional arrows, and "Do Not Enter" signage, etc. See City Standard Drawings B-9800 1 and B-900 13 for striping details. a, Add stop bars and stop signs at the three westbound drive aisle intersections. b. Add a stop bar and stop sign at the eastbound drive aisle intersection, C, Add a stop bar and stop sign at the northbound egress point. d, Add 25 ft. double yellow stripe traffic separator at each stop bar and sign. e. Block southbound traffic (approaching the west softball field dugout and bleachers and after the parking lot driveways) using, at a minimum, restrictive signing and bollards. 11 Reference City Standard Drawing B-9800 I on the Parking Stall Detail. Correct spelling of "Striped" on the Parking Stall Detail (Sheet SP-2). 12, Darken the screened layers on Sheet SP-l so existing features can be identified. 13. Provide written and graphic scale on all sheets. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my comments, or if! can be of further assistance. I can be reached at x 6482. Attachment xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P,S.M., City Engineer, Public WorkslEngineering (via e-mail) Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Parks Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works File S:\Engineering\Dostal\ENGINEERING\Caloosa Park Minor Mod Memo #02-164.doc PIanninl!: Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist To: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner From: Kevin J Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist xx1f- \) Subject: Calossa Park-baseball fields Minor site Plan Modification, 1st Review MMSP 02-054 Date: July 29,2002 I have no comment on the above minor site plan modification. The project should continue in the normal review process. Xc; Eric Johnson, Planner Kjh file ~ @/cU'ahonep cBJeSlgrt c9roup ~ Landscape i\rchiLecture - cl\iLe Plannin8 !--)rc,l\CllluliOIl Craphics Inc. . July 18, 2002 Mr Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zonning City of Boynton Beach City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE. Caloosa Park Minor Site Plan Modification W(,:,;lg ~ I i I -' 'i\!ro, ',", Dear Mr Rumpf. Please find the attached plans and $100 check for renovation/expansion submittal of the existing Caloosa Park, a Palm Beach County active recreation park, which is located in Boynton Beach. The plans include: 1 1981 Master Plan (Post Buckley) 2. Site Plan (SP-1 and SP-2) 3. Landscape Plan (LP-1 and LP-2) 4 Civil Engineering (C-1) 5. Drainage Statement 6. Survey 7 Electrical/Lighting (E-1 and E-2) We are requesting a minor site plan modification (staff review only) as recommended by our correspondence/conversations between Eric Johnson on your staff and Troy Holloway of this office. Caloosa Park is located west of 1-95, east of Congress Avenue and south of Golf Road and north of Atlantic Avenue. The total site is 66.833 acres approved in 1981 It is an existing active recreation park with 3 active softball fields, 1 baseball field (not in use), a rugby field, 2 football/soccer fields and a restroom facility on the south section ofthe park. In the north area are 4 tennis courts, 16 racquet ball courts, 4 basketball courts, and 2 lighted roller hockey rinks with a restroom facility Bicycle and heart trails traverse the whole property See the attached original master plan for reference. The park property is bounded by 1-95 along the east side, Lake Worth Drainage District to the north and south (canals L-28 and L-29 respectively) and light industrial land use to the west. The park is accessed off of Congress Avenue LC =342 1907 Commerce Lane. .!Iuite 101 . Jupiter. florida 33458 561-747-8330 Tel . 561-575-5'260 fax Caloosa Park Submittal July 18, 2002 Page 2 of3 with light industrial to the north and vacant (zoned light industrial) land to the south along the entry corridor The proposed park modification includes changing the baseball field (which is not in use) and making it into two softball fields and then adding two T-Ball fields further north. These changes all occur in the southern half of the park. The bike trail is then modified and reconnected. 133 parking spaces have been added to serve these new fields and the layout is consistent and continuous with the existing southern parking in a curvilinear pattern parallel to the main spine road. A pavilion has been added between the two T-Ball fields designed using the current County park design. 1) Parking: The site contains parking for 439 cars of which 298 are serving the 3 softball fields. 89 are in the north section of the park. 52 spaces are being removed to build the proposed improvements. Out of the 133 proposed spaces, there is a net gain of 81 spaces. 2) Landscaping: All existing trees along the spine road are able to be preserved on the proposed plan. The new fields displace some Cabbage palms. They are slated to be relocated at the time of construction. No large leaf trees are affected by the development of this plan. The proposed planting is consistent with the existing plant pallet. There are Oaks in the parking lot and masses of Cabbage Palms around the ball field areas. Strategic shade trees are planted where observers can watch and be out of the full sun. 3) Public Benefit: A chain link fence is being continued parallel to 1-95 to protect the public from unknowing access or proximity to the busy traffic. 4) Civil Engineering: Please find the enclosed drainage statement which shows that the drainage pattern and volume can be handled by the existing drainage system on-site. 5) Architecture: There is no additional enclosed building square footage being proposed. The existing restroom between the softball fields will serve the new fields. The 2 T-Ball fields will have an open air pavilion for protection from the sun and negative weather The pavilion is styled with a standing seam metal roof per the County's Park and Recreation standards. 6) Lighting: The proposed parking areas will have lighting consistent with the existing parking lot lighting. The two softball fields will be lit consistent with the existing fields. Caloosa Park Submittal July 18, 2002 Page 3 00 7) Site Furniture: Benches, bleachers, trash facilities and other items shall match the current County Park and Recreation standards. 8) Adverse effects on Neighboring Property: The net addition of three fields set amid the 66 acres of which only 2 are lighted will not have any effect on neighboring development. The buffering along 1-95 is unaffected or added to but not reduced. There are no residential uses within proximity of this project. The uses within the park are being modified over time in response to the current users. There is a strong emphasis on girls' softball at this particular park which the plan is addressing. The local high school team practices and plays on these fields along with community recreational play We feel that the addition of 3 fields (net) is a minor site plan modification relative to the whole picture. Thank you for your consideration of this matter Please feel free to contact us with any uestions or concerns. Emily . O'Mahoney, ASLA President <8 bf{tfh17ncp C;(yCJign c9r17"/J, @nc. LC 0000342 Cc: Jeff RenaultlLBFH Lawrence Noegel, P.E./Senior Registered Engineer/Palm Beach County Capital Improvements I!2!:b 111',",1:1]1.'.1 (1\'111 ,t,I:.llh' ,11.:"I,llh .1,1'1'11, ( I1II \{ ,I,I( 'lll [I'h \1 \\,,\ III~ 1,1 "1 )lll,{J <.., Illil~ ,\ 1\\,111\1111, IR\N'oI'( 11,1 \ll()i',. \l'I\\'[ 'llf\,'( ,\1'\1'1'10,( (JI" 1\1I11It'l<, 1(11- k\"lIlh \diLl! h\ I )t ,i!;ll ~llllil Ji,dl1ll)(\H h I ,d,(..., HI\II "lilli' hllll \\.'(...;t !\dlll l~('d( 11, rr ; \'+11') I)!' II h.')c.\ :: , 1.1' 1,(,II(,I1'I;',C;;1 \,\\V\\111111.<()11l DRAINAGE STATEMENT for Caloosa Park The project site, formally known as Boynton Beach Regional Park, is located west of 1-95 and south of Woolbright Road, in Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 34 East. The site is within the water management service area of Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD). The proposed project includes converting one full size ball field to a softball field, the addition of one softball field and two tee ball fields, and additional paved parlOng areas (approximately 1.3 acres of new impervious area). The existing water quality detention of one-inch over the entire park site will provide sufficient water quality treatment for the new impervious area proposed. In addition, equivalent site storage for stormwater attenuation will be provided. The proposed improvements will utilize the eXlstmg surface water management system of onsite grassed swales and culverts, which will collect runoff and discharge it into the existing dry detention area at the south end of the park. The site discharge will then be routed into the LWDD's L-29 Canal via the previously permitted and constructed control structure. All modifications to the eXlstmg drainage system will be designed to comply with the C-15 Basin criteria, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), LWDD, and Palm Beach County's and the City of Boynton Beach's Land Development Regulations. The existing SFWMD and LWDD permits will be modified to include these improvements. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 561-684-3375. Sincerely, LBFH, Inc. SCkk- D. ~~ Karen D Brandon, P.E. ~D,6rA~ Kare D. Brandon, P.E. No. 38579 KDB/ms APR 24 2002 P:\Ol-0145\drainage_statement.doc LBFH, Inc. No. 959 8650 S.W Corporate Parkway Palm City, FL 34990 ~ @!II cM'crhiJnep oaeszgn e9roup, "'- Landscape Architecture - 8ite Plannin8 Presentation Graphi(\\) We are sending you: o Prints o Letter o Originals o Disk copy o Specifications o Color Rendering o samples o Other These are transmitted as checked below: o For apjlroval o For your use 0Asrequested o For review & comments o For bids due o Other ;;:. ~ Inc. Letter of Transmittal Attention: ~ie.. Codl-e.. Company: ~14- Phone: Job No.. FAX: From: ~ate: ~~l ProJect: --&l 00-:;,.1 7 EJrT7 ~rY Emily O'Mahoney Copies Description: Remarks: Signed lC. o::xJO'l42 1907 Commerce Lane. &lite 101 . Jupiter. florida. 33458 561-747-8330 Tel . 561-5'/S.5'260 Fax PROJECT NAME: CAL<-. ,sA PARK LOCATION: East of Congress, West of 1-95, South of Golf PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 02-054 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: PaIm Beach County Emily M. O'Mahoney, ASLA PHONE: PHONE: 561-747-8330 FAX: FAX: 561-575-5260 ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 1907 Commerce Lane Ste 101 Jupiter, FL. 33458 Date of submittaIlProiected meeting dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 7/19/02 1 SI REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Caloosa Park\2002 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc