CORRESPONDENCE ~(,7 ( ~ I The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aonda 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org May 18, 2004 Mr. Charles R. Abele BoyntonLandmgsPartners,LLC 2309 North Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 RE. if Boynton Landillgs Apartments 08-43-45-18-06-000-0010 Dear Mr. Abele: In accordance with the provisions of Section 718.616, Florida Statutes, please accept this letter as our acknowledgement that we have been notified of the proposed creation of a residential condomillium or condominiums by conversion of existmg, previously occupied improvements as described above, and also known as "Boynton Landings Apartments", at 2309 North Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33426. Further this letter serves as our acknowledgment that the above-referenced property complies with all zoning requirements applicable to the property, as long as new parcels or tracts ofland are not created which would be subject to zonmg and platting requirements. Sincerely, ~ Michael W Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director MWRlpat Cc: Kurt Bressner, City Manager Jim Cherof, City Attorney Quintus Greene, Development Director S:lPlanningISHAREDlWPICORRESPICorresp A thru LlAbele Charles Boynton Landings Itr S-18'{)4.rtf 05/18/04 09:49 GREENBF9G TRRURIG R.E. ~ 5617426259 NO.736 P001 BOYNTON LANDINGS APARTMENTS 2901 swaTH STREET, SUITE 204 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33135 Tel. (305) 541-7156 ~ I.; II rl ~._~~._---- ;1 ~~-~,.~ 1.1AY I 8 2004 May 18, 2004 VIA FAX (561)742-6259 Michael W Rumpf Director Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Boynton Landings Condominium Construction Dear Mr Rumpf: Pursuant to Florida Condominium Law. we are notifying you of our intent to convert Boynton Landings Apartments into a condominium form of ownership. I would appreciate your response, on City letterhead, confirming the City's acknowledgement of this fact. Attached is a copy of the letter you provided for the Villa Del Sol conversion which format has been accepted by the State. I would appreciate your making the changes indicated at the bottom of said copy using the sample format. veZ1J:;rs. ~ Charles Robert Abele 1215/18/1214 1219: 49 GREEl-~BERG TRAURlG R. E. -? 5617426259 .. .. -" ~ ...._.._-~. ~ _"D__ lGO !, 1ajIlWI..... _ '.0. ...310 _ -,"ortjo U42$-031o '1'11.:"1'_ "XI 5Sl-7..u2S9 NO.736 PI2I02. . -.-"lIooG\.onj Nlvl:lllber 5, 2003 Mr. AJl"'I'lmlll!ll' Yep TliIoI1@IlayDtaDBcach.lLC 5779N.W UI"Stn:ot MimIi LaIcco,!'I. 33014 RE: 08-43-45-33-00-000.5230 08-43-45-33.14-OlJO..0241 08-43-45-33-14-000-0244 DcarMr. VOSI: rn...conlanee with th. pxov!siol1s of Settion 71*-616, F\arida s--. pIcaae accept 11>8 IlIlIor IS our ackmwledeomeM lbal WI h8v.llecn 1I01ili0ll atlb. pIlIpOucI OICIliaD at I residIlI1ti&1 COIIdollliaium or coDdami1li11ml by COIIYOlIian of 0llisIiq, pmYiOl16t, occupiul impo_l&1I dc.a:ibetl abOVe, an4 a1llll tDotV1l as ''Vi. Del Sol", at 1925 Slll1th FedenI HlahwaY, Bo)lltOD Beach,!'I. 3343S. Flll'lber thit loll.. .meallS allt ~ kthc abov..~ propenycomplies .nth a11201liDg rc:qujRm_1ppIi<Ib1o 10 the property. Si11cereJy. ?4( Michael W Rumpf PIamliDI & Z1miDg Direc:lCt MWl/pot Ce: KIII'l Breamer, City Manacer Jim Cheror, City Altomey QUintus Greene, n"".loplllellt DiIoclot Julio RobliDa, Pr..ti~ Build... Group / S:\P"",,'"I\SMAU:b\\IJP'CO~w.ewv%l.V.....~I&r""V'''belSDlI14oMJfI 1>LS6E: WDV\DE t.eh~ ~~~ P@DIlcc. ~t~ ~ --eo'/N~"" ~I~ ~..."'TS 2';0<\ NOe.\\-\ CO~cv.n"c; />><IE:. "!oO'Y~ 'llt-~\r\ ~ FL. s&~z.G. ,..A-(\~~:S-16'c4 - eOO ""0 ,'''''''' 001" AOO~""'t:Ot'O~ ('wit). CIJqu~ 2, P4.'i..L&.. (Z.. IcYht\'CIV ~ ~?P.S/\"u::.C~ J.....L...-C 2~ ~"T\'I coM" JS,.......,. (C64-) ZOl4--~ ~o'(~ ~lAB'--'fFL. o~4~" JUIl-01-2000 04:04pm Fro"..~REENBm TRAUm, p \ +5616556222 FROM File Number No of Pages Cumments Date ~~H~H~~ A'I'TOtlNEJS AT LA'" n~~~I~ Transmittal Cover Sheet TO Lusia Galav, AICP -742-6259 T-505 P 001/002 F-III \-, f~~ i iUJC'" 11"\'\' 9 \., ' ,\\l-l , ',i J \ , cc Jim Cherof - 954-771-4923 and 742-6054 Michael Rumpf - 742-6259 David M. Layman, Esquire 20821.013800 2 Plellse see lInacbed leller JUDe 9,2000 Please nutify us immediately ifnot received properly lit 56t1650-7900 rtK' 11'ltOTTn.llltlUn (;onta,n,"4 .n nus lr.lIlSnlISSIOIIIS aoornc:)' pri....llcgc;(l &1'10.1 conll':c1'l1lllt It,~ Inlc:n<.!l::O unl,)' foJr the wiC 01 th," m41vi4~,d vi' ~!U,t) fW.!T1t"4 abo<wt. If tli~ N';t.Q~r 0: (illi mc:ssasc IS 11Qt tn~ m~l;"n.sc:d rcciplC:nl yo... i1re lLell,;l)) f1('~lrjl:d mat in)' ljinI:Tnln;U\On. ll,lslnbutlOIl ur ("Opy oj (jus CQmfl1~JllCa1l011 IS Smetl)' prQI'lli')1~4 jf yo... nave n;CclllcQ UlI~ cOmrT\\ffllC';j,tlOP ,n crrvT, plc;uc: nOllff uS lli'lfl'II:01;4:11 by Iclcpho1c CQ\h;Ci )nQ rciwrn 1hl:: O(I~lll~ mC'5u,~l: JO uS ~r 1l1c a<J\SfI:..,. below ~'oI th(' US T'o>,Lal ~rv.C:4 Wit w.lll'l;hlllJ....~..; )in.. JC\1 yo...( poH:lSc: ThanJ. yOu 777 S, Fl:4~4!r nrj,"~ "'~~ PafQI. a"ll-CJI, io"\Qri4.. 13401 SOI/t:.56-i9UO Fn SCil/o5s.6nl JUIl-Oi-zaao 04:04pm Frem-mENBER. TRAURIG, P \ t5516556ZZZ ~~U~~t~u ",1T..It,~~.,,~ AT L.^\II' D.\~l'l M \.3)'11l3l1 I DOli ~ I ~ 501/6so.mu 1111 U II U T-505 P ooZ/OOZ F-iie e-IIl~,[ 13~IIl:llld:t. :ttl.JW '..ulll June 9. 2000 VIA TFJ.F.FAX -742-6259 Lusia Galav, AICP S~nior Plannc:r City of BO)lnlon Beach Departmem of Developm.:m Division of Planrnng and Zonmg lOa East BOYOlan Beach Boul.:vard Boymon B"ach, FL 33425 Rf: Boynron Landlnl!~ M1\151' 00-033 Dea:- Ms. Galav I received your letter c<.lnc~ming Boynton Landmgs Also :mach"d I~ <I City of Boymon B"ach Code Citanon whIch was i,,~ed J~n.: 6. 2000, just a day or twO after I receIved your kllCr lU the mail. I am sure it IS the pwpose of your Code to prohibll obnoxious. ugl)l banners wah words like "Rent M.:" on th.:m. not the very attraclive stanchions located at Boynmn LlItldmg. whIch include cloth decorallon~. Your Code specifICally excludes from the definiuon of b~nners "expositional" SIgnS. The word "exposllion" IS detined m tne dicnonat)' as somethmg deslgnr:d to convey mfonnation. The cloth anached to the stlltlchions at Boynlon Landing mclude the word, "Boynton LlItlding". specifically conveying infonnlltion to the public. These architectural accents are quite attractive if you will lake the time to see them I do not behev~ that th~y are prohIbited by your Code, they are arrractive lItld I would r~<jll~st th", YOll reconsider. ~WI4 DaVId M. Laym~n DML/lm cc: Michael Rumpf (via lelefax) James A. Cherof. Esq. (via leW~<., '1',,,,,,_. P.A P.u 8u,," 200;t~ \\'hT PAUI8IACII, tLl.IKILlA. :ii4Io.iJtI:2~ ~t~1.65(1.1~oo FAA i6l.-6'i5-o.!12 ""w'"' ~J"'''' \....m 77'7 SOI,.l!'U fp.CHtl OI\:Ht 'hlTt. 300 f;;A:JT WUT P"ILJ4 tt:eAI:h, F"Jflt['l" l:HUi ~hMI N~w \uu~ ~A..tU.'(;'I'Il\. 0 C A1'l..A!\T~ Plnb.Dfl"j.I..~'r~ll'" CtIlU'lt.1t S...O 11,...'LO .f.'on. 1--'LU.:IIU""\ t: ~H-l PAUl B~AI.;It OkLASD<i 'fALLA".'liSH BIll... R...TIJ;\' / /' Y'i\(V\~f 0{) /032 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida December 5, 2000 . 2. Proposed Resolution No. ROO-172 Re: Approving the revised Recreation & Park Department Revenue Policy Manual & Fee Schedule D Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: 1 Boynton Shoppes (Side Yard Setback) - Request for relief from Chapter 2 Zoning, Section 5.F 7.e. requiring a minimum 30' setback to allow a 17.5' variance or a minimum 12.5' side yard setback within the Boynton Shoppes PCD 2. Grotto Bay @ Bermuda Place - Request for Technical Site Plan approval for 15.16 acre pod in the Quantum Park PID. The mixed- use pod will contain 272 multi-family residential rental units and require code waivers pursuant to Ordinance 00-52 3. Boynton Shoppes - Request for new site plan approval to construct an additional 3,000 square foot retail building located on a 0.727 acre outparcel in the Boynton Shoppes PCD , 4 Boynton Landings - Notice of Appeal from the June 20, 2000 decision of the Planning and Zohing Director. denying Boynton Landings' request for a minor modification of the approved site plan . E. Approve Task Order #1 with Hartman & Associates for the preparation of design/build documents for the installation of a new 12" water main to complete a loop on Hypoluxo Road from Overlook Road to Sea crest Boulevard and replace existing small rear easement water mains in the San Castle area east of 1-95 in the amount of $43,650. These documents will be used to obtain competitive bid/design proposals. F Approve the expenditure of $23,090 for the purchase of two Trimble ProXR GPS units from GPSServe, Inc. The Trimble ProXR GPS units are on SFWMD Bid #RFB 00-044 Motion Commissioner Black moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and unanimously carried. VI. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Recommendation of Selection of Planning Consultant for Federal Highway Zoning in Progress Study - Award RFP #012-2410-01/CJD to Michelle . 7 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment June 1,2000 David M. Layman Law Offices of Greenberg Traurig POBox 20629 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-0629 Re: Boynton Landings MMSP 00-033 Dear Mr Layman: In response to your request for administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed change shown on the revised plan dated 5/19/00 are in violation of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. The ten (10) "architectural accents" as described m your letter dated May 18, 2000 and shown in the photographs are defined as "banners" and as such are prohibited per Chapter 21, Signs. Section 3.D., a copy of which is attached for your information. Please be advised that the existing ten (10) banners are not permitted and must be removed from the site. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, ~~/~:feav Senior Planner Cc: Michael W Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning Scott Blasie, Code Compliance Administrator J:\SHRDAT A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton LandingslBoynton Landings,doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 3342S.{)310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 ~K);\<EU\ 4 Boynton Beach Code question prevents signage allowable under the provisions of this ordinance from adequately identifying the business or other activity located on such property The board of zoning appeals may only grant a variance to: A. Allow a setback less than that required under the chapter; B. Allow the area and/or height of a sign to be increased by up to twenty-five (25) percent of the maximum allowable height or area; or C. Allow the number of signs to be increased over the maximum allowed by this code. No variances may be granted to signs expressly prohibited by this chapter (Ord. No 96-61.9 1. 1-21-97) Sec. 2. Exemptions. The permit requirements of this chapter shall not apply to the following signs. provided however. that said signs shall be subject to other provisions of this code: J,~;; A. Real estate signs not exceeding five (5) square feet in area which advertise the sale. rental or lease of the premises upon which such signs are located. These signs must be set back ten (10) feet from the property line. meet the structural requirements and must not exceed four (4) feet in height. Only one (1) such sign is allowed per street frontage. B. A single residential yard sign. not exceeding three (3) square feet in area (Beware of Dog, Watch your Step, Name and Address. etc.). C. Window/door signs using less than twenty (20) percent of the total glass area facing in anyone direction. This area is not included in the total sign area allowed under this chapter These signs are not permitted in residential zoning districts. D Political signs. These signs must comply with Article IlI, Section 6.D of this Chapter 1997 S-5 E. Flags. ( F Bulletin boards not over eight (8) square feet in area for public. charitable or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of such institutions . G Occupational signs denoting only the name and profession of an occupant in a commercial building. public institutional building or dwelling house and not exceeding two (2) square feet in area. H. Memorial signs or tablets. names of buildings and date of erection. when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials. 1. Traffic or other govenunental signs. legal notices, railroad crossing signs. danger signs and such temporary, emergency or non-advertising signs as may be approved by the city J Signs indicating the address and/or name of the residential occupants of the premises, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area. K. Vehicular signs. L. Bus shelter signs. Sec. 3. Prohibitions. The following signs and related equipment are prohibited in all districts: A. Any sign and/or sign structure which does not meet all the criteria set forth in this chapter B. Animatedlfluttering signs C. Balloons D Banners (not including special civic event. recreational. expositional or temporary business identification signs) E. Bus bench signs ,. , F Festoons General Provisions jewelry and the like. but not used merchandise generally No outside storage or display shall be permitted in connection with such uses. APARTMENT - A room or a suite of rooms occupied. or which is intended or designed to be occupied. as the home or residence of one (1) individual, family or household. for housekeeping purposes. APARTMENT, EFFICIENCY - A dwelling unit consisting of one (I) room. other than a bathroom. and providing cooking facilities. APPLICANT - See "Developer" ARCADE - A permanent, roof-like structure open to the weather on one (1) or more sides. constructed of rigid materials. which is cantilevered from the building wall. attached to and supponed by the exterior building wall or supponed by freestanding colwnns or pillars. ARTERIAL ROAD OR STREET - A route providing service which is relatively continuous and of relatively high traffic volume. long average trip length. high operating speed, and high mobility imponance. In addition. every United States numbered highway is an anerial road. and every street shown or described as anerial according to the current or most recent functional classification contained in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and amended, is an anerial. AUTO PARTS SALES (RETAIL) - Sale of auto pans from a commercial establishment for installation and use off-premises. AUTOMOBILE - An automobile or motorcycle. as defined by the rules of the Florida Depanment of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ST A nON - The use of a building or other structure, on a lot or parcel of land which includes any retail sale of gasoline or other motor fuels. AWNING - A structure made of cloth or metal with a metal frame attached to a building. when the same 1997 S-5 5 is so erected as to permit its being raised to a position flat against the building when not in use. BALLOON - A container made of non-rigid material filled with air or gas and designed to be tethered. BANNER - A sign having the characters. letters. illustrations or ornamentations applied to cloth. paper, film or fabric of any kind. with only such materials for a backing. Banner shall not include national. state. municipal. civic or church flags. awnings or canopies. BAR OR COCKTAIL LOUNGE - An establishment which serves or includes the serving of beer, wine or liquor to patrons other than in conjunction with the serving of meals. BICYCLE PATH - Any road. path or way that is open to bicycle travel. which road. path or way is physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or by a barrier and is located either within the highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way BILLBOARD - A sign normally mounted on a building wall or freestanding structure with advenising copy which refers to something other than the name and primary character of the business on the premises or is located on a remote site from service or site referred to by the sign copy BLOCK - A parcel of land surrounded by streets. waterways. railroad rights-of-way. parks or other public space. BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE - A building other than hotel or motel providing lodging and where meals are or are not served for compensation. BOATEL - Yachtel. BRIDGE - A structure. including suppons, erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water or a highway or railway. and having a track or passage- way for carrying traffic as defined in chapter 316 or other moving loads. David M. Layman, 561/650-7990 oH[~~[~o ATTORNEYS AT LAW l~~~~lo e-mail: laymand@:gtlaw.com May 18.2000 VIA FEDEX rfDJ m @ ~T--- I~ ,f-- fIOJ MAY J 9 ~ J! ~ Mr Michael W Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 PZLANNING AND ONING DEPT. Re: Request for Minor Site Plan Modification for Boynton Landings Dear Mr Rumpf: This firm represents CSC Boynton Landing, Ltd., the owner of the Boynton Landings Apartments (the "Property"). This letter serves as a request for a minor modification to the Boynton Landings site plan. Enclosed please find a check for $100.00 for this application for the minor modification, four (4) copies of the Boynton Landings survey (we could not obtain copies of the site plans) and photographs of the architectural accents being added to the site plan. These architectural accents were recently added to the Property and for your convenience are shown on the attached surveys plans as red dots. As you can see from the photographs. these accents are an architectural enhancement to the entranceway to the Property These sturdy poles are painted with Benjamin Moore exterior gloss material and are designed to withstand sustained winds of 120 miles per hour and were installed by direct burial with the bottom 36" section below grade. These architectural enhancements cost over $7,000 We respectfully request a minor modification to the Boynton Landings site plan for these architectural enhancements to the Property Please call me at 650-7927 if you have any questions or need any additional information. Enclosures cc: Mr Danny Ruda (w/o encl.) GREENBERG TRAURIG HOFFMAN LIPon' ROSEN & QUENTEL, P.A. WPBI(,ANJNOFi27075Qi5sx30IlDOC'5i18/UO/2U8Jil{)~8Box 20629 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33416-0629 561-650-7900 FAX 561-655-6222 777 SOUTH FLAGI.ER DRIVE SUITE 300 EAST WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 MIAMI NEW YORK WASHINGTON, D.C. PHILADEI.PHIA SAO PAULO FORT LAUDERDALE WEST PALM BEAf:H URLANDO TALI.AHASSEE BOl:A RATON