CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering OccupadonaJ License Community Redevelopment April 7, 2000 Martin Diaz- Yabor 12124 SW 131" Miami, Florida 33186 Re: Boynton Landings MMSP 00-022 Fitness Center Dear Mr. Diaz- Yabor' In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed change is "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Site Plan Review This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application, and is subject to all current Land Development Regulations. Please contact this office if you have any further questions. Sincerely, -)L.,0C.- Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/nl J-\SHRDA T AIPlanning\SHARED\WPIPROIECTS\Minor Modification letter-Boynton Landings,doc America's Gateway to the Gulfs/ream 100 East Boynlon Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 3342S-031O Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building - Planning & Zoning . Neighborhood Services . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment April 5, 2000 Mr Daniel A Ruda Ceebraid-Signal Florida Management, L TD 250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 1003 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Subject: Boynton Landings Fitness Center - Minor Modification of Site Plan Dear Mr Ruda: Within 24 hours of receiving the fax from your architect Mr Diaz- Ybor, I prepared and faxed a response to him indicating the deficiencies in the request for minor modification. As indicated to the representative from your office that I met with on or about March 29th, the request must be accompanied by the revised site plan (four copies), justification based on the criteria indicated in Chapter 4 Site Plan Review, along with an application fee of $1 00. The principal qualification for a minor modification is a change that is less than 5% of the total project square footage (building square feet). Although it may be obvious that the increase is less than 5%, documentation must be provided for our files. This documentation can be provided on a revised submittal letter Also include in this letter a physical description of the proposed recreation building including materials and colors (e.g. mfg colors an codes) and a statement regarding compatibility with existing structures. The revised request was just received today, April 4, 2000. This request is still deficient of the application fee, and the total square footage of the apartment project compared to the percent increase represented by the proposed addition. Furthermore, the plans submitted are still void of some principal elements required on the site plan. I have located our copy of the 1986 approved site plan and copied two excerpts for quick placement on your new site plan (as-builts drawings). One is the tabular data and the other is a note describing site signage including sign face information and sign area. Please have your agent update this information and placed somewhere on the site plan, adding to it a list of recreation amenities, and building square footage for all structures. Corresponding with the written description of new building, please also provide for our files elevation drawings and a footprint for the recreation building. Regarding the review of this request, I have located the corresponding master plan and determined that it (the master plan) is not affected by the proposed modification. I now only need verification that the proposed addition does not exceed the 5% threshold and the revised pages of the site plan, additional documents, and fee as described herein. My review is essentially complete. Once this information is received I will generate a letter for you and the Building Division approving the minor modification. If you or your agent has any questions, please contact me. Sincere?" ( . . /1/../.'L- ,dCl7jIJc"'- Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director Attachments Cc: Martin Diaz- Ybor ( fax 305-256-9071) S:\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROlECTS\Boynton Landings\Minor Mod deficiencies_doc City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-ll310 Phone: (561) 742.Q350 . www.cLboynton-beach.fl.us P. W. Deot ~ .., ..,- 9.;I.-!i ft-;'1.n ~ .sub 1U /V1hJ'V'1tJ ~ MARTIN A D. Y/lBOR & P&X,.H'C. AAOOO2791 ARCHITECTS E N GIN EE R S PLANNERS INTERIORS 12124 S.W 131 AVENUE MIAMI. FLORIDA 33186 PH, (3Cl5) 251":>.9071 FAX (305) 256 9073 April 4, 2000 mG~- pi !II ;1 Ii i Mr Micheal Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 .....' i ~~~....~ ~'''''''''''~'''''-......1' 1.\.::;,::..:...: Re: Boynton Landings Fitness Center Dear Mr Rumpf" The following is the remaining additional data requested by you. Please review the information enclosed and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. (4) Four Full site plan sets enclosed as per your request. Recreation area SQuare footage. a. Existing Clubhouse b. New Addition to Clubhouse c. Tennis Court d, Pool and Deck Area Total Recreation Area Square Footage 1,700 sq,ft. 4,592 sq.ft, 7,000 sq. ft. 5.100sa,ft, 18,392 sq.ft. · No impervious area where new building is going to be placed other than pool deck, · No parking is affected by new construction due to the fact that the project is internal to the complex and for its tenants, · No major alteration to the site plan occurs, by the new addition to the existing club house due to the fact that it is internal to the complex, Thank you for your prompt attention in resolving this matter and please let me know if I c be of any other help in expediting this process, ~~ , Martin A. Diaz President MADY /w enclosures cc: to Mr Dan Ruda/ Ceebraid-5ignal Florida Management. Ud, DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building . Planning & Zoning _ Neighborhood Services - Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment March 31, 2000 Daniel A. Ruda, Director of Operations Ceebraid-Signal Florida Management, Ltd. 250 Australian Ave., So. Suite 1003 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (1 .,) ff'J-. L<>.'{VI'J (f) fr'.f RE. BOYNTON LANDINGS FITNESS CENTER Dear Mr Ruda: I apologize for the delay in the review of your permit application. Unfortunately, prior to the first of the year, numerous contractors submitted large quantltles of plans for their projects and developments due to Palm Beach County's increase in road impact fees, effective January 1, 2000 Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, also lost two staff members to other job positions. I have been advised by Mr. Rumpf that he has been in contact with your company and has instructed your staff how to proceed with your site plan modification. He is also having a member of his staff work overtime to assist with the plan review process. The Building Division's review was completed on your project on February 15'\ however, unfortunately, the site review by the Planning Division has been delayed. It is our policy not to give out comments until a total review is completed because site review may cause changes in the building layout and location. I can assure you that we are all aware of your application and will strive to complete it as soon as possible. . Don Johnson, Building Official DJ:bg Attachment XC Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Michael E. Haag, Building Code Administrator J:\SHRDA T A\Development\Building.6870\Documents\Letters\Boynton Landings Fitness Center.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 3342S~310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.cLboynton-beach.fl.us ,MRR-2B-2121121121 15'46 FROM CEFJ3RRID WPB TO 7426357 P 1212/1212 I, (. Cl!E8RAID-SIGNAL FLORIDA MANAGEMENT, LTD. \:) ,~' March 28, 2000 Mr. Don Johnson, Building 0Itic:ial Building Department; Permitting and Plan Review City of Boynton Beach 100 e, Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Boynton Landings Fitness Center. Process #0086 Dear Mr, Johnson: Our pennit application for a fltnes$ center at Boynton Landings Apartments was submitted in early January NoW, nearty three months later, neither our contractor nor our archilecl has been able to obtain any Col,jhlel1tary whatsoever on this applic8lllon. We have been told for several weeks that the appIk:ation is under review in zoning to determine whether it is a major or minor modification to the property, and that all other departments have completed their review of the plans. I find it ineompreheilsible that it is taking so long to review the plans on this simple structure. Our construction team is more than willing to begin addressing the comments of the various departments, however, without access to their comments, we can do nothing but wait. Can anyone. give us. any idea how long it will take to complete this review? Could we at least get the conc:ems cif each department so we can begin making whatever modi6calions are necnnllY? Any assistance you can give us to expedite this proc e ss is apprec:ialed, Please feel free to call me at 835-4003, with any questions or response you may have, Very truly yours, ;::.~~. 7l,w,! ~ Director of Operations Signed in Absentia to Avoid Delay DARldml I.,.,..nour ~ Australian Avenue South. SuilB 1003 West Palm Beach, Fl. 33401 'Ill1; 48P~35 1003. Fax; 407--831i~* .g,( m '>VI M NIli:nIJ AssoaalOn TOTRL P 1212 040 Randall Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 'Ill!: 51&-223-8833 . Fax; 51&-223-8828 oes Morgan Street, Stamford, or 061105 Tel: 203-325-3848 . Fax: 203-327.(l541 s ~ 3P250B01 C~~ OF BOYNTON BEACH Applicat ._ Tracking Step Selection 3/28/00 16:48 23 ~pplication number "ddress ?CN . ,pplication type ~ot Number ~enant name, number 00 00000086 2309 N CONGRESS AVE 08-43-45-18-00-000-5020 CLUBHOUSE/RECREATIONAL BUILDING CONST, OF FITNESS CENTER, fype options, press Enter 2=Change 4=Delete 5=View 6=Fast log 8=Action log maintenance 9=In/out maint Path --------- Key Dates -------- Last ?t Agency description /Step Req In Est Cpl Out/Last tat Act STRUCTURAL REVIEW A 01 y 2/15/00 1/24/00 2/15/00 NA ELECTRICAL B 01 y 1/18/00 1/24/00 1/18/00 NA PLUMBING REVIEW C 01 y 1/10/00 1/24/00 1/19/00 NA V.ECHANICAL D 01 y 1/10/00 1/24/00 1/19/0 NA PLANNING & ZONING E 01 y 1/10/00 1/24/00 More, . ?3=Exit F5=Land inquiry F6=Add F8=Misc info inquiry ?10=View 2 F12=Cancel F14=Action log inquiry F24=More keys *' :rJJP/~nl-Es lJ;;fe- Re-vleld tAl/}5 t!Ullkkb (~( CEEBRAID-SIGNAL FLORIDA MANAGE~ENT, LTD. ~) ~~~ March 31, 2000 Mr Mike Rumpf Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach 10 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Boynton Landings Fitness Center, Process #0086 Dear Mr Rumpf: We understand that you have been extremely busy as of late, and wish to express our appreciation for your efforts earlier this week in detennining what your department needed in order to complete the zoning review for our permit application. We have been assured by our architect, Martin Yabor, that you have received all the information you requested. If you need any additional information, please notify us, and we will do whatever we can to assist you. Please advise us how much longer you anticipate your review and comments to take. I'm sure you can understand that we are anxious to proceed. Anything you can do to help expedite the process would be most appreciated. Very truly yours, 7>AIIld /C. 'JC,")"'/w. Daniel A. Ruda Director of Operations Signed in Absentia to Avoid Delay '~ '~ f\\ ',,,;:" \l ) \ fII\\ ,\\t. DARldml (3 ~ t250 Australian Avenue South, Suite 1003 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Tel: 4CI1-835-4003 . Fax: 0107-835-8396 501 m ':hr ~ Natonal AsSCX:latlon of I-\ousing Cooperatives 040 Randall Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 Tel: 516-223-8833 . Fax: 516-223-8828 083 Morgan Street, Stamford, CT 06905 Tel: 203-325-3848 . Fax: 203-327-3541 AEGlSTEAEOAPARTMENTM"NAGER 1"'erlltJtio,,a/ RtalESltUtl"SNIIII Lewis, Nicole From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Thursday, March 30, 2000 5:23 PM Lewis, Nicole Fax to send Please fax this to Martin A. Diaz- Ybor at 305-256-9073, thanks. Thank you for your quick response to our need for a description of and request for modifications to the Boynton Landings site. However, to formerly review the impacts on the site and existing master plan (if any), as well as to create an official/new modified plan for the site, you need to submit a full size drawing (4 sets) of the site plan showing the change in all applicable tabular data (i.e. recreation square footage, total square footage, impervious area, etc.) or what ever data is shown on the current site plan that may be affected. Also, we need to examine the original master plan for possible changes. Whereas changes made to site plans have an administrative route, modifications to master plans must be approved by the Commission. Due to the age of this original master plan, it is possible that the level of detail is low and therefore may not be affected by the change in square footage in recreation buildings on the site. This will have to be reviewed. To continue our review, please submit the full site plan (4 sets) with all relevant information updated. Please contact me if you have any questions. ~ ~\~\ \60 ~ '\~~ 1 63/36/2000 69:40 3052559673.. PRECISION DESIGN ~~ PAGE 01 -kc. /;.. ~~~ J"/C'!: ~ MaTtln A.D. YClbOr .. AuoQ!Ji;c, 12124 S.W. 131~ /lwenue Mom, Florida 33166 PH. (305) 256 9071 FAX (305) 256 . 9073 ......~,. 9i: A.D~ Ml!ICtC : M0002791 . r \.~ If, I \n~r \fuL~:i~"~~ , 7r~ING DEPT ! ,.~" 1..----'"" . :.~...' ............,'............."1l.~...'....,.. '.......'....... ;~:, .. ',"'" . ,: ': .:,'.,::., ,: ,', ,:" : ,':,' ' .,..,' \: '; i ':~.':,;" :'/ ,.: ,:'::" '~.:., ::.': ' , """.',:' , ":",, To: Mr. Michael Rumpf FalC: (56 1) 742-6259 From: MClrtin A, Dlaz-Vabor, AlA Date: March 30, 200D Ie: Boynton Landings Fitness pages: 5 c:c: Mr. Danny Ruda Ii!I UIgelnl 0 N:lr Re.Iiew 0 Please Con ., ... ,j Cl Please Reply CI PIec:Ia8 Reo,<::Ie .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . No_: Please find enclosed correspondence in regards to Boynton Landings Fitness Center Please, feel free to call us should YOll have any questions COrdially, Vicky L Vega Office Manager "i".. '. ",:... f. '.c, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . t . ~3,3B/2000 09:4B .! : 3B52559071. PRECISION DE=IGN JJ,C PAGE B2 '.i> .~ , :/ ,..i;.I.; March 2!., 2000 ~.i'< :..' <~.RJ;;;lN. ' ,,!,.~:9;V~;' '1i. /,~~:.1 ..:' , \.!,t:.~.,.:.,.".,',':I...:,., , ,~ ^. ,.. :r:'~.. i( ~' .:t;'~. '!'''~ ',' ,,'" . r .;~ :' .,..,,",", 'f~.;~:,<;:::;\;..:~',;f .,R,p'illlf+;E,~' f.~ ',' li\\,,:: "!;t~~:<.., :,:' :, ?l,'" ,~' .J';:. ",!~ ,. ,J>' ,i;, ..'i~' '. "~;;' l'k!fi '1,~.{J!f $;',:;1:, ,,' ' .:;:;':'::, Lf" ' .'j'" '\' '" I to '.1'" 'I'};"Y'~ + ..;:;. ,~', ,~<:'". i ,~~ ",:~.:!,;~{,,: ,,\~. ';1":. ::~'",,; 'f" ' .. ..r." , .... , "-...,, ~,"" ,I, V 'N"'N"~"Rg' :"~2;i~,\rr:~ .N,~.E.lr}~' ;~,,'$' ~;"'''')!;'" ?':" 'r'., " r~\:: ".;, j~;:,':i!',"" t'.", J,::,i,::~",{ ,~~.:_~{;",::'~;',\~::J\::,i ,,' ;~~~; , " ',I:'~ .:;~ i~l41~;a~),3'1."';(~" v1AMt:l'J.Ci'<t6,.F51~.".! "'~'''':'':'':'''''''~'''''.'~;"-''''''~';' Pl'lI:I39~B'$Q.~71 ':.,. 'r'*r~.qs,jy?6~(;173 ' ,,?! ,; "::"f,fL; .~:; Mr Michael Rumpf Planning &. zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boyntot'l Beath Blvd, Boynton Bea(:h,FI 33425 Re: Boynton landings Fitne$~ Center Dear Mr Rumpf- ;~ ....~>. " ';:'s :1 The following is In response to the request regarding the Site Plan Review and compliance of the above menti.oned project and also, as to the merit of the project meeting the scope required for 'minor modificatio,n consideration. :~~' ~.,,' .- As per Chal'ter 4 of the Site Plan Review Sec;tion of the Zoning code: A. A mmor'modificatlon is a non-impacting modification Which wm have no adverse effect on the approved site and delielopment pl"n and 110 impact upon adjacent and nearby properties, and. no iulverlie aesthetic impact when viewed from a public . right-of-way liS determined by the planning andzoninw director. The project in question is an addition to the am.enit~s of the exlstlrlg clubhouse having no adverse effect on the approved site plan. lhe exlstin\J :lite is approximately (+ or -) 12 acre site with (9) three stOll')' apartment buildings and a centraUylocated pool"wlth cabanas and a c1ubhous,e (area of propo$ed addition). Therefore, there 'Is no direct impact on the site, Its use, adjacent properties, parking, aesthetics, 4)( public ri9ht-of~wav Vi\!W5. Theaddltlol~ Is internal to the project and for the use of-the current tenants, ~nd In no way It creates any kind I)f increase in density nor services. B. Item B is not applicable. since there is no Impact created bV this project. C. Minc;rfMajor modification determination: 1. Th41lnodtfication does not increasi! the b~lildable square footage by more than 2 percent, the criteria Is 5 percent. The total square footage for the apartment buildings Is approximately 230,000 sq, ft. and the existing Clubhouse Is about 1 ,700 sq. ft,. totaling 231,700 sq, ft., 'the new addition is 4,600 sq. ft. therefore, the increase Is only 2%. 03/30,2000 09:40 3052559073_ PRECISION DESIGH IJjC; PAGE 03 Item ~C" continued: 2. The modlflcatlon .does nof reduce theprovicjed "\Amber .of parklngs'ln any way since the addition will bt located in the green area .adJacent to t~e existing. clubhouse and is only consisting,. of amenities (e.g. basketball court, racquetball COllrt, fitness room, et.!;.) for thtclubhouse and the \iurtent us,e , ()f the tenants within the prCPertv. , - 3. The m6dlflcatiol1 d~nQt caUSe the development to be below development standards 111 any'way Since It does Qot deviate from its original criteria nor uses. 4 The mo~lfjcatlori h~ no adverse effect In any way on adjacent properties 'or reduces any required bl!ffer, since the acldition Is Internal to the pfoperty, 5, The modlflcatlon. d~s not adversely affeCt the eleVation delilgn of the structures, SiJlce ca~ful cO!\Jlduatlon was' gl.'ien to this project during the design "rocHs .in order to match th~ elevations as ~Ipse as_possible ~o the existing ones and 'use the same type materials and method of construction. , , / 6. This Item ll' not applicable since all is being ..~qjJested is anad~ltion to llin e)(lstlng stl1Jcture. 7 The modification does not alter the site development. In any way causing a deViation or major alteration frQmthe ol'lginally approved site plan, A description of the addition to the c1ul;lhou$e of the above mentiOned site as required by the director IS as ,follOws: The p,FQpOsed anached addition is to ,b~ located direc:tlyt6 the southwest of the e,xisting clubhouse Irl the ,!TIaln pool are.a. The addition consists of approximat4lly 4,600 sq,ft., contain.ing an ind~r half-basketball court, two .indoor rac<luetbllll courts,a: fitness room, a chlldrenpiayr(loni and a storage .space on the second floor portion above the fitness room. the .addition Is of~ storl.s, deslgnecf i" the same style and using the same materials' used 9n the $ulrrounding buildl!'lgs,.. Careful considel'atlcm wa~glven by thearehitect an4 the owner, 'as to leave suffl~lent dlstan.:e from adjacent apartment, buildings, in qrder to have. minimum- impact toward the apartments. . '" 03/30/2000 09:40 3052569073.. PRECISION DESI3N .lNQ PAGE 0d Enclosed. also please find exhibit one. a site plan of the area II) que~tion showing the portion of the site which is tp be ctJang~d in jts preSE:nt condition and exhibit two, showing the site depicting theprop.osed modlncat/on. We thank you for your' .prompt attentlQn to this mater. If you hav~ anyquestiorlS please do not hesj~tt to call. . --..., MADY/vv enclosures cc: Mr. Dan Ruda/Ceebrald-Slgnal Florida Management, ltd. .. 03/3e/2e0~ 0~:4e 30525""1373 ,,.)4tltJ~1 ! r--- -__---- _r- /71 .j,/ b , ~2a/2i3el) 094B ,f1!:J2569~J73 \- _ I PRS:CI5IO~1 [I~SIGN ~~) 1 . . ':- "- ;'<~ \ L- J \" \ // ,\.0 \ ~/-//-~' '-. \ . / f r\LJ) :r~ D A)Ji \ ! f'~ '~' v/ , . I · I( I . (Y! ", \ \hj~~' lh I ',.0 -!-/ 0 ffi ~ / lis I J f/ ~~~ < - ~" (~ ~~~ "-- /~/\---,:::-,--..::::=Ti ~. ~./ ~~~ ' , \ ~- _ i ~ --------.. ! \ ' \ i I ~ II /\ , \ \ II ) I I i Ii J '""1 <..., \ ~ MARTIN A D. YABOR &~J'..c AAOOO2791 ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS I.NTERIORS 12124 S.W 131 AVENUE MAMI, FlORIDA33186 PH. (305) 278 9707 FAX (305) 256 9073 March 29, 2000 (n~- 00_ Mr Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FI. 33425 Re: Boynton Landings Fitness Center Dear Mr. Rumpf It was a pleasure speaking with you this morning and you being so kind as to telling me what else we required in order to finalize this matter Enclosed please find the tabular data requested, together with the new building addition elevations, the fee for $100.00 dollars and four signed sealed copies as per your request, I thank you once again for your prompt attention to this matter and in helping us resolve this issue promptly If you have any questions regarding this or any other matter pertaining to this project, and I can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to call me at your convenience. 5~ /._.::?:~ Martin A. Diaz President MADY Iw enclosures cc: Mr Dan Ruda/Ceebraid-Signal Florida Management, Ltd. ~ MAR II N A. D, V.ABQR & .AffIC,N: MOOO2791 ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS PLANNERS ~. N T E RIO R S 12124 S.W 131 AVENUE Mf'MI, FLORIDA33186 PH'.(305j 254- \1071 ,FAX (305) 256 9073 March 29, 2000 00 rnowi'- MAA 3 r LiJUiJ i "" ~,. PlANNING AND NING DEPT. Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FJ. 33425 Re. Boynton landings Fitness Center Dear Mr Rumpf' The following is in response to the request regarding the Site Plan Review and compliance of the above mentioned project and also, as to the merit of the project meeting the scope required for minor modification consideration. As per Chapter 4 of the Site Plan Review Section of the Zoning code: A. A minor modification is a non-impacting modification which will have no adverse effect on the approved site and development plan and no Impact upon adjacent and nearby properties, and no adverse aesthetic impact when viewed from a public right-of-way as determined by the planning and zoning director The project in question is an addition to the amenities of the existing clubhouse having no adverse effect on the approved site plan. The existing site is approximately (+ or -) 12 acre site with (9) three story apartment buildings and a centrally located pool with cabanas and a clubhouse (area of proposed addition). Therefore, there is no direct impact on the site, its use, adjacent properties, parking, aesthetics, or public right-of-way views, The addition is internal to the project and for the use of the current tenants, and in no way it creates any kind of increase in density nor services. B. Item B is not applicable since there is no impact created by this project. C. Minor/Major modification determination: The modification does not increase the buildable square footage by more than 2 percent, the criteria is 5 percent, The total square footage for the apartment buildings is approximately 230,000 sq. ft. and the existing Clubhouse is about 1,700 sq. ft" totaling 231,700 sq, ft" the new addition is 4,600 sq. ft, therefore, the increase is only 2%, Item "C" continued: 2. The modification does not reduce the provided number of parkings in any way since the addition will be located in the green area adjacent to the existing clubhouse and is only consisting of amenities (e.g. basketball court, racquetball court, fitness room, etc,) for the clubhouse and the current use of the tenants within the property, 3 The modification does not cause the development to be below development standards in any way since it does not deviate from its original criteria nor uses. 4 The modification has no adverse effect In any way on adjacent properties or reduces any required buffer, since the addition is internal to the property 5 The modification does not adversely affect the elevation design of the structures, since careful consideration was given to this project during the design process in order to match the elevations as close as possible to the existing ones and use the same type materials and method of construction, 6. This item is not applicable since all is being requested is an addition to an existing structure. 7 The modification does not alter the site development in any way causing a deviation or major alteration from the originally approved site plan. A description of the addition to the clubhouse of the above mentioned site as required by the director is as follows: The proposed attached addition is to be located directly to the southwest of the existing clubhouse in the main pool area, The addition consists of approximately 4,600 sq. ft., containing an indoor half-basketball court, two indoor racquetball courts, a fitness room, a children playroom and a storage space on the second floor portion above the fitness room. The addition Is of two stories, designed in the same style and using the same materials used on the surrounding buildings. Careful consideration was given by the architect and the owner, as to leave sufficient distance from adjacent apartment buildings, in order to have a minimum impact toward the apartments. Enclosed, also please find exhibit one, a site plan of the area in question showing the portion of the site which is to be changed in its present condition and exhibit two, showing the site depleting the proposed modification. We thank you for your prompt attention to this mater. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to calf. -'. Sincerelv, .-7 ,\ i ? ~/ ,/ ;:::::c::-c:>~ ~l' // Martin A Diaz-Yabor; ~ President ..-.,--. ..' MADY Iw enclosures cc: Mr Dan Ruda/Ceebrald-Signal Florida Management, Ltd, .J" ... -- -. '.- ~AAtJ~l_r ;""'- - - --... /) I ...._ .6 -' / -' / \ -' /~ ~ ~ Attachment to Site Plan of Bovnton Landinqs Fitness Center Development Notes BLDG. USE UNITS 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOMS A APARTMENTS 24 B APARTMENTS 12 8 C APARTMENTS 12 8 D APARTMENTS 24 E APARTMENTS 12 8 F APARTMENTS 12 12 G APARTMENTS 12 8 H APARTMENTS 24 I APARTMENTS 12 .!l. 144 52 TOTAL UNITS 196 J GARAGE 7 SPACES K GARAGE 5 SPACES L CLUBHOUSE + NEW ADDITION 7,300 SQ.FT M GARAGE 3 SPACES N GARAGE 5 SPACES 0 CAR WASH/MAINTENANCE P MAIL KIOSK NOTE. The sign on the entrance wall with inset "Post Landing" located at each side of entrance wall has been replaced by a new sign "Boynton Landings" replacing existing one but in compliance to the code. Colors and materials of the New Addition to match those of the existing buildings and their surroundings to keep in harmony with the architectural character of the community ----- Building Siding is gray with white Trims as all other buildings on the site. And shingles are to match existing shingles on property buildings in color and style. ~9 4/&/ co