JUN-25-01 10: 26 8Ra.iENS ,. '3SOC rATES
TEL ~6148855E11
Charter School of
Bovnton Beach
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To: Michael Rumpf, OireCtor of Planning
City of Boynton ~
From: Pamela B. ~cipellnve!ltigator
Date: 06125101
Re: Postponement of meetings
I sent you a copy of the letter to Kurt Bressner dated June 25, 2001 B88ecI on that
letter we will attend neither the TRC meeting schec:lulecl for June 26 nor the SpecIal
meeting for the Planning and Development Board on JUly 11 My staff and I wish to
meet with yO\,l to discuss a revised tlmeframe to meet our goal of opening the sc:l1ool
in August 2002. Although there 1$ a delay in opening. we are proceeding wlth the site
plan application and master plan modification. We willllubmit the information and
documen1Btion for the normal review pt'O(;ellll based on the citYs schedule.
I appreciate your efforts to e)(pedite the process for thill $ChOo1 year However, the
delay will be beneficIal to the community, the CIty Qfficial. and the esse Board of
Directors to open a safe and quality SCIlool for 18112002.
If you have any questions please call me at 561-486-5501 or voicemail 561-316-
4906. Ageln, I thank you and your staff for the cooperation.
Galav Lusia
Johnson, Eric
Thursday, June 21, 2001 4:01 PM
Galav Lusia; Rumpf, Michael
Pam Owens $
I reminded Pam Owens that the Charter School of Boynton Beach still has not fully paid for the site plan application fee.
She replied that a new check was "in the works" and that she would have something for us by next Tuesday's TRC
meeting (26th).
Eric Lee Johnson
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PZ 01-115
Quintus Greene. Director of Development
Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director ('1 w[..-
June 12, 2001
Charter School of Boynton Beach
Anticipated Process Schedule - Master Plan Modification and New Site Plan
As requested, I have prepared a schedule for processing the above-referenced project. This review schedule
is based on the extremely limited time frame created by the late submittal of the required applications, and
planned opening date for the school of August 14th or 2151
Plans/applications filed
Plans distributed at TRC meeting
Comments forwarded to applicant (by)
Plans revised and walked on to TRC agenda
Planning & Development Board Meeting (special)
City Commission review
June 8, 2001
June 12,2001
June 20, 2001
June 26, 2001
July 11, 2001
July 17, 2001
Please note that the application was deficient of required documents such as a current survey, traffic study and
confirmation of compliance by Palm Beach County, paving and drainage plans, landscaping plans, minimum
dimensions and tabular data, elevations, consent for the master plan modification by the HOA, etc. Although
the schedule anticipates master plan/site plan approval on July 17th, several assumptions have been made
which should be understood and acknowledged by those parties relying on this schedule. Those assumptions
are as follows: 1) that the Board is available to hold a special meeting on the date, or during the week shown
herein; 2) that TRC reviews will be conducted and comments forwarded within the 6 working days allocated; 3)
that corrections by the project designer will be conducted in the short time period allocated; 4) that all
requirements and approvals of outside agencies will be satisfied and obtained within the review period; and 5)
all application and plan deficiencies will be addressed to an acceptable degree to allow both the plans to go
forward to the Board and Commission, and the timely processing and issuance of permits
II should be noted that in order to save time, TRC comments will not be consolidated and held until all
comments are received, but simply forwarded to the applicant once received by each corresponding TRC
member Although this will prevent our final review and proofing of them (elimination of duplicates, clarifying
unclear comments, etc.), any time saved is vital to the successful processing of the applications within the
allotted time.
With regards to the request for a special use permit, use of the property will require a lease agreement with the
city, and the placement of the school in the PUD will be achieved through a master plan modification. Further,
as schools are permitted uses within a PUD, I do not recommend the establishment of a special process by
which the school use is reviewed and approved.
Please contact me should you have any questions regarding this matter
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\CORRESP\Dev Dept\Director Greene\Charter School review schedule.doc
1110 (/r-k].//' J
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· Buifding . Planning & Zoning - Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
June 12,2001
Ms Pamela Owens
PO Box 2597
Boca Raton, FL 33427
Dear Ms Owens:
Charter School of Boynton Beach
Anticipated Process Schedule - Master Plan Modification and New Site Plan
I have prepared a schedule for processing the above-referenced project. This review schedule is based On the
extremely limited time frame created by the late submittal of the required applications, and planned opening
date for the school of August 14th or 21"
Plans/applications filed
Plans distributed at TRC meeting
Comments forwarded to applicant (by)
Plans revised and walked on to TRC agenda
Planning & Development Board Meeting (special)
City Commission review
June 8, 2001
June 12,2001
June 20, 2001
June 26, 2001
July 11,2001
July 17,2001
Please note that the application was deficient of required documents such as a current survey, traffic study and
confinnation of compliance by Palm Beach County, paving and drainage plans, landscaping plans, minimum
dimensions and tabular data, elevations, consent for the master plan modification by the HOA, etc. Although
the schedule anticipates master plan/site plan approval on July 17'h, several assumptions have been made which
should be understood and acknowledged by those parties relying on this schedule. Those assumptions are as
follows: 1) that the Board is available to hold a special meeting on the date, or during the week shown herein;
2) that TRC reviews will be conducted and comments forwarded within the 6 working days allocated; 3) that
corrections by the project designer will be conducted in the short time period allocated; 4) that all requirements
and approvals of outside agencies will be satisfied and obtained within the review period; and 5) all application
and plan deficiencies will be addressed to an acceptable degree to allow both the plans to go forward to the
Board and Commission, and the timely processing and issuance of permits
It should be noted that in order to save time, TRC comments will not be consolidated and held until all
comments are received, but simply forwarded to the applicant once received by each corresponding TRC
member Although this will prevent our final review and proofing of them (elimination of duplicates, clarifying
unclear comments, etc.), any time saved is vital to the successful processing of the applications within the
allotted time.
City of Boynton 8each . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.()310
Phone: (561) 742-6350 .
Page 2
June 12, 2001
With regards to the request for a special use permit, use of the property will require a lease agreement with the
city, and the placement of the school in the PUD will be achieved through a master plan modification. Further,
as schools are permitted uses within a PUD, I do not recommend the establishment of a special process by which
the school use is reviewed and approved.
Please contact me should you have any questions regarding this matter
Michael W Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
S:\PlanningISHAREDlWPICORRESP\P&ZICharter School of Boynton
City Hall, West Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
(561) 742-6260
(561) 742.6259 Fax
From the office of
Planning & Zoning
Pamela Owens
, ,
FROM: Michael Rumpf' /tj'-
NUMBER OF PAGES. (including cover)
DATE: 06/12/01
Land Development Fee Schedule-Boynton Beach Charter School Master Plan Modification &
Please find the attached land development fee schedule indicating the fees applicable
to the Boynton Beach Charter School project. See page #1 under "Master Plan
Modification", and page #2 under "Site Plan Review" The fee for a New Site
Plan involving 5 acres or more is $1,500 00, and the fee for a Master Plan
Modification is $500 00 I apologize for the incorrect information provided to you at
our last meeting, as it was based upon the understanding that the subject property
was less than 5 acres. Please remit as soon as possible, a check in the amount of
$1,500 00 for the processing of the new site plan. Staff has already processed the
correct payment of $500 00 for the master plan modification, however, we have held
the check for $ 7 50 00 to be replaced with a check in the full amount of $1,500 00
If you receIve this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office
immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you.
TIME 05/12/2001 17 43
FAY 5513755259
TEL 5513755250
05/12 17.41
00 01 49
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Kurt Bressner
City Manager
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FI 33425 ,
Re: Bovnton Beach Charter School- Special Use Permit
June 8, 2001
Dear Mr. Bressner,
Thank you for your assistance in making the Boynton Beach
Charter School project possible.
In our June 1, 2001 meeting we discussed a" special use"
permit process, which would streamline and expedite the review
process for the Boynton Beach Charter School project.
We would like to formally request this process be Litilized for
For the Boynton Beach Charter School' project. We need to
know the specific requirements for this process at your earliest
opportunity. The goal is to open the school in a temporary
facility the beginning of August 2001.
Please contact me with any information that will help us obtain
this goal.
Johnson Architects
S ve Myott
Vice President
949 Clint Moore Road 0 Boca Raton, Florida 334870 561-997-9997'0 Fax 561-997-16100 e-mail
301 N, Ferncreek Avenue, Suite Co Orlando, Florida 32803 0_"Q7-843-9997__0_Fax 407-843-2228 0 e-mail
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~pf, Michael
Hawkins, Wilfred
Friday, June 08, 2001 4:38 PM
Greene, Quintus; Rumpf, Michael; Sressner, Kurt
Cherof, James
Summary of June 8 meeting with Charter School of SS
Following is a brief summary of the meeting between city staff and Charter School officials:
. Site plan for temporary site and buildings were submitted, new site plan fee and master plan modification fee paid.
. Letter submitted requesting project proceed under "speciai use" permit process, Mike Rumpf to make determination.
. Discussed the TRC review and time frame for the complete review process, Mike Rumpf will prepare time line for
expedited process, will require special meeting of P&Z, will provide this time frame to MS.Owens.
. Discussed lease agreement, Jeff Wood, attorney for charter school, will contact Jim Cherof to construct a lease. Mr
Greene will speak with Mr Cherof also.
. Quicy Johnson, Architect Firm, will contact Nautica Sound HOA for official notification regarding Site Plan approval
process prior to flyers going out announcing community meeting.
. Community Meeting tentatively set for evening of June 28 at Fire Station #3. Ms. Ownes will draft a info flyer and
submit to Mr Greene on June 11 Mr Greene will determine if time will permit flyers to be mailed in water bills, if not,
Charter Schooi officials will hand deliver Target audience is all subdivisions surrounding the property
. Target date for Charter School to open is August 21, earlier if possible. Absolutely must have final answer on lease
and permits by August 1
Please make any corrections or additions if necessary This is intended for staff reference only
JUN-25-01 10:26 SROWENS p qSSOCrATES
TEL cO;;6148855E11
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Charter School of
Bovnton Beach
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To ',end t." fll"d ',l't' (It" "....t.b ,lll'.1I
To: Michael Rumpf, Oirector of Planning
City of Boynton ~
From: Pamela B. Owe~cipellnve!ltigator
Date: 06125101
Re: POIItpOnement of meetings
I sent you a copy of the letter to Kurt 6ressner dated June 25, 2001 B88ecI on that
letter we will attend neither the TRC meeting schec:lulecl for June 26 nor the SpecIal
meeting for lhe Planning and Development Board on JUly 11 My staff and I wish to
meet with you to discuss a revised timeframe to meet our goal of opening the sc:l1ool
in August 2002. Although there 1$ a delay in opening, we are proceeding wlth the Bite
plan application and master plan modification. We willllubmit the information and
documentation for the normal review pt'O(;ess based on the citY. schedule.
I appreciate your efforts to e)(pedite the process for thill $ChOoI year However. the
delay win be beneficIal to the community. the oily officials and the esBB Board of
Directors to open a safe and quality SCIlool for 18112002.
If you have any questions please call me at 561~86-5501 or voicemail 561-316-
4906. Again, I thank you and your staff for the cooperation.