APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: Cherry Hill Lot 62 LOCATION: N.W 9th Ave COMPUTER ID: 01-82000014 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: ZNCV 01-015 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Zoning Code Variance AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: Octavia S. OWNER/APPLICANT: Wiley, Derek and Sherrod, Community Development Tracy. City of Boynton Beach. Manager City of Boynton Beach PHONE: N/A PHONE: 742-6066 FAX: N/A FAX: ADDRESS: N/A ADDRESS: 100 E. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Date of submittal/Proiected meetinl! dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 06/08/01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 07/31/01 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 08/14/01 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 08/21/01 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Cheny Hill Lot 62\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid Receipt Number Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Date CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ZONING CODE VARIANCE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE. SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD MEETINGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES. Please Print (in ink) or Type Submittal Date: o!>lo~/ol The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Planning and Development Board to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): 6 L i-es:> \..V J 0; t.o"T 6.3 /1,vt:' IA/ Property involved is described as follows. Lot(s) z-o' 01" '-oT (; 'f Block 1/,/.4 Subdivision CHt!.let~'1 HII..LS Plat Book if Page .5 B or otherwise described as follows: Property Address N,w. 9 '1'" A VEIVVE.. PCNNumber 08 it] '-15 2/ lif 000 0621 Variance requested 7LOO 5'1. fit. LoT is 300 3,/ .ft.. $/I,?,el' or -rH.€ A.t- Qlhfi..ttJ 7 s'oo 5<1, Pt. ~&J I!.. f<.. I II z 0 ~ / jr./G . A 5 f/ LI< CHAI'1.t1< 1. 5.tc., 5" P. 2 "-. The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted 1 Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: roJ ~J ;" . ---- r:,-"l UlJI JUN -R I L r: 2l,f\!fL .....' A. B C D E. F All property lines North arrow Existing structures and paving Existing elevations Rights-of-way, with elevations Easements on or adjacent to the site Page 2 Zoning Code Variance Application G Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal Description I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing. A. All proposed structures B All existing structures that are to remain on site C Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3 Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate, as well as labels or addressed envelopes and postage (1st class-- stamps or payment for required postage). 4 Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aaent is submittina the petition, a notarized copy of a letter desianatina him as such must accompany the petition. 5 Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet {Please print or Will: A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; B That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. F That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent ~nd purpose Page 3 Zoning Code Variance Application of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6 An application fee in the amount of $400 00 plus postage. payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400 00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $1 0000 for each additional Code section. Name and address of owner' IN J L. f 'f D J!./?Ii /< ;q jt/ /J 'T f!/i c. y ) 7 8. Name of applicant: C i r'7 0';:: gOYft'fo.A/ FfE/Jc.# 9 Applicant's address: 100 E. P<?'f~Yo.v B//Jc~/, 19L V,L} Applicant's phone #. 7 'i z. - (, 0 {; 6 Date: 'IJr~ dtJ (dtA:? I Signature of Applicant: rt!tt-~~~ 10 Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. TO BE COMPLETED BY PLANNING AND ZONING 1 Property is presently zoned: R-~-A formerly zoned 2. Property Control Number' 08- 43-<'t-;;-21-/4-o 00- OC.2/ 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements (list section(s) of Code from which relief is required): 4 Nature of exception or variance required 5 Case Number' Meeting Date' ~ Page 4 Zoning Code Variance Application TO BE FILLED OUT BY BOARD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD' Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Chairman -, Page 5 Zoning Code Variance Application CERTIFICATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY APPLICANT/AGENT NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL ZONING CODE VARIANCE All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 shall be accompanied by mailing labels with the names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT -- PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 updated 03/23/01 J :\SH RDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLlCA T10NSIZNCV\ZNCV application with peN.doc A. The City of Boynton Beach through its Infill Program acquires vacant properties. The properties are then given away to first time homebuyers qualified to participate in the City's Program. The community benefits from the Program by eliminating the slum and blight conditions (illegal dumping and overgrown lots) in the neighborhood, increasing the tax base, and providing affordable housing. The City has recently given two 60 foot road frontage parcels away Each parcel has at least one whole platted lot is 120 feet deep and contains 7,200 square feet. The 60 foot road frontage meets the requirements of RIA zoning and is the dominant sized lot in the 500 block ofN.W 9th Avenue with 1 (one)- 52 feet lot and 2(two)-58 feet lots and the comer lots being the exception. All of the lots on the South side of the block are 120 feet deep which means that all of the inside 60 feet parcels do not comply with the 7,500 square feet RIA requirement. This zoning requirement has created a barrier that prevents the parcels from being readily developed in a manner consistent with the surrounding neighborhood. B. The platting, development and construction of other homes in the community was performed by others over a long period of time. The city has recently installed sewers and is working as a facilitator to complete the community C. There is no special privilege or particular benefit to building on a lot size consistent with as-builts in the immediately surrounding area. D There currently exists three developed properties on the same block that have least 240 square feet less than the subject property and three developed properties with the same (60 feet x 120 feet) 7,200 square feet. The rights of home ownership enjoyed by those property owners should be no greater than the rights of these first time homebuyers. E. The proposed homes exceed the minimum requirement of 1,250 square feet, meet all of the existing set-back requirements, will not cover more than 40% of the lot and the parcels meet the required 60 feet road frontage. The minimal 300 square feet variance is shared by other existing homes on the block and is all that is required to build on these parcels. F The granting of the variance does not affect the size of the home, required setbacks or the character of the neighborhood. It does eliminate vacant land, creates affordable housing, makes a positive impact on the community and increases the value of the surrounding homes. ., ,.Ii II - R /11111 L Ii ',"l- i J This instrument prepared by' Amanda Parks Schlechter, Esquire Nason, Yeager, Gerson, White & Lioce, P.A. 1645 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Suite 1200 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this ~ day of April, 2001, between, THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 100 E. Bovnton Reach Blvd., Bovnton Beach. FL 33435 , hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and SHANDRA FRAZIER, a married woman, whose address is 350 N W 17th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee" WITNESSEIH. That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100'S ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations, in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, al1en, remise, release, convey and confirm unto Grantee, those certain lands situate, lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, described as follows See attached Exhibit "A" TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion or reversions, remainder or remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted, bargained and described premises, with the appurtenances thereto, unto said Grantee to Grantee's own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, SUBJECT TO I Conditions. restrictions, limitations, easements, reservations, zoning ordinances and other matters of record, if any, none of which are hereby reimposed, and 1 Conditions, restnctlOns, limitations, easements, reservations, zoning ordinances and other matters of record, if any none of which are hereby reimposed; and 2. Real estate ta.'les for the year 2001 and subsequent years. AND Grantor hereby covenants as follows: A. That the lands conveyed hereby are free from all encumbrances made by Grantor; and B. Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the above-described real property, and hereby warrants the title to said real property for any acts of Grantor and will defend the title against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor, but against none other IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: GRANTOR. ~ ~lA r .J _ ~1 L ,S~,' (print witness name) THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation By 41:f~ ' ~ c:; " en' - Its: Mayor '/;h'J-t~~~/:;K1f rint witness name) APPROVED AS TO 'OA~ ( NJ\ ~M crn- A TrORNEY 2 STATE OF FLORlDA ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH J The foregoing Special arranty DeedJ,vas acknowledged before me this .;; 3 day of ~ 2001, by -~ ~~ ,the h~ ofThe City of oynton Beach, a mumclp corporation, on behalf of corporatIOn, (~who is personally known to me OR ( ) who produced as identification. ~ it, /JL a-d-^-- Notary Signature ...~y Pu" Barbara M. Madden ~ '6Commission # CC 760457 Print Not BONDED THRU ATlANTIC BONDING CO.. INC. NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: H:\ 1697\ I 3973\DSpecialW arrantyDeed2.A.PS/mc-cal 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (New Property) Lots 60, 61 and the west 100 feet of Lot 62, CHERRY HILLS, according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58 Exhibit A H: \ 1697\ 13973\DExhibitAB.APS ./eal Mr-~7-2001 11: 18a. 0 1-182:537 RB 12526 Pg 1 4- 1 "7 Con 6,&00.00 Doc 46.20 1...................1. J C This instrument prepared bY' Amanda Parks Schlechter, Esquire Nason, Yeager, Gerson, White & Lioce, P.A. 1645 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard Suite 1200 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED '1rJ' ') THIS INDENTURE, made this L day of May, 2001, between SHANDRA FRAZIER, a single woman, whose address is 350 N W 17th Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor", and THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee" W II N ~~~~I H. That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NOIIOO'S ($10 00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable considerations, in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto Grantee, those certain lands situate, lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, described as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion or reversions, remainder or remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted, bargained and described premises, with the appurtenances thereto, unto said Grantee to Grantee's own proper use, benefit and behoof forever, SUBJECT TO' 1 Conditions, restnctIons, limitations, easements, reservations, zoning ordinances and other matters of record, if any none of which are hereby reimposed, and -qRB 12526 Pg 1418 1. Real estate taxes for the year 100 I and subsequent years. AND Grantor hereby covenants as follows: A. That the lands conveyed hereby are free from all encumbrances made by Grantor; and B. Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the above-described real property, and hereby warrants the title to said real property for any acts of Grantor and will defend the title against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by through or under Grantor but against none other IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the resence of: , ~. , Ii / / r, 'v' _~ GRANTOR. l:~J\~ c;)\'~U'r' Shandra Frazier (print witness name) ('/ ~ cJ.1..'""'^ C\...\N OA-if'tJt0 (print witness name) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing Special Warranty Deed was acknowledged before me this Z-l-'O day of May, 200 I, by Sandra Frazier, ( ) who is personally known to me OR (1<. ) who produced O"-\\'\-e~ 'S 1..\ Ce.t><, G- as identification. (' '-L.. ~ Notary Signature ,~~, COURlNEY A UNDEMANN i-:"Ji.";., MY COMMISSION # CC 982009 ~'~i!1 EXPIRES, November 15, 2004 '~Rr..fl\" BOIll!edThruNota!'fPU~licUnd8IWrtt'~ ('/(....11-> OE: hftr-Ji'-l Print Notary Name NOTARY PUBLIC State of Florida at Large H:\ 1697\ 13973\DSpt:ciaIWarrant)'Deed I. APSI mc-cJI .., lIB 1 2526 P!I 1 4- 1 '9 DLi.."THY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Existing Property) Lot 62 less the west 10 0 feet thereof, Lot 63 and the west 20 0 feet of Lot 64 of CHERRY HILLS, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58 Exhibit A H: \ 1697\ 13973\DExhibitA.APS :Ieal .-- f-~ THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY JAMES A. CHEROF, ESQUIRE PO Box310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this '9 day of March, 2001, between THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor") and DEREK WilEY and TRACY WilEY, his Wife, whose address is Palm Beach County, Florida (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). WIT N ESE T H: That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, to wit: lot 62, less the West 10' , lot 63, and the West 20' of Lot 64, CHERRY HillS, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Grantor does hereby warrant title to the land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through, or under the Grantor, but against none other GRANTEE covenants that the real property conveyed by this instrument must be used to benefit low and moderate income persons and/or families, as those terms are Ro/- -/0 ~.- .--..... defined by the U S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and Pfl~ 6ea~~ CO"oly. foe, period of tweoly (20) ye,m fmm the d"e hecoof '0 the e,eo' ~t"'- - ~_1OO1 .1 Page 1 \.'( /' / of this covenant, title shall revert to GRANTOR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Deed to be executed by its duly authorized officer the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence. Witnesses: ~~W:~A'/ Sig ature J?a.h',vN'G /l/~v...sC (Type or print name) ~IM/L-~/~~i,-- Signa)llre AP0:'~l-5 Y ~ COy Altomey ~ ~H-r-~4.y',yp-5/ld' /(14-- . (Type r print name) STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss.. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of December, 1998 by GERALD BROENING as Mayor of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation, who is personally known to me, and who did not take an oath. ~tIM-~h My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUBLIC , SUj?1N COIA_/ NS (Type or print name) s:ca\de ..~... '~ SUSANCOLUNS {,: ::.\ MY COMMISSION t CC 913630 ~ : ;; EXPIRES: February 24, 2004 ~iii..,&..'" eondedThruNotlIryPllblicUnderWriters Page 2 RESOLUTION R01-Jok A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED CONVEYING PROPERTY AS PART OF THE CITY'S INFILL CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO DEREK WTI..,EY AND TRACY WTI..,EY, HIS WIFE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Derek Wiley and Tracy Wiley, his Wife, have been approved for a mortgage as participants in the City of Boynton Beach Infill Construction Program; and WHEREAS, Derek Wiley and Tracy Wiley, his Wife have selected a city- owned lot in the Cherry Hills Subdivision and desire to build a single family home on said lot; and WHEREAS, the construction of single-family housing in eXlstmg subdivisions throughout the City is encouraged for the purpose of community revitalization and increased taxable value; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, based upon staff recommendation, finds it to be in the best interests of the community and its residents to convey the below-described property to Derek Wiley and Tracy Wiley, his Wife, for the purpose of constructing a single family home. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does hereby authorize and direct the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Special Warranty Deed conveying certain property in Cherry Hills Subdivision, to Derek Wiley and Tracy Wiley, his Wife, as part of the City's Infill Construction Program. A copy of the Special Warranty Deeds are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" ( Section 2. passage. This Resolution will become effective immediately upon [('1 !, It~8~ -.- ~-'---------- ",\~:~ + , -, - --~--_._----- W~O:llS3n03~ ""311 \fa'-l~\f HO\f38 NOINA08 :10 AIIO PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6 day of March,2001 CITY Iii i.J: FW'IDA M~ /) ~~~~ ~4!:/ ;;::or c- Commissioner ~ Commissioner Commissioner (CorpW':iftt~~Mf\'////I/ ~~' '00 '.1 n'\I /'8- ,:-.; / "u.a. :"0 'l ..., ( ..':.'r::, ", ". ;.." t ~Off" J. "J ;}:(~\ - . . - ~ t) : -:: -:. ..1- ..".""",,' - ca~~~\WammIJ'&ed.~ .2 :--;.. ,,::;;. // t~ ._ "'.~ ,,' '/; I - ,\'0' , ':il\"\\\\ '~)$~. .. ... \ . ~:,\I/J/. . ~ '. - , DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Community Redevelopment Memorandum CRD 01-096 TO: FROM: DATE. RE. Michael W Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director ~ I Octavia S. Sherrod, Community Development Manager 1.,11 June 8, 2001 I Zoning Variance Applications Attached you will find two (2) applications for a variance for City Infill participants to build two (2) affordable houses on the properties described as: Lot 62, less the West 10', Lot 63, and the West 20' of Lot 64, CHERRY HILLS, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and Lot 64, less the West 20', Lots 65, 66, and the West 5' of Lot 67, CHERRY HILLS, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Please charge the processing fee of $800.00 to account #122-2418-55449-64 Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have regarding this matter OSS:dar Attachments -- G' 11 ":1 I~ \ 1 , n I __ .._,._.__, I , in ,': ~, : i\l"\" 1,1 I; Ii 1 r" I." , 'u'L JJN - 8 111111 L-- _..J \ICHVlJ.lfJ\!;:Hl"n/. T/'\Cf::.Jur.-"'lnit~'r::G\fTlI'mn::-vr.o1\FP' ;:;V;:r/'1'11I:t,.,r,(l1.rlcr. c:::# c~ 1f{S' 4:,rs ,$9~ ,e -397 - ~~~-3 ~z:, ;Prdd t!Prs .;277#'..278 - ~/4""'- ~ ~s ~9$/~99 - ~,y7&J- ~ Ld.s ~''''~J' /.:tJ.$/'7/ - ~ L.tJrs .$7/ -...I 7J -~- ~ .:;Q/# ..::r..:z~ - ~~..:i' - ~ #~t:..s - ~~a""'dCh~ 7~a~ "r?.N'.u C <.) ..<J' d<..1 /CUd.... cA:..a ~~j/~ A3d<<~ AJaAV., .0<. e>"~.1 <JL ~/.a c: ..0.0 ~ ~ '/ nCAfin ~~ ~~~'eL'~~:::Z::: ~ ,&.-'~~aJ-c:y '//.lTt:'>jlo ~~~~7~ A'~<~<:v~ L:;:!,.,; . ~ --">Uaz. 4J"TS <<89.e<<9t:::J - ~/7~ - fi~~-<!L/~ ~.~n'-'-f!L/?IO>~.1 ~.."ld 7~~ LPr~ ~I , ~~ _ /~.::,/7J - ~"'~}"/~d7t:/~.~ ,-~n,__ ~ ~~ /t!i (f/./U!<'J c~u.au.l :'1/" I C'~"e..1 ~~t2-.W.~~c~~ L$rS /96-~"1 - 8~//80 - ~'C.(.I~~ ~ ~~~hol'-~ Ur.5 J~7-~70 - ~PAro- 4n-s "".J.- 'f.J 7 (. 1/-..J8-4"-..1'1 ~9/4/ /A4"~ 4,.1.1<a)~,aAd AC "" ,c? 4 a, '~'<""~'? ~ {!,Lfff ~~ y d ;"L5 I >-- .3 5' ~...--^-,~ - , /..oTS 'J?3'; .nt .33"01 .3F~ fl~,.3 If 3' .;2.. -/.y.-,?..3 ~ /CuhUll.- ofLde... 7tU.d. ~a't<!k' ~' f-..-/()~.3,,,.~<UL f. ~';UT7, o<z' ~~ p (3, ~I Q'id~7j ~ #~ 'P/7 - /~..3.43? -~d/,,<,< &.cac.c-4;~ AdL ~~~ ~-;5/a#~, .<:?"~~' ? 1f6<,,~~ ~4~a~J.'5 Lars c'Jfoo ~ ~r..1 &./~hs - ~cI,,~, ~ ~ of a....- ~~~ ~ 1Iv..p ~ 'd l~ Q4,.. J:b., ~ /0: c:r~"!l ~):b.. W. @' ~~ 'If. 8-1"-0' ~.w ~H t>>..- 7. .100 1:~' ~ ~ ~~~il~tSOD ~ N.-l-A ' k.r.'l J...44.i w. ~O: ~ (.5; "'...Lw. S'1J.M'7 8-PL~1 . It-I-A ~ ----.- _._~-~---- ------ - .- Page 1 of3 Palm Beach COU1Ity Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLlTS, CFA Rows I to 50 displayed. Click on row to see more information. Owner Name HOLLEY MAY1SJ~ LE.ERQaEBT J & REVIA M HARRIS CLARA & KISLAK Db VID &. .KtS.LMJ2AYW~ SCHMlIIJOJ'J.C JAC~SON ANDRA JOHNSON ERIC .BAKER E_YER1E~E W ASHlNGTON K W & WILLIE R BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BQWIQ~J'lE.A.c:HC'JIYQE HAM_L&._EARLENE ~EW-M.AN_RA~_~_RUT.H_E HQVRE~!iO~GHTCASH WATSONHENRYL WAISON HENRY L LOWEMARVINR S_HELTQN LUCILE MC_GR-AY_ELMQRE &, ~Bl_LU).E.EJJLRlCll..&..MAEJI!lE.BJIE Situs Address Pal'eel Control Number 503 NW 8TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0190 507 NW 8TH ST 08-43-45-21-14-000-0211 511 NW 8TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0240 519 NW 8TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0261 531 NW 8TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0360 527 NW 8TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0380 NW9THAVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0500 IJV 554 NW 9TH ST 08-43-45-21-14-000-0521 J 550 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0551 V NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0570 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0600 oj 542 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0621 V 524 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0671 Yo 512 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0720 510 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0741 508 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0761 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0781 916 NW 4TH ST 08-43-45-21-14-000-0810 420 NW 9TH ST 08-43-45-21-14-000-0870 416 NE 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0900 402 NW 9TH AVE 08-43-45-21-14-000-0930 ./namesbypcn.asp?which.l'cn=bypcn&cTY =08&RNG=43&TWP=45&SEc=21 &SUB 1 = 14&J8/1 /200 1