CORRESPONDENCE Cf~TIFICATION OF COMPLETIC'~ MINOR LANDSCAPING PLAN MODIFICATIOIII PERMIT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION CITING OFFICER: #-L/) Jti(u:<:~.J PROJECT NAME STREET ADDRESS ft~U!dff(jl2z/;tJ 3w2t? xl, H/ Md'i PROPERTY CONTROL NO. ot--13- 4tc - {4 - (:C -iCe - /C!C~ APPLlCANT/ OWNER NAME. >?2u- L(,j ~/vrc/ APPLlCANT/ OWNER ADDRESS g/g'{) t/6 Ci- 5c:fL(.<..-M FILE NO OF PERMIT APPLICATION. /J?L())J7 LJ-1-CiJl PERMIT NO 01- 00/ TEL. # '133 -{)3sf FAX # '73'3 - if;c;/O'f- Violation of this permit will subject the applicant to possible code enforcement action or suspension or revocation of this permit pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7.5. Issuance of this permit does not relieve the applicant from compliance with state and federal requirements. Homeowner Association Covenants may be more restrictive than city requirements. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION 742-6265 Work unrelated to code action to be completed within 60 days. PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION: If (V"M.'v\. J fJ.cr.;ida,-~ DATE. 6 ;;i.5 eLf S:\Planning\SHARED\WPIFORMS\APPLlCATIONS\Minor Landscaping Plan Modification.doc <i) MODERN LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INC. 8180 96lb COURT SOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33437 PHONE: 561-733-0339 FAX: 561-733-6807 April 15, 2004 Kevin Halihan City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Dear Mr. Halihan: Please review our plan to restore landscaping at 3629 South Federal Highway (Gultirtream Mall) as per code violation case # 04-0000073 I. Skip Lewis of Code Compliance directed us to your office for approval. Enclosed is the owner's letter of authorization for permitting and landscaping. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, y_;/ t:5' r David Knight Sales and Marketing E-MAIL: David@Modernlandseape.eomWEBSITE:ModernLandseape.com APIH4-04 12:13 FRt:MHRIPl.E R AS~IATES L1I1ITED 954-n8-7918 7-788 P.011D1 F-287 Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC April 14, 2004 Kevin HaIihan, Planning Department City of BoyntOn Beach Building Department 100 E. Boynton BeaCh Blvd. P O.Box31O Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425 Re: Permit for Landscaping 3629 S. Federal Hwy Gulfstream Mall Mr. Halihan: Please allow Modern Landscaping to act as our agent in signing any necasary Pe!1llining Documents for tbe purpose of landscaping the 0u1fstream MaIl. If you have any questions, I can be reached at (954) 776-7900 ex!. 2220. y, ~ Rosclunan MAn'lgiJ1g Member Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC Swom to and subscribed before me this 13 April, 2003 by Robert Roschman, who is personally known to me. ~ ITS ~ NoTary IWlV PATII!IIEIIER ;...\ ...vCQjnOSlC*,DD088941 - fXI'IIlE$;-'3.3IOIl ....."".--- My commission expi 83CIO ME 1l1t Avenue. Ft Lauderdale, Fl.. 33334.954.776.7900 p. 954.776.7018 fax 0HW-'1il4 11.00 FlD'!- o T-358 P0S/19 ij-729 l>'~"llo ~ .. ........-... ....".... -.....-...... CASB NUMBER 04-00000731 PROPERTY ADI>lU1lsS 3629 S PEDImAL HWY -----.._------.~---------------------------------------------- VIOLATION: PT3-LDR. CHAPTER 4 Sse.11 QUANTITY. 1 DESCRIPTION. SITS TO BE MAIlfrAINED PER PLAN DATE: 4/01/04 LOCATION . ~~___-_-_________.._w_______._________________~_______WM______ VIOLATION: PT3-t.DR..CH23-ART II. o. QUANTITY: 1 DBSCRIPTION. PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE RliiQ'D. DATE: 4/01/04 LOCATION: ________..______.__________.~_~ft______________________--~----- VIOlATION. PBC '01 ED 3401.6 DESCRIPTION; MAINTENANCE STRUCT . SYST LOCATION: QUANTITY: 1 DATH: 4/01/04 ---------------.._--------_.~--------------------------------- VIOLATION: !'Be '01 ED l3SA 104.1.1 DBSCRIPT!ON: PERMIT RBQUIRBD LOCATION. NARRATIVE : C.B.R.T. INSPSC'l'ION 3629 S FEDBRAI. HIGHWAY - PLBASB RBSTORE lJIlmSCAPING & IRlUGATION TO '1'BB OIUC:I1.\1AL APPROVED SITE p~ (77-16211) PARKING LOT SPACES NBBD TO BE MARKBD AS '1'HB MOST R.JlJCBN'l' APPROVED PARKING PLANS SHONS (02~1237) ALL POT HOLIS NBBD TO BB RSPAIRED ON SITS. VIOIiA.T:tOHS RBPI!IRBRC1iD IN THE BNCLOSIIO BUILDING DIVISION MBMORANDlJM #03-134 REQUIRE COMPLIANCE AS SPECIPIBD. QUANTITY: 1 DATE: 4/01/04 CC7_~ 7ft/7n.~ 111.1 RIRJ-QJJ-"CIIl n~II.I' ~~IVI~~V H ~'dIHI-RnH~ 82:21 tn-21~ APR-I4-04 12:13 FI<<lI-TRIPl.E R AS$DCIATES L1I1ITED 854-778-7818 T-788 P.Ollnl F-287 Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC April 14, 2004 Kevin Halihan, Planning Depa..lwe.nt City of Boynton Beach Building Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P O.Box31O Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425 Re: Permit for Landscaping 3629 S. Federal Hwy Gulfstream Mall Mr. Halihan: Please allow Modern , andscaping to act as our l\ient in signing any necessary Permitting Documents for the purpose of landscaping the Gulfstream MaIl. If you bave any questions. I can be reached at (954) 776-7900 ext. 2220. Iy, ~ Rosclunan Managing Member Thirty Six Hundred Holdings, LLC Swom to and subscribed before me this 13 April, 2003 by Robert Roschman, who is personally Icnown to me. ITS -==> NoTary ~ IWlV PATfEVEIER ;-1 I,IVta\l.-181tl*,OOBMl fXillIlE$;-.a.3IOIl .....1lIu___ My commission expi 6300 ME 1l1t Avenue. Ft Lauderdale, FL 33334.954.776.7900 p. 954.776.7018 fax 04-07-' 14 11: filfil FID'I- Ii! T-358 PHa/19 U-7Z9 ll''''\>~ .l .. ........................ ..,""'.......... CAS! NUMBER 04-00000731 PROPERTY ADI1lU!:sS 3629 S FEDERAL H1fY ------._------.~-----------------"_._-------~----------------- VIOIATION: PT3-WR. CHAPTBR. 4 SSC.l1 QUANTITY. 1 DESCR.IPTION. SITS TO BE MAIlffAlNED PER PLAN DATE: 4/01/04 LOCATION : _~________________.___________________________~_______W~~_____ VIOLA1'tON: P'1'3 -ItDR. CH23 -ART 11. O. QUANTI'l'Y; 1 DBSCRlPTION, PARKIlITG LOT MAllllTENANCS R.BQ'D. DATE: 4/01/04 LOCATION: -------..-------._---------.~-~-----------------------.--.---- VIo.tATION, PBC '01 ED 3401.6 DESCRIPTION: MAINTENANCE STRUCT " BYST LOCATION: QUANTITY; 1 DATH, 4/01/04 -------------------------~_._--------------------------------- VIOLATION: nc '01 ED 8BA 104.1. J. DBSCRIP'l'ION: PERMIT RlilQUlRED LOCATION: NARRATIVE : C.li.R.T. INSPBCrION 3629 S FEDERAL HIGB1fAY - PLBASB RESTORE IANOSCAPING & IRlUGATION '1'0 THB ORIGlNAL APPROVED SITE PLAlil (77-16:111) PARKING LOT SPACES NElm TO BE MNtXBD AS '1'HI!: HaS'l' RECENT APPROVED PARKING PLANS SHOWS (02-1237) AU. POT HOLES NBBD '1'0 DB RBPAlRED ON SITS. VIOLATIOXS REPZRBNClm IN THE ENCLOSIO BUILDING DIVISIOH MBMORANDUM #03-134 REQUIRE COMPLIANCE AS SPECIFIED. Q'l.7AN'TITY. 1 DATE: 4/01/04 ggZ~ ZO/ZO'd 181-1 8181-911-~g8 n~LIWI' S~IVI~qSV ~ ~1dI~I-wnH" n~:RI ~n-RI-~dV Application Fee: 15 ;zaJ City Codes Accessed via Webslte www.boynton-beach.org www.amlegal.comlboynton_beach-fl.us CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION MINOR LANDSCAPE PLAN MODIFICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Total Project Cost Estimate: -';2. Z;-U-O I PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE ALL INFORMATION I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1 Project/Business Name & Street Address &I./~/~'T"-~ (Yl1't.L. 3621 .::; r.tA)f/,d-L 2. Property Control Number of Site: or; 4'"3 4c' fk{: nO O()O /()/?() 3. Applicant's Name & Address (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): /fft>[)1I!3dN /--47",05" _6 564//lc':'-s ~/VG Phone: 56/ 73:3 0"339 Fax: 56/ 73'5 6$07 Proposed Landscape Plan - 60 % Native species required for Replacement Trees. a. Detailed description of new landscape plan showing all tree species. b. Symbol for trees removed. c. Total caliper inches of trees removed. d. Symbol for tree replacements. e. Total caliper inches of replacement trees. APR 2 0 2004 , ,--. .- R E M o V A L Qty Species Height Trunk Caliper MonthlYear of Removal ................ .... Start of Removal: MonthlYear Completion of Removal: MonthlYear' Gross Time Frame for removal: CALL FOR INSPECTION UPON START OF REMOVAL: 742-6265 Minor Landscape Plan Modification Application R E P L A C E M E N T Qty Species Height Trunk Caliper Month Near of Plantlna 5/164l-~ 1'-1-16 "r ,. ; 1 1'1-18' #f';e /t. 200 'I Total Tree Caliper Inches ............ ...... / Z- 6 .... Start of Planting: MonthNear' 11-(12/<.- 2 "a </ Completion of Planting: MonthNear' Ir'/Z;L ;la.V Gross Time Frame for Replacement: ;>. ",,;(-<A<.-S Call for inspection upon start of Replacement: 742-6265 ALL CONTRACTORS HIRED FOR SERVICE MUST HA VE OCCUPA nONAL LICENSE AND INSURANCE IN THE City Of Boynton Beach. I OL# CERTIFICATION 04 1<6 2.:3 / VI. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the City of Boynton Beach. (I) ry-Je) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity Date Print name or 2 etter of Authorization rom Property Owner Minor Landscape Plan Modification Application Not valid until Planning & Zoning department has signed and shall be effective until suspended, revoked, surrendered or expired. Violation of this permit will subject the applicant to possible code enforcement action or suspension or revocation of this permit pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 7.5. Issuance of this permit does not relieve the applicant from compliance with state and federal requirements. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ONE YEAR FROM OWNER SIGNATURE DATE. -------------------- For Office Use Only LoeA TED WITH SITE PLAN: Fee Schedule Estimated Value of Improvement: < $5,000.00 = > $5.001.00 = /"'" n'} $20u.uu v~ V'-' $400:00 2.CO!.-'11 S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIFORMSIAPPLlCATIONSIMLSM.doc 3