APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY LOCATION: 233 N.E.11th Ave COMPUTER ID: 01-82000011 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: ZNCV 01-011 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Zoning Code Variance. AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: Nathaniel Robinson/ Jeanne Heavilin, Salefish Realty Inc Karl Ijams, Habitat for Humanity. PHONE: 561-738-6613 PHONE: 561-394-6070 FAX: 561-738-7911 FAX: N/A ADDRESS: 532 E Ocean Ave Boynton ADDRESS: P.O. Box 193 Boynton Beach, FL Beach, FI 33435. 33435 Date of submittal/Proiected meetinl!: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 05-17-01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 06/25/01 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 7/10/01 AGENCY BOARD: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 7/17/01 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Habitat for Humanity\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc Application Acceptance uate: ? -11-0 ( Fee Paid ....y? 1., 1D Receipt Number -z..,l.f~S'1 Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Y j;S Date S-'-1-ol CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ZONING CODE VARIANCE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE. SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD MEETINGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES. Please Print (in ink) or Type 5'/;741 Submittal Date. The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Planning and Development Board to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) 5' Block .J Subdivision 1/'4:15 .; /J-rdrVvi> ;J.)d,-J-n'1 --10 b;/t'}/D.? Plat Book ,'5" Page ~'-/ or otherwise described as follows: Property Address ~ 1.[ I J tf1 k, .t'1i?*/J &<<c{ F? 33S'..35" . / PCN Number of '-I3'Y ,1).,22 ~'2.. OCJ,7Z'J Variance requested ~ J,t.{ frt>."1 L..n.J D.vki1Y11t.ff- 'JJ1.lt;r-., c-h ,Zf 2- ~c ,5- '" -r.e virina ~ / W/)yI, hr 2 2o'1/f) V. O>.J (J/ J,JIJ:b( J;r sFR ,1P I r-e I/<"~i-I&>'" <!?, :\..~~ The following documents are required to be submitte with this application to form a single pacWage. Incomplete package will not be accepted 1 Two sealed survevs by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over si!< (6) months old, indicating: A, B C D E. F All property lines North arrow Existing structures and paving Existing elev~tions Rights-of-way, with elevations Easements on or adjacent to the site ~\ MA;' 1-~\ ~NN\NC ~Nr - LONINC Dr Pi ~_._..- Page 2 Zoning Code Variance Application G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site H. Legal Description I Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre J Location sketch of property K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. Two site Dlans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A. All proposed structures B All existing structures that are to remain on site C Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site G;/ Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate, as well as labels or addressed envelopes and postage (1st class-- stamps or payment for required postage). 4 Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aaent is submittina the Detition. a notarized CODV of a letter desianatina him as such must accomDanV the Detitlon. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet {Please print or Wtl A. B That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would de,PfiV~, lI~MPliC8!lf-:Qf rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning disttid','u' .the t~r'ns of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue har~~\1jp on the applicant; That the variance granted is the minimum variance that '{'(III : MMe I flJ~tl:Ile the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; I That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the fnera In~~l')ll:~ purpose C D E. F FROM 5ALEFI5H REALTY INC. FAX NO. 1 561 738 7911 May. 172001 10:13AM P3 Page 3 Zoning Code Variance Application of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or othelWise detrimental to the public welfare. 6 7 An application fee in the amount of $400.00 plus postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application, The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $10000 for each additional Code section. Name and address of owner: ~l9i-H~"'/~.j J:J)'1SIl"!. Nfi..:I 1'15, ~'1.,-1.-, &~ Name of apPlicant:.Jj,,~lJ ~rJ..)"lo,rjJ eJ _~vJ1; ,J?)/I71 ;&ac.A t! "5"''-J~,-5"" Applicant's address: ;2.;l(!)~ 0;) 2,.,) ;4v~, ;II:;2q~ k'1 ;;hl'l, FJ ~L-}3J Applicant's phone #. 1st)) 3<j1--J .~I' 0 ?t:/ Date: .5/17) (J ) , Signature of APPlicant,q cn........ W l~ s V, if" . Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. 8. 9 10. TO BE COMPLETED BY PLANNING AND ZONING 1 Property is presently zoned formerly zoned: 2_ Property Control Number' 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements (list section(s) of Code from which relief is required): 4 Nature of exception or variance required. 5. Case Number' Meeting Date: 05/1'/2001 ~l 01 56133nE,21 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PAGE 02 FROM : SP.lEFISH REFL TY INC. FAX NO. 1 561 7.38 7911 Ma~. 17 2~01 10:13AM P3 Pago 3 Zoning Code Variance Application of this chapter and that suoh varianl~e will not be injurious to the area involved or othelWlM dOOimental to the public wel'fare. 6. An application fee in the amount of $400.00 plus postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. must accumpany a completed application. The $400,00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $1 00 00 for each additional Code section. Nameandaddrelsofowner' ~tlfH,"''''fe.j ibJI'l!i6') p~AI J9'5, b"'4",/,;,,., &.~ Name DfapPIIc.nt/.t,~~} './;Jr ))"/"''''+ Dr _Si/f(1i)~ 1!e~ c! ~12.-r Applicant's 8ddress:...6lt:lt!> 01) :In) f,~ #,;2q~ /lK"f /.~ FJ ~'-)3) Applicant's phOne #: /s-';J) 3'JJ.j ~ I' ~? t'/ Date: 5JJ-7/r'f ' SignatureofAPPlloant~~ W~s V.L Repmentativ8 of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee. Planning and Development ;and City Commission me.tlngs held to nt1llew this project. 7 8. 9. 10. TQ iiE COMPLETED BY PLANNING AND ZONIN(l o ,?, 1. Property i3 presently zoned: !1. ,...... fon'Tlerly zoned: 2_ Property Control Number' 01-3- '7'3-'-('5.- 2(- 22- 002-0050 3. Denial was made upon existing zoning or sign requirements (list sectlon!s) of Code from whlCl'l r'l'Ilief is required): 4 NaturG of exception or variance required: , ! i r' i; , , (i:UUI ,~ .-.-J ",i) 'i 5. Case Numbor. Moeting Dale: ~ ,," _C, I PL';: Zu,o FROM SALEFISH REALTY INC. FAX NO. 1 561 738 7911 Ma~. 17 2001 10.51AM P1 Page 5 Zoning Code Variance Application CERTIFICATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. ~~ u-W<- V (' APPLlCA T1AGENT H t1 I, I \ . 817m Hi.'l r'f,1IIT'1/l""7'1 s"",tl-. \.,c \h-J & "cL CvV\...~ 1~( I NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL ZONING CODE VARIANCE All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 shall be a~companied by mailing labels with the names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property. Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT - PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 updated 03/23/01 "~\SHRCA TAlpbnnil"l,\S~ARED\W'P'\FORMS\APPUC.A. TIONS\ZNCV\ZNCV .ilppll.:::ttlon with peN.doc Page 4 Zoning Code Variance Application TO BE FILLED OUT BY BOARD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD' Approved Aye Denied Nay Stipulations: Signed: Chairman . .---- -- ....... I ' ~t~ \ 1 <Om L----, ..- .j;. ZONING CODE VARIANCE APPLICATION 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception ofvariance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F): A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. R-2 zoning requires minimum lot frontage of75 feet. However, the frontage requirement is reduced to 60 feet if it is to be used for a single family residence. The lot which Habitat seeks to build on only has a frontage of 50 feet. Therefore, under the current lot and building regulations per Boynton Beach Code Chapter 2, Section II F .2.a., Habitat would not meet the requirements for building a Single Family residence. The lot is abutted by a home on one side and a vacant lot on the other side. An offer to purchase the vacant lot was rejected by its owner That offer was made on or about May 12,2001 Therefore, there would be no way to enlarge the subject lot. B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Habitat for Humanity does not own either of the lots which are abutting the lot it seeks to build the single family residence upon. It has taken no action which reduced the lot frontage. C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. Granting the requested variance will allow Habitat for Humanity to build a single family residence on the subject lot. This type of structure is permitted under the current zoning for the area where the lot is located. The variance will not allow Habitat to build a structure which is not permitted in the R-2 zoning district. Additionally, other lots in the same area are currently non-conforming. D. That literal interpretation of the provisions ofthis chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. If the variance is not granted then Habitat for Humanity would not be able to construct a single family residence on its lot as the current R-2 zoning allows. Therefore, Habitat would not have the same opportunity for dev~Jrr, ~t ofits,' .' I property as other property owners in the same zoning district. F~:'rere,.this . MAY I I LUUI I L__. L-.-,:..-..;.!;:-.;.--; would definitely be unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant as the purpose of Habitat for Humanity would be frustrated. It seeks to work with the City to improve and redevelop the City by constructing single family residences and affording the opportunity to purchase these homes to people who might not otherwise have the means to do so. This helps beautify the community and put pride into the City of Boynton Beach. E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure. With the exception of meeting the minimum lot frontage, the lot currently meets all other regulations for constructing a single family residence. As such, the requested variance is the minimum variance to allow development of the lot in the R-2 zoning district. F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Habitat for Humanity does not seek to develop the property for any other purpose than that allowed under the current zoning district. As stated previously, it desires to construct a single family residence on the subject lot. This is allowed under the current zoning for the area where the lot is located. Additionally, this development will improve the area. It will bring in people who have pride in their community and in their home. It will make use of a vacant lot that otherwise could and might be used for activities (including illegal activities) that are not in the best interest or consistent with the goals of the City W&;~; .. ,,' pi; ;N/ii(-~"'7----..J I 111{,.\f, .,~ t """"--" "'ROM SALEF I SH REALTY I NC, '.. FRX NO, 1 5bl 1.:5l:l !':Ill Hpr ':::\:::1 O::::\::J\::J.L tJ..::: ;;;>"M"'"n r.c:: Vacant Land Contract FlORIDA ASSOClAllON OF REAl TORSCl , ,.-" 1 PARTIES AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ~ 1. SALE AND PURCHASE: ..""'__<1_1 ._""4_~~ .__..........-__ rand .......~'t:. S!'er -_.."'~~ o~ Sll!lU.~ >>-,- ___l.'iIt. "r__ .. ..,..10 lMlIl -' bur on the ter... and conditio.. ~11led be'-tho propel1y ("Propetty") described M: 5* Address: ,~!t "1l 1.1.+:Jt a.~ (Y' legal Descrllltlon: MIlIIk-.. ......~- "..... Ll;....5..JIU.L___..._ .--...-,---.,..-,-.-..-...-.....-.-.---- r paz---l m: O..34S2U2tt020GSO S- g- 10' 11" 12" including aIllmpr_ and the folloWIng add'nlonal property. ("Seller") ("Iluyer") ._._'.~____~__._.____,___w ___"'P 13 14" 2. PURCHASE PRICE: $ 15'" (a) $ 1.00 PRICE AND FINANCING 8.P.ll.lL_..... payable by Buyer in U.S. funcla as fo\lcJlM;: Deposit received (cheeks are subject to clearance)--'lil1-". .to ..1lellJ.~.~,_..._ by for 11-"';: ....=-'1':. nt'. _of ~_....---.... rEserow Agenf") Slgnlture Name 01 Company 16" 17 18" (b) $ 'fi/. 1!!" (e) a/. 20" (<1)$ 'ft.J:. Additional deposllto be mac:le by____ ..........._..... a/a. Total Financing (see Paragraph 3 beloWl (express as a dOllar amount or percentage) other: n/a. ._, ___.__ 21" (e) $, 7 gOO a....nce 10 close (no! including Buyer's closing c08I&, prepllld Kems and prorlllions). All 22 funds paid at closing must be paid by locally drllWn C8Shler's check or wired funds. 23" 0 (f) (compIele only if purchase price will be determined based on a per unit cost Instead of a fixed price) The unit 24" used to determine tile purchase price Is 0 lot 0 acre 0 square fool 0 other (specify: ...1. ) 2S' prorating ar_ of lesa than a fUll unK. The purchase price will be $ ...1. per unK besed on a calculation of 26 lata/well of tile Property as certIfIeclto Buyer and Sellef' by a Florida-lic:ensed aurwyor in accordance with Paragraph 'ZT'" 8(c) of tills Contract. The fol1owlng rlght& of YR'J and other areas will be ellcluded from lhe calculatJon; D/. 28" 29" S,CA1lHtFlNANaNG: (Check_ applicable) JIll (a) llU!jOer will pay oash for the Properly with no financing contingenoy. 30" 0 (bl This Contnlct is contingent on Bu)lllr qulllltying end obtaining the commilment(s) or approval(s) specified below within 31" .alA. days fn>m Effective Dale (if left blank Ihen Closing Dale or 30 days from Etfeoti.e Date, wIlich...er oocurs first). llU!jOer 32" will apply for financing within .ALIt. days from Effeotive Ollie (5 daya if left blank) ("Applicalion Period") and will timely p"'IIide 33 any and all crean, employment. financial. and other information requined by the lender. If Bul/llr, after using diligence and 34 good faith, o,,"not obtain ltle financing, either party msy cancel this Contract and Buver will netum to StIller alllille e\lidenco as and surveys plDllidad by SeIer, and BoI)lllr's deposil(s) will bo mumed after Escrow Agent reeeives proper authorization from 36 alllnte,.,ated partles.llUl/8I' will pay all loan expon..s, including the londe(s title insurance policy, 37" 0 (1) NeW F"1/IlInc:lng: Buverwilloecureaoommitmenlfornewthird parlyfinanclngfor$ '"- ...1. or 38" ....:AlA.... % of ltle purch.... price at !he prevailing interesl rate and loan cosla. Bu)lllr will keep seller and Broker fully 39 Informed of the loan application atatus end progress and aulhorizes the lender or mortgage broker to discto$8 ell suoh 40 information to s.IeIl1IId Broker. 41. a ~I Seier flnlInc:lng: Bu)llll' will execute. 0 first 0 second punche.e money note and mortgage to Seller in tile emount 42" of S D/. " bearing annual intereGt at ~ % snd payable as followe:...I. 43' 44 45 46 47 48 48 50 51 52" 53" 54. 55. 56" 5-'- 68 59" 80" 61 The mortgage. note, and ~y security agr.emenl will be in a fo"';";;;;;.ptable to Seller end will follow forms genarslly acc.pt'" in the countywh.", the Pro~rly Is located; will provide for a late payment fee and accelernon at tne mortgagee" option If lJu)'ltr defClluJts~ will give Bu\flllr the right to prep.y without p.nalty all or part of the principal et eny time(s) with interest ont)' to date of payment; will be due on conveyance or sale; will provide for release of contiguous parcels, if applic~ cable: and will requine 1Iu)OOl' to keep liability insurance on the Property, with seller 88 addillonal named Insured. au",r authorizes SeIer to obtain credit, employment 8t1d other necessary inform non to determine oreditworthiness for the financing. ~r will, within 10 days from Effective Oate, give Bu~' written notice of whether or not s.IIer will make the loan. a (3) Mortgage AIISumptlon: Buyer will teke liIIe subJecllo and assume end pay existing first mortgage tOD/. LN. D/a in tne approximate amount of S .,1JJa currently payable at $ ftf.. per month includil1g prinoipal, interest, 0 taxes and in8Ut8nc. and having a 0 fixed LJ other (describe) __. _.. ...1.. .. intersstrate of _..,>>/a % which o will o will not escalate upon assumption. My varlanoe in ltle mortgage will be adjusted in the bGlance due at closing with no adjustment to punchase price. Bu!jOer will purchase _"S escrow aecountdollarfor dollar. If the lend.r disapproves Bu)llll', or the interest rele upon transfer exceeds ...1. 'lfo orthe aasumplionArensfer fee exceeds $ n I.. __. ....__ , either party may elect to pay the excess, falling which this agreement will terminate ~nd Buver's deposit(s) will be returned. 62 ClOSING 83 4. CLOSING DllTE; OCCUPANCY: "This Contract will be closed and the deed and possession delivered on or before 64- MaV' 31. ~oo, _ I unless extended by other provisIons 01 thIs Contract. tf on Closing Date insurance 85 underwriting is sue~nded, Bu)1er may postpone closing up 10 5 days. 8/i1' ~t~anclSeller(lI.~)( ) acknQWiedge recelpt of a t;C1f1t oflhl& page, whlcl1 Ie Page1 of4Pages. VA(;.3 _ 0 ,_ Florida A_1M or REAL TORse All Right. R.sened n..tann ........l"IMICff"or u.- wfth F~... ... Forme $aft.tw:a~ by 1913 Mc:l\lli$lcr Publishing. I /, D r- MA1 \ 1 'LLJ\J\ ;: \ " tQli \!\,\\ \ ' ~,; 'l-., ~1-(lJM ~HL~~I~H KCHLIY INL. t'"HA NU. .L ;JC.L (,,)0 (;;l'J..L ........' c,.v ""............. ....... ....... 87 88 69 7~ 71. 72" 73 (Il) lII11/ltr Csts: Bii'iar;"1I pay taxes andrecording'fee. on notes and mortgages and recording fees on the deodand 74 llnanc:;ng atatemenl$; loan expenses; pending spoel,,' "".es.ment liens; I.nd..... tille poliey at ""' simultaneous issue 75" rate; inspections: survey and slaltch; inaul'Snce: OIIler. __.._ _ 76 (e) 1lt18 E~ _Insurance: QoeGk (1) 01 (2): @liil(l)_wilIPl'O"ide. P~gnIPh 8 ~...o title inoutane. commitment as title evidMee. D_liilllU)el' 78" will aef&ct tile title agent .,er '11 pay for thlt ownefs title policy, aeareh, eumlnation and related 7 charges. Ellch partywiU pay own cl--'--- . . 60" 0 (2) 8elIerwlll provide title evidence as specified in Paragraph 8(aX2). 0 Seier 0 1lUJ'lf will pay for the owner's tide poliey and select th'e titte agent. SeIer wtJl pay tee& tor 11tJe ..archea prior to closing, including tu search and hen 82 actarG"hf~,andDu)W' wiJJ pay fees for tjtl~ ..eMhM attere10eing (If.ny), tit1. examination fees and cll)&ing fees.. 83 (4) P_atlona: The following it.me will b. made current and PfQnlted as of the day before Closing Oate: neel estale taxes. 84 interest, bonde, assesomonts,le...es and other Property .xp.n.... and re\'enUes. If taxa. and asseumants for,tIle currwnt 85 y_ o""not be d.t.""in.d, the Pl'O"ious y.....s ratos will b. used with adjustment for any exemptions. 88 (e) Tax W\t~: IlUl/IOf and _ will oomply with the Foreign Inveet"'ent in Real PI"oparty Tax Act, which may 87 ,-quire Selle, to provide addttionel C8$h at closing if SeDer is a "foreign person" as defined by federellew. 5. CLOSING PROCEDURE: ex. J; If title insurance insures IlllJVr far We delect-" ~slnll between the title binder effective date end teeCltding of Bu1/lt.... deed, closing agent will disbul8e at closing the n.I."I. ,coeds to Seller and bnokera~e f~es to Broker as per P"ragraph 17 In addition to other expenses Pf1lvlded In this Contracl, Seller and llU~rW111 pay the coats IndIcated below, (al Seller Cosrs: SlI/Ier will pay taxes on the deed and recording f888 for documents needed to cur. litie; certified, confirmed and ratifiod sopec:laJ assessment liens; title evidence (if applicable under Paragraph 8): oc:ner:JlOJlMD_ 88 PROPERTY CONllI'I1OI'l 88 S. &.AND USE: Seller wilt deliver the Property 10 a.~ at the time agreed in Its Pf8Sent "as is" condillon, with conditiono 90 resulting from Bul/lOf<S Insp8Qtiona and casually damage, if any, except.d. Sellef will maintain the landscaping and 91 _nds in .. comparable condition and will not Mgago in or Permit sny activity that WOUld materially alter the Pnopertys 92 condition without th. Buyer's prior written consent. 93 (a) Flood Z-: 1lU,." is advi..d to v.rify by survey, with the lender and with appropriate government agencia8 wlIich 94 flood zone the Property is In, whether flood insurenca is reQuirad and what restrictions lIppIy 10 impnoving tile Property .nd 95 rebuilding in the went of cBSually. 96 lb) Gowemment RelIuIatlan: Bu,.,r is advised Ihat ch.ng.. in govem",ent regUlations and levels of s.rvice which 97 -n'ect 811"". intended ua. of the Prop.rty will not be grounds for c,,"c.ling this Contract il the Fea.ibility study 98 Period h"" .xpl....d or if 1lU1/lt' h... checked choice (c)(2) balow, 99 (e) ....poc:tIaM.:(c:h.ck (f) or(2} b.Jow) 100" J:Il:[ (1) FeasIIlMy 8tu~ aa,.,r will, at 81,.,.-. expense and wltltin ~ days fnlm effective Oate ("FellSibility Study 101- Period"), determine wheth.rthe Property is suitable, in 81.1)18"5 cole and absolute discretion, for ..............." .1 102' uoe. During the Feasibility study Period, llU~r may conduct a Phase I environmetltaJ 103 assessment and any othertcsts, .nafyaes, survey-. and inV'estig'ltloM \1nspeotions.'1 that Buyer d..ms necessery to 104 determine to Bu)1W's catiafaction the Property's engineering, architectural and environm.ntal propertiea; zoning and 105 zoning nwtrictions; subdivision statutes: ooil and 9rade; availability of accees tll public roads, watar, and olhar 1 08 utll~i...; consistency with local, stale and regional growth managemenl plans; 8Vailabllity of permils, government 107 approv:als, and licensee; and athef Inapactione that Bu1/ltr daems appropriate to determine the Property's suitability 108 for the IlUyet's intended us., tf the PI"operty must be "",on.d, aayoo, will obtain the rezoning Irom the appropriate 109 govemment liiIgencies. SeIer wit! sign all documents Buyer is required to file in conn$C1ion with d8VfJJopment or 110 razonillQ OllPl'Ovals. 111 Seller give. Buyer, ita agenta, contraclors and IISslgna, the right to entet the Property at any time during tile Feasibility 112 Study Period lor the purp06e 01 oonduotlng In$pecti,",s; provid.d, howe...., that Bu)'W, ils ag.nts, contNctol8 and 113 as81gns enter the Property and conduct Inopecllons at their own rlslc. 81)8rwilllndemnify and hold SeIer harmf...... 114 from 108888. damages. coate. claiMS and expanses 01 any nature, including -<<omsYa feea, expenses and liability 115 incurred in application for rezoning or nelated preceeding., and from liability to any pe"'on, arising from the conduct of 118 eny and allln.p~tloM or any work authorized by Bu1/ltr. Bull8r will not engage In any activity that could result in a 117 construction lien being filed against the Property without _"" prior writt.n COl1$ent, If this trenuction does not 118 close, Bu)'llr will, at Ilul/ltf's expens., (1) repair all damage. 10 the Proparty nesulting from the Inspections and 119 mum Ihe Pl<lpeny to the cond'ltion it was in prior to conduct of the Inspections, and (2) release to Seller a" reports 120 end otherwol'kgenerated as a result of the lh$pectians. 121 1lU)'W will deliver wr1tI:en notice to Seller prior to the expiration of the Feasibility Study Period of lIuli'U's 122 datanninalion of wll<<har or not Ill. PrepMY I. acceptal>Je. Bul/ltf'$ f3jJure to comply with thi" notic. """,Irom.nt 123 will constitute acceptance of the Property as euilable for Buli'U'1 intended use in its "as is" oondition. If the Property 124 is unacceptable 10 Bu)'ll' and WIilIen notice of thi. lact i. timaly delivared to Saller, this Contract will be d.em.d 126 t.....lnat.d 8$ of tho day site. the Feasibility Study peried .ncls and Bul/ltf'S deposit(,,) will be retum.d after Escrow 128 Agent recei~es pRlplfllllthOlizatlan from ell interested pam... 127" 0 (2) No Feaslbllty Study: aayor is satisfled ilia! the Property is suilMlle for 1JIal/ltf"a purposes, including being 128 .atisfied tIlat either pUblic sew...g. and waterarllavollabl.ta the PI"opertyor tile Property wIll be approved for the 129 inatellation ola well andlor private eewenoge di.posel system end that existing ZOning end other pe!tinent regulation. 1'30 and restrictions, $UC:h _ subdMsion or deed restrietion.. eOnCUfT8ncy. growth management and envitonment.. 131 condition., arll acceptallle to 1lU,." This COntract Is nat contingent on 1lU,." conducting any further investigations. 132 7 RISK OF LOSS; eMlNlNT DOMAIN: If any portion of the Prop.rty is malerlally damaged by caeualty before closing, 133 or s.lIu negotiates WIth a gevemmental aurhodtyto l13nSfer all orpan of the Property In lieu of emlnenl domain ptOCaodlngIJ, 134 or if an eminent dclm.in ~..cIing is initiated, $aller will promptly inferm lIu)llM. Either party may cancel this Contract 135 by written notice to tlle other within 1 a d_ fnom Bull8r"s receiPt of S8J1er'S natincatien, feillng which Bu~ will CI080 in 138 accordance with thia Contract and receive all payments made by the govemment authori~ Of insurance company. if IIny. 137 1TnJE 138 ..1I1U1.:'-' will conv.y m_8bl. tille to the Property by .tatutory warranty deed or trustee, perean.' nepree_va 139 or guanlian d.ed as appropriate ta Soller's status. 140 (a) 11tle EvIdence: Title evidenca will show legal eoc.... to III. Prop.rty end m_table title of reeonl in Seller in 141 aceonlance witll eUlTent tllfe etendard. e<loptO<fbythe Florlde B8t,subject onlytoth8 following title ""ceptlons, non. of t42' which prllvent Buyor'$ intended use of the Property as ._......__._~.;"-...., covenants, easements end 143 restrictions of record; m_ of plst; .xlsting zoning snd govamm.nt regulations; 011, gas and mln.ra1 riglrts of record if 1+4 the", ia no right of entry; eurreftt taxes; mort,gagh th8t: Buyer will ae8ume; and C'floumbrano.. that SeIer will dlacherao at 145 or b.f.... closing. _, will, prior to closing, deliver to 81.,er Soler'" choice of en. of the following typ.. of tiu. .videnco, 146' Buye,~ and sellerC)').tR. )( ) acknowledge receipt ofa copy of this page, wIlicllls P.2oI4Pages. VAC-3 .- 01_RoridaA_onq/'~ALTORse -'lIRightoRftervOd This fonn ia licensed for use with ~...... Forms ~ by lSQ McAJli.... Publishing. lnc. 8IX),.338..1fX27 [SI;, MAY 11luUI WW, L. I ! ,- FRO'1 SRLEFISH Rt:RL TY INC. t-HX NU. 1 ~bl (..)t:) (~J.J. nt-'r l;.V ,:;;,vv", u... ........... . 147 which must be generlllly acce~d in the county where the Property is .rted (specify in Paragraph &(e) the selected 148 type). sea.r will use option (1) in Palm Beach County and option (2) In Dada County. 148 (1)AtItIe InIIUrance comlllltment iSsued by<< Rorida-lieensed title insurer in the amount of the purehsse price and 150 subject only to titl. exceptions eet for1h in this Contract. \5\ (2J ""ealSt/lltaJIstractor_ t'rom a rep<lt.ble and exlsti"g abstract firm (lflirm Is not axleting, then a~tract must ba 152 certified as co1TeCtby"" existing firm) purporting to be an aecu.ate synopsis of the instruments affecting nile to the 153 Property reconled In the public records of Ihe county where the Property is located and certified to EffectiVe Oate, \54 However If sueh an ablltract is not available to sellar, !tIen a prIOr owner'S title polley acc.ptable to the proposed insufflr 155 as a base for re;,.suance of coveralle, Seller will pay for copies of all policy exceptlona and en update in a format 156 aceeptable to _"rs closing egent fn>m the policy effective date end c<<tffled 10 Bu,.r or Bu",,,s closing agent, 1 57 togetller with copies of 211 documenlc reciled in Ihe prior policy and in the update, If a prior POlicy Is not available to t5& lIe...th... (1) above will be thatitle evidence. Tille evidence will ba delivered no 'liter than 10 days bafore CI....ing Date. 159 (1l)1lrIeExlrmftlatlOn:llu"rwill examine the title eVidence and deliver wrltten notice to &eller, within 5 days from receIpt 180 of title evidence but no later th.... closing, of any deftots Ihat make the title unmlll1<elable. _ will have 30 deys fn>m 161 receipt Of IluJIII" notice of defects ('Curativ. Period? to cure the defects at Sellel's expen... If Seller cur" the 1e2 defects within tha Curative I'eriod.Sellerwill del'varwntlen notie. 10 Bu)OOr and the partie. will ctose the transaction on 163 CIO$lng Date or within 10 days from Bu)OOr'. receipr of Seller'. notice if Closing Data has passed. If Seller is unable to 164 CUi'll the <lefeew within the CUrallve Perlod,llder will deliver written notice to _",r and Buyer will, within 1 0 days from 165 receipt of Sellers notice. eithereancei this Contract or accept title with existin9 defects end close the transactlon. 16e Ie) Survey. Buyer may, prior to Closing Date and at Bu)OOr'8 axponse, have Iha Property SWYeyed and deliver written 167 notice to SeIer, within 5l1ays from recOipt of survey but no later then cloaing, of sny encroachm...!c on lIle I>roporty, 169 encroachments by the Property's Improvements on other IlIIlds or deed reatrlction or zoning violations. MY sueh 1611 encroachment or violation will be treated in tho ume mannor aa a titla derect ""d Buyer's anda.le,.,. obligation. will 170 be detennined in aceonlance with subparagraph (b) above. tf any part of the Property lies seaward of the c088tal 171 construction control line, 8eler will provide au",r with an 8ffldevit or survey as reqUired by law delineating tha lino's 172 location on the property, unle"" Illl"r waive. this requirement in writing. 173 MISCEUAHEOUS 174 .. eFFEC11\/E I>>.n; TIME: The "Effective Date" of this Contract is the date an ""'ioh the last of tha parties Initials or 175 slQn8 the 1_ offer. lime Ie of the es_ tor ... prowISlons of tills contr.... All time periods expressed as dall'6 will 178 be COmp<llall in b""iness days (a 'business day" is every ceiendar day e""ept Saturday, Sundey and national legel 177 holidays), If eny deadline falls on e saturday, Sundey or netional legal holiday. perfonmance will ba due the next bu$inu. 178 day, All time periods will end at 5:00 p,m, local time (maanlng In tho county where the Property is located) of the 179 appropriate day, 180 10. NOTICES: All noti""" will be mada to the parties and Sroker by mail, personal delivecy or elec~k: media. SU)ltl's 161 tloIure to _ t1llle1ywrttten notice to ~r. Whon suc:tl_ice IS required by this contfKt. regarding any contlngenclas 182 WII renclertllat_~_.cytlU'_"""'_tlMlcontr...t WIll" .......tAleel.. Ifu.._JnvencYdld __I. 183 11. COMPI.E1E AGREEM~ ThIs Contract ;s the entire agreement between SU",r and Seller. exc.pt tIor brolcerage 184 aoreements. no prlor ... present IllIreemonts _ blncl Bu)let', Sellei' or lInlk.r ullleS$ Incorporated Into thta Canlracl. 185 Modif'lCatiO"" of tlll$ ContJact will not be binding unless in wrtting, signed and delivered by tha pllrty to be bound. Slgnatu.... 188 initiels, documents _renced in thie Contract, counterpBttll and wntten modlficatlons communicat.d electronically or on paper 187 will be lICceptable for all PUlJloses, including delivery, and will be binding, Handwritten or typewritten tonns inserted in or 188 etteohed te this Contrect _ell over prepflnted term., If any proVision of this Contract is or becomes inva'id or unenfore.lIIlle, 189 all remaining provisions will ccntinue to be fully effectiva, This Conl1'actwill not be racOrded in any publiC records. 190 12.ASSlGNAIllUTY; PEASONlI BOUND: Bu~r may _ ...ig" Ihia Contract without ae__s wrin.n consant. The terms 191 "1IUJIIr; "8elIer; and "Brekel' mey ba si"l!ular or plural. This Contnlet is binding on the heirs, edminiatratono, executors, 192 personal_entali..s end aa.igns (if permitted) of BullDr, So-. and Broker. 193 Dl!FAUL T AND DISPUTE RESOUJ11ON 184 13. DEFAlIL~ {lI} 8eIer Default-: Iffor any ..lI6on olherthan !allure of 8elIet to me_ SeIIor'a title marketable after diligent effort, 195 settor !ails, refuse.. or neglects to perform this Contract, Buyer may cho...e to receIVe a ratum of SU)lllt'S deposit without 198 waiving the right to seek damage. or to e..kspeeifie pe<formanee .. per Paragraph 16. lIeDer will also be liable to Bro......for 197 the full amount of the brokoTllgef.a.(b)llullDr~ult: If 111,.,1811. to perform this Contl'actwithin tha time specifiedJncludfng limel)l 196 payment of all deposits, Seller may choose to relein and collect all deposits paid and lISlI'eed to be paid as liquidated 198 dam8ll8$ or tll SHIc specific performance '" per paregraph ": and Bromr will. upon demand, receive 50" of all deposits 200 paid and <<greed to be paid (to ba apiit oqually among cooperating broke~) up to the full amount of the brokerllge fee, 201 14.1ll8PU1E IIESOI..U11ON: This Contract will be construed under Florida 1_. All oontrollersie., olaim.., and oth.r matle.. in 202 QUestion betw.... lbe partie. &rising out of or relalil'tQ to tllis Contract or its breach will bllsettlod ... follows: 203 (8) IlIeputee _".. entlIlo_ to cIepoalte made .and lltITeecI 10 110 made: 8II"r and .....r win h""a 30 days fram 204 tile date conllicling demands are made to sllempt to resolva the disp<lte through _lIat..,.,. If thet fails, Escrow Agllf11 205 will submit the dispute. if so required by Rcride law, 10 escrow Agent'll choice of llIllltralion, a Aorida COUrt or the 206 Floricta Reel Es.tate Commission. Du)lW and. seller will be bound by any fftulting settfement or order. 207 (II) All ether cIIllputCll: 8u}eT and Sellet will have 30 days fram the date a lflSpute &rises between them to att.mpt 10 20a re.olve the matter th.....gh m.diation, "'iling WIlleh \lie parties will resolVe the disP\lle through neutnt binding 209 .arb.ratIon in the county ""'ere the Property ia localod. Th. arbitrator m~ not altar tile Contr;rct terms or _ sn~ 210 remedy not proVided for in this Contract. The award will be baud on the greater weight of the evielence and will 211 stat. findings offact and the oontractual authority on ..hieh it is I>esed. If the parties agr88 to uae clisc""e'Y, It will be 212 in accordance with the F10nda Rules of Civil Procedure and Iho _rator will reaolve all lflScovery-illlatad 213 dM:pvt... Any diaput.. with . ,...1 ..fat. ,ie""... (taMed in PJltraQreph 17 will be submitted to arbitration only if tn, 214 Iicen..., broker eonaants in Writing to beoome a party to the pl'IlCeading. This clauSe willsuMve clOsing. 215 Ie) Mo.6u.... _ ArbIl;,.atIon; Ex,.,..es: "Mediation" Is a procau in WIlich parties attempt to l1lll0lvo a disputo bl 216 submitting It to an impartial medi81orwho facilitat.."he resolution of the dispute but who is not empowered to impoce , 217 settlement on tha parties. Mediation will be in accordance with the rule. of the Anlerlcan Mediation As.oclation or othel 218 mediator ared on by the f"I'll.., Tho p.rtias will equally divide the mediation f.., If any. "ArbItrlltion" is . proc.s" ir 219 which the partle. r."olve " disputa by" hearing beforo a neutral p.....on who clecides the matt.r and whose decision II 220 binding on the parties. Atbitration will b. in accordanc. with the rules of the Amenean Arbitrallon Association 01 othel 221 arbittator agreed on by the pllrtl.s. Each party to any arbinHon will pey Its own fe.a, co.ts and .xp........ Includi"l 2Z! atlam8\lS' fe.... and will saually split the arbitrator'll' fee. and edm;ni.tralive fe... '" atblt1ation. In a civil actlen to wo... 223 an .rbJtnttton IIWard. the prova11ing party to the arbitration shall be entitled to recover from the nonprevaillf'lQ part: 224 reason_b'. attom~' tees, coats and expe"se9, Z25" BIIye~ and Seller (1r~ )( ) aclene,,""'. receipt of. copJ of this page, whIchlaPllI/63of4P811tl VA= _ .'_Flatlda_lonOfREALTORSII AIIRlgIIIa~od Thia form .. 11oen&eet for U6e wiIh F.- ~......__ Fon'r\G ~,. by lQG MeA-ill..... Publr.:htng. J"c. aoo-ggs.,1027 1."-,------.- " ; r~ I" [, jDl r~;::_',-.,. - ] u~ i MAY I 7 2001 L_ I i Ii _-.1 FROM SALEFISH REALTY lNC,- FAX NO. 1 561 738 7911 226 ESCMW AGENT AND IlROI(EI( 2Zl 1/1.. ESCROW AGENr. 8ul/llf and SeIer authortze Escrow Agent to recei. - deposit and hola funds and other l1.ems in 228 escrow and, subJact to cl-.:a, dlsburu lIlcm upon proper eu!!lorizatf~ end In acconlaoce wilt> !!Io terms oflhis 229 ConlnlCt. including disbursing blOlcI!Rge fellS. The parties .gree that Eacrow Agent wm not be Ilabla. to MY p.",on ~r 230 miadelioeIY of MCl'OW1Id Items to SUyer or lleIIer, unl...a the miadelMfy Ie due to Escrow Agent... Willful ~h of tlllS 231 Contract or gross n.gligenc.. If &crow Agent intetplead. the aubject matter of tile .acrow. Escrow Agent ~II pay tIl. 232 filing _ end C"ta from the deposit and will recover reuonabl. a/tomeys' fe.. end coala to be patd from the 233 cae_a fIlnds or equivalent ena charged and award.d at court COGt. In l8\IOl' of the prevailing party. All claims 234 agaill8t Escrow AQant will be arbltnlted. so tong.. Escr_ Agent cOlISents to arbitrate. Hpr .c:XJ ~.L 1::IG ~or-II r.,J 235 11. rn<Jt-..J IKHIAt. AD\IICZ; 8ROIlI!R 1JAIlIUJY: en.~er ._ea BUlM and _r to verify "'I fQcls and repraa...tations 236 that.... imporr.nt to them end to oonsult an apP""'~at. poof....ion.' tor lag" edvtce (lor elC8lllpla, InterpretinG conllaCls, 237 det.rmllllng tile effect of 1_ on tile Property and lIW188Cllon, atatus of tlIIe, foreill" In_tor reporting requirements, e1c.) 238 and lor tax. property condition. environmental and other speciall:t.d adVice. 1IlI,at aclcnowtedgcs lhat 8m..... doeS not m _ide In IIla I'rop<Irty end that all rep"'OIltations (0Ial, written or oth8lWi8e) by Bre"'r ai'll b....d en seaer 240 _entMIon. or public raconle unl....s Brok.er Indlcat.. po...onal veriflcetlOn of lI1e ..__on. Buyer ...- to "''ll 241 saleIY on .-r. ptGlIIu_ IMp Bt.... ..lid gove.......nt., qencIee ror wtIIloetllln or the I>rapIIfty ........... and facts 2441 _ ......... _ PI , ~ _e. BUyer ""e! Seller ....pecliva/y will pay all costs end _nsto;, including reasonable 243 ~omeys' tees at eU levels. in_ by Br_ ane! Bmk.... oflic_. dlrectol1l, egents end employees in connection with 244 or erlsmg from .,.,.. or s.Iet's miatatement or failure to p.rform comractuaf obligatlons. Buya. and Seller hold 24~ hannless ana rele.... Bra"'r and Bre"'" offlC'''', directors, agenr. and amploy_ from 8lI liability for 1_ or c!am_ 2-16 baed on (fl ..,.,.. or 5elH's miss.et.men! or fe/lure 10 perform contractu.. obl\geti""": (2) llro"'''' pe.formanco, al 247 lIlIye". and/or s.IIer"s ,equest, of llRY t...k b.yond the soop. of ....rvic.. ...gulated by Chapt.r 475. F.S., as emendee!, 248 InoludinG Broklor'll refomo\, recommendation or retention of any vendor, (3) pnocluclS orso~.. pooyjd.ct by any vendor, and~) 249 expenses ineu....d by any vendor. BulM alld Seller each assume tuli responsibility for .electing and comp.nsatlng their 250 respective vondore. This para~ will net relieve Broker of statutory obligation., For purpos.. of thia pantgraph. 8mke, 25t will be treated as II patyto this Contract. This peragraph wiUsurvive closing. 252 17 1IROI<ER8: The lic.nsee(s) and bRlkerage(s) nemod below ane eollectively referred to as "Booker," SeIer and Bu)lel 253 acknowledge th'll the bto_g41(sj named below all the procuring ClIU&e of !his transaction. instruction to aosMg,,: 254 Seller and Buyer direct clOOlfng agent to diebu",e at closing lhofullamountofth.bookeragefallS as specifi.d in separate 25~ bRlkerllOe agreem.nts with the paIlios and cooperative agr.ements bel",eon the broll.8lS, unless Broker hM retained such 258 tees from the oS_.d funds. lit tile abS.nce Of such brol<erag' agreements, cloaing agent will disburse brokerege I.... 257 as indicated betQW, 25lr' L. "--'. 1laV1....... __ .1'----- W~.vf.l...n 2m _ Eat.,.UCltl. RNI Est.,. u"""... 280- .--1'1"'11:'. """'.....~ 'D_...1 ..t':.a~ ,~Jll~~." 'D--.'tcr. T'I'W'!. :281" BroJrorAilroker-s. rea: ~y. B'okorJS'oke'~o r.a: S8 262* 2l!3" 264. 265" 2B6* 267" ,'- == ""'~:.u:.;:~~':'~'J-:::]TI:;; ~ ",.I- ~ ~.~n';' ~,~t:o~ ; ZTrI' ., ~ ()I...ot, S r v-<. t..c 4, .{..t. 271 This Is Intended to be a legally blndingc:ontract.lf notfully u rsfood,_ktll8 adYlcaof anattomey priortollillnill9' m OFFERAHDACCEPTANCE ZT3" (C/lec:k If applicable: 0 Buyer te<;elved llWl'ilIen real property ~closure statement from Seller ~e ~ this Offer.) 274 Buyer otr_ to purcll8se the property on the abowe terma and CDndltlon6. Unless thI8 ConIraci Is slgnecl bv SeliCII' and a 275" copy delillIIred to Buyw no lIIter tll&n ---L.. 0 a.m.1lil p.m. on ~', 2001 , this offer wln be 276 rewlced ant18Uye1"s depc$1 refunded SubJ~1 to cJearane1l of funcla. ( zn- Oat&: 1.2/ - c ) _' ~r: . ..".'--- \;..., ,~,'s.,,;; \l t' Tax 100SSl\I: <<!I-030~On 278- Print name: ---':'i:.t: 'for "'=-"~-!: .I_h _ ....,., ADOITIONAL. TERMS ; tv-. 0 JI.3o ...."*' .. 279" Dale: 28lr 281" Phone: 2ll2" F8lt: 28T 08le:4~;'l 01 284. Buyer. Print nam.: Address: Tax /OISSN: Seller: Print ~am8; ~~;E~~ Tax /OISSN: 235" Dale: Seller: Tax 100SSN: 286. Print name: 28.,. PIIolle: Address' 28&" Fax: . - -- ,_. 289" ,!lil' Seller counlC<8 Buyer's offer (lo accept th~-counter offer. Buyer must sign Of IniIIeI the counter offered terms end deIivIlr 290' c:opyoftheacc:esuncatoSellwbvS:OOp,m. on rJ'1-'l--5"- 0\ >- OS.IIerrejects&.y.r'soff" 291"1 Ef'IIdIWllate: __ (l1leclat.onwlllchthelaslparty........._Ied_ept_ottlle--,.) 29Z' ~anclSeller(1'J~)( ) acknowledge receipt of a CClIl'I oftltls flIIlIe,whIctllsPege4of.~ Tllei'IOI''' .......'''''onof REALTORse _1_ 8oardlA.....latIoII of REALTOR_ ..- no r"",,_allon ..Iolhe legal VOlidity... ~, .nl'll"_ OliN. ferm In any .....Ifto I'-ion. Thi.lllendercllZI,lform atlould not be ull8d in~ Ir~ I 110...... wit" extensive rider. . __, 1Ws torm 10 IYIi_ for u... by the Ol1lire rHl ..010 Indulllry and ianot int_to I~fy tile u_ as . REALTog. REALTORe ia , tl\lllt__ _a!lip mill"k thel mey IlO u_""'Y bv ,.Sloatale licensees wnc are _.ott,.. NellonaJ AMOGilltion Of RE"LTORSI end who subsCribe 10 ill Code of Elhies. "'" CClPJrIQlllI- of the UnItecI__<17U.S.Code)'o,biolnounoulhorlzed,oproducllonof_formobyatly ....118 '"",urlng _rftIe ( compuleriz<<l forme, VAC-3 483 01l1S11 Florida Ae__ of REAL TORSC> All R!g/!Io R....-vod Thi. fofm .. lioonsod for uIl8 wfth ~..... Forms Scft>Nare DY lSG ~Ili"r P1.Ibt;ehine- lnc:. 800-9$8.1027 [';"'----,.. IWL~ J2IlJ1 I --, . I '"---.-.... FROM : SA...EF I SH REAL. TY INC.- FAX t-Kl. 1 561 738 7911 Ap,.. 20 2001 I:r~::'--, t'b ADDENDUM TO CONTRACl' FOR SALE AND PURCIUSE _ N'Hh.nW RAhman. ~ ("SELUB") aad BABITAT FOJlIlUMANlTY OF SOUTH PALM BEACH COUNTY, INe. a Florida nOll-profit corporadon ("BUYER") DATED: April 1'. 2001 The followillg provisions an incorporated illto tbe above-ref_ed CODtract and shall sllpersede any of tile pre-prlnted provisions of tile CODtract ill collOict herewitb: 1. The CODtract for Sale 8IId Purcbase is contingent upon the Buyer, at Buyer's eltpal5et obtaiDiDla dear Phase I EnviroDmental Report. Bayer at Buyers sole option may: (a) tenDinate this Contract and receive all immediate refund of its deposit monies, or, (b) tlect to have a Phase n Enviroameatal Report performed. If Buyer deds to have a Phase n EDviroaDleatal Report perl'ormed, Buyer, at Buyer' sole optioa, may eneud the Oos.ing Date for two ,.-eekJ or tenn.inate this Contract upon its reeeipt and review of said Phase n Euvironmental Report 8IId receive a fuB refund of its deposit monies. 1. Additieaally, the CODtrad for Sale and Purclsase is cont.ingellt upon the Buyer, at Buyer's expeuse. obtainiDg a survey, soft boring. and IIpppraisaJ by or Wore the CIotiDg elate of May 31, 2001. II Buyer it iD any ,.-&y unsatisfied with the f"mdmgs of the IU"ey, soil borillgtl or appraisal, Buyer may cancel the Contract aud receive a fUll refund of its deposits. 3. The Coatract for Sale and Purchase is contingent upon Buyer tollfirming with tile City of BoyatoD Beacl:l that the Property constitutes a builciable lot for. single family residellce and, if neeeaary, upon Duyer obtainillg written approval of a variance request to build 011 a non--eonformmg lot. This Addendam to Contrad for Sale and Purchase is ex_ted Oil this ;; ( day of II,..., ( . ZOO L. SELLER: BUYER: Babitat for Bumuily of South Palm Beath County, IDe:., a Florida non-profit c.oJ'lloratlon (, By: )~-~'- W 7~~" V f 1.rl..:.~ Cf~ l~t;ll10UI \ L.n May-17-01 .10: 08A S..ll . Choice F"I'!OM SflL."FlSH PEALT\ tri:;. FFlX 110, ""~ II 0' ~l;J'i'~ JiM r:L~OI'l 561 7~G 4868 P.02 1 561 738 7g11 1~y. 11 2021 12:11PM P? $01-417 7L~7 p.l FIICM 5'<l ~~!;;H ~j:U'\ !,..t:, ,>1,_ 1iC. ~ ~1 r~e -~~ 1 '""'II. )l :2201 II .?~ PC: Addendum ._ AL-__ -, ..... ___ ....,.~.......... " ...1.1. _ ..___ r..-.r....'.."....r.., ...,....,.... _ ___~._jl.. till .11'.)-........ __ 11 1.. ... -'I!'''' '-. ... - ~..... ... ... .aU ._~ ......11:. t.~. ...... .1 ...... JL 20B' ... ~""W.'" !!!'- "'l . - . ... . . ...._ -*'- w .~ '!I"1. a ~., ail.. ..... ~.1l ~.. 2M1 .......1''1: ...... .. - - ____ _ _.r ___, _ - --- ..... -T~ ... ......... W&2!".&. . --- ~'''',''''~''' --.....~. -- ~ ~~. - -- .-- -. ---...- -' ...---- .-'- - -'- '- _.... ,-,- a_____ .._. - -----.. - .- 1J.1". \. _ .....,,,; ,.s.....'PJ..~ Ct..., 41 ~~ GG~ f(v. "\ ~"'.:l ' . ..co · d) ~'?'=C->''-- ~UI'~l_ .... . 5' -/~~~ .... tJ - 11.../ <) L. 0lM1I _... /1/ ...9 I) //~~'\ ....ilI'. .....frl 1)01. !I':....IIPI'...."!.,...............-.ift... 'f r;1- -- .,..... 8......,...,..80........., "........... ~ ~'t:r.2" r ! " '"II) MAY I 7 2001 I I L , I 05117/2001 11 B: 55.3941521 HABITAT FOR HLMA'ilT, PAIiE 0" I"l'IttI SFl...EFISH REFlL.TY INC. FI'M NO. 1 561 738 7911 Ma~. 17 2001 10 S1AM P1 Page 5 Zoning Code Variance Application CERTIFICATION TO THE. BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE ,AND CORRECT UST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPUCANT'S PROPERTY. ~~ w1,-- 1I p, APPLICA T/AGENT H ~6 I 11 t7/J:[ Hut TlMfl1{lN I ~'I :s"""~ \..>~I..... il?<~c..l. Co\~...)k)'"'<. NOTICE TO ,tPPLlCANTS FO'R REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL \JIIE APPROVAL ZONING COOlE VARIANCE All applications received by the City of I!lo~fnton Beach after Aueoat 1. 1985 shall be ~mpanl.d by mailing labels with the nameli and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property. Applications will not b. accepted withr;lut thll88 mailing labels. CONTACT - PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN: MAPPING DMSION 301 North Olive Avenue W..t Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 updated 03/23/01 "....H..C1.TAtP*W...f\8J'l.AI'lI.C)\~_IVt,N)"'JC...Tf0N8o,v,1C\1\Volev ...,111.*"" with PCH.c&cHI i \ ~_., ~\ .- ~ 1 ,00\ ~----- lLJ{ \ ' \ 7\ i~\/"~ ,'-' ' Palm Beach County Property At=raiser Property Search System Page I of2 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBlNSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11227 NE 11TH AVE Confirmation Information II Parcel Control Number 1108- Subdivision : IMEEKS & ANDREWS ADD IN II Book:1103420 II page:IBI D:~~~ID Mailing I 517 NE 1ST ST I~ MEEKS & ANDREWS ADD LT 4 BLK2 Address: I I I I IBOYNTON BEACH FL 334353814 I I I 2000 Certified Appraisal I Improvement value:1I $29,10311 Number of units:11 I Land value:1I $6,32511 Total Sq. Ft:11 I Market value:11 $35.42811 Acres:11 I Use Code:11 0100 II Demiption:IIS1NGLE FAMILY 2000 Certified Tax 2000 Assessed & Taxable values I Ad valorem:11 $862.4 711 Assessed value:11 $35,428.0011 I More. I Non ad valorem:1I $1050011 Exemption amount:11 $01 I Total:1I $967 4711 Taxable:11 $35,428.001 2000 Exemption I DescriPtion:11 I Exemption Holder:11 II cOde:IDI I More... sl II Percentage:1 http://www.co.palm-beach.f].us.lpapaldetail_info.asp?p _ entity=08434521220020040 5/31/200 I Palm Beach County Property A=raiser Property Search System Page 2 of2 I S!lles Date II .Book II P,a~ II I Sep.1980 II 03420 II 1633 II Sales Information Price IIInstrument $IOOIIQUIT CLAIM IIOwner IIROBINSON NATHANIEL eJmrn Please send comments to : propaDp@co.palm-beach.fl.us> Copyright <iJ 2000 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us.lpapa/detail_info.asp?p _ entity=08434521220020040 5/31/2001 Palm Beaeh County Property Annraiser Property Seareh System Page I of I Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBINSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11227 NE 11 TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108-43.45-21-22-002.0040 No Exemption detail Information Available, .~[[!] Please seud comments to : oropapP@l:o.palm-beacll.tl.us> Copyright @ 1997 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.eo.palm-beaeh.fl.us./papa/exemption _ detail.asp?entity _id=0843452 I 220020040 5/3112001 Palm Beach County Property Annraiser Property Search System Page I of I Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBINSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 112?? NE 11TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108-43.45.21-22.002.0040 I] II Desc:IIOlOO IISFR I I Unit Value:1I $115,001 IZoning:IIR2 I I Front:11 500011 Depth:11 001 I Units:1I 500011 Type:IIF II Land Value:1I $6,3251 Detailed Land Information ..rn Please send comments to : propapy@co.palm-beach.fl.us> Copyright @ 1997 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us.lpapalland _ detail.asp?entitLid=08434521220020040 5/31/2001 Palm Beach County Property Annraiser Property Search System Page I of2 ,. ~- ~ArJ Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBINSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11227 NE 11TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108-43-45.21-22.002.0040 I Subarea Sq. Footage II Area II Percent II Effective Arel! II Area Under Air 1 I BAS BASE AREAII 93611 0%11 011 01 FEP FINISHED [301 011 01 ENCLOSED PORCH UOP UNFINISHED DOl 011 01 OPEN PORCH I Bldg I Total Sq. Ft.:11 1,16811 II 011 01 Subareas for Building 1 tructura ements or uildm!! ACTUAL YEAR BLT 1941 AIR CONDITION NO HTG/ AC BEDROOMS 2 BUILDING USE SFR EFF YEAR BUILT 1954 EXTERIOR WALL-I VINLY / ALUMINUM SIDING FLOORING. I WOOD FINE/SOFT FLOORING - 2 N/A HEATING NONE HEATING FUEL NONE I INTERIOR FIN I WALL BD OR WOOD I INTERIOR FIN 2 N/A I S I EI F B 1 http://www.co.palm-beach.fl. .../struct_ detail.asp?entity _id=08434521220020040&condo=N 5/31/200 I Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Search System Page 2 0[2 MARKET ADJUST I MODEL II SFR I NO OF BATHROOMS III 0 BATHS I NO STORIES III STORY I NO UNITS I NORMAL DEPR 1166 I QUALITY II CLASS 3 I ROOF COVER II ASPH/COMP SHG. I ROOF STRUCTURE II GABLE/HIP I EXTW AL2 1100 I .lIm Please send comments to : propapp@Co.palm-beach.fl.us> Copyright @ 1997 hy Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.. ,./struct_ detail.asp?entity _id=08434521220020040&condo=N 5/31/200 I Palm Beach County Property Anoraiser Property Search System Page I of2 - ~,,~ Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBINSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11223 NE 11TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108-43-45.21.22-002.0050 Confirmation Information Subdivision: [MEEKS & ANDREWS ADD INII Book:1106735II pa2e:111734 II D~~~~ID Mailing Ipo BOX 193 I~IMEEKS & ANDREWS ADD L T 5 I Address: "ega . BLK 2 I I I I IBOYNTON BEACH FL 33425 0193 I I I 2000 Certified Appraisal 1 Improvement valne:11 $011 I Land value:1I $6,32511 1 Market value:11 $6,32511 I Use Code:11 0000 II Description:IIV ACANT Number of units:1I Total Sq. Ft:11 Acres:1I 2000 Certified Tax 2000 Assessed & Taxable values I Ad valorem:11 $1539911 Assessed value:11 $6,325 Ool[ I More. I Non ad valorem:11 $0.0011 Exemption amount:1I $01 I Total:1I $1539911 Taxable:11 $6.325 001 2000 Exemption I DescriPtion:1I I Exemption Holder:1I II cOde:IDI I More... 81 II Percentage:1 http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us./papa/detaiUnfo.asp?p _ entity=08434521220020050 5/31/2001 Palm Beach County Property AnDraiser Property Search System Page 2 of2 Sales Information I S.l!les.Date II Book II ~ II I Feb-1991 1~81 Price IIInstrument $3 2001lW ARRANTY -, DEED IIOwner IIROBINSON NATHANIEL rn Please send comments to : propapp@~o.palm-beach.fl.us> Copyright @ 2000 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us.lpapaldetail_info.asp?p _ entity=08434521220020050 5/31/2001 Palm Beach County Property Annraiser Property Search System Page I of 1 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBINSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11223 NE 11TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108-43.45-21-22.002-0050 No Exemption dctaillnformation Available. eliirn Please send comments to : proDapp@J:o.palm-beach.fl.us> Copyright <Q 1997 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us.lpapa/exemption _ detail.asp?entity _id=08434521220020050 5/31/2001 Palm Beach County Property Aonraiser Property Search System Page I of I - ~Ar# Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBlNSON NA THANlEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11223 NE 11TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108.43.45-21-22.002-0050 01 Desc:lloooo 1 VACANT 1 Unit value:1I $115.001 RESIDENTIAL IZoning:IIR2 I I Front:11 500011 Dcpth:1I 001 I Units:1I 50 0011 Type:IIF II Land Value:1I $6,3251 Detailed Land Information e ~I fr11 ~1fJ M W Please send commeuts to : propapP@J;o.palm-beach,tl.us> Copyright @ 1997 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us.lpapa/land _ detail.asp?entity _id=08434521220020050 5/31/2001 Palm Beach County Property Annraiser Property Search System Page I of I Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name IROBINSON NATHANIEL Owner Information II Situs Address 11223 NE II TH AVE II Parcel Control Number 1108-43-45- 21-22-002-0050 Detailed Land Information DBBVACANT I Vnit value:1I $115.001 1 Desc: 0000 RESIDENTIAL IZoning:IIR2 I I Front:11 500011 Depth:1I 001 I Units:11 50.0011 Type:IIF II Land Value:1I $6,3251 RIm Please send comments to : propapp@t:o.palm-beach.fl.us> Copyright @ 1997 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us.lpapa/land _ detail.asp?entity _id=08434521220020050 5/31/200 I ........:< ~p"e:>,/ 4,me: de/~ .c-":TS /...!-/~ ~z - /~.-;'/?'~ - '(.(...'QTa'(~6'~f1~~~ ~ .al.~~~~ - lq7~ 1...0 T lOr .i3I..K / - Ad. 15 B&cA (, "iI./a2/,f';J... - /P-e/.ol ~t,lJ'.4Z~~ fL.,,' ~ <jl-~~(.,()~a-::!:",.?i-~M .3,F"OO. - Jf4'j{Jet~rk,~ -- .--------- /d"'(.~J""(.'X;>.fu{au.. y_ c... ~"/ ~~ 9P~7 fld'n.n'~.{(.<?f Y'#"'~?,J .~ ---.--.Alb~/~~ ~1!a~~;'---~~~~q;~/A . - V. 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