CORRESPONDENCE , D.c.mber 20. z001 11:30 AM From: S.ril Krug.r Fax Numb.r: 2654611 Pag.1of 1 BERIL KRUGER Planning & Zoning Consultant 9 Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-4983 - Fax: (561) 265-4611 I FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET To: Mr Michael Rumph Fax No.. 742-6259 Phone No.. Time Transmitted: 11 :26 AM..!..PM_ Company' Cilg lloJjKlM 1lo<ui l' & Z ~ Transmitted by: bk Date Transmitted: Dec. 20, Total pages (including transmittal sheet}. .2001 2 _~'" ,~,v_"__'_ ~ . ~,~~r€A^ r' .J " I..... "! ,;:._ 1 ~ MESSAGE: r \ ~',i :\\,~-:...- '"<' \ nIl DEe L 0 LI\jj ~ ------ ;1 I i -'" .. ----1 " It If you do not receive all of the pages, Dleaae call (5'1) 2'5-4983 es aoon aa 1J0aslbl.. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY ABOVE. IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMINICATlON IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US AT (561) 265-<4983, AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. " Decomoer 20. 2001 11 :30 AM From: Seril Kruger Fax Number: 265-4611 Page 2 of 2 Itertl kr....er planning and zoning consultants December 19, 2001 rezoning concurrency conditional use special exceptions ORe site plan approval annexations comp plan amendments, variances (county, state, municipal) abandonmenls palm beach dade & all counties & cities in f10rida Mr Michael Rumph. Director Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE. MAROUF CAR WASH - SIDEWALK WAIVER LAS PALMAS AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH Dear Mr Rumph: I am requesting a Sidewalk Waiver from the requirement to construct a sidewalk along the front of the proposed Maroufs Car Wash on Las Palmas Ave. Thene ane no sidewalks on either side of Las Palmas Avenue from the intercoastal waterway west to U.S. Highway 1 If and when sidewalks are constructed on this street. the owner will then construct a sidewalk. CC: Zuhair Marouf 9 northeast 16th street. delray beach. f10rida 33444 . (561l 265-4983 * fax (561)265.4611 Tueker, Patrieia From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Tuesday, November 18. 2003 8:12 AM Tucker, Patricia Fw' Follow-up on Pre-Agenda Meeting Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld -----Original Message----- From Bressner, Kurt <BressnerK@ci boynton-beach fl us> To Costello, Joyce <CostelloJ@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Glinski, Bonnie <GlinskiB@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Hutchinson, Douglas <HutchinsonD@ci boynton- beach fl us> CC Livergood, Jeffrey <LivergoodJ@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Segal, Wayne <SegalW@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Rumpf, Michael <RumpfM@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Byrne, Nancy <ByrneN@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Greene, Quintus <GreeneQ@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Cheraf, James <CherofJ@ci boynton-beach fl us>; Ramsey, Mary <RamseyM@ci boynton- beach fl us> Sent Mon Nov 17 18 00 16 2003 Subject Follow-up on Pre-Agenda Meeting Several items of note 1 Pre-Agenda Meetings will stay at 4 PM on the Monday before a city Commission Meeting 2 Joint Meeting with Commission and eRA December 17th @6 30 PM -- Conference Room C - West Wing 3 City Commission Capital Improvement Workshop -- December 19th @9 00 AM -- Conference Room C- West Wing Agenda will be revised to show public audience earlier in the agenda Wayne will provide details to Bonnie on the agenda for events and should be prepared to address the Commission/Audience at the Meeting -- If we have promo items, copies should be made available Also, it is appropriate to promote the eRA event New Business Rescinding of Variation/Site Plan for Gas Station and Car Wash - Gateway and Federal -- Development to provide copy of staff report from the last meeting (Joyce -- You may still have from earlier Commission meeting (October 21st) Also need matrix prepared by Development I will need at least one copy by 9 AM on Tuesday to provide Comm Ensler Ordinance on Vice-Mayor Legal will provide a revised item which includes other options 1'11 take a look at the final agenda to verify language on items as it is available Kurt 1 ~"~5.2' ..... ..~ \.--s}/ i (0,< DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT . Building _ Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment November I, 2002 VIA FACSIMILE # (561) 364-4980 and REGULAR MAIL IlL ~-_._~.--- ~.._-~: l' II :~ ,'~. " ,\... , ,. Mr Gene Maresca 7B Crossings Circle Boynton Beach, FL 33435 " .1...lI." NOV - .. Wi 1-1 \ L PlANiWJG AND ZONING DEPl RE: MAROUFS CAR WASH 2360 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY Dear Mr. Maresca: Pursuant to your request faxed to me on October 31, 2002 concerning submitting a separate permit for the building portion, only, of the proposed car wash, I would like to offer the following: There are many elements that will combine to make this a complete project. In example, landscape/irrigation, paving/drainage, site lighting, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, roofing and various cladding and components will have to be reviewed as a complete permit submittal to the Building Division. 2. Many of the City's Divisions look at these projects from more than just a building review Planning & Zoning will not only look at the setbacks and location on the lot, but are also concerned with the aesthetics and screening of the various elements. Per state law, the Fire Department shall review all commercial projects. The Police Department will review for traffic flow and access to the property, etc. 3 A total, complete evaluation and a proper review cannot be done unless this project is submitted as a total package. 4 We require that a licensed general contractor to be responsible for the total project, which will include all licensed subcontractors and suppliers. The general contractor will also be the liaison between the design professional and the City Of Boynton Beach. I have included a copy of our Permit Application Information Checklist, our informational flyer concerning the documents required for permitting and our handout concerning commercial City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.boynton-beach.org Letter to Gene Maresca November I, 2002 RE. MAROUFS CAR WASH Page 2 of 2 Pages inspection requirements. Also included is information required for state certified and registered contractors to secure permits within the City Of Boynton Beach. I hope this information helps you with your preparation and submittal of this project's permit to the City Of Boynton Beach. s~ruu.~ Don JOhns:nrJ Building Official DJ:rs Enclosures XC. Timothy K. Large, Building Code Administrator Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Dave Kelley, Utility/Civil Engineer S:\Development\BUILDrNG\Building DivIDocuments\Letters\2002 Correspondance\GMaresca ~ Maroufs Car Wash.doc FROM GMARESCA FAX NO. 5613644980 ;t. 31 2002 08:18PM P1 Fr'iJ( /,...., r),'pr (..hC:lC'" ,.~ ~ '-. \..,_, ". ;J.....,. I ....,,~ i ! li,:.. ~::- i 78 CROSSINGS CIRCLE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 Fox numbe!' 561-364-4980 Send to: From: DON JOHNSON GENE MARESCA Attention: Date: Office Location: Office Location: Fax Number: Phone Number: o Urgent i4' Reply ASAP o Please comment a Please Review IJ For YOIJ Information Total pages. including cover' Comments: Thank you for the phone conversation raga-ding the permitting of 2360 North Federal Highway in Boynton Beach known os 0 Texaco station. As I mentioned, the owner inquired about getting 0 permit by me tor the building portion and expressed that he has hi, people for other portions of the changes and site modifications. I also explained the city has specific requirements for work preformed with in there jLXisdiction by anyone and the scope of being the primary controctor In 011 goad conscience. I made the inquire to receive an official explanation by the city of Boynton beach for the edification of the owner Could please respond in a fox the same information we discussed including licensing requirements that a sub-contractor and a general Contractor must meet to work within the City limits of Boynton beach. -P- DEI .r\RTMENT OF DEVELOPh"t:NT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum PZ 02-248 TO- Mr Beril Kruger 'J/ FROM Lusia Galav, AICP .../ Y Principal Planner q/ DATE November 4, 2002'" RE. Marouf's Car Wash NWSP 01-017 Please be advised that site plan approval for the above referenced project will expire on January 15, 2003 The City Commission granted site plan approval on January 15, 2002. To date, no building permit has been issued for this project. A building permit must be secured within one year of site plan approval in order to maintain the vested status. The Land Development Regulations Chapter 4, Section 5, provides for a one-year extension for site plan approval if the application is submitted before the expiration date Please call the Planning and Zoning Division at (561) 742-6260 for more information regarding the site plan time extension procedure DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION · Building - Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment June 16,2002 Mr Beril Kruger Planning & Zoning Consultant 9 Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Subject: 1) Expansion of Texaco Oas Station at 2360 N Federal Highway 2) Driveway Connection from Texaco Station and Approved Car Wash Project Dear Mr. Kruger The intent of this letter is to clarify information provided to you in a previous letter dated June 14, 2002. Please be informed of the conclusion reached that pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Sections "D" and "0", the above-referenced changes are prohibited due to the their involvement with a non-conforming use. However, with respect to item #2, the physical connection could only occur through a recorded access easement that would connect the car wash parcel to the northernmost gas station driveway at Federal Highway Of course this is contingent upon all modifications to the Texaco site being code-compliant. These changes should be processed as a minor modification request to the existing site plan which is described by the attached fact sheet. Please be sure to include all site/tabular data on the revised plans including the tabulation of required and provided parking, and aisle and parking space dimensions. Please be informed that you may not proceed with item #1 due to it involving the physical expansion of a non-conforming use; however, this clarifying letter should be construed as the final administrative decision to which you would file an appeal in accordance with the Land Development Regulations, Chapter I, Article VII, Section 1 If you still desire to appeal, please provide this office with a revised application (letter) for appeal which we will apply to the same fee, and application file that has been recently created. If based upon this letter you no longer prefer to file an appeal, please inform me of same in writing so that your application can be closed. Please be reminded of the filing requirements to appeal and contact me should you have any questions. Sincerely, ---- (1J)2- Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR:jdc CC Kurt Bressner Attachment S:IPlanningISHAREDlWP\CORRESP\Com:sp A thru l...\Kruger, Benl Re Tc.xacQ Station E.xpa1l5ion.dlX City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (5$1) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.or DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment June 14,2002 Mr Beril Kruger Planning & Zoning Consultant 9 Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Subject: 1) Expansion of Texaco Gas Station at 2360 N Federal Highway 2) Driveway Connection from Texaco Station and Approved Car Wash Project Dear Mr Kruger. This letter is in follow-up to our recent meeting regarding the above-referenced issues. Please be informed of the conclusion reached that pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Sections "D" and "G", the proposed changes are prohibited. I acknowledge and apologize for the delay caused by the numerous conversations and meetings held on these issues, which may have misled you. Please be informed that you may not proceed with the said changes. However, in accordance with the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 1, Article VII, Section 1, you may appeal this decision of the Planning and Zoning Director to the City Commission. As an alternative, please also be aware of the option you have to amend our regulations to meet your objectives. I would recommend that any code amendment (code review) you would apply for be written to consider its city-wide implications. Please note the filing requirements to appeal (see attached excerpt) and contact me should you have any questions. Sincerely, ~J2 Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR:jdc Attachment S:\PlanningISHAREDlWPICORRESPICorresp A thru LlKruger, Beril Re Texaco Station Expansion.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-ll310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton-beach.or 28 Boynton Beach Code ARTICLE VII. APPEALS Sec. 1. Appeals from decisions of an adminid:rative official. A. ELIGIBILITY Appeals of decisions of an administrative official may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, board, or bureau of the governing body affected by any decision of an administrative official under any ordinance enacted pursuant to the Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach. B. FILING Appeals shall be filed within fifteen (IS) calendar days after rendition of the order, requirement, decision, or determination with the official from whom the appeal is taken specifying the grounds for the appeal. A current certified survey and a fee as adopted by resolution of the City Commission, plans, drawings, documents and/or other material constituting the record upon which the action was taken shall be collected by the administrative official and, together with the completed appeal, forwarded to the appropriate appeal board for placement on the board's next available agenda. C. STAY OF WORK. Upon posting of acceptable surety (see Chapter 7) by the appellant in an amount equal to II 0 % of the potential costs of delays and damages as certified by a design professional, all work on the premises and all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from will be stayed, unless the official from whom the appeal was taken certifies that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril of life or property In such case, proceedings or work shall not be stayed except by a restraining order which may be granted by the board or by a court of record on application, on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. D ASSIGNMENT OF APPEALS. The City of Boynton Beach has several boards/commissions which deal with a variety of appeals, variances, exemptions, exceptions, etc., as follows: I The building board of adjustment and appeals will hear and decide appeals of administrative 1997 S-5 decisions or determinations made in the enforcement or administration of LOR Chapter 20, Building, Housing and Construction Regulations and the various building codes and ordinances adopted by the City See LOR Chapter 20, Article vn, Section 20 for detailed information. r:'~ 2. The City Commission will hear and decide appeals of administrative decisions or determinations in the enforcement or administration of environmental review permits; excavation, dredging and/or fill permits; major/minor site plan or master plan modifications and height exceptions. 3 The concurrency review board will hear and decide appeals of administrative decisions denying a certification of concurrency and/or a conditional certification of concurrency 4 The board of zoning appeals will hear and decide appeals of administrative decisions or determinations made in the enforcement or administration of all portions of the Land Development Regulations not specifically enumerated within the jurisdiction of the City Commission and/or the building board of adjustment and appeals and/or the concurrency review board. See LDR Chapter 2, Section 10 for detailed information. ("'-,. , , 4:-~. E. HEARING OF APPEALS. Each board or commission shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof, as weU as due notice to the parties in interest. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person, by agent or by attorney F REVIEW OF ADMINISTRA TIVE ORDERS In exercising its powers, each board or commission may, reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official and may make any necessary order, requirement, decision, or determination, and to that end shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken. The concurring vote of a majority of the members present shall be necessary to reverse any ordcr, requirement, decision, or dctermination of any administrative official or to decide in favor of the L' May 22, 2002 6:36 PM From: Beril Kruger Fax Number' 265-4611 Page 2 of 3 her II kr....cr planning and zoning consultants May 22, 2002 James A. Cherof, Esquire Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P.A. Attorneys At Law 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL33308 RE. ADDITION TO CONVENIENCE STORE GATEWAY TEXACO N. FEDERAL HWY., BOYNTON BEACH. FL. Dear Mr Cherof: I spoke with Mr Michael Rumph, Planning and Zoning Director, last week regarding an add it ion to the convenience store at the Gateway Texaco on north Federal Highway t expiained to Mr Rumph that Mr. Marouf wishes to build an addition on the rear of the convenience store building for a storage room to store sodas. Mr Marouf currently has a trailer parked at the rear of the property, which he is using to store the soda. He was cited June 18, 2001 by a fire inspector for having an illegal trailer and was told to remove it, Mr Rumph and I discussed the addition and he said that since the use on the property is a non-conforming use, an addition to the convenience store would be an increase in the non-conforming use. I disagree with his interpretation. The gas pumps at this convenience store are the non-<:onforming use. Selling gas at this location is a non-conforming use. The convenience store is not a non- conforming use it is a permitted use. A convenience store at this location without gas pumps would not require a Conditional Use because it would be a retail store. The gas pumps and gas sales are non-conforming. Storing soda at this location will not increase gas sales nor will it increase the non-conformity The Boynton Code states, "Il} all dispensing establishments shall be located only at the intersection of any combination of the following roads as designated in the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: 1 County arterial, 2. State arterial, 3 Local collector Gateway Texaco is located on a U S.1, a State arterial, and Gateway Boulevard, a Local collector Therefore it meets one criterion. It does not meet the second parAgraph below 9 northeast 16th st.eet . del.ey beach, flo,lda 33444 1561 I 265-4983 . fax (5611 265-4611 . a-mail: bkruearObaUlOuth.nat rezoning concurrency conditional us., spec;ial exceptions, ORe approval site plans annexations comp plan amendments, verlances (county, atate, municipal) abandonrnenta palm beach broward dad. & all c;ountias &cltlas Inflorlda May 12, 2002 6:36 PM From: 8eril Kruger Fax Number' 265-4611 Page 3 of 3 Mr James A. Cherat, Esquire Pege 2 May 22, 2002 (2) Gasoline dispensing establishment shall only be located at any intersections consisting of roads of four (4) lanes or wider I have checked the gas station and convenience store portions of the following zoning codes: Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code, Delray Beach Land Development Regulations Lake Worth Zoning Code, and the City of Fort Lauderdale Unified Land Development Regulations and found none of these codes mentions anything about 4 lane roads although most do require these establishments be on collector or arterial roads. This 4-18ne requirement makes many gasoline dispensing establishments non- conforming Almost all gas providers on Boynton Beach Boulevard. Golf Rd. (SE 23'" St.), South and North Federal Highway and a fairly new establishment which was approved on Gateway just west of 1-95 and High ridge Rd. (which is a two lane road) It seems the City of Boynton Beach has a very strong dislike for gasoline dispensing establ!shments since there are almost 5 pages in the code dedicated to gas stations and only 2 paragraphs to "Adult Entertainment Establishments." In closing, the addition of a storage room on the rear of this convenience store has nothing to do with increasing the non-conformity of the gas sales. Storing soda will not increase gas sales. Storing soda will not have anything to do with gas sales. The convanience store could operate without the gas pumps as the gaa pumps could operate without the convenience store. There are convenience stores in Bovnton Beach without gas pumps and there are gas sales establishments around without convenient stores, Convenience stores and gas stations together is a fairly recent idea and was done for the convenience of the customers since most gas stations were no longer service stations. I therefore ask you to allow the owner of Gateway Texaco to build a storage room on the rear of the convenience store for the sole purpose of storing sodas and removing the trailer that is in violation. Mr Marouf has also agreed to renovate the exterior of the convenience store and bring it up to the standards of the new Boynton Beach and this area. cc: Michael Rumph ~pf, Miehael ,'Yl. (<vf ~ \ I (OY' W~s..#I. .1 "ft .f.< From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Thursday. May 02, 2002 5.33 PM Cherof, James RE. Current issues '1C"'-'-- ,(M f t"f"r- Thanks for the responses Jim 2) I think the container is an unpermitted, unscreened outdoor storage element unrelated to its conforming or non-conforming status The expansion of the building has raised this question but the container could also be considered consistent with my interpretation below So we all (Quintus shares the same opinion that it would intensify the non-conforming use) agree that expansion of the building would, regardless if it is related to a ttstorell, impacts the non-conforming use Right? 3) We just have camp plan policies that state certain properties, when developed, will yield land dedication to provide a park in a needed area 4) Ok, but as long as we are not agreeing with his responses 5) Any communication is fine with me I plan on being here Mike -----Original Message----- From Lamanna, Rosemarie On Behalf Of Cheraf, James Sent Thursday, May 02, 2002 4 29 PM To Rumpf, Michael Subject FW Current issues -----Original Message----- From Cherof, James [mailto jcherof@cityatty com] Sent Thursday, May 02, 2002 4 28 PM To Cherof, James Subject RE Current issues 1 I thought we were actually putting it on under "Old Businesslt and that at agenda preview CF could either confirm it as an issue he wanted to discuss of it would get pulled off The rest of the Commission can weigh in at this point as well I discussed this approach with CF and he is OK with it 2 I think that if a single tenant has both non-conforming and conforming aspects of the business, the non-conforming prohibits any expansion I assume the City is treating the storage container as an expansion of the non-conforming use, although you have not actually said so What provision of the code was cited as a violation? 3 Actually, the intent was to take the Commission out of the negotiation role I thnik it is best if it is a straight value determination 4 I think the property owner is stalling, but 1111 meet if you like 5 I also spoke with Resch She was supposed to call me back after reviewing the conditions She has not I see this getting tabled if there is not a breakthrough on Friday or Monday AM at the latest Why donlt we try to set up a phone conference for Monday AM when we can sit together Bt copy of 1 this I'll ask Rose Marie to set t up if you are OK with that > -----Original Message----- > From Cherof, James [SMTP CherofJ@ci boynton-beach fl us] > Sent Thursday, May 02, 2002 10 50 AM > To ljcherof@cityatty coml > Subject FW Current issues > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From Rumpf, Michael > > Sent Thursday, May 02, 2002 10 42 AM > > To Cherof, James > > Cc Johnson, Doni Greene, Quintus > > Subject Current issues > > > > (Don- see Item 4 below) > > > > Jim, regarding these current issues > > > > 1) Marouf Car Wash > > Mr Kruger called, as expected, asking about the process to get the site > > plan changed I indicated that we would be communicating with > > Commissioner Fisher about placing it on the agenda first for > confirmation > > of reconsideration > > > > 2) Texaco Gas Station > > Mr Kruger also discussed another issue, albeit ongoing, regarding his > > citation for a storage container in the rear of the station He is now > > attacking the issue like this He believes that it would be lawful to > > expand the building to increase the area allocated for the retail store > > for storage use thereby eliminating the outdoor container I stated my > > opinion that I did not believe the two uses, located on the same > property > > and in the same building, could be separated for purposes of identifying > > nonconformity and proposed building expansions I acknowledge that > there > > is a fine line here > this > > mean use or sub-use on a parcel Possibly in Mr Kruger's favor, the > code > > does state "Any part of a structure or land occupied by a nonconforming > > use which is changed to or occupied by a nonconforming use shall not > > thereafter be used or occupied by a nonconforming use" Do you think > > this is referring to different uses in a single-tenant building or a > > multi-tenant building? Paragraphs D-l and D-2 under section 11 1 of > > Chapter 2 Zoning could also be implying that a single tenant building > > could have both nonconforming and conforming uses I find this hard to > > accept given that the emphasis is, I thought, on expanding or > intensifying > > the gas station (the nonconforming use) No it would not be the literal > > expansion of gas sales through additional pumps, but it seems logical > that > > if you expand (or add) other uses that seem to be ancillary to each > other, > > like retail goods and even a car wash, you may increase patrons who in > > turn would buy more gasoline Jim, I tried quickly to research a > > typically good and user-friendly source for related law cases (zoning > > bulletin) but the search system did not work I have the publications > in > > the office to search through What is your experience or opinion? The real issue focuses on the term "usen Does > > > > 3) Recreation Impact Fee ordinance > > Jim, I wouldnrt want to take away the Commission'S ability to initiate > the 2 > > negotiations for land in lieu of fee, particularly if land for a park is > > needed in a specific area Do feel the new ordinance is taking this > > ability away from them and would you consider any verbiage that would > > provide some ability to negotiate on the city's initiative? > > > > 4) Barrera/Barcelona Pottery > > I think we need to meet and discuss this response from Mr Moore dated > > 4/16/02 My initial thoughts are as follows > > Item #2- We should inspect to confirm > > Item #3- I assume that Don would also like to confirm this statement > > Item #4- The placement of merchandise in the front of the property has > > intensified but would be difficult to prove If safety is an issue, > > perhaps we can require that they remove some merchandise from the front > > making more room for spaces to properly back out, or require them to > > confirm they have at least 25 feet > > Item #5- ??? > > Item #6- If it is fact that this second building was there when annexed, > > contrary to the survey, they should provide proof using the county1s > > documentation which should specifically identify the structures for > which > > fines were collected, and invoices from the builder > > > > 5) Cafe LaNotte > > I have not heard back from you regarding these draft comments Please > note > > that any of the original conditions not changed by my draft, or > > recommended to be deleted by the CRA, should continue on as > > recommendations I met with a new attorney-Ms Resch-who has been > brought > > in by the applicant She will try to provide her recommendations in > > writing today or tomorrow before she travels out of town for the > weekend > > She said she would call you for an appointment She indicated they > would > > take a stronger stand against activities such as wet t-shirt contests, > > etc , but will likely ask for more hours to operate outdoor activities > I > > have received the Chief's comment on overtime pay but have not received > > the other traffic/circulation comment(s) from Jeff > > > > Mike > > > > > > > > 3 ~f, Miehael From: Sent: To: Subject: Cheraf. James Ocherof@cityatty.com] Monday, April 29. 2002 4'16 PM Rumpf Michael RE. Marauf Carwash I did speak to the Commissioner I told him about our meeting (both sides of the discussion) and that if they were going forward with the cross parking concept that they would need a revised site paIn drawing to deal with the elimination of the parking spaces I had the impression that he would tell them and that he would ask for it to come back to be reconsidered I think that is the best way to get it back before the Commission Why don't we put it on under Old Business CF can take it from there at pre-agenda > -----Original Message----- > From Rumpf, Michael [SMTP RumpfM@ci boynton-beach fl us] > Sent Monday, April 29, 2002 4 09 PM > To rjcherof@cityatty coml > Subject Marouf Carwash > > Jim, I am getting calls from the applicant Beril Kruger again I think > Quintus and I believed that you would be calling Charley Fisher to discuss > process Since there isnlt not a real clear picture here, I am concerned > about us giving out inconsistent information I am sure he is calling to > ask what process they follow to get the connection between the properties > made Are we proposing that they place the item for discussion on the > agenda or are we assuming that Commissioner Fisher will bring it up 1111 > await your response Thanks, MR 1 April 11, 2002 3:23 PM From: B.ri1 KrJ!ler Fax Numb.r: 265-4611 Pall! 2 of 3 Iteril kr....er planning and zoning consultants April 11, 2002 rezoning concurrency conditional use, special exceptions, ORe approval site plans annexations comp plan amendments. variances (county, state, municipal) abandonments palm beach broward dade & all counties & citl.. inflorida James A. Cherof. Esquire Goren. Cherof. Doody & Ezrol, P.A. Attorneys At Law Suite 200 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL33308 RE. Proposed revisions to Marouf's Car Wash (NWSP 01 -017) Access (ingress) only from Gateway Texaco Gas Station Dear Mr Cherof' I spoke with Michael Rumph this morning and he asked if I had received the April 5, 2002 letter from him, which I had not. He said he spoke with you about Gateway Texaco and Marouf's Car Wash and that you had not changed your opinion about the gas station. Since I had not received a copy of the letter, he faxed me a copy this afternoon. I was taken aback when I read the response in the letter It stated, .We have reviewed your request for eOMondatlon of the car wash and gas station sites as depicted on the draft site plan stamped March 14, 2002. q NOur review included consultation with the City Attorney H NWe remain of the opinion that the eon&oHdlulon 11& PrDpO&H constitutes an intensification/axmmsion of a non-conforming use. . I totally agree with you if I had asked for consolidation of the car wash and the gas stetion. That is absolutely not what I had spoken to Mr Rumph about or what' had spoken to you about. I asked if we could access the car wash from the gas station (as with a cross-access-agreement), just for entering the car wash. This access would not be increasing the non-conformity of the gas station. It would not make the gas station any larger, it would not increase gas sales, the building would not change, the gas islands and traffic patterns would not change and the car wash would remain independent of the gas station 9 north..st 16th street · delrav beach, f10rlda 33444 (561) 265-4983 . fax (561) 265-4611 . e-mail. bkruger@bellsouth.net April 11. 1002 3;23 PM From: Beril Krugel F~ ~mb.r; 265-4611 Page 3 of 3 Mr JHm&. A. Cherof, Esquire Page Z April 11, 2002 The site plan does not indicate anywhere, consolidation of the car wash with the ges station. I stressed to both of you at our individual meetings that the gas station and car would remain independent of each other They are recorded under separate deeds end will probably have different owners. The only thing I asked both of you was that we be allowed to have the car wash accessed (ingress only) from the gas station as with a cross.access- agreement. Egress from the car wash would be from the exit on Las Palmas. This would put far less of an impact on Las Palmas and the neighbors than with both ingress and egress on Las Palmas. I was hoping we could have had our meeting this afternoon with Mr Rumph, you and I to discuss our (the car wash and gas station owners) intentions. ThiS would have eliminated this mistaken interpretation of the site plan and my discussion with both of you. If you need any additional information or need to contact me please feel free to do so. I hope this can be resolved without further delay SENT BY FACSIMILE ONLY IJ Beril ger, Consultant Beril Kruger Planning and Zoning Consultants CC Michael Rumph Steve Marouf Z~~~<...("\,,<wt C" (Vd-S '" ~pf, Miehael From: Sent: To: Subject: Lamanna, Rosemarie on behalf of Cherof, James Friday, April 05, 2002 10:00 AM Rumpf, Michael FW' Texaco Car Wash/Mr Kruger -----Original Message----- From Cherof, James [mailto jcherof@cityatty com] Sent Friday, April 05, 2002 9 19 AM To Cheraf, James Subject RE Texaco Car Wash/Mr Kruger I think you should send him the last word which can be as simple as "We have reviewed your request for consolidation of the car wash and gas station sites as depicted on the draft site plan Our review included consultation with the City Attorney We remain of the opinion that the consolidation as proposed constitutes an intensification/expension of a non-conforming use We suggest that the car wash project proceed as approved IT Or words to that effect > -----Original Message----- > From Cherof, James [SMTP CherofJ@ci boynton-beach fl us] > Sent Friday, April 05, 2002 8 49 AM > To 'jcherof@cityatty com' > Subject FW Texaco Car Wash/Mr Kruger > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From Rumpf, Michael > > Sent Thursday, April 04, 2002 1 38 PM > > To Cheraf, James > > Cc Ducoste-Amedee, Maxime > > Subject Texaco Car Wash/Mr Kruger > > > > Jim, FYI, Mr Kruger called me about this and before he could take up > our > > time I said that you had not set up a meeting yet, which previous > e-mails > > from legal indicated was to occur However, I know that we had spoken > > recently which confirmed that you have not changed your position > relative > > to the connection of the two properties/businesses and its impact on a > > non-conforming use But I hope that I am safe to assume that the final > > word is to come from you if he feels that he still has not received it > > If you desire that to come from me just pass him back and I'll > communicate > > same Thanks, MR 1 ~'\'r\'OI ~oii <r ~c ~ ,~ 'V'o", '" '\ i r-'-'-~ .1' DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment April 5, 2002 Mr Beril Kruger Planning and Zoning Consultant 9 Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE. Proposed revisions to Maroufs Car Wash (NWSP 01-017) Re-design with non-conforming Texaco Gas Station Dear Mr. Kruger We have reviewed your request for consolidation of the car wash and gas station sites as depicted on the draft site plan date stamped March 14,2002. Our review included consultation with the City Attorney We remain ofthe opinion that the consolidation as proposed constitutes an intensification/expansion of a non-conforming use. We suggest that the car wash project proceed as approved. Sincerely, ~ Michael W Rumpf, Director Planning and Zoning Cc: James Cherof, City Attorney MRW:pat S:\Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Zuhair Marouf\NWSP 01-0 17\Marou'f Car wash NWSP 01-017 on 4-5-02.rtf City Of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.or GORE SAMUEL S. GOREN JAMES A CH!.Fl:Qf DONAl"O J. DOODY KERRY L. EIFl:Ot MICHAEL 0 CIRULlO JIt Mr BeriI Kruger 9 N.E. 16'" Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 Re: Gateway Texaco Dear Mr Kruger --........J . LJ ..J........,. ......-'..0..... MUC A JULie F KLAH~ L1NDS!:Y A PAYNe: NANCY R. KRAMe;;: O,t.,VIO N. 'i'OLCES STeVEN l JOSIA$. OF COvNU.t II \ , , - .\ CHEROF, DOODY & EZROL, ...TTORNI!!V:l; AT LA"" ';1.11'~ Zoo 3099 !!AST COMMERCIAl. tlOlJl.lI!VAdtP fCll'T L,,,,UD:E.RDALE Fl.ORID..... 33308 "'TELSPIolONE (Q541 771-.1500 FACSIMILE (954) 771 4923 March 19,2002 Sf I am in receipt of your letter of March 19, 2002, which generally reflects the substance of our meeting but goes too far in stating that "we agreed that the non-conformity of the gas station would not be affected by allowing ingress into the car wash from the gas statIon." I understand that to be your opinion and what I did state was that I would discuss that with staff J will be discussmg the issue with Mike Rurnpfbul will not be able to do so until next week. JACflmf H:\l 990\9001 82.BB\l.ETIE.R\Kruger Itr.doc cc: Mike Rwnpf oa'Y u~ JAM~SA~U f:::;-C'-~--: ,J ~ I Lt " ", ~ Ii ii,; r~';~ -,,~, ,. ~._._._---~~~- r- ""'h-' i \1 Ji/l]/ , ' I :j II......'. I, ..VV.. 01.0101' III I I VIII. UIIi..II\1WYIi:I I IIA 1'''IIIW1;I, ",,,....,,.t rilYIl t UI t lae 1 kr....cr plan ,1g and zoning consultant!. March 19, 2002 rezoning concurrency conditional James Chero!, Esquire Boy nton Beach City Attorney 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: use. special exceptions, DRC approval site plans annexations comp plan amendments, variances (county, state, municipal) I am writing this letter as a follow-up to our meeting of Thursday, March 14, 2002, aband,onmbenths . pa m eae in City Hall, when we discussed the above businesses, access from the gas station broward into the car wash and the non-conformity dade & all counties & cities in IIorida GATEWAY TEXACO - MAROUF'S CARWASH 2360 N. Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Dear Mr Cherof' I thought we agreed that the non-conformity of tt e gas station would not be affected by allowing ingress into the car wash from the gas station. Since the gas station and car wash will have no business connection, access would not be increasing the non- conformity of the gas station. It would be like a cross aCCeSS agreement. By allowing access to the car was from the gas station, this would eliminate some of the complaints made by the neighbors about access into the car wash from Las Palmas Avenue. This change would also concur with the comments made by the city commission eliminating ingress from Las Palmas Avenue. We will construct the exit from the car wash to direct the traffic out of the car wash west to Federal Highway After we met you said you were going to speak with Michael Rumph about our meeting and our tentative agreement about the non-conformity After our meeting I dropped off a copy of the site plan to Mr Rumph but as of today, I have neither heard back from Mr Rumph or yourself regarding this matter Hopefully, Mr Rumph will agree with our agreement regarding the non-conformity, and we will submit a new site plan for a minor modification for city approval. We will then be able to instruct our architect to start on the construction plans for the car wash. It has now been over 60 days since the car was approved and we still do not have a detinitive answer I would appreciate a swift reply I Wish to thank yo and staff for their sincere cooperation. szcereIY'~- ) d~{/F ../ Beril er ;j CC Steve Marouf 9 northeast 16th street * delray beach, f10rida 33444 (561) 265-4983 . fax (561) 265-4611 . e-mail: bkruger@bellsouth.net rk DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Buifdfng Planning & Zoning Occupational License Community Redevelopment January 16, 2002 MS.Tina Golden Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office 301 North Olive Avenue - 5th Floor West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Approved Site Plans City of Boynton Beach Dear Ms. Golden: Pursuant to the request of the Property Appraiser, we are forwarding the enclosed site plans recently approved by the Boynton Beach City Commission. These projects include: 1 Dakota Lofts NWSP 01-010 2. Maroufs Car Wash NWSP 01-017 Should you have any questions concerning any of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me at (561- 742-6260. Sincerely, XU0 Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning S:\Planning\Sherie\PropAppLtr.doc 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Phone (S61) 742.6260 Fax (S61) 742-6259 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 02-006 TO' Michael Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning FROM. Laurinda Logan, P.E., Civil Engineer, Engineering Department DATE. January 4,2002 RE: Marouf's Car Wash Administrative Waiver Request - Sidewalk File No. NWSP 01-017 The attached written request for an administrative waiver for sidewalk construction along the front of the proposed car wash on Las Palmas Avenue is approved by the Engineering Department. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at x6482. LUck Cc: Jeffrey Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works H. David Kelley, P.E./P.S.M., Utility Engineer, Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Senior Planner, Planning & Zoning File l"C\'-' 'rnl ' " , --, ['il ,r !, L".,... C:\My Documents\Maroufs Car Wash. Administrative Waiver Request - Sidewalk.doc Tueker, Patrieia From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Copley, Judith Thursday, January 17. 2002 11 :24 AM Johnson, Eric Tucker, Patricia Maroufs Car Wash- Request for Publin Information Attorney Dennis Koehler (pronounced kay-Ier) is representing the Las Palmas neighborhood group. He wants to review the Maroufs file and plans and speak with staff. He wanted to do both tomorrow morning. I have filled out the request form--please let me know if you will call Mr.Koehler to set up an appointment. His number is in WPB 1-684-2844 JwIt/. 1 Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell, Chairman Carol A. Roberts. Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony MasHotti Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employern @ printed on recycled paper December 26, 2001 Mr Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Marouf's CM Wash TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for this project, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality. Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: Build-out Year" East side of Federal Highway. North of Gateway Boulevard Boynton Beach None One Stall of Automatic Car Wash 108 2002 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project generates less than 200 new daily trips. and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County If you have any questions regarding this determination. please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER /Y) cc: H. Burton Smith, PE., Consulting Engineers File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F'\TRAFFIC\ma\Admin\Approvals\011214,doc .- .' ~g"" '" t\!!. ?3 I'g~ '" C :::t :;' ~~ ~ 9t~ ;00 ~; ~l ,",3 ~~ ~ o g - '" (I) 6' 01 ~ - g 00"" ~'" 00"" ~'" en ~~ o.c g =r ~~ g~ ~2,. ~ '" 91-3 o -' l.5 ~. ",3 <:tc ~3 -~ a~r ~~ ~1 (I) ~p; ?3 (I) ~~ !" g~' -o~ (I) (I) ga. ~s. ~ 01 91-3 o -' ::l ::l a> -' 3 91-C: :;. 3 ::l coo ::l._ ~~ .g ~. ",0. ~'" ~i ~'" S."'" ~c: 3~ ~s, . 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GEOTECHNICAl" ENVIRONMENTAL" CONTRACT DRILLING " CONSULTING ENGINEERING" TESTING 'INSPECtiONS SFWMD USUAL CONDITION TEST Client: Steve Marouf Gateway Texaco Project Location: Parcel East of Texaco @ NE Comer U.S. I & Gateway TLPB File No............: 01/237 Date Test Performed: 12/04/01 Performed by............: JM! JM LOCATION :~~r~fl.(lt" i. .; DEPTH ,.,,, \A\O.tO~::.l.~t. 1:6;,4.8" 48.10' SOIL DESCRll'TlON DarkBrQ~ fW'1,~~4A~~) Light BroWt\'Fine Sand (SP) BroWn Fine S!Uld (SP) End of Auger Water table = 3.0' @ "0.5" hours Average Q "" 104 glin or Krv = 1.4 X 10" cfslft' - ft head l'!OTES: The test procedures were conducted in general accordance with the latest South Florida Water Management DistrictRegulatory Criteria Usual Condition Test Procedures. the water table depth is the distance fOr the ground surface to the Water table before the addition of Water. Hole-diameter' t>eptl) oHIQI~: 8 inches .., feet J, '1 !;,,1 ~J;': .... "" ,;'.,> c\O: Burt Smith, P.E. Mwl:'Officc\WPWtN\wPOOCS\DRv..LOI\o\.2i111eJ;.Wpd Respectfully submitted, TESTING LAB OO'THE'YA'U1 BEACHES, me. ~'~ 'c".~ .BY PROFESSIONAL ENGIN!SERING SERVICES THROUGHOUT sOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1961 411 So. "H" St",.' P.O. Bail 211, uk. Worth, F1arfd. 83-460 Phon. (661) 585-7515 Fox (S811585--76ZZ