CORRESPONDENCE k . y.,,- . ..~.... y' DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT . Building . Planning & ZQl1ing . Occupational Ucenses . community Redewlopment December 5, 2001 Mr Bob Ferto Gator Engineering Services, Inc 7289 Garden Road, Suite 104 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Re: Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc., 510 S. Industrial Ave. Dear Mr Ferto: Please be advised that in accord with the Land Development Regulations Chapter 23. Parking Lots, Article II.H., we have reviewed the south driveway for the above referenced project that has been proposed at a width in excess of the maximum 32 feet, and find it acceptable. This is based on the need to accommodate tractor-trailer movements into Industrial Avenue. k!uintus Greene Development Director CityotBoynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Rorida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742.(;350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.ft.us GATOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 7289 Garden Road, Suite 104 vvest Palm Beach, Florida 33404- (561) 841-9990 Fax (56!) 84 !-999! E-mail: gatoreng@aol.com November 30, 2001 lDJ&@&DW~/fi'TI lJI] fI)V 3 0 2001 I ~ I ", .it f~~~;> PLANNiNG AND ,1~*""; ZONING DE?T. City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attention: Mike Rumpf RE: Request South Entrance Wide Driveway to be 37' the Property Line for Poly Plastic packaging, Inc. at 510 Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach, FL. wide at Project Dear Mr. Rumpf: In order to provide a 25' radius curve at the turnouts for the South entrance driveway and also maintained a minimum 32' wide driveway width per Chapter 23, Article 2, section HI, it is being requested administratively that the South entrance driveway width for Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc. project at 510 Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach, FL be allowed to be 37 feet wide at the property line. This will allow Polyplastic tractor trailer drivers to turn unto Industrial Ave. in a simpler and less abrupt manner. If you have any questions in regards to this letter, please feel free to contact me. cc: Poly Plastic - Herb Rothchild /~~.n~~ m ",Z\I "~)-'" c1:r: ~,,'~~ ~,-~~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Ucenses - Community Redevelopment November 30, 2001 Mr. Robert Fetrow, P.E. Gator Engineering Services, Inc. 7289 Garden Road, Suite 104 West Palm Beach, FL 33404 Re: Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc. - Parking Lot Modifications (MMSP 01-083) Dear Mr. Fetrow, In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed changes to the parking lot as shown on revised plans date stamped 11/16/0 I are "minor" as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4-Site Plan Review This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following conditions: 1 Obtain an Administrative Waiver from the Development Director to allow a 37 foot wide driveway width at the south entrance. (Chapter 23, Art. II, H,) 2. Relocation of the tree formally shown in the parking lot island in front of the building is subject to approval of the City Forester. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, ex:8~~ d~v Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\POL Y PLASTIC P ACKAGING\!\1MSP 01 ~083\P&Z approvalletter.dot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton-beach.fl.us DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 01-250 RE. Poly Plastic Packaging Minor Modification Plan Review File No. MMSP 01-083 ", TO' Michael W Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning FROM. Laurinda Logan, P.E., Civil Enginee DATE. November 30, 2001 Per your request I have reviewed the above referenced plans, forwarded to me on November 29, 2001, regarding the proposed minor modifications to the site plan for Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc. Engineering has no objections to any of the proposed modifications to the site plan, including the widening of the west driveway to 37 feet. If you have any questions about this response or need additional information please feel free to contact me at x6482. xc: H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S,M., Utility Engineer Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst Frantz LaFontant, Engineering Plans Analyst File S:\Engineering\Logan\PJan Reviews\Poly Plastic Minor Modification.doc Page 1 ofl GATOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. -~ 7;;/N rjarclcll {{(Jad, suire 104 s! P"lrn Beach, Florida 33404 (561) 841-9990 Fax (561) 841-9991 E.mail. galoreng@aol.com November 30, 2001 city of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 NOV 3 0 i -, Attention: Mike Rumpf :...,. .. J: "- I~' -, j , ''''<''. ;- -,_,_. o\..!'" 11... ! ,'..' -~_ ,I' ---~ RE: Request South Entrance Wide Driveway to be 37' the Property Line for Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc. at 510 Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach, FL. wide at project Dear Mr. Rumpf: In order to provide a 25' radius curve at the turnouts for the south entrance driveway and also maintained a minimum 32' wide driveway width per Chapter 23, Article 2, Section H1, it is being requested administratively that the South entrance driveway width for Poly Plastic Packaging, Inc. project at 510 Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach, FL be allowed to be 37 feet wide at the property line. This will allow polyplastic tractor trailer drivers to turn unto Industrial Ave. in a simpler and less abrupt manner. If you have any questions in regards to this letter, please feel free to contact me. Since o~ rt E. Fetrow, P.E. P.E. #35867 cc: Poly Plastic - Herb Rothchild GATOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 7289 Garden Road. Suite 104 west Palm Beach, Florida 33404 (561) 841-9990 Fax (561) 84]-9991 E-mail: gatoreng@aol.com November 12, 2001 W~~~7j i :,--------1 I '-- I} In ~~~ ------.~j city of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Attention: Mike Rumpf RE: Request for Minor Plastic PaCkaging, Inc. Boynton Beach, FL. site Plan Modifications for poly Project at 510 Industrial Ave. in Dear Mr. Rumpf: This letter is being written requesting for a minor site plan modification to the approved site plan for Poly Plastic PaCkaging, Inc. project at 510 Industrial Ave. in Boynton Beach, FL. These changes are being requested due to field conditions and the owner's request that additional truck maneuvering area be provided. Four copies of the site plan and drainage plan are being provided for your review. The changes which are being requested to the approved site plan are as follows: 1) Due to the location of an existing ficus tree root system, two of the parking spaces along the West property line have been deleted. 2) In order to widen the area for trucks to maneuver in front of the truck dock, two spaces have been deleted from the South side interior parking aisles. 3) The entire parking area in the front of the building has been shifted two feet to the West to allow for increase aisle width. Previously, the aisle width was 27 feet wide. Now, it is 29 feet wide. 4) An additional parking space has been added to the West side of the new office area. 5) An additional parking space has been added to East side of the parking spaces along the North property line. Also, a 480 volt transformer by FPL is being installed in this area to provide electrical service to the new building. The fire lane width of 22 feet has been maintained for a~vess to the North /' Side and the rear of the building. . 6) A landscape strip has been deleted just West of the existing fire hydrant and a parking space installed in its place. A tree was located in this area which will be relocated to another part of the property. This tree would not have been allowed by the utility department since an utility easement for a water main line exists underneath this area. 7) The landscape strip at the North end of the center parking area in the front of the building has been curved to allow the tractor trailer truck rigs to maneuver the corner easier. 8) For the parking spaces along the West property line, a 30 foot long 6" high concrete curb has been added between the landscape areas and the parking spaces due to changes in grade elevations. Additionally, the grade elevations for this area has been raised approximately 1 foot to help avoid the existing tree root systems. 9) A 2 foot high concrete retaining wall has been added to the South side of the truck maneuvering area due to a change in grade elevations caused by an existing ficus tree. 10) The North entrancejexitway has been changed from 27 feet wide to 32 feet wide. The gates at this entrance has been changed from a single horizontal gate to a pair of swinging gates. These gates will swing inwards. 11) The parking aisle width along the north property line has been changed to 24 feet in the areas where parking spaces do not occur. This change was made because of the location of the existing landscaping and chain link fence. A check for $100.00 is also attached to this letter for this minor site plan modification. The landscape plan will be revised to reflect these minor changes and will be provided to you at a later date, once approval for these minor site plan adjustments to the site is granted. Note: The changes to the landscaping will only require the relocating of proposed trees and shrubs to the revised site plan layout. If you have any questions in regards to this letter, please feel free to contact me. cc: poly Plastic - Herb Rothchild . - PROJECT NAME: Poly I- . IC Packaging LOCATION: 510 Industrial Avenue COMPUTER ID: I FILE NO.: MMSP 01-083 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: Parkin~ I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Robert Fetrow, P.E. PHONE: PHONE: 561-841-9990 FAX: FAX: 561-841-9991 ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 7289 Garden Road, Suite104 West Palm Beach, FL. 33404 Date of submittal/Proiected meetinl!. dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 11/16/01 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: Parking Modifications S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROIECTSIPOLY PLASTIC PACKAGING\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO MMSP Ol.083.doc