REVIEW COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPME.'t r MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-241 STAFF REPORT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION October 21, 2002 Project Name/File No: Presidential Drive / HTEX 02-002 Property Owner. A & A Corporation, Inc. Applicant/Agent: Richard C Williams, Williams Construction Services, Inc. Location: 719 Presidential Drive Land Use/Zoning: low Density ResidentiallR-1AA (Single-family Residential District) Proposed Use: Single family home Project Size: Site Area: 0.27 acre (11,511 square feet) Building Area: 2,629 square feet Adjacent Uses: (See Exhibit "A" - location Map) North - Intracoastal Waterway right-of-way; South - Presidential Drive extension of las Palmas right-of-way, and farther south is a single-family house, zoned R-1- AA, East - Single-family house, and farther east is the Intracoastal Waterway right-of-way; and West- Single-family house zoned R-1-AA. Request: Request for a height exception pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4 F., to allow an elevator hoist way on a proposed single-family house to be constructed at 32 feet 6 inches (32'-6") high, a distance of 2 feet 6 inches (2'- 6") above the maximum thirty (30) foot height allowed in the R-1-AA Single family zoning district. BACKGROUND The subject property is currently being developed has a two-story, single-family house. It is located at the end of las Palmas backing to the Intracoastal Waterway (see Exhibit "A" - location map). The two-story, 2,629 square-foot house includes a roof/sun deck, which at present, can only be accessible via a circular interior stairwell located at the main entrance of the house. The applicant is proposing an elevator to be located at the northwest corner (rear) of the property (see Exhibit "B" - site plan) to serve as an alternative access to the roof sun deck. The proposed elevator hoist way measures 32 feet 6 inches (32'- 6") in height and will be enclosed to protect the mechanical components from natural elements. Page 2 Presidential Drivel HTEX 02-002 Memorandum No. PZ 02-241 This elevator hoist way will exceed the height limit for the R-1-AA zoning district by two feet six inches (2'- 6") (see Exhibit "C" - Elevations). The applicant is requesting this height exception to allow the construction of the proposed elevator hoist way at 32'- 6" high. It should be noted that since the proposed elevator hoist way is to be enclosed, the manufacturer requires two feet of clearance when the passenger cabin stops at the end of its vertical limit. This two-foot space is provided as a refuge space for the safety of the service crewmen for the elevator ANALYSIS The proposed elevator is construed as being eligible for a height exception pursuant to Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.2., which reads as follows: 2. Water, cooling and fire towers, radio and television towers of commercial nature, church spires, domes, cupolas, flagpoles, electrical and mechanical support systems, parapets, and similar structures, and their necessary mechanical appurtenances may be erected within a structure or on top of the structure, above the district height limitations provided herein, after obtaining approval of the City Commission based on their consideration of the standards for evaluating exceptions to district height regulations set forth in paragraph 3 below land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 4.F.3, Height Limitations and Exceptions, states that in considering an application for exception to the district height regulation, the City Commission shall make findings indicating the proposed exception has been studied and considered in relation to minimum standards, where applicable. Exhibit "D" lists those standards and how the applicant addressed them. According to the application, the overall building height will be 29 feet and 1 0 inches (29'-10"), which is below the maximum height of thirty (30) feet allowed within the R-1-AA zoning district. In addition, the elevator hoist way will be located in the least visible portion of the subject property, which abuts the Intracoastal Waterway The east side and north sidewalls of the elevator will provide no windows, which limits any direct view onto the adjacent properties. This proposed elevator represents a secondary point of ingress and egress to the roof/sun deck. Through the conceptual phase of this project, the applicant had pursued several options such as wheelchair lifts, circular stairs, and exterior elevators. These options offered a greater design challenge and expense in regard to their applicability to the subject project (see Exhibit 0- Options). This proposed elevator design is consistent with the architectural style of the house. Staff has determined that the requested exception will not impact the area in a negative way because: 1 The subject elevator hoist way would provide the minimum required refuge space for the proper operation of the elevator mechanical support equipment; 2. The application represents the minimal necessary to achieve the design intent of the project; and 3. The elevator hoist way as proposed would have minimal impact on adjacent properties due to it's proposed location on the subject property RECOMMENDATION Based on the analysis contained herein, and on the applicant's response to the minimum standards required by code, staff recommends that this request for a height exception for an elevator hoist- way of two feet six inches (2'- 6") be approved. No conditions of approval are recommended; however, any condition of approval recommended by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board or required by the City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "E" Attachments MOA: MR S:\Planning\SHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Presidential Drive\HTEX -002\Height Exception-Staff Report.doc pun " ,i).. / IC{ I I!: / l#d !i} 10 IIf ~AIEWA~__.i,' ~ " ...J 'JL /r I,l \1 \, ~~J~W D~ ~. 1 I rl II ";:J c. ' I~I-i, ,j L, j L'J . " f 'I / ' ,',' ,/ ,I ,',' '/ /, ,,',1' i,' I,' Location Map 719 Presidential Drive ! I I III EC R3 C3 / , / , , ~.. I; r---I T,'~ffl ~AS.W " ~t~IUt:.N IIAL UKIVE r > I ! 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B ~ ~ ~ ",,0 :0:: i~i <h i5 0 Z ..,,,, , Z Vl <.., ~P--..;:t 9 ..,Vl ~1m; ~ 56 -0'" ! =~!~ :o::Z ..,n ~ n p z'" .....", 1 I 0 " 01- " " /' 'I \. '1 b , I>!> Ii n n n EXHIBIT "e" "" "' '" ." , ,.. I ,'-"~ <:r,'" , , , i i~ , I \ 1. " , , !i_ , i " , I " !\~ Iii I; i' i\ 'It'll I !I I~ Ii , 11'1 I' II'" " " , ':1 "'!l .. 'i " Ii I! " '; \jl!l! 'I ,I I! ';1. 1;15 " 'i 'I II ~ ~ !, ,~ H .. .. $'$' H !> II!!I .' I' .. . . : i~ r'~ II - ~ 'I' , ~ ' , , . i II (p 'i I' ~ '! ;, . . I ~~ II EXHIBIT "0" WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. 5530 Duckweed Road Lake Worth, FL 33467 September 10,2002 ~I'm Michael W.Rumpf, Director Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Re: Height Exception 719 Presidential Drive Elevator Hoist Way Proposed Height Exception From 30' to 32"6" , Dear Mr Rumpf: Following are the responses to the questionnaire with regard to the above-mentioned request for height exception: a. Height exception will not have any adverse effect and, in fact, will have less impact due to a smaller footprint than alternative means, (i.e., circular stairs). b. Height exception is necessary to provide egress and to comply with elevator manufacturer's requirement, (i.e., safety conditions above cabin). See letter from Pam Beach Lifts, Inc. attached. c. Due to the location (rear of property), smaller footprint and relatively small height increase (2.5'), no reduction in air and light will result. d. This height exception is addressed under your Exception F Height Limitation and Exceptions (2) and, therefore, not a deterrent to improvement of adjacent property Adjacent properties are C.O.d. e. Property values will, in filet, be improved as this elevator will add value to the subject property and, hence, the adjoining properties, as well. f. No adverse living conditions will result from the 5'x5'x2.5' addition. g. The public welfare will not be compromised by this exception. This exception is well within the scope allowed by code. EXHIBIT "0" Page 2 September 10, 2002 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning h. The above evidence and enclosed letter from Palm Beach Lifts Inc. will justifY the need for a height exception. 1. It is understood that the submitted information may be referred to the planning and development board for recommendation. Thank you for your prompt consideration of this matter , Very truly yours, WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. Richard C. Williams President 10/24/02 07~lA P 001 EXHIBIT "E" 5530 Duckweed Road lake Worth, Fl 33467 561 791-8168 Office 561 791-0456 Fax 561 702-4663 Cell WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. , --- \ n\ L. \\\~\ ~\ OG\2A October 24, 2002 City of Boynton Beach Fax#' 742-6257 ATTENTION: Max Re; Height Exception 719 Presidential Drive. Per your request, following are the options we pursued prior to settling on the existing elevator' 1 WHEELCHAIR LIFTS - We reviewed this possibility only to find that State law prohibits their use beyond twelve feet. 2. CIRCULAR STAIRS - Prevented handicap access and protruded negatively into side yard setback. (Original permit.) 2. EXTERIOR ELEVATORS - Lacked sufficient liff travel and not available for use in the salt air environment. We believe that the plan we propose overcomes all of the above objections and solves the problem with a minimum of impact. Very truly yours, WILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. ~ c-tu~~ Richard C. Williams President EXHIBIT "F" Conditions of Approval Project name: Presidential Drive File number HTEX 02-002 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS- General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS- Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None Conditions of Approval 2 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I ADDITIONAL COMMUITY AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: 1 None ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: I 1 To be determined. I I I S:IPlanningISHARED\\WIPROJECTSIRichardson Duple>l.ZNCV\Condition of Approval.doc