CORRESPONDENCE ~ c,.'YO. " ..,,~ \ <ll '~x o " " J-. ~ "V}-ON eIV DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment July 10, 2002 Mr Fritz Damveld, Senior Hydrologist A TC AssocIates Inc. 9955 Northwest 116th Way, Suite I Miami, FL 33178 Re: Prima Gas Station - Treatment Compound MMSP 02-049 Dear Mr. Damveld. In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the temporary treatment compound as shown on the revised plans date stamped 06/26/02 is "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following condition: I Noise generated from the cleanup shall not exceed the maximum allowable decibels levels permitted in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances; 2. The applicant will install an automatic timer to discontinue clean-up operations at night should the City receive complaints of excessive noise. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. ~~IY, ,j 0(j~~ BcJt2J Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner Eric Lee Johnson, Planner S'IPlanningISHAREDIWPIPROJECTS\Prima Gas CleanuplApproval Letter,doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.u5 Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Fritz Damveld [Damveld31@atc-enviro.com] Monday, July OB, 2002 1 41 PM Johnson, Eric FW' Former Prima Gas Station II picket fence. doc Eric- attached please find an inside view of the fence Also, no parking spaces shall be utilized for the construction of the treatment compound Thanks Fritz (305) 882-8200 -----Original Message- From Otis Armstrong [mailto OArmstrong@hjross com] Sent Monday, July 08, 2002 1 14 PM To damveld31@atc-enviro corn Subject 1 ASSOCIATES INC 9955 NW 116th Way Suite 1 Miami, FL 3317B www.atc-enviro.com 305-BB2-8200 Fax 305-BB2-1200 June 21, 2002 Mr Mike Rumph City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida RE. Request for the Determination of "Minor" Former Prima Gas Facility 2508 N Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Florida , r: T ~ mil 263117@ 1.--.__ I Ptf',ii;;;!G.~ It)i'''J\IG DEPT Dear Mr Rumph. This letter serves as a request for the determination of a "minor" modification for the above- referenced site. ATC Associates Inc. (ATC) has been contracted by the property owner to conduct groundwater cleanup at the former gasoline station in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 62-770, Florida Administrative Code. A Remedial Action Plan (RAP) was approved by Palm Beach County and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for this facility Copies of the approvals are attached for your review The RAP implementation requires the placement of equipment at the site to effect the cleanup The equipment will be placed on a 10' by 20' slab enclosed with a wooden stockade type fence. The equipment will consist of a 10 hp vacuum blower and a 10 hp air compressor The air compressor will force air into the ground and the vacuum blower will collect vapors (contaminants) from the subsurface. The vapors will then be coUected with activated carbon so that no odors will be produced. The equipment is electrically driven and is designed to run quietly Noise abatement will be consistent with code. Never the less, once operational, should any neighbors complain about the running of the equipment, A TC can provide an automatic timer to shut the equipment down at night. The system is anticipated to be operational for a period of approximately two years. Upon cleanup, the system will be dismantled and the site returned to the original condition. Four copies of the plans are attached along with a Building Permit Application. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact A TC's Miami office at (305) 882-8200 Sincerely, ENVIRONMENTAL, GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS PROFESSIONALS Department of Environmental Resources Management 132.3 Belvedere Road, Building 502 West pJ.lm Beach, FL "i'HOb 1548 (56ll 23"i 2400 Fax: (561) 2-'33.2414 wwwpbcgov,com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell, Ch::l.irman Cawl ..... Roberts, Vice Chair Karen T i\1arcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masllulli AddlE' L Creene County Administrator Robert Weisman 4n Equal Opportunity 4fJinncuil'" 4.cnon Emplu).'cr @ printed on recycled paper December 26, 2001 Mr Fritz Damveld, P G ATC Associates, Inc. 9955 NW 116 Way, Suite 1 Miami, Florida 33178 Dear Mr Damveld: SUBJECT DOCUMENT REVIEW BOYNTON BEACH SERVICE STATION (FORMER PRIMA GAS FACILITY), 2508 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, DEP FACILITY #508514238 The Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM) has reviewed the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) dated October 1,2001 (received October 9, 2001), prepared and submitted by ATC Associate5, Inc. for the subject site. ERM staff found the RAP adequate to meet the requirements of Chapter 62-770, Florida Administrative Code , Please note that, although the subject site is eligible for State assisted cleanup, the site has been assigned a priority score of 10 You will not be reimbursed for expenses incurred during site rehabilitation ullless you fel,::;(~ive t..Hkii w(iih.~1 i dfJpro"'CiI Ironl the Florida. DGpal ~rilent of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the scope of work and associated costs. Pre-approval requests for work may be submitted to ERM, however, they will be reviewed based on priority rank and availability of funds. Funding is currently available for sites with a score of 30 or greater 8514238 RAP Rev.wpd P.E. CERTIFICATION Voluntary Cleanup Site Remedial Action Plan The Remedial Action Plan (RAP) prepareiliby ATC Associates. Inc. for the Former Prima Gas Faci1itv located at 2508 N. Federal Highwav. Bovnton Beach. FL has been reviewed. The RAP is dated 10/09/01 The facility number for this site is 508514238. I hereby certify that in my professional judgment, the engineering design features incorporated in this Remedial Action Plan provide reasonable assurance of complying with the effluent concentrations specified for the treatment system, and achieving air emissions discharge criteria in accordance with Chapter 62-770, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), for remedial action. In addition, I hereby certify that in my professional judgment the engineering design features incorporated in this Remedial Action Plan will not result in a detrimental impact to human health or the environment. However, I have not evaluated and do not certify the effectiveness of the proposed design on achieving cleanup target levels beyond the objectives specified in the RAP In addition, I have not evaluated and do not certify aspects of this plan that are outside my area of expertise (including, but not limited to, electrical, mechanical, and structural features). -L I personally completed this review ~ This review was conducted by working under my direct supervision. , Steven G. Snyder, P.E. Florida Reg. # 45999 Petroleum Cleanup Section Florida Dep ent of Environmental Protection r .\ ". Fritz Damveld December 26,2001 Page 2 Should you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (561) 233-2483 Sincerely, ~;a4-:L David C Gibson, P G Senior Hydrogeologist Resources Protection :DCG cc: Grace Rivera, Environmental Manager Bureau of Petroleum Storage Systems, DEP Vivek Kamath, P E., Waste Programs Administrator Southeast District Office, DEP , 8514238 RAP Rev.wpd , ,'/' -~~- -~- ------ ----- Department of Environmental Protection ~ Jab Bush Govemor Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 David B. Struhs Secretary JAN 1 1 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr Ed Loeb Florida 4 C Properties LLC 1 Glendinning Place Westport, CT 06880 Subject: Remedial Action Plan Approval Order Boynton Beach Service Station (Former Prima Gas Facility) 2508 N Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County FDEP Facility ID# 508514238 (EDI- Voluntary Cleanup) Dear Mr Loeb' The Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (ERM) has reviewed the Remedial Action Plan (RAP) dated October 1, 2001 (received October 9,2001), submitted for the petroleum product discharges discovered on July 18, 1988, June 5,1990 and May 11,2000 at this site. We found all the documents submitted to date to be adequate to meet the RAP requirements of Rule 62-770.700, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has determined that the actions proposed in this RAP provide reasonable assurance that the concentrations'of petroleum products' contaminants of concern at the site will be reduced to the levels specified in Chapter 62-770, F.A.C. Pursuant to Rule 62-770.700(8), F.A.C., the Department approves the RAP as described in this RAP Approval Order (Order). The operation of the active remediation system should be initiated within 120 days, as required by Rule 62-770.700(10), F.A.C. You are also required to submit to ERM record drawings (as-built drawings) of the treatment system within 120 days of initiating operation of the active remediation system(s). These drawings must be certified by a professional engineer Legal Issues The Department's Order shall become final unless a timely petition for an administrative proceeding (hearing) is filed under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), within 21 days of receipt of this Order. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth below Persons affected by this Order have the following options: -More Protection. Less Process" Visit Our Internet Site At: www.dep.state.fl.uslwastelcategorles/pcp/default.htm Printed on recycled paper, rev 10101 lP99RAPAQ,[)(X;I8514238 RAPAO.OOC Time and Date of Meeting Zt.~ IP 4 Those attending meeting: { ;} b II I{ fl JCj.,j 10 HI"'} Applicant's Name' PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS \.A-f:t' ~ Phone: 3cJ~- f<f..?-F"z6t>/ I HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAME. 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) -26'.,J- N (-f..L..{ 11.'7_ 3 WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? ~ # IJ~ 7:urd;~4'- / NEW PROJECT C' u-><rL- ~ BUILDING EXPANSION OR M IFICATION rff'- CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? /(/0t.t' t.'J.(!t'u- IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? ;- VARIANCE TYPE. POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO~ERCiALPROPERTY? RESIDENTiAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? , 4 TIME AND DATE PREFERRED 5 HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. . Meetin~s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11.30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. S :\Planning\Planning\Pre-applicationcontactquestions.doc '* Gfb61wY't~ W~T~ ttt P 12-l';,A *' PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG l'vIEETING DATE. rs, -I Z. .- 0 'Z.- APPLICATIONS ZONING DISTRICT PROJECT NAME' I TIlVIE /0'30' 0:30 "., L G ~fH,'V1t l~ ATTENDING STAFF ATTENDING AS APPLICANT PHONE. NAtYfE OF APPLICANT/CONTACT. ADDRESS: PHONE. PROJECT ADDRESS ~O~ N F PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA.i'\[CY DATE SUBIHITTAL RECEIVED' DATE DENIED' COMi\1ENTS D I/e.\ol wl/tTC " , l'Yuu::t Mu.X 100 t..<M: OVId .. A',," AU" 'C:U'Q n.\ TA\Pl:1nningISH.-\R.ED\WP\PROJEcrS\PRE APPLICA TIO,""S ~IEETL';G LOGS\Pre-Applic:J.cion ~(~ctin~ Log.doc o WWw.atc-enViro.com Fritz,Damveld p. G SenrorH d '.,. - - ~_ y rogeologlst 9955 NW 116W ------:- -- ay, SUite 1-5 305.882_8200~iaFml. Florida 33178 ax 305.882 1 Damveld31@ , _' 200 __ .atc-enVlro,com PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: G:,-I'Z..-D'L TIME. 10, 50- II '?D ATTEI'inING FOR APPLICANT: A-T0t-I\"'SOC\,,*~S NOTICE. The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for Cormal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual Ions submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendina Staff &RIC ,-r- w V 1'VYlSelv1 (){:::L I )C , J,\SHRDATA\PL"'~;'iL';G\SHAR.EOIWP\FOR.'IS\PRE-APPL ~IEETr.;G-SIG;'i I:"i SHEET.DOC PROJECT NAME: Prima \;./lS Cleanup LOCATION: 2508 North Federal Highway PCN: 08-43-45-15-02-000-1250 I FILE NO.: MMSP 02-049 I TYPE OF APPLICATION:Minor Modification to Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: GMAE Commercial Mort. Fritz Damveld, A TC Associates, Inc. PHONE: 404-236-2424 PHONE: 305-882-8200 FAX: FAX: 305-882-1200 ADDRESS: 5730 Glenridge Drive Suite 104 ADDRESS: 9955NW 116th Way Suite! Atlanta, GA. 30328 Miami, FL. 33178 Date of submittal/Proiected meeting dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 6/26/02 1" REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2NU REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECfS\Prima Gas Cleanup\2002 PROJECf TRACKll'IG INFO.doc