CORRESPONDENCE ~~\~y......o" 1ll..JI o. CJ "'", .. ~"" "ON eo The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P,Q. Box 3tO Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL 561-742-6260 FAX, 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org May 28, 2003 Ms. Courtney R. Longdon, Agent for Owner Site Data, Inc, 825 Center Street, Suite 42-C Jupiter, FL 33458-4142 Re: Panera Bread @ Mark, Fore, & Strike Plaza - Fa~ade Changes / Outdoor Seating MMSP 03-035 Dear Ms, Longdon: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that changes proposed on the revised plans date stamped 05/05/03 are "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review The proposed changes are as follows: . Stone "skirting" on east and south elevations; . New canopies: . New signage; . New "Goosneck" black lighting fixtures; . New parapet(s); . Outdoor seating (14 seats) This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following conditions: 1 Proposed outdoor seating is subject to additional impact fees (water / sewer); 2, The exterior wall color(s) will match the existing color(s) of the shopping plaza; 3 All proposed signage shall comply with Chapter 21, Article IV, Section 3, 4 All proposed awnings shall match the awnings of the shopping plaza (red), Be advised that the proposed change may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. ~~ Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst S.IPlanning\Shared\WpIProjectsIMark. Fore & Strike PlazalMMSP 03_035\Approvalletlcr dot 825 CENTER STREET. SUITE 42-C . JUPITER, _33458-4142.561/744-3399 FAX 561/744-3374 _OFFICI: 7704 SW. 139 COURT. MIAMI. FL 331 83-3084 . 305/386-5375 FAX 305/382-6270 May 5, 2003 Michael W Rumpf Director, Planning and Zoning Division CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 SUBJECT MINOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION, For Permit No. 03-1218 Panera Bread & Cafe - Mark Fore & Strike Shopping Center 701 North Congress Avenue, PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-015-0030 Dear Mr Rumph. The undersigned, Courtney R. Longdon, on behalf of Fee Simple Titleholder' GOA Properties and the Lessee, Boynton Bread LLC' d/b/a Panera Bread, herein request an Administrative Planning and Zoning Division approval for a Minor Site Plan Modification to the subject. There are five items within this request: Item J. Install a 2' 10" Stone Skirting at the base of the front support columns and apply the same application to the base of the premises. (See attached photo & drawing A3) Item 1. Install standard Panera Bread front elevation fa~ade wherein the Restaurant's logo signage is to be located. The signage shall meet code. (See attached photo & drawing A3) Item 3 Install 15 Forest Green Incandescent Gooseneck Exterior Lamps over existing awnings on the east elevation. (See attached photo, drawing A3 & cut sheet) BUILDING' DEVELOPMENT. PERMITTING Page Two: May 5, 2003 Michael W Rumpf Director, Planning and Zoning Division Item 4. Replace existing awning fabric with standard Panera Bread colors. (See attached photo. drawing A3 & fabric samples) Item 5 Provide Outdoor Seating consisting of seven tables with two chairs each. (See drawing AS) In the event local weather forecasters predict high wind warnings, thereupon, the tables and chairs shall be removed and placed within the enclosed dumpster area. Outdoors Seating is for customer comfort and convenience only. No point of sale or table service will be provided. The petitioner acknowledges and accepts responsibility to maintain the area and chattels thereon at all times; keeping all clean, orderly, in good repair and free of clutter or obstruction. SINCEARL Y: - ......--......-. ,"\ !i ;Z~ft4<<r Courtney R. langdon, Agent for Owner cc: J. Heimlich, JONA Management, Inc. J, Snell, Boynton Bread llC I ..- - --...--. -, lJ:.' M~v-5~' IL. \. L-- .....l h ii. ,i'" .),fl ATTACHMENTS ........ QLM ,tandard Eleclnc Supply Q . I National Accounts Depl (Je r1 es 14 Jewel Drive Wilmington. MA 01887 PrOlecl Name . 'sler Speclflcalions SI LOUIS Breao Fixture Type l16 Ophonal Slam Housino'Relleclo' ',,- "" ~ lhreaoec COndUl1 Enlry A i -L ~---_.- B ,-------1 i\NCLt= QEfLt=CTOQ LAMP TYPES: Incandescel1llamps Consult laclory lor olhe' lamp types. (Lamps are not Incl.uded with liXlurel HOUSING/REFLECTOR: 2~ C" spun sleel rei lector. SOCKET Gl<ized porcelalnsOC:kel WIU' brass screw shell. Medium base on 100 150 and 200 watts, Mogul base cn 1000 watts. FINISH: Baked..on powder coaling Retlectof Intenor IS willIe A cDmolet~ ar,a' of extenDr finiSh co(or$ and textures 2r;:: available as an op11on MOUNTING: Stem mounting only Standart mounting entry IS 112" threaded lao, 3:4" tap IS opllonaL tfi'L\llsted lor damp locauons. LISl€C \!!) ior wellocations illl combmation with slem or brackets only i SPECIFICATION INFORMATION Seleel appropriate choice tram Catalog Number. FIn/MI. and Accessories columns. STANDARD FIXTURE SECTION R'tl6 Wltt.ge 100 150 200 1000 Height (A) 9,112. II' 1',.1/2" 19.518 r::> ADl00 A0150 A0200 AOIOOO EXAMPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER DI.meter (Bl T 9' 11' t6' l.3mphDI6er Size MlIdmmBast Medium Base Medium Base Mogul Base G 1 0 - Black Gloss Gl1 . Wnilt G!OSS _ G12 - Red GtDS' G13 - Yellow Glo" G" - Blue GIDS' G15-Gre.oGlo" G16 ,- BlOwn Gloss A30 - Gold AntiQue A31 - Siivel An:IQue A32 - Copp" Antique M40 - Chrome Melalllc M41 - Bra" M.llIl1lt 120 - 8lack TextLlrlld 12'2 - Red Tetlurtd Available only when condun stem or orackelS are ordered. SC600 - Canopy Type Stem AhQner ST1:?W - 1f2' CondUit Stem W/)ite Fll'dsn. 1"' L:()Q~r, Sl12WJ - 314' COnDuil Slem. Whlle flfliSh. 1 i' Lel'lQlfl ST2~W - 1/2" COMl/II Stem, While Fmish. 2~- unQtr, ST24W3 - 3/.11' COnduit Stem, White Flrush, 24' l~)nQfh ST36W - 1/2' C<Jnduil Stem, While Finish. 36' L~i'1';llr: ST3GWj - 3f4' Condull Seen' While Fir1!SIT ,y~ L~- ;;:t:~, CAn - COrd 'f ype Canopy Kit 34 ~ 3J4'lh(eaa~d CaMuil Emr\ Wl- Wet Loca11on laoei" ..:'..-;~..: . \~~~,~~!~" ~ .~<'"'''CI''' ., ,~< --- " .. n c 1" GOOSENECK AND WALL BRACKETS L/~ I I.. -- J'4. . \J L. , II 08 0' WH't 81" Ilnolll RlIflecIIIlr ~ Wd i~ I'1t81Ur88 riOld CO~ and ca.t wall pll18 wlllch 1llII 4' oclaQOll&llxlx (bjI otheIl. The bIwoIc:etfulutta. ~ ~rllnlah. Abollla U;htinO' ,OOOQ Alliance RC1J4' CtnelMldl, OH 45242' (613) 1>>aOO' FAX: (613) 984-133l! ~ , To ~, Iptt;ffy calalog numllfr I~. NOTE: BI'llCIlN fM1UI9 foI" ..". WI1Ieh t11p lit Inlo wall",. (W~' erld It IIll!htnded). Condult ITlll' be out down (In 1M ~ld by oIhltf) to .hCl~ braektt length. WIll plate IIIdVdie<l. , SI'IICl*a ere !ln1.~ In lutultd wiI/lIt pcWdtr; <IlI19r~ colol1~, . WlIIl.DcatIOII . All b"" .ulllllH lor UN In \WI IocIlffllrMl. FIxklm \IMCf In WIt b:alIane muat be epeelIltd OWL' uparnly. 1. ll' &I.'HP'T- T I >>114" as A 3 WHT 814- Single ~ GOCllMInlICk WalJ SraoIift, Fealllrea "gJdoond4l~ IIl1d !;Ill wall p1atll whlotl ilia " oc;ta.gonaf box (by oltltr). The lmIc:11et fNlUrwa . willllt JlOWditt !ln1111. ~ I. -1, ~ ~lla' \.4 t1:'Wi- 3/4' NI'T'T ....1M!l .1 a.e/I' a.1 :tWHT 3/.1,' IIngII R.lItcIor Goo",,1dI Wall IIlIlllcet. "lHIlUIM llVld <<IIIdulllllld '*' WIll pi.. whlGh lltI " ~ Iiclllt (by lllIw), The btaGbt flNIIlJIlII . While powcler 1In1.h. 1-'0.13111'-1 .1 ...} . 14111' ~ 2W'<l' Sl4'NPT_1, Q8 C 1.wtfP- /St-It- Sf,' 8lnglt II\lr!IIeIDr GcoMrIICk Wall BIICllel. I'H.lIJIu ri~ llClIld1Jlllll1d tu! waJl pi.. \'fl1loI11l1a " ootagor\Il boll (by oltllt). The brICklrI hIalIIl'ta . whlllt powd.r l'tlllh. II 7-112. r~A'Io/P'T"_ .i 4.&'Il' I T J 1-3/4' lI~" OID.WHT 814' SlIl;II Ji\.."~r GOolIt/ItelI Wd ~ FMI1JIea IlO/ll oonltJlt and lUl WIll _ which ilia,' octa;onaJ ball (by otI1Ir). TIle bl1Ck8lfMlLlr'llll . whh powder ftolah. Ao.1/4' 1 elll II WH1' &/" SlngMt 1lI"'1IIil:lf ~ Will 8Iw;kvl. F9llllJm rlgld COI1duIt and QUI WIllI _ wI\ld\ ftlJ " ~na1 bell (by oltlltf). The bracket II dMlgMd 19 " ITIO\lntllcllll . hol1zontaI aurr-. but 0lIIlkI1Iao lit mou~ to . wvJl. TlIe ~ !..wilt . M1b powder ffnlah. I--W---j ,.., ~ T &'.., NP'T .L. B414' T . 14-1,14. . 01 .. :I WHT 114' ~le R41111alQr ~ WlIU /lnic:IIta FMIUI'eI IlOlll CC1tldU1t I/lll CMl will _ whlcih ftla 4' oc:tagoNl box (by othtl;, 'T'ht blWllalt f1NIIIIrfIlIa wI1lla powder 11m-h. r-'1~ )-11.1....11 7-1 PROJECT NAME: Panera Bread LOCATION: 701 North Congress Avenue PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-015-0030 I FILE NO.: MMSP 03-035 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Chuck Longdon PHONE: PHONE: 561-744-3399 FAX: FAX: 561-744-3374 ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 825Center Street Suite 42-C Jupiter, FL 33458 Date of submittal/Proiected meeting dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 5/5/03 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Mark. Fore & Strike Plaza\MMSP 03-035\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc