REVIEW COMMENTS ~." . (" / ' ~\,; \ '0. l ; L .... ~'<.,'" . ; ':,'~;:; :::--,/,/, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Division January 17, 2003 Dror Trigger Project Manager Dakota Lofts Development Corporation 3010 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Request for Record Plat Review DAKOTA LOFfS City of Boynton Beach Ref: 1st Plat Review Letter dated 09/13/02 1st Follow-up Response Letter dated 10/02/02 Follow-up Memorandum dated 10/16/02 2nd Plat Review Letter dated 12/20/02 Dear Mr. Trigger- This Division is in receipt of the third revised proposed record plat noted above, received on January 10, 2003 from your office. Again, we have reviewed this document in accordance with Chapter 177, F.S. (Land Boundaries) Part I Platting, Chapter 472, F.S. (Land Surveying), and Chapter 61G17-6 F.A.C. (Minimum Technical Standards) and those applicable codes section relating to the Land Development Regulations of the City Once all of these items have been addressed, another proposed record plat may be required as a re- submittal for final review and approval prior to obtaining any (and all) signatories. Only at this point will the record mylar document of the proposed record plat be submitted for City Commission approval and acceptance. Having prefaced the review procedures, we offer the following comments on this submittal. Please note that we address the responses to the original September 13th comment review letter first, and the December 20th comments second. Finally, we will delineate any procedural needs required in order to accept the proposed record plat by the City ORIGINAL FIRST REVIEW COMMENTS TITLE SHEET, Sheet 1 of 3 The following (original) comments are sequenced in a plan review clockwise, left to right. America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6480 Fax: (561) 742-6285 Dror Trigger, Dakota Lofts Development Corp. Re: Dakota Lofts, Request for Record Plat Review January 17, 2003 Page 2 3 DEDICATION: a) Responded to. b) Responded to. e) In the dedication paragraph for Tract "A", provide documentation that Bamboo Lane is a public right-of-way east ofU.S, Highway No. I, in order for said Tract to provide legal access to the lots that this plat will be delineating. Being Addressed. h) Responded to. i) Responded to. PLAT PAGE, Sheet 3 of3 The following (original) comments are sequenced in the plan review in clockwise order, starting at the upper left area: 22. Addressed. SECOND REVIEW COMMENTS TITLE SHEET, Sheet 1 of 3 The following comments are sequenced in a plan review clockwise, left to right. 25. DEDICATION: a), b), c), d) & e) Addressed. 26. Addressed. 27 Addressed. 28. Addressed. PLAT PAGE, Sheet 3 of3 The following comments are sequenced in the plan review in a clockwise order, starting in the upper left area. Dror Trigger, Dakota Lofts Development Corp. Re: Dakota Lofts, Request for Record Plat Review January 17, 2003 Page 3 29 Addressed. 30. Addressed. 31 Addressed. 32. Addressed. 33 Addressed. 34. Addressed. 35 Addressed. 36. The issue in regards to Bamboo Lane (and access to the proposed lots within tbis plat) still needs to be resolved. I refer you to previous Comment #3.e. above asking this same question. The answer remains the same. Being Addressed. After the remaining proposed record plat comments have been addressed and re-submitted to this Division for another review, once approved, a field review of the required monumentation will be undertaken. To facilitate this effort, it will be requested of the surveyor-or-record to 'lathe and flag' all monuments and P C.P.s for validation. You have made considerable progress on this very difficult plat. I appreciate your efforts. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned at telephone number 742-6488. Respectfully submitted, va- 1\ i~ --- H. David Kelley, Jr., PE City Engineer HDK:ck xc: Jeffery Livergood, PE, Director of Public Works James Cherof, City Attorney Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning Division Laurinda Logan, PE, Senior Engineer, Engineering Division Ken Hall, Plan Reviewer, Engineering Division File ~..'."',"..'.'O". .c . (ll- J"I o ... , :J ~ .?- .'1, t \.?V 0" DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-013 TO: James Cherof City Attorney FROM: Lindsey A. Payne Assistant City Attorney H. David Kelley, Jr., PEIPSM '\;;J// City Engineer DATE: January 16, 2003 REF: Your Memorandum to Quintus Greene, dated 12110/02 My Memorandum #03-009 to your office, dated 01114/03 RE: Legal AccesslUtility Issue - Bamboo Lane Proposed DAKOTA LOFTS Record Plat Weare in receipt of the latest revised proposed record plat and related documents. In review of the related documents first, several commentslquestions come to mind, particularly as they relate to the parcel of land known as Bamboo Lane. Extracting from Jeffrey A. Levine, P.A.'s letter to you dated December 4,2002, on November 29,2002, G, A. Homes, Inc., obtained this land via a Quit Claim Deed from Barnett Bank of Winter Park, N.A. (in their capacity as Successor Co-Trustees of the Robert P Swetman Trust Indenture) for the land known as Bamboo Lane (see Attachment No.1). In addition, on the same date, G. A. Homes, Inc. obtained this same land via a Quit Claim Deed from Glenn W Gilson, II & Bank of America as successors in interest to the Barnett Bank. From checking other documents cited in Mr. Levine's letter, I also cannot determine if anyone else (including Palm Beach County) has laid claim to the land known as Bamboo Lane. [However, no one has paid any property taxes on this land.] Therefore, I must assume this roadway is owned by G, A. Homes, Inc. Mr. Gerald L. Knight, Esq., of the Holland & Knight LLP firm, has submitted a proposed Grant of Easement (a access easement) in favor of Dakota Lofts Development Corporation, but to the exclusion of those dwellings units located at 810, 815, 816, 817, 820 & 821 Bamboo Lane. [See Attachment No.2.] Furthermore, Mr Knight also has submitted a proposed Grant of Easement (a utility easement) in favor of the City Of Boynton Beach, which covers the total parcel of land know as Bamboo Lane. [See Attachment No.3] . Department of Development, Engineering Division Memo No. 03-013 Re: Legal AccesslUtility Issue - Bamboo Lane - Proposed Dakota Lofts Record Plat January 17, 2003 Page 2 The question is, "Why are these 'Grant of Easements' not covering the same parcel of land?" Staffhas suggested to the developer that this be declared an "Ingress, Egress and Utility Easement" for all concerned in the area. I assume that they want our approval of these documents prior to execution of same, however, I request your response on this issue prior to responding to the developer. Additionally, we are submitting to you a copy of their proposed "Articles of Incorporation for Dakota Lofts at Boynton Beach Homeowners Association, Inc. ", a Florida Corporation not for profit, for your review and concurrence. Again, please advise me of your satisfaction of this document. I am reviewing their re-submittal of the record plat documents again at this time, but the issue of access (via the above commentary) needs to be placed on the record plat. I appreciate your assistance in this matter. The plat issues on this project have been extremely difficult to identify and correct and, as such, I value your legal counsel to ensure that I proceed in accordance with the law and in the best interests of the City of Boynton Beach. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please advise me. HDK/ck xc: Jeff Livergood, PE, Director of Public Works Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Dakola Lofts Proposed Record Plat - Legal Acess.Utility Issue.doc [j'''\Y 0" Q) ....', '. '~_-~-_.:~--_~ I o,"~) TON 0 /)" fc'1'-- /7f'{ (( ~ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-206 TO: Jim Cherof City Attorney / ,(/\,/ H. David Kelley, Jr , PEIPSM )() City Engineer Ffl r r~pv FROM DATE. October 16, 2002 REF Our Letter to "Press" Tompkins, Jr , dated 09/13/02 RE. RECORD PLAT REVIEW DAKOTA LOFTS City of Boynton Beach This memorandum is a follow-up to our telecon last Friday, October 11th, with regards to this proposed PUD having access to a public right-of-way Pursuant to Florida Statutes (applicable citations attached), the "plat" has to be in compliance with all applicable sections of Chapter 177 F S and any local ordinances. The definition of a subdivision comes into playas they are creating some 19 lots as a part of a PUD Pursuant to our LDR (Part III of the CODE), Chapter 5 (Platting), Article V, Section 1.D 3. (excerpt attached) private streets are permitted within the proposed record plat, but it must connect to a public right-of-way as a means of access. The point of access is defined in Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article IV, Section 1 A 1 (excerpt attached) which states that the access point must be at least 30 feet from the intersection of rioht-of-way lines. Their proposed Tract "A" does not comply with this, even if you determine that Bamboo Lane is an un- recorded 30-foot right-of-way as purported on their proposed record plat. [I refer you to my previous memorandum in regards to Virginia Gardens Drive and its legal status, dated March 30, 1998 (attached). I also note that the Swetman unfiled plat cannot be authenticated with the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's Office.] In addition to this is our Code section (#7) that states that all lots shall have frontage on a permanent private access to a street which has a rninimum right-of-way of 50 feet. The proposed record plat does not mention Bamboo Lane as a (un-recorded) right-of-way or access, or ingress-egress easement in any of its legal descriptions for Parcels 1, 2 or 3, which comprise the proposed record plat. Therefore, to reflect that it is a "3D-foot right-of-way as shown on the unrecorded plat of R. P Swetrnan Property" cannot be substantiated without ,>ignificant title search of the abutting properties. Obviously, it is incumbent upon the plat applicant to submit valid documentation. To: James Cherot, City Attorney Re: Dakota Lofts October 16, 2002 Page Two In regards to the Virginia Gardens Drive issue, I refer you to my September 13th letter to Mr Tompkins, comment number 3.f) as to them not providing access to those residents incorporated into our city through this record plat. They have created a "land-locked" situation against those residents Attached also is a copy of the utility expansion survey done in November, 1971 by the former Earl Martin for the Chan's and their Sun Wah Restaurant. This also reflects those access ways previously generated I also have correspondence in my file in regards to Mr Chan's application to join the city (circa 1971) and the privatelcity utility expansion to accommodate his restaurant (and house), if you need copies. Again, I stress that it is incumbent upon the record plat applicant to prove pUblic access to his proposed record plat. I am not satisfied with the documentation (or lack thereof) submitted to date. If you have any questions, I will be back from vacation around the first of November 2002. HDK/ck Xc: Jeff Livergood, PE, Dir of Public Works Dept. Mike Rumpf, Dir of Planning & Zoning wlo attachments Ken Hall, Engineer Plan Analyst/Inspector wlo attachments File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Dakota Lofts - Record Plat Review.doc -~~~~-~~~~-~~~~-~~~~ OOQdO_----NNNNNM~ro~~ .., a.., 1 . .. ~ ~! y)~ ; ~ ~ .J) ~ '< > '>:..."'~ ~ f'\ " ~- ~ \._~ '0 ~ 1 \)., ~ ~"':s: '" ~ v -. ~ W en ~ -<( Wo (!)- a:~ :' ..J If)\J... (.0 - ~~ '", n:. z 0 ~ 3 J 0 t-cf-=/8 : .~ .. ~~t ." u <( \.J..1w tf)lD \Ju- ~o~ . ~ -1 -<( o ~ ;fa.. r"""-,:6 Z :.::;t,.9f..6S,j,.W - - X .LI 0- o :( l. .~, .- 1 ~ ~ ~'" ~ < .... '~ ~ ~ "'n ~ ~:~ "" -I!:. . ""\:" d ~ ~-{ 14 . { ~~ .,., ~,,-1 ~ .:s, '" 0 <:. ..."" !!\ ... ~ . -~ /V ~c I\_-::f=c'=;~c_~~ I "';,.'" ..;>.i'\ I.... ,.,;-z., 'r Lli- . \" ~ ':.~,~' -\ . '.S\ (', \~ ~ 1-\~ \ \ \ 1 " "" " \ \ .' ~ , \ .\ . t, t'1. t ,U'SI't '/,lOf'4'M":)"J $'S'I~ \ \ I .~ f-"" \ \ l ,;\ r ~\ , o't \ \ '" ,.. ~ . lbl ~0\ ""- . "' \. z '" - c-\ I~~ \ . I ~ ~ ' , ~ '" ~~O".;y ~, "i ~ . ... ~ I<+. 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