. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
January 23, 2002
Mr. H. P Tompkins
2295 Corporate Drive #240
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Dakota Lofts
NWSP 01-010
3010 South Federal Highway
Dear Mr. Tompkins:
Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for site plan approval granted
on January 15, 2002, by the City Commission.
To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your
approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable, with particular attention
to the conditions added by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board. The full rectified site
plan set is to be submitted as part of your permit plan package to the Building Division. The
person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents
and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your
permit package.
The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit
process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable development
order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit
issuance. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments(s).
Imoortant: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and above those
required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package
to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and
processed accordingly
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at
(561) 742-6260.
Michael W Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\Site plan approval1etter after CC.doc
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 3342!Hl310
Phone: (561) 742-6260 .
PROJECT NAME. Dakota Lofts
APPLICANT'S AGENT H.P Tomkins Jr., agent for Dakota Lofts at Boynton Beach, LLC
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 2295 Corporate Boulevard #245, Boca Raton, FL 33431
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT New site plan approval for 19 townhouse units in a Planned Unit
Development (PUD).
LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3010 South Federal Highway
X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows:
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of I?oynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
2. The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. .'
3. The conditions for development requested,by the Applicant, administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included"
4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
_ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof
5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order
7 Other
City Clerk
Conditions of Approval- RevIsed 01-03-02
Project name: Dakota Lofts
File number' NWSP 01-010
Reference: 20" review revised plans identified as New Site Plan. File # NWSP 01-010 with a December 6, 2001
Planning & Zoning date stamp marking.
Comments: None X
I Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code X
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 16, or the
requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (see
CODE Sec. 26-16(a)).
2. The existing well, as shown on Parcel 2 of the survey prepared by O'Brian, X
Suiter & O'Brian, Inc. dated July 17, 2001, is considered a community well.
It currently serves the dwellings at 2 Virginia Gardens Drive and 821 Bamboo
Lane. It will be a requirement ofthe applicant to either I) connect this
residential dwelling to city water that is available to it, or if that resident
owner elects to forgo city water, 2) install a new well to serve the residential
3 The fire engine turn around area at the southeast comer of the subject X
property shall have a minimum centerline radius of 50 feet.
Comments: None X
4 Permits must be obtained for work within the public right-of-way (LDR,
Chapter 22, Article II. Section 7). X
5 Show aU existing utilities on Site Characteristics Map (Survey) and Site X
Development plan (LDR. Chapter 4, Section A.3).
Conditions of Approval
6. Show flow data graphically (flow arrows). Provide details for exfiltration X
trenches, catch basins, and manholes. Indicate, by note, that storm water will
be contained on site (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II.F ).
7 Provide data of underground soil conditions (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, X
Section 9). Proposed site is in close proximil) to the Intracoastal Waterway
and muck excavation is more likely to be encountered. (LDR, Chapter 6,
Article IV, Section 9).
8. Add a note to the landscape plan that within the sight triangles there shall be X
unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5 inches and 6 (six) inches
above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). Show sight
triangles graphically on the site plan and landscaping plan. Reference FDOT
Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along all collector and arterial
9 Provide an irrigation plan in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article X
II, Section 5
10. Provide signing and striping plans in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, X
Article II, Section 17 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section B, which identifies
all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double
yellow lane separators striping, directional arrows and "Do Not Enter"
signage, etc. Also see City Standard Drawings B-98001 and B-90013 for
strioinl! details.
11 Provide detail for dumpster enclosure area (LDR Chapter 7.5, Article II, X
Section 5.J., Chapter 9, Section 10 C.3, and City Of Boynton Beach Standard
Drawinl! A-88007
12. Provide a typical section for parking lot pavement conforming to LDR, X ,
Chapter 23, Article II.O
13 If the houses are fee simple, then a plat shall be submitted along with X
construction drawinl!s.
14. The road on the south side of the property (Bamboo Lane) is deficient with
respect to right-of-way width and pavement width. Bamboo Lane will be X
required to be widened to 22 feet, to the entrance to the development, to meet
minimum street pavement widths (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.c).
Because Virginia Garden Drive has been determined to be a private drive it
will be exempted from any upgrades to the roadway However a turn-around
area shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.D).
Streets shall be designed in accordance with all applicable sections of the
Code and LDR.
IS Provide details for water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer improvements. X
Provide detail(s) for the water line crossing with sanitary and storm sewer.
16. From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that X
the building is located within. Where applicable, specifY the base flood
elevation. Ifthere is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans.
17 IdentifY the floor elevation that the design professional has established for the X
building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the drawings
titled site plan, floor plan and paving! drainage (civil plans),
18. At time of penn it review, provide a completed and executed City unity of title X
fonn. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combined as one lot.
A copy of the recorded deed with legal descriptions of each property that is
being unified is required to be submitted to process the fonn. The property
owner that is identified on each deed shall match.
19 At time of pennit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X
proposed construction.
20 At time of permit review, submit a copy of the recorded resolution that X
verifies the abandonment of the allev rirrht-of-wav or easement.
21 Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates X
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required for the recreational
amenities that are provided for the project and other common area elements
located at the site. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of
travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement markings
that are required to be installed along the path. The location of the accessible
path shall not compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located
behind parked vehicles. IdentifY on the plan the width of the accessible route.
(Note: The minimum width required by the code is forty-four (44) inches).
Add text that would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route
and the route is designed in compliance with regulations specified in the ,
Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at
time ofpennit review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on
the plans that will verifY that the accessible route is in compliance with the
regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be limited to,
providing finish grade elevations along the path of travel.
22. At time ofpennit review, submit for review an addressing plan for the X
23 List on the site plan the site elements for which recreation credit will be X
24. As a condition of issuance of a land development order for residential X
Conditions of Approval
planned unit developments, the developer shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu
thereof, or both, at the option of the city, for park or recreational purposes and
according to the standards and formula in Chapter 1, Article V in the Land
Development Code. The total recreation dedication requirement will be
calculated as follows:
19 d.u. x .015 acres = .285acres
y, credit may be given against the requirement ofland dedication or payment
of fees. y, private recreation credit will be calculated as follows:
.285 acres / 2 = .1425 acres
The Developer may want to consider dedication of the land, or a
combination of dedication and fee.
25 If the property is not required to be planed, the recreation dedication fee will X
be due prior to the building permit bein~ issued.
26. Provide to the Parks Division at the close of the construction contract as-built X
olans showing locations of irrigation lines in the rights-of-wav and medians.
27 In order to earn y, recreation credit, the developer needs to provide a X
minimum of 5 of the local park basic requirements listed below, or a
combination of such, and other recreational improvements that will meet
recreation park needs of future residents of the area.
Children's Play Apparatus Area
Landscape Park-Like & Quiet Areas
Family Picnic Areas
Game Court Areas ,
Turf Playfield
Swimming Pool & Lawn Areas
Recreation Center Building
28. In the opinion of the Parks Department staff, the recreation elements shown X
on the plans do not meet the needs of the future residents. At a mutually
convenient time, the Parks Department staff will be happy to meet with the
developer to discuss available options to meet the intent of the recreation
dedication reauirements for the project.
Comments; None X
29 The subject property must be platted prior to the issuance of any building X
30. The ground level HV AC units shall be screened with landscaping. X
31 On the site plan, show the location of all outdoor freestanding lighting poles. X
Provide a typical drawing that includes the height and color I material of all
proposed freestandin~ outdoor li~hting poles.
32. Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the Community X
Redevelopment A~encv meeting.
33. The floor plan (sheets A-I, A-2, B-1, and B-2) must include the scale of the X
34 Condition #3 shall be revised to require that a 40-foot wide (min.) emergency X
access way be provided at southeast comer of project and kept clear of tree
trunks and shrubs, and stabilized.
35 The east facades of the "A-2" units shall be designed to prevent visibility X
from units (second and third stories only) onto adjacent single family
properties to east.
36. Project shall include decorative lighting fixtures not to spill light onto X
adjacent simde familv prolJerties.
37 Enhance landscaping along Federal Highway particularly at north and south X
corners of project. ,
38. Provide aesthetic gate or barrier at emergency access point at southeast corner X
of project to prevent non-emergency use of opening.
39 Provide enhanced project entrance, in part, to include landscaping, signage X
and possibly a fountain.
40. To be determined.
Schedule of Regular Meetings
2nd Tuesday of each month
Conference Room C - West Wing
Boynton Beach City Hall
6:30 P.M.
AGENDA ITEMS December 11, 2001
Old Business
Site Plan
Dakota Lofts (Tabled from 11/13/01)
H. P Tompkins
Chan's Enterprises
3010 S. Federal Highway
Request for site plan approval to construct 19
multifamily town homes on two (2) acres.
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\AGENDAS\CRAB\CRA P&Z Agenda items 12-11-01 .doc
2295 Corporate Blvd, N. W
Executive Court One
Suite 240
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Tei 561-998-0955
Fax 561-997-5721
July 30,2001
Mr Jeffery Livergood
City of Boynton Beach
Department of Development
Planning and Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida, 33425
RE. Dakota Lofts
19 Multi-family units
Dear Mr Livergood,
HPT Consultants, Inc. was retained to prepare a trip equivalency analysis for
the above referenced project. The project is located at 3010 South Federal
Hwy and is presently being utilized as a family restaurant(Sun Wah Chinese
Restaurant). The proposed project will consist of 19 townhouses. The
existing restaurant is approximately 11,500 SF in size and will generate 2008
ADT, including using a 15% pass-by rate. This is based on the ITE trip
generation rates for a family restaurant. Therefore the existing restaurant is
vested with these 2008 daily trips. The trip generation calculation for the
proposed development equates to 133 trips per day according to the lTE trip
generation rate for multi-family residential units. This will result in a net
decrease in daily trips of(-1,875).
Since the total average daily traffic generation expected from the proposed
project is less than the vested daily trips, a traffic study is not required.
If you have any questions or need any additional information please feel free
to contact me at 561-998-0955
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H. P Tompkin , ,m,> BE
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;;V/J-VJftH ~6T-l\UltbuT
Meeting Date: O'=>- 24-01
ZONE: . C -3
Attending Staff: V,'c.
Attending for Applicant:
':;utJ W 1>./1 ~S7,6vu.)./-r
Name of Owner:_ \
~MWlI5" M. ~
Address: "Ui\ 9D t 11\
Phone: -'Yty 3W6~4-2.-~
Name of Applicant/Contact:
(~'$ P-<<')
Date Submittal Received:
Date Denied:
\forms\Pre-Application Meeting Log.doc
MEETING DATE: -::;-_ /9- tJ /
7!'a () I'M
PHONE: 57P1- 'i'M' - 69.53"" FAX:
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JAN-04-20u2 02=56 PM KRI~TEN CONTI
561 742 4281
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Realty Inc.
Salefish Realty Inc.
532 East Ocean Ave
Boynton Beach FL 33435
561-738-6613 Office
561-738-791] Fax
kcse 11
To: -GJJIhiu, ~M~
fax#: 'll./J- ~ t.o8q
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THIS AGREEMENT (the "Allreement"), dated this _ day of .200_, is made by
and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC. a Florida limited liability company (henlinafter
called "Developer"), whose address is 2290 N. W, Corporate Blvd., Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431
and David J. Conti and Kristen Conti (hereinafter called ''Owner''), whose eddress is I Virginia Garden,
Delroy Beach. Florida 33483-6305
WHEREAS, Developer is the foc ,imple ownet of certain real property located in the City of Boynton
Beach (the "City"), County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit
~ attached hereto and made a part heteof(hereinafter "'the Property");
WHEREAS, Dcveloper proposes to construct multi-family residential town home units upon a portion of
the Property (hereinafter coiled the "Project") in accordance with the proposed site plan which is attached
hereto lIS "Exblblt D" and made a pan hereof. as same may be amended or revised from time to time by
the Developer in its sole and absolute discretion (hereinafter the "Site Plan");
WHEREAS, Owner is the fee simple owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Property,
being more particularly described on Exbibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof(hereinafter the
"Owner's Lot"):
WHEREAS, Developer and Owner desire to enter into this Agreement to document eertain agrcemcnts
made between the parties, lIS more fully set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and agreements of the parties
hereto and the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($ \ 0.00) and othet good and valuable consideration received, the
recelpl and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged. the panies do hereby agree and acknowledge the
Recitals; The above recitals an: true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference.
2. Easement A~eement. Attached hereto as Exhibit "0" and made a part hereof is an Easement
Agreement (hereinafter thc ~Easement Agreement"), which sets fonh and provides the Owner with
cerrain easement rights over portions of the Property The parties agree that upon the Developer's receipt
of all the City and other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Property, the
Developer and Owner shall execute an original of the attached Easement Agreement. Developer shall
teCord the originlll ex.ecuted Easement Agrecment af\er all of the ~ite development work and construetion
throughout the Projcct has been completed by Developer and are available for use (as evidenced by
Developer Obtaining the final slgn-offs and approvals of the applicable gove",mental authorities), or
prior thereto, at the sole 0 tlon of the De
3. Owner's A~recmeilt to Coo~rate. As consideration for the Developer entering into this
Agreement and entering into the Easement Agreement, Ihe Owner agrees to fully cooperate with
Developer in otder to ensure that the Property obtains the City and/or other governmental approvals
necessary for the development of the Project.
4. Ocvelooer's Ria"t to Create Leilal Descriotions. The panics acknowledge and agree that the
exacllegal description of the Vehicular Access Easement Area (as more fully described in the Easement
JAN-04-2G02 02:58 PM KRr~ ~N CONTI
561 742 4~81
Agreement), has not beeln determined, but shall be reasonably determined by Dovelloper at a later date.
Upon Developer's determination of the exact legal description of the foregoing. Developer shall be
automatically permitted, llpon providing the Owner copies thereof, to attach the legal description of the
Vehicular Access Easement Area to the Easement Agreement as Exhibit "e" thereto, without any further
action, consent or approval required by the Owner
5 Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement (the "Effective Date") shall be the date on
which the last of the: parties hcreto executes this Agreement, Thc parties agree that this instrument shan
not be recorded in the PUhllc Records.
6. TerminationlAmendmenr/Mo<Iiticatlon. This Agreement (and all exhibits attached hereto
including hut not Iimitcd to the Easement Agreement) shall be deemed automatically terminated and of no
force or effect in the event 0) the Project is not approved by the City or any other governmental bodias
having jurisdiction, in accordance with me Site Plnn; (ii) Developer, in its sole discretion, elects not to
proceed with the development of the Project: or tiii) the Owner takes any actions (or fails to act as
required herein), in a manner which is inconsistent with lIS obligations set forth in Paragraph 3 hereof.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in thi~ Agreement, this Agreement may be amended, modified
or terminated, in whole or in part, at any time by a written instrument, executed and acknowledged by the
Developer and the Owner, or their successors or 115signs.
7 Governins Law This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of
the State of Florida, County of Palm Beach and, unless otherwise terminated as provided herein, shalI be
binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, it being the intent hereof that the
rights and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow the ownership of each party's
respe<:tive property,
8. LitiaatioJ\. Irany party institutes any legal action or proceeding for breach of the provisions of
mis Agreement or the enforcement of any right or obligation herein contained., the unsuccessful party in
such action or proceeding shall reimburse the successful party immcdiately upon demand for all
reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to,
reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses.
9 Remedies. In the event of a breach by any party hereto of any obligations hereunder, the other
parties hereto shall be entitled to obtain an injunction or to seek any other remedy available to them uncler
law or inequities. The parties hereto acknowledge the potential inadequacy of legal remedies and the
irreparable harm which could be caused by any such breach and in connection therewith agree to the
remedy ofinjunction provided herein.
10. E$ibits. Any exhibits attached to this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto that
contain sketches or depictions of lots(s), common properties, lakes, roadways, improvements, or any other
items shown on the cxhibits, if any (the "Sketched Item(s)), shall not be binding as to the existence, size,
dimensions, locations or identincati')n of any other aspect of Sketched Item(s) and shall only be for
informational, reference, conceptual and general schematic purposes only The Site Plan attached hereto
is a proposed and preliminary site plan or the Project and may be subject to change from time to time at
the Developer's sole and absolute discretion.
11 buthori~. Owner represents and warrants that it has full right and authority to execute and
deliver this Agreement and that it is the sole owner in fee simple of the Owner's Lot.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Owner have each exe<:uted this Agreement on the date
set forth below
JAN-94-2002 02 59 PM KFI ~N CONTI
561 742 4281
:111...1111.1 "Dr!
~-' ~ md blurn In!
ww.u. M. DeP.alI. EIcl.
Oat So JkawIrd Blvd., SaItI1300
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301
EA.ft1lft1\lT AGUEMENT
THIS EASEMEN'l' AOREEMBNT (tb8 ""- -mt A_>mt") is IIIIdll tblI dIy of
. 200 by and ~ DAKOTA LOrn AT BOYNTON, LLC, a F10ricIa 1iIIIitocIlilbility
COIIIpaDY (.~oper"). having Its principii office at 2290 N.W. Corpc.nte Blvd... Suite 245, Boca RaIDD.
Florida 33431 &lid David 1. COlUi and ~ Conti, ("ew-''), whose addraa is 1 VirPDa Gardea,
DelrayBmcb. Florida 33483-6305.
WHEREAS, ~elOpel' is the fee simple QWIIet of ~ real property locaed in Palm.Beach County,
Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" lllIached hereto and made a pan baeaf
(hereinafter tile ''Pr9pertylt);
WHEREAS, Owner is the: fell silllplc QWllet of certain real ptop8rty locat=d adjacent In the l'Iope~, being
more particularly dlSCl'ibod on lii..hlhh "'8" 8Il8I:hed hemo and made a part hcnoof (hcreUWlz:r the "Omler's
WHEREAS, Owner bas n!qu=lled that Develop<!l' 8J'Illt certain easement rights to Owner, fIll'the belIefit of
OWIles's Lot, as more fully 5Ct forth hemn;
WHEREAS, Developer ha5 apd to gram such c:ascmlOIIt rights, !;IIbject to the - and eoaditiOllS
=n1Iined herein.
NOW, lHER.EFORE, ft:r ami in CO/Isidcrarion ofthc mutual ~ benc:fits and asree-nt of tho parties
theteto and the sum ofTEN AND NO/too DOLLARS (SI0.00) and other good and wluable consideruion,
the =oipl and suft'\eiency of whlch ani h_by llOknowl<<lgcd, the pmti... do bereby ap as fbllQws:
I. RecitalS. The above recitals ale true and correct and illc:orpom:d beTeln by this Id~
JAN-04-2802 02 59 PM KPI~TEN CONTI
561 742 4281
P 05
2. tllr" 'Il-"'I:/ 6""...1:1- lIll/Ito SutUect to allY CIlqlI\lSI GCXIdhion.. IimhIdona or
rescrvatianI aonIIirled heniII, o-vtloplF bcreby pnts unto Owner, tilt the bIneftt of 0WIIIlr'. Lot, a
papewalnaa..excMlw iJIaren. ..... a8ll aecea tlIMll1"Slt over md acrou 1bt I'OI4wayI COIIIlnICled or to
be caraslruc:tIIld QQ that poctiaIl of PNpIrty mere ~ descnW on ll~hn.1t Me" ,.....b0t4 hereto IIId
IIIIde a pII1 beleof (die "Vehkuhl' A<<esa F- r /J'''''t Area"), for veIJicuIar trafBa, togahcr with the: ri!!:fd: to
'\lIIflb Veb!eqlllll' AJ:O/!IJS E.-.u Ana tbl' adeqUlllc and WlObslrucll:d vdIicular JlI"nge to aaci m
Vil'giaia Gardens ($Bid roMway bemSlocdcd widlin die .....1b...1\ bouDd8ry oftIM Property), ~ ~
t.- (Aid ro.dway bem& Ioc:8red adjIceatto die sourbarIy bolllldary of1lle PI~). The_rment piled
bcnia sb&Il be filr inpa, ~ and_ pwposes, hllle \1M md benelIt clall pAMIlt IIId &Ian_
of aU or allY portiOll orOwncc's Lof, but shallllClC IllcJude the rigid: Ia pat upon IIIIy pIlItioa oftlle VelI."....
Acczss EasIlinent Ana or any olIlet pcrdOD oflhe PlOpIIty.
A. to relocate. Developer sIlAll bave the unilatcr:ll :ig/!t, but not lhcl l.lbligation, . any
time, in lIuole cIiac:nldon iIIIlIlIt its 1010 colt and. lIXpeIUll., 10 telOCl'te lIle Vebieullr A_ Eanr.rellt
Area providrd that SIlCb rcI0cad0a of !be VebicuIar A_ EU8lDent Ma does not pmDaIICIlfly
int<eaupt or probibit vehladar __ by !be OwnertD and torn lIle Owaer's Lot.
B. Access tbmullh Oates. In the event Deve. Inlel1ds 10 construct entry galm lit any
eIIDlUIce to the PropatY wblc:h would resIrict tho OwIler's ability III obtain Inps&, cgr\lSS or accas to
the Owners Lot, IS set Collh abovlt, Developer sbalJ provide Owner with any Ipploprlarlt IlIltry cards
or l:Odee which may be required for Owner 10 obtain IIC(.e8S through sw:b gates prior to Dewloplr's
c:ompkltion oftbo insIalIlIlillll of SIlIlO. OwIlI:ts use oftht VClhictWr Access J!uement Area and any
gates whi<:b may be ~str\lc:ted upon the Property shall bo:: subject to IDY ruhls and regubtiOll!l
promulgated by tbe DeYeIoper or tho Ccvc:loper's Associadon (as IIereilIaflBr defined) front _ to
limI relating to lIlIlII..
). ('.....1 I'.......-t o.veloper iJ !be OWllCl' of that certain propeny described on ~bibit ''D" and
JlIIde a part hereof' (the "Cmall'ro~'), "po" which is _tnlCted a caaal. Subjclct CO any eiXJl(ee
conditions, Umitadosls or reservallD115 conllliatd bath Developer hmby grants unto Owner, for the benefit
of ~s Lot, pcrpetuaI DOII.exc1us1ve UlSf!IlIent righla to: (i) QOIlSQ'Ugf, lMtAIl and malnlllin a dock (the
.OWDC's r>ock") within the c-I P,o~ Dl<l (ii) fur access rM:r and acl'OSS lhcl CMal Prop.:ty, from tbo
Own<<, 00Qk IIllht InlraCOaslal WIIUfWay, wbi<:h is 10CUed adja<:ent to and east of tho Canall'rcpcrty.
A. Dcvelotlel"s All,P'OVaI of Owner's Dock. Prior CO col1lllHll1Cmg tho construction or
instd14tion of a dock, or any n:novalions to a dock which cumatly Of may cxlst wllllln the Cana1
Property from lime to lima, (}.wet shall subn\it all plans and S)lIlCIflcmiOIlS for tile proposed
dock, or renovations (the "Dock Planaj to Developer for Developer's priOl' written approval of
same, sucl1 approval not to be unreasonably wllhheld. The Owner's D~k shall bt <:otlsttuc1M
and maintained in accordance with the Dock Plans and all laws, codes, ordil\8llQO$ and
rcguladoll5 of !QVCmDlCtltal edtities baving jurisdiction owr tho Canal Property.
Notwi1hs1andins the ibresoing, no docks or other relall:d improvelJlenJS iIbaIl bo:: constt\lcll:ld,
~ or placed by Owner wi1llln I!Ie CaIlaI Pl'operty, nor shall ihe Canal Property be used by the
OWnC'l' In a lIllUUler, whicb would restrict or limit tIlco ability of other third pctlllS ba.ving riglm; to IlSI;
the Canall"rop..rty to navlgare boals and ocher vesseJs within tbe CaMI Property. !levcJoper's
approval oftbc Docie Plan. shall DOt be deemed to be ~bly wltbJlc1d if such Dock PIaIlS lII8
deetned by tbc Dewl_ to ""ptivol)' .... 1tle "sh' linG abililY of any tbinI pottiw 10 IIOD tbe
CanIlI J'tQpcrty,
B. MaIntenance of Oook. n. Ownel's !)oclc shall be lJlllmjped at all tillles by Owner. at ils
sola cost and expense, in a neat IUlI1 sisbtJy COIldition and in SOIld working order, 11M rights gJllIIICd
to Owner undet this PlII'lIV"ph 3 .., rlM' ~ of pczmittll1g the ~ ottl1c Owner's Ooc.k
wI1ich ., or may be 10ClIted within !be Cana1 Property trom time TO dme, ana sbaIlln<:l1lde tile riahl of
~AN-04-2002 03:01 PM KRI--EN CONTI
561 742 4281
The Owner sbIll DOl bo pamlltted to waive DI' Olhenvdo IlIOIpO 1labIIity fer d1e Owur'a ho-Rata
SbIre by noftollM 0( lbe 0-'1 Daci. or 1M CaaIJ Proporty.
4. U.. at Jl.......-r Ri~mIIltdetqJlifieariOn TH OUGIIelIt riahD FlDl1Id berIln abalI be IIBIld by
Owner in such . IlWIIIeI' tIW: (i) is ClOIIIiltellt with any bulldlllp and implvt..mllllll ~ lIpllD or
to be cotlStnlallld upDlI the Ploperty; (h') is COII$i$trmt with and willllOt imI:dere with the rights of the
DeYeloper. the D.wloper's AIsOciation or Ill)' third pany to ex.ezcise IIlld eJlJoy lilY rights it.may bve to
ll5II the c-J PropertY; and (ill) wlll minimize iu1e.r..__ wilh and will be compedble with tbt
caaal1'llCtion and ... ofbWdill8lS md impt'OY1lmaatl. The 0wDer ahaII "'W'll;iY ad bokllbe Dtnloper
and the Developer's AAOCiation h#ml_ ftom ~ against aI1 cllarges, cIaimJs, 1iabllitlea IIld ~
(lllclwllllg reascmabl. alIXlmcyJ _ and cxpcllIeII) ",lilted to llCCidcD1s, injlll'ics, loss or .-.. of or to
any person or property arWng.from me vwner's and its guats, lieen.-lIIId inviu:c.s, 11M oilbo Property,
or any oomon ihetcof, and the OWIIlll"S Dock.
S. Anianment ofDewlotlOl"s Ri""r.. The pllClits agree tl\u Ocveloper shall at all times bave the
right to CQIlvcy the Property aad/or assl8lllts neveloF' rights and obligations h_der to . plol*t)'
ownc:rs assoc:lalicm., homeowners associalloll, atldlor condomhdum association ereated by Developer tbr
J'Ufll'*S of maintaininS me I'.operty by _, of convoying aU or any portion ofthc !'roJlIIfY to $aiel
assodatWn(s), submittiDg all or lID)' ponIon of the f'nlpaty to . Declaratioll ofhstrictlollS, or by
assisninl its riJbts and obligations hereunder to said _iatiOD(s). Upon suoh OOM~ s\,hmittal or
assignment, Developer shall bo released from allliabUities and obligaticm bereUJKler and such property
owner$, homeoWners or condominium OWD~ associaliOll sbaJl be solely ~poasIble for all obligatiOllS of
Developa' hemmder and s/lall hll'ie lbe right to enforce all rip ofDevelopcr hlll'Cllnclc:r.
6. Bbvfi"tr Efft!ct. 1\11 easea... ~ herein sbaIl be binding upoll tflc psrties, their ce:5J>-tl.c
IMbs. 1epI ~ SUCO:esIOIS aucI assigns and sha1I be for the use and belIeflt of all pIeI5eIIt and
lIIaae 0WIICll1 of tho propeny, their \ImaIlts, QUot......lI, IpIllS, mvillles, Ii_v=s, pIeStl, ~ and/or
rnort~ ofall ohny portIoa of tho 1'....1"'1ty bIlreunder.
7 TJ3l\5la- RilIh1s. Nothing contail1cd in this Easement Agreemem sha1I be deemed to be a lift 01'
dediealiaI of any portion ofthlll\cpcrt) to the general public or fur any public use or purpose whmoever, It
beU1g the Intmtloa of tbe parties hemo and !heir SIICCeSSQn and -sns. that nothing In litis E__-
Agreement. oxpreucd or implied. shaD c:omer upon any pclSOD, other than the parti8s hereto and their
succe=l"5 and asslgllS, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Easen\aIItAgn:emem.
(). tfJ.I(I r
A. If any provi$icn of1his Easement A;reemcnr, 01' portion thcroof, or me application thercofto
any pcnlOO or ~ shall, to lIfty elCImt be held ilIve1ld, inoP-live 01' uneaforeeable, the
rwmaindcr of this Easemeut Agreement, or tho application of such provision or poI!ion dweofto any
othl;T pmooa or ~ shall not be a1'f'cctcd tb.-cby; It shall not be deemed that any such
invalId JrOvision at'l'ects the ~on for Ibis Easement AgreeIlIllIII; and each provision of this
EasementAgrecmCllt shall be valid and cnfol'Cellble to !be !\illest extent permiUed by law.
B. Thill &scmcnt Agreement ,hall be cautrUed in accordauce w1lb !be laws of the Stale of
C. NoIhin; In this Easem=nt Asmmcnt shall be .:on.strUed to make the partlc:a hfRto pItlI1Cn
or joint venturers 01' rmder any party liable forthc debts or obligations of the othet plIl'lies haeto,
0. Un1... o~ 8plCiftcally provllled herein. this l'!a8ement ,\pmcnr, and the
_ent rlpa c:onlBinc:d hCnlill. may nor be amended, modified, or tennlnalm excepl pursuant
~AN-04-2ee2 03:02 PM KRI~TEN CONTI
561 742 4281
to wriUCa, 9lIJ'C''tId w1lCb1owledged by III otthe pIItica IIIrolo or tbtlr 111_ __JOn
or IlliplS, lIIId IICO!ded IIllflc Public Ra:onllI 01 Palm BNch Couaty. F1orIda.
B. ThiJ ~ Ajl_1l11111J be dIctl"" 011 .. daIIt lWllCl'Clad la dHt Publlo ltMrda aad
.un be biadillallld iIWre III tIw bIafit ottlw ~w boin, lepJ ~ Sllllr_lln IIIlI
assip at 0ricI0pel' and Clwlw berela, it b.iDs tbc inlIlm bcIeof'that die ri&IdS aad obllrJ~'
lleNWlder au JWI wiIh 1bI J.nd IIlId t'ol1cJw 0WIla'Sbip oftbe .P\<lI-tr met 0wW. Lot..
F. Dcvcloper reserves tile righc 10 ptt Mb addltlcIIlII ~ ----<lo'" 'UIIdIIr. OWl'
IIId lllItOS8 111. V ohiC1l1ar Easement Area aIl4 the CaDalI\~. fa its _Ie IIld .....
d:ac...liuu, without tho need for the COIlSeIlt or jolDdw thInito by the Owner, or IllY CIllw par-.
providecIlbIe such llIdiliooal _--- do lIOI: adversely aft"eCl or i"...r..~ with the ri~ com>eyed
tQ 0wJlllf bImn.
G. NothiDs IlOfttlIiIMoI in this ~ A~ thai! be CClIISlrIled .. CZ'CIIia& WIt'f riI\IlI ill
the gmera1 public or as dedk4ting for public \1St any portion of tho Pl'OpetIy. No -r. e:a:.;ept
thoa cxpn:ssly .. t'orth hereiIl sbaU be Impnod by this Easement Acl'~.ne4L
9. ~utltoritv: Owner n:prescnts and warrants that it has full right and authority to execulO and
deliver tbis Easem.CI1l: Asr-ncnt and that it i. the solo owner in reo siPlple of the Ownet's !.of.
IN WITNESS \VlIE:REOF,lhe DneJoper and the Owner have each executed this Easement Ail_c
on lite... 1ft for1h below.
Signed and RalCld mille
Florida. limited liability comlWlY
PriIlt Name;
PrilII: Name:
The forego"'ll insmunent was aclalDwleclged before me this day of .
200_. by . as of DAKOTA LOfTS AT BOYNTON.
LLC, a Flornla lim.itc<lliaDility company, on behalf of said company KeIShc is personally lalOWll to mo
or Ilv pnxluud as idtDtIficadoD.
(Name ofNocary, typed, printed or ltalnpod)
(Tide or l1III.k (..w lIIIIIIber. U'1lIY)
07/~3/2003 17:38 5617387 1
PAC {'
,/.', \, :----
~(.;.~~" .OLD
lf~: ~~~~:
532 East Ocean Avenlle Boymon Be(~:h "1 :' 4
561-738-66130ftke 561-DS.-:J11 Fa
f'ages i!lcl~.ding this one: / f Dale ---2::J ~ -03
From Ithe desk of ~
../.i.(u:._ !lfiJ,. _
--,- . t.l "-'if '~ u;/J J rJtI Ii? tL~i~.d.J;:~~~..:~~.'i~~:~.'~.~
-11&-.Y'fA:J:.t/ /fJ'J1'I. dAt'Uh'M'AfIJ,bin; p,) At~('L,flik.l.J:L~'i,~!~(; ._n. _
Fax # _i~/J "'iA:JJ.]I_
~ /lwJ- --~=_..~ "=:~: " :
'LL-________., . ,___ ..._......,.
07/2:1/2B03 17: 38
5617387 '
PA..::. :l:~
.-'l. .'" ." ,~._
IllOIU'Mr. Greene,
On behalf orthe homeowner1 potentiaUy Iffilctod by tho propolJelf c1elleloplDMtt ofrJm DIk\lta
lolls townhome pn;ect in Boynton Beach, I would like tl) malte the melDhert oftbe eRA aWIJI
of:leWJ1Il concerns that still exist.
III '1 meeting held at City Hall Monday, January 7, 2002, the residents'& developers mr:.t with oil)'
officials acting 1I8 fiu:ilitators. During this meding, Mr. Greene made the slafiement thtlt .Ollfl nu'
dOl,. not fit all" in ..dllrence to this JIf\Jject. The area we are dealing with is very w1iq.le in that
haif the reaidenf$ are city taxpayen and the other baIf are in a county potlic:,t Our ndd:;ess is 2.
Delray Beach addras but we pay city of Boynton taxos. There are 8lMnl e:1IJemetlts & qvit-
c1a:im deeds that were presented to thf: developers by the residents lidding con:lusion to an elreaC!'
oomplicatecl situation. AD bomeownel'8 bad received. legal doi:Ul1lent trom the de'leh:1J)el" I
attl)rney on Saturday, JlUIUlUY 5, 200:~ statlvg what would be required ofu s tc contil1lN
CIIIjoyment of our properties. This SCIl1ed to create more distrust & chaos 'utlelngst he~'neown~'rr
who purchased their properties based I)n their water rights & the neighboring RIAA Zl:minn
It a9Peared at the end of the meeting yesterday that a meeting of the tnind$ VilIS fea'JIbl,} by
tOllight's meeting. My phooe began ringing arty this morning with conc3r1ed neighbors btill.!!in
up their various issues. Some want to request the eRA tllble the i8llUe ulltillll: oftl~s new
irlfhrmation can be verified. Others 8)"c= prepared to DCg01:1ate t')\1III'd supporting the proposed.
zoning change.ll: subsequent development. I am here to J~ YOIJ know tbat SU1lh discrel)ancies
III;admcss to the developers, I ca1Jed \uck :Bagley this afl:ernoon to tdlhiln that their .~ sti.ll
unresolved issues. He stated that he had beim working 011 the resolution ttl th* COnCIlrnB me)lst
Ofl:he day liB it is already close to 5'00 p.nt., it W1IS not jlOssible rclfme to ~peak to Jill tbe
fllsidents for thcli.r feedback before tht meeting tonight. Therefore; 1 hesitate to malee nssufTlp'tiO::;1
on behalf of others.
To the best ofmy knowledge, the fonC>Wing issues remaU11:
1. The reconveyance of the canai rights to aU property owners adjaf.ellt tl) the sut:;ect :&Ilia!
These would include non-excl\lsive rights of use fur canal purposea &; riparian tight, wit,
perpetuity, These rights would be transferrable to all successors to the property I be
original quit claim deed W1IS filed in 1952 and con1irmeel to be me & c.olTelt ill 19f9
however we want to be l00-A. sure t1lese rights MIll nevllr .eompromiSllll.
2. Reverend Dingle of3 Virginia. Garden is in posJellsion I,r a quit-daim deed guntinp, him
an easement from US 1 to hi. home and would lik,= to see the a<;(:eus via Vil'gitlia Owes
remain the main access for thE. three homes there. The curb-cut 111111 utreet 11"1'1 been IlSt"j
"Your Hometown Realtors" - Loclited in the Heart or Historic;: !Jown(o'JJ/1 Boynton Beech
532 Ealll: Ocean Av,"ue. Boynton Bea<:h, FL 33<135' B'JI. (5151) 738-e:513. Fa,x: (561) 7:18.7'911 . w,'w-'laltlislll"',lty<:nnl
B7/23/2BB3 17:38
561 738~n1.1
PI~(. f',
tbr tblI purpclIO for a period ofDlOl8 than 30 yem thus 1:I...cliua all impHed eaHlmenL MI
BaaleY stateI that this is DOt a I" eascmeat amd thus is DOt wiIIi1;g to l1eaot\atei on this
point. He has qreed to absorb the cost tbr two separate gatf\t at 1 he, en tr'ancllS to the,
private residences of Bamboo Lane &; VIrginia GIJ.'den respectively [t wiD be 11:lC
responsibility of the homoowDf:rs to hire a contractor aM ovlDee the i....stallatiOl,I. T,18
developer will pay the cootractl)!' for said installation up to an aIDClun t" be fl8Tc; eel upon
by J8llUary IS, 2002.
3. The developer has asreed to place obscure windows on tbe east wall of the c:nd..unitn
tieing I Virginia Garden &; 815 Bamboo Lane. Tlte dell! restrictio~s indlOI'
homeowner's lIS8OCiatlon docwnents win prevent future owners from mplacing !luch
obscure windows with any otIlel' ..through product.
4. The developer has qreed 10 provide at it's expense water service t<llh ~ homes em
Bamboo Lane inclusive bo)l;es being brought to those residen:es.
S. The developer baa agreed to c::.'llate lIII entranu which ill both functolu~ /k. astlllltically
appealing lIS it will serve aa tI1 II gate';qy to Boynton BelICh and O.Jf h'Jines.
6. The residentB would like a Iilmline on COI\8truc:tion. We need to krlO'W ifthll pmject will
be built in its entirety or lIS tbr. units are sold. Thill conc:em 111_ is beirlg ullder
constnJction for atIlnordlnatrJ & unspecified period of time.
There are clearly two schools of~)1t on !be proposed project. Many irericlEnu ftl8l that
llll)1hlo,g would be an improvement O~l:r the previous Chi_ rllstaurant. Other feellbill delmon
collld bave a negatlve Impact on the p[\)perty values in the Ions term and would preflll' t" son Ih"
RIM zoning intact I believe representatives from both sides cfthis issu~ will speak during
public audience this evening.
I know I speak for all the residents wlUln I SlIy we are gratolNJ f(1\' 1tIm add,ll! Illiyer of prcltection
the CRA has given to this project. While we realize your l!~aJ is to develop the city, we
appreciate your concern for our privat,E' property rights. I believe we would Iilllike tll 9l~ II!
improvemenl provided our issues are J'Ilso\ved. Thank you lIgIhl for your C()IIstdemion.
Kristen Cootl
Homeownerr of I Virginia Ganim
Delray Beach, FL 33483
~AH-~~-L~~L ~~ ~.~ PM KRISTEN CONTI 561 742 4281 P 06
.1 ~~i~; ~":~ ~:;f/~ /Kif IA-
__ aver 1IIe caU! Pt~ty IS may be necawy Ibt Owact Ul provld& ~ aad ~
m.;""""......lIIld 11Iplits tv the 0wDtr'J Dock. Nothing CQIIDiDed hereill slIaII be """"''''' tv IIl'Illt 1l:l
the Owner the rigbt 10 I1lpt.:e or recons1t\Icl: the Owner's DocIe or to COIISU\ICt allY new doclcs wilIliD
tile CaW Prop<<ty witllout obIaining the prior writtlln appnw.U at the Developer, In eddition tv
maiIIllIiIlillg its docJc, 1fxl o-er shall be required to rnaillllD1 aDd lriIIl any treo b;alIed wi1bin tII.
QwIIer's IACs which are wIdlg) ftfb:en (15) tllet ofthll c-I P\utAltY 50 tIuJt aU limbs and brIncbeI
ate lit 1_ tweDty-fi"" (25) _ frvm the glOund at all tlmllS and .so that such -- do 1IQ~ gb$crucllbc
view of tho CaaaI.!'roJ:CrtY by allY parties owning;11l or my pordOIl. oflhe !\<ljleor.J. rn the event
0- IIlall 6ll to !lIlIinmiD 1IIe _ in a maw as see fbnl1 above, !bit ~.... lftdIer 1be
DeveloptO ~.Mg WJl have tho rigbt. but IICt the obllplOll" to . ~ lICllOIlIlIld lnCIll'
, such .~ as may be IaII!OIIIIbIy rcquirad to maintain die ""', in which event 0wI1lIf' obaII !'CpII)'
( Developa' lIId'or !he Dewlopet'~ AalriF"'l, lIS oflP'oprUrm, such S\IIM ot IlIOlle)' ceuclIlably
~ by Devo!oper or lIB= Developer's A$SOCIalio.a ill pedonning same wilIlin tin (10) days afta-
writUm DOtk:c from Dnelop<< or Developer. AtIocfatioa.
C. Maintenance of l"..I".ll'raoerrv. n. Davcloper ed/or the o.v.lopet's AAocl.aon may
l""~m my ~e and "'pain to !he Canal Property as 8IId when it d_ 11: _my
frvm time to dale, in its solo and absoluu dlSQl'etlOll, witllOllt tile aced of oblainiDg the approval
of tIIo Owner or lUI)' other lhItd pattlcs. All 001I:I IIl.d lIlIptUM5 illcllmld by the Ocvelopcr IIIldlor
th. Develcper's Aascclatioo in connection the~th shall be divided in lID equitable lJ18DI1el' and
on a pro-!3tl basis ~ all partiCll havillg doob within the Canall'roparty.
D. Contribution bv Owner. The Owner shall share, on. a pro-rata buis, ill. all QOSt:I iacutred
by the Oev$.loper and/or the DevelOJlOl"s Association in pwtorming any maiDtImuce lIIldIor
reptifa to the Canal Property (the "MainlellallCe Costs"). The Owners obliptlon to pay a ptO-
rata sham of the Maintmance Costs shall commence on lbt date on whio;:h this Easement
Agr=neat is recorded in tl1lI Public Records of PlIIm Beach Conaty, Ploricla. The Owner's shate
of mo Maillttlnano;:e CoalS (hereinafter lbo "Own<<s Pro-Ram Share") shall be dctclIl\med by
multiplyiRi lbe lOUt MdnteDance CostS by a ll'actJon, tht RumeraID<' ofwhicl\ is the total sqllate
footage ofmo seawaltlocared within the Owner's Lot anellor the CaIlaI Propcny I<<"~
th=to (mo "Owncr's Seawall"), the denominator ar which is the total square footage of all
seawalls collStl'\lCtled within the Canal Property ortbtland located adjacent thctetc. For example:
Owner's Pro-Rata S~ a Maintc:nancc Costs X Total So. III of Owner's Seawall
Total Sq. Ft. ohl1 dodls within the
Canal ProP<<lY andIortbe land lldJac:entthereto
The Developei' and/or the o.velopcr's Ass<lciatlon shall be permitted to ino~ or d~ the
total square footase of all sawalts within the Canal Property at any time, and in its sule and
absolute diseretlOll, subjed: hawevcr to any applkablc zoning restrlctiODa, and the provisions of
this ParappI1,
E. If tile Owncl' fails to plly the Owner's Pro-Rata Share of the Main_ Costa within
tbiny (30) days aft:!' ~ for payment by Developer or tilt o.velopcts Association,
Developer and/or the Developer's Association shall have all rights and remedies available In law
and equity A II sums du,", if DOt paid within said thiny (30) day pericd, shall bear intorest tiom
the due dale at a rare equal to the highest lawtUl rale. In tho evOllt Dowlopcr anellor the
~oper'$ ~iatioa is required to colleo::t 8I1Y unpaid amolllltS through coll~on llId10r
litip%lon, Devtlopcr or the DlMOloper's Association shall be enlItIed to recover 1Tom the Own<<
its reuonablt "'~')'S fees and expeIl.MS 1be Developer llldIor tII, .DeveIoptr's Assooia1ion
l$baII tlae ri8IK to ~ c Owll.., rlgIlD to lI$Illllt CoDal PlOpcrt)' tot any JlQiDd during
wbiG.b lIlo Owner's Pro-Rata Sbare of lIlIY ~.i__ Costs mlllllil1l1lll1'lid _ cWillquenl
87/23/2883 17:38
561738--' 1
PAlL 8.1
Novembel' 20,2001
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
RE: Dakota Lofts Site Plan
We ~ Boynton Beach residents who live immediately adjacent to the Sun Wall pmperty
The fonowing issues we would like addressed prior to approving th.e rcde\'elopmellt:
I. Agreement for uninterrupted water and sewer servi~.
2. Agreement for exlstblg docks to remain and access to ICW.
3. Fence on property line to remain or privacy wall to be erect,eeI.
4. Southeast building to have decorative elem.ents on east elevation facing ICW.
S. Revise building heigh\: to meet code.
6. Clearly indicate turn around tor tire and elllerge.ocy lit SI.E cOIner.
The fonowing issues affect all our neighbon and need to be addressed;
1, Aarcement tor water service and making Bi'ood Bamboo Lane ,clef
2. The current inclusion IJfthe oanaI. in calculating the n1low.1ble number of units
reduces the green space of the property Please insure that this meets code.
3 Current entry to Bamboo Lane Is dangerous due to imdequtte width. Provic.e
plan for widening and include plan fur unlntmupted pboo.e service since Bell
South switch at Bamboo Lane island will need h be relOClbld.
4. Temporary landscaping and fencing during COIlltl'llction
,. Provide private gates lit Bamboo Lane and Vuginia Glrlkfll'to prevent
inaeased traffic on on'r~1ane private roads.
6. Ouest parking inadequate.
7. Elevations tor Federal Highway West, North and South should be improved.
8. Backup tor garige inadequatlll tor large vebicles.
9. 16' width inadequate fbrtwo-car garage.
10. Decorative light t'llctures to be installed.
11. Contractor to address I :lean-up of nelghboliing pools and deckli.
Should development be approved" we, a:1 residents, w.:tUld li.Ial tho) op pc'rtlmity to re<vUm'
and approve the construction schedule, ie. considerati.':m of site trailer, site ticilitie:!~
dumpsters, working hours, clean-up plan and duration of conslructi<m.
We would appreciate if these issu,:s are addressed prior to the redevelopment approval.
Frederick and Denise Canova
cc: Dakota Lofts
B7I~'3/2BB3 17: 38
PACI: m;
PnmIIred bv 8IIlI Return 10:
Mid1eIJe M. DeRosa. Esq.
One B. BrowDrd Slvd.. Suite 1300
Fl. Lauderdale., Florida JJJOI
lli1S CANAL ACCI;;SS l!A:j(;M!::NT c"EascOlcnt ") i$ rnt1d.: Il1i._.,,, :1111' uf 20112 try
DAkOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON. LtC. a ~1orldalilt1i1ed nability compan)'I"Oov:I""or"). "lIvln!l it.
principal omce at 2%90 N.W CO'1XNlIle Blvd_ Suite :!4S. l~ RlIIo~. rlOt'lda 33431 10
.__._____ ("Owner"). whose adJl1:S5 I,
WHEREAS, Developer Is lIIc fee simpl<1 owner of certain ml plope"" localcd in Palm Ileal:h C:<lu~l)'.
FIllrida. being more pertlCtllatly describ<:d QC\ .Exhlblt "A" aUached hereto and !\1I1dc n part he,.or
Chcreinallor Ihe .Canal Ptopar1y"):
WHEREAS, Owner II Ihc fee simple ownCl' of certain I'CIII prop<,rty located adjaccnllo Ihe Conal P'Oll<oT:)',
beln mem: pertlCtllarly described on Itxfllblt "8" ..u&\:hed hCl'I!lo and made n pall h :":01' (hcroln"ner Ill.
"0_ Lot.);
WHEREAS, Owner h.. requeslcd Ih8t [......loper grant certain C..\lIllt!l1I rlllil!l.lo ')\"Inor lWL'" ~nd IIcru5l;
the Canal Property. for the benofll ofOy,o,1Ct'sl.ol:
WHEREAS, Developer has agtecd 10 V'lntldch allSClmenl ri~, subject to the lern; 1II1ci cond'ili{)ns
contalMCI herein.
NOW. THEll.IWORE, tbrand in considC"llItion ofthe $lUll ofTEN AND 1'10/ 100 lXU.ARS cS I O.OO)llnd
other good and valuable consldo:ra1ion.lh. rec:elptand sufJlcieney of which are hc:rdl:( ecr\nowh~!Wd.
Developer agree u follows:
~itals. The above recitals are ~e and e<lll'Cct and illC'l'>,pomed holl'Cin I,v thi~ rell:rellc,',
2. Canal Euemenl. Subject 10 any c 'press conditions.. IlmltntlOll$ or f'CSl:rYatiC'ns curtained hertin.
Developer helllby grantS unto Owner. for the benenl ofOwnees Lot. a rnmlll!.am!ll:llLIiII.!lLror ingrc,..
egress and aceta o~r and across Iht Canall'ropefly. fi'om the Ownet's LOIIo lhe Int.'acoastal "'''l>:IVlay.
which is located ad~t to and oast onh: CllI1Ill Property. ~l"""r ,,,.allts .tlluil:llllo "feci. insl.!1.I!ul!.
n:pair bllln... llIldIor docks.. which extend inlO canal brooer\\O Il\ elNnen e~llIl!!l&
03, Reslrlcdons. No obstl1lcllOlls. incllidinll b~1 not limited 10 pill gs ,mdJor dock I. w ie eXlend illlo
the Canal Propctty lhm1 tho Nonhcrly an.l SoUlhcrly cxtremitics\lcyoncl &C:~n aM <lI\t-htlf(711! 'J reel.
shall be Olrcctkd or Installed by Owner w"lhln lh. Canal Property,
4. Use ofEuement Rillhbllndemnitlc!!!l!IL.. The _ent rlghl$ plIed herein Hht:1I bo, used by Owner
In such e menner that Is conslslenl with aM will nol ,Interfere wilh Ihe rlllllls orthe Dcvclo::Jer or any lhlrd
party 10 elICl'Ci$e and enjoy ....y nghls 1Ift',ay have II) _the ClII\al Propt.TIy
117/~3/211113 17:38
561 738~- . 1
PACt: tl:
5. All easements granllld herein shall be bindlnll upon the parties. thtir IllSpecthte> heh"$, legill
representatlvllS, successors and 8S$ian' Md shall constitute a coven:mt runnlnll wi1h and binding upon \I",
Canal Property.
6. this Easement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the StEte of Florida.
7 Nothinll contained in this Easem<1nt shall be construed lIS creatlnll any righ~ in the geulll'ld public fir
8' ,;ledicaling fur publk: use any portion 0 f the Canal Property. No easement, elC,:ept wese e:tpl'l:Ssly 'Jet fo' h
herein, shall be implied. by this Easement
rN WITNESS WHEREOF, the 0cMllopt1r has exeeuted this Easeml1lt 00 the dale :!<l.t forth btJlow.
Sl~:ned Qnd _led in the
;~~~i.i~\ lim.lt2Q li~llilr:' ':OHtpilll}
Print Name:
Print Name:
Print Name:
The foregoing in'!rUmen! was 'lcknowledged before me this __ day of "
200_. by . as . of DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTO;':
lLC, a Florida limited liability campall)' on behalf of said company. He/She if personally ),now1to r,!:'
or has produced as ident1ficalion,
(Name of Notary. typed. printed or stamped)
(Title or rank (serial number, if :my)
PrLl WS73711vl
1!l7/n/21!l1!l3 17:38
"'. ~ ...... ....
Oclober 24, 2002
Dw Mr. TrIger,
W. .... wrillllllO )'lllI1II.odbIWlI.<: 101M COII....JlIIIioA)'lllI bed. .., basbaDd [la,1id lilt.....
conc:llIIIl"I oar caMI...... As be ellph.iMd to )'OU, ibis canflflllllllon ofrf8hls _ promised to lIS by
MitdI PIllin A MIck BlI8bY in JlIIIIm)' "f2OO I if"", IgRIlld to support tI1clr petition for a zooina thanw, in
our neighbolbood.
My hllSband A I have been people of 01" word since the comme_ment of the prt)jtCl. Besed on the
JlI'OIll_IMt-~1O us, I spoke l!efonl thedtycammblioo In fiwrofDal.otl Lc,lb,SInc:et!len I
bne m8de at Ieut six phonlo calls to Ml'>:k Begby asking for the censt cucrncnt dIal ....M promiKd. I wu
continually IOld IMt the _lei _ ..orking 011 it. COIIIIdcri<18 they had sent us 1\ prcliminllry draft
whiclt , h.~ all.IChed f'Or your nMew, 11_ difficult to believe it would.~ I' ,"onlhs to get it to IIn.
A BJ'* d.1118S chsngod since J~ of2OO I. Our OlII;ilelllO/llllbollt the pouibility of . buutiful ne...
oommunity IuIs dwhllad and our tnISt I~ Mr Bagby Is gone. WOlllRr.d to a plcel e~hlnlunhy onl;( ifw.
were gI-. S 10.000 to proteCt ounel_ 1lvm"l1lc tumillll wound 01> our privak nllkllUld advmcly
8ffllcllng the quiet III~ of our horne. We lIIO now beina l~ that Is nut hapl'enin; either. w~ do not
want to live a ptcd community but.......! willing 10 c:o.llplomlsc to better our neighb>rhc:od.
As we WIIIIt 10 be tn:c 10 sclllhe propeIty at anydme .... doem fir. it is (mpoltanl ftor'''l(; get this matter
l'ClIOlved for the ... ..spcctI~ Itomebuyet We relpOClfuJly ...-t lhal )'OU provide "'. promiwi dtl_nl
10 1IS000orbef'onl November IS. 2002 f~rcvlcwby Olll'altomc.,. We will have ~ IJICk '.O)'ou witllin 7
daye ofrecelpt. Onoo thfs slIP' ofaooeJ faith is m-. perhaps we C8I\ lnoW! f_ref towll'd 11M: rf,":>lutk",
of the many i_thai remain prior to)'Qlll' community being bllill We loek w",..d l;O working .,ith you
10 0I'lllIte . better neighbodlood for all o.~ncantd.
Krlatm Conti
Owner of I Vqlnia 0Irden
oe: Wilfl'ed Hawkins, ell)' of Boynton ];leach
Ken Kaleel, Esq.
.Your Hometown Realtors" - Loc./lted In the Heart of HIstDric: Down!O~1n J3oynton Beach
!l321!a1t OceIIn Avenue. Boynton Betoc:h, f1..33435. Bus. (561) 738-6613. Faoc (561) 738.nll . www...ltnsh~':;~)'.':nn
07/,3/2003 17:38 5617387'
PAGE: 1:13
--. ... LeIbi
3i6Z1 s.. Pe4enl BIP""'"
BCIJ'al8tl ".at., PL 3:M35
Fu: 561-73Hm
Nvvembcr 26, 2001
Da,e a: KOsten CoIIti
1 VqiDia Gal'IWIl
DeIray Beaoh. PI. 33483
Dear Dave &: KriItin,
It wu a pleuure meeIlns with YIlu Iut week. The IOUuwins poiDU WlIfe <b:usacd
pertaiD/DlJ to your property.
Upon the DIkoa.. Lofts $ppIO\'aI ofils 8itc plIO by the City of Boynton B<lICb, Dakota
LoftI will, lit its expel1IlI, Iple w:
1. Add deoorali~ tatures to tbt side olits buildq.
2, Dakota Lofts will try to set the CCIUIIt)' to a/low it to im~ .nd 11IlldfC1lle tile
ca&IUco isWJd COlIIiD& oato El.1mboo Laue lium Pederal Hi!liJwaY.
3. DlIkota Lofts wiD &iv. you all." _ent to '* tb..a CImli !.Or illSl'fUW"- and
lOr yaur bolt doc:k.
4. Prvvide IDpse and Ear- tOe your fflIridence tbrousb Ddtota Loth aid In eII1Jy oord
will be made ~labIe if a ~1f\ty e.ntI'IIlCe way gne is pm ill lID BmlOOo x.- into
n.kota Lofts.
PlwM sian where lndIeated below repre$~ your 8pt:ltVYa1 so wt \laI1 bve 0111'
..n....ul:I'J Jll1lPlIAl the do\;lnnems.
VtIty TNly YOlllll,
Mltche.ll Pasia
Approved: _.
Date: NO\IlOll\ber _J 2001
uNI Ml4/YJ f/I. ~
e7/~3/2ee3 17:38
5617387"' 1
PAGE: (~
TlHIS AGREEMENT ("Agrcemcnt"), dated this _ day of _____-' 200-, is made joy
arid ~ DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited Ibbility company (hel'einat,:1'
~.1Ied "Denioper"'), whose eddress is ,290 N. W Corporate Blvd., Suite 245,. E:ocr Raton, Florida 334J 1
and David J. Conti and Kristen Conti, whose address is 1 Virginia Gardens, Delta)' Bach, Florick< 33411J-
6~:06, . whose address is 2 Virginia Gardern, De1ray BElICb. Flori, a
33483-6306, and Ronald 1. Dingle and Marguerite L. Dingle, whose addIeu i! 3 Virginia (lardlnl,
D,lray Beacb. Florida 33483-6306 (collllCtlvely the "Ownen").
WHEREAS. Developer is the fee simp ie oWtler of certain real pr<>peliY located ill the CII)' of Hoynt"f!
B<lllCh, COUJIty of Palm Beach, State of Florida, being m()re partiQuiarly described cn ~-;mn!it.:.:.i<.
il~:aehed hereto and mado a part hereof (hereinafter ''the Pro'~"), upon wh~:h l>evel(lper ptl)rlOS'es l:1
ccnstruct multi-family residential townh,rne units (hereinafter called the "Prqjeo:t"')
WHEREAS, Ownen are the fee simple oWtlers of certain rOld property locaIi=d adjacent to the Proplltl"'.
being more partieularly described on IJJaibit "B" attached heTlllo I.nd made s p.3rt hereof(hp.reimlfter the
"Owners' Property") and intend to construct a gate upon Virginia Garden9 to I hlllt ,ccess by the pubHc I {)
1i1<:l Owners' Property.
W~REAS, Developer and Owners delil'll to enter into this Agreement to document certain agr"emet"s
mllde between the parties, as more fully set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual C(lVeIIIIIlts, beneliw lIIId &gI'Il8:11ClI1ts of the parties hel'fl:
IIIId the sum ofTEN DOLLARS ($]0.00) !lid otller wJOd and vf,luabk comidera'icn receive<~ tbe rec~ipt al;!
adeqUlll:)' ofwhich is hereby acknowledgld, me parties do hereby agree and ac:knowlodgo the Mlowng:
\. The above recitals lIl'e true and rl.lmCt and are InCOfiXlrated herein by this ..:ference.
....""'- - ---- -----'--- "----,-...
/' 2. Developer shall deposit into escrow with an attorney, licensed in the State of Florid II md relect".;l \
( by the Owners (the ''Escrow Agent"), thl' amount ofTen Tho1J~d DoIlIU'S end '~oll 00 (lil 0,.000.1)0) (l:~ \
I "Gate Fund"), upon the date in which tho last oHhe foIlowing sball occur: (i) [Ie>/t.loper has coru1tnll::t,,;1 I
lIlId complc:tc:d of all the iuftutn1cture Improvements required to be cc>nstruct~'<i upen tbe Pro?VtY for to ~ I
development of the Project, (which infr!structure improvements shall include, but ~hallllot be limite.d :I
Wlm, sewer, drainage, utility and ro~dway improvementr.); (il) JJevelop'lJ' h'lf received all of th, I
lIe:es5ary approvals for the infrattructll:'O improvements &om the City of Bo)'ntcn Beach (the "City")
llDdlor any other governmental agencies flr entities required It. approve, slloh ir.frlS!:r~ctul't. irn?fOwlTI<:n .,;
IInd (iii) Developer hll5 received a writtr:n II41knowledgment, rmecuted by Esc::o'IV Agent, confinn ng tht
Escrow Agent will act, and will hold tho Gate Fund in escrow, pursuant to lie terTl! of this Agro:emell!. I
I~CfOW Agent shan deposit the aate I'lItId into an intlmlst bearing account. All interest which ~.h" If
HC!mle on the Gate Fund shall be part d the Gate Fund and shall be disbul'le'i in accordance ~rith 1.1 ~ ,
" in!:tructions of the party entitled to recei~ Gate Fund PI1r..I~~~~' her~~__,____"""'/
,I. The Gate Fund shall be used by Ownm solely towurd thfl cost <Jf be cmlstruction of lae ge:'~'
upon Virginia Gardens. Exc:ept 1I5 othel'l11se provided herein, 'millS!. othtrwl.~ aJNI>d upon by De>'llk'PI'r
fll1d Owners In writing, no portion of the Qate Fund shall 00 rel_d by EsCl')w Apn:: dirlllct~' to th!
Owners but shall be released by Escrow Agent to a third vartY contractor 0:' blcilder respons: ble h
('01nstrueting the gate, as part of the C>1:;t of the constructl(lD of such gate. i)w1er5 !hall provide I.,
!l7l~'3i2!l!l3 17: 39
561739?- 1
PAGi: ie
( .
'('7,. eLisb. Realty me
-""---~"--_.....__....._--'----"--^---"--_.....-----.. ."- -~- -^---"--"---^-. -~_ __...__...._.~,_....._-^__.A__^.__^.. ^. .,
November 28,2001
Mltche1l PasIn
Dllkota Lofts
3621 S FedcnII Highway
Buynton Beach, FL 33435
J)c:ar Mr. Pasin,
We are in receipt of you correspoodei,ce found under our door today. As i: stated at tbe
impromptu meeting held Iaat Tuesday, November 20, 200 I, we are more than willing to werk
ll\7ith you toward the completion of your project. If you aBk: anyone in t~ Clt) ofBOYllton, they
will tell you I am one of the strongest proponents of smart growth in our city. By working
to.gether, we can accomplish this goal_
It WlIS my understanding that we WOtlld be receiving a funnal document lrom Il\l attDm~ spellin~
'Jut very clearly what we were getting in C1[change fur our support of the ~)nillg chnng'~ anel th'3
proposed site plan. We were also tol~l we would have the opportunity tel Jil'e$ml: such
dClcumentation to our own attornies for review priOT to signing.
While I recognize that your intent is to sJ10w a meeting of the minds prior to your attcmey
drawing up any furmal docume:m.s. W/l are !lOt comfOrtable with the vague m.t>JTC ofthls1et~
'nlere are still several other issues of'r.oncern that need to be addre!Jsed be/on: you win hav, tt,e
:lUpport you seek.
'nle most important aspect fur my hu!hand & I is our existing dock and 'm,",!' righb. The
dClC\1ment you left fur us says nothing of this being a pem-canent easement that would 'Of>
trllllSfimlble to a new buyer. That bu~dle of rights WIC ofth., WlI.t1lIWll) and tIll>
maintenance of our current dock and 'Nllterfront 1~le llre ml\iClr ,::onccltllS filr wry 1)!,viC)lJ8
raISOns. The solution proposed by l\Jack seemed fair & equitable but I (10 nc)1 see the ilBtllc'
llilguage before me in your letter.
'TI,e second major concern is the incr,,!uc:d traffic on our unpaved road. We l'I'ould res:Uy like to
discuss the idea ofa privacy gate fur Virginia Garden spe,~fica::ly prior tu final approv~l. We lln
1110 concemed about the landscape buffer that will protect our P11vacy upon fnal Q)I1Jpletiun of
'the project. rYe heard the statistics .nd been told this win decrease traffc. Based on fm hand
knowledge. I disagree. Sun Wah only utilized the westernmoS1~ portion uf the parlting iot \vhich
leil over halfoftho eutern sectiOR &\ extra privacy, We recognize the need to com.promise to SE"~
;growth & positive change but want t,:, protect our children & pets from IIn nEiCessU;f ttllffic up &
down a dirt road. We chose Virginia. Garden as our homll becllU.'le oftM lUAA zoniJ~ wrich 1'1
felt would protect us from the loss of'privacy. We have e~oy<<l tho, ur.ique flavor &: qllirIciness
"Your Hometown Rta{tors" - Located in the Heart o(HlsU,nf: llowntoJJI1 Boyn/Dr! Beach
~32 aut Oeeen Avenue' BoyntonoBeech, Fl3:;'4.35' flus. (56]) 738.6613' FlIX: (561) 738-;'911 'W'1tW.sal,l!Ioh...,. ,1ty.(.:....
a7/~3/2aa3 17:36
PAle[ n
Oult' our neighborhood. However; your plans could prove beneficial to thll ~ml if our issues can
be resolved.
We will be more than happy to review anything your attorney wishes to &;lid to us. Please l-ave
him direct it to our mailbox at I VIrginia Garden Ddray Bw:h, FL 3348;:;"(;30,. lfyou would
lik" to discuss anything further with David & myself; plea.~e give us a courtesy call in advance and
we would be happy to set up an appointment Our lives are very fuD and w, like to be preptJ"ed
fur visitors and together for any and all discussions pertairling to our home. You wy roach me al.
the number found at the bottom oftms page or via ceO phone at 662-4012.
Wll thank you for your anticipated cooperation in these matters BIld look fOl"Wfrd to hoorins fron,
YOlJr attorney in the very near future.
Kristen COllti
cc: Quintus Greene
Mike Rumpf
871'23/2883 17: 38
0I1e Ent BrtMtrd BouIMtd, SuIte 1300
P,O. 8oll1~70'(Z1P333ll2-4D7ll)
ForIl.iudenllIIe. Florida 33301
FAX ~-463-2030
PI~!: ~ ,-
December 5, 2001
II ",,,,.1 Addreoe;
.. i1e'<o..ehkla.",m
Kristen Conti
c/o Salefish Realty Inc.
532 E. Ocean Ave.
Boynton Beach, FL 33485
Re: Property located on Federal Highway, to be devel')le,l as II. reeideI\tial
community In:.own as Dakota Lofts (the "Project")
Dear Kristen:
This firm represents Dakota Lofts at Boynton B'3ach, LLC C'Deko';a Lufts'') wlth
reepect to the above Project. As you may know, Daktrta LoftS, liS (Iwner ofthE
above parcel. is scheduled to appear befure the eRA for the City of Boynton
Beach on December II, 2001 fur purposes of obtainir.g approval of its proposed
site plan fur the Project.
It is our understanding that over the past several w~elI:8, 8evl~nl issues Ulld
concerns have been raised by tbe adjacent lot o~'l1e1'f\ ",lith rS\lpe<:t to the
proposed development of'the F~erty
In order to address the issues and concerns, we have been advis\1d. by our clie:nt
that Dakota Lofts is prepared t.o provide several rights and sorviCols which it
owns and hold to adjacent lots owners. As an alternative to E,ntering illtQ
separate agreements with each and every acljaoant lot ovrner, Ilall.ota I..ofl;s
intends to submit the attached letter to the City of Boynton Ilea(:l~ prior to tte
December 11. 2001 meeting. The purpose ofpro\fiding the letter to the City ill to
incorporate the rights and aet"lices which Dakota Lofts is prepared. to pmvide
into the approval of the site pllUl. As a :result, Ilakota Lofts v7iJ be obligs.ted
a7/~3/2aa3 17:38
5617387'" t
PAGE: 13
December 5, 2001
Page 2
"lnder the iinal eite plan approval issued by the City to comply with and provide
Iluch rights and services and the City will have the right to enforce Dakota Left's
failure to provide same.
l?lease review the attached lettal' to the City and contact Mitch,~l1 Paelll al; 561.
1370.9570 with any com:ments or questions you m.ay have.
Very truly yours,
By: Michelle M. DeRosa
1:C: Mitchell Paein
1'TLlI150M08 v2
~.,~~'~qg~ Q~:~~ lObi'~O~~~~
UEN~ 3:
~ft :lMMISSION M.INtr.l'ES -1/15/112
TIiIC ()41\()T4 L()"'
JanU81'Y. 10 2002
Mr. &; Mrs. Conti.:
I Virginia Lane
Dclray 8eaoh, Florida J1483
Deat' Kristen:
Thank YOII for your in~~Y As I promiseU at the CRAmeetluliI twO nights ago we
will begWinllsll themlghbors@tbecanal.tIleeisCmentto use, ~gate 8ndtraveltlill t:\\I!iII.
T wlll also wlD be gMng you a document slatingtll,at \vewill depqsit the ~of$20,oOO wi~
Out iIUorney's fJ.6(%OW,~(luntto:te\l!edby;thl: Qei,gJ'tbots for~ir:Sate$ on BamboO Lane8lld
Virginia Gwen e.fferthe eam.pletiotf of ow uuraalrUct11xe.
This will be subject to. city commission.ers .final aJ?Pl'OVa1 ofDalrota Lofts ami. the cooperation of
all theneigbbol'S .iDVolved. . .
I elncerllly hope that ~u are bea)miug a believer tQat We have done everything lhat 'lYe said we
were goina to do a.nd is mour ~crandbave tl'iedto wOrk arid acco:mnioda.teeverYonc's need
to the ;beat of oUr ability as. Ii. hliInah being.
I look forward to a Snlooth t!:Bllaition d\lring the course of our construc1lon and completlon.
TF.l.561.241.2829 fAX 561.218.9774
, .
l!J71231:!l!Jl!J3 17: 38
561738' ,
1. Canal Easement. DakotR will grant to those owners of~be bts depictee all
Lots I, 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 on the sketch attached hereto as E.xhibit "A" and made B
part hereof (the "Sketch") whiclt currently have doclts construrJted within the {:an.a:
property, easement rights (i) to maintain any existing docks vtidJiJ. the canal
p:roperty cun:ently owned by Dakota, and (ii) for ingress, egrevs a:nd access from t}-"
e:dsting docks over and through the canal property to the Intraoo:,ntal "I'flX:ernay
which is located to the east of and adjacent to the canal property The eMem'mt;
rights granted by Dakota sball :cun with and benefit each lot ii)r which it is grante",
aad shall be transferred to any ~ubsequent owner. or cowners 0:( f,uc.llot a8 par; of
the conveyance of such lot. Tho final easement doeuto.en': shall provide that (::.) ea" ;i;
d'Jck shall be maintained by such owner at its sole COft and exp"nse, and (:ii) the
canal property shall be the maintenance obligation of Dakota, it s 8 ucceBso:r or
IUSigns, andlor any homeowner, association created for purpOSES of adtninistering
tJle Project (hereinafter the "AsHociation"), and that all coats and e:lpen,seE. inc:.u-:re
ill connection therewith shall bE; divided in an eq1utalile mannel' flud OD. a proIata between aU parties having dock rights to US'll th,~ canal property
2 Water and Sewer Service[!.
A. InstAllation of Water Lines. Provided that DakQta can obtair:, th"
necessary approvals and easem1mt rights, Dakot!\ will install'water lines luonJ
Bamboo Lane a8 may be requirod in order fur the CitJ" to provi.d3 :p:>tabJ.e water
sllrvice to Lots 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11. In addition. Dakota will install thl apprcprkte
water main extensions and meters at the location indicated ~. the City for Lo',;s 2,
5,6,9, 10 and 11 and pay any meter hook up fees in conn.action therewith. Dakota
agrees that prior to the time that the above lots h.ave been providl~li with t.he
altstnative water service to be provided above, it will not take eo:r action "I'"hich
would cause the lot ownerS to kse the ability to cibtllin water frc>JJl the wel:lsloca1;e .
o:a the Property, which wells aN the lot owners CI.ll't'ent source cfwater
B. Sewer .service fur J.~. Provided that Dakota Cf.n obtain tho
necessary approvals. Dakota will grant to Lot 4 tae right to tio in1i;(1 the sewer
llllrvice facilities to be located upon the Property and ,vill pay illY costs re19.tec. to
8. Access Easement. Dakota will grant to the owners of the lot.'! depictlld as Lo!;"
1,2,3 on the Sketch, ingress, ef;ress and access rights OVE-OX ce]1;:ti:a roadwllYs lOCllt;:d
"lliitliin the Property from time t" time for purpos,!!S of obtRining ingress, elireSIJ l!:llll
access from. and to Bamboo Lan!! and Virginia GlIrdens. In addi.tion, Dakota ,1'iJ1
provide adequate access to the owners of Lots 1, 2, and 81;hrough eny glltel! wuchi.t
Dlay install within the Property which limit or re:!trict the abcvl! lx.entione:d aecas!;
87/23/2883 17:38
561738" 1
PAGf: Jf:
4. Decorative Liiht Fixture[cj. Dakota will install decorative light fu:tu:res witbi .'}
.the Property in accordance with the final site p18.n approved by thE' Ci~'
O. TeR;ltllll'.BrV FeD,,;nlf. Dakota will install any temporary fenoos which may b{
tE!Quired by the appropriate governmental codes to be installed d.\uing constn\ctio;
of the Project.
,Please feel free to contact me W" any questions a.ndfor COtOmeJlts you ID!!.y hav.,
regarding this matter.
V sry truly yours,
By: Michelle M. DeRosa
'0(:: Mitchell Paein
'F'J'Lll11.'l88380 vB
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. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
March 12,2003
Mr. Dror Trigger
3010 South Federal Highway
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Dakota Lofts
MSPM 02-006
Condition #46 - Re-review of floor plans and elevations
3010 South Federal Highway
Dear Mr. Trigger:
Enclosed is a copy of the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for site plan
approval granted on January 21, 2003, by the City Commission for major site plan
modification to elevations and floor plans of nineteen (19) townhouse units in a Planned
Unit Development (PUD). The approved site plan (including elevations and floor plans)
is valid for one year from the original date of final approval (January 21, 2003). The
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approved the revised elevations and floor
plans on March 11, 2003 The CRA determined that the proposed plans comply with
Condition of Approval No. 46, which stated:
"Final fa9ade changes pursuant to the above condition shall return to the Board to
confirm compliance prior to pulling a building permit"
Please recall that this approval is conditioned upon r ucing the proposed building
colors, namely the #841 Nuevo Terra and #GH77 Capri, two (2) color shades.
In order to maintain vested status, a building permit ust be secured or an extension
granted within one year of final site plan approva1. To. ontinue this project through the
development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to
incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. The full rectified site plan set is to
be submitted as part of your permit plan package to the Building Division. The person
managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional docwnents
and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with
your permit package.
The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building
permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable
development order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce
unnecessary delays in permit issuance. Feel free to contact any TRC member for
additional clarification of comments(s).
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Phone: 1561l742.1\?M . wwwr.i hn\Jl'1tnn..ho_h II...
Page 2
March 12,2003
Imvortant: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and
above those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before
submitting a permit package to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan
must be evaluated by our staff and processed accordingly
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this
office at (561) 742-6260.
Michael W Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
Cc: Karen Main, Technical Review Analyst
Don Johnson, Building Department
Jose Alfaro, Occupational License
S:\Plannina:\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\MSPM 02-OO6\Approval Letter.doc
Planning and Zoning Division
PZ 02.249
TO: H. Press Tompkins ~,\
FROM Lusia Galav, AICP $
Principal Planner '
DATE. November 4, 200~
RE: Dakota Lofts
Please be advised that site plan approval for the above referenced project will expire on January 15.
The City Commission granted site plan approval on January 15, 2002. To date, no building permit has
been issued for this project. A building permit must be secured within one year of site plan approval in
order to maintain the vested status.
The Land Development Regulations Chapter 4, Section 5, provides for a one-year extension for site
plan approval if the application is submitted before the expiration date. Please call the Planning and
Zoning Division at (561) 742-6260 for more information regarding the site plan time extension
___0_- ___._ ._____.___._.__~_
. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
January 23, 2002
Mr H. P Tompkins
2295 Corporate Drive #240
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Dakota Lofts
NWSP 01-010
3010 South Federal Highway
Dear Mr. Tompkins:
Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for site plan approval granted
on January 15,2002, by the City Commission.
To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your
approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable, with particular attention
to the conditions added by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board. The full rectified site
plan set is to be submitted. as part of your permit plan package to the Building Division. The
person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents
and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your
permit package.
The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit
process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable development
order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit
issuance. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments(s).
Imoortant: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and above those
required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package
to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and
processed accordingly.
Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at
(561) 742-6260
Michael W Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
S:IPlann;ngISHAREDIWPIPROJECTSIDAKOTA LOFTSISHe plan approval letter after CC.doc
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 3342!Hl310
Phone: (561) 742-6260 .
PROJECT NAME: Dakota Lofts
APPLICANT'S AGENT H.P Tomkins Jr., agent for Dakota Lofts at Boynton Beach. LLC.
APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 2295 Corporate Boulevard #245, Boca Raton, FL 33431
TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT New site plan approval for 19 townhouse units in a Planned Unit
Development (PUD). r ill
iO' ~DW~OO
LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3010 South Federal Highway ~
X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the C,:Horida
appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the
findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows:
THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of I?oynton
Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the
relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative
staff and the public finds as follows:
1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations.
2. The Applicant
established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested.
3. The conditions for development requested,by the Applicant. administrative staff, or
suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set
forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included"
4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby
X GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof.
5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk.
All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms
and conditions of this order \\\\\111111111//1
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Conditions of Aporoval- Revised 01-03-02
Project name: Dakota Lofts
File number: NWSP 01-010
Reference: 2"d review revised plans identified as New Site Plan. File # NWSP 01-010 with a December 6, 2001
Planning & Zoning date stamp marking.
Comments: None X
I Fire flow calculations wi\1 be required demonstrating the City Code X
requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art. N, Sec. 16, or the
requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (see
CODE Sec. 26-16(a)).
2. The existing well, as shown on Parcel 2 of the survey prepared by 0 'Brian, X
Suiter & O'Brian, Inc. dated July 17, 2001, is considered a community well.
It currently serves the dwellings at 2 Virginia Gardens Drive and 821 Bamboo
Lane. It will be a requirement of the applicant to either I) connect this
residential dwelling to city water that is available to it, or if that resident
owner elects to forgo city water, 2) install a new well to serve the residential
3. The fire engine turn around area at the southeast comer ofthe subject X
properly shall have a minimum centerline radius of 50 feet.
Comments: None X
4 Permits must be obtained for work within the public right-of-way (LDR,
Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7). X
5. Show all existing utilities on Site Characteristics Map (Survey) and Site X
Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, Section A.3).
Conditions of Approval
6. Show flow data graphically (flow arrows). Provide details for exfiltration X
trenches, catch basins. and manholes. Indicate, by note, that storm water will
be contained on site (LDR, Chaoter 23, Article ILF ).
7 Provide data of underground soil conditions (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, X
Section 9). Proposed site is in close proximity to the Intracoastal Waterway
and muck excavation is more likely to be encountered. (LDR, Chapter 6,
Article IV, Section 91.
8. Add a note to the landscape plan that within the sight triangles there shall be X
unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5 inches and 6 (six) inches
above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). Show sight
triangles graphically on the site plan and landscaping plan. Reference FDOT
Standard Index 546 for the sight triangles along all collector and arterial
9 Provide an irrigation plan in conformance with the LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article X
II, Section 5.
10. Provide signing and striping plans in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, X
Article II, Section 17 and Chapter 23, Article II, Section B, which identifies
all necessary traffic control devices such as stop bars, stop signs, double
yellow lane separators striping, directional arrows and "Do Not Enter"
signage, etc. Also see City Standard Drawings B-9800 I and B-900 \3 for
strioing details.
11. Provide detail for dumpster enclosure area (LDR Chapter 7.5, Article II, X
Section 5.J., Chapter 9, Section IO.C.3, and City Of Boynton Beach Standard
12. Provide a typical section for parking lot pavement conforming to LDR, X
Chapter 23, Article 11.0.
\3. If the houses are fee simple, then a plat shall be submitted along with X
construction drawings.
14. The road on the south side of the property (Bamboo Lane) is deficient with
respect to right-of-way width and pavement width. Bamboo Lane will be X
required to be widened to 22 feet, to the entrance to the development, to meet
minimum street pavement widths (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.c).
Because Virginia Garden Drive has been determined to be a private drive it
will be exempted from any upgrades to the roadway However a turn-around
area shall be provided pursuant to Chapter 6, Article IV, Section IO.D).
Streets shall be designed in accordance with all applicable sections of the
Code and LDR.
15. Provide details for water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer improvements. X
Provide detail(s) for the water line crossing with sanitary and storm sewer.
16. From the FIRM map, identifY in the site data the title of the flood zone that X
the building is located within. Where applicable, specifY the base flood
elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans.
17 IdentifY the floor elevation that the design professional has established for the X
building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the drawings
titled site plan, floor plan and paving! drainage (civil plans).
18. At time of permit review, provide a completed and executed City unity of title X
form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combined as one lot.
A copy of the recorded deed with legal descriptions of each property that is
being unified is required to be submitted to process the form. The property
owner that is identified on each deed shall match.
19 At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X
orooosed construction.
20. At time of permit review, submit a copy of the recorded resolution that X
verifies the abandonment of the all"" ri"ht-of-wav or easement.
21. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates X
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required for the recreational
amenities that are provided for the project and other common area elements
located at the site. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of
travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement markings
that are required to be installed along the path. The location of the accessible
path shall not compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located
behind parked vehicles. IdentifY on the plan the width of the accessible route.
(Note: The minimum width required by the code is forty-four (44) inches).
Add text that would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route
and the route is designed in compliance with regulations specified in the
Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at
time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on
the plans that will verifY that the accessible route is in compliance with the
regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be limited to,
providinlZ finish !!fade elevations alonlZ the oath of travel.
22. At time of permit review, submit for review an addressing plan for the X
23 List on the site plan the site elements for which recreation credit will be X
24 As a condition of issuance of a land development order for residential X
Conditions of Approval
planned unit developments, the developer shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu
thereof, or both, at the option of the city, for park or recreational purposes and
according to the standards and formula in Chapter I, Article V in the Land
Development Code. The total recreation dedication requirement will be
calculated as follows:
19 d.u. x .015 acres = .285acres
y, credit may be given against the requirement of land dedication or payment
of fees. Y, private recreation credit will be calculated as follows:
.285 acres /2 = 1425 acres
The Developer may want to consider dedication of the land, or a
combination of dedication and fee.
25. [fthe property is not required to be platted, the recreation dedication fee will X
be due orior to the buildinlZ oermit beinlZ issued.
26. Provide to the Parks Division at the close of the construction contract as-built X
plans showing locations of irrigation lines in the rilZhts-of-wav and medians.
27 In order to earn Y, recreation credit, the developer needs to provide a X
minimum of 5 of the local park basic requirements listed below, or a
combination of such, and other recreational improvements that will meet
recreation park needs of future residents of the area:
Children's Play Apparatus Area
Landscape Park-Like & Quiet Areas
Family Picnic Areas
Game Court Areas
Turf Playfield
Swimming Pool & Lawn Areas
Recreation Center Building
28. In thc opinion of the Parks Department staff, the recreation elements shown X
on the plans do not meet the needs of the future residents. At a mutually
convenient time, the Parks Department staff will be happy to meet with the
developer to discuss available options to meet the intent of the recreation
dedication requirements for the proiect.
Comments: None X
29 The subject property must be platted prior to the issuance of any building X
30. The ground level HV AC units shall be screened with landscaping. X
31 On the site plan, show the location of all outdoor freestanding lighting poles. X
Provide a typical drawing that includes the height and color / material of all
proposed freestandinll outdoor lillhtinll poles.
32. Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the Community X
Redevelopment Allencv meetinll.
33. The floor plan (sheets A-I, A-2, B-1, and B-2) must include the scale of the X
34. Condition #3 shall be revised to require that a 40-foot wide (min.) emergency X
access way be provided at southeast comer of project and kept clear of tree
trunks and shrubs, and stabilized.
35. The east facades of the "A-2" units shall be designed to prevent visibility X
from units (second and third stories only) onto adjacent single family
properties to east.
36. Project shall include decorative lighting fixtures not to spi1llight onto X
adiacent single family properties.
37 Enhance landscaping along Federal Highway particularly at north and south X
comers of project.
38. Provide aesthetic gate or barrier at emergency access point at southeast comer X
of project to prevent non-emergency use of opening.
39 Provide enhanced project entrance, in part, to include landscaping, signage X
and possibly a fountain.
Comments: LA..... A
40. To be determined.
Planning and Zoning Division
. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Ucenses . Community Redevelopment
December 5,2001
Mr. H. P Tompkins, Jr
HPT Consultants, Inc.
2295 Corporate Boulevard, N.W
Executive Court One-Suite 240
Boca Raton, FL 33431
RE. Dakota Lofts
Dear Mr Tompkins:
Pursuant to our meeting on Friday, November 30, 2001, you were to provide additional
information to the Planning & Zoning Division by Monday, December 3, 2001 in order to meet
the deadline for the December 11, 2001 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting.
The additional information included revised elevations, site plans, and a survey (including
Bamboo Lane). Also, there still remain unresolved issues which are to be resolved prior to
reconsideration by the CRA, and verified by formal agreements with adjacent property owners.
As a result, staffwill recommend that the CRA further table the review until the January 8, 2002
CRA meeting. If your project is reviewed by the CRA on January 8th, this item would be
considered by the City Commission on January 15, 2002.
Should you have any questions, please contact Eric Lee Johnson at (561) 742-6260 for
rescheduling of this item.
Yours truly,
Michael W Rwnpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd,. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Phone (561) 742-6260 . Fax (561) 742-6259 .
. _ .-:r3?- 04-6 T"1De.e. of
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DEC-05-2001 17:45
Law Olliees
One ElSIBrowarO BoulevaIO. Suile 1300
PO. Bo, 14070 (ZIP 3330Z.4070)
Fori LauOertllle. Florida 33301
FAX 9540463.2030
P 02
New YOlk
san Frandsco
_~M. o.c.
December 5, 2001
IntE!rnet Address:
December 5, 2001
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33436
Attention. Eric Johnson, Planner
Re. Parcel of land located on Federal Highway in Section 4, Township 46 South
Range 43 East, Palm Beach County (the "Property") to be developed as a
residential community known as Dakota Lofts (the "Project")
Dear Mr Johnson.
This firm represents Dakota Lofts at Boynton Beach, LLC C'DakotaU) with respect
to the above Project. As you may be aware, Dakota, as owner of the above Property,
is scheduled to appear before the C. R. A. on December 11, 2001 for purposes of
obtaining approval of its proposed site plan for the Project and moving forward to
City commission meeting.
We have been advised by OUI client that it has been working with the adjacent land
Owners to address the issues and Concerns raised with respect to its proposed
development of the Property and that it is prepared to provide various rights and
services to each owner Further, we have been advised by Dakota that, pursuant to
the City granting approval of the proposed site plan, Dakota is willing to provide
the followmg:
. 6 2001
" ,
DEe-0S-2001 18:10
" "'?
DEC-05-2001 17:4&
P 03
1. Canal Easement. Dakota will grant to those owners of the lots depicted as
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a
part hereof (the "Sketch") which currently have docks constructed within the canal
propel!ty, easement rights (i) to maintain any existing docks within the canal
property currently owned by Dakota, and (ii) for ingress, egress and access from the
existing docks over and through the canal property to the Intracoastal waterway,
which is located to the east of and adjacent to the canal pl'Opel.ty The easement
rights granted by Dakota shall run with and benefit each lot for which it is granted,
and shall be transferred to any subsequent owner or owners of such lot as part of
the conveyance of such lot. The final easement document shall provide that (i) each
dock shall be maintained by such owner at its sole cost and expense, and (ii) the
canal property shall be the maintenance obligation of Dakota, its successor or
assigns, and/or any homeowners association created for purposes of administering
the Project (hereinafter the "Association"), and that all costs and expenses incurred
in connection therewith shall be divided in an equitable manner and on a prorata
basis between all parties having dock rights to use the canal property
2. Water and Sewer Services.
A. Installation of Water Lines. Provided that Dakota can obtain the
necessary approvals and easement rights, Dakota will install water lines along
Bamboo Lane as may be required in order for the City to provide potable water
service to Lots 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, Dakota will install the appropnate
water main extensions and meters at the location indicated by the City for Lots 2,
5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 and pay any meter hook up fees in connection therewith. Dakota
agrees that prior to the time that the above lots have been provided with the
alternative water service to be provided above, it will not take any action which
would cause the lot owners to lose the ability to obtain water from the wells located
on the Property, which wells are the lot owners current source of water
B. Sewer Service for Lot 4. Provided that Dakota can obtain the
necessary approvals, Dakota will grant to Lot 4 the right to tie into the sewer
service facilities to be located upon the Property and will pay any costs related to
3. Access Easement. Dakota will grant to the owners of the lots depicted as Lots
1. 2, 3 on the Sketch, ingress, egress and access rights over certain roadways located
within the Property from time to time for purposes of obtaining ingress, egress and
access from and to Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens. In addition, Dakota will
provide adequate access to the owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 through any gates which lt
may install within the Property which limit or restrict the above mentioned access
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DEC-05-2001 18 10
DEC-05-2001 17:46
P 04
4. Decorative Lig-ht Fixtures. Dakota will install decorative light fixtures within
the Property in accordance with the final site plan approved by the City
5. Temporarv Fencin2". Dakota will install any temporary fences which may be
required by the appropriate governmental codes to be installed during construction
ofthe Project.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or comments you may have
regarding this matter
Very truly yours,
'1K-U..lLU.~ J"v~/J
By' Michelle M. DeRosa
cc; Mitchell Pasin
'! '
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DEe" 6 2001 l~
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DEC-05-2001 18:10
P 04
'.....n.......... <;;;.,... ............. I....
561 742 4281
Saletish Realty Inc.
532 East Ocean Ave
Boynton Beach FL 33435
561-738-6613 Office
561-738-7911 Fax
To: ~rIIl>>
Fax#: 'JI/J- ~ 1.01'1
I~I ~ [; 1lf:l~~/~
tli i JAN 4 2002 !y
t~:1 ~:..t:11nJ;t. ~!2'J,.#' j!:~
~ fhMl rJm.t.J~. tLl.vJn t1/DI, l'Krl-ll."iyIf 44 .ftL:JJ, mty,,. ...,....
.LIlt. 111/1 4f( :jO"J It'IlJl1d, J 3:(J)f.4t 'tIJpA/t rl.J()lN' QP1"1lI~
/J/4,k, Ottli.
561 742 4281
JAN-04-2002 02:57 PM KRISTEN CONTI
110~~ ~..._.~il1i' [E ~
DEPARTflW ~ u__ ---
-~-_. ...
tHIS AOREEMENT (the "AlI_ent"), dated this _ day of .200-, is made by
and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC. a Florida limited liability company (hminafter
oallod "Oeveloper"). who.. address is 2290 N.W Corporate Blvd~ Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431
and Oavid J. Conti and Kristen Conti (hereinafter called ''Owner''), whose address is 1 Virginia Garden.
Dell'llY Betll:h. Florida 33483.630S.
WHEREAS. Developer is the fee simple: owner of cenain real property located in the City of Boynton
Beach (the .City"), County of Palm Beach, Stale of Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit
~ attached heteto and made a part hereof(hereinaft:er "the Property");
WHEREAS. Developer proposes to constrnct multi-family residential townhome units upon a portion of
the Property (hereinafter called the "Project") in accordance with the proposed site plan which is attacbed
hereto as "Exhibit B" and made a part hereof, as same may be amended or revised from time to time by
the Developet' in its sole and absolute discretion (hereinafter the "Site Plan");
WHEREAS. Owner is the fee simple owner of cmaln real property located adjacent to the Property.
being more particularly described on Exhibit "e" anached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the
"Owner's Lot"):
WHEREAS, Developer and Owner desire to enter into this Agreement to document cerraln agreements
made between the parties. as more fully set lorth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenanl$, benefits and agreements of the parties
hereto and the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($ I 0,(10) and other good. and valuable consideration received, the
receipt and adequacy of which Is hereby acknowledged, the parties do herehy ag1'ee and acknowledge the
Recitals: The above recitals ate true and COlTCCt and are incorporated herein by this reference.
2. Easement A~eement. Attached hereto as Exhibit "0" and made a part hereof is an Easement
Agreement (hereinafter the HEasement !\greement~), which set. forth and provides the Owner with
certain easement eights over portion. of the Property The parties agree that upon the Developer's receipt
of all the City and other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Propel't)', the
Developer and Owner shall execute an original of the attached Easement Agreement. Developer shall
record the original ex.ecuted Easement Agreement after all of the site development work and construction
throughout the Project has been completed by Developer and are available for use <as evidenced by
Developer obtelnlng the final sign-off. and approvals of the applicable governmental authorities), or
prior ihereto, at the sole 0 lion of the
3. Owner's A,~ment to Coooerate. As consideration for the Developer entering into this
Agreernent and entering into the Easement Agreement, the Owner agrees to fully cooperate with
Developer in order to ensure that the Property obtains the City and/or other governmental approvals
necessary for the development of the Project.
4. Ocveloocr's Rillht to Create Lel!al Descriotions. The parties acknowledge and agree that the
exact legal description of the Vehicular Access Easement Area (as mote fully described in the Easement
JAN-04-2002 02:58 PM KRrSTEN CONTI
561 742 4281
AgRle:meot). has not been dctennined, but shall be reuonably determined by Developer at a later date.
Upon Devolope:r's detennination of the: e:w:t lell&l dc.criptlon of tho forogoing, Developer shan be
automatiQally permitted, upon providing the Ownor copies theroof, to attach the lepl description of the
Vehicular Access Easement Area to the Easement Agreement as Exhibit ''C'' thereto, without any further
action, consent or approval tequlred by the Owner.
S Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement (the "Effective Date") shall be the date on
which the last of thc parties hereto executes this Agreement, The parties agree that this Instrument shall
not be recorded In the Puhlic Recnrd~.
6, TenninationlAm~entIModiflcation. This Agreement (lIDd all exhibits attached hereto
including but not limited to the Easement Agreement) shall be deemed automatically tenninated and of no
force or effect in the event (i) the Project is not approved by the City or any other governmental bodIes
having jurisdiction, in accordance with the Site Plan; (ii) Developer. in its sole discretion, elects not to
proceed with the development of the Project; or (iii) the OWner takes any actions (or fails to act as
required herein), In a manner which Is inconsistent with Its obligations set fortllln Paragraph 3 hereof.
except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be amended, modifled
or terminated, in whole or In part, at any time by a written instrUment, executed and acknowledged by the
Developer and the Owner, or their successors or wigns.
7. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be constrUed and enforoed in accordance with the laws of
the State of Florida, County of Palm Beach and. unless otherwise terminated as provided hereill, shall be
binding upon the heirs. successors and assigns of the parties hereto, it being the intent hereof'that the
rights and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow the ownership of each PlU1Y's
respective property.
8. Litiaatioll. If any party institutes any legal action or proceeding for breach of the provisions of
this Agreement or the enforcement of any right or obligation herein contained, the unsuccessful party in
such action or proceeding shall roimburse the successful party immediately upon demand for all
reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred In connection therewith, including, but not limited to,
roasonable attorneys' fees and expen~es.
9. ~. In the event of a breach by any party hereto of any obligations hereunder. the other
parties hereto shall be entitled to obtain an injunction or to seek any other remedy available to them under
law or inequities. The parties hereto acknowledge the potential Inadequaey of legal remedies and the
irreparable harm which could be caused by any such breach and in connection therewith agree to the
remedy of injunction provided herein.
to. Exhibits. Any exhibits attached to this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto that
contain sketche~ or depiction~ of lols(s). common properties, lakes, roadways, improvements, or any other
items shown on the cxhibits, if any (the "Sketched Item(s)), shall not be binding as to the existence, size,
dimen~ions, locations or identification of any other aspect of Sketched lrem(s) and shall only be for
inronnational, reference, conceptual and general ~chematic purposes only, The Site Plan attached hereto
is a proposed and preliminary site plan of the Project and may be subject to change from time to time at
the Developer's sole and ab90lute discretion.
, I Authority. Owner represents and wamnts that it has full right and authority to execute and
deliver this Agreement and that It is the sole owner In fee simple of the Owner's Lot.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Owner have each eXel:uted this Agreement on the date
set forth below,
JAN-04-2002 02:59 PM KRISTEN CONTI
561 742 4281
.'1.......1.1 -a"
__ hv.uuf ~"'-ID:
HcMUt w. "'-Doqtl.lIll.
0lIl 8.1rowInI Blwl., SaI&e 1300
Ft.laIderdaIe. PbicIa 33301
r."'~ AGItl:i:MENT
mIS BASEMENT AGlU!EMI!NT (1118 "It -~") is .. lblI ~ rL
. :tOO_by IIId Nh_ DAKOTA LOrn AT BOYNTON, t.LC, . ,Iarida 1iIIIIliDcl Uabillly
ClllIIpu)' {"DaYeIoperj, baYing fa ~ ot'Ilcc . 2290 N.W. c~ aMI... Sui. 2-45, Boca RaIoll,
Florida 3~31 ucI DaY14 J. Conti sad KristI!II Cotttl, ("0wIlilr''), whose acIlINM is 1 VqbDa G~
Delray BaIcll. Florida 33-4f.1..Q05.
W'HERIlAS, Dl::vtIoper Is 1IIc ft:c Ample QWDet of cetl8in real prCIptIt} 10CIIId In Palm Belch County,
Florid8, beiDa - plIIticuJady described 011 Exhibit "A" lA~bed IMnto IlIId mid. a PI" heNclf
(benlJnaftar 1bt "Propeny");
WHEREAS. 0wnIlI' Is the_ .. OWlIet of ccrtaiD leal property 1ocalIlcIlldjllll&llt lD 1hD P'OPCl1Y. beiDg
~ jlllJ1il;uIarly da:M:riblld on 1r.Thlhlt "8" IIllICbed hereto and made a part "-o( (haainaiar ~ "Owner'.
WFlEREAS. Owner baa Mqllllled dlat DcvelopC!l' 8"W cetU _t riglus to Ownm', tbrllle beufitot
OWIItr's Lot, as more fully set tbrth hcrc:In;
WHEREAS. Oeve1oper has qMCI to gram such ~ rights, !l1Jbject 11) !be lllrIllS IIId ceadltlaas
NOW, TIIE.R.EFORE, ll.T lIIId ill toII$idcnttion ofthc mutllel ~ benc:fits and ~ of tho pII'ties
lhcM10 and the sum oftEN ANtI NO/lOO DOLLARS (SI0.00) and oIhIr FocI and valuahle coMi4e.Miod,
m. =olpt aDd Sllftlciellcy of whlch anl hClnlby aoknowlcdJCd, U'tC JJmtilll do hereby ..... as tbIlows:
I. Ralifals. The <<Jove ~ _1nIe and cott8Ct lIIld iDeo.. poIl1W hcnllft by thls ,eta-..
........n......-r "'........""" ....""".~:;o r,", .....~.L:=OIt:.N t...UNIJ.
'561 742 4281
2. '''pM"- ~ IHId .._oil --..t SlIIIIect 10 my ClIq1I8 IlllIIdIIIollI, IiDIitIIIant or
....1IlaaI1llIIIIlned .... DMIopIr baby pIIIlI WIlD Owner. lilt die bInIftt tJI awan Lor, .
J*P'IUIl no---llltlve iqlwI. ..... aid ... _1111" ,. ovtr Gld .-Ibt I'OI4wayIllllIWIrIlCled or to
be ~ 011 thlIr pottiaa 01 PI" 1~'rty men pIIiiGuIIrIy clnlri I ~ 011 'blllhlt "C" ~ henIo lIIld
lIWIe a pitt bINof (lbe "Vllhil:ullr ~ 11- ..- A1M!). fbr yooh;"dIr lido, ~ wIIh !hi r1&ht lD
_ ... VeblCOI~ AllllISS E__ Ana fbr ad8q1J8ID Gld UlIObsaucII::d veIIiouJ.r ~ .. III _ hlIl
Vqiaia an- (sUcl. fOIdway belli, \OllDoIi wilIIlallbt bmaadBry old. Propmy), IlIId AoMhnn
t... (Aid roIlhway beiDa 10-' ..... to dlelOl\lhldy bow1dIry ot'dIe P1opsty). 'I'he IIlCllIt ...,.
.. shall be fbr msr-. .... and __ purpoea, fbrtltt \lit_ beaIII old Jll-* IIId fiI&uN_
ofan or any portioII ofOwnec's LoI, _ sIIaI1l1Ot IDcJudll the ri&bt III pat ~ III)' pclIdon atdle V~
Acczss Euement Ana or aoy Other pordoD 0(. P'l.v~.
A.. i,ipat III reIocale. Devdoper sbaII bave the lIDilalcr:ll :!ght, but not the gbliptlcln, . any
time, in hs 1I01e diIcRlion IIIId It i1I aoIe COlt and lIXpcllI$O, III reJocatt die Vehicular A_ EaIMlllllllt
Area providal th8i sudl relocad1xl of the Veblcular ACCCII Euemcnt AmI dcles not permancntly
iJdemlpl ()( probibit ""';...,. __ by !he Owalll'to and ltom tile o--s Lot.
B. Access tIItmmh r....... 1JI the event Developer inllllds III COIISIIuCl eulry pial III any
enmmce to lbe Propa'lY wbIc:h would l'llIlI'ict... Owacr's ability to obIIiD iDpII, ogress or ICCaI 10
the Qwnets Lor, as .. fbrIh IIbove, DewIapcr sbaD provldo Owner with my 4I9PI0llI-1llllry cards
or l:Odtf wbIc:h may be requirad for Owner 10 olMain __ througb. sw:b pleI prior to Dewlop er'a
compl4lllon olthe iDsIaIIatlcm or_. O\Irnets.. orlhe VahlcuJao Aa:ess I!uemettt ANUa4any
pteS which may be couSll'UCW upan tbc: Pt"jlefty shall be subject lD IlllY ruIM IIId "W.otl"llll
p'OIIll11galied by the c-lopIlI' or tile DeveIopa'. Auoclllion (as ~ definc:d) froI\I time to
tilM relating to llIIlIa.
3. c;:.....l 11......_ Developer is !be OWllCl' at duu: caWll propeny described OIl El:llibir I'D" and
maa. a part hereof' (the "Canal r.,)~"), upoa wblch Is eollSl1'\lCt8d a canal. Subjact to any ....
conditions, Ilmitllloas or _alloal; con1liaecl baelD. Dewlopar hereby srants unto Owner, fer the beneflt
of Q-MWt's Lot, pctpetual DOft.exclusive 1III.IIltlIt rip l1X (I) OOIIS\l'\I<<, iMtaII and malnlain a dock (lbt
"OwuIr's Dock") wi1tJin the c-Il\~ lIIIId (ii) for &eee1lS avt;c aad III:fOIIS the c-J Propc.'l)', fioat...
Own"s Ooclk 10 tilt mlrllCOllsllll Vl/1IUJrVm'f, which Is loeatm adjac:cnt to and east of the Canal Property.
A.. Develmm'. AllIII'OVaI of Ownlor's Dock. Prior to commeacing the conS1nlCCiaP or
ill5taJlatiOll of a dook, or an)' 1aOV1ICions to a dock wbich cun'llllly or may IlXlst wllllln the CaIIaJ
Property from time to lime, Owner shall subn\it all plans and sptICUlcaliODS tbr the ptOpClStd
docJc, or renovations (the "Cock Pll!ISj to ~Iol*' for Developer's prior writtea approval of
llaIIIe, such approval not to be ulII'eISOlIlbly withheld. TIle Owner's O~ slWl be QOIlstructed
and maintained In accordance with the Dock P_ and aU !aWll, codes, onli~ IlDcl
regulations of governmClltal emid". bavinS jurllldlCltilln over 11m Canal t'ropcny.
Notwithstanding the fbrqoiDg, no docIcs or other relall:d ImprovetllealS sbaII be c:~,
eredlld or placed by Owner willlin the Canall'Klpvtty. nor sha1I the Canal Property be used by the
OwnOl' In illIWlIlOl', whidl would I'lI5lrict or limil the ability of oIbcr tbltd ~lllI baYing riglQ lD USO
the Caoall\.:lpw'l1 to Mvigate bclIII md llIher vaseIs withhl the Canal Ptvpeity. ne,,~1
approJVaI ottbe Dock PlAns shall DOt be cMmecl to be ~ withheld if such !:loc1: PIaas U8
daemed by die Deve10per to ""Puvel)' IIfllNc the right ...<1 &bilily of any tIliJd plrliDB 10 UlIe the
CalIaI P\"I'""~l.
B. MAinIlmanat ofDook. the OwlIer's Dock shall be on.f....!POld al all times by 0-. at 115
solo <lost md DxJ*l". 1ft a Mat Md silbdY CClDditiOllIlld in !lOad working order. 'I'M ri&hIs gr&IIlllcl
to Owllet IIIIdar Ibis l"ua;rapb 3 .... for purposes at pamittb!S the exis~ at lbc Ownet's l)oQlc
which i>s or may be Ioc8ted within the Caaa1 Property from tUne to time, and sbaD inc:blde the ri&bt of
5&1 742 4281 P.B6
J. rlJ nof ~rl~._O/l ~,urAliL1.~~'f1IJ. ,p_, IfJf fA..
kj-ffiijrfJ~h ~ (/JI) br or iPe. .,11;-acv.
__ _ IIw cat "..1)' U IIlIY be .-ry tbr QwIIcr 10 prOvldl aorM.IlIIII raudnI
....:--1Ild llIpIin 10" 0wIlIr'I Dock. NoIbiDS wmolnod" au be ~od ID .,.at1tl
die OWner !be npt 11) ~ or leaxl5tlU\lt!be Ownea's Dock or to c:aasuuct lllIY new ckxts wid1iD
the CaDaI I\~ witbOIlt obIaiDinll the prier wriIIIn apprtMJl at lhe n-Ioplr, III Iddition III
maiJllI!Diq its cloek, me 0wIWll' shal1 be req1IIlai lD rui... IIId lriIa IIIl)' U- b:aIIId witIIIn lb.
Owaa's WI which 110 wtdIiP M=I (IS) tIlet of_ c-a r...tMCY so".u limbs anclllnnclws
_lit I.. ~tl"" (25) _irom die lP'Ound at all tiIMs and 10 that such _do aotob.lruat die
vlllW oftht CanaI.l'nlprty by my parties owning all or illY pa'lfoll oflhe !'o<.jlfoJ:Y. rn tht tveIU
0wJ.0 dIalIlldl10 1D8inlUa die _ ia a III&ImI' II .. bdl .Jlow, IIw [)w-' III BIer ..
o.v.lopcl's .~ sball bave tblI rJabt, but JKlt dw obllpdOll, to _ IIIllIlIll1!allIlld !dcIlr
sucIl ~ as IIIlIY bID ~Iy NqIIinId to lMintain tho tl'eet, ill wbleh I'VeIIt 0wIllr shall repay
DewIopa' dOl' 1118 DavelClpll'~ "..,.1-"..... .. -flIl'oprlate, 51IIlh SUIlIt of IIIOllIY ftlIIOIl8bIy
~ by 0ev0A0per or b ~ AasoGl8dolIlII pedbtmlDgIIIDI whbIn.. (10) days afta-
wriIIIn lIIltiI:etom DmIIOperOl'Deveiaplr'I A~oll.
............oJl r;;;;.,... ,-"UN''''
C. MJ-- ofC'~" !'JOMrfV. n. Devaloper and/or 1M o.v.lopa'. AsIoc:lItIoa lIIlI)'
l""A>.m III)' ~ 3Pd rapain 10 the Cmal Property as IIId wIleD it dataullt _oy
fl'om lima to tiaIIl, in ill sola and absol1.llle dltotetlOll, wltl10llt tbe naed of 0"':.:". the Ipproval
of the Owner or 8IIY otiMa' lhltd partin. A.1l ~ and apaIRI it\cIInwd by tU Dowlopcr 1IIIdI0I'
tho Developer's AesoclatioD in cmmaction theflllllllll2 sba1l be divided In lID equitlIbIe D1-* and
on a pro-rata basis ~ all parties ha'VlII: doob wltblD lha Canall'._ty.
D. Contrlbation bv Owner. The 0wDII' sbaII sh8I*, 011 a pro-rata basis, III all oosts iDcutred
by die ~ aaellor tha DevelllJl8l's AIIoclation in pertormhIa aa.y ~ andICII'
raptita to tho CmaI Proparty (the "MaintenMCt Ceats"). Tho Owners obllptlollliO pay. pIO-
nta sbmt of the MalntIDancc Costs shall comll1Cllcc on the date on wbidl this :E!aacmcnt
Ap=cnt il1eCOrded in the Public b:ords o(PlIm Beach Collllty. PIorlda. 1b Ownen share
of !be MaiJlttlnancc CoIlS (heteillaftlla- tho "Owne(s Pro.twa Sharo" shall bID dctenllir1ecl by
multiplyinl the lOUt MalnteDauce CoIlS by a fI'actiQQ, the n\llll\lPllOl' otwbich illhe total square
roo. of the seawalllocarcd within the Owur's Lot anellOI' tho Caa.aI Pl~ Joc.ated ~jaccnt
~ (the "Ownor'S ~all"), the denombwor of which is the total sq1lIN foota$e of all
seawalls constnICtIed within the Canal PI opaty or tho land located adjacent thetc1o. For _pie:
Owner's Pro-Rata Share" Maint\lnallcc Costs x TmaI Sa. Ft ofr.Nmet's Seawall
Total Sq, h of all docks within 1bt
Canal Proptll'rY aadlorthe land :ldJac:entthmto
TIle Dovaloper uuIIor the Developats Associadon IhIlI be permitted to iDGmlSO or dccrtw the
total square fooraga of all _aIls wltbln the CaM! Property at any time, and In Ib IUle and
absolute dlSCMIOll, SIIbject: IIclwewr to any applicable zoning restrictiOllS, aad the provisions of
E. If the 0wIIcc &ils to P'-Y the QwIler's Pro-RaUl Slwe of the MaiD_ CoIls within
thirty (30) days after raquest far payment by Oevelopcr or the Developer's Association,
DevelOper aodIor the Developer's Assoclatloa shan have all rlabts me! rerudI.. available ID law
and aquity. All sums d.., If DOt pald wldain aaid dIlny (30) day period, shall bear hdarat 110m
the dua dale It I rate equal to the JUshes1 law(uJ rate. In the evant Developer mellor the
Developer's MsociatiOIl is raquired to collec:t any lIIlp&id IIIIlOIllllS through col\cQcjoo and/or
litlpllon, Developer or the Developer's ..usoclalion sha1I be endtIad 10 _over JTom the Owner
its l'IIICIlIIbIa auo.~')'S files Iftd expeIlJeS tIIAI Dewloper 1IIdI000the DevtIIopar's ~
~ haw duo rip to ~ .. Owlln riIblI 10 '* lilt CIlIIII ProIPCttr for IQY period during
wbloll tile Owner'1 Pro-bIa Sbare of any l\I.I......-a! Colts nrl1IIiIII1J1IPIid and .winqueut.
~AN-~4-~~~~ 03:01 PM KRISTEN CONTI
561 742 4281
Tha 0wIM:r IbII1I1lll be pIIIIIlnId ta WIIw CII' ochmviae 0IllIpt IlIbiJily ....m. 0wIa'. PftloRata
SlIn by ~ or_ 0--1 Doc:IL or 1M Caul PYopIny.
4. u. M JI..._ -'I' Rl......,.........nlfl-w. ,... CluCIIcD& ri8btI JI'IIItM bInln IIlall be 1IIIld b7
Owner lu 1.1 awmerllllt (\) Is llOIlJlacetd: wllII any bUIIdIlIp IIIlI u.....v..... CClIllItNllIiIc IIpcID ar
to be collSlnlClild upoa. dID Ploperty. (Il) is COIl5i5t-t willi and wlIJ IlOl iDIIdwt with !be rIsb1s at die
Demoper. lbe Illrmlopel's AIIocIatloIl or III)' third pany to exen:isoI UId ~ lilY risJIlI it &My ilaw to
UIII tba c-J Propaty; and (Ill) will mlnlmi. ~1t._ widI _ will be OOIIIpIdble willi *-
WGlrrucaioa IIId ... of~Pildill.1Ild illlJIIOWIDG&L TIle Owaer Ihallla111/-1fy- IIld blIld die Dlftlopw
aJld 1ha DeveIopel'I AaocIedoQ Mlml_ ftum llIlCIlS'linst all cIwpI, cIalms, Iialn'litlel _ ~
(Iaoludlaa ~ IlIDl1ICyI ,.. IIId ClIpOllIOI) tUIred 10 lIOIlfcI.atI, i1VllI'IoI. loll or --. of lII' to
llI\Y (lenllD or PfOtJetY waing from w. Owner's and iu gucaa, IlceaSIICIIlllllllnvna., \110 Gilbo P1lljlC11t)',
or any OQmgn ~ and 1Iw OWDllI"J Dock,
~. A";I!D..-!: ofnev.to__'s 'Ril."",. The parties ap tlIu DewJoper sbaJl at all dm.a haw cba
rigltr III CXlIIvey die ~ udlor aulp Ita Developer's rishtl II1ld obUptl_ h....'UQ&.. to a jIiovjltot)'
OWllIll1lUSOQiation. holllaO_ _1aIi0ll, and/or COndomlalwD ISIOClatlon <ftMed by Deoveloper lbr
JlUfP*1 ofllUlintainin, tile Plopmy by "*P' of coaveylns all or lIII)' por!lan of1he ~l)' II) said
8SIOeiatton(s), suIlmltUlll all or lIlY portion oltbe I'nlpaty 10 I DecJmoatIoII af'hetrictloDs. or by
uslpia, its riP and obliptions henlllllUr III lIicI_iadOll(I). Upon suolI 00'"""'" suJ--' or
'''';8'''''Mt, n.velopa' shall be RlcIsed from aIlliabilitlcs and obligatloas beramdcr and IWlh popmy
owners. homcoMletS or condominium OWDCI$ -.soc:laIiclIllbIIl be soldy ICSpoasIblAl fOr all obllptklu of
Developer /unander and sIlaII bave lbe rlgbt III cn1bz= all rip ofDcvelopw b-=ndc:r,
6. B''''"'''' Et'fl!ct. 1\11 - .1,oolQI grmla1 beteln sbaJl be binding upoo d1e pattia, lheJr I~"
heirs,,, '..... ~ lUC'eIIOI'I"lSigns and sha1I lit !or d1e WlIl and benefit olaU pIWmt IIIIl
lUIlue owncn at IDe pnlIMlIty, IheIr ---. 00.- -....... ....... iDY_ Ifv.o'l ~I. peslS. -1J""lI!I UlCIIor
tnOl'!pPCS of'all of my J'OftIoa ot1he I',vywlty "-meIer.
7 Tr.IIIS1Cr Ril!hfs. Nolhing contained ill rh!t Easemem A&Ranem sbaII be d-..d TO " a lift or
dedlC8Iion of any portlon of~ I'IllpCIt, to tile seaeral public or fur I/IY public _ or JlIII'IICIII8 whL.-wr, It
being tho intentloa of tile parties hcrero Illd !heir s_ and _gps. tluIt nalhing In lItif 8."1IIe1'1'
Apement. exprencd or implied, shell cod=r upon iIII)' pcnoo, other lIIaIl ttIc putles heIeto and tIleir
SUCCell:lO~ ami assigns, any tigbls or remedies undet or by r=son of this Easement: Agmlment.
0.. AJIII ~
A. If any pnwIIion ofthia Easement AlJI'M!IIOD!, or potllon tbcnof, or the applicetkm thereof to
",y person 01' ~ shall, to MY _ be held hlvelid, iDop.rat.lve or ~ the
nmaindcr of tills Eaemcat A,pement, 01' tile IIppIicaliQII ot such provlslon or portion tbe1eofTO my
other pcnons or ~ shall nat be aff'cetcd thereby; it st.J1 not be deemed .. any sudI
invalid IJ"Ovlsioa a4'el:ts dlc ~ fer !his Easement ~ and eacll pmvision of tbls
Easement Aarvement sball be valid and GJIforc:Ieable TO tile fuIIesr exleIIt ~ by law.
B. Thil; Ef--.t Agrccmsnt sball be QClIISltIIed in lCClOI'dIuce w1tll1be laws of the SlIliII of
C. NoIbln; In thiI &s -""! Apment shall be collSlrlled to mak:a tbo pll'tlea haID pItlners
or joint \'CIIIIIftlrS orlalder anyplll1y IWlIt for the daba or obliptiClllS of the otlIw 1*'11- brnID.
D. Unl_ odIwwlao spnitleally provlclc:d lleteln, flIIs !'A8emcIIt Apmcdr, and die
-- I'IIlbtS COIIlIlinccl hcrelD, may not be 1lIICIIded, modltIed, or tenninated acepl punuant
~HN-~q-~~~~ ~6:~~ PM KRISTEN CONTI
561 742 4281
to wri.. ~ _....11111d ud IClaIowIllclpcl by all of1lll putiellIa'OlO or "'111 IClI1
or UIIp. mI....orcIId iIlllll P\Ib1Io RIcordI otPaIm a.h Ccuaty, FloridL
B. Thill I __ ~. ..... be i&:tlw QlI the dalII nacnIId ill die PalI1i; Rm'" ..
.un be loloull~ IIld ilIIn 10" bIadt oftlw '''I*l1ft bIIn, 1epI...,. - --..... linn"
aaipI of IJt'\-'rper lIIId 0wNr bala, it u. inlIar bcnof'thIt die rlablllIId olollptl-o
!Ialldlldcr IbIIIIIIII wida dIo lIDd II1IiI Mow 0WI\fI'IbJp oftbe I\......lf aad 0wMI'. Lot.
F. Dweklper 111111 ill! dIo riPe to 8Jalll1UIlh 8IIditIarIIl ~ -_l~ --. ~
and llllIOIIlht VeblcnlAr ~" 1I11llnt Area Ill4 1M c-Il\~r-e,y. ill lis IDle 1IId......
dial:.4i..u, widIout the IIIIlllI for the CClIIMDt or jolDdlr tbInto by tha Owner, at IIllY cdMr peIICID,
provided dIlIIt sucb.1dcJm....u _-~- do IIOl: acMrIeIy affect or l..lIIlt.v 1Vith the rishtt comoeyed
10 0wIlII''''
G. NoIh1D8 ~ ia this ~ AjpIIIIIIll shaI1 be CCllIIU'\IId - ~ MIY ri&blI ill
the pun! public or as ~adI0'l';n8 tor public lISt lID)" portlcn at the PlOpIlI'ty. No lftfllllll""~. ~
lbose ~.. fbrth beteiIl sbI1I be Impned by this e:a-t A&r<HrlM~
9_ t.utlloritv: Owner r=presonts and warraDlS that it has full right IIld authority 10 _'* IIld
doliver this Euemaat Asr-neat and that it i. the sole OWl*' In fee silllJllo at the 0wIIet'. Lot
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, _ Dne1opor and the OWner have each _lid IbIa Bas -"'It A.,.~
on the _ IIIC f'orcb belC1W.
Siped md scalod ill the
FIorlda lillli* liabiUty CllIJIpIIIY
Print N~
PrilIt NamI;
PriIIt Name:
The foregoing inaIrWIIOl1t ... aclalowledpd "ofon lIle this day of .
200-, by , as of OAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON,
LLC, a Floricla limiu:d liability company, on behalf of said company, He/She i. personally knOWll to me
or Iw prlllluced u idtDtifillldoll.
(NlIDUl otNocary. typed, princed or ...~
(Title or raaIt (.taIII1IIIIbIr. If lAY)
Department of Development
City Hall, West Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
(561) 742-6260
(561) 742-6259 Fax
Planning & Zoning
H.P. Tomkins
E.1<.}C- ~O ~SotJ
p.fx (561) 997-5721
YJ'lN lS (p I) qq?; - OC/Sc;
Rc' DltK-oIA uJt ~t:n- l'lw T ~\fe !".:rpR.eNft)
Attached you will find an email message that I tried sending you regarding the Dakota Loft's
Conditions of Approval. Staff is recommending site plan approval, contingent upon approval of the
concurrent rezoning / land use change, abandonment request, subsequent platting, and the site
plan's conditions of approval.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the above referenced
telephone number.
If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our
office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you.
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Eric
Monday, December 03, 2001 10:17 AM
Kemmer, Rodger; Rumpf, Michael; Galav, Lusia; Borden, Bob
Dakota Lofts site plan and Fire approval
Mr Tomkins,
As you can recall, the Dakota Lofts site plan application was heard at the November CRA Board meeting and tabled until
the December CRA meeting due to in part because of the Board's examination of the emergency vehicle tum-around area.
Per our meeting with you last Friday (11-30-01) regarding this issue, you are to request a letter or memorandum from the
City's Fire Department indicating their approval for the "T"-type fire engine turn around area, proposed at the southeast
corner of the subject property. Fire review and approval is a necessary component of site development and this became a
critical issue at the last CRA meeting. The Board must feel confident the plan meets Fire's approval. It would be highly
desirable to have staff from Fire to be present at the next CRA meeting because I'm sure the Board will have further
questions. The next CRA meeting will be Tuesday (12-11-01) at 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions or comments,
please feel free to call me anytime.
Eric Lee Johnson, Planner
Oty of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Division
100 E Boynton Beach Blvd
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(561) 742-6260
Fl NO.
1 561 738 7911
. 28 2001 06:01PM P2
November 20, 2001
City of Boynton Beach
Community Redevelopment Agency
RE: Dakota Lofts Site Plan
We are Boynton Beach residents who live immediately adjacent to the Sun Wah property.
The following issues we would like addressed prior to approving the redevelopment:.
1 Agreement for uninterrupted water and sewer service.
2. Agreement for eJdsting docks to remain and access to ICW
3 Fence on property line to remain or privacy wall to be erect~.
4 Southeast building to have decorative elements on east elevation facing ICW
5 Revise building height to meet code.
6. Clearly indicate turn around for fire and emergency at 81E comer
The following issues affect all our neighbors and need to be addressed;
1. Agreement for water service and making good Bamboo Lane after
2. The current inclusion of the canal in calculating the allowable mnnber of unit~
reduces the green space of the property Please insure that this meets code.
3, Current entry to Bamboo Lane is dangerous due to inadequate width. Provide
.. _'. _ pl~tfQ[ plan for unintcmupted phQJ;I.~.!iervic.eJlm~ Bell
South switch at Bamboo Lane island will need to be relocated.
4. Tempofary landscaping and fencing during constroction.
5. Provide private gates at Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens to prevent
increased traffic on one-.lane private roads.
6 Guest parking inadequate.
7 Elevations for Federal Highway West, North and South should be improved.
8. Backup for garage inadequate for large vehicles.
.9 16' width inadequate fortwo-car garage.
10. Decorative light fixtures to be installed.
11 Contractor to address clean-up of neighboring pools and decks.
Should development be approved, we, as residents, would like the opportunity to review
and approve the construction schedule, i.e. consideration of site trailer, site facilities,
dumpsters, working hours, clean-up plan and duration of construction.
wtie:: 'j Jfl issues.... ,d<hessed prio'lOthe _opm... approval
) tv -~
~ .r and Denise Canova
11/28/2001 09:54
V,4 Ax ~~~. 400eQ
November 20, 2001
City of Boynton Beach
'-" Community Redevelopment Agency
A"11?\.: 1J11C1/~~ )/oyl..AiI))
We are Boynton Beach residents who live immediately adjacent to the Sun Wah property.
The following issues we would like addressed prior to approving the redevelopment:
1. Agreement for uninterrupted water and sewer service.
2. Agreement fur existing docks to remain llIld access to ICW
3 Fence on property line to remain or privacy wall to be erected.
4 Southeast building to have decorative elements on east el~vation facing ICW
5 Revise building height to meet code.
6. Clearly indicate tum around for fire and emergency at SIE comer
The following issues affect all our neighbors and need to be addressed;
Agreement for water service and making good Bamboo Lane after
The current inclusion of the canal in calculating the allowable number of units
reduces the green space of the property Please insure that this meets code.
Current entry to Bamboo Lane is dangerous due to inadequate width. Provide
plan for widening and include plan for .mintP.1TI1pted phone service si.nce Bell
South switch at Bamboo Lane island will need to be relocated.
Temporary landscaping and fenciIlg during construction.
Provide private gates at Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens to prevent
increased traffic on one-Jane private roads.
Guest parking ina4equate.
Elevations for Federal Highway West, North and South should be improved.
Backup for garage inadequate for large ve.bicles.
16' width inadequate for two-car garage.
Decorative light fixtures to be installed.
Contractor to address clean-up of neighboring pools and decks.
Should development be approved, we, as residents, would like the opportunity to review
and approve the constroction schedule, i.e. consideration of site trailer, site flIcilities,
dumpste(s, working hours, clean-up plan and duration of construction.
We would appreciate iftb,ese issues are addressed prior to the redevelopment approval
~ota Lofts
NDV-16-2001 17:10 FROM
TO 1561742625'3
P 01/01
2295 Corporate Blvd, N ,W.
Executive Court One
Suite 340
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Tel 1161-998-0955
Fex 561-997-5721
'mllil: hpCcon@beUlouth.nel
November 15, 2001
VIllFu: 561-742-6259
Mr. Dick Hudlon
Mr. Eric Jolmlon
City of Boynton Beach
DepvtlIlel1t ofDeve1opment
PllaIning and Zoning Division
100 East BoyDton BeadI Blvd.
Boynton Beacb, Florida 3342S.o31O
RE. Dakota Lofts
Dear Gendemen.
Please poetpoDe me lend Use .~nlng oftbisproject to the City COIIIJIIiDion
meeting in ~. -1 understand that the me p~ and rezoning IIUlst be
done simultaneously We are working with UtilitieS to resolve the ilSUe of the
wells and II1ticipate that ell issues wiD be resolved in order to be on the
De<<mber CRA meeting 1Ipllda. If you have any questi~ or naed any
addhioual information, please wntact me at S61-998..09SS
H. P Tompkins, Jr.
Department of Development
City Hall, West Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
(561) 742-6260
(561) 742-6259 Fax
Planning & Zoning
72JS '
H.P Tomkins
1-1-. P TOM k.1I.)~
'Z.-R Ie. (.e!e -::::r~SoYl
11- '?-'DI
Dltk-6T Loft- C:Yl~~/7D>1'5:, of- MfM1f I
l?1-; (561) 997-5721
7Jw~ (c;bl) 1<7'8"- 0955
Attached you will find the Dakota Loft's Conditions of Approval. Staff is recommending site plan
approval, contingent upon approval of the concurrent rezoning / land use change, abandonment
request, subsequent platting, and the site plan's conditions of approval.
Special attention should be given, in particular, to Fire's comment (#3) and Engineering's comments
(#14) regarding emergency vehicle turn-around area, as they are both related to the same issue.
The current site plan still does not satisfy this emergency-vehicle turn-around area requirement. It is
highly recommended that you communicate with the Engineering Department on this matter before
the public meeting.
The project has other outstanding issues but this emergency vehicle turn-around area is of critical
Please do not forget to bring me the project's color rendering (photograph).
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the above referenced
telephone number.
If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our
office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you.
Department of Development
City Hall, West Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
PO Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
(561) 742-6260
(561) 742-6259 Fax
Planning & Zoning
H.P. Tomkins
FAX. (561) 997-5721
PHONE. (561) 998-0955
H.P. Tomkins
Eric Lee Johnson
10-24-01 NUMBER OF PAGES: (includina cov)
Dakota Lofts drainaae reauirements and CRA meetina
On Friday, October 19, 2001, you submitted revised copies of several plans, including but not limited
to architectural and landscape plans that were required in order for the above referenced project to
proceed to the November 13th Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. Laurinda Logan from
the Engineering Department has determined that the following comments still have not been
1. Comment # 29- Provide drainage plans and design data for site drainage as specified in the
LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5. Show flow data geographically (flow arrows). Indicate
rim and invert elevations for all manholes and catch basins. Provide details for exfiltration
trenches, catch basins, and manholes. Indicate by note that storm water will be contained on
site (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II.F.),
2. Comment # 44- The roads on the north (Virginia Garden Drive) and south (Bamboo Lane)
sides of the property are deficient with respect to right-of-way width and pavement width.
Bamboo Lane will be required to be widened to 22 feet to meet minimum street pavement
widths (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.C). Virginia Garden Drive has previously been
determined to remain a designate private drive and will therefore be exempted from any
upgrades to the majority of the roadway. However a turn-around shall be provided at the
north terminus of the roadway connecting Bamboo Lane and Virginia Garden Drive (LDR,
Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.D). Streets shall be designed in accordance with all applicable
sections of the Code and LDR.
The project has other outstanding issues but these are of critical importance. Comment #44 can be
addressed at the CRA meeting. The Planning & Zoning Division, however, must receive revised
drainage plans (which are acceptable to Engineering) that address Comment #29 no later than noon
on Friday, October 26,2001. In the event we do not receive these revised plans, the project will be
tabled until the December 2001 CRA meeting. Also, the abandonment project is postponed until Jose
Alfaro determines it can proceed to the next level. If you have any questions or comments, please
feel free to contact me at the above referenced telephone number
If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office
immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you.
SEP-25-2001 09:24 FROM
" ,
l295 Corporat. Blvd, N. W.
Executive Court One
Suite 240
Bo.. alton, PL 33431
Tel 561.998.0955
Fax 561-997.5721
!ftall: hpte.n@bellseuth.nel
TO ,1"",,17426259
September 24, 2001
Vta Fax: 561.742-6259
Ms. Sherie Coale
Cily of Boynton Beac:b
Dep811Jl1ent of Development
Planning and Zomng Division
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beac:b, Florida 33425-0310
RE: Dakot4 Lofts
Dear Ms. Coale,
Pursuant to your memo, please postpone this item to the next available
Tec;bnical Review Committee. We are tryiJIg to resolve all of the IlOmments
received to dale and finish the archilectural plans required for this submittal.
I apologize for this request for postponement, but I would like to address all
oClhe comments one lime and not waste stII1J's time with more than one TRC
meeting. If you have any questions or need any additiolllll inf'ormaliOIl, please
IlOntact me at 561-998-0955
H. P Tompkins, Jr.
/ - ,'\ \
(" , , \
.. 0' 1-
'Q\ ~ U
,J-~~,_ _' ',v'Y
I 0 i~ v'
Planning and Zoning Division
. Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
September 19, 2001
Mr H. P Tompkins, Jr
HPT Consultants, Inc.
2295 Corporate Boulevard, N.W
Executive Court One-Suite 240
Boca Raton, FL 33431
RE. Dakota Lofts
Dear Sir'
Pursuant to your request for postponement of review by the Technical Review
Committee of the above referenced project, the review has now been scheduied for
Tuesday, September 25,2001 As a result of this postponement, your scheduled dates
for hearing by the Community Redevelopment Agency and the City Commission are
now November 13, 2001 and November 20, 2001, respectively
In addition, since the site plan for the project will also be reviewed the master plan for
the Planned Unit Development, the land use amendment/rezoning and abandonment
applications for the property will be heard by the CRA and the City Commission on the
same dates as the site plan.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at 742-6260.
Yours truly,
Dick Hudson, Senior Planner
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Phone (561) 742-6260 . Fax (561) 742-6259 .
TO 15617426259
P 01/01
SEP-17-2001 18:49 FROM
Z2911 Corporal. Blvd, N. W.
Executive Court One
Sulle 240
lI""a Raton, FL 33431
Tel 561.998.0955
Fa. 561-991-6721
September 17, 2001
ViaFax: 561-742-6259
Ms. Sberie Coale
City of Boynton Beacl1
Department ofDevelopmellt
Planning aud Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
BoyntOn Beach. Florida 33425-0310
RE: Dakota LOfts
Dear Ms. Coale,
Pursuant to your memo of September 15, 2001 please postpone this item to
the next available Technical Review Committee. We are trying to resolve
lIII of the IXIIIIIII8IlU rec:eivecl to due and finish the an:hitec1uraI plaDS required
for this submittal. I apologize for this request for postponement, but I would
like to address lIII of the comments one time and not waste staff's time with
more than one TRC meeting. If you have any questions or need any
additional infonnation, please ClODtlKll me at 561-998-0955.
H. p, Tompkins, Ir
rn ~ m !?, I: n; ~ fnl
1--------"1111 !
I SEP I 8 2001
". L----.~_-.J
l PZ{~!:Nlt~f~D . j
NO. 01-156 A
Michael W Rumpf, Director of PI arming and Zoning
John A. Guidry, Utilities Director ~
H. David Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM, Utility Enginee~
00 ~ ~ ~ ~ \VI ~ 00
OCT26? ,
PU1;';':1NG AND
October 25,2001
Original Memorandum Dated August 17, 2001
NWSP 01-010 - 2nd REVIEW
We offer the following additional comment as a requirement condition to the above noted
proj ect:
A. The existing well shown on Parcel 2 of the survey prepared by O'Brian, Suiter &
O'Brian, Inc., dated July 17, 2001, currently serves the dwelling at 2 Virginia Garden
Drive. It wilI be a requirement of the applicant to either 1) connect this residential
dwelling to city water that is available to it, or if that resident owner elects to forgo city
water, 2) install a new well to serve the residential dwelling.
.Jan 02 02 11:21a
22~5 Corporate Blvd, N.W.
ExecuHve Court One
Suite 240
H()('tt Raton, PL 33431
Tel 561.998.0955
Fax 561.997.5721
December 31, 2001
10-i I:: li;)
lJ~ r JAN
2 200?
I', ,
.S ij
Via Fax' 561-742-6259
Mr. Miclutel W Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach J lepartment of Development
100 East Boynton Beacl, Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Re: Dakota Lofts
Dear Mike.
I'w'suant to your letter cfDecember 21, 2001, please accept the following
1 Formal agreements b lYe been prepared by the developer fur providing the
nece8Sll.l)' water services to the residences on Vll'ginia Ganlen Dr. and Bamboo
Lane For your information the residences on BlIll1boo Lane misrepresemed
the location of their water wells as being located within the Dakota Lofts
property, when in fill r their wells are located within private property Iocated on
the south side ofBaflboo Lane. In the spirit of cooperation the developer bas
agreed to stand by hh original commitment to provide water services 10 these
residences. These fo rmal agreements have been presented to the property
owners ror signature
2. The above reference,) agreement aIso addresses the use of the existing docks.
The existing docks ,,>ill be allowed to stay, however no Dl:W or additional
dockage will be aIl01 ved.
3. Bamboo Lane is creciled by an Wlfel:Orderl plat. I have furnished a copy of this
to the City Engineer Bamboo Lane is approximately 65 feet wide at Federal
Hwy and approxinllLl.ely 42 feet wide III Dakota Lofts project entrance. The
existing roadway is 11llved and has a small median island. The pavement is
sufficient to handle t ]II proposed traffic for this project as well as the existing
residences. The exiHing pavement is adequate for emergency vehicles.
4. A revised site plan n lOre cIeIlrly indicating Virginia Gardens Drive, will be
presented prior to tbe eRA meeting.
5 The developer at lhi I time is not installing any gates ror this project.
6. The portion ofBamhoo Lane thaI will be improved is from Federal Highway
east to the projects I ntrance A enlarged plan fur this improvement will be
presented 10 the Cit I prior to the eRA meeting.
"I f' ,!
._ J
~an 02 02 11:21a
7 Dlustrations of the proposed entry improvements will be provided to the City
prior to the eRA meel ing.
8. Details of the outdoor lighting will be provided to tbe City prior to the CRA
I trust these responses ad :lress all of your concerns. If you have any questions or
need any additional infonoation please contact me at 561-998-0955.
'-~~ --,
H.P Tompkins, Jr. PE (
cc: Eric Johnson, Planne
~I i )X
0\ ~ (;:
,J..'...... ,...,; ~.'
· Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational LIcenses . Community Redevelopment
December 21,2001
Mr. H. P Tompkins, Jr.
HPT Consultants, Inc.
2295 Cotporate Boulevard, N.W
Executive Court One-Suite 240
Boca Raton, FL 33431
RE: Dakota Lofts
Dear Mr. Tompkins:
As you know, the Community Redevelopment Agency will review the above referenced project on January 8, 2002
and the City Commission on January IS, 2002. At the last meeting, the Board was unsatisfied with a number of
issues, including but not limited to the elevations, vehicular back-out area, increased traffic, and emergency vehicle
ingress / egress. In addition, there were concerns from the adjacent residential property owners about the disruption
of the potable (well) water supply, and use of the [mger canal.
Below is an itemized list, derived from various sources, including the minutes from the November 13, 2001 CRA
meeting and also from letters submitted to staff. This list of questions and concerns are to be addressed prior to
further review of the Board. Per your discussion with staff yesterday, you are to respond to these questions no later
than 5:00 p.m. Friday, December 28, 2001. Please provide a written response as to how you have specifically
addressed each issue, either on the site plan or via appropriate documentation:
1. Provide formal agreements between the developer and the adjacent property owners regarding the current and
proposed water service. 1bis directly relates to those adjacent single family residences currently receiving water
service from a well that is located on the subject property
2. Provide formal agreements between the developer and the adjacent property owners regarding the continued use
of existing docks located on the finger canal of the subject property
3. Identity the type of roadway and width of Bamboo Lane. The sunrey should accurately identify this roadway
(i.e. public or private right-of-way, drive aisle, or easement).
4. Access for Virginia Gardens Drive should be indicated more clearly on the proposed site plan (which area of the
Drive will be removed or proposed).
5. Indicate entry gates that the developer intends to use in order to minimize vehicular traffic from spilling into the
adjacent neighborhoods.
6. Indicate the specific segment of Bamboo Lane that the developer intends to improve.
7 llIustrate the improvements made to the entryway of the development.
8. Indicate the use of decorative outdoor freestanding lighting fixtures.
Yours truly,
Michael W Rumpf
cc: Quintus Greene, Director of Development
Eric Lee Jolmson, Planner
City of Boynton Beach' 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310
Phone: (561) 742-6350 .
NWSP 01-010
1st Review Planning
August 24, 2001
The front and rear setback for the R-3 zoning district is 40 feet.
and rear setbacks.
As proposed, the encroache. into the front
Must process and abandonment and rededication of roadway access easement and associated utilities.
Replat of the property is required.
On the site plan's tabular data, indicate the building setbacks for the R-3 zoning district for the front, rear,
and sides of the building.
The site plan must identifY the Future Land Use and Zoning District designations of the adjacent properties.
The site plan must include traffic control markings and location of signage.
The site plan must show the location of fIre hydrants.
The tabular data on the site plan shall include the following elements:
Exiting and proposed Future Land Use designation;
2. The maximum height allowed in the zoning district;
3. The proposed height of the structure;
4. Detail the number of "Type A" units and "Type B" units;
5 The impervious area, pervious area, and water area should equal the total lot size. Change the
tabular data so that it adds up to 1 00%.
The site plan must show the location and dimensions of the driveways for each unit.
The site plan must show the location of air conditioner units or any other proposed above grade mechanical
equipment. This is to ensure that proper screening is available.
On the site plan, show the location of all outdoor freestanding lighting poles. Provide a typical drawing
that includes the height and color / material of all proposed freestanding outdoor lighting poles.
Dimension or provide a typical for the fIve (5) parking spaces for the recreation area.
Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the Planning & Development Board meeting.
Submit a color sample / swatch of all major exterior fInishes. Each sample and / or elevation shall include
the manufacturer's name and color code.
The elevations must show all four (4) building sides of "Unit Type A" and "Unit Type B"
On the floor plan, provide doorways and windows to the bedrooms to Unit Type B.
The stairwells of Unit Type B do not make sense. Please clarify
The elevations and floor plan must include the scale of the drawing.
The floor plan must include the total square footage for each unit.
The typical of "Unit Type B" on the floor plan incorrectly identifies "Upper Level Floor Plan" as the
"Ground Level Floor Plan"
Landscaping at project entrances shall contain a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species on both sides of
the entrance and a signature tree (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.N.). Note that signature trees do not
contribute toward the total number of required perimeter trees.
The foundation landscaping shall be required in the front and side of each multi family dwelling unit
(Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.L.).
On the landscape plan, label vegetation to be preserved.
The landscape plan shall include the following notes, "FDOT Type D or F curb shall be provided along the
perimeter of all landscape, drainage and grassed areas adjacent to paved vehicular use areas, except where
wheel stops are provided"
Staff recommends the use of pervious pavement.
Since off-street parking for the development will be provided via two (2) car garages within each unit, staff
recommends that the garage area be increased to 18 feet in width by 20 feet in order to be comparable to
two (2) standard off-street parking spaces.
Staff recommends that the landscape buffer along U.S. I (front landscape buffer) be a combination of
colorful groundcover plants and a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species, which will function as a
continuous hedge.
Staff recommends that a continuous hedge along the front and side landscape buffers be installed at 24" in
height but maintained no less than four (4) feet nor greater than six (6) feet in height. In addition, it should
be installed with 24 inches in spread and planted with tip to tip spacing immediately after planting to
adequately cover the planted areas.
S.\P1annina\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFI'S\ht review Planning.doc
295 Corporate Blvd, N. W.
Executive Court One
Suite 240
!loca Ralon, 1'1. 33431
Tel 561-998-0955
Fax 561-997-5721
lmil: hptcon(
September 27,2001
City of Boynton Beach
Department of Development
Planning and Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
RE. Dakota Lofts
Pursuant to the 1" Review Comments from the Technical Review Committee,
please accept the following responses:
Utilities Department:
I According to the revised landscape plan, there are no trees and lor shrubs
to be planted where the proposed and/or existing utilities are to be
2. PBC Health Dept. permits will be applied for at the appropriate time.
3 Fire flow calculations will be submitted at time of permitting for the water
main extension.
4. The capacity reservation fee will be paid at the required time.
S At this time, the developer is going to utilize a well for the irrigation.
6 Certification has been added to plans.
7 As-built information of the existing sewer line is currently being done.
Preliminary investigations indicate that the sewer can be extended as
shown on the plans. The connection to Lot 2-A is now shown on the
8. The revised plans show the water service for Lot 2-A.
9 Bamboo Lane is not being changed from its original design as it is
completely off of the subject property Virginia Garden Dr will change
its access to route thru the proposed development as shown.
10 Landscaping revised to not interfere with utilities.
11 The entire common area will be utilized as a blanket easement for
egress/ingress, drainage and utilities.
12. No response required.
13 Each individual unit will be metered and as such should not require a
RPZ. The fire sprinkler system for each unit does have a RPZ built into
the system.
14 It is understood that the building permit will not be issued until water,
sewer plans have been approved by Utilities.
15 Please find enclosed the drainage calculations.
16 The required statement has been added to the plans. The power, cable
and telephone services are in the process of being located.
Fire Deoartment:
17 Plans and construction will comply with the Life Safety Code.
18 Each unit will have a fire sprinkler system as required by code.
19 Flow tests will be conducted to verify the required fire flow
20 Fire hydrant test will be conducted prior to construction. ,
21 The required 5' clear zone around the hydrant has been provided.
22. Paved or stabilized roadways will provided prior to vertical construction.
23 The roadway to the north has been revised to a max. length of 150.00';
the roadway to the south has been provided with a connection to Bamboo
Lane for fire truck access and now meets the code.
Engineering Division:
24 General note added to plans as per comment.
25 The required pennits for work within public r-o-w's will be applied for
26 The existing zoning and land-use for the adjacent properties has been
added to the site plan.
27 All of the known utilities have been shown on the surveyor site plan.
28 Engineer's certification added as per comment.
29 Drainage plans revised and information added as per comment.
30 Copy of the soils report is enclosed.
31 Lighting plan is being prepared and will be submitted to the City under
separate cover
32. The sidewalk along U.S. I is shown to be upgraded to a five foot section.
There are no local streets within the development, the project utilizes
parking tracts and as such sidewalks should not be required. As to
Bamboo Lane, there is not sufficient r-o-w for sidewalk construction and
Bamboo Lane is not located within the boundaries ofthe development.
33 Sidewalks as required will be constructed as per the comment.
34 All sidewalks will meet the required Handicap Code.
35 The backup distance for the pool parking spaces has been increased to
36 Note added to landscape plan as per comment.
37 The irrigation plan is being prepared and will be submitted under separate
38 The signing and stripping has been added to the preliminary engineering
39 Need clarification on comment in order to respond.
40 Dumpster location added to site plan.
41 Required curb details added to plan. Typical parking tract x-section is on
the plan.
42. The abandonment has been applied for and new easements will be
provided to the City for the relocated utilities.
43 The plat will be submitted with the final engineering drawings.
44. Bamboo Lane is outside the limits of this project. The internal parking
tract has been reconfigured to better provide access to Virginia Garden
45 Complete architectural plans are included in this re-submittal.
46 The FDOT Standard is the Jan. 2000 english version.
47 The internal parking tract has been reconfigured for better cross access.
48 Details for the water and sewer systems will be submitted with the final
engineering drawings for pennit approval.
49 All floor plans have been revised.
Buildinl! Division:
50 The units provide the required 2 parking spaces within the garage. The
only parking provided is at the pool and there is a handicap space at this
location. There is no other requirement for handicap parking.
51 Finished floor elevation have been established and depicted on the plans.
The required note has been added to the plans and the flood zone
information has also been added to the plans.
52. Property line identified as requested.
53 Note added to architectural plans as requested.
54 All easements of record were shown on the survey and site plan.
55 On the construction drawings the note will be added that all wall openings
will comply with Table 600
56. All buildings are three story Note added to site plan.
57 Floor plans show the correct number of stories.
58. A unity oftitle will be provided to the City at time of pennit review
59 Signed and sealed drawings will be submitted at time of permit review
60. The abandoned resolution will be provided at the required time.
61 The only parking subject to the handicap code is at the pool area and one
handicap space has been provided.
62. Travel route is shown on the site plan at the recreation area.
63 Area calculations for each unit shown on architectural plans.
64. The requested information is shown on the architectural plans.
65 Addresses will be requested at time ofpennit review
66. The limits of construction is the entire site.
Parks and Recreation:
67 The elements for recreation credit are the pool and spa.
68. The developer would request a combination ofland dedication and fee
69 The subject property will be platted and the appropriate fee will be paid
when required.
70. As-builts of the irrigation system will be provided when construction of
said system is completed.
71 Need to discuss this requirement.
72. Will meet with staff to resolve.
F oresterfEnvironmentalist:
73 There are no desirable trees to be saved on this site.
Planninl! and Zoninl!:
74. My understanding is that we are rezoning to a PUD which would allow
for the set-backs as shown.
75 The required abandonment has been submitted to the City
76. The property will be re-platted.
77 The property is being rezoned to a PUD with the requested set-backs as
shown on the site plan.
78. The zoning and land uses of the adjacent property has been added to the
site plan.
79 The preliminary engr plan has all of the traffic control markings. The site
plan will be too cluttered to show these on the site plan.
80 The fire hydrants are also shown on the pre\. engr plan.
81 The requested tabular data has been added to or revised on the site plan.
82. The entire area in front of the buildings is driveway and access area.
83 The HV AC units are behind the units and will be properly screened.
84. The lighting plan is being prepared and the light poles will be added to the
site plan.
85 A typical parking stall detail has been added to the site plan.
86. A color rendering will be provided prior to Planning and Zoning Board
87 Color samples will be provided prior to P & Z Board meeting.
88. All four elevations are shown on the plans.
89 thru 93 The floor plans for this unit have been corrected.
94 Laurel oaks have been added as the signature tree at the entrance.
95 Need to discuss this requirement with staff.
96. There is no vegetation to be preserved.
97 Need to discuss this comment with staff.
98. Need to discuss this with staff.
99 The garages have been increased to 18' in width and vary in depth.
100 Landscaping will be revised upon discussion at meeting.
101 The continuous hedge will be installed at 24" and will be maintained at a
min. of 4' and a max. of 6'
102. Live oaks have been revised to Laurel Oaks.
I trust these responses and revised plans address the concerns of staff. If you
have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me at
<0, ~~ 7
H. P romp , Ir
TO' Chairman and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
THROUGH: Michael Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
FROM: Lusia Galav, AICP )-J .
Principal Planner '-fJ:5
DATE. January 2.2002
SUBJECT Dakota Lofts - NWSP 01-010
Addendum to Staff Report
This report is the addendum to the Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ
01-242 to the Community Redevelopment Agency dated October 31, 2001 Updated
information is provided regarding the above referenced project.
At the December 11, 2001 CRA meeting the Board tabled the Dakota Lofts site plan
pending receipt of additional information from the applicant on a variety of issues.
Subsequent to that meeting the applicant submitted additional information for review On
December 21, 2001, Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director formally requested that
the applicant respond to several remaining items.
The foil owing is a list of items that were to be addressed by the applicant and the status
of the response. All correspondence referenced are included with this addendum as "
attachments. In addition, a revised site plan dated December 6, 2001 is included with
this packet.
1 Agreements should be created I drafted, to the satisfaction of the developer,
regarding the current and proposed water service for the residents now using the
well(s) on the subject property (comment addressed, see Hofland & Knight letter
item 2.A.).
2. Agreements should be created I drafted, to the satisfaction of the developer, for the
continued use of the existing docks located on the finger canal of the subject
property but used by the adjacent property owners (comment addressed, see
Hofland & Knight letter item 1).
3. The building elevations fronting on U.S. 1 (west, north, and south) should be revised
to incorporate more architectural detail and decorative elements (comment
addressed, see revised elevations in site plan packet).
4 A vehicular back-out area 27-feet in width should be provided perpendicular to all
garage door openings (comment addressed, Engineering Department approved-
see Laurinda Logan Memorandum No. 02-001).
5. Garages should be 18 feet in width at the opening (comment addressed, Building
Division approved- see Eric Johnson/Tim Large email dated December 26,
6. Identify the type of roadway and width of Bamboo Lane. The survey should identify
this roadway as a public I private right-of-way, drive aisle, or easement. (See
response in HPT letter).
7 Access for Virginia Gardens Drive should be indicated more clearly on the proposed
site plan (which area of the Drive will be removed or proposed).
8. Provide a memorandum indicating Fire approval (with regard to emergency vehicle
ingress I egress, including adequate turn-around area and fire truck maneuverability)
(comment addressed, see Fire and Life Safety Division Memorandum No 2001-
9. Indicate which homes are currently served by the existing water well (available for
potable water) located on the. subject property (comment addressed, see Holland
& Knight letter item 2.A & 2.B, and HPT letter).
10. Indicate the method or technique that the developer intends to provide potable water
service to the adjacent homes. For example, where will the water lines run? Will
they run in the middle of the roadway? Will the developer connect each house to the
new water lines or will each homeowner bear the cost to connect (comment
addressed, see Holland & Knight letter item 2.A & 2.B ).
11. Identify which off-site properties the developer intends to "hook-up" to City water
service (comment addressed, see Holland & Knight letter item 2.A & 2.B).
12. Indicate the increase I decrease in traffic that the proposed residential use will have
compared with the existing commercial use (comment addressed, Palm Beach
County Traffic approved- see Masoud Atefi letter).
13. Indicate entry gates that the developer intends to use in order to minimize vehicular
traffic from spilling into the adjacent neighborhoods. (No gates will be installed.
See HPT letter).
14. Indicate the portion of Bamboo Lane that the developer intends to improve. (See
HPT letter).
15. Illustrate the improvements made to the entryway of the development.
16. Indicate the use of decorative outdoor freestanding lighting fixtures.
As of this date, staff has not received revised drawings or plans from the applicant for
Items #7, 14, 15 and 16 or additional input from the adjacent property owners.
1 Holland & Knight letter dated December 5, 2001
2. Engineering Department Memorandum No. 02-001 dated January 2, 2002
3. Eric Johnsonrrim Large email dated December 26, 2001
4 Palm Beach County Traffic Division letter from Masoud Atefi dated August 15, 2001
5. HPT letter dated December 31,2001
6. Planning and Zoning Division letter from Michael Rumpf dated December 21. 2001
7 Fire and Life Safety Division Memorandum No. 2001-65 dated January 3, 2001
Df.C-0S-2001 17 46
, .
Law Ol1ices
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J~ektGlll.vitk S,,"~
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MiJml We.slP~lmeeach
CJ=' SJoP~o
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R'(lccJ:rtita r.,.
One E.~ 5row.,d Boulevard. Suil,'300
PO Box 14070 (ZIP 33302.4070)
FOIl L,uderd.le. Florid' 33301
FAX 9SH63-21l3O
December 5,2001
Inte:rnet Addr~s8:
December 5, 2001
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Florida 33436
Attention. Eric Johnson, Planner
Re. Parcel ofland located on Federal Highway in Section 4, Township 46 South
Range 43 East, Palm Beach County (the "Property") to be developed as a
residential community known as Dakota Lofts (the "Project")
Dear Mr Johnson.
This firm represents Dakota Lofts at Boynton Beach, LLC ("Dakota") with respect
to the above Project. As you may be aware, Dakota, as owner of the above Property,
is scheduled to appear before the C R. A. on December 11, 2001 for purposes of
obtaining approval of its proposed site plan for the Project and moving forward to
City commission meeting.
We have been advised by our client that it has been working with the adjacent land
owners to address the issues and concerns raised with respect to its proposed
development of the Property and that it is prepared to provide various rights and
services to each owner Further, we have been advised by Dakota that, pursuant to
the City granting approval of the proposed site plan, Dakota is willing to provide
the following:
- 6 2001
DEC-0S-2001 18 10
DEe-IOS-21001 17 46
H~ ~D AND KNiGHT ~~p
P 0:3
1. Canal Easement. Dakota will grant to those owners of the lots depicted as
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a
part hereof (the "Sketch") which cmrently have docks constructed within the canal
propel!ty, easement rights (i) to maintain any existing docks within the canal
property currently owned by Dakota, and (ii) for ingress, egress and access from the
existing docks over and through the canal property to the Intracoastal waterway,
which is located to the east of and adjacent to the canal property The easement
rights granted by Dakota shall run with and benefIt each lot for which it is granted,
and shall be transferred to any subsequent owner or owners of such lot as part of
the conveyance of such lot. The final easement document shall provlde that (i) each
dock shall be maintained by such Owner at its sole cost and expense, and (ii) the
canal property shall he the maintenance obligation of Dakota. its successor or
assigns, and/or any homeowners association created for purposes of administering
the Project (hereinafter the "Association"), and that all costs and expenses incurred
in connection therewith shall be divided in an equitable manner and on a prorata
basis between all parties having dock rights to use the canal property
2. Water and Sewer Services.
A. Installation of Water Lines. Provided that Dakota can obtain the
necessary approvals and easement rights, Dakota will install water lines along
Bamboo Lane as may be required in order for the City to provide potable water
service to Lots 5. 6, 9, 10 and 11. In addition, Dakota will install th~ appropriate
water main extensions and meters at the location ind~cated by the City for Lots 2,
5, 6,9, 10 and 11 and pay any meter hook up fees in connection therewith. Dakota
agrees that prior to the time that the above lots have been provided with the
alternative water service to be provided above. it will not take any action which
would cause the lot owners to lose the ability to obtain water from the wells located
on the Property, which wells are the lot owners current source of water
B Sewer Service for Lot 4. Provided that Dakota can ob tam the
necessary approvals, Dakota will grant to Lot 4 the right to tie into the sewer
service facilities to be located upon the Property and will pay any costs related to
3. Access Easement. Dakota will grant to the owners of the lots depicted as Lots
1, 2, 3 on the Sketch, ingress, egress and access rights over certain roadways located
within the Property from time to time for purposes of obtaining ingress, egress and
access from and to Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens. In addition, Dakota will
provide adequate access to the owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 through any gates which it
may install within the Property which lImit or restrict the above mentioned access
. 6 2001
DEc~eS-2e01 18 10
_ .= a:
OEC-05-2001 17 45
P 04
4. Decorative Lieht Fixtures. Dakota will install decorative hght fixtures within
the Property in accordance w1th the final site plan approved by the City
5 Temporary Fencine. Dakota will install any temporary fences which may be
required by the appropriate governmental codes to be installed during construction
of the Project.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or comments you may have
regarding this matter
Very truly yours,
'11uULUt. i'V~.f)
By. Michelle M. DeRosa
cc: Mitchell Pasin
FTL1 #SGB330 v3
~ 6 2001
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DEC-05-2001 18 10
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