CORRESPONDENCE ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Bressner, Kurt Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:54 PM Cherof, James; Greene, Quintus; Sugerman, Dale; Livergood, Jeffrey Byrne, Nancy; Costello, Joyce; Rumpf, Michael; Lamanna, Rosemarie Dakota Lofts Importance: High As a follow-up to the City Commission meeting last night, I will need your assistance in assembling information and recollections of meetings held between the residents, developer etc. At this time I would like copies of the following: 1 Develooment Order for Dakota Lofts as approved by the City Commission. -- Development 2. Minutes of the Ci Commission tin were item was approved. - Development 3. Minutes 0 the CRA or P&D Board Minutes where the Dakota Lofts Project was approved. -- Development _ 4 Co ies of all correspondence to/from develo er or dev 10 er's Ie al counsel. "- all staff addressed -- this include13ill1 aspects, especla y any permits issued. 5. Copies of any agreements between develooer and residents concerning utility extensions and conditions of same. -- all staff addressed 6. Dates of "nd summaries of any meetings held at staff le'ifll between City staff and developer or City Staff and residents -- all staff addressed ---- 7 Any easements or other survey documents for the property - . n ineering/Utili' 8. Any engineering plans for the project and approvals/disapprovals - ngmeenng 9. Any other documents you believe will be helpful to unraveling this situa 10 . Jim Cherof and I will take the lead on reviewing the documents and to coordinate any meetings with residents and the court appointed receiver for the development. I would appreciate it if these documents couid be provided to Joyce C by close of business on Tuesday, December 9th. I prefer photo copies to originals but understand that some documents are available in original format only Please note any originals II Thank you for your early attention to this request. Kurt Bressner r .)~ . ......c> ()V >(:' \.{f &I.{"- Cr l f _ n~/~/~.,.p h~r.l (~Ole;. .J05P y< I %,:Cv 0", _0- ~ ,p () if(. .r t.... U{(!i ~ /" _ r-- ~"-s. (,r~..k b~ 0 .;1 /, /./lr- ( 5 {If, r^ / t-""'U'Jv A { J t: lY5v,l(- ~'fi / t:-' flJ fa'> t,/ ~.l OfeJ 6 {~ ,J}- c'~f -- J' /' 1 ;i ., '5 ., a:: "E '" -0 C '" en ., " c '" E .g ., Ji .. c :::; .. E i= .. " c .. "C c o ~ ., ., c ~~ <:: i .. :E ~ o ..J .. - o "" '" C ~I ., " c ., -0 C o 0. '" ~ o () ! 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'" '" ~2 o ~ () .- f-::i: Q..() I() '" .l!l ~ c :s g ~ ~ o o (::! <0 N - N ~ ..-C\lC'\lC'\lC\lC'\l 000000 000000 C'\INNNNN ------ ....-NN('l')C"')f'-.. ~;:;:;:;:;:: N .... ~ ~ .,... N o o N - 0::> - ~ ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Byrne, Nancy Monday, December 08,20035:19 PM Greene, Quintus; Rumpf, Michael Mann, Cynthia Dakota Lofts Document listing Quintus & Mike, I've listed in chronological order. all of the documents I was able to locate related to Dakota Lofts. I do not have a copy of the signed Land Development Permit letter, but hopefully Cynthia will uncover that in her search through the files. Mike, there are a several letters from you to the developer already printed. Please have your research staff person note that I've found quite a few of them, including memos to Eric Johnson, which have already been added to the copies for Kurt. I'm most concerned about any other documents you have knowledge of that don't appear on the list. There are some very good documents here to back up the neighborhoods case, including correspondence from Jerry Knight promising all of the concessions they are concerned about. Please let me know if you see any obviously absent documents. I've highlighted the ones I felt contained the best information for Kurt to focus on. If you would like to view or have copies of any of those, just let me know and I'll make them before I send the final packet over to Joyce tomorrow afternoon. Thanks, Nancy . Dakota - Minutes timeline.xls 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment January 23,2002 Mr H. P Tompkins 2295 Corporate Drive #240 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 RE. FileNo.. Location: Dakota Lofts NWSP 01-010 3010 South Federal Highway Dear Mr. Tompkins: Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for site plan approval granted on January 15,2002, by the City Commission. To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable, with particular attention to the conditions added by the Community Redevelopment Agency Board. The full rectified site plan set is to be submitted as part of your permit plan package to the Building Division. The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable development order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit issuance. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments(s). Important: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and above those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and processed accordingly Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning MWRlad S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\Site plan approval letter after CC.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 . www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us 'k.\" 'IN I;) . C'olllpulmk La"'~'rFKhf;' [SearchRl:~u]t"'l ' ':j))) ~ ,', _ ~ 'r rh I "I [ , - r " I" ~~. ~ I;' J Jii'" 1fT;" I I I ' I ifl ~ .11_pll,t" II III I r'l I I 101 , #3 i1 Dakota Lolls 10-16-01 #4 Ii'lAgenda01.15-02 #6 il MinutllsOl.15-02';:': M5 Ii'lAgendaOl-21.Q3 III iii BackupOl-14-1)J M3 iii 02-05-02 fie Ii'I02-19--02 #10 iii 12-1&01 #11 IiJMinUleB 11.13-01 /J.' #12 Ii'lOl-D2-Q2 #13 ~Agenda01-D2.02 #14 Ii'lAgenda02-05-02 #15 /i')Agenda02-19-02 #16 /i'l Agenda 12.Q4.01 #17 iii Dakolalofls #18 iii 05 &ffi2002 #19 iii Agenda02-04-03(2) #20 iii Agenda 10.16-01 #21 iii Meeling BackupforOl-22-02 if22 ~10-021hrough12.02 #23 Iil Agenda 12-04-01 #24 III MirIIIln02.Q5.Q2 .:!<:.. t125 ii1Minut..l1.:;!).()1 c.c.. #26/i'lOl.()7-(J3 if27 /i'l05 &C6-02 #28 Ii'l Meeling Backup for 02-26-02 #:29 III MinutIlD1..02-D2 f.;. i) Minuilll 01-D2-02 P 1;- lIM:inut..Ol..Q8.D:2C..C I"" Minul.,02<Ii-02 c.... 22 21 20 18 14 9 8 8 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 . . . . 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 9 Image,Ted Image,Ted Image,Text Image,Ted Image,Ted Image,Ted Im~ge.Texl Im~ge,Texl Image,Ted Image,Text Image,Tell Image,Tnt Image,Ted Image,Tell Im~ge,Tell Image,Text Im~ge,Text Image,Texl Im~ge,Text Image,Text Image,Tell Image,Text Image,Tut Imago,Toxt Image,Text Image,Tell Im~go,Tell Imago,Text Image,Texl Image,Texl ~ ~ ::;: '" ~ ~ :;I! i:'1 ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ i: '~ ~ ~ Hi. ::: I ~ ',(' (Y-I I (' '1 1J <b f\ ( r ~ . 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II.. i l I '.,J ~ I #2Il Ii] AgendlllD-16-01 #21 i1 Meeting 8ackup for 01-22.02 tf22 /i'l1O-U2lhrough12.02 #23 iii Agenda 12.Q4.01 1iC!4 Ii'J Minutle02.JJ5.Q2 c-C- #25 i1 Minu1esl,.2Q.01 c.<:. #26 ~01.Q7-03 #27 i)05&.IE-02 #;28 i'I Meeling Backup for 02-26-02 #29 Ii'I MinuluOl.(J2-02 #30 Ii'IMinutesOH12-D2 #31 i'!Minulea01.al.l)2<!.C.p.. #32 i1Minut,,02.19-02e.~ , , , , , , 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Imagl,Text Image,Text Image.Te~t Image,Text ImQge,Texl Image.Tlll1 Image,Ted Image,Te~t Im~ge,Te.t Image.Te~1 Image,Text Image,Ted Image,Tell ~ =t ~ ~ ~ {'C- '''' Minule.12-1HI1c.. 2 Image,Text .,5 ., Minutes 12.18.01 t::'c. 2 Image,Te.t ~ ." i'101-2002 1 Imaga,Tell I!I; .,7 !!n02.Q07 1 Im~ge.Ted jI! #J8 Ii'I04-2002 1 Image.Te~t i1 #39 iii Agenda 11.06.01 1 Im~ge,Texl ~ #40 ~ Assl City Mgr (Hawkins) 1 Imllge,Ted #41 iii Cal~ary Chapel of Boynton Be 1 Image.Te~1 I #42 Iil CRA.2002 1 ImageJe~t #43 Ii'I Federal Highwa~ Comdor 1 Image,Ted #4' Ii'l Krlsp~Kreme12-D4-Dl 91 , Image,Ted #4' iii Minut8s02.12-D2c..,*,P 1 Image,Ted #46 iii Minut8s09-11-D1C.f<,A 1 ImageJe~t #47 iii Minutes l().(l9.Ok l"l.14 1 Image,Ted #IS i1Minutes1D.1S-Dl tc.. 1 ImagaJa~t #49 i1Mmutesll.(E.(Jlt!C . 1 Image,Text B; ..., iJMmutes12-13-01A~" ,-I'....' 1 Image.Te~t At I'll", .... ~ Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency ~oynton Beach, Florid~ '--' September 11, 2001 2. LOan Status (to be addressed under New Business) B. ProjeclUpdates 1) Federal Highway The consultant has provided staff with a draft of recommended land use regulsitions for the proposed mixed-use zoning districts for the Fed.eral Highway Gorridor Staff has been fine-tuning the recommendations and the final teCQmmer1dation.sWillbepresented to the Board at \tS October regular meeting; Staff is recommending that the CRA.hold a workshop on October 6th to give the Board, as. well as the public, an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed changes prior to the October 9th meeting. 2)MLK (Heart of Boynton) A community workshop took place on Saturday, August 25th at Poinciana Elementary School. The consultants made a presentation and there was a great deal of discussion. The following are some of the recommendations that were made: . Take over al"\d demolish the Cherry Hills Housing Project. . Land assembly in the neighborhood around MLK Boulevard. . Future study of the Shepard Addition as a mixed use area. 3) Marina Work on Casa Loma drainage is currently in permit review and fill is being brought in. A Marina Project update will be presented to the City Commission on October 2nd. C. Commission Actions On August 21st the City Commission approved two items on the Consent Agenda, which were variances for Lots 62 and 63 in the Cherry Hills section. D. Future Agenda Items A land use amendment for Dakota Lofts on South Federal Highway will be heard by the Board on October 9th ViCe Chair Heavilin inquired if action by the Board was necessary to approve the October 6th workshop. Mr. Tillman asked what the purpose ofthe workshop was. Mr. Greene said that staff would be providing the Board and the public with an opportunity to have some perception and input on staffs approach towards zoning along the Federal Highway Corridor Currently there are many uses. 3 Meeting Minutes Community Redevel()Pl11ent Agency Boynton .Beach, Florldll 'I '-<--' rt)\ -i>"V September 11, 2001 Staff is coming up with two basic categories; mixed use and mixed-use light. Within thqse ~ categories certain uses would be allowed as a matter of right, certain uses wOl not be allowed and certain uses will be allqwed with restrictions. The restrictions will be identified. Mr Fenton inquired.if the public would be notified and Mr Greene said that the usual public notice woUld be posted. When the formal public hearing takes place, everyone would be notified. There WaS a consensus to hold a workshop on Saturday, October 6th at 9:00 a.m. InConfeliehFEi ROom C* to be pu~liclynoticetl. *(LocaJion .Iater changedtoC~mmission Chambers) VI. Announcements'and Presentations None VII. Unfinished Business A. 2001-2001 Budget At the Board's request, two budgets were prepared for 2001-2002. One budget is based on City staff continuing to serve as the primary staff to the CRA Board (Alternative A). The second budget was prepared with the CRA having its own independent staff (Alternative B). Total resources available to the CRA for the new budget year are projected at $4,943,240. This includes the $3 million loan, approximately a $1 million carryover from the current year, and $943,240 in TIF revenues. Alternative A: This budget includes funds of $3.87 million for land acquisition and $250,000 for improvements. It is estimated that $4 1 million will be available for capital expenditures and allows for approximately $300;000 in reserve for future appropriation. Alternative B: This budget includes. salaries for a Director, Administrative Secretary and Accountant totaling $136,532 plus FICA and benefits of approximately $22;000 The Director's salary would range between $75,000 to $80,000. Personnel costs would be approximately $158,669. Other expenses in this budget include the costs for mileage reimbursement, office space, office equipment, computer maintenance and the cost of connecting to the City's server, memberShip and other miscellaneous oper.ating costs. City staff services would then be cut back by two-thirds. Total operating costs would come to $497,QOO. This would leave approximately $3.987 miUion for capital expenditures. 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida October 9,2001 Mr Goree acknowledged that the job had been harder and was taking longer than they had anticipated but that they were struggling to finish it. C. Future Agenda Items Mr Greene stated that the Public Hearings scheduled for this meeting were being rescheduled, at the applicant's request, until the November 13, 2001 meeting. The November 13, 2001 meeting agenda will have the Dakota Lofts project as well as the Federal Highway Corridor Zoning Code amendments. D. Commission Action There were no items to report. E. Summary Report, 907 N. Federal Highway Mr Greene sent the Board members a letter containing a summary of staff involvement and the events surrounding the CRA's first authorized bid on this properly Chairman Finkelstein distributed copies of bankruptcy and foreclosure notices that appeared in the newspaper after Mr Greene's letter The attorneys are keeping Chairman Finkelstein aware of the status of the properly VI. Unfinished Business A. Board request to include updates on Original Projects at every meeting Chairman Finkelstein referred to the list of items A - I that he distributed earlier in the meeting. The first item was that the Board requested an update on original projects, as outlined in the CRA Work Plan Priority List, at every meeting. Chairman Finkelstein requested that this be included on the agenda for every meeting. Mr Greene reported on the following projects from the Priority List. Priority A 1) Development Boynton Beach Boulevard Promenade and Riverwalk This item will be discussed later in the meeting in connection with the Fire Assessment issue. 2) Acquire funding ($3M) for land acquisition In Downtown Core Area This item is completed. 3) Assemble land for public parking west of Federal Highway The City is in the process of bringing a Real Estate Manager on board to assist in assembling this land. 5 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission BovntonBeach. Florida October 16. 2001 B. MariOi:lProject Update Quintus Greene explainE!d that AEC bought the Boynton Marina Marketplace last December. Their local representative, the.. Bruce GrouP, has been working to implement the first. phase of what is now called the Boynton Marina Village project. Bruce Jarvis, Bruce Group, explainE!d the. progress that they have made. He said the contractor is .doing puncn lisf'work on what has been constructed to date.. Within' the next two weekS, theY \<\1m be dOing the balance uf the work on the Marina, which consists of fire protection, p~ble water, and the recon$Uctionof the north dock. They hope to. get the Marina temporarily open by January or February of 2002. Mr. JarvisshowE!d renderings of thenine-story. north building, the eight-story south building, a six-story parking 'garage. and ana,OOO Sq. ft. restaurant. They'have increased the average size of th.e units from 1;000 Sq. ft.. to 1,300 Sq. ft. They .are also working on the signage for the project. Herb Suss asked what the approximate. completion date was for this project. Mayor Broening saidthis will be addreSsed at the November 6tl1. Commission meeting. C. Report and Recommendation regarding consultant and Legal Advisor for Commission Redistricting Project Oty Manager Bressnersaid that this item is a report from City staff regarding proposed reapportionment of Commission election districts, which is required by the CIty Charter and is required to be based on the 2000 Census. He explained the costs and companies involved. There will be 3 meetings between the Commission and the consultants and at least one meeting with the community. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve the report and recommendation. Commissioner Rsher seconded the motion that carried unanimously. VIII. PUBUC HEARING: 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Dakota Lofts H. P Tompkins Chan's Enterprises 3010 S. Federal Highway Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future land Use Map for 2.00 acres of property from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and Low Density Residential (LOR) to High Density Residential (HDR), and to rezone the property from Community Commercial (C-3) and Single Family Residential (R-1-M) to Planned Unit Development (PUD} (PER THE APPLTCANrS REQUEST, THE HEA/UNG wrU.8E POSTPONED UNlIJ. NOVEM8ER 2o,200~) 15 Meeting MinUtes Regular City Commission Bovnton Beach. Florida November 6. 2001 replied that the old high school was previously used by City departments during the renovation of City Hall. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve item C. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and carried unanimously. D. Strategic Initiative Report on Visions 20/20 Virginia Farace, Ubrary Director and team member, explained that the conceptual adoption of the Visions-ZO/20 Plan by the City Commission occurred on August 18, 1998 but it was never formallyadogted by resolution. Most of the goals were accomplished or are in progress. A copy of the report is attached to the original minutes on file in the office of the City Clerk. . . Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, explained the Projects Implementation Matrix, which is printed in the report. Arthur Lee, Human ResoUrces Director, said that the team is recommending that the Oty Commission direct the Oty Attorney to prepare an ordinalice to formally adopt pages 130-148 of the Visions ~0/20 Redevelopment Plan to satisfy the requiremen1:$ of Florida Statute 163.355, prpyjdingan offioal finding of necessity supporting .the expansion of the CRAa,ea, and that the 20/20 plan continue CIS a general guide for planning and development In the study area. Commissioner Ferguson recommended that this. item be tabled until the Commission has a joint meeting with the eRA on NOVember 7th. He said ttiat some things may have changed over the years alid this should be tabled uno'l the 2000 census is received. It was noted that this. item is not. being' adopted tonight. The Commission is only being asked to direct staff to draft a resolution. The consensus of the Commission was to have staff prepare a resolution. Mayor Broening thanked the team for their hard' work. VIII. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Dakota lofts H. P. Tompkins Chan's Enterprises 3010 S. Federal Highway Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map for 2.00 acres of property trom Local Retail commercial (LRC) and Low Density Residential (LOR) to High Density Residential (HDR), and to rezone the property trom Community Commercial (C-3) and Single Family Residential (R-1-AA) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) {PER THE APPIJCANT'S REQUEST, THE HEARrN6 wru BE POSTPONED UNTIL NOVEMBER 20, 2(}(J.:/} 11 Meeting Minutes '-' Community Redevelopment Agency BQyntonBeach, Florida \ \..J VII. Public Hearing November 13, 2001 Chairman Finj(elstein advised the participants of the order of business during the Public Hearingl'ortion of the meeting. Lindsey Payne. Asslstilnt City Attorney, administered the Oath to all those who planned to speak at the meeting. land Use Amendll1e"t1~ezonlng: A. Project Name: Agent; Owner: Loctltfon: Description: DAKOTA lOFTS HoP, Tompkill$ Chan'siEnterpri$es 3010'$. FederalHI9hway To amend the.C.omprehenslve Plan Future Land uSe J.1apfor 2.00 acr.s of property from local ~~ Cc:>nlll1erqial(LRC) and Low Density Resl",~nttal (LPR) to High Density Residentl,,1 (HDRl, and. to rezone the property .from Com.mtinlty Commercial (C-3) and Single Family Reaidential (R-1,AAl to Planned Unit Oev~lopment(pUD). DiCk Hudson, Sr. Planner, delineated the d~tails of th13 prClject contained in the Staff Report. The opinion of staff Y/aslhat. this WpV.1d. represent redevelopment and enhancement of the Federal HighwaYCotriqor,~n~rjbut~to th.e overall economic development of the City, and increaset6e raI:l~ Pf:tlO\l$ing opportunities for residenUi of Boynton Beach. The applicant agreeqtgaIlStaff;eor;ditions and Stctff'recommended that the subject request for land use amendfT\e6tand ,re~(lning/master plan be approved. H.P. "Press" Tompkins, Jr., of HPT C.o~ltl!nttJ, Inc., representing the applicant, advised.that he was. primarily there to answer questions. Chainnan Finkelstein op.ened the Public Hearing. Steve Gallagher, 816 Bamboo Lane, spoke for several Bamboo lane and Virginia Gardens DriV& ~id~nts when he expressed 'concems aboUt the increase in density, lraffic,lack of sufficient turnaround space,bqilding height, water supply, cost to the residents of hoo~ing up to the City's water ,supply, and whether this would mean annexation of their neighborhood to the CllyChaif!TlanFinkelstein stated that staff and the appli<:anth~dcoveted several of the con~rnsmentioned by Mr Gallagher already He advised that issues of this type WOLJld be addressed when the Site Plan came up later in the meeting. Ms. Hoyland asked Mr Hudson if the developer were developing the property to the maximum allowable density and he replied that they Were not and that with the rezoning the property could accommodate a total of twehty"O.ne. units. As no one else wished to sp.eak, the Public He{1ring wjJs closed. 3 , Meeling Minutes "j Community RedeveloplT16lnt AgenCy Boynton Beach,Florida '\ .....~l November 13, 2001 Motion Mr Fenton moved to accept Staff's recommendation of approval for this item. Mr DeMarcosecondedthe.motion ihatcarriedunanimously. Site Plan DAKOTA LOFTS H.P. Tompkins Chan's Enterprises 3010$. Fec:ten.I'Hlgbway Req!l~for s(taplan approvlll to construct 19 rri~ttJ"famiIY,to~ homes OAtwO (2)acras. Eric JOhnson,Planner, distributed copieS of the $ile plan to the Board members and summarized the $taffReport andreqomrnendiltion$. The' Engineering Department propOSes that theportionofBamb<Xl:~iie; between U.S. 1 . and the piclposed entranceway be widened to 22feet.E;ngineenf\9staff'~mrnended a turnaround area be added to the sub1ect site for emetgj;lJ1CY and se/'Vlce vehicl~. and Item #3 in the Conditions of Approval was a requirern~lit,~~FireO$paitmentthatthetumaroL!nd area .at the southeast cOrner of the ~ubjectip,r$pe~ have ii' minimum cenlertine radius of 50 feet. Subsequent to the printing of tti!J stliift'Report. tf!Iedeveloper met with the Engineering and Fire Oepartments aJ;l(j.;;I ~mprQmise was. reached. At the . end of Condition #3 the fo!loWing shOuld lire.~j:1~~: "qt to the. s~ti$faction of the Fire and Engineering Departments." The deve~~B;i~ii9~;tp,~J1me Condilionsof ApprovaL Staff recommended thatthfs siteplan~equ~.~i}ppt,oV~;c;ol',\tir:ililent on the approval. of the concurrentlar;td use.,Je~ing. aM~\ij1~~~tsi Stclffalso recommended aPproval of the site pl,an~l!bject toth~.pJ;l.ffi~gtelqlJlrement:~l1Q.;atl commemsincludet:i in Exhibit .0" - Condi1ionsof ;A.pproval. B. Project Name: Agent: Owner: LocatlQn: Description: Mr lompkins indicatedlhat there was an existing well In the parking lot Of the Sun Wah restaurant. . H~ met with the Engineering:PeparllTlElnt last week and they learned. that the well was being used by $everal reside~$ ror PQtable water Theitresearch into the matter found : that the well had never l!ie&n~rtnitted fOr that particu(\1r use. The dev~loper agr,eed1o extend a waterrriai";ofa;fe~sonablesize down Bamboo Lane sO that the residents who were on the well! 11P'N wOQldhave ~opportlJnlty to hook up to Gity water -rreY have ,nade~rran~9m~n~ npt to disrupt~~water,:c;md sewer service being .providest to the ol<iC~anf~id~n~i~.1i.~t;re~peA.C$~the~t oftheir property. TheY believeq t!1ey .had madeeY6rye~'1\ ,to; aFPornmod~e!U1eresjd~tsin the area. Concerning the~creJ'lOit, thEW foiiQq~~$&in~~itlldeofaJmost 1800 trips perdily. from !the trB!'ic iQ!ll'lerli~l;l~ '~'.i~Ur~tto.wt1at\c wGI:Ild be .generated from ninet~ town hoines. Cl\airJ')'l~nt=jn~l~t~naskedMr.. 4ohn$On;if Mr. Tompkins' comments were addreSsed in Col1clitiQh Qf~oval#,2;and'M replied that they were. Chairman Finkelstein op.ened the Public Hearing. Commissioner Mike Ferguson, 460 .HoriZons West,Boynt()n Beach, statedfhat Mrs. Freed, who lives at B21 BambOO Lane,askeq fOr hl$ assistance In this matter She has an easement for a well and it will.be6ccqpled by townhouses #15 and #16 and she does not want to go on City water. He ~eJjey~.thlilther easemel1tshould take precedence over thedevelopel"s plans until t1iedevek)~t'c8n resolVe the Issue. , . , 4 Meeting'Minutes \.,..-' Communil;Y Redevelopment Agency BOynton ~eaeh, Floridlil ,-J November 13,2001 Mr. Steve Gallagher inquired whether the water line the developer proposed to extend to Bamboo lane was to, be offered to all of the residents on Bamboo Lane and Mr Tompkins replied that it would. He then ,as.ked if the !!~ptanGe of water from tOe City of Boynton Seaeh would.mean that his neighborhood would be incorporated into the City of Boynton' Beac:li. The ~veloper deferred to .the City. Mr Greene 'stated that taking City w!!ter liIid not annex a: resident into the City of ~ynton B~ch, Ms. Linc:jsey Payne affirmed that cities coUI(j offer water to other cities or to unincorporated areas and it did not entailanneXatiQn.~r. ,Rumpf stated his beliefthat the waters~rvi~ agreemElnts had a clausetJ:lataUuqed ~possible annE:!Xation butth~tany suchid~n would be made at a later time asas~f:!1iG!ltElplanning event. Mr. ~Uagher believed that the .deyeloper should bear the resid~ C(lst to hqok up \0 the City Wl!Itar suPPly since U,e deVElloPer'S project wa$disruPting Uieir'cljrrent water Source. HeaiSQ exP~sS$da clesirepntne^part of the Bamboo I...ane~idents for a gate at thamagionlng,Of lt1Eijr street~t would prevent traffic fromcon'llng'down their street any further thantfl13 'entrance 101l:1e Dakota Lofts project. Kristin Conti, 1 Virgiqla GBf'dens Drive, Boyntor'lBe;lch, stated that she was a City residant Who p!!id City taxes and had City water ShEl was concemedon behlllf of her family and neighbors In. reference to traffic. She was skeptical about the report that there would be a relWc:tion in traffic with the advent of the ptopo~d projact. They had some major concem!> about the canal and its use, It ap~rEld that there W!!S not anough information for the residel)ts as to the cost they wouJ~hava to bear about the water service. She li'1~ wantad a gate at .the entrance to Yll'giltliaGardens to defleCt Dakota Lotts traffic. TI1ey had an unpayed, private rOlild and w,ere extremely CQrIcemed about the traffic coming dpwn their road. Mal'lY of the rasidents bQught there becausa of tOeR-1-AAzoning. expecting single ~lIy !oIsageand wantif19 thaprivacy She was also concemed about Itteneight of the ptopqSe<:!buildings for the.resic:j8l]ts living on the far west side since iIle resjdents of Dakota Lofts could, po~a1iy, look into their back yards. . Fred Canova,lJ15 Bamboo Lane, was concemedabout the building height since it exceeded the current zonil)g restrictions. He also stated that ohe of the properties using. the well in question W8$ at the end of a canal adjacent to hisp~perty (on the south side of the' canal) and if that property were to be annexed, it wOul(! subject the entire other side of Bamboo Lane to annexation along with it If that happefled, would the entire lengtO ofBamPooLane have to be widened to meet City standards? Mr Rumpf stated that if it were annexed and since it was a private roadi"ay, the City would not simultaneously take it on asa public roac:lway and apply the current developmant standards to it It would .remain private. Mr Canova askeQ'thS c:levefpper if they intended to repair and repave thEl street at the cprhptetion of. consul/clion, Mr TomPldns. stated that the develOPElr would rap..ir and repave the section tllal'tI1e City required to be twenty-two feet wide alildwhatevElr p9rfjon of the street that ~~d tObet(im up for the extension of the w,llter lines. He, did not foreSea repaving!hei e~tire length of Bamboo Lane. Joan Nigro. 804 Bamboo lane, objected to the entranca being so close to her house. She believed that Bamboo Lane had never been dedicated and that it was a private road. She Objected to the traffic that wO\lld ariseasaresultpf the construction effort. As she is at an intersection, she would get the traffic from Palmer Road and Bamboo Lane. She inquired whether a private, un dedicated road could be accessed in this way 5 Meeting Minutes "- Community Redevelopment Agency Boyntor,l Beach, Florida ,-) November 13, 2001 Bruce Jarvis, 810 Bainboo Lane, believed that the mechanics of the water issue should be fully explained to the residents. He asked if there were a detailed entry plan off Federal Highway in terms of signage .01' tTl(>numents. Mr. Rumpf stated that signage improvements would be restricted to the appliOl:lnt's property. Mr. J.alVis suggested that the developer and the City were missing an opportunity to improve the entf'Yway to the project. . Steve Dingle, appeared on behalf of his parents, Ron and Mickey DIngle, who live at 3 Virginia Gardens Drive and could not be present. They; were happy about the development in general and thought it would be an imProVement. However, they wished to know if the developer bad considerec:l an entran~ on 'th$nortl:lem part of the property They. were concerned abOut the impact' to Vifginia'~rdens Drive due to the construction . effort, They also wished to know itthede.vEllol>lilt had, any plans to pave Virginia Gardens Drive and if !lot,his parentsmightt;JewillinQto.~lp pay, for paving it. Theywlilre con~medaboutthewidthavailab!e for ma19nga t!lrn into Virginia Gardens Drive along the proposed laridsOl:lpedarea, on: thebuildililgs to the north. Chairman Finkelstein closed the Public Hearing. Mr Fenton asked whether the disruption in the water supply to the residents of Bamboo Road would necessitate the residents spending money to hook. up to the City water supply Eric Johnson s~ted that the developer would hook the residents up to the City water but that the residents would have to pay the normal monthly service fee. He affinned that there. would be no premium fee because the residents were not part of the City After a lengthy discussion, it became apparent that there was a misunderstanding between the City, the'developer, and the residents about the water issue, S~ff believed the developer had agreed to all the Conditions of Approval and that the developer had met with the ~idents and clarified ttle wateri~ue. The Conditions of Approval stated that the developer would connect the tesidentiill dwelling' to City water or install a new well to SelVe the residential dwelling. Mr. Tompkins' view was that the developer would run the water tines up to the residence only There was general agreement on the Board th~t many open issues had lobe resolved before the pmject could be resubmitted to the CRA for approval. Mr. Tillman was concerned about identifying the exact number of people using the wells, the potential annexation issue., the legality of the wells, the light turnaround space on the access road, and thEi responsibility for dedication of the turnarOund space. He suggested that the developer, the City (iiiduding the Legal Departmelit), and the residents get together and communlqete about these issues. Mr TiIlmanbeliEived that these legal issues' needed clariflCStion before proceeding with the project. Ms. Hoyland agreed with Mr Tillman's analysis with the addition of several other issues. She beUeved they should .be, gelting plans in their packets for their review prior to the meetings. They had not had.adequlltelime fO/' review of the plans. She believed that many of the issues should have been dealt with before the prpjed' was presented to the Board. She also favored deferring the Boai'd hearing until sort'\El of the open issues, legal and Otherwis'e, had been resolved. 6 Meeting Minutes \~ Cornmunity Redevelop!Jlent Agency Boynton Be8cli, Florid~ ~ November 13, 2001 Ms. Hoyland was concemed about an apparent encroachment by Virginia Gardens Drive onto the proposed property Mr. Johnson stated that there was no encroachment. Mr. Rumpf d$ferr~the.gues;tion to the ",pplicant, Mr. Tompkins. Mr Tompkins said that ac;c;ording to the City'$ Engineering Department, there is no legal document creating Virginia GardEmsDrive. There was an old ten~foot a~ess ea$ement across the Chan property and als.o a~n"foot utility easemeritthattransve~esthe . Chan property They hadrelocat'ed that.ahd;prpvided the City with anew, 20-foot access easementto tie to wh,at is now exii>ts ~Yirginill Gardens Drive. They plan to utilize the same rqadway they have now In CQq>peration with. City$laff, the developerwastlyingto cause the least possible disruption toVirginia Gardens Drive and BambooLane. Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, reportedthatStaffunde~toodfromthe applicantthat theatW6ioperi'\ad contact~the propertY~~nd worked out some of the open issues. l>~~llYlY water delivery.. TI1.ereare sOrQevery antiquated, "old Florida" . aspects to thisp.r@ject They ,hadreviewsd the property on site with the limited access off sambool.;ane.. He deferred.tothe<apptic::am.Whether or not the developer had the jUrisdiction to alter and l:\XPlInd ~r(1bo() Lane. Mr. RU~f:sta~ that staff was comfortable with fh~ ():onditions ofApprov~ as . Wri~n if tItr!/i'" information given was correct; however,. he, ~k,ed Mr Tompkins! "Whohasltlrisdiqti!\!n'!Q.ver ~mpoo Lane?" Mr TompkinsstateQ.t&at there waS, a weetoqoadW.aY.~'f\tfor that portion of Bamboo Lane thiat l.t1~illre acces~ng.. lheyagflleP, to. ~nlil the pavement from ~u~en feet l? tweq~fee,t. Mr, ~uU!ptstatedth* i! ~@\fIe .developer was "riding on thenghts tlJ~ tbe fE!stal.l~ O1NI1E!rdoesnOW'~.a" ~ihat,property", and the applicant responded: iQ, t\1e ;afl'irmatjV~."T1je d~lOP"'rreit~~tthat.fue matter had been researched ah~>lIh~te was an;ea~l'Tlei1t on Bamboo. Lanei:but not from Virginia Gardens Drive. . Ms. Hoyland expressed reservations about the ; lack of decorative elements on the elevations that faCS\'lFllderal Highway atthe end of the build!ngs. She believed that stucco banding or sbul;tersshould be considered, particularly.siill~ the property was on a gateway to Boynton Beach. Vice Chair Heavilin was. concerned about the fact that there were only four guest parking spaces in the .developjT1ent. Also she beiieved: that the trafli6would probably have a negative impact on ~C1mboQ Lane and Virginia Gardens Drive since they are extremely narrow, and only allO\\lpnevehide at a lime. She asked the cllilve10per to consider the request of the residents for gates. She also asked if there wot,lld be any impact to the residents from tl)estandpoint of dockage and seawalls. Mr Rumpf suggested that if this concemedthe EloatciI,thatthe Board add a condition that agreerne,nts be put in place to preserve the Use and docking rights on the canal. Mr Tompkin$ s~ that the property owners had no plans tq disl'4pt any of the dockage or us~eof trie canals. Vice Chair Heavilin also had a con~about drainage and Mr. Tompkins sl:\ldthey. had.submitted a more detailed drainage.plan to the Engineering Department that was approved. Mr DeMarco thought that having City water would be adefinil$ improvement over well water His understanding was that the developer was to bril19t11e water lines to street- side of the involved: rl!sidenCes and that hooking up to City water would be up to the residents. He thought .~at the City should provide the ,inforrnati~ to the residents about the costs of hooking up to the City's water. Mr Gallagher (a, Bamboo Lane resident) stated !hat they we~e. in favor of that as long as it did not cOst them a lot of money Chairman Finkelsteirn $ked'Mr Tompkins if allY reference to a wellar wells had shown 7 '\ ~eeting Minutes \.,../ Community Redevelopment Agency BoynlQn Beach. Floridi '\ '--_.j November 13, 2001 up in the title search and Mr Tompkins responded that two title searches had not revealed anything about a well or wells. Ms. Hoyland inquired al;lout thilminimumbacKoul requirement fOr perpendicular parking in reference to' the north ~s drive. . Mr. Johnson said that the requirement was 2:l feet but that it w~ ncit~l'Iing considered as a drtve aisle and that the Engineering Department had' agreed'with the allotted $pace. Mr Tillman requested action on the item. Motion Ms. Hoyland moved to table the DaKota Lofts site plan until the neJdBoard meeting or until the following commentswere addressed: ':0 that agreements are made or drafted for water service for the residents now using the well on the property; .:. that an agreement is drafted for the docks that exist for the adjacent affected properties; .:. that the elevations fronting on Federal Highway to the west, north, and south be revised to incorporate more detail; .:. that decorative light fixtures be proposed Within the project; .:.that a 27~foolbE!ckout area beprovid~ adjacent to the garages; .:. that the gii\rages 0018 feet in width at the access point; .:. that Bamboo Lane be Called out on the survey as to Whether it is a public or private roadway and the exact width of that roadway or easement; .:. that the access for Virginia Gardens Drive be indicated more clearly on the proposed site plan (the area that is going to be removed and the area that is proposed). Mr. Tillman seconded the motion. Vice Chair Heavilin stated that much of what Ms, Hoyland had listed was very technical and had already been approved by the appropri~te City DePartments. She agreed with the agreements pertaining to water service, docKage, and the elevations. Chairman Finkelstein did not agree with some of the technical requirements and' did not want to dictate to the Planning' Department. He did not know lfthe City had the right to make the developer share the canal if the developer owned ittilnd according to the survey, the develOper did own it. He agreed that there were some important questions aboulthe wells, water supply and delivery. and annexation that should be addressed. A vote was taken on the motion. The Chairman asked the Recording Secretary to call the roll. Messrs. DeMarco and Tillman anq Ms. Hoyland voted yes and Mr. Fenton, Chairman Finkelstein, and Vice Chair Heavilin voted 00. The motion failed. Motion Mr Tillman moved that the Dakota Lofts site plan be tabled and that the developer and ~taff get together and. gather the necessary; agreements for the project to move forward to include items broUght forth on the well, legal issues on the roadways, and the access 8 Meeting Minutes \..../ Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florid.a \ J November 13, 2001 off of Federal Highway and Virginia Gardens Drive. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the motion. Ms. Hoyland asked if th.e rest of the Board had any concems with the elevations. She bellevedthat was the function of the BOard and reiterated her con.e6m with the . lack of architectural -elements on the wes~mmost building, on its north and soulhends. Chairman Firlkelsteir'l <:ls~d Mr Tomkin$ to comment on this and Mr Tompkins agreed that they could improve this aspect of the. project. Mr Tillman. amend!!d his motion to inclu!ile Ms. Hoyland's. elevation comment pertaining to the architectutalelElmentsoil the iflorthand so~ends.ofthe westemmostbuilding. Vice Chelr Heavinn se<>>nclEld, the amended motion. Themotidh passed 5-'1, Ms. Hoy/anddisssnting. A RECESS WAS DECLARED AT 8:15 P.M. AT 8:2S'P.M. THE MEETING WAS RECONVENED. Rezonina/Code Amendments C. Project Name: Agent: Location: Part #1 : Part #2: Part #3: US1 Corridor Rezoning & Code Amendments City of Boynton Beach Federal HighwayCon1dor segmllnt between the Boynton C-16 Carial on the North, and Woolbright Road on the South, and lying b8tWeen the Int!'Jcoastal Waterway on the East, A!lci t"erlght-Qf-way of the Florida East Coast (FEe) Railway on the West. Proposed Zoning Regulations for Mixed-Use and Mixed-Use low zoning categories, CO!lslstent with the recommendations of the Federal HlghwayCorri~orRedevelopment Plan. Rezone Area III of the Fe$ral Highway Corridor Redeve/opmenlPl;m from Central Business District (CBO) to Mlxed.us, (MU). R_ne Area II and Area IV of the federal Hlghw;ly Corridor. Redevelopment Plan (excluding Boynton. Isles and Lee Manor Isles Subdivisions) from Single-family Residential (R-1-AA) and (R-1-A),Slngle& TYlo-faml1y Residential (R-2), Multf4anilly Residential (R-3), OffIcelProfesslonal(C-1). Neighborhood COlJ1inercial (C-2), Community Commercial (C-3), and Generlll Commercial (C-4)ta Mixed Use.Low (MU-L), Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, stated that this agenda item would be handled in three parts. He then introduced the author of the 'Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan, Michele Mellgren, whO briefly explain~ tJje events leading up to the Plan and the City's request that she assist in the rezolling andimplem~lntation of the Plan: She noted that the CRA had already reviewed the Plan, and submitt~ comments. 9 Meeti~;Minutes Regular City Commissi!l)n Bovntolt'8each, Florida Novernber20,2001 and authorizing. payment of 50% of the contract savings in the amount of $24,271.50 Discussion Assistant City Manager Dale Sugerman stated that Mangrove Walk at the Marina (Pond B) has been. Gprnpletedon time and under budget. Through the efforts of the City's Water Resources Leaqership Team and COM, this project was completed for $1 million less than the bid price. After this final change order is approved by the Commission, a portion of the contract savings Will be given back to the City. Motion Comn'1issiOnElr Fisher moved to approve item C.6 with the proceeds to be deposited into the 'Ecpnomic Development account. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Weiland and approved ulianimously. DaveH;lIl:7from CDMEngineers & Constructors congratulated the Oty for an innovative project andpreSerited a check for $24,271.50 to the City for one-half of the savings on the project. E,1. Dakota Lofts (Chan's Enterprises) - 3010 S. Federal Highway - Request for site plan approval to construct 19 multifamily town homes on two acres Discussion Commissioner Ferguson noted that item E.! was tabled by the eRA. Motion . Commissioner Ferguson moved to accept the CRA's tabling of this item. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fisher and carried unanimously. VU. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Status Report on Mangrove Park High School Quintus Greene, Development Director, said that staff had reviewed the Historic Society's schematic drawings;lndtheir cost breakdown of the proposed renovations of the old high s;:hool. The $4.7 million that they projected agrees with the City's estimate. He said that there Was no reason to alter staff's opinion that the building should be demolished. There have been a number of proposals since 1993 to renovate the building and this latest one is no more viable than any others. There has been no evidence of success in raising funds for the renovation. Staff still recommends demolition not to exceed $250,000. Mr. Greene said that If the old high school building is demolished, the City's historic 1913 Children's Museum will be visible from Seacrest Boulevard. Commissioner Fisher asked whether the preservation group is willing to pay for liability Insurance. He stated that there is a big difference between this group and previous ones because this group is not asking for money. 8 Meeting Minutes RegufarCity commission BoYnton.Beach. Florida December 4. 2001 Church - School Campus to include the sanctuary, classrooms, daycare center'and related site improvements on 8.84 acres E. Ratification of Communit,y Redevelopment Agency Action: 1. Dakota lofts (Chan's Enterprises) - 3010 S. Federal Highway - Request for Site Plan approval to construct 19 multifamily town homes, recreation area, aridr~latedsi~e improvements on two ~rrA8J.ED UNlIJ. DECEMBER .t8,.201J1} F. Approve an education and !:raining progr~m with the Institute of Cultural Affairs to ~gin implementation of a citizens' neighborhood academy for a cost of $20;000 Both Vice Mayor Weiland and Commissioner Ferguson, requested that item F be pulled for discussion. G. Approve the use of $3,925 from Commissioner Fisher's discretionary funds to pay for the following items: a ) rental of a horse-drawn carnage to offer free rides to the pUblic at the Season of Peace event, Holiday Parade and Holiday Concert at Mangrove Walk at the Marinai b) hire an ice sculptor to perform after the HOliday Paradei and c) rent eight tower lights for the parade Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve the consent agenda as amended. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Fisher and carried unanimously. VI.B.5. Approve the "piggy-back" of the Ot,y of Tallahassee, RFP#0310-00-KR-CC, awarded to KERR & DOWNS RESEARCH, for a comprehensive Otizen Satisfaction Survey in an amount not to exceed $24,900 (Proposed Resolution No. R01- 311) Discussion Commissioner Ferguson was concerned regarding this proposed survey being performed by a Tallahassee company rather than a local company to whom the Qt,y would not have to pay travel costs. He said that the Cit,y is .currently conducting a survey on water rates and a study on Parks & Recreation. He suggested that this citizen survey be delayed until other studieS were completed. Commissioner Rsher agreed that he would prefer a local firm. He thought that staff could be trained to put together a questionnaire. He would rather go to homeowners assodations to do the surveys, which would be a more personal way to do it. Mayor Broening said he had no problem with this item except he would rather have a local company. He does not want amateurs doing the survey. He would prefer a more personal approach such as public meetingsihowever, he was concerned regarding the amount of time it would take. 7 ,.,eet1ngM!nl.lfes ~ Commui1lty~evelopmentAgency Soyntlm S"ilcl;l, FL 5. Way-Finding Slgnage Program ,,) December 11,2001 The Public Works Department. is in the proces$ of securing a formal proposal from the Olty ofHollywpod to design away-finding signagEl program; C.Future Agenda Items The Dakota Lofts project has been postponed until the January 8, 2002 meeting. D. comml$sloriActlon The Commission approved an Ordinance on fll'St reading to allow the CRA to hire its own staff. Thesec;ond reading iS$cheduled for December 18th. As soon as the item is liIpproved, the ac! for the ExecutiVe Director position will be fotwarded to Human Resourees the next day for publication. Mr Aguila inquired who would be short-fisting the applican~ and developing the interview process, He woukJ like this Board to be actively i!wolved. Mr Greene recommended that the Board select a. cQmmlttee of not more than three to be the interviewPlinel for aU. candidates. Mr. Greene. wOLlld coordinate the applications that are received with the HLlman Re$OLlrceS Department and set up the interviews. Human Resour~!!Wm bescreeniqg the applicants that do not meet the basic qualifications. Mr Greene pOiRted out that the interviews would be open to the public. Referring again to the Federal Highway Corridor Plan, Mr Aguila asked what effect the two options would have upon the project. Mr. Greene explained if the Commis~ion selects Option A, there will be a mixed.use and mixed-use low zoning district in the City's Land Development Code. but it would not be on the grounQ. This district Could only, be applied in an area where there is a mixed-use, land-use designation. CurrerUly, this onlye~ts in the CBD. In order to be consistent between zoning/ilniil .Iand use, the Gity will be witt)drawingits request from DCA for expansion otthe mixed.use la~duse. Therefore, all the people who objected to the mix$d.usewillnot beha1#ing their property rezoned. Only people who request re;z:oningwould have their property rezoned. Option B, consists of Option A,plus putting .it on the. ground in C-4 C-4 zoning is the most intense comrt1ercial~egory that exists along Federal Highway. If the City CommisSion warned to address the real problem areas, that would be Option B. Mr. Greene anti(:ipates th$t. ther~ will be some obje<rtions to Option B since there are businesses that do want to see their zonih9 change, Staff has provided the Commission with these options while preserving the mixed-use category in the Ordinance. Staff further feels that there are developers that would like to move forward with miXed-use development. 5 Meeting Minutes RegUlar City Commission Boynton Beach,FL December 18, 2001 $177 ,611.96 for the installation of water and sewer systems serving the project known as Manatee Bay 8. propos$({ Resolution fIIo. R(l1-329 Re: Approving Task Order 288 Amendment #2 wIth CH2M Hill, one of our consulting engineers,.. far additional engineering serviceS duringconstruclion of Master Lift Station Rehabilitations at #'s 317.316, 319'ln the amount of $54,037 9PfOPO$edRes9lutionNo. R01-330 Re: Approval of 11 CCllitraQt$,f(jr *~lVices for Community Dev~lopment Block Grant (CDB~) 'Sjilb"reciplents previously approved for funding pnAW,JUsf 7; ,?dol, . and SUb-recipient addecl(iumto thElagreemeritwith tl)f!Locallnitia~ve Support Corporation's (L1SC) pre"appiElhti~~~ip.program for buildingcon~truction, currently- Ipeing implel'tlentElrl pythe Boynton Bea~h Faith BasedCDC 10 proposed Resolution No. R01-331 Re. Approving the Ghcmge order request to PREVENTIVE MAl NTENANCE SUPPORT SERVICES; INC. for an increase to the blariket for roof inspections, pressure cleaning, maintenance repairs and reporting for$t,8,975 based On the City of Coral Springs8Id #01-G-020F (effecti)Je: 02/06/01-0,2/05/03) 11 Proposed. Resolution No. R01-332 Re: Approving. the change orderrequestio ADVANCED ROOFING, INC. for a modificatioli oHhe repairs to the Police Station lower rooffor $26,725 12. Proposed Resolution No. R01-333 Re: Transferring $1,274,162 from Visions 20/20 funds to the CRA for the Boynton Beach Promenade and CBD Parking 13. Proposed Resolution No. R01.334 for Manatee Bay Re: Approving plat D. Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: None E. Ratification of Community Redevelopment Agency Action: 1 Dakota Lofts (Chan'sEnterprises) - 3010 S. Federal Highway - Request for Site Plan approval to construct 19 multifamily town homes, recreation area, and related site improvements 15 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Boyn~on Bea<;h, FL on two acres 2002) December 18, 2001 (Request postponement until January 15, F Approv$ transfer of $70,000 from Contingency Account to Planning 8. Zoning Con$u~nt F~ to facilitate the revision and updating of the City's Land Development Regulations (Proposed ResOlution No. R01-335) G. Approve two funding requests by Commissioner McCray' a. $2,000 to purchase books for the Boynton Beach Public Library b. $1,000 to 1913 Schoolhouse. Museum for HeadStart students to be able to utilize the Museum and eXperience the leaming experience without paying the admission fee Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to accept the consent agenda, as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fisher and unanimously carried. VII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Discussion regarding possible development scenarios for the M-1 zoned land along South Congress Avenue and initiating a planning study for the area Mr Bressnerreported that the South Congress Avenue area in question has been zoned M-1 for many years. He would like the Commission to consider if other zoning classifications should be considered and implemented. To do this, it would be necessary that the owners of the property and surrounding properties participate. An information packet presented by Mr Rumpf was distributed, which contained the following information: (1) zoning information for the M-1 District, (2) Land Use Information from the Comprehensive Plan, and (3) recommendations specific to this portion ofthe corridor . The area is a consolidated M-1 district surrounded by residential uses on the west side of Congress Avenue; a mixture of uses on the east side; and residential. to the north with a narrowing at the southern end that abuts the Regional Waste Water Treatment Facility . The area is almost developed out with the exception of three parcels. . The three parcels were illustrated on the map and discussed. . Existing buildings and uses were pointed out and discussed 16 M~l!tl(l.g :Mli)utes C c..amm. . 1:f.;1I~. '~" ~qe..... Vc&Io,'. lm1ent Ag~IlCY.. Snvnt'. )i';';;"~eaiib')'l=L. . . -;1 'R~1i?""" '", ,_ " ' , l. - January 8, 2002 Negotiations for property acquisition necessary for implementation of the PrpJnE'ln~ge ,anq,Rj":E:lJ;\!{~,K havl:lfl;l!len. trrough, TDi~ W,ilf.pe ?ddr~sed under I~Y.!Jq~. '{!;rnih~~'Ciqrii~,'.Jrt,J; . . ,. ,. .."..' /" C. Future Agenda Items There is one item sCheduled for the February agenda, Which is the MacMiIlian Personal Watercraft. This involves a zoning code variance.and a site plan modification. ' .. D. CommlS$Jon Action. T:heGornmission approved the Code AlT1sndment toalfow the CRA to hire its own st!"ll There was an ad for the DirectOr's position in the Sunday, January 6th, Palm Beach Post The COmmission authorized the transfer of $1.274,162 from the Vi~ions 20/20 Fund .to the CRA, which Includes $611,000 from the Boynton Seach Boulevard Promenade Project and $663,162 from the CBDParking Program. Mr. Aguila reQ!.Iasted that after Mr Greene fJiv~$ his report thatthe members be furnished in writing with the information discus$.~d so that they could have .it for study and future reference. Mr. Greene will comply with this request. VI. Unfinished Busfness . None VII. Public Hearings: ,Site Plan: A. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: DAKOTA LOFT$ H.P Tompkins Chao's Entelprises 3010 S. F~eral Highway Request fOr site plan li!pproval to construct 19 multi-family town homes on two (2}acres. 4 , Meeting Minutes '\ Comt11un1ty Redever~ment Agency Boyntc)l'\B~cl;t, FL. .) .)anU<lry 8. 2002. Attorney Payne administered the oath to all persons who would be testifying. Mr Mike Rumpf, the City's Planning and Zoning Director, presented the item and pointed out the area in question ort the drawings displayed on the screen. The property is 19C$ted on the former Sun WahRestau~ntsite, The restaurant would be razed .aM 19 townhouse units will be buHtinthree separate buildings on two acres between Virginia Garden ,Dtiveand Bamboo Lane. The property currentl}! oontains'ai restaurant, ~ing area'and Canat . Th~property consists of two zohingdistifct~, ~'qn :the west and R-1"AA on the east. The Board rey,iawed tM Land Use~mendment 'Rezoning in November and recommended appr'.ovat: All oQildings will contain thr.eebedroom units and will be. three stories high. Amenities would incluqe a swimming pool and canal fQr boat docking and access to the Intracoastal Wate.rway; Access would be throl,lgh Bamboo Lane from the south. Houses 011 Vil;ginia Garclen Olive would share theCdmmon acc(;jssdrive through a pres~rved;,e~sement tl')at would extend north ant;! south through the property. The easen:\ent currently exists and will be relocated to the west. There will be 38 parking spaces fora ratio oftw.d spaces per unit. There will be four standard spa~s and one handicap space provided at the pool area. The perimeter of the project will be enhanced with 10-foot wide landscape buffers and one20-footwide,.buffer The site plan review was tableel at the November meeting in order to resolve certain issues. Those issues incll,lded fa~de enhancements; Bamboo Lane to be U!led as access; utility service; how the developer-owner would mitigate impact upon the adjs,eent property owners who have water wells on the Property; and emergency v~hlcleaccess. A meeting took plac$ yesterday among the property owners, staff and the applicant. The applicant will present what transpired at the meeting. Planning staff met 'with Fire !)Elrsonnel today to determine what the Fire Department wOl,lld irequire on the southern buffer for emergency egress. The Fire Department will require 40' of cleared area, which will require some landscape adjustments. Staff requests that if the Board recommends approval that the Fire Department requirement be included. Staff continues to recommend approval of the project. ChairrnanFinkelstein inqUired if the C~:mditions of Approval in the backup are the most current and was informed that they were. 5 Mee~ingM'l'Iutes ('" CorrllnunltyRedev_ment Agency BQ~ti ~biFL ~ January 8, 2OQ2 Mr.Pres'S Tompkifl$, representing the appliCj:lnt, .assumed the podium. He stated thaUh~y have met with the homeowners to discuss and resolve the issues .that ;we$ raisedatthe last meeting as follows: ..e. .,.,' 1 , Wittl,,~art$:\t9the'wmer w~ll$i tl\l~'lilPplicant:ha'$. agreec;btoi'e~tend th~;:~:~in"d~fI[iE!a~bqoLanl?arld,.pro'viq~,wateff.servjGe to restdeFlts~~~l'jt.toBa~,'Labe,:' .A ~~ter m~*;"llre;:jdY;i~xi$~ln'th~co~OTtJ-ifll\,ln;js,"Qrth ,0ftha;Slte. Thatm!!linyljIJ.;6~~pp~$lr.th~r~~r~~nts'q" V~ia"Qfitden .Dri'l'e, Tbedeve!fil~rJ\ll~i~~e~tt?,~!I9lf\1:\~ ~ident~~q 1jtiliZe the canal. SomeF 111\1_ ",<<~~'~!ii',~~~J~~Alq,,11be;,t.$it$;tplcm('to incorpo~t$lso;~e:o~ije.,g~~i~lqn~;4>,fapP~QjliJ;dV";' .' .' The 4Q' for~ fiflil ~i:il~~CWl h~ai~\llmol!lated alill:! a remo\!aQle;~a~enwiU;p~;~atki\llis ~Mciej,; . 2. 3. 4. 5. ri ". Chairma.'.l'l Finkels~.....'.ffir,~...fe. r..;red. :.... .~~..M..... r..;.TO.........!<!'P............kins'......'.....JEl.tfer.i'Cl.........f..,...D.. ..$:. _...'........b. e.l'. 31, 2..0..01 ..Item ~ O.f th.. .at letter.re. fer.... .e.... no.'. ~ (8:.'.. :.'r8v..'.' I.... is.:.~.. ..i.S. .'.~. '..~lpl. ,....l~....n.:.,.. '. a.. $!W,e~~..1ijl. ....: ,a. n..\El.n.'.larged pla~for,!the Improv?rnent ~Ba~La:~, :~~~~ipn~QtOl1llght.s ;meetlng.Mr Tompkins fumlShed thel!plal'1it8 the.meml:1$TS, i Mr Tompkins st$d that the access to;Bsrnboo Lane from Federal Highway was never platted. There is, 'however, suffi~jenlroomforaccess since Bamboo Lane is 65' wide at Federal Highw;ayand 42.'wide aUhe project entrance. Virginia Garden is also shown on an unrecorded plat as ,a 12' wideeaseroent. This will be relocated approximately zq'tO 30' to the west. to line I.lP with the project entrance road, SO that they. wouldlilavethe same access that they preS8(1tly have. Chairman Finkelstein inquired if the developer wOl.lld bar.enhancing the. offsite entrance. Mr. Tompkins responded that the developer intends to fix up. the island that isctJrrently in plac&;.Those plans would bestibmittedto the City , ,. Attorney Jerry Knight, explained that whoever gave the~asement back in 1989 never had the authority to do so and: that is why it neverlshowad,olJP on the title policy. Therefore, there is no legal acceSs over theprojettpropertY where the driveway is located; Chairman F'inkelstein asked the applicant if there were any Conditions of Approval that they object to and the applicant stated the agreed \!lith aU staff commentS. Some of the conditions have become moot since the ,applicant is supplying water to the residents. Mr. Tompkins presented .a handout that addressed some. additional changes, such as chanOing; the windOWS to. glass block windows on the ends ofthebuildings. . 6 Meetln.g Minutes ') Coiri/nunltyRedeve)ppment Agency B(lynton$~ach" F~.. " .) ):),:,:~ ~anuary8, 2002. . Mr. Aguila inquireq how the re$idents of Colonial ClubaCqlssed their property, which Mr Tompkjn:s addressed. The access to Virginia Garden Orive will be relocated appro*imi:ltely 20' to. 30' to. the west to line up with the praject.driveway There willbenQac:cess between their property and the property to the north. ChairrnanFinkelstelrt(openedt!:1epublic t1earing. Mr. JEdfShafferi.'820,BamboQ Lane raised concerns abaut annexation and wauldUke tQKilOW!jf there wouldQe expen$es incurred. He also expressed ccmcernsabalJtt~~I.-t!afflcthat would be emanating fram Bamboo. Lane onto Federal Highway. Chairman Finkelstein stated staff would be adq/:essing .these concerns. Krls.ten Conti, 1 vtrginiaGardehOrlve, pres.ented a letter regarding the meeting held yesterqaY. She felt progress has been made. .but there are still issues that need,. to be resolved. Ms,Conti Il()ted that Virginia Garden h~<; J- usedfor aecess < 1'ti!r aver SO years, which Olakesitanimpliedear T,,- ft" wauld liRe the gates that the applicant is furnishing to be a CanditiQI~ <- She wauld like to. know the timeframe far the construction 'and we conditians.incorporated into. the.approval process. She would alsc dacuments tQ..Qrahibftany future purchlilse.i.fram chan!IinQJhe.wimt6ws.Oli!y~ "" ~Iear..gla~. Fred Canova, 815 Bamboo Lane, liVed next to the proposed proje~, and..had variaus concerns thstdncluded tJ1e~eight afthe new building$. the change in aesthetics in the neighborhaod, and ensuring that no. future awnerwotJld change the glass ba~ta. clear glass. He did not think that BCjmboo tane could accommadate additional traffic. Bruce Jarvis, 810 Barnboo Lane, asked why, the Fire Department was. requiring a40~entrance to theproperty~ Mr. Rumpf resPol1dedthat this isa requirement of the Fire Code because the street is a dead end street and a certain number of feet must 'beavail8l;lledor turnaround, Mr. Rurnpf further $tated thatthis w0uld anly require $Orne ;adjustment to thE;! landscaping. Mr Jarvis asked if a .fence would beerectecl ~ori9 with the landscaping and was informed that there will be no fence. Mr. Rumpf lll.lggested. thatthe applicant address thi$. Mr. Jarvis complimented the developer i"going out of his way to. resalve issues that have existecl fllr years. Further, the rli!zing of Sun Wah anq eliminating the actiVities tha.toccutb6hind'it. Will enhance the value of everyone's property. '. " . ,- -". Chairman Finkelstein closed the public. hearing. Mr Tompkins responded to the question about the 40' fire access. They have discussed with the Fire DepsrtmentplaqjqgsQrnetype of remavab.le barrier that woufd blend in with the landscaping ". and would only. be available for the fire and EMS vehicles. Th'iswiII be worked out with ,staff. 7 MeeijngMinutes , C. OolTll):1l;1nl!)' Redell~Qp'mentAgency So .~on jj'",,..,w,rpL: . 'l"~~:":' .... . , \.. ,'I .,.' ,.Ji!!!\>!a\'}f.<8, ~.902 With reg-stdta tr~ffic, Mr.TorTtlilkins point~qout that :therestaur~ntgenerated approximately 1,900.tripsper day, The project Will decreas~ traffic td 190 trips per day As to the gates for ~QOp~lni;jlill'iq \I1irginli:lGa~G;Elf!tQnve\,tITer6'are three residences on Virgini~Ga.rd~privearKl.i(qQ~n~t.$eem.feasibl\'ito plac;e.agate for threer~ide\1fS,.~r:ilii~mp~i!)~:f>di~tn~:~~t:jliltr~t~.ayi;~fthEl1resiqentsot,the proJ~~~o~I~. u~~'B~i'/iD~}~am~.';f9...$~~$~jm~i(':g~~t~lil~'t~d,' teepfestellt::t~at PTO.....fa. Vld, 1"$1.',': '81 ..::gate'for"8al1ii~~'~~Fl~'0( VijJ......lI1!lit{qaf$I'i\lhott~ecome~~. 'CondItion o . pprevlil . . . .:'.,., : ! :/ Mr.lVlac Bagby, one of the c1evelope@.,sii'lteelthat he spoke with Ms. ContLanp informed. her tHat a fund wol,lIdqe;:~st?P1f$t'le(,:l;{~ ,the residents: on;,\liESlnia Gafc:lenDrive aAd Bamboo Lan13tci hi~4J:t~eir,'9Wn cot\tta~r'to"er$Cf~'Gwn ~t~. Mr' Bagby:requested.thatthi~,~Qt,~i.~.~ElItibn()f:a~prov~;' 'B~'<l9reEld lhaf~$1M~foreaqh gate wQ!lI4JJfi'J>>'&v~~\ bliJt"ttleY.d:id,not wl$h"-\W,be inv6lvedin'theprocass -of e~cting'th~m.' ; Ie Mr: :Bag~'agre~dthatthEW w9l.jld prCNil;fEli:th~epetson$:wI1o had Previa,usly usadtheeanal With aneasemeritfudOfI1phue 'Wcros.$ .thecanat ' With regard to the emergency vehicleentran~, Mr Bagby stated that they intend to erect a fence with a lock 001< that wOl.lldb!end with tnelandscaping. The Fire Departmentwill ~ provided with. the ;ll'.eV:andth~ gate will' notbeleffl:Open.. !.;'<' ! The median in the center of. Bal'!JbG:lO' Lame, will be greatly el1hallced and upgraded with Palm Treesalld shrubbery Fot clarification on the annexation and water questIons, Mr. Rumpf responded ,thatthe Water'Service AgfElerne-n:t with theCityifor' residents who are not part of . the Gii}1 CQn~ains a tl!lU~ for ar'mexatlOn. Ther,efore, 'signing the WaterSeiVice Agreement is a simultaneous agreement for' futul'e annexation. This would require additional action on the part of the City This is a policy issue that should be brought to the City Commission to d;etermine if theGity, wants. to annex, those properties. With regard . 10 the expenSE! for wat\'ir,theGityis allowed tt) charge an additional premium of 25% for the monthly water bill. Mr. Aguila asked 'for clarificatiqn on'eQr.ess and ing~ to Virginia Garden Drive and whether it would beclosedioff. M~: Tompkins;statedthat it would be closed off and the only access wOlJldbe thro~gh their. development. He explained how this process wO,uld work andth$Y :t1~providedia wider access, which would result ill no significant chang$ to the current ingres~. Mr. Agui(e inquired about thei fles~etips of the dumpster gate, Mr. Tompkins responded that they used th~jCity'~~c:l'ardfqr~dumpster. Mr Aguila felt that the dumpster enclosure could haveibeen made more attractive, 8 Meeting Mjnutes '1 Community .RedevemPment Agency ~qynt~)~~~cfilfL .... . "~ ~ J$nuary 8,2.002. Mr Aguila asked if th~ ~htinginstalled would wash onto the adjoining property and Mr Tompkins statedthat.there would be now~sh ooto nthllr prooerties. Mr 'Agl:lilar~c:lLieStedthat this be' made'aconditionofaporoval. Mr. Tompkins agreed. . . . Mr; Aguila inquired: if there would be any out"cf"pocket expenses to the residents to have the Water installed up t.otheir kitchen llinks. Mr. Tompkins said there would be none lInd.that they have extended the water main. The developer has also agreed. to pay fort.he in\>tall~tion of the water meters and the 25% surcharge. The:deveiope,r h~sg!'ln!'i to cOnSid~bleexPen~tcrprovide water to the re$itl\)nts.Mt Ag'Uilastlltad tAatthe developer ,has gonel:>ut of his way to accommodate the residents and they have elone an.:excellent job under the circumstances. Mr Aguila supported the project. Mr. Rumpf requested that. the fbur conditidnli; raiseel be incorporated into the motion. Mr. Aguila noted that the"landscaping is skimpy and should be enhanced. He requested that the developer improve the landscaping, especially along U.S. 1 Motion Mr Aguila moved to approve the Dakota Lofts project as submitted, subject to Exhibit.C . (staff comments) with the following additional clarifications: 1 . Comment #34 will be rewritten to indicate the 40' radius for the Fire Department. 2; Cornment#35 should be deleted since that issue has been resolved. 3. Comment #38 should be rejected. 4. Comment #37 will be reworded to reflect the current agreement to make those impro.Jements. 5. Luminairs IightjngshoiJld be provided so that therewill be no overflow of lighting 0l'lt6 th~ ac;ljacent properties. 6. The landlScaping, . particularly along the Federal Highway Corridor, be appropria1elY enhanced, to be Worked out between staff and the developer. 7 A gate will be placed at the 40' opening for emergency vehicle access; 8. The actualel!ltrancetQ the development would be enhanced. 9. DecorativesMe lighting will be utilized, as well as the use of non-glare lighting artdwolJld pecome comment #38. Vote Motion seconded b}\ Mr Fenton and unanimously carried. 9 "'~ng~nUte$i R.~ul.J:a~C;~~lon B6Yne~~~'~t9ri4a .' ,. "t "!;~' r ~ ~~, > lanuarylS. 2OQ2 n. PUBUC AUDIEl'iCE: " '::!i'r.';, '-"". . .' _ '. _.'. , INDMDUALSPEAKERSWILL BEUMttED T03-MINUTEPRESENTATlONS Dr. Mark Rol2erts, 650W,. 8()ynton s.c::h,$oulevard,objected totonight'$ filSt~~~'Qf, theordlhari~regardil19 Krisj)y Kreme witf::!<?l;itapubli<; hearing, Hedlstributed"c9ple$ Of ij;~f,Ic!~;,~tee~~e..~~,(3184; whiCh. he$!li9 requires two pUbliC he,$l~r~,,~'cSPPt;~.~ sFa,t4t&J~.,:rnai'k~!lAl:tfl,9hlT1ent 1" and IS ~ctledto the;onginal mi,)l; Uj:e~;()rh~lei~ ;l:'&~;Q,ffl~,,'~ ,tIie CitY. '~riC'; . . .. . .' . ....".. T.~IJaf,M$; 656~NW lit A_~ispQKeregardlf1!1KrisP:YKre!l1~,,'s'/:l!!i.~:~al;,,~;. nq,ottt~ d!1v~ru Will(low$In t1je'City Wat~~tareslQ\!ntial'~~'!"'Sh~'d(~rn~ regardil1~'l:be A'olse ahdl:t1e'decll~in prii~~ '", """, ., . .),' .j}... -f H~rb~"$poke concemingthe fOlll?W!n91~:;" , , ..: 1. H~i~tl~4~,t9.hISp~y!~;~~~?i):tIiatwo~d. al1!)WSomeone to serJii.on two adviSory ~al'!d requ~tha~Ft1~;(tp.mm~9.COn~d~rthJs. ., ,'.. '.. . liP . 2. He W8$concemed ~an;llng t1i~ neY{fredls,tri~. He said that havlilQ Leisureville and :, \"'t~if{1.!n}jit~~'~~lajp~~!:er~Ei~~'<j 5tnt~gt~ in th~tc1ispict~nqh~\\rOuIQ, ~avla more coltlmenton thlsltemlll:.mefJ..I!:Y~". Ie,. " . .... .'. .... 3, RE!g~r'dltlg .KrIspyKtem~, .~i!iM9#ght;th*ftfie .q'OmmiSSlon. should Ii~n' to~hat thEfprevious ~J<er ~Id ~9~rdlr\9. \itI~~~!Wl:lI"j~9F\'.;t!~sald itiWUl..Qe ~.hal1g. and a problem fQr.liI1e Pdlic;e DePal'1:rllei1t. 'C' 'd.~.., " "',. .,,, ,"', ChristQJ?"e,r; rrentW;m:I( :no~, PaiWD~reportedtlicitthere was af! illegal business operation (Barcelona Pfecast) at~~~'S,~~eral'Hi9~\'(aY,It is z~" (0/' re~!J '1nd an indust,ri'albuslness is:peipg, I")JIl M:~~~~l'\:oc:cl.l~tiCl!lalll~. He. Saidftiat thi~ property was annexed into the City, , City ManagE!T Bressneftl)ollght, that this Property was In an unincorpOrated portion of the county. It was tracked .~ri:lu9h the Devlllopment Department and It showed that It was not in the Qty; however, he will followup.on tIif$. IlL PUBUC HEARING: 6:30 p.M.oius SOON THEREAFTE.,'AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. Proj~: , , Dak4)ta a.on. Agent: H, 'p, Tompkrns Owner: Chan's. Enterprises Location: 3010 S, Federal Highway Description: ReqUest to redasSlfy the subject property from Local Retail Ccimmeraal and l.ow Density Residential to HIgh Density Re1lldentlal;.<jnc;l rezol).e from C-3 Community Commercial and R+ AASingle.:~ril.i1y Residetlti~l to Planned Unlt~vefQPlTlerll: (PUD). The applicclnt proposes to develop the property with 19 three- story toWn homes.and related site improvements. The site plan (NWSP Q1-o10) will be adopted as the master plan for the PUD 2 . Meeting ~klutes R~a~Ci~C~,"Is.slon sqvlttot' BeaClij~Aorjd8' h.. "'''~11I.'l;'' r..- ~;;"'r--~- ..", , ," ; " ,. :;l; i " 'J' i,.,~ \!'. .. -I. ,;: 1 lanU81!v 15. 2002 Dick' Hudson, Senior Planner With the Planning &"ZiIlning'Dlvision, explained that this land use amEi!ndm~ntand~oningis for Proper:o/'located at 8010$;.. Fede/"l!1 Highway, which. is the site 9.r:-tI;(~'f~er:StJn~~ R~uralTt. ;S$ff\t~te.Wed".' reqtles!:i;anothe'f;arec.oriSistentWith tlierCOrt."p~sive Plan.. and witllthe !~k1ilghway;€orrIdorPlan,. Therefore, 1:hey reC(lmmendapprovalofbOth of these requestS; . c:itY:1\~ey, CherofsalCilt/1attliisJ,s,a quas/.-jll!illdal proceeding:. He(;oi:1du~eda'll'LllkswE!C!rifi1g InifEl~ ~I1Yl?rie-~i.I't91.t)CSjilea~ ~ttie P\l~Il(;fl~ring.Hea~ked:that If~ther dbcumeotli-wei'eto p.EirM~!:!,~~.t!JeEecpr~i;th~y'be'1l:lentiftg~: an!!lJeft withthe,Cler:k;lflaO' . .. . '~eal<ing,asan ~-wttn~~they~QLlI6'~'Of thatfat;f:,. , KrI~CQn~! ,1.Vlrgf~f;tG~rden, DelrayBeach, s .' n behalf of Dakota lofts. She said tAat~~larea$'of cP!i~.,. e r.ts 'ebeenresolv~;Wttfrthe;(!e.y:elo~r. She preSen'~alil$rto the .... ....m Da~ '. . regarding the !'Jse 91 the ca~jlJj~nd,Sll!:Wii:v gates. . Th!s.I~is f!I~. .d'~tbl~ment 2"al}d is attached to the Qriglna1miFitlf.eson file In ~~, qtri.='t~Ofl\ir.....i~9~~_ s. q~;il~~~...... w~ether it as aCOndition(lf;approval~t. 'latv ~~r<~ ptOvld"utci ~'resraefit;S;df: l:fOOtane; I , it " , " M. Ie.. hae!.,. R~mpf,. Pla~.ni~811Zo~i.n[1.9 .....,10ir-~.~.rl saidtha.tCity. waterwpuIq be. (:!rovid.' ~to. residents ontBamb'OOLClnewhoare"djJliijrlI:l'i' accessing water/via a wel.lal'idany" othejrs who have negottated. . Ff4ldCanoV8, 815 BambOo Lane, l)elray Beach,presentedia letter with exhibits to the CommiSsIon. These Items are; marked "Attachment 3" and are attached ,to the original minutes onfi~ in the. offlceof.the CitY crer:k. He wasconcemed regarding. safe access Into Bamboo Lan"ThE! developer -neepstoaddressthis by either w1deningthe'errtrance or making the a~sthi'ough Vlrglnla'Gardens. Mr,. Carlo'<cl' was alSo concerned 'regarding the 47' high roofIinenext to hls6ne;sb)ry home. ThiSijiew deslgnatlonwlllailow thedevelo~rto build a 45!highbLllldlng. Thls'will,~~e an enVji'bnmerital impact on h/sihCln'le. He would be much more amenable to the zoning change if theVooLiId'bnly'buncrto:a height of 30', Mr. Canova said thal:.a PUD should relate to the characteristics of the surtoundlngar'ea. This prqposedcjevelopment Is adj~cent to one-story residential homes and Is otit of scale with its suli1)undln~s' It doe$l1ot ri1~the definition of a PUD. , , AllSennojl h.in....ctj;jI)~J...y !f'eadt',stated that there appears to be some Inconsistency betoveen the' Slteplan:'al'\d .~Ie!eval!lons lD~ the eight bUildingsbordElring '~eral Highway.; The ele.VaUons'~howa ~i<ltiqri qflWildlngswith a green area in between and the site. plan shows no~ratibns,He $aid l:ha~ Aalrryer Road empties out Into theE!J11;/'anC~ayof the .~.~ofts prqj~ there Is nQoff"*~tpark/n9 ar;lywhere around Dakota tofts and because ofithis, tf1~n~ to be':,SOme ~r:ii~"'dlTler'It to,tl;te plan, which prQVldes9n1yfive guest SPOts for parking. ., . 3 Meliltill~ lt4l1lU~ '~~~l:it:y:Colnmlssfoll .8q;;j1totl'i~i~()rlda :,,, $,~~ :': ' ~l;':.? ~ . . '. ". 'Ja,,~~~(1S;'~QQ~ Press Tompkins, engineer and planner for Dakota Lofts, sai(:i that there is no legal d~mentof recC)rO that they can find that creates VirQinia Gardens or Bamboo lane. Hedoes not...mearyY$atth~~"n~exi$t'.~\. '.I!~I~~..1:raffl<r'.i$Sl:!Sr'~i$!ibmi~e&:il!~~C "r~l1lt'tAtl:ieClty,\iYlilch:,g~m"B~~$,C1ZPli!!1tY:_PPrj)Vei:l'i Spn!W<t~;.R~tlrjl1ht~l,~ trjpsadl!Y and ~mly 190 .tri.~. ifi:lifYWP\.dd~:g,~~:' WJtIj\t',Eil21~~i~~,,;3tl:i~,,~ pr~~.t?~Qe!:h~'T!)edii;lf,J'.a\'ldm~~'~~; The,'lJel9ht.ofth~bOitdirigs,Wo.\l@.be 47~ltQ"8,tirn.~'itQp':Of,)tAi.l. .,......~lfI;lfI;jlldi~;a:i1d.4:2i'. tC)'!:he.rneal1.rOq/';;1.~. . . .t$r~.'~~1Qpaque .Win@' ..tii~etf~..:.:t~~.;,,, ",'m~~;p' ..... .....;'ah~... "il;ii.:>.i;;>';;~i7;;'~~;;'''''!':;':;'~le '" 'c.-''''''' : ""'.':.:"';~~-:~"~~'" ,.,.,"~..r:':.;" ,.p.";.f~~~-~' --..';' '''''~':'.~':~~~~~''''~,~.~~~,~~Jr''~.t'~\.ir~~.. ~" ~w". ...,I!:l>.MI_.....1il:\~;;lli,;~.... ""i"" ..~b":;1fhI;\,,~., ,,'.' Gd .:,_~".,.I;, .,< '..",,~1~:~'St~~~. "~..,..~:~":r/"'.:y:":x \;;"w:.,,;. "~' ~'!':!~'-f( ",-:i ,j ;i'JI"":'/'('~\'''''~'':'l'-c. ';'~~,";!'~,,~';i.::: "./-;---"~ <'.-:< .J:p~': . . . , " ..",. iii""': . ,SO ....... ; "..'Mi., " ...."',,'<,..... . ", "_'~"""."'._ ".'. .:.",:'1, c.__," ,_, ", ".".~""",: ..1 :.,J'ifi..,!IjjI~\~~""!i " 14!4'~. 1/. '. .2"7'" . .",. ..' .snow ".'..' e. };>. _ _ ".": _ 0:~h~;-j , , ' ',",l,_ l'-,f~r'i:: "j , ..' "..,.: ' ,:'L,::::i'.: '!':,", " ".,'i:,.!'; "~h:~i""h")11; _ ,~{,' +. '_ ," _ _ :' _ r; _:_', .:._e"!,:~q~~illi~iOl'\er!iFerg~S~n;'M1'i::P<UI)1Pfi$lte4~~',:tIW'~~.~MP!:~~~'.1n ,;,.\,,;..:0 i~~::l".t. 'iii' l":;r, ' I.' C' :i'" <, i' ;"" ,:: '.~~;~'Fergu~i:noved tl?: approve the lanpr.merii'ldrezonin~'''fol\Dak6t8'LofI;s. r\Jiee ~~ ~nd see6nlled.:ttiemotiQn th~t~rried ur'\alilmou$ly. \;Ir-t j .: :-d-. i, ,{i- 'r I !' ::r'S.ij,.;;, 'NotiCE!; (:)ftlrltent(~ut!i(jnIHo.R02.,Qo6}~aQopt.pen~ingLandDevelopment Amendment aty Attomey cnerqt; Stated that this was listed under Public Hearing to afford the public an oppbrtunityto comm~t ' Planning Sl Zohlhg,'DirectorMlchaeI:Rumpf explailledi that t\'li~ issu!! was raised by the neighboring reslden~i who were concemedregardlngthe maxlmumdevelopmentpoteRtiafon vacant parcels In theM,! zonlflg,distrlcton the south end of Congress Avenue. Th~reare a vast ntlm~~ 6fjlitl~~IUSf!Stha,t CQ!Jld QJrrentlyi~ ~oni th~remainlnglar}d. ,Staff i~pte~ to: evallJ~the cu!1'elit l'egulatiOl'lS and/Will haye!recotomendations 11'\ six m9nl:t!S. I Comtnlsslqner Fisher asked whether all the homeowner ,~latlons ,tIilat surroun~t\'llsfarea could be n9t1fl~.of'thisplahned six-month ~dy. BOth CIty Attorney Cheraf and Mt. R\.impf replledlh tneilffirm~e. .. : ; Motion '. , Commissioner. Fisher moveQ to approve the Nqtlce of. Intent with the amendment that the homeowner assodatiiJnS surrounding this area will'be no~ffed. Motio.nwaS seconped by Vice MayOr Weiland and(l~rriecl una"fmo~sly. )(DJL' UJlfFl!\lISHE.BUSJNESS: A. Cot!tinued djseusslon,of enfOrcement of ~~urrent fegulatipnsrequlring ,shade canopl~ to be cl~flnect as "strUctures" and, therefore, subject to building! codes and zoning regulation$ 4 Meeting Minutes Planning & Development Board Boynton Beach, FL 33426 January 22, 2002 5. Communications and Announcements A. Planning and Zoning Report 1 Final disposition of the December 26, 2001 Planning and Development Board Meeting agenda items. Mr Rumpf reported on the following action taken by the City Commission at the January 2, 2002 meeting: 1 The High Ridge PID Items were all approved. This includes the Master Plan Modification, the corresponding Site Plan Approval, and the Master Use Approval list for the entire PID 2. The Woolbright Medical Building site plan extension was approved. 3. Krispy Kreme Project Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning was approved under Public Hearing. 4 The Krispy Kreme site plan was approved with additional conditions. 5. Mobil on the Run Major Site Plan Modification was approved. 6. The Calvary Chapel items were adopted on second reading. Mr Rumpf reported on the following action taken by the City Commission at the January 15, 2002 meeting: 1. Under Public Hearing, the, Land Use Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan for Dakota Lofts were approved. 2. The Marouf Car Wash Site Plan was approved with additional conditions. 3. The Krispy Kreme Land Use Plan Amendment and Rezoning were approved on first reading. Vice Chair Myott pointed out that the Dakota Lofts and Marouf Car Wash were CRA items, which Mr Rumpf acknowledged was correct. 6. Old Business A. Code Review 1 Project Name: Agent: Owner' Location: Definition of Height/Height Exception Bradley Miller, AICP N/A Citywide 2 Meeting Minutes RegUI~r'City Commission Bgvnton'~c:h. Florida Februarv 5. 20p2 Motion CommissiOner Ferguson moved to approve proposed Ordinance No,. 02-004 and Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Oty Clerk P.rainito cCllled the roll and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-005 Re: Amending Section 18- 181(A)(4} Of the .Firefighters' PensIon Plan to permit the purchase of Inve$1:mElnt ,glC\de bonds with not greater th,!n 10% of the fixed income portfoUo,ilm.ending ?Ettian 1l}-183 (a) to prQVide for three:-year aver~ing inthe'eomputiin:i:on of average;f!ha[ cllmpensatlon, and creating Section 18'-184proMiding for the potentiaf paymembf a 13th rnonth!y pension payment City Attorney read Proposed Ordln;:lnce No. 02~00S by title only. Warren llmm, 130 NE 26th Avenue, #301, questioned the 13th monthly payment. City Manager Bressner explained that the 13tll check would be a lump sum payment to distribute Investll'ient eamings over and above abase level. MQtion Commissioner Asher moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-005 and the motion was seconded by CommisslbnerFerguson. City Clerk Pralnito called the roll and the motion passed unanimously. B. Ordinances - 1st Reading 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-006 Re: Dakota. Lofts Reclassify from Local Retail Commercial and Low Density Residential to High Density Residential Oty Attorney read Proposed Ordinance No. 02-006 by title only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-006 and VIce Mayor . Weiland seconded the motion. Oty Clerk Pralnlto called the roll and the motiOn passed unanimously . 2. Pro~ Ordinance .No. 02-007 Re: Dakota Lofts - Rezone from C-3 Community Commercial and R+AA Single-family Residential to Planned Unit Development (PUD) City Attorney read Proposed Ordinance No. 02-007 by title only. 18 Meeting Minutes RegularCityCommlS$lon BovntOnBeach. Flolida Februarv S. 2002 Motlc~n Vice Mayor Weiland moved to .approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-007 and the motion was seconded by Commissioner Ferguson. City Clerk Prainitocalled the roll and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-008 Re: Amending Chapter 9, City of Boynton B'eachCode ofOrdinahces, providing for compliance with NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Codes, 2000 Edition Oty Attorney rea~l ProposedOrdii1ance No. 02~008 by tltle only. CommisSioner Ferguson commented that the NFPA is located in Massachusetts and some of the items in the code are not~rtlnent to our area. For instance,$ter1ing Village had to spend $35,000 for exit lights that are not needed'. He is not in favor ofthisordii1ance. Commissioner Fisher asked whether we could remove certain sections that are not pertinent to the City. Oty Manager Bressner did not recommend doing this as these Fire Prevention Codes are based on national standards for all regions of the country. The Oty can adopt local amendments to this code. Fire Chief Bingham said that there is latitude in the code that allows the fire chief or the fire marshal, to make decisions. Vice Mayor Weiland agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Ferguson. This code is a mandate for condominiums, schools, etc. to upgrade items; however, there are no provisions to help finance them. He urged the Commission to review this code. Fire Chief Bingham stated that the issue before the CommiSSion is simply to adjust the Oty's Chapter .~ to the 2000 edition of the Fire Prevention Codes rather than the outdated 1997 edition. It also tightens up some language dealing with tl\e sale of fireworks and addresses the issue of gate access into certain developments. FIl'eChi~ Bingham stated that incentives are now provided for developers that have fully sprinklered buildings. Their plan review~, as well as their annual inspection, will' be reduced by 50%. , ' Vice Mayor Weiland commented that the Commission should have looked ata deduction on the fire assessment, as wen, when people went beyond the minimum requirements. Motion ComniissionerFisher moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-008 and Commissioner M<:Cray seconded the motion.OtyQerk Prainito called the roll and the motion carried 3 to 2 with Vice Mayor Weiland and Commissioner Ferguson dissenting. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-009 Re: Amending Chapter 14, Motor VehicleS and Traffic, creating a new subsection to provide for 19 Meeting Minutes (, Community Redevelopment Agency BoyntonBea~, Floriqa /" '....'L../ . February 12, 2002 to go out and meet with the community and get their input about what they would like to see happen. HeoartofBoynton Staff is continuing to work ona Comprehensive Plan amendment for the April 2002 cycle. the City Manager's offi~ is initiating negotiations with the County regarding a pQSsibleland swap that wO\:lld facilitate the trc!nsfer of the Cheny Hill Housing site to the CitY . This reference is to the siteonfy, not the public housing units. Later in this meeting theaoard will be asked to expand the core area of its boundary to include the MLK Corridor Federal HighWay Staff is currently finalizing the standards and criteria for the Mixed Use and Mixed-Use Light Zoning Districts that have been authorized by the City Commission for inclusion in the Zoning Code. Urban P1aflnlng Group Chair Finkelstein asked Mr Greene for an update. Mr Greene spoke to Mr Jim Nardi and he has everything he needs to begin making offers. Chair Finkelstein asked if the CRA could prioritize his offers. Mr, Gre.ene responded that Mr Nardi was concentl'Clting on the key areas thafthe CRA had identified Within its boundaries. Work Plan Status Mr; Greene provided a written status report on the Work Plan items to the Board. The tentative City Commission approval date for the way-finding signage program was not going to take place on February 19, and all other items were proceeding as described. C. Future Agenda Items Mr. Greene acMsed that there were no future agenda items at this time. D. COll1missionActlon At the January 15, 2002 City Commission meeting, Dakota Lofts and Maroufs Car Wash were approved. . Vice Chair Heavilinreferred to the Work Plan Status Report and stated that the CRA had identified specific parcels and she did not see them on. the report, except for the public parking west of Federal Highway. Mr. Greene said that this item repF8Sentsthe parcels that are being acquired at this time. Chairman Finkelstein stated that he believed she meant the triangular lilhaped . section from the core area. Mr. Greene agreed and said that the core area runs from Second Avenue on the south to Tenth Avenue on the north, east of the railroad tracks. Within that core area there is a site that has been ideritified for public parking and that site cOnsists of approximately six or seven parcels. Those were the target parcels, the part of the core area to be acquired, Chairman Finkelstein 5 Meeting Minutes (_, Coriimunj~R~development Agency Boynton BeaCh, Floridli ',.,/ February 12, 2002 thought they were acquiring those parcels for redevelopment, not specifically for public parking. Mr Greene..explained that in the course of acquiring the property, one of the things they m<\ly runi~to is a situation where there may be difficulty acql.liring certain parcels ofl/:mdand ittnay be n.ece~ary. tq engage in eminent domain. A requirement of eXercising e.minent domajni11 the existe(1<::e of a pl.lblic purpose. The puqJic purpose for thes.eparcels,iil. public Plirkin9 and the reason wen.ave a need for public parking is betausetheCity has a. JeEl"in-Ueu ofpa~ing ordinance in pla<>> tRatabligates the City. When pepPle pay thls fElEl"In,.lieu of proViding parking on site, the City has to have parking c:lteas avaUa,ble for them, The point is that once YOLl have a site for public parking, that public pa.rking can be surface prgaragei and ~e can be all kinds of develOpiTrieflt on toP of, i.J[I~er,orassoci\l!edwiththa!Pl!rking..but.there wiObe public parking on that site and that is why .thesiteisbeing acquired. VI. Unfinished BUsiness A. Code Review.. tleflnltlon of Height/Height Exception AgentBradley Millet, AICP Chair Finkelstein staled that .this item was a reqlJest for a code review to revise the definition of "Suilding Heig~rfoundin Land Development Regulations Chapter 1, Article II and to add "places or assembly. to the list of exceptions to the maximum building height found in Land Development Regulations Chapter 2, Section 4.F.2. Mr. Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, advised that the Planning & Development Board had voted at its December 26, 2001 meeting to approve the two code amendments regarding building height, Upon further review by Planning and Legal staff, substitute la~guage' is proposed regarding the height exception portion of the code review. The tenn ~plaCes of assembly" replaces the originally proposed .church height" in the height exception list. Mr. Rumpf explained that the new definition would include churches, temples, and other places of worship, and also theaters, auditoriums, conference centers, clubs, lodges, and fraternal organizations. This language is. being brought before th,e CRA' for a recommendation. It will then proceed to the City Commission for final approval. The item was brought to the City by the agent, Bradley Miller, for the First Baptist Church, in connection with a pran to expand the Church located near City Hall. As prerequisite to prqcesslng the site plan, which will ultimately come before the CRA as well, the Code must be amended to accommodate planned building height. The request is twofold; first, amend the list.of elements for USlilS eligible for-height and second, change the mettlodology of measuring building hfilight. The current method measures to the peak of any roof or element that extends above thereof. However, this can often discourage architectural enhancements and misrepresent the real height of a building, The change will allow those smaller or narrower portions of a roof to be excluded. This methodology is also being used by other jurisdictions, including Palm !:leaCh County. Height exceptions will. still be reviewed on a caslil.-by"case baSIS against review criteria for height exceptions. 6 Meeting'Minutes Regular City Commission Bovnton Beach. Florida Februarv 19. 2002 of eligible projects, such as assistance to local community organizations for physical improvements to public property or public rights-of-way such as parks, medians or other Oty- owned property. The funds are u~d to improve the appearance of the community or provide better services. In order to use their funds, the Commissioners' must obtain concurrence from the remainder of the Commission because it is listed on the agenda. The only change he recommends is to change the language with respect tothe election. Vice Mayor Ron Weiland said that the homeowners association where he lives has a scholarship fund for children in the neighborhood and he would like to have these kinds Of scholarships Included in the program. City Manager Bressner said that the policy would need to be amended because presently the scholarship programs that are Included are the ones administered by the Oty. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to direct staff to prepare a resolution modifying the policy so that the Commission could make donations to the Community Caring Kitchen, the YMCA program and the Woman's Club. Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Vice Mayor Weiland requested that the eligibility include other scholarship programs. Mayor Broening said that he is willing to review other projects for eligibility but that originally this was for capital only because the intention was to make sure it got back into the City In a permanent way. He felt that there would have to be a general public good Involved. Oty Manager Bressner said that the resolution will be ready for the second meeting in April. ~ The motion carried unanimously. XII. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-006 Re: Dakota Lofts Reclassify from Local Retail Commercial and Low Density Residential to High Density Residential Oty Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 02-006 by title only. Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-006. Commissioner McCray seconded the motion. City Oerk Prainito called the roll and the motion passed unanimously 13 Meeting Minutes Regular City Commission Bovnton Beach. Florida Februarv 19. 2002 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-007 Re: Dakota Lofts - Rezone from C-3 Community Commercial and R-1-AA Single-family Residential to Planned Unit Development (PUD) City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 02-007 by title only. Mqtion Commissioner McCray moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-007 and Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion. dty derk Prainito called the roll and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-008 Re: Amending Chapter 9, dty of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, providing for compliance with NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Codes, 2000 Edition dty Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 02-0086 by title only. Motion Commissioner Fisher moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-008. Commissioner McCray seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainlto called the roll and the motion carried 3 to 2 with Vice Mayor Weiland and Commissioner Ferguson dissenting. 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 02-009 Re: Amending Chapter 14, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, creating a new subsection to provide for all signage to conform to national standards and creating a new section providing for traffic calming measures City Attorney Cherof read proposed Ordinance No. 02-009 by title only. Motion Commissioner McCray moved to approve proposed Ordinance No. 02-009 and Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. City Clerk Prainito called the roll and the motion passed unanimously. B. Ordinances - 151: Reading None C. Resolutions: None D. Other: 1. Code Review CDRV 01-005, 1)Definition of Building Height &. 2)Helght Exception - Church Height, Citywide, Request for a code review to revise the definition of "building height" found in Land Development Regulations 14 Duncan, Arlette From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Wednesday, July 23, 2003 3:38 PM Duncan. Arlette file search Importance: High Please search the Dakota Lofts original site plan file for a letter from a Ms. Conti (I think one full page or 2 pages) dated close to the hearing date. Basically shows support for the project which was a big milestone in the process and contributed to the approval. Thanks, MR. ~/ r?o-JP ~ / ~ YpJ 1 .rHt.-~4-2eu2 u2:56 PM KRI~-TEN CONTI 5E17424231 F ~ (11 Saletish Realty Inc. 532 East Ocean Ave Boynton Beach FL 33435 561-738-6613 Office 561-738-7911 Fax kcsellsre@f1inet.com IN IE (;-~ ~;l '. --l I, r_c~' '. :;:< . "-" -.-; I 1 ! Ii i ! I: U i JAN , . , , -~.... ! L_ ' I_J I nc' ",..'-,....,..-----_,J I L~~_ '_v :-:'!T! Salefisl? Realty loc. Date:~ To: ....Q, 1InJu. qJnlfw Fax#: 1l/)- ~ (.08'7 Pages:-'.J -1J '/JlJbil). of~. IJA. 4/1 (ItJ+ ~1~: ~fr t~~';,. J~;:/! Z:J i':J:~ ~1XJ1 -thUl cJf1'O/fJILh. ti. iJgv.( tYloJ~ /'Ylf~'cYH d.() ~ '" ~,.,. (JkJ~. j1/t ~JI1 4ft. J(J1J fflHJd, oJ .j:())fJ.l1J. /IJ~ I^' ;1<' JOt"," (pI1t'l'h1 ~/nnrD4.. ~Iu, (]tJ. TBN-84-2G02 02 57 PM KRI -EN CONTI 551 742 4281 P 02 AGREEMENT ,\ U~ ," Ii. I r-'-. <: n: JAN ., , 1_--,_, OET I;'" '7 ,= ~ ,I, :,~. 1::\ , r) -----2-, l. ' ' , !'I i I nns AGREEMENT (the "Agroement"), dated this _ day of ,200_, is made by and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LtC. a Florida limited liability company (hereinafter called "Developer"), whose address is 2290 N. W Corporate Blvd., Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 and David J. Conti and Kristen Conri (hereinafter called ''Owner''), whose address is I Virginia Garden, Delray Beach. Florida 33483-6305 RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the rec simple nwner of certain real property locared in the City of Boynton Beach (the "City"), County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit ~ attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter ~the Property"); WHEREAS. Developer prop<').scs to construct multi-family residential townhome units upon a portion of the Property (hereinafter called the "Project") in accordance with the proposed sire plan which is attached hercto as "Exblblt B" and made a part hereof, as same mllY be amended or revised from time to time by the Developer in its sole and absolute discretion (hereinafter the ;'Site Plan"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee simple owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Property, being more particularly described on Exbibit "C" anached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Owner's Lot"); WHEREAS, Developer and Owner desire to enter into this Agreement to documllnt certain agreements made between the parties, lIS more fully set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mumal covenants, benefits and agreements of the parties hereto and the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration re\leived, the receipt lIIId adequacy of which Is hereby acknowledged. the parties do hel'Chy agree !lIld acknowledge the following; Recitals: The above recitals arc trUe and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference_ 2. Easement A2J'eement. Attached hereto as Exhibit "0" and made a part hereof is an Easement Agreement (hereinafter the "Easement Agreement"), which sets forth and provides the Owner with certain ~"sement rights over portions of the Property The parties agree that upon the Developer's receipt of all the City and other governmental approvals necessary for the devclopment of the Property, the Developer and Owner shall execute an original of the attached Easement Agreement. Developer shall record the original exccuted Easement Agreement after all of the ,ita development work and construction throughout the Project has been completed by Developer and are available for use (as evidenced by Developer obtaining the final sign-offs and approvals of the applicable governmental authorities), or prior thereto. at the sole 0 tion of the De 3- Owner's Aareement to Coooerate. As consideration for the Developer entering into this Agreement and entering into the Easement Agreement. the Owner agrees to fully cooperate with Developer in order to ensure that the Property obtains the City and/or other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Project. 4 Develooer's Rillht to Create Le2al DescriDtions. The parties acknowledge and agree that the exact legal description of tlJe Vehicular Aecess Easement Area (as more fully described in the Easement TAH-04-.:;c00':: ~:3::: 5:= Pt'l kP 1.- ':::~~ CONT 1 5E1 74':::' 4.2:::1 p (t~ Agreement), has not been detennined, but shall be reasonably determined by Developer at a later date. Upon Developer's dttennination of the exact legal description of the foregoing, Developer shall be automatically pennirted, upon providing the Owner copies thereof, to attach the legal description of the Vehicular Access Easement Area to the Easement Agreement as Exhibit "C" thereto, without any further action, consent or approval required by the Owner 5 Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement (the "Effective Date") shall be the date on which the last of the parties hcreto executes this Agreement. Thc parties agree that this instnlment shall om he recorded in the Puhlic Record~. 6. TenninationlAmendmentIModification. This Agreement (and all exhibits attached hereto including but not limitcd to the Easement Agreement) shall be deemed automatically tenninated and of no force or effect in the event (i) the Project is not approved by the eil\' or any other governmental bodies having jurisdiction, in accordance with the Site Plan; (ii) Developer. in its sole discretion, elects not to proceed with the development of thc Project; or Oii) the Owner takes any actions (or fails to act as required herein), in a manner which is inconsistent with its obligations set forth in Paragraph J hereof. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be amended, modified or terminated, in whole or in part, at any time by a written instrument, executed and acknowledged by the Developer and the Owner, or their successors or assigns. 7. Governing Law This Agreement shall be construed and enforoed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, County of Palm Beach and, unless otherwise terminated as provided herein, shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, it being the intent hereof that the rights and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow the ownership of each party's respective property. 8. Liti{L8.tiol\. [fany party institutes any legal action or proceeding for breach of the provisions of this Agreement or the enforcement of any right or obligation herein contained, the unsuccessful party in such action or proceeding shall reimburse the successful party immediately upon demand for all reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and eXpenses, 9 Remedies. In the event of a breach by any party hereto of any obligations hereunder. the other parties hereto shall be entitled to obtain an injunction or to seek any other remedy available to them under law or inequities. The parties hereto acknowledge the potential inadequacy of legal remedies and the irreparable haml which could be caused by any such breach and in connection therewith agree to the l'l:medy of injunction provided herein. \ O. Exhibits. Any exhibits attached to this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto that contain sketches or depictions of lots(s). common properties, lakes, roadways, improvements, or any other items shown on the cxhibits, if any (the "'Sketched [tem(s)), shall not be binding as to the existence, size, dimensions, locations or identification of any other aspect of Sketched [tem(s) and shall only be for infonnational, reference, conceptual and general schematic purposes only The Site Plan attached hereto is a proposed and preliminary site plan of the Project and may be subject to change from time to time at the Developer's sole and absolute discretion. II Authority. Owner represents and warrants that it has full right and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and that it is the sole owner in fee simple of the Owner's Lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Owner have each executed this Agreement on the date set forth below T8t~-~4-20e2 02 59 PM YFI ~H CONTI 561 74': 42.81 P 84 XI "lnl'l -n" EASEMENT AGRUMENl' '11--' hv I!Id ~ to: ).qwu. M. !'WIlli', Eal!. HOLLAND .t. KNtOHT LLP 0IlII So ~ Blvd., Sa.IIe 1300 :1. I.aderdale, Florida 13301 i:.'.O'lIfi:NT AGREEMENT nns EASEMENT AOREEMENT (me ~- -mt ~1IIl") is III&de Ibis dsy of .200_ by and betweon DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON. I.LC, a Florida 1imitec! liability cOInpany ('Oeveloper"). baving its princil'll' office at 2290 N.W COI'pClI'alC Blvd... Suite 245, :8Qca R.atr:lll, Florida 33431 and David J. Collti aNI. Kristen Conti, ("Owner"), whose addma is I Virgima GudtDa, DeIl'ilY Besch, Florida 33483-6305. UCITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the fee simple owner of ceIUin real pmpetty 10C2led in PaIm.Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described on Exbiblt .. A" allac.he<l hereto and made a pan hereof (hereinafter tM "ProperlY"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee s. QWI1Cl' of certain real property located adjaQtnt to the Properly. being nlQft plU1icWar!y d.:lIOt'ib=d on V...hlhlt "'8" Ullchc:d heretO and made a part hcnof (bcrcinUlz:r the "Owner's LoI''); WHEREAS, Owner bas ~u=ted !bat Developer grant cermln _cnt rights to Owner, lbrthe benefit of owner's Lot, as more fully set forth herein; WHEREAS, Developer has agxeed to gram such easemcmt rights, "IIbject to lbe tenll5 anel ~OIIS alnlaincd Ilmin. NOW, TIIER.EFORE., fur and in considcmrion ofthc mlltlla! >OVemmts, benefits and agreement ofthc parties thereto and the sum oftEN AND NO/too DOU.AA.S (Sl0.00) and otber good aNI. valuable eonsidemion, the ~ipl and suffi<:iency ofwhlc:h an: hm:by lIcknow~p1, the patti... do hereby as- as follows: I. Recitals. The above recitals ale tnJe and correct and illcotpOl3tl:d herein by 1hi$ I~ooe. JAtl-[14'-2(:HJ2 0':' 5::;' Ft" KRI =-TEt"l COt-ITI ~ ~y- 561 742 4281 P (15 2. JUII!__ E_ U1d A _M. Il_t. SulUtct to my ClqlI'eSI CllIIdlwlll, limiuiriona or resel'YIliont conc.ined hcnin, Dewloper bereby pIS UftlD Owner, lbr the benefiC of OwaII'a Lot, a pcrpewal nOl1-exctu,lve iIIllf'", egraI aad aeee8lI "'1llI~ OVI:t md _!be roa4wayI COIlIlnlCted or 10 be CQIStr\Jdlld OIl 1hat portian of l'!qleny more partiouIIrly cleacribed 011 ~~ltlhlt "e" ......hed hereto IIld IlWle a part hereof (tile "Vehil:ula' ACt:IIS ~. Area"), foI- vehicular traflio, together with the rigltt to _ !be VebicIalar Al:cess ~-l Area for ad.!qumc ~ unobstriJcb:d vdliculer P-l "r!' to and A'oll1 Vifginia ~ (said roadway beinS 10l'llled within !be "",tt...~ bounduy of the Property), l!lId Ibmbon Lane (&lid l'1*Iway beina ~ IIdjllceat to tile $01lthaiy bou.ndary oldie Propirty). The -lIIlel1t snmm ba1:in sbalL be fur ingraa, egress and access putllOfeS, forflle lilt 8Dd ber1e.flt of all ~ IIId 1iIan __ of aU or any portion ofOwnet's Lol, but $ballllOC ioducle the right III poric upon my padon of the VehDdar Access Easement Ala or any other poniOll ol1he Property. A. Rigllt to relocale. Developer sbaII bave the unilat=! ..;ght, but not the obligation, at any time, in ia llOle disc:reCion IIId lit ilIlClIoCOlt and expense, 10 rtJQCate the Vehicular Aec:ess EasemeIIt Area provided tha1 such relocation of \be V cbil:. ACCCSI Easement Aru. does not penDlIIICIltly inlemlpl or prohibit vebicular access by tile OwIIer to and tIah the O'A!Ier's Lol. B. Aecess throuilt Oates. In the event Developer intellds 10 construct entty gaIIl3 at any enmmce to tit<: Propmy wbIcb would teSlric:t the Owner's ability to obtain ingras, ~ or ICCeI8IO the Owner's Lot, as set fbnh Ibove, Developer shall provitlc Owner with any approprl.a IlIltry cards or codes wblcll may be requin:d for Owner to obtain _lllrough such gates prior to ~ compl.don of tho inslallation of same. OWtla's use oftbe Vehicular Ac:cesa EuelNltlt Atea aDd any gates whioll may be constr\lcted lIpClD tho Property shall be: subject to lIlY rules and reguIati<lllS promulgated by the Developer or the 0eveI0pcJ" Associalion (as bereinatmr defined) from time to time relating to same. 3. Canal ~'''''''ent Developer is 1be oWllCr of that certain property described on Exbibit flD" and made a part hereof' (the "Canal t\Ol"'rty"), UPOll whIch 15 <:OllScno:ted a canal. Subject 10 any ~ conditions, limitations or mervauollS c:onlllilled haeiD. Developer hereby grants unto Owner, for the benefit of Owtwl's Lot, petpetuaI non.ex.cluslve _em riglrtl to: (i) consll'llCt, ilIstall and mainlllin a dock (the "Owocr'$ Dock") within the CaIIaI P>opcity; IJld (ii) for access r:1Ver and..:ass the Canal Property, fromlho Owner's Dock 10 the Jntracoaslal wmrway, w~h is l~ adjacentto and east of the Canal1>roperty. A. ~DCr's AllMlVaI af Owna~s Ooek. Prior to c:ommencing the conSUllCticln or installation of a dock, or any m1ovatiOlls to a dock: which cUtmltly or may exisr wldtin [he CmaJ Property from lime to lime, Owner shall submit all phm, and S'fl'lCificmiollS for the proposed dock, or renovations (the "Oock Plans") to ne....eloptr for Developer's prior written approval of same, sucI1 approval not to be unreasonably withheld. The Owner's DOI:k shall be <;QI\structed and maintained in accordance with the Dock Pl~ and all appli..ble laws, codes, ordinan~ and regulations of governmental emilie. baving jurl:ld.lction O\'1!r the Canal Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no docks or other relau:rl implO'Vement9 shall be constnll;ll:d, erected Of placed by Owner within the Canal Property, nor shall the Canal PI'Op"rty be used by the Owner in a 1IWIIlel', wbieb would rostrict Of limit Ibe &bility of od1cr third pcti... baving rigbb; tg ~ the Canal Property to navigate boats IlIIll other vessels within the Canal Propmy. Oevelopers approval of tile Ooelc PWls sballllOt be deeme<1 to be IlllreaSOnably witllMJd jf such :Doclo: PIaDs I/,le deemed by the I:Jcy"lope< to nepuvol)' lUll:ol the right .",l lIbilily of any mini portioo "" ~ lhe CaIIaJ Propcny. B. Maintenance of Dock. The Owaa's Oock shall bemail\Qhtc:d at all times by Owner, at its solo <:OSt aM tll.pOllse, it! a neat md. ,isbtJy c:ondition and in good working order. The rights gJ'8II1lld 10 Owner IlIlder this P............pb 3 are for ~ of permitting the exis~ of the Ownet'~ Oook which i$ or may be locatrd within !be Canall'roperty from time to time, and sball in<:lude the riabt of JHN-~4-L~~~ ~= ~~ ~M K~ls~r~N CONTI 561 742 4281 P 06 .J. dI no~~~: ,(!JJ/l ~~..&. 0.. r KL-cR~1!I111 mf fA. fd-fftjj; k),h f1UJ ~ (fJ/) bt' or ~ ff1'r(J.CfJ. __ aver 1M eaa! P\~lt 81 may be necaury tbt Ownct 10 provld& aorMaJ IIIIll'OllCiM m.:-.......lIIld n=pUs 10 the 0wMr'J Doek. Nothing CQIIDined Iunin slllll be """"'''lIlll Rnllt to die Owner the right 10 I1lpl.-ce llI' reconstI'\I.Ct the Owner's Dock or to consauct allY new doeIcs within the Callal Property witbout obtaining the prior writlal appnw.U at die DeYeloper, In addition to mainlllilling 115 dock, tho Owner sbaII be required to main..m ucI trizn any trees Io:aled widJin lb. OwDer's Lots which ~ wltbilllUll:cD (IS) ftlet oftbe c-I Plv.,aty sotMt all limbs and branchc:s ate at least tweIIly-fivo (25) _ from tho glCund at all times and .so that sueh uees do DOt ob$cruct the view ofth. CmaI ~p:ty by :my parties owning;l.lI or any portion of the !\~jleilY. rn the ~ 0wIIc:r IlWl mil to llIlIintaill dle _ in a rnauw as see fbJtll. above, !bII ~'IIclpeI IMI<< lhe DeveIoper's .Assocladoo sball have the right. but net lhe obllf.Ptlon.. to taka such 8CdlmJ ucI !ncIlr such ~ as may be IIlUllJWbly requiral to maintain the _, in which event Ownet- shaIJ repay (' Developer ardIor 1be Dewlcpet~ A8ri.tl"", as ..ppopdare, such _ of moDe)' (eUOIlIbly .~ by OeveJoper or lhc Dc'/dQp<<'s AssocialiOll in performing same witbin .. (10) days Jfu:r wrillcD n~ from Develop4llr or DeveIoper'I A~atiOll. C. Maintenance of r...nAI Prooerrv. The Dsve10per iUld10r the Oev.lopa's AI8oc:i.rloD may l'"..funn my aWntetlallee and replIirs to the Canal Property as and whea it deems it DecII!IllU)' from time to tiIlle, in its sol. and absolua dlSQ'etloD, willlo"t the need of oblainiaS the approval of the Owner or lIIIY other thitd pardes. AI! ~ ~d llllpellliC' ineunwd by the Ocveloper IIl1d/OI' the Developer's Aasociatioo in eonnc:c;tion thellilWltll shall be divided in lID equi1able manner and on a pto-raU basis bctw=l all partiClll havillg doclu within the CanaJ !'nJperty. D. Contribution bv Owner The Owner shall share, on a pro-rata basis, ill all costs inc1ltred by the Ocv$.loper anellor the Developers Association ill performing any maintImance and/or repeirs to the Can.a.I Property (the "M.ainlt1l8llCe Costs"). Tho Owner's obliptlon to pay II pro- I'lIta .bare of the Maintenance Costs shall commence on the <1ate on which this Easement Agr=ent is recorded in the Public R.ecords of Palm Besch Col1llty, P1orlda. The Owner's share of the Maintenance CoslS (hereinafter the "Ownets Pro-Rata Share") shall be determined by multiplying the total Me.intellanCe CostS by a ftaction. tho nwnentor ofwhic:h is the total square footage of the seawall located within the Owner's Lot and/ol' the Canal Piopetty IQQo,led adjacent thetdo (the "Ownet's Seawall"). the denominator of which is the total square footage of all seawalls constl'llCf,ed within the Can.11'ropaty or the land located adjacent thereto. FOr example: ,. Owner's Pro-RaUl SiIaJ>l ~ Maintenance Costs x TotlIl Sa. III of Owner's Seawall Total Sq. Ft. orau do<:ieJ witllin the Canal Propomy andIortlle land :!djacent tlIe1eto The Developer mellor the Developer's Associatloll, shall be permi~ to incr;a:le or docreaae the total square foocage of all seawalls within the Canal Property at any time, and in its lole and absolute discretion, subject however to any applicable zoning restrieliona, and the provisions of this Paragrwph. E. If the Ownel' lllils to pay the Owner's Pro-Rata Share of the Main_co Costs within thirty (30) days after ~ for payment by Developer or the Developer's Asscciation, ~eloper and/or the Developer's Assoel.tioll shall have all rights aDd retlledles available in l;.w and equity All sums du.., if not paid within oaid thiny (30) day perlc:>d, shall bcar intcn:st from the due date It a rate equal to the highest lawful rate. In th.. ovent Developel' and/or the Developer' 5 /USoclation is ftllJuired to collKt ~y UIl~id amolllltS through coll~OD and/or litigation, Developer or the Developer'S Assoclation sh8Il be entitled to "",,OYeI' tTom the Owncr its reasonable dO...qa fees and expeases. lbe Dewloper aa.dIor tho Developer's As.Iociati.on $hall ha'Ye tIoc rip to SlIIpGWIlIII 0wIler's rJPu to \I$Cl 1M QIlIIII ProP<<\)' for lIQY ]l<<iod during which the OwlIer's Pro-ltaIa Share of allY M.inun....... Costs lllmalnllllqllid and delinquent Y~tl-n4-2002 O~ 01 FM '.RI--EN CONTI 561 7.~2 4281 F 07 The Owner sbIll not: bo pllrIIlitred to waive Dr odIerwise l:IDapO lIAblIity fer dlI Owur's Pto-Rata Shire bynon.1III oflbeOtmtr's Dock.or~ CaaIl Proporty. 4. U. of "----t Ri""'lIIIn~lIificariim Tbe CasclllClIt ri&h1S grIIlml hcnIin shall be IIIled by Owner in such. IlWlllU tb&t: (i) iSllOllli~t willi any bulldlnp md i.tIp."vllll1i1111l1 ~ upcIII or to be collStnlC\llld upOll r.I>c: Property; (h') is cOllSiSent willi ancl willllOt inlIlri'erc with the rights of the Developer, the Dcwl<ll*'s AssociatioQ or any third pony to exercise aDd CIljoy any righll it may h.", to \l5ll the C_l PropertY; and (Hi) wl1\ minimize inMof~_ with 1M wUI be comped.ble ...1111 the coaaQ"llCtioIl and uu ofbWdill8JS IIIld improvemealL Tho 0wDI:t sh&lllftd-ll1ry. Illd hold 1be Donloper and the Developer's Amci8tion h<<mless f'rgm and against all charges, claims. 1ialIiliti.. 1M ~ (iacludill(l reaaouablc a\lXIn1cy5 fees and ~) related to lICCidcIlts, injwics, loss or ~... of or to IUIY person or propertY aru>mg irom me vwner's and its gIlC3ts. IictDsecs aDd invitce.s,..., oflho 1'ropcrty, oc any c"roon ihen:of, and thl': Ownl!l"s Dock, 5. A..il!rllnent ofDevelollCl"s Ri.mts. The parties agree tlw: Developer shall at all times have tile right lD convey the Property llldIor assign la Dc:velopcr'S riglds and obligstions heretmdcrlD. projltrt,Y owners associ.aliou. hOlllcowners llSSllcialloll, andlor condomiDium association ereated by Developer lbr purposes ofmaint3inioll the Property by ~s of conveying all or any portion ofdle Property to said ISSOl:iation(5), $llbmittillg all or ally pardon oftbe I'n:lperty to a Declaration ofRestriotions, or by assigning its rlsha and obligatiom hereunder to said _iation(s). UjIOn suah conveyance. submittal or assipent. Developer shall be rtleased from all liabilities and obligatioos bereW2der and .such property owners, homeowners or condominium owners association shall be solely ~poasIble for all obligatil!llll of Developer hereWlder and shall have Ibe right to cnlbrcc all rip of Developer hereunder. 6. 'Bjpdinf E~ All easemtlIIt$ granted herein shall be binding upon the psrties, their respee1ive ~ lep1 ~ successors and assigns and sIIalI b. for the use and benefIt of all present uui f'uam: OWIIm of tb. pI'OPCrtY, thtlr liImIl1t$, Q1S1O.....t'Io, ascms. invilloes, Ii_v~ g\le$9, 0CCUpBlIlS anellor mongapes of all ot any pon\Qa of'the tl.vl"'rty' hereunder. Miscellane<JllS. 7 Transtb- R.igll1s. Nothing C(lTItained in t\IiS Easement A~ent shall be dClClMd to be a lift ar dedication of any portion of till! Property to the gellenU public or fur any public IISC or pwpose wIw:soever, it beiI1g the int=tiou of the putics hereto and !heir successors and Qlisns, that nothing in lllis E~ Agreement, exprcs:scd or implied, shall oonfer upon my pelSOIl, other than the: partlas hen:to al1d IIleir sua:=rs and assign:;, any ri~ts or remedies under or by Tl:lISOll of this Easement Agnlemem. ~ 8. a IfJJV ~ A. If any provision of this Easement Apmeat, or poltlon tblnof, or the application thercafto lllIY penon or ~, 5hal1, to 8fty elCII!nt be held inv8lid, inoparative or UlIeaforeeable, the remainder ofthi$ ~ AgrcetlKllt, or the applic:a!ion of sudl provision or portion the=f to any other pct'SOJl:l Or c~ shall not be afi'CQ~ thereby; it 5hall DOt be deemed !bat any such invalid jX'Ovision affects rhe a:msideration for this Es5emcnt Agreement; srn1 each pr0vi5ion of this EasemellC Agreemmt shall be valid and tmforceable 10 the fuIle5l extent pami1ted by law. B. This &scment Agreement shall be cQll5ltlled in acC/Jrdsuce w1t1l !be laws of the S/alIe of Florida. C. NOIbinS In this E.1scment ~l':Ilt shall be oonstrUed to mak.: the parties hcmo partI1et$ or joint vtD!Un:lS 01' mlder any party liable for the debts or obligations of me otltef partia 1HmD. D. Unlo.ss olherwi!e speoiftcal1y provltieti hetein, this BasemCllt Apmem, lID" the cll$8tllCltt rlglltl coulllined hertir\, may not be amended, moditled, or tennlnated ~ pursuant J~N-04-2002 83 02 FM KRI=TEN CONTI oV< ~ 561 742 4281 P ~38 ( I' to wnllilQ .iualr1Im.m, ao'O'otooq ud Kknowltdged by all of tho plltiClS bcrc10 ot lbIir ~1IOl'1 or usiCJll, IInd rccmded ill. tbe P\llllic lblcordll of Palm ~h County, Florida. E. 11IiI ~ A..-1bIiI be .&ct:iv. 011 tt. daI reccrdecl in die PUIic B.teorda aad IIllaIl be lliadPlalDd iawre IOtlwblaeficot'the~... hoin, loIpl ~ NlCIIJlln lIIIIl lS.'Iigna of Developet and Owner ,*,ia, it bWig the il\lllIIl beIeof that 1bD ri&bD IIld obllptl__ MmIDder sbaIll\lO wiIh 1bI t.nd and foJlow ~ ot'tbe Prapcty aod Ownel's Lot.. F. DewIoper mcrves tbe right to grant ..h additlonaI ~e _....dl. 1I/IlW, ~ and acrossllle Vehjclllar.w:- Easement Area and. thc CaIlaI P'/ljIClt)', u. its ...10 IIftli Ueolute discretioo. widlout the Illltld for the consent or joi!lller 1Mnto by the Owner. or IIll)' eIDer ~ provided _ such ~ .......11'''''''' do lIQt adven'eIy aff~ or interfere with the righQ ~ to 0wlUlT ~ Go NotIlintr ~ in this Easemeat Agreematt shall be CCllISlI'I*I. as czaIiDg Ii1If'j ri&\lll ill the genetal public or as dedicating for public IISe any portion of the Property. No easement, ~ those ""'fRSSly set forth l1etein shall be Implied by this Easement Ap-'let1t. 9 Authority" Owner MPrescnts and warrants that it has full right and autJlority to execute and dclivertbis Easemell1:Agreement and that it is the sole "wner in fee silllple "fthe Own~$ Lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. dte Developer and the Owner have each exocullcd this &sement Agrm\Ml!t on the _ set Cor1ll below. Signed and scaled in lbe DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, ILC. a Florida limited liability company By' Print NlIIlIe' Title: Print Name; Print Name: Datil: STAlE Of' l'LORIDA COUNT'i OF ) ) ) The foregoing insmtment _ aekllcwlcdgcd before me thi. day of . 200_. by . as of DAKOTA LOl'TS AT BOYNTON. LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said COI1Ipany He/She is personally known to me or Ilu produced as ideDtiti~oll. (SIGNATURE 01' NOTARY PUBLIC) (Name of Notary, typed. prinred or sQalped) (Titlo or rmk (serialllUIIIber,lf lIIlY) JRtt-04-2n02 03:02 PM t~I-~EN CONTI 561 -'42 4:'~~ 1 F 09 -. . ~ oil t I -MINUTES ~ PLAHHIHG ~D DEVEl.OPMEHT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA NOVeMBER 9. 1993 Motion Mr. Miller moved that we accept this proposal to rezone from RM to R-1A and show it as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and accept staff recommendations for the annexatIon. Mr. Weigle seconded the motlon whlch carried unanImously. Owner: Locatlon: KopllmlZlan ~p.rty - Annexation Program (Application '10) Michael H. Hopl~fan The 0.21 acre parcel located approxlmately 400 feet east of Federal HIghway, immedlately south of Colonial Club Condominium ('2 V1rginia Gardens) Requests to show annexed land as Moderate Dens1ty Residential and to rezone from RM (Residential MedIum DensIty) in Palm Beach County to R-1-A (SIngle Family Resfdentlal). , 10. Project: Descrlptlon: This property 15 lnrnediately west of Appllcatlon '9, and the situation is simi- lar to that of Application '9. The current use is a Single-family home and no change 15 proposed. Staff's recommendatton Is the same as that of ApplIcatIon 119. - Mr. Rumpf confIrmed for Chairman Lehnertz that vlrglnla Gardens ~exed lnto the City along with App11cations #9 and 10. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK ON PUBLIC HEARING. Motton Mr. Dube moved to accept the Planning and Zoning Department's recommendatIon to annex the LewIs property*, existing land use of MR5 to Medium Density Residen- tial, eXistIng zonin9 RM (ReSidential Me~lum Density) to R-IA (Single famIlY). and to show it as consistent with the Comprehensive Pla.n. Vice Chairwoman Huckle seconded the motton which carrle~ unanimously. *$., note Ifter APDltcltton '11 ~tlon. 11. ProJect: lwt s Property . Annexation Program (AppHcatlon Ill) Sally Lewis The 0.11 acre parcel located on the east s'de of Old Dixie H1ghway. approxtmately 845 feet west of federal Highway Requests to show annexed land as Medium Density Residential and to rezone from RM (Resldent1al Medium DenSIty) tn Palm Beach County to R-1 (Slngle-Fam1Iy ReSIdential). The current use on this property 15 a single-famIlY home and no Change 1s pro- posed. Thls appltcatlon Is consistent with the Future Land Use Map and the poll~1es of the Comprehensive Plan. OWner: Location: Oescrtption: - 10 - P.10 AUTOMATIC COVER SHEET DATE : JAN-04-2002 03:03 PM TO . . FAX #: 7426089 FROM : KRISTEN CONTI FAX #: 561 742 4281 10 PAGES WERE SENT (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) 07/,3/2003 17:38 5617387' SALEFISH I~EALTY- P,~( 532 East Ocean Avelllle BOYI'IOIl Ik( 'h "1 ' 4 561-738-6613 Otlke 56 1- n8...~ ,IJ I Fa Pages i!lcl~ding this one: / f Dale ~:JJ.~._- From .:ha desk of ~ Pal( fI ~'<I.,../., ,")';1 _L....'4-.J41.~..1..._ (n ./...Ii!At:_ /!1J'J,/ . _________.__m'_ ---'... _ __;-_ LI did: '1' UII.I J rJI ~.4_~il::~IeI:~~:~ 'J~;i!~!... - _I 10 _~~I /111'/ /fkHt 'dAru#}.?Af(J~IJ, P,i::...LlI.~('L' 2.J:L~:t ,:~t; .. VjZ-~ _iell:L.._' 'f' . . -----~--..~ --..- on_ .- ~!r ~:; :===: . __ .'/1....._______._____ ._----_....._~-'"._.,....._.... ----.--.....-----.---.-. ,..... --'.'-,. - ---.---....--.-..- --- ..-.... - ----.--............--..-- .._-- .... 07/2:1/2003 17: 38 5617387 ' SALEFISH I<EALTY , i::A n aM ,~~ ~)S':de.fif.h Realty. Inc. . t~......--^---^-" "-..-"-""--"'--^-.-^--.- '-_-"._--'-.__"-...A_,__.""___,- ... '" ..\ roolll'Mr. Greene, On bebaIf of the homeowners potentinlly aftected by the Ilropo:1lll1 developmilnt of tile Dak~ lo:fls towl1home project in Boynton lleacb, I would like '" malce the membe:r! oftbe eRA a~IIU of:leVeI1Il concerns that still eDCist. III ,1 meeting held at City Hall Monday, January 7, 2002, t.1Je re.'lidents & dtlVelopers.mr:lt with dt officials acting as &cilitators. During ~his meeting, Mr G'rcene made the s:atemerrt thllt "o:le llil do'~ not fit all" in reference to this Pl'i)ject. The area we are dealing witn:s very ul'uql.le in thnt half the resident$ are city taxpayers ard the other half are in a county pOl.bt. Our lldrl:ess is a. Iielray Beach address but we pay city ofBO'yJIton taxes. There, are sev~n.l e1:lemerlts & q~ it- clam deeds that were presented to thr: developers by the residents a:tiding (;olltUsio/l t~ an l Jrear c)lDplicated situation. All homeowners had received a legal dCClJIment flom the de>/eloper' I a:;t,)mey on Saturday, January 5, 200:: stating what would be n:quired OfU91:C continrH qu et e::!iC1ymcnt of our properties. This SeJ "eel to create more :listrullt & c:hs.os :ull(lngst hC>f'oem IIlr;:rl who purchased their properties based 'In thEir water right!: & the neighburing RIAA l:oninli. 11 eppeared at the end of the meeting )esterdaythat a melibng ufthr~ mlnd! ViliS feaJibl" by tOllight's meeting. My phone began ri nging early this maning 'Mth cOllcilned neighb-J rs bl ingin up their various issues. Some want f(, requ($l the eRA tllble the iSllUe \lllti! I~ ofthis new irlfbnnation can be verified. Others 81', prepared. to negotiate t:>ward supporting the jll'Opoletl zoning chqe & subsequent development. I am here to Ir~ YOII hlllow that s\1l;h discf\,pancies fIlmain. III lairnesa to the developers, I calJedl,{ack Bagley this aflemo'Jn to tell urn that th::ir '/Ver< still unresolved issues. He stated that he had berm working 011 the resohltion t(, th~se conlllms ml;,sl oflhe day & it is already close to 5'00 p.m., it was not Ilossihle 6;,1' m.e tu !peak t'J ILll the f115idents fur their feedback before tht meeting tonight. Therefore; I hesitate to malre l'issurnp'ti:c I,i on behalf of others. 10 the best of my Icnowledge, the full rlWing issues remaU:" 1. The reconveyance of the cana right~. to all properly owners adjac:ent tll the ilUbject ;8n,aJ These would include non-excli,lsive rights ofuse klr cana1 purposes &; riparian light! wit perpetuity These rights wool d be transferrable te' all SUcce3S0fll to tllll proPeIty 1 he original quit claim deed was filed in 1952 and conlinned to be ti:t:e & c.orrec:t ill I 9~ 9 however we want to be 100% IlUre these rights ar'il neVIli' comprcm iSl=C I. 2. Reverend Dingle of3 Virginil. Garden is in posse/lsion "fa quit-daim deed gra.rd:ing him an easement from US I to his home and 'Would lik" to see the 8r.:(:eliS via Vit'gida GU"d,,, remain the main access for tht three homes there. The curb-cut Hnllltreet t,,,,:: be(/1 US! I "Your Hometown Rea/tors" - Located In the' Heart of Hi5tOriC Down :0'1)11 BoyMon Bee ell 532 Ea,,! Ocean Aven\le. Boynton Beach, fL 33'!35. e.". (561) 738-E.SJ3. Fa~: (561) 1:18.;'911. IV'IV_sal.r.$'" ':'1 Ul~l 07/,3/2003 17:38 561738=' .1 SALEF"ISH I~EALTY P,~( fbr this pIIIpOIe for a period 0:( lIlOI'l! than 30 years thus t:reIfiDg an implied eue:lIlllIll. !.4l Baaloy sta1eI that this is not a 19 euemmt and thus ia not wiDir'8 to negotiate' on this point. He has agreed to absorli the coat for two separate gatES It thE' entrances tl) th( private residences of Bamboo Lane &; Virginia GaJ:den respectively Ht wiD be ne responsibility ofthe homCOW01lfS to hire a contractor and oVlll"SCe the ir-stallBtiorl. TIe developer win pay the contrac\Jlr fOf said installation up to an amCIU:1t to) be flgrt:ed upon by January IS, 2002. 3 The developer has agreed to pillCe obscure windows on the Elast wall of the end..unit:l facing 1 Virginia Garden &; 81 5 Bamboo Lane. The de:d restrictio~s Indlol' homeowner's association documents will prevent liJture owners fiom mplacing :luch obscure windows with any otl"r see-through pro~uct. 4. The developer has agreed to provide at it's expeIW= water servic.e t(l th~ home!1 on Bamboo Lane inclusive of ml":eJ" bo:tes being brol.'tght to thClse re siden :es. S. The developer has agreed to ,,:-eate olin mtrBnc.e which ill both fun~onl~ & astl11ltically appealing as it will serve as tllll gate'Nay to Boynton BelICh IlIId on h'J:nes. 6. The residents would like a ti",,~ine on construction. We t1eE'.d tl) kr'O'j\ ifthll PlDjec v>~ilI be built in its.mtirety or as thi' units: are sold. Th,;, CORlleln h>enl is '>eulgunder construction for an inordinate, & uni;pecified period offime. Iblre are clearly two schools ofthourilt on the proposed Ilroje<:t. Mllny~ridmts fE>elthat 8lI)1hing would be an improvement 0' 1:1" the previous Chi~lese rnstaur:mt. Other feel tbj:J de<.ision o,\lld have a negative impact on the pPJperty values in the long tClm and would prefer I,> sen th'3 RiM zoning intact. I. believe represEfltativfls from both sides of this issu~ will speak durin!! public BIldience this evening. I know I speak for all the residents wlwn I uy ml are gratdiJl f(lr lthll adtl.:d ls:)er ofprc1tectil)D the CRA has given to this project. W1lile WE' realiz.eyour goal ill to ~:ewelclp tbe city, we appreciate your concern for our privatI prop my rights. I heliCl/e WE' would al.llike tJ 1~'1C ar, improvement provided our issues are IllSolvd. Thank you again ~i>r your consideration. Sincerely, ~~l)~" Kristen Conti Homeownf'r of I Virginia Ganlcm Delrny B~ch, FL 3341!3 07/~312003 17:38 561 738~' 1 SALEFISH FlEAL TV ~ PAl (.1 November 20,2001 City of Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency RE: Dakota Lofts Site Plan We are Boynton Beach residents who live immediately adjacent to the SUll Wall pr')per.y The following issues we would li~.e addressed prior tn approving the rcdm 'elopmerlt: L Agreement for uninter rupted water and sewer S(!l"Vio~. 2. Agreement fur existb13 docks to remain 1l11d acceS8 to ICW 3 Fence On property line to remain or privac" wan to be ereot'~. 4. Southeast building to bave decorative elements:m ellst e11!V'ition facing lC\\ S Revise building heigh. to meet coc1e. 6. Clearly indicate turn a round for fire and emergency lit SI.E' (OlDer. The following issues affect all ou neighbors and need to bll addressed: 1 Agreement for water wrvice and making eiood Bamboo LilI1e l:J:ef installation. 2. The current incl\lsion >Jf the canal in calCluting the nllow.IMe Iumbllr of un! ts reduces the green spac!: ofthe property Please insure that thig meetA code. 3 Current entry to Bamb 00 Lalle is dangerous due to inadeq uttc width. Provic e plan for widening and include plan for unimerrupted poore $lll"rice sinCl.: Bell South switch at Bamboo Lllle island will Ireed t) be relccatfld. 4. Temporary landscapin!; and fencing durill!l cott!truction S Provlde private gates I Bam.lJoo Lane and Virginia Gar!\(n:: to prevt!llt increased traffic on oRr.lane private roads. 6. Guest parking inad.equ lite. 7 Elevations fur Federal Highway West, North and South should De impIClved. 8. BaQkup for garige inadequat'~ fur large vehicles, 9 16' width inadequate ftlrtwo-car garage. 10. Decorative light fixtu.r;s to b~ installed. II ContradOrto address l:\ean-up of neighbol'lng pools and dlKk!J. Should development be approved, we, a:l residents, w;,u1d Ekll the op pcrtu:Jity to re'viev. and approve the construction sch~t1ulB, ie. Cl)l1.Siderati:m of site trailer, site facilitie:::, dumpstefs, working hours, clean-lip plan and duration of Qonslructior We would appreciate if these issu,:s are addressed prillr toue redevelopmEnt approval. Sincerely, Frederick and Denise Canova co: Dakota Lofts 07/~3/2003 17:38 561 738~-. 1 SALEFISH flEALTV PA( ( ,~ Prenared bv IIllI Return 10: Michelle M. OeRosa.l!sq. HOLLAND &; KNIOHT LLP One E. Broward BI\'d.. Suite 1300 Fl. Lauderdale, Florida 3330 I q~CCE5S EAS[~ 1'HIS CANAL ACCI~';S E~,:;I::MI::NT ("E.senlCnl ") is mud.: Ihi'..... :Ia,' "I' :lOll:! hy DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LtC. a Florid. limited Iiabilily cllml'lll1Y ("D~.,I"rcr"). "'wing it, principal office al 2290 N.W CO',lorale Blvd.. Sulle :~4S. I.loca Ratol1. I'lo"ioo ;3~!" III _._....__._____._ ("Owner"). whosc ad,ltl:5S b RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer Is the lee simph' owner of certain teal pl'opert)' locatcd in Palm Beach Counly. Florida, being mote particularly dcserib,d on E.~hibil "4," .Unched hereto and nlllde n part h.r.",r (hereinafter Ihe "Canal P",perty"): WHEREAS. Owner is the fee simple o\< llCl' of certain 'eal prop',rty lo<altd adjacenllo Ih. Canal P 'Opcr')'. beln more particularly described on I!!!lbit "8" .attached hel'tlo and made. par h :f<'~f (her~ir"lie"'c "0wnetls Lotlr): WHERFA8, Owner h.. requested thai [".....Iopt" grant certain e,,"eme,l rhtl!l1.lo ,), 'Ol:r "v.r .,nd "em", the Canal Property, for the benefit ofOve,er's l.0\: WHEREAS, Developer has agreed 10 grlnl sueh e_ment right!. subjcct to ':he tern! all., eondtic'''s contaiMd herein. NOW. THEREFORE, for and in eonsidtlation ofthc sum orTEN AND NO. I 00 lX'Lc..\RS ($ I O.OO~:nd other good and valuable col1sidt."1'8lion. III: teee/pl and sufficlene" of which .re her :b/ ~c ,oow"'d""d. Develope, agree as follow.: I. Reeilllls. The above reeilals sre :rue and comet and jnl'~l]lo"led h':rei" l'v thi5 relcrCllc,' 2. Canal Easement. Subjecllo any "'press conditions, UmiUltion. 01' rest:rvati(ns cor la/nod h.,:in. Developcr hereby grants unto Owner. for :he benefit ofOwnees Lot. al~ual '''S:~~!li.ril>!l1.ror iogre,.. egrCS5 and ace.,. over and across the Calli Property. from the COlvncr's Lot 10 the Int:'acoostal wat,,'wa}'. which is located ecfjacent to and <8sl ofl": Canal Property. Deve!J!Il!;UDJl!l lhe rl,:!!! ,.' "recl. in5l,n. Ill. !llJl!lil' oilinas ao4lor docks. which .,lone ,illlo canal oroaen. at c;NYIers cXGpe~ .3. Restrictions, No obstructions, incll ding bllt not limited to pili gs "nd/ol' dock;. '.V ic eXlcnd illl.o the Canal Property from the Nonherly an. Soulh,:rly e><tremilies beyonll '''\Ie" and ~nt-h, If (711! 'J :'cCI. ~.II be ereclted or installed by Owner w Ihin lht Canal Property. 4. Use of Eosemenl RillhtsllndcmnirlC !lion. The ellSemenl rights gramed he'"i" "hdl (l., used by Owner In such a manner that Is consistenl with aid will not interfere witb the ril~hts oflhe tle",,[oJe, or anj Ihird party to exercise and enjoy any rights it nay h... 10 use thc C.nal Prop.:n}' -_.._--_._---------~- 07/,3/2003 17:38 SAlEFISH REALTY PAC 561 738~' . 1 5. All easements granted herein !hall be binding upon the parties, fhdr lespectwe lreir~, le.L1 representatives, successors and lI$Signs f"d shall constitute a covenallt oll111;nll with and bineling "PO" " Canal Property. 6. This Easement shall be construed in 3l:cordance with tile lawsof6e StI.le ofl'loridt. 7 Nothing contained in this Easennnt shall be construed lIS creating any r:ght! in lhe gel1'l:nd rublic ". 8S :ledicuing for public use any portion 0 l'the Canal Property No easement., eXllllJlt lI: ose expressly lei fo I, nelllin. shall be implied by this Easement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the: ~lop:r has executed this Easemmt 00 the ('.ale sot furth below. S i~:ned nnd ~"aled in the ')AKOT A LOFTS AT BOYNTON. l.LC. I. aJrii,;~\ :ill'l:t20 !i41~llii~: ~1..1l:lpan} Hy. I'rint Name: Title: Print Name: Print Name: l)ate: STA.TE OF FLORIDA , i , J COUNTY OF The foregoing inSlnlment waslcknowledged before me thi~ __ day of ______ 200_, by , as . . of DAKOTA LOFTS AT aOY\lTO LLC, a Florida limited liability campan: on behalf of said company. HelShe iE personally ~:now1 to r or has produced .__ as identlfica1ion. ._--_....._....._~..- (SIGNAT .JRE OF NOTARY PIJBLlC) . . (Name of Notary. typed. printed or stllmped) (Title or !':Ink (serial nllmber, If:lny) f'T'~1 N573711 vI IE e7/~3,2ee3 17:38 561 7387~' 1 SALEFISH I~ALT\I PAC [ i ~t'idt Realt]. Inc. -^--~'--^-_."'... "-.-''''' . '- .-' ., Oclober 24, 2002 Neola LollI o.r Mr. Triger, We lite wriIinI to yllIIln I'lIftnftee to IIIl ClOIIWl'IIIiolI)'OII hlld willi ~, husbllnd lla"ill hst _k c:om:cming our canal JichIa. As he elqlI1ined to )'011, this confll'llllllion ofrighls W~ JIl'Oloised to U~ by MIIl:h Pasin & MlIdc Begby in January Jf2001 ifM ogn:od to support their petit;"" for a zonlll!llhang', in auf neighbolltood. My husband & I have bolln people of 01,,. word .m the commeucem.nr of the pNj. cl O...d onlhe prom_Ibat _ ftlIde to III, I SIlOke,elbl'e the city eommlssi"R In Ii""," "r DaIOlI 1-'l<lls.Slno: then I havemllde.lloutsb< phone..n, 10 M,.:k Bagby asking for the canal casCl'll~ tllal...., promised. I Wl!S c:ontioually IOld lhalthe attorni", were HUrking 011 iL Consid""ing d1cy had SOlIt u. t, p..'iminety draft which I have allIIChed for YOllr review, ilscems difficulllo belie',e ilwould tllke I) InoR' hs 10 net illO U". A Il"* deal has chlngcd since January of 200 1 Our lll\citemetJlabOUI the possiblily 1)1 a beautiftll oe" community has dwlndJed and our tnlst ,., MrBagby Is gone. W.. agre<dto n plo,( e,m.luoity 001;. If...: WeN li\lell S 10,000 to protecl ourselve! From traffle luming lIJ'OlInd (lIO ollr I,"YIlIf l'l'lllI,1lld adyet,,:ly affecting the quiel enjO)1l1ent ofourhor'e. We an now beiolll",ld Ib,t is n,,1 haPllOlling either. W'l do not want 10 live a galCd community but wer , wining 10 compromise 10 better our neillhlmho od. As we wmt to be free 10 s.lIthe propertl' .tanytime ~ deem fl" it is ."'POIlanl f,>I'''s Ie get this ;r:aller resotveoi for the prospective homebuyer We ",spectlUlly requelllhatyou provill. tte !'Illllla..:! delcum.nt 10 us on or before November IS, 2002 f;rrcviewbyouraltomc',. We will have il blcl( ;0 you wi(llin 7 dl.)'$ of~ipt. Once this sign ofgood faith i$ mlde.. perhaps w. CBII'OOve fOl'Yill-d lowmlthl: tu)lutil'O of the RIlIlIy imleI that remain prior to )",.,ur community being b\lill. We 10<: k fot"", d 10 world "I with y)u 10 01'Cllko 8 better neigftborltood for 811 e: ncern.d. S~aJ' l<risIIllIComi Owner of I Vqinia <l8rden e~: Wilfl'ed Hawkins, Cily of Boynton ,:Icaeb Ken Kaleel, Esq. "Your Homelown Reallors" - Loe flted in the Heart 0( HisIo'1c Down/Jun Jx,yntDn 8ea.I~h '32 1!a.J1OcenAvenue. Boynton Be8d'l, F1.33435. Bus. (561)738-6613 .I....~, (561) 738.7HI . ww'll.s.lI.nshre iY,""'" e7/~3/2ee3 17:38 5617387' SALEf"ISH REALTY - D.tIuIta L.'" 3621 8.1'..... Hip..., BOJUlIl.... PL 3;W3S 561-13S-45t2 Fu: 561.7J6.O:>>:l: NOYeIIlber 26. 2001 Dave &: Ktittcn Conti. 1 Virsiaia GIrdeD Dekay Beac:h. IlL 334113 Deal' Dave &: Kriatin, It W8lI a pleesure ~D8 with YCIlIIut week. The tbUowins polMS were di&:usaed pertaining to your property. Upon thl: DalrotaLofts approval afits site plan by the City ofBoyntOD &lId" Dakota Lofts will. at its eKpeIlIe, agree tll: 1. Add deooratlve fl:ar:ures to tbt side of its build.ills- 2. Dakota Lotb will try to get th~ CO\lIlty to a1low it U' impI1~ and lalld 1C!f1C the tIIlrIBoo island COlIIiD8 0IIt0 E~,1l11boo LII.II: from Federal Hislno.y. 3. Dakota. Lofts will sive you a me easement to use th" camLi for ingre IIllllK. ... IJlJd tbr your boat doc:k. 4. Provide IngreIe and Egnu fbt. yout residence through Dfikota Lofu alli In eIltIy I),U'd wilt be made availablelf. sec"rIty e.ntr8Ilee way ga?.e is put ill on BUllb.)oLaoo il1'!o Dakota Lofts. Please si811 where indicated belcnl' representing your apl:l\'VYa1 so ""e QlIlllave our lItlIOmey prepare the -NIY lkxuments. Vf!JCy TNly Yours, ~~ Mitclte11 Puia 'II:=- Approved: -.---,-------- .Date: N_ber _J ?:OlH uN/ M/4!/J (/I. ~K PI~( II' 07/~3'2003 17:38 561 7387~ 1 SALEFISH I~EALTV P,~( P: AGREEMEN]' nns AGREEMENT ("Agrcement"), dated this _ dlIy of _______, 200__. is !Bade" and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT B:>YNTON, LLC, a FJ::nida limited lisbility eomr4llll' (he1ein!11 :r ct.lled uDeveloper"), whose address is 2290 N. W Corporate Blvd., Suite 245, E:OCf Raton, f' lorida 334.. ilnd David J. Conti and Kristen Conti, wl10se address is 1 Virginia Gardens, Deh)' Beach, flmdE,334:' I,. 6::06, . whose address is 2 Virginia Gardcm, r...lTay Be'ICh, Flor a 3:483,6306, and Ronald I. Dingle and Marguerite L. Dingle, whose addless i! 3 Virginia Garde',;, D,lnt.y Beach, Florida 33483-6306 (colloctivvly the "Owners"). RECITALS 'WHEREAS, Developer is the fee sim~ie owner of certain rilal property. located ill the City of llo)/':I1' ,., !lillich, County of Palm Beaob, State Df Florida, being mm... partieu.:arly :Ie scri bed cn ~~xhi1 !it.:::' ,. clr:aehed hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter "the Pl'lI')Ilty'), upon w~i'lh Devel(Ipc.1' pt'OjlO5"S 1;' ':cnstrnct multi-family l'eSidential tQwnh,me units (hereinaftel' calkd the "l'rqie.:t') WHEREAS, Owners are the fee simple owners of certain re:lJ property locat=<i adjIWent to '[he P~ope( he ing mol'll particularly described on EJ)ubit "B" atta~hed homo 2nd Irllde 8 P D'I: hereof (t'~rein"fter lhe "Owners' Property") and intend to ~onslJuct a gate lJpOn Virginia Gardens to limit aocess by ':he pubEc [' ,b,: Owners' Property. WHEREAS, Developer and OwneT'S de lire to enter into this \greem<mi to document certaifi ag",emel' ". mllde between the parties, as mol'e fully !lClt forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of ':he mutual covenants, benefits ud agl'lll:nflrts oftha partie; hon lInd the sum ofTEN OOLLARS ($10.00) md other good and vlduabk cOllf,idenricn ,..oeivel~ the =~ipt a :1 Ildequacy of which is hereby acknowledgld, the parties do hereby agree and ack10 wie:lge tbe IblJow.ng: I The above recitals life ln1e and I:<,rrect and are incorp:.rated herein by this ":feren:e. ~...-. . .------------....--p.----..- ......_~...... /' 2. Developer shall deposit into esc'ow with an attorney, licensed in the Hate of Florida lnd, elect::1 " ( by the Owners (the "Escrow Agent"), thE amollnt ofTen Thousand Dolllln fn:i '\1011 00 (l:10,000.1)0) (t ;: I "(Iate Fund"), upon the date in which tho last c:.fthe following shall o(:<:ur: (1) ['eve lopeI' h,,: comtrw::t :1 nn d completed of all the infrastructure iJ nprovements required to be co"..truct,:d up< II the PrJ?"rt} for I , development oftlte Proje~t, (whioh infnstnJcture improvements shall inoludE tut !hall not he linit.d ., ,,,,,tar, sewer, dminage, utility and ro ldway improvcmenu;); (ill Develop'''' h,,, received all of t i necessary approvals for the infT'asttuctlJ'" improvements from the City of Eo~.ntcn Beru;~, (the "C ty ", nn:llor any other governmental agencies ,'r cnti.ties requircd tc' apprOVf' slJch i~ fnsl:r Jcturt irnmlv"m<:n un d (Hi) Developer has received a W1'itt m acki:lowledgment, '/:lIeouted b., fuc:'O'1\> A gent, confinn ng It t Escrow Agent will act, and will hold th: Gate Fund in escrow, pursuant to tie terns of':his Ag1',emel Hscl'OW Agent shall deposit the Oate l'~nd into an interest bearing account. A.11 interes" which ;.h:1 u""rne on the Oate Fund shall be part :f the Gate Fund ane: shalt be disbur;&l m IWcordnnce \,;th t ',~~:t\'ucrtions oftbe party entitled to reeei :~ Oate Fund pul'l:~' t~~~~er:~__._ _._.../ ::. The Gate Fund shall be used b, Own~s solely toW'lrd th.l cost of tle cOJlstnJctie" oft.e Il" ' ltp~n Virginia Gardens. Except as otber<dse provided herein, !JnleS! oth.rwi.,e a~ul upe'n,)' DeteJop I' llfl';! Owners in writing, no portion of the Gate Fund shall \)" rele!JSed !,y flscnw Agen" direct!:' to [: Owners but shall be released by ESCKW Ag"nt to a third llarty co~tractor O' btilder reSllons ble if c.o.tstructing the gate, as part of the C>lst of the construcrtion of !UI~1t gat... :)Ivlen .hall provide 1 .1 i I " 07/~312003 17:38 561738',.- '1 SIllEFISH I<EALTY PI~( 'I: r at~k '(:)WeLish Realty. mc. -^-,_~"-'^-'A'__A._./'._ _-^--'_^-_~___A_ "_ _A, _-"__....__.....__A,. ..'_ _....,__^._..,"__A_.^._,^'_....^ __--'. , November 28, 2001 , Mitchell Pasin Dulcota Lofts 3621 S Federal Highway Buynton Beach, FL 33435 J)'la( Mr. Pasin, We are in receipt of you corresponde-,ce found under our door tode;y As stated at the impromptu meeting held last Tuesda). November 20,200.1, we are more thall willing'!'" work with you toward the completion ofY{lur project. If you ask anyone in tb" Ci1.) of Boynton, they will tell you 1 am one of the strongest proponents of SII18I': growth in our c;ty By wo,king together, we can accomplish this goae, It was my understanding that we wQt'jd be receiving a fonnal doc:urMllt th,m 'in attor.n'~ si'ellin 1M very clearly wbat we were getting in CIl;change fur OU7 suPf>or1 of the ~)l1i1\g ehllngl: and the proposed site plan. We were also tol;l we would have tb,~ opportumty te, rres,nt SUell de'CUltlentation to our own anomies j ilr review prior to signing. While 1 recognize that your intent is to show a meeting ofthe rninds prior 10 your attc'rney ,irawingup any formal documents, Wfl are lIot comfortable with the 1IagtJe /Ill.rm: oJ'this let:er 'nlCre are still several other issues of t:ancem that need te> be addll'e!1sed h~j ore you 'wi II hav l tbe :IUpport you seek. The most important aspect for my husband & I is our existing dock and Wl.te:r right;, The dC1cument you left for us says nothing of this being a pennanent easement fhElt would oe ':mnsferable to a new buyer. That bu :dle of tights surrounding Ulle ofthll WlItl:rwll) &101 thl' m:lintenance of our current dock and waterli'ont lifestyle lire miljor ';;Onelll'lIS filr very 1,IWiO'IS :-easons. The solution proposed by ~ lack Si'Jemed fau- & '~quitabJe but I t.o "1)1 see tbe saml lInguage before me in your letter. The second majorconcem is theincr:ased traffic on our ".tnpaved, TOild. We would resUy like to dhcuss the idea ofa privacy gate for Virginia Garden spel:ifica.ly pIlar to tin,aJ approVllI. We 11ft i1ho concerned about the landscape l;nIFer that will protEl'."t our pllvacy upc,n fnal c)mpletifJn of .tbe project. I've heard the statistics end been told this wm decrease traff. c. Based (m first I.and knowledge, I disagree. Sun Wah onl \' uti1ized the westerlllDOS" portion of the parkin~ 'ot" 'bleh leit over half of the eastern section af Clrtl"a priV,lCY. We l'COOllni;le the need tu con:prmnisf' to s,' , .growth & positive change but want t.' prowct our chi1drE,n & pets from IlnnE,cessm:r tr:lffic up & ~own a dirt road, We chose Virginia Garden as Ollr homp. beCllUlle ofth" lUAA zonjJ1l~ w~ich VI felt would protect us from the Joss or privacy. We have 'mjoyc:d tho: udC[u~ Havor & qilirki ~es" "Your Hometown Realtors" - Lo:ated in the Heart or Hlstortc Down~o ,(111 80yrrtDrl Beach 532 e:.st Oce.n Avenue. BoyntQfYBea<:h. FL 3::'135. Bus. (561} 738-1'613. Fax; (561) 718:'911 . w'N"'.sal!fJ5hr, Ity.<;" 07/,3/2003 17:38 561 7387~. 1 SALEFISH REALTY - PAC ,. , eUir our neighborhood. However; your plans could prove beneficial to thH flU if our i~:lues C811 be resolved. W,) win be mOTe than happy to review anything your attomey wishe.~ to s,;nd te, us. PhflSe t av," him direct it to our mailbox at 1 Virgi."ia Garden Delray B".lach, FL 3348"1..(;30) lfyol1 wOlt1d lik'l to discuss anything further with I: avid &. myself, ple&lle give us 11 courtll':' call ill advance a.71" we would be happy to set up an appointmenf_ Our lives ate very full and w31i1:e to Je preplred 1))1 visitors and together for any and all discussions pertaining to our home. You II1llY '~ilach me a tn: number found at the bottom ofthil page or via cen phone al 662-401:1. w.: thank you for your anticipated CO'lperation in these matters and look forwud to hoating fron your attorney in the very near future. Sincerely, ~:;jJ Kristen Conti cc: Quintus GreeDe Mike Rumpf 07123/2003 17: 38 5&1738" .. 1 5ALEFISH '~EI\L TV .- Law01lices ^T1Ii~QIi$ Atll:nt\ 8of,..1!a 8<<:,101 Brds11lln Chita10 ""'1><MlIl Uf.lnd Lclr:A 1ge1ell MlIlI"'," MI'" NIl\1 \ elk -QlIj- Cl:D~ _Ill< No*_ '''',,_1I<b HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP One EIslBlOIIllnl Bouud, Sulle 1300 P,O. eo. HU70(Z1P 33302-41l7ll) Fort LIUdo1\I~., Rarida 33301 95'1-525.1000 FAX 954-<<;3-2030 'IIWW,i11{Ia1I'.com F,~( N,r1lio, Vllil'. Orlonll' - ",,"Ide.. ~.P\lolbum SoJiAn1m" SoJiF.."" - Tall!lh8!9M lamp. w.ahln IO\I:.G. We9IPi ma!!'l;tj EroPillt T.W T.... December 5, 2001 I\IICIlELLEM. DEROSA 9(;4.1l8.793!l. il tel", ,t MdJ,..", ~dG.~"k}!J.wc'Jm VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Kriswn Conti clo Salefish Realty Inc. 532 E. Ocean Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Property locawd (:j, Federal Highway, to be devebJed as II. reelider.tif:ll community lmowli as Dakota Lofts (the 'Project") Dear Krieten: This firm represents Dakota tufts at Boynton Bl3ach, LLC ~'Dako';a UJfts") wth respect to the above Project. l,s you may know, Dakota Lofts, liS (,wne:r o:l'the above parcel, is scheduled to appear before the GRA :for the Cit i' o:f Bo~'nton Beach on December 11, 2001 ~:r purposes of obtainir:.g appro"al <lfits proposed site plan fur the Project. It is OUI understanding that o"er th~ past several weel.e, sevllral issues lllld concerns have been raised by 1 :le adjacent lot Ol1'netlL ?lit.h re'!Jled to the proposed development of the F'~perty In. order to address the issues "nd concerns, we have been advised by C'111' clie.J.t that Dakota Lofts is prepared 10 provide several rights and sllrviclS wllk.il it owns and hold to adjacent lots owners. As an aJ.ternllti.VI! to tnGenng il1t'J separate agreements with eac.'). and every adjac,:!nt lot owner, !lakota l.ofl;s intends to submit the attached letter to the City ofBo~"n';on :Elea(:!c, prior '1:0 tle December 11, 2001 meeting. 'rhe purpose ofp~ovidiIlg the lel;t(lr to thE' City i'l to incorporate the rights and eer/ices which Dakota Lo&s ill preparei. to j):t')'vide into the approval of the site phn. AB a :result, Dakota Lofts v7il be oblig3ted 07/,3/2003 17'38 5&17387r41 SALEFISH I<EALTY.- PAC 1 c December 5, 2001 :i?age 2 under the final site plan appro1'al issued by the City to comply with and provide BUch rights and services and tha City will have the right to ellfll!'Cll Dakota Left':; failure to provide same. l?lease review the attached letftlr to the City and contact Mitch,~l1 Pasil1 al; 56l- a70-9570 with any comments C i: questions you m.ay have. Very truly yours, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP '-jJ{Llj;J1UM~_ By' Michelle M. DeRosa. gnclosure 1:C: Mitchell Pasin I'TLl jj~G8405 v2 ~~t~4'~~C~ ~~;~~ .1.00.1. t.iO~l.:l,:..i UEN~- r: ~ft JMMISSION MINU'l'ES -1/15/(12 , A'1'TA<:~ 12 TillE [)~I\()T A L()"i ';7 January, 10 2002 Mr &: Mrs. Conti: 1 VirSinia Lane Dclray ~h. Morida 3J483 Dell'l' Kristen: Thank you for your mllS8llge yesterday As I promised at the CRAmeetlnglWo nights ago we will begi\'ing all the nIllllhbors OJ] the canal the easement to use. paVigate lIl\dtraveJ thl: l;lI.I!Sl, , .' Twill also wlU be giving you a document stating that we will dc:pqsit the sum of$20,OOO with our attorney's escrow account to be uaed by the neighbors for 1beiir gales on Bamboo Lannnd Virginia Garden lifter the completion of ou.rmlStrllCture. This will be subject to city commissioners. final approval of Dakota Lofts and. me cooperation of all the neighbors ;nvolved, . . I sincerely hope tha~ y~m ate beromil\g, a belic:ver lllat we have done everything lbat we said we were going to do and 'is in our po",erand ha.ve ttied. to work and accllmmodate everyone's need to the best of our ability as II humanbelng. 1 look forward to a smooth transitian during the course of OUT construction and completion. 3010 S n;I)ERAL l1\n IlOYNTO~~ BEACH, trLOR!DA 33435 Tn. 56l.241.2329 II AX 5M.218.9774 --. -~ , 07113/;~003 17: 38 561738. SALEFISH REALTY F,~( 1 Canal Easement. Dakot~. will grant to tho$e owners oitte bt6 depctec all Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a p:ut hereof (the "Sketch") whicl: currently have G.ocks construl:t'~d. '/l/ith~n the (:ana p:mperty, easement rights (i) to maintain any existing dor...ks vrbhb th€ c2!nal p:,operty currently owned by Da]{ota, and (ii) for ingrEss, egrells and aC(:eS8 from tl e:usting docks over and througl: the canal proper':y to the Intra<:OBtal ''II'fri:el'Vl ay whIch is located to the east ofaad adjacent to th!~ canal property The eWlem,mt rights granted by Dakota shall 'un with and ben{lfit each lot ~>r which Lt i'l grante ao.d shall be transferred to any mbsequent ownee or (Iwnors 0:: l,U~.~ lot aB par; 0:" the conveyance of such lot. The final easement doCUro.enl; shall pl'>>vide. tbat (.) (; a d'Jck shall be maintained by such owner at its sole COEt ar..d expl>nse, and (Ii.) the canal property shall be the mail :.tenance obligatinn of Dal;ota, it s S llCCel!SIJ.r or a:3signs, andlor any homeowner i association crea:Ged br purp03€8 of ac:b:nirlisteri~,g the Project (hereinafter the "AsClociation"), and that aJ C03tS and ~:cpengeE inc.lr.l'e ill connection therewith shall bE: divided in an eq1utal:le Illannel' fmd OD. a prolata basis between all parties havilll: dock rights to U8e th'l ca"1.al property 2 Water and Sewer Servicen. A. Installation ofWat'~r Lines_ Provid.~d that Dakota ca:~ obtair thE necessary approvals and easem'1nt rights, Dakota will install ....,~ter linlls alon~ Bamboo Lane as may be requirfld in order for thE' Citr to '?rovLd! :p)tab].e water s'lrvice to Lots 5, 6, 9, 10 and IJ In addition, Da.::ota will inst:llltl:.e apprc:prif.te water main ex.tensions and met"rs at the locatio!? indicated b~ th/3 City fer Lo':sZ, 5,6,9, 10 and 11 and pay any meter hook up feeH in corln'3ction tll\!tew;.th Da!ot:a agrees that prior to the time thHt the above lots have been provid'ld with the alternative water service to be provided above, it will not take any actwn whl( h would cause the lot owners to leBe th,~ ability to (,btain wder lrc'nl the wells 103a1;e 0:0. the Property, which wells ar'l the Lot owners Cllrrent S(lurc€ (hlater B. Sewer Service for J,ot 4. Provided that I'akota <'.lin obtain th.r. necessary approvals, Dakota wi 11 grant to Lot 4 the right to tiu in'''' theS(lw'er s'lrvice facilities to be located uJlon th.e Pr.operty ilnd will :pay ar.y costs relate, to same. 3. Access Easement. DakotlL will grant to the owners oCthe lob depict'ld as 1,0 1, 2, 3 on the Sketch, ingress, el:ress and access I:ight!l over celi;ain roa&wI'Ys hcat d witliin the Property from time ti' time for pmpos.;,s of obtni.niDg in~:ress. e[TeSll Rill a3cess :from and to Bamboo Lan.! and Virginia GIIl'deIlS. In edd.tion, Dlullta 1 rill provide adequate access to the t'wners ofLats 1, ,;~, and 31;hrrmgh f.ny gatEls w rich may install within the Property which limit or re'stric~ thE! ahov!! lx.enti"DEld aCC€:3S ri.ghts. " 87/.3/2883 17:38 561738- \ SALEFISH REALTY - PACi : I: ;\. Decorative Lii"ht Fixture:l_ Dakota will install decorative ligtlt fu:tu:res wit.h '\ the Property in accordance with the final site ple.n approved by thE' Cit;l 3. Temuo:rarv F:encinlr. Dak,.ta win install any temporar,r reol;lls which may ;)( rE'q'Uired by the appropriate govurnmental codes to be installed :huing eO:t:lstrl:ctlO )f the Project. Please feel free to contact me w.th any questions and/ox' c,;)m;lJe;lts you mllY h.lV,' <<,garding this matter Ve1:Y truly yours, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP '-fiM.UJ.-w.~. By: Michelle M. DeRosa Enclosure ~(:: Mitchell Pasin F'I'LU58SaaO va 07n3/2003 17:39 f' " , . -- -.-=:::.-- ..,:7 ;' ~.- -- 5&1739- , SALEF ISH ~ TV fW ".-- ~..I )" -e-"::::'==='~ \ ~ r ~\ ~ \:f-'- ,.\ <~~Jill~\ ~ ' ~____:L. I " . . -..- .--- .... " /-\ /' ... ~ ::.l .- U ~~ a u' W .Jl ~ 8 , ,...--- ..",-.--...-- ~, -",,-...--':". , ~ \--- I \ \ ~ i :~..-- \ ~ --t C) C) i [1 ..,---- 0 CO ~. ~ \ \ \~ 1 .... ~ '~1 .. !A , , \ \ ~"l 'h.~'.' " -' -,- ..,-'- --------- ~-\ ",~A:~0 <J66~ 0" "'0\0\ 07/;3/2003 17:38 5617387 SALEF'ISH flEALTV F'AC E Developer a copy of its approved plans lOr the 810M prior to 111" dale' in which it ~IT .rnences constuclic thereof. In no event shall the gatIl! IUd/or the construction thereof, at alW tirn'" intertill'll W tb tI: den'lopment of the Project by Develope r or th~ abi1ity to obtnin access to an,llrolll the ''rorerty to ,an fi'OlII a publil:ly dedicated road right oh ny. 4. Escrow Agent shall be obligaMd to release the Gate Ftlnd upon the first cflhe fullowiJlIg to occu A. Escrow Agent receives wriUlm authorization from Ccveloper snel Owners auti:lorizng II: rolf_ of the Gate Fwd and providing Er.crow Agent with the nune and adlbss 01'1 he party or paUlO,. t rocelw the Gate Fund, or any portion the reof; B. If OwnC1'5 have not obu ined the necessary approv,.1s alJd perm ts lrom tile City, and/, .Jn~' other :;CVI~":":~1i!~"~:! "!.:;~;-'c:~:; -,~ ~:1! .~:~ "'~'.'l!:"~:: ~f) .:.::-":-r"'Ve -he -;,~Je~ '..vH'l:t'l "ne f1' :.!,~t fr ~m t~ dat: in wh.ich cil~ GI1~e Fund .,vas plac~li in t:Sr-:~cw Wii.ll E5~l'OW Agent. Ln such I:Vcn~ Es,;;row Agel s,1811 be obligaMd to release the Gate Fur d., and any interest eamed (:lerec,n., ditectlJ' :0 the O",'elofer; C. If construction oftbe gaH' upon Virginia Oard'"ns has not COVllllClJ(ed within '.me (I) ye: of I:he date in which the Gate Fund wa! placed in escrow with EllcroY! Agent. In such el'",nt, EscI'o' Aglltlt shall be obligated to release tbl: Qate Fund, and an', interest earned the;'Con, din,ctty to tJ- Developer; or D. If the City, and/or any elher gevemmental 1IgllDcies or entitle:! le<juired t<) zrprme $,IC gllte, denies the Owners the right to install pte upon any pc,l'tion ofVirginiillJardens. I" ,uch e'>I"'" ESlln;JW Agent shall be obligated to re ,.ase the Gate Fund, and my i.,terest the ~n, din:.;tly to t~ [le..eJoper, 5. In the event ofa dispute betwe~1 the parties regardinr, the dspo:litlon oftlu: Gate FIJlld 01 in tt eVE'nt the Escrow Agent shall receive conflicting demands.or instru,:ti'3nl witt nS';l'lct to thlt Gate Fuo. the Escrow Agent may in its sole diSCl',tion, continue to hold the Qate FW1C I.ntil all parths m ltudl agree to the disbursement thereof or un") an onier or a judg'!'ment of a cot,n cf .:ompeten1.iufisliel Ie s:,.1I determine the rights of the partieslereto. Alternativel:', the eSCl'llW A.~ent nay d.tp.,.,it tb e (,al Fund with the Clerk of the Circuit COlin of Palm Beach Counly (th(l "Clerk"),urslJant to an 'interplead. procedure, whereupon afl:eT notifYing all.>aI'tles conoerned willl such action IUld ,ayng alL el)!!ts ir.ljXJ:;~ by the Clerk as a result of such deposit alllillbilit)! on the part of B'lCIOW A gmt "hall temlinat( ,,, agreed that the duties of the Escrow Agent are Ilurely ministerial in nature ane sllll1 be e><pr:'isly im:te to ,he safekeeping of the Gate Fund and for tOO disposition 0'1'_, in accordarc(, 'with IIi! ~gre'l11'''n llt,. parties hereto expressly request that J;scrow Agent act pW'luant to thiS AgJ'efme ,t. 6. The effective date ofthis Agreelrtent (the ~Effective [late'') shall be the Jat. on whir::!. the last ( the parties hereto executes this Agreeme,t. The parties agree :hattbis im:trutnlln" sl1;\1I nQt bIt reC<Yued i the Public Reconis. 7 This Agreement shall be cQnstmed and enforced in accordanc', with 'Ilt, laws af tile Stab', ( Flcrida, County of Palm Beach. 8. This Agreement may be execut(11 in multiple counMrparts., each of'w1i.:h.,Nhen combinEd 11,'11 otlter counterparts, shall be deemed one nnd the same ins1JUDlEllt. TI'l WITNeSS WHEREOF, the Develop(1' and the Owners hav" each executed :Ii s ~greelTler,1 Qn ~le,la" ~ot furth below , II. PU~-.XC AqQJ;~(:E: INDMDUALSPEAKERSWILL BE LIMITED T03-MINUTEPRESENTATIONS Dr. . Mark R,oberts, 650 W. ~yntOn ~al:h' SOLllev..rct, 'Objected .te tenight's. first rE!~ipg, qf theordlni3nces regarding Krispy Kremewith.q~t a.pl!blichearing. He distributed"c~ples 6f ~W'ldi3 :~te,~~~~e, ';(i~1~184i wh'cn. hes;aidreqLilres tw~. pubJI.C he,f\,jp~\ ..':,S9~~:,"()~ .~e ~t4~Etl~:lT)at'l<~~A1:tfFhment l"and IS attached to the original m!'ruj:e~;Qn,j'ileJn.;fug;groce;,pf .ttie City '~l,i;rk,. . .. . . '. ":,"'" . t~.\ti~nU~; 6S~<NWlst AV!:!niJei spol<~r~rdin9 KrisPYKrem~".S,,"ei'AAiP:~l'I.~~,~i#,e I'll;) oflier,dl1ve.,thh.J windows in the' City 'thati3PutareslQeritial"afea;" 'snii ,^,~~,.$eem~ regarding.'the noise anatbe'decll~ in prOPert'YvaI4es. ,;;c"t" > ~ ,j, :!:.t> ; H.rbl'q~spoke concem!ngthefoll9W!ng:i~em~:., '. . .: 1. HE!;j~tlj,l?~9'~9,'hls P'T,y!o~ ;~~g~t19~:tti~t:'f(),~~d. aUpwsomeone to serV~on two advisory boardSa~dreqU~11:ha.;m~;~p,mrolS,~tp,9co~,~~~rthls. '. .... /". . 2; He.wasconcerned regardlJlg'tl1e new"redl~ICtlng. He sala that having Lelsurevllle and :i,H.l)ln~r;s'RunJfcl'the~Cl!!'lepi~CF1Pfesft~~'a str"t;ggle i.nthatdlstrictandhElWoulf:l ~ave more corollleri~6n :niS itemi~$~f:iJt\,jf.e'f'i .,:,,'1., ,.... ..'.. ,..." ,1;.. . . 3. R:E!9~~iC\9Kri~PyKtem-e,~e tI1Ql1gh1;ttr~ttfi,e(;()mmlsslonsf1ould hsten to 'iVhatthe prevleus sPi!~ker said. r~garding.1';h~~;,tWLjfj91?'~~PF1'i"iesal(jjtwlll be,! hi3lJ~"'qQt and a problem fur fue Pdlice Department. .,. '. , ..., ....,. .,. . , Chri~ph,E!rJ'rent War<l, ~102.;Palm.l;l~ive, rePorted th;jt there was an megal.business operatf6h (Barcelona;.Ptecast) at,30~5\StJ~e<;leraIHi9h~y, .It is ZOQ.e~".tor retail and an industtlal'business is'J:1eing; r,un ther~r4wpiJ~~I1}Iq:upi3t1o!1al Ifeense. He 'said:fhat th[Sproperty was annexed into the City. . . , City Manager Bressnertl)9ught that this property was in an unincorporated portion of the cOlJnty. It was tracked through the DevelopmentDepartment and It showetithat it was not in the City; however, he will follow up on this. m. PUBLIC HEARING:. 6:30 P.M.ORASSOONTHEREAFTERAS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. Project: , Agent: OWner: Location: Description: Dakota Lofts H. 'p: Tompkins Chan's Enterprises 3010 S. Federal Higl1way Request to redassify the subject property 1'tom Local Ret:c!i1 Corrimerdal and. Low Density Residential to High Density Re$identi;al"ancl' rezoC\e .from <;-3 Community Commercial and R+ AA Single::ramily Resldehtli!1 to Planned Unit Development (PUD). The. applicant proposes to develop the property with 19 three- story town. homE!$and related site improvements. The site plan (NWSP Ql-D10)will be adopted as the master plan fer the PUD 2 "'" '- ~'" ~ ',., " ,. , ."'.', ~~i,'V~..i" . Dick Hudson/SeniorPI~lnner with the Planning &:'Zlilnjn~r Division; explained that this land use alTl~ndm~nt and~oningis for. propert'{Jocated at 8010 ?;FedelQl Highway, whIch. Is the site : clf!:~fffORna:~n\41ah Restaurant, ;S$ff~t~weothe>se"reQ1:JeSt$andthey;aretoOSistent with theJ'cr(impte.~n,$lVe. Plan artd witll the Federal HIghway ,GorridOr.Plan;. Thererore,;they reeommend approval of bot Ii of theSe requeSt!;; . _ aty~tney'CherofsaltiM:/'lat .thi5:i~,:a quasHudicial proceecling.Heconduoted'a b'u1kswE!ilril1lg irr(~t} ~ny'o~~w\shtri.gtO~ea~:arthePu~llc JHo/ing.Hea$ked~t jf.Qthet docum~'wete to p&T~~iWt!ie ,~~f:d;~~y'!:jeii(:Ientllj!=lp; al'\~ left withtheClI;r:tq . If;ahyo : .. .speaKing"asan ex-....... ~witAesSi'they.''SlioiJld)adVise;ofthatfatti.. " . ~~r~ '. ~ _.1 .'. . , Krl~...~nti/1,Vlrgl"iitGarden, DelrayBeach, s ..' n behalf of Dakota t.oJts. She said tti~tselJeriika,~l of c(mdif.rdm;' e . 'ts.: . ebeenresohl~ lW[tlithe :deiieloper." She preSen~;aI~~rto the .... Tom Dal<otaLci regarding the use ~f the cainaViapd.~i:v gates. Th!~ letter' is rn~ . ';lmChment 2" an,d is attached to~eoriglnaJ mlAi.J.tes onllle in ~~,Qffj~.()f ~rP~ q~rh .S~~;:~ed whether it as a conditlonofapproval that;tity~~ri~ provIded tb ~reslt:leA\tS6f, 'l:IOOLane; Mlcha~l R~mpf,Planni~g8\Za~.in9;pir~or, ~id,tha. t City. wC!ter W:OU..IQ be provid~,to residents on. ;BambOOlane Who .are: cO~I'IW 'accessing water 'VIa a wel1andany- othe!\s who have negottatecl. . . . '. .. Fred Canova, 815 Bamboo Lane, l)elray Beach, presentedia letter with exh,bits to the Commission, These items are marked "Attachment 3" and are attached,j;o the original minutes on 1jIe in the offlceof the City perk.. He was concerned regarding Safe access Into Bamboo Lan~.The developer ileE!psto'aadress this by either wldening>the.entrance Or making the access through Virginia Gardens. Mr., Canova' was . also concerr\.edregardingthe 47' high rooflinenext to his one<;$tOry h()me. ThiS1pew cle5lgnaticihwlllailowthe<levelopeno build ,a 4!)' high bulld/og. This'will ralie an env,iri)nmer)tallmpact on his home. He would be much more amenable to the zoning change if thetCouldonlybuildtd' a height of 30'. ' Mr. canova said that,a PUD should relate to the characteristics of the sUlToundingarea. . This proposed cleve10pmentls adjllcent to one-story residential homes and is out of seale with its suir9undI119s. It does not meetthe definItion of a PUD. ~ ': ;j AIlSerii10i'Paliner1lOlld,;~ltay~eaCh,stated that there appears to be some inconsiS\ency beVNeentlle Siteplan:,af1l:lt;h~\elevat!lons l!J~the eightb(Jilclln9sbordering>F~eral Highway... The elevations 'show a ~aratidnofb\Jildingswit:h a green area in between and the site plan shows no '~p~r.atl~nS.He said tha~ p;almer Road empties out into the entrancewlIyof the Dakota~o~ prgject. Tbere \S n~)off~*~t parking ar;tywhere around Dakota Lofts and beCause of thiS, there need,stobe sp~ ~m~1'!9ment to,tI;te plan, which providespnly five guest spots for parking. . . . 3 --- --'---.' ---.---- ----- "'- ." .. . '':':''''~n''';j~ Press Tompkins/engineer and planner for Dakota Lofts, saId that thereis!;1o legal dOp;!ment qfrecqrcl that they can find that creates Virginia Gardens or Bamboo Lane, He does n6tme~tpatthW'~on~el(i$tPJi.YslcaJlY~ '~~ar<!in'9;'the 'l:raffic'f$$.loIe",t/)~:s)liPf!li~!3~'iaf~ftic ,repo'l\t',tci;it:!:le"CIly, .wtijchP~m;;Be<!th}<gp':~ntyjair>Pfoveq, St!I'l/ W~h'.R~ul'al),tg~~~jl,~ trips a d<!yamd .only 190 ,trips a-c;fay W6U1d;l:l~,g~era,te~: v.lItIiI",qa~~,:/i;()ftll;"};J1l~,,Ijg:ve Pl'Opf>set:t~ol:lPwcdef:hernedianandnt~e,<!cc~s i~~~er, The hei9l'1.tof thebll!ldjrigslWO~Q. be ..4~~:~~j~~~~;!~9?':()(!tpe,~t)119i,,~'.~f1d1~',t?th~.-m~an,.'roci.:~,.~Y:P~l?e;~e?1.~p,~q\le Wlni:l~,. ,. ~;l;!HP~!!!f.tl~p.ujJ1jQ,~:~;prp,~prly~~ !fJ:l.~Y,;~ul!i!~I~l!l9.~!J1.~~'UI1~!it!n. ,e ,aw ..,..fi.~J:tiecr.l>"i.d'est~I."+;,;13ezde:o>''f'Ot*no' 'J;iQ!','~"ij.e'AA~,,"':.\f,.tMl1f .;1'f'h' ';"" ":., , jia-"A"'" ...,...~:1,J:1l'.'.~ "'!.'.' "',,"".'."""lI.,..~",..,...f!Ill." y....'."....'''..~.~lt",:..'.."..?i'#-,'*.;..~ ~.' '.. .I,....~"'I'!".'~fl".,'~.. ,,~I"" ".c". ~Yl~.!~'/:~~'.' ,H1l'i:'" ...... at#:ljlil"i;<"'t;"'h'<;>il\:...~nit;i:;"at$:S:thaci~;jer-EEwllliP.E!i:wa:l{' ,'.., "'''W. . ;,o'.:iO~ii.",,~( ,';';~"""""""?' . ,,, ~""?W~~f'<'J'''' .::J,ffl". l;! ...... ."'. "$fP~~!li;'" ",~~'''lJ@!s@","_"'' Is nOW 27"9'l!de. . '~''F'''I' .... '..,... ~~~~~tlF.'-.i _ _ , ....!, :'~~{'::,;' ,.,.' " ,..', _ _ J :'~: ,,:~_ ,-~,:~+-L,'li: :}. ~L ,~, _ ~ __.~" ,,: rr~lif~~€errr'6fiGommjSSIOner!FerguSQh)1MI1l:'RUmPfi:stated.fthal!tITe'..Migbt,@oliot'b.e in 'e';",".;~~~t. (I,~:' ",~; 'fe-' ," ",' "" . ~.;" '. '{'" ,t~" ,tI!~T"'1i"'t'" ...i'-'. '.. . .... . . ,. '. G'c:)mh1i~jl>,be,rFergu~onmoved to approve thelan~buse and rezoping'fQr,Dal<ota'Lofts. ,Vice ~yOr ~iidsepOJil:ied'tHemCltion th~t ,<!rried unanimouSly. ''l;Wr" ~1 ~L ~!.l, :1:. 't "f ~- I : ,I'iB. ,0,~I; 1 'Npti(;eJ)fiintent{R~llItliQm No.R02~Qb6)i\:Q;'aQopt:pending Land Development Amendment, . Oty Attorriey CflerQf;Statedthat this was listed under PubliC Hearing to afford the public an opportunit'yto Cpmlllfjht. Planning & Zohing.:DirectorMlthael Rumpf explained that tllis issue was raised by the neighboring re$lden~i who were concerned regarding the ntaxlmumdevelopmentpotentiafon vacant parcels in the 'M"l zonlflg, district on the south end of Congress Av~ue. There are a vast. number of iriCll\~lusesthat could (:urrently~c;onstw~;on! thee remaining land; . Staff is :ptli!pared'hrevaIU~~theCutl'ent regulations ahd~wiJIhave!recomm~ndationSIn sIx mi>ntf1s. I Commissloner Asher 'asked whether al/ the homeowner.a~scx:lations t/:lat surroun~thisrarea could ~n9tffli!(:f..of'thisplai'medsix-inonth study. BOthOty Attorney Cherof and Mr. Rumpf replied In tJie affirmative. . , , , f' "t ~ Motion .', ; Commissioner Asher. moved to approve the Notice of Intent with the amendment that the homeowner assodatlimssurrounding this area will be no~fJed. Motion was seconded by VICe May()r Weiland andcamedunat)imo~sly. xxn::' UNFINISHE[)BUSINESS: A. Continued disCussion of enforcementofnc;urrent regulations requiring ,shade canopies to be' defined as "structures" and, therefore, subject to building! .codes and zoning regulations 4 The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR'S OFFICE 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 TEL. 561,742,6350 FAX. 561 742,6089 FILE COpy, , c) \;7 ./ \ .~'--\ \ \ , www.boynton-beach.org February 20, 2003 Mr Dror Trigger Dakota lofts Development Corporation 3010 S. Federal Hwy Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 Re. land Development Permit - Dakota lofts Dear Mr Trigger' Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5, Article VII of the Boynton Beach land Development Regulations, this letter will serve as the land Development Permit for the above referenced project. This land Development Permit allows you to proceed with required project improvements consisting of underground water and sanitary sewer work only It is understood that this land Development Permit is issued contingent upon your provision of the appropriate surety as required by the City Engineer pursuant to the requirements in Chapter 7 of the Boynton Beach land Development Regulations. It is also understood that you proceed with said underground work at your own risk and that, pursuant to Chapter 6, Article V, Section 6 A the land Development Regulations, failure to complete these required improvements within(t;lJmonths from the date of this letter may permit the City Commission to call upon your surety to co~e work. Finally, Chapter 6, Article V, Section 2 of the land Development Regulations requires construction progress reports from your engineer of record. For this underground work it is recommended that you schedule a pre-construction meeting with representatives of the Public Works and Utilities Departments to discuss scheduling, staging and inspections. Should you have any questions or require additional information please contact Mr David Kelley, City Engineer, at (561) 742-6488. Quintus Greene Development Director Xc: Jeff Livergood, Public Works Director Dave Kelley, Assistant Director of Public Works/City Engineer Ken Hall. Engineering Plans Analyst/Inspector James Cherof, City Attorney Nancy Byrne, Assistant Development Director Pete Mazzella, Deputy Utilities Director ~ j)p )'/1 tonY; ;'N1!-1' 01'0/_ ....{.(.( ( ~ , , !' " , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO' Quintus Greene, Director (DevelopmentlDepartment of Administration) Mike Rumpf, Director (Planning & Zoning) ~ CC Kurt Bressner, City Manager FROM. James A. Cherof, City Attorney 9Ae Lindsey A. Payne, Assistant City Attorney.trIP RE. City of Boynton Beach I Dakota Lofts Your File No. MSPM 02-006 DATE. December 10,2002 Please be advised that the City Attorney's Office and the attorney representatives of the developer for Dakota Lofts have resolved the legal access issue regarding Bamboo Lane. Staff may proceed to take whatever steps are necessary so that Dakota Lofts can proceed with their Building Permitting. Please feel free to call City Attorney's Office if you have any questions regarding this matter LAP/ja \\JGCDEJS\LIBRARY\1990\900182.BBIMEMO 2002\Oreene (Dakota Lolb).doc OEe / 2002 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment March 12,2003 Mr Dror Trigger 3010 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE. FileNo.. Dakota Lofts MSPM 02-006 Condition #46 - Re-review of floor plans and elevatIOns 3010 South Federal Highway Location. Dear Mr Trigger Enclosed is a copy of the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for site plan approval granted on January 21, 2003, by the City Commission for major site plan modification to elevations and floor plans of nineteen (19) townhouse units in a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The approved site plan (including elevations and floor plans) is valid for one year from the original date of final approval (January 21, 2003). The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) approved the revised elevations and floor plans on March 11, 2003 The CRA determined that the proposed plans comply with Condition of Approval No. 46, which stated. "Final fat;ade changes pursuant to the above condition shall return to the Board to confirm compliance prior to pulling a building permit" Please recall that this approval is conditioned upon r ucing the proposed building colors, namely the #841 Nuevo Terra and #GH77 Capri, two (2) color shades. In order to maintain vested status, a building permit ust be secured or an extension granted within one year of final site plan approval. To bontinue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. The full rectified site plan set is to be submitted as part of your permit plan package to the Building Division. The person managing your permit applications should be made aware of any additional documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable development order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit issuance. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments(s). City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-ll260 . www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us Page 2 March 12, 2003 ImfJortant: If you plan to introduce anv changes to your approved site plan over and above those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and processed accordingly Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, ~ Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Cc: Karen Main, Technical Review Analyst Don Johnson, Building Department Jose Alfaro, Occupational License MWR/ad S \PlanningISHARED\WPlPROJECTS\DAKOT A LOFTS\MSPM O:::-OO6\Approval Ldter_doc DEVELOI- ..IENT ORDER OF THE CITY COM.....iiSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA tJw. PeL . ~. ~.'~. PROJECT NAME: Dakota Lofts APPLICANT'S AGENT Dakota Lofts Development, Inc. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 3010 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: January 21,2002 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT Major site plan modification to elevations and floor plans of 19 townhouse units in a Planned Unit Development (PUD). LOCATION OF PROPERTY 3010 South Federal Highway DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Community Redevelopment Agency, which Agency found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1 Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit 'C" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby -K.. GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order I1II1 \\\\\\1 1/11111 ~\\\O'lNTON II~ )" 0.. ....... ~t ~~ S 4. /^-~UH.4)~.. '- ~ .... 0 -Q'(' ,"{}o ~~ -:u ,_ ~ ~> i"~~ . ::... : == n. ,. - . ~o\ ,,\9 ,/ CilYClerk ~ .... S S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\MSPM ot~\Oo_$lc ....; \Q ~ ~.$f 1111 '"LO \\\' IIIIIIi II 1\\1\1\\\ 7 Other DATED: 1-;J4-0S -I ~~fC >.1' l ~~i ': ~~ ;2 : nt ;, n- ,< z: r--J ~ c",' :J L.~ ~ -/'t'_ ' . ~ i ~ f::~ /~,r- '~~'''-, 'l. ... _ } 1l""''-' I ..-" l - t/ ' "'~ / I J _ ~'~ I 0 ~, _ ~ _ f 1 c:: 1 - I \...;:j , - ~ l = ! c-< , ' ,." " 'I[ 77 iC'--#!. II T I I I · ,C",'''' I] T'T .' I ';~nl \ Tj' II i~ C4 .r::?I j ~ LOCAT\ON MAP oakota Lofts E)(I-\lBII "An ~~Ir \T \ '\ I ""'( :i ~ II II \ 11 ""'( J \ r .- j- I~ R3 - .-' \ ~ nln. - \ ~ " -. -' --; -', ~ -II \ ""~ ~ II \ r- ...., . ~ ~c...-- - - i.--- . : . . -",,"t" ." - \.... \'\\\ If'\'?i! 1 TI \ -[;'lCl)I ~ -\ I <11;;"""' ,~ 11. ~r Or g C4 ] ] r '/-- J Ii ~ jiJ - ~! ~ - -- - \.--- _ " 'N-. ... \ti.~~ -'__F$i~~ --1~'- "'" :: .--; I J ,......1- - ....!--' N\C -~ ~ :::c \ \ l I. II , .; t ::J C3 f:i ;7 ~ ~ \ N0110 """ ", -::-f 1" '< \ \ \ ,.~ :~ , f---iJ \L',. =-".'MID~:"_///-- / If \ \ \. ., 2/f'-'-'" .J.... ' , . .' 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P. w SwT-H, ARCHITECT " /~#t W,., '~7't.. ...~",""t~""" ~ ~ ~ ------ f>' --- , . g " o , -~.- - -- .~.-- --_.- i,..' ,.... , , ,'..... \~ \ ~ -r <'1i oi ~_ 'I'" , . , J ~ iOi it.'! 1 ~ ~ 1 i1 _ = ~ "._ ~FF -. "-'O-=~ II __ - _. -' - __ - ........., I _.... : ~c':: ::."'e:::::;;;<.":''-I-'l,- !~', ;";_'I~-=" ;:..:.c... ':::1_::'"2.I~- :.;...;.;': --.;1-1\' :; ~(. _,'" i ~ -- ------'-'-" _n_____ -- ------ -'- - , :~; OJ c r 'J z .;'I OJ m r m < 1> -I <:) z :s> "1Jl ) :r _-1 , , I :t 8 ~~ ; ~ I 1 : ! a ~~ ~ ~~ 1": lJ 1 .. ~ ~! 5! ~ ...l... n3,.;:!'i 1'1 ~): ~.. ;;:;n ~ ',e ~ ~ - ~ 1- ")! n ~ ~! ; i '~" o~ 'i 'i ~ .. . .~= :: -~~~ -, "~:~:c _~~_M-C~=S~~ ec",'C' .~co- 'co~o - ;;-" ~ ~~S~ S Ltg: ~; ~~~ ,.. W Hj ~ c' .. ~~ j . . . m . . m r M < ~ ~ ~ ,1: ~ .p w Sr,\~, ARCHITECT " ~.,; W.... ~...,t,.,. "'r.:"'~ac~ "', . ~ , .tf ---- g > " , o ., , ;';; ;1 ~~ r~ .; , > ,..... ... ".... EXHIBIT "B" .~ .; ,., '~ I ~ ," ~,~~ ~~ ~ ~,;~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i " ~.~'~\ ~ ;: ~:; . . 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Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment December 5,2001 Mr H, P Tompkins, Jr, HPT Consultants, Inc, 2295 Corporate Boulevard, N,W Executive Court One-Suite 240 Boca Raton, FL 33431 RE, Dakota Lofts Dear Mr Tompkins: Pursuant to our meeting on Friday, November 30, 2001, you were to provide additional information to the Planning & Zoning Division by Monday, December 3,2001 in order to meet the deadline for the December 11, 2001 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting. The additional information included revised elevations, site plans, and a survey (including Bamboo Lane), Also, there still remain unresolved issues which are to be resolved prior to reconsideration by the CRA, and verified by formal agreements with adjacent property owners, As a result, staff will recommend that the CRA further table the review until the January 8, 2002 CRA meeting, If your project is reviewed by the CRA on January 8th, this item would be considered by the City Commission on January 15, 2002, Should you have any questions, please contact Eric Lee Johnson at (561) 742-6260 for rescheduling of this item, Yours truly, ~J'C Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOT A LOFrS\NWSP OI-OlO\Resl:bcdule eRA,dot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 . Fax (561) 742-6259 . www.ci,boynton-beach,f1,us JRN-03-2002 12 08 Law omc.. HOLLRND RND KNIGHT LLP An"'i"'" AlIant Befh..... Iloilon 8r.Idenb> Chicogo FOfIlIudentale J"""-ilo We~ncI lDo~ -.,. Miami - HOLLAND & KNJ.vHT LLP One East Broward 80lEvard P.O. Box 1<1070 (ZIP 33J02-4(70) Fan lauderdale, Florida 333Cl ~5-1000 FAX 954-463-2030 hllp:J/.vNW.hklaw.oom ........ 0IIIeas, CO-. _Cb ~~"AOIIcI: FACSIMILE P,01 N_Ycrt N_ Vil\line OrVIndo I'11>videnoo Sal Ant>rOo San F_ SeoIle St~ Tallahassoo T""", W..rn.gton. CC. WutPalm _ RiodoJ_ Sill..... TelAIiV" T~ TQ: Eric Johnson NAME Boynton Beach CITY City of Boynton Beach COMPANYlFlRM Florida S'l'ATE 561,742.6209 FAX NUMl3ER I'l'ELEPHONE NUMBER) llWM: Micholle M. DeRoo.. Esq. NAME MESSAGE: 954.468,7934 T~L~HONE ILL, TOTALPAG~~'1~r~ ~""~..t) Attached are copies of two proposed Agreements with adjacent tot ownere, Tile firsl Agreement (which is an apeemeDt with an owner OD Vireinia Garcletl.s) addre88es canal ng:bts, access rights and watwr rights. The .econd Agreement (which is an asre.ment with the owne. ot 6Z1 Bamboo Lane) addressees caIlal right. SDd water and sewer rights. Ab we discussed, the attached Agreements are currently bein2" negotiated with the lot owner8 and are therefo-re 8ubject to revi:,ions. FOR THE RECORD; DATE; January 3. 2002 FAXED BY: CONFIRMSD: 0 YES 0 NO If you did not receive all of the pages or find that they are illegible, please call (954) 525-1000 URGENCY, I8l SUPER RUSH Fll,E", 81726,1 o RUSH CUENT NAME, o REGULAR NAMll; TIME: CONPlD2NTlALITY NOTICE: This fae&imile, along with any documents, lilis. Of atUlchmentJl, may contain infotmatioJ1 tn-t is confidte'ntial, prl~, or otMcwi"fr exempt frQm disclosure, If you !tIe not the intended recipient ot a ~l1lt)n respol18ible for delivering it to the inunded rooipi.nl, you are hmby ",,1itI.d lhat MY discIooute, copYln;. printinc. di$t.noutiofl Qr use of any informatio:o. contained in or attached to this facsim& ib Ittktly prohibited. If yOll have received this faC$i.mUQ in error, please immediately notify us by facsimile 01' by telephone col>>ct at tbi numbers sta~d above, and destroy the O1'ieinal fac$imile and ita attachments without readine. c>ritttmk, Ot' ..vinil: iJ:r, any m:\J1OCl'. Yom ClOQ'Pet'8ition it! aDDftciated. Thank yOu. JRN-0J-2002 12 08 HOLLRND RND KNIGHT LLP P 02 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the" Agreement"), dated this _ day of , 200-, is made by and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (hereinafter called "Developer''), whose address is 2290 N W Corporate Blvd., Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 and (hereinafter called "Owner"), whose address is 2 Virginia Gardens. Delray Beach, Florida 33483-6306. RECIY ALS WHEREAS, Developer is the fee simple owner of certaio real property located in the City of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, being more particularly described 00 Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter "the Property"); WHEREAS, Developer proposes to construct multi-family residential townhome ..nits upon a portion of the Property (hereinafter called the "Project") in accordance with the proposed site plan which is attacbed hereto as "Exhibit B" and made a part hereof, as same may be amended or revised from time to time by the Developer in its sole and absolute discretion (hereinafter the "Site Plan"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee snnple owner of certain real propertY located adjacent to the Property, being more particularly described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Owner's Lot''); WHEREAS, Developer and Owner desire to enter into this Agreement to document certain agreements made between the parties, as more fully set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and agreements of the partiO$ hereto and the sum ofTEN DOLLARS ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration received, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby agree and acknowledge the following; Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. ImDrovements for Water Services. A. Water Services. Developer agreO$ that, upon its receipt of all the govemmentalapprovals necessary for the development of the Project, and provided that Developer can obtain the necessary approvals and easement rights required for same, Developer will: (i) install the appropriate water main extensions and meters at the location indicated by the City of Boynton Beach (the 'City") so that potable water service is provided to the Owner's Lot; and (ii) pay any meter hook up fees charged by the City in connection therewith, B. DisruDtion of Water Service, Developer agrees that prior to the time that the Owner's Lot has been provided with the alternative water service described in Paragraph 2.A, above, Developer shall not take any action upon the Property wh.ich would cause the Owner to lose the ability to obtain water from the existing wel!. 3 Easement A2teement. Attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and made a part bereof is an Easement Agreement (hereinafter the "Easement Agreement''). which sets forth and provides the Owner with certain easement rights Over portions of tbe Property The parties agree that upon the Developer's receipt of all the City and other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Property, the JRN-03-2002 1~ 09 HOLLRND RND KNIGHT LLP P 03 DevelQper and Owner shall execute an original of the attached Easement Agreement. Developer shall record the original executed Easement Agreement after all of the sIte development work and construction throughout the Projcx:t has been completed by Developei' and are available for use (as evidenced by Developer obtaining the final sign-off's and approvals of the applicable iovemmental authorities), or prior thereto, at the sole option of the Developer, 4, Ownc:r's Al!reemenl to CooPerate. As consideration for the Developer entering into this Agreement and eDtering into the Easement Agreement, the Owner agrees to fully cooperate with Developer in order to ensure that the Property obtains the City and/or other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Project. 5. DeveloDer's Right to Create Lel!al Descriotions. The parties acknowledge and agree that the exact legal descrIption of the Vehicular Access Easement Area (as more fully described in the Easement Agreement), has not been determined, but shall be reasonably determined by Developer at a later date, Upon Developer's determination of the exact legal description of the foregoing, Developer shall be automatically permitted, upon providing the Owner copies thereof, to attach the legal description of the Vehicular Access Easement Area to the Easement Agreement as Exhibit "c" thereto, without any further action, consent Or approval required by the Owner 6. Effective Date, The effective date of this Agreement (the "Effective Date") shall be the date on which the last of the parties hereto executes this Agreement, The parties agree that this instrument shall not be recorded in the Public Records, 7 Termination/Amendment/Modification. This Agreement (and all el<hibits attached hereto including but not limited to the Easement Agreement) shall be deemed automatically tenninated and of no force or effect in the event (i) the Project is not approved by the City Or any other governmental bodies having jurisdiction, in accordance with the Site Plan; (ii) Developer elects, in its sole discretion, not to proceed with the development of the Project; or (iii) the Owner takes any actions (or fails to act as required herein), in a manner which is inconsistent with its obligations set forth in Paragraph 4 hereof. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreemeor, this Agreement may be amended, modified or tenninated, in whole or in part, at any time by a written instrument, executed and acknowledged by the Developer and the Owner, or their successors or assigns. 8. Governillll Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, County of Palm Beach and, unless otberwise tenninated as provided herein, shall be binding upon the heirs. successors and assigns of the parties hereto, it being the intent hereof that the rights and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow the ownership of each party's respective property 9 Liti2lltion, If any party institutes any legal action or proceeding for breach of the provisions of this Agreement or the enforcement of any right or obligation herein contained, the unsuccessful party in such action or proceeding shall reimburse the successful party immediately upon demand fOr all reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. 10, Remedies. in the event of a breach by any party hereto of any obligations hereunder, the other parties hereto shall be entitled to obtain an injunction or to seek an) other remedy availabfe to them under law or inequities. The parties hereto acknowledge the potential inadequacy of lejl:al remedies and the irreparable hann which could be caused by any such breach and in connection therewith agree to tlte remedy of injunction provided herein. TAN-03-2002 12 09 HOLLAND ~ND KNIGHT LLP P 1<4 11 Exhibits. Any exhibits attached to this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto that contain sketches or depictions oflots(s), common properties. lakes. roadways, improvements. Or any other items shown on the exhibits, if allY (the "Sketched ltem(s)). shall not be binding as to the existence, size, dimensions. locations or identification of any other aspect of Sketched ltem(s) and shall only be for informational, reference. conceptual and general schematic purposes only The Site Plan attached hereto is a proposed and preliminary site plan of the Project and may be subject to change from time to time at the Developer's sole and absolute discretion. 12 Authority, Owner represcnts and warrants that it has full right and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and that it is the sole owner in fee simple of the Owner's Lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Owner have each executed this Agreement on the date set forth below Signed and sealed in the DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company BY' Print Name: Title: Print Name: Print Name; Date: S'I"A TE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 200_> by , as of DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liabIlity company, on behalf of said compauy He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification. (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC) (Name of Notary, typed, printed or stamped) (Title or r8/1k (serial number, if any) FTLl #570721 v3 TAN-03-2002 12:10 HOLLAND AND ~N[GHT LLP P 05 EXHIBIT "'0" EASEMENT AGREEMENT P~""l'Itd bv and Return to: Michelle M, DeRosa, Esq, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP One E. Broward Blvd" Suite 1300 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 EAS~NTAGREEMENT nus EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Easement Aareement") is made this day of ,200_ by and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a: Florida limited liability company ("Developer"). having its principal office at 2290 N. W Corporate Blvd" Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 and ' ("Owner"), whose ad~ is :2 Virginia Gardens, Deltay :Beach, Florida 33483-6306, RECITALS WHEREAS, Developlll' is the fee simple owner of certain real propeI1)' located in Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Property"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee simple owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Property, being more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof(hereinafterthe "Owner's Lot"); WHEREAS, Owl1er has requested thal Developer grant certain ensement rights to Owner, for the benefit of Own". Let, as more fully set forth herein; WHEREAS, Developer has aareed to grant such casement rights, subject to the tenns and conditions contained herein, NOW. THEREFORE, for and in COI\sideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and agreement of the parties thereto and the sum ofTEN AND NO/lOO DOLLARS ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged. the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1 Recitals, The above recitals are true and correct and incorpol'llied herein by this reference. TRN-03-2002 12:10 HIJLLFt-lD RND KNIGHT LLP P 06 2, In=ss, EEres. and Access P......."ent. Subject to any express conditions, limitations or reservations contained herein, Developer hereby grants unto Owner, for the benefit of Owner's Lot, a perpetual non-exclusive ingress, egress iIIId access easement over and across the roadways constructed or to be constructed on that portion of Property more particularly described on Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Vehicular Access Easement Area"), for vebicular traflk, together with the right to use the Vehicular Access Easement Area for adequate and unobstructed vehicular passage to and from Virginia Gardens (said roadway being located within the northern bolUldllI)' of the Propert)), and Bamboo Lane (said roadway being located adjacent to the southerly boundary of the Property), The ea,ement granted herein shall be for ingress, egress and access purposes, for the use and benefit of all present and future owners of all or any portion of Owner's Lot, but shall not include the right to park upon any portion of the Vehicular Access Ealiement Area or any other portion of the Property A Rillht to relocate. Developer shall have the unilateral right, but not the obligation, at any time, in its sole discretion and at its sole cost and expense. to relocate the Vehicular Access Easement Area provided that such relocation of the Vehicular Access Easement Area does not peJ1llanently interrupt or prohibit vehicular access by the Owner to and from the Owner's Lot. B, Access tbroucl1 Gates. In the event Developer intends to construct entry gates at any entrance to the Property which would rmn<;t the Owner's ability to obtain ingresS, egress or access to the Owner's Lot, as s~ forth above, Developer shall provide Owner with any appropriate enlly cards or <;odes whi<;h may be ~uiJed for Owner to obtain access through such gates prior to Developer's completion of the installation of sarne, Owner's use of the Vehicular Access Easement Area and any gates which may be constructed upon the Property shall be subject to any rules and regulations promulgated by the Developer or the Developer's Association (as hereinafter defmed) from time to time relating to same, 3. Canal Easement Developer is the owner of that certain property described on Exbibit "D" and made a part hereof (the "ClIIlal Property"), upon which is constructed a canal, Subject to any express conditions, limitations or reservations contained herein, Developer hereby grants unto Owner, for the benefit of Owoer's Lot, perpetual non-exclusive easement rights to: (i) construct, install and maintain a dock (the "Owner's Dock") within the Canal Property; and (ii) for access over and across the Canal Property, from the Owner's Dock to the InttaCOastal wateIWay, which is located adjacent to and east of the Canal Property. A. Develooer's Aooroval of Owner's Dock. Prior to commencing the construction or inslIlllation of a dock, or any renovations to a dock which currently or may exist within the Canal Property from time to time, Owner shall submit all plans and specifications for the proposed dock, or renovations (the "Dock Plans") to Developer for Developer's prior written approval of same, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld, The Owner's 00<;1:. shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the Dock Plans and all applicable laws, codes, ordinances and regulations of govemmental entities having jurisdiction over the Canal Property Notwithstanding the foregoing, no docks or other related improvements shall be constructed, e~ted or placed b)i OWner within the Canal Property, nor shall the Canal Property be used by the Owner in a manner, which would re$trict or limit the ability of other third parties having rights to use the Canal Property to navigate boats and other vessels within the Canal Property Developer's approval of the Dock Plans shall not be deemed to be unreasonably withheld if such Dock Plans are deemed by the Developer to negatively affect the right and ability of any third parties to use the Canal Prol"lrty, B. Maintenance of Dock, The Owner's Dock shaH be maintained at all times by Owner, at its sole cost and expense, in a neat and sightly condition and in good working order, The rights granted to Owner under this Paragraph 3 _ for pwposcs of pennitting the ">listence of the Owner's Oock which b or may be located within tile Canal Property from time to time, and shall include the right of fHI;-03-2002 12 11 HOLLHND AND KNIGHT LLP P 07 access over the CAlIal P~rtv as may be necessary for Owner to provide normal and routine maintenance and repairs to the Owner's Dock, Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to grant to the Owner the right to rep1ace or reconstrUCt the Owner's Dock or to conslIUCt any new docks within the Canal Property without obtaining the prior written approval of the Developer, In addition to maintaming its dool<, the Owner shall be required to maintain and trim any trees located within the Owner's Lots which are within fifteen (15) feet of the Canal Property so that all limbs and branches ace atlesst twenty.five (25) feet from the ground at all times and so that such trees do not obstruct the view of the Canal Property by an) parties owning all or any portion of the Property In the event Owner shan fail to maintain the trees in a manner as set forth above, the Developer and/or the Developer's Association shall bave the right, but not the obligation. to take s~h actions and mcUl such expenses as lIIay be reasonably required to maintain the tnes, in which event Owner shall repay Developer and/or the Developet's Association. as approptiate, such sums of money reasonably expended by Developer or the Developer's Association in performing same within ten (10) days after written notice from Developer or Developer's Association. C, Maintenance of Canal PrODertY, The Developer and/or the Developer's Association may perfonn any maintenance and repairs to the Canal Property as and wilen it dc:ems it necessary from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, without the need of obtaining the approval of the Owner or any other third parties, All costs and expenses incurred by the Developer andlor the Developer's Association in connec:tion therewith shall be divided in an equitable manner and on.. pro'....ta basis between all parties having docks within the Canal Property, D Contribution by Owner The Owner shall share, on a pro.rata basis, in all costs incurred by the Developer andlor the Developer's Association in performing any maintenance and/or repairs to the Canal Property (the "Maintenan~ Costs"), The Owner's obligation to pay a pro- rata share of the Maintenance Costs shall commence on the date on which this Easement Agreement is recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, The Owner's share of the Maintenance CC>Sts (hereinafter the "Owner'S Pro-Rata Share") shall be determined by multiplying the total Maintenance Costs by a fraction, the numerator of which is the total square footat;e of the seawall located within the Owner's Lot and/or the Canal Property located adjacent thereto (the 'Owner's Seawall"), the denominator of which is the total square footage of all seawalls constructed within the Canal Property or the land located adja<;ent thereto. For example' Owner's Pro-Rata Share ~ Maintenance Costs l( Total SQ. Ft. of Owner's Seawall Total Sq. Ft. of all docks within the Canal Property andlor the land adjacent thereto The Developer and/or the Developer's Association shall be permined 10 increase or decrease the total square footage of all seawalls within the Canal Property at any time, and in its sole and absolute discretion, subject however to any applicable zoning restrictions, and the provisions of this Paragraph. E. If the Owner fails to pay the OMler's Pro-Rata Share of the Maintenance Costs within thirty (30) days after request for payment by Developer or the Developer's Association, Developer and/or the Developer's Association shalll1ave all rights and remedies available in law and equity All sums due, jf not paid within said thirty (30) day period, shall bear interest from the due date at a rate equal to the highest lawful rate, In the event Developer andlot the Developer's Association is required to collect any unpaid amounts through collection andlor litigation, Developer or the Developer's Association shall be entitled to recover from the Owner its reasonable attorneys fees and expenses. The Developer and/or the Developer's Association shaH ha.ve the right to suspend an Owner's rights to use the C'.llUal Propelty for any period during which the Owner s Pro-Rata Share of any Maintenance Costs remains unpaid and delinquent. 11'11<-0:'-2002 12 12 HOLLAND RND KNIGHT LLP P 08 The Owner shall not be permitted to waive or otherwise escape Iiabilil)' for lIle Owner's Pro-Rata Share by non-use of the Owner's Dock or the Canal Property 4. Use of Easement RinhtslIndemnification,. The easement rights granted herein shall be used by Owner in such a manner that: (i) is consistent with any buildings and improvements constructed upon or to be constructed upon the Property; (ii) is consistent with and will not interf.,.-e willl the rights of the Developer, the Developer'S Association or any third party to exercise and enjoy any rights it may have to use lIle Canal Property; and (iii) win minimize interference with and will be compatible with the construction and use of buildings and improvements. The Owner shall indemnify and hold the Developer and the Developer's Association harmless from and against all charges, claims, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses) related to accidents, injuries, loss or damage of or to any person or property arising from the Owner's and its guests, licensees and invitees, use of the Property or any portion thereof, and lIle Owner's Dock. 5 Assil!nment of Develocer's Riehts, The parties agree that Developer shall at all times have the right to convey the Propert) and/or llS5ign its Developer's rights and obligations hereunder to a property owners association, homeowners ass<x:iation, and/or condominium association created by Developer for purposes of maintaining the Property by means of conveying all or any portion of the Property to said assoclation(s), submitting all or any portion ofllle Property to a Declaration of Restrictions, or by assigning its rights and obligations hereunder to said association(s). Upon such conveyance, submittal or assignment, Developer shall be released from all liabilities and obligations hereunder and such property owners, homeowners or condominium owners association shall be solely responsible for all obligations of Developer hereunder and shall have the right to enforce all rights of Developer hereunder. 6, Bindinl! Effect. All easements granted herein shall be binding upon lIle parties, their respective heirs, legal representatives. successors and assigns and shall be for the use and benefit of all present and future owners of the propert), lIleir tenants, customers, agents, invitees, licensees, guests, occupants and/or mortgagees of all of any portion of lIle property hereunder. 7 Transrer Ri2hts, Nothini contained in this Easement Agreement shall be deemed to bc a gift or dedi;:ation of any portion oflbe Property to lIle general public or for any public use or purpose whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto and lIleir successors and assigns, that nothing in this Easement Agreement, eKpressed or implied, shall confer upon any person, other than the parties hereto and their successors and assigns, anv rights or remedies under or by reason oflllis Easement Agreement. 8, Miscellaneous, A. If any provision of this Easement Agreement, or portion thereof, or the application thereof to any person or circumstanllCS, shall, to any extent be held invalid, inoperative or unenforceable, the remainder of this Easement Ail'Cement, or the application of such provision or portion lIlereof to any olller persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby; it shall not be deemed that any such invalid provision atTeets lIle consideration for this Easement Agreement; and each provision of this Easement Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to lIle fullest extent permitted by law, B, This Easement Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, c, Nolllina in lIlis Easement Agreement shall be construed to make the parties hereto partners or joint venturers or render any party liable for the debts Or obligations of lIle other parties hereto, D. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, this Easement Agrecm<::nt, and the easement rights contained herein, may nO! be amended, modified, or tenninated except pursuant THt1-03-2002 12 12 HOLLA:1D HND Kt~ I GHT LLP P 09 to written instrument, exe~uted and acknowledged by all of the parties helelo or their successors or assigns, and recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beacll County, Florida. E. This Easement Agreement shall be effective on the date recorded in the Public Records and shall be binding and inure to the benefit of the respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Developer and Owner herein. it being the intent hereof that the rights and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow ownership of the Property and Owner's Lot F Developer reserves the right to grant such additional non.exclusive easemenes under, over and across the Vehicular Access Easement Area and the Canal Property, in its sole and absoltrte diSctelion. without the need for the consent or joinder thereto by the Owner, or any other person, provided that such additional e.1$Cnlents do not adversely affect or interfere with the tights conveyed to Owner herein, G, Nothing contained in this Easement Agreement shall be construed as creating any rights in the lleneral public or as dedicating for public use any portion of the Property, No easement, except those expteSSly set forth herein shall be implied by this Easement Agreement. 9 -,\uthoritv, Owner represents and warrants that it has full right and authority to execute and deliver this Easement Agreement and that it is the sole owner in fee simple of the Owner's Lot. IN '",lTNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Owner have each executed this Easement Agreement Olllhe date set forth below Signed and sealed in the DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Floridlllimited liability company By: Print Name: Title: Print Name: Print Name: Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 200-, by , as of DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. on behalf of said co~pany He/She is personally known to m~ or has produced as identification. (SIGNATURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC) (Name ofl'lotary, typed, printed or stamped) (Title Or rank (serial number, if any) JAH-03-2002 12 13 HOLLI'l'!D AHD KNIGW LLP P 10 AGREEMENT THlS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated this __ day of ,200_, is made by and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (hereinafter called "Developer"), whose address is 2290 N,W Corporate Blvd., Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 and (hereinafter called .Owner"), whose address is 821 Bamboo Lane, Delroy Beach, Florida 33483 RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the fee simple owner of certain real property located in the City of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit" A" atta<: hed hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter "the Property"); WHEREAS, Developer proposes to construct multi.family residential townhome units upon a portion of the Property (hereinafter called the "Project") in accordance with lhe proposed site plan which is attached hereto as "Exhibit B" and made II part hereof, as same may be amended or revised from time to time by the Developer in its sole and absolute discretion (hereinafter the "Site Plan"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee simple owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Property, being more particularly described on Exhibit "e" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Owner's Lot''); WHEREAS, Developer and Owner desire to enter into this Agreement to document certain agreements made between the parties, as more fully set forth herein. NOW TIlEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and agreements of the parties hereto and the sum ofTEN DOLLARS ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration received, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby agree and acknowledge the following: Recitals: The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. ImDrovcmenls for Water Services. A, Water Services, Developer agrees that, upon its receipt of all the governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Project, and provided that Developer can obtain the necessary approvals and easement rights required for same, Developer will: (i) install water lines along Bamboo Lane so that the City of Boynton Beach (the "City") can provide potable water service to the Owner's Lot; (ii) install the appropriate water main extensions and meters at the location indicated by the City; and (iii) pay any meter hook up fees charged by the City in connection therewith, B, DisruDtion of Water Service, Developer agrees that prior to the time that the Owner's Lot has been provided with the alternative water service described in Paragraph 2.A. above, Developer shall not take any action upon the Property which would cause the Owner to lose the ability to obtain water from the e"lsting well, 3. Easement Agreement. Attached hereto as Exbibit "D" and made a part hereof is an Easement Agreement (hereinafter the "Easement Agreement"), which $C!ts forth and provides the Owner with certain easement rights over portions of the Properly The parties agree that upon the Developer'S receipt of all the City and other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Property, the TAN-03-2002 12 13 HOLLAt,D RND KNIGHT LLP P11 Developer and Owner shall execute an original of the attached Easement Agreement. Developer shall record the original executed Easement Agreement after all of the site development work and construction throughout the Project has been completed by Developer and are available for use (as evidenced by Developer obtaining the final sign-offs and approvals of the applicable governmental authorities), or prior thereto, at the sole option of the Developer, 4, Owner's Almlement to Cooocrate. As consideration for the Developer entering into this Agreement and enterini into the Easement Agreement, the Owner agrees to fully cooperate with Developer in order to eosure that the Property obtains the City and/or other governmental approvals necessary for the development of the Project. 5, Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement (the "Effective Date") shall be the date on which the last of the parties hereto executes this Agreement. The parties agree that this instrument shall not be recorded in the Public Records. 6, TerminationJAmendmenllModification, This Agreement (and all exhibits attached hereto including but not limited to the Easement Agreement) shall be deemed automatically terminated and of no force or effect in the event (i) the Project IS not approved by the City or any other governmental bodies having jurisdiction, in accordance with the Site Plan; (ii) Developer elects not to submit the Site Plan for approval or elects to seck alternative approval for the use and development of the Property; (ii) Developer, in its sole discretion, elects not to proceed with the development of the Project; or (iii) the Owner takes any actions (or fails to act as required herein), in a manner which is inconsistent with its obligations set forth in Paragraph 4 hereof, Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be amended, modified or terminated, in whole or in part, at any time by a written instrument, executed and acknowledged by the Developer and the Owner, or their successors or assigns. 7 Governi"" Law. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, County of Palm Beach and, unless otherwise terminated as provided herein, shall be binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto, it being the intent hereof that the ri&hts and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow the ownership of each party's respective property 8. Liti211tion, If any party institutes any legal action or proceeding for breach of the provisions of this Agreement or the enforcement of any right or obligation herein contained, the unsuccessful party in such action or proceeding shall reimburse the successful party immediately upon demand for all reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, reason.ble attorneys' fees and expenses, 9 Remedies, In the event of a breach by any party hereto of any obligations hereunder, the other parties hereto shall be entitled to obtain an injunction or to seek any other remedy available to them under law or inequities, The parties hereto acknowledge the potential inadequacy of legal remedies and the irreparable hann which could be caused by any such breach and in connection therewith agree to the remedy of injunction provided herein, 10, Exhi~ilS, Any exhibits attached to this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto that contain sketches or depictions oflots(s), common properties, lakes, roadways, improvements, or any other Items shown on the exhibits, if any (the "Sketched Item(s)), shan not be binding as to the existence.. size, dimensions, locations Or identification of any other aspect of Sketched Item(s) and shall only be for informational, reference, conceptual and general schematic purposes only The Site Plan attached hereto is a proposed and preliminary site plan of the Project and may be subject to change from time to time at the Developer's sole and absolute discretion, JRN-03-2002 12:14 HOLLRND RND KNIGHT LLP P 12 11 Authoritv, Owner represents and wmants that it has full right and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and that it is the sole owner in fee simple of the Owner's Lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOf, the Developer and the Owner have each executed this Agreement on the date set forth below Signed and sealed in the DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Print Name: By: Print Name: Title: Print Name: Date: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 200--, by , as of DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said company He/She is persoually known to me or has produced as identification, (SIGN A TURE OF NOTARY PUBLIC) (Name of Notary, typed, printed or stamped) (Title or rank (serial number, if any) flU #570727 v2 JAN-03-2002 12 14 HOLLAND AND KNIGHT LLP P 13 EXHIBIT "D" EASEMENT AGREEMENT Preoal'ed bv and Return to; Michelle M, DeRosa, Esq. HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP One E, Broward Blvd., Suite 1300 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (the "Easement Al!reement") is mad. this day of ,200_ by and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Developer"), having its principal office at 2290 NW COlpOl'ate Blvd" Suite 245, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 and , ("Owner"), whose address is _821 Bamboo Lane, Delray Beach, Florida 33433, RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the fee simple owner of certain real property located in Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described on Ellhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Property"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee simple owner of certain real property located adjacent to the Property, being more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Owner's Lot"); WHEREAS, Owner has requested that Developer grant certain easement rights to Owner, for the benefit of Owner's Lot, as more fully set fonh herein; WHEREAS, Developer has agreed to grant such easement rights, subject to the tenns and conditions contained herein, NOW, TIlEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and agreement ofthe parties thereto and the sum ofTEN AND NO/I 00 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties do hereby agtee as follows; 1 Recitals, The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference. 2, Canal Easement Developer is the owner of that certain property described on Exhibit "D" and made a part hereof (the "Canal Property"), upon which is constructed a canaL Subject to any express conditions, limitations or reservations contained herein, Developer hereby grants unto Owner, for the benefit of Owner's Lot, perpetual non-exclusive easement rights to: (i) construct, install and maintain a dock (the "Owner's Dock") within the Canal Property; and (ii) for aCGCss over and across the Canal Property, from the Owner's Dock to the Intracoastal waterway, which is located adjacent to and east ofth. Canal Property, A. Develoner's ADDroval of Owner's Dock. Prior to commencing the construction or installation of a dock, or any renovation. to a dock which currently or may e"ist within the Canal JAN-03-2002 12:15 HJLLAND AND KN J GI-IT LLP P 14 Property from time to time, Owner shall submit all plllns and specifications for the proposed dock, or renovations (the "Dock Plans") to Developer for Developer's prior written approval of same, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld. The Owner's Dock shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the Dock Plans and all applicable laws, codes, ordinances and regulations of governmental entities having jurisdiction over the Canal Property Notwithstanding the foregoing, no docks or other related improvements shaD be constructed, erected or placed by Owner within the Canal Property, nor shall the Canal Property be used by the Owner in a manner, which would restrict or limit the ability of other third parties having rights to use the Canal Property to navigate boats and other vessels within the Canal Property. Developer's approval of the [)Qck Plans shall not be deemed to be unreasonably withheld if such Dock Plans are deemed by the Developer to negatively affect the right and ability of any third parties to use the Canal Property B. Maintenance of Dock, The Owner's Dock shall be maintainoo at all times by Owner, at its sole cost and expense, in a neat and sightly condition and il1 good working order. The rights granted to Owner under this Paravapb 3 are for pw-poses of pennilting the exis~ce of the Owner's Dock which is or may be located within the Canal Property from time to time, and shall include the right of access over the Canal Property as may be necessary for Owner to provide normal and routine maintenance and repairs to the Owner's Dock. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to grant to the Owner the right to replace or reconstruct the Owner's Dock or to construct any new dock. within the Canal Property without obtaining the prior written approval of the Developer, In addition to maintaining its dock, the Owner shall be required to maintain and trim any trees located within the Owner's Lots which are within fifteen (15) feet of the Canal Property so that all limbs and branches are at lesst twenty-live (25) feet fiom the ground at all times and so that such trees do not obstruct the view of the Canal Property by any parties owning all or any portion of the Property Tn the event Owner shall fail to maintain the trees in a manner as set forth above, the Developer and/or the Developer's Association shall bave the right. but not the obligation, to take such actions and incur such e"Pense~ as may be rca50llably required to maintain the trees, in which event Owner shall repay Developer andlor the Developer's Association, as appropriate, such sums of mmey reasonably expended by Developer or the Developer's Association in performing same within ten (10) days after written notice fiom Developer Or Developer's Associalion. C, Maintenance of Canal Prooertv. The Developer and/or the Developer's Association may perfonn any maintenance and repairs to the Canal Property as and when it deems it necessary from time to time, in its sole and absolute discretion, without the need of obtaining the approval of the Owner or any other third parties, All costs and expenses incurred by the Developer andlor the Developer'S Association in connection therewith shall be divided in an equitable manner and on a pro-rata basis between aU pmies hay ing <Ioc4 within the Canal Property D Contribution bv Owner. The Owner shall share, On a pro-rata basis, in all costs incurred by the Developer and/or the Developer'~ Association in performing any maintenance and/or repairs to the Canal Property (the "Maintenance Costs"), The Owner's obligation to pay a pro- rata share of the Maintenance Costs shall commence 011 tbe date on wbich this Easement Agreement is recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, The Owner's sharc of the Maimenance CostS (hereinafter the "OWller's Pro-Rata Share") shall be determined by multiplying the total Maintenance Costs by a fraction, the numeraror of which i. the total square footage of the Sllawalllocated within the Owner's Lot and/or the Canal Property located adjacent thereto (the "Owner's Seawall"), the denominator of whieh is the total square footage of al\ seawalls constructed within the Canal Property or the land located adjacent tbereto, For example; Owner's Pro. Rata Share - Maintenance Costs l( Total Sq, Ft. of Owner'. Seawall TAN-03-2002 12 16 HOLLAND AND KNIGHT LLP P,15 Total Sq, Ft. of all docks within the Cllnal Property and/or the land adjacent thereto The Developer and/or the Developer's ASSO<liation shall be permitted to increase or decrease the total square footage of all seawalls within the Canal Property at any time, and in its sole and absolute discretion, subject bowever to any applicable zoning restrictions, and tbe provisions of this Paragraph. E. If the Owner fails to pay the Owner's Pro-Rata Share of the Maintenance Costs within thirty (30) days after request for payment by Developer or the Developer's Association, Developer and/or the Developer's Association sball have all rights and remedies available in law and equity All sums due, if not paid within said thirty (30) day period, shall bear interest from the due date at a rate equal to the highest lawflll rate, 10 the event Developer and/or the Developer's Association is required to collect any unpaid amounts through collection and/or litigation, Develop<:\' or the Developer's Association shall be entitled to recover from the OWner its reasonable attorneys fees and expenses. The Developer and/or the Develeper's Association shall have the right to suspend an Owner's rights to use the Canal Property for any period during which the Owner's Pro-Rata Share of any Maintenance Costs remains unpaid and delinquent. The Owner shall not be pennitted to waive or otherwise escape liability for the Owner's Pro.Rata Share by non-use of the Owner's Dock or the Canal Property 3 Use of Easement Ril!htsllndemnificarion The easement rights granted herein shall be used by Owner in such a manner that: (i) is consistent with 8l\Y buildings and improvements constructed upon or 10 be constrllcted upon the Property; (ii) is consistent with and will not interfere with the rights of the Developer, the [Xveleper's Association or any third party to exercise and enjey any rights it may have to use the Canal Property; alld (Hi) will minimize interference with and will be compatible with the construction and use of buildings and improvements. The Owner shall indemnify and hold the Developer and the Developer's Association hannless from and against all charges, claims, liabilities and expenses (including reasonable attorneys fees and expenses) related to accidents, injuries, loss or damage of or to any person or property arising from the Owner's and its guests, licensees and invitees, use of the Property, or any portion thereof, and the Owner's Dock. 4. Assil!nment of Develooer's Ri2hts. The parties agree that Developer shall at all times have the right to convey the Property and/or assign its Developer's rights and obli~tions hereunder to a property owners association, homeowners association, and/or condominium association created by Developer fer purposes of maintaining the Property by means of conveying all or any portion of the Property to said association(s), submitting all Or any portion of the Property to a Declaration of Restrictions, or by assigning its rights and obligations hereunder to said associalion(s), Upon s\lch conveyance, submittal or assignment, Developer shall be released from all liabilities and obligations hereunder and such property owners, homeowners or condominium owners association shall be solely responsible for all obligations of Developer hereunder and shall have the right to enforce all rights of Developer hereunder 5, Bindine Effect, All easements granted herein shall be bindinl: upon the parties, their respective heirs, legal representatives, suC()Cssors and assigns and shall be for the use and benefit of all present and future owners of the property, their tenants, customers, agents, invitees, licensees, guests, occupants al1d/or mort~llOCS of all of 8l'\y portion of the property hereunder. 6, Transfer Rillhts, Nothing contained in this Easement Agreement shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Property to the general public or for any public use or purpose whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto and their successors and assijllls, that nothing in this Easement Agreement, expressed or implied, shall confer upon any person. other than the parties l\ercto 8l'\d their successors and assigns, any rights or remedies WIder or by reason ofthis Easement Agreement, .TRN-03-2002 12: 17 HJLLR~jD RfjD KN I GHT LL..P P 16 7 Miscellaneous. A, If any provision of this Easement Agreement, or portion thereof, or the application themoflo any person or circumstances, shall, to any extent be held invalid, inoperative or unenfor<;eable, the remainder of this Easement Agreement, or the application ()f such provision or portion thereof to any other pers()ns or circumstan\:e5, shall not be affected thereby; it shall not be deemed that any such invalid provision affects the consideration for this Easement Allfeement; and each provision of this Easement Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law B. This Easement Agreement shall be consnued in accordance with the laws of the SlBte of Florida, C, Nothing in this Easement Agreement shall be construed to make the parties hereto partners or joint venturers or render any party liable for the debts or obligations of the other parties hereto. o Unless otherwise specifically provi<led herein, this Easement Agreement, and the easement rights contained herein, may not be amended, modified, or tenninated except pursu.nt to written instrument, executecl and acknowledged by all of the parties hereto or their successors or assigns. and recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. E. This Easement Agreement shall be effective on the date recorded in the Public Records and shall be binding and inwe to the benefit of the respe<:tive heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Developer and Owner herein, it being the intent hereof that the rights and obligations hereunder shall run with the land and follow ownership of the Property and Owner'$ Lot. F Developer reserves the right to grant such additionalllOl\-exclusive easements under, over slld across the Vebicular Access Easement Area and the Canal Property, in its sole and absolute discretion, without the need for the consent or joinder thereto by the Owner, or any other person, provided that such additional ea.ements do not adversely affect or interfere with the rights conveyed to Owner herein, G. Nothing contained in this Easement Agreement sball be con.trued as creating any rights in the general public or as dedicating for public use any portion of the Property, No easement, except those expressly set forth herein shall be implied by this Easement Agreement. 8, Authoritv' Owner represents and warrant. that it has fall right and authority to execute and deliver Ihis Easement Agreement and that it is the sole Owner in fee simple of the Owners Lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tbe Developer and the Owner have each executed this Easement Agreement on the date sel forth below Signed and sealed in the DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Florida limited liability company Print Name: By: Print Name: Title: Print Name: Date: TOTRl P 1E FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 2001-65 ~ V NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to. To Eric Johnson, Planner /d From: BOD Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Date January 3, 2002 RE. Dakota Lofts site plan (NWSP 01-010) The following is in response to your request per memo dated December 20, 2001 The referenced design provides a 30-degree turning radius instead of the 50- degree radius required by NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code (1997), Section 3-5 The same code also requires a minimum 20 ft, roadway width, but the design only provides a15 ft. roadway, with an additional 10 ft. for landscaping. An exception in the code allows these requirements to be modified by the Fire Marshal if the buildings are protected by approved automatic fire sprinkler systems These buildings are required to be sprinklered The Fire Marshal will thus allow the deviations, provided the 10ft. of landscaping be removed or be of a type that would allow the apparatus to pass over it if needed (i.e grass with a substantial base under it.) cc: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Quintus Greene, Director of Development Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Examiner/Inspector Mike Rumph, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Principal Planner DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 02-001 TO' Eric Johnson, Planner, Planning & Zoning IfDJ& &UW&fn) lJil JAN 2 2002 ~, FROM' Laurinda Logan, P,E" Civil Engineer PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE, January 2, 2002 RE. Interior Driveway Widths Dakota Lofts - NWSP 01-010 Eric, Per your request the Engineering Department is providing a written response regarding the lack of comment(s) on the interior driveways at the proposed Dakota Lofts, The Code of Ordinances and Land Development Regulations are silent on the matter of driveway widths, thus no comments were made during the site plan review process, The Engineering Staff acknowledges that the proposed interior driveway width of 15 feet may propose some difficulties with turning movements into and out of the garages (three- and four- point turns), From a strict engineering perspective the proposed 15 foot width will work, The Engineering Department did not review the driveway width with respect to its desirability Engineering Staff believes that this is an issue better determined by other departments or boards within the City government. Please let me know if you have any questions about my comments or I can be of further assistance. LUck Cc: Jeff Livergood, P,E., Director, Public Works Michael Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning H, David Kelley, P,E.lP S,M" Utility Engineer File C:\1vty Documents\Dakota Lofts, Interior Driveway Widths.doc [:<Y.Q~ ~ .JZI o I.J ). .,. "'r- 'O~, ",ON DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment December 21, 200 I Mr. H, P Tompkins, Jr. HPT Consultants, Inc, 2295 Corporate Boulevard, N. W Executive Court One-Suite 240 Boca Raton, FL 33431 RE, Dakota Lofts Dear Mr. Tompkins: As you know, the Community Redevelopment Agency will review the above referenced project on January 8,2002 and the City Commission on January IS, 2002. At the last meeting, the Board was unsatisfied with a number of issues, including but not limited to the elevations, vehicular back-out area, increased traffic, and emergency vehicle ingress / egress. In addition, there were concerns from the adjacent residential property owners about the disruption of the potable (well) water supply, and use of the finger canal. Below is an itemized list, derived from various sources, including the minutes from the November 13, 2001 CRA meeting and also from letters submitted to staff. This list of questions and concerns are to be addressed prior to further review of the Board. Per your discussion with staff yesterday, you are to respond to these questions no later than 5 :00 p.m. Friday, December 28, 2001. Please provide a written response as to how you have specifically addressed each issue, either on the site plan or via appropriate documentation: 1. Provide formal agreements between the developer and the adjacent property owners regarding the current and proposed water service. This directly relates to those adjacent single family residences currently receiving water service from a well that is located on the subject property 2, Provide formal agreements between the developer and the adjacent property owners regarding the continued use of existing docks located on the finger canal of the subject property 3, Identify the type of roadway and width of Bamboo Lane, The survey should accurately identify this roadway (i.e, public or private right-of-way, drive aisle, or easement), 4 Access for Virginia Gardens Drive should be indicated more clearly on the proposed site plan (which area of the Drive will be removed or proposed). 5, Indicate entry gates that the developer intends to use in order to minimize vehicular traffic from spilling into the adjacent neighborhoods, 6, Indicate the specific segment of Bamboo Lane that the developer intends to improve. 7 Illustrate the improvements made to the entryway of the development. 8, Indicate the use of decorative outdoor freestanding lighting fixtures. Yours truly, ~ Michael W Rumpf cc: Quintus Greene, Director of Development Eric Lee Johnson, Planner S;\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\DAXOTA LOFrSINWSI' OI-OIOlCRA issues 3 doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton-beach.fI.us DEf-rtRTMENT OF DEVELOPMeNT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CC Bob Borden, Deputy Fire MarShalt Eric Lee Johnson, Planner 1- December 20, 2001 Dakota Lofts site plan (NWSP 01-010) Quintus Greene, Director of Development Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Examiner I Inspector Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Principal Planner BACKGROUND' As you know, the above referenced site plan for the construction of 19 townhouse units at the Sun Wah property was submitted to the City in August 2001 and reviewed by the Technical Review Committee in September 2001 The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) heard the item on November 11,2001 but was met with much controversy Unsatisfied with the elevations, emergency vehicle ingress / egress, in conjunction with concerns from the adjacent residential property owners, the CRA tabled the project until the issues were to be resolved. The applicant failed to meet the requests of staff and the CRA before the December meeting deadline so the item was tabled to the January 8,2002 CRA meeting, REQUEST In order to quell the concerns of the CRA and aid the Planning & Zoning Division, at your convenience, please review the site plan once again for issues related to fire safety Please provide the Division with a memorandum indicating Fire approval (with regard to emergency vehicle ingress / egress, including adequate turn-around area and fire truck maneuverability) and / or further revisions that would be necessary to meet minimum standards. Staff will present Fire's memorandum at the January 2002 CRA meeting should the subject arise, Alternatively, if you wish to have a representative from Fire present at the eRA meeting to provide expert testimonial, the memorandum would not be needed, Either option is more than acceptable to the Planning & Zoning Division and is certainly appreciated by many Thank you for your consideration in this matter. .J:ISHRDATAIPJonningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDAKOTA LOFTSINWSP 01.010\Fire Memo.dol y. . _ 9'31 olfG - T"1De-e.ot 304., N'jf. lc:.e: _ : l ,~ :' i,__ trb4 j?~(.,"ol.^-",<- v.e&-.,:J;~",~ -re.3348"3 ,I" il I ~ · UL DEe t 0 2001 I, 'L I I~-' I---,---.J ' 'I I -r;; . ,)A r, JA;I.R. ? Q S':" ('5:>..<.01-. Lo:f" ..:J. A~ ~~.~ ~.. .foe1~I' M .:1~ ~J~oJ.- ~ ( ~~ r.:-......;~ ../- S_~.!I ~. :1- ~ ~ + ~'Jl.. ~.L.~ -.. ~ 'r,,-d o::A ~i'....( JI.,.. a.~ ""'~I ~ J" ;:'la~ses I "" 4 ,l...4NC. 01 "'~ot ~ J _~ c. ~.:, ..... r-," ",'4 .j,. r, ,....Iv _~J ..4t'^....... , :J __ "":? ~:..".......Ic.l, ~ ::).... ~ ......,.::J,.;;; -...-l- 4" ~ ~t:tc:.'~5 ,.,..; K- ~.).(,G~' :1 ~ ""':1 ~~ ---t J.1.$o.rr,n....~ I N\4 ~o ~M.e ~ r ~_. p...,;C. J-- I .:J - cf.-l. ..4- t<... ....J..._c~ ~~- ),J.- ) ~.) ~ p, C1Xr.3' ~s _ ~ ~4", ~.,." ~ """" ~ JLJ. -..< "'M0"l PC. . ~ Au104k.. ,'t..J:JI.t..J....&c.. ~ ~.,ss. ~.f~c..J. * ~Qf" - ~ ~.~4- J..+c:. J.c-~ ~ J4..~ r~ ~ h~ ttl ~. :;1 a- ,;.. FCa~ ~ ~ --'.~"s A~"CA~j -A ~ ~~~, :__J ~ ~,'~ ~ ~iH.s 1;.L" kt:.....:B.:.+- ...UW, ~%' ~ ~Ji:I~ i!,.--.;z: -~~~ .,.4 ~~ 2t: ~ c-sJ...:;d,'-. J..-.t: ;..... ~.( ~,A~ r~$&S ~ k~'''~".J. '3_ ~~ 00.;-4 .4.s~ -+<- .^.L ....1/ ~ _s.J........ 4- _ ~ "'-!:J-~ II- ~~ ... ~'-lr ..,,.(,, .,(sL r: ;.{., '::] ~i'- r: '" ..s ~ f.- ......-s ,...;......A J._ i -J ;;:r.cI:' t<-+ ~uoW w.u Jtf CIoC.........c. Ie-. .sa.. , "",.vkt- ~ ti- &..- ~..t,.., J:tc. ~ ~s ~...t ~~: "'1 j;:{ -fA...i~....4rt ....../ ..:.sJ.u. .....J. ~ -l". 2~ ~ ~ J'&<:~l.t f~ ~ ..e.i.~~.s f!l ~4s- . P'-""') ~ A~c. .... ~ 'WIcn.Jl. J.n\C.. oo....fJ A ~ J.\A. ~ ~<<:::J AIl,'1- ~ .l4.J.. ~,k-. , :::J etS" ,:]..; .fo ~~ &l& sec:....--1-t~ uJ-t ~6"'~ oj ;-1 ...,.c,S-:~ce. , ~ -'so ~S(!,,- A~-f I .I~~~ ~~ "":j ~.~'). ----~---- r ~~ -A- "~~i ~ -... ..cn~ J.L ~ Iri4.t ! 3.\:1ir " ~ w ~r;r' 'I :J Clla. ~~ ~ r~ ~ r~- It,:; 4 :J.s~CC,,; oJ.2~ F-.~ WW'':j- ~.- """.:3, .AChN~ i ~c-.w..M. -.. ~ '"$ ~ ..... r'l.A..s ~ ,eJ o-wf Fik' ..::J ~ w-.~ fw ~ ~.s'UV ! s.;.~ :~ooM' t ') 1A~ (~s. c.r'L 3aoU./.c. It..... c.'b ur--is:- 1 ~ ~...Jl!) · ~~~ 1=:;'~;0--J- DEG f 0 2001 -.-.." ..- --- --..-.- DF(-05-2001 17 46 law Oflices Hr'" .AND AND KN IGHT LLP HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP Annacolis Anania 8.11"';' Boston Braclcn\Qn. Cll1c.aoo FOlllaUOeWale Jacksonville lWlalld LOlAnQeles. Melbourne Mi.v:nl ,_...OOc<s: C!.=' """,,CIy R:O(JeJnilll ''-'''''O!<t One East 6row,,~ Bouleva(~. SUit. 1300 PO Bo, 14070 (ZIP 33302,4070) Far/Lauderdale. Florida 33301 954'525'100~ FAX 95H63-1030 www.hklaw.com P 02 New York NllIlh~rnVirOitlia Or)andO Providel'\C.e "."'k!'1l\IIl San AnlOllio sanFlal\(jSc.o Stante TaIl.Jtlassoe T.1mpa ....hl'gIM,D.C. \'IeslPall1\Btath SloP>lo TdA'o'I'f T"l<> December 5, 2001 MICHELLE M. DEROSA 95~'468. 7934 Internet Addres8: mderosa@hklaw,com VIA HAND DELIVERY December 5, 2001 City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Attention, Eric Johnson, Planner Re, Parcel of land located on Federal Highway in Section 4, TownshIp 46 South Range 43 East, Palm Beach County (the "Property") to be developed as a residential community known as Dakota Lofts (the "Project") Dear Mr Johnson, This firm represents Dakota Lofts at Boynton Beach, LLC ("Dakota") with respect to the above Project, As you may be aware, Dakota, as owner of the above Property, is scheduled to appear before the C R. A, on December 11, 2001 for purposes of obtammg approval of its proposed site plan for the Project and moving forward to CIty commission meeting, We have been advised by our client that it has been working with the adjacent land owners to address the issues and concerns raised with respect to its proposed development of the Property and that it is prepared to provide various rights and services to each owner Further, we have been advised by Dakota that, pursuant to the City granting approval of the proposed site plan, Dakota is willing to provide the followmg' ".62001 DEC-OS-2001 18 10 P 02 DEC"05-2001 17 46 HOI '_AND AND KN I GHT LLP P 03 1. Canal Easement. Dakota will grant to those owners of the lots depicted as Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit "An and made a part hereof (the "Sketch") which currently have docks constructed within the canal propcJ.'ty, easement rights (i) to mamtain any existing docks within the canal property currently owned by Dakota, and (ii) for ingress, egress and access from the eXlsting docks over and through the canal property to the Intracoastal waterway, which is located to the east of and adJacent to the canal propel'ty The easement rights granted by Dakota shall run with and benefit each lot for which it is granted, and shall be transferred to any subsequent owner or owners of such lot as part of the conveyance of SllCh lot. The final easement document shall provlde that (i) each dock shall be mamtained by such owner at its sole cost and expense, and (ii) the canal property shall he the maintenance obligation of Dakota, ltS successor or assigns, and/or any homeowners association created for purposes of administering the Project (heremafter the "Association"), and that all costs and expenses incurred in connection therewith shall he dlvided in an equitable manner and on a prorata basis between all parties having dock rights to use the canal property 2, Water and Sewer Services, A. InstallatlOn of Water Lines. Provided that Dakota can obtain the necessary approvals and easement rights, Dakota will install water lines along Bamboo Lane as may be required in order for the City to provide potable water service to Lots 5, 6,9, 10 and 11 In addition, Dakota will mstaIl the appropnate water main extensions and meters at the location indicated by the Clty for Lots 2, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 and pay any meter hook up fees in conMction therewith, Dakota agrees that prior to the time that the above lots have been provided wlth the alternative water service to be provided above, it will not take any action which would cause the lot owners to lose the ability to obtain water from the wells located on the Property, which wells are the lot owners current source of water B, Sewer Service for Lot 4. Provided that Dakota can obtam the necessary approvals, Dakota will grant to Lot 4 the right to tie into the sewer servIce facilities to be located upon the Property and will pay any costs related to same, 3 Access Easement, Dakota will grant to the owners of the lots depicted as Lots 1, 2, 3 on the Sketch, ingress, egress and access rights over certain roadways located within the Property from time to time for purposes of obtaining ingress, egress and access from and to Bamboo Lane and Virgima Gardens, In addition, Dakota will provide adequate access to the owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3 through any gates which it may install within the Property which limit or restrict the above mentioned access rights. r- '. ... ~-G 6200f DEC-05-2001 18 10 F 03 DEC-0S-2001 17 46 HOLLAND AND KNIGHT LLP P 04 4, Decorative Li2"ht Fixtures. Dakota will install decorative light fixtures within the Property in accordance with the final site plan approved by the City 5 Temporary Fencin2:. Dakota will install any temporary fences which may be reqUlred by the appropriate governmental codes to be installed during construction of the Project Please feel free to contact me with any questions and/or comments you may have regarding this matter Very truly yours, HOLLAND & KNIGHT LLP ~LUt..u.erv~f) By' Michelle M, DeRosa Enclosure CC: Mitchell Pasin FTLI #568330 v3 .. 62001 P 04 DEC-0S-2001 18:10 =:::-:---- -- -=-- =--.... -- DEG-05-2001 17 45 , , .' ~ / ~~~ ;;~- ,0 t- .2: U U o Lu ....!J U1 CD <-:.l l;: IX , i , : I~ .I I ! .1 , , , I i" I i I ~ CJ CJ ''"1 I ' ~ , 0 CO DEC-05-2001 18:11 HOI~LRND RND KNIGHT /1 / LLP P 05 ...../ I' , " -----.:.:::::-~' -- I ,~ !::!i ~ ~- ~ ~I ..? i?I 88 88 j' "'.8\ . I 1!:5<' IS o ~ - 2 C - '" o is -j I I I ..:: o " v~ ;.., ~ ^ r-l - 1 l! _ r,,, .. 62001 ---j ---- ---- -[--n'-' I ' , ~ ~ :;: ~ i - e; l?~ l?~ I' ' eo 8 \g;;:: ~ i :;2 i; C! :1 " " II " !! ., I' ~~ d I' " - il .. r .. I I I " L ".. -r I [- ! I ~ ~ .. , ~ I N = GfUt"d11S:' V V1nll ...,--" 99% '2/05/2001 16,52 i I I I I I ! ! 1 Decem~er 5,2001 Mr H, Tompkins, Ir, HPT C nsultants, Ine, 2295 orpor3te Boulevard, N,W EXealt ve Court One-Suite 240 Boea aton, FL 33431 5513755~~9 BOYNTON BEACH F ~ Z PAGE 02 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Planning and Zoning Division i . BuIlding . Plan{~ ing & Zoning . OccupafJona/Ucenl;8S - Community Rsaevelopment RE, qakota Lofts Dear Jr. Tompkins: I pursru/nt to our meeting on Friday, November 30, 2001, you were to provide additional infomiation to the Planning & Ze;mng Division by Monday, December 3, 2001 in order to meet the de?dline for the December It, 2001 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) meeting, The~ditional information in~ll.ded r~vised elevati~ns, site ~lans, and a survey (incl~ding Bamb 0 Lane). Also, there sl11 remam unresolved Issues which are to be resolved pnor to reco ideration by the CRA, and verified by formal agreements with adjacent property owners, As a r,sult, staff will recommend that the CRA further table the review until the January 8, 2002 CRA eeting, If your project .5 reviewed by the eRA on January 8th, this item would be consi ered by the City Commissim on January 15,2002. I . Shoul~ you have any queslioIl;, please contact Eric Lee Johnson at (561) 742-6260 for reschMuling of this item, I Your1 truly, ?JUC- I Michiel W Rumpf Direckor of Planning & Zoning '''Jt\MAfIlllDATA1>'''''''''''!lAlW:l\W'NkOJJIcr'''''' {OTA LOFTSlNWS!> Ol,or"""...", CRA.... i , , ; f~-'--..~--- r^ f"!; I', '-i- f Ol. i" ,:" [" IJI1--- i ,1 i I, i Ii" rF J .. 6 ZOO! -~ L Cir~ of Boynton S.a;ch . 100 Eaet'. 80 to S 1 ' yn n each Blvd, · P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 ','1 Phone (561) 142-621' 0 · FlllC (561) 742-6259 . WWW'b' , ,CI. oynlon-beach.f1.U9 il DEC-05-2001 15 50 56137%259 98% P 02 FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 2001-65 fiLE COpy ~ ~ NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to, To Eric Johnson, Planner Af' From: Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Date' January 3, 2002 RE. Dakota Lofts site plan (NWSP 01-010) The following is in response to your request per memo dated December 20, 2001 The referenced design provides a 30-degree turning radius instead of the 50- degree radius required by NFPA 1, Fire Prevention Code (1997), Section 3-5 The same code also requires a minimum 20 ft. roadway width, but the design only provides a15 ft. roadway, with an additional 10 ft. for landscaping An exception in the code allows these requirements to be modified by the Fire Marshal if the buildings are protected by approved automatic fire sprinkler systems These buildings are required to be sprinklered The Fire Marshal will thus allow the deviations, provided the 10ft. of landscaping be removed or be of a type that would allow the apparatus to pass over it if needed (i.e. grass with a substantial base under it.) cc: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Quintus Greene, Director of Development Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Examiner/Inspector Mike Rumph, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Principal Planner DE~ ARTMENT OF DEVELOPhllcNT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE. RE: cc. Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Eric Lee Johnson, Planner December 20, 2001 Dakota Lofts site plan (NWSP 01-010) Quintus Greene, Director of Development Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Examiner I Inspector Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Principal Planner BACKGROUND' As you know, the above referenced site plan for the construction of 19 townhouse units at the Sun Wah property was submitted to the City in August 2001 and reviewed by the Technical Review Committee in September 2001 The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) heard the item on November 11, 2001 but was met with much controversy Unsatisfied with the elevations, emergency vehicle ingress I egress, in conjunction with concerns from the a<ljacent residential property owners, the CRA tabled the project until the issues were to be resolved, The applicant failed to meet the requests of staff and the CRA before the December meeting deadline so the item was tabled to the January 8, 2002 CRA meeting, REQUEST In order to quell the concerns of the CRA and aid the Planning & Zoning Division, at your convenience, please review the site plan once again for issues related to fire safety Please provide the Division with a memorandum indicating Fire approval (with regard to emergency vehicle ingress I egress, including adequate turn-around area and fire truck maneuverability) and I or further revisions that would be necessary to meet minimum standards, Staff will present Fire's memorandum at the January 2002 CRA meeting should the subject arise, Alternatively, if you wish to have a representative from Fire present at the CRA meeting to provide expert testimonial, the memorandum would not be needed, Either option is more than acceptable to the Planning & Zoning Division and is certainly appreciated by many Thank you for your consideration in this matter J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTSiDAKOTA LOFTS\NWSP 01-010iFire Memo.dot .TRN-04-2002 02:56 PM ~:FI3TEN CONTI 515 1 742 4281 F.Ol Salefisb Realty Inc. Saletish Realty Inc. 532 East Ocean Ave Boynton Beach FL 33435 561-738-6613 Office 561-73~-7911 Fax kcsellsre@flinet.com Date:~ To: ~1fI'" Fax#: 'Jq]- Ii&. 1.089 pages:....Jj rfl rE (,~, ,-~-c---- r' Lc::', (; if, if \ - '''7-..' "~ L r~-- -: I' .,1 ',....\ , ~__H___;II. 11", ., I U i I' . ! [, JAN . 'O? I!' I i c..._ ,_ 1'..,1 i_ ,._' Dee 1_' .---'-~--------_J l [) r1"{ , _.~ _"._ ____~~._:-!.-'~['\'..LNT . JAN~04-2002 02 57 PM kRI~TEN CONTI ~~ ~. 561 742 4281 P.02 -- f[L Iln :I~~ r-- il Ul JAN t,_ DFPi,c- nJ:;~0~T1. 'fln,1 'l"'''') j i: I",.t , , ~GREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the "Allreemenn, dated this _ clay of ,200-, is made by and between DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LtC. a Floric!a limited liability company (her.inafter called "Ocvoloper"), WhOM address is 2290 N. W CorporalO Blvd.. Suite 245, Boca RalOn, Florida 3343 I and David), Conri and KriSten Conti (hereinafter called ''Owner''), who.. address is I Virginia Garden, Dell'llY Beach, FIQrida 33483-6305, RECITALS WHEREAS, Developer is the fee simple owner of certain real property loc:ated in the City of Boynton Beach (the "City"). County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit X attached hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter "the Property"); WHEREAS. Developer proposes to construct multi-family residential town home units upon a portion of the Property (hereinafter called the "Project") in accordance with the proposed site plan which is attached hereto as "E:s:hlblt B" and made a part hereof, as same may be amended or revised from time to time by the Developer in its sole and absolute discretion (hereinafter the "Site Plan"); WHEREAS, Owner is the fee simple owner nf certain real property located adjacent to the Property, being more particularly described nn E:s:bibit "eM attached heretn and made a part hereof (hereinafter the "Owner's Lot"): WHEREAS, Developer and Owner desire to enter into this Agreement to document certain agreements made between the parties, ns more fully set forth herein, NOW THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits and agreements of the parties hereto and the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($ 1 0.00) and other good and valuable consideration received, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged. the parties do hereby agree and acknowledge the following: Recitals: The above recitals arc true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference, 2. Easement A~eement, Attached hereto as Exhibit" D" and made a part hereof is an Easement Agreement (hereinafter the "Easement Agreement"), which sets form and provides the Owner with certain e"sement rights over portions oithe Property The parties agree thot upon the Developer's l'llOeipt of all the City and other governmental approvals necessBly for the development of the Propel'!)', the Developer and Owner shall execute an original of the attached Easement Agreement, Developer shall record the originiU executed Easement Agreement after all of the site development work and eonstruction throughout the Project has been completed by Developer and are available for use (as evidenced by Developer Obtaining the final slgn-offs and approvals of the applicable governmental authorities), or prior thereto. at the sole 0 tion of the De 3, Owner's All.rcemeilt to Cooocratc. As consideralion for the Developer entering into this Agreement and entering into the Easement Agreement. the Owner agrees to fully cooperate with Developer in order to ensure that the Property obtains the City and/or other governmental approvals necessBly for the development of the Project, 4, Developer's Rig:ht to Create Le2al Descriptions, The panies acknowledge and agree that the exact legal description of the Vehicular Access Easement Area (as more fully described in the Easement JAN-04-~00~ 02:58 PM KRI=TEN CONTI 561 74~ 4~81 P.03 AgRlement), hu not been determined, but shall be reasonably detennined by Developer at a later elate. Upon Developer's detennination of the ClWlt legal description of the foregoing, Developer shall be automalic;:ally permitted, upon providing the Owner lOOpies thereof, 10 attach the le8l1 description of the Vehicular Access Easement Area to the Easement Agreement as Exhibit "Co. thereto, without any further action, consent or approval required by the Owner, 5 Effective Date. The effective date of this Agreement (the "Effective Date") shall be the date on which the last of the parties hereto executes this Agreement. The parties agree that this instrument shall not be recorded in the Puhlic Record~. 6. TerminationLAmendmentIModification, This Agreement (and all exhibits attached hereto including but not limited to the Easement Agreement) shall be deemed automatically terminated and of no force or effect in the event (i) the Project is not approved by the City or any other governmental bodje~ having jurisdiction, in accordance with the Site Plan; (iil Developer, in its sole discretion, elects not to proceed with the development of the Project; or tiii) the Owner takes any actions (or fails to act as required herein), in a manner which is inconsistent with its obligations set forth in Paragraph 3 hereof. Except as otherwise sJlC(;ifically provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be amended, modified or terminated, in whole or in part, at any time by a written instrument, executed and acknowledged by the Developer and the Owner, or their successors or assigns, 7 Governing Law This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, County of Palm Beach and, unless otherwise terminated as provided herein, shall be binding upon the heirs. successors and assigns of the parties hereto, it being the intent hereof that the rights and obligations hereunder shall IUn with the land and follow the ownership of each party's respective property, 8. Liti(L8.tio_l!, lfany p~ institutes an)llegal action or proceeding for breach of the provisions of this Agreement or the enforcement ofany right or obligation herein contained, the unsuccessful party in such action or proceeding shall reimburse the successful party immediately upon demand for all reasonable costs and expenses actually incurred in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorne)ls' fees and expenses. 9 Remedies. In the event of a breach by any party hereto of any obligations hereunder. the other parties hereto shall be entitled to obtain an injunction or to seek any other remedy available to them under law or inequities. The parties hereto acknowledge the potential inadequacy of legal remedies and the irreparable harm wh ioh could be caused by any such breach and in connection therewith agree to the remedy of injunction provided herein, 10. Exhibits. Any exhibits attached to this Agreement or any amendments or exhibits hereto that contain sketches or depictions of lots(s), common prope"ies, lakes, roadways, improvements, or any other items shown on the exhibits, if any (the "Sketched Item(s)), shall not be binding as to the existence, size, dimensions, locations or identification of any other aspect of Sketched ltem(s) and shall only be for informational, reference, conceptual and general schematic purposes only The Site Plan attached hereto is a proposed and preliminary site plan of the Project and may be subject to change from time to time at the Developer's sole and absolute discretion. II Authority, Owner represents and warrants that it has full right and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement and that it is the sole owner in fee simple of the Owner's Lot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer and the Owner have each executed this Agreement on the date set forth below JAN-04~2002 02:59 PM kRISTEN CONTI 561 74~ 4281 P.04 :I'k PllllrI' "J)" EASEMINT AGUEMENl' ~_ hv II'IlI ....... ta: )q~-'leM. "'-'""lIt,:&.q. HOI.t.AND . KNlQMTUP 0lIl S. BrowIId IML, Sak 13W Ft. LaudIrdaIe, FbicIa 33301 uftMl'1\lT AG~ TInS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (tbe. -1rIt -'-"'1") i. .. tbls dIIy << ,200_ by ami bItween DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON. u.c. a Florida 1iIIlitecIlilbility ~puy ("Doveloper"). having its prim:iplll ofI\cc at 2290 N.W COI'pOI'$ 8Mf.. SUi... 245, &e. Ram. Fkll'ida 33431 ami David 1. COIIti ud KritlIlol Cottti, ("0..-''), whose acIdtua is I VirgiDia Gudca, OeIray Bmab, Florida 33483-630$. R.ECITALS WHEREAS, ~loper is the i'cc simple owner of cenain real property ItlCIfId In Palm a-h County, Florida, being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" aUIclIed hemo Illd made a Ill" ilfftef (herelna1lilr lbe ''Prvperly''); WHEREAS, Owner is tile file simple Q'MIet of ocrtain leA/ ptopeny !ocmd ~ lD the Plopetty, ~irl& mote particularly deaI;ribed on ...."'..blt "'I" atlII<:hcd htnto and made & part hcno( (hcn:ina1Iar the "Owner's Lat''): WHEREAS. Owner has rcq~ dlat Develop<!!' gJIlIt ce.1ain easement rights to Owner, tbr1lle benefit of 0WIIer't Lot, as mom fUlly set forth herein; WHEREAS, Oewloper has lIgreed to gnan such C3SCII\lInt righcs, <lIbject to lIIe term! ad ~Q!IlI gmlllined herein, NOW, TIlEREFORE, f'tr IIIId in tOIIsidemriOll ofthc mutual ~ benefits and qreement of tho pIl'ties theteto and the sum ofTEN AND NO/lOO DOLLAIlS (SI0.00) and oUler g<)od ami Vlluable considemion, tile =clipl and sufficiency ofwhk:h an: hm:by lIQknowlodpl, the part.... do hereby ....... as IblJows: I. lU:citals. The above =iIaIs are true 8Ild correct and ~'I"'_d herein by lllis ..._ JAN-04-2002 02 59 PM KRISTEN CONTI ~ ~.,- 561 742 4281 P 05 2. ''1- ,,_...d "_.11 .IMr. SulU<<t to aa,y IlIICPftIII CCIIIdlaon., IimiaIionI or I'llIInIllionl aonIIined hInin, DMIopIr hInlby plI unto Owner, tilt file benefit of 0wDn Lot, . perpemall1QII.-cccl\ltl" iqNet. .... aid __ _, af lit over GId __ TIle ~ CllIlIlrUefed t:1t to be CQISlruI;lDd QII t!ulr poctian 01 PI'opIrry men plIItiou/IrIy dcIcn'bed 011 'blothlt "C" ......a-IlIeret:o IIId IIWIe a put lIINof (tbe "Vehicula' Aoc. Easement AnIa"), lor w:lUcuIar tNftia, I>.&..th... with tiw: right III \IIIlbe VebicuIIr AllClISS pasemw Ana fbr lId8qUa1l: ,JId, llftObslruco:d veIIicuIIr p-- ~p III Illd tom V.. a.rdons (Aid ~ beinS \o:!Ucd witbiIllbI.....lb..u bmmd8ry oflbl Pmpmy), IIId lb....hnn r..- (Aid l'OIliMy beiIl& IoeIIed IldjIceal to _1llUIMrIy boundary oftbe 1'ropClrty). The IIlIIt 8"I'*d bcroin sball be filr insr-,..- and _ purpoea. fertile \1M IIId ber1eIIt Mall p--* IIId t'u&In__ of aU or any portioII of Own.s Lof, but sIlaI1 DOt lDclude the rigbI: 10 pat "'-11\)' pclIdon of tile V......l... Aca:ss Ellement Ana t:1t llllY other portloa oldie PIOr-V' A. Ri~ to relOclUe. DeveJqlet sbaIl have the unilat=! ..;ght, but not the gbligalion, . any time. in ia ~Ie diIcalilll1 ;md lit iulOle COlt and ""penSe, to relocate die Vellicular ^_ 8mmellt Area provi<kd t!ulr suclI relocatXln of Ihe Vehicular A__ ~~n~ Area does not penuanenlIy intmupt or prohibit wI1~ _ by the Ovm...to and Itom the o-'s Lot. B. Access thmu'" Gan:s, In the _ Developer inlellds to COIlSlruCt ~ pIllS lit any enaance to the Propa'lY VIIbIcb WllUId lllIlrict !be OwDcr's ability to obIaiD ingreu, egn:ss or _10 the Owne.l's Lot, ., set f'onh Ibovo, OewIoper shall provide Owner with III)' ~OpIlat 8Iltry cuds or l:OdN wblch may be requind for Owner to oIltain llCCeIlS 1hrough sw:b ptIS prior to Dewloper's c:omp~ of tho iDsIallaliOll or SIIIlO. Owna's _ of the VehicWar Aa:ess Easement Ana and any glItes which may be coustnlCtied ... the PI"petty shall be Sllbjcet to any rules aud ""ll'dotlnas promulgated by the DcveiopfJI' cr the Ol:vdopc/'s ~ialion (as heteinatlIlr def'mcd) Jioom limo to lime IIdating 10 lllllIa. 3. r......t I:'r"""t Developer is the oWllCr of tbar: certain property described on Ezlaibir ''D" and J1IId_ it part hllfllof (the "Canal r.ol""ty"), upon which is coosll'UCt8d a canal. Subjact to any .. conditions, IimiWions or _atiDal; conWacd baeiD. Developar bereby srants unto Owner, !'or the banetit of~l's Lot, perpetual non.elCClusiVllllSl..DeIIt rip Ill: (I) COIISlrIIer, iMta1l and mailllllin a dock (lhe "OWDII"s Dock") within the c-I ~; me! (ii) !or access avec llIld /II:I'OSS the CaIIaIl'l~ty, from tba Owner's Dock to tilt InIraCOllsllll wtlterWlI'J. whitb is 10Qtal adjacent to and east of tile Cana.ll'roperty. A. DeveIoDer's AIlIWlI'V41 of Ownm's Dock. PriQr to commencing the cgn51l'llClioP or installation of a docle. or any mIOVations to a dock which curreatly or may ~st within the Canal Property from lime to lime. Owner shall submil all plans and specif"1C8liOIlS for the ptoposed dock, or renovations (the "Dock PllI!lI'j to Developer for Dew:loper's prior written approval of same, such approval not to be unreasonably wlthlteld. Tilt OwneJ's D~ shall be <:onstrw:tcd and maintained in a.ccordan.... with the Dock Plans and all appllc.ble laWll, codes, ordiunQOS and regulations of governmClltal emities Iut.vinS jurisdiction over the Canal Pn.p...t)', Notwi1hstanding the fbn:goillg, no docks t:1t other relau:d improvemenlS shall be cClJlStrUA;ll:d, =dell or placod by Owner wit!lin dle Canal ''''I''',ry, nor shall the CIlIa.I Property be used by tile Owner in a lIW\Jlef, which would I'lIlIIrict or limit tho ability of od1er tbitd ptlltillS Iut.viDg riglmI to 1lSI; the Canal1\u,^,">, to navigate boals md Olber vessds wilhiD the CmaI Property. ~I approval oftbc Docie Plans shallllOt be c1ecmtxl to be: ~ withha1d if such Doelr; Plans lP deemed by 1IIe Developer 10 neptivoly alllool the right ...<1 lIbilily ot 8D.)' tbinI poniw '" ..... tba CalIaI Property. B, Malntenanee of l'lnM<- The Own., I:lock shall be to.milled at all times by Owner, at ils solo c:ost 8lIclellpomse, ift a neat ami sishdY ecadilion and in good working onler, The rights JlI'ID1IlII 10 0wMt IlIlder this Pan;rapb 3 _ for purposes of pczmi1ting the exis~ of the Owne:r's 00cIc which is or III&}' be loeated within 1be Canall'l'opelt>' tom time to rime, and sbaU in<:lude dill riabt of J~N-04-2002 03:00 PM KRI3TEN COHTI 561 742 4281 P 06 .1 ~-';/tl-:::~~!w~ ~IL _ aver die cat PI_It u may be IIICeIIII)' Ibr 0wIIcr 10 Ide aorMaI. lll\ICiIIe ....~.......1IIId llIpIirs 10 1be 0wtWJ Dock. NoIhing eordIinId IIniB IIlIlI be """'nod ID IJIIlt 10 the 0WDer the rigbt 11> IlIp-=e llI' retOII5tnICt dul Owners Dock or to c:CIIlSUIIet aay new docIcs wilIIiD the C8Ilal Property wirhouI obIaininll the prior writlln approwl aElhe DcwIopIr. Iu e4diticm to maiDlIiDiIIg its clock, the Owrler shaI1 be teq1Iirai II;) mailllliD IZld lriIIl any ue. b:a\led wid1in cbll QwIler's LoCs which llI1I wilIliD II1kco (IS) 8let ortbl CuIal P,.....,cy 51) that all limbs IIId bnnclwa lite . .1_ twaEy-ti"" (25) n..c from 111. growul at all times and ao that 8l1Ch _ do DOt <lbslruct die villW of the CmaI Prop:rty by aay parties QWIIillg ;l.tl or any potlfoll. of the !l4Jlto[}'. rn!be event aw-- all &lito aWnlIIiA dla _ in a III&IlIW as .. fbnb above, .. Del...... .JJ<< lbe DeveIoper's .~*rlnn sbaIl have tbe rJtbt,. but IlIlt the <lbllgatlOll, II;) !aka SIIIlb ICl!aIs IIld lIIcur such ~ as II1II)' be rIlUClIIIIbly NqUinld to maintain the fleeS, ill which event Owner shall repay (' Developer lIIll'or 1118 Dewlcpet~ AAcr~"". as .pp.opIWc, """" $UIM of /DOlle)' I'eUOIl&bly upcoded by oevmper or lhe Dowlopcr's Associ8lioA In pedb;ming _ wiIIIin 1111 (10) days afIIr wriUIcn lICltk:c tan DneI<lI* at DeveIopa'a AlIQGfllioll, C. Maintenance of'C'.JUlal ProaertV. n. Devllloper and/or the o.v.loper', As8ocl.rIoa may 1"" .ft","DlIDY aWntenan~1I and rcplIin to the Canal Property as and whCll it deems it n-",ry jj,)m time to tiala, in ill sol.. and absolure dlserelioll, widlollt !be MIld of oblain.iag!be approval of the Owacr <It 8D)' othar tIIlrd pard,"", All QQItI _~. illcunwd by the Oowlaper and/or die DlIYeloper's NsociatioD in cOlIDCCtion thllwwllb shall be divided in an equitablll lIIUlIlIII' and on a ptO-rata. basis bctwccn all panics havlllg docks within the Canal ,."'I'""tY, D. Colllribution by Owner. The Owner sIlaII ~ on a pro-rata buis, ill aU cos1s iacurred by the Dewloper andlOl' the DllvlIlOJllll's Association in performing lIDY maimImlIDce and/or reptirs to the Canal Properly (the "MainleMllC8 Casts"). The Owners obliptlon to pay a ptO- I1Ita share of the Maintenanee Costs shall comlnCnce on the date on whi,;h this Ea&cment Apement is recorded in the Public ho:ords 0( Palm Beach Col1llty, P1orlda. The Owners share of the Mailltllnancc CQalS (hereinafter the "Ownets Pro.lW8 Share") shall be determined by multiplying tlte total Malntenance C<lSlS by a fl'action, the nlllllctalloc' ofwlUdl ilthe total square footage of tile seawalllocared within the OWlllll's Lot andlor the Canal l'lOy<<ty Joc.led adjacent tJm,:to (tile "Owner's Seawall"), the denomilwor of which is the IDtaI square too. of all seawalls CODBU\IdIed within the Canal Propaty or the land located adjacent thctl=to, For example: Ownets Pro-Rata Sbare M Maintc:nancc Costs x Total Sa, Ft ofOwnel's Seawall Total Sq, Ft, of aU docks within lbt Canal Pro\l'll'lY lll1d1or the land ~clj sc:ent thereto The Developer andlor the OeveloJlll1"s Associat!oc. sllaIl be permitted to inorease or d~ tho total square f'oora&lI of all _ails wlihln the Canal Property at any lime, IDd in ill; 00111 and absolute discretlon, SUbject: howIIVef'to any applicable zoning NltrictiOllS, _ the provisions of this~h. E. If the Owner lllilS to pay the Owner's Pro-Rata Slwe of the MaiAtcrlMCe Costs within thirty (30) days afb:r ~ for payment by Developer or tIw Developer's AssooiaUon, Developer and/or the Developer's Associatioa. shall have all ripts aad NIIl8dIas aYllilable iD law and equity All oums dUll, if IlOt paid wllhin &aid thiny (30) day period, shall bear iatercst ftQm the dUll date at a rate equal to the highest lawful rate. In the event Developei' audlor the D<Iveloper's Association is ""Iuited to c:oUeo;t any lDlpaid amoUll.lS through. collllCtilXl and/or litipllon, Developer or tile DlMlloper's AMociati<ln shall be enlItled to recover tTom the Owner its nlIIOllIble Ilb~ys fees and IIlqlIIIlS8S Tb&l Developer lIldfor cbe Dewloper's AsIooiation $hall haw the rip to SlIspcad III Owner'. rfPU to '* 1M c-J Properly for IllY period during whlob the 0wMr'. Pro-KaIa Share of lIlY ~*i_""Cf Cos1s I1IDlllIla _d IlNl deliI!quent. JAN-04-2002 03 01 PM KRISTEN CONTI 561 742 4281 F 07 ThI 0wIlcr wllllClC III pIIIIlm-t to Wliv. or odJerwile llIOIpo IlabiIity for 1M ()wutl Pro-Rata SbIn by 1lOra-_ of_ 0-'1 DoGII. or the CaaII Property. 4. U.. M JI..___ Rj.uJl.........nifl8di"". ,.... 0UCIIIelIl ria\1tI puhld .... sUll be UIlld by Owner in suolI a IlWII*' tbat (i) illlllllli~ willi any bullcllDp aad ~ c:oMINOIIld 1IpCIII or to be collStl'1lCltd IlpOlI the Property; (h') is coasislrmt widl and wil1llOt iDIIIrfere with !be rights of the DeveIOJ*. the DevD!oI*"s Association or any third patty to exerciso IIICl cmjoy lilY -ishll it may .w to _ the c-J PmpertY; IIId (Iii) will mlnlmizeilAfRr.._ with and will be oompIlible with me <:aasll'llCtioa apd IIlIII ofbuildiDas Illd im~ 'I'M QwlIer IhalI -.-...llY ad uld Ibt Deftlopet and 1IIe Developer's Association Ulmless lium and _!Binet all charges, eIaims, 1iaItilities and ~ (iacludillg ~I. aIIDmCyS _ and ~) relllted to lICCideats, injlll'icl, IosI or --. of or to lllIY person or pIOperty aIllIing irom tnc uwncr'. anG ll$ guests. IicCl_ IIIIcl invitear., IIlIe of the Pft,paty, or any aorcon i:hetcof, and the: Ownl!l"s Dock. S. Auil!D""",t ofOewloccr's RilmM. The parlin ase"" thai: Developer shall at all times have the right 10 COIIvey the l'rc1pc:rty and/or _IF Its Developer's rights and obligations h_der 10 a IM"peay owners assoc:iatioo, hOlllCOwoers associallOll, and/or condomilliUD1lSlOCiation ~ by Developer lbr pIll'JlOt8s of IlllinbininS tlte PropertY by _. of conveying aU or any portion of the PropIItY b) said association(s), submitlillg all or IlIlY portion of the rropmy 10 a Declaration afRestriCltiOIlS, or by assigninl its riJhts and obligations bemmda- to said _istioD(s). Upon suob conveyance, suhm;,+.,,1 or assipll.ent, Developer shall be rele8sed from all liabilities and obligaticm hereUlKlcr and such property owners, hoJIK;oV,neI s or condominium ownm; assoeiation shall be solely respoasible fOr 1\1 obliptinns of Developei' .......under and shall have lbe right to cnforc:c: all rlJhts of Developer hereunder, 6. BiDdinv Efftoct.. All easemems granted herein shall be binding U"pOIl 11\e parties, lheir ,...,-10.... beiIs, tesaI ~ SllC(:esson lIlId assiglls and shall be lor the use and benellt of all ~ md fuaare own., of tl. propertY, I/Itir liIDlIIIlI, ~....n, apara. invitees, Ii~ns. ILl_ llCeupIlIlS meVor mongag=s.,rall of any J'OftIoll of the I""~ ~der. 7 Translb- Righ1s. NoIhing contlIined in tM Easement Agrcemem .sbaIl be deemed to be a lift 01' dedication Of any portion ofm. l'\opert) to the getleral public or fao lIIIY public use or purpose whmoever, it beiPg the imentiOll of tbe parties hereto and !heir s_sors lIIId -Sl'Io that nothing in lI1is E_' Agreement, exprencd or implied, shaD COP1l:r upon illI)' pmon, other 1ban the partJls hereto aliI! their 511CC=O~ alId iI5liign:;, any rigbJs or remedies under or by nlUon of this Easemertt Agftoemem. 8. (). ItW r A, If any proYi$ion of this Easement AgreemeDt, or poltlon thlnot; or the applicotion lllereof'to allY pc:lSOlI or ~ shall, to any elCI8IIt be held invalid, inop.rat:lve or IIII~'" th. remainder of this :Easemerrt Agreement, or tho "PPlication of such provision or portion meteOf 110 my other petSOllII or clrcwnstllnces. shall not be aff'cctccl tltereby; it 5haJI not be deemed !bat any sud1 invalid puvision afl'eds rile CQnsideralion for this Easement Agreement; and each provision of Ibis Easement Agreement sball be valid and enforceable to the fullest exlent ~ by law, Miscellaneous. I/: B, Thil; Easement Agreement ,hall be cal5trlled in acconlBuce willi the laws of the SlalIe of F\orida. C, Nothing In this Illtscmcnt Asrcomcnt shall ~ collllUlled 110 ~ the pwdea heme pUlncrS or joint ~ or mtdcr any party liable for the debts 01' oblipliOllS oftfte othtt plIl1ies 1Hmo, D. Ulll..... othcrwi!o specitlcally proviclod herein, tlIIs &seruGDt Agrtlemcm, and tIKI auemem rlRJltll cOlIlllined hereill, may not be amended, modified, or tenninalm excepl plll'SUllllt JRN-04-2002 03:0~ PM KRISTEt~ CONTI 561 74::2 4281 P.08 to wrilllQ iaalrwuat, kt ''lIIc\ uad Mknowleclpd by all of tho pan:les ba'Oto or tbair III IOn or Ulips,1IIld rec:arded ill. tbe Public RIcordI fIf Palm a..ch Ccumy, Florida. !. 111. Ii "'I1II'It Ajt_....1hIII be 6ctiw ClII II. da1II na<<clod In die PabJii: Rmnll. IlIaI1 be ...AI._ ilWre to 1M ... oft!lll NIpllllIiw bein, !.pl.'" ...~ lilt! 1J1ltI'" U5ip of DeveIopet and 0wNt beRia, it b.iDs u. u- blnof!hlt the ri&bll1IId oIlolir1~' lIcRaDder:tlllll rulI wirIllhe lInd.ad tblIow 0WIIfftbfp oftbe J)_l~ ud Owna'. Lot. F, Ofteloper mrnes 1IIe righc to pt _ adIoIiIlonIIl ~ __bo 1IIldIr, _ and lIllI'OS8 the V~1v Access E!a.sement Area allCl the CadalI\(r-ly, ill b _Ie IIld ....... ~aiml, widlout the IlIllld for die COlISeIlt or jo~ thereto by the Owner. or IIllY llIiler ,..., providod lilIC such 8dditiooaI.....~ do lIOt advmiely affect or ilJr....~ with the ri_ COII~ to Ow\lm' bIrmn. 4- ~\A ~ G. NOlhia; ~ in tbis E- ....4C ApanIIIl shill be cClIIIr\IIIIl as ~ MY riSb'I in the gtneral public or as dldkating for public \IH lln)" portion aftb.e proputy. No anmettt, ~ tho. expnossIy set forth beteIn sbaU be implied by this e-ment AcreeAllellt. 9 Authority' Owner l"Il'preseDl5 and WlImIllS that it has full right and authority to exeeule and deliver lhis EuemcD1:A~t apd that it is the sole owner In fee Silllple of tile Ownet's Lot IN WITNESS WHDEQF,lhe Dmilopel and the 0wMr hlrte each exoculal this Easi.........n ~leIlMroe on thedlmllltf'ot1ll belllW. Signed and scaled ill tile DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, llC, B Florida limited liability company By' Print NIIIIe! Title; Print Nama; PriDe Name: Date: STATIl OF l'LORlDA. COtmn' OF ) ) } Thl foregoing inatnlmc.nt .... aclalDwledged before me this day of , 200_, by ....J as of OAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC, a Floricl& Iimitc<lliability company, on behalf of said company He/She is penonally known to me or bas pmduced as idfJItifill8tJoll. (SIGNATURE 0' NOTARY PUBUC) CN- ofNow,r. typed, printed or slalPpld) (Title or rmk (.w llIUIIber.lflllY) JAN-04-2002 0? 02 PM KRISTEN CONTI 561 742 4281 P 89 " '. ~ '1 -MINUTES ~ PLANNING ~D DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA NOVEMBER 9. 1993 Mot1on Mr. NIller moved that WI accept this propo$.l to rezone from RM to R-1A and show It as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and accept staff recommendations for tne annexation. Mr. Weigle seconded tn. motion which carrled unanimously. Hopl11l1U11l'l P('Op,..ty - Annexation Program (Appllcatlon'10) Ml chael, H. Hoplamazian ' The 0.21 acre parcel located approximately 400 feet east of Federal Highway, immediately south of COlOnial Club Condominium ('2 Virginia Gardens) Requests to show annexed land as Moderate Density Residential and to rezone from RN (Residential Medium Density) in Palm Beach County to R-l-A (51 og 1 e Famn y Residential). This property Is Immediately west of Appl1catlon '9, and the situation 15 simi- lar to that of Application #9. The current use is a single-family home and no change Is proposed. Staff's recommendation Is the same as that of Application '9. 10. Project: Owner: Location: Description: - Mr. Rumpf confinmed for Chainman Lehnertz that Virginia Gardens nexed into the City along with Applications '9 and 10. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEA~ ON PUBLIC HEARING. Motl~n Mr, Dube moved to accept the Planning and Zoning Department's recommendation to annex the Lew1s property., eXisting land use of MR5 to Medium Denstty Residen- tial, existtng zoning RM (ResIdential Medium Density) to R-1A (Stngle Family). and to show tt asconshtent with the Comprehensive Plan. Vice Cha1rwoman Huckle seconded the motton which carrle~ unanimously. *See note after Appllcat10n '11 motion. Lewis Property . Annexation program (Application '11) Sa lly lewi s The 0.11 acre parcel located on the east s'de of Old DIxie H1ghway, approximately 845 feet west of federal Highway Requests to show annexed land as Medfum Density Residential and to rezone from RM (Resident1al Medium Density) In .Palm Beach County to R-l (Sfngle-Famlly Residential). The current use On this property 15 a single-fam11Y home and no change is pro- posed. This applicatIon 1s consistent with the Future Land Un Map and the polic1es of the Comprehensive Plan. 11. Project: OWner: Location: I I [ , , Description: ~ 10 - P.10 AUTOMATIC COVER SHEET DATE : JAN-04-2002 03:03 PM TO . . FAX #: 7426089 FROM : KRISTEN CONTI FAX #: 561 742 4281 10 PAGES WERE SENT (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET) D. ('-'~'-- L. ('<>, --- Due to this representing the second postponement, a new notice and legal advertisement for the request needs to be processed for the rescheduled meetings. Please provide staff with a new set of addressed and stamped envelopes no later than December13th, which will allow mailing ofthe notices 30 days prior to the planned City Commission hearing date of January 15th (Public Hearing and 1 st Reading), The cost of the legal notice advertising both the public hearing (January 15th) and second reading (February 5th) dates will be forwarded to you for reimbursement. , I C l,-' t.v' \ ^"' ( A" ('~ ( ~, - rrV' ('- \ ~ {, / < ,^ t' ,{ i? c, jy I' ( ,-.,..:A. L .'\ l.. i ('-71C- I 'c. ...;"'''' r \ s (J-VvVtcJ.!, ~ iL vJ I f\M' Th \S ~hC'\A.\O ~ f"dwcdd . .? to \)tGt:- 1Joi h\.; ~l~"'" . ~ -, ,,-(l/~ , , rl: U( (L 0./ ~ 7 L)r! ~ Y''" ~ ) Fe,~' ,y- e.. I.~ . Ivl (,{1Ci , 'i <Y <'f'1"" I( )..~'7 '(z \ r (,J ~ I r /l" r<\'t2- (<>"1 \ . T> ,e lL Kemmer, Rodger From: Sent: To: Subject: Kemmer, Rodger / Monday, December 03,2001 11.30 AM Gale, Steven: Borden, Bob FW' Dakota Lofts site plan and Fire approval I told Mr Tomkins at the last TRC for the Lofts that his revision looked OK to me. While it has a 30 degree radius instead of 50, It meets the criteria for a "45 ft. Shunt" and a "90 ft. Hammer Head" per a drawing from Engineering. The two roadways that form the ''T' are 25 ft wide (10 ft. it landscaping) and over 45 ftlong. The landscaping would have to be trimmed back to provide the full 20 feet required, but I expect a 15 ft roadway with 10ft. of landscaping would provide enough room to turn an engine around. What do you think? I have the revised drawing if you want to look at it. ,RK mp.Original Message~---- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Monday, December 03,200110:17 AM To: 'hptcon@bellsouth.net' Cc: Kemmer, Rodger; Rumpf, Michael; Galav Lusia; Borden, Bob Subject: Dakota Lofts site plan and Fire approval Mr Tomkins, As you can recall, the Dakota Lofts site plan application was heard at the November CRA Board meeting and tabled until the December CRA meeting due to in part because of the Board's examination of the emergency vehicle turn,around area. Per our meeting with you last Friday (11-30-01) regarding this issue, you are to request a letter or memorandum from the City's Fire Department indicating their approval for the "T",type fire engine turn around area, proposed at the southeast corner of the subject property Fire review and approval is a necessary component of site development and this became a critical issue at the last CRA meeting. The Board must feel confident the plan meets Fire's approval. It would be highly desirable to have staff from Fire to be present at the next CRA meeting because I'm sure the Board will have further questions. The next CRA meeting will be Tuesday (12-11-01) at 6.30 p.m. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me anytime. Eric Lee Johnson, Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Division 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 (561) 742-6260 1 FACSIMILE uTY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Development City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax Planning & Zoning Division TD Fro/vf DIl fe. H.P Tomkins 5.7<.1(:... T"o t+,.:JSOtJ (2- 3-01 F4x (561) 997-5721 vJ'\R'A.( (S(i1r) qq~-O'1SC; ~. l>tK-oIA G>.Jt s'tTe 1'17\0 T I=="lfe "'fFRNhJ Attached you will find an email message that I tried sending you regarding the Dakota Loft's Conditions of Approval. Staff is recommending site plan approval, contingent upon approval of the concurrent rezoning / land use change, abandonment request, subsequent platting, and the site plan's conditions of approval. If YOLi have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the above referenced telephone number, If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Johnson, Eric Monday, December 03,2001 10:17 AM 'hptcon@bellsouth.net' Kemmer, Rodger; Rumpf, Michael; Galav, Lusia; Borden, Bob Dakota Lofts site plan and Fire approval Mr Tomkins, As you can recall, the Dakota Lofts site plan application was heard at the November CRA Board meeting and tabled until the December CRA meeting due to in part because of the Board's examination of the emergency vehicle turn-around area. Per our meeting with you last Friday (11-30-01) regarding this issue, you are to request a letter or memorandum from the City's Fire Department indicating their approval for the "T"-type fire engine turn around area, proposed at the southeast corner of the subject property Fire review and approval is a necessary component of site deveiopment and this became a critical issue at the last CRA meeting. The Board must feel confident the plan meets Fire's approval. It would be highly desirable to have staff from Fire to be present at the next CRA meeting because I'm sure the Board will have further questions. The next CRA meeting will be Tuesday (12-11-01) at 6:30 p.m. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me anytime. Eric lee Johnson, Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Division 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 (561) 742-6260 1 =FISH REALTY INC. Fr NO, 1 551 738 7911 ~,- ~ 28 2001 05.01PM Pi Salefish Realty Inc. Salefi ,,,J~ (C ~ ~ ~7 ~\\~i 532 East Ocean Ave Really 19'Gl . Boynton Beach FL 33435 ,Ill . 561-738-6613 Office 561-738-7911 Fax Krbt~'n Conti, CIPS. CRS 11- J~ ~tJ'J.I),g,.W)t 1C/;)- 'OK!J 3 ~/iI..JlHL I /1,.,./.,'1" (1"fI"'- )'''lIr "/I"I/'.I.,f '\'/"'."'1' I \','rJ.II/'~ I'll N,krtl/I Busl.n\.':\~ (SEll) 73lH:,ft 13 F" (51;]) 7;18.7911/<';011 (561) 66"'0". EIn,\i! kC5elJsrc@flin~t.com WC'bsit~ www.~lcfh;hrc..lt)..C(.Irn ~~ ~ ~ .r": Sale/1st, {..( I~Jl)' h,,,- \ 5JZ e(l~( {k~'''''l An..'T1Ul' ~ &'ynt\>n 1l<:,,<'k. fl, :1:4,15 fJedtYA OJ ~AI: t 'M,dC4- ~ :F;SH REALTY INC. FI NO. 1 561 738 7911 28 2001 06:01PM P2 November 20, 2001 City of Boynton Beach Community Redevelopment Agency RE. Dakota Lofts Site Plan We are Boynton Beach residents who live immediately adjacent to the Sun Wah property The following issues we would like addressed prior to approving the redevelopment:. 1 Agreement for uninterrupted water and sewer service. 2, Agreement for existing docks to remain and access to ICW 3 Fence on property line to remain or privacy wall to be erected, 4 Southeast building to have decorative elements on east elevation facing ICW 5 Revise building height to meet code. 6. Clearly indicate turn around for fire and emergency at SIB comer The following issues affect all Our neighbors and need to be addressed: 1 Agreement for water service and making good Bamboo Lane after installation. 2, The current inclusion of the canal in calculating the allowable number of units reduces the green space of the property Please insure that this meets code. 3 Current entry to Bamboo Lane is dangerous due to inadequate width, Provide __ _., _ pl,anfQ[ wi9~~~djn~llJ.de plan for uninterrupted phQ~~Ji!ervic~..sin.ce Hell South switch at Bamboo Lane island will need to be relooated. 4, Temporary landscaping and fencing during constnlCtion, 5 Provide private gates at Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens to prevent increased traffic on one-lane private roads, 6 Guest parking inadequate, 7 Elevations for Federal Highway West, North and South should be improved. 8, Backup fOf garage inadequate for large vehicles. 9 16' width inadequate for two-car garage, 10 Decorative light fixtures to be installed. 11 Contractor to address clean-up of neighboring pools and decks. Should development be approved, we, as residents, would like the opportunity to review and approve the construction schedule, i.e. consideration of site trailer, site facilities, dumpsters, working hotHS, clean-up plan and duration of construction. :iw:,,:~ opprecJj fl ,...os are _.Sled priono the """"dopment .pprov,l ~ ) ~ ~ 'cr and Denise Canova "FISH REALTY INC. FI NO, 1 561 738 7911 28 2001 07 44PM P1 SalefisJ, Realty Inc. Salefish Realty Inc. 532 East Ocean Ave Boynton Beach FL 33435 561-738-6613 Office 561-738-7911 Fax A ~(G~ll'W~~ I~II 2 9 ~GOf I,D " j -..,' L__ I ------__J /1-:;%- Of ;" /1 / 01 JIII...Jrjf) ':IIrifl/W.. : 1f./J-{JJ!c; s: ij Y//;/Ih- ~~ _EFISH REALTY INC. F NO. 1 561 738 7911 Nl 28 2001 07 44PM P2 _~h . ~efiSh Realty Inc. f-""---."A..-_.-A-__...A...__.A..__...._-_.......__......._.~-_.......__.....- -.......- .'\.--......-_--^... -.....-_-., _.......... _........ _^-.. - - - _......_---""'.__......~.__......- --"".-........ --......-- \Tovember 28,2001 'v1itchell Pasin )akota Lofts ;621 S Federal Highway 30yntonBeach, FL 33435 )ear Mr Pasin, Ve are in receipt of you correspondence found under our door today As I stated at the npromptu meeting held last Tuesday, November 20,2001, we are more than willing to work lith you toward the completion of your project. If you ask anyone in the City of Boynton, they {ill tell you I am one of the strongest proponents of smart growth in our city By working )gether, we can accomplish this goaL was my understanding that we would be receiving a fonnal document from an attorney spelling 'It very clearly what we were gettIng in exchange for our support of the zoning change and the 'oposed site plan, We were also told we would have the opportunity to present such :lcumentanon to our own attomies for review prior to signing, 'bile I recognize that your intent is to show a meeting of the minds prior to your attorney -awing up any formal documents, we are not comfortable with the vague nature of this letter here are still several other issues ofconcem that need to be addressed before you will have the :pport you seek. le most important aspect for my husband & I is our existing dock and water rights, The lcument you left for us says nothing of this being a permanent easement that would be msferable to a new buyer That bundle of rights surrounding use of the wa.tetway and the aintenance of our current dock and waterfront lifestyle are major concerns for very obvious asons. The solution proposed by Mack seemed fair & equitable but I do not see the same 19uage before me in your letter le second major concern is the increased traffic on our unpa.ved road, We would really like to ;cuss the idea of a privacy gate for Virginia Garden specifically prior to final approval. Weare o concemed about the landscape buffer that will protect our privacy upon final completion of : project, lve heard the statistics and been told this will decrease traffic, Based on first hand owledge, I disagree. Sun Wah only utilized the westernmost portion of the parking lot which t oveT half of the eastern section as extra privacy We recognize the need to compromise to see )wth & positive change but want to protect our children & pets from unnecessary traffic up & wn a dirt road, We chose Virginia Garden as our home because of the R I AA zoning which we t would protect us from the loss of privacy We have enjoyed the unique flavor & quirkiness _EFrSH REALTY INC. F, NO. 1 561 738 7911 Nt 28 2001 07 45PM P3 JUT our neighborhood, However; your plans could prove beneficial to the area if our issues can le resolved, We will be more than happy to review anything your attorney wishes to send to us, Please have 11m direct it to our mailbox at 1 Virgmia Garden DeIray Beach, PL 33483-6305. Jfyou would ike to discuss anything further with David & myself; please give us a courtesy call in advance and Ife would be happy to set up an appointment Our lives are very full and we like to be prepared "or visitors and together for any and all discussions pertaining to our home, You may reach me at he number found at the bottom of this page or via cell phone at 662-4012, IV e thank you for your anticipated cooperation in these matters and look forward to hearing from lour attorney in the very near future. Sincerely, ~. Kristen Conti c: Quintus Greene Mike Rumpf -- .-' :t61. 742 4281'1 2e-~~el 0&:%a PH KRI~TEN CON o' IWrota 1.0_ MJJ ..I'........ ...._~ ~.... PL >>as Ml'~""'U ._..t.~ Ncmmbcr 26,2001 n....... ~ Cclad 1 VqjAia 0IEdlla OIItav Bach. fL 310m OW IAvs & lCriItia, It _. p~ z:lIlllilIa with you lut...,.,;c Tho ~ pc.illu.".... dl~ ptrtallliq to your PfOI*tY, UllOa the D&lrora LodS Ippl'OValllfilJ,a~ plan bylilC City ofBoyntOll BeIdl. Dclmt& Lob will, IZlu ~ qreo \0: 1, Adddcoonocll/d_lll't$ totlluide otlts bailding-. 2, DUtJU 1.o'Jb ".0111")1 1ll8llf IlK' ~ 1Il aI10w it ~ imprcwe lII1d ~ lbc CIItnIDcC iDaJld .-ilia GIIOo Bamboo Lallelh>m PRenl HI&bwaY. 3. DtkoI& l.Dtb will ~ fClU . \lSe _llt~ 10 UIG the <:&D&I far iaps p;( ,-lIIld for)'Qllf boat docK. 4, Provide taar- and Ear- tbr your -a.-e ~ o.l<ota:Lctb Will 'AlIrf ClIn! will be made lY811ab~ if"a ~ "'ll'3IIClO way gate i, pill: in OIl Bamboo Lane ilUO lJ........ Loa.. ~ lip ~ ~ Nlow I'~e...':"ll ya.r ApPfovtllO.,.. can hroe our IlIlImey"ate _-" dDaJ_ VfIty Truly YautI, Mitcllllll.PuiJ> Appr'O'Rd; Parr. Nawa.bcr ----' 2001 'led ~ 4/fA' 1U/e P..1i51 -, . 100 ( w(vn 5~1e -Must hook I/!p ex~ pv(ftW wifu IAJdP lot 2 IS Not \0oo~ wr tt wA!ltP < VIRbl101A G~pQ)S j)I2IUS . _ V pJM D.-~J. iiJ'1't70~ III Xf (1 ;t1 i-vt 1t 2 [thO) G~ ~ Mlh~ ;to W -if: 2 -t<; T1rf v.J.r; ~ )ocM:i71 t5';Yl1Ju ~ (M Co I Z'>Y)\~ C' I ~ I3ttMBOO LittV F-:- > c;h;\M prof j 11\>>0 ~~ u-p ~ SfJJJ0? ~ r.e ~ lJYl ~ wUj (J ~ to ~c! l-1JitiA fY'atM ~?'Y1 &vnlwo ~ 1;u h~()1< A1> ib ~~1 WA-tet rf)~ ~ o-u 1IJui;td &y) fu f;1-Wl Waf,. prop'j fu ~~!J- ~(Ml ~ ~ /Ny tVeIU ~ ~rI, fu fi'efs ~J \)~Jpoo ~ rio-IJ If Wtw1.t H-z.o '5VuJt<.f ~ ~ ~ ~ /" ~"2..\ iP'ThI ~ ~ tHl ~ ------_.....------------------------------------------~- lJtt v.efet ~ "'CV1 d.F -it; ~ W do~ -fp r ~ , 11/28/2001 09 54 551-832-9583 ZELUCf~ INC JIH SZTUJ< PAGE 01 VI4 FJl.X q4~. (POeq November 20, 2001 City of Boynton Beach '-, Community Redevelopment Agency A"'fT]I.: hi 'C//~t..LE'" )/oyLA/l)j RE: Dakota Lofts Site Plan We are Boynton Beach residents who live immediately adjacent to the Sun Wah property Tbe following issues we would like addressed prior to approving the redevelopment: 1 Agreement for uninterrupted water and sewer service, 2, Agreement for existing docks to remain and access to JeW 3 Fence on property line to remairi or privacy wall to be erected_ 4 Southeast building to have decomtive elements on east elevation facing IeW 5 Revise building height to meet code. 6, Clearly indicate turo around for fire and emergency at SIE comer, The following issues affect all our neighbors and need to be addressed; Agreement for water service and making good Bamboo Lane after installation, The current inclusion oithe canal in calculating the allowable number of units reduceS the green space of the property Please insure that this meets code, Current entry to Bamboo Lane is dangerous due to inadequate width. Provide pIa.n for widening and include plan for uninterrupted phone service since Bell South switch at Bamboo Lane island will need to be relocat.ed, Temporary landscaping and fencing during construction. Provide privat/i) gates at Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens to prevent increased traffic on one-Jane private roads. Guest parking inadequate, Elevations for Federal Highway West, North and South should be improved, :Backup for garage inadequate for large vehicles, 16' width inadequate for two-car garage. Decorative light fiKtures to be i!1$talled, Contractor to address clean-up of neighboring pools and decks, 1 2. j -'--" 4. 5 6.. 7 8 9 10. 11. Should development be approved, we, as residents, would like the opportunity to review and approve the construction schedule, i,e, consideration of site trailer, site fllcilities, dumpsters, working hours, clean-up plan and duration of construction, We would appreciate if these issues are addressed prior to the redevelopment approval. ~--'~ cc: Dakota Lofts NOV-16-213131 17:113 FROM PT ONSULTANTS. INC. 229$ Corporate Blvd, N .W, [xecuti\l'e Court One Soit. 240 Bo.. Raton, FL 33431 r.l 561.998.0955 Fax 561.997.5721 .mail: hplcon@bell,outh,nel PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING i.AND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EViU.UA'rION . GO\1IiRJiIMENTAL . PERMI'M'lNG . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMIlNT . ENVIRONMENTAL TO 15617426259 P eV131 November 15, 2001 Via Fax: 561-742-6259 Mr, Dick Hucbon Mr. Eric Johnson City ofBoyntorl Beach Department of Development Planning and ZOning Division 100 East Bayman Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, F10ridl 33425.0310 RE: Dakota Lofts Dear Gentlemen, Please poatpoDe the land UIe-IUOning oftbi. proje<;t to the City Commission meeting in December, I understand that the site plan and rezoning nw81 be done simultaneously We are working with Utilities to resolve the issue of the wells and anticipate that all issues will be resolved in order to be on the December CRA meeting agenda. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please coDl8Ct me at 561.998.095S Sincady, H. P Tompkins, Jr. Principal-itl-cbarge TOTAL P 131 FACSIMILE L.lTY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Development City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax Planning & Zoning Division 10 Co fj'l)r? "TAte 72-F' H.P Tomkins /-J.,P IOMk/:lJc; 7.: R Ie. Le.oe .::::r <51vvts,,yl (\-S'-Df Olrtbtlt- LoF-t- CtYl~~/7DYtS. ot Mr/bV1f I f;1..); (561) 997-5721 fhv~ (c;,-i') 198'- 0956 Attached you will find the Dakota Loft's Conditions of Approval. Staff is recommending site pI approval, contingent upon approval of the concurrent rezoning I land use change, abandonmr request, subsequent platting, and the site plan's conditions of approval. Special attention should be given, in particular, to Fire's comment (#3) and Engineering's comments (#14) regarding emergency vehicle turn-around area, as they are both related to the same issue. The current site plan still does not satisfy this emergency-vehicle turn-around area requirement. It is highly recommended that you communicate with the Engineering Department on this matter before the public meeting. The project has other outstanding issues but this emergency vehicle turn-around area is of critical importance. Please do not forget to bring me the project's color rendering (photograph). If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the above referenced telephone number. If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260, Thank you, DEPARTMENT OF DEVE::LOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment October 12, 2001 Mr, H,P Tompkins 2295 Corporate Drive #240 Boca Raton, FL. 33431 Re: Dakota Lofts NWSP 01-010 Dear Mr Tompkins, The above referenced project received a 3rd TRC staff review on October 2,2001 The hourly rate plus benefits charged by staff for this review was $250,04 Please remit this amount to the Planning and Zoning Department. Make checks payable to the "City Of Boynton Beach" Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions, Sincerely, D~f~/Mt/ Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner CC: Michael W Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning LG/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\3rd review charge. doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd" P,O, Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.()310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01- 206 TO' TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshall Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist James Prestinari, Police Department H, David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning Barbara Meachum, Parks FROM. Michael W Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE. October 2, 200 I SUBJECT 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Dakota Lofts Location: 3010 South Federal Highway Agent: H.P Tompkins File No.-NWSP 01- DID Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'" review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Wednesday, October 3, 2001 1!h/fL--DI,v{? D(I/, tf" OD A-t1.o1. ~ CY'd~ /C(g/oj Q,'<( ~ /;JI? , MWR, sc S IPlanning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTSIDAKOTA LOFTSUrd Review Memo,doc --;~/ P p/V )Lo-4,L/L/ - 711CJ5. ,5'J- rJ_n Kimley.Hom -....J_U and Associates, Inc. ! Jl" _'~t'I~ 'l/I j / \ ["7<'"" /.-6 r ~- --' ~ ,--""-,,,,,,-'---'._"--"--"~-- T 1..-M26, ~ , fJ i AI.Nf Fe. D ):'~! ;' ,~ht1 n~ C "l . C v{)h(1J~r..,) L LaJ) ~ K (-.10/ 1?};iI-) . 4431 Embarcadero DrNe West Palm Beach, Florida 334()7 TEl 561 845 D665 FAX 561 863 8175 - 3( l / Ct-l~ S< ~, $'2- ';;I S-, 0 0 s:>,I'1 S'? ';"0 '510 ,D'-/ LI 2.. 00 .- S (" 11- $I ,Q t;D lo/..I Planninl! Memorandum: Forester I Environmentalist To: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner From: Kevin J Hallahan, Forester I Environmentalist Subject: Dakota Lofts NWSP 01-010 3rd Review Review time fee Date: October 2, 2001 Review time: 1 hour @ 35% benefits $27 ,25 per hour 9,54 $36,79 total cost Kjh File DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01- 206 TO' TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshall Kevin Hallahan, ForesterfEnvironmentalist James Prestinari, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning Barbara Meachum, Parks FROM, Michael W Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE. October 2, 200 I SUBJECT 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project, Dakota Lofts Location: 3010 South Federal Highway Agent: H.P Tompkins File No,-NWSP 01- DID Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'. review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Wednesday, October 3,2001 Nct:..W\ ;' l.Ua.NEe.. (J) 1 t+P~- 4- t~!9 MWR. sc S'\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA lOFTS\3rd Review Memo doc ~ ~ (lv, t.\ ~'3Cp ~ '-- ----- Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: /-- ~---.., ( Kelle~. David ___ "- Mon ay, 6ctober 08,2001 10:09 AM Coale, Sherie Galav, Lusia; Johnson, Eric: Kribs, Carol RE. 3rd review fees for Dakota Lofts Sherie. Please be advised that I had one (1) hour for review and meeting time on this project representing the Utilities Department; actual payroll rate is $32.19/hour Use whatever multiplier that is applicable for the overhead costs involved. Dave. ----Original Message---- From: Coale, Sherie Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 11 :03 AM To: Kelley, David; Large, Tim; Johnson, Eric Cc: Galav, Lusia Subject: 3rd review fees for Dakota Lofts I still need a confirmation of time & hourly rate calculation for the above referenced TRC meeting. Please send via e- mail or hard copy to either Lusia or me. The applicant is expecting a bill for the additional time. 1 Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Eric Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11 :08 AM Coale, Sherie FW' Review Rate-NWSP 01-010 Dakota Lofts Note Mr Kemmers fee for the 3rd reveiw. Thanks Eric Lee Johnson Planner -----Original Message--- From: Kemmer, Rodger Sent; Tuesday, October 02, 2001 10:37 AM To: Johnson, Eric Cc: Rumpf, Michael; Gale, Steven; Borden, Bob Subject: Review Rate,NWSP 01-010 Dakota Lofts In response to your Memo No. PZ 01-206, we are providing our hourly review rate of $ 35.00 with a $ 35,00 minimum. This is established by City Ordinance Section 9-19, Today's time was 1.5 hours. The totai accumulated time for the original review and previous meeting times that were cancelled is approximately 3 hours. -RK I,S;VS X. ~J'>// -~'1 SD >~ 1 Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Eric Friday, October 05,2001 1"47 PM Coale, Sherie RE. 3rd review fees for Dakota Lofts $36.04 total for 2 hours Eric Lee Johnson Planner ----Original Message-.-- From: Coale, Sherie Sent; Friday, October 05, 2001 11 :03 AM To: Kelley, David; Large, Tim; Johnson, Eric Cc: Galav Lusia Subject: 3rd review fees for Dakota Lofts I still need a confirmation of time & hourly rate calculation for the above referenced TRC meeting. Please send via e- mail or hard copy to either Lusia or me. The applicant is expecting a bill for the additional time. 1 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 01- 206 TO' TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshall Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist James Prestinari, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning Barbara Meachum, Parks FROM, Michael W Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE. October 2, 200 I SUBJECT 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Dakota Lofts Location: 3010 South Federal Highway Agent: H,P Tompkins File No.-NWSP 01- 010 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'. review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Wednesday, October 3, 200 I ~1 (x, A -- Ie _~" A "'" 1> 4 Z. c~_ t. (. I "'> h,- 1<- Zf, ~~ ') MWR. sc S:\Planning\SHAREDlINP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\3rd Review Memo.doc FACSIMILE CI'I (OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Development City Hall, West Wing 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax Planning & Zoning Division TO' COMPANY FROM: DA TE. RE. H.P Tomkins H p, Tomkins Eric Lee Johnson 10-24-01 NUMBER OF PAGES: (includina cov) Dakota Lofts drainaae reauirements and CRA meetina FAX. PHONE. (561) 997-5721 (561) 998-0955 1 On Friday, October 19, 2001, you submitted revised copies of several plans, including but not limited to architectural and landscape plans that were required in order for the above referenced project to proceed to the November 13th Community Redevelopment Agency meeting, Laurinda Logan from the Engineering Department has determined that the following comments still have not been addressed, 1. Comment # 29- Provide drainage plans and design data for site drainage as specified in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5. Show flow data geographically (flOW arrows). Indicate rim and invert elevations for all manholes and catch basins. Provide details for exfiltration trenches, catch basins, and manholes. Indicate by note that storm water will be contained on site (LOR, Chapter 23, Article II.F.); 2. Comment # 44- The roads on the north (Virginia Garden Drive) and south (Bamboo Lane) sides of the property are deficient with respect to right-of-way width and pavement width. Bamboo Lane will be required to be widened to 22 feet to meet minimum street pavement widths (LOR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.C). Virginia Garden Drive has previously been determined to remain a designate private drive and will therefore be exempted from any upgrades to the majority of the roadway. However a turn-around shall be provided at the north terminus of the roadway connecting Bamboo Lane and Virginia Garden Drive (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.D). Streets shall be designed in accordance with all applicable sections of the Code and LDR. The project has other outstanding issues but these are of critical importance, Comment #44 can be addressed at the CRA meeting, The Planning & Zoning Division, however, must receive revised drainage plans (which are acceptable to Engineering) that address Comment #29 no later than noon on Friday, October 26,2001 In the event we do not receive these revised plans, the project will be tabled until the December 2001 CRA meeting. Also, the abandonment project is postponed until Jose Alfaro determines it can proceed to the next level. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at the above referenced telephone number If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. SEP-25-2001 09: 24 FRn"1 HPT ONSULTANTS, INC. lZ9S Corporate Blvd, N.W. Executive Court One Suite 240 Boca Ralon, FL 334:U Tel S61.998.09S5 F.x 561.997.5131 ".iI: hplcon@bellsouULnet PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING I.AND DEVELOPMENT . Sl"rt EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMITIlI<G . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURIWICY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . ENVIRONMENTAL TO J<;'<;17426259 P 01/01 September 24, 2001 Via Fax: 561.742-6259 Ms, Sherie Coale City of Boynton Beadl Department of Development Planning and Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 3342S-03\ 0 RE: Dakota, Lofts Dear Ms, Coale, Pursuant to your memo, please postpone this item to the next available Technical Review Committee, We are trying to resolve all of the comments received to date and finish the architectural plans required for this submittal. I apologize for this request for postponement, but I would like to address all of the comments one time and not waste staffs time with more than one TRC meeting. If you have any questions or need any additional infonnation, please contact me at 561-998-0955 Sincerely, ~ir1 H. P Tompkins, Jr. """P'i.",""""" TOTAL P 01 ~,\"Yor- ~o ,~.tri~ t ~.rd: tVrO~1 '0 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Planning and Zoning Division . Building _ Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment September 19,2001 Mr H P Tompkins, Jr HPT Consultants, Inc. 2295 Corporate Boulevard, N,W Executive Court One-Suite 240 Boca Raton, FL 33431 RE: Dakota Lofts Dear Sir' Pursuant to your request for postponement of review by the Technical Review Committee of the above referenced project, the review has now been scheduled for Tuesday, September 25,2001 As a result of this postponement, your scheduled dates for hearing by the Community Redevelopment Agency and the City Commission are now November 13, 2001 and November 20, 2001, respectively In addition, since the site plan for the project will also be reviewed the master plan for the Planned Unit Development, the land use amendment/rezoning and abandonment applications for the property will be heard by the CRA and the City Commission on the same dates as the site plan. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 742-6260, Yours truly, ~il Dick Hudson, Senior Planner J:\5HRDA TA \Planning\$HARED\ WP\PROJECTS\DAKOT A lOFTS\LUAR\Reschedule Itr.dot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Phone (561) 742-6260 . Fax (561) 742-6259 . www.cLboynton-beach.fJ.us SEP-17-2001 18:49 FROM HPT k:ONSUL1l\NTS. INe 229S Corporate Blvd, N. W. 8.xecutiv~ Court One Suite 240 n""a Ralon, FL 33431 Tel 561,998-0955 Fax 561.991-5721 EtllaiI: hptcon@beU.outh.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . pEIWITTlNG . TP.AFFIC ANALYSTS '" CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANA.GRMENT . ENVlRONMENT^L TO 15617426259 P 01/01 September 17, 200 1 Via Fax: 561.742.6259 Ms. Sherie Coale City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Planning and Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE, Dakota Lofts Dear Ms, Coale, Pursuant to your memo of September 15, 2001 please postpone this item to the next available Technical Review ColDl11ittee. We are trying to resolve all of the COII1IIl4lIlU received to date and finish the architectural plans requiml for this submittal, I apologize for this request for postponement, but I would like to address all of the c:omments one timeand not waste staff's time with more than one TRC meeting. If you have any questions or need any additional infOl1lllltion, please contlWt me at 561-998-0955, Sincerely, 4~~ H, P Tomplcins, Jr Principal.in-clt81ge ( n r;; Ii "7 ~ rJ I D) r"'.----"'-, I ~ : ) UJ ~ '. 8 200~_J .., 1'- I.LI I .- r J TOTAL P 01 Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: H.P Tomkins fax #: (561) 997-5721 date: August 24, 2001 from: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner re: 1" REVIEW COMMENTS FOR Dakota Lofts site ulan - NWSP 01-010 Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps hsted below, and bring all documents to the TRC scheduled for September 11,2001 1 Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statementsl comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted); 2, Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments; ( i,e, traffic analysis, engineering certification, etc,) 3 Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans ( this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting );and 4 Submit reductions (8 Y, X 11) for the proposed site plans, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and public presentation), Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 The applicant should not attend a TRC (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff review If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled TRC meeting, contact Lusia Galav in this office by the Thursday prior to the scheduled meeting date, Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings, which are held every Tuesday To reschedule, contact Sherie Coale, by the Thursday prior to the Tuesday TRC meeting that you desire to attend, The remainder of the review schedule will be adjusted accordingly If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the respective reviewer using the attached list ofTRC representatives, If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed following TRC (2nd review), the project is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board Meeting that falls approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TRC meeting, An "*,, by any comment identifies a comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and Development board, Note: Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from the Palm Beach County drainage certification by a licensed engineer, signed "Rider to Site Plan Application" form and colored elevations of the proposed project. This information is necessary for the project to proceed, If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note, Engineering John Guidry H, David Kelley Jr 742-6488 742-6285 Building Don Johnson Timothy Large 742-6352 742-6357 Fire Department Steve Gale Bob Borden 742-6602 364-7382 Roger Kemmer 742-6753 742-6357 Police Department Marshall Gage Sgt. James Prestinari 737-3136 742-6185 Utilities John Guidry H, David Kelley Jr. 742-6488 742-6285 Public Works-General Larry Quirm Ken Hall 742-6283 742-6285 Public Works-Traffic Jeffery Livergood 742-6201 742-6211 Parks & Recreation John Wildner Barbara Meacham 742-6227 742-6233 F orester/Environmentalist Kevin Hallahan Kevin Hallahan 742-6267 742-6259 Plarming & Zoning Michael Rumpf, Lusia Galav 742-6262 742-6259 CHAIRMAN Revised 03/21/01 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDAT A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOT A LOFTSIlst Review comments FAX doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO PZ 00- TO' TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshall Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist James Prestinari, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering Lusia Galav, Planning & Zoning Barbara Meachum, Parks ~. Michael W Rump . Planning and Zoni lrel FROM. DATE, September 18,2001 RE. 3" Review- New Site Plan Project- Dakota Lofts Location, 3010 South Federal Highway Agent- H,P Tompkins File No,- NWSP 01-010 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3"' review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Wednesday, September 19, 2001 MWR, JS:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\3rd Review Memo.doc Department of Engineering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) b84-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell. Chairman Carol A. Roberts, Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman An Equal Opportunity 4JJirmative 4enon Employer @ printed on recycled paper --.. : r '---"7m ! r I i I, , i, :.,/ ;------ ,_c_. I!' II ;:"~I {I"I! I~! ~~PARTMENT OF Dr v, I , ~~~, '\ 1 I ______ r August 15, 2001 Mr Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 34425-0310 RE: Dakota Lofts TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr Rumpf' The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for this project, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code, This project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: Build-out Year" 3010 South Federal Highway Boynton Beach 11,500 SF High Turn-Over Sit,down Restaurant 19 MF Residential Dwelling Units Trip reduction 2002 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ;V). cc: HPT Consultants File: General, TPS, Mun - Traffic Study Review F'ITRAFFIClmalAdminlApprovals\010808.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Hili/dillK Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment August 10, 2001 Mr Masoud Atefi, MSCE, Sr Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works POBox 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re. Traffic Study' Dakota Lofts New Site Plan 01-010 Dear Mr Atefi: The enclosed letter dated July 30, 2001 from Mr H.R. Tompkins, Jr PE, HTP Consultants, Inc., was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed additional information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, and provide Timothy Large, Building Code Administrator, and I with your written response, If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260 Sincerely, dus-,.,tL~v !r Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWRlsc S.\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTSIDAKOTA lOFTSITRAFFIC MEMO.doc: America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd" P,O, Box 310 Boyntoo Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phooe: (561) 742,6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: Mr. Masoud Atefi, MSCE FAX: 561-684-4123 FROM: Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 8 DATE: August 10,2001 RE: Traffic Studies The following traffic studies are being forwarded to you for your review and consideration. If you have any questions regarding either study, please call me at (561) 742-6260. Thank you. If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you.