APPLICATION "< PROJECT NAME: ,~KOTA LOFTS LOCATION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY COMPUTER ID: I FILE NO.: NWSP 01-010 I TYPE OF APPLICATION:NEW SITE PLAN - TOWNHOMES AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: CHANS ENTERPRISES, INC. H. P. TOMPKINS PHONE: 561-732-3100 PHONE: 561-998-0955 FAX: FAX: 561-997-5721 ADDRESS: 3010 S. FEDERAL HWY. ADDRESS: 2295 CORPORATE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33435 #240 BOCA RATON, FL. 33431 Date of submittallProiected meetin!! dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 8/1/01 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 8/16/01 PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 9/11/01,9/18,9/25,10/02 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: NfA 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: NfA LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 11/13/01 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 11/20/01 COMMENTS: Cancelled for TRC x 3 S:IP]anningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIDAKOT A LOFTSINWSP 0] -0] 0200] PROJECT TRACKING lNFO"doc City Codes Accessed via City Home Page 'Nww.ci.bovnton-beach. fl. us www.amleQal.com/bovnton beach fl JITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORm PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid Receipt Number Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? YE.~ ,Date .,J....., Zoy" ~QCI This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted Vvith the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 Project -o"c.'K.C:::;\~ ~""'\='.? Name: 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): D.t>....c:.Tb '-=~ ,..1f l!>""1'04~ 1&et;>c:..\.l..... ~'-~. Address: 'Z.'l.<;:)~ c:.o~~ 'i!o'-...."". "'l4'S ~~....~, ~~""'I (Zip Code) Phone: St., - ~4:S . ~" I Fax: 3. Agent's Name (person, ifany, representing applicant): K. R\"",>\",PlC..\...:> ~,..:la.. Address: \4PT c..c:>t....)1::~"'....\~\"". \....~. '2...1.::::>'5' ~\Z.?c'\U>~ ~"C>. 1+ 'Z"q.:;:. ...""~ lU>\O" Ii". '?>~4~\ (Zip Code) Phone: 'SU\- ~:!)~.... C'bS.:s Fax: '5\c.\- "t)':!)'1- 57'2.\ 4 Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Address: ~~... Eii""'\E$~Pn.\::.E.~_ l......~. ?'O\e. ;c,.. FFnF".Di-...... W"'1' 'Pc.'1~-> -__~ 'P1- 3r.74'!.'$' (Zip Code) Phone. "S'\D\-I:3.'2..~\uc. Fax: 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below'* *This is the one address to which all agendas, letters and other materials wll be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises afected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) II. III. The following information must be filled out below and must appear, v.ktere applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1 2. 3. 4 , 7 Street address or location of site: '3 ~\~ ~. ~eD61Z..b,- 14\L.\'f, 8. Property Control #(PCN) be.. 4. '3> - <1.~ ~ C~- c::.0,- 0':::'1 - az. e.~ Legal description of site: ~E.E; r-.TT"~\.) et:> g. Intended use(s) of site: ....__~, ~. '..... \ '-e......~e..:. MU'-', \ - ....._.n '-'1 ,_'\4.1 10. Developer or Builder' CJ:::>~"",\"" ...""p...... .".,.. e..-j"'~ I!..e-c. ~"'", '-'-..... 11 12. 13. 14 15. 16. 17 Architect: W M. P"" &~ '\\-' Landscape Architect: \1PT c...b~_,-,\$""'\li>.l""~. Site Planner' \41"\ ~\.lo b......,"'"~... ,...... Engineer' \.-\\"" C:...=O'-'&.....~~. ,o,a.... , . Surveyor' 0 Q.lL\(..~,...!o.U\~-, (:, ~~ Traffic Engineer' \4P'T c.c>~"""'\.-T~_\""~' Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? ~.::. 18. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: .. 8,0"''',~.:> SITE DATA Land Use Cateaorv shown in the Comprehensive Plan Zonina District c.-,3, -I- ~\ -,,"~ Area of Site Z.C J;:::.c.. Land Use -- Acreaae Breakdown e,"'l. \l.c . sq. ft. acres a. Residential, including I. ':!>~ acres c.~ % of site surrounding lot area of grounds D' 0.14- -r.c % of site Recreation Areas *(IN"'O acres (excluding water area) o' 0.49 'Z.4. <'c.~,bL..) Water Area 't,c, e. '2. -r a&fe6 % of site Commercial D acres % of site Industrial D acres % of site Public/lnstitutional D acres % of site Public, Private and Canal rights-of-way 0 acres % of site Other (specify) C acres % of site Other (specify) D acres % of site b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Total area of site 1. . I:) acres' co:::. % of site -including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building C>.c:..cacres 2:,c % of site area ("building footprint") b. Water area bA~cres ~ 4. % of site c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 0.2."1 acres I'!.. S % of site d. Total impervious area \ .l>'5 acres c.. "T, 'S. % of site e. Landscaped area C,I!Pd.. acres 2o'S.S % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). f. Other landscaped areas,...Q... acres % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas D acres % of site h. Total pervious areas ~ acres 2.:5. s;: % of site i. Total area of site f.. 'D acres \ O~ % of site 6. Floor Area c.Cl:>, ::!.CO .. a. Residential sq. ft.- b. Commercial/Office C sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse C sq. ft. d. Recreational D sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional D sq. ft. f. Other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area sq. ft. 7 Number of Residential Dwellinq Units a. Single-family detached ~/~ sq. ft. b. Duplex ~/b sq. ft. c. Multi-Family (3 + attavlled dv.elling units) (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom \ c;, dwelling units d. Total multi-family \ ~ dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units \ ~ 8. Gross Density ~. 5 dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum heiQht of structures on site feet 3 stories 10. Required off-street DarkinQ a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces '2. PeL ~~'T b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 2.. c:..L:>11... Go I"< b.c;.. e PtL.:N 'oeo ?~ ....::.~'T Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to re\iew this project. III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted hereWth become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showngs in any papers or plans submitted herewth are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions b w. s;goot"';;:O~) ""Ie.;', 11 "r Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. ""~c.. ~1::.G.~'t Date 1- 3c _c \ IV AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature 0 \-\.p.~I'^P~~.~ Date 1. 300 -.::>1 (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. M~, ~bc..\!.y Date 1.30 -0;.::.\ or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received Technical Review Committee Planning & Development Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TRC, P&D AND CC MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted wth this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or emplo~d by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staf or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance wth the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in Ioiolation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as proloided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. . READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this So C day of ~ '"I ' 200\ _\-\.'P.\'DM{>\L''''>''' ~t;> . Witness \ - "' C . K ~"~-> Witness ( Applicant OP""av"" ...-~.:. 0\ ~'1~"" ~",......, u..<.. / -~------ ..-/! / L- ,. /~ V~ GoV........) // / I v 1'oI/;:"(,,. ~'B'( NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS OR PERMITS Please be advised that all applications for the following land development orders and permits 'IItlich are submitted on or after June 1, 1990 Vvill be subject to the Cilj's Concurrency Management Ordinance, and cannot be approved unless public facilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid waste, recreation, park, and road facilities) would be available to serve the project. consistent Vvith the levels of service which are adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan: Building permit applications for the construction of improvements which, in and by themselves, would create demand for public facilities. Applications for site plan approval. Applications for conditional use approval. Applications for subdivision master plan approval. Applications for preliminary plat approval. Applications for final plat approval. Applications for rezoning to planned zoning districts. Applications for revisions to any of the applications listed above, which would increase the demand for any public facility Any other application which, in and by itself, would establish the density or intensity of use of land, or a maximum density or intensity of use of land. · Applications for development orders and permits submitted aler February 1, 1 990 and which generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day, must comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Perfonmance Standards Ordinance. unless exempt from that ordinance. . Please be advised, however, that the following applications will be exempt from the Concurrency Management Ordinance, pending final approval of this ordinance by the City Commission: Ar, Applications for the development of property which was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and either the final plat or the preliminary plat and Palm Beach County Health Department permit applications '-\ere submitted or approved prior to June 1, 1990, and the use ofthe property is consistent with the general use which was intended for the property at the time of platting. Applications for the development of property which was platted prior to January 13, 1 978, the area of the platted lots does not elCeed 2 acres, and the proposed use 'AOuld not generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day. Applications for building permit, if a site plan or conditional use application \i\8S submitted prior to June 1, 1990 and subsequently approved and the site plan or conditional use has not e~ired. Applications for the development of property within an approved Development of Regional Impact, and which are consistent Vvith the approved DRI. Applications for approval of final plats, if the preliminaryylat a~d application for Palm Beach county Health Department permits Dr utilities have been submitted prior to June 1, 1990. Applications for revisions to previously approved development orders or permits, \IJ1ich do not increase the demand for any public facility .~.,~~~ ----- 2, A colored elevation drawing (not mounted) showing all elevations of the building. (This submittal can be waived by the Planning and Zoning Director v.hen not applicable.) E, Tabular Summary ContaininQ: 1. Total gross project area by acreage and square footage and net buildable land area in acres and square feet. 2, Total number of proposed residential units, including characteristics bynumber of bedrooms and bathrooms and gross square botage of each typical unit. 3, Proposed nonresidential floor type of use and total gross square Dotage, 4, Square footage and percentage distribution of the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular use areas, other pa\ed areas, and building coverage and total coverage. 5, Number and ratio of required and provided off-street parking spaces and number of loading spaces. 6. Water bodies in acres and square ~et. 7. Height of buildings. F, DrainaQe plan: 1 A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site de\elopl11ent plan) showing elevations, flow arrows, proposed drainage structures, proposed treatment Bcilities, etc. 2, An engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 ofthese Land Development Regulations. Revised 6/28/01 J:ISHROATAIPlanningISHAREo\W'IFORMSIAPPLlCATICNSINWSPIRevised Sile Plan wth Pre-application date.doc Oct-OI-OI 02:39P PoOl ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 NOl1h Power/lne Rd. . SuilB G-1 4351 okeechobee Blvd. . SuilB A-S Pompano Beach, FL 33073 West Palm Beach. FL 33409 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) . Dade (306) 947-4768 (800) 329.7545 (SOIL) . (407) 471-8220 FACIMILE #954.971.8872 ESTABUSHED 1981 October 01, 2001 roJ ~ ~ ~ ~ \3 ~ ~I WilE! I 9l1lll~ ,. .~_." - --.--..1 Report of EngIneering Evaluation For L.J.W Buileflllg Group Inc., P,ojecf Proposed Towllhomes Locatioll 3010 SOUl/I Foderal Highway Boyntoll BeacH, Florida GOIlt/omon: .i As por your roquost EastCoast Testing & EngineerJng, Inc. perlormerJ 'lie st.1ndarrf penetration borillgs at tllo above location on September 15 thru September 17 2001 We aro horolll submlttlllg tho ,osulls o( our (Indillgs. A review of our /loring logs shows that beneath the surface the upper olle to two (eet o( subsoils are comprised of (ille and medium grained sands, some li",erock, sllell and asp/laftic cOllcrete. Underlying this surface I..yer were layers of very loose fine grained sands (rom +/- (eet below grade. Be/ow this zone our borings ellcoulltered muJtifarious layers of tine grained sands, organic sands) organic sfaitlC!d sands and s(')m~ root at varying thickllesses alld depl/ls (rom +/-3.0-7.0 feet below t/le existillg surface grade elevatioll. Below tllose quostionable subsoils were stratums of loose to dellse lille grained sands, organic stained sands, /lmerock (ragmellts, some sllells alld fillle /loII.plastic silts acting .15 !>oilmor/ifiers (rom +/-7.0' 21 0 feet below grade. The sane/-limel'ock (ormation oxtonder! past the terminal depth of ollr borings which were twenty-olio feet m,1X/mum penetration. III Oldor to prepare the site to SlIppOrt construcl/on designed for an al/owablo soil bearing capacity o( 2500 pst, we recommend tile fol/owing procedures be Implemonl"d 1 Perform a test pit i/lvestigation in ralldom aleas tllIollg/IOUr the proposed (oulldation area utilizing a backlJoe sufficient to explore 10 a minimum depth of 8.0 ("et below (ho oxisting surfflce grade. An inspector from lJ,is offico shall witness OJe lest pit operation to viSII3/1y classify, record and collect any unsuitable substratum, debris, orgallic, etc., that may exist. Shall deleteriolls materials /.)0 plosonl beiow the building foundation tlley shalf be removed alld replaced will, a clean cohesionless sand and dellsifiad accordingly TI,e site shalf then be clearad and grubbed ro a minimum deptlJ o( 3.0 fool within tI,e buildi/lY pad plus an extended perimeter of (ive feet beyond any proposed W,1/1 footing or (oundation elomo1lt. The stabilization process s!,all be witnessed and/nspected by this office, Care should b.. taken so as to Insure the complete removal of any deleterious matorllJfs encoulltered includillg organics, constructioll debris, topsoil, root mats. silts, clays muck, etc.,. 2). OncQ this has been accomplished compact (he bottom of th~ excavaterl ~,.,~a with twellty, (20) ovorlapping passes of a la/ge vihratory rol/er, (CA-25S or lalger) orJlil the boNolII 2 feet of tile OXC8vstlon have been compacted in excess of 98% of tllo matorl<1f's modiflr!d maximum dry dOllslly as per AASHTO T-180. Each pass of tile roller should ovorlap tllo precedillg pass by aile ',all of tllo width o( Ii'e vibmtory dmm. Maximum speelJ o( 1/.0 roller sllould be 2 (t.lsecolld. For optimum compaction efficiellcy we recommelld tllat tile salls be wit/rill .../~2% or optimum moisture a( tire time of densilicatioll. Due to U,o cxistcnco of B hly}) groufld water rabie, sump pumps, weN points or other de-watering devices shall bo utilized to acMove optimum consolidation o( fl,e loose subsoils ellco(lIItered. rUIU~SHOI.ClISPECIAL INSPE.CTIONS SOIL BORINGS ce.RTfF/CA TIONOEHSITY .ASPHALT CONCRETE SEmfMEHTfNVESTTOATlONS ANAl rTlr:A/ ,. F.NIIJRO/llMt:NTAL rEStfNG LASOR.. TORY OCT-81-2881 16 41 --".~-----_._.._-- 97;-: P 01 Oct-OI-OI OZ:40P ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. SERVING SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1981 1-800-329-7645 - .SOIL. Page #2. Lab #214941 3. Ollce lhis has boon accomplished and verilied by Ollr O((/CO II.e propos ed building pad(s) may be brougllt to consrructioll grade Illilizill9 clean granular fill. The fll/ may be placed In liflS /101 10 exceed Iwelve inches /n compacled Ihichness. Each /if I sho/lld be compacled 10 a minimum densily 0/98% of I/le malerlal's modified procCor dcnsity as per AASNTO T-180. Clean gra/lular fill shall be conslrued 10 me"n granularnralerial conlaining 110 mOle Ihan 5% by weiglll organic and Clayey malter and no man-made debris. It ..I,all be free of roors, fiber, branclles, loaves. and sl,oClld nol conla;n any rocA olld gravel larger (I,.." 3 inc"es or 50% of /lIe compacled layar Ihickness. 4. Suitable maleriols may be slockpiled all/,e sile 10 be reused aftor approval by the Engineer Following and during I"e clearing and de-mucking slage Iho area s"al1 be witnessed by an inspeclor (rom tills laboralory for approval prior 10 selecllve backlilling. tfJLvi.lH:Pli.on ;;l!i!11. l.a~_I'. pl~.r;"e in IhJ1. vlell.i/v 9Lany e,!!~lialbsJul!'lllJ.e as IlJislJ1,;Jy,.n.us_8_ 10C.fl.1I1.g-'l.dall!i~ge tq(!!lM/!.I(.!'xiliiti,.g ~tr.y.f1.11!.~ The above operations shall be wilnessod alld verlfiod by an inspeclor from III;s laboratory Tile excavaled surface and each 12" loose lill of impo,/ad fill material witllln tI'e fooling and .<Iab arcas shall be lesled 10 witMn 98% o( the soils modifiod maximllm dry densily as per AASHTO DESIGNA nON T 180 Inspocled by tI,is laboralory ;lIId vorified wi!h field densily-moislure reialions/rips. FOOling embedment sllall be of sufficient deplfl balow I/,e adjacenl grade so as to comply Will' all local and area bui/ding codes. Minimum fooling wIdths of 18" and 36" are recommended for continuous wall footings and individual column p.1ds respectfully, altllOugl> Ihey may not develop Ihe (ull allowable bea,'ng pressures. For purposes o( this report we have anticipated IIlat 11.0 proposed bollom 01 footing elovation will be similar 10 tl,a efev,1tiofl 01 the site at tile time of our investigation. Foulldalioll elemenls may be deslgnad as isolaled (ootings or as ,1 mOllolitllie type of foundation/slab system, as long es ample consideratioll Is gIven 10 1/10 increased sllear stresses InhorSllt in mo"olithk systems at tile slab to (ooting interlace. Tile natural ground water table was discovered 10 exist at an elevation of 1.5'-4.0 foel below /I,e exisling natural ground surface at tI,e time of our borings. HELICAL PIERS, PIN PILES OR AUGERCAST PILING ALTERNATIVE , All alternative to the aforementioned "test pit", excavation and delJsificalioll operatIons would be 10 support I/Ie proposed stf<JcllJre(s) wilh a deep foundation system 01 helical piars, pin plies or augercast pi/mg. rhe design of tile piers or pi" pi/os shall be left up to tile speciality contraclor wiC/. respect 10 deptl> and load bearing capacily If .1n augcrcast pU;ng alternative ;s chosen wo will bo happy to assist you in tile design O)(al implementation of this systen" At this time tIle structural design load requirements lor tlla proposed towl1homes have not been turn/sheel OCT-01-2001 16:42 9?;': P_OZ P 02 oct-Ol-Ol 02:40P 1-'.0.;\ ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. SERVING SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1981 1-800-329-7645 - 'SOll" Page #3. lab #214941 Tire Standard Penetration Test ASTM 0-1586 Tile Standard Penetration Test ;s tI,e most commonly employed tool utHired 10 identify In-situ subsu,1ace soil conditions. Tile "N" values obtained from ti,e boring p,ovide an aCCllrato ostimatJon of ;nternal soU characteristics such as relative density, ;nterna' shear strength, ongle olintemal/ricCion, and the approximate range of tl,e soil's emit weiglJl. These "N" values represent /lIe lesistance of a 2 incl. diameter spill spoon sampler driven by a 140 pound hammer free failing 30 inches. Each drive of the 24 Inclllong split spoon is divided into four six incll increments. TI,e second and third increments are tot,1led to produce the "N" value fOlmd on your report. nle Standard Penetration Test also allows for IlIe rE>cove,>, of soil samples W/!ic/I are retumed to our laboratory and visually examined and classified. nle SPT samplos are available for labolatory testing If requested. Samples are generally held for 90 d3YS unless otlle/Wise directed by the client. An approximate ground water tabre rs obtainod Irom the borehole UpOll completion of the drilling procedures. This watel table is uselul in the general ovaluation of particular soil conditions, and may give the contractor some insight into what can be anf;cipMed riming construction. Il should be noted tll<ltthe ground w~ter level will lIucluate scasollally This level "MY also be af/octed by local drawdowns, soil conditions, and the waterslleds cOllfribution to the IInderlying aquifer If sltould not be constwed to be a measllre ollhe ..oils permoability, or of tI,e dewatering characteristics 01 tile sile. Although the standard penetratlolllost is 0110 of tllC most reliable methods used to idelltify soil c/laracteristics alld types, it may only represent a small fractioll of lito matefials acfually deposited at UJe site. As is common industry practice. we I,ave assumod D IIlliformity of profile between borings to prOVide a subsoil prolile for eng,neerlng p"rl'os"s. This profile is strictly based on Ihe dala obtained from the borillgs, and if unusual or varying conditiolls aro found wo sl,ould be notified immcdiately A test is expressly representativE> of the immediatelocalioll tested, alld the reliability of Iho conclusions art' II dlroct result 01 file quantity of tests performed. AllY var/at/oll rn location may reveal similarly some changes In ",e depth, Ihickness, texture, and conditions of the stratum encoullle,ed Unle~s specifically slated othelWise, and specifically directed and prearranged by the client, all elevations art' taken witl, fospocl to the oxlsting groulld surface a/ tile limo of testing. Boring toc~tlOIlS are usually obtaJnotJ In tho fJGld by pacing off distanc9S 311d approximating right angles (0 landmarks c"lnd property corners. More preCise locations may be obtDlned from on site surveys and placemem of tile boring locations by a land Su,veyor, Registered in the State of Florida. These services are provided at additional costs and ale beyond tile scope 01 this repo/t. OCT-01-2001 16:42 97;: P 03 Oc't-Ol-Ol 02:40P ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. SERVING SOUTH FLORIDA SINCE 1981 1-800-329-7645. .SOIL. Page #4. Lab #214941 TIle data presented I,erein was obtailled for llle spec/fic purposos stated ill tMs report, "rid s"ould IlOt be misconstrued to apply to any other circunlslsllco. project, or allcillary use, unless so specified and adrJressod by tile engineer of record, Thallk you for IIsfllg f:ASTCOAST Tf:STfNG AND f:NGINf:f:RING, Inc., for yo III' geotec/mical needs. Should you Ileed furtller "ssislance witll III Is or any olller projacl. please contact this off/co. Respoctfully Submitted; f:ASTCOAST TESTING &. ENGINEERING, INC. D. Mark Le SI.,nc. V.P.. PE State of Florid" #35683 Special IllSI'. No. 1177 Craig S. 5ml/ll, Presidolll J'\r1.ltalwpcfuc ~1~pl\2 t 494 t. c s OCT-01-2001 16:42 97% .....04 P 04 OC~-01-01 OZ:41P P.ut> ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerline Rd. Sult& G~1 Pompano Beach, FJoridll 33073 Broworrl (954) 972.7645 (SOIL) . Dodo (305) 947.4768. FAX (954).971-8812 4361 Okeechobee Blvd_. Sulfa A-S West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL) . (561) 471.8220 LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941A1 OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMB 1 CLIENT L. J. W BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER fl' PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' PROJECT LOCATION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S.R. BORING LOCA nON APPROX 30' N & 30' W OF SE PROPERTY CORNER DRILL RIG#: 250 GROUND WA TER: 1.5' DATE: 09/1712001 Elev' EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: a.l.G: BELOW EXISrlNG GRADE ~OCNJONSARf .vPRO)( UNUS' STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICATlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 NV""" 1 1 Asphaltic concrete and gray fine grained sand, little debris , 2 2 Gray fine grained sand J 3 J 4 J 6 5 6 J Brownish gray fine gfa/lled s:JIId 10 7 1 8 12 $ 9 J 10 J 11 12 , 13 4 Brown fine grained sand, limefoek alld little CJo1YCOY sand " 14 5 Gray fi,,~ graltled satld, IIrr/e crushed limerock and shell fragments 26 HI 15 J 16 1 TANOARD PE.NETRAT~.o~ !.E.~J.I}{}p.!~G: ~ BL.OWS PER FOOrON 2- 0.0. SAMPLER IMTf-I1AO LS. HAMMER FALLING 30~ SOIL INVESTIGA TION AND SAMPLiNG BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S, T.M. D 1452/STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM 01686. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. OESIGNATION D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC" CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK Le BLANC, V.P, P,E., FLORIDA REGISTRA nON #35683 IHE INTENr OF !HIS REPDRr IS NOT FDR ENVIRDNMENrAL PURPOSES UNlESS SPECIFIED, AUTHORIZATION ,.OR PUBLICATION 01 STATEMENT$ CONClUSIONS CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING TIi'S OR ANY OTHER r,sr "'PDRI BY IHIS FIRM {Elf! IS STRleny PROHI81TEO UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS.f.!l.Q.y'JQfJ:L AND APPROVEO lIY EASTCOA5T TESTING & ENGINEERING me OCT-01-2001 16:43 97" P 05 OC~-OI-01 02:41P P.Ob ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North powedine Rd. Suite G.1 Pompano Beach. Florida 33073 Broward (954) 972.7645 (SOIL). Dade (305) 947.4768. FA)( (954).971.8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. - Slllle A-S West Palm Belich, Florida 33409 (800) 329-764S (SOIL). (561) 471.8220 IYlJ' ":;':i!:;,!':;:'[~I;:!i:""~!'!!i!!iliilii~jliji,ii:'J~!@;t!;j11!r;!!i!i!'!~~!!!!~!I:j:[~i~!lllililfl~liIWlIlll.lilillf!jl~i,"!!rrm'!1!;:J;':,':~i!j[if~~!~f:;:iil[i[~I:!~iW(~iir~~l (;VU' L~: Y<n: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941A2 OFFICE FAX#' 954-971-8872 BORING N 1 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #. PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' HE PROJECT LOCA nON: 3010 S. FEDERAL H(GHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: -sR. BORING LOCA TlON APPROX 30' N & 30' WOF SE PROPERTY CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-25D GROUND WA TER: 1.5' DATE: 09/17/2001 Elev' EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: a.E.G: aELOW EXISTING GRADE IOCAnONS "R~ APPRO/t UNLfSJ "..KED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 2 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlON/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VAUJES 17 6 Gray fln~ gr3;ncd sand. trace of "rushed Ii",~rock (Jnd shell fragments II , 18 " , . 19 , , 20 " , , BORING TERMINA TED A no' STANDARO PENETRA TlON TEST BORJNG: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" 0,0. SAMPJ.ER WITH HOLfJ, HAMMER FALLING 30. SOIL INVESTIGA TION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS; AS. T.M. D 1452/STANOARO PENETRATION TEST:ASTM 01586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNATION 0-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER, ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. , RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK Le BLANC, V.P P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA TlON #35683 THE INTENT Of THIS ~EPO~T /5 NOT fO~ ENV/~ONMENTAt PURPOSES UNLESS SPECifiED. AUTHORIZATION FOR. PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS CONCLUSIONS CERTIFICATIONS at EXTRACTS R.EGARDING THIS OR ANY orHER TEn REPo~r 8Y THIS fiRM (Em,S STRICTlY PROHIBITEO U",LESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED AND APPROVED BY EASTCOAST rESTING & ENGINEERING me. OCJ~~:::20Ql_ 15: 44 97~; P 06 Oct-OI-OI OZ:4IP P~07 ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC_ 4100 Nort.h Powerline Rd. . Suite G-1 Pompano Beilch. FJorld~ 33073 B'oward (954) 972.7645 (SOil). Dade (305) 947.4768 . FAX (954).971.8872 4361 Ok88chobee Blvd. - Suite A-5 W(!st PiI/m Beach, 1=ltJrldOJ 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOil) - (561) 471-8220 f~, /~111 i:ir""',"",',".rl'llnIHfi!l-"""~'Il00IN~""O<''';'''-''''lit" "-'-"""'""II'$J'SliiiM" I ..., , "i~'~~~~:~~}L:?,:,:!::,:::'!)il;!~'~:iT]!t :, W',::::;:fv:t::}~:'i:i1~:,~~J!ZI~~lll~ff;:~: ''''''!''il'(''''i~ii>' jj&:f,"""'lll'I"" I:, r !It'''''''''''''''>~ll ., "I ~ .". T . , ' ",,,,,c""IIM,IIII,IIIiI~' ",.I"i',),..h""'."""J'Ii"'h~""1rij' i. .."C'.' iiF.:"i.'i;;'!nt,!:\i!!(::..I,." '''''II" "~!:illr"~iii)lU: ,!.',: i:':"::"'''r.:'STI;"i~.[;:llL-." :.:,!",.;~-"."" ". !., ,," ! " i,' i ..',1 ~. ',,' .., "-,..,,,-,'..:;.,.... ,J\I\Jlll,,,I~ ,....,.":,,,., "1,11.\.II,~)!it~,,,,,,.lf' _..::.....,'",'. . , ,'." ,__, ,', " ii. .Y, ,"~'..", "::, , . .,~l~:~.;,~~i)._ .~::l~': i'~g.;.~j::::;(:';:j:.i.t-t-;:/:',~:i~f,il:"),, '!!::.,~,~{.~,!;:" !1::~::~;iii:ji:~il ICVU' C.O.D.: POll: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941B1 OFFICE FAX'll: 954-971-8872 BORING N 2 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #. PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' H.E. PROJECT LOCA TION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S.R. BORING LOCA nON APPROX 125' W & 30' N OF SE PROP COR N OF INLET DRILL RIG'll: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 2.5' DATE: 09/17/2001 Elev' EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING. SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: a.E.G; SHOW EXISTING GRAOi lo~rrClN~ "'F "f'f'140X UNtnS sr"KEC DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER; 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEEr NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA T10NIAASHTO M1451ASTMD2487 N VALUES 1 1 Tallish fine medium grained sand. some IimerocKl3spl!31t . J 2 2 Brow/t/sh gray flflf1 grained sand, little organic staine-d sand 7 . J J . J 4 5 , , , 3 BraWl! fino grained sand. some organic stained $ind , , 6 " , , 7 , , 8 4 T,Jn fine grained undo some limerock. lit/le clJyey sand {non-plastic} " " " 9 " , 10 12 ,. " 11 ,. , 12 " , . 13 5 Pele brown fine grained sand, trace of limerock . 4 14 " " " IS , " 16 <l " " STANDARO PENETRA nON TEST BORING: 8LOlNS' PER FOOT ON 2,' 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 1.0 L.B. HAMMER FALLING 30. SOil JNVESTIGA nON AND SAMPW"G BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T.M. D 14521STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM 01586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS. T.M. DESIGNATION D:1}'!~ THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WIll BE STORED IN OUR LABOR4 TORY FA CILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER, ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUAlL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. " RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK Le BLANC, V P P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA nON #35683 7HE IN7EN7 O~ THIS REPORr IS N07 fOR ENVIRONMENTAl PURPOSES UNLESS SPEC/~IED. AUTHOlflZATlON lOR PU811CATJON OF STATEMENtS CONCLUSIONS CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST flEPORT 4Y TH'S FIRM fETE"S SrilDiY PiOUJSITED UNLESS WRITTEN AurHOllrZATfON IS P~OV'DED AND A",.<<OVED BY EASTCOA3T TESTING & ENGINEERING INC. ---.OC.I",:,,:V'!1-"VlP!1 _.16i..M g'7::-~ P.07 Oct-Ol.-Ol. 02:42P fJ_Ol:l ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerlifle Rd. - Suite G-1 pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Brow.'" (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954).971-8872 4361 OJteechDb.. Blvd. Suile A-5 Wesl Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL). (561) 471-8220 LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941B2 OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER 2 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT: PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF HE PROJECT LOCA TION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: .R. BORING LOCA TlON APPROX 125' W & 30' N OF SE PROP COR N OF INLET DRILL RIG#: . 5 GROUND WA TER: 2.5' DATE: 09/17/2001 E/ev: EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: '.E.G: BELOW EXISTING GOAOE ,oC""?~!.A"AmO' """'''''''0 DcPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER' PAGE NUMBER: 2 BLOWS ON SPT FEeT NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASS/FICATION/AASHTOM145/ASTMD2487 "VAL"E' 17 6 Tan fine medium grained sand, ilfld I/merocl< fragments j~ 11 18 22 /1 12 19 10 J4 20 1J4. 100. BORING TcRMINATED AT 19.5' (REFUSAL) STANt:)ARDPENETRATJDN TEST BORING: SLOWS PER f!OOrOM 2- O.D SAMPLER WIT: 140 l8. HAMMER FALLlN(; .)D- .........~ .... ... SOIL ,,,vEST/GATION AND SAMPLING BY AUGcR BORINGS: A.S. T.M. 0 lA521STANDARD PENETRA T/ON TEST:ASTM 01565. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TION D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VlSUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGlI OF THE STRUCTURE. , RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC_, MARK Le BLANC, V P P.E, FLORIDA REGISTRATION #35683 THE INTENt OF nHS AE"ORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORiZATION FOR PU811CATlON OF ST4rEMENTS CONClUSIONS CERTIFICATIONS OR EXrUCTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORr BY THIS FIRM (Em,S STRICTlY pROHIBITED UNLESS WRIlTEN AUTHORIZATION is PROVIDED AND APPROVED 8Y EASrCOAST TESTING &, ENGINEEfUNG INC CRAIG S_ SMITH, PRESIDENT ~c.T:-01:-2001._~_~5 97;; P 08 OC't-Ol-0l QZ;4ZP ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerfine Rd. ~ Suite G~1 Pompano Be.2ch, FlorIda 33073 Broward (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - D.d. (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-911-8872 p_u~ 4361 Ok~chobee Blvd. - Suite A.5 West Plf/m Such. Florid. 33409 (800) 329.7645 (SOIL). (561) 471-8220 1981 . ..i;,: :::.:: ",", .,;:':: :::", r ""::iF':':"f'ilinil'~'i' ;::'ll;; 1)lll\ jl;,"'''':J'I,.j~,,_,,-;,~:~~:.:~,,1-~;;i:':'it';I:CI''''':''. """'"''''''~'-'j:;QJ'''''''''''":'''~1''-''''''''''''' ._'''~ , ",-, :.:'1',,'(",'! ":"ii:I!I:(ll\:r:~~~:~~~~;1f 1'!::!':~(~:lli'!l(::r!!;1'ij'i~l!~Wii(Irif~~::'!fi~;~~1j~~:~~i~f. '''i'(iii''lIiliillli'li~'',''I€'' I, "i" ...,....,""',.,""',.".'.Sil!iS;!JI!l11l . ;I" ~,;~~:~':W~:~-~::,;,::h-,jL;~~;;i}i:';;~T::,,~", n:.!il~~~:":::;;}j::;";:r:;t:;.,~::S:'~ii';;t':;tt';wrlt!::;r.~:~~'~:_.~ ~. '. . ",;) '.,i:'.' \,,,i:. <, \: ::L..:" .,;:-,..,~. ",,"t.~,,' :'i' evo: <::lY.IY.: POll: LABORATORY NUMBER, 214941C1 OFFICE FAX#: 954-971-8872 BORING-NUMBER 3 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' H.E. PROJECT LOCATION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HJGHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRfLLER: S.R. BORfNG LOCA TION APPROX 40' S & 30'E OF NW PROPERTY CORNER DRILL RIG#' F.250 GROUND WATER: 2.5' DATE: 09/17/2001 Elev' EX(STlNG PARKING LOT CASfNG: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GfVEN UNlESS NOTED: '.f.G; 'flOW EXISTING GkA/>E IOCATION5 ...IlE "''',UXt UNlESS STAKED DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 SLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSfFICA TIONIAASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 N VALVES 1 1 Gfay fine medium grained sana. little aSJ'halt debris , , 2 2 Browllls#) gray flne 1JJ(ldlum grained sBnd J I , 3 I 1 4 J Dllfl< brown fine medium grained sand, JiUJe silt, reot amI organics [~/- 6Y-I , , f 5 I . 8 I I f 7 4 Gray;sh brown rine grained sand 1 f 8 . , , 9 , 1 10 5 Brown;sh 9rclY fine grained ~and , I I 11 . , 12 , . . 13 I , 14 1 , , 15 I , 16 . 1 , STANOARO PENETRA TIOH TEST BORfNG: BLOWS PER FOOT ON ,. 0.0. SAMPLER WlTN 1.4QLB. HAMMER FALLING 30. SOIL INVESTIGA nON AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T.M. 0 14521STANOARO PENETRATION TEST:ASTM D1586, THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TION D.1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS A T THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALLY INSPECT ~AMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. " RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK La BLANC, V.P P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA nON #35683 THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOri' ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNlESS SPECifiED. AlIrf/ORlZATlON FOR PUll/CAr/ON OF JrATEMENTS CONCWSIONS CERTIFICATIONS OR ExrRACTS REGARO/NG THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORT IV THIS FIRM (HEllS STRICTlY PROHIBITED lIN1ESS WRITfEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED M'p'1 APPROVED BY EASTCOASTTEST/NG & ENGINEERING 1Ne. OCT-01-2001 16 45 97;.; P 09 Oct-OI-OI OZ:43P ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. P.10 4100 Not1h Powarline Rd. Suite G-1 Pompuno Beach, FlorIdtJ 33073 Brow"," (9S4) 972 7645 (SOIL). Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954).971.8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. . Suite A-S West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (800) 32!1-7645 (SOIL) . (561) 471-B220 'I .....;!.'..",";!!!'I'i'~~i!"... "!""""I'.i;""":""'1;"!i\I....~ '11!~.t8l~V~IJ. 1_!tilr~"!lmll~""'!"'!'~1 !;~:mH!::!;lr::.;:.';ff.i;:;it~.!~~~rJ\!J;~:0,JRil:q;;':::-1i?~;(~~{jJ\}ml'!i:mU:::::i:!::U)1:ii~iir ,: .'"., .l:" ~- ,~\t( :', i .!;..:L.il..:',', :....:il.::~ :." ,j}::'- f __ '. "., . ',.. ::." ;,,,'~~,,ii7,::f}:~:~:Hi;:if:W~ijU!1P\~~jl, (,;VU: C.O.D.: 1-'0'11: LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941C2 OFFICE IAX#: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBt:/< 3. CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #. PROJECT PROPOSEO TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' HE PROJECT LOCA TION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S.R, BORING LOCA TlON APPROX 40' S & 30'I; OF NW PROPERTY CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 2.5' DATE: 09/1712001 Elev' EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING. SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: '.f,G: 'fl.OW EXtrTlNG G.tADI LOCATIONS A.IrE AP~.O.r UNlU! rr~~,EQ, DEPTJi SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 2 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TION/AA SHTO M1451ASTMD2487 N VALUES 17 6 Yellowi$h brown sandy limerock, cftmefHed sand and some silt {non~plast;c} , , 18 " , , 19 , 1 20 4 J . 21 " ". BORING TERMINATED 21' (REFUSAL) STANDARD PENETRA nON TEST BORING: Bl.OWS PER FOOT ON 24 O.D. SAMPL R WITH 1"0 LB HAMMER FALLING 30. SOll/NVESTlGA TlON AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS! A.S. T.M. D 14521srANOARO PENETRATION T/iST:ASTM D15B6. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON 0-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LAB ORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOl!...RAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC" CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK Le BLANC, v.p, P,E., FLORIDA REGISTRA TlON #35683 THE INTEN1 OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVJRONMENTA.L fi'URPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED_ /4UTHORIIATlON FOR PUBliCATION OF STArEM~NTS. CONCLUSIONS. CERTlFICATJONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEn REPORT 8Y THIS FIRM (ETE) IS STRICTlY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHOIlI'lATION IS PROVIDED AND APPR.OVED IY EASTCOAST TESTING &. ENGINEERING INC. OCT-01-2001 16 46 97;': P 10 OC1:;-OI-01 OZ:43P P_ 11 ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North PowerHne Rd - Suits G-1 Pompano Beach, Florida 33073 Elfoword (95') 912-16.5 (SOIL). Dad. (305) 9.1-4168 - FAX (954)-911-8812 4361 Okeechobe~ aJvd. - Suite A..5 Wesf Palm BeDch. Aotid:a 33409 (800) 329-1845 (SOIL) - (5~1) 471-8220 LABORATORY NUMBER: 214941D1 OFFICE FAX#: 954-971-8872 BORING NUMBER CLIENT L. J. IN. BUILDING GROUP IHe. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' PROJECT LOCATION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S,R. BORING LOCA TJON APPROX 90' E & 40' N OF SW PROPERTY CORNER DRILL RIG#: F-250 GROUND WA TER: 2.5' DATE: 09/17/2001 Elev' EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVfY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: ....G: 'flOW EX/ST/NG GUDE tOCATlON' An Ama' UN"" "A<f. DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 ElLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMElER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA T10N/AASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 . VA'."" 1 1 Light gray fine 9,.,ined sand, :lSphalt. tittle shell .,nd IImerock fragments 7 4 2 . , 3 2 GrJyish brown !J1l/J grained sand .. 4 J Grayish brown fine grained sand J 5 8 ' , 7 . 8 11 10 " 9 -4 Dark. brown organic sand, little silt [noll-p/{Js.ic} I 10 1] 11 5 Dark brown org3n;(: stained sand, little s/l, [lIofl-pliJstic} 1 1 12 J lJ 14 10 5 15 4 J 16 6 Light gr~y - tan mQdlum fine grs;ned sand, slig~t trilce ollJm~rock fr:Jl}menls 4 0 STANDARD P HETAA nON TEST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2. 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMM if FALliNG '0. SOIL INVESTlGA TION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. TM. () 14511STANOARD PENETRA nON TEST:ASTM D158~. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T,M. DESIGNA nON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL V INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. " RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., MARK Le BLANC, v.p P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA TION #35683 THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECifIED. AUTHORrZAflON FOR PUBLlCAflON OF STATEMENIS CONClUSIONS CrRflt/CATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTHER TrST REPORT BY rHIS FIRM. fETE) IS STRICTlY PROHISITED UNLESS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION IS nOVIDED AND APPROVED BY E....STCOASTn$lING & ENGfNfEfUNG tNC. CRAIG S, SMITH, PRESIDENT OCT-01-2001 16:46 97/: P 11 Oct-Ol-Ol 02:44P P.12 ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 North Powerlln.q Rd. . Suit. G~1 Pompomo Beach, Florida 33073 a,oward (9541972.7645 (SOIL). Dade (305) 9474768 ,FAX (954)-971-8872 4361 Olteechobee Blvd. - Suite A.S West Palm Beach. Aorida 33409 (800) 3211-7645 (SOIL) - (561) 471.JJ220 . . . -' LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941D2 OFFICE FAX #: 954-971-8872 BORIN MBER 4 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF HE PROJECT LOCA TION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S.R. BORING LOCA nON APPROX 90' E & 40' N OF SW PROPERTY CORNER DRILL RIG#' - 0 GROUND WA TER: 2.5' DATE: 09/17/2001 Elev: EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTt: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: I.f.G: IEI.OWiXlS1lNG G.ADE LCC':.UIO"'$ AIU ...,.,.o~ UNLUS SUitED OEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 2 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASS/FICATION/AASHTO M1451ASTMD2487 NV"V" 17 7 Light grdY Ian medIum fino grJined sand. slight trace of limerocl< fragments 18 1 4 19 8 Llghl groW IJne medium grained sand, some limerocJ< fragments 7 (I 20 lO fA 37 BORING TERMINA TED AT 20' STANDARO PENETRATION TeST BORING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2- 0.0. $AMPLER WITH 140 La HAMMER FALLING 30. SOIL INVESTIGATION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. T.M. 0 14S2/STANOARD P NETRATION TEST.ASTM 01586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TION /),1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINE:ER ARE: ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLE:S PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY ANO DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. , RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK Le BLANC, V.P P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA TION #35683 THE IN1ENT Of THIS REPO/tT IS NOT fOR ENViRONMENTAl PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. 6 UTHOOlZAT'ON fOR PUBliCATION Of S7ATEMENTS CONCLUSIONS CERTifiCATIONS OR EXTRACrS REGARDING TH/S OR ANY OTHER TEST REPORTey TH,S FIRM !ETEJ 15 STRICTlY "OH/e/TED UNLESS WRIITEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED AND APPROVED 8Y EASTCOAST7ESTlNG & ENGINEER/NG INe. OCT-01-2001 16:47 97': P 12 Oct-Ol-Ol 02:44P ...._.1..:1 ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. AtOONor1h Powerline Rd. - Suite Got Pomp~no B@.1ch, Florida 33073 Brow.rd (95~) 972.76~5 (SOIL) - D'de (305) 947.4768 - FAX (954).971.8872 4361 Ok..chobee BIVQ. . SUIte A-S Wesl Palm Bea.h, Florid. 33409 (8001319.7645 (SOIL) - (561) ~71-8110 LABORATORY NUMBER: 214941E1 OFFICE FAX#: 954-971-BB72 BORING NUMBER 5 CLIENT L J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER ,. PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' PROJECT LOCA TlON: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWA Y. BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: BORING LOCA TION APPROX 11' W 6. 40' N OF SE PROP COR S OF INLET DRILL RIG#' 5 GROUND WA TER: 3.5' DATE: 09/1712001 E19v' EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: '.f.G: 'flOW EXfSrtNG GRADE ,OCAr/ONUAE A"~OX IIN"" ""'0 DEPTH SAMPLE B RING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICATIONIAASHTO M145/ASTMD2487 NVAWES 1 1 Light ran Rno mearllm grlfined sand, sheJ/ fr:J(}ments 4. Bsphalt debris HI 4 2 2 Brownish gray fln9 medium grained Simd 3 , 1 ., 3 Very dark brown organic sllry sand ~ 1 5 1 6 7 ' 8 4 ran - pale brown fjne medjum {lrained s.and 5 3 9 14 M to ..3 U 15 11 5 tiln blul$.h gr.ty fine medium grained sand, some silt and cemented sand 5 Ifll 12 {non-plutic] 102 J4 15 13 .. 60 14 6 T:m. bluish gray fine medium grained ~.)nd, some cemented sand and 115 15 s;It {non-pl:l$rJc] f~ Hi H .. , STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING; SLOWS PER or ON 2- 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140 LB. HAMMER FA LUNG 30. SOIL INVESTIGA7/0N AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S. TM. 0 I~S1lSTANDARDPENt:TRA TION TEST.ASTM DI586 THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON D-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENG(NEER ARE ENCOURAGEO TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY ANO DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., MARK La BLANC, v.P. P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA TlON #35683 TME INTENT OF TtlIS REPO~r IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIUTION FOR PU6l1CATlON Of STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS CE~TIFlCATIONS OR EJ(TRACTJ REGARDING CHIS OR ANT OTtlER TEST REPORTey rHIS FI~M tErEllS STRICTlY PROHIBITED UNLESS WRITT.N AUTHORITATION IS PROVIOED AND APPROVED 8Y' EASTCOAsr TESTING" ENGINEfffJNG. INC. CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT OCT-01-2001 16:48 97/; P 13 Oct-OI-OI 02:45P P.14 ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. 4100 Nor1h powerline Rd. ~ Suite G.-1 Pompano 89~ch, Flor/d~ 33073 B,ow.rd (954) 972-7645 (SOIL) - Dad. (30S) 947-4768 - FAX (954)-971-8872 43610~eMo~eBN~-$wreA~ West Palm Belich. Florid. 33409 (800) 329.7645 (SOIL) . (561) 471-8220 Ili~llfl~fi&~]t~lr;W;iii.1!iW~f.rt~::!f.~~~~}~m{~~ij~~:~:~~{;1;!(~~g~ill,f;' , ".,:,r;m:~+..,-.,..:,,,,,,~~..,,,~~.'''""L.;,_,,,,,:,,,3 ,H . '!P!i..,H ."~,,j.:t-\:.!;l1' ".'.~IiiIf.~hl:lhl:t<<I:~'~jti(:l! ;f~!lI~Ii"~l'il LABORATORY NUMBER: 214941E2 OFFICE FAX#: 954-971-8872 BORIN NUMBER 5 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #. PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF, PROJECT LOCA TION: 3010 S, FEDERAL HIGHWA Y, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S.R. BORING LOCATION APPROX 11' W& 40' NOFSE PROP COR S OF INLET DRILL RIG#: 25 GROUND WA TER: 3.5' ~ 09/17/2001 Elev' EX(STlNG PARKING LOT CASING. SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: ....G:lnOWUlSTlNG GO"OE tOCA'IONS..'A"'O,U",lJ! lTA.'O DEPTH SAMPLe BORIN NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 2 BLOWS ON SPT FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICA TlONIAASHTO M1451ASTMD2487 N U'CU" 17 7 Light bluish. gray lIne medium gl'aJned sand d 18 10 of 19 4 14 20 '1 11 '" BORING TERMINI', TED AT 20' STANDARD PENE RA.1'ON T~ST BO~fNG: BLOWS PER FOOT ON 2" 0.0. SAMPLER WITH 140L8. HAMMER FALLING JO. SOIL /NVEST/GA TION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS A.S. T.M. D 1452/STANOARDPENETRATfON TEST,ASTM 01586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T.M. DESIGNA TlON 0.1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE. AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORA TORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE, (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER, ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. , RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK La BLANC, V.P P.E., FLORIDA REG/STRA TION #35683 THE INTENT OF THIS REPORT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PURPOSES UNLESS SPECIFIED. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF STATEMENTS. CONCLUSIONS CERTIFICATIONS OR EXTRACTS REGARDING THIS OR ANY OTIIER TEST REPORT BY TillS FIRM {Elfll! STRICTlY PROH/B/TEO UNlHS WRII1EN AUTHORIZATION /5 PROVIDED AND APPR.OVED 8Y EASTCOASTTESrlNG & ENGINEERING. tHC- OCT-01-2001 16 48 97;: P 14 Oct-Ol-Ol 02:45P 1-'_15 ~ EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC. .4100 Norrh PowerJlne Rd. ~ Suite G~1 Pomp~no Be~ch, FJorld3 33073 BrcwOfd (954) 972.7645 (SOIL). Dade (305) 947-4768 - FAX (954)..971.8872 4361 Okeechobee Blvd. ~ Suits A-S Wes' Palm Besch. Florida 33409 (800) 329-7645 (SOIL). (561) 471.8220 . . LABORA TORY NUMBER: 214941F OFFICEFAX#: 954-971-8872 BORIN UMBER 6 CLIENT L. J. W. BUILDING GROUP INC. CUSTOMER #: PROJECT PROPOSED TOWN HOMES CREW CHIEF' HE PROJECT LOCATION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH DRILLER: S.R. BORING LOCA nON APPROX 15' N & 15' W OF EXISTING SW BLDG CORNE DRILL RIG#: - 5 GROUND WATER: 4' DATE: 09/15/2001 Elev, EXISTING PARKING LOT CASING: SPT NOTE: SURVEY NOT GIVEN UNLESS NOTED: '.f.G: IIELOW EXISTING GIlAOE LQ5=.....rJONS A_e,."r,.m UNIF!S trAlCto DEPTH SAMPLE BORING NUMBER: PAGE NUMBER: 1 BLOWS ON FEET NUMBER VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION/AASHTO M1451ASTMD2487 NVALU., 1 1 Grayish brown fine medium grained sand, tittle /lmerock 2 3 2 Grayish brown fine medium graltled sand. some organiC' sand 1 4 . z 5 Z 6 3 Oark gray fine medium grained siJnd, /JnltJ org:J/1/c sand '4 7 J 8 J 9 " 10 .4 Yelluw;::;" brown crustlcd shell, some limerock, tittle '$and 76 26 11 . 12 JSI 1. 13 BORING TERMINATED AT 12' IREFUSAL) /4 15 16 STANDARD PENETRA TION TEST BO~ING: BLOWS PER FOOT ON'. 0.0. SAMPLER WIT~ f40 LB. HAMMER FALLING JO~ SOIL INVESTIGA TION AND SAMPLING BY AUGER BORINGS: A.S, T.M. D 1452JSTANDARD PENETRATION TEST:ASTM D1586. THE ABOVE TEST BORING WAS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.S. T,M. DESIGNATION 0-1586. THE SAMPLES COLLECTED CONSTITUTE A MINUTE PERCENTAGE OF THE SUBSOILS AT THE SITE, AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION THE SOILS WILL BE STORED IN OUR LABORATORY FACILITIES FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE. (3) MONTHS. THE OWNER. ARCHITECT AND/OR ENGINEER ARE ENCOURAGED TO VISUALL Y INSPECT SAMPLES PRIOR TO PURCHASE OF PROPERTY AND DESIGN OF THE STRUCTURE. SPT Z , . . . " " . " 'DO- , RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING, INC., CRAIG S. SMITH, PRESIDENT MARK La BLANC, V.P, P.E., FLORIDA REGISTRA TION #35683 rHE INTENT OF THIS REPOIlT IS NOT FOR ENVIRONMENTAl 'URPOSES UNIE~S ~PECIFIEO. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBliCATION OF STATEMENT~ CONCLUSIONS CERTIF/~TlONS OR EXT/lACTS REGAROING THIS OR ANY OTHER TEST RE'ORT 8Y T/;//S F/RM rETEllS STRICTlY 'ROHI8/TEO UNlESS WRmEN AUTHORIZATION IS PROVIDED AND AP'ROVED IY EASTCOAST TESTING & ENGINEERING tHe. OCT-01-2001 16 49 97/: P 15 HPT ONSIILTANTS, 1Ne. 2295 Corporate Blvd, N. W Executive Court One Suite 240 Boca Raton. FL 33431 Tel 561.998-0955 Fax 561.997.5721 Ernail: hptconCq,'bellsouth.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMmlNG . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . E/>NIRONMENTAL July 30, 2001 Mr Jeffery Livergood City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Planning and Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida, 33425 RE. Dakota Lofts 19 Multi-family units Dear Mr Livergood, HPT Consultants, Inc. was retained to prepare a trip equivalency analysis for the ahove referenced project. The project is located at 3010 South Federal Hwy and is presently being utilized as a family restaurant(Sun Wah Chinese Restaurant). The proposed project will consist of 19 townhouses. The existing restaurant is approximately 11,500 SF in size and will generate 2008 ADT, including using a 15% pass-by rate. This is based on the ITE trip generation rates for a family restaurant. Therefore the existing restaurant is vested with these 2008 daily trips. The trip generation calculation for the proposed development equates to 133 trips per day according to the ITE trip generation rate for multi-family residential units. This will result in a net decrease in daily trips of(-1,875). Since the total average daily traffic generation expected from the proposed project is less than the vested daily trips, a traffic study is not required. If you have any questions or need any additional infonnation please feel free to contact me at 561-998-0955 . ,f , ( .~. .1 Sincerely, _\ " : j\ I, / .11'" ~ ~ -'" ':'" I r: A ~ ~ .. \,~ ~. I ",. "' --4 ~' ,'-/~,...., H P Tompkin , JR., p.~ <. ~'.g\ ": Principal-in-Charge " JJJL-31-2001 TUE 04:01 PI'! BLACKSTONE LEGAL SUPP JUL-31-01 TUE 4.11 PM FAX NO. 9545834117 P. 02 P. 1 ..j:ill.r. ~".'~"'''''' ':\/~. f>l- ~ ~i:t;m" ~ ~~X:.;,...'(J':'(I". - v...~~r."J .....~ ~!~~., .~\'1' ..~~ .,.... FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STA'l'E Ku.th<U'illll Harris S<IOtetary crf St.te July 31,2001 FILINGS, INC, The Articles of Organization for DAKOTA LOFTS AT BOYNTON, LLC wers IiIEld on July 31, 2001, and assigned document number 1..01000012694. Please refer to thIs number whenever corresponding with this offIee. In accordance with section 608.406(2), F.S., the name of this limited liability company Is filed with the Department of Slale for public notioe only and Is granted without regard to any olhor namo recorded with the Division of Corporations. Th0 cartlflcalfon you requested Is enclosed, A IImitlld liability annual report/uniform business report will be due thIs office botwean JallualY 1 and May 1 of the year following the ealeMllr year of the file dale. A Fedoral Emplojr~r IdentificatIon (FE I) number will be required Defore this report can be tiled, Plel'$e apply NOW with the Internal Revenue Service by calUng 1-800-029-3676 IInd requesling fOm! 5S-4. Please be Elwal'll if the 6mitlold liability oompany addl'llss changes, III!! the r6Spon&ibllity 0/ the limited liability 10 notify thIs off/oe. Should you have any qultstlons regarding this malter. please telephone (850) 245. 6051. the Reglstratlon Section. Trevor Brumbley Document Speclalist DivisIon of Corporations Leiter Number: 701A00044S01 Divisioll "fCorporations - P.O, DOX 6327 -Tallahassee, Florida a2314 1 LUH.lU/\ /\t)~UU/\JIUN OllUALIUI{S ",,,I?- (-'oa s f- I,;-),~. {J.-,'-<I:,.... J(' ",\" I () c:. F(-'r:f~ I' r.i P~'11 fe-." {~W"'f L. f7 , nil-Cd 1 (), U ~i' il , J ~C. Jf.L" ':t' , 11 '- \.; ,('" .'~("BUYER")ilglt'l'5tobu ("SELLEH") <Igl'{'l'S to sel 1, l'unCJ'ASE AND SALE" -r-i^Pe <lnJ C' I,ri It \ lhl' propl'rty described as: Slreet Address: ".-- '_cgaILJ~scriplion: II ,~'Y 3'>.'/35:- 'j'II':O<I(){,.'C)OIC,? ,~ 0 , ,1IId the fllllowing I'ersonal Properly: . /7 -/-Ijf"'~h-,( /1,),7;"'-'0 < j L l/'~ - { '.' Lit. C.C.,1t(' -)", ~',.,_"- (( (illllollcctively rdem'd 10 as the 'Property") on the terms and conditions set fOlth bel(1w The 'Effective Date of Ulis COllltact is the dale on which the last of Ule Parties signs Ule latest offer. Time is of Ule essence in Ulis Contract. Time periods of 5 d,lVs or I~$s 511(111 be computed without including Sflturday, Sund<lY, or llationallegal holidays and any time period ending on a Saturday, SUI1l!,w Dr Ilational kg<ll holiday shall be extended until 5:00 p.m. on the next business day. 2, I'UnCIIASE J'nICE, I ( I "7 f) I (a) Deposit tu be held ill escrow by ,<.). -<::; . - '::{ _ 1\ -('0__-'':,' - Y (b) Additional deposit 10 be made within _ days &6ii'1 Effective Date ' (c) Tolal mortgages (as referenced in Paragraph 3) 'J (d) Other: Pllvd\6 ~.I! /lfl"ll\{~ Mr..-j'rj(l.p.e 1.."....... \.t'ue.....~~1 r.;r,l/ 1?,-,5YIJ I (e) Balance to close, subjecllo adju~ ments and prorations, to be made with cash, locally drawn certified or l'<I<;hicr s check or wire transfer. /zr.vf)' <;f: e ,$ f4"/ <' {!it $ $ ,$ $ $ - 3. THIRD PARTY rINANCING: Within _ days from Effective Date ("Applkation Period"), BUYER shalt at BUYER'S e:-<pt:'llse, ilppty for third party financing in the amount of $ or _ % of the purchase price to be amortized over.1 period of - years and dut' ill 110 less than _ years and with a fixed interest rate not to exceed 0 prevailing rate U _ % pel year or \'<1riable interest rate not (0 exceed 0 prevailing rate 0 _ % at origination, with additional terms as foUows: BUYER shall pay for the mortgagee title insurance policy and for all loan expenses. SELLER shall timely provide any nnd all C1eJil, employment financial, eSloppelletlers and other infonnation reasonably required by any lender. BUYER shaU notify SELLER iml11ediately upon oblainillf; financing or being rejected by a lender. If BUYER, after diligent effort, fails to oblain a wriltt'l\ coll1Jnilrnellt within _ days hom Effective Date ("Financing Period"), BUYER shall either (a) waive this financing contingency and proceed with closing or (b) reapply al SELLER'S request and at 0 BUYER'S 0 SELLER'S expense for financing at all alternate lender selected bv SELLER, Reapplication shall be made within _ days from SELLER'S request. If SELLER does not request reapplication, either part}" llhW tcnninate this Contract by written notice to the other party. 4. TITLE: SELLER has the legal capacity to and shall cOllvey marketable title to the Properly by~atutory warranty deed Ootlll'r free of liens, easements and encumbrances of record or known to SELLER, but subject to pl'Operly taxes for the year of closing; covenants, rest!ictions and public utility easements of recOld; and (list any olher m.:ltler~ 10 which title will be subject) ; provided there exists at closing no violation of the fort'going nile nom' of thClll prevents BUYER'S intended use of the Property as la) Evidence ofTiUe: SELLER shall, at):) SELLER'S 0 BUYER'S expense and within..3..c2..- days 0 hum Effective Dat~ frioI' to Closing Date 0 frOf~ date BUYER meets or waives financing ~ol~lingency in ~aragraph ~~ deliver to BUYER . .~~ 'f.!:.. rC',i:-v,K (Jail abstracl of lItle, prepared or brought current by an eXisting abstract firm or certifIed as correcl by an eXlslu{g fInn, _---:::...--- \r1 a title insurance commitment by a Florida licensed title insurer and, upon BUYER recordiJlg the deed, an ALT A {lwner s polin' in the amount oflhe purchase price for fee simple title subject only to exceptions slated above.il1 be 15$0_<'''7 G'4! ...e., /I-(..lofr' '\9'-,1..1- BUYER shall, within ]5 days from receipl of the abstract or 7 days from receipt of the commitment, deliver wriHen notice to SELLER 01 title defects. Title shall be deemed acceptable to BUYE;,R if (1) BUYER fails to deliver proper notice of defects or (2) BUYER de1iwl's proper notice and SELLER cures the defects within --.3...t:i days from receipt of the notice ("Curative Period"). If the defects art' cUled within the Curative Period, dosing shall occur within 10 days from receipt by BUYER of notice of such cUling. SELLER Il1<1Y ell-clllol to cure defects if SELLER reasonably believes any defect cannot be cured within the Curative Period. If the defects ,\Ie not CUll'd V\ ithinllw Curative Period, BUYER shall have 10 days from receipt of notice of SELLER'S inability to cure the defects to elect whether to tt'rmillatl.' this Contract or accept title subject to existing defects and close the transaction without reduction in purchase price. (b) Survey: (check one) __ 8lSELLER shall, within ~ days from Effective Date, deliver to BUYER copies of surveys, plans, specifications, and engineel ing documents, if any, prepared for SELLER or in SELLER'S possession, which show all currently existing structures. o BUYER shall, at BUYER'S expense and within the time period allowed to deliver and examine title evidence, obtain ;:I current ccrtitied survey of the Property fTum a registered surveyor. If the survey reveals encroachments on the Property or Ihat the improvements encroach on the lands of another, 0 BUYER shall accept the Properly with existing encroachments 0 such t'ncroilchments -;h,111 .:onstitull' a title defect 10 ht' cured within the Curative Period. (cl Ingress and Egress: SELLER warrants that the Property presently has ingress and egress sufficient for BUYER's inlended use of the Property, title to which is in .:lccordance with Paragraph 4. (dl Possession: SELLER shall deliver possession and keys for all locks and al<lnns to BUYER at closi1I~. 5. CLOSIN.~.D^TE ANI) I'ROCED~R.E: This, transaction shall be ~Iosed in .r~JJ.\'''' p)~r" cL Cour~t\', Florida on or ~efort' t~1t' ~() Ei z..~ ,29C-1--- or wlthm 1..8tJ. days from Effective Date (' Cl~S? Dale ), unless otherWIse extended herelll. .J SELLER ~BUYER shall dcsi&"nalc the closing agent. BuYER and SELLER shall, within , days from Effective Dale, deliver to Escrow Agt'111 <;igl1ed inslruclions which provide for closing pl'Ocedure. If an instituHonallender is providing purchase funds, lender requirements <IS to place, time of day, and c1using procedures shall control over any contrary pl'Ovisions in this Contract. (a) Costs: BUYER shall ray taxes and recording fees on notes, mortgages and financing statements and recording fees for th~ deed SELLER shall pay taxes Oil the deed and recording fees for documents needed 10 cure title defects. If SELLER is obligated to disch,llge any cncumbmnce al (lr prior to closing and fails to dQ so, BUYER Il1<lY use purchase proceeds to satiSfy the encurnblances .~;,,?i/.-, 9Kf U:.l 1'111\1) Horid,l ^s~oclaliotl of Pl.t:^l.lOll<;~AII Rights Reserved ; BROKER m@ lHMTOR' 1'.1~I.' 1 "f ,1 (b) Documents: SELLER shall pro; the deed, bill of sale, mechanic's lien affidavit; assignment:> ,Jf leases, updated rent roll, tenant and lender estoppel letters, assignments of permits and licenses, corrective instruments and letters notifying tenants of the change in ownership/rental agent. If any tenant refuses to execute an estoppel letter, SELLER shall certify that information regarding the tenant's lease is correct. If SELLER is a corporation, SELLER shall deliver a resolution of its Board of Direc:tors authorizing the sale and deliveryot the deed and certification by the corporate Secretary certifying the resolution and setting forth facts showing the conveyance conforms with the requirements of local law SELLER shall transfer security deposits to BUYER. BUYER shall provide the closing statement, mortgages and notes, security agreements and financing statements. (c) Taxes, Assessmt!'nts, and Prorations: The following items shall be made current and prorate(~.as of Closing Oak 0 as of real estate taxes, bond and assessment payments assumed by BUYER, interest, rents, association dues, insurance premiums acceptable to BUYER and If the amount of t<\>;es and assessmenls for the current year cannot be ascertained, rates for the previous year shall be usetl with due allowance being made for improvements and exemptions. SELLER is aware of the following assessments aftecting or potentially affecting the Property: BUYER shall be responsible for all assessments of any kind which become due and owing on or after Effective Date, unless the impr{lvenwnt is substantially {'ompleted as of Closing Date, in which case SELLER shall be obligated to pay the entire assessment. (d) FIRPTA Tax Withholding: The Foreign lnvesttnent in Real Property Act ("FIRPTA") requires BUYER to withhold at closing a portion of the purchase proceeds {or remission to the Internal Revenue Service ("I.R.S.") if SELLER is a "foreign person" as defined by the Internal Rcvenue Code. TIle parties agree 10 comply with the provisions of FIRPTA and to provide, at or prior to closing, appropriate documental'lon to establl!lh Any applicable exemption from the withholding requirement. If withholding Is reguired and BUYER does not have cash sufficient al closing to meet the withholding requirement, SELLER shall provide the necessary funds and BUYER shall rrovid~ proof to SELLER that such funds were properly remitted to the I.R.s. _} ~. -r uf' 810 ,d ..?/Cfj 6. ESCROW: BUYER and SELLER authorize r:t"/JJ14,1ta...., flY'-! P. F7 Telephone: e;(/ ?t.(7 441.'1 Facsimile: fll_ ?L/7 _ 97D!1l Address' to act as "Escrow Agenl" to receive hmds and other items and. subject to clearance, disburse them in accordance with the terms of this Contract. Escrow Agent will deposit all funds received inB'"a nan-interest bearing escrow account.Jt1 an interest bearing e-;crow account with intraest accruing to Ai .J II ~ II Escrow Agent receives conflicting demands or has a good faith doubt as to Escrow Agent's duties or liabilities under this Contract, he/she may (al hold the suhject matter of the escrow until the parties mutually agree to its disbursement or until issuance of a court order or decision of arbitrator determining the parties' rights regarding the escrow or (b) deposit the subject matter of the escrow with Ihe clerk (If the circuit court having jurisdiction over the dispute. Upon notifying the parties of such action, Escrow Agent shall be released from illl liability t'xccpt lor the duty to account for items previously delivered out of escrow If a licensed real eslate broker, Escrow Agellt shall comply with applicable provisions of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes. In any suit or arbitration in which Escrow Agent is made il party because 01 ilcting as agt'nt hereunder or interpleads the subject matter of the escrow, Escrow Agent shall recover reasonably attorney s fees and costs, which such fees and costs to be paid from the escrowed funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court or other costs in favor of the prev..liling party. TIle parties agree that 6scrow Agent shall not be liable 10 any person for misdelivery to BUYER or SELLER of escrowt'd item~, unkss the misdelivery is due to Escrow Agent's willful breach of this Contract or gross negligence. 7 PI{OPERTI' CONDlTION: SELLER shaJl deliver the Property to BUYER at the time agreed in its present "as is" condition, orJinilTY weilT and tear e)(cepted, and shall maintain the landscaping and grounds in a comparable COndition. SELLER makes no warranties other than marketability 01 Htl('. By accepting the Property "as is," BUYER waives all claims against SELLER for any defects in the propl.'rty. U (3) As Is: BUYER has inspected the Property or waives any right to inspect and accepts the Property ih its <IS is" condition. Il!1 (h) As Is With Right of Inspection: BUYER may, at BUYER'S expense and within days fronl Effective Date ("Inspection Period"), conduct inspections, tests and investigations of the Property as BUYER deems necessary to determinv suitability lor BUYER'S intended use. SELLER shall grant reasonable access to the Property to BUYER, its agents, contractors and assigns for the purpose 01 conducting the inspections provided. however, that all such persons enter the Property and conduct the jnspections at their own risk. RVYER shall indemnify and hold SELLER harmless from losses, damages, costs, claims and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees, and from liabiHty to any person, arising from the conduct of inspections or work authorized by BUYER. BUYER shall not engilge in any activity that could result in a mechanics lien being filed against the Property without SELLER'S prior writt~'n cansl.'nt. BUYER Inil)' terminale this Contract by written notice to SELLER prior to expiration of the Inspection Period if the inspections reveal conditions which are reasonably unsatisfactory to BUYER, unless SELLER elects to repair such conditions to BUYER'S satisfaction. If this transaction dol'S not close, BUYER shall, at BUYER'S expense, repair all damages to the Property resulting from the inspections i\nd return the Propt'Tty tn its present condition. Walk-through Inspection: BUYER may, on the day prior to closing or any other time mutually agref;!able to the parties, conduct a filial 'walk-through inspection o{ the Property to detennine compliance with this paragraph and to enSUre that all Property is on the plcrni~es. No new issues may be raised as a result of the walk-through. Radon Gas: Radon is" a naturally occurring radioactivc gas thilt, when it has accumulated in a building in suffident quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radon that exceed tederal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testillg may be obtained from your county publiC" health unit. 8. OPERA lION OF PROPERTY DURINC CONTRACT PERIOD: SELLER shall continue to operate the Property and any business wnducted on tht! Property in ~he manner operated prior to Contract and shall take no action which would adver:-.ely impact the Proprerty, tenants, lenders, or business, if any Any changes, such as renting vatant space, which materially affect the Property or BUYER'S inknd...d use of the Property shall be pemlitted 0 only with BUYER'S consent 0 without BUYER'S consent. 9. RETURN OF DEPOSIT In the event any condition of this Contract is not met and BUYER has actpd in gllod f<.Hh and with tho.' required dl'gree of diligence, BUYER'S deposit shall be returned and this Contracl shall terminale. 10. DEFAVL T: (a) In fhe evenl the sale is not closed due to any default or failure on the part of SELLER other than failure 10 mah. tho.' tille marketable after diligent effort, BUYER may either (1) receive a refund of BWER'S deposit(s) Or (2) seek specific performancc. If BUYER ejects a deposit rehmd, SELLER shall be liable 10 Broker for the full amount of the brokerage fee. (b) In Ihe event the sille is not closed due 10 any default or failure on the part ofEUYER, SELLER may either (1) retain all deposit(s) paid or agreed to bt:' paid by BUYER as agreed upon liquidated damages, consideration for the execution of this Contract, and in full settlement of any claims, upon which this Contr.Kt shall terminate or (2) seek specific performance. If SELLER elects to retain the deposit, BUYER shall be liablt.> to Broker for the hlll a1110unt at the brokerage fee. ?# {ltf1i C(".1 Q 1993 Florid.. Association of RE^I.TURso.&\All Rights Reserved purposes of this provision shall include BUYER, SELLER, and Broker, sh<lii be awarded rea;onable attorney s fees, custs and expenses, 12. BROKERS: Neither BUYER nor SEL' has utilized the services at or for any other reason owes 'lcnsation 10, a licensed (('ill e,;tale Broker other than; (a) Listing Broker: who is an agent of 0 SELLER 0 both parties a neither party .lIld who will be compensated by 0 SELLER 0 BUYER a both parties pursuant to [j a listing agreement 0 other (specify) (bl Cooperating Broker :0. -10 I t ~ R ~ +y who is all agenl of ~ BUYER 0 SELLER 0 both parties 0 ne'ither party <md who will be compensated by 0 BUYER 0 SELLER a both parties pursuant to 0 an MLS or other offer of compensation to a cooperating broker 0 other (specify) (collectively referred to as "Broker") in connection with any ad relating to the Property, including but not IimiteLlto inquiries, introduction", consultations and negotiations resulting in Ihis transaction. SELLER and BUYER agIee to indemnify and hold Broker harmless iwm dnd ,1gainstlosses, damages, costs and expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorney s fees, and from liability to any pl'rstln. arisin~ from t I) compensation claimed which is inconsistent with the representation in this Paragraph, (2) enforcement ildinn to collect a broh'l".lgc ft'e pursuant 10 Paragraph 10, (3) any duty accepted by Broker at the request of BUYER 01" SELLER, which duty is beyond Ihe scope of services regulated by Chapter 475, F.S., as amended, or (4) recommendations afar services provided and expenses incurred by any third parly whom Ilroker refers, recommends or retains for or on behalf of BUYER or SELLER. 13. ASSIGNABILITY; ('ERSONS BOUND: This Contract LJ is not assignablelQ is assignable. The terms 'BUYI:J{, "SELLER, Jnd 'Broker may be singular or plural. This Contract is binding upon BUYER, SELLER, and their heirs, personal representalives. SlHXL'5~(}r<;, and ,lssigns (if assignment is permitted). 14. OVTlONAl CLAUSES: (Initial if any of the following clauses are applicable and are attached as an addendulll 10 this Contract): Arbitration _ SELLER Warranty _ Coastal Construction Control Line _ Section 1031 Exdlange ~ELLER Financing _ Flood Area Hazard Zo]\e ~rroperty Inspection and Repair _ Existing Mortgage _ Property Located in Uninc. Metro. Dade County _ SELLER Representations ~Feasibility Study _ Other 15. MISCELLANEOUS: The lerms of this Contract constitute the entire agI'eement between BUYER and SELLER. Modificatiuns 10 this Cuntract shall not be valid or binding unless in writing and executed by the palty to be bound. This Contr,lCt nl"Y be execuled in tlyO ur more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instruml'nt. A fa.csimik lOPy of Ihis Contract and any initials or signature thereon shall be deemed as original. This Contract shall be conslnlL'd UIHlt'r Flul'iJala\\ ilnJ shall not be recorded in any public records. Delivery of any written notice to any party's agent shall be deemed delivery to that party TillS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEG ALL Y BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE or AN A TIORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. A REAL ESTATE BROKER 15 QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSAC TlONS. BUYER AND SELLER ARE ADVISED TO CONSULT AN APPROPRA TE PROFESSIONAL FOR LEGAL, TAX, ENVI- ({ONMENTAL AND OTHER SPECIALIZED ADVICE. ~o /' DEl'OSITRECElJ'T D'Po,itOf$5I?~- byl!! . 'h;'h" Hltvr.J 24 .1lll2t..-by <<-~ ~"..,p I!<?d~~y'. . ::.----s:gllaureDfEscrowAgetrl ] E.'ceived on OFFER: BUYER offers to purchase the Property 011 the above ~s and col1ditio;>>~ Unless acceplance is signed by SELLER ilnd J signed (Opy delivered 10 BUYER or BUYER'S agent no later than.=,. 0 a.m. lQ]5.m. on '7 a ~ BUYER may revoke this offer and receive a refund of all deposits. BUYER~ Title: ,/ v.i . Teleph9oe: ~ ~ ?. 92-<; Address: 7- ?_ 4' \'" .A/ W 11 yArn&. fI VL- D.t" _'3- 70 01 Tax ID No: Facsimile: :')/$i ,,?77'/ Date: BUYER, Title: Address: Telephone: Tax ID No: Facsimile: ACCEPTANCE: SELLER accepts BUYER'S offer and agrees to sell the Property on the above terms and conditions{ LJ sub)f'cl tu the attached counter offer). Date; ,/7.? 10/ SELLER: Tax fD No: , , Facsimile: Title; , > Telephone' Address: Date' SELLER: Tax f() No: Title: Telephone: Facsimile: Address: The f1orid~ A.......:;i~tlDn of Rultors~ m~kes no representation as to the legal ulldlty or adequacy of any provision of thi~ form in anl' sped/Ie trans~'tilll1. Thi. ,t.llnd.llrdiud form should not be used In complex tr.llnS.llCtions or with extensive riders or addltion~. This forml~ 3\'~llable for use by the cnti.., re~1 e~I'!l' illdlJ~lry ~",I is nol Intended 10 ldenUfy the user.lls.lI REALTORiIi. REALTOR$ i,s a registered colIeeUve membership m.llrk which may be used unly by real ('st.te lic~nse~~ who ~re ,"('",bers of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORSo!l and who subscribe 10 il'l Code of Ethics. Th~ '''pyrightlaws of thl' Unih.'d States (17 US Code) forbid the unaufhorized reproduction of this lorm by any means including f.C5;mile or coll\put"ri~,'d fl\lln, ~, 1'>'93 l"Iorida Association of RU,UOR5@AlI Righl~ Rl'served J' 0 Uux 725025, Orlandu, I'L 3:ren.5025 ~:ll:'n~n:"n [B ~(AlIOR' @ l'.lp.10IJ C(,.1 --~"--~ ,,",,', ' .:....,J.:l,;lJ.l.:\ Ill'.' ~ I i fLOR!DA:~l?CIATION OF AEAlJORSf Addendum No -0-1--- to the Conlract dated _;rj~ c.-{--2tf ')(') () / .. C j IUS _c::. je;:;>y; Su ItJ ~' . and -ZZ~JLve.._~a,&r ~,0 Co.. A- 5.:~~K.a.-__ concerning the property described as: _3Q_\'Q__S"~k~_H~ 'f- between (Seller) __(Buyer) Q,-<> ';L,,~,,-B ~J,+ r:_L .lJ ~3') ( the 'Contract"). Buyer and Seller make the following terms and conditions part of the Contract: ( -;;::; eo,,-t;'t>.<--r;..r ft.-b'J"ec:!--fo ~ b'C/<>-v'J ob~~ ~ o.f'f'vovJ... A-",", 1M-- t3oY"'io~ 6e..o..J, jDU2r"",e....+J "",,A Rc;Jo...,'d ~ on -f;, /'-!'x.- US€- ~5 0K(f) 2 _ ~~~ ~7+O b~v~~"fy o.,~~~ ~e.d:/ ~ 2DL .)~~~~~~J L( _ S e/ / e- -to CJ::M.-.vC; CL 2 "'~ ;-10" -Ig O~ i~ 1'4 (M.., c>....d ol.ji/.s-o,ooo >' / L~-j-o"'8 -R....... 3 ye.wr-s. z" -f~ f ~o ~ LD--kA- {9; 7'/' fie.- ,,!-,V";u,..., 1- J;, 1(,,- 10 ac ,.-0( {lA' I"/~ , JlXkve..-d.u,.~ 10 JeI("", ;" v ti <-(. f z) 5- ;?VfLv .d~/' +':/c,- I<..> "I (,'''''-'J ~ J,;;:- ~ -r;."""&L.f,'w," du0 ".f- cl.se, se"..... s/..c..,.;<- +c.... c.'# So, I f",tJ, ~(ur?"J PI~, w, II ~e.. ~'-11.~ 6v'y'v <...led "-"++~ f'v. <,,"-of "y,^,,-t- ,{J"uA-i;Y ~ /I"e..1L ,.,- l..... ........~5 +........ <>-'J"--"f" -//-e%7' f~ _>i<@ Dale: /7~/7 //~ BUye':,;,/' r L---- Buyer: Dale:3~ Dale: Seller: ~~ /' Seller:_ Dale: ")1ls torm Is available lor use by the enUre real estate industry find is not intended to Identify the usef 8S a REALTOR!! REALTO~ Is a registered collective membershIp marl< whIch may be used only by real estate licensees who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS''' and who subscribe to Its Code of Ethics. The copyrighllaw$ ollhe Uniled Stales (17 U,S. Code) forbid 't1e unaulhorized reproduction of this form by any means including tacsimile or computerized tOHns. ACSP-2 Rev. 6/94 @1994 Florida Association of RfALTORsiIIl All Rights Reserved PO.Box725025,Orlando,FL32872"5025 Ol ~ OCT-10-2001 12:26 FROM TO 1"<17425259 P 02/05 s.~ ~"'1 1f&:86u 01-379:597 128&8 Pq 614 Co. I..... Doe 0. 711 [..AlIIU. ~11l11"IJJ 11111.1110111 J. ~d1rlVllndremmm: Jo~alball JloOIll; Esq. J.t1>>1'IIf)' at La.. / 1UIlablt ~Ille StnIt", tile. ./ 19' ClIIIIIlG Gar4eas 1l01llev...d Slllte 107 /. __ "tOI&, l1L 33431 "'V 561-417.5577 Filo \>lumbor.' BJ:T GrGllp Will Call :No.,' rs,.../Cio.. '/1Ii. LW lDrlllooM!ll8 V...l Quit Claim Deed Tlsis Quit Claim Deed'Illl<l. Ibis lotl!. flay o! ,,1Ip$t; 1001 'o_I'I.I,t. Croup> Ill., . Florida corp..ation ...ho$. po.l. otilee .dclras is 21'S 2'lW Corp.rale Blvd;, Slllte 245, BGC<I ..to.. F'.L 33431, ......tm, ...d DaIcbta LofU At 1l0YDlOll, LtC, a J'l~I<la.I1"'it.d li.bUlly eOlllp"'l' ...l\Q.. po.t o!fle. .ddto.. i. 22'S NW Corp..at. BIVII., Suite ~5. Boea blo., FL 33431. J%'fUlt.. (WMn1Wt:' "'do "...tu w ll'mII ~Jtt.Qtot" anI! ~JtII.u;c~ Lr!4'''C1o &C \h. p.m,; to t&illMttumml be! ~ hlift. 1eaaJ l"tptI,enbt.ti"'H, and Utlp of inclividuab.llnd the NOc",on! md a&ltps af c~~. tnd Vld lRl'....l Witnesseth, lh.t s.id p1l>tor. far Jllc\ llI, c...idor.\i"" Of tho Sllln 1'RN A.'-1D NOll 00 DOLLARS ($IQ.OO) &Ild olbor gDo<l ",<1 vawable =ideralloll to .aid crmtor ill hUll! paid by said gr..."'" the receipt. whereof is !I.oby "'kncwle<lgocl, does lwoo, ",mis., =010&8<, and quitelaim to lIlo said glUltee, ao4 gnDtee'l helrs ",d wips. lorty.., all llae rigb:l. tillo, inw..r, .loim fUlddl:llWld ",hich j1l11lo:" lw in Il1d to tll. foUowin: d..en"ood !oDd, oi!ualo.ll'iaS lI1c'boUl& in Palm JI..ch CO\l,nty, Fl.rldale.wit. 5EEEXmBIT "A" ....t'Acm;;n BlmETO Pu",l Id.nti!i.alloll Nllmbtr',001.0%13 &lid To Have Gel to Hold, fht __ logotbe: witll all md ~ tho applUU_' llle:.!O b.10Jlfl!Jls or In Im>""is. apptrlliiilil&, cd all tllD .~. rip.~ "tlo, urleIut, Ii..., equity l\Ild claim ",hallo",or of gnnlOn, titllu illl.w Or .~Ility, for 111. Ult, benelit aIIl!prolilofllt. lall! cnnsu f~""<l, III Wltl:less Whereof; pntorhu hueucto Mt pmlOr'. halld om! sw the day and'y.u firot .bov."1dll.... . Sipod, ...led ...~. dch\'1:lcd U>. OUI pm"""" ~~~ . f . .. ~ . , . Ol '.' -~:".~ ~ (Co<ponta$W)' aCT-U'-2eI!l: 12:137 1561S640001 F',I!l? OCT-10-2001 12: 27 FROl1 TO ''''"17426259 P 03/05 Sl&le o!FIonda CouDty ofP,Jm Beoeh '!he fOfelJOiIli iI1stnm>eAl wu WalDWlodlCd boCDIe lIle this 15th day of Aull\lS~ lOOl by Maolhaby, Pretlc!ellt'of a.r.T. Group; tn... a Florida tG1Jloralioo. 00 bWlt of llIc ootporalim1. ll:ct.'ah. U j, pmollAlly lcllown t~ mt or [Xl h.u l""duced · rmver'$ tiee:se uid4ll,~eatioIl. '~'O ~ =-= ~-..... [Notorq Seal] NoWy , 'rinlcd Nimc' Jo~ S!QOlll;. Esq. My ColllDlimoll Bllpirel' Oetobc 19, 2004 JO/I.\TljM'11.OOlI ..".......... tel_ ""a:_ r-. II otwUJ. ~. . QIdf a.". [".&11; 'set :1 DOU~lt'j,m" OCT-10-2001 12:07 15618640001 F'.0S OCT-10-2001 12:2~ FROM TO 1"""-17426259 .0.... .e:868 Po &1-' P 04/05 Pllen ) A p~~C.l land 1n .'~J~n 4. ~0WI.b1p 4' Io~t~. ..nt- .~ ...t, P.~. "'ch eoaatr, 'la~ld., ~O.. p'r~l~_~.rlr '..erib.. .. 101lOV., ...ioli., ,. . poi.. ~. . 1l.. ,aCUla.1 too .., 1&..1 r..... .au~J\.nr (....ur.. u d.,)at Iftfl..) r~o~. ~hD na,~h lift. ., ..1. ..c,tQft ., ., . IIl.Unce a( \SO I..,. ......l'ly J' .....und .'JaIIS ..u PU'IU..1 ),he. fto. ".".tlr 11.,_ aI':' t._ dxt.,...b '"', 'l.I\~..or- ~.Y.' .~~~. .ga.'Ma. ., ~).n.. v..t~l, 110n. ..Il f.t.l1~1 11,.. t50 f..t ,. . .e~nt 1ft .at6 t..t.rl) rlg~t. of.va1~ ~~.DC' .ou\hl#L, al.., .'id ..It..Ir .,gb'~o'. VI, 11ft.. 2'0 f..~~ lh8nce ...'.rlr }$O r..~ ~o & ~n\ .~1.en 1. iS7 ,.., .eu.harSr rrQa the ,Dint af b.utnAi~gt t~"a. natt~.t1r 261 f..t ~o t~ po1At ot begin_lag SD"'.~ C. ..1rI .......ft, fO' ~e..~ pu....... ... . toM ...\.rlt .0 ,.., of th. '~r,g~iRI ~(."L...~ ... 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IJlf ODOtH.Of ..I' HONTH 'INI Of .ieT10N ~, JOO,OD lI'T TO 1M. .OJ~.o' _tot""I", ,...c. e~~J"Ull.. ...1'14.~... 11.00 r.ZT; "tUaNO_M. 0941" L..... w., .J.I. '.IT, 'tR.JlCa JiI_ ".U' "...., '2.01 '.1'1" n..cr. II. S. 2'" 0$" "., ....Q.&,tL NX">> ~.. _1ST UQI1" Of ~~, "1~1 lOP '1'1\1 11I'nAeOUllAIo. lI.'naw.,. t4 ~O pOI.. to TI. IUD. '01.,. or lllGlllnlf9, \ 1.0.. ~.. TlI&f 'ART I)' IJC'l'IOII of. 'toIlIIJ~U ~, 801l'l'll,. RUe, 41 JUT. P~ aIAIl' eoom, 'J.OIIOA. llUCllm U ,ololoOils, 'C.......c. -''J' '1M. ,DfNT D' 1..'....Cf':JOM O' 1'''. tflCR'hrtr ltr."f UP \I~l "'l". a. 'fIlS INftAOOAI'l'AlI ..,...~y lit.". It (,ZHI 6,l. aD .'11'1' lOU'I'" II' Nnwu. A.. no... AIIO~SI 'TO, fllJ. M.St" loIN,. llY nIl> 81lC'l'IDll 4. _el S. ," 25' OS' w.. Al.DNG SAID lIS.'! .1C.... a. .AT "UI., U..50 '''11',. -t'tDrNCI S .... 11- 4'''''.. VAU~"IL 111ft/ tNJ ..oaTH LIN. O. 51.:/11 nDUON 4. 30..00 rn.. ..0 fill POIII'J' Of SmINllJNO. 'HIIlQS N. S' 16' 06' I.. nW.l,l;ZL lIITH Till SAID "hI' no"" o. ,,~v 101"'" O. 'II' 1"'l"A~.U~~" IfA""AAr, 15.00 I"'l'lw.THIIle~ I, GO' 11' 45'" . OAIA'''''' "1". '1'111 IUD Moat" ~lK! Or .rQ~JO~ 4. ...~ "ITt T"&NQI.. o. 41' J4.'~f 14.00 uu. ""."eJ" .,- 10.. 4S' r.. n.Ot tn.. 1'0 TH' 'AID PO..... or n01NfllfO. ,. ~ .,...... ,,' " .~ TOTRL F 05 .~~- -~'~~,_.. SV/J-\}.JAI-/ f\k,STlIU\u>uT PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG Meeting Date: 0<:' - 24- 0 I PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: /If Time: ? }-'" .......- ZONE: PROJECT NAME: c -3 Attending Staff:)), c Attending for Applicant: Phone: 5UiJ \2iO-S T ,bl' U,--''I -... ..., Fax: Name of Owner: ~MWllS' IV\. '''UJ \ f,vJ t 11\ ~ YR0 30B ~ A.-2.-~ Name of Applicant/Contact: ~) Address: Phone: Address: Phone: Fax: PROJECT ADDRESS: Phone: TYPE OF APPLICATION: TYPE OF BUSINESS: Date Submittal Received, COMMENTS Date Denied: \forms\Pre~Applicalion Meeting Log.doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: c,,G, l i' "~I TIME: ;;- 'j--' r~' -. ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose ofthis conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies, and codes as related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures, Opinions expressed at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual plans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendine: Staff J ">,jc. /1/ f<,,,,.. '-Jf;.-\ w.e; 'yv\ \L\'ile>' Ma. \1PGbfl ~ , ,/10- 3'.jO--Lj',lL ~ Jie- ~'d; ~ h-:J& ~ nON CONTACT QUESTIONS < ~ . vt,-u~, ~ Phone # :). ( (8J ~ ~ YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? IUYES ~ (IF YES HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS SC_HrwULE~ P~-APP MEETIN~'),.A; NAME. ~T, ~~~~ DNO &.d;-~ J. ~~"J'1Y//~~rI- Jl.l1. LOCA. TION OF PROPER-d (CROSS STREETsir:N;fE~3'ECTIONS): "'I :Ll~ D 3 WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? 'l2eMr ..Ji:ti 7k- 9'ry [0NEW PROJECT D BUILDING EX? ANSION OR MODIFICATION [1cHANGE IN PRIOR USE? ~ ~ ~."71f- !El IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY V ACANT? ~ , D VARIANCE TYPE~ VO ~ DyoOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE - /1\ /7;;-1;,;. _~ l0'90MMERCIAL PROPERTY? ~ [kfRESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? D INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? ....t D DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGrr:T~].? C -3 r !< -1. /T?1; (8J 4 TIME AND DATE PREFERRED' ,f,s.ItP, ~ ~~~ (8J 5 HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? ' ' NOTE. TELL THE PERSON THAT SOMEONE FROM THE DEPARTMENT WILL CA THEM BACK TO CONFIRM MEETING. (8J 2. ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) HOUR TIME MODULE. ** PRE-APPLICA nON MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO DA TEITIME OF MEETING IF AN URGENCY IS SENSED, DISCUSS WITH MIKE OR LUSIA. ** NO PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR THE FRIDAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED TRC AL'ID P & D BOARD MEETING, ** LUSIA IS NOT A V AILABLE FOR MEETINGS ON TUESDAY MORNINGS. **1'10 APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED ON THURSDAYS BETWEEN 8:30- 10:30 A,M, (PILOTS MEETING) AND MONDAYS BETWEEN 8:30-12:30 A.M, (HERO'S MEETING), UPDATED 02107/01 J.'SHROAT A\plA.'lNlNG\SHAllEO\\l,'l'I.$PECPRO/lI'RE.APPL!CATO:-<S LOG-IN fOLOER'com ACT QUEST'.O~S FOR M'PUCA..'lTOOC X1~.' PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG MEETING DATE: 1-- 19- 0 I APPLICATIONS: vfL.1tC'7'.N1't ~ ZONING DISTRICT: C- PROJECT NAME: TIME: '7:',) iJ (VI ATTENDING STAFF: i5,~ qALAV JOS& ALP/ln<' ATTENDING AS APPLICANT: nk-rr l?Mf~/i:..s PHONE: s??/- '195'- (/1,S-S- FAX: NAME OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: PROJECT ADDRESS: WI t-IuoJ;oA./ Kv.)t1/r PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPANCY: DATE SUBMITTAL RECEIVED: DATE DENIED: COMMENTS: -).. /~ Lt'lLi'''YJ .Jt> /::.. -,3 J. tJ () u.UJ 0- c~.t~ ,a:KJ -(,U' I,) uriMs i4t cUY' PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: I II q/Oj TIME: ,-/,'00 fA ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: 17- NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goats, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures, Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes, Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attendin Staff Attending for Applicant C\Ucli4 d~u !J~~c- ~~ t:d ~ 7J{~.C f/7~ ~5 '"\'Jf'r'"'P\q '-'~ J:ISHRDATAIl'LANNINGISHARED\WP\FORMS\PRE-APPL MEETING-SIGN IN SHEET.DOC MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REGULAR MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER~, 2001 AT 6:3Q P.M, .........................c,.... Present Larry Finkelstein, Chairman Jeanne Heavilin, Vice Chair Alexander DeMarco Don Fenton Michelle Hoyland Henderson Tillman Quintus Greene, Director .~ -- ~ ....~"~ 'ar eevelopme~R}fV -~ Lindsey PaYII_, . ....sistant City Attorney ~~..";-;->-.. -" -__ Michael Ru~Pirector . :... of Planning & Zoning Dick Hudson, Senior Planner ......-=.. Eric Johnson, Planner .. , Absent Jose Aguila ._--- I, Call to Order ~ ----- --. oL.- '.i' Chairman Finkelstein called the meeting15'erder at 6:SQ p,m. and e~ the role of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). He welcomed the visitors to the meeting, including Commissioner Mike Ferguson, and introduced the other members of the Board. Mr Quintus Greene, Director of Development, introduced himself and the staff from the Planning & Zoning Department. II. RollCall The Recording Secretary called the roll and declared that a quorum was present. III, Agenda Approval ~- . - ~ Motion Vice Chair Heavilin moved to approve the agenda as presented. Ms. Hoyland seconded the motion that carried unanimously IV Approval of Minutes, October 6, 2001 and October 9, 2001 Motion Mr Tillman moved to accept the minutes as written. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the motion that carried unanimously V Director's Report A, Financial 1) October 2001 Financial Statement Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 Quintus Greene, Development Director, explained the October 2001 expenditures and commented on the Summary Report of Billings for October that included such items as packet preparation, financial reporting, billing preparation, and research- and amounted to $4,467.04 The City has never acltJally billed1he CRA for these setvicecs, but records are kept as a guideline for the cost of the services. 2) Property Acquisition The City Commission retained the service~ejl $s.t~!e..tf-dministrato~JJrbqpr Planning Group, at its November 6 meeting. _~raisafs have 1Jee.r:[j!lilim~d o~eleCt properties in the target area and efforts Wffl be made to have tlrReal Estate Administrator follow up, make offer~..':'<!. condu~ct ~eJotiations on those ~o~~ies. - ,'- -......, - . -- ~---- - B, Project Updates . :. =-~ '" 1) Federal Highway & Heart of.tkJynton (MLK}- Mr Greene deferred comment on these topics until later in the agenda. 2) Ocean District ,_ ___ The survey and analysis phase of this project is s~5.tant[ally complete. A conceptual design and model for the Town Square has been completed ll'nd is in CO~ference Room C of the West Wing at City Hall. -~ ~"'- .....'::Y\r~ 3) MarinaJPromenade/Riverwalk The Development Department has been working with the developer to get the Promenade moved forward. Steps have been taken toward getting preliminary design work done. 4) Way-Finding Signage Staff is in the process of preparing a recommendation to the City Commission for an interlocal agreement with the City of Hollywood, Florida to design the way-finding sign age program for the City This project will proviQ~ m~ch-desired experience for the City of Boynton Beach. ~~- C, Future Agenda Items An abandonment for the Dakota Lofts project will be on the December agenda. D. Commission Action No items came before the CRA that were presented to the City Commission for action. Mr Fenton asked for a status report on the topic of the CRA getting its own Director and staff. Mr Greene indicated that this could be discussed under New Business, Item VIII.(B). Vice Chair Heavilin asked for a date when the Board would see the first design for the Promenade. Mr Greene indicated that he could probably have a date by the following week. VI, Unfinished Business None 2 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida VII, Public Hearing November 13, 2001 Chairman Finkelstein advised the participants otthe order of business dcring the PUblic Hearing portion of the meeting. .' Lindsey Payne, Assistant City Attorney, administered the Oath to all those who planned to speak at the meeting. Land Use AmendmentlRezonina: A, Project Name: Agent: Owner' Location: Description: '''''b. -"" ~ .,..~;,:'. :rr'_ :-~ ::!:r DAKOT A~ EOFTS H,P Tompkins =etran-entetpri&es ~_:.--= 301& S, FederaH_ll. if)'. To amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map for..2.86. acres of Pfoperty from Local Retail Commercial (LRC) and Low Density Residential (LDR) to High Density Residential ~HDR). an.d-tQ~ azone the property from Community CQmml!.,rpial (C-3) and_Single Family Residential '(R.1-AA~ to lItanned Unit Oeve/opment (PUO), - .~;;- ~ --- "l>- --.r ~"~.l:';;:1:r.: ~ Dick Hudson, Sr, Planner, delineated the details of the project contained in the Staff Report. The opinion of staff was that this would represent redevelopment and enhancement of the Federal Highway Corridor, contribute to the overall economic development of the City, and increase the range of housing opportunities for residents of Boynton Beach. The applicant agreed to all Staff conditions and Staff recommended that the subject request for land use amendment and rezoning/master plan be approved. H,P "Press" Tompkins, Jr" of HPT Consultants, Inc" representing the applicant, advised that he was primarily there to answer questions. - - --- - ~ Chairman Finkelstein opened the Public Hearing. ~~...,. Steve Gallagher, 816 Bamboo Lane, spoke for several Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens Drive residents when he expressed concerns about the increase in density, traffic, lack of sufficient turnaround space, building height, water supply, cost to the residents of hooking up to the City's water supply, and whether this would mean annexation of their neighborhood to the City Chairman Finkelstein stated that staff and the applicant had covered several of the concerns mentioned by Mr Gallagher already He advised that issues of this type would be addressed when the Site Plan came up later in the meeting. Ms. Hoyland asked Mr Hudson if the developer were developing the property to the maximum allowable density and he replied that they were not and that with the rezoning the property could accommodate a total of twenty-one units. As no one else wished to speak, the Public Hearing was closed. 3 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 Motion Mr Fenton moved to accept Staff's recbmmEl!'ldation of approval' for ihis item. Mr DeMarco seconded the motion that carried unanimously Site Plan DAKOTA LOFTS H,P TOINWnL Chan's Et~set "'_"0 :rr - ::-~ ~" 3010 S, Federal Highway Request for site plan approval to construct 19 = muf~lIy to~ homes on two t2}acres, -':..~"':"""" Eric Johnson, Planner, distributed copies of the site plan to the Board members and summarized the Staff Report and recommend~. The Engineering Department proposes that the portion of Bamboo Lane between U.S. 1 and the proposed entranceway be widened to 22 feet. Engineering staff recommended a turnaround area be added to the subject site for emergency and....se~vehicles, and Item #3 in the Conditions of Approval was a requirement from thel'ire Dflpartment that the turnaround area at the southeast corner of the subject property i;ave a rrtfnimum cer'lferline radius of 50 feet. Subsequent to the printing of the Staff Report, the develoRer met with the Engineering and Fire Departments 1ma'" a 'Compromise was reachecf>1(f"the end of Condition #3 the following should be added: "or to the satisfaction of the Fire and Engineering Departments." The developer has agreed to all the Conditions of Approval. Staff recommended that this site plan request be approved contingent on the approval of the concurrent land use, rezoning, and abandonment requests. Staff also recommended approval of the site plan subject to the platting requirement and all comments included in Exhibit 'C" - Conditions of Approval. B, Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: 4 Mr Tompkins indicated that there was an existing well in the parking lot of the Sun Wah restaurant. He met with the Engineering Department.l~st 1iye-ek and they learned that the well was being used by several residents for11Otable water Their research into the matter found that the well had never been permitted for that particular use. The developer agreed to extend a water main of a reasonable size down Bamboo Lane so that the residents who were on the well now would have the opportunity to hook up to City water They have made arrangements not to disrupt the water and sewer service being provided to the old Chan residence, the first residence to the east of their property They believed they had made every effort to accommodate the residents in the area. Concerning the traffic report, they found a decrease in magnitude of almost 1800 trips per day from the traffic generated by the restaurant to what would be generated from nineteen town homes. Chairman Finkelstein asked Mr Johnson if Mr Tompkins' comments were addressed in Condition of Approval #2 and he replied that they were. Chairman Finkelstein opened the Public Hearing. Commissioner Mike Ferguson, 460 Horizons West, Boynton Beach, stated that Mrs. Freed, who lives at 821 Bamboo Lane, asked for his assistance in this matter She has an easement for a well and it will be occupied by townhouses #15 and #16 and she does not want to go on City water He believed that her easement should take precedence over the developer's plans until the developer can resolve the issue. 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 Mr Steve Gallagher inquired whether the water line the developer proposed to extend to Bamboo Lane was to be offered to all of the residents on Bamboo Lane and Mr Tompkins replied that it would. He then aSked ifothe acceptance of water from the City of Boynton Beach would mean that his oeighborhooo would be incorporated .into the City of Boynton Beach. The developer deferred to the City Mr Greene stated that taking City water did not annex a resident into the City of Boynton Beach. Ms. Lindsey Payne affirmed that cities could offer water to other cities or to unincorporated areas and it did not entail annexation. Mr Rumpf stated his belief that the water service agreements had a clause t~at alluded to possible annexation b~~ an1. s~cr sles;lsion would Q.~..l!la<w,. at a later time as a separate planning event. _-'_ lIaghertie\te1h:\ct1hat the deW1op~ should bear the residents' cost to hook up to thil"City water supply since "'''' developer's project was disrupting their current water source. He also expressed a desire on the part of the Bamboo Lane residents f<#~at':lh9"i:i89iRnirig of their ~that would prevent traffic from coming down their street any furt~"'M..ihe entrance to the Dakota Lofts project. ...=-= Kristin Conti, 1 Virginia Gardens Drive, Boynton Beach, stated that she was a City resident who paid City taxes and had City water She was concerned on behalf of her family and neighbors in reference to traffic. Sba-w~eptical about the report that there would be a reduction in traffic with the advenLof th~]3roposed project. They had some major concerns about the canal and its use. It aplJeared thar-there was not enough information for the residents as to the cost they would_have to bear about the water service. She also wanted a gale" at'1he entrance to Virginia <fardlfrts to deflect Dakota Lofts traffic. They had an unpaved, private road and were extremely concerned about the traffic coming down their road. Many of the residents bought there because of the R-1-AA zoning, expecting single family usage and wanting the privacy She was also concerned about the height of the proposed buildings for the residents living on the far west side since the residents of Dakota Lofts could, potentially, look into their back yards. ... , Fred Canova, 815 Bamboo Lane, was concerned about the building height since it exceeded the current zoning restrictions. He also stated that one of the properties using the well in question was at the end of a canal adj'acerifto his property (on the south side of the canal) and if that property were to be annexed, it would subject the entire other side of Bamboo Lane to annexation along with it. If that happened, would the entire length of Bamboo Lane have to be widened to meet City standards? Mr Rumpf stated that if it were annexed and since it was a private roadway, the City would not simultaneously take it on as a public roadway and apply the current development standards to it. It would remain private. Mr Canova asked the developer if they intended to repair and repave the street at the completion of construction. Mr Tompkins stated that the developer would repair and repave the section that the City required to be twenty-two feet wide and whatever portion of the street that needed to be torn up for the extension of the water lines. He did not foresee repaving the entire length of Bamboo Lane. Joan Nigro, 804 Bamboo Lane, objected to the entrance being so close to her house. She believed that Bamboo Lane had never been dedicated and that it was a private road. She objected to the traffic that would arise as a result of the construction effort. As she is at an intersection, she would get the traffic from Palmer Road and Bamboo Lane. She inquired whether a private, undedicated road could be accessed in this way 5 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 Bruce Jarvis, 810 Bamboo Lane, believed that the mechanics of the water issue should be fully explained to the residents. He asked if there were a detailed entry plan off Federal Highway in terms of signage or montlments. Mr Rumpf-stated that signage improvements would be restricted to)he applicaflt's property Mr Jarvis suggested that the developer and the City were missing an opportunity to improve the entryway to the project. Steve Dingle, appeared on behalfclf his parents, Ron and Mickey Dingle, who live at 3 Virginia Gardens Drive and coul~ not b~h~ent. They were happy al~..ow., th~ . development In general and thought It would b -ffI1prtvem~Ht.llowever, they'WfSheo to know if the developer had considered aiF'entrance on the nortr,v'" ;'art of the property They were concerned about the impact to Virginia Gardens Drive due to the construction effort. They also wisl'leO'l<f know:if ~eloper had arflEplEffis to pave Virginia Gardens Drive and if not, his parents might'B_,U" U to help pay for paving it. They were concerned about the width available for making a turn into Virginia Gardens Drive along the proposed landscaped area, on the.i:ll:likiings to the Rorth. "' Chairman Finkelstein closed the Public Hearing. . -- '...-.- .....--. Mr Fenton asked whether the disruption in the wat~ s_uPE!>' to the resid~nts of Bamboo Road would necessitate the residents spending money to "ook up tb'the City water supply Eric Johnson stated that the developer would hook the residents up to the City water but that the residents would !'lave tffpay the-T1orrna-rmorithl~ce fee. He affirmed that there would be no premium fee because the residents were not part of the City After a lengthy discussion, it became apparent that there was a misunderstanding between the City, the developer, and the residents about the water issue. Staff believed the developer had agreed to all the Conditions of Approval and that the developer had met with the residents and clarified the water issue. The Conditions of Approval stated that the developer would connect the reSidential dwelling to City water or install a new well to serve the residential dwelling. Mr Tompkins' view was that the developer would run the water lines up to the residence only There was general agreement on the Board that many open issues had to be resolved before the project could be resubmitted to the CRA for approval. Mr Tillman was concerned about identifying the exact number of people using the wells, the potential annexation issue, the legality of the wells, the tight turnaround space on the access road, and the responsibility for dedication of the turnaround space. He suggested that the developer, the City (including the Legal Department), and the residents get together and communicate about these issues. Mr Tillman believed that these legal issues needed clarification before proceeding with the project. Ms. Hoyland agreed with Mr Tillman's analysis with the addition of several other issues. She believed they should be getting plans in their packets for their review prior to the meetings. They had not had adequate time for review of the plans. She believed that many of the issues should have been dealt with before the project was presented to the Board. She also favored deferring the Board hearing until some of the open issues, legal and otherwise, had been resolved. 6 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 Ms. Hoyland was concerned about an apparent encroachment by Virginia Gardens Drive onto the proposed property Mr Johnson stated that there was no encroachment. Mr Rumpf deferred the question to the applicant, i\,1r Tompkins. Mr Tompkins said that according to the City's Engineering Departmerrt, there is no legal document creating Virginia Gardens Drive. There was an old ten-foot access easement across the Chan property and also a ten-foot utility easement that transverses the Chan property They had relocated that and provided the City with a new, 20-foot access easement to tie to what is now exists as Virginia Gardens Drive. They plan to utilize the same roadway they have now In cooperation witb. City stafL the developer, wa~ trying to cJiu~ t~,. least possible disruption to Virginia Gardens D~i~and Sam1iOo'tah'e:- -=- ~ - - Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director, reported that Staff understood from the applicant that the developer had c6l'1~lf;the )ilr~ gwriers and wo~t some of the open issues, particularly water delivery Ther'~l :.lIe very antiquated, "old Florida" aspects to this project. They had reviewed the property on site with the limited access off Bamboo Lane. He deferred to the appl~hether or net the developer had the jurisdiction to alter and expand Bamboo Lane. Mr Rumpf stated that staff was comfortable with the Conditions of Approval as written if the information given was correct; however, he asked Mr Tompkins,. "Wh~~diction over Bamboo Lane?" Mr Tompkins stated that there was a street or ro~d\\laLeasement for)hat portion of Bamboo Lane that they are accessing. They agreed to expand the ~avement from fourteen feet to twenty-two feet. Mr Rumpf stated that it appe51r.ed the developer was "riding on the rights that the restaurant own-ef does noWto acC'ess that~roperty", and the applicant responded in the affirmative. The developer reiterated that the matter had been researched and there was an easement on Bamboo Lane but not from Virginia Gardens Drive. Ms. Hoyland expressed reservations about the lack of decorative elements on the elevations that faced Federal Highway at the end of the buildings. She believed that stucco banding or shutters should be considered, particularly since the property was on a gateway to Boynton Beach. Vice Chair Heavilin was concerned about the fad'-thaf !'here were only four guest parking spaces in the development. Also she believed that the traffic would probably have a negative impact on Bamboo Lane and Virginia Gardens Drive since they are extremely narrow, and only allow one vehicle at a time. She asked the developer to consider the request of the residents for gates. She also asked if there would be any impact to the residents from the standpoint of dockage and seawalls. Mr Rumpf suggested that if this concerned the Board, that the Board add a condition that agreements be put in place to preserve the use and docking rights on the canal. Mr Tompkins stated that the property owners had no plans to disrupt any of the dockage or usage of the canals. Vice Chair Heavilin also had a concern about drainage and Mr Tompkins said they had submitted a more detailed drainage plan to the Engineering Department that was approved. Mr DeMarco thought that having City water would be a definite improvement over well water His understanding was that the developer was to bring the water lines to street- side of the involved residences and that hooking up to City water would be up to the residents. He thought that the City should provide the information to the residents about the costs of hooking up to the City's water Mr Gallagher (a Bamboo Lane resident) stated that they were in favor of that as long as it did not cost them a lot of money Chairman Finkelstein asked Mr Tompkins if any reference to a well or wells had shown 7 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 up in the title search and Mr Tompkins responded that two title searches had not revealed anything about a well or wells. T Ms. Hoyland inquired about the minil11Um backoioK requiremlint for perpendicular parking in reference to the north access drive. Mr Johnson said that the requirement was 27 feet but that it was not being considered as a drive aisle and that the Engineering Department had agreed with the al!9.tted space. Mr Tillman requested action on the item. ~~ y ~_.; 'i=- :n _ .~tr' I'S,'". ~ Motion Ms. Hoyland moved to table the DBkete-t-etts sit&1>Ian until the next ElIianFmeeting or until the following comments were addressed: .:. _ ~. . .:. that agreements are made or drafted for water eOPJice for the- residents now using the well on the property; .:. that an agreement is drafted for the docks that exist for the adjacent affected properties; .:. that the elevations fronting on Federal Highway 101Iie west, north, and south be revised to incorporate more detail; ~ - -, '- ' ... .:. that decorative light fixtures be proposed within the project; .:. that a 27-foot backout area be provid'i!tf6djacent r<Y1he ~ges; ~""'r'" .:. that the garages be 18 feet in width at the access point; .:. that Bamboo Lane be called out on the survey as to whether it is a public or private roadway and the exact width of that roadway or easement; .:. that the access for Virginia Gardens Drive be indicated more clearly on the proposed site plan (the area that is going to be removed and the area that is proposed). Mr Tillman seconded the motion. Vice Chair Heavilin stated that much of what Ms. Hoyland had listed was very technical and had already been approved by the appropri6te City Departments. She agreed with the agreements pertaining to water service, dockage, and the elevations. Chairman Finkelstein did not agree with some of the technical requirements and did not want to dictate to the Planning Department. He did not know if the City had the right to make the developer share the canal if the developer owned it and according to the survey, the developer did own it. He agreed that there were some important questions about the wells, water supply and delivery, and annexation that should be addressed. A vote was taken on the motion. The Chairman asked the Recording Secretary to call the roll. Messrs. DeMarco and Tillman and Ms. Hoyland voted yes and Mr Fenton, Chairman Finkelstein, and Vice Chair Heavilin voted no. The motion failed. Motion Mr Tillman moved that the Dakota Lofts site plan be tabled and that the developer and staff get together and gather the necessary agreements for the project to move forward to include items brought forth on the well, legal issues on the roadways, and the access 8 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Boynton Beach, Florida November 13, 2001 off of Federal Highway and Virginia Gardens Drive. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the motion. Ms. Hoyland asked if the rest of the Board had any concerns with the elevations. She believed that was the function of the Board and reiterated her concern with the lack of architectural elements on the westernmost building, on its north and south ends. Chairman Finkelstein asked Mr Tomkins to comment on this and Mr Tompkins agreed that they could improve this aspect of the project. Mr Tillman amended his motion to Include Ms. Hoyland's elevation comment pertaining to the architectural elements on the north and south ends of the westernmost building. Vice Chair Heavilin seconded the amended motion. The motion passed 5-1, Ms. Hoyland dissenting. A RECESS WAS DECLARED AT 8:15 P.M. AT 8:25 P,M, THE MEETING WAS RECONVENED. Rezonina/Code Amendments C. Project Name: Agent: Location: Part #1, Part #2: Part #3: US 1 Corridor Rezoning & Code Amendments City of Boynton Beach Federal Highway Corridor segment between the Boynton C-16 Canal on the North, and Woolbright Road on the South, and lying between the Intracoastal Waterway on the East, And the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast (FEC) Railway on the West. Proposed Zoning Regulations for Mixed.Use and Mixed-Use Low zoning categories, consistent with the recommendations of the Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan, Rezone Area III of the Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan from Central Business District (CBD) to Mixed-Use (MU), Rezone Area II and Area IV of the Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan (excluding Boynton Isles and Lee Manor Isles Subdivisions) from Single-family Residential (R-1-AA) and (R-1-A), Single & Two-family Residential (R-2), Multi-family Residential (R-3), Office/Professional (C-1), Neighborhood Commercial (C-2), Community Commercial (C-3), and General Commercial (C-4) to Mixed Use-Low (MU-L), Dick Hudson, Senior Planner, stated that this agenda item would be handled in three parts. He then introduced the author of the Federal Highway Corridor Redevelopment Plan, Michele Mellgren, who briefly explained the events leading up to the Plan and the City's request that she assist in the rezoning and implementation of the Plan. She noted that the eRA had aiready reviewed the Plan and submitted comments. 9