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Planning and Zoning Division
· Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment
August 21.2001
H, P Tompkins
HPT Consultants. Inc.
2295 Corporate Boulevard. #240
Boca Raton. Florida 33431
Re Dakota Lofts Land Use Amendment/Rezoning
Dear Sir'
Staff has completed the initial review of the above-mentioned application. and is
requesting that the following changes be made to the application:
The request should be that the land use designations for the parcel currently
designated Local Retail Commercial and the one designated Low Density
Residential be reclassified as High Density Residential; and.
2, The rezoning request should be from the existing zonings for each parcel to
Planned Unit Development
While the existing C-3 zoning would allow multi-family residential development. it will not
allow the subdivision of the property in the manner you have shown on the site plan. if it
is the owner/developer's intention to offer the units in fee simple. The only way this
could be accomplished is with PUD zoning, Under present code language. the
minimum parcel size for a PUD is five (5) acres; however. the code also states that lesser
areas may be approved with sufficient justification.
If you have any questions regarding this request. please contact me at [561) 742-6264
Yours truly.
Dick Hudson. Senior Planner
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd,. P.Q, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Phone (561) 742-6260 . Fax (561) 742-6259 . www,ci.boynton-beach,fl,us
TO: Chairman and Members
Community Redevelopment Agency Board
FROM: Michael W Rumpf
Planning and Zoning Director
DATE. October 10, 2001
SUBJECT: Dakota Lofts ABAN 01-003
Road and public utility purposes easement
H,P Tompkins ofHPT Consultants, Inc, is requesting abandonment of both a portion of a private
road easement originally known as Virginia Gardens Drive, and a public utility purpose easement
running along and adjacent to Virginia Gardens Drive, Both easements cross the applicant's
property from north to south. The attached Exhibit "A" shows the location of the applicant's
property and the easements to be abandoned,
The property subject ofthis abandonment request is a 2,00 acres parcel being the result ofthe
assemblage of three (3) parcels ofland, generally located between Federal Highway and the
Intracoastal Waterway, north of a private road known as Bamboo Lane. The property includes a
ten (10) foot road easement together with a ten (10) foot reserved for street and public utility
purposes easement. Altogether, the twenty (20) foot easement is known as Virginia Gardens
Drive, a private access streetthat serves neighbors to the north and east of the subject property
(see Exhibit "B" survey),
The applicant has assembled the above-referenced parcels to develop a multi-family project. To
that end, the applicant is concurrently applying for
a) rezoning the subject parcels from Commercial Community, C-3, and Residential Single-
family, R-l-AA, to Planned Unit Development, PUD;
b) land use changes from Local Retail Commercial, LRC, and Low Density Residential,
LDR, to High Densidy residential, HDR, and
c) site plan approval (see Exhibit "C" - site plan),
As seen on the submitted site plan, part of the proposed buildings and swimming pool are to be
built encroaching portions of the existing twenty (20) feet road and public utility purpose
easement. Consequently, the applicant is applying for the abandonment of both easements, At the
same time, the applicant is proposing the relocations of the twenty (20) foot easements within the
subject property in a way that can not obstruct any structure of the project, as depicted in the
Exhibit "C", site plan,
Page 2
Development Department Memorandum No, PZ 01-218
ABAN 01-003
The city departments involved in the review of all requests for abandonment, and the utility
companies notified of the request are identified below Public notice was given to the property
owners that abut the streets and it has been advertised in the newspaper. The utility companies
and the city departments' responses to the abandonment request are as follows:
No objection,
No objection,
Planning and Zoning
No objection,
Florida Power and Light
No objection, subject to granting a 10 foot
utility easement that centers on the existing
distribution facilities at no expense to FPL.
Bell South
No objection, subject to no landscaping of
the area under which buried cable exists,
which is behind the homes and across the
Florida Public Utilities Company
No objection,
Cable Company (Adelphia)
No objection,
Cable Company (Comcast)
No objection,
The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround
the subject request (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map),
Residential development zoned R-3 and a property zoned R-I-A.
Bamboo Lane right-of-way and farther south residential properties
zoned residential by Palm Beach County
Residential properties zoned R-I-AA.
Federal Highway right-of-way and farther west commercial
properties zoned C-3 and other properties zoned commercial by
Palm Beach County
Page 3
Development Department Memorandum No PZ 01-218
ABAN 01-003
Staff recommends approval of this abandonment request subject to recording of easement( s)
required by Florida Power and Light and Bell South. Furthermore, the review by Bell South
must be confirmed to have included the abandonment and not just the proposed landscaping
desired by the applicant (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval),
xc: Central File
2295 Corporale IIlvd, N W.
Executive Court One
Suile 210
lIoca Ralon, FL 331:11
Tel 561-998-0955
Fax 561-9!17-5721
Emili!: hptcon<!,'
September 27,2001
City of Boynton Beach
Department of Development
Planning and Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd,
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
RE. Dakota Lofts
Pursuant to the I" Review Comments from the Technical Review Committee,
please accept the following responses:
Utilities Department:
1 According to the revised landscape plan, there are no trees and lor shrubs
to be planted where the proposed and/or existing utilities are to be
2, PBC Health Dept. permits will be applied for at the appropriate time,
3 Fire flow calculations will be submitted at time of permitting for the water
main extension,
4 The capacity reservation fee will be paid at the required time,
5 At this time, the developer is going to utilize a well for the irrigation,
6 Certification has been added to plans,
7 As-built information of the existing sewer line is currently being done,
Preliminary investigations indicate that the sewer can be extended as
shown on the plans, The connection to Lot 2-A is now shown on the
8 The revised plans show the water service for Lot 2-A.
9 Bamboo Lane is not being changed from its original design as it is
completely off of the subject property Virginia Garden Dr will change
its access to route thru the proposed development as shown.
10 Landscaping revised to not interfere with utilities.
11 The entire common area will be utilized as a blanket easement for
egress/ingress, drainage and utilities,
12, No response required,
13 Each individual unit will be metered and as such should not require a
RPZ, The fire sprinkler system for each unit does have a RPZ built into
the system,
14 It is understood that the building permit will not be issued until water,
sewer plans have been approved by Utilities,
15 Please find enclosed the drainage calculations,
16, The required statement has been added to the plans, The power, cable
and telephone services are in the process of being located,
Fire Deoartment:
17 Plans and construction will comply with the Life Safety Code,
18 Each unit will have a fire sprinkler system as required by code,
19 Flow tests will be conducted to verifY the required fire flow
20 Fire hydrant test will be conducted prior to construction,
21 The required 5' clear zone around the hydrant has been provided,
22, Paved or stabilized roadways will provided prior to vertical construction,
23 The roadway to the north has been revised to a max, length of 150 00';
the roadway to the south has been provided with a connection to Bamboo
Lane for fire truck access and now meets the code,
Engineering Division,
24 General note added to plans as per comment.
25 The required permits for work within public r-o-w's will be applied for
26 The existing zoning and land-use for the adjacent properties has been
added to the site plan,
27 All of the known utilities have been shown on the surveyor site plan.
28 Engineer's certification added as per comment.
29 Drainage plans revised and information added as per comment,
30 Copy of the soils report is enclosed,
31 Lighting plan is being prepared and will be submitted to the City under
separate cover
32, The sidewalk along U S 1 is shown to be upgraded to a five foot section,
There are no local streets within the development, the project utilizes
parking tracts and as such sidewalks should not be required, As to
Bamboo Lane, there is not sufficient r -o-w for sidewalk construction and
Bamboo Lane is not located within the boundaries of the development,
33 Sidewalks as required will be constructed as per the comment.
34 All sidewalks will meet the required Handicap Code,
35 The backup distance for the pool parking spaces has been increased to
36 Note added to landscape plan as per comment,
37 The irrigation plan is being prepared and will be submitted under separate
38 The signing and stripping has been added to the preliminary engineering
39 Need clarification on comment in order to respond,
40 Dumpster location added to site plan,
41 Required curb details added to plan, Typical parking tract x-section is on
the plan,
42, The abandonment has been applied for and new easements will be
provided to the City for the relocated utilities,
43 The plat will be submitted with the final engineering drawings,
44 Bamboo Lane is outside the limits of this project. The internal parking
tract has been reconfigured to better provide access to Virginia Garden
45 Complete architectural plans are included in this re-submittal.
46 The FDOT Standard is the lan, 2000 english version.
47 The internal parking tract has been reconfigured for better cross access,
48 Details for the water and sewer systems will be submitted with the final
engineering drawings for permit approval,
49 All floor plans have been revised,
Building Division,
50 The units provide the required 2 parking spaces within the garage, The
only parking provided is at the pool and there is a handicap space at this
location, There is no other requirement for handicap parking,
51 Finished floor elevation have been established and depicted on the plans,
The required note has been added to the plans and the flood zone
information has also been added to the plans,
52, Property line identified as requested,
53 Note added to architectural plans as requested,
54 All easements of record were shown on the survey and site plan.
55 On the construction drawings the note will be added that all wall openings
will comply with Table 600
56 All buildings are three story Note added to site plan,
57 Floor plans show the correct number of stories,
58, A unity oftide will be provided to the City at time of permit review
59 Signed and sealed drawings will be submitted at time of permit review
60 The abandoned resolution will be provided at the required time,
61 The only parking subject to the handicap code is at the pool area and one
handicap space has been provided,
62, Travel route is shown on the site plan at the recreation area,
63 Area calculations for each unit shown on architectural plans,
64 The requested information is shown on the architectural plans,
65 Addresses will be requested at time of permit review
66 The limits of construction is the entire site,
Parks and Recreation,
67 The elements for recreation credit are the pool and spa,
68 The developer would request a combination ofland dedication and fee
69 The subject property will be platted and the appropriate fee will be paid
when required,
70 As-builts ofthe irrigation system will be provided when construction of
said system is completed.
71 Need to discuss this requirement.
72, Will meet with staff to resolve,
F oresterlEnvironmentalist:
73 There are no desirable trees to be saved on this site,
Planning and Zoning:
74 My understanding is that we are rezoning to a PUD which would allow
for the set -backs as shown,
75 The required abandonment has been submitted to the City
76, The property will be re-platted,
77 The property is being rezoned to a PUD with the requested set-backs as
shown on the site plan,
78, The zoning and land uses of the adjacent property has been added to the
site plan,
79 The preliminary engr plan has all of the traffic control markings, The site
plan will be too cluttered to show these on the site plan,
80 The fire hydrants are also shown on the pre\. engr plan,
81 The requested tabular data has been added to or revised on the site plan,
82, The entire area in front of the buildings is driveway and access area,
83 The HV AC units are behind the units and will be properly screened,
84 The lighting plan is being prepared and the light poles will be added to the
site plan,
85 A typical parking stall detail has been added to the site plan,
86 A color rendering will be provided prior to Planning and Zoning Board
87 Color samples will be provided prior to P & Z Board meeting,
88, All four elevations are shown on the plans,
89 thru 93 The floor plans for this unit have been corrected,
94 Laurel oaks have been added as the signature tree at the entrance,
95 Need to discuss this requirement with staff,
96, There is no vegetation to be preserved,
97 Need to discuss this comment with staff
98 Need to discuss this with staff,
99 The garages have been increased to 18' in width and vary in depth,
100 Landscaping will be revised upon discussion at meeting,
101 The continuous hedge will be installed at 24" and will be maintained at a
min, of 4' and a max, of 6'
102, Live oaks have been revised to Laurel Oaks,
I trust these responses and revised plans address the concerns of staff, If you
have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me at
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