APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: n. <(OTA LOFTS i LOCATION: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY COMPUTER ID: 01 03000005 I FILE NO.: ABAN 01-003 I TYPE OF APPLICATION:STREET & UTILITY EASEMENT VACATION AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: CHAN'S ENTERPRISES H.P. TOMPKINS PHONE: 561-732-3100 PHONE: 561-998-0955 FAX: FAX: 561-997-5721 ADDRESS: 3010 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADDRESS: 2295 CORPORATE BLVD BOYNTON BEACH, FL. 33435 #240 BOCA RATON, FL. 33431 Date of submittal/Proiected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 8/29/01 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 10/29/01 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 11/13/01 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 11/20/01 1ST READING 12/04/01 2ND READING 12/18/01 COMMENTS: Tracking with NWSP, LUAR bas gone forward on previous schedule. S:\PJanning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\DAKOTA LOFTS\abandonment\ABAN 2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: d- ()f) (I) s/ 2fl/tJ / rr-::-~--- -- !Iii I... 1< I U U j I,Ub 2 9 ?OOI JI l.j I PC.' "liNG AND ZONING DEPT Receipt Number' Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? , Date: APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DIVISION APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE. This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning and Zoning (Two (2) copies of application are required,) PROJECT NAME, "P;C::>\L.Q"'jA 1....0 F\ ~ I-\.'R \'CMP'Qt..1.:;) ..)It. . AGENT'S ADDRESS, 'Z. 2. ~S c..Ce.R:>l2.PT'6 \-\P\ C.~u\"'Tr.:>~ t I "-'c.. ... ~\"",,,.C> , Z. 4,... AGENT'S NAME: ~~.... . r=-. . 3.& 4.30 \ AGENT'S PHONE, 'S\.J;> \ - ~ ~ 'e:> - c::.~ "l::.S '5Q\ - ~~n - ";5"1 t.,1 AGENT'S FAX, OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: ~~.s.. e...LTee.'F"2-~~ .. J t-J~ . OWNER'S PHONE: ~C\ C ~,F<:::;D~~....... \..l\lj'1' "l::.<:::>'{~l"""'" -ese:OL\.L, 'Fi-. ~&4..:~:s 'S\.\-1~'l..- ,&~C>Q, OWNER'S FAX. PROJECT LOCATION: OR PCN NUMBER D~ ~ (l,!.- 4,c..,-o4--CC- 0(;>1- (Y2.e.~ " c::.\~~ , (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:' (if different than agent or owner) ........AME. bS. LY'~ . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded APPUCA110N TO ABANDONfVACATE APPLICATION TO ABANDONNACATE The undersigned, pursuant to Ordinance NO 76-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commission to vacatelabandon, and discontinue the.(check one): ( ( ( ( --- ) ALLEY ) STREET ) SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT ) OTHER NON-FEE INTEREST OF THE CITY -- as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connection therewith, Said application is to be filed with Planning and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. The undersigned hereby certify' 1 That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, 2, That the title or interest of the City and the public in and to the specific property interest described above was acquired and is evidenced by, (check one): ( ( ( ....----- ) ) ) DEED DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION BookCl'l..ll <l, Page \4.51 , and Public Records of Palm Recorded in Beach County, Florida. 3, That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4 That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; is not a part of any state or federal highway system; and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes, 5, That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above, 6, The names and addresses on labels and/or addressed envelopes of the owners and occupants of abutting real property and 1" class postage (stamps or pay for required postage), 2 APPUCAllON TO ABANDON/VACATE NAME ADDRESS .sEE. .bTTbU-l-ED 7 Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/abandonment, or, if they have present or future interest. proposed easement documents protecting their interests, (See attached Utility Company list) (ALL UTILITY COMPANY RESPONSES MUST BE INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION SUBMITTAL) 8 Obtain a survey of the street (or easement), 9 Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title company 10, That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: \ .vCo>\UO. s.:> / E,G;,ll"",..,...... "::>N'P -.:..\ ,-,\,e.> \~ \ '-'- ~;a {UC'-=L.~ T'" l"IP~ ,. \U-C ~CCt-";:' b, fE' P\...P-=>. ~~ o;;;:.P~n->;e-T-"" \"j,....~ _. \l>\"L::N\D~ T"" ~~ ~ p~",,".X:"I'.n.""" ~EI'>-o-p DATED e:,. \I .. <::J \ APPLICANT (S) NAME (PLEASE SIGN) ADDRESS 'C>~\t.~~ ........\';'> ~ 'bc>)'~_.\"'\"'~ z.z.~s- c:..t:>a.t.::>su.rcc; 2.\.,,-.0. i" L4.s ~ lU>~ F-<-. ?"'f \'+.P. \bt-A~\<..I""r. ,",D. r:'< ~ t==.lr.... pP""->-<-D-r ..C \ ~""\ ( ~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above indicated. deposed and stated that -----ne _~/is the applicant(s) in the foregoing Application to AbandonNacate. that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge, LaL ~efTARY PUBLIC, State of Flo ida O LAURA B DAMATO MY COMMISSION # CC 960045 EXP1ilES, Aug 10, 2004 1-8O().3-NOTARY FL Notary Service & Bonding, lnc My Commission Expires Updated 3/20/01 J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHAREDlWPIFOR SIAPPLICATIONSIABANIABANOONMENT APPLICATION WITH PRE-APPLICATION ADOEDDOC 3 f-< en ~n ~eO ~~~ b':;Jp.. ~~:il Cl;::sp.. Bl@ <u ~~ ~ '" o " '" '" '" o " '" <- '" '" ~ " .., g " '" o " '" <- '" '" ~ Z '" o " '" Z '" o " '" '" '" ~ '" '" m 00 Z '" o " '" m 00 '" '" o " ,., 0'" ~Ei "'lil "'H 0'" "'" "'0 0" ., :~ "'''' ,.,'" 0," ",., "'0 0'" '" N" "'.., Z ,.,U o "lil "'H '" o 0'" ~O ,.,. ~ '" ., 0'" ~ '" "'''' ,.,,., 00 "'" '" .. o "'.., ~Ei '" -lil MH .,,., , "',., "0 , .,,. -~ M .,,, ,.., '" .,:> '0 .,,, M "f~ '" "f~ .,,, ., 00 m 000 00 '''' 1;;g[;'! ~ ., 00 m ",0 000 O'M r-1E-iOX OtllO:I: th~e>U ~~~~ti o o OO\MO MO\"".... m........NM ~~~~O 1 r>:l 1 I I f-oU~:'::OO Cl)Hf-lOD Z~<O,.:( Ho.O~p.. '" ~ '" ., 00 m 00 0 000 O'M r-tE-!OX 00001:1: ~~~~~ o o 'd'NO\.-f 0\0\.-1(0 O........lIIN ~~~~.-f I {il. I t f-lUOOb::OO tIlHE-IOO Zc::<O...; Hp.,OI:llp.. 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H , z:>'" , :>.., , '" :> .., 00 H '" 00 0 '" 00 0 '" 0 ""''' 0 U ~ " 0 '" N " ';;' \<l I I'" 1 \ ,g/. \ \\J \~) 'f\ 8_ 1\ \\ - , &/ \ t' ~T ) \ \ \ ~\ s ~~ \ ~~ 8 ~ ~ ~ -;;z:. ~oo ..-l~..-' .0:::.00 .-, U u.J Ei (f1 J -) 1:) ~~ 8 -----,,- ~ -~ ~~; ~ ~- ~' - ---t CJ CJ 0- ::l :::;l~ C) CO :::; :::;l 't<l~\ ~.-\- -- -r- ~- --''''r -- - ~ CO> HPT ~ONSlJLTANTS, INe. 2295 Corporate Blvd, N. W. Executive Court One Suite 240 Boca Raton. FL 33431 Tcl561,998-0955 Fax 561-997-5721 Email: hptcon<!!Jbcllsouth.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LANO DEVELOPMENT . 51TE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMITIING . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . ENVIRONMENTAL August 13, 200 I Florida Power & Light 9329 S, Military Trail Delray Beach, Florida 33436 RE, 3010 S, Federal Hwy Boynton Beach Dakota Lofts To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed a copy of the survey and preliminary site plan for the above referenced project. The purpose of this letter is to ascertain if your company has any objection to the abandonment of the 10' road easement and the 10' reservation for street, road and utility purposes, New easements will be prepared to correspond to the new site plan, Any utilities located within these easements will be relocated to the new easement location, If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at 561-998-0955 Sincerely, ~~~ /' H. P Tompkins, Jr., PE Principal-in-Charge HPT CONSULTANTS, INC. 2295 Corporate Blvd, N W Exccutiv(' Court One Suite 240 Boca Raton. FL 33431 Tel 561-998-0955 Fax 561-997-5721 Email: hptcon@bellsouth.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMITTING . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . ENVIRONMENTAL August 13, 2001 BeIlSouth Telephone Company 2021 S Military Trail 1" Floor Engineering West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE, 3010 S Federal Hwy Boynton Beach Dakota Lofts To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed a copy of the survey and preliminary site plan for the above referenced project, The purpose of this letter is to ascertain if your company has any objection to the abandonment of the 10' road easement and the 10' reservation for street, road and utility purposes, New easements will be prepared to correspond to the new site plan, Any utilities located within these easements will be relocated to the new easement location, If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at 561-998-0955 Sincerely, ~) r->-~ I ( H, P Tompkins, Jr., PE Principal-in-Charge HPT C()NSULTANTS, INe. 2295 Corporate Blvd, N. W Executive Court One Suite 240 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel 561-998-0955 Fax 561-997-5721 Email: hptcon([t:bellsouth.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMIlTlNG . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . ENVIRONMENTAL August 13, 2001 Florida Public UtilitieslFlo-Gas Corp 401 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE, 3010 S, Federal Hwy Boynton Beach Dakota Lofts To Whom It May Concern, Please find enclosed a copy of the survey and preliminary site plan for the above referenced project, The purpose of this letter is to ascertain if your company has any objection to the abandonment of the 10' road easement and the 10' reservation for street, road and utility purposes, New easements will be prepared to correspond to the new site plan_ Any utilities located within these easements will be relocated to the new easement location, If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at 561-998-0955 Sincerely, '- ~ ~ -=::> f H. P Tompkins, Jr" PE Principal-in-Charge HPT lcoNsuLTANrs, INe. 2295 Corpora Ie Blvd, N,W Executive Lourt One Suite 240 Boca Rolon, FL 33431 Tcl561.99R-0955 Fax 561-997-5721 Email: hptcon(cvbellsouth.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMITrlNG . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . ENVIRONMENTAL August 13, 2001 Corneas! Cablevision ofW,P,B" Inc, 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 RE, 3010 S Federal Hwy Boynton Beach Dakota Lofts To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed a copy of the survey and preliminary site plan for the above referenced project, The purpose of this letter is to ascertain if your company has any objection to the abandonment of the 10' road easement and the 10' reservation for street, road and utility purposes, New easements will be prepared to correspond to the new site plan, Any utilities located within these easements will be relocated to the new easement location, If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at 561-998-0955 Sincerely, <iC) ~~ H. P Tompkins, Jr., PE Principal-in-Charge f ( HPT k:ONSlILTANTS, INC. 2295 Corpora Ie Blvd, N, W Executive Court One Suite 240 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel 561-998-0955 Fax 561-997-5721 Email: hlltcon(uibelIsouth.net PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT . SITE EVALUATION . GOVERNMENTAL . PERMITIlNG . TRAFFIC ANALYSIS & CONCURRENCY . PROJECT MANAGEMENT . ENVIRONMENTAL August 13, 2001 Adelphia Cable Communications 3020 High Ridge Road Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 RE. 3010 S, Federal Hwy Boynton Beach Dakota Lofts To Whom It May Concern: Please find enclosed a copy of the survey and preliminary site plan for the above referenced project, The purpose of this letter is to ascertain if your company has any objection to the abandonment of the 10' road easement and the 10' reservation for street, road and utility purposes, New easements will be prepared to correspond to the new site plan, Any utilities located within these easements will be relocated to the new easement location, If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at 561-998-0955 Sincerely, H. P Tompkins, Jr., PE Principal-in-Charge 1:0 d %66 C::S:L' ,00C::-8C::-9n~ {American I..aJ 'Ve Association Owners PoIicv -'1 0-17-9?1 fW. 70rlda Modifications! OWNER'S 11TI.E INSUlMNGE POLlCY Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. ORLANDO, FLORIDA SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE BAND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPU. lATIONS, ATIORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC., a Florida corporation, herein called TIre Fund, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. against loss or damage, ~ot exceeding the Amount ofInsurance stated in Schedule A. sustained or inCUITedby the insured by reason of. 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A b~ing vested other than as stated therein, 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. , I " ~ The Fund will also pay the costs,attomeys', fees, and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipula.- tions. ' [n Witness Whereof, ATTORNEYS'TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC. has caused this policy to be signed and sealed as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countersigned by an authorized signatory ~ , L:J;s'" .(~~~. /e/"-", ,..;~\ ill SE-~' L! '''''' nw I/!.' ~., i/" ... ," ~~ Attorneys' Tide lDsurance Fund, Inc. By ~~ Charles J. Kovaleski President SERIAL OPM- 2035537 FUND FORM OPM (~v, Me) l d gm ON ":..~ 3:Jlm MYl 3Hl ~d9t,ll IOOl 8l sny (0 d %66 GS:(, ,00G-8G-8~ FUND OWNER'S FORM Schedule A Policy No.: ,0J:M2035537 Effective Date: August 23. 2001 @ 11;36 a.m. Agent's File Reference: Chans Enter/BITGroup Amount of Insurance: $ 880,000.00 1. Name of Insured; B.I.T. GROUP. INC.. a Florida corporation 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by ~ policy is a fee simple (if other, specIly same) and is at the effective date hereof vested in the named insured as shown bY' instrument recorded in Official Records Book 12 8 4 3 , ' Page 1 H Q , of the_Public Records of Palm BeaC'.h County, Florida. ." 3. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: SEE L'F.$L DESaUPI'IrnB ATIAalED l-II:;wslu AND lw.DE A PART .HE:ElOOf. ,.... Gene Moore. Lawyer ISSUING ...0llNI' . ATTOllNE\' OR Fl1UC OF ATTORNns 5329 , Florida 33435 ZIP AGENT NO. 639 E Ocean Avenue MAIUNC ADDRESS Boynt CIIY 8 d 9L99 ON .~~ 3:JlllO MVl 3Hl'lJND~d9t ll(~IOOl 'Bl'inV'It861 1:>0 d %66 [S:~, ,00Z-8Z-~n~ Schedule B Policy No.: OB'&035537 This pOlicy does not insure llgainst loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: 1. Taxe6 for the year of the effective dale of this policy and taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 2. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 3. Bncroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. 4. :Easements or claims of easements not shown by the publil: records. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shoWn by the public records. 6. Any adverse ownership claim by the State of Florida by right of sovereignty to any portion of the lands insured hereunder, including submerged, filled and artificially exposed lands, and lands accreteci'to .such landS'. 7. Matters shown on Plat recorded in Plat Book 17 at Pagel4A of the PUblic :Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. with reference to Sec.32-47-43 on P~ge 25 of subject Plat. 8.Riparian and littorial rights are neither guaranteed or insured. " 9. That. certain lIDrtgage recorded in Official Record Book 7166 at Page 26 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, in favor of BankBoynton. n/k/ a Fi de li ty Federal Savings Bank. 10. That certain mortgage recorded in Official Record Book 9412 at Page 1460 of the 'Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida, in favor pf ADprex Financial Services Inc. 11. That certai~lIXlrtgage recorded inOfficial Record Book 10044 at Page 220 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; in flNOr of ADprex Financial Services, Inc. 12. That certain Dlortgage recorded in Official Record Book 12467 at Page 1487 of the Public :Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. in favor of Gene Mlore, Trustee. 13. That certain mortgage recorded in Official Record Book 12843 at Page 1182 of the Public RecordS of Palm Beach County, Florida. in favor of Chans Enterprises Inc. 14. The insured, B. I. T. Group, Inc., 8 Florida corporatiqn, is active but has failed to file required annual report for year 2001 and it is therefore not in good standing with the Division of Corporations of the State of Florida. "., PUND Form OPM-SCH. B (..... &1941 (e61 t d~gm ON ,:..,....... ~3JljjO MVl 3Hl===-~d9t:~I=IOO~ B~ ~nv ...~ P~RCEL I. A p~rcel land in SectIon 4, Tc~n.blp 4& South. Range 4] ...t, Pal. B.ach Count" .1orJda, .ore p.r~lcul.rlr described is tollove. BeginninG at ~ ~olftt in a line parallel ~o and 61~2 r..~ .aqLhorlY (....ured at right angles) fro., the "orth line of .aid SectlQR 4, at a dl~t.nc. DC l~O r..t ...~.rly. ....ur.d along .aid p.r.l1~1 line, fro. ..steely line of ~he aixty-elx foot cigh~-of- way of State Road No.5; thence veet.fly along said p~~811el ll~.. 150 fee~ to _ point tn sa1d e..terly rlght- ot-uay thene. Boutherly along .aid e.aterl, right-of- ~aJ lInt, 230 feet. thence easterly 150 feet to . poInt which is ~67 'Qet Bouth_ell fr~. the point of beginning; thenc@ northerly 267 reel to the poln~ of beginning. SUBJ_CT to an ..se_ent tor rO.4 purpo... on tbe easterly 10 ree~ of ~be foreQolng pre.l...: and P~RCEL Z A pareel land in SeetioB ~, Tovnehlp 46 South. R.nge ~3 _.at. PalM Be.cb County, Plorida. aore p.r~lCUI.r1r d.5rrlb~d as fol10.8: B.91nnln~ a~ a point in . lln. parallel ~O. and 1&.1 r..t southerly fro. t....ur.d at rigbt angl..) the north I1ne of .ald Section 4. at . diet.noe of 290 r..t South 19 lB' 46" Meat of the v..terlf r!9h~-Qr-v.l line of ~be lntracoa.tal waterway: thenee Sout~.9 lei 46- "B.~, along said pariilU.l ] lne, a distance of 225. -8 fee' MOce r>c les.. to a point in t.he eaat.erlf Unb' ot land described In deed recorded in pe.d Book 9J5. r.g~ 286, public records ot Palm Beach County. 'lorid.~ thence Sou~~rlY along .ald parallel line a distance of 231 83 feet, .ore O~ lese. to a point In ~ line parallel to. and 308 76 ~..t. southerly fro. (Me..u~ed at right angles) the north line of ..id Section 4; thence Ho~tb 89 18 46- .a.t. 8long 8~J4 parallel line. a dietance or 2~7 fgo~ .ore or 1.... to . point 300 feet sou~b 89 lO' 46~ He.t of the we.ter1y rjght~of~v.y line of eaid Iotraco..lal W.t.~v.YI th.n~. North 5 2~' 06- i.at, ~aral1el to saId ve_t.rly right-of-var lIne or the Intraa- oast.al Materwar, a dlet-.lDce of 94~5 r:eat; thanee SCouth ~" 89 18' 4&w He.t~ parallel to the north I1n9 of said Section , 4, a di~t8nc~ or 70 feet; tbence North 5 26" G6~ rast. pAr~llal ty said vest.rly right-of-vay or the lntraco..tal Wat.rv.~, .3l :JIst..uce of' 50 fe.t;J thence North 89 18' 46- East, palraU,el to ~h2 nor~h I1n. 01 ..1. C.c~IDn A~ . di.~ne. o~ to ~..~, theDce Nort.h 5 26' 06w East. parallel \.0 sat.~ vesterly r!~h~-ot-..r 11n. of the Int~.eoa.~.1 N.~.cvay, . dl.~.nce of .9 5 feet to the poJnt of beginDing, ~BSS a pArcel or land in Seclion ., Township 46 Sovth. Range 43 &a.t, Pll. lieach COlJltt.~ Florida. and M(.re p~rt1cularl.r desct'tbed aa follows Beyin at the Intersection ~t ~~. W.st ~igb~-ot-W.r line of the Intr.coaetal Haterval. .. .bOVD OD plat of and .. recorded in Plat Book 17, .~ ..g8 14~t Pal. Be~ch Count7 P~blle record.. and a line parallel to and 76 ) f..~ South o( a. .eaeur.a lit. rlgb\:. anglo. ~o ~hfl North line of ..aid Section 4; thence in . We8t.erly direction along ..id parallel 11ne _ dietanee ot 260 te.~ ~ ~he pol.~ ot beglnntng; th~nc8 continue 1n a vest.erly direct.ion along ..ld palal1el line a ~l.tabce of 140 feet, theoc. in . Southerly direCllon and parallel t.o .ald Neet right-oi-way line of the Intra- CDII.~.I NaLervay a dietanoe of B9~5 reet; thence In an E.s~erlr direction and paranel to slIld North line ot S~ctlon ~. II distance bf 1~O teet: thence In a Northerly direction and par_lle1 to .aid West rl~ht-of-~ay lift. 01 ~h. Xn~r.cQa.t..l ~.~.rv.r a dl.~an~e or 09.5 reet t.o the p01n~ 01 begtnnlng. ' Reaerving for street, road and p~bllc utility ~urpD8e~ thl ve.t.~IY LO feet th.roof. d 119\ ON 3J I JJO MVl 3Hl NdLI II 100l 8l IOV ""-'leBL J. De.C'l'lpt.lon of Canal.. 10. par:ce.l or 1.04 1n aecll.ou4. 1'ovnat.ip 46 9outh, Range 4] Eael, Pal. Beaoh Count.y. plorida, ~Orf partlculatlr de.crlbed as follovs: Fr~ t.he point. or int.er..ctlon of t.he v..terly right.-of-way line or ~h. Iftt~.ca..\.l ~.~.~v.J v~kb ~ line p.r:.l1el to, ~nd '1~2 r..~ 80uth of~ ....uI'8d ~~ rIght angl.. ko, u... no.r:\.h ILA" of ..ld Seet-Ion <4. run .a\lt,.h 5- 26' 06. vest, along .ald vesterlY rivht-of-.~y llno, a distanc. of 104.5 feet to the point ot ~eginning ane the north..3t corner o( the pateel oE l_nd berein described, ~h.nce Soul~ B9.10- 4ft. West.. paralleL t.o lb. nort.'" 11no of ..i/!! seC'tJ.on 1, . di"t.anee or :3'10 reet.: thence South S. 26' 06- tfusll p_rallel to ..14 v..\_rly riUbl-ol-V.Y 1Lneor ~h~ ln~~.co..~.l Wa~.r.ay, a d;iutanc:_ of SOfe~t.; t.l\.nce Horth 89. 18- "'6. _.at.. piu.llel' to the north line of said s~etlon 4. ~ dist.nee of 110 f~el ~o . p~int i~ ..id west.erly right-of-way 11n_ o( the Int~.coa.t.l Water"." tbenc:. Hort.... 5.26'06. lEa.t., along said weet.erly tl~h~-oC-V&l lint. 8 d18~.nc~ of 50 feet to the ~oLn~ of beginning. LESS AND NO~ IMCLUDIHD THE FOLLOMlftG D~SCRIBED PARCBLS (LOTS 2A .nd 3D) LOT 2A THAT ~ART Of SECTION 4. TOMNSHIP 46 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. PALH BEAtH COUNTJ, FLO.IDA, DBSCrrlBfD AS 70LtON$: c:olDt:2H'(""E JlT THI: POINT OF INTBIISWTXOJf or 'lHI WI.STERLoY RIGHT of NAY LINE OF THE INTRJCOASTAL MATERHAf HITH A LIHE 30B.76 rEET SOO't1; OF, "~"BU.BO ,.T RIGHT AMG1"ZS "10. 't)l~ NO'R'1H LlNt OF SAID SIC~lON4= THINCB SOUTH 89 18' 46~N, ALDKG TNB SAID LINf 308.;6 fElT SOUTH or THE NOR')'H LINE OF SEeiIO" 4, 300.00 PBBT TO THE POINT or ~BCIMMI~Gt TRENCE COKTIHua's. BQ-1S'4&-M.. 82.00 rXBTt TN.QIC:. N. O.AJ!' ...... w. 93.96 FEET, Tftt:tfCB 1'1_ 89.)8' 46-E.. 92 08 rRRT; TH~NCE s 5. ~6' 05. M , P~RJlLLEL MI~R THE wEST IUGI" 01' lI~' LIN'I of TRE INT'RACOAST.\1I MATtRWAY I 94.50 FElT .TO THE SklD fOINT OF BEGINNING. LOT 3D_ , \ THAT PART OF SECTIOH 4. TOWNSFIP 46 SOUTH, RANGI 43 BAST, PAL" BBACH COUNT), fLOR1DA. DESCRIB~D AS FOLLOWS: CO~E"~. A7 TUB potNT of JNYKWSECTION Of TH. "asT~R~Y RIGHT or M~~ LINK or ~H~ JNTR~COASTAL MATekW~~ ~t~H ~ LIN~ 61~tO peET SOUTH OP. HEASUIEO AT ~lCHT ANG~BS TO, THE NORTH LINt , Of SA]D SBCTION ... TRt:tlCE S. 5- 26' or.- \I., ALONG SAlt) tI!.S'r _10"'1' 01' WA'f l..lME, 154 ~o 'F!:S"'I+ T\l'BMC'B S ".18- .6-M., PA.ALLS~ WITH 'lB. NORT" LINE or SAID S.C~lO~ 4. JOO.OO r2~T TO TAl POINT OF B~INNlNC, THINCE N. 5~ 26' 0'. E., rAHALL~L wI'm 'lRE SAID WEST IJICH1' OF lIAT t;tNE OF THB 1"7RACOA8TAI, lIl\TdRhAJ. 25.DO 'KZ~I THENCE s. 89. tB" 46.W.. PARALL~L ~ITK THZ SA1D NORTH LINt or Stc~lOH ~, 94 7~ 'ES~; ~H~HCI s. o. 4}' 14-Z., 21.86 ,.~~; TMENCE N. 89. )8' 46- B.. 9%~08 rE~ TO TRE S~ID POINT Ol""'fiiOlHNIHG. , I ,. .'.:,.,;. - , '~:.~~ ,'f:. -h' , " __.n.. .... 9 d WI oN 3J WO MVl 3Hl Ndli II IOOl 8l lOV ot: 2 CJ"2 ,- illt \.~'Il crOCt '\1' ,W\l. '. l~?- 1QQ \ ,:~~ ~ 1~' 01/1E/200 ( '104,4-2 ),_54_ r~_O ~ .~~\\ ~\\ . \ \ \ \ .. ~ 1. ,,\ ~ \ \ . \ \1\0\\\ \.\ t ~\ \, \\\\\W\~ \~ \ \~\\l y \\ '\, ill' \ \ \ ..~ ~ \\~~\\\ \\\" \ \ ~l~,\\\\\\\ \,\ . ~i~\ \\\ ~\U\\ \ ~ ~~\~~\l".'~ , .~ ~ n. \ "i~\ ~ -\ ~~ ~ \ ~~<<B ~ ,~ " J \" ~, y, \ 1, ~ ~ : \. ~ ~ , \) J . ~ \. '> \ ~ \ \ -'f '. . ~ '1, .~ ~i 1 z \ r\l .' -- ....-.-.-- -- . .....---...... -- '3'3% :,,', l'3:S4 ' " '. Z"-Z00l ~G- " \ \ , \ ': I" ~ ------- ,-------- c0 d %66 ~v:9~ ~00G-8G-9n~ BLOOM<0'BALLEN ATTORNEYS AT LAw S.lItUEL O. BAL.L-EN JOMATHA.... BL.OQM.. OF COUNSEL MICHAEl. A. rREELINcr'l' ALAfO .ADMITTED IN -NEw veRI< __"ECT><:UT "'WAJJoIIHGT'OH oe. 299 CAMINO GARDENS BOULEVARD BOCA, RATON, FLOAIOA 33432 TfLEPkO"'E: 561-864-0000 F'ACSU""U!:. 5$1...$$4-0001 1:;-104"1"-: 81i1L.AW.BI..OOM'~AlLEN.COM NEW YoRK' 0FF'tCE: 11 MARTINI!: AV;:NUE WHITE PLAINS. NY loeoe TI:L: 914-421.3085 FAX: 91..ee8.5141 August 28, 2001 VIA FACSJMILE (561) 997-5721 Press Thompson HPT Consultants, Inc, 2295 Corporate Blvd., Suite 240 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Dear Mr. Thompson: , This letter is to advise you that on August 16,2001 B.I.T Group, Inc. transferred the property set forth in the attached Quit Claim Deed to Dakota Lofts At BOynton, LLC. The Deed was sent to recording and we should receive it back in a few weeks. In addition, I will not be able to prepare the Owner' 5 Policy until I am in receipt of the recorded Quit Claim Deed and Mongages from the recording office. However, you are already in receipt ofa l'rior Owners Policy with an effective date of August 23, 2001, which highlights all the exceptions on the property through the effective date, If you require any additional infonnation please do not hesitate to contact me, Very truly yours, ~~ ffilmd Enc. 9/l d tlLg oN A PARTNERS...", OF PAOF'ESSJONA'" ,.-.......-..-.-..... _' 3:Jlm MVl 3Hl ~dlt E IDOl Bl'inV OCT-10-2001 12:26 FROM TO 15617426259 P 02/0~ s.~ cllllllll:j6u 01-379:597 0lGl 12$&8 PI! 61"l1- Co. 1 e.,.. Doe e. 711 IIIlIlRlIIIIII UI II 1Il-l 11 II 1lI11111111111" / t(, ~red 10Jv Il.nd rem!'!!. 10' Jo~ath.1l :SloOlll; :Esq. Mtbnley at La.. :Reliable ~ltle Seme", In.. 29' Camlno Gord'l1$ Bolllevard SlIlte .01 Bou bIOI&, FL 3J4J2 561-<117.5577 ' Filol>ln=bor:' BIT Group Will Call No.:- rSp.cc ~ve Thh Une por ~ D",,1 Quit Claim Deed Thil; Quit Claim Dc:c:d'llllcl. this l.tb. tl1y o!...~ 2001 betwo'lll JU.T Group, I..., . Florida .orporall.n wAo,e po.t office acldreu is 2295 l'I"'\'\-' Corporale Blvd:, Suite 245. 110... lblo.. FL 3)431, Sl"lltor, &lid .Dakota Lon. At lIOYDtoll. LLC, a Florida,Umitod liabWly complllY ",ho.e po.t o!flee ad~.... 2295 NW Ccrporal.lllY<l.. Suitel45. Bo.a lUton. FL 33431, znntee: (WhClIVIt:' 1Z.~4 l\..-.iu tM l.mPS ~~tOt" and ~JI1'.tte~ il1~~\ld. &.11 tnllJ 1I1nt.., to lhill:\ltrumint I'lId tM h.its, tep.! ~ttth'a:l and urip of \n~viduah. In.:!: !he '\l~en md .t.uips of Cot'JXl~tiCl~I. truUS U'ld tr\IllnI) Witnesseth, that ..id pn'Ot, for sod U. ..""idoration oi the .um 1WI &....'P NOi! 00 POLLA.~ (~!O,OO) sod other goed ",d. vala_el. =idcation to .lid u=r in hsod pud by said grate., th. leeeipt'lvllereof is beteby ""kno,,,ledged, does hatehy ,1Olflis'. ,..jus., and ~itelainl to Ill. .aid gnlltee, and grantee's hei:S and ...igns. forevet, all tlI. rigb.t. ti.l1c, intatest, .l.im ",d d.,.,..,d which grll1lO: lw in ",d to tlIe ioUe,.,.;,,: d..en....d lmd, ~...lyjnB and'boUlg in Palm Be.ch Co"nty, FlorIda !o.wit 5EEEXHIBIT "A" ....~TACllED H:&P.iTO P.....l Ideniliie.110l\ Numb.., 08,,001,0283 lUll!,00,001,0131 To Have lU1d to Hold. fhe 0A:l\0 together willi all and 'in&War the app.....JWl,e.. !j\~.,o b.lo~gi1lg 0' in anywise apptrlSiitin&, ",4 all... .stale,. righT, title, UltOfut, lim, .quity ""d .1= wlullaoeve:r of gnntorl, either in la'" or equity. fOI 111. U$O. b.".,/it &ndprof:.IO!'" ,aldgtantee fox....:, III Witness Whereof. granlo:W htteUllto Mt P&l1to,'. hand and.o>I 1110 day an4'YO&f f:re: above-writtcu. . Signe<i, ..alad ",4 cl.h"",.d in O\1T F""ODU: ,~.l~:~D ~.., . Bv' Ma. Bagby l',.sidaat , (CG>'pOTaU ~ea1)- OCT-~0-200: 12'07 1561864.,001 F Z7 OCT-10-2001 12: 27 FROl1 SILle o!Florida Cowlty o{Pol", Beach TO 15E17426259 P 03/05 'The torteoillg izlstnun""l was IcQoWledaed before ",e this 16th dly of AUiWt, 2001 by Mac B'Sby, PretlclerltDfB.!.T. Group., Ino.. al'loridl <<nporalio.. 011 belWt of tho corpon.ti.oll, HeI8h. [J is por.orWly lolo_to Ill! or [Xl has produced · <irivor" H....,. U'idel\~e.lion. ",.,2 - =-= -:) ---- [Notar.>' S..IJ NotaIy , e JOIU.THNt 11.00II - '111""".....,'_ No."'_ ,.....,IOfloorH~. ~ QuJlO"tmD5" P~f'l OCT-12l-2001 12 0? 156186401'101 Printed NI:me' lona"""!>loo",, E,q, My Co=is,io!l Hspim: Oc~be: 29. 2004 . DoutlJ..Tjm.. ;:>.08 OCT-10-2001 12:27 FROM TO 15617426259 .DIlI ~e6a Po 61 jP P 04/05 Plten 1 A p~~C.l 1."d 1n a.o~Jpa .t TDYn'bLp 4' lO~tb, ..ng. .~ ..~" Pal_ a..Ch Q~Q~\11 '1o"da, ~o,. p'l~~~~~.rlr ....r>b.. al 1011.VO, ...i.alo, " . pol.. ~. . 11.. ,aflUhJ. too ~. Il..3 ,..". .cwa"..'l.,. ,....\1.... u. r1~bt &nll..~ Iro.. \~ nDt\h l1a. 61 ,,14 l.e~.OA 4, _, . d1.Unc. oe LSa h.". ......rly,. .,uund alOllg ...iet pnUI.,\. 1141. fto. ...t.~ly 11ft. ot' l~ .i~t~-.l. t~~ 'lsh~-or- ""''I .r" .\-"'". lto...- Mo.. 5, c.}leD" lI...t.,ly _10". .all par.l1,,1 1-1"., t5l:. ",e\ '=0 I ,ahe 1'" ..t. t"c..rl)' rhht... or.var~ t~.~e. .outh.~L, ala.. .'ld ..I\..lr ~ilb\~o'. ~., 1~~.. 230 f..~~ lhAne. .a"'~l~ lSD f..~ ~o .. poln\ vn.rn. U i61 r.., 811"lh.r11 rrlM the pGint. 01 b.,,1nnhtlf t~~~_ Aatther1r l61 t..~ ~o t~ ~l~t of ~QtQ~1_8. aua:aet ~. _~ ......ft\ ,or ~c.a p~".... .n"~ ...\.~It ~O r.... Of lU Congot....; ~~...~.Il.~, .n6 P~.Cn. z. A porel. 1... I. So:<I.. ~. r#vn.hip 45 SOY~h, a.ng. 43 '..t. p_1. ~.,~~ e.~Q\l. r\or,~., MO'. p.rtleull~~1 ._.~~t"4 as ro~lo..t 'ev\n.\~ .~ . r.~nb ~n _ lin~ ~at.l!.l .~, _"4 ".\ I.., .0\" hu 1)' be. .~'..'lr.. U t\gll\ .a,.gha).. tlte non.h 1 h. ot ..14 ~.~t!on 4, at . .l.'.~Q. .of 18Q t..t Suuth '9 ll' ... "..1: .r. kh. VIIIl.ot.tUy, t1gbh.'-VlY lllUl 01 the [ntcecQ..,.1 ..t~rv.)1 ~.ftc. Sovtb II ~.I 46- ~..t, iJQ~g <<.14.p1ral1el )in., a. 4t.t~Qc. of 11~.' f~.t .Dce O( 1.U to . po1nt in t.'h. ...t,u)"l' Uru. at hhd Go.crlb'ltcll 1n d..tl r.OOld" in 11..4 .OCI~ PU, 1'.". ue. pubUc r'Ka,t4. ot PaIn. ".Gh O..~'r. rlQ~l"~ \~..~ ...'beIll along ..Sd .-rall.l 1111.1 .' IIh"."o.. at. 21'7.13 h.t, ..oi'e or 1'''1 t.o ~' ,aLM. 111 . Un. ,en,HIl. to. 'lid JOI.i' ,.at.. .~lIt.ht"'.l-r Uti" ("~..\t1'.4. .C. ~lght .-vt..) ~~. QQ~~n ~lA. DC' .,SA "e~l~n 4; t~.~ce N4c.k at ,.' 4i- ~..~. .1~n. ..i. .ar.~~l'11Q., a '&.._nQE 0('247 {..t SQrt Dt l'.'t to.. poln~ 300 teet cauth 8' la\ 4'. w..~ or the .Q~t.rl1 'lgbt-ofwv~l l1n. 01 ..1~ l~tr'oQ&4t.l W.tl~V.r, ,~.~c. UO~\~ S ~'I 0'. I..~. ,. plr~Jl'l to lil~ V..t.~lY =~~~t-O!-V'l liD.'O' ~he lAor.~- o~.taJ. hu&'"ay, .. d&dillDce 01:' '<4.:5 t.'tl ttl.ne. :I~lltft U 18' "... N..t. pln.11.1 tet ~b. nor" U.. 01: ".11 $eQ'tioD. 4. . di&t.ne. C~ iO ,..~, ~~.ftc. "cr~h 5 Z" VI- E.ctr p'r&11~1 t.o) u1d'"weUul.,. dgblwol-v&)' at lhe IDtraCo..t:.1. Mllbor""1. . ~l.t.\~. Qf ~D f..,) t~Go. No~tb 18 'I' 1'. ...t. ..r.~12\ i. ~~~ n.r~ 1... .~ ..~. a.aalQ. ~~ . 4i.'.ft~. ~, 10 I..., t"h'"~, Horc.h' 26' 060l hat, pau,l1tl to I4lU trutu.ly UUlt.t.D'......y .l.J1\1 00' t1\1!' tl\h._(,f.~lt..:. "-"1:""1. ... 4~.t.a"'D. Of "~' Ce'~ ,~ ~h. poln, or "gtoDJng, ~I'. . pare.! Df l~hd In S.ctlan <, TQ.D.hl~ ., South, ~.nG.;4' E~.~, p_1. 't.ch co~nt.r~ n.orid., .!\d .'Jr. p'.tUcUlarl', 4..ct1hcl .. tOU""1" ,~u'" at, tlll1 t,,1't8lC'..et.!.OIl at t.be II.Jt. .dgbE~ot""&r U".. oe '~e t~t~O~..\11 Wltervay. I. .hD~n 00 ~l.t G! ..d il r'~oi'.d iQ ~t.t .OQk 11. .~ ..Q. ,.~, "1~ ...cb eOUDtl l'd'U1S,,, t.eord.1 1ft. . 11n. ,.1:'111.13 h AIi' .".~ h.' h'd." cf a. ....~r.. .t rlyht _"11.. to _~~ MDrt~ 11n. ~r ..~. ~eJ:r~icn, 4. "th."ee U, . ."..h'r'l\' "Urlc.don aIling add PlnU.' l~. . 4l.\Ince ., 2~Q r..t. to L~ DQ1~t Q( bt~1n~t~9~ ~hlnc. e9ntlnuc 10 _ ...t.~~7 dlr.~ttQR ~t~i .ilI1d p.l~11.1 "h,.,. at.tanr::t ot 14D het, tk.ac.' h . .sCHIl:h.etlY dl"8~t!o" &~~ ~~r&Ll.l ~o 8iL4 ...~ ,1~\.Df-vll line or tb. Intra- bDl.~.l Waitr.., I 41.eaaee ~r I~,S f.'LI thane. In an 18atlrly "1.'.4w101'1 Jllll pJ,tolll1tl ac> 1I,,~d North au. Ql s.Q~~O' ~". .l.\.n~. 0' 1iO lee,. ~nc. 1. a ~orth.rlr .!beet.lol1 '1\4 paru'ut to ...i4 w.... .-:lgh\-of"v~1 1.1". 'fit ,..... J,.,....tlIo...t..l It"re;n,o.,. .' Ot.-i,aet .1 D'.~ e..t. '-Clo ~l\a pell"" .( l:o_U"I\\n, ....r'lng ~Or .t:..t, ~oa! ~~d ~~blle ~~11l~Y ~.rpo.'~ tho ...t.C1t 10 tact ~~...~, ~ .',,". OCT-le-2e01 ~2~a8 ~SS18S40001 83~~ p 0g OCT-10-2001 12:27 FROM TO 15617426259 P 05/05 -.wln'---. '.&U\Uf, ~tlK PO CIlJ/'ffY, Fl. p~'ieli. ~. De.cr~,.lo. .r C...l. A parco I 'f .ortd to "C\1.n4, ~...~ip 4C .ou,~, .a~.. ~3 I..t. '.1_ '..oh eODnlr. 'lOti.., .orr pu~loolUl~ ....tl~ .. 'oU.... ' rr... tn. polot. of lou....oho or tlMt .oot..ly ri.\t-ot.... U'~.. i't ,.. l'A\nelD..t.al Wa".lfPt vuli . UDa _ll'aUI1 to, .nd 61.a ,... 'OQ.~ 0'. ....or.. .. .1;\t ..v1.. '0. \k. A9lL"toh 11... _I. ..t.. ...'lGh ~I 1r1lft. aw"" 5.211 0'" V..~. alo.; ..14 ...ter17 rlabt-.f.VA! 11.0. . dl.r.rtco Dr 104.5 r..t .0 tho pola. 01 ~.gl".la, a.l tn. .ortn...t c.~n.r af ". pare.l'Df lane h.re1n ...rrL"d, tbana'. Iv~\h niall' ..,. W..t.. '....11.1. to "". 1\ort.Jil 1.lec 01 .aLI..,,,loft t, .. di.ctavca of J1Cl t.atl thIn_ '.llth S8 JO" oe;- Weat:, 'lu.U~l to,..14 ...~rl~ w~,'t-.l-V.Y l1h_ at ~. i"~~.oo..~*l M".c..y; a .t.t..a. De' SO I'e_h ,tumoeo N.r~Jli ... III -46,11 a".", ....U.ll..l ~c tha seeth l1A_ ~r .ai' S.atlan 4. . d1.\ane. ot )10 t.e~ to . 'p,1.L t. ..i4 ...~.rlr t'g~'~O(~YAl l'~. or ~he l~~,.~a..\~l ".t.e..)'I WI.nll. .NO,.t.r. 5 D 25'0'" h.r", .la., ,Illd ".at..rlY, .ig~t-ot-v.t li~.. . 41.tonc. .r 50 roet t. lho pol.' of ....\.ninu. 1.1" ~ND tfCy U1Cr..UDlMd ,",I: rOJ"LOWIWa ~'I'C.l'.tS> 'A.CIL~. (l.o1l V. .nl1 ~P~ ~e'T 3'" 't1!"T. l'U'I' or SlC'l'IOM c. TIlNII!IIll"4~ SOU'l'R. .lAJlia <3 IIAST, 'ALII 'IACH COOHTT. 'LOlIDA, OlSORJ3JD AS fOLLON'. COMl('II~' A' ~Ill' 'OIRT or lllTnnC'l'lOll Of 'HI NlI:rJlLl UOHT Dr NAY LII' ~r ~I lITRlCOAItAL NAT.,vAr NITS" LINI 101.16 fliT SooTk 0'. NDIII)1D I.T .10R' UOI.J. '1'0. 'fill NonN LIlli or lAID SICttON4, .TR~C' $OUTM ag 1.. C,~W. aLO~a ~RI'~~l~ ~IHI JO'.~' rllT .0018,Of ~II HOAtH LI.. 0' liC'l'tON 4. JOO.OO filT '1'0 'l'R1 .02~.O' .tol~"I~. ~~c. CO~J"Utr. .'.1.1..~..1 '1.00 raETr 't1laN1:a M. 0.41' L." W.. U.'. '..T} 'Z'K.Jf~. II. .,~ II' 46-.., 92.01 rll1'l "l'.."ee B. S. 2'" 0"" u,., '''IM-Iot1- "I'A TM. "1ST JIO"T ~. .~T ,,~"Z of T>\1 11l\'11ACOMfAIo. lIA't""AY. .. ~O ,.., 10 fHI SAID. PDIR, or SBGINWIHO. I..o'l' 3D.. TIIlT PAJT or SICTIOH~. 10NHa~IP 46 80UTH,..~N~' 41 Bh8T, PA~~ luev COUIlT\. '!.OIIOA, IlI$CllnO AS rOLI.OiIs, g~"C. ~T 'Ha ,otNT 0' JN7...1CT~ON O. 1'6. W..:G.~' 'RrG"1 OP lIa1 lol-N. o. Tn IIf1ft~()A15TA" "~ft.wa't 'Inn ~ WH& 6J .JO .'IIT 10U'i'l\ 0'. lR""lIlIlD U UOllT ,,1lO~.' TO. THI NOAf. l.IN1. 0' ,tAlD BaC'l'10lt, 4. TJttNCI 5. ,. 26' o.~ W.. At.OfitO SAIlJ w...~ .la.... a. .A'" ~I"I. lS..,O ''''If' 'l1fJrIfO. S" ..- 11'. 'u..... P~.ALIo8L NI~ THI MOITH I.INI 0' 8~~ "OTION 4, JOO.CO 'I~T TO 1MI 'aIN't 0' ....II/llINO. 'l'HINCI M. S' 24' 06' S., 'nAt,l;ZL WI'I'H 'HI 811P WJDT~I.IIT O. V~y lol~ or '"l 1H'....AI"." NA,..."T. 15.00 'IJT,-TII""'t a. 09' Ii' ~6'" . PA.~LLII" WITM 'MIS lAlp HQ.t~ ~lK~ or CIC~IOM 4, '..7) '11Tl ~"&NCS S. O. 41' J4-t.{ 2~_1' ..,., ~.~c. _ at. lO" ~,~ ,., 11.08 r~l~ TO TRI SAlO POINT or IIOIR8IHO " ~ ,- .." .., .,...... ..' " .. TOTRL P 05 >:0 d %66 ~v:9, ,00~-8~-~n~ Prmared bv and rehlm to: Jonathan Bloom, Esq. Attornty at Law Reliable Title Services, IDc. 299 Camino Gardens Boulevard Suite 207 Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-417-5577 File Number: BIT Group Will CaU No,: fSpace Above This Line POT "Recording Datal Quit Claim Deed This Quit Claim Deed made this 16th day of Auaust. 2001 between Bl.T. Group, IDe., a Florida corporation whose pOat office ad~ss is 2295 NW Corporate Blvd., Sulte 245, Boca Raton, FL 33431, ptor, and Dakota Lofts At Boyntoll, LLC, a florida limited liability company who.. post office address is 2295 NW Corporate Blvd., Suite 245, Boca Raton, FL 33431, grantee: (Whenever uud herc1tl 'the t'e1'mS "srmtor<< md "grantee" include &.II me pune.s t<> this instrument and the hein.~ legsl ~tad.vC$, and assigns or individuals. and the SI.lCcesSOTS Ind a&S;~ of corporations, U'USts and trUSb::CI) ~.. ,- Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum TEN AND NO/IOO DOLLARS ($10,00) and other good and valuable consideration to said gantor in hand paid by said granree, the receipt whereof is hereby aclaJ.owledged, dots hereby remise, release, and quitclaim to .th. said gantee, and gl.'Ontee's heirs and assigns fottver. all the right, title, interest, claim and demand wbich grantor hllB in and to the' following described land, situate, lying and bemg in l'ahn Beach County, Florida to-wit: SEE EXlIJ!ll. "A" ATTACHED HERETO Parcel Identl1lcation Number: and To Have and to Hold, the same together with all and singular tlIe apputtelllUlces thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whallocvcr of gl.'Onton, either in law or equity, for the use, benefit and profit of the said grantee forever, In Witness Whereof, galller has hereunto set gl.'Ontor's hand and seal the day and year,f'1r'St above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: B: Mac Bagby President (Cotporate Seal) 9/8 . d tlL9 ON 3JIJJO MVl 3Hl Ndlt € tOOl Bl'inV v0 d %66 ~v:9, ,00G-8G-8n~ State of Florida COWlty o{Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 16th day of AUgust. 2001 by Mac Bagby, President ofB.I.T, Group, Inc" a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/she U is personally known to me or [X) has produced . driver's license as identitieation. ~ \ ~---==~ , ---- [Notary Seal) Notary lie Prin~ Name: Jonathan Bloom, Esq, My Commission Expires: October 29, 2004 JONATHA/'I kOOIoI - MrCooo..e.,..1_ .. No, oe__ ~ tIOfwI.D. " '..- ~ QuIt a.... Dud . Page 2 DoubleTimee 9/~ d ~IL9 ON ....~.:-. 3Jlm MYl 3Hl Ndlt,8 IDOl Bl'iny '/-' I. I'UnCllASE AND SALE: r{/.i1 ,1nu C' 1,('; I. \ the property described CIS: Street Address: IrP___ " 'W r.-~->+.. T,J('. ",_' II",; ;r:"'-~~("BUYER")agrl;'c'ltobu - J .. ':"1 _ CSELLEH") <lgrecs 10 sel r:, -Cf;vt':J!.. - tl) I~("'('I L., I' .5'>..L/35:- () h' 'I 'i'( r.:(> LI() 0001 C;! ,~O f I , Legal Description: Pff'll fe." /7.i ,~C<!.( j 0 ' anJ the fullowing.l'ersul1nJ Properly: - /? /--//1 ~ I. I:,-L //. it -1".# "'1 c j L.-. lr'~ .. t ,..', 1...12.. Ct//1tr", ?'" Pr..,"'. (.(,'-,< 2. I'URCIIASE I'RICE, . f f I '7) I (<I) LJep~s.it 10 be hel~ hI escrow by . : <; .. -0 ~J" 1\ ('Cl_C. - ,Y (b) Addltlonal depOSit to be made wltlun _ days from Effective Date (e) Total mortgages (as referenced in Paragraph 3) ) /) (d) Other: PUVf.ltr. t." Mn.\\~'j Mr.o1j',fL(-,(' .L"...... \'pue'Y"'@1 "'11/ k.-.'?Y,J I (c) Un]ance 10 close. subject 10 adJuslments and prorations, to be made with cash, locally drawn certified or cashicr s chcck or wirc transfer. (all collcctivcly referred to <IS the 'Property") on the terms and conditions set forth below The 'Effective Date of this Contract is the dale on which the hlst of Ule Parties signs Ule latest offer. Time is of Ule essence in Utis Contract. Time periods of 5 d.lVs or l~ss Shill1 ht' computed without including Snlurday, Sunday, or national legal holidays and any time period ending on a Saturday, Sundny ur naliollill Iq;nl hulit.lay shall be extended un1il5:00 p.m. on the next business day () /&~R' ~~,': ~~ ~//< ,P $ ,$ $ $ - 3. TIIIRD PARTY FINANCING: Within_ days from Effective Date ("Application Period"), BUYER shall, at BUYERS expense, ilpply for third party financing in the amount of $ or _ % of the purchase price to be amortized over.1 periuJ uf - years and due in no less than _ years and with a fixed interest rate not to exceed 0 prevailing rate 0 _ r.. pl!! year or variable interest rate not to exceed 0 prevailing rate 0 _ % at origination, with additional terms as foHows: BUYER shall pay for the mortgagee title insurance policy and for all loan expenses. SELLER shall timely provide any and <III neJit, t'lllployment, Hnandal, estoppel letters and other information reasonably required by any lender. BUYER shaU notify SELLER irnnlt'dialcly upon obtaining financing or being rejected by a lender, HBUYER, after diligent effort, fails to obt<tin a wrilt('ll COrlllllilnll'nt within _ days from Effective Date ("Financing Period"), BUYER shall either (a) waive this finandng contingency and proceed with closing or (b) reapply at SELLER'S request and at 0 BUYER'S 0 SELLER'S expense for financing at an alternate lender selecteJ bv SELLElt Reapplication shall be made within _ days from SELLER'S request. If SELLER does not request reapplication, eithel' party 111,1\ Icnnillalc this Contract by written notice to the other party. 4. TITLE: SELLER has the legal capacity to and shall convey marketable tiUe to the Property by~atutory warranty deed 0 otlll'r free of liens, easements and encumbrances of record or known to SELLER, but subject 10 prtll'erty taxes for the year of closing; covenants, restrictions and public utility easements of record; and (list any other nliltteJS 10 whilh lilfe will be subject) ; provided there exists at closing no violatillll of the fUt ~going and nune of thelll prevents UUYER'S intended use of Ihe Property as (a) Evidence of Title: SELLER shall, atXi SELLER'S 0 BUYER'S expense and within....3.Q....- days 0 from Effective Dat~ prior 10 Clusing Date 0 fro~ dale BUYER meets or waives financing ~o~li.ngency in ~aragraph ~~ deliver 10 BUYER ..~ f.!:..) //,,,d~~ (J an abstract of hlle, prepared or brought current by an eXisting abstract fum or certifIed as correct by an eXlslu(g fmH, ___~ \4 a title insurance commitment by a Florida licensed Litle insurer and, upon BUYER recordiJlg the deed, an ALTA oWllers rt)lil'V in the alllount of the purchase price for fee simple title subject omy to exceptions stated above.1 <I l>,z". .'.s5u_ll,y UI<t! '1(.,f'1..u,' '\~e,d- BUYER shall. within 15 days from receipt of the abstract or 7 days from receipt of the commitment, deliver written notice 10 SELLER 01 title defects. Tille shall be deemed acceptable to BUYE:R if (1) BUYER fails to deliver proper notice of defects or (2) BUYER dl'liwrs proper notice and SELLER cures the defects within ---3..tl. days fTom receipt of the notice {"Curative PeriCld"), If the defects art. cUled within the Curative Period, dosing shall occur within 10 days horn receipt by BlFiER of 110lke of such cming. SELLER lllilY elt'ct not tll cure defects if SELLER reasonably believes any defect cannot be cured within the Curative Period. If the defects <tre not cu)'~d v. it hill 111l' Curative Period, BUYER shall have 10 days from receipt of notice of SELLER'S inability to cure the defects 10 elect whether to Inlllill;l(l' this Contract or accept title subject 10 existing defects and close the transaction without reduction in purchase prke. (b) Survey: (check one) _ ElSELLER shall, witllin ~ days from Effective Dale, deliver to BUYER copies of surveys, plans, specifications. and engilleering documents, if any. prepared for SELLER or in SELLER'S possession, which show all currently existing structures. o BUYER shall, allllFiER'S expense and within the time period allowed to deliver and examine title evidence, obtain a current n:rtified survey of the Property from a registered surveyor. If Ihe survey reveals encroachments on the Property or thaI the illlprOVen1C'llts ellcroilch on the lands of another, 0 BUYER shall accept the Properly with existing encroachments 0 such t'l1croachlllen!s Sholl! ..:on"litult. a title defect 10 be cured within lhe Curative Period. fc) Ingress and Egress: SELLER warrants that the Properly presently has ingl ess and egress sufficient for 13lJ)'EK<; intended use of till' Property. title to which is in accordance with Paragraph 4. Ill) I'ossession: SELLER shall deliver possession and keys {or all locks and alarms to BlJ)'ER al closing. , {"/} f L 5. CLOSING DATE ANIJ PROCEDURE: This transaction shall be dosed in r~' t\.'\ H'r1 ('. Cuunty, Florida all or bel{,re lht, ~(J Pl- :J....-f ,2ea....S------ or within 1.8a.. days from Effective Date ("C1~s~ Dale"), unless otherwise exlendl'd herein. .J SELLER ~BUYER shall designate lhe dosing agent. BuYER and SELLER shall, within days from Effective Dale, deliver to Escrow Agt'llt si!-;lIeu instructions which pl'Ovide for dosing procedure. If an institutional lender is providing purchase fund;;, lender l'eC]uirements <1:' 1(1 pl<lce, time of day, and dosing procedures shall conlrol over any contrary provisions in this Contract. (<I) Cosl5: BUYER shall ray taxes and recording fees on notes, mortgages and financing statements and recQrding fees for the deed. SELLER shall pay t<lxe~ on lhe deed and recording fees for documents needed to cure title defects If SELLE1~ is obligated to disch;;lr~l' ,lilY cll(1Jlllbrance al Of plior 10 closing and filils 10 do so, BUYER lllilY use purchase proceeds 10 satisfy the 1'IlCUmbliln..:es. ~-;"1l:?~ 91(f C(.I f) IllY] FlotiJ.l ^~~ud~tiol1 of RrM Wltsdi!AII Righls Hl'setveJ , BROKER rn~ ~!"LlO~' 1',1f;l'I,'I.l .,""'--.--- I : (b) Documents: SELLER shall pro. _ the deed, bill of sale, mechanic's lien affidavit; assignmem" '_" leases, updated rent roll, tenant and lender estoppel letters, assignments of permits and licenses, corrective instruments and letters notifying tenants of the change in ownership/rental agent, If any tenant refuses to execute an estoppel letter, SELLER shall certify that information regarding the tenant's lease is correct. If SELLER is a corporation, SELLER shall deliver a resolution of its Board of Directors authorizing the sale and delivery of the deed and certification by the corporate Secretary certifying the resolution and setting forth facts showing the conveyance conforms with the requirements of local law. SELLER shall transfer security deposits to BUYER. BUYER shall provide the closing statement, mortgages and notes, security agreements and financing statements. (e) Taxes, Assessments, and Prorations: The following items shall be made current and prorate~ as oE Closing Date 0 as of real estate taxes, bond and assessment payments assumed by BUYER, interest, rents, association dues, msurance premiums acceptable to BUYER and If the amDunt of taxes and assessments for the current year cannDt be ascertained, rates for the previDus year shall be usetl with due allDwance being made lor improvements and exemptions. SELLER is aware of the fDlIDwing assessments affecting or pDtentially affecting the Property: BLNER shall be responsible for all assessments of any kind which become due and owing on or after Effective Date, unless the improvenwnt is substantially completed as of Closing Date, in which case SELLER shaU be obligated to pay the entire assessment. (d) FIJUYfA Tax Withholding: The FDreign Investment in Real Property Act ("FIRPT A") requires BUYER to withhold at closing a portion of the purchase proceeds for remission to the Internal Revenue Service ("I.R.S.") if SELLER is a 'foreign person as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. The parties agree to comply with the provisions of FIRPT A and to provide, at or prior to closing, appropliate documentation lo establish any applicable exemption from the withholding requirement. If wHhholding Is required and BUYER dnes not have cash sufficient at closing to meet the withholding requirement, SELLER shall provide the necessary funds and BUYER shall provid~ proof to SELLER that such funds were properly remitted to the I.R.S. /J ,p 0 1 /J k2 -//?if ;:F,;,,~ '7~a.., ID 10""" r./7 rtl_ 7t/7 470 PI Address' 6. ESCROW: BUYER and SELLER authorize Telephone: ~I ?I../? qqt.'f Facsimile: q4 In act as 'Escrow Agent" to receive funds and other items and, subject to clearance, disburse them in accordance with the terms of this Contract. Escrow Agent will deposit all funds received inJ!(a non-interest bearing escrow account. Xl an interest bearing escrow account with interest <lClTU;ng to ~; ~ II LI It Escrow Agent receives conflicting demands or has a good faith doubt as to Escrow Agent's duties or liabilities under this Contract, he/she mJY (a) hold the subject matter of the escrow until the parties mutually agree to its disbursement Dr until issuance of a court order or decision of arbitrator determining the parties' rights regarding the escrow or (b) deposit the subject matter of the escrow with the clerk of the circuit court having jurisdiction over the dispute. Upon notifying the parties of such action, Escrow Agent shall be released from <lllliability l'xccpt for the duty to account for items previously delivered out of escrow If a licensed real estate brok!!r, Escrow Agent shan comply with applicable provisions of Chapter 475, FlDrida Statutes. In any suit Dr arbitratiDn in which Escrow '\gent is mad!! a party because of acting as agent hereunder or interpleads the subject matter of the escrow, Escrow Agent shall recover reasonably attorney's fees and costs, which such fees and costs to be paid from the escrDwed funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court or other costs in favor of the prev;liling party TIle parties agree that Escrow Agent shall not be liable to any person for misdelivery to BLNER or SELLER of escrowpd item~, unless the misdelivery is due to Escrow Agent's willful breach of this Contract or gross negligence. 7 PI{OPERTY CONDITION: SELLER shall deliver the Property to BUYER at the time agreed in its present as is" condition, orJillilry wcar and tear excepted. and shall maintain the landscaping and grounds in a comparable condition. SELLER makes no warranties other than marketability of title. By accepting the Property "as is," BUYER waives all claims against SELLER for any defects in the property o (a) As Is: BUYER has inspected the Property or waives any right to inspect and accepts the Property in its as is comiltion. ftl (b) As Is With Right oE Inspection: BUYER may, at BUYER'S expense and within days from Effedive Dat~ ("Inspection Period"). conduct inspections, tests and investigations of the Property as BUYER deems necessary to determiJ1l' suitability for I3UYI:R'S intended use. SELLER shall grant reasonable access to the Property to BUYER, its agents, contractors and assigns for the purpo:;e 01 conducting the inspections provided, however, that all such persons enter the Property and conduct the inspections at their own risk. BUYER shall indemnify and hold SELLER harmless from losses, damages, costs, claims and expenses of any nature, including attornev's fees, and from liability to any person, arising from the conduct of inspections or work authorized by BUYER. BUYER shall not eng,'ge in any activity that could resull in a mechanics lien being filed against the Property withDut SELLER'S prior written consent. BUYER mar tenninate this Contract by written notice to SELLER prior to expiration of the Inspection Period if the inspections reveal conditions which are reasonably unsatisfactory to BUYER, unless SELLER elects to repair such conditions to BUYER'S satisfaction. If this transaction docs nol close, BUYER shall, at BUYER'S expense, repair all damages to the Property resulting from the inspections and return the Property to its present condition, Walk-through Inspection: BUYER may, on the day prior to closing or any other time mutually agreeable to the parties, conduct a fill"l 'w<llk-through" inspection of the Property to detennine compliance with this paragrapr and to ensure that all Property is on the pl'l'nlisl's No new issues may be raised as a result of the walk-through. Radon Gas: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that whcn it has accumulated in a building in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons who are exposed to it over time. Levels of radoll thai exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in buildings in Florida. Additional information regarding radon and radon testing may be obtained from your county public health unit. 8. OPERATION OF PROPER1I' DURING CONTRACT PERIOD: SELLER shall continue to operate the Property and anv busincss wndueted on the Property in the manner operated prior to Contract and shall take no action which would adver:-.ely illlP,Kt the Proprcrty, Ien<lnts. lenders, or business, if any Any changes, such as renting vacant space, which materially affect the Property or BUYER'S intl'nd~d lIse of the Property ShOll! be pemlitted 0 only with BUYER'S consent 0 without BUYER'S consent. 9. RETURN OF DEPOSIT In the event any condition of this Contr<lct is not met ;:md BUYER h<ls acted in good tailh <Ind \Vitlllh~ required degree of diligence, BUYER'S deposit shall be returned and this Contract shall terminale. 10. DEFAULT (a) In the event the sale is not closed due to any default or failure on the part of SELLER other than failure to makc th~ litll.:' marketable after diligent effort, BUYER may either (1) receive a refund of BUYER'S deposit(s) or (2) seck specific performance. If RUYER elects a deposit rehllld, SELLER shall be liable to Broker for the full amount of the brokerage fee. (b) In the event the sale is not closed due to any default or failure on the part of BUYER, SELLER may either (1) retain all deposit(s) paid or agreed to be paid bi' BUYER as Jgrl'ed upon liquidated damages, consideration fDr the execution of this Contract, and in full settlement of any claims, upon which this Lontr.let sh<llltenninate or (2) seek specific performnnce. If SELLER elects to retain the deposit, BUYER shall be U..bk to Broker for the hill a!11ount of the brokerage fee. v# ~tiiz CC-l CI ]<)qJ F]ond,l A~~,,~iation of Rf^I.TORS@AIIRightsReserved t'_.t'''~L~~' .~t'.~..~.~,,~,,~~ .~._-~,,~ ~..,-"--,,.., 12. BROKERS: Neither BUYER nor SEL' Broker oUter than: i (a) Usling Broker. who is an agent of 0 SELLER 0 both parties 0 neither party ,md who will be compensated by 0 SELLER 0 BUYER 0 both parties 1S utilized the services of, or for any other reason owe~ f-~ 'nsation to, a licensed ro!<11 estate pursuant to 0 a listing agreement 0 other (specify) (b) CoopmtingBroker. .-s-fo It.S R~+Y who is an agent of ~ BUYER 0 SELLER 0 both parties 0 n;ither party and who will be compensated by 0 BUYER a SELLER 0 both parties pursuant to 0 an MLS or other offer of compensation to a cooperating broker 0 other (specify) {collectively referred to as "Broker") in connection with any act relating to the Property, induding but not limited to inquiries, introductions, consultations and negotiations resulting in this transaction. SELLER and BUYER <lgree to indemnify and hold BrokeI' harmless l10lll illld against losses, damages, costs and expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorney's fees, and from liability to any per~>tln, .:Jrisin~ frOIl1 (I) compensation claimed which is inconsistent with the representation in this Paragraph, (2) enforcement acLiOll to collect a bruhrJge !t,e pursuant 10 Paragraph 10, (3) any duty accepted by Broker at the request of BUYER or SELLER, which duty is beyond the scope of st:rvices regulated by Chapter 475, F.5., as amended, or (4) recommendations of or services provided and expenses incurred by allY third party whom Broker refers, recommends or retains for or all behalf of BUYER or SELLER. 13. ASSIGNABILllI'; PERSONS BOUND: This Contract LJ is not assignable'IiQ is assignable. The term~ 'BUYER, 'SELLER, ..llld 'Uroker" may be singular or plural. This Contract is binding upon BUYER, SELLER, and their heirs, pt.'rsonal repre'icntati\'('s, ~lILl-l'S~or~, ,1l1d ,l5signs (if assignment is pennitted). 14. OPTIONAL CLAUSES: (Initial if any of the following clauses are applicable and are attached as an addendum to this Contract): _ Arbitration _ SELLER Warranty _ Coastal Construction Control Linl! _ Section 1031 Exdlange ~ELLER Financing _ Flood Area Haz.:Jrd ZUlU? ~rroperty lnspection and Repair _ Existing Mortgage _ Property Located in Uninc. Metro. Dade County _ SELLER Representations ~Feasibility Study _ Other 15. MISCELLANEOUS: The terms of this Contract constitute the entire agreement between BUYER and SELLER. Modificatiuns to this Cuntract shall nol be valid or binding unless in writing and executed by the party to be bound. This Contr,lct nl:lY be executed in I\V() or more counterparts. each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument. A falsill\ik copy of this Contract and any initials or signature thereon shall be deemed as original. This Contract shall be conslrul:d undl;;'r Florida law .:JnL! shall not be recorded in any public records. Delivery of any written notice to any party's agent shall be deemed delivelY to tlMt party THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACf IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN A TfORNEY PRJOR TO SIGNING. A REAL ESTATE BROKER IS QUALIFIED TO ADVISE ON REAL ESTATE TRANSAC nONS. llUYER AND SELLER ARE ADVISED TO CONSULT AN APPROPRA TE PROFESSIONAL FOR LEGAL, TAX, ENVI. I{ONMENTAL AND OTHER SPECIALIZED ADVICE. 0' / DEPOSIT RECEII'T, D'posit of$ 9~ ~ bylOl . Ch0"he< Havd 26, ;.lllW--by ~~ ~)/",p (!<?,A~'/. Slglln ,utofEscrowAgtll1 received on OFfER: BUYER offers to purchase the Property on the above ~s and conditio..9S..-Unless accept.:mce is signed by SELLER and <1 signed copy delivered 10 BUYER or BUYER'S agent no later than ~ 0 a.m. liaf'.m. on '7 a .:2912..!-- BUYER may revoke this offer and receive a refund of all deposits. BUYER~ Tille: ." VLot'. Telephqne: ~ '1/ ~ g2-9 Address: P.,?_ 4 \" A/ fA.} r.;yAJr~:I"L [LI/;,( Date: '3 26 01 Tax fO No: Facsimile' 7/1i" ., '7"7 7" Tax 1LJ No: Facsimile: Dale: BUYER: Title: Address: Telephone: ^CCEPTANCE: SELLER accepts BUYER'S offer and agrees to sell the Property on the above terms and conditions( 0 subject to 111~ allached counter offer). I),'" ":,fl.'! 10/ SELLER, Title: Address: . -", r :-z;' .~ Telephone: Tax fO No: Facsimile: Tax]O No: Facsimile: Date' SELLER: Title: Address: Telephone: lhe Flori..b AMOCbtion of Rullor"5~ makes no representation as to the tegal validity or ad~quacy of any provision of this form in .w)" spccHic trans.ld;"n. Thi. ,t.nd.rdi:ted fonn ~hould "ot be u~ed In con'pln, lun~"ctior15 or with cJ<!el1sive riders or "ddition~. This fOf'" is ",'"i13ble for u.e by Ihe c"tilc rc~1 e,l.'ll' ind",tr} am! i. nut Intended to Identity the user.~. REALTORilll. REALTOH$ i.s a registered collective membershlr mark which "'''y be used only by ...,,1 cst,tc lice",e,', "I", Me rncn,bers of !he NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS@ ."d who subscribe to its Code of Ethics. The copyright laws of the Unit~d States (11 U S Code) foibid the unauthorized reproduction of this form by any meanS including (,1csimlle or c,-,mpukr;l.nl flHll1" ~, 1993 rlorida Assodation 01 REALTOI\5QI,lAlI Righls Reserved 1'0 Uox 72502.5, Orlando, FL 32.872.5025 -:Jf>n,(l:"1l m~ ~["Ll()I" !',l\:cl(\t.1 C<.'.1 :--.---,... '0".''-/' , 1: ':'l.J.:~lvLI tl(~"., ' , 1" f.; !:LO~!~:f.'Ssc?clAmN OF AEAmJRS, Adde~d~: No. 0 I to the Contract dated ;r/ tJr-ve-t .} 6, C Jat-tr e;, te:: fy;.5e.s I,0c. --;V-w.-wvr ('.IVY+-, -rtJ C, 0 or ( 2(')()/ between (Seller) and ti s ~I\.€.L (Buyer) concerning the property described as: <~ O__L~S h.-o&.v- J l=k1 'f 13.0--';&~. i= L '? .l1f.3.s- ( lhe "Conlracl"). Buyer and Seller make the following terms and conditions part of the Contract: --P;:; G"t;'",,,f- if p".J,yec.-f--Io ~ b(J"-V'J 06 ~"8 c:t.-d o.fJfJvo voJ( 1.--0,., 1M-- 3oy,,-to~ (!, e.a.J, j ov~"",-~+-J.. a.,,,.( RL;}o""':J -to- uP.. -fo H,'x - u,e. ~5 QK'(i.) 2 _ ~~~ ~7+-o by6fv~yk~ o.,~/~ ~e..;t:/ ~ 2D:- J~~~~~ . ~- L/- S die-- -to Co-va 0- 2",of" ;:-t..-Ig(j~ i~ 01 .js /s-o, 000 ~ / L~f-o~8- -R,...- 3 z" +~ f -1-0 'Uc.,'Lu<.- @; f'/ Ie..- /f,V,JVI"'. 1- fi...-e. cw.. o""-::!- y~s ~ .0i""~ 1- J;, te..<l.. fo &"d,;:..".( aN r'/~ < JiLYv~du-~ f., Je((<..v-/ 1-'" W' If. c(. f'U S - fJ v r~ J I~/ ..IUc,- h-> -/ (:"'^'J -r;:.C4y&..e.f,'~j.,o d.....~ ~~+ c(...se, Sel..~e.v s4..;1l.. ~ ",.1# SO' I f~h< ~(u(?"J PIC1M-<, (,.i, II ~e.. ~......~ ~v.Y'~ e..(e.J ,--.-f+~ f'v. <",,-cf. o.yc.;.,-f- (Jr..A-;- ~ 1t'-e...1l...,.(- f..-- ,~t==\s +'''~'\ JQ lie...- <<'jc\""~T ~ J'~ <<(~ - Date: 3..1.2-'/0 I ~/~ Buyer: ---- - Dale: Buyer: Seller: 4~ /' Seller: Date: Date: This form Is available for use bV the entire real estate industry and is not Intended 10 Identify the user as a REALTOR:!! REALTOR') Is a registered col1ecUve membership mark which may be used only by real estate licensees who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS''' and who subscribe to its Code 01 Ethics. The copyright laws ollha United Slales (17 U.s. Code) forbid ~e unauthorized reproduction of this tonn by any means including facsimile or computerized loml$. ACSP.2 Rev. 6/94 @1994 Florida Association of REALTORS"" All Rights Reserved P.O. Box 725025, Orlando, Fl32872-5025 Pl @'