CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment May 24, 2002 Mr Paul G Dahl WCL Associates 1433 UtIca Avenue South, SUIte 162 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Re Best Buy - Fa~ade Changes MMSP 02-031 Dear Mr Dahl. In response to your request for the adrmmstratIve reVIew and approval of the modIficatIOn proposed to the above- referenced, approved sIte plan, please be Informed that the changes as shown on the revIsed plans date stamped OS/20/02 are "mInor", as defined WIthIn the Land Development RegulatIons, Chapter 4- SIte Plan ReVIew The follOWIng changes to the plan are approved as follows. · New "Best Buy" SIgn on eXIstIng pylon / monument SIgn · Fa<;ade changes . Landscape removal . LoadIng dock & compactor pad Improvements · ParkIng lot Improvements · Interior renovatIOns · New bay doors In rear ThIS project may contInue to be processed by the BuildIng DIVISIOn as a perrmt application subject to the follOWIng condItions: 1 If the scope of the project demands removal of plant matenal then the new plant matenalIs subject to reVIew and approval of the CIty Forester / EnVIronmentalist; 2. All new SIgnS will comply with Chapter 21 of the Land Development RegulatIons. Be adVIsed that the proposed changes may reqUIre a modIficatIon to the buildIng permIt. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIonal questIOns. SIncerely, hu2 Michael W. Rumpf, DIrector of PlannIng & Zonmg Cc. LusIa Galav, Principal Planner Jose Alfaro, Planner Eric Lee Johnson, Planner S:\Plann.ingISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Be1lt Buy\Appro~ Letter Joe City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 3342~310 Phone: (561) 742~50 . www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us May 23,2002 2002 , I MAY Director of Planning and Zoning Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 ~ if \;'t C!P,\itFf,,'! Re Description of Modifications for 1775 Congress Avenue Best Buy - Catalina Centre Boynton Beach, Florida Mr Rumpf Paul G Dahl Architect has submitted revised documentation for a Minor Site Plan Modification approval The submitted documents describe proposed changes to an existing facility at Catalina Centre for a new tenant takeover of an existing retail space The space formerly occupied by Service Merchandise, is to be a Best Buy Store The occupation of the former Service Merchandise space will include modifications to the site and building shell required for retail & service operations, and services to be provided by Best Buy customers in this market. Site Modifications Proposed . Monument Signage reface abandoned Service Merchandise with a 7 letter Best Buy sign, as shown in attached exhibit. . Entry/Sidewalk at Storefront: Install an accessible curb cut of approximately 64 feet in length Relocate the stamped and stained pathway to storefront as necessary for incorporation of entry and canopy elements Install new concrete sidewalk as required to modify the control joint pattern present at centre as it relates to new entry design Note the line of existing curb to drive lanelloading zone is to be maintained at the existing location . Landscaping at Storefront: Remove as required, existing landscaping for installation of new storefront entry tower and attached pedestrian covered walkways, as depicted in attached exhibit. . Storefront Internally Illuminated Signage Install on front face of tower entry element, 200 square foot internally illuminated plastic faced box sign Overall dimensions of signage is 11'-0" tall by 17'-9" long installed at a 5 degree angle Signage installed 14'-6" above grade and below the buildings parapet wall Signage design as shown on attached exhibit. . Loading Dock & Compactor Pad Improvements Jffi\ ~ Paul G Dahl Architect Jffi\ \WI 1433 Utica Avenue South, Suite 162 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone. (952) 541-9969 o Abandoned existing compactor pad location Former compactor pad to be reserved for future electrical transformer equipment for Best Buy, if required by electric utility company o Abandon one of three existing truck dock doors, closest to existing compactor Modify truck dock pit as required for installation of a level compactor pad. Modify existing trench drain to permit pad level change Install 6 feet tall screen wall between pad area and adjacent loading dock. Length of screen wall to match existing . Installation Service Center Improvements Rear wall at the South West corner, modify existing 5 foot wide planting bed along the one way drive aisle for installation of a paved concrete apron and sidewalk for vehicle and pedestrian access to the Installation Service Center . Parking Designations Identify first two parallel parking stalls across from the Installation Service Center for Best Buy use only . Exterior Identification Signage o Exterior room identification signage, an 18 square foot, non- illuminated sign to be installed above between the two 10'-0" by 10'-0" overhead doors Signage design as shown on attached exhibit o Door signage installed on man door identifying customer access to this room, accessed from the exterior only Signage includes hours of operation for the Installation Service Center and relevant contact information for scheduling of services Shell Modifications Proposed . Storefront Entry" o Demolish existing storefront entry tower and entrance o Relocate entrance to the North approximately 25 feet and widen for a 32'-0" storefront entrance o Recreate the Tower upper portion while modifying the design to incorporate the wider storefront entry o Install additional covered walkway canopy structures connecting the new tower to the adjacent conditions, as depicted in the attached exhibits . Loading Dock: o Existing Compactor Door to be abandoned and filled in o One of three truck dock doors, Eastern most located nearest the existing compactor door, to be removed and opening modified for installation of new compactor door and equipment. See Site Modifications Proposed above for additional work. o Remaining two truck dock doors, openings to be modified to be 1 0 feet tall, existing openings are 8 feet tall o I nstallation of two dock levelers o Addition to project foundation wall 6 inches as required for truck dock equipment requirements . Installation Service Center' o Cut openings into existing concrete wall for installation of two 10' -0" x 10'-0" vehicle access openings and one man door See Site Modifications Proposed above for additional work. . Egress Door ways Installation of additional egress doorway along the rear wall as required for Life Safety Issues Provided on Monday May 20,2000 is a rendered site plan and exterior elevation exhibits depicting the proposed modifications for consideration Sincerely Yours, .~~ Paul G Dahl, AlA Paul G Dahl, Architect Transmittal . Eric Lee Johnson Planner, City of Boynton Beach, Florida 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard; PO BOX 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 . Best Buy - Boynton Beach, FL - Minor Site Plan We are sending Via . Prints . 1/2 Size . Full Size . Federal Express 0 Pickup Action required: . o For distribution For your approval Eric Lee Johnson Fax: 561-742-6259 Voice: 561-742-6256 o Transparencies o Messenger o o o For your use 0 Specifications 0 Shop Drawings 0 Sketches 0 Diskettes 0 Correspondence 0 ~----------- 0 Mail 0 Hand Delivery 0 Fax . o As requested For your review Subject: Submittal for a Minor Site Plan application for a Best Buy Store remodelling project at the Catalina Centre Site address is 1775 North Congress Avenue; Boynton Beach Florida. Tenant space is the location of the former Service Merchandise, a 50,000 square foot retail space. Attached are 4 sets of rendered Site Plans and Elevations. Also provided are 4 sets of half size site plan, floor plan and exterior elevations. This information has been provided as a response to an earlier submittal for a Minor Site Plan Approval. As per earlier arrangement a set has been sent directly to Margelly Beltran's residence for her review Chad Berreau at 952-541-9969 If there is any information missing from this submission and/or in need of additional information, etc., Please contact Thanks Chad Berreau ~ ~ WCL ASSOCIATES, INC. Architecture Interiors m ~ 4 Sets No of pages 2002.12.08 Project No May 18, 2002 Date Chad Berreau From 1433 UUca Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55416 Fax: (952) 541-9554 Phone: (952) 541-9969 __.95/23/02__J~;! FAX 952 541 9554 WCL ASSOCIATES. INC Transmittal : We are sending Via. ActicJn required: , Eric Lee Johnson P,anner, City of Boynton Baach, Fl,:~ida ------------------- ----- - ~oo E. Boynton Beach Boulevard. f'C BOX 310 _r ..__________________ Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.03'10 ------------------ ---- -------------- . Best Buy. Boynton Beach, FL . Minor Site Plan Letter !! Print! J.l. Transparencies ~ SpecificatiJns J.l. Shop Drawings /-l. 1/2 Size J.l. Sketches J.l. Diskettes ~ Full Size . CorreSJ'ol1 denca J.l. F edarel Express J.l. Messenger J.l. Mail II Hand Delivery Pickup J.l. . Fax ~--_._._- /..l. !! . !! . For your l1.vle.... I! As requested J.l. I! For your approval For your use For distribution ---------------------.----------------- Eric Lee Johnson - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .~ - - - - - - -- -. - - - - - Fal(: 561.742.6259 VOICS: 561-742..0256 --------------------------------------------------.------------------- ------------------------------------ ----------- _ _ _ ~tt.a~~~_i~ Ih'!.l~tt:r]~"_ h_~ ~e~~!~ted ~~i'::"'_o~t~n~~ the_p_ro.!'~s~d ~~n!l<<:.s!~t~e_s~e8."d buildin~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --------------- -....------------------------------- -- _ _ _ I!t~e!l!.ili a.n~ ~n~r~=t~~ :!li!s~n9 ~~ t~i~ ~~~~i~S!?~ a.n~/~~n_ n~!d_~~c1~i~o~a~ i."~~~t~;II~, ~t~.'_P~8~!e_C~~a:t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chad Berrea~ at 952-541-9969. --------- ------------ ------------------- Thanks --------- ------------ ----------------.---------- Chad Berrea~ ------------------------------- ----------------.-- ---------------- .---------.- ------ -------_.- ---------- -------------.----------- ------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------------ --------- ---------------------------------------- - -- - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------- --------------.----------- - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - ~OOl m ~ WCL ASSOCIATES, INC. Architecture Intericrs m ~ 4 Sets No of pages 2002.12.08 Project No May 23, 2002 Date Chad Berreau From 1 ~33 UliclI Avenuo S. Mll\Rll.poII3. ~S541a Fax: (952) 541.9554 p~,,",,: (952) 541-9969 OS/23/02 14:32 FAX 952 541 9554___~_~ASSOCIATES, INC. May 23,2002 Director of Planning and Zoning Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re Description of Modifications for 1775 Congress AV1anue Best Buy - Catalina Centre Boynton Beach, Florida Mr Rumpf Paul G Dahl Architect has submitted revised documentatil:m for a Minor Site Plan Modification approval. The submitted documents describE:! proposed changes to an existing facility at Catalina Centre for a new tenant takeo\/er of an existing retail space. The space formerly occupied by Service Merchandise, is to be a Best Buy Store The occupation of the former Service Merchandise spaCE~ will include modifications to the site and building shell required for retail & service clperations, and services to be provided by Best Buy customers in this market Site Modifications Proposed. . Monument Signage reface abandoned SElrvice Merchandise with a 7 letter Best Buy sign, as shown in attached exhibit . Entry/Sidewalk at Storefront: Instail an ac<:essible curb cut of approximately 64 feet in length. Relocate the stamped and stained pathway to storefront as necessary for incorporation of entry and canopy elements. Install new concrete sidl~walk as required to modify the control joint pattern present at centre as it relates to new entry design Note the line of existing curb to dri'''e laneJloading zone is to be maintained at the existing location . Landscaping at Storefront: Remove as required, existing landscaping for installation of new storefront entry towE;ir and attached pedestrian covered walkways, as depicted in attached exhibit. . Storefront Internally Illuminated Signage. I nstall on front face of tower entry element, 200 square foot internally il'!uminated plastic faced box sign Overall dimensions of signage is 11 '0" tall by 17'-9" long installed at a 5 degree angle. Signage insj(alled 14'-6" above grade and below the buildings parapet wall Signage design as shown on attached exhibit. . Loading Dock & Compactor Pad Improvements' ~002 a Paul G Dahl Architect . 1433 UtICa Avenue South, SUite 162 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Phone: (952\ 541-9969 ____Q5/2~P~ 14:33 FAX 952 541 9554 WCL ASSOCIATES, INC o Abandoned existing compactor pac:l location. Former compactor pad to be reserved for future electrical transformer equipment for Best Buy, if required by electric utility company. o Abandon one of three existing trucl.; dock doors, closest to existing compactor Modify truck dC:iCk pit as required for installation of a level compactor palt Modify existing trench drain to permit pad level change Install 6 feet tall screen wall between pad area and adjacent IO~llding dock Length of screen wall to match existing . Installation Service Center Improvements: Rear wall at the South West corner, modify existing 5 foot wide plianting bed along the one way drive aisle for installation of a paved c:oncrete apron and sidewalk for vehicle and pedestrian accas:!; to the Installation Service Center. . Parking Designations: Identify first two parallel parking stalls across from the Installation Service Cer,terfor Be~;t Buy use only. . Exterior Identification Signage o Exterior room identification signagt:!, an 18 square foot, non- illuminated sign to be installed above between the two 10'-0" by 10'.0" overhead doors. Signage! design as shown on attached exhibit. c Door signage installed on man dom identifying customer access to this room, accessed from the exterior only Signage includes hours of operation for the I nstallation Service Center and relevant contact information fc.r scheduling of services Shell Modifications Proposed . Storefront Entry: o Demolish eXisting storefront entry '1 ower and entrance. o Relocate entrance to the North approximately 25 feet and widen for a 32'-0" storefront entrance o Recreate the Tower upper portion while modifying the design to incorporate the wider storefront ,entry o Install additional covered walkway canopy structures connecting the new tower to the adjacent conditions, as depicted in the attached exhibits . Loading Dock: o Existing Compactor Door to be ab:andoned and filled in. o One of three truck dock doors, Eai:itern most located nearest the existing compactor door, to be removed and opening modified for installation of new compactor door and equipment See Site Modifications Proposed above for additional work. o Remaining two truck dock doors, (;!penings to be modified to be 10 feet tall, existing openings are 8 feet tall. o Installation of two dock levelers o Addition to project foundation wall 6 inches as required for truck dock equipment requirements. . Installation Service Center' ~003 ____Q_~23l02 -14:34 FAX 952 541 9554 WCL ASSOCIATES. INC o Cut openings into existing concrete wall for installation of two 10'.0" x 10'-0" vehicle access openings and one man door. See Site Modifications Proposed above for additional work. . Egress Door ways: Installation of additionsll egress doorway along the rear wall as required for Life Safety Issues. Provided on Monday May 20,2000 is a rendered site plan and exterior elevation exhibits depicting the proposed modifications for consideration. Paul G Dahl, AlA Paul G. Dahl, Architect !lZJ 004 Transmittal We are sending Via Action required: Mr Rumpf, . Prints 0 1/2 Size . Full Size . Federal Express 0 Pickup o For your approval o For distribution ~ ~ WCL . Michael Rumpf, Dir. of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 ASSOCIATES,INC . Best Buy - Boynton Beach, Florida Architecture Interiors o Transparencies o Messenger o . For your use o 0 Specifications 0 Shop Drawings 0 Sketches 0 Diskettes -$ 0 0 ~~ Correspondence 0 Mail 0 Hand Delivery 0 Fax No of pages . For your review 0 As requested 2002.12.08 . . ----Pro]e.ct No Attached are floor plan, elevation and site plan print~ of the proposed Best Buy and the existing Service Merchandise store at the Catalina Centre for use as a comparison. These are per your disc:ussions of 16 April with Chad Berreau of our office. 16 April, 2002 Date I '\ \ j l_~ 1\ I,~JR J 8 ,. -) Ii" i \-- ~H~,'_ ._.._ ~.J Paul D. Anderson From 1433 Utica Avenue S. Minneapolis, MN 55416 Fax: (952) 541-9554 Phone: (952) 541-9969 April 16, 2002 Director of Planning and Zoning Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re Description of Modifications for 1775 Congress Avenue Best Buy - Catalina Centre Boynton Beach, Florida Mr Rumpf Best Buy has entered into consideration to take over the tenancy of the former Service Merchandise space at Catalina Centre The occupation of the former Service Merchandise space will include modifications to the building shell required for retail and service operations and services to be provided Best Buy will be providing its customers in this market. The shell modifications are to include relocating and redesign of the entry, installation of new tenant signage, adding vehicle access to automobile electronic equipment installation bays, and general internal remodeling of the space Materials and colors used are to match those throughout the centre, except for at Best Buy's signature element. The site modification sought is to increase the general site lighting levels in the parking lot to seven foot candles While using poles and fixtures to match those used in the existing centre Attached is a rendered site plan and exterior elevation exhibit depicting the proposed modifications for consideration Paul G Dahl, AlA Paul G Dahl, Architect () ~- 4 :1-<f~-" /Ig -0 () -7'7j- fcJ5V $ Paul G Dahl Architect . 1433 Utica Avenue South, Suite 162 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Phone. (952) 541-9969 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG IHEETING DATE: I TIME: 8' 'DO - (); D () c; ,1-'\ . 4-1'--oz APPLICATIONS: MtvtSD ZONING DISTRICT: PROJECT NAME: k.tUck~ 13~sr Bv'-/ (OJ ~e{'v lie ATTENDING STAFF: M t? q:r ATTENDING AS APPLICANT: ""t"'\ ........ n t- ~L)hD'-' PHONE: ~v~ FAX: , /:UU NAi\1E OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: Bec,T ~l )\./1 I ADDRESS: I PHONE: I FAX: PROJECT ADDRESS: I PROPOSED TYPE OFUSE/OCCUPA.NCY: DATE SUB.MITTAL RECEIVED: DATE DE~lED: COlY1J.Y1ENTS: ((Ol~\ ~L1D'- (}qof( / I I J'\SHRDATA\Planning\sHARED\WP\PROJECfS\PRE APPLICATIO:'iS ;\IEETL"G LOGS\Pre-Applic:ltion ;\lcctin;:: Log.doc ~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT IHEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant AttendinCJ Staff Sl<i }..J 'Bt: Sf , I ~{ltL\-1 IC'"fI\'1',/ ,--<<",J.J-^,' ~- '\.....J~(,.-it..,~bJ) I I I \ t .- t ':,'2- ;',t\ A \~1~~~ .,L\~../'2>i:L - ~ 0 BUDDY DAVENPORT Real Estate Manager DWAYNE SHMEl ;~~~t Dev~lopment Manager nterpnse Properties --- 952.995.7141 direct 612.867.3300 cell 952.430.4556 fax dwoyne.shmel@bestbuy.com Best Buy Co., 'nc. Co 7075 Flying Cloud D' rpoEdrate H~dquorters fiVe, en PrOlfle, MN 55344 \FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL l\lEETI:\'G-SIGN 4'i SHEET.DOC----- C\S2-<{QS--ll'f I U '( (: Z..'i<t, 7( ilj ~ PROJECT NAME: Best fru.Y @ Catalina Center LOCATION: 1775 North Congress Ave PCN: 08-43-45-18-00-775-5050 I FILE NO.: MMSP 02-031 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Modification to Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Catalina, L.P. Chad Berreau, WCL Associates, Inc. c/o Gumberg Asset Mgmt Corp. PHONE: 952-541-9969 PHONE: 954-537-2700 FAX: 561-541-9554 FAX: ADDRESS: 1433 Utica Avenue South ADDRESS: 3200 N. Federal Hwy. Minneapolis, MN 55416 Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33306 Date of submittal/Projected meetine dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 4/18/02 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S'\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Best Buy\2002 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc