REVIEW COMMENTS 7.C.l CORINA COLLIN CENTER, LLC NEW SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-013 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION January 16, 2002 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name/No.: CORINA COLLIN CENTER, LLC / NWSP 01-018 Property Owner: Corina Collin Center, LLC Applicant: Corina Collin Center, LLC Agent: Philip Aguirre with P.A. Design Group Location: North side of Woolbright Road, approximately 265 feet east of Congress Avenue Land Use/Zoning: Office Commercial (OC) / Office - Professional (C-1) Type of Use: Medical / M R.I Center Project size: Site Area Building Area. 1 12 acres (48,673 square feet) 9,143 square feet Adjacent Uses: (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) North - Lake Worth Drainage District Canal No 26, and farther north developed residential (Leisureville) zoned R1-AA (PUD), South - Woolbright Road right-of-way, and farther south is developed commercial property zoned C-3, East Medical offices (under construction), zoned C-1; and West - Fidelity Federal Savings Bank, zoned C-1, and farther west is Congress Avenue right-of-way Site Characteristics: The subject property is a vacant lot located approximately 265 feet east of Congress Avenue The site is cleared and contains little vegetation except for a few Sabal Palm trees dotted throughout the site. The major east / west route in the area of the site is Woolbright Road, which provides the nearest access to Interstate 95 Woolbright Road is a four-lane divided County Minor Arterial west of Congress Avenue and six-lane divided County Arterial east of Congress Avenue A curb-cut from Woolbright Road and a paved drive currently provides the Fidelity Federal Bank property with an additional point of ingress / egress. This paved drive aisle will become part of this project's parking area but the curb-cut will remain Another drive aisle will be constructed in its place The entire project is to be constructed in one phase Proposal: Philip Aguirre with P. A. Design Group is requesting site plan approval to construct a two-story 9,143 square foot medical / M.R.I office building on 1 12 acres (see Exhibit liB" - Proposed Site Plan) As currently proposed, the first floor will be 7,521 square feet in area and the second floor will be 1,622 Page 2 Corina Collin Center - Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 02-013 square feet in area. The entire project is to be constructed in one phase. The proposed office building is proposed on a parcel of land previously owned by the Fidelity Federal Reserve Bank building to the west that recently constructed a bank on the western portion of the original property Concurrency: a. Traffic - A traffic statement for this project was submitted and sent to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for their review and approval At this time, the project is still under review and staff has not received confirmation from the Traffic Division that it meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). It should be noted that the original bank project approval included concurrency approval for a 10,000 square foot office building for this portion of the site b. Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The City's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required Driveways: The project proposes only one (1) connection to Woolbright Road Two (2) other proposed connections are internal and directly link with the Fidelity Federal Savings Bank property, providing cross-access between the properties. Proposed along the west property line, the northern point of egress will be 12 feet in width and will serve as egress only onto the Fidelity Federal Savings Bank property. The southern entrance along the same property line, however, will be 24 feet in width and will accommodate two-way traffic. There is an existing drive aisle, which originates from the Fidelity Federal Savings Bank property and traverses through the subject property This drive aisle connects to an existing curb-cut located near the southeast corner of the subject property on Woolbright Road This curb-cut will serve as the third point of ingress / egress This existing curb-cut will remain intact, but the existing aforementioned drive aisle will be modified to accommodate the MRI Center's new parking lot. A cross access agreement exists for the subject property and the Fidelity Federal Saving Bank property to the west to ensure that continued access is maintained between the properties A two (2)-way drive aisle is proposed along the west property line, just east of the required landscaped buffer A one (1 )-way drive aisle is proposed to serve the angled parking directly west of the building. A two (2)-way drive aisle 27 feet in width, labeled "Fire Lane" on the site plan, provides emergency vehicle access to the building as well as customer access to parking areas located south of the building No drive aisles are proposed north and east of the building Parking Facility: Required parking for medical offices are based upon a ratio of one (1) space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The total number of parking spaces required is 46 spaces. The number of parking spaces provided equals 67, including three (3) spaces designated for handicap use. All spaces, except handicap spaces will be dimensioned nine feet by eighteen feet (9' x 18'). The Page 3 Corina Collin Center - Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 02-013 parking spaces and drive aisles will surround the south and west sides of the building. All handicap spaces will be located near the front entrance of the building. No loading zone or dumpster enclosure is required or is proposed A pedestrian path that meets handicap accessibility code is proposed in the front of the building to connect with the sidewalk along Woolbright Road Landscaping: The proposed pervious or "green" area is 17,849 square feet or 37% of the total site The front (south) landscape buffer along Woolbright Road will be 22 feet in width and will contain two (2) dry retention areas. Sweet Mahogany, Dwarf Bouganvilla, Dwarf Shefflera, Pittosporum, Shrub Allamanda, Yellow Lantana, and Variagated Liriope are proposed within this buffer. In addition, two (2) Yellow Tabebuia trees and six (6) Sabal Palmetto palm trees are proposed at the southeastern entrance The landscape plan proposes Red Tip Cocoplum hedges and Green Buttonwood trees along the side (east) perimeter landscape buffer. An existing Slash Pine and Mahogany tree will be preserved within this buffer. Hedges will screen the air conditioning units Sabal Palmetto and Sweet Mahogany trees and Red Tip Cocoplum hedges are proposed along the rear (north) landscape buffer This landscaped area, in conjunction with the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal provides a substantial buffer between the proposed medical building and the residential neighborhoods to the north The west perimeter landscape buffer will share existing plant material, such as Pittosporum hedge and Coconut Palm trees, with the Fidelity Federal Savings Bank property This buffer is required to be only two (2) feet - six (6) inches wide. The existing plant material must be kept in place for both properties to meet the minimum landscape requirements. The interior and terminal landscaped islands in the parking areas will contain Live Oak and Coconut Palm trees Building and Site: Building and site regulations will be fully met when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. The state-of-the-art M RI machine will be located in the M RI room on the first floor near the northeast corner of the building Community Design: The building design will be primarily a Spanish / Mediterranean style, which is the predominant style of the surrounding buildings in neighboring commercial properties The proposed building will be a two (2)-story structure with the top of the roof to stand 29 feet - 7 inches in height. The first floor will be shaped like a rectangle and will be over 121 feet in width and 72 feet in depth. The second floor will be sphere shaped, 44 feet in diameter and located near the center of the building. Therefore, most of the building mass will be located on the first level. The entire roof will be made of mulit-colored clay "S" tiles (a combination of red, orange, and yellow). The pitches in the roof of the first floor will reach as high as 20 feet. The main wall colors of the first floor will be a mix between gold (Benjamin Moore #184) and light yellow (Benjamin Moore #180). The walls of the building Page 4 Corina Collin Center - Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum No PZ 02-013 will have a stucco finish The base of the building will have maintenance free concrete molded panels The main entrance to the building will be on the front (south) fayade facing Woolbright Road It will be accented with front entry columns, decorative features, and arches. All trim color will be white. All columns and molding will be "stone color". Each window on the front fayade will be framed by molded concrete panels with score lines and arches Located above each window will be light yellow colored decorative spheres to further accent the overall design The second floor wall color will be a variation of red (Ra/ph Lauren- C004A / Lantern Light) Decorative concrete molded cordels are proposed below the roofline of the second floor, on top of the decorative frieze Signage: No wall signs are proposed The applicant is proposing one (1) monument sign to be located at the center of the southern property line in the front landscape buffer, near the break in the front hedges for the pedestrian sidewalk. This sign will be eight (8) feet wide and will stand six (6) feet - eight (8) inches in height. It will have a concrete block base and paint textured stucco finish The sign area will be a travertine slab with raised bronze letters four (4) inches in height. The sign area cannot exceed 64 square feet on each side The elevations must show the color of the monument sign as well as the site address (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that this site plan request be approved subject to the comments included in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File IICHIMAINISHRDA T AIPlanningISHARED\WPIPROJECTSICorina Collin Center, LLCIStaff report. doc Location Map Carina Collins Center, LLC. 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IndIcate, by note, that the color and texture of the dumpster enclosures shall match the buildmg (LDR, Chapter 9, SectIOn 10.E, and CIty of Boynton Beach Standard Drawmg A-88007) Show on the detail that drop pms and sleeved holes will be provIded to secure dumpster enclosure gates m the open and closed posItIons. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments. 2 FIre flow calculatIOns will be reqUIred demonstratmg the CIty Code reqUIrement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated m LDR Chap 6, Art. IV, Sec 16, or the reqUIrement Imposed by msurance underwnters, whIchever IS greater (see CODE Sec 26-16(a)) FIRE Comments. None POLICE Comments. None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments. 3. ProVIde data of underground soil condItIons (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 9) 4 ProvIde dramage deSIgn data for SIte dramage as specIfied m the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtICle IV, SectIOn 5. Show flow arrows on PaVIng, Gradmg & Dramage Plan. IndIcate, by note, that storm water will be contamed on SIte (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II.F) Any work done wIthm the nght-of-way COA 01/17/02 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT and/or to eXIstmg facilItles wIthm the nght-of-way will reqUIre reVIew, approval and penmttmg by Palm Beach. 5. ProVIde eVIdence that the Lake Worth Dramage DIStrIct IS m agreement WIth the outfall from the exfiltratIOn trenches mto Canal L-26 6 LIghtmg will be reqUIred for the north entrance 7 ProvIde eVIdence of a cross-access agreement for the two dnveways on the west boundary of the proposed development. 8. ProvIde an ImgatIOn plan m conformance wIth the LDR, Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, Sectlon 5. 9 ProvIde details and typIcal sectIOns for SIdewalk and pavmg conformmg to the LDR, Chapter 23, ArtICle II.E. ProvIde a typIcal sectIOn for swales (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, Sectlon 5). IO Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqUIred pnor to the Issuance of the pavmg and dramage permIt. 11 Please add a VIcImty map to the boundary survey. 12 Show a graphIC scale wIth the wntten scale, all sheets. BUILDING DIVISION Comments. 13 At tlme of permIt reVIew, submIt SIgned and sealed workmg drawmgs of the proposed constructlon. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 14. The applIcant should mdIcate on the plans the newly planted trees that are replacements (separate symbol) for the removed trees. These trees should be m addItlon to the Landscape Code reqUIred trees on the SIte PLANNING AND ZONING COA 01117/02 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 15 Staff must receIve confirmatIOn from the Palm Beach County Traffic DIvISIOn that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. 16 The monument SIgn'S maXImum allowable sIgnage area IS 64 square feet on each sIde. Clearly IdentIfy the sIte address at the top of the monument SIgn as well as the base color 17 The sIte plan tabular data must mdIcate the correct reqUIred front and sIde buildmg setbacks (30 feet and 10 feet respectIvely) for the subject property In addItIOn, accurate proposed buildmg setbacks must be mdIcated m the tabular data as well. 18 A mInImUm of fOrty-SIX (46) parkmg spaces are reqUIred and must be mdIcated as such m the sIte plan tabular data. 19 All reqUIred trees shall be 3 calIper mches when planted (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 5 C.2). ThIS mInImUm plantmg standard shall be mdIcated on the landscape plan. 20 Landscapmg at project entrances shall contam a mInImUm of two (2) colorful shrub specIes on both SIdes of the entrance and a SIgnature tree (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 5.N.) Note that SIgnature trees do not contribute toward the total number of reqUIred penmeter trees or parkmg area mtenor landscapmg. (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, SectIon 5.G). PrOVIde one (1) addItIonal SIgnature tree, such as Yellow Elder, Tibouchma granulosa, or Bougamvillea at each SIde of the project entrance at Woolbnght Road. These SIgnature trees shall have a mInImUm of SIX (6) feet of clear trunk to preserve the clear SIght area. 21 At least fifty (50) percent of the SIte landscape matenal must be natIve speCIes and venfied as such m the tabular data of the landscape plan (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, SectIon 5.P ) MWRIelJ \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Corina Collin Center, LLC\COA.doc DEVELOP~" \IT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMIS'" ~N OF THE Lt'TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID"": PROJECT NAME Corina Collin Center, LLC APPLICANT'S AGENT' Philip Aguirre with P A. Design Group APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 5450 Griffin Road Davie, FL 33314 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION' February 5,2002 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT' New Site Plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY: North side of Woolbright Road, approximately 265 feet east of Congress Avenue DRAWING(S). SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows. OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows' 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations 2. The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested 3 The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "e" with notation "Included" 4 The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof DENIED 5 This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6 All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED City Clerk S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Corina Collin Center, LLC\DO.doc . . 5450 Griffin Road, Suite 8-1 Davie, Fl. 33314 Tel: 954-581-4784 Fax:954-584-2862 E-maiI.PADesign@msn.com P A Design Group, Inc. January 7, 2002 l. ~~ , City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 , I ,- ,\,/ 8 I L RE: C C Center Site Plan Application Your File No. NWSP 01-018 This letter IS to address your comments and provide additional information as transmitted to us by your letter dated November 16, 2001 as follows: PUBLIC WORKS: Items 1 : No dumpster is proposed for this site. UTILITIES: Items 2: Attached please find a conceptual Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan and Water and Sewer Plan for this site including revised Landscape Plan. Item 3: All required utility easements are shown in the SIte Plan, Utility and Landscape Plans. Item 4: The HRS Permits will be obtained before beginning of construction. Item 5: The required fire flow calculations will be provided at the time of submittal of final Water and Sewer Plans. Item 6; The required capacity reservation fee shall be paid by the Developer as per CODE Section 26-34(E) : Items 7: Proposed irrigation shall use water from the adjacent LWDD Canal. '" ~_ _ 1-. _. .L.. _ __ J-. . _ _ _ L.. 1_ _ rl.L \-11.1. L e\-. L UL e, Lile essence of art and ~~.; ~~~~ .;~ l-.~~~~.. CC Center Site Plan Comments January 7, 2001 Page 2 of 5 " Item 8:\ All required utility easements are shown in the attached revised plans as proposed. :fIe applicable dedicatIOn documents will be prepared and recorded when the utility as-fmilt will became aVailable. I Item 9: All new water mains will be DIP. Item 10: A backflow preventer is proposed to be installed at the domestic water service. Item 11: The existing off site utilities and points of connections are shown in the attached plans. The available off-site utilities are adequate to serve this project without the need of new off-site construction. Item 12: The required statement was included in the engineering drawing, Sheet 3 of 4, Note #3. FIRE Item 13: All required utility easements are shown in the attached revised plans as proposed. The applicable dedication documents will be prepared and recorded when the utility as-built will became available. Item 14: The existing and the new fire hydrant connected to a 8" water main shall provide the required fire protection as per LDR Chapter 6, Section 16. Item 15: The water main and hydrants are to be installed, completed and ready for service prior commencing construction work. Item 16: A Knox Box was provided in the revised drawing,. 'lI Items 17 and 18: The required fire lane designation and markings is provided in the attached drawings. Also, the existing driveway or the new driveway shall provide the required fire lanes during construction. Item 19: The size, height, occupancy or type of structure does not require automatic fire sprinkler system as per City Ordinance Section 9-6. ENGINEERING DIUVISION Item 20: The site plan was revised to include the general note (see note #2) Item 21: All plans were revised to 24in v;. 36 in. CC Center Site Plan Comments January 7, 2001 Page 3 of 5 Item 22: Attached please find the Rider to the Site Plan Application. Item 23: The reqUIred survey was provided with original submittal. Items 24: A geotechical report will be submitted with final drawings. A preliminary review of field test results indicates that the site is mantled by a thick deposit of sand. The sand appeared in a dense condition and shall be suitable for proposed development. Item 25: The required certification was provided by a separate letter at the time of original submittal. A copy is also attached. Item 26: The attached conceptual drainage plan was revised to incorporate the requested data. Item 27: Based on our conversation with the Mr. Patrick Martin, PE , Director of LWDD the proposed outfall is acceptable to the District providing that the discharge is within the allowable limit. A control structure is proposed to be installed to control and limit the discharge using a bleed down orifice. Item 28: The required lighting plan and details are attached as sheets C3 of 4, C3 of 4. Items 29: The attached lighting and landscaping plans were revised to avoid conflicts and provide adequate lighting. Item 30: The lighting plan was revised with additional poles and new locations for proper light coverage. ENGINEERING Item 31: Canopy and light fixtures are being located in order to eliminate future shadowing on parking surface Item 32: Site triangles were indIcated on site plan and landscape plans. (unclear as to reqUIrement on Intenor dnves) Item 33; Site triangle note has been added to site plan as Note # 7 Item 34: Sidewalk is existing and is continuous through drive Item 35: New sidewalks meet State Handicap Code requirements and comply with the Standard Building Code. Item 36: The Drive isles has been widened to 19.8 feet by reducing the width of the main building and shifting the building towards the east. Item 37: Cross access agreement for the two drives on the west boundary shall be provided CC Center Site Plan Comments January 7, 2001 Page 4 of 5 Item 38: Irrigation plan shall be submitted at time of construction documentation submission for building permit. Item 39: Pav1I1g, Grad1l1g, Dralllage Plans are 1I1c1uded and submitted. Item 40: Acknowledged. Item 41: Acknowledged. Item 42: Surveyor shall incorporate vicinity map on survey. Item 43: Graphic scale has been added to all plans. Item 44: "No Right Turn" sign has been added at the north end of driveway where entering the one-way driveway to the adjacent property. Item 45: One-Way arrow added in the Woolbright Road Median. Item 46: "Stop" Sign and painted stop bar were added to the end of the angled parking. Item 47: Type "D" curb was deleted in front of H.C. spaces. Item 48: H.C. accessible path has been relocated. Item 49: Site Triangles have been revised on both Site Plan and Landscape Plan. Item 50: Wheel stops were removed along Woolbright Road parking and was redesigned with continuous curb. Item 51: Curb cuts were added along Woolbright Road row of parking. Item 52: Not Possible BUILDING DIVISION: Item 53: Handicap accessible entrance doors to building were added to site plan Item 54: Handicap accessible entrance doors to building were added to floor plan Item 55: Handicap accessible route was delineated in site plan. Item 56: The finish floor elevation has been established and were added to the site plan Item 57: "Floor plan layout is conceptual" note was added to floor plans. Item 58: Requested note was added to elevation view drawings. Item 59: Requested note was added on site plan. Item 60: Requested note was added on floor plan. Item 61. Occupancy classification was added to floor plan. Item 62: Primary use was indicated on Site plan. Item 63: Primary use was indicated on floor plan. Item 64: Requested sizes were indicated on site plan. Item 65: Sign & Sealed plans shall be submitted at time of permit review. PARKS & RECREATION: Item 66: Irrigation plan shall be submitted at time of construction documentation submission for building permit. '. CC Center SIte Plan Comments January 7,2001 Page 5 of 5 FORESTERS/ENVIRONMENT ALIST: Item 67. Comment shall be addressed on landscape plans. PLANNING & ZONNING: Item 68: Drawing sheets have been reduced to 24" x 36" sheet format. Item 69' Cross access agreement with property towards west has been attained. Item 70: The requested information has been added to Monument Sign. Item 71: The SIte plan tabular data has been corrected. Item 72' Parking space reqUIrement has been revised and addressed in SIte plan Item 73' ProvIded in landscape plans Item 74. Shall be submitted Item 75: Shall Be Included Item 76. ProvIded In landscape plans Item 77: Provided In landscape plans Item 78: Provided in landscape plans Item 79: ProvIded in landscape plans Item 80: Provided in landscape plans Item 81: Provided in landscape plans Item 82' will not be provide Item 83: Provided in landscape plans Should you have any questIOns regarding the above, or if you reqUIre additional informatIOn, please notIfy this office. Sincerely, P A Design Group, Inc. PhIlIp D. AgUIrre, president LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS M It.HA~L D t.DNN~ I4fP Asso~A T~~) IH~. Ms. lusia Galav. Principal Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. Fl 33425-0310 i i U i r~::"'-~'-~:- -. . Il~~l ~ i' J ~ ," i. , ".,.... I II i'-i,I! 8 I; I ~-_._~"_., I " 'r) t January 8. 2002 RE: Corina Collin Center. llC Dear Ms. Galav: The following are responses to all comments regarding the proposed landscaping for the Corina Collin Center. llC Project. Utilities: 3. All utility easements have been shown on the plans. and all canopy trees have been moved outside the easements. Enqineerina: 29. The correct location of all light poles are now shown on the landscape plan and site plan. 31. All canopy trees have been moved away from the light poles. 32. Sight triangles have been shown on the plans. 33. The landscaping within all sight triangles is designed to provide unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 25 feet and 6 feet (i.e. low ground covers & palms). 49. The sight triangle is now shown at 25 feet on the land plan. Forester/Environmentalist: 67. There have been 3 more Mahogany trees added to the plan as specific replacements for the two trees to be removed. Planning & Zonina: 73. The new hedge will extend to meet the existing landscaping to the west. 76. A note requiring mulch other than Cypress is on the plan. 77. The new Mahogany trees along Woolbright Road are specified at 12' HT. and 3" CAL. and the existing trees are over 12' HT. 78. The landscaping along Woolbright Road has been redesigned to include two layers of colorful shrubs and ground cover along with a taller hedge behind it 79. The landscaping at the entrance now includes two colorful shrubs species and two signature trees. However. due to sight triangles and lack of space. both signature trees are planted on the west side. 1601 N.E. 18th Street · Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33305 · (954) 630-8897 · Fax (954) 630-8982 Florida License LA 0001181 / ISA Certified Arborist FL-0777 e-mail.MDCONNERLA@AOL.COM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS . J J. ~[( ~! 1[: lh _s u lJ ! r----.~--- n~ 1 w ! I q, 8" MltHA~L D t.DNN~ 14IL7 ASSOl.lAT~~) IH~. PlanninQ & ZoninQ: 80. The sign now has two colorful ground covers at the base of it 81. The plan indicates that more than 50% of the trees and shrubs specified are Florida Natives. 82. All utility equipment Is screened by hedges. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding the landscape plan for this project Sincerety. 11JI,J IJ ~ Michael D. Conner. ASLA Cc Mr. Paul Pena, Soil Probe Engineering } 1601 N.E. 18th Street · Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33305 · (954) 630-8897 · Fax (954) 630-8982 Florida License LA 0001181 / ISA Certified Arborist FL-0777 e-mail MDCONNERLA@AOL.COM DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 01-253 TO. TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley Jr., Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General Jeffery Livergood, Public Works-Traffic Barbara Meacham, Parks Division Laurinda Logan, Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning Department FROM' Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning DATE November 16, 2001 RE. SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project - Corina Collin Center, LLC Location - 2505 W. Woolbright Road Agent Enrico Popescu File No NWSP 01-018 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments. Comments should be made available via e-mail to Sherie Coale and I no later than 5:00 P.M. on Friday. December 7. 2001. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments 2 The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Lusia Galav, or myself. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental impro\ements .. Page 2 5 When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memorandum, within the time frame stated above, to me. The memorandum shall state that the plans are approved and that they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and that they recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted or e-mailed to Sherie Coale and I for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memorandum or e- mail Lusia Galav will be the Planning and Zoning staff member coordinating the review of the project. First review comments will be transmitted to the applicant along with a list of Technical Review Committee (TRC) members. MWRlg Attachment xc: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal Marshall Gage, Police Department John Guidry, Utilities Director To Be Determined,Director of Engineering Don Johnson, Building Division Central File S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSICorina Collin Center, LLCITRC Memo for 1st Plans Review .doc RevIsed 5-22-01 ." .// CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Fire and Life Safety Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS For review of: NWSP 01-018 1st review-fire Project Name or Address' Corina Collins Center Reviewed by: ~ Rodger Kemmer. Fire Plans Examiner/Fire Inspector Department: Fire and Life Safety Phone. (561) 742-6753 Comments to' Sherie Coale by email on 11/19/01 CODE REQUIREMENTS 1. The sIte plan and master plan desIgn documents shall adhere to Chapter 9 of the Code ofOrdmances of the City of Boynton Beach entitled "FIre ProtectIOn and PreventIOn." ThIS ordmance adopts NFP AI, Fire Prevention Code, 1997 edItion, and NFP A 101, Life Safety Code, 1997 edItion. 2 DesIgn documents shall demonstrate compliance wIth LDR Chapter 6, SectIOn 16, WhICh provIdes reqUirements for hydrants. Hydrants m commercIal applicatIOns shall be no more than 300 ft. apart and the remotest part of any structure shall be no more than 200 ft. from a hydrant. ConnectIOns shall be to mams no less than 6 mches m diameter In addItIOn to domestic reqUirements at a reSIdual pressure of not less than 20 pSI, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm IS reqUired. 3 DeSIgn documents where underground water mams and hydrants are to be prOVIded, must demonstrate that they WIll be mstalled, completed, and m servIce pnor to constructIOn work per NFP AI, (1997) SectIOn 41-2 3.2 4 Pursuant to CIty Ordmance 9-3F, the FIfe Marshal has developed an AdmmIstratIve Order dated May 9,2001, that prOVIdes the mmImum performance for all secunty gates and emergency access. Another AchmmstratlVe Order dated May 15,2001 addresses Knox Box storage ofmformatIOn for responding emergency personnel. 5 DesIgn documents must demonstrate complIance wIth the reqUIrements for fire lanes that are provIded m SectIOn 9-21 of the CIty Ordmances SIgmng and markmg are described m LDR Chapter 23 SectIOn B2 6. FIre Lanes shall be provIded at the start of a project and be mamtamed throughout constructIOn for access per NFP AI, SectIOn 41-2.1 7 CIty Ordmance SectIon 9-6, 3. 17-11 reqUIres approved automatIc fire spnnkler systems throughout the followmg: a) InstItutIOnal or educatIonal bUIldmgs, hospItals, nursmg homes, homes for the aged, convalescent centers, rehabIlItatIOn facIlItIes, day care centers for more than 12 clIents under 1 year of age, adult congregate lIvmg facIlItIes, and all occupancIes and uses of sImIlar nature b) All wood or partIal wood frame bUIldmgs or structures WhICh are 2 stones or more than 20 ft. m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly. c) All bUIldmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn whIch are 3 stones or more m heIght or all bUIldmgs or structures m excess of 30 ft. m heIght as measured from fimsh ground floor grade to the undersIde of the topmost roof assembly d) All bUIldmgs or structures regardless of the type of constructIOn that are m excess of 12,000 square feet per floor. e) All portIOns or sectIOns ofbUIldmgs or structures WhICh are below grade or WhICh constItute the basement area of a bUIldmg or structure regardless of square footage of floor area or type of constructIOn. cc S Gale, Fire Marshal B Borden, Deputy Fire Marshal '\ The City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach FIre Rescue Fire & Life Safety DW1SlOIl 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard POBox 310 Boyntoll Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone (561) 742-6600 FAX (561) 364-7382 May 15, 2001 To Whom It May Concern RE 9-71 Boynton Beach Fire Code It is now a requirement to install an approved keyed lock box to store safety data sheets, floor plans, site plans, and building access keys for authorized use in the case of an emergency by the Fire Rescue Department. The approved keyed lock box must be installed within ninety (90) days of receipt of this wntten notice from the Fire Rescue Department. The specifications and location of the required keyed lock box shall be as designated by the Fire Rescue Department The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 704, Standard System for Identification of the Fire Hazards of Materials, shall be incorporated with the application of the keyed lock box to provide exterior warning symbols for emergency responders Hazardous materials identification placard(s) shall be installed in accordance with NFPA Standard 704 Applications for an approved keyed lock box may be obtained by mail by calling 742-6600 or fax your request to 364-7382 The Fire Rescue Department may direct that the items specified above be revised or reinstalled at any time The City shall bear no expense for initial or subsequent work required of a user under this section If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call 742-6600 Steve Gale, CFPS, CFEI Fire Marshal cc File Amenca's Gateway to the Gulfstrewn 2 Any person, who, during the calendar year, for the first time becomes a user or handler of any hazardous material, must submit a completed disclo~ure form to the Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Department within fifteen (15) days of becoming a user or handler Thereafter, any such user or handler shall comply with the provisions of Subsection (b) (1) above 3 The City of Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Department may, upon written notice, require the submittal of a disclosure form of any user or handler The user or handler shall submit a completed disclosure form within fifteen (15) days 4 Any person required to submit a disclosure form pursuant to this Section shall file with the Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Department an updated disclosure form' within fifteen (15) days of any of the following a) A change in business address b) A change in business ownership c) A change in business name d) Cessation of business operations e) The use or handling of a previously undisclosed hazardous material f) A significant change in the use, handling, or manufacturing of a hazardous material for which disclosure has been previously made g) The hazardous characteristics of every hazardous material disclosed, including, but not limited to, toxicity, flammability, reactivity, and corrosivity as may be required by the Fire Rescue Department. 5 Upon request, all users must provide the following information a) To the Fire Rescue Department, any information determined by the Department to be necessary to protect the public health, safety, or the environment b) To any physician, where the physician determines that such information is necessary to the medical treatment of his or her patient and to the extent allowed by law 6 Exemptions From Disclosure The following materials or persons are exempt from disclosure requirements a) Hazardous materials or substances contained in food, drug, cosmetic, or tobacco products b) Hazardous materials contained solely in consumer products packaged for use by and distributed to the general public unless the product is repackaged or altered In any way; provided, however, the manufacture 2 ~ . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Disclosure Form TO' Boynton Beach Fire Rescue 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 A TTN Fire Marshal Business Name Business Address' Business Owner Name Business Phone # Emergency 24 Hour Phone # Emergency 24 Hour Contact Name Emergency 24 Hour Phone # Emergency 24 Hour Contact Name Property Owners Name Property Owners Address' Intended Use of Site The City of Boynton Beach <\,----- ~~ ~: [~.:!. ~~ -'" Boynton Beach Fzre Rescue Fire <-% Life Safety l)1lI1SlOll 100 E. BOYlltoll Beadl flolilelloul POBox 310 BOYlltoll Beadl, Flonda 33 '125-031 0 PIlOtte' (561) 7'12-6600 FAX (561) 364-7'182 May 9,2001 RE Security Gates and Emergency Access To Whom It May Concern Boynton Beach Fire Rescue continues to maintain the position that security gates are potentially detrimental to fire and rescue operations The proliferation of security gated communities has resulted in many problems for responding emergency apparatus trYing to gain entry The minimum performance for all security gates shall be as follows 1 All security/entrance gates must have an electronic key number pad 2 The keypad will allow entrance by the simple act of pushing four (4) or five (5) buttons 3 All gates must have a security entry code approved in advance by the Fire Marshal 4 Gates may be operable by telephone from our dispatch office A phone call from our dispatchers will open the gate and a second call will be required to close the gate 5 In case of power failure, the gate shall open automatically and remain open 6 An exception will be where a 24-hour security guard is stationed at the gate 7 A back-up device such as an authorized security box or key SWitch is required to operate the gate in the event the number pad entry does not work 8 A key box shall be installed for such areas or buildings when the Fire Marshal determines that access is necessary for all life-saving or fire-fighting purposes The type and location of the key box shall be approved by the Fire Marshal and shall contain · Keys to locked points of egress, whether in common areas or on the interior or exterior of such buildings, · Keys to locked mechanical equipment rooms, · Keys to locked electrical rooms, · Keys to elevator controls 9 No other code numbers, operating methods, or key systems will be kept on file by the Fire Rescue Department. 10 In the event that our units are unable to gain rapid entry with the above methods, it will require the use of rapid forcible entry methods to gain entry The City of Boynton Beach and/or the Fire Rescue Department shall not be responsible for, or incur any costs as a rpC:1 lit nf n::lininn ::!""<=><:",, 1,-, ':l cnor-;f;r- ...r...... Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Livergood, Jeffrey Friday, December 07,2001 2 11 PM Coale, Sherie Corina Collin Center Sherie, SORRY for the delay No traffic related comments on this project. Laurinda will handle any engr comments Have a good weekend Jeff Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Boynton Beach 1 cli'Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: MIchael W Rumpf DATE: Dir. of Planning & Zomng 11/20/0 1 FILE: NWSP 01-018 FROM: Off. John Huntmgton PolIce Department CPTED PractItIOner SUBJECT Corina Collm Center, LLC REFERENCES: SIte Plan ENCLOSURES: I have VIewed the above buIldmg plans and have the followmg comments' ~ No Comments. .------- DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES MEMORANDUM NO. 01-281 I D.'/f.. : nl i I' " L, i ~ ~ ;\>1 '" { TO. Michael W. Rumpf, DIrector ofPlanniIfP ~~omng. {h~ II;! O~ John A. GUIdry, UtIlItIes DIrector H. DavId Kelley, Jr., PE/PSM, UtIlIty Engmeer:J-~'- November 27,2001 THRU: FROM: DATE: RE: CORINA COLLIN CENTER, LLC 2505 WEST WOOLBRIGHT ROAD NWSP 01-018 We offer the followmg comments on the above noted proJect: NO PLAN SUBMITTAL COMMENT 1) No Improvement plan, utIlity plan or correlatIOn with the landscapmg plan were mcluded with thIS submittal, therefore the UtIlItIes Department consIders thIS plan incomplete as submItted. However, smce thIS proposed SIte development IS located where utIlity support is aVailable, we are providmg only a cursory reVIew on the plan submIttal. It IS noted that an outline of utIlIty connectIon(s) IS shown on the "Preliminary Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan", but this effort does not replace the reqUIrement for a conceptual utIlIty plan to support the proposed project. GENERAL COMMENTS 2) All utIlIty easements shall be shown on the rectIfied SIte plan and landscaping drawmgs so that we may determine WhICh trees may mterfere WIth utIlItIes. In general, palm trees WIll be the only tree speCIes allowed within utilIty easements. Canopy trees may be planted outSIde of the easement so that roots and branches WIll not impact those utIlItIes WIthin the easement m the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gIve publIc utIlIties the authonty to remove any trees that mterfere WIth utIlIty services, eIther in utilIty easements or public rights-of-way. 3) Palm Beach County Health Department permits WIll be reqUIred for the water and sewer systems serving this project (CODE Sec. 26-12). Department of UtIlItIes Memo #01-281 Re: Conna Collin Center, LLC November 27,2001 Page 2 4) FIre flow calculatIOns WIll be reqUIred demonstratmg the CIty Code reqUIrement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated m LDR Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 16, or the reqUIrement Imposed by msurance underwriters, whichever IS greater (see CODE Sec 26-16(a)). 5) CODE Sec. 26-34(E) reqUIres that a capacIty reservatIOn fee be paid for this project eIther upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of sIte plan approval, whichever occurs first. ThIS fee WIll be determined based upon final meter SIze, or expected demand. 6) ComprehensIve Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable water. CIty water may not, therefore, be used for imgatIon where other sources are readIly available. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 7) Water and sewer lInes to be owned and operated by the CIty shall be mcluded wIthm utIlity easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engmeenng drawings, usmg a mimmum wIdth of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedIcated via separate instrument to the CIty as stated m CODE Sec. 26-33(a). 8) PVC material not permItted on the City's water system. All lines shall be DIP. 9) Appropriate backflow preventer wIll be reqUIred on the domestic water service to the buildmg, and the fire sprinkler line If there is one, m accordance with CODE Sec. 26-207. 10) LDR Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec. 3(0) reqUIres Master Plans to show all utIlitIes on or adjacent to the tract. The plan must therefore show the point of service for water and sewer, and the proposed off- SIte utilitIes construction needed in order to servIce this project. 11) LDR Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec 3(P) reqUIres a statement be mcluded that utilItIes are aVailable and WIll be prOVIded by the appropnate agenCIes. This statement is lackmg on the submItted plans. HDK/kd xc: Launnda Logan, P.E Georganne Barden File S '\Engineering\Dostal\UTILITIES\Corina Collin Center, LLC Memo #OI-281.doc - / DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 01-253 TO: MIchael W. Rumpf, DIrector ofPlannmg and Zomng Launnda Logan, P.E, Civil Engineer ~ '\ December 3, 2001 FROM DATE: RE: Corina Collins Center, File No. NWSP 01-018 New Site Plan Review - Engineering 1st Review I have reviewed the above referenced SIte Plans, receIved on November 16, 2001, agamst the Site Plan Review requirements outlmed m the CIty of Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances. Followmg are my comments wIth the appropnate Code and Land Development RegulatIOns (LDR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS Code ReqUIrements 1. IndIcate, by note, that the color and texture of the dumpster enclosures shall match the bUIldmg (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 10.E, and CIty of Boynton Beach Standard Drawmg A-88007). Show on the detail that drop pins and sleeved holes WIll be provided to secure dumpster enclosure gates m the open and closed posItIOns. ENGINEERING Code ReqUIrements 1. On the Site Plan, add a general note that all plans submItted for specIfic permIts shall meet the City's Code reqUIrements at time of applicatIOn. These permIts mclude, but are not limIted to, the followmg: pavmg, dramage, cleanng & grubbmg, excavation & fill, curbmg, site lIghtmg, landscapmg and ImgatIOn. PermIts reqUIred from other permittmg agencIes such as Florida Department of TransportatIOn (FDOT), South Flonda Water Management Dlstnct (SFWMD), Lake Worth Dramage Dlstnct (LWDD), Flonda Department of EnvIronmental ProtectIOn (FDEP), Palm Beach County Health Department (PBCHD), Palm Beach County Engmeenng Department (PBCED), Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (PBCDERM) and any others, shall be included WIth the permit request. 2. ProvIde plans on sheets measunng 24 m. x 36 m. 3. Provide a RIder to the SIte Plan ApphcatIOn m accordance WIth the LDR, Chapter 4, SectIOn 7.G. 4. Show locatIOn of eXlstmg natural features on the SIte Survey. Show locatIOn of all eXlstmg utIhtles 5. Provide data of underground soIl condItIOns (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, SectIOn 9). 6. Provide an engineer's certificatIOn on the Dramage Plan as specIfied m the LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2. "- Engmeenng Department Memorandum No. 253 Re: Conna Collms Center - Engmeenng 1 sl RevIew Comments December 3,2001 Page Two 7. ProvIde dramage design data for sIte dramage as specIfied m the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, SectIOn 5 Show flow arrows on Pavmg, Gradmg & Dramage Plan. IndIcate, by note, that storm water wIll be contamed on sIte (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II.F.). Any work done wIthm the nght-of-way and/or to eXIstmg facIlIties wIthm the nght-of-way wIll reqUire reVIew, approval and permIttmg by Palm Beach. 8. ProvIde eVIdence that the Lake Worth Dramage Distnct IS m agreement WIth the outfall from the ex filtratIOn trenches into Canal L-26. 9. ProvIde a Lighting Plan includmg photometncs, pole wind loading, and pole detaIls m conformance wIth the LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, Section 11, Chapter 23, ArtIcle I, SectIOn 5.B 7 and Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn A. 10. Location of light poles between the Site Plan and Landscapmg Plan do not agree (light poles for west parkmg area not shown on Landscape Plan). Re-onent the lIght poles so that the light shines onto the paved areas, not away from them as shown. 11. LIghtmg wIll probably be reqUired for the north entrance. 12 Replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowmg on the parkmg surface (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn A.1.b). There appears to be a conflict between the coconut palm at the northwest comer of the site and the proposed lIght pole (CIVIl plans). 13. Show sIght tnangles graphically on the Site Plan and Landscaping Plan. Reference FDOT Standard Index 546 for the sIght tnangles along all collector and arterial roadways. Sight tnangles also need to be shown at mternal dnves. 14. IndIcate, by note, on the Landscape and/or SIte Plan, that wIthm the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-vIsibility at a level between 2.5' and 6' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, Section 5.H.). 15 SIdewalks adjacent to parking lots shall be contmuous through all dnveways, to mark pedestnan paths, and shall be 6 in. thICk wIthin dnveways (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn P). 16 SIdewalks shall meet or exceed State HandIcap Code reqUirements and comply wIth the Standard Buildmg Code and amendments thereto (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn K). 17. The backup dIstance requirement for 600 parkmg, one-way aisle, IS 19.8 feet (LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle II, SectIOn I and CIty Standard Drawmg B-90013). 18. ProvIde eVIdence of a cross-access agreement for the two dnveways on the west boundary of the proposed development. 19. ProvIde an ImgatIOn Plan m conformance wIth the LDR, Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, Section 5 20. Provide details and typIcal sections for sIdewalk and paving conformmg to the LDR, Chapter 23, ArtIcle ILE. ProvIde a typIcal sectIOn for swales (LDR, Chapter 6, ArtIcle IV, Section 5) "'- Engmeering Department Memorandum No. 253 Re: Conna Collms Center - Engmeenng 1 st RevIew Comments December 3,2001 Page Three RecommendatIons/CorrectIons 1. The CIty of Boynton Beach Code of Ordmances and Land Development RegulatIOns can be viewed at www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us. 2. Proof of other agency permIts shall be reqmred prior to the Issuance of the paving and drainage permIt. 3. Please add a Vlclmty map to the Boundary Survey. 4. Show a graphIc scale wIth the written scale, all sheets. 5. Add a "No Right Turn" SIgn at the north end of the dnveway where entering the one-way dnveway to the adjacent property. 6. Add a one-way arrow in the Woolbright Road medIan OpposIte the southeast egress dnve. 7. Add a "Stop" SIgn and pamted stop bar at the egress end of the angled parking area. 8 Delete the Type D curb m front of the two handIcap spaces to show the accessible paths are at the same elevatIOn as the sIdewalk. 9. ConSIder relocatmg the handIcap accessible path from the pubhc sIdewalk west to the thIrd handIcap space to mmlmlze pedestrian/vehicle conflIct at the entrance. 10. SIte tnangles do not agree between the Landscape and SIte Plans (10 ft. SIght triangle shown on the Landscape Plan, 25 ft. SIght tnangle shown on the Site Plan.) 11. Separate wheel stops are not necessary WIth a contmuous curb at the end of the spaces along W oolbnght Road. If contmuous curb IS used, It may be moved mto the parking spaces two feet to act as a contmuous wheel stop. ThIS recommendatIOn may be mcorporated m to any other appropnate locatIOns wlthm the SIte. 12 Curb cuts may be reqmred m the Type D curb parallel to Woolbnght Road to allow stormwater runoff into the swaled area. 13 ConSIder wldemng the mgress lane (southeast comer) to 14 foot to provIde a safer tranSItIon from Woolbright Road to the SIte. LUck Cc. H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S.M., UtIhty Engmeer Ken Hall, Engmeenng Plans Analyst Frantz LaFontant, Engineenng Plans Analyst FIle C'\My Documents\Corina Collins Center, Engineering 1st Review Comments.doc / DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 01-254 TO: Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: Don Johnson, Building Official~ DATE November 26,2001 SUBJECT' Project - Carina Collin Center, LLC File No. - NWSP 01-018 We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted far permits. Buildina Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. Larae (561) 742-6352 1 Add to the building(s) that are/is depicted on the drawing titled site plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance door(s) to the (building), (each tenant space) or (each building) Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2, 4.3. 2. On the floor plan drawing(s), add a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance door(s) to the (building), (each tenant space) or (each building). The location of the door(s) shall match the location of the accessible entrance doors that are depicted on the site plan drawing. Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1 2, 4.3. 3. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance door(s) to the (building), (each tenant space) or (each building). The symbol shall start at the accessible parking space(s) and terminate at the accessible entrance doar(s) to the building. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement markings that are required to be installed along the path. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width required by the code is forty-four (44) inches). Add text to the drawing that would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade elevations along the path of travel 4. Identify within the site data the finish floor elevation (lowest floor elevation) that is proposed for the building(s). Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code]: a) The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following text to the site data "The proposed finish floor elevation _. _ NGVD is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations." b) From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. Where applicable, specify the base flood elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans. c) Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the drawings titled site plan, floor plan and paving/ drainage (civil plans). 5. As required by Chapter 4, section 7 of the Land Development Regulations, submit a floor plan drawing. The building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet(s) However, add to the floor plan drawing a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance door(s) to the (building), (tenant spaces) or (each building). The location of the door(s) shall match the location of the accessible entrance door(s) that are depicted on the site plan drawing. 6. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall openings and wall construction comply with Table 600 of the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code. 7. On the site plan add to the site data the number of stories in (the/each) building including identifying mezzanines, where applicable. Indicate the overall height of the building(s) within the site data. The overall height of the building(s) shall not exceed the height limitations of the Zoning Code. 8. On all floor plan drawings, indicate within the footprint of the building the number of stories that are in the building including, where applicable, mezzanines. 9. Specify on the plan the proposed occupancy classification as defined in the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code including the Boynton Beach Amendments to the building code (Ordinance #99-16). 10. Indicate on the site plan within the floor area of the new and existing building the primary use of the structure/facility. 11. Indicate on the floor plan drawing within the footprint of the building the primary use of the structure/facility. 12. To verify that the proposed building(s) is/are in compliance with the applicable building setbacks, show and dimension on the site plan the width of the building overhang. Also, identify the size or width of the covered walkways, awnings, canopies and/or other roofed areas that extend out beyond the main walls of the building. 13. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. bf PARKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #01-133 FROM: Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Director P Barbara J Meacham, Parks landscape Planner'tlJlVl Carina Collin Center, LLC TO: THRU: RE: Date: November 26, 2001 1. Submit detailed irrigation plans for right-of-way landscape and sitework improvements during the construction document permitting stage, for review and approval by the Parks Department staff. Include on the plan location of any existing irrigation in the right-of-way - -' \'F:l II \ \ \ II , 'I _J - \ '\1 /' Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Eric Monday, December 10, 2001 12.05 PM Coale, Sherie add a comment to corrina collins Sherie, Lusia and I have not reviewed the plans together yet but the following comment should be added anyway Here it is! The size of the following plans shall be no larger than 24" x 36" sheets: surveys, site plans, landscape plans, architectural plans (floor plan & elevations), and drainage plans. Thanks Eric Lee Johnson Planner 1 CORINA COLLINS CTR NWSP 01-018 1st Review Planning December 6, 2001 ~ The site plan must Identify the correct Zoning District for the subject property V This project will require a cross access agreement wIth the property to the west. /" Provide an improved representation of the proposed monument sIgn, mcluding total sIgnage area and matenals / colors which accurately show the appearance in order to confirm architectural compatibility WIth the building. The maximum allowable signage area is 64 square feet on each side. In addition, clearly identify the site address at the top of the monument sIgn. v' The site plan tabular data must mdIcate the correct required buildmg setback for the subject property vi Forty seven parking spaces are required and must be mdIcated as such in the site plan tabular data. .,/ The Pirtosporum hedge located at the southwest corner of the property must be extended westward (along the west property line) to connect with the existmg hedge. x The survey must identify the Official Zoning District and Future Land Use designation for the adjacent properties (Chapter 4, SectIon A.3 ). / Subnnt a color sample / swatch of all major extenor fimshes. Each sample and / or elevation shall include the manufacturer's name and color code On the elevations, identify where each color will go as it relates to the Pamt Color Schedule (Chapter 4, Section 7.D 1 ) .j Include a color rendenng of all elevations prior to the Planning & Development Board meetmg (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2 ) j Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress shall be used and mamtamed for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 C.8 ) V All reqUIred trees in the front landscape buffer adjacent to Woolbnght Road shall be at minimum 12 feet overall heIght and 3 cahper mches when planted (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 C.2.) / The front landscape buffer adjacent to Woolbright Road shall contain two layers of plant material. The first layer shall be a combinatIon of colorful groundcover plants and a minimum of two colorful shrub species planted in a continuous row The 2nd layer shall consist of a continuous hedge or decorative site wall. The contmuous hedge (2nd layer) shall be a minimum of 24 inches in height, 24 mches in spread and planted with tip-to-tip spacing immediately after planting. The hedge shall be mamtamed at four (4) feet. If a decorative site wall is used, it shall be constructed not less than three (3) feet m heIght (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.D ) / Landscapmg at project entrances shall contam a nnmmum of two (2) colorful shrub species on both sides of the entrance and a SIgnature tree (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.N). Note that signature trees do not contribute toward the total number of required perimeter trees or parking area interior landscapmg. (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 G) Provide one (1) additional signature tree, such as Yellow Elder, Tibouchina granulosa, or Bougainvillea at each side of the project entrance at Woolbright Road. These signature trees shall have a mimmum of SIX (6) feet of clear trunk to preserve the clear SIght area. The base of the monument sIgn shall be enhanced wIth colorful groundcover plants and a rmmmum of two (2) colorful shrub sp,ecies (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 50) .J.~"d' ~ TJU(. ~..k/y, rJJ~ctVte (lu. ./lq.:tbr~ ~ ~ prvf:!j .t-I.\&7 (Y>t.W.l ~ JD .~~ ~ f(/)f J ~). At least fifty (50) percent of the site landscape material must be native species and verified as such in the tabular data of the landscape plan (Chapter 7.5, ArtIcle II, Section 5.P ) Sculptures, fountains, gardens, pools, and benches shall be encouraged within the site design (Chapter 9, Section IO.H.). 'f' es, meters, tra rs, and back-flow ematerial~ J:lSHRDATAlPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIConna Collin Center. LLQPlanning 1st review.doc Plannin~ Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist To: Lusia Galav, Pnncipal Planner From: Kevm J. Hallahan, Forester / EnvIronmentalist Subject: Conna Collin Center, LLC 1 ST Review - New SIte Plan NWSP 01-018 Date: December 7,2001 The applIcant should mdIcate on the plans the newly planted trees that are replacements (separate symbol) for the removed trees. These trees should be m addItIon to the Landscape Code reqUIred trees on the site. The project should contmue in the normal review process. Kjh File THE CC CENTER BUILDING TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY ,tl Prepared For: Associated Engineers of Florida December 2001 ~MCMAHON A~~UCJATE~. INL. . "....,..... :.,&.. '. ."WI. .'.. _ =II. .<111_.. 11 :II'''~.'' ~ .,.,.: _ :II.... RESPONSIVE TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS : tOL ,_._----~-....-.."., . " , 2240 Woolbright Road, Suite 204, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 561.364.1666 fax 561 3640990 ".. .... - .. '-... .... THE CC CENTER BUILDING TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY .. .. .. .. >II ... - Prepared For: Associated Engineers of Florida >II .... >II i r I I' U,' n'1 III ULJ i I !. ) , .. "'lIt - ... ... ~$~kL- # seph W. McMahon, P.E. President License No. 26744 .. .. ... December 2001 ... ~':j~~~.9.t;!.~?2.S'3ill,.ll'!S;. RESPONSIVE TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS 2240 Woolbright Road. Suite 204. Boynton Beach. Florida 33426 561.364 1666 fax 561.364 0990 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.. ......... ...... .... ... .... ............. ....... ........ .... ... ........................ ....... .... ................ ..........1 EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SETTING/EXISTING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS................3 FUTURE CONDITIONS ANALYSIS ............... ....... ......... ........... ............................... ..... ..............5 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................................... .. .15 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Site Location Map ........ ................. ................... ....... .......... ........... .......................... ..............2 2. Radius of fufluence ... ........ ....... ....... ....... ... ........... .... ..... ... .... ................ ....... ...... .......... ....... ..8 3. Project Traffic Distribution. ............................. ........... ... ..... ........ ...... ......... ....... .................1 0 4. Project Traffic Assignment. ........... ........ ..... ..... ................ ..................... ...... ......... ....... ...... .11 5. Driveway Volumes ........... ........ ........... ........... ..................... .................... ........ ........ ...... ....14 LIST OF TABLES 1. Level of Service CapacIty for Roadways within One-half Mile Radius offufluence- Daily Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) .....................................................................4 2. Level of Service Capacity for Roadways WIthin One-half Mile Radius of fufluence - PM Peak Hour......... ................ ....... ........................ .......... .............................. .......... ............4 3. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) Test 1 Link Analysis - Dmly................................6 4. Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) Test 1 Link Analysis - PM Peak Hour.................6 5. Trip Generation ....................................................................... ............ ............ ......... ............7 II INTRODUCTION The CC Center Building is proposed to be located in the northeast quadrant of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The entire site consists of1.12 acres. The site is bounded on the west by the Fidelity Federal Bank Building (adjacent to Congress Avenue), the north by the L-26 Canal, the south by a frontage road with access to Woolbright Road, and to the east by an office buildmg that is currently under construction. The approximate orientation of the site relative to the roadways in the area is presented in Figure 1. The medical building is planned to consist of a two-story building with 7,521 square feet on the first floor and 1,623 square feet on the second floor, for a total square footage of9,144 square feet. The square footage was rounded up to the nearest hundred, for this traffic analysis, resulting in 9,200 square feet. The project is expected to be completed by November of 2002. Primary access to the site is provided via three right-in/nght-out driveways that will be shared with the bank: building. Two of the driveways will access Woolbright Road via a frontage road. The third driveway will access Congress Avenue. This traffic analysis evaluates the transportation requirements assocIated with the proposed development and determines their impact on the area roadway system in compliance WIth the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. 1 Boynton Beach Boulevard "0 co o 0:: Q) u c ~ ~ co ....J Q) :J C Q) ~ rn rn ~ C> c o () SITE I Mobil I I Bank I * Woolbright Road SW 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) Woolbright Medical Office SITE LOCA nON MAP I McDonald's I Office Bldg I Bank I D N NTS ~ CI) .<= co T"" ~ McMAHON AssOCIATES INC. Figure 1 EXISTING TRANSPORTATION SETTING/ EXISTING CONDITIONS ANALYSIS Roadway Characteristics The major east/west route in the area of the site is Woolbright Road, which provides the nearest access to Interstate 95 . Woolbright Road is a four-lane divided County Minor Arterial west of Congress Avenue and a six-lane divided County Minor Arterial east of Congress Avenue. The major north! south route is Congress Avenue. Congress Avenue is a six -lane, median-divided County Minor Arterial extending north and south ofthe site. The intersection of Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road is controlled by a fully actuated signal. Exclusive dualleft-tum lanes are provided for all approaches. Right-turn lanes are provided for the eastbound and westbound approaches of Woolbright Road to Congress Avenue. Existing Traffic Volumes To establish the relationshIp between site-generated traffic and eXIsting traffic on the surrounding roads, traffic counts were obtained from Palm Beach County. The Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) and PM peak hour count data provided by the County are depicted in Tables 1 and 2. Existing Traffic Conditions Analysis As shown in Tables 1 and 2, the analysis ofthe AADT volumes from the Palm Beach County Mid-Year 200012001 traffic counts mdicate that both Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue operate below the Level of Service (LOS) D capacity threshold. In Table 2, PM peak hour volumes were derived by multiplying the daily volumes by the County approved 9.3 percent. The volumes were compared to the daily and PM peak hour LOS D capaCIty thresholds lIsted in Table TE 1 "Test One Level of Service D" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The results of the analYSIS mdicate that both Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue operate wIthm the LOS D threshold. 3 I- ~ ~ 'n; c CD u e CD ::l Ii:: .E .... o Ul ::l :a nI 0:: .!!! :E nI .... .~ -'C nI CD d;:e ~e' CD 0 I:>> :Cnl.5 nle:E I- :E 'S =m ~ CD Ul u ia'E ~o 'C nI o 0:: ... .E ~ 'u nI Co nI o CD u ~ CD tI) .... o ~ ..J '" ~. '0 E-< "r::l cZ Q ~ .~ ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ u Z Z Z Z ~ Q..", ~ ~~ ~ - E-< ~ ..... CO (")1'- 0 c::> E-< COLO I'- co c::> ~ I'-lD lDlD Q c::> ~t---'" NM ~ N N(,,) (") (") - c"r::l i::l ... 'Q 00 00 : U.l:l 00 00 rJ)~~ LOCI> CI>CI> o1i'- NcO COCO ...;JU~ (")"<t "<t"<t C = .~ 0 0 0 0 ...J ...J ...J ...J .~ Eo-< "<t lD lD lD ~ -g Q) m ::J "0 C CtI .e Q) 0 0 ~ LO 0:: CtI CI> - Q) 1I) 2 .em 1I) .g> c ~ .l!l f!~ Clf!? C Q) o >- e o - o 0 Eo-< u.E ?;m S' 1'G fi. Q) - ::J "0 "0 "0 C o CtI CtI Q) ~o 0 ~ Q) 0:: 0:: ~ E Q) 1I) 0 1I) "E 01 C ~ 'C El ~ (")..0 Ol N- e ;: C ?; 8 - CtI 0 ~ ...J U w?; "0 Q) ::J CtI C 0 Q) 0:: ~ ~ .:E 1I) 01 1I) ~ 'C ~ ..0 "r::l "0 Ol ~ 0 C ~ ?; 0 u o o N ;:; o o N .. .. ~ .. c: ~ :> U .E Ul .0; >- (ij c: <( .s .. 0:: l C> "0 c: :> o a. E o u E l'! Q) e 0.. .. c: :> o U " IE l'! ~ III l!! <( >- "0 ;3 en c: III -e :J .<= " III Q) al E (ij 0.. tj Q) 3: Q) = c: o "0 Q) Ul 1l s III o C :> o U Ui b ~ ~ z ... ::l o J: ~ nI CD n. :e n. CD u e CD ::l Ii:: e .... o Ul ::l :a nI 0:: .!!!iij :E~ ....'C - CD ~:e NeU' e I:>> :Eoe nlnI:a I- e ::l \ :Em - CD 'j .~ Ulll: ia'o ~ 'C nI o 0:: ... .E ~ 'u nI Co nI o CD u .~ CD tJ) .... o a; > CD ..J ~ .:..: El ~ = ~- ~~ :?j - ~ 15 == ~. 'Q ~ cZ ~... - 8 ~ e ~ Q.. '" ~~~ .l:l ~c~~ ~=~~; ==......~e Eleg:?j== -;U~~ ~ -.:..: c"r::l i::l ~ ... ... 'Q :~=~-;l CS :?j = 1i' ] ...;J~ UE-< c = ~~ ... u ~ ~ o 0 zz lDN NO OLO NM 00 NLO o LO M"<i 00 ...J...J "<tlD e E-< Q) ::J C Q) ~~ ~$ ~ .l!l Clf!? a .2l U.E El e - ~ Q) "0 ::J co 5i &~ Q) 1I) o 1I) C ~ ~ 01 ;: C CtI 0 ...JU ~ ~ ~ "0 CtI o 0:: .:E 01 'C ..0 "0 o ?; o 0 zz CI>(,,) (")(") 0..... MM 00 LOLO LO LO "<i"<i 00 ...J...J lDlD -0 > "Om CO.e o 0 0:: co - Q) .em .g> c f!~ o >- o 0 ?;m S' 1'G o a:: ll:: S~ ~O 0>0:: ~.:E "E .~ ~f! ?; 8 w?; Q) ::J C Q) ~ lZ ~ 01 C o U ~ .; o .. -5 OIl <= '>, :e. '3 e '- o -g -5 .. e '" ~ -g -S !3 o U ..c:: ~ .. IJ:l ..s os "'" OIl <= .~ '" .. 1;; '3 " .. " ~ ~ ~ " e ~ !3 ~ ~ .. "'" ~ ~ '0 . z- I .., '" >. .0 ~ '2 Q) o a. ~ '" ~ ~ u; Q) ~ '0 1'G a. 1'G y '" Q) Q) .t: '" "C 1'G ~ a. ~ "C ::> ii5 o ;: l!! ~ 01 E co U; ~ o E co U; ~ :5 !:!:= Ii.. FUTURE CONDITIONS ANALYSIS Background Traffic Growth The traffic generated by previously approved but incomplete projects combined with the historic growth of traffic on roadway links is defined as background traffic in the Traffic Performance Standards (Section 7.8) contained in the Palm Beach County Development Code. At this time, there are no major approved but incomplete projects that will impact the site. The historical annual growth rates for Woolbright Road are 5.40 percent west of Congress Avenue and 5.20 percent east of Congress Avenue. The historical annual growth rates for Congress Avenue are 2.92 percent north of Woolbright Road and 1.24 percent south of Woolbright Road. The project is expected to be completed by November of2002. Therefore, the 1997/1998 to 2000/2001 compound growth rates were applied to the 2000/2001 AADT counts and projected to 2002, providing the background traffic. The resulting volumes are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. Historical growth rates were obtained from the 2000/2001 Compound Growth Rate Analysis, provided by Palm Beach County, which mcluded mid-year count data. As shown in Tables 3 and 4 the background traffic, as ofthe buildout year (2002), does not exceed the LOS D daily and PM peak hour capacity for Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. Programmed Roadway Improvements The fiscal year 2002 to 2006 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Palm Beach County under the section for major improvements mdicates that there are no planned improvements for the intersection ofW oolbright Road and Congress Avenue or the 1mks ofW oolbright Road west and east of Congress Avenue and the lInks of Congress Avenue north and south ofW oolbright Road. 5 II) 'iij >- n; I: <( ~ I: :::i 'Uic;; Gl (,) 1-:0 ~Gl b::!: ~~~ ~.!:! :0 1-:;3 ~ID ~2l 'Cij :E Co n; ~ I: I: <( Gl Cl E Gl ~ o ....~z = ~- :E~~ 1Il"C .... ::l c: l'l~ii.s.~ g.C).~o~ NQ:~~'= ... ra 1-00 .... ci. c: .... ra ~ <.> U !E [~ .~ .E ci rn ~ ~S~ .~ u 'u 2 == [ D.. t! co ~I-() 1: 1:) c: Gl Gl el ~ '0' 'in ~lt~ + -g ^ = '" I- :: S Q!f:. < ... .. <~> "C c: ::l .~ ~2:t: eelra l'l~~ ra 00 ~"C :55= ~8.~~ ~gt;~ a>U e '5 c; " =-~ .... >>= - c~~ ~ Q ~ u~~ >>:2 f'E,g " '" on a. .. o " ... ...u~ 1:) .~ .!!!. :t: e t! 11..1- .>l: .s~ ~ ~. .. .cz .~ S a. '" " .. uc >> ;6 ~ ~ I- ~ .. 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'iij al ~::!: ....1:. CIl <( Cl :is ~.!: 1-111 :::i :2 'S :SID o CIl ::J: (,) ~:E :go ll.. ::!: ll.. '" Q) ~ Q) :5 c o "0 Q) '" '" .0 '" 1il e c: ::> o U l- e ~ o it;~ :E~:l: ~ 1Il"C .... ::l c: l'l ~ ii. S .~ g 'CS.~ 0;; No:;;tj.= ... '" 1-00 .... ci. lij .... 111 <.> <.> U !E [~ .~ .E ci rn ~ ~S~ .~ (J 'u 2 == [ D.. t! co ';!.I-U c:t;c: Gl Gl el ~ '0' 'en ~lt~ '" -g ^ = + ::I lI:I ~ 1- f: e ~a:!f:. =- :z:: ... .. ~> "C c: ::l <.> ~2== eelra N'ti.= 111 00 ....."C g 5:; CD ~8.~'l0 ~gt;O::: a>U e '5 c; " =-~ .... >>= - = C M = - .. = ug M _~. -; E~ ~ ... ~ .c =- ::I = r'-I rJJ. = c.. Cl.ol o ~ :z:: " ... ...=- u~ 1) .!:! .~~ ... ... 11..1- .>l: .s~ ~. .. .cz .~ - " .. a. '" " .. uc '" i1 - =- a ~~ >> a ~ ~ I- .. 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'" y '" Qi Q) .J: '" "0 '" ~ a. Ul S. "0 ::> ii5 <.> = {!! !:: o E1 ., u:; (; E ., u:; ~ '*' u. Project Trip Generation Traffic to be generated by and attracted to the proposed site were estimated based on Palm Beach County's adopted trip generation rates, Palm Beach County Article 10 "Impact Fees" Table 10.8. The proposed CC Building is expected to consist of two floors with 7,521 square feet for the first floor and 1,623 square feet for the second floor, totaling 9,144 square feet. The square footage was rounded to the higher 9,200 square feet for the trip generation calculations. The Palm Beach County daily trip generation rate for a Medical Office Building is 36.13 trips per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Based on the proposed floor area of 9,200 square feet, the proposed project will generate 332 trips per day. By applying a pass-by reduction of five percent, as approved by Palm Beach County in Table 10.8, the net daily trip generation is 316 trips. The daily trip generation is provided in Table 5. The Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards calls for the use ofthe most recent ITE Trip Generation, 6th Edition, formulas or rates for the AM and PM peak hours. These rates are 2.43 trips per 1,000 square feet of floor area for the AM peak hour and 3.66 for the PM peak hour. The peak hour trip generation results are also provided in Table 5. Table 5 Trip Generation Dail Tri Generation Land Use Less Pass-b 5% (1) Net Dail Tri s Medical Office Buildin 9,200 332 16 316 AM d PM P k H T' G an ea our np eneration AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Units or Less Net Less Net Square Trips Pass-by New Trips Trips Trips Pass-by New Trips Trips Land Use Footage Generated 5%(1) Trips In Out Generated 5% (1) Trips In Out Medical Office Building 9,200 22 1 21 17 4 34 2 32 9 23 (1) Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, Article 10 Section 10.8 Table 10.8 Pass-by Trip Rate Percentage for Medical Office Building. According to Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Table 2A, a project that generates between 20 I and 500 daily trips is required to examine the LOS capacity for all roadways links within a one-half mIle radms of mfluence from the site. This radius IS depicted in Figure 2. 7 "** Boynton Beach Boulevard "0 ro o ~ Q) <.) c: Q) L.. ;: ro -l Q) :::s c: Q) ~ (J) (J) ~ 0> c: o () SITE I Mobil I I Bank I * Woolbright Road SW 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) Woolbright Medical Office Radius ofInfluence (Approximate) I McDonald's I D N NTS .; C/) == co ..- ~ Office Bldg I Bank I Le end o Radius of Influence - V2 mi. McMAHON AssoCIATES. INC Figure 2 Project Traffic Distribution Traffic generated by the proposed project will approach the site via different routes, depending upon the residences of employees and point of origin of patients, and the points of access to the site from the area roadway network. The expected distribution of the site-generated traffic is based upon a review of current traffic patterns in the vicinity of the site. This distribution is presented in Figure 3. -1'1;1 As indicated in Figure 3, a total of 80 percent of the project site traffic is expected to approach the site via Woolbright Road. Two driveway connections onto Woolbright Road provide access to the site via an on-site frontage road. It is anticipated that 60 percent of project trips will travel to and from the site on Woolbright Road west of the site, wIth 20 percent of project trips traveling on the segment of Woolbright Road to the west of Congress Avenue, 30 percent on Congress Avenue to and from the south, and 10 percent on Congress Avenue to and from the north. The remaining 20 percent ofthe proj ect site traffic will use the Congress Avenue access driveway to and frontage road to travel to and from the north on Congress Avenue. Project Traffic Assignment Application of the trip distribution percentages shown in Figure 3 to the 316 daily, 21 AM peak hour, and 32 PM peak hour net new trips that are to be generated by the site produces the traffic that is to be added to the area roadway network. The resulting volumes are shown in Figure 4. Future Traffic Conditions Traffic generated by the improvement to the site was added to the existing traffic volumes and background growth traffic to produce the total future daily traffic volumes as shown in Tables 3 and 4. 9 ... Boynton Beach Boulevard "'0 m o c::: Q) () c: ~ ~ m ...J Q) :J c: Q) ~ en en ~ C) c: o () t30% U N NTS ....: C/') .r:: ro ..- ~ t:0% SITE Woolbright Road t10% * ~ . ... . ... . . . 20% 60% 80% 20% SW 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) t30% Woolbright Medical Office Project Traffic Distribution McMAHON AssOCIATES. INC Figure 3 ,. Boynton Beach Boulevard "0 ro o a::: (]) () c ~ 3: ro ..J (]) ::J C (]) > <( C/) C/) ~ 0> r::: o U 195 D N NTS ..; C/) .t: co ..- ~ ~3 SITE Woolbright Road t32 * ... ~ ... . ... . ... . 63 190 253 63 t95 SW 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) Woolbright Medical Office Project Traffic Assignment McMAHON AssoCIATES INC Figure 4 Future Traffic Conditions Analysis The volumes in Tables 3 and 4 were analyzed using Section 7.9(D) of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. This section provides two standards that must be met by all projects seeking a Site Specific Development Order. The first test, Test 1, requires that the project not add traffic in the Radius of Development Influence that would make the total traffic of any link exceed the adopted LOS. The second test, Test 2, reqUIres that the project address traffic on any link within the Model Radius of Development Influence that exceeds the adopted LOS. For Test 1, the Radius of Development Influence is based on the 316 net new daily trips generated by the site, in this case resulting in a one-half mile radius. As shown in Table 3, at the time of build out in 2002, Woolbright Road will operate below the adopted LOS, with total traffic of 23,020 vehicles per day versus the capacity of32,500 vehicles per day for the link west of Congress Avenue. Similarly, Woolbright Road will operate below the adopted LOS for the segment east of Congress Avenue with a total traffic of 39,679 vehicles per day versus the capacity of 48,900 vehicles per day. Congress Avenue north of Woolbright Road, by buildout of the project, will operate below the adopted LOS with a total traffic of 34,765 vehicles versus a capacIty of 48,900 vehicles. Congress Avenue south ofW oolbright Road, by buildout ofthe project, WIll operate below the adopted LOS with a total traffic of33,173 vehicles versus a capacity of 48,900 vehicles. An examination of the PM peak hour total traffic, project traffic plus background traffic, in Table 4 indicates that the projected volumes on the study segments of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue will be lower than the adopted capacIties by proj ect buildout in 2002. Therefore, Test 1 is met for the PM peak hour. As for Test 2, the Maximum Model Radius of Development Influence is also based on traffic generated by the project. For a trip generation of316 trips, only the directly accessed link on the first accessed major thoroughfare need be addressed. For this project, the first link accessed is expected to be Woolbright Road. This lInk IS not lIsted on Palm Beach County's most current List of Roadway Segments Failing Test #2 or the associated map (Revised July 2001). Therefore, Test 2 is satisfied. 12 Site Access Analysis Primary access to the site will be provided via two driveways onto Woolbright Road. The western and eastern driveways are not aligned with an existing median opening. The driveway on Congress Avenue is also not aligned with a full access median opening. Since all ofthe project site driveways are not aligned with median openings, all driveways will be right-in/right-out only driveways. As shown previously in Figure 3, a total of80 percent ofthe traffic entering and exiting the CC Medical Building is expected to use the primary driveways onto Woolbright Road. Twenty percent ofthe traffic entering and exiting the medical building is expected to use Congress Avenue driveway. The reason for the lower percentage assigned to Congress Avenue is the fact that vehicles would have to pass around the parking area for bank customers and employees. With two access driveways directly serving the site onto Woolbright Road and a third driveway access providing supplemental access to Congress Avenue, traffic to and from the proposed project is not expected to cause an interruption in flow on eIther Woolbright Road or Congress Avenue. The ability to split trips between the multiple right-in/right-out driveways is expected to provide safe and efficient access to the site. The total traffic assigned to the primary and secondary drIveways on a daily and peak hour basis is provided in Figure 5. These volumes reflect the total traffic following buildout ofthe project in 2002. ApplicatIOn of the gross trip generation rates, as presented previously on page 7, identIfied 332 daily, 22 AM peak hour, and 34 PM peak hour gross trips. 13 '"' Office Building PROJECT SITE Congress Avenue Legend 117 - Daily Trips (8) - AM Peak-Hour Trips [12] - PM Peak-Hour Trips Woolbright Medical Office Fidelity Federal --- DRIVEWAY VOLUMES ./ Woolbright Road J J \.... I !r I I I !r D N NTS ~MOM~ON AssOCIATES. INC I Figure 5 CONCLUSIONS McMahon Associates, Inc. has reviewed the impact of the proposed 9,200 square foot CC Medical Building facility in accordance with the City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. As indicated in the previous report sections, all requirements ofthe Traffic Performance Standards are met at the proposed buildout date of 2002. Safe and efficient access will be provided via the driveways onto Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. Based on these findings, it is recommended that this project be approved. F '\FL\O I5I8m \0 I5I8m _0\ TrafficStudy\Report\CCMedical.doc 15