CORRESPONDENCE PROJECT NAME: Fidelity Federal LOCATION: Northeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue COMPUTER ID: 85-000049 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: MMSP 00-066 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Modification Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: N/A Kilday & Associates PHONE: N/A PHONE: (561) 689-5522 FAX: N/A FAX: (561) 689-2592 ADDRESS: N/ A ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Date of submittal/Projected meeting dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 11/21/00 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: J '\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Fidelity Federal\Fidelity Federal MMSP 2000\PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment November 27,2000 Lmdsey Walter Kilday & ASSOCIates, Inc 1551 Forum Place, SUIte 100A West Palm Beach, Flonda 33401 Re: Fidelity Federal- Curbing and Sidewalks MMSP 00-066 Dear Mr Walter' In response to your request for the admmIstratIve reVIew and approval of modIficatIOns proposed to the above-referenced, approved SIte plan, please be mformed that the proposed changes regardmg curbmg and sIdewalks as shown on the revIsed plans date stamped 11/21/00 are "mmor", as defined wIthm the Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 4- SIte Plan ReVIew ThIS project may contmue to be processed by the Buildmg DIVISIOn as a permIt applIcatIOn. Be adVIsed that the proposed change may reqUIre a modIficatIOn to the buildmg permIt. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIOnal questIOns. Smcerely, VJ JJ (/)U&~~ClJ LusIa Galav, AICP PnncIpal Planner CC Jose Alfaro, Planner Hanna Matras, Planner J:ISHRDATAIPlanningISHAREDI WPIPROJECTSlFidelity FederallFidelity Federal MMSP 2000lMinor Mod- Curbing. doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 .. _~_, ..'"',...]....~~u_ ._.. _.... FAX""~~ r'\ 1 /h) ~ 01 , /,....,.."., "'11 \'/lJ I" '? .:..Jpr flt;. ~ ~~ /l-/,.~"4(; ~... r:;:: ~ -.S - ' <::- G~.-J . .... GEE & JENSON >- 0, - .J::-. ~ ~ EnIl......../'Ie -. ".""....lnc. U. ", 11/16/2000 10:55 I FAX COVER SHEET ,/' To: FJla.ANT:e LIl'. ~C:>~TA~'" FAX No: (s~..) '.~'Z.- (8'l.6~ COMPANY: c,.,..'( OF a O..,....-rON BeAc ~ No. PAGES: 2. FRail: 1-4 A a.12o "( B e; toJ Ol"'t" S, +e ?fri.L1 F,,:u!L.\'T"f FeD. 6.-....,,,,- - B"y...aTO-.J BCH. JOB NO: 9 Q - "l. '2.i . 10 DATE: , C. t.J 0,",. 'Z. 000 SUB.JECT: HARD COpy To FOLLOW: 0 YES ~No COMMENTS: 1. T IS P a 0 PO S e: p 1'0 t-.A 0 c, F"'C T H So 0 ~I'" e: 'N'" 'i ^ L..ot.JG T H Eo toJ c PoT'" SUH:. 01= TH~ ~IDeL.''TV FEDEs::r..~L. SA'II...,GS 5ApoJI(.. euu-'t)I~Go ::>"-J \NOOL.BQ,IG.HT Qt). A5 Sl-tow"" aU "T'HI! Ac.e-O"-'l~AN""It.JG .s~e.TC.~. -rHIS ,~ THE. RQ.'VISlot-J Wl-I ,c..... "Iou o,.,c:.U&SSO 'is.1!.T'''E.~D''''''' v-JITH CWAP.L..IB. e.......C.H. ,....e s:;2..E.ASofo,,) rol2- "-I-IIS C.\-6Awc;..E. 15 ...,-0 P,:a.C""I'Ds' S...;:.e: E:GQ.E:.'$.S \JJ''T~ H.....~t:>\c:....~PE.,;:. AccESS COM.PL,\A.t.4c:.& F~o'-ll ,HE: 'Dc-Of/- L.oc",-re:o A-; T....a. ~.e. COQ..1-4E5L 01= '"TIo4E 8 uI&..DII.!G. IfS '101,) 104.......,S. .......sy G.Ul!:5"'TtotJ..$ Pt-IaASti. C4L-L. ME. AT ""WA""'\iL.,{OU. rjlau ~~ nus FACSIMILE IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFlDENTtAL. IT IS INTENDED SOU!L Y FOR nlE ADDRESSEE. Am UNAUTHORIZED DtSC:LOSI RE, UPRODUc:T1ON. ClISTIUBU11ON. OR nlE TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON nlE CON'l1!NTS OF THIS IN'ORM"T1ON IS P1\OHI8tnD. III YOU UECIi~ nu PAX IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY THE SENDER IMMEDlAT1'!L v. One Harvard Circle' West Palm Beacn, FL 33409' Phone: (~'1) 515-6500 · Fax: (561) 515-6502 E"gln_ . EB 000293lt . Arcflitec:\ut811 M COO06!6 . Land.c:II~. An:llileCIuJ'a .lC COOOQSO . und SutvelIlnQ ., Lit 0002934 "", i , " OJ t!) D.. i.!) 0 Z Z .J Q UJ a :z Z N <{ <( ..J -cO .. -J .... ..I .- ..J !JJ ")" W ~ llJ : ,,\ > ..J !- I ill 2 -J -1 Lf) . \. - - x. . '. u'1 ~ 1,,") )( ct L[l 0) 2 - 0 -.J :J ro ~ 2 <:( ,. .. J. ~ cD .r'., ..~ :.. . ~ "7- ~ ~ LlJ "7 Cf o ~ ..'~ .~ _' : .". : ~ I...' -::' .~... ~."I ~ -0 i N _II -- 71 ~~ . . U.l ..J q: u tJl ; t=:=J i -1_ ---- .......................... j...........-.................. ..........5"j'::.:.~.z. "'ffb" 'ON .or .......i.....:.IO .......' '...... .ON J.3:i1HS ZO~ ......... ......... :;.~...f.H:;.V3.e...N.o.:l.N.~;.S......... ........ ......... ........... ....... '~'~'~'g"'S:CS'N'; .:,:v.;;.......... ............ '" ......... ........ .~.i.Q;.~.:ErCi3~r..):: ]:'j":"'3'0',' ;.... J.::>:;rs ns ......................................................... ............... 3~...a............. Alii .a)l~ ..'2-:~ ;;I'';;',T;;' :!.l....o...........~.:7:..:l-C;;.~, . ..~ ' 1Y1 mSP- (1)-O~ i(Di )[j{"m n' M'-I;-fnl~.'~ -,I I U), -.,. 1'1 ~ ( I flll I, ,,"' -- , n ! 1 . I ! Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689.5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592 www.kildayinc.com November 20,2000 Mr. Mike Rumpf City of Boynton Beach Department of Development / Planning & Zoning Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Fidelity Federal Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue Project No.: 890.16 Dear Mike: As a follow up to our recent correspondence, please accept this letter as a request for a Minor Modification to the current approved Site Plan for the new Fidelity Federal located at the northeast corner of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. Specifically, the modification pertains to the following items: 1. The bank proposes to modify the access point on the north side of the building to better facilitate handicapped egress from the bank building. To do this, the curb along the north side of the building will be extended approximately 2 feet to the north. This modification will prevent the exterior door in this location from swinging out into the automobile access aisle, and, it will provide enough space for the ADA-required sidewalk landings and slopes. By shifting the curb northward, the 20 foot wide one-way access aisle is reduced to 18 feet wide, which will not have an impact on automobile circulation. Railings will also be provided in this area for safety purposes. 2. In order to provide the accessible 12:1 sidewalk slope along the west side of the building, the handicapped space and accessible route to the Congress Avenue right-of-way has shifted to the north end of the western parking area. 3. Also due to grade changes, reconfigure sidewalk on south side of building to end just beyond the access point to the building. This will allow for the conversion of previously shown sidewalk into landscape area along the south side of the building's covered entry. --Mr. Mike Rumpf November 20,2000 Page 2 of 2 ,,',< '~~J 4. Along the north side of the driveway connecting to Congress Avenue, provide access to LWDD canal for the District to maintain their canal. This is reflected on the permitted engineering plans, dated 2-16-99. 5. Sidewalk slope from the Congress Avenue right-of-way into the site must be extended to 18 feet to allow for a 1: 12 slope. For your reference, I have enclosed a copy of the amended site plan. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, ~~~{/ ~ Lindsey A. Walter cc: Dan Turk; Fidelity Federal Savings Bank Greg Marion; Marion Construction, Inc. ./Clients/890/890.16/Correspondence/RumpC 11-17-00 Kilday & Ass~ates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (561)689-5522 Fax (561)689-2592 I ,;......,.~ ~'" ///1/ !! ~-;...~ . I '/' ......,'1 I:r," l '/!,) " ....>.~.>. I'; ,1."'1 I Ii" I ,h1/ /! , "'I Mv ' I /I TRANSMfrTAI!2 i'?"........ I' /?~" ,'I ~ !5~ , ;:::......., ~>...!!J)/ , i,/; TO: Mike Rumpf City of Boynton Beach DATE: November 21,2000 PROJECT NAME: Fidelity Federal PROJECT NO. 890.16 For Internal Use Only REGULAR MAIL HOLD FOR PICK-UP -XX- COURIER OVERNIGHT DELIVERY FED-E>L...UPS a.m._ p.m._ SaL- Copies to: w/ enc. NO. OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS COPIES OR ITEM NO. Three copies of Fidelity Federal Site Plan for the Minor Site Plan Modification. KILDAY & ASSOCIATES, INC. BY: Lindsey A. Walter ~jOV, 16 2000 .:, 59~V N,:" ~ 1 2 v, _ k'ifHV & \',rv'l~T~~ I" 1 I,.. v ti , f'I I )V',_, l ~~ t~, ~day & Associates L.an~cape Arenitects / PI~nners 1661 Forum Place, Suite 100A W~ Palm Beach, Floridl 38401 (561) 669-5522 · Fax (561) 689-2592 E-Mail: infoOkildayinc.com fax t ran 5 mitt a I Date:_ _~ II - / ~ - ()"tY' To: l!lJ~~ Fax No:' To: Fax No: To: Fax No: From: ~~ project tlo.: ' ~.I To: Fax No: Special Instructions: ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO FOllOW IN MAIL NUMBER OF PAGI!S..2..- (INCLUDING THE COVER S~EET) ; " Nov'WY, 16,2 '!O;E 4:59f'MMa~KlLDAY & ASSOCIATES~Q!" l"e._561 65!..:~NO, 312 I 'l f;"~:i.; :!.~~:' ,~..,." ... I ..""~ ~, It:.. . f . : ... t.... ,. ..' I r .." I. .. ~,~, ~ .1~ . ~ .. . ~ _ ____.--a - -Iii ~ ~ ~ ~ ;[ ~~' ~ "Z ~ .2\ ~$ \ ~-1; o..t- ~ .1' ~-z 3 ~8 \f ~ '\\I _l ~ -z ~ ~'J6' .~ ~ .J .. ~lt ~ f~ ~~= 5~ ~ " ~8 eo' ~a. ~ i4~ ~lj~ .e ~ -l j .O?:-Z-i" t , ~>_. ~ rs~~ <lIlClDi~o ~~-i< '~i;~t)! ~ ~,.,:z~ . . " . .- .; ,'ttvL9~ cj !i D ~ P. 02 .. ~ I I~ !i5~Z ~ l1S~ a .. '" ~ &~ ~ ~.Y I ~ cn_ it: 2 ' I' 3nN3^ '\j S~ 1",\~V'.1 C, )II<}O,. 4: 59PM :K:A~ A', 'Otl ATt ',ion. 'no, SG1 659 23ND, 312 MARION CONSTllUCTlON. INC. 715 DOBBINS STREET WBST PALM BEACH, FL 33405 2 P.Ol. 1tt#' !#z, FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPANY: SONG + ASSOCIA TE5, INC. TO: RUBE~ BLJ\NCO FAX NlJ'MSI!)t: 655.1482 PRONIi. NtJmB~: 65S..2423 FROM; GREG MARION CAnt: 11/t5/CO TOTAL NO. 0' PAGES lNCUIDINO COVEllr TWO JUt; FIP FED WOOLBRIGHT X URGENT X trOllllEV,EIIU [j PLEASE COMMENT X PI.EASE lEP1. Y 0 AS JlEQlJES'l"EO .. NO~/CONMEN1'~, Hello Ruben: - 'Please find anaclled a sketch reflecting me proposed changes to the curbing, ~ and striping that wete discussed this moming at our project site meeting. Mr. Hany Benoit discussed the proposed changes relative to the nom emt (nmp I tailing / reducton in pavement wid1h) wi1h Fran2e of the city of Boynton &ach via the tdephOfte. It is my understanding dw Harry is supposed to fumish Franze with a fmished drawIng for his review 3Ild approval. ! have also discussed the proposed mange with lindsey \Valtu of Kilday and Associates. and I am providing him with a copy of this memo (and dawing) for his Nrtbet review with Colleen in order to deteanine whether or not 1hese C'hanp would require any unendmenUl dmlugb 1he "SIte pbn appmval" pcocess, I am also providing Gee & Jenson (limy Benoit) with 2 copy of these as wd}, As you are aware, tune is of the essence as we are to complete this project by November 00"'. '- ; r -,-,-- - i ~ ~ (ill p ,. 'I D lr; (if) IE Ii f n 'J r"'-~" c, . . 'u d : !. C" 'D;;-'f:;'-r-' . 111/ !~ 1 r"~1 f' - ~-,.'"~, '..... .: 1; Thanks in ach2nce for your speedy response to 1hese itemS. Greg Marion, President Cc: Kilday (Mr. Lindsey Walter) 689.2592, Charlie Bauch (Superintendent), eamn CampbeI1833.1181, Gee & Jenson (HanyBenoit) 515.6502 PHONE: 561.6551,5292 · FAX: $61 659,2378