CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Apnl10,2001 FILe COpy Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment Ms. Donna West, PSM Planning Manager Carnahan, Proctor and Cross, Inc. 6101 West AtlantIc Boulevard P.O. Box 4399 Margate, FL 33063 Re: Eckerd Drugstore - Parking Lot Modification MMSP 01-027 Dear Ms. West. In response to your request for the administratIve review and approval of the modificatIOns proposed to the above-referenced, approved sIte plan, please be mformed that the addItion of a landscape Island and parking space curbmg as shown on the revIsed plans date stamped 04/04/01 are "mmor", as defined wIthm the Land Development RegulatIOns, Chapter 4- SIte Plan ReVIew. ThIS project may contmue to be processed by the BUIldmg DIVISIOn as a permIt applIcatIOn. Be adVIsed that the proposed changes may reqUIre a modIficatIOn to the bUIldmg permIt. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIOnal questIOns. Smcerely, ,.j) _ ~1 C=XU~M kiJa~ Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIEckerd Drugs ProjectslEckerd Drugstore MMSP 2001lEckerd Approval Letter2.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 BOYNTON I FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. 2665 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 908 Miami, Florida 33133 April 25, 2001 TRANSMITTAL City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Attn: Michael Rumpf RE: Curbina on North & South sides of NE 3 Ave Process # 00-0604 Eckerd Store #3831 NWC Federal Hwy & Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mike, Pursuant to our conversations, and your subsequent discussions with the City's Engineenng department, we will be deleting the curbing on the north and south side of N.E 3rd Avenue to prevent ponding on the road surface. We will be installing the radii at the north access drive to end when they meet N E. 3rd Avenue as indicated on the attached sketch. Please contact me If the City requires any further documentation of this change (onglnal to follow via regular mail) Very truly yours, UNIVERSAL REAL TV & DEVELOPMENT, INC. ~~ Mark Wallace Vice President of Plannin ..&..Dev..eJopment \rJ rT -'._- .. ! , ' I nll : APR 2 6 2001 '\.['_,: u "l . 2665 S. BAYSHORE DRIVE.SUITE 908'MIAMI, FL 33133.TEL: (305) 285-9595'FAX: ( ~frJfF GEIJEL0PVU~T Cc: David Ackner, L.C I. Construciton f I I II lj 11 I. I' I i -r.T "--'-'---'--'-'-"'-'--'{-"-'" r::1 f ~ IUl;:: --;30 Olze . ;:: ;:: fTl ~ ~ ;::--;rfTl OOOX < IVl fTl(O--;--; OfTl -0 o r fTl --;<N ;u-o _Ul _ }>-x Z1:!!N oCo r--; - fTl-< Ii " .0 , .c-c Kc\ l<{./' S -f' r: (~ ,...';. ~f, Michael \ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Kelley, David Wednesday, April 18, 2001 9"43 AM Rumpf, Michael, Hall, Ken Kribs, Carol, Galav Lusia RE. Eckerd requirement for curbing of Mike I reviewed the project site (including NE 3rd Ave) yesterday afternoon After evaluating the existing "roadway" conditions, I recommend that no curbing be placed on NE 3rd Ave, as the existing asphalt is not contained within the RfW, no drainage is available for concentrated runoff and the "roadway" acts as a driveway to the animal shelter, back of 'Bud's' and the drive thru to the new 'Eckerds' Placement of a roadway curb would not benefit traffic maneuvers and would actually hinder area maintenance and mowing operations If you need any further input, please advise me Dave -----Original Message----- From Hall, Ken Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 20011-08 PM To: Rumpf, Michael Cc: Kelley, David Subject: RE. Eckerd requirement for curbing of Mike Don't know of any such requirement! The only thought I have would be to check with Pete M Could it have come about with the resurfacing of the street as part of the pond "B" project? If I had a little more background about how this issue came up, I might be able to provide some additional input. -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 1258 PM To: Kelley, David Cc: Hall, Ken Subject: Eckerd requirement for curbing of Dave, I looked at the first and final list of conditions of approval and find no comment requiring the curbing of NE 3rd Ken do you recall where the requirement came from that requires Eckerd to create curbs along this street immediately to the north of the project? MR. 1 Catndhan Proctor and Cross, ltr'c. Consulting Engineers · Surveyors · Planners · Land Development Consultants March 27, 2001 Ms. Lusia Galav Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 (561 )742-6260 /:(.::~~ /,;.:.....-'\.r;:-:~ ~ j 7 II (, )\~\'( ~~u U via: hand delivered RE: ECKERD DRUGSTORE (Federal Hwy. & Boynton Beach Blvd.): Second Minor Site Plan Modification Dear Lusia: As per our previous communications, we submit herewith a request for a Minor Site Plan Modification to the Eckerd Drugstore site plan. We are requesting approval of the following revisions: . To add a landscape island in the center of the 12 parking spaces along the west property line. The north 6 spaces will be shifted northerly to accommodate the island. . To add curbing along the front of all of the perimeter parking spaces (the spaces which face the east, south, and west property lines). The curbing will be placed so that each space will have 16 feet of pavement and a 2-foot grassed overhang. We hereby request that these plans be revised administratively, as they meet the criteria in the City Code for a Minor Site Plan Revision As per your requirements, attached please find the following: 1. Site plan - proposed conditions (4 prints) The following has been sent to the City under separate cover" 2. Review fee ($100.00) Thank again for your consideration and assistance. Should you have any questions or need anything further at this time, please feel free to call me Very truly yours, ~Q.i#O Donna C. West, PSM Planning Manager R:1990504Idocsldonnawlbb-mspm2.doc Web Page www carnahan-proctor com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd. . POBox 4399 . Margate. FL 33063 . (954) 972-3959 . FAX. (954) 972-4178 3932 ReA Blvd . Suite 3207 . Palm Beach Gardens. FL 33410 . (561) 799-5515 Cctni'dhan, Proctor and Cross, 111G: Consulting Engineers · Surveyors · Planners. Land Development Consultants March 27, 2001 Ms Lusia Galav Planning and Zoning Dept. Community Development Division City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 (561 )742-6260 via hand delivered RE. ECKERD DRUGSTORE (Federal Hwy. & Boynton Beach Blvd.): Second Minor Site Plan Modification Dear Lusia As per our previous communications, we submit herewith a request for a Minor Site Plan Modification to the Eckerd Drugstore site plan. We are requesting approval of the following revisions. . To add a landscape island in the center of the 12 parking spaces along the west property line The north 6 spaces will be shifted northerly to accommodate the island. . To add curbing along the front of all of the perimeter parking spaces (the spaces which face the east, south, and west property lines) The curbing will be placed so that each space will have 16 feet of pavement and a 2-foot grassed overhang. We hereby request that these plans be revised administratively, as they meet the criteria in the City Code for a Minor Site Plan Revision As per your requirements, attached please find the following 1. Site plan - proposed conditions (4 prints) The following has been sent to the City under separate cover' 2. Review fee ($100.00) Thank again for your consideration and assistance. Should you have any questions or need anything further at this time, please feel free to call me. Very truly yours, GcwQ.~ Donna C. West, PSM Planning Manager R:\990504\docs\donnaw\bb-mspm2.doc Web Page www carnahan-proctor com Email: margate@carnahan-proctor com 6101 West Atlantic Blvd . POBox 4399 . Margate, FL 33063 . (954) 972-3959 · FAX. (954) 972-4178 3932 ReA Blvd . Suite 3207 . Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 . (561) 799-5515 @ CARNAHAN. PROCTOR. CROSS, INC. 6101 WEST ATLANTIC BLVD., MARGATE, FL 33063 PHONE (954)972-3959 FAX (954)972-4178 E-MAIL. margate@carnahan-proctorcom LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: 4/03/01 TO' Lusia Galav Planning & Zoning Dept. City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: ECKERD IN BOYNTON BEACH Project no. 990504 We are sending you attached via overnioht standard the following items: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Check for review fee for 2nd minor site plan modification ($10000) Remarks The attached is for your use, as per your request. B~O- Donna C West, PSM Planning Manager c: R:\990504\docs\donnaw\lot.bbpl.doc PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PRE-APPLICATION MEETING Contact Date: - Meetin Date: 7 /J PURPOSE OF A PLICATION: ZONE: Time: It ) M-.Q... C 13 ~<,Q~ c t:;c- PROJECT NAME: Ce- ~ .~cCl- PERMIT NO: Attending Staff: Mike Rumpf, Boti Dfi~~. .oLn, Ken Hall, & Ed '~. .u~ Attending for Applicant: Zl4Jr."~ <-. .JZ5 -{-;I c<......--.. <0.- Iw.Y\.. 01- Pa<~ frr J1l~~ {)o.-((G-ccz- Vil~l.JG.<sc.J R<!"~(r-70-"",f] ocvJ 5-- '.:r -y Fax:;Sc ;(.8'.s-- 110 h'I...,. ,v--?- Phone: 30 S- ;Z Name of Owner: Address: Phone: Name of Applicant/Contact: Address: Phone: Project Address: Fax: Fax: PCN: Phone: T e of A lication: Type of Business: Fax: Date Submittal Received: Received: I Date Denied: COMMENTS: J \SHRDA T A \Development\PRE-APPLICA nON TRACKING LOG FORM.doc -- m_ (1~:~/~ ~~~~i;~~ I - .- - - -I - I ,;:; O1.ItF>S 1 (~ ... !~l i I.. \ ~ C ANOf''!' ... ~&1J 3!o 140' c ~~ 0 :l; ::tJm ..... "11 Co B.. ~. "1 ~:: ~~ i-rI 1Tl\ll r N~ NO lit ~ ~~ d" I. --< z ,,0 f"1 ,~ ~ m I.. I '~ I rt'I I "" I N , t.o I 4- I ~ I I 6t ~ t , t .. CONe. WI\l.K IUJ - - - - - - - ,..- . ,~ . Il'! t~ I ,~ I.. .. I l';i I I I I~ I ... , "'!! I I~ , .... , 72' ~. SO' U. , &i .t l:ll I - - - -~- ..,. .. ""'9 -~.-=~~~_%==~-===~- ----[~~f~i--------- ~:! ~~~ I:.....r::.... (. '6 3~d SL,1V2L.ovS6:x'lJ:J SSOd:)'8~01JO~d'8NvHr,~r.~:~tn: a I to:Ol to. 8G~0 St9'~N 3~1~ ~~ c.. _, g+ ~ f. (j':T" 1 r-... ~; ::fi ~" \..../ --... f"I~i'D '" : I 289,9" ' ~ I!l i ~ -r- 2" '.0' ~ 8~.U' ..., .... (') ..., ~::: Ij i"'1 ""L'l . r- N--i ~d ~ ~ . NO ~ ~:o ~ '+ 0~ t --<. - ..::!I ~~8 ~ YlI/ ~ ~ .. n~l ... ~NV1 ! . 1 " .... ,-wsr4\olp[o cat.lC. WA,lY ~ . l..,j l~ I ~ . ~. ., wi is a ~: 3 ~ ..... Iji S4' ;g ~ t!l' ff ~1 lI! - - - - - - - ~i - - - - - ~'~ ,-''-W~ '... ~..=-.;..- ~~, ----~=::~~==.:. .- - -;;- .~- - - - Ul$T 2'C", ;:; /~ 3:Jt:;d i3L 1 r;:;L6 t'S6: )<'H.::l ;30~J~d01JOdd~N~H~Ndt:;J:Ql 1'):(jl !:), S(VfO ~!S'c..'N 31T:! PROJECT NAME: Eckerd Drugstore Second Minor Modification LOCATION: 301 North Federal Highway COMPUTER ID: 01-85000027 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: MMSP 01-027 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Modification Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: Donna OWNER! APPLICANT: N/ A West/Carnahan, Proctor, and Cross, Inc. PHONE: N/A PHONE: 954-972-3959 FAX: N/A FAX: 954-972-4178 ADDRESS: N/A ADDRESS: 6101 West Atlantic Blvd., Margate, Florida 33063 Date of submittal/Projected meetin~ dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 04/05/01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: J .\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Eckerd Drugs Projects\Eckerd Drugs Second Minor Modification\200 1 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc